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1 Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010 NHS Suffolk Suffolk County Workforce Group Name Clinical Area Managers Name Date Triennial Review Due TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT MENTORS IN MEETING THE NMC STANDARDS TO SUPPORT LEARNING & ASSESSMENT IN PRACTICE (NMC 2008)

TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for

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Page 1: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


Clinical Area

Managers Name

Date Triennial Review Due



Page 2: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group



3 Introduction to the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice

6 Evidence for Domain 1 - Establish effective working relationships

7 Evidence for Domain 2 - Facilitation of learning

8 Evidence for Domain 3 - Assessment and accountability

9 Evidence for Domain 4 - Evaluation of learning

10 Evidence for Domain 5 - Creating an environment for learning

11 Evidence for Domain 6 - Context of practice

12 Evidence for Domain 7 – Evidenced Based Practice

13 Evidence for Domain 8 – Leadership

14 Triennial Review Summary

15 Triennial Review – Verification Form

16 Triennial Review Action Plan

17 Useful Resources & Books

18 Useful Telephone Numbers

19 Helpful Articles

20 Appendix 1 – Frequently Asked Questions

22 Appendix 2 – Flowchart for unable to complete Triennial review

23 Appendix 3 - Reflective Mentoring Accounts

24 Document History

Page 3: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

1 Introduction to the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAIP) (2008)

There are a large number of experienced mentors currently in practicing. The purpose of

this portfolio of evidence is to ensure that existing mentors who support nursing and

midwifery students meet the requirements of the NMC Standards to Support Learning

and Assessment in Practice (SLAIP) (2008).

The tool is a process of self evaluation as required by the NMC.

2 Mentors

An NMC mentor is a registrant who, following successful completion of an NMC approved

mentor preparation programme, has achieved the knowledge, skills and competence

required to meet the defined outcomes.

Mentors must be on the same part or sub-part of the NMC register as the students they

are supporting and assessing.

Mentors who support pre-registration nursing and specialist practice post-registration

students must meet the requirements of the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (SLAIP) (2008).

Mentors are responsible and accountable for:

Organising and co-coordinating student learning in practice

Supervising students in learning situations and providing them with

constructive feedback on their achievements

Setting and monitoring achievement of realistic learning objectives

Assessing total performance; including skills, attitude and behaviour

Providing evidence as required by programme providers of student

achievement or lack of achievement

Liaising with others (e.g. mentors, sign-off mentors, practice teachers,

link lecturers) to provide feedback, identify any concerns about the

student‟s performance and agree action as appropriate

Provide evidence to sign off mentors with regard to decisions about

achievement of proficiency at the end of the programme.

3 Guidance for Mentors

This portfolio of evidence is an ongoing process for mentors to ensure they meet the

NMC Standards (SLAIP).

There are 8 Domains in which the mentor needs to evidence achievement, these are:

D1 Establish effective working relationships

D2 Facilitation of learning

D3 Assessment and accountability

D4 Evaluation of learning

D5 Creating an environment for learning

D6 Context of practice

D7 Evidenced based practice

D8 Leadership

You may need to provide examples from your previous experience as a mentor to

demonstrate how you have met the competency domains within the NMC

Standards (SLAIP). This will help inform the discussion with your line manager /

professional lead.

Page 4: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

On completion of the Triennial Review self verification form, you must meet with

your line manager or professional lead to discuss the extent to which you meet the

NMC standards to enable recommendation for entry on the local register. When a

recommendation cannot be made, an action plan is jointly developed by you and

your manger / professional lead to identify issues and consider how these can be

achieved within a mutually agreed time frame.

When a recommendation has been made, the mentor details should be updated on

the mentor register.

4 Guidance for Line Managers / Professional Leads

The local register, which is held by the placement provider, has great importance

within the NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAIP)


As a Line Manager you must:

Read the mentor‟s self-assessment documentation and the evidence they have

submitted to support the eight domains.

Hold a follow up discussion with the mentor.

Your role is then to ensure you are satisfied that the mentor meets the NMC SLAIP


You are then required inform your mentor database administrator of the date that

the Triennial Review was completed.

5 Triennial Review

The nature of the triennial review of mentors is for the placement providers to

determine, but may form part of an employer-led personal development appraisal.

To be maintained on the local register the individual must have evidence of having:

1. Mentored at least two students with due regard (extenuating circumstances

permitting) within the three year period. Supervisors of midwives are required

to mentor at least one student undertaking a supervisor of midwives

programme during the three year period relating to triennial review as

outlined in NMC Circular 01/2008.

