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Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders

Feb 19, 2018



Diana Hylton
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  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    Treatment of Hemostasis DisordersWeek 4 Luyendyk

    Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders Platelet inhibitors


    Thrombolytic drugs

    Drugs for bleeding disorders

    Formation of a Localized Clot at the Site of Vessel Injury

    4 Steps:1. Vasoconstriction2. Primary emostasis!. "econdary emostasis4. Acti#ation of Antithrombotic $echanisms

    Step !: Vasoconstriction

    %ellular res&onse of the neighboring cells$ediated by reacti#e intermediates ' (ndothelin

    Step ": #rimary HemostasisTransformation of platelets into ahemostatic plu$

    1. Platelet adhesion2. Platelet granule release!. Platelet aggregation and consolidation

    #latelet %dhesion:

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    Platelet )ill bind to collagen* )hich is mediated by glyco&roteins+,P-a and ,P-b and Von Willebrand /actor.

    #latelet &ranule 'eleasePlatelets get angry and release contents

    ADP* serotonin* collagen* and thrombin )ill cause&latelets to release their granule contents.

    Tar$ets for %ntiplatelet Dru$s:1. ADP +Pla#i02. %ycloo0ygenase 1 +as&irin

    #latelet %$$re$ation and ConsolidationDuring this &rocess T0A2 and ADP are &otent mediators of &latelet aggregation

    ,P--b---a is a rece&tor on the &lateletsurface that can interaction )ithbrinogen and cause &latelet aggregation.Tar$et of %ntiplatelet Therapy

    ,P--b---a3 brinogen interaction is criticalfor &latelet aggregation.

    'e(ie): Formation of a Localized Clot at the Site of VesselInjury

    !* Vasoconstrictiona. eurogenic mechanismsb. (ndothelin

    "* #rimary Hemostasisa. Platelet adhesion +,P-b* VW/* %ollagen

    b. Platelet granule release reaction +T+%", %D# - tar$ets of antiplatelettherapy. platelet inhi/itors0

    c. Platelet aggregation and consolidation 1II/2IIIa - tar$et of antiplatelettherapy. platelet inhi/itors0

    Step 3: Secondary HemostasisActi#ation of the coagulation system and a brin clot formation,oal of the coagulation cascade is to form a stable brin clot at the site of #ascular in5ury


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    1. Tissue factor e0&ression2. Thrombin acti#ation!. /ibrin &olymeri6ation

    'e$ulation of the lood Coa$ulationThis series of catalytic reactions am&lies the &rocess resulting in the generation of largeamounts of brin at the site of in5ury. -t is highly regulated by multi&le anticoagulationfactors. Also* ha#e to ha#e &lasmin to break do)n the clot so that )ound healing can


    5+trinsic Coa$ulation 7e8uires tissue factor +tissue thrombo&lastin* factor ---

    Tissue factor binds to factor V--a

    Tissue factor is &hysically se&arated from blood com&onents

    Intrinsic Coa$ulation All re8uired factors are &resent in the blood

    7ecent studies suggest that this &ath)ay is &rimarily acti#ated by e0trinsic


    /actor V--a of the e0trinsic &ath)ay acti#ates /actor -9 of the intrinsic &ath)ay

    Coa$ulation Cascade %cti(ation

    -n the e#ent of damage* the tissuefactor is e0&osed to the blood andnds to /actor V--a to initiate thecoagulation cascade and &roduce aclot.

    'e(ie): Secondary Hemostasis1. Tissue factor e0&ression2. Thrombin acti#ationTar$et of %nticoa$ulant Therapy!. /ibrin &olymeri6ation

    Step 4: %cti(ation of %ntithrom/ic 6echanisms

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    7 %nticoa$ulant and %ntiplatelet 6echanisms that limit the#ropa$ation of Hemostasis

    !0 #rostacyclin"0 %ntithrom/in III! Protein % and "4 Tissue factor &ath)ay inhibitor70 Tissue type plasmino$en acti(ator

    #rostacyclin 1#&I"0

    P,-2 from the acti#ated endothelium can inhibit&latelet acti#ation.

