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 L Lo o d d g g e e P P a a g g e e s s  O Oasi i s sof f M Mara a 1 1 Y Yuc cc ca a Valle ey y 2 2 I I n n d d i i v v i i d d u u a a l l H H i i g g h h l l i i g g h h t t s s : :  E Ed di it t o or r s C Co or rne er r 3 3 4 4 Ed duc ca at ti i o on 5 5 P Po oem 6 6 Fa amo ous s Ma as so on 7 7 C Ca al l e end dar 8 8 O Of f f f i ice er rs 9 9 S Sp ponsor s s 1 10 0 O Oa as si is s o of f M Ma ar ra S Sec cr r e et t a ar r y y s sec cr re et t a ar r y y7 73 35 5@ @g gmai i l l.c co om Y Yuc cc ca a V Va al l l ley y S Se ec cr re et t a ar r y y s sec cr re et t a ar r y y@ @ma asons s8 80 02 2. o or r g g YV Lodge Webmaster: Joshua Marquis Brethren, I hope all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and that you all live up to those new resolutions that you made. With that said, I would like to thank brother T. C. Dowden, for taking over the editing of our Trestle Board, and to also thank brother Clint Marshal PM, for the great job he's done. How about the great 3rd degree, performed on the 14 th at Oasis of Mara, with the 4-way meaning? There were18 brothers present, including Past Master Terry Hunt, whom all were very pleased to see. As we all know, all 3 rd degrees are very special, but this one will be one that anyone in attendance  rom the Oriental Chair Bro. Clarence Chambers, Worshipful Master, Oasis of Mara #735 will not soon forget. At the January Stated Meeting, we will be voting on our 2011 Budget. So if you’re interested in adding or omitting anything in the budget, the Stated meeting would be a good time to discuss it. In January, every Tuesday night at 6:00 PM, we do candidate’s coaching, degree practices and degrees. So remember, if you want to excel in your Masonic career, Tuesday evenings, in 29 Palms, is the place you need to be. All Mas ons are welcome: Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, and Master Masons. Congratulations to brother Thomas Johnson, who passed his proficiency in the lecture of the 1 st degree. Remember, Stated Meetings are the first Monday of the Month, January 3rd, and every 2nd Saturday, January 8th, are our all you can eatbreakfasts. Last, but not least, our Temple Board meetings are every fourth Tuesday at 5:00 PM, before practices. Fraternally, Clarence Chambers A newsletter serving the Masonic and affiliated bodies of the CA High Desert Oasis of Mara Lodge #735 Twentynine Palms, CA Yucca Valley Lodge #802 Yucca Valley CA January 2011 Trestleboard Trestleboard - a draftsman’s designing board; that on which a Mason draws his designs for his character and spiritual growth; that on which the Worshipful Master lays out his designs for the workmen; a Lodge  s newsletter and calendar of ev ents. Do you want to get the Trestleboard sooner? Sign up for email delivery and you’ll get it before the 1 st ! Send an email to the editor to sign up. Fo ollo ow wu us s o on n Fa ac ceb bo oo ok, w wh her r e e y yo ou u c ca an n up plo oa ad d s st t o or r i e es s, , p pho ot to os s a and d ne ew ws s ev ve ent ts s!Y  Yo ou c ca an n a al l s so o f f i i n nd d M Ma as so on ni ic c e ed duc ca at t i i o on. .  Ple ea as se e s se end d s st to or r i i e es s, , p pho ot to os s,  c co om mme ent ts s o or r co or r r r e ec ct tio ons s t to o t t h he e e ed di t t o or r a at t:  T TC CD Dow wd de en n@ @r r o oa ad dr r u un nn ne e r r . . c co om T T h h e e C C  A  A H H i i  g  g h h D D e e s s e e r r t t M M a a s s o o n n       s s  Well, another year is upon us and we’re looking for another good year. Our line is pretty well filled and looking forward to another productive year. Our Master has done a great job of leading our lodge through a thick and thin year. We will be having at least one candidate for the month of January. Don’t forget to support our Stated Dinners and our Breakfasts. That’s what helps us support our lodge. Sincerely Donald Clark {SW}  rom the West Bro. Donald Clark, Senior Warden, Oasis of Mara #735 Oasi s of Mar a Lod e #735