2. Participated in annual updating – to include an opportunity to meet and

explore assessment and supervision issues with other mentors/practice


3. Explored as a group activity the validity and reliability of judgements made

when assessing practice in challenging circumstances.

4. Mapped ongoing development in their role against the current NMC

mentor/practice teacher standards.

5. Been deemed to have met all requirements needed to be maintained on the

local register as a mentor, sign-off mentor or practice teacher.

Page 5: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

6 Portfolio Evidence

The NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (SLAIP)

(2008) can be looked upon as an extension of our current post registration

education and practice (PREP) requirements, except the area being examined is our

mentoring competencies instead of our own continuous professional development.

It is up to the individual mentor how they decide to collate this evidence, but it is

advised, just like PREP, that mentors start to gather evidence in a portfolio

separated by eight inserts, i.e.: 1 insert per NMC Domain.

Listed below are some suggested tools, documents or activities that you could use.

The list is not exclusive and you are encouraged to include a wide variety of




For example:

Lesson plans of formal clinical teaching (pre-planned)

Process maps for spontaneous clinical teaching

Self evaluation of your teaching

Development of learning opportunities within your practice area

Clinical learning environment assessment

Student placement timetables

Student Welcome Packs you might have developed

Resource development – student packs, CD roms

Reflections on link nurse roles

Testimonials from students (must show evidence of consent)

Student evaluation of the placement experience

Evidence of involvement in working parties / development groups

Evidence of policy / protocol / procedure development

Evidence and knowledge of your educational audit

Your annual appraisal

Your KSF review

Accounts of how you have introduced new procedures/changes within


Reflective accounts of your experience as a mentor – teaching, facilitating,

learning etc

Reflections on how you involved MDT in supporting your learners


Minutes form meetings (with written permission form the chairperson) –

nurse education, diabetes, infection control etc.

Page 6: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 1- Establish effective working relationships

Demonstrate effective relationship building skills sufficient to support learning, as part of the

wider interprofessional team, for a range of students in both practice and academic learning

environments (KSF G1 C1 C2)

Demonstrate an understanding of factors that influence how students integrate into practice settings.

Provide ongoing and constructive support to facilitate transition from one learning environment to


Have effective professional and interprofessional working relationships to support learning for the

entry to register.

Examples of Evidence Student Practice documentation, Student Welcome Packs, Communication with CFP, Ward Managers, PEF, University

Re Understanding of mentor’s role within orientation, Reflective writing / Self Evaluation.

How are students welcomed and introduced to your practice setting?

How are effective working relationships maintained?

What might be the barriers to effective inter-professional working?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 7: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 2 – Facilitation of Learning Facilitate learning for a range of students, within a particular area of practice where

appropriate, encouraging self management of learning opportunities and providing support to

maximise individual potential. (KSF G1 C2)

Use knowledge of the student‟s stage of learning to select appropriate learning opportunities to

meet individual needs

Facilitate a selection of appropriate learning strategies to integrate learning from practice and

academic experiences

Support students in critically reflecting upon their learning experiences in order to enhance future


Examples of Evidence Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for the level of student to enhance learning, Student mid and end of placement reports, Facilitation/Teaching Methods/plans, Evidence of supporting student evaluation, Reflective writing / Self Evaluation.

When and how do you identify the learning needs of your individual students?

Identify the strategies you use to assist students to learn during their placement. How do you know

if the strategies are effective?

How do you know that student‟s have benefited from the learning experiences that you have

facilitated? Have you changed the way you facilitate learning and why?

When do you give feedback to the students you are mentoring?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 8: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 3 Assessments and Accountability Assess learning in order to make judgements related to the NMC Standards of Proficiency for

entry to the register or for recording a qualification at a level above initial registration. (KSF

G1 C2 C4)

Foster professional growth, personal development and accountability through support of students

in practice.

Demonstrate a breadth of understanding of assessment strategies and ability to contribute to the

total assessment process as part of the teaching team.

Provide constructive feedback to students and assist them in identifying future learning needs and

actions, manage failing students so that they may enhance their performance and capabilities for

safe and effective practice or be able to understand their failure and the implications of this for

their future.

Be accountable for confirming that students have met or not met the NMC competencies in


As a sign-off mentor confirm that students have met or not met the NMC standards of proficiency

and are capable of safe and effective practice.

