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Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards: Being a God

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards, Being a God

Apr 10, 2016



Davide MrBlonde

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards, Being a God
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Treantmonk's Guide to

Wizards: Being a God

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  Merriam-Webster: God: controlling a particular aspect or part of reality

Introduction: Yeah, before you tell me, I know, there are already Wizard threads out there for referencing. These are the primary 2 for the 3.5 rules:

Logicninja's guide to Wizards: Being Batman (By Logicninja)

If you didn't get it from the title - Logicninja's thread is the inspiration for this one. I agree with Logicninja on a lot of things and disagree on a lot of other things. The intention of this thread is for players to get different perspectives and opinions on the class from two different optimizers who play a lot of wizards. Wizards are great in that they give a lot of choice. My choices aren't always right for everyone - but they will likely be right for some.

I also really like Logicninja's style. I've emulated it to some degree here. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all.

The Wizard's Handbook (by Dictum Mortuum)

For those who don't know this - Dictum Mortuum is probably the busiest fellow on the OP boards. I've lost track of how many Handbooks he's maintaining (including the "Making Handbooks" handbook - no kidding). His handbooks present lots of options - and try to keep out personal opinion. Very useful for reference. However - Dictum Mortuum keeps it very broad and open - which is great - but different then you will get on this thread.

The Conjurer's Handbook by Echodork

This is a very specialized look at conjuration. Echodork said this - which has served as a starting point for defining roles in a party (I wanted to give credit):

QuoteBenign Transposition: Two willing subjects switch places. Like, the big, stupid Fighter and the handsome Conjurer who finds himself grappled. No somatic component. Unconscious creatures are always considered “willing targets,” even if they wouldn’t be willing if they knew what they were signing up for.These are the CO boards - and the Wizard is generally accepted as one of the top 5 in power levels. I've read through both Logicninja's and Dictum Mortuum's threads (which offer different perspectives already) and think there's more perspective that can be given those looking for more options for the class. I wouldn't waste my time writing a long thread like this one if I didn't think I had something different to add to the conversation.

Options are good. That's the one (and only) point I'll make on this entire

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thread that I will claim is indisputable. The rest is all based on perspective and opinion and can all be questioned and debated. Feel free to disagree with me - you won't be alone. Long as you understand that you are wrong    (just kidding). So without further ado - let’s get into it.

A little side note about style Be prepared for me presenting a black-and-white D&D world. These are opinions - and I'm presenting them strongly, intentionally. Really no point in presenting what is essentially an opinion paper and being wishy-washy.

What do you mean God?

We've all heard that the standard party in D&D revolves around 4 iconic roles. For those who have spent the last 25+ years of their life NOT playing D&D those roles are: Meleer, Healbot, Arcane caster and Skillmonkey. The rest of us knew that already.

In other words - if you go back to Basic D&D there were 4 human classes. Thief (now we call them rogues to be politically correct), Magic User (now we call them Wizards since it sounds less boring), Clerics and Fighters.

However, rules have changed and party roles have changed. A party with the 4 iconic roles should do just fine - but I would define the roles differently.

Out of combat you have 4 roles:

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Social ("The Fop"): This guy thinks he's the leader. Whatever - he does the talking well everyone else lets him.

Sneak ("The Corpse"): This guy sneaks ahead to scout the enemy's lair and finds and disarms traps for the group. Why do I call him the "Corpse"? - reread what he does again.

Healbot ("The Gimp"): Anyone who spends his character's resources for healing is clearly the party Gimp. That said - you want a party gimp. Preferably - not you. (though it can be done with Arcane Disciple)

Utility Caster ("Everything Else"): The party transporter, the party Diviner. One way or another - this is the casters' role - in other words - this is you.

That's it - everyone else is just taking up space. You should have all those bases covered - but let’s face it - D&D is primarily about combat. No matter which of the above your character is good at, if he can't contribute in a fight - your character is a liability to your party.

In combat there are also 4 roles - these are the roles that get filled:The Big Stupid Fighter: This role involves two things: Doing HP damage to BBEG, forcing BBEG to attack you with his viscous weaponry. The Big Stupid Fighter is not always a fighter (though stereotypically he is). He may be a Barbarian, a Summoned Critter, or a Druid. In order to qualify as a Big Stupid Fighter he should be any character that actively tries to be the target of enemy attacks. For those who wonder why I would label this character as "stupid" regardless of their INT score - reread the previous sentence.

The Glass Cannon: This role involves one thing: Doing HP damage to BBEG. The Glass Cannon is like the Big Stupid Fighter except he does not want to take damage. Usually this is not due to superior intelligence - but instead due to inferior HP or AC (or in most cases - both). The Glass Cannon is often a Rogue (Or Rouge for our 13 year old readers), a Gish, an Archer, or a Blaster (the inferior wizard).

God: When reality would entail the above two meeting a rather messy end - someone will need to make some adjustments to said reality in order for the above two to instead meet glorious victory. What other label could such a force be labelled as than "God"? Well - how about "Primary Caster" One label or another - this guy needs to make Reality his Witch (replace the "W" in your head.) in order to do his job effectively.

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The Waste of Space: This is the character of the player who thought a Bard/Monk/Sorcerer multiclass was an excellent idea - or who thought healing was a good "combat" role. This character just doesn't fill any of the above roles well enough to be anything but a liability to the group. You probably have had one in your group. Heck, you probably have one in your current group. Don't sweat it - as long as it isn't you.

* Why isn't the Healer useful in combat? Good question. There are two ways you can live your "pretend" life - reactively or proactively. God will alter reality to prevent damage, a healer will try to do "damage control" (pun intended) after the damage has been taken. Simple truth: The mechanics of the game make preventing damage more efficient then healing damage after the fact. That's not to say a well placed "Heal" or even "CLW" never has use in combat - but if you're doing your job - it should never be required as a primary role.

How Wizard's fill the 8 roles:As a wizard, you can technically fill any 4 of the non-combat roles, as well as any 4 of the combat roles. You just can't fill ALL those roles Despite what you may have read elsewhere - a wizard has limited memorizations and castings per day - no matter the size of his spell book.

In other words - it's not the SIZE of the spell book that counts - it's how you use it. Though let’s face facts - the SIZE is still pretty important...

The Fop: Charm person, Suggestion - you can fill this role if you are willing to, I mean "invest" the spells to do it. Personally - I would let anyone else willing to fill this role do so.

The Corpse: Invisibility, Summon Dead Celestial Monkey (SM I), Fly (move silently), Divination (for scouting) - yeah you can do this too - but honestly - this is a last resort - let anyone else fill this role first if it would involve any risk to your person. After all - look at the NAME! Also - if you find yourself spending a lot of spells to fill this role, and chose not to play a Beguiler - you may not be an idiot, but let’s face it - you aren't brilliant either.

The Healbot: The only way you can fill this role is with Arcane Disciple (healing). If you do get delegated this position - I can say with authority - "ASSUME THE POSITION". Save your crying for after the others are asleep. At least make sure the wands of CLW are bought with party funds or you can change "GIMP" to "CHUMP"

The Utility Caster: Occasionally the Cleric can fill this role - but usually it will be you. Conjuration, Divination and Transmutation spells will usually be the ones required. Your speciality will be "Party Taxi" - but all the other stuff gets filled in here too.

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The Big Stupid Fighter:

You can never PERSONALLY be the Big Stupid Fighter - but you can summon one. If your party lacks the BSF and you want to know how to fill the niche with your Wizard - you should scroll down until you get to my sig and click on "Mastering the Malconvoker" and I will guide you through the build of this wizard.

The Glass Cannon:

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The Gish build and the Blaster both fill this role in very different ways. Personally - I'm not big on playing Glass Cannons - and will let others explain how to make a most excellent GISH build. It's amazing how many people on these boards drool over Gishes. "Oh please - can I use godlike power to become one of the pathetic grunts who get all dirty and bloody and risk death every battle?" The popularity is puzzling to me. Yeah - Gishes make great Glass Cannons - but I just don't see the appeal in NOT being God...

The Waste of Space:

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Yeah - it happens. Give your wizard too many roles and he will run out of spells and be a waste of space before you can say "I suck". Multiclass your wizard and expect to fill this role until you get a few levels of your "Hybrid" PrC. Or skip the Hybrid PrC altogether and just suck forever. As in the above illustration - Drow wizard's really rock - well, at least they suck them.


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This is the role this thread is based upon. Three kinds of wizards alter reality so that the Glass Cannon and the Big Stupid Fighter think they are better than they are. Those three wizards are Battlefield Controllers, Buffers, and Debuffers. Your best bet is to do a bit of all of them - but you can make wizards exclusive to each role as well without sucking.

Three Ways to Play God:Battlefield Control:

In order to be an effective battlefield controller - you should consider your primary goal to line up your enemies flanked by your Glass Cannon and Big Stupid Fighter one at a time and backwards, all while standing on their heads. This will make the BSF and

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the GC win the combat with little damage to themselves - and they will feel like "they" won. That's the point - you're God after all, let the mortals have their victory.


In order to be an effective Debuffer - you should consider your primary goal to have your BBEG standing in front of your GC and BSF dazed, stunned, nauseated, STR = 1, Dex = 1, Level = 1, and Blind for good measure. This will make the BSF and the GC win the combat with little damage to themselves - and they will feel like "they" won. That's the point - you're God after all, let the mortals have their victory.

(Note to readers: Debuffing can more literally be termed as reducing attributes or levels of opponents - I extend the term to be anything that impairs or damages the abilities of the enemy - which is why I include things like "blinding" to be a debuff)


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In order to be effective at buffing - you turn your Big Stupid Fighter into a Colossal, Stupid Fighter on crack, and your Glass Cannon into an Adamantium Chain Gun. This will make the BSF and the GC win the combat with little damage to themselves - and they will feel like "they" won. That's the point - you're God after all, let the mortals have their victory.

Which is better? It depends. They all rock - but Debuffing tends to be better against a single BBEG, while Battlefield Control tends to work better against multiple foes with my experience. Buffing is more of a tertiary role forGOD.

Which should you concentrate on? Depends on your stats - which is what we'll get into next.

What STATS does GOD have anyways?

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Unfortunately - no matter how close to God you become - your DM is closer. The point-buy, Random Roll and Elite Array are the most common methods of attribute determination:

Any way you slice it - here's the simple rules I follow when making my God. Highest stat goes to INT - no exception. My CON is always at least 14. Whatever else I can afford goes into DEX. This is before Racial modifiers.

Random Roll: Put your highest roll into INT. Dex and Con should have your second and third highest roll, and the other stats get the dump. If your 3rd highest stat is at least 14, put your second highest stat into DEX, otherwise, your second highest stat should go to CON.

Elite Array: This one sucks. Best you can do is put the 15 into INT, the 14 into CON and the 13 into DEX. Might as well put the 12 into CHA, the 10 into WIS and the 8 into STR. Stupid elite array...

Point Buy (15): Ouch - Put 8 points into INT (15), 6 points into CON (14), and one point into DEX (9) and dump the rest.

Point Buy (22): Put 16 points into INT (18), 6 points into CON (14) and you're done. This one fits wizard to a "T"

Point Buy (28): Put 16 points into INT (18), 6 points into Con (14), and 6 points into DEX (14).

Point Buy (32): Put 16 points into INT (18), 6 points into Con (14), and 10 points into DEX (16).

You will notice that DEX is the most fluid stat. This will determine how much your character will rely on Ranged Touch spells. If you end up dumping DEX you will want to avoid these spells (don't worry - there are lots of solid spells that don't require to hit rolls) - if you mananaged to maintain at least 14 points of DEX, they can be quite good and should find a spot on your spell memorization slots.

The "To Hit" rolls are common for Debuffing spells - so if your DEX sucks, you are more of a Battlefield Controller/Buffer - that's OK, these are still solid options. Directly Debuffing is nice for a power trip though.

Easy enough?

What Race is GOD?Your Best Choices are:

Human: Not your best choice, but always a decent choice, and human is ALWAYS listed first. The human benefits from a bonus feat (which is huge) and bonus skill points. There are no attribute or size modifiers - which makes the Human work best

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with low point buys (15 or 22) or Random Rolls that force you to dump DEX. The Human will work on other ways to maximize defence than AC and work on other ways to play GOD than "to hit" roll spells.

Strongheart Halfling: Gets the Bonus Feat (Still huge), a stat penalty to a dump stat, a bonus to DEX, and small size (which is good for both "TO Hit" and AC). This is pretty much just superior to a Human - but you will feel a little cheesy taking this race. If you are going the “Metamagic powered debuffing Ray spell” route – this is the race for you.

Whisper Gnome: Gets 2 stat penalties to two dump stats, gets 2 stat bonuses to two good stats. Gets Small Size (for To Hit and AC), 30 foot movement, and some other goodies too. You will feel a lot cheesy taking this race - but it is undoubtedly the best race for builds that concentrate on DEX. Also excellent for Ray casters.

Elf (Grey, Fire, and Sun - the INT elves): They all get +2 to INT without level adjustments, but they all get minuses to CON which is bad. You also give up the bonus feat - and are working with Medium size. The +2 INT is the best Stat increase you can get - but there are some heavy drawbacks to consider. This Race is for the builds that will be using Targeted spells that provide saving throws.

Halflings, Gnomes and Dwarves: These all get stat bonuses to a good stat, and stat minuses to a dump stat - but they also all have 20' movement without providing as many advantages as the above races. These aren't terrible choices - but they aren't your best choice either.

Other Races: Keep in mind that anything with an INT penalty or a Level Adjustment is bad (especially the latter). Nothing is as good as the Races above, but if you avoid INT penalties and Level Adjustments you can still be half decent.

What Alternate Class Features would GOD take?Domain Wizard (UA Variant): If your DM is stupid enough to allow this - always take it. The best is either the Conjuration or Transmutation domains (big surprise) that contain almost without exception solid spells. Domain wizard basically will give you the benefit of specialization (1 extra casting per level of spell) without the drawback (no lost schools), oh yeah - you also cast your Domain spells at +1 level and you get to add them to your spell book for free. You are not limited in the number of times you can memorize your domain spells. So basically it is in every way superior to a generalist, and in most ways superior to a specialist. Your DM won't allow this unless he's a moron. If you don't take it when it's allowed - then you're the moron.

Specialist: Get one extra casting per level of spell and give up one or two schools that are full of lousy spells you didn't want to memorize anyways. This is an easy choice. Specialize in Conjuration or Transmutation to be the most effective GOD.

Focused Specialist: I like this option - you get to play GOD for longer than other wizards - and playing GOD is what it is all about. It does however further limit your

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range (so you can't fill as many of the non-combat roles - yawn.) Find a school to which you want to memorize lots of spells. I'll make it easy - they rhyme with Ronjuration or Ransmutation. When you are focusing your memorizations - you will want to think about this when picking feats - which I will touch on later.

Here's my thread on Focused Specialists and why I like them so much.

Immediate Magic: Mostly, they suck. However, familiars can also be a mixed blessing. Here's how GOD chooses. If GOD is a Conjurer - he takes this (Conjuration Immediate Magic is great - like conjuration wasn't good enough already). If GOD is a Transmuter - he skips this.

UA Variants:Fighter Feats: To me, giving up Scribe Scroll for Improved Initiative is a good deal.Conjurer variants: Enhanced Summoning is Scribe Scroll for Augment Summoning. For a conjurer - who will do at least a little summoning - this is a good choice. Rapid Summoning - this would be good except you already took Abrupt Jaunt. Rapid Summoning is more for the dedicated summoner anyways - that's not you.Transmuter variants: Spell Versatility - this is good - especially for focused specialists. Transmutable Memory - This is phenomenal cosmic power right here. However, the price is very high. Consider carefully.

Spontaneous Divination: I always want to take this - but there's always something else I want to do with my level 5 bonus feat - and by level 10 I'm PrC'ing. It looks darned good though.

Granted Domain Power: This is one of those things I often end up doing with my level 5 feat. Why settle for a bonus feat when you can do so many other things. Some domains grant class skills (which can be good for PrC requirements), some domains grant bonuses to certain spells or spell types (Inquisition, Evil, Good etc), and hey - some grant bonus feats - but not restricted to just metamagic.

Other Stuff: Nothing else grabs me as overly important for GOD.

GOD created stinky FEAT:  ("Stop Treantmonk!!! - our ribs are breaking from the laughter")

Your Options:

Flaws: If your DM allows you to take a flaw, take one. If he allows you to take 5, take 5. These are always worth it – and naive DM’s still think they are “well-balanced”.

The Metamagic focused Route: Take Arcane Thesis on at least one spell you plan to cast a lot and take a bunch of metamagic feats to apply to it. (For example - Arcane Thesis (Enervation), Split Ray, Twin Spell, Empower Spell, Maximize spell pretty much effectively debuffs anything). This route is practically made for Incantatrix's and Ultimate Magi. Does pigeonhole you a lot though - and is feat intensive.

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The School focused Route: I like this option better, and therefore it is the option you should take. Take feats that apply to your specialized school, and maybe one or two metamagic feats to go with Metamagic School Focus. This option works especially well with Focused Specialists.

The "I want my familiar to be GOD too" route: It's amazing how many feats you can take that make your familiar better. Take them all and your familiar will be better than you. The question is whether it's because your familiar is so great, or because you aren't. Dictum Mortuum loves familiars - check out his Familiar Handbook thread for more information (no kidding - I told you he has a handbook for everything)

The "I think Metamagic is better than it actually is" Route: This is an all too common route where the character ends up with a ton of metamagic it can't afford to apply to its spells. Mostly this is just a waste of a ton of feats. The thing to realize is that although Metamagic can be good - it also adds levels to your spell - and even mid level wizards will be casting primarily low level spells. Metamagic is good if you have a trick to make it cheaper - otherwise it's strictly an "OK" option.

The "I wish I could be a lower level than the rest of the party" route: This is also an all too common route based on craft skills. Hint: crafting charged items (Wands, Staves, Scrolls and Potions) is the best way to lose XP without a lasting benefit.

Here's my suggestions for the Routes I would actually consider taking:

The Metamagic Focused Route: (Or - the slightly inferior but not terrible route)

Arcane Thesis: The basis for this strategy. Apply it to spells that benefit greatly from metamagic and that you plan to cast ALOT. Ray spells are a good choice. If going this route - you should take this multiple times - on different level spells. You probably can't afford to take it more than 2-3 times though - or you won't have enough feats left for the metamagic.

Split Ray: Basically a twin spell for half the cost but applicable only to Rays. Rays tend to be the best Debuff spells - so this is a good way to go.

Empower Spell: Proven over and over to be a mechanically better choice than Maximize most of the time. +2 levels for +50% to random results.

Maximize Spell: Although considered inferior to Empower - when you're piling on the metamagic - it is a good secondary choice after empower.

Twin Spell: When all the above are added to a Ray, and then you twin - well - that's a lot of Debuff.

Heighten Spell: An unfortunate necessity since Globes of Invulnerability can be of great distress for this build

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The School Focused Route: (Or - I don't just want to be GOD - I want to be an AWSOME GOD route)

The Focused Specialist Conjurer:

Cloudy Conjuration: The first feat you should take. With the "Adjacent to caster" option you can place it between you and your enemy for full concealment until your next turn. It can also be used as minor battlefield control, and a small debuff. Is activated for free every time you cast a conjuration spell (even a cantrip)

Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus: Lots of Conjuration spells do not offer saves, but many of the best spells of the school do. +2 DC is nothing to sneeze at - it makes a tangible difference to the chance of the enemy to succeed on that saving throw. The cost of 2 feats for that +2 may be high though. +1 with Spell Focus is almost a no-brainer though. It will help you qualify for Archmage, Master Specialist as well.

Sculpt Spell: Turn your 10' square Grease spell into 4 10' squares, or a 20' spread - or a 40' Cone - for +1 level metamagic.

Metamagic School Focus: Use Sculpt Spell for free on 3 spells per day. Grease, Cloud of Bewilderment, and any of the Fog spells are good choices.

Acidic Splatter: Not a bad choice for a conjurer since they have so many acid spells. Not hugely effective - but something to use when you run out of spells. Of more use at low levels - consider retraining later on.

Summon Elemental: Not a bad utility feat. This thing is way to wimpy to be of significant use to you in combat - but can be used to spring traps, do some minor scouting (like find out what's on the other side of the wall), set fire to things if you are a pyromaniac, put out fires if someone else is a pyromaniac. Not a bad feat selection at all.

Improved Initiative: Lay down your Battlefield Control before the enemy goes, prevent being flat-footed when the enemy goes. This is just a good option - no matter what the naysayers say.

The Focused Specialist Transmuter:

Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus: Good for the same reasons it's good for Conjurer's. Maybe even more so.

Toughening Transmutation: This is very good at low levels - at higher levels you need another form of DR to "stack" this with. Preferably a X/- DR. Otherwise the x/magic will render it pretty useless.

Extend Spell: Lots of transmutation spells have long durations, and it's especially sweet to make long lasting spells last especially long with this Metamagic Feat. Note

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that Extend Spell makes the Rope Trick - trick useful a great deal earlier.