Trestle Board January 2011

Apr 09, 2018



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LLo o d d g g e e P P a a g g e e s s  

OOaassiiss ooff MMaarraa 11 

YYuuccccaa VVaalllleeyy 22 

I I n n d d i i v v i i d d u u a a l l H H i i g g h h l l i i g g h h t t s s : :  

EEddiittoorr’’ss CCoorrnneerr 33 


EEdduuccaattiioonn 55 

PPooeemm 66 

FFaammoouuss MMaassoonn 77 

CCaalleennddaarr 88 

OOffffiicceerrss 99 

SSppoonnssoorrss 1100 

OOaassiiss ooff MMaarraa SSeeccrreettaarryy sseeccrreettaarryy773355@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm YYuuccccaa VVaalllleeyy SSeeccrreettaarryy sseeccrreettaarryy@@mmaassoonnss880022..oorrgg 

YV Lodge Webmaster:Joshua Marquis 

Brethren, I hope all had a Merry

Christmas and a Happy New Year,

and that you all live up to those

new resolutions that you made.

With that said, I would like tothank brother T. C. Dowden, for

taking over the editing of our

Trestle Board, and to also thank

brother Clint Marshal PM, for the

great job he's done.

How about the great 3rd degree,

performed on the 14th

at Oasis of 

Mara, with the 4-way meaning?

There were18 brothers present,

including Past Master Terry Hunt,

whom all were very pleased tosee.

As we all know, all 3rd

degrees are

very special, but this one will be

one that anyone in attendance

 rom the Oriental ChairBro. Clarence Chambers,Worshipful Master, Oasis of Mara #735 

will not soon forget.

At the January Stated Meeting,

we will be voting on our 2011

Budget. So if you’re interested

in adding or omitting anything inthe budget, the Stated meeting

would be a good time to discuss


In January, every Tuesday night

at 6:00 PM, we do candidate’s

coaching, degree practices and

degrees. So remember, if you

want to excel in your Masonic

career, Tuesday evenings, in 29

Palms, is the place you need to

be. All Masons are welcome:Entered Apprentices,

Fellowcrafts, and Master


Congratulations to brother

Thomas Johnson, who passe

his proficiency in the lecture

the 1st


Remember, Stated Meetings

are the first Monday of the

Month, January 3rd, and eve

2nd Saturday, January 8th, a

our “all you can eat” breakfa

Last, but not least, our Temp

Board meetings are everyfourth Tuesday at 5:00 PM,

before practices.

Fraternally, Clarence Chamb

A newsletter serving the Masonic and affiliated bodies of the CA High Desert 

Oasis of Mara Lodge #735Twentynine Palms, CA

Yucca Valley Lodge #802Yucca Valley CA

January 2011 


Trestleboard  - a draftsman’s designing board; that on which a Mason draws his designs for his character and spiritual growth;

that on which the Worshipful Master lays out his designs for the workmen; a Lodge’ s newsletter and calendar of events. 

Do you want to get

the Trestleboard

sooner? Sign up for

email delivery and

you’ll get it before

the 1st

! Send an

email to the editor

to sign up.

FFoollllooww uuss oonn FFaacceebbooookk,, wwhheer r ee yyoouu ccaann uuppllooaadd ssttoor r iieess,, pphhoottooss aanndd nneewwss eevveennttss!! Y Yoouu ccaann aallssoo f f iinndd MMaassoonniicc eedduuccaattiioonn.. 

PPlleeaassee sseenndd ssttoor r iieess,, pphhoottooss,, ccoommmmeennttss oor r ccoor r r r eeccttiioonnss ttoo tthhee eeddiittoor r aatt:: TTCCDDoowwddeenn@@r r ooaaddr r uunnnneer r ..ccoomm 

T T h h e e C C  A  A H H i i  g  g h h D D e e s s e e r r t t M M a a s s o o n n ’   ’   s s  

Well, another year is upon us

and we’re looking for anothergood year.