Examples of Evidence

Evidence of attendance at mentor update, Discussion of issues relating to student development, Reflective writing taken from PREP portfolio on aspects of accountability, Student practice documentation, written feedback, placement reports, Copies of student outcomes and action plan, Discussion around actions to take if student is underperforming, Appraisal Documentation, Reflective writing / Self Evaluation.

List the different methods of assessment that you use when assessing learners, and consider and

write down the main advantages and disadvantages for each method.

Why do student nurses/midwives need to be assessed in practice?

What approaches do you use to assess students‟ skills, knowledge and behaviour?

Who can and cannot make a summative assessment of a student‟s performance?

What should you do if a student disagrees with your judgment of their performance?

Describe what action you would take if a student was giving cause for concern.

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 9: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 4 – Evaluation of Learning Determine strategies for evaluating learning in practice and academic settings to ensure that

the NMC standards of proficiency for registration or recording a qualification at a level above

registration has been met. (KSF C2 C5)

Contribute to evaluation of student learning and assessment experiences, proposing aspects for

change resulting from such evaluation

Participate in self and peer evaluation to facilitate personal development and contribute to the

development of others

Examples of Evidence

Participation in educational audit, Evidence of participation in PDR, Copies of student’s action plans devised from end of placement feedback, Copies of reflective writing from students, Mentor evaluation forms.

How do you provide constructive feedback to your students?

What mechanisms do you use to seek feedback from your students to assure yourself that you are

facilitating effective learning?

When should you conduct the final interview with students? What should the meeting include?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.


Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 10: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 5 – Creating an Environment for Learning Create an environment for learning, where practice is valued and developed, that provides

appropriate professional and interprofessional learning opportunities and support for learning

to maximize achievement for individuals (KSF G1 C2 C4 C5)

Support students to identify both learning needs and experiences that are appropriate to their

level of learning.

Use a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team,

to meet defined learning needs.

Identify aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced negotiating with others to

make appropriate changes.

Act as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others

Examples of Evidence

Teaching aids used for student, Learning contracts taken from student practice documentation, Educational Audit

documentation containing your input i.e. action plan.

Identify the range of learning opportunities available to students and how you might plan a

programme of learning to encompass these opportunities. Include learning alongside other health

and social care professionals.

Is there anything that can be changed or developed to enhance the range/quality of learning

opportunities available?

Why is it important that students are able to identify their own learning needs?

What processes exist to help students identify their learning needs and what is the mentor‟s role

in relation to this?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 11: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 6 – Context of Practice Support learning within a context of practice that reflects health care and educational policies,

managing change to ensure that particular professional needs are met within a learning

environment that may also support practice development (KSF G1 C2 C4 C5)

Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered,

implemented, evaluated and disseminated

Set and maintain professional boundaries that are sufficiently flexible for providing

interprofessional care

Initiate and respond to practice developments to ensure safe and effective care is achieved and an

effective learning environment is maintained

Examples of Evidence

Appraisal of Line Manager-link with PDR, Demonstrate being a positive role model, Evidence of networking, sharing knowledge, participation in clinical audit, Feedback from other professionals/ CPFs,Provide evidence for the aspect of interprofessional care through Mentor/supervisor witness testimony, Appraisal documentation, Produce Reflective writing on the topic of Evidence Based Practice, Contribution to Policy/Procedural Practice documentation.

Identify how you maintain and develop your knowledge and skills. Do you have specialist

knowledge and skills and how are they maintained?

How do you contribute to the development of the practice environment within which you work? Do

you have any additional responsibilities e.g. link role, audit role or member of a practice forum?

How do you work effectively with other professionals within your practice environment?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 12: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 7 – Evidenced Based Practice

Apply evidence-based practice to their own work and contribute to the further development of

such a knowledge and practice evidence base. (KSF C2 C5)

Identify and apply research and evidence based practice to their area of practice

Contribute to strategies to increase or review the evidence base used to support practice

Support students in applying an evidence base to their own practice

Examples of Evidence

Knowledge of new guidelines/policy e.g. Trust, DOH, NICE, NSF, Dissemination of knowledge from relevant modules/study days, Participation in Link Groups, Participation in audit, guideline development, journal groups. Student testimonial, produce Reflective writing on the topic of Evidence Based Practice, Student practice


How do you keep up to date with the latest research/evidence about best practice? Consider how

you access books, journals, professional websites, training and new guidelines and protocols.

What role do you play in enhancing your professional evidence base? Consider your role in audit,

research, guideline/protocol development, contribution to specialist forums/networks etc.