    %ntithrom/in IIIAntithrombin --- is a &rotein that binds to and inacti#ates se#eral &roteins in thecoagulation cascade.

    o Thrombin

    o -9a

    o 9a

    o 9-a

    o 9--a

    This reaction is cataly6ed by he&arin like molecules e0&ressed on the surface ofendothelial cells.

    Heparin $i(en to patients pre(ents coa$ulation acti(ation /y this mechanism*

    #lasminProduced from &lasminogen )hen &lasminogen is acti#ated by TPA +tissue &lasminogenacti#atorThrom/olytics acti(ate plasmino$enPlasmin degrades crosslinked brin &olymers into brin degradation &roducts

    'e(ie) of %ll 4 Steps

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    'is8 Factors forThrom/oem/olism

    !* %/normalities in lood Flo)a. Atrial brillationb. Left #entricular dysfunction

    c. -schemic:idio&athic myocardio&athyd. %ongesti#e heart failuree. ;ed rest: immobili6ation: &aralysisf. Venous obstruction from tumor:o/esityor &regnancy

    "* %/normalities of Surface in Contact )ith lood(0&osure of tissue factor to the blood +not normally in contact )ith each other

    a. Vascular trauma:in5uryb. eart #al#e diseasec. eart #al#e re&lacementd. Atherosclerosis

    e. Acute $yocardial -nfarctionf. -nd)elling %atheters

    3* %/normalities in Clottin$ Factorsa. (ndogenous anticoagulants

    i. Protein % deciency +Vit 9 dependentii. Protein " deciency +Vit 9 dependentiii. Antithrombin --- deciency

    b. Anti&hos&holi&id Antibody "yndromec. (strogen thera&yd. Pregnancye. $alignancy

    %ntiplatelet Dru$s

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    %spirin:inhibit %ects on &latelets are seen 12 days after administration and lasts

    for the duration of the &latelets life s&an +?1@ days

    Ticlopidine 1Ticlid0 %D# %nta$onist -nhibits ADP rece&tors on &latelets )hich &re#ents acti#ation of ,P--b---a.

    o ,P--b---a &romotes &latelet aggregation

    -nhibits &latelet adhesion and &latelet&latelet interactions

    -ndicated as an alternati#e to as&irin to

    &re#ent aninitial or recurrent thromboembolic


    Also useful for myocardial reinfarctions

    &ro&hyla0is Administered orally

    7a&idly and )ell absorbed +B@C

    (0tensi#ely metaboli6ed

    7are cases of se(ere /one marro) to+icitylimits use to &atients )ho areintolerant or unres&onsi#e to as&irin.

    -ncreases li#er function en6ymes

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    Drug -nteractions3

    o -ncreased bleeding occurs )hen gi#en )ith3



  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    #hosphodiesterase Inhi/itors

    Pre#ent degradation of cA$P by inhibit PD(

    Dipyridamole 1#ersantin0 %oronary #asodilator that also inhibits &latelet aggregation.

    -n combination )ith as&irin* reduces thrombosis in &atients )ith thromboticdisease

    -n combination )ith )arfarin* inhibits embolism from &rosthetic heart #al#es 1mainuse0

    Cilostazol 1#letal0 Antithrombotic* anti&latelet* and #asodilatory action

    -nhibits PD( ty&e --- and thereby* increases cA$P le#els

    =sed for intermittent claudicationand &eri&heral #ascular disease

    %na$relide 1%$rylin0

    7educes ele#ated &latelet counts in &atients )ith essential thrombocytosis +toomany platelets0

    Ased if platelet num/er is too HI&H

    -nhibits megakaryocyte de#elo&ment in the late &ostmitotic stage

    Inhi/its the formation of platelets

    A&&ro#ed for treatment of thrombocytosis secondary to myelo&roliferati#e

    disorders* such as Polycythemia Vera and %$L to reduce the risk of stroke and $-.