Our line is pretty well filled and

looking forward to another

productive year. Our Master

has done a great job of leading

our lodge through a thick and

thin year. We will be having at

least one candidate for the

month of January.

Don’t forget to support our

Stated Dinners and our

Breakfasts. That’s what helps us

support our lodge.

Sincerely Donald Clark {SW} 

 rom the WestBro. Donald Clark,Senior Warden, Oasis of Mara #735 

Oasis of Mara Lod e #735

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A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols


 rom the EastBro. Joseph DuPont,

Worshipful Master, Yucca Valley #802 

Welcome to the New Year, I hope

everyone had a wonderful Holiday

season. January begins a new year,

a simple change which continues a

cycle of changes which dates back

further than I can remember.

A new list of Lodge officers has

been installed; among them are

several new faces who have taken

positions within the Lodge.

For those who missed it last month,

my vision for this year is simple,

increase fraternal and community

activities of the lodge. My goal is

that Yucca Valley Lodge participate

in four community activities, and

hold four events specifically for our

members and Masonic family. To

be successful it will take the efforts

of every Brother participating to

the extent possible, not just ahandful of "officers". I have not

decided upon events or activities,

those decisions are for

determination by the members of 

the lodge.

Our January Stated

Meeting promises to be busy,

several items are already on the

agenda. I will be presenting my

budget for the coming year for

your approval. Several new

committees need to be appointed

and others need to be created.

We will be reviewing the Grand

Lodge Strategic Plan and deciding

how to best take action within our

lodge to meet the goals. This will

be discussion about what we will

be doing in the coming year, and a

host of other concerns that affect

us all.

I do not anticipate it being an early


Yucca Valley Lodge #802 Officers for 2011 SW Bill Fitch, WM Joe DuPont, and JW Gary Mason

WM Joe DuPont being congratulated by MW BillBray, Grand Master of Masons in California

Yucca Valle Lod e #802

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A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

“Why grouse about declining membership whenthe newer Masons don’t 

understand the purpose for 

your organization? ”  

Brethren of the High Desert,

please be patient as we work

through the complexities andparticulars of doing a combined

Trestleboard. It may take me a

couple issues to get it

completely right! I have had

calendar challenges

sometimes, so check with your

Lodge Secretary if a date looks

funny! In the meantime, I will

struggle through the formatting

and names and try to

accommodate both Lodges.I personally believe this is the

right way to go, combining the

two Trestleboards and sharing

the expense of printing and

mailing out an important

monthly publication. My

thanks and appreciation goes

out to Bro. Clint Marshall for

his work previously on the

Oasis of Mara Trestleboard!

The Editor’s Corner Bro. T.C. Dowden 

I also want to express my

thanks and appreciation for

those bothers who havestepped up to do the printing

and mailing of the


For all brethren, please

remember that this

publication is yours and there

is room for submissions in

every issue. We all have

Masonic experiences, we all

have done research, we all

have thoughts on Masonictopics, and those should be

shared. You may know of 

some Masonic news from

around the country, you may

wish to share that as well.

Appendant Bodies

Hey Shriners, Scottish Rite,

Eastern Star members, you

may want to do a regular

column on your activities

lessons, knowledge (Ligh

or other topic effecting y

organization. Perhaps a

background story on the

origins of the group, or

maybe one on the drivin

force behind the group t

may instill a desire in new

Master Masons to affiliat

would be good… I’m justsayin’… Why grouse abou

declining membership w

the newer Masons don’t

understand the purpose

your organization? The

Scottish Rite is purported

be the continuing educat

arm of Masonry, so some

that could be done here.

Again, I’m just sayin’…

Hello and welcome back from

the Holidays my Brethren.

I hope each and every one of 

you enjoyed and had a safe time

over the Holidays.