Metamagic School Focus: Pick three transmutation spells on your list and extend them for free. How about 3 hr/level spells? (Rope Trick, Greater Magic Weapon and Overland Flight come to mind immediately)

Improved Initiative: Good for the same reason it's good for the Conjurer. Maybe slightly less so.

Ability Enhancer: This is from Dragon magazine - so basically is added as a footnote - but adds +2 to any ability enhancements offered by Transmutation spells. Um - how about Animalistic Power?

Other Feats that GOD will enjoy:

Minor Shapeshift: Basically you add your HD in temporary HP every round as a swift action. Later on you will be using Swift Actions for other things quite often - but this is still pretty sweet. You can choose some other options - but nothing as good as the HP.

Alacritous Cogitation: Basically spontaneous casting on one spell slot. When you consider the spells that you can potentially have in your spell book - this puts Sorcerer spontaneous casting to shame. I never have room for this feat - but someday...

Arcane Disciple: Add some non-wizard spells to your list. This isn't quite as good as it sounds since the spells are cast off of Wisdom. However - by adding the spells to your list, you also allow yourself the ability to use spell trigger items for that spell - even if your Wisdom sucks.

Knowledge Devotion: This isn't quite as good for Wizards as it is for Archivists - but the + to hit is good for Ray spells, the + to damage... - well, the + to hit is decent anyways.

Insightful Reflexes: If you ended up Dumping Dex - then your Ref Save is worse than bad. Ref is also the save most useful for avoiding HP damage (and you are squishy). This will help quite a bit in that regard.

Spell Penetration/Greater Spell Penetration: Lots of creatures have SR - and as you go up in levels - they become the norm. You just can't have enough Assay Spell Resistance spells for all of them. Spell Penetration is pretty much a must. GSP is a nice to have.

Craft Contingency Spell: No pesky “one at a time” limitation contingency. Contingency is one of those spells you feel a little bad about losing along with evocation. Just take this feat instead. Use it with 1st level spells (Hello Benign Transposition) for cheap contingencies.

There are lots of other good feats out there - but you MUST be out of choices by now anyways.

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Spells and GOD - phenomenal cosmic power:Save Or Die - Not as good as you've been told:

Yes, Save or Die is powerful - however, it is overrated. This is why:

Lots of enemies: You take down one and do little else to help your Big Stupid Fighter and Glass Cannon. You spent a high level spell doing so. Congratulations - you've been demoted from God to Glass Cannon. Ouch!

One Big Enemy: You either do nothing or everything. The Big Stupid Fighter and Glass Cannon are either in lots of trouble or are feeling useless. This is like the chess player who is addicted to using his queen - ends up losing it, and then sucks for the rest of the game. Use your lesser pieces (That's the big stupid fighter and the glass cannon - your peons) to your advantage - let them do the dirty work - your job is to make it easy for them, not to take their place. Try to take their place your spells will run out fast.

By Yourself: Now in this rare circumstance - save or dies are actually quite good. However - avoid this situation like the plague. If there is no Big Stupid Fighter, then YOU are the Big Stupid Fighter, except you aren't Big, and you're not a fighter (but you are stupid if you had any chance to avoid this ugly situation).

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizard Spells: God's Tools - Part 1: EvocationIn this thread I will break down spells school by school - which are underrated, which are overrated (All IMO - this isn't Gospel - only the Gospel according to Treantmonk)

More threads will come - detailing spells from the various schools of magic. However, there is no timeline (nor will I likely continue once 4E hits the shelves)

To the readers: If there's a spell you think I should look at - post it and I'll include it in my guide - though be pre-warned - I do not guarantee I will hold the same opinion as you.

Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like

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to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort - and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

    : This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

    : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

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  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

 : The spell is solid. I recommend it

 : This spell is highly recommended

 : YES!!!!!

Part 1: Evocation

In two separate threads I’ve clearly made the case that Evocation should be the first school you should drop when you specialize. I stand by that from an optimizers viewpoint.

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The reason for that is because Evocation is known for Blasting – and I think blasting should be secondary with arcane casters (especially wizards) since there is so much more effective stuff they can do (Buff, Debuff, Battlefield control). Not that a wizard should completely disregard all blast spells – only that they probably shouldn’t be the #1 purpose of your wizard.

The “non-blast” spells of Evocation can by-and-large be duplicated or at least reasonably substituted with a variety of spells from the conjuration and illusion schools. However – just because they can be substituted does not necessarily make them bad.

Recent focus on the Warmage (and the level of its “suckage”) also makes me consider Evocation as well. Eclectic learning is considered “THE” choice for warmages – but what could you do with advanced learning if you kept it in its original form? Surely there are some decent Evocation spells of the appropriate levels to keep the ability worthwhile as written.

However, more specifically – recently I’ve given thought to “What if I decided to specialize in Evocation”. As a believer in Practical Optimization – it is worthy of a look. One thing I hate is accepting the Status Quo without question. When it appears that I’ve contributed to that status quo – it is doubly worth a double –check

So with no further ado – these are:Evocation Spells that warrant closer inspection:

Level 1:

Dawnburst (CM)(Warmage suggested!): (Double Threat Debuff + Blast  ) It does a bit of damage to undead and light sensitive creatures (not too bad for a 1st level spell – 1d6 + 1/level), and provides torchlight – but the real selling feature of this spell is it reveals invisible creatures for the duration (1 round/level). Glitterdust is a way better spell – but this gives you a no-save reveal invisible spell that will only fill a 1st level slot which makes it viable at higher levels.

Persistant Blade (SC): (Double threat: Blast + BC  ) the damage isn’t impressive – but this spell can be used to flank an opponent. Kind of similar to a summon spell since it can be used to flank – except that the blade cannot be damaged (which has the positive that it won’t be destroyed but the negative that it doesn’t provoke attacks from the enemy). Seems like it could be a really nice BC to pair with a party rogue.

Bloodwind (SpC): (Buff  ) Turn an ally's natural attacks into ranged weapons as a swift action - this is a 1 round buff - however - this could still be a decent spell to cast at high levels (and through a rod of lesser extend). Swift action buffs are useful. At low levels - I can't see it being worth a cast though.

Magic Missile (PHB): (Blast    ) Simple spell - we all know it well (“I cast magic missile at the darkness”). It’s not overly impressive for damage – but it always hits,

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ignores incorporeal, does not provide energy resistance, and scales up to caster level 9 making it a decent spell for a blast spell.

Tenser’s Floating Disk (PHB): (Utility    ) A rare Evocation utility spell. Overall it’s not too impressive, but if you are creative it can have its uses. I remember a wizard who had a fly spell used Tenser’s to piggy back the party archer over water on a “ship at sea” adventure. Otherwise – it is a long duration “packhorse” spell.

Kelgore’s Fire Bolt (PHB II): (Blast    ) 1d6 per level damage is pretty good for a first level spell. The “partial damage through SR” feature is pretty lame.

Bigby’s Tripping Hand (PHB II): (BC    ) Creates a chance to trip one opponent if they fail their Reflex Save. Grease trumps this spell in every way except for range.

Level 2:

Seeking Ray (PHB II): (Double Threat: Blast + Buff  ) OK – let me get this straight. A 3rd level caster casts seeking ray and: 1) He ignores firing into melee penalties 2) He ignores Concealment and cover (except total) 3) he does 4d6 electricity damage 5) He gets +4 to hit with all Rays for 1 round/CL. Opponent gets no save. Wow. Up to 6th level this spell completely trumps scorching ray – it doesn’t scale with level as well however.

Bigby’s Warding Hand (PHB II): (BC  ) Slow an opponent to ½ movement for 1 round/level. This spell has a few really nice features: 1) No save – instead they they do a str check difficulty 12+your key ability modifier. 2) You can change targets during the spell with a move action.

Frost Breath (SpC): (Double Threat: Blast + Debuff  ) Opponents caught in the 30 foot cone that take damage and fail their Ref save are Dazed for a round (Daze is one of the good ones). The damage is lousy (1d4 for every 2 caster levels) - but it just needs to be enough to do 1 hp of damage for the daze effect. Remember you have to get close to work cones - but this spell would work well with Sculpt spell.

Gust of Wind (PHB): (BC  ) This spell doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. It is situational – but against small (and tiny) opponents it rocks. Against medium opponents it’s pretty decent as well (especially flying ones). Opponents who can’t move forward are basically out of the action while they watch helplessly as their allies are slaughtered. This spell begs for Extend Spell.

Ray of Ice (SC): (Triple threat: Blast+BC+Debuff  ) A triple threat spell that targets Ref. If the save is made you do the humble damage – nothing great, but if they fail you immobolize them and give a -2 attack penalty. The opponent is stuck until they free themselves by damaging the ice or making a DC 18 Str check. Nice triple threat here.

Slapping Hand (SC): (Buff  ) Basically, unless the target makes a DC 20

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concentration check, it provokes an immediate attack of opportunity from those who threaten it. It’s like a poor-man’s mass snake’s swiftness. It’s better in the fact that it does stack with Haste, it is worse in the fact it uses an attack of opportunity from your allies and does not provoke ranged attacks, and can be negated with the concentration check. This spell is made for those encounters where your party is surrounding the opponent who is a non-caster. DC 20 concentration is hard to make untrained even with a good Con score.

Scorching Ray (PHB): (Blast  ) People LOVE this spell – so much that I’ve seen people suggest that Evocation should not be banned because of this spell. If you love Scorching Ray, I suggest you take a look at Seeking Ray – it’s just better up to level 6. However – at level 11 this spell is doing 12d6 damage with no save. However – it’s not quite as good as it sounds – since Energy Resistance will apply 3 times to that (Hey – don’t worry – who has energy resistance to Fire anyways?) My overall impression is that this spell is good – but overrated.

Shatter (PHB): (Debuff or utility  ) Blow up your opponents weapon – or their armor, or their spell component pouch, or their Divine Focus. A very useful spell despite the humbling fact that Warlocks can get it with infinite use at level 1.

Battering Ram (SC): (Double Threat: Blast + BC  ) the damage blows, but the Bull’s Rush effect is pretty decent since it gives you a +10 check off the bat (which is pretty good at low levels). This spell doesn’t scale – so in the long run you are better off with Bigby’s Striking Fist, but at low levels – except for range, this spell is just better. I’m not a huge fan of bull rush – but combined with a wall of fire for example – it has its uses. Against Medium or smaller creatures – a gust of wind spell is likely better.

Force Ladder (SC): (Utility  ) This is a rare evocation utility spell. You create a ladder of force that lasts 1 min/level and can be up to 60 feet long. Follows the same line of utility as levitate or spiderclimb except it is less versatile but can be used by multiple party members. Overall – circumstantially good.

Bigby’s Striking Fist (PHB II): (Double Threat: Blast + BC  ) Battering Ram and this spell are very similar (Light damage + Bull rush attempt) – this spell has better range (medium) and scales with level. That said – before 10th level Battering Ram is probably your better choice. Afterwards this spell is.

Electric Loop (SC): (Double threat: Blast + Debuff    ) The damage is less than impressive, but all creatures hit must make a Ref save for half, those that fail make a will save or be stunned for 1 round. Unfortunately, the secondary ability targets a stronger save.

Luminous Swarm (CM): (Double Threat: Blast + Debuff    ) This spell obscures an enemies vision giving a 20% miss chance for the duration - and some damage that is poor enough it is barely worth mentioning. I can't help but think that there are spells that blind at this level - but the 20% miss chance does not provide a saving throw - so

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the spell gets a "not bad" rating.

Fireburst (SpC): (Blast    ) Does 1d8 damage (max 5d8) in a burst centered on you. I tend not to be big on spells that eminate from you (you should avoid being surrounded by enemies - and should you find yourself in that position - your energies should be at getting out of that position - not blasting unless you believe you can take down all those creatures around you.)

Level 3:

Great Thunderclap (SpC): (Double threat BC + Debuff  ) This is the kind of spell that made blast spells less than impressive. Make a Will, Fort and Ref save - the Fort isn't such a big deal (deaf for a minute), but both the will (Stun for a round), and the Ref (Fall prone) have a nice effect. Again - a prime candidate for sculpting.

Manyjaws (SpC): (Blast  ) A pretty cool blast spell. 1d6 damage per/level of force damage (ref save for half) basically split however you want between your enemies and repeating for 3 rounds (concentration). This spell begs for extending, and also begs for sonorous hum. This spell is just better than Fireball if you don't have a large quantity of foes huddled close together.

Blacklight (SC): (BC  ) The Evoker’s answer to Fog spells. Blacklight is actually better than Fog Cloud since your opponents can’t even see 5’ through it – but you can. You can also have it move with you (or cast it on a crossbow bolt and fire it for stupendous range). Casting it on the enemy is another option that I find less fantastic due to the Saving throw and the SR applied. You want to play God? This spell does the job perfectly.

Ray of the Python (PHB II): (Debuff  ) An evokers Slow. In most ways it’s not as good (Requires a to hit roll, opponent can move + attack), in other ways it’s actually better (No save on the first round, targets Reflex). Overall – I like it quite a bit.

Flashburst (SpC): (Debuff  ) Blinds creatures in the effect for 2d8 rounds (which is not as good as Glitterdust - a 2nd level spell) but Flasburst has a larger area, effects those not within the effect, has long range, and can dazzle those who make their save. I would think this might be dangerous for your allies since it will be pretty impossible to have them not require the save as well which is a serious drawback. Basically a spell to cast in a pre-prepared tactical environment.

Wind Wall (PHB): (Buff  ) Complete arrow immunity for 1 round/level. Unfortunately your own archers are similarly screwed. It is situational – but in the right situation – indispensible.

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Ghost Lantern (CM)(Warmage suggested): (Buff  ) Creates a light spell that only you and your allies can see. Basically it’s Mass Darkvision except level 3. Unfortunately – the duration is significantly worse (10 min/level) so not ideal for long dungeon crawls like the aforementioned.

Capricious Zephyr (SC): (BC  ) Certainly puts the boots to Battering Ram of the previous level. This spell gets a bull rush every round for 1 round/level (here’s the gravy) knocks the opponent prone if they fail a Ref save. This spell has an Achilles heel though. The Bull rush is a less than impressive +6 that does not scale with level.

Prismatic Mist (PHB II): (Random – either Debuff or crappy blast  ) The area of this spell is impressive (30’ radius) – and if you tend to roll high on d8’s can be effective. Basically 1’s, 2’s and 3’s are pretty much useless (nearly insignificant damage) – but 4’s and above are all good varied effects. This really is only good if cast on a group of creatures – thus messing up formation and tactics of the enemy.

Glowing Orb (SC): (Utility  ) Yet another light spell – except this one is permanent. The Glowing Orb can also shed light up to 60 feet maximum. As a sorcerer or warmage you should never take this spell – but as a page in the spellbook – not a bad choice for a wizard. Definitely superior to the everburning torch.

Sonorous Hum (SC): (Self Buff  ) Maintains concentration on a spell for you – even allows you to cast other spells. It’s almost like the Spirit Shaman’s spirit guide in a spell. The drawback is the short duration (1 min/level) and it’s a standard action to cast, which means this spell is good – but not quite as good as some might have you believe.

Sound Lance (SpC): (Blast    ) Does sonic damage to a single target. Fort save for half. Manyjaws is a far more versitile blast (and has duration) as a 3rd level spell IMO - so I would recommend memorizing that instead if you want a blast spell memorized. This was advertised to me as "The evoker's counterspell" - but I don't really see why it is any better than any other sonic or force blast in this function.

Fireball (PHB): (Blast    ) Oh how fireball has fallen from the mighty heights of 1E and 2E. However – it is not as Sucktastic as some would have you believe. 1d6/level is OK damage – but the key here is the 20’ radius spread which means you can do 1d6/level damage to a large number of foes. Unfortunately they save for half, and it does fire damage which is a common resistance. It’s not terrible – but not great either.

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Shatterfloor (SC): (Double Threat: Blast + BC    ) 1d4/level sonic damage in a 15’ radius spread and makes the floor difficult terrain. It’s situational – but occasionally useful – and the damage is OK for a double threat spell (and sonic which is a bonus).

Bigby’s Disrupting Hand (PHB II): (Debuff    ) This spell is problematic. The big problem is that the target is effectively getting a saving throw using their Concentration skill modifier – which is likely going to beat the heck out of any and all saving throw modifiers they have. The math just doesn’t work out for this one.

Level 4:

Ice Storm (PHB): (Double threat: Blast + BC  ) Most double threat spells are poor in one area or the other – this one is pretty good for both. The damage is 5d6 with no save (but applied as split Bludgeoning/Cold which means you could have the damage sucked up with DR/Resistances), and it ½’s movement, and remains for a round that discourages movement into the area. Yet another evocation spell that would do will with an extend effect.

Crushing grip (PHB II): (Double Threat Debuff + BC  ) : This spell is pretty cool. It is basically a standard action spell and a full round casting spell in one. Slow your opponents move and give it -2 to basically everything with NO SAVE immediately – then have a chance to Paralyze at the beginning of your next turn. With a 3 round duration – this spell seems hungry for extend spell metamagic.

Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere (PHB): (BC  ) An excellent all round spell. Two main uses of this spell are: 1) Save or lose against opponent – removing him from the action while you slaughter his pals. 2) Protect from death – cast around yourself or an ally who is near death for protection. Very handy spell to have in reserve.

Defenestrating Sphere (SC): (Double threat: Blast + BC  ) The Bigger,meaner brother of Capricious Zephyr – following the various list of evocation spells that knock enemies around and prone. Fort is not the best save for this spell to target – and it offers 2 saves against the total effect – however, the total effect is pretty impressive (thrown 1d6x10 feet and knocked prone + take 3d6 damage). As a single effect – it is not up to snuff for a 4th level spell – but as a 1 round/level effect – this is a combat-long spell effect making it an excellent spell.

Floating Disk, Greater (SC): (Utility/Buff  ) The Evoker’s answer to Overland Flight. Floating Disk lasts 1 hr/level and can be used for 20’ (perfect)

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flight. Unlike Overland you can pass it between characters as needed (though it must stay within 15’ of the caster) – but offers a slower speed. Overall, I would suggest Overland Flight is probably the better spell (and given a high enough caster level – Phantom steed trumps them both) – but this spell does have some versatility advantages – and remains a decent alternative for an evocation specialist.

Wall of Ice (PHB): (BC  ) A lesser wall of stone. Wall of Ice is one of the first solid barriers you can put up to separate foes, block escapes, or encase yourself for protection (not as good as Otiluke’s for that – but works in a pinch). Avoid placing one adjacent to enemies – if you can’t avoid this – the spell is probably not worth casting.

Sword of deception (SpC): (Double threat: Blast + Debuff    ) When I read these spells I try to convert the mechanics in my head to how it would work in gameplay. Currently I'm playing a 9th level wizard in one of my campaigns, and an 11th in another. In neither case can I think of a combat where this sword would hit even reasonably often since it uses your CL as it's BAB with no bonuses (You can get some CL bonuses - but nothing that is going to come near a decent stat bonus). Most spells like this either give a stock Str bonus or let you use your casting stat as a bonus. Otherwise, this spell would've been pretty good.

Wall of Fire (PHB): (Blast    ) I just can't get too excited by this spell. It does pretty lousy damage to things near it (fire damage), and slightly less lousy damage to things that pass through it. If Undead pass through it the damage is all the way up to average. The "no-save" portion of the spell is attractive, as is the fact that it will stay in place for Concentration +1 round/level - but in the end the damage just isn't all that great - and fire damage is the worst (most common resistance in the game) Clever uses might have merit (use a Capricious Zephyr to bull rush opponents back and forth through the wall maybe).

Shout (PHB): (Blast    ) Crappy damage blast spell (though sonic damage is a plus). Basically it is an inferior spell except for the one bonus – no somantic component. This means you can cast it if you are held or grappled etc. Frankly – in those cases you are probably better to have a dimension door at the ready IMO though.

Forcewave (SC): (BC    ) Yet another “knock opponents back” spell. This one is special in that it is a swift action. It is similar to battering ram but effects all within 10’ of you. Extremely situational (and a situation you should avoid) – but the swift action casting is a real selling feature.

Wingbind (SC): (Debuff    ) This is basically a save or lose for fliers that

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targets Ref. Naturally – I can’t help but think of dragons who like to fly overhead and blast you with breath weapons at high speed. However – as a 4th level spell – this isn’t cheap – and remains very situational.

Channelled Pyroburst (PHB II): (Blast    ) Although I’m not a big blast fan, I do like the versatility of the “Channelled” spells. Can be cast as a swift, standard, full round, or 2 round spell – doing varying degrees of damage and area depending on time devoted. Overall, I like Orb spells better though.Level 5:

Wall of Force (PHB): (BC  ) Limited duration impervious wall. Personally – I prefer a wall of stone – but unlike the wall of stone – the wall of force can’t be busted through (and allows vision through). If you can find a spell that grants a gaze attack (I thought of eyebite – but it doesn’t officially seem to be gaze) this spell could be the ***   .