    &eneral 6echanisms of %nticoa$ulation

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    1. Calcium Chelators: -nhibits blood coagulation in #itroa. ;+alic acid, sodium citrate, disodium edetate

    2. Heparins:Accelerates action of Antithrombin --- to neutrali6e thrombin and othercoagulation factors

    a. %ny dru$s that end in I@S

    !. 'udins:Direct thrombin inhibitors4. Coumarin:-nterfere )ith he&atic synthesis of functional #itamin F de&endent

    clotting factorsa* ?arfarin

    Standard Heparin 1AFH0Source:Porcine intestinal mucosa and bo#ine lungStructure:sulfated muco&olysaccharide 1acidic molecule0'oute of %dministration:

    o %ontinuous +infusion &um&

    o -ntermittent +subcutaneous

    o @ot oraldue to lack of absor&tion

    o ot -$ due to risk of hematoma at in5ection site;nset of %ction:Immediate5ndothelial cell.protein /indin$:

    o (0tensi#e3 sticky molecule

    o %learance is dose de&endent because &lasma le#els of he&arin increase

    considerably once binding sites are saturated +most drugs are doseinde&endent

    o Dose Dependent #harmaco8ineticsTherapeutic &oal:

    #rolon$ed #TT to !*72"*7 times normal6echanism of %ction

    o Protease inhibitor* antithrom/in III* forms a 131 com&le0 )ith clotting factor

    &roteaseso -nteraction is slo) but is stimulated !BBB foldby he&arin* )hich binds

    antithrombin ---o This com&le0 inacti(ates factor IIa 1throm/in0 - main mechanism

    o This com&le0 also inacti#ates factor 9a* )hich occurs earlier in cascade

    Standard Heparin 1continued0Contraindications


    ;leeding disorders and disorders that &redis&ose to bleeding +hemo&hilia*thrombocyto&enia* hemorrhage* and se#eral other diseaseso Patients )ith ad#anced li#er or kidney disease* se#ere T* and certain

    infections +acti#e T;* infectious endocarditiso Preferable to other anticoagulants during &regnancy due to lack of &lacental

    transfer 1contrast to )arfarin0

    %d(erse 5ects %ntidote: #rotamine Sulfate

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    L6?H: Lo) 6olecular ?ei$htHeparins(no0aparin $W3 2@@@G@@@Dalteparin $W3 2@@@H@@@

    Tin6aparin $W3 !@@@B@@@

    #roperties of L6?Ho /irst a&&ro#ed for &rimary &re#ention of DVT after hi& re&lacement thera&y

    o (#aluated and used for treatment of other thromboembolic diseases

    o Ad#antages of =/3o Pharmacokinetics 1D;S5 I@D5#5@D5@T0

    o "afety

    o Also contraindicated in -T3 e&arin -nduced Thrombocyto&enia

    o @ot readily re(ersed )ith protamine sulfateo $onitored by anti2

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    o Venous thromboembolism &ro&hyla0is after ortho surgery

    o Treatment of P(

    o Treatment of DVT

    o Treatment of coronary artery thromboembolism ' &romising but still under


    Direct Throm/in Inhi/itors 1ru/ins0

    D; @;T '5AI'5 %@TITH';6I@ IIIHirudin: the rudinEsGI amino acid &e&tideThis is a s&ecic thrombin inhibitor obtained from leeches

    Lepirudin 17eJudan07ecombinant yeastderi#ed form of hirudin-t is a&&ro#ed for anticoagulation in &atients )ith he&arininduced thrombocyto&enia


    Desirudin 1-&i#ask0 and i(alirudin 1Angioma00e) recombinant hirudin analogs that may be used instead of he&arins in the


    %r$atro/an 1Aco#a02nd agent +1st is le&irudin a&&ro#ed for HIT=nlike le&irudin* it is cleared by li#er and can be used in &atients )ith end2sta$e

    renal disease

    ?arfarin%oumarin deri#ati#e1@@C oral bioa#ailability#lasma #rotein indin$ is 5+tensi(e


    Lo) (olume of distri/ution+albumin s&aceo Long halflife 13 hours

    o Lack of urinary e0cretion of unchanged drug

    6eta/olismo $etaboli6ed to inacti#e metabolites by cytochrome P4I@

    +C=#"C> in li#ero Site of numerous dru$ interactions

    6echanism of %ctiono -nhibitor of Vitamin 9 epo+ide reductase

    o -m&airs li#ers ca&acity to &roduce reduced Vitamin F

    (ssential cofactor in the &roduction of Vit F de&endent coagulationfactors %lotting factors 2*?*H*1@ are dead factors ' donKt )ork