We have been informed that

the Galaxy club (OES) will not be

providing us our January Stated

meeting dinner, and we are notsure about the future months

either, so we are stepping up to

the plate, the dinner will be a

typical guy dinner, meat and

potato with a salad.

Dinner will cost $10.00 WITH

reservation and will cost $12.00

at the door WITHOUT a


Those WITHOUT a reservation

will be served LAST!

This is being done to try to

improve the reservation list

thereby giving us a better

control of the amount of food

to be bought to insure we don’t

run out of food or haveexcessive amount of food left


So please call our WONDERFUL

reservation Lady “Tina

Bergamin @ 760-365-5523” 

Gary Mason, JR Warden

Yucca Valley Lodge

 rom the SouthBro. Gary Mason Junior Warden, YV Lodge 

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A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols


My Brothers:

I want to say thank you foryour trust in me. I will tryto be one of the bestSenior Warden’s everfound. This is a challengethat I keep on my officewall, try harder.

Your Senior Warden,Bill Fitch

Challenges for the

True Mason 

I will do more than belong

--I will participate.I will do more than care--I will help.

I will do more than believe--I will practice.

I will do more than be fair--I will be kind.

I will do more than forgive--I will not forget.

I will do more than dream--I will work.

 rom the WestBro. Bill Fitch, PM Senior Warden YV Lodge 

I will do more than teach--I will inspire.

I will do more than earn

--I will enrich.I will do more than give--I will serve.

I will do more than live--I will grow.

I will do more than befriendly

--I will be a friend.I will do more than be a

citizen--I will be a patriot.

Some of you know that the

Secretary was hospitalized in

November. The only reason I

mention it is because some of you may have mailed in your

dues, but did not received your

dues card within just a few

days. I have all those dues

receipts taken care of that came

in while I was incapacitated and

have mailed the dues receipts

for all of those that have come

in since. I’ll get the lodge office

back on track just as soon as I


The year 2010 was a good one

for this Lodge. Several new

Master Masons have joined us

in working for the good of the

community and Masonry in

general. We set a record, having

raised fourteen new Master

Masons. There are some new

faces in the line of officers as

well. Hopefully 2011 will be

even better than 2010. So… if you have not been to the Lodge

in a while, please consider

coming back and helping to

build for the future of the


We had a number of fine

dinners this year and look

forward to a continuation of 

that as well. If you have an idea

for a dinner, or you would like

to prepare one, let us know.

Chef Louie and his great crew

would welcome the assistance I

am sure and it would give him a

break. There is a lot of work,

behind the scenes, that goes

into each and every of these

meals. The cost of the dinners

is not at all excessive, so com

and join us.

At the January StatedCommunication the budget fo

this year will be presented.

Though it is a frugal budget, i

exceeds the projected incom

again this year. Of course, th

means that reserves will be

spent again. Yes, we know th

cannot go on indefinitely if yo

have a solution, please bring

forward. A copy of the budge

will be available outside the

Lodge room prior to the

meeting. Please, please take

the time to look it over befor

lodge convenes. If you have

recommendations bring them

into the Lodge and let’s discu


 rom the Oasis of Mara SecretaryBro. Steve Leazer Secretary, Oasis of Mara Lodge 

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Masonic Education  – The Three Great Lights of Masonry

Early in his Masonic journey,

the Freemason is introduced to

the three Great Lights of 

Freemasonry, the Holy Bible,Square, and Compasses. By

careful attention to the

ceremonies and lectures, he

finds the Holy Bible symbolizes

God's will for man, the Square

signifies morality and

righteousness in the physical

plane, and the Compasses

represent man’s spirituality.

The Square represents the

moral law that dictates ourrelationships with others and

guides our actions here on

earth while the Compasses

signify our endless pursuit of 

spiritual understanding.