As a mentor how do you support students with applying the evidence base to their practice?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 13: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

NMC DOMAIN 8 – Leadership Demonstrate leadership skills for education within practice and academic settings. (KSF G1 G6 G7

C1 C2)

Plan a series of learning experiences that will meet students‟ defined learning needs

Be an advocate for students to support them accessing learning opportunities that meet their

individual needs, involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers.

Prioritise work to accommodate support of students within their practice roles

Provide feedback about the effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice

Examples of Evidence

Student Learning Contract, Evidence of contribution to ward teaching programme, Testimonials form CPF/ PEF/ HEI / Students, Evidence of Protected time (Sign Off Mentors), Evidence of time management, Examples of initial

interviews, Participation in Educational Audit Educational Link Group, mentor updates, Thank you cards/letters from students.

Identify how you ensure that students‟ learning needs are met within the context of meeting the

demands of your patients/clients and the service within which you work.

Identify how you ensure that students‟ supernumerary status is protected and what action you

would take if you or your student felt that they were not supernumerary?

What are the major elements of leadership, and how do they link to the role of the mentor?

Please write an account on how you meet this domain, and provide any examples of evidence in your mentor portfolio.

Date Achieved

_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _



Print Name


If you are unable to gather any evidence for this domain, then answer / reflect on the following

questions below or on a separate piece of paper.

Page 14: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


What period does this review


From _ _ / _ _ / _ _ to _ _ /_ _ / _ _

Where were you working

throughout this period? Include name of the organisation,

department, job title and brief

description of role.

Training and updates

Training Date

Equality and Diversity Training

(mandatory) Annual Mentor Update Annual Mentor Update Annual Mentor Update



From To Student COHORT

Field of Practice

Level of Student



Date Number of Students Topic & Details

Page 15: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


On completing the attached framework in this the portfolio, the mentor should confirm they have

demonstrated achievement of the eight NMC domains and meet the competencies required by the

Triennial Review within the NMC standards to support learning and assessment in practice.

Triennial Review Checklist Achieved Not


I have attended an annual mentor update.

I have mentored a minimum of 2 student learners for the whole of

their placement within the last 3 years.

I have explored, as a group activity, the validity and reliability of

judgements made when assessing practice in challenging

circumstances (this will form part of your face to face mentor update).

I have evidence of continuing professional development attached

within my portfolio, towards the eight NMC Domains.

I confirm that I have self-assessed and declare that I meet the NMC standards to support learning

and assessment in practice (2008). YES / NO (please circle)

Mentors Name: _________________________________

Mentor Signature: _________________________________

Date: _ _ /_ _ / _ _


I have read the mentors self-assessment documentation and appropriate evidence and held a follow

up discussion with the mentor.

As the mentor‟s line manager/professional lead, I confirm that I am/am not (please delete as

relevant) satisfied that he /she meets the NMC Standards required to support students on


I am recommending / not recommending (please delete, as relevant) as a competent mentor

and should remain on the live register. As line manager I will ensure that this competence is

registered on to the local mentor register within 28 days

Line Managers Name: _________________________________

Line Managers Signature: _________________________________

Date: _ _ /_ _ / _ _

Please send a copy of this completed verification page, to the person within your organisation who

maintains your mentor register.

Page 16: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

ACTION PLAN – FOR TRIENNIAL REVIEW Please identify competencies which require further development

NAME: ___________________________

Mentor Domain / Issue

Action required / Agreed outcome to be achieved

By Whom By When

General comments including any potential

problems, who they have been referred to and actions to be taken

Page 17: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


UCS Online mentor update can be accessed via

UCS Information for Nursing & Midwifery Mentors can be accessed by via

UCS – Link Lecturer teams can be accessed by via

UCS – Mentor Handbook can be accessed via

NMC (2008): Standard to support learning and assessment in practice. London. Can

be accessed via

RCN (2007) Guidance for mentors of nursing students and midwives. Can be accessed


NMC standards & proficiencies and Duffy report (2004) available from


Murray C, Rosen L, Staniland K (2010). The Nurse Mentor and Reviewer Update Book. Open

University Press. Maidenhead.

Walsh D (2010) The Nurse Mentors Handbook, Supporting Students in Practice. Open University

Press, Maidenhead.