    'esistance:mutations in Vitamin F e&o0ide reductase confers heritable resistance to)arfarin

    ?arfarin 1continued0Speed of ;nset: SL;?

    o Warfarin half like 1.I days +!G hours

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    o B12 hours for initial anticoagulant e>ect* se#eral days to reach ma0imum

    hy&o&rothrombinemia.o The delay re&resents time to re&lace normal clotting factors )ith

    incom&letely gammacarbo0ylated factors and the time to reach steady statele#els of drug

    %ntidote:o Discontinue drug

    o Administer large doses of (itamin 9 and fresh frozen plasmaor factor -9

    concentrates containing &rothrombin com&le0

    Dru$ Dru$ Interactions )ith ?arfarinDru$s that diminish the response to oral anticoa$ulants:

    Inhi/ition of oral )arfarin a/sorption%holestyramine +also aects (itamin 9 a/sorption

    Induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes: 1Cytochrome Inducers0;arbituates%arbama6e&ine

    Primidone7ifam&inSt* Gohns ?art

    Stimualtion of clottin$ factor synthesisVitamin F ' diet and bacteria5stro$ens

    Dru$s that enhance the response to oral anticoa$ulantsDisplacement from plasma al/umin:


    Inhi/ition of anticoa$ulant meta/olism:AmiodaroneAllo&urinol%imeditine%i&roJo0acin(rythromycin%otrimo0a6ole$etronida6ole +selecti(e for S )arfarin/lucona6ole+selecti(e for S )arfarin

    'eduction in a(aila/ility of Vitamin 9:;road s&ectrum antibiotics

    Ases of ?arfarino e&arin and )arfarin are both used to treat both arterial and #enous thrombi

    o e&arin is used for the rst ?1@ days* )ith a !I day o#erla& )ith )arfarin* )hich

    may be continued for u& to G months.o Warfarin is also used to &re#ent blood clots in &atients )ith chronic atrial brillation

    Therapeutic &oal )ith ?arfarin

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    o #rolon$ the #T timeabo#e normal

    o 1.21.I fold increase if tissue factor +thrombo&lastin is used

    o 1.I@!.I if you use human tissue factor in -7

    This can be achie#ed in about1 )eek but remember that the

    onset is slo)*

    Limitations of ?arfarin %d(erse eect:

    "erious and &ossibly fatal bleeding occurs in brain* &ericardium* stomach and



    Warfarin is contraindicated 1cate$ory

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    Throm/olytic Dru$sLyse thrombi by cataly6ing the formation of serine&rotease +plasmin from its &recursor 6ymogen+plasmino$en0

    Throm/olytic Dru$s end in aseJ 18inase orplase0

    #lasmin de$rades cross lin8ed /rin

    Thrombolytic thera&y is directed to)ards the con(ersion of plasmino$en to

    plasmin* )hich degrades brin and lyses thrombi.

    %irculating antiplasmins&reclude the &ossibility of using &lasmin itself forthrombolytic thera&y

    Plasma does not contain inhibitors of uro8inase+human kidney &rotease or the

    com&le0 formed bet)een &lasminogen and strepto8inase+stre&tococcal en6yme

    These acti(ators con(ert plasmino$en to plasmin inside the throm/us*

    )here &lasmin is &rotected from the inhibitory e>ects of circulating anti&lasminso %cti(ate local to /ypass the systemic antiplasmin

    Preferential con#ersion of brinbound &lasminogen to &lasmin also occurs )ith

    tissue plasmino$en acti(ator 1t2#%0

    tPA is more eEcacious than stre&tokinase or anistre&lase for thrombolytic thera&y

    in myocardial infarction* but it carries a higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

    Strepto8inase onen6ymatic &rotein &roduced by grou& % betahemolytic stre&tococci

    /acilitates thrombolysis through formation of acti#ator com&le0 )ith &lasminogen

    results in formation of &lasmin Plasmin degrades brin* brinogen* and &rocoagulant factors V and V---