Together, the Square and

Compasses should constantly

remind the Freemason of the

balance required between the

earthly and the spiritual nature

of man. Together they alsosymbolize man's journey

through life to the eternal


The Holy Bible, however, is the

Great Light in Freemasonry and

upon it rests the Square and

Compasses in every lodge. As

such, the Holy Bible represents

the foundation of the work of 

Freemasonry. The Bible is

opened when the lodge isopened; it is closed when the

lodge is closed. No lodge can

conduct its business without

the Holy Bible open upon its

Altar. Thus, it rules the lodge

during its labors. More

importantly, it is central to the

work of the Freemason as he

works to develop his moral and

spiritual self according to the

symbolism of the Square and


Faith in God is the cornerstone

of Freemasonry so it is only

natural that the book, which

presents to us the truth of God,

should be our rule and guide to

our faith and practice. Within

the Holy Bible, the unity,

righteousness and spirituality of 

God is revealed and within its

pages moral truth is stored to

light the mind and warm theheart of man.

Like most other things in

Freemasonry, the Holy Bible is

itself a symbol of Divine Truth

in every form. When viewed as

a symbol, it represents that

Divine Truth or knowledge from

whatever source derived.

What does this mean to the

Freemason? The fact that the

Holy Bible or some other

Volume of Sacred Law rests

open upon the Altar of 

Freemasonry means the

Freemason must have some

Divine Revelation. The

Freemason must seek truth and

wisdom from a source greater

than that from human minds. It

is the first Great Light of 


As Freemasons, our moral and

spiritual foundation must be

built upon the Great Light.

During the three degrees, the

Holy Bible remains constant,

but the Square and compass

change… why? What does it

mean? It indicates the one

constant in progressive science

of Freemasonry.

Compass legs under square

indicates the EA’s instruction is

generally Material or Physical,

ruled by the square, wherebythe tool is used to measure

surfaces and planes.

For the FC, he has advanced in

the progressive science, so one

leg is above the square,

indicating that he has received

partial Light and is no longer

wholly concerned with the

physical, but now has turned to

the Psychic and the integration

of the psychic and physical.

For the MM, the degree is

wholly spiritual, where he

makes of himself a complete

man and the physical serves as

a background for the spiritual.

In other words, the spiritual

surmounts the material.

First the square dominated the

compasses, then progress was

made and they were next seento be intertwined. Finally, in

the great exposition of the

spiritual, the compasses have

come to the fore; they now

predominate. Thus is

symbolized "the subjugation of 

the human that is in man by the


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What do the Fourteenth

Degree rings mean?

The Scottish Rite Fourteenth degree ring is a

flat, plain band of gold, and embossed

thereon is a plate in the form of an

equilateral triangle and within the triangle is

the Hebrew letter yud, the initial letters of 

Jehovah in Hebrew (yud he vau he). Inside

the ring is inscribed the Fourteenth DegreeMotto: Virtus Junxit, Mors Non Separabit  

(Virtue has united and death shall not

separate). The rings circle expresses the

unbreakable fraternal bond between

Masons of all generations. Upon the death

of the owner, the ring should go into the

hands of his widow, eldest son, the friend

who was loved above all others, or another

Scottish Rite Mason.

Every year more than 500,000 people die from cancer in the

U.S. and many researchers and specialists believe up to 60%

of those deaths can be prevented if Americans slightly adapt

their lifestyles.

By Your Side, Grand Master Bill Bray’s 2010-2011 project,

aims to raise awareness about oncology; so as a part of theFebruary National Cancer Prevention Month, join your lodge

for a healthy meal with delicious anti-carcinogenic food and

learn more about cancer prevention during the February

stated meeting!

Don’t miss this event! 

Masonic Poem  –   The Forged Freemason 

A Free Mason Forged out of the Materials of His

Lodge, 1754

Behold a Master-Mason rare; Whose mystic Portrait does declare; 

The Secrets of Free Masonry.Fair for all to read and see; 

But few there are to whom they're known; Tho' they so plainly here are shown. 

There are at least 8 Masonic symbols in the image, at

right. How many can you find? 