Page 18: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


Allocations Office UCS: 01473 338475

Clinical Practice Facilitators (Acute Trusts only):

Ipswich: 01473 707320

West Suffolk: 01284 712750

Great Yarmouth: 01493 453732

Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs)

Karen Flitton West Suffolk Locality 07904 968539 [email protected]

Sandra Gover Central Suffolk Locality 07904 970334 [email protected]

Lisa Johnson East Suffolk 07508 783915 [email protected]

Marie Marfleet East Suffolk & Ipswich 07904 970383 [email protected]

University Campus Suffolk:

Ipswich: 01473 338450

Ipswich Hospital Ed Centre: 01473 702507

Drake Centre: 01493 334200

West Suffolk Ed Centre: 01284 713397

Page 19: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


Teaching & Learning

Dix G, Hughes S (2004): Strategies to help students learn effectively. Nursing Standard. 18 (32) 39-42 Fowler D (2008): Student midwives and accountability: are mentors good role models? British Journal of Midwifery. 16 (2) 100-104

Gopee N, Tyrrell A, Raven S, Thomas K, Hari T (2004): Effective clinical learning in primary care settings. Nursing Standard. 18 (37) 33-37

Hand H (2006): Promoting effective teaching and learning in the clinical setting. Nursing Standard. 20 (39) 55-63

Pollard C, Hibbert C (2004): Expanding student learning using patient pathways. Nursing Standard. 19 (2) 40-43

Assessment of Competence Cassidy S (2009): Interpretation of Competence in Student Assessment. Nursing Standard. 23 (18) 39-46 Darra S (2006): Assessing Midwifery Practice from the Mentor‟s Perspective. British Journal of Midwifery. 14 (8) 458 – 461 Duffy K (2004): Failing students: a qualitative study of factors that influence the decisions regarding assessment of students‟ competence in practice. NMC. London. Goppee N (2008): Assessing student nurses‟ clinical skills: The ethical competence of mentors. Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 15 (9) 401-407 Luhanga F, Younge OJ, Myrick F (2008): „Failure to Assign Failing Grades‟: Issues with Grading the unsafe student. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 5(1) Article 8, 1-14

Mayberry JF (2007): The management of poor performance. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 83 (976) 105-108

McGregor A (2007): Academic success, Clinical failure: Struggling Practices of a failing student. Journal of Nursing Education. 46 (11) 504-511

Neary M (2000a): Responsive assessment of clinical competence: Part 1. Nursing Standard. 15 (9) 34-36

Neary M (2000b): Responsive assessment of clinical competence: Part 2. Nursing Standard. 15 (10) 35-40 Otero, V (2006) Moving Beyond the “Get or Don‟t” Conception of Formative Assessment. Journal of Teacher Education Vol. 57, No. 3, 247-255

Scanlan J, Gessler S (2001): Dealing with the unsafe student in clinical practice. Nurse Educator. 26 (1) 23-27

Scoles J, Albarran J (2005): Failure to fail: facing the consequences of inaction. Nursing in Critical Care. 10 (3) 113-115 Woodcock J. (2009) Supporting Students who may fail. Emergency Nurse; 16: 9 18-21

Page 20: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group


Who needs a Triennial Review? – All mentors and practice teachers supporting learners in a

practice setting.

How do I complete my Triennial Review? - Each mentor/practice teacher undertakes a process

of self evaluation in regards to their role as a mentor. Frameworks/workbooks exist to assist this

process. They can be found on your Intranet.

Why do I need to have one? – The NMC requires that all mentors/practice teachers undergo

triennial review to be maintained on the mentor register.

How are the NMC going to know if I have completed my triennial review or not? Each year

your local university is reviewed by a team on behalf of the NMC. When the team visit the

placement areas and speak to mentors/practice teachers, they also ask to see the mentor register

to check whether mentors are up to date. When they visit next year, we also expect them to ask to

whether mentors/practice teachers have had their triennial reviews. If they visit your placement

area and speak to you, they may ask to see your evidence of meeting triennial review


Where do I go for guidance? – Each Trust has a framework that you can use to collate your

evidence. You can contact you Clinical Practice Facilitator, Practice Education Facilitator or Link

Lecturer for further advice/guidance.

When does it have to be completed by? – It is an ongoing process and should be completed

every three years.

What if I haven’t mentored 2 students over the past 3 years? If there is a reason for this i.e.

you have been on maternity leave, long term sick, career break, then this counts as extenuating

circumstances and so long as you meet the other requirements then you can complete your

triennial review. However, if you have not mentored 2 students because they are rarely allocated in

your clinical area, then you need to discuss with your manager as to whether you are required to

remain on the mentor register i.e. there may be a need for less „active‟ mentors in your team.