Channelled Sonic Blast (CM): (Blast  ) This one is quite a bit better than Pyroburst (level 4). Firstly, it does Sonic damage, secondly – the AoE are a bit better, and finally, this spell really pays you off if you go the distance (2 rounds of casting) as the area becomes a 60’ radius burst (HUGE) and possibly deafens those within. Finally, this spell targets Fort – and lets face it, Mettle is rarer than evasion.

Bigby’s Interposing Hand (PHB): (BC  ) Give yourself a nice cover bonus vs one opponent as well as slow their movement towards you no saving throw. I love how much detail this spell gives regarding destroying the hand. If you can get your opponent to waste his attacks on your spell effect – then it’s done its job. Frankly – I think Solid Fog is probably more effective overall.

Sending (PHB): (Utility  ) Send a 25 word message basically anywhere and get an equivalent response. Sounds more like a divination than an evocation to me – but here it is. For a FS this spell will definitely be a versatility tool.

Fire Shield, Mass (SC)(Warmage suggestion): (Buff  ) Mass resistance to Cold or Fire as well as the other rebuking effects of Fire Shield. Although I’m not a huge fan of fire shield – the ability to Mass it (to ALL allies in close range) as a 5th level spell seems like a bargain to me.

Sonic Shield (PHB II): (Triple threat: Buff + BC + Blast    ) Ooohhh- triple threat – but not as good as it sounds. It is a self buff for +4 deflection that lasts only 1 round/level. Creatures that hit you with a melee strike take a minimal amount of sonic damage and make a Fort save or are knocked back 5 feet. The knocking back 5 feet could actually be fairly useful to maintain mobility and casting without provoking attacks of opportunity – but shame on you for getting in that position. Moreso it’s the duration that irks me most. Basically, unless you get to prepare for a combat, this spell would steal your first casting which is a heavy price.

Cone of Cold (PHB): (Blast    ) Untastic and nonpressive – the Cone of Cold does

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the standard 1d6 damage/level. Cold damage is a common resistance by this level as well. However – look at a 60’ cone in the back of your DMG – that’s a lot of squares. Not a great spell – but for LOTS of lesser foes it could be very handy.

Cyclonic Blast (SC): (BC    ) Yet another “knock the opponent back” evocation spell. (Wow –there are alot of these!) This one has a +12 on the check (does not scale) – and treats flying creatures as one size class smaller. Overall, this one seems less impressive for its level to me. By the time I can cast this – I will be almost as well off with a mere Bigby’s striking fist.

Greater Fireburst (SpC): (Blast :    ): Has the drawbacks of the lower level Fireburst (2nd level) - it's a blast centered on you (not good), does fire damage (we are getting to levels in which fire damage becomes bad), and does damage but doesn't get you out of the situation of being surrounded by enemies and not allies. The damage is pretty good - but straight damage as a single instantaneous effect doesn't impress.

Level 6:

Howling Chain (SC): (Triple Threat: Blast + BC + Debuff   - TREANTMONK'S FAVORITE EVOCATION SPELL ) 15’ reach chain that will last through the battle – tripping opponents on every round (+15 on the opposed Str check!) then hitting them and leaving them shaken – plus it can make attacks of opportunity. Cast it 15’ in front of you for a defensive/offensive chain of awesome. Pay the 500 gp for the Arcane Focus and put this in your spellbook right now. Seriously - this is my favorite evocation spell - period.

Contingency (PHB): (Utility  ) One of the best emergency spells in the game. However – the Craft Contingency feat duplicates it pretty well. Nevertheless – this one is XP free. I like having an Otiluke’s resilient sphere appearing around me if my HP fall below a certain threshold. However – the uses of this spell are only limited by your imagination.

Bigby’s Forceful Hand (PHB): (BC  ) Yet another “Bull Rush the opponent away from you spell”. The shining spots here are: 1) It lasts 1 round/level, 2) When not bull-rushing – it’s a Bigby’s interposing hand – which isn’t bad in itself.

Thunder Field (PHB II): (Double threat: BC + Blast  ) The Blast portion is pretty small (1d8) but may screw casters because the damage is taken on their turn. Ref save or fall prone every round for the duration of the spell. Basically – your opponents will need to save on round 1 or crawl out. That’s pretty good battlefield control. I think Freezing Fog is a little better since it has similar effects plus a Solid Fog effect, but Thunder Field is doing sonic damage on the opponents turn, and has a fall prone effect every round which freezing fog doesn’t so there are some advantages to this spell. Overall – pretty good (though slightly humbling that Bard’s get this spell as a 4th level spell).

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Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere (PHB): (Double Threat: Blast + BC    ) Extremely situational – but if you have it when you are fighting on water – this can be a great spell. This spell has the ability to be held for up to 1 round/level and can be discharged during that time as a standard action. That sounds like something that could be optimized – but I can’t really think how. (Other than holding one as a battle begins in case you get silenced/grappled etc.)

Storm of fire and ice (CM): (Double threat: Blast + BC    ) Other than a potential (and I do mean potential – It could quite easily do less damage) increase in damage – this spell is the same as the 5th level Ice Storm – and therefore – you would be better memorizing that one than this one. The extra level is definitely not paying off here.

Ray of Light (SC): (Debuff    ) Ray spell that blinds the enemy for 1d4 rounds as a level 6 spell. The bonus here is the lack of a save – the downside is that blinding spells are available by level 2 (glitterdust) that can affect multiple foes with no to hit roll, for a longer duration. No save is good – but this spell should have been 4th level max.

Lingering flames (CM): (Blast    ) This spell lost me at "This spell functions like fireball except the area remains filled with fire for the duration of the spell". Yawn. This is a level 6 spell - and we end up with a circular wall of fire with lousy duration. A combination with Solid Fog was mentioned - but the Solid Fog (which is an awsome spell of mere 4th level) is doing the real work of that combination.

Level 7:

Bigby’s Grasping Hand (PHB): (BC  ) Like the forceful hand except this one grapples. Also – the grapple modifier is high enough to grapple all but the Biggest, Baddest opponents (Its grapple check is your CL + your primary casting stat modifier, + 14). The way the spell is written it doesn’t look like it can pin – but this still is pretty useful – and strays from the normal “bull rush opponent” use of evocation BC spells. I should point out that this is the “best” Bigby’s hand spell IMO, and unfortunately the last good one.

Submerge Ship (SC): (Utility  ) The price tag of this spell is 2,500 gp – but I would suggest this should be a party-wide investment – and this is exactly the kind of thing that I envision a wizard accomplishing. Turn your ship into a magical submarine – classic.

Delayed Blast Fireball (PHB): (Blast    ) Not an impressive spell mechanically – but the roleplaying implications are fun. The Iconic scene in action movies where the hero walks away as the planned explosion carries out behind him can be recreated with this spell – to great personal satisfaction. The downside is when whatever got exploded behind you calls out “Is that all you got?” afterwards...

Forcecage (PHB): (BC    ) Near ultimate BC – this spell gets named again and again every time I dis evocation as a redeemer of the school. The spell offers no saving throw and basically offers a “get out of combat free” card against any creature that

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fits in the windowless cell – or a “Prepare for arrow death” against anything that can be held in the barred cage (preferably without firing anything back). Every time this gets mentioned I look up the spell and am sold until I see a 1500 gp price tag on every casting of this spell. 1500! I didn’t accidentally add a zero or anything! This falls into the eternal optimization trap that so many spells fall into (Like Maze) – it’s awesome in theory – but that price tag DOES add up in actual game play – and any spell with costs that involve 4 digits is simply not practical long term.

Prismatic Eye (SC): (Blast or Debuff    ) So – for a level 7 spell you can cast a prismatic spray and affect your enemy with one random prismatic color – or summon a prismatic eye that will hit them with all 7 (eventually). There is no AoE – but this is still pretty solid. I like spells that keep pestering the enemy long after you cast them – and this is such a spell. The +6 to hit isn’t very good – but with touch attacks – it is probably enough for most enemies. Whoops - a set DC of 19 is horrible. At this level (we assume you are at level 13) nobody is failing a 19 saving throw. Now the "4" result will still cause 1d6 Con damage even on a successful save - but overall - expect this spell to do little else.

Level 8:

Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere (PHB): (Utility or BC    ) This spell looks so cool on paper but is very circumstantial. If you need transport through a hostile environment – this spell can do that for you. Encasing your opponent in this spell just doesn’t have all that much going for it that Otiliuke’s resilient sphere doesn’t – and is a much higher level. I can see circumstances where I would love this spell – but they are not circumstances that are likely to come up in the average gaming session.

Bigby’s Clenched Fist (PHB): (Triple Threat: BC + Blast + Debuff    ) This variation on Bigby’s Interposing hand instead strikes the foe for moderate damage every round. The foe then saves vs stun or is stunned for 1 round. This ability is not even as good as Bigby’s Grasping Hand yet puzzlingly is a higher level spell.

Greater Shout (PHB): (Double Threat: Blast + Debuff    ) Take the one advantage of shout (verbal as the only component) and remove it and you have greater shout. Wow – what are those “S”, and “F” doing in the components line? OK – this spell is absolutely crap-tivating me. Add the “Save or be stunned one round” just doesn’t impress much with 8 level spells. Heck – power word: Stun is an 8th level spell – provides no saving throw, has a multiple round duration, and is only a verbal component.

Level 9:

Instant Refuge (SC): (Utility  ) First off – getting access to teleportation through evocation is good in its own right. Second off – this spell is permanent. Third off – it can stack with contingency. Fourth off – it is more flexible in conditions than contingency. Downsides – first off – this is a 9th level spell that teleports you (and not your allies) – second off – there is an xp and gp cost to do it. Overall a good spell to

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have casted on yourself.

Detonate (PHB II): This double threat spell (Save or die, Blast  ) isn’t actually mechanically impressive for a 9th level spell – but the visual is cool enough that I could imagine giving one memorization slot to it. I mean - you make the subject explode!

Bigby’s Crushing Hand (PHB): (Double threat: Blast + BC    ) A very slightly improved version of Bigby’s Grasping Hand. Certainly not worth 2 extra levels. Level 9 spells are supposed to be more impressive than this.

Reality Maelstrom (SpC): (BC    ) Those in the primary area save or get sent to another plane. Since by this level greater planeshift is not going to be uncommon - I would call that a little short of save or die. Those in the secondary area get 2 saves to avoid the effect. Has an impressive visual (the picture in SpC is cool) - but the mechanics shouldn't be providing the save in the primary area. This is a 9th level spell afterall. My standards are high at this point - as these spells are in the same category as Shapechange, Timestop, Wish and Gate.

Final conclusions –Praise for evocation: Evocation contains several strong spells in the BC field as well as some nice Multiple Threat spells. The image as a “Blasting spells only” school is clearly a myth. Although there isn’t a lot of utility within the school – a few spells stand out as winners in the utility field (Force Ladder, Greater floating disk, Contingency, Sending).

Weaknesses of the school: I found very few spells of levels 8 or 9 I thought were worth the level, I also found a lot of redundancy (how many “push the opponent away” spells does a mage need at the ready?).

Evocation Specialists: Should be very playable. I would focus on BC’s – you will be pushing your opponents all over while your Big Stupid Fighter and Glass Cannon finish them off. You will be able to substitute Evocation for Conjuration for many BC type spells – Blacklight instead of Fog for example. Overall – I think you get a few more options with Conjuration – but the evoker should still remain quite viable.

Focused Specialists: My test for whether a school should be considered for FS is this: Can you think of 3 memorizations that you would want in that school for every level of spell? My answer as far as Evocation goes – yes up to 7th level spells. Therefore – I would consider an Evocation FS for a campaign up to level 14 – beyond that – you might find the Evocation School overly restrictive.

Treantmonk's Guide to Abjuration: God's Tools

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Treantmonk’s rant about defensive spells: After completing evaluation of spell after spell that is a defensive self buff with a standard action casting time and 1 round/level duration I feel I need to vent a bit - so here it is:

I’ve got nothing against a good defence – honestly. However – generally speaking – I think the first round of combat for a wizard should involve laying the smack down.

This should be done with a heavy summoning, battlefield control, or buff/debuff. In most party’s the wizard is at the back of the action – this is no mistake. You’ve got lousy HP and are squishy as hell.

Yes – you can get that AC and defensive walls up to incredible heights – but if you’re spending even the first two rounds on that – the rest of the party should kill you for taking a share of the treasure when you are a complete waste of skin. (The sad thing is, I don't believe I'm overstating here)

If the Big Stupid Fighter lets you down and you find yourself looking at the kneecaps of the BBEG – then of course defensive action should be taken – otherwise – I’ve got a real problem with casting spells on yourself at the beginning of combat “Just in case”. This will be reflected in some of my evaluations.

That said, defensive spells that effect the whole party at the beginning of combat (like a mass energy resistance: Acid when you see the black dragon) are a Buff – which is just good tactics.

Basics of Abjuration: Abjuration is a very specialized school. For God, you are mostly looking at Buff/Debuff though there is a bit of Battlefield Control in there as well.

The point of looking at each school individually is to find some gems in each school. Overall - I ended up a little dissapointed with Abjuration, which, although is not

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completely absent of rocking spells, is definitely light on them.

Completing the Evocation Guide turned into a pleasant surprise as I found spell after spell that were excellent - and that ended up being a strong motivator to complete the guide.

This time I found abjuration ended up pretty much where I expected. A few spells you don't want to be without - and a lot of repetition. This is part of the reason it took so long to complete this guide. It ended up more of a chore and less of a pleasure.

To the readers: If there's a spell you think I should look at - post it and I'll include it in my guide - though be pre-warned - I do not guarantee I will hold the same opinion as you.

Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Lose/Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort -

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and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

   : This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

: The spell is solid. I recommend it

: This spell is highly recommended

: YES!!!!!

1st level spells

Protection From X (PHB): (Buff):  +2 deflection AC (this is the good one – adds to touch AC), and +2 resistance bonus on saves against spells/attacks of creatures of creatures of the alignment specified by the spell. At low levels this is quite good – mid to high levels – these bonuses are already provided through Rings of Protection and Cloak of Resistance. However – this spell also prevents contact by summoned creatures (only creatures of one alignment are immune to the effect) and totally gimps any enchantment by enemies irregardless of alignment. This makes this an excellent buff at any level (and a killer wand).

Karmic Aura (CM): (Debuff):  Swift action spell that makes opponents that attack you make a will save or be fatigued for 3 rounds. It only lasts 1 round/level. One selling feature is it affects creatures to attack you with ranged attacks or spells as well. At higher levels this becomes a strong use of a swift action.

Shield (PHB): (Self Buff):  Grants you a +4 shield bonus to AC. Mage armor is better in most respects except that this spell is far more stackable with other AC granting effects. (And of course Mage Armor and this spell stack with each other)

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Alarm (PHB): (Utility):   Alerts you of any unauthorized creatures entering a given space. The alarm can be either silent or audible (generally audible is so your companions can also be alerted). The duration is good – but this spell is generally inferior for campsite protection then a Rope Trick. However – there are other utility uses for this spell.

Hold Portal (PHB): (Utility):   Hold a door shut for 1 min/level. This spell is far from infallible – but has moderate use defensively or to cover retreat.

Nightshield (SpC): (Self Buff):    Minor resistance bonus to saves and immunity to magic missile for short duration. Overall this is worse than Protection from X by quite a bit.

2nd level spells

Arcane Turmoil (CM): (Debuff):    Works as a targeted dispel magic and it also removes a prepared spell from the target. This spell is second level – making it superior to using an actual targeted dispel under most circumstances.

Resist Energy (PHB): (Buff):    Various energy protections are a dime a dozen, but this one is very low level and provides 10 resistance vs a particular energy. This resistance increases with CL (up to 30 and 11th level). Overall – one of the better energy protection spells.

Protection From Arrows (PHB): (Buff):   Grants damage reduction 10/magic vs arrows until it has prevented 10xCL of damage. The “magic” designation is very limiting – though at low levels it can be very good in certain situations.

Earth Lock (SpC): (BC):   Constricts a small section of natural tunnel preventing enemies from passing through it. The duration is permanent which is nice, but the effect is so-so. If you lack other battlefield controls though – this one is situationally useful.

Arcane Lock (PHB): (Utility):   Locks any door or latch. It also makes the latch harder to break (+10 to DC to do so) however, dispel magic or knock also opens the door. Purely utility.

Obscure Object (PHB): (Utility):   Protects an object from being discovered through divination effects. This spell has an 8 hour duration which limits its very situational effect.

Dissonant Chant (SpC): (Debuff):    Causes creatures in the effect radius to have difficulty on concentration rolls and require concentration rolls to cast spells. The problem is that the difficulty of the concentration check should be relatively easy for most spellcasters. Possibly worthwhile if you can target multiple casters in the effect.

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Scintillating Scales (SpC): (Buff):    Turn your natural armor bonus into a deflection armor bonus. This would seem most useful if you have natural armor bonuses through multiple sources – making them stackable. Very situational (Deflection bonuses are not that rare) – the duration isn’t all that impressive either.

Distracting Ray (SpC): (Debuff):   Basically a really crappy counterspell. The spell requires the caster being targeted to make a single really easy concentration check to cast the spell. Furthermore – this spell requires being used as a counterspell (ready your action – hope the enemy makes a casting action). It’s like Dissonant chant except it restricts your actions, only works on one target (once) and requires a to hit roll. It also requires you to surrender your pride and self respect.

3rd level spells

Dispel Magic (PHB): (Debuff):    To those regular to CO, this is obviously THE staple of abjuration. Uses include debuffing the DMM Cleric, or casting it over an area to remove a hoard of summoned creatures or remove buffs from multiple opponents. You can also use Dispel Magic to counterspell – of course – you should never counterspell – so that’s kind of useless (If you must counterspell – ready a good hard blast spell instead). There are many ways to improve your dispel roll – so this can become quite the focus for your character – don’t forget that this spell is reactive though. (Being proactive tends to be better in most situations)

Anticipate Teleportation (SpC): (Battlefield Control):    OK, this is just a very nice spell. Enemy teleporters basically are screwed – extra bonus if the enemy attempts teleportation-style battlefield controls (Like benign transposition). The 500gp focus is well worth the cost. With a 24 hour duration – I would be casting this consistently by 10th level.

Magic Circle against X (PHB): (Buff or debuff):   My favourite use of this spell is using it as a prop for my Planar Binding spells (excuse me while I wipe drool from the corner of my mouth). In combination with Planar Binding and with spellcraft “Fortification” is the only use of “focusing inwards” I can really imagine. Otherwise, this is a nice buff spell. It grants the bonuses of Protection from X with a radius spread. Note that the deflection bonus will not stack with rings of protection, so don’t count on the AC bonus being a big advantage.

Karmic Backlash (CM): (Debuff):   As Karmic Aura except now you are exhausting the attacker. Again - it is the swift action casting time that makes this spell attractive.

Disobedience (CS): (Buff):   For 1 hr/level the subject is immune to mental control including charm/compulsion effects. The real candy here IMO is that the caster attempting the mind control has to make a will save or believe their mind control attempt was successful, and the subject of the spell is aware of any commands given. With a little bluff, this could really mess up the enemy.

Tenacious Dispelling (CM): (Debuff):   Very similar to dispel magic, but the first

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time you cast it must be targeted. The second time you cast (if before the end of your next turn) it can be targeted or area, with a +2 on the check. There are other ways to get dispel bonuses, and the loss of versatility here (as well as pigeonholing future actions) makes this spell lesser to dispel magic.

Explosive Runes (PHB): (Blast):    6d6 blast damage, possible Ref save for half. I’ve seen time and time again the reference to the strategy of casting this spell many times and then triggering it next to an enemy by casting a dispel magic and intentionally failing the roll. Personally, I don’t know of any rules allowing you to purposely botch a dispel magic roll (and normally dispel on your own spells always succeeds without a roll) – so if there is a rule that allows this – let me know – either way, I would expect DM’s will not allow this strategy due to the stink of it (and shame on you to those players that try it). Otherwise, as for the intended use of the spell – it probably won’t come up when you need to injure your enemies – so I’m not so big on it.

Earthen Grace (SpC): (Buff):    Make damage from earth or stone nonlethal. Note that after the creature takes it’s HP in nonlethal damage the spell ends (and further damage is lethal) so this spell will NOT allow you to fall ridiculous heights and survive. In actuality, this spell is highly situational (and 1 min/level duration means you need to cast reactively) – probably a better scroll than something to actually have in your spell selection.

Repelling Shield (CM): (Double threat: Buff+BC):   Once again, a spell that is only good if you are attacked (melee attack by adjacent foe no less). In which case, there is a moderately decent BC of moving your opponent if they fail a Ref save. Lets be clear here – avoid all situations where you could be in melee like the plague. Spells like this should not give you false confidence. Leave being a Big Stupid Fighter to those who are Big, Stupid and Fighters.