    %spirin plus strepto8inase may /e as eecti(e as t2#%

    Hypersensiti(ityto stre&tokinase may occur

    Aro8inaseo Parenteral thrombolytic agent +from human cultured kidney cells

    o -ndicated for lysis of &ulmonary emboli* lysis of coronary artery thrombi associated

    )ith e#ol#ing transmural myocardial infarctiono y&ersensiti#ity reactions occur less fre8uently than )ith stre&tokinase

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    'ecom/inant Throm/olytic %$ents%lteplase: biosynthetic recombinant form of human tissue &lasminogen acti#ator +tPA

    %onsiderably more e0&ensi#e than stre&tokinase Alte&lase is not associated )ith hypersensiti(ity reactions


    7ecombinant &lasminogen acti#ator Lon$er half2life than alteplase

    Tenecteplase, T@92t2#% $odied human tPA %om&ared to Alte&lase* it has a &rolonged halflife* increased s&ecicity for

    brin and increased resistance to &lasminogen acti#ator inhibitor1

    Ases of Throm/olytic %$ents Thrombolytic drugs )ere only used for deeein thrombosis and serious

    &ulmonary embolism Today they are used for the treatment of acute &eri&heral arterial thrombosis

    +including myocardial infarction &atients )ho meet certain criteria and emboli*

    and for unclogging catheters and shunts -n 1HHG* a&&ro#ed for treatment of acute ischemic stroke 7ule out intracranial bleeding 1CT scan0 "e&tember 2@@1* a&&ro#ed for the restoration of function to central #enous access

    de#ices Throm/olytic therapy should /e follo)ed )ith anticoa$ulant therapy )ith

    heparin 1rapid onset0 and then )arfarin 1orally eecti(e0 /or myocardial infarction* as&irin may be an ad5u#ant thera&y because of its anti

    &latelet e>ect.

    Contraindications to Throm/olytic Therapies "urgery )ithin 1@ days "erious ,.-. bleeding )ithin ! months istory of hy&ertension 1diastolic pressure K !!B mm H$0 Acti#e bleeding or hemorrhagic disorder Pre#ious cerebro#ascular accident or acti#e intracranial &rocess Aortic dissection Acute &ericarditis

    L$W Lo) $olecular Weight e&arinand /onda&arinu0

    ot )arfarin because it )ill take toolong.

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    Dru$s Ased in leedin$ DisordersVitamin 9:

    /at soluble #itamin from green leafy #egetables

    Produced by bacteria coloni6ing human intestine3 needs bile salts for absor&tion

    7e8uired for $amma car/o+ylation of $lutamine residesin &rothrombin and/actors V--* -9* and 9

    Treats )arfarin e0cess and #itamin F deciency Pre#ents hemorrhagic disease of Vitamin F deciency in ne)borns

    #lasma Fractions. Clottin$ FactorsDeciencies in plasma coa$ulation factors can cause /leedin$ 1hemophilia0

    o %oncentrated &lasma fractions treat these deciencies

    o Threat of %IDS and (iral hepatitisdiscourages use of &lasma fractions in

    treatment of &atients )ith hemo&hilia

    'ecom/inant factors are preferred:o Antihemo&hilic factor +A/* /actor V---3 commercially &re&ared to secrete

    factor V---

    Fi/rinolytic Inhi/itors:%minocaproic %cid treats:

    o "ystemic or urinary hy&erbrinolysis +a&lastic anemia* abru&tion &lacentae*

    he&atic cirrhosiso ;leeding associated )ith neo&lastic disease +carcinoma of &rostate* lung*

    stomach* or cer#i0o ;leeding follo)ing cardiac surgery

    Summary:9no) the pharmacolo$y and uses of:

    !* #latelet inhi/itors "* %nticoa$ulants

    Recognize that heparins require antithrombin III or their mechanism o action.

    "* Dru$s for /leedin$ disorders

  • 7/23/2019 Treatment of Hemostasis Disorders


    7ecombinant /actor B to treat emo&hilia

    3* Throm/olytic dru$s