What if I’ve been on long term sick or maternity leave? You should still complete your

evidence towards the standards, but may need to identify areas for development i.e. attend mentor

update or revisit student assessment documents. You should then agree with your manager when

you are in a position to resume the role of mentor.

I am a mentor in a short-placement area, do I still need to have a Triennial Review? If you

only mentor students on short non-assessed placements (less than 4 weeks), then you should still

complete a Triennial Review. However, Domain 3 asks for evidence of your ability to assess

students. You may be able to provide evidence towards this if you assess other learners in your

workplace, if you don‟t, then this domain is not applicable for you.


Page 21: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

What if I haven’t been to a mentor update every year for the past 3 years? You will need to

demonstrate within your evidence that you are up to date with the standards, curriculum

requirements and assessment requirements for your local university. You can complete the online

mentor update once in a 3 year period.

I completed my mentorship qualification in 2009, when do I need a Triennial Review? You

will need to complete your triennial review in 2012, ideally as part of your annual appraisal. You

should be collated evidence towards it between now and then.

I am a Sign Off Mentor, do I have to do anything extra? To be a sign off mentor you will have

demonstrated that you meet the additional requirements within the standards (2.1.3).You will need

to demonstrate your skills and knowledge as a Sign Off Mentor within your evidence for the triennial


I am a Practice Teacher, do I need to have a different type of Triennial Review? You need

to obtain the framework of evidence for practice teachers which your Trust has developed. You

should be able to find it on your Intranet.

I have completed my triennial review, what do I do now? Well done! Over the next 3 years

you will need to continue to develop your record of evidence towards the standards.

Page 22: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

Unable to complete requirements for NMC

Triennial Review

because you: are:

Unable to evidence that you have

supported at least 2 students during the

last 3 years

Unable to evidence that you have

attended annual mentor update

during previous 3 years

Unable to provide evidence for Domain 3 ‘Assessment and Accountability’ as you don’t provide

‘assessed placements’

If this is due to maternity leave or long term

sickness, then extenuating

circumstances apply. If this is due to the number of students allocated, you

must: Complete Triennial Review and write an

action plan to mentor at least 2 students over

the next 3 years

If you are overdue for an update-complete the online mentor update now. If you missed an update one year, you need to demonstrate

within your evidence that you are up to date now. Complete action plan and Triennial Review

within 3 months

If you only mentor students on short ‘non-assessed’ placements

then you may not be able to provide evidence for

Domain 3. However, you may be able to

demonstrate generic assessment skills if you assess other learners or

staff Complete Triennial


Manager to review the number of students being

allocated and the number of mentors required through

discussion with Link Lecturer/CPF/PEF

Working in a newly established

placement area or you have changed


You will now need to gather evidence for your

Triennial Review in 3 years time. You must

have attended a mentor update and been briefed

on curriculum requirements before mentoring your 1



Complete Triennial

Review in 3 years

Remember you must complete an

annual mentor update in future.

You may complete the online mentor

update once in every 3 years


Page 23: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

REFLECTIVE ACCOUNTS FOR TRIENNIAL REVIEW Please use the following reflective accounts if required for evidence for your Mentor Portfolio (please photocopy)


What was the nature of the activity?

Briefly describe the activity; for example “I mentored a first year pre-reg student undertaking module

3 of their training throughout their placement”. Or “I attended an annual mentors' update session”.

Description of the activity.

Give a more detailed description of what you did; for example “I helped the student develop their

learning contract” or “I observed the student accurately perform drug calculations” etc.

What was the outcome of the activity?

Give a personal account of how your involvement in this activity contributes to your personal practice

and/or your continued professional development. Remember to link this to the requirements of your

personal development review and to the requirements for triennial (3 yearly) NMC review.


Signed :

Print Name :


Page 24: TRIENNIAL REVIEW - FRAMEWORK OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ... · Student Practice documentation, Evidence of teaching sessions, Written feedback from students, Plan appropriate visits for


Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning and

Assessment in Practice (2008) - December 2010

NHS Suffolk

Suffolk County Workforce Group

Document management

Document ratification and history

Date: 22nd December 2010

Review date: December 2011

Obsolete date: April 2012

Authors: Karen Flitton, Practice Education Facilitator

Owning Department: Suffolk - Practice Education Facilitator Team, Suffolk County Workforce Group

File name: Framework of Evidence for Triennial Review to support Mentors in meeting the NMC Standards to Support Learning & Assessment in Practice (NMC 2008) – December 2010

Version number: 2