Answer:Sun Perfect AshlarSquare 47th Problem of EuclidPlumb Volume Sacred lawMaster's Jewel Indented TesselThe 24 inch Gauge CompassesSetting Maul LevelMosaic PavementTrestleboard

Boaz and Jachin 

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A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

Famous Mason: Admiral Arleigh Burke 33°, Sailor, Patriot, Freemason  

Arleigh Albert Burke was born

far from sea in Boulder,

Colorado on 19 October 1901.

On 8 June 1923, he graduatedfrom the US Naval Academy and

was commissioned an Ensign in

the US Navy. He married Miss

Roberta Gorsuch of Washington,


Throughout his professional

career, Admiral Burke had

prepared himself for combat

with the enemy having served in

battleships and destroyers, and

earning a Master of Sciencedegree in Engineering from the

University of Michigan. After

persistent effort on his part, he

received orders to the South

Pacific where, under Admiral

Halsey, he successively

commanded Destroyer Division

43, Destroyer Division 44,

Destroyer Squadron 12, and

Destroyer Squadron 23. This

latter squadron, known as the"Little Beavers," covered the

initial landings in Bouganville in

November 1943, and fought in

22 separate engagements during

the next four months.

From Destroyer Command in the

South Pacific, he reported in

March of 1944 as Chief of Staff 

to Commander, Fast Carrier Task

Force, Admiral Marc Mitscher.

While serving with this famedcarrier force, Burke was

promoted to Commodore, and

participated in all its naval

engagements until June 1945

shortly before the surrender of 

Japan. He was aboard both USS

Bunker Hill CV-17) and USS

Enterprise (CV-6) when they

were hit by Japanese suicide

planes during the Okinawa


At the outbreak of the Korean

war, Admiral Forrest Sherman,

then Chief of Naval Operations

(CNO), ordered Admiral Burke to

duty as Deputy Chief of Staff to

Commander Naval Forces, Far

East. From there, he assumed

command of Cruiser Division

Five, and in July 1951 he became

a member of the United Nations

Truce Delegation to negotiate

with the People's Republic of China and North Korea to

establish military armistice in

Korea. After six months in the

truce tents, he returned to the

Office of Chief of Naval

Operations where he served as

Director of Strategic Plans

Division until 1954.

He succeeded Admiral Robert B.

Carney as CNO in August 1955.

Burke served an unprecedentedthree terms as CNO duty before

being transferred to the Retired

List on 1 August 1961.

Arleigh Burke’s life as a civilian

continued to be busy and

fulfilling. Following several

months of needed inactivity, he

entered the business world by

agreeing to join the boards of 

several major corporations,

including the Newport NewsShipbuilding and Drydock

Company and Texaco Oil. In

addition, he worked to establish

the Georgetown University

Center for Strategic and

International Studies (CSIS).

Serving as its chairman for some

fifteen years, Burke helped cr

it into a respected Washingto

“think tank”. 

Burke died on New Year’s Da

1996 at the age of 94. Eulogi

by President William Clinton

both current and former seni

Navy leaders during a service

the Naval Academy Chapel o

January, he was buried at the

Academy’s picturesque

cemetery at Hospital Point.

Admiral Burke received

numerous combat awards du

his forty-two years in the Nav

including the Navy Cross, the

Distinguished Service Medal,

Legion of Merit and the Purp

Heart. But none was more

cherished than two awards

which came early in his caree

In 1928 while serving aboard

Procyon (AK-19), he was

commended for the "rescue o

shipwrecked and seafaring

men," and in 1939 while servin his first command, USS

Mugford (DD-389), he was

commended when his destro

obtained an unprecedented

perfect score during short-ra

battle practice, thereby winn

the Destroyer Gunnery Troph

for 1939-1940.

Brother Burke was a member

Dawson Lodge #16, now

National-Stansbury-DawsonLodge #12, Washington, DC a

is honored in the Supreme

Temple Architect Hall of Hon

at the House of the Temple.