4th level spells

Dimensional Anchor (PHB): (Debuff):   A ranged touch attack that makes teleportation and etherealness, either by spell or spell-like ability, not work. SR works, but otherwise there is no saving throw. It is situational, but against an opponent you know is capable of such actions (like a demon or devil for example), this can be an excellent debuff.

Wall of X (SpC): (Battlefield Control):   A pretty good battlefield control. It prohibits summoned creature of described alignment (note that this restriction is more specific than protection spells) and requires will saves of any creature of the prescribed alignment to pass through. The size is good as is the duration. One nice feature above other battlefield controls is that your party members should be unaffected (or they have some explaining to do!). There is a 25gp material component – which is pretty cheap, but I’m always loathe to pay.

Dispelling Screen (SpC): (Multiple Threat – Debuff/BC):    This spell is kind of

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interesting. You can create a wall or sphere (or hemisphere) that does a targeted dispel on any creature or object that goes through it. Even more interesting is that it does not allow any spell effects through it – period (“Spell effects not operating on objects or creatures cannot pass through the screen). Of course this restriction affects the caster too – but it gives this spell definite possibilities. Casting a hemisphere around the party fighter for example – will have him immune to targeted magic from outside the sphere – if he isn’t moving alot – this could be quite useful.

Resist Energy, Mass (SpC): (Buff):    Basically a chained Resist Energy spell. The duration could use a boost to 1hr/level which it does not receive however. Situational – but worth keeping in reserve as a mass buff.

Globe of Inv., Lesser (PHB): (Debuff):   Protects area against spells of 3rd level or less. Same reaction/duration problem. However – this spell screams for contingency. This spell can also seriously cramp the style of those who rely on quicken spell – or massive metamagic scorching ray casters and their ilk.

Resistance, Greater (SpC): (Buff):   Provides +3 resistance to saves. Unlike Resistance, this buff is good for 24 hours. Although this spell does NOT stack with a cloak of resistance (and most characters should have at least a +1 cloak by mid levels) – the +3 may be more than the cloak around the level this spell is received – and it frees up the cloak position for other magic items. The bonus is a little low for the level of spell IMO – but not bad.

Stoneskin (PHB): (Buff):    Does this spell get love or what? Personally, I see 250gp material component cost and I’m done. 10/adamantium? Nah, I’ll just avoid getting hit and save my money.

Otiluke’s Suppressing Field (CM): (utility):   Create a 20 foot emanation around you that suppresses one subtype of magic. No, it’s not like antimagic field since the caster gets to make a CL check to bypass your field. Oh yeah, full round to cast. Way to situational – and not all that wonderful even in those situations. Pretty much useless unless you know the specifics regarding the magical capabilities of your opponent.

Fire Trap (PHB): (Blast)   like explosive runes except it has a 25gp material cost, does less damage, does fire damage (easily avoided), is a higher level, and is triggered by opening instead of reading. Faces the same drawback as explosive runes (does HP damage when you don’t need it). Unless used as part of an ambush – I don’t see a lot of use to this spell.

5th level spells

Refusal (SpC): (Battlefield Control/Utility) Very interesting spell – does not allow passage into area by spellcasters or users of Spell like abilities. The will save to defeat seems weak at first, but there is a penalty to the save equal to the level of the highest spell or SLA available to the creature. Additionally, the caster can set conditions to bypass the ward (alignment, passwords,

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etc). In the end – that makes this a very nice spell for BC. If you are going to the Abyss – take 3 of these.

Spell Theft (CS): (Double threat: Debuff/Self Buff):   Use a targeted dispel on an enemy and remove the spells from them and grant them to yourself. There is a spellcraft roll necessary for each spell. Also note that the maximum CL is +15, making it a halfway point between dispel/greater dispel.

Wall of Dispel Magic (SpC): (Debuff/Utility):   Make an invisible barrier – those that pass through are treated as if a targeted dispel had been cast on them. It has no effect on spells cast through the wall – and the wall must be straight – which makes me a much bigger fan of dispelling screen despite the visible effect.

Break Enchantment (PHB): (Utility):   Similar to Remove Curse, break enchantment can reverse magical enchantments/transmutations of spells 5th level or lower. The one minute casting time ensures that this spell is not usable in combat. Purely utility – and in that matter – I would probably never have it memorized unless I knew I needed it, though it is probably worth a spot in the spell book or a scroll.

Dismissal (PHB): (Save or lose):   Send an extraplanar creature back to its plane of origin if it fails a Will Save. Big problem here is that Extraplanar creatures often have excellent will saves. This is basically a save or die spell in disguise. Its situational, and in the right situation, it’s OK, but not fantastic.

Contingent Energy Resistance (SpC): (Buff):   I liked this spell until I read the description. Contingent Energy Resistance basically sounds perfect. Here’s the problems though – 1) duration is 1 hour/level – hardly worthy of being labelled “Contingent”, 2) The energy resistance provided is 10, and does not scale with CL. That’s a big problem.

Indomitability (SpC): (Buff):    Touch spell grants recipient the ability to survive one strike that would otherwise be deadly, merely lowering the recipients HP to 1. The duration is 1 min/level which means this is a buff that you would need to cast in combat. In most cases – I can’t see how this would save an otherwise doomed character for more than one round – and it really should be immediate. Oh yeah, it’s a touch spell too. Except in unique situations (intentionally setting off an otherwise deadly trap for example) – I can’t see much combat use in this spell.

Reciprocal Gyre (SpC): (Multiple threat – Blast/Debuff):   Cast on a creature with Spells or SLA currently affecting it – it takes d12 damage/spell effect. If a will save is made, ½ damage is taken. If the will save is missed, the target gets a Fort save or be dazed 1d6 rounds. This does not dispel the magical effects or effect persistant spells. Where do I begin – hmm, how about with this spell sucks.

6th level spells

Resistance, Superior (SpC): (Buff):   The apex of the Resistance spells. Like

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Greater Resistance, this spell is a 24 hour buff, unlike Greater Resistance, the resistance bonus is impressive (+6). This spell would be a prime candidate for Chain Spell if you can power metamagic

Antimagic Field (PHB): (Debuff):   Suppresses all magic around you for 10min/level. This of course is very bad for you – but if your party is outmatched magically – this can still be a worthwhile sacrifice for you to make. The suppression ability is quite potent – however, keep in mind that summoned creatures with SR will need you to defeat that SR to suppress them.

Dispel Magic, Greater (PHB): (Debuff):   A necessary bump up to dispel magic, that is good for the same reasons. I wouldn’t jump right to this one at level 11 necessarily though. By CL 15 or so, the old version won’t be very effective anymore.

Anticipate Teleportation, Greater (SpC): (Battlefield control):   Like its predecessor, this is a very nice spell. The question is whether increasing the delay from 1 to 3 rounds and identifying the type of arriving creature is worth 3 extra spell levels. In my view, Anticipate Teleportation does the trick – but there is definitely an argument for using this version instead at high levels.

Karmic Retribution (CM): (Debuff)    Like Karmic Aura except that creatures that attack you must make a will save or be stunned for a round. As with the other Karmic spells the Swift action casting is the selling feature. The question is whether Karmic Retribution is so much better than Karmic Backlash to deserve a 6th level spell slot. I'm not sure it does - however - it is still solid for the level.

Guards and Wards (PHB): (Utility):   A neat spell that you will always want to cast/use but many of us never will (except in “down” time). The 30 minute casting time ensures you won’t be using it in combat, but the effects are kind of neat (and make your stronghold very difficult to invade).

Ruby Ray of Reversal (SpC): (Utility):   Definitely an interesting spell. It has 5 different situational uses. It can spring traps at range, open things, create holes in walls of force, reverse polymorphs, and dispel magic jars. All the uses of this spell are situationally useful, but none come up enough for me to recommend this spell be memorized. It might be worthy of a scroll in your repoitoire though.

Repulsion (PHB): (BC):    Sigh. Standard action casting, 1 round/level duration. Sound familiar? Otherwise, this would be an awesome protection spell for a God.

Globe of Inv. (PHB): (Buff):    Call me a broken record. I hate standard action defense spells with 1 round/level durations. This is no exception. Complete immunity from spells levelled 1-4 is good – but setting up this spell is going to be a pain. Too high level to contingent - I'll pass on this.

Prismatic Aura (CM): (Buff)   Sigh...Prismatic Aura suffers from all the drawbacks

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of the typical abjuration defense spell. First off, it has standard action casting/1 round/level duration which means you lose your first round casting this spell. Secondly – it only affects combatants who attack you in melee. If you find yourself in melee – don’t cast this spell – cast dimension door and get out of melee!!! This spell is in the same book as Karmic Retribution – which is swift action casting and affects all creatures that attack you, ranged, melee or magic. This is a turkey.

7th level spells

Energy Absorption (CM): (buff/healing!):    Quite an interesting, if not odd spell. It is a hr/level buff that provides 10 energy resistance against all 5 energy types. This is a little weak on its own – but get this – you can (as an immediate action) expend the spell to absorb the energy of any energy based attack – and in addition to full immunity to any and all energy types used in the attack, the subject actually heals half of the damage the effect normally would have caused. Instantly in my head I consider the possibilities of intentional friendly fire (The fighter is getting low on HP – so you lob an area energy blast into his wake – damaging his enemies while healing him...)

Banishment (PHB): (Save or lose):   The more potent version of dismissal. Banishment allows 2 HD of creatures to be banished per CL. The big draw here is that you can boost both your spells DC and your CL check to defeat SR by presenting the target with objects or substances with which the target is opposed, hates, fears etc. Should be easy enough for banishing evil outsiders...after all you’re a mage – how many charms depicting the holy symbols of good gods can you fit on one necklace? The point is that the DC/CL boosts are stackable.

Ironguard (SpC): (Buff):    The standard problem of 1 round/level standard casting defensive spell. This is a pretty good defensive spell though. Complete immunity to metal (magical or not) is a pretty good spell effect. What Big Stupid Fighter wouldn’t love this spell when going toe to toe with an Iron Golem? (or even 90% of enemy fighters). If the Big Stupid Fighter is in actuality, a Druid, his natural attacks can also bypass metal armor (though would be made useless against Iron Golems...)

Energy Immunity (SpC): (Buff):    100% immunity to one kind of energy for 24 hours. The long duration makes this a good choice, but at least consider Energy Absorption which is the same level, and probably a better spell overall with similar effect. This is your choice if you expect repeat high power attacks with a single energy type.

Greater Dispelling Screen (SpC): (BC):    Like dispelling screen except the CL bonus on the dispel check caps at +20. Frankly, the chief ability of the dispelling screen is the prevention of spells cast through it. This is unchanged with the greater version – making me sceptical whether the 3 extra levels give appropriate payback in spell power.

Antimagic Ray (SpC): (Debuff):   Screw an enemy caster. Beware though that the

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caster can still use his spell trigger items freely (my mages at this level always have some backup), as well they get the satisfying knowledge that you spent 100gp to cast this spell. If you miss on your ranged touch – the 100gp is lost forever – as well as your spell slot. If you’re facing a God Wizard, expect him to Abrupt Jaunt out of the way and laugh at you.

Sequester (PHB): (Utility)   Turns creatures and objects invisible and undetectable (except by items that provide true seeing effects), the duration is 1 day/level. However, creatures effected are in suspended animation until the spell wears off. This makes the spell highly situational.

Ghost Trap (SpC): (Debuff):   Turn incorporeal creatures corporeal. The benefit of such a debuff doesn’t require elaboration – but I should point out that most enemies are corporeal – making this spell highly situational. The short duration requires that you cast it during combat in most cases.

Spell Turning (PHB): (Self Buff):    Turns back 1d4+6 levels of targeted spells back on their caster. The casting time is 1 standard action and the duration is 10 min/level. As such, I would think it would be pretty hard to be sure you are going to be targeted by spells (area spells and effect spells are not turned). This is a huge drawback. I’m not big on blowing 7th level spells because the BBEG in the next room “might” target me with a targeted spell.

8th level spells

Mind Blank (PHB): (Buff):    24 hour protection from divination (yawn) and any mind effecting spells or effects (BINGO!). Yes, that basically makes the entire enchantment school obsolete for 24 hours/day. Very solid buff.

Wall of Greater Dispel Magic (SpC): (utility):   Like wall of Dispel Magic except that you get the standard + to CL of Greater dispel on targeted dispel checks. Frankly – I think the Dispelling Screen spells are superior than the Wall of Dispel Magic spells due to the ability to automatically stop ranged/targeted spells going through the screen. Only the invisible effect makes this a situationally superior spell.

Dimensional Lock (PHB): (BC/Utility):   An area spell that restricts extradimensional travel. The duration is sick (1 day/level) which means you can use this to protect areas from extradimensional visitors indefinitely. Unfortunately, the spell is static – so it’s use in combat is pretty restrictive. Dimensional Anchor will serve instead.

Prismatic Wall (PHB): (Battlefield Control):    Basically a supped-up wall of force. The flat wall shape makes this spell significantly less potent than the 9th level sphere version. Make an absolutely impenetrable wall that your opponents absolutely must go around to get to you – sigh.

Protection from spells (PHB): (Buff):   Take 6th level Superior Resistance –

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increase the effect to +8, make it only good against spells, gimp the duration, give it a 500gp material cost, a 1000gp focus cost. Yes, you can use it on multiple creatures (1/4 levels) but it is still an absolutely shameful waste of an 8th level spell slot.

Spell Engine (SpC): (Utility):   Spell allows you to switch out all your prepared spells for others from your spellbook. By RAW a focused specialist can potentially switch his focused school spells for spells of non-specialist school as long as the spell is within his spellbook (interpreting the spell this way stinks to high heaven though – and Treantmonk does not suggest being cheesy). This spell sounds great doesn’t it? Look again. This spell requires a 500gp material component, and if that wasn’t enough, 250 xp. Treantmonk says that if you are worried about preparing the wrong spells – buy some scrolls for backup.

9th level spells

Maw of Chaos (SpC): (Double threat: Debuff + Blast)    ohhh – an abjuration blast spell. This one is pretty good too (even worth a 9th level slot). Cast this on the enemy group and they are in trouble. First off – they take d6/caster level damage (untyped and no limit) – and they make a save (Will) or are dazed. The next round – anyone who is still in the AoE takes the damage and makes the save again. And so on for the duration of the spell. Dazed characters cannot move – so will stay and continually take damage. Also – any enemy wanting to use a spell or spell like ability better have a decent Concentration score (not all SLA creatures do) or they won’t be able to use them. This spell lasts 1 round/level.

Absorption (SpC): (Buff)    It’s a selfish spell – but a pretty decent one. It works a lot like spell turning – but instead of turning the spell – you absorb it – and you can use those spell levels to cast one of your spells without losing the memorization slot. Also – if a spell cannot be completely absorbed – you can partially absorb it – reducing its effect (which is something spell turning doesn’t do). With a 10 min/level duration – you can often have this pre-cast when entering combat – which is a definite selling feature.

Reaving Dispel (SpC): (Double threat: Debuff + Buff)    A greater dispel magic spell that allows you to take the spells you dispelled (on a targeted dispel) and reassign them to yourself. Could be huge against say, a Cheater of Mystra (or any DMM cleric). I can’t help but immediately think that my party Cleric might have some cool DMM persisted personal spells that he could cast twice – I reave the first set, and he keeps the second. Anyone see a reason that wouldn’t work (Besides a stingy Cleric)?

Prismatic Sphere (PHB): (Battlefield Control):   The ultimate protection spell – it protects you against everything. Unfortunately – you need to leave the sphere to be doing anything yourself. This spell could be decent for emergency regrouping – or mixed with a Heward’s fortifying bedroll – even to regain spells. However, it too – unfortunately, is not going to be used in the average combat.

Imprisonment (PHB): (Save or Die):    This spell is a touch-save or die (and unlike

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most death in D&D – this guy is a lot further than a resurrection from walking and talking again). The point of this spell (since save or die that targets will as a 9th level spell BLOWS) is that the creature cannot be brought back. However, constantly resurrecting bad guys is a pretty rare problem – so this spell becomes circumstantial – which is bad for 9th level spells.

Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (PHB): (Debuff)    The ultimate Dispel. MD will totally nuke all spells and possibly magic items too (they get a will save). You can potentially save magic items in an Anti Magic Field. Frankly – MD is a bad spell to cast since D&D characters are LOOTERS and nuking all the magic items isn’t a good looting tactic. I can really only see this spell being used in emergencies. Once again it is circumstantial – which isn’t good for 9th level spells.

Magic Miasma (SpC): (Double threat: BC + Debuff)    Creates a Solid Fog (as the spell) that also gives a minus to caster level and DC’s of spells to those within. Those who leave the area get a Will save in order to get the CL back. Solid Fog is level 4 – this just doesn’t scream to me “This is 5 spell levels better than that spell”. Giving CL and DC penalties to enemy casters with no save is pretty cool – but they get the save as soon as they leave the fog (and who has freedom of movement options at this level? Um – just about everyone.)

Effulgent Epuration (SpC): (Buff)    Gives the caster or recipient (which can be changed in the middle of the spell) a bunch of spheres that block enemy casts directed at the recipient. It’s really, really good at what it does (lots of blocks – 100% chance of success) but the duration sucks and it’s purely defensive for 1 person at a time only. This means this spell is just the kind of spell you almost never should cast.

Overall Opinion: In the end I am a little underwhelmed. Unlike Evocation I could not see making an effective Focused Specialist from this school (maybe a specialist).

However, there are definitely some bright points. As much as I hate the standard action, 1 round/level defensive spell - with the Karmic spells you don't need go down that route since they are swift actions.

Everyone knows dispel magic is a great spell - but does everyone know that dispelling screen blocks all spells? Do they know you can make it a hemisphere around another character?

There are also a number of 24 hour spells. Certainly worth a spell slot for many of them.

My next guide for Gods will be Necromancy. I do not anticipate it taking as long as this handbook took me as I have some vacation time coming up in a couple weeks.

As always - point out my various mistakes and I will go back and fix them!


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So I'm about to start playing a Diviner, and I was looking for help with divination spells. You know how many guides there are strictly about divination spells?

You're reading it right now.

Sure, there are mentions here and there, but considering how many people take Diviner for the bonus spell you'd think it'd warrant more of a mention than a few spells listed here and there in more general threads. And after Treantmonk20 (who is a fabulous guide-writer) mentioned that his next three spell guides weren't going to be Divination, I said, "TK, if you don't do it, no one will. Well, not in a decent amount of time, anyway."

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Hence, this guide. It was made very quickly by going through the Mango index and reading the interesting-looking spells. (I read the short descriptions and took a peek at the better-looking ones.) If there's anything you don't see here, especially from newer books, let me know. I think the newest book this rehost had was Complete Scoundrel, so I might be missing some good ones.


As mentioned, this guide is based primarily on the MangoDex. I'm going to work on getting all the sources up, but that may take a while and it honestly isn't my first priority.Sources UsedPHB = Players' HandbookPHBII = Players' Handbook IISpC = Spell CompendiumCAr = Complete ArcaneCM = Complete MageCS = Complete ScoundrelRoD = Races of DestinyRoS = Races of StoneDrM = Dragon MagicSW = StormwrackRoF = Races of FaerunMoF = Magic of FaerunRoE = Races of EberronMoE = Magic of Eberron

More coming soon...

A Note On Spontaneous Divination

About half of the spells on this list are Sor/Wiz spells. That's because this is, like TM's guide, a guide targeted at specialist wizards. However, there are a lot of other good divination spells out there, and a good number which appear at a lower level than the Sor/Wiz version on someone else's list. Various abilities, most notably Spontaneous Divination, give you access to these; therefore, I'm listing them here as well. They'll be in separate parts of each post.

A Note On Divination Spells in General

The spells I've left off this list have one thing in common -- they're incredibly situational. This means that, while they're not candidates for spellbook inclusion or Expanded Knowledge like the rest of these are, they make great

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targets to fetch with Spontaneous Divination or even spells to put in magic items. If you're playing a Wizard that has access to that kind of tech -- and anyone that has access to Spontaneous Divination should be using it -- I'd recommend just browsing through Mango's complete list. You'll see some neat stuff on there that I'm sure will get used at some random point in time.

The Rating System

Unabashedly stolen from Treantmonk, the rating system follows.

  : This spell's a turkey; not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not bad, but not good enough for me to recommend. Can also be too specialized to see general use; most divinations fall into this category.

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special.

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it.

  : This spell is highly recommended.

   : If you don't use this spell, I'm going to come to your house and shoot your dog.

Also, a (-) next to the source indicates that a lower-level version of the spell is available on someone else's list.0th:

Sor/Wiz SpellsDetect MagicPHB: (   ) The applications are limitless. There's not much better to do with your 0th-level slots, anyway.Read MagicPHB: (   ) Not horrible. A great thing to be able to spontaneously cast.

Other ClassesBard -- Know DirectionPHB: (   ) Really situational, but one of two other 0th-level divinations in the game. Again, worth being able to do spontaneously.


Sor/Wiz SpellsArrow MindSpC: (   ) This is a great spell to use after you've run out of everything in every other level and you're pulling out the crossbow. You're

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squishy, so why not make sure that things don't go horribly wrong when you're out of spells?

Combat ReadinessDotU: (   ) +1/3 CL (min +1, max +6) insight to init and no flank bonus for enemies at 1 min/level is more than decent.

Comprehend LanguagesPHB: (  ) Situational, but it's a situation that comes up a lot.

Find Temple: (   ) Generally speaking, this spell is awful. There have been a few times, though, that I've really wished I'd had it.

Guided ShotSpC: (   ) Let me get this straight. No cover or concealment on your next ranged attack roll -- spell or not --as a swift action 1st-level spell?

IdentifyPHB: (   ) You're a diviner. Your party's going to kill you if you don't use this spell.

Instant LocksmithSpC: (   ) Rogue? We don't got to show you no Rogue! We don't need no stinking Rogue! This and a few other spells can combine to make Rogues essentially useless, and are even better on an Arcane Trickster. (Divine Oracle or Unseen Seer are also good things to add for a Rogue replacement.)

Instant SearchSpC: (   ) See above.

Locate CitySpC: (   ) Strictly inferior to Lay of the Land, but if you can't get access to that it'll work. Also very situational, but a lot more useful than Find Temple in unexplored territory.

Scholar's TouchRoD: (   ) Multiple applications of this mean you can read entire libraries. Chain Spell for even more fun. You now have an excuse for metagaming the heck outta everything.

Sniper's ShotSpC: (   / If you are an Arcane Trickster or Unseen Seer, this is unbelievably useful. If you're not, it's not.

Targeting RaySpC: (   ) I'm personally not a fan, but a lot of people are. +CL/3 insight to hit on all ranged attacks is nice, though.

True CastingCM: (  ) Sure it costs a standard action, but +10 to CL to overcome SR is nothing to sneeze at, and it stacks with Assay Spell Resistance.

True StrikePHB: (   ) The ol' standby. For when you really need something to hit.

Other Classes

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Truth Domain 1 -- Detect ThoughtsPHB: (  )This is a great spell at level 2, and even better at level 1.

Ranger 1 -- Lay of the LandSpC: (  ) You are never lost. Ever. Also tells you where all the evil towns are, plus any interesting dungeons.

Cleric 1 -- WieldskillPGtF: (  ) +5 comp to a skill and a free half-rank in that skill if it's untrained, or any one proficiency. Not as good as +10, but I'll take it.


Sor/Wiz SpellsInsidious InsightRoE: (   ) Only against one target, but +10 insight bonus to four social skills is pretty good.

Balancing LorecallSpC: (  ) I'm not gonna lie, duplicating the effects of several skills and feats as long as you have ranks in balance is pretty nifty.

Chain of EyesSpC: (   ) There are very few Div spells at this level that are this capable of getting you into secure places like this one is. Cast it on a buddy first, then have him trade it off.

Detect ThoughtsPHB, (-): (   ) "I know your horrible secret!" "What? That's impossible!" "Perhaps for YOU, puny mortal!" The trick here is the "Don't think about elephants!" method: unless someone's REALLY good, saying something like "I know your horrible secret!" will probably bring it to the target's surface thoughts.

Locate ObjectPHB: (   ) Perhaps the best way to explain how good this spell is is to say that "my f*** ing car keys" is a legal target.

Spymaster's CoinCS: (  ) The short duration once activated is the only thing stopping this from being one of the best divination spells in the game. As it is, it's darn good for second level.

Sense WeaknessMoE: (   ) Who needs metagaming when you can cast a spell? Know Vulnerabilities is almost strictly better, but it's two levels up on Sor/Wiz.

Other Classes

Drow Domain 2 -- Clairaudience/ClairvoyancePHB: (   ) As good at this level as it is at third.

Cleric 2 -- Divine InsightPHB: (  ) I can think of a lot of builds that'd want a 5+CL, max +15 insight bonus to a given skill check.

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Cleric 2 -- Find TrapsPHB: (  ) See Instant Locksmith in 1st level.

Cleric 2 -- Guidance of the AvatarHere: (   ) +20 Competence to a single skill check. If you can get a 3.0 website spell allowed, DO IT.

Ranger 2 -- Hunter's EyePHBII: (   ) CL/3 SA dice. Sexy with Unseen Seer, sexier with Sniper's Shot, sexiest with both.

Bard 2 -- Know VulnerabilitiesSpC: (   ) On the other hand, if you have access to this at the Bard level it's pretty nifty. We all know a vampire's weakness by metagaming, but now our character knows it too!

Druid 2 --Listening LorecallSpC: (   ) Blindsense. Excuse me, blindSIGHT. Why are you not using this spell?

Druid 2 -- Share HuskPHB: (  ) Because who'd suspect a cat of spying?

Cleric 2 -- StatusPHB: (   ) I'm sure you'll find a use for this.

Druid 2 -- Tojanda SightSW: (   ) 360o vision. Not bad.

Bard 2 -- TonguesPHB: (  ) Let's not kid ourselves: a lot of people go into divination for forgery. This helps a lot, assuming that you get to write the language too. Even if you don't it's still a really useful spell.

Druid 2 -- Wild InstinctsRoE: (  ) +10 insight to Listen and Spot is quite good, but the real winner here is always keeping Dex to AC. Sneak Attack? I think not!


Sor/WizAlter FortunePHBII: (   ) If I didn't hate XP components so much, I'd use this thing nonstop. A no-save, no-SR, immediate action reroll is bad enough. Pair it with Spontaneous Divination and, well....

Arcane SightPHB: (   ) Being able to see where all the magic is is pretty handy.

Battlemagic PerceptionHoB: (   ) Situational -- it'd be a lot better if it didn't require LoE, but plenty good on a battlefield or in a large city.

Clairaudience/ClairvoyancePHB, (-): (   ) This is your first location-based scry, and it'll be quite useful until you get scry location.

UnluckSpC: (   ) TsuyoshiK's Favorite Divination Spell. A third level spell. A

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THIRD LEVEL SPELL, Will save, that makes the opponent reroll everything?! This is the only directly offensive divination spell, but what a heck of a spell it is.

TonguesPHB, (-): (   ) See if you can get it from the bard list as a 2nd. It's just as useful here, though it goes down a bit for higher level slot usage.

Absorb MindBoVD, Corrupt: (   ) So you take 2d6 WIS damage every time you use this. So what? It's really good for getting info out of dead people when you can't speak with dead, and you get to eat their brain!

Path of the ExaltedBoED, Sanctified: (  ) In the immortal words of Admiral Ackbar: "IT'S A TRAP!" This spell is really rather unique and would be really good... if you could cast divinations 24 hours before using it.

Other ClassesWu Jen 3 -- Commune with Lesser SpiritCAr: (Varies) Can actually be more useful than any other commune spell... if spirits are around. Talk to your DM before the game prior to using this spell.

Cleric/Oracle Domain 3 -- DivinationPHB: (  ) Oracle is mentioned here because you can pick it up by going Divine ORacle, which is a good idea for a lot of reasons. A much-improved Augury for a 3rd-level slot is delectable.

Cleric 3 -- Know OpponentSpC: (  ) This spell is for when the DM has thrown a humanoid, disguised creature, or a homebrew monster at you. Knowing its attacks can sometimes be as valuable as knowing its defenses -- though if you want to know the latter, just cast Know Vulnerabilities and have done.

Bard 3 -- Listening CoinSpC: (  ) Would be strictly worse than Spymaster's Coin if not for the far longer duration. As is, very useful.

Bard 3 -- ScryingPHB: (   ) The spell that all other scrying spells are measured against, at a lower level thanks to Bard. Always, ALWAYS worth it, though it's a bit outclassed by its greater variant.

Bard 3 -- SpeechlinkCAd: (   ) An annoyingly short duration for this type of spell holds back an otherwise excellent choice.4th:

Sor/WizArcane EyePHB: (  ) Even with the short duration, an invisible, mobile sensor that you directly control is plenty good.

Assay Spell ResistanceSpC: (   ) YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES, YES! The use of this spell should be self-evident. Second only to Unluck.

Identify TransgressorBoVD, Drug: Okay, listen. This spell should not be evil. It

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shouldn't have the evil descriptor, and the drug and location components have nothing to do with the spell. Why are they there? Because some idiot decided that every spell in the BoVD HAD to be an evil spell. Therefore, we get a perfectly innocent spell consigned to darkness forever. Talk with your DM about getting rid of those components; if you do, it rates a (  ).

Know VulnerabilitiesSpC: (   ) At this level, just make a Knowledge check. Higher than this, I'd argue that my character's been adventuring long enough to hear about these things.

Locate CreaturePHB: (   ) Too many ways to stop it for my taste, but it has its uses. One of which is targting "MY f*** ing car keys that were animated by that f*** ing mage."

ScryingPHB, (-): (   ) Even a level later than the Bard, still a darn good spell.

Other ClassesBard 4 -- Legend LorePHB: (   ) If you're going to be casting it over and over, at least don't do it from 6th level slots.

Cleric 4 -- Greater StatusBoED: (  ) Okay, first off, make sure you're not looking at the Heroes of Battle version, 'cause that one sucks. Being able to cast spells through the status is pretty nifty, even if they do have to be lower-level.


Sor/Wiz SpellsPrying EyesPHB: (   ) One of my favorite spells solely because of the visual, it's quite effective as well.

Telepathic BondPHB: (   ) Needs moar duration, but not bad.

Other ClassesCleric/Oracle Domain 5 -- CommunePHB: (  ) Like contact other place, but without the "I'm a babbling idiot" risk. Lots of questions at a time.

Bard 5 -- Scry LocationCS: (   ) Just as useful as scrying. Make a great pair, they do.

Cleric 5 -- True SeeingPHB: (  ) Useful for ruining your DM's "a doppelganger!" plotlines, among other things.

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Sor/Wiz SpellsAnalyze DweomerPHB: (   ) Mass identify. Wooo. Not impressed.

Eye of StoneRoS: (   ) The ability to send an invisible eye through solid stone into a room that you're not even positive exists should not be underestimated.

Eyes of the OracleDrM: (  ) A weird sort of Cerelity analogue. Generally useful, and init bonuses are always cool.

Legend LorePHB, (-): (   ) I don't like this spell in general, and 6th is just too high for it.

Scry LocationPHB, (-): (  ) Still brilliant, but 6th level is pushing it.

True SeeingPHB, (-): (   ) Much less useful at 6th level.

Other ClassesCleric 6 -- Find the PathPHB: (  ) This is just a great way to generally muck with adventure plotlines.

Bard 6 -- HindsightSpC: (  ) At this level, pretty nifty. Rather situational, but you just became the city's #1 detective.

Bard 6 -- Greater ScryingPHB: (   ) Just the 100% chance of screwing with people via message is worth the slot to me. The extended duration is very good, too.

Druid 6 -- Stone TellPHB: (  ) These walls CAN talk!7th:

Sor/Wiz SpellsBrainspiderSpC: (   ) Lots of telepathic fun, and you don't even have to eat their brains!

Greater Arcane SightPHB: (   ) If you're wondering why this is rated so high, let alone on the list at all, it has something to do with the fact that all the other 7th level divinations are about as powerful as vision.

Other ClassesWu Jen 7 -- Commune with Greater SpiritCAr: (Varies) Not a bad little spell... as long as there are lots of spirits in your campaign. Talk with your DM pre-game if you're going to use this one.

Time Domain 7 -- Moment of PresciencePHB: (   ) A level early? Yes, please.

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Sor/Wiz SpellsDiscern LocationPHB: (   ) A good start to a one-two combo with another divination spell. "My f*** ing car keys" is still a legal target, although if Olidammara has really decided to screw you today you still won't find them.

Moment of PresciencePHB: (   ) +CL insight to any one of a variety of rolls makes TK happy.

Greater Prying EyesPHB: (  ) Now your flying eyeballs have true seeing.

Other ClassesTime Domain 8 -- ForesightPHB: (   ) It's a level early. Sort of worth it now if you're not a Divine Oracle 10.9th:

Sor/Wiz SpellsForesightPHB, (-): (   ) Time gets you it a level lower, and honestly, many of the benefits can be found elsewhere. If you're not a Divine Oracle and you can't get this at 8th, though, take it.

HindsightSpC, (-): (  ) Oh, come on. You're telling me you can't think of better things to do with a 9th-level slot than THIS? Works really well as a 6th-level, though.

Other ClassesDestiny Domain 9 -- Choose DestinyRoD: (   ) FLAWLESS VICTORY. Seriously, though, a reroll on EVERYTHING is pretty darn good. If you're an Incantatrix, this ain't a bad one to persist.Treantmonk's Guide to Wizard Spells: God's Tools - Part 4: NecromancyIn this thread I will break down necromancy spells spell by spell - which are underrated, which are overrated (All IMO - this isn't Gospel - only the Gospel according to Treantmonk)

More threads will come - detailing spells from the various schools of magic. However, there is no timeline (nor will I likely continue once 4E hits the shelves)

To the readers: If there's a spell you think I should look at - post it and I'll include it in my guide - though be pre-warned - I do not guarantee I will hold the same opinion as

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Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort - and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

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After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

  : This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it

  : This spell is highly recommended

   : YES!!!!!

Part 4: Necromancy

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Necromancy is a school I usually drop with a specialist wizard, and my suggestion has always been that necromancy is a good choice to drop, and it is also a good choice for specialization depending on the style of wizard you are playing.

Necromancy is best known for debuffs, usually delivered through touch or rays, and either have no save or target Fort. After going through the spells, this generalization isn't bad when it comes to accuracy. Necromancy is not limited to these things, but most spells do seem to fall in those categories.

I've always figured if you decide to make a debuffer who focuses on Rays you should go with a necromancer, pick up split ray, and go to town. Certainly that strategy isn't a bad one, though I was able to find a few gems that worked in different ways than the

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standard Ray debuff. Certainly the non-necromancer who keeps the necromancy school has some options.

So with no further ado – these are:Necromancy Spells you should consider for your wizard, and those you should pretend don't exist:

Level 1:

Ray of Enfeeblement (PHB): (Debuff):    No save debuff that provides a Str penalty of 1d6 +1 (per 2 levels) up to 1d6+5. The ranged touch can be challenging at low levels, but this spell levels beautifully, so you still want to be using it at mid level.

Cause Fear (PHB): (Debuff):      Have opponent frightened for 1d4 rounds if they fail a will save or shaken for a round if they do. Doesn’t level well (up to 5 HD max) but a decent effect at low levels.

Backbiter (SpC): (Double threat: Blast/Debuff):   Have next attack of BBEG hit himself for full damage. 2 problems with this spell are: 1) Will save negates, 2) Duration is 1 round/level but the spell is discharged after 1 attack. Still, this spell is worthwhile to target a target with poor will save and huge attack or AC.

Death’s Call (CM): (Double threat: Blast/Debuff):   Spell bursts 10 feet around caster doing 1 point of damage/level (max 5) and fatiguing those who fail a Fort save. The 10 foot range is a problem (have to get close), the spell has enhanced effect for swarms. Personally, if I’ve got enemies or swarms in melee with me – fatiguing is not enough, however, at least the fatigue has no duration – which is good at 1st level.

Spirit Worm (SpC): (Debuff):    This spell does up to 5 points of Con damage (1 damage per round per level up to 5), but the limitations are pretty severe. First, it is a touch spell, secondly, it allows a Fort save every round – the spell ends if any of those saves are successful. So in order to do 5 Con damage – the creature requires 5 missed Fort saves in a row. It won’t happen, you’ll be very lucky to get 2.

Reaving Aura (CM): (Blast):    Swift action spell that does 1 point of damage to creatures between -1 and -8 HP, and kills those at -9. Way to circumstantial for me though.

Chill Touch (PHB): (Double threat Blast/Debuff):   Touch spell that does mediocre damage and potentially one point of str loss. Even the one use per level doesn’t save this spell.

Level 2

False Life (PHB): (Self Buff):   A 1 hr/level self buff that provides temporary HP equal to 1d10 + 1/CL (max +10). This a a good deal that will remain a good deal for many levels.

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Ray of Weakness (SpC): (Debuff):   Ray that gives untyped -2 penalty to attacks at speed is reduced by 10 feet with no save. Solid debuff. Note that this spell does not state a minimum speed, which means if you cast it on something that has a speed of 10 or less (perhaps reduced by other means) then they do not move at all.

Stolen Breath (SpC): (Debuff):   Sickens an enemy with no save for 1 minute. They can use a full round action removing the condition. Very solid debuff, and superior to Ray of Sickness in pretty much every way.

Scare (PHB): (Debuff):    The next level of Cause Fear. Scare can effect multiple foes up to 6HD. This is a considerable powerup from Cause Fear making this a strong spell. It will level decently for a few levels then trail off due to the HD maximum.

Curse of Impending Blades (SpC): (Debuff):    Target takes -2 to AC, which isn’t that impressive – however, the draw of this spell is that there is no to hit roll, no save, long duration, and medium range. To be used on the super tough BBEG.

Escalating Enfeeblement (CM): (Debuff):    acts as Ray of Enfeeblement, except if cast at someone who is fatigued, exhausted, or already suffering a penalty, damage or drain to a physical ability – in which case it does 1d10+1/CL (max +5). Necromancers have many ways to fatigue/exhaust/drain abilities – however – the wording of this spell suggests to me that it would stack with other ability penalties to Str, at least RAI. However, by RAW it won’t. I like regular Ray of Enfeeblement for the level better I think.

Spectral Hand (PHB): (Utility):   Spectral Hand will deliver touch spells at range for an entire combat (even long ones), but not multiples. The ability to deliver touch spells at range is very good, but this spell will take you out of the combat for the first round (unless you have preparation time) which is a significant drawback. This spell will deliver spells of up to 4th level only, reducing the viability of quickened Spectral Hands at high level.

Desiccating Bubble (SpC): (Blast):   Much like flaming sphere – except does 2d4 instead of 2d6. However, one nice thing is that the damage isn’t energy damage so will bypass energy resistances.Blindness/Deafness (PHB): (Debuff):    Blindness or deafness (deafness???) effect if target fails a Fort save. Other than duration – this spell is a joke compared to Glitterdust which targets an area, targets a weaker save, and defeats invisibility as well.

Ghoul Touch (PHB): (Debuff):    This debuff provides a Fort save (lousy) and requires a touch to deliver (lousy), one advantage is the sickened effect that can actually debuff multiple foes, but that only occurs if the original Fort save misses.

Command Undead (PHB): (Save or lose):    The difference between Command

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undead and Charm Person are this: Command undead is more circumstantial and is a higher level spell.

Shroud of Undeath (SpC): (Utility):    Make yourself appear undead to other undead so they won’t attack you (ho hum). Cure spells do damage and inflict heals you (potentially useful circumstantially). This spell just doesn’t scream useful to me.

Ghoul Glyph (SpC): (Debuff):    Sepia’s snake sigil for necromancers. As with sepia’s – the effect is incredibly circumstantial.

Wracking Touch (SpC): (Blast):    Lousy damage from a touch attack. A Necromancer gets little from this spell. However, for Rogues, this spell automatically applies sneak attack damage. My next UMD rogue is definitely getting a Wracking Touch wand.

Bonefiddle (SpC): (Double threat: Blast/Debuff):    Target takes 3d6 sonic damage per round and a -20 to Move Silently checks. Lasts up to 1 round/level (Concentration). Again, a successful Fort save (which is granted every round) ends the spell. 3d6 blast that is completely negated by a Fort save is unimpressive – even with Sonic damage.

Death Armor (SpC): (Blast):   Yawn. Standard action, 1 round/level spell that does lousy damage to those who strike you in melee with non reach weapons. Terrible.

Ray of Sickness (SpC): (Debuff):   Ray spell that sickens target for 1 round/level. Sickening is not enough of an effect to be worth the ranged touch. Compare to Stolen breath – this spell requires a to hit roll, and lasts a shorter duration, and has a shorter range. Yuck!

Life Bolt (SpC): (Blast):   Blast spell that does moderate damage to undead – nothing to anyone else – oh except for you, you take nonlethal damage (1 to 5 points based on CL). Horrible, horrible spell. Extremely circumstantial – and when that circumstance arises – it’s OK at best.

Spawn Screen (SpC): (Utility):   Should the subject of this spell perish over the duration by the hands of spawn creating undead (like a wraith), you don’t rise as spawn – you’re just dead. Hooray!

Level 3

Ray of Exhaustion (PHB): (Debuff):    Make a ranged touch attack, and if your opponent fails their Fort save they become exhausted (nasty condition including -6 to Str and Dex and ½ movement), if they make their save they are still fatigued (semi-nasty condition including -2 to str and dex, no running or charging). If you hit someone who made their first save with a second ray they will be exhausted with no save. This spell also sets up an opponent for Escalating Enfeeblement. I’m a fan of spells that hurt you even when you make your saving throw (and mettle is pretty uncommon).

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Curse of Impeding Blades, Mass (SpC): (Debuff):   Take the decent Curse of Impending Blades and have it affect enemies in a fireball sized burst. You need to be facing multiple high AC enemies for this spell to be worthwhile – but in that case, it will be awesomeness.

Halt Undead (PHB): (Debuff):    Like Hold Person for undead except that it will affect up to 3 undead with one casting and unintelligent undead receive no saving throw. Definitely a solid spell in any campaign where undead are moderately common.

Undead Torch (SpC): (Buff):    1 undead/level does 2d6 extra damage to living targets for 1 round/level. If the undead creature is destroyed – living creatures moving through that space take 2d6 damage for the duration as well. I’m not a big fan of animate dead necromancers – but this is a pretty solid buff for a bunch of fodder.

Skull Watch (SpC): (Utility):   A permanent Alarm spell. I question whether the Skull can be moved or not. If it can, this could be a very useful single-cast utility spell. If not, then I would stick with Alarm.

Vampiric Touch (PHB): (Double threat Blast/Self Buff):   Touch your enemy and they take damage (1d6/2 CL, max 10d6) and you receive temporary HP equal to the damage for 1 hour. There is no save, but the damage isn’t very good and it must be delivered by touch. Unless you have Sneak Attack or some other method to significantly improve the damage – I don’t really see the point.

Disrupt Undead, Greater (SpC): (Blast):   Take a cantrip and make it do a bit more damage and you have Disrupt Undead, Greater. Undead take 1d8/level (max 10d8) from a Ray. The damage is decent for a 3rd level blast, but it is circumstantial.

Healing Touch (SpC): (Buff):   Heal up to 1d6/2 CL with a touch. The drawback is you take ½ that damage yourself. Leave healing to the Cleric, Druid or Bard...really.

Junglerazer (SpC): (Blast):   1d10/level (max 10) damage to Fey, Vermin, Plants and Animals in 120’ line. Like Greater Disrupt Undead, the blast damage is solid for the level, but the targets are circumstantial.

Mind Poison (SpC): (Debuff):    Touch spell does 1d10 Wis damage now and another 1d10 in one minute. Here’s the large drawbacks: It’s a touch spell, victim gets a Fort save for each to negate. If you are using a 3rd level debuff that targets Fort, it better affect several targets to play the odds (ie stinking cloud). The DC is 10+Ability mod+1/2 CL. This will likely result in a similar DC to other 3rd level spells when you get this spell – but it will level with you. However, when you target fort on a single target, you are playing with fire. This spell will burn you.

Spider Poison (SpC): (Debuff):    Like Mind poison except targets Str (and only does 1d6 damage). DC works in the same way. This spell should be avoided for the same reason.

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Prickling torment (CM): (Debuff):   Sucks. Target makes Fort save or suffers a mediocre debuff (technically blast too, but I hesitate to give such crap the title “dual threat”). Terrible.

Level 4

Enervation (PHB): (Debuff):    A highly touted spell that is likely worth its reputation. Hit the opponent with a Ranged touch and they take 1d4 negative levels with no save. Negative levels give you minuses on pretty much everything, including saving throws. Keep in mind that a single hit with this spell is a mild (if wide ranging) debuff, not a total enemy destroyer. Sometimes the way this spell is described it is easy to forget that a strong opponent hit with this spell is still tough - just less so. However, the effects are wide reaching which adds versatility to to debuff, and also, the effects stack, making this a strong Split Ray candidate.

Fear (PHB): (Debuff):   The next step up from Scare – this time a Cone of 30ft is targeted (which is a significant step down from Scare), and there is no HD limit. Like the other fear spells, this spell is solid.

Burning Blood (SpC): (Double threat Blast/Debuff):   Target a single creature, for 1 round/level they make a Fort save. Any round in which they fail their Fort save they take 1d8 fire and acid damage, and they can only take a move action. Making your save doesn’t end the spell. I love spells that keep screwing your enemies for rounds after the spell is cast. If making your save once ended this spell – it would ruin it. Fortunately, that’s not the case.

Animate Dead (PHB): (Utility):   Create Zombies and Skeletons. Zombies and Skeletons pretty much suck, but they can block squares in front of you. They however are pretty squishy for the 25gp/HD price you pay to create them. If you go down this route, be prepared to replace destroyed undead very regularly.

Finger of agony (CM): (Double threat Blast/Debuff):    For 3 rounds the creature takes 3d6 damage and is nauseated. On a successful Fort save the damage is halved and the condition reduced to sickened. Not a terrible spell, but probably too high a level for the effect.

Horrid Sickness (CM): (Debuff):    Multiple targets are nauseated if they fail their Fort save for 1 round/level. After the first round, a second save can reduce the effect to sickened (move action for a chance at a save – you do get a move when nauseated). More precise than Stinking Cloud with a somewhat lessened effect. This should probably be an equal level to the aforementioned.

Bestow Curse (PHB): (Debuff):   Touch spell that targets Will or you take a sizeable penalty to any number of things chosen by the caster. The “Will Negates”, and “Creature Touched” parts are a big problem.

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Contagion (PHB): (Debuff):   Make a touch attack and the opponent fails a Fort save (notice two problems with the previous sentence? Me too.) and the opponent is struck with a disease of the casters choice which will cause some mild attribute damage. The disease carries on should you actually cast this on someone you don’t intend to kill in the short term.

Touch of Years (CM): (Debuff):   Basically another form of Contagion – requiring a failed Fort save and a successful Touch attack. The ability drain is a bit higher than Contagion, but the same lousy parameters apply (touch, fort save negates). Yuck. 

Seed of Undeath (CM): (Utility):   Ho Hum. A limited way to increase the HD limit of controlled undead (by your HD), but more difficult to set up (must be cast on target as a full round spell before their death). If you are huge into raising undead, this is a no-brainer even if not overly potent. For everyone else – this is inferior to Animate Dead in every way (including a 1 day/level duration).

Level 5

Spiritwall (SpC): (Triple threat Blast/BC/Debuff):    Cast a dome around your enemies and have them make a will save or flee for 1d4 rounds (through the wall) – then they will take 1d10 damage and Fort save or take a negative level. The wall cannot be seen through – provides cover, and blocks line of effect. You can also have the dome around yourself (and allies) and have the affect focused outwards – or you can just make a wall and have the affect focused out the side of your choice. Versatile, triple threat, oh yeah...

Magic Jar (PHB): ( or die?):    Cast this spell and put your soul into a gem, then as a full round action, possess one of your foes (Will save negates) and have him attack his buddies. Then when your host dies, do it again, and again – you get the picture. One possible scenario is you cast the spell early – have your familiar sneak the gem into the middle of a horde of baddies and slaughter them all without them understanding what is happening. Yes – this is a good spell.

Channelled Lifetheft (CM): (Double Threat Blast/Debuff):    I like the “Channelled” spells, and this one is particularly nice. The highlights are this: As a swift action you can fatigue a foe in Close range, as well as grant yourself 5 temporary HP with no save. As a Full Round action you can exhaust the foe, do 5d4 damage, and grant yourself temporary HP equal to 10 + damage dealt. Ranged debuffs with no save or to hit roll are wonderful, especially if you add versatility of casting time.

Night’s Caress (SpC): (Dual threat Debuff/Blast):    A touch spell that targets Fort (ouch). Does 1d6 damage per level (max 15d6) regardless of save. If save is failed, they also take 1d6+2 Con damage (which is huge if they

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fail). The damage being resistant to the save gives you a decent consolation prize when your target makes their save. However, if they fail once – chances are good that they will fail if you followup with another the following round since their Con was damaged previously. I’m not a touch spell fan – but if you are – this is one of the best.

Touch of Vecna (CM): (Triple threat: Blast/Debuff/Save or die):    If target makes their Fort save they take 1d8+1 per CL (max +10) damage (sucks) and is shaken for 1 round (sucks), if they fail their save they are paralyzed permanently (basically dead). So a touch save or die, that deals a minor debuff and blast on a failed save. Not worth it overall.

Wrack (SpC): (Debuff):    Simple save or lose that targets Fort. Unfortunately, since it targets Fort it likely won’t work. If it does though, the opponent is really screwed, prone, blinded and helpless for 1 round/level + 3d10 minutes.

Symbol of Pain (PHB): (Debuff):    Due to the casting times and that they are triggered spells, the symbol spells are all circumstantial. It also allows a save to negate at has a 1,000gp material component. Except in the rare circumstance where this spell is passable, normally it isn’t worth it.

Waves of Fatigue (PHB): (Debuff):    Fatigue everything in a 30’ cone with no save. Yes, this spell is level 5, yes, Ray of Exhaustion is level 3 and fatigues your foe if they save and exhausts them if they don’t. Except now you potentially affect multiple targets but have no chance of exhausting your foes. Not worth it, even with no save.

Graymantle (SpC): (Debuff):    Prevent target from healing or recovering ability damage for the duration of the spell (1 round/level) unless it makes a Fort save. When it makes it’s Fort save you wasted your spell slot and your round.

Cryptwarden’s Grasp (CM): (Debuff)    Grant your foe mummy rot on a successful touch attack and failed Fort save. Yawn...another spell that requires touch and provides a strong save to negate.

Miasma of Entropy (SpC): (Utility):   Rot a bunch of wood. Yeah, whoopee! Like shatter limited to destroying useless crap. The spell description indicates a Fort save for “half”, what ½ of “rotting” would be is not named in the spell description. Who cares? Lousy spell.

Blight (PHB): (Blast):   Kill a plant or do moderate damage to a plant creature with a touch attack. Total garbage for the level.

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Death Throes (SpC): (WTF? ):   Don’t know what to call this spell – maybe a dual threat self debuff/blast? If you die, you explode doing 1d8/level damage in a 30’ radius. You cannot be raised or resurrected, but lets face it, your party wouldn’t want to resurrect you after you screw them with this. Likely they’ll dance on your grave (if they are alive to do so). This spell makes garbage seem like gourmet fare. I would go so far as to say this spell might be the worst in the game of any school of any level. Not worth a cantrip.Level 6

Opalescent Glare (SpC): (Debuff)(Not rated since I'm convinced I'm missing something) I’m clearly reading this wrong or it’s been errated. Let me know! (Otherwise it is so broken you should never use it) The way I read this is that you give yourself a permanent (apparently) gaze attack that kills evil creatures of 5hd or less (fear for 2d10 if they make a will save). Non-evil creatures and evil creatures of more than 5HD make a Will save or suffer the fear effect. The range is 60 feet. If this is a single round thing it is an OK spell anyways.

Contagion, Mass (SpC): (Debuff):   Take the two crippling features of Contagion and remove one (touch attack) and keep the other (Targets Fort) but make it cover multiple opponents. This spell is now worthwhile as a combat debuff since with multiple targets – some Fort saves will be missed.

Fleshshiver (SpC): (double threat Debuff/Blast):   In the first round the target makes a Fort save or is stunned for the round. If their HD is equal or less than your CL they are stunned with no save (nice). On the following round they make a second Fort save (regardless of first round save result) and if they fail they take 1d6/level (max 15d6) damage and are nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds. Targeting Fort is weak – but the target must make 2 saves which redeems this spell nicely. Solid debuff.

Ray of Entropy (SpC): (Debuff):    On a successful ranged touch, your opponent takes a -4 penalty to Str, Dex and Con for the duration of the spell. For the record, a Maximized, Empowered Ray of enfeeblement would be the same level and cause a -14 penalty to Str. However, this spell could be followed up by an escalating enfeeblement which might be a decent option if you like Rays.

Incorporeal Nova (SpC): (Save or die):   Save or die that targets Will. Affects 1d4/CL (max 20 HD) worth of creatures which must be incorporeal or gaseous. This spell is highly circumstantial – but could be useful with several weaker incorporeal creatures.

Spectral Touch (SpC): (Double threat Debuff/Self buff):   For 1 round/level you can make a touch attack, which, if successful, grants you 5 temporary HD, and causes the target (if they fail a Fort save) a negative level. Not nearly enough to warrant touch attacks. However – if you cast this and use it on helpless prisoners (you are such a

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jerk) then you could potentially gain 5 x CL in temporary HP for an hour.

Imperious Glare (SpC): (Debuff):    1 creature/level (no which more than 30’ apart) make Will saves or cower for 1 round/level. This spell requires you have a frightful presence ability (you can set it up with Aura of Terror spell). The requirement reduces this spell from very strong to slightly weak. (2 6th level spells to set up one effect).

Aura of terror (SpC): (Debuff):    Cast on yourself (standard action), grants a 30’ radius emanation centered on you. Whenever you charge or attack (charge or attack? WTF???) Creatures with HD equal or less than your CL make a Will save or are shaken. This spell is total garbage unless used to set up Imperious Glare, in which case it is only slightly subpar.

Create Undead (PHB): (Utility):    Slightly improved Animate Dead spell for double the material cost. Honestly, by the level you can cast this spell I question the usefulness of a ghoul...

Eyebite (PHB): (Debuff):    For 1 round/3 CL you can use this spell to debuff an enemy in close range (you will probably sicken them) but they get a Fort save to negate. The multiple uses is a nice feature, but the debuff isn’t all that impressive and the Fort save to negate is a killer.

Symbol of fear (PHB): (Utility):    See symbol of pain above.

Undeath to death (PHB): (Save or die):    Circle of death for undead. Basically the same spell, but more circumstantial.

Revive Undead (SpC): (Utility):    Basically Raise Dead for undead –with all the same drawbacks and limitations. Unless you have party members that are undead – this is not worth it.

Circle of death (PHB): (Save or die):    Kill 1d4 hd/CL of creatures (Max HD 8) in a 40’ radius burst. Creatures get a Fort save to negate and lowest HD creatures are affected first. This can be used to thin a large crowd of lesser enemies – but in most battles will be less than impressive. Oh yeah, 500gp per casting.

Ghoul Gauntlet (SpC): (Save or die):   Touch save or die that targets Fort – yuck. Furthermore – the dying process is gradual, so the target can fight on in the meantime (they take 3d6 damage/round until dead). After they die – you get a ghoul.

Level 7

Waves of Exhaustion (PHB): (Debuff):    Like cone of fatigue except the creatures are exhausted (nice increase) and the cone is 60’ long (very nice). So nasty debuff over large area with no save. Yep, this is nice.

Avasculate (SpC): (Dual threat: Blast/Debuff):   You must make a ranged touch

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attack, and if it hits, the opponent is reduced to ½ its current HP with no save (not big on blasts – but that’s very good), and it makes a Fort save or is stunned for a round (yawn). One of the better blast spells around.

Evil Glare (SpC): (Debuff):   Nice. For 1 round/level you get an effect that paralyzes a target for 1d8 rounds (on a failed Will save). Assuming you are a 13th level caster – that’s 13 spell effects for the price of one. The big restriction is that you can’t target the same creature twice – so only use this in big battles.

Kiss of the Vampire (SpC): (Self buff)    Basically you turn yourself into a vampire for 1 round/level. You get DR 10/magic, enervation (touch), vampiric touch (touch), charm person and gaseous form. As undead you can be turned, heal from negative energy – etc. For a Gish build this might be OK – but touch attacks make me nervous. It’s unclear whether the abilities granted would work with Spectral Hand – if so, you get an enervation spell 1 round for the duration, which is pretty decent.

Control Undead (PHB): (Save or die...basically):   Mass Dominate Person for undead but with a crappy duration. Once again, this is circumstantial (undead only), but against multiple undead foes this should end the fight if you have a good DC.

Necrotic Curse (CM): (Utility):   Turns positive energy into negative energy in a 20 ft radius emanation for 1 hr/level. This could be devastating to anyone healing injured comrades in the area, but remains quite circumstantial. Nevertheless, at super-high levels, when heal spells are thrown around like candy, this could be devastating to an unsuspecting opponent. I recommend one of the skill tricks that will prevent spellcraft rolls to know what you cast.

Barghest’s Feast (SpC): (Utility):    Prevent resurrection of a corpse by destroying it utterly – for 5000gp! Hugely circumstantial, though lower level than imprisonment I suppose (though easier to circumvent).

Finger of Death (PHB): (Save or die):    The most basic save or die possible. Opponent in close range makes a Fort save, if they succeed, they take minor damage, if they fail, they die. If you like save or dies, this is the staple. For me, save or die is not my thing.

Symbol of Weakness (PHB):    See symbol of pain above.

Arrow of Bone (SpC): (Save or Die):    So you cast this on a projectile or thrown weapon which then gets a +4 enhancement bonus for one attack (yawn), costs 50gp material component (I hate those, even though 50gp isn’t much for the level), and creates a save (Fort) or die if it hits. The only advantage of this spell that I can see is with a 1 hr/level duration, you can have other party members launch these while you cast other spells in combat.

Energy Ebb (SpC): (Debuff):    Supposedly a one-up on Enervation, but what a disappointment. Hit the target with a Ray and they gain one negative level. On

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followup rounds (one per level) the target makes a Fort save or takes another negative level. One successful Fort save ends the effect. So basically, expect one or maybe 2 negative levels from this spell.

Sword of Darkness (SpC): (Debuff):    I have the same problem with this that I have with Sword of Deception (see evocation guide). The Base to hit is your CL (no attribute bonuses, or any other to hit bonuses) and you have to make a hit against the opponents full AC (you can’t even flank) so expect to miss – fairly consistently. If you could hit consistently – this spell would be pretty good – however – instead it blows.

Retributive Enervation (CM): (Debuff):    Like Abjuration all over again. A basically defensive spell that is a self buff only, standard action casting, and one round/level. Skip it.

Seed of Undeath, Greater (CM): (Utility):   Ugh! I question the “greater” designation of this spell that requires a 5000gp material component to make it an area spell rather than targeted. Really not worth it, even for someone concentrating on Undead horde creations.

Level 8

Avascular Mass (SpC): (Triple threat Blast/Debuff/BC):   Basically this spell is avasculate (see level 7 spells) with a quickened/heightened web attached. You strike the original target and a web of writhing blood vessels (cool visual) attach to opposing points and entangle those within (like a web). The secondary effect lasts one round per level. Is attaching what is in effect a 2nd level spell to a 7th level spell make it worth it as an 8th level spell? I would say circumstantially yes, though many creatures will have freedom of movement or teleportation options by this level.

Blackfire (SpC): (Debuff):    Hit opponent with Ray and they Make Fort save every round or lose 1d3 Con and are nauseated. If they make their save they are only sickened that round. Those adjacent to victim make Ref saves or the spell effect spreads to them. It is the spreading feature that makes this spell decent.

Horrid Wilting (PHB): (Blast):    As I’ve made clear before, I’m not big on single threat blasts (as this is), but as far as single threat blasts go – this is the best you can get. Nearly limitless foes can be struck, it maxes at 20d6, it won’t hit your allies, and it strikes long range, and isn’t energy damage. Basically it’s everything you could want from a single threat blast (except perhaps low level!). Fort save for half will likely be made by many, but at least mettle is rare.

Veil of Undeath (SpC): (Self Buff):    Give yourself the various immunities

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of the undead for 10 min/level. Immunity to mind affecting spells is child’s play by this level, but immunity to level drain, ability drain, paralysis, fatigue, exhaustion, death from massive damage, critical hits, stunning, death effects – it adds up. A decent self buff even for the level.

Clone (PHB): (Utility):   Resurrection for Wizards. Needs to be prepared ahead of time, otherwise it works alot like resurrection (including the negative level) except it’s a bit cheaper (and a higher level spell). Does not hold a candle to Greater Resurrection. There may be some circumstantial advantages to the way the spell works (for example, it gets you out of harms way right away) as well as some disadvantages.

Create Greater Undead (PHB): (Utility):   As the other create undead spells except now you have a variety of incorporeal creatures available. For utility purposes, such a creature could be handy, though most won’t be much use in combat at this point.

Symbol of death (PHB):    see the other symbol spells.

Heart of Stone (SpC): (Buff):    Buff yourself for a year with a minor DR and resistances (nothing earth shattering here) – costs 500 xp and 5000 gp. The bonuses are too small to be worth much, they will be easily overshadowed by other self buffs despite the impressive duration on this.

Greater Bestow Curse (SpC): (Debuff):    Like Bestow Curse except the penalties are greater. The things that actually needed improved with Bestow Curse (Touch attack, Will negates) are not. Why this is a level 8 spell is beyond me.

Skeletal Guard (SpC): (Utility):   Could be called Animate Dead, Mass. You make lots of human warrior skeletons with one standard action. Wow, and at this level (15th and up) human warrior skeletons are SO impressive too! Your enemies will shudder, “Don’t sick the skeletons on me...please!!!!”Level 9

Wail of the Banshee (PHB): (Save or die):   Creatures in a 40 foot radius spread (max 1 per level) make a Fort save or die. Save or die isn’t my thing, but mass save or die I'll say is worth 9th level designation.

Enervating Breath (SpC): (Debuff):   Basically a double strength enervation attached to your breath weapon. Of course you need a breath weapon for this to be of any use to you, if you have one, it is just better than energy drain due to the mass effect.

Soul Bind (PHB): (Utility):    Like imprisonment for Necromancy except the subject

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must already be dead. This spell basically prevents resurrection – which may be completely useless or a godsend depending on your DM’s style. In the majority of my campaigns, it would tend towards the useless end of the spectrum.

Astral Projection (PHB): (Utility):    Basically this is a Plane shift spell except that: a) the travel is not instantaneous, and b) if you die you return to your own body – fit as a fiddle. This spell has been 9th level right since 1E, and since 1E I’ve been unable to reason why it remains a 9th level spell. Seems underpowered to me for the level.

Energy Drain (PHB): (Debuff):    Like enervation except it does 2d4 negative levels (rather than 1d4) and the effect lasts longer (which likely will never come into play). Keep in mind a split ray enervation would be only level 6, that makes this spell a total turkey. When we reach 9th level spells – the standard is much higher than this.

Plague of Undead (SpC): (Utility):   Mass animate dead except the zombies or skeletons have maximum HP for their HD, yes, I said zombies and skeletons – with a 9th level spell. Basically, you will raise a creature that will be CR 8 if you are lucky. Greater Planar Binding can get you a Pit Fiend by the way, and it’s level 8.

Final Thoughts: Yep, necromancy is good at debuffing. Yep, not many BC's or Buffs there (though there are some - even some good ones). I find that necromancy swells around the middle (Check out level 5 - Three spells of YES!) - but is sparce at the ends (not a single necromancy 9th level spell I think is great, and at first level, Ray of enfeeblement is the only spell worth getting excited over).

I'm just not sure I would specialize in necromancy now except as a flavor thing. Very narrow field - and not alot of spells (I pretty much included every necromancy spell in this guide) - and lots of turkeys.

If you are going with Unseen Seer or Arcane trickster (Glass cannon) this is definitely a school to keep though.

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizard Spells: God's Tools - Part 5: ConjurationIn this thread I will break down conjuration spells spell by spell - which are underrated, which are overrated (All IMO - this isn't Gospel - only the Gospel according to Treantmonk)

There is already a guide to conjurers - that breaks down the school by spells (as well as feats, skills, Prc's etc.) It is a good guide worthy of your attention - but the repetition here is largely to satisfy my format for school breakdown. Hey - and a bit of repetition is good right? (never mind a second opinion)

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More threads will come - detailing spells from the various schools of magic. However, there is no timeline (nor will I likely continue once 4E hits the shelves). At this time I still plan an illusion and enchantment guide (transmuation and divination having been completed by other board members). Expect each of those guides to be reasonably small (which I will explain)

To the readers: If there's a spell you think I should look at - post it and I'll include it in my guide - though be pre-warned - I do not guarantee I will hold the same opinion as you.

Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

Summoning: This is a new category of spells that is more prevalent for conjuration. A “Summoning” could refer to a spell with the “Summoning” subtype or the “Calling” subtype – but in either case will call a creature to do your bidding. Summoned creatures can be used for attack (blast), grapple (debuff), Blocking the enemy (BC), aiding another (Buff), or for SLA or skills (Utility). However, they often require a full round action to summon, and with that versatility comes reduced effectiveness at each of those tasks. I like summoning because versatility is power – however, consider carefully, because a summons not up to the task you give them is a wasted spell.

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

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Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort - and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

  : This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it

  : This spell is highly recommended

   : YES!!!!!

Part 5: Conjuration

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Conjuration is one of the two schools they say: "Never drop", but why? Well, there are 2 answers. First reason is Battlefield control. Conjuration is your best school for this wizard pursuit. Second reason is the pure quantity of spells. Only Transmutation boasts more spells overall.

Is Conjuration the best school?

This is a tough question to answer but an easy one to simplify. The simple question is this: Which is better, Transmutation or Conjuration? Once you’ve answered that question – you know what the most powerful school is.

My conclusion is this: it depends. Yes, I realize that is a wishy-washy answer – so let me qualify it with some more provocative answers for which I’m better known.

From spell levels 1-3, Conjuration is the best. Transmuation comes in a strong second – but from those levels Conjuration sees an unparalleled strength in Battlefield control and debuffs (with a couple more minor buffs and utility thrown in). Transmutation just doesn’t measure up IMO.

Spell level 4 is more complicated. Conjuration has some very good spells, but

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Transmutation has the ever-broken polymorph. However, being that I don’t condone the use of the spell that WotC gave up trying to fix – once you take polymorph out of the equation – I’m still putting conjuration on top.

Spell levels 5 and 6 are tough. Both schools are very strong in these levels – and I would consider it a toss up.

Spell levels 7 and 8 I believe Conjuration is still a good school – but now takes a back seat to Transmutation, that is really coming into its own. The big thing here is that Battlefield Controls are starting to become obsolete. Enemies more and more often have multiple movements, teleportation, and freedom of movement options. This severely weakens the conjuration school that relies on these spells for the majority of its strength.

Spell level 9 is a total wipeout. Transmutation sees its apex of power, while conjuration is at its all time low. I would not even rank conjuration 2nd best at this level (though not the worst by any means).

So it depends. For me, most of the campaigns I play in begin at low level – and will end anywhere between mid level to high level. Therefore, more often than not I’m playing a character between levels 1 and 15. For me, that means Conjuration is the best choice. However, if you find yourself playing more high level games (or epic play), then you should consider transmutation as your best choice.

So with no further ado – these are:Conjuration Spells you should consider for your wizard, and those you should pretend don't exist:

Level 1:

Grease (PHB): (BC):    Close range opponents in a 10’ square make Ref saves or fall prone. Furthermore, they must make Balance checks to get up, or to move (even if Ref is made).

Benign Transposition (SpC): (BC):    Close range spell that teleports 2 allies switching their position. This spell does not have the “Must be on the ground” restriction of baleful transposition – so you can cast this on the ally about to be swallowed whole and the summoned dire rat. Heh heh. It also can be used to get you out of a sticky situation, replacing you with the big stupid fighter. (check with DM on legality - IMO it is OK by RAW but there may be different view on their part)

Wall of Smoke (SpC): (BC):    Do not be deceived by the name. This “wall” is 10’ thick and you can place it over your enemies. It is your “fog” spell of choice for 1st level spells since the wall also includes a Fort save or be nauseated for a round as an added bonus.

Resinous Tar (CM): (BC):   This spell is the “anti-grease” spell – creating a similar area of “stickiness”. Overall, at low levels, grease is better because of the chance to

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fall prone. However, Resinous tar doubles movement rates through it with no save which is nice. Also, casting this on a creatures clothing makes them more vulnerable to grapple attempts (-5 to resist or escape grapple or -5 to escape pin)

Mage Armor (PHB): (Buff):    One hour/level +4 armor bonus. This spell makes Braciers of Armor completely obsolete. The +4 can be improved with PrC dips (Paragnostic apostle is the easiest for a +6).

Mount (PHB): (Utility):    Summoning spell that is a standard action and 1 hr/level. The obvious use of this spell is for travel, however, it is also useful as a quick getaway, or even to throw 4 squares of meat between you and BBEG (The horse won’t fight – but it does take up space).

Blockade (CS): (BC):    Swift action spell that puts a 5’x5’x5’ block of wood in close range for 3 rounds. The effect isn’t that impressive – but can block charges, prevent flanking, block line of effect and other small controls. For a swift casting, it has its uses.

Hail of Stone (SpC): (Blast):    5’ radius blast that does 1d4 dam/level (max 5d4). The downside is that it is a full round casting and that it is 5gp per casting. The good point is that it grants no save. Area blasts with no save are pretty good for first level.

Summon Monster I (PHB): (Summoning):    The combat applications for this spell are extremely limited. 1 round/level duration and full round casting limit this spell for combat, beyond that you can get a small monstrous spider to entangle one medium sized opponent per round on a ranged touch – and that’s pretty much it (unless you are aquatic – celestial dolphins are very tough for the level). However, for utility this is a great spell. Use celestial monkeys to trigger possible traps, use Dolphins for 100’ blindsight, use spiders for tremorsense.

Unseen Servant (PHB): (Utility):   1 hour/level telekinisis. Use it to carry your stuff and hand it to you at need. Can completely replace Tenser’s floating disk.

Level 2

Web (PHB): (BC):    This spell’s only downside is the requiring of opposite anchor points – otherwise it rocks. There is a Ref saving throw, but succeeding that saving throw does you almost no good at all. You remain entangled – facing concealment all around, and severely hindered movement. This spell remains near-broken even at mid levels. Yes – I even like web more than glitterdust.

Glitterdust (PHB): (Debuff):    You’ve all heard how great this spell is. 10’ spread that blinds all within, outlines invisible creatures and creates a -40 penalty to hide checks. A successful will save negates the blindness. Yes – this is awesome.

Create Magic Tattoo (SpC): (Buff):   This creates a 24 hour buff on a creature

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touched. The buffs available are level dependant. Most are pretty minor, and likely eclipsed by your magic items (small resistance bonuses to saves, enhancement bonuses to attributes, deflection bonuses to AC). The superstar here is the +1 CL buff (available at CL 13). Also note that there is no reason you can’t buff some secondary attributes that you might not normally buy items for. Note that you must have a relevant craft skill to use this spell, with a DC check based on the level of buff used, also note that you can have a maximum of 3 magic tattoos at a time. However, despite that, this is an excellent buff – that levels well. However, there is a 100 gp material cost - I recommend for the one time splurge of an eternal wand to pay up front. Otherwise - make sure to use your lesser extend rod!

Fog Cloud (PHB): (BC):   20’ burst that grants concealment, totally messes up enemy archers (no save no SR). The range is decent (Med), as is the duration (10 min/level). There are going to be countless “Fog” spells available – but the original has a beautiful simplicity.

Cloud of Bewilderment (SpC): (Debuff/BC):   10’ spread nauseates those within (on failed fort save) until they leave the cloud at which point they are still nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds afterwards. The cloud also offers concealment. This is basically stinking cloud, mini. Decent spell – but the area is small (yes it can be shaped though).

Dimension Hop (PHB II): (BC):    Teleport the subject of the spell up to 5’ per 2 CL’s. Will negates, so this is best used on an ally as a short range dimension door. The caster can also teleport themselves a short distance with this spell as well. Range is touch.

Baleful Transposition (SpC): (BC):   Have 2 subjects switch place. The subjects can be friendly or unfriendly (or you). There are some downsides of this spell compared to benign transposition though. The subjects must both be connected (via the ground usually) and a will save by any of the subjects negates this spell. Overall, I’m less impressed with this spell than benign transposition – but it still has value to bring squishy bad guy up close, while sending a Big Stupid Fighter into the midst of the enemy.

Summon Monster II (PHB): (Summoning):    Not impressive for combat, and no better for utility than SM I. For most wizards, I suggest skipping this inferior summons.

Melf’s Acid Arrow (PHB): (Blast):   I do not like this spell, no it doesn’t give a save or SR, but it is a single threat blast that does unimpressive damage extended out over rounds. Even a 5 acid resistance makes this spell completely worthless.

Level 3

Sleet Storm (PHB): (BC):    This spell has a 1 round/level duration – but has many improvements over Fog Cloud as a BC spell. First, vision is completely blocked within (instead of 5’). Secondly, the range is long. Thirdly, it’s HUGE (40’ radius). Fourthly, it hinders movement. Finally – it can’t be dispersed with a gust of wind. Very solid BC.

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Dimension Step (PHBII): (BC):    Do you enjoy chess? If so you will love this spell – rearrange your pieces to create the best battlefield possible. Give multiple allies a short range teleport to flank foes – evade enemy battlefield controls – escape grapples – whatever.

Stinking Cloud (PHB): (Debuff/BC):    As cloud of Bewilderment but 20’ radius spread. That is a vastly improved area making this a very solid spell. The Fort save negation means that unless you can target multiple weaker opponents with this – you shouldn’t bother.

Summon Monster III (PHB): (Summon):    One of the best combat-based summoning. You want to summon either the Celestial Bison or the Fiendish Ape. These two summons are very solid for the level of spell – good HP, decent To Hit, Nice damage. If mixing with Haste – the Bison is the better summons, otherwise I lean towards the ape for the extra attacks. Note that the Fiendish Dire Bat is large enough to carry a rider – which can give a short duration flight.

Phantom Steed (PHB): (Summoning):    1 hour/level summons that carries you at 20’/CL with 240’ maximum (yes – you read correctly – it is FAST). As your CL increases, so does the movement options of the steed – right up to unlimited flight at CL 14. Yes – that’s 240’ flight for 1 hour/level. The only downside is that the Phantom Steed is rather squishy, and you best have a feather fall ready should it get blasted while you are up high.

Mage armor, Greater (SpC): (Buff):   Like mage armor except the base armor bonus is +6. This means that it can be easily made +8 with a one level Paragnostic Apostle dip (which you should do). That’s a pretty good 1 hour/level armor bonus for a wizard I must say. Good enough to make the party Monk approach not sucking.

Melf’s Unicorn Arrow (PHBII): (Blast/BC):    A decent dual threat – this spell does 1d8+8 damage and bull rushes the target with a DC 21 to resist. You get additional arrows for every 3 levels over 5th (up to 5 arrows). Decent dual threat – very evocation in its flavour (dual threat damage – push backwards)

Caustic Smoke (CM): (BC/Debuff/Blast):    Barely a blast (1d6 damage), this simulates a Fog Cloud, but those within make a Fort save or suffer a -5 spot/search and to hit rolls (we don’t really care about the spot and search – but -5 to hit is a fantastic debuff). This lasts for 2 rounds after they leave the smoke. Furthermore – anyone who takes acid damage from any other effect (acid breath?) while in the cloud makes a Fort save or is blinded for a round. Solid multi-threat spell for the level. The 5 round duration is sufficient.

Grasping wall (CS): (Debuff):    A wall adjacent to your enemies sprouts hands that entangle them unless they make a Ref save. In most ways this spell is inferior to Web – which entangles even those who make their Ref save, however a couple of advantages here: 1) You do not need the anchor points that web needs, 2) Your allies

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are not hindered by this spell. These advantages make this a not bad spell (entanglement is a decent debuff)

Bands of Steel (SpC): (BC):    Opponent makes a Ref save or they are immobilized. I’m not big on single target spells that are negated with a successful save, but the Ref being targeted makes this spell decent. Note that if a target becomes immobilized, they can use a Full Round Action to attempt to break free (which still gets them out of your hair for a full round at least – not bad). Edit: Please note that creatures over medium size are not affected by this spell.

Scattering Trap (PHBII): (BC):    A very interesting spell – trap 1 5’ square per 2 CL’s with a “teleportation trap” If anyone enters the square – they make a Ref save or are teleported 1d6 squares in a random direction. This can totally mess up enemy tactics – and the multiple spell effects is a nice feature.

Corpse Candle (SpC): (Utility):   Why this spell is not a divination is beyond me. 1 min/level “candle” that illuminates hidden/ethereal/and invisible beings and items in a 5’ radius. The small radius is limiting for combat purposes – but given time to search a room – the candle should find everything.

Acid Breath (SpC): (Blast):   A conjurer’s answer to fireball. 15’ foot cone that does 1d6 acid damage per level (Max 10d6) with a Ref save for half. Acid damage is less commonly resisted than fire, but the range and AOE are significantly worse than fireball (which is an average spell at best). However – for a conjuration spell – it’s not a terrible blast.

Servant horde (SpC): (Utility):   Mass Unseen Servant. Unless there is a flavour reason for this spell, I would suggest that a regular unseen servant probably fits your needs. One possible use is the making of multiple items quickly available to you or your companions at need.

Regal Procession (SpC): (Utility):   Basically this is the Mount spell on a mass enhancement. By this time, mount is probably not your best/only fast retreat – but your party may benefit from this spell if a quick retreat is called for. Otherwise, this is base utility – providing the characters with faster movement during travelling.

Mage armor, Mass (SpC): (Buff):   Mage armor to multiple targets. This is actually pretty circumstantial, since usually most of your party does not benefit from this spell. Perhaps combined with summoning this could be handy – but generally, I would think your mage armor needs more easily and effectively taken care of with the base version of this spell, or the greater version.

Luminous Assasin, Lesser (PHBII): (Summoning):   Inferior to Summon Monster in almost every way – please notice the “almost”. This spell is a standard action summoning – and the first attack the luminous assassin makes treats the foe as flat footed. Otherwise – summon monster is comprehensively superior to this spell. With 7

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hp – this summon will perish with one hit, reducing the amount of times it can attack and miss your foe, failing to do the lousy damage it does.

Level 4

Evard’s Black Tentacles (PHB): (BC):    Creates a 20’ radius spread of tentacles that grapple those within. The grapple check is your CL +8 which isn’t bad and allows it to improve as you level (though note that at high levels not much will be grappled by this spell). There is no saving throw (other than your grapple check) or SR. Creatures not successfully grappled still have impeded movement. Technically, the tentacles do damage to grappled creatures on subsequent rounds, but the damage is lousy (1d6+4). Nice BC.

Dimension Door (PHB): (Utility):    Teleport a short distance with verbal component only. Very solid short range teleport. The big advantages of this spell over lower level teleportations are: You can take others with you, it’s core.

Solid Fog (PHB): (BC):    No save fog spell that restricts movement within to 5’ round. That effect is huge, but note that this spell is dispersed easily with wind, and freedom of movement of course will ruin your day as well. However, at those mid levels (before Freedom of Movement is often seen) – this spell can be invaluable for separating enemies.

Wall of Sand (SpC): (BC):   Your first semi-solid wall spell. Please note this spell is a significant step down from Wall of Stone, it can be moved through (though movement is impeded), must be straight and only lasts Concentration + 1 round/level – however, it still blocks line of sight, line of effect, missile attacks – etc. Considering this is a level 4 wall spell – it is not at all bad.

Summon Monster IV (PHB): (Summon):   For straight combat – SM III is probably better for the level – but I’ve found Fiendish Dire Wolves to be fantastic trippers. Combined with the fact they are your best combat summons in other respects for this spell as well – this adds a bit more BC on the spell.

Orb of Fire (SpC): (Blast/Debuff):    My favourite orb spell. First, lets get this over with – Orbs hit only one target (and require a to-hit roll to hit even the main target) and therefore have disadvantages when compared to many other blasts. The damage is decent but not immense – but this Orb includes a save-or-be-stunned for a round that targets Fort. They will probably save – but its an added effect that can screw them if they don’t save – and if they do – they still take the damage. Not amazing – but the addition of the dual threat makes it decent.

Wall of Water (SpC): (BC):    The advantages of this spell over Wall of Sand are an improved duration and range (as well as some minor circumstantial stuff). The disadvantages are pretty severe. The wall is pretty easily moved through, doesn’t block line of sight, and is much easier to move through.

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Translocation Trick (SpC): (BC):    You and one other creature switch places and appearances (as disguise self spells on each). If the other creature makes a Will save the spell is negated. The obvious use is to switch places with opposing BBEG and let their minions kill them while you laugh. I don’t recommend that option since the single Will save can make this a wasted cast. Instead consider switches with your own party members. Let the BBEG attempt to avoid you so they can get at the Big Stupid Fighter for a change. Beware though that this spell puts you out of position (and a good position that is) and should only really be used if your defences are about to get breached. Verbal component only.

Bloodstar (SpC): (Debuff):    Cast this spell and the “bloodstar” hovers above your foe, and each time they take damage in combat, they make a Fort save or lose a Con point (damage). Everything (except for the Fort save) about this spell screams to me that I should like it. However, I’ve had opportunity to use this spell multiple times and find the way it works makes it exceedingly circumstantial. The combat needs to last several rounds, and need to fail at least a few Fort saves for this to work. This means they need to be struck several times. Of course a creature that can survive several attacks probably has a wicked Fort save. It’s hard to explain mechanically why this spell isn’t all that effective, only explain that in my experience it just isn’t. 

Leomund’s Secure Shelter (PHB): (Utility):    Creates a 2 hour/level shelter for you to rest in. Generally speaking – I find Rope Trick to be even more secure than this spell and it’s only 2nd level. However, this spell could have use for housing larger groups (but why not multiple rope tricks then?). Ultimately, it comes down to not that this spell is bad – but rope trick is so good it makes this spell largely obsolete.

Level 5

Planar Binding, Lesser (PHB): (Summoning):    The Planar Binding spells are cast in conjunction with Magic Circle spells to bring an extraplanar being into this plane and then bargaining with it to serve you. SR applies, and there is an opposed CHA check involved – but since the task can be up to 1 day/level, the spell can be cast in downtime. DM’s beware – allowing template creatures to be called with this spell is a big mistake. It is very tough anyways. The DM should attempt to find loopholes in the bargain or have allies of the extraplanar creature consider revenge or something or this spell (and its more powerful incarnations at higher levels) can get out of control. Consider a Planar Bound Nightmare gives you effectively “Astral Spell” (9th level spell) as well as a really cool mount, there needs to be a real downside to this or your wizards will have a legion of bearded devils as their personal bodyguard.

Teleport (PHB): (Utility):    Travel 100 miles/CL and bring friends. The ultimate travel spell. Teleporting places you are not all that familiar with can put you slightly off the mark (and potentially even cause damage), but assure your comrades that’s “precisely where I intended for us to appear – for reasons your intellect couldn’t possibly absorb.” This spell is fantastic – and makes certain adventure types completely obsolete to your party as your spells reach phenomenal cosmic power.

Wall of Stone (PHB): (BC):    So here’s real BC for you. Make a wall of stone

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anywhere you like in combat and shape it anyway you like. It’s stone – blocking movement, sight, spells, attacks etc. It can be broken – but not easily. It’s also permanent giving it a very real utility use as well (insta-bridge, insta repair-wall etc.) Attempting to trap creatures within a stone dome gives them a Ref save to avoid the effect. The limitation of this spell is that it must be connected to existing stone – for dungeons though – this means it can be used basically anywhere.

Viscid Glob (SpC): (Debuff):   Very similar to Bands of Steel, viscid glob requires you make a ranged touch attack and the opponent makes a Ref save or is stuck in place. As with Bands of Steel they can use a full round action to attempt to break free. Unlike bands of steel – other enemies who come in contact with the spell effect get stuck themselves. Large (or larger) creatures can be prevented from moving with this spell but can otherwise act normally. The Ref targeting is a weak save to target at this level – though I try to avoid single target “save negates” spells by this point.

Dimension Jumper (CM): (BC):   Teleport yourself up to 30’ once per round as a move action. This spell is a swift action to cast which is nice, and can be used to teleport back and forth past your own BC’s which can provide you an effective defence without requiring a standard action.

Evacuation Rune (CS): (Utility):   A bit like Gemjump of the next level – Evacuation rune is a preselected teleportation location precast. There are some notable differences though. Evacuation rune is a 24 hour cast – so although it can be cast at the beginning of the day (or the end if you save an open slot), it must be repeatedly cast. It also teleports only you. There are 2 very nice attributes of this spell that are rather unique though. First, it is a swift action to activate – and second – the preselected location can be moved (so the rogue could take it with him while he scouts ahead for example) meaning there are more uses for this than just retreating.

Dimension Shuffle (PHB II): (BC):   Pretty much the ultimate “rearrange the battlefield” spell as you teleport enemies and allies alike. The enemies can make Will saves to avoid the effect – but in the end – you will get a pretty conclusive rearrangement of the battlefield to your liking.

Cloudkill (PHB): (Debuff/BC):   The next type of “fog” spell. This is unlike the others in that it moves 10’ per round away from you (this is a severely limiting factor). Creatures within the cloud suffer effects based on their HD and Fort save. The big deal here is a high HD creature that makes its save STILL takes Con damage (1d4/2) every round they are within the cloud. This spell does pretty good when you first get it, but does not scale well with level. Also – you need to mix it with Solid Fog or Evard’s to get maximum effect, otherwise the Con loss is just too small.

Summon Monster V (PHB): (Summoning)    an average SM spell. Note that the Fiendish Giant Crocodile is Huge and has Improved Grab with a +21 grapple score. That is probably a higher grapple than Evard’s when you first get this spell – and it does and takes damage as well. However, you are still using a full round to summon,

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and targeting only one opponent with it. Situationally it is your best grappling spell from 9th to 10th level.

Phantasmal Thief (SpC): (Debuff):    This unseen servant-like apparition can steal from your opponents and bring the booty to you. The problem is that you can’t steal anything they are wearing or holding (otherwise I would suggest stealing spell component pouches!) – and it can only steal one item at a time (or I would suggest stealing the contents of a spell component pouch). It can attempt to disarm a held item, but the disarm check is equal to your CL (which isn’t very good for a disarm). There are still some nice uses for this spell – and it essentially gives you a free debuff every round – but the limitations are severe.

Call Zelekhut (SpC): (Summons):    Call a Zelekhut to perform a task for you that cannot last longer than 1 hour. Zelekhut’s are pretty tough for this level of spell – but you need to spend 100 xp to cast this spell (readers of my guides know how I love Material and XP costs to spells). Lesser Planar Binding provides a more versatile selection of creatures without the xp cost.

Leomund’s Secret Chest (PHB): (Utility):    Send a 5,000 gp chest (up to 1 cubic foot/CL) to the ethereal plane for up to 60 days, and retrieve at any time. The utility “RAI” would make this spell a fairly expensive, but reliable way to store your spellbook away from dangerous conditions – to be retrieved to rememorize and then sent out again. However, there is an abusive use to this spell – I will only bring up to point out you shouldn’t do it. Many opponents will fit in the chest – and using a baleful transposition or similar spell you could get them in that chest (or with a translocation trick – in the chest and nobody would know) – then send the chest away and the opponent is gone with no save for 60 days (or forever if you don’t mind losing the 5,000gp chest.) Its a “trick” and you are better than that.

Greater Dimension Door (SpC) : (BC):    Like dimension door except that you can’t go as far (close range), but you can repeat the process every round for 1 round/2 levels as a move action. Situationally useful, but usually wasteful. The spell is still a standard action to cast.

Vitriolic Sphere (SpC): (Blast):   Beefed up Melf’s Acid Arrow. In the end the damage just isn’t all that impressive, and if the save is made the damage is horrible. There is no dual threat here.

Luminous Assassin (PHBII): (Summoning):   This faces the same advantages/disadvantages as the rest of the Luminous assassin line. The standard action summoning is nice – but the 3rd level assassin this summons is simply nothing compared to what you could summon with a SM V. For that matter – it is nothing compared to a Fiendish Dire Wolf summoned with a rapid summon monster IV...

Level 6

Planar binding (PHB): (Utility):            Potentially broken for the same

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reason as Lesser Planar Binding but worse because for a mere one level advancement in spell level you can call a creature with double the HD. Theoretically you can bind an Efreeti and get 1 wish/round for 1 day/level. Theoretically the DM could never invite you to play in his group again as well (or merely severely misinterpret every wish you make – “Raze your intelligence? Of course master...”. This spell is easily abused – so play nice and you won’t force your DM to figure out ways to make his campaign playable again.

Freezing Fog (SpC): (Triple threat BC/Blast/Debuff):    Basically this is solid fog with a quickened/heightened/widened grease spell added on. There’s some inconsequential cold damage merely for flavour. Mixing two good spells like Solid Fog and Grease (that are naturally synergetic) makes this a very good spell. This remains my favorite conjuration spell for the strong triple threat and synergy of the BC/Debuff aspects.

Gemjump (SpC): (Utility):    Greater Teleport – only the location must be predetermined at the casting of the spell. The best part is that this is cast earlier – and lasts indefinitely (until you need it) meaning that in some ways, it’s even superior to greater teleport. Very solid spell.

Tunnel Swallow (SpC): (BC/Blast):   This is a circumstantial spell in that it only works in tunnels (including worked tunnels/natural tunnels/corridors), but the effect is great. 1 d6/CL damage and move the opponents up to 50’ in either direction. Ref save for half damage – and get this – half movement (most spells would have the save negate the movement portion of the spell). A decent blast – a decent BC, mixed into a nice dual threat.

Summon Monster VI (PHB): (Summoning):    Bralani Eladrin have a number of interesting abilities including a cure serious wounds 2/day. As a secondary emergency heal – this could be useful to you. For combat – this is one of the weaker SM spells.

Tactical Teleportation (CM): (BC):    Like Dimension Step except they decided to make it level 6 instead of level 3. Yes, there is a small increase to distance your allies can reposition themselves – but nothing that would make this spell worth even 2 levels higher.

Level 7

Choking cobwebs (CM): (BC/Debuff):   With a single casting, you basically get web with a chance to sicken those inside (with a failed fort save). A second casting of the same spell however is pretty severe. Movement becomes much more hindered – and those within make Fort save every round or are nauseated and take 1d4 Con damage (unlike cloudkill – no immunity to poison immune to the effect). Naturally, you want to keep throwing up movement inhibitors after this – summoning/evard’s whatever will keep them there until their con drains to 0. With a 1 min/level duration – you have time.

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Greater Teleport (PHB): (Utility):    Like Teleport except there is no requirement to study the location you are teleporting to, and range is no longer a factor – period. Teleport a million miles if you like.

Summon Monster VII (PHB): (Summons):    The Avoral has a huge variety of utlity abilities including true seeing, every knowledge in existence at +12, and others. Huge elementals make pretty good combatants at this level (including some useful combat feats).

Stun Ray (SpC): (Debuff):    Hit the opponent with this Ray and they make a Fort save. If they fail, they are stunned for 1d4 + 1 rounds, if they succeed – they are stunned for 1 round. So this spell means automatic stun – end of story. However, keep in mind it is a single target, and duration isn’t impressive. The spell is a solid debuff – but not game breaking.

Plane Shift (PHB): (Utility)    You and your companions travel planes. Purely utility, and usually campaign dependant. However, can be an invaluable resource in those campaigns.

Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion (PHB): (Utility):    Now this is like Rope Trick except the inside is huge, fancy, and filled with unseen servants. The only reason to use this rather than the former is pride – but you’re a wizard, is a little pride so undeserved? Mechanically however, I can’t recommend it.

Call Kolyarut (SpC): (Summoning):    Summon a Kolyarut. Like Zelekhut but tougher. Now the XP cost is 250 – that’s significant. It’s not like you dont’ have other options either (many creatures Planar Bound at this point will even be tougher than a Kolyarut) I should point out however that Kolyarut gets enervation at will. I can’t justify the xp cost – but make your own mind up.

Dragon Ally (SpC): (Summoning):   Makes the call inevitable spells seem cheap. I include only this one spell (though they line up with the call inevitable spells exactly). The XP costs are the same – but now you can give them all your gold as well (minimum 50gp per HD of dragon). This is basically the wizard’s answer to the Planar Ally spells. However, the wizard didn’t NEED an answer to those spells. Not recommended for prohibitive costs.

Level 8

Planar Binding Greater (PHB): (Utility):    Potentially bind a Pit Fiend, or a Formian Queen, or a Planetar. Once again – play nice – this spell is easily breakable.

Maze (PHB): (BC):   Pick an opponent – remove them from combat with no save. They can return (depending on their Int score for duration), but you get that time to clean up their allies and put a forcecage in their square (or

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Summon Monster VIII (PHB): (Summoning):    The Colossal Fiendish Monstrous Centipede actually is a pretty decent BC. Basically an immense wall of HP that moves on your command. However, we’re talking 8th level spells here – this one is average for the level at best.

Greater Plane Shift (PHB): (Utility):    Like Plane Shift except you appear exactly where you want. Again, this spell is purely utility and campaign dependant.

Deadly Lahar (CM): (Blast/Debuff):    Large cone does so-so damage and slows creatures who fail their Ref save. A slow effect that targets Ref is nice – as is the large area of the spell – but for an 8th level spell – the effect isn’t strong enough.

Fierce Pride of the Beastlands (SpC): (Summoning):   Summon 2d4 celestial lions and 1d4 celestial dire lions to attack and miss your foes an incomprehensible amount of times. These creatures are far too weak for the level.

Level 9

Summon Elemental Monolith (SpC): (Summoning):   Summon an Elemental Monolith for concentration (up to 1 round/level). The drawbacks are that concentration is required and you still have the 1 round casting time – but Elemental Monoliths are quite tough and have a plethora of feats. For a 9th level spell it’s not earthshattering (though an earth elemental monolith can literally do that I suppose) – but a fairly solid summoning for the level.

Towering Thunderhead (CM): (BC):    Create a 40’ spread mass of dark clouds (concealment as fog cloud) that provide a wind wall and hinder movement. Your movement is not hindered, and any sonic or electricity spell of 7th level or lower cast within is empowered for free. This spell is only going to be useful to you if you have some decent electricity or sonic spells to cast (or your allies do). That will likely require you casting spells out of school (probably evocation).

Teleportation Circle (PHB): (Utility):    Teleport theoretically near infinite targets theoretically infinite distance. Circumstantial – but impressive nonetheless (teleport an entire army with this). Most of the time – Greater Teleport will serve you and your immediate group just as well as this spell.

Obedient Avalanche (SpC): (Triple threat Blast/BC/Debuff):    Huge area spell that does so-so damage, but can bury creatures in 20’ radius spread who fail their Ref save (good save to target, but teleport/freedom of movement is common by this level).

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Creatures outside the 20’ radius spread, but inside the 40’ radius spread take less damage and are bull-rushed outwards. Not bad, but not “9th level impressive” type spell.

Gate (PHB): (Summoning):    Call in a creature way tougher than you or your opponent and have it lay waste. Threads on these boards would suggest you should cast this every combat – but the 1000xp cost makes me disagree. It is a huge effect with a huge cost. Personally, I would consider having it in reserve for emergencies – but no way I would use it repeatedly. There you go Gate-maniacs – I don’t recommend this spell – flame away!

Summon Monster IX (PHB): (Summoning):   The worst SM for its level. Few options, and nothing really impressive for this level. An Elemental Monolith would lay waste to anything you can summon here – and the versatility factor isn’t that impressive since the SLA’s and the like tend towards the weak side.

Abyssal Army (SpC): (Summoning):   Cast this spell and summon 2d4 dretches (useless), 1d4 babau demons (basically useless) and 1 vrock demon (marginally useful at best). They get maximum HP per HD, which for all but the Vrock – isn’t much. Maybe the babau demons and dretches can “aid another” or something – but this spell just doesn’t cut 9th level.

Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (SpC): (Blast):   Very similar to black Blade of Disaster except you don’t need to concentrate – but you can only move it at 30’ round (and the range is longer). It suffers for the same reason.

Black Blade of Disaster (SpC): (Blast):   Get a disintegrate 1/round for 1 round/CL as long as you maintain concentration within close range. If the target saves –(Fort save) they take 5d6 damage. This last part kills this spell in my eyes.

Heavenly Host (SpC): (Summoning):   Like Abyssal Army except you get 2d4 lantern archons and 1d4 hound archons – and none of the summons is even halfway good. Maximum HP lantern archons and Hound Archons aren’t very good at this level.

Greater Dimension jumper (CM): (Utility):   Like Dimension jumper except the range is now 60’ feet (instead of 30’), and it requires a swift action (rather than a move action) and it’s 9th level rather than 5th. Did you see 4 levels worth of improvements? Me neither.

Final Thoughts: Yep - there you go, notice lots of     early on and lots of    later? However - as a whole - the school rocks.

My suggestion for those who travel the conjuration school to high level is to prepare. Summon Elemental Monolith is a decent spell - but you can make it more effective through Rapid Spell/Metamagic school (conjuration) as well as Augment Summoning. A ring of Mighty Summons is also recommended.

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After learning my lesson with Necromancy - I've decided that just because Enchantment and Illusion are smaller schools - I won't include all the spells - but merely highlight those I feel are worthy of a second look. Smaller schools mean less great spells - that's just reality, but those schools still have gems for us to find.

(I know there is an enchantment school breakdown already. However, not one with my current format - so a bit of repetition is likely - just like this guide and Echodork's Conjurer's Guide)

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizard Spells: God's Tools - Part 6: IllusionIn this thread I will break down illusion spells spell by spell - which are underrated, which are overrated (All IMO - this isn't Gospel - only the Gospel according to Treantmonk)

This is the 2nd last thread for schools of magic (enchantment will come later today) - however, I intend 2 more guides for players wishing to play "god". One will rate PrC's from various sources - the other will rate alternate classes you may wish to consider for your "god" character. I intend to use a similar format to these spell guides, with my standard                      Though I may abbriviate it somewhat...

To the readers: If there's a spell you think I should look at - post it and I'll include it in my guide - though be pre-warned - I do not guarantee I will hold the same opinion as you.

Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your

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enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort - and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

  : This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it

  : This spell is highly recommended

   : YES!!!!!

Part 6: Illusion

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To the reader of past guides: You will notice that the illusion guide is small. Much smaller than past guides. Your eyes do not decieve you - there are various reasons for this:

1) I discovered through the abjuration/necromancy thread that just because a school has less spells doesn't mean you should include more of the "should ignore" spells into the guide. It gives the guide a negative feel without really adding any useful information. If I don't include a spell in the guide - it probably means I'm not a big fan of it.

2) Illusion is a difficult school to rate. Of all the schools - how do you rate a spell with the versatility of "Shadow conjuration" or even worse "major image"? The effectiveness of these spells is limited mainly by the imagination of the user - so please take that into account.

3) Illusion is an interesting school in that it has a few spells that are awsome standouts, and a lot of spells that are garbage compared to those few spells.

Note that the enchantment guide will be even smaller - much smaller - but for slightly different reasons.

Finally - illusion creates alot of debate. Can you use an illusion to create an illusionary pit in a floor? Can you use Shadow Conjuration to emulate an effect and choose to not

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make a saving throw to disbelieve? People have their minds set so completely on these areas that nothing is going to change it - but before you make up yours - I do like the take on illusions that Skip Williams has - check the guide below for more informations:

All About Illusions

So without further ado: Here's the illusion spells your wizard should take a second look at:

Level 1:

Silent Image (PHB) (BC or Utility):            Very likely the best first level spell in the game. Yes, better than grease, ray of enfeeblement, sleep and the rest. This spell allows you to create pretty much anything – and the opponent only gets a save if they interact with it. Your imagination is the limit – though generally I suggest imitating other spells (higher level spells) with it. This spell is still useful at high levels.

Color Spray (PHB) (Debuff):   Creates a small cone that targets will save of those within. At low levels – if they miss their save they lose. Later on it becomes a more minor debuff – but continues to be decent through the mid levels. It does require you getting uncomfortably close though.

Disguise Self (PHB) (Utility):    Useful utility spell – though easily replicated with a ridiculously cheap magic item permanently.

Net of Shadows (SpC) (BC):    A more specific and controlled version of obscuring mist. You choose targets who essentially have the same modifiers as if they were in an obscuring mist. Enemies get a will save to avoid the effects. Not bad – though somewhat circumstantial.

Level 2:

Invisibility (PHB) (Buff):    Make yourself or an ally invisible for 1 min/level. Although attacking reveals the invisible creature, keep in mind that indirect stuff (so basically anything a God would normally do) does not.

Blinding Color Surge (PHB II) (Double threat Buff/debuff):    Opponent makes a will save or is blinded for a round. Regardless of their save result, you turn invisible for 1 round/level. The multithreat is somewhat redundant, but will benifit your allies for the cost of reducing the duration of your invisibility - this is a decent trade.

Mirror Image (PHB) (Buff):   Beautiful self buff that makes you extremely hard to hurt. Up to 8 additional images – that have an equal chance of being hurt by an attack as you do. Very tough for an opponent to beat.

Minor Image (PHB) (BC or Utility):    The next step up from Silent Image.

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Basically the same spell except you can add some sound to this one. Frankly – still a good spell, but it doesn’t add a lot on silent image so you should usually use that one.

Delusions of Grandeur (SpC) (Debuff):    A debuff that targets will. Basically the standard -2 on just about everything. The nice thing is that this will stack with all those other similar debuffs (sickened, fatigued, shaken etc)

Phantom Foe (SpC) (Buff):    Basically give an ally a single mirror image which flanks his melee foe. Should work well with a glass cannon who gets separated from the BSF.

Vertigo (PHB II) (BC):    Debuff that targets will. For 1 round/level if the opponent fails a will save, they must make a DC 10 balance check or they can't take a move action (and fall prone if missed by 5 or more). The weaknesses of this spell are: 1) single opponent saves and the spell is wasted, 2) If they have balance, or a decent dex, this spell won't accomplish much.

Blur (PHB) (Buff):    Attacks miss 20% of the time for 1 round/level. Only mentioned to point out that this spell is often overrated. Way inferior to mirror image as a defensive buff IMO.

Level 3:

Phantasmal Strangler (CM) (Debuff/Blast):    I’ve always been a fan of summoning for the purpose of grappling enemies – but this spell is just as good or better. The opponent gets a Will save, but if they fail, they are grappled – and taking damage every round until they are unconscious. Nice spell!

Vertigo Field (PHB II) (Debuff/BC):   20' radius spread of targets must make a FORT save (not will!) or be nauseated for 1 round. Terrain within the field is difficult and within there is a 20% miss chance (no save). One nice feature of this spell is you can exclude your allies from the nauseating effect.

Legion of Sentinels (PHB II) (BC):    Fill a 10' radius space with ghostly sentinels that flank and make attacks of opportunity on foes (you need to check errata to find they attack with your CL and do 1 bonus damage per 3 CL's (max +5)). It is best to think of this spell as a battlefield control, not a summoning spell.

Invisibility Sphere (PHB) (Buff):    When your whole party needs to travel invisibly, this spell will allow you to do that. It does require you huddle close – but this is still decent utility.

Mask of the Ideal (CM) (Buff):    Basically an eagles spender on speed that stacks with eagles spender. Increase Cha for Planar Bindings or Malconvoker’s