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January 2011 

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Capricorn Aquarious1 

NNeeww YYeeaarrss DDaa

2 3 4Oasis of Mara 

6:00 Dinner7:30 Stated Mtg

Hall Association 6 PMFinance BoardMtg 6:45 PM

5 6 Yucca Valley

Stated Mtg 6 PM6:30 Dinner7:30 Open Mtg

7 8802 Breakfast

8-10 AMGalaxy Club 10 AM

735 Breakfast8-10 AMOasis of Mara

9 10Eastern Star Yucca Valley6 PM 

11Degree/OfficerPractice6:30 pm

12 Daughters of theNile11:00 AMYV Lodge

13Degree/OfficerPractice6:30 pm

14 15 

Officers SchooInstruction29 Palms8:00 B’fast 9:00 Work begin

16 17MLK B-Day

18Degree/OfficerPractice6:30 pm

19 20MasonicEducation &Officer Practice6:30 PM

21 Shrine ClubYV SizzlersNoon 

22 InspectorsSchool ofInstructionEvergreen Lodg8:00 AM 

23 24Eastern Star Yucca Valley6 PM 

25Degree/OfficerPractice6:30 pm

Oasis of Mara

Temple Board 


Scottish Rite inPalm Springs

27Officer MeetingDegree Practice6:30 pm 

28 29


All members: Please, if you can opt for the Trestleboard by electronicmeans, then do so. This will help reduce costs to the Lodges and youcan follow links imbedded into the document!

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A beautiful system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, illustrated by Symbols

Yucca Valley Masonic LodgePO Box 686

Yucca Valley, CA 92286

PHONE:(760) 820-4499


[email protected] 

Trestleboard Editor:

T. C. Dowden 418-5236

[email protected] 

We’re on the Web! 

See us at: 

or click on:


Grand Master of the State of 


Most Worshipful William J.

Bray III

Worshipful Master Clarence Chambers, PM 367-9881

Senior Warden Donald Clark (acting) 367-5044

Junior Warden Thomas Johnson 367-7197

Treasurer Manuel Williams

Secretary Stephen Leazer 367-7631

Chaplain William Shirley 285-5758

Senior Deacon Hank Kraychir

Junior Deacon Jason Dickson

Marshal Hank Kerse

Senior. Steward Louis Kisner

Junior Steward Eugene Mattox

Tiler Sam Jones

Oasis of Mara #735 Lodge Officers 2011

Oasis of Mara Lodge #735 

72495 Larrea Ave

29 Palms, CA 92277

Email the Temple:

[email protected] 

Call the Temple:

367-3144 (760)

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1152

29 Palms, CA 

Grand Master of the State of 


Most Worshipful William J.

Bray III

Worshipful Master Joseph DuPont 367-4373Senior Warden William Fitch PM 219-2421

Junior Warden Gary Mason 818 253-5965

Treasurer Mark Clark 367-7246

Secretary Joseph Johnson PM 365-5764

Chaplain David Glenn 660-5736

Senior Deacon TC Dowden 418-5236

Junior Deacon Sean Clay PM 365-9385

Marshal Joe Gerusa 369-9101

Senior. Steward Joseph Pennington 362-2785

Junior Steward Don (DJ) Ross

Tiler James N. Henley 366-2527

Officer’s Coach Bill Shirley 285-5758

Inspector 830th Masonic Dist Richard F. Davis 347-8253

Telephone Chair

Adriana C. (Tina) Bergamin 365-5523

Yucca Valley Lodge #802 Officers 2011

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PO Box 686Yucca Valley, CA 92286

T T r r eesst t l l eebbooaar r d d S S  p poonnssoor r ss 

Platinum Sponsors

Mark Clark Gary Mason

 Joe DuPont 

Gold SponsorsTC Dowden

 Joseph Romero

Silver SponsorsWayne Stuart 

 Annual Trestleboard Sponsorships and

business card ads help defray the annual costof printing and mailing the Trestleboard to thoseBrothers, widows and friends of the Lodge whoare not adept at electronic publications. If youcan afford to sponsor, please see your Lodge

Secretary. Business card ads are limited by theCMC to brother Mason’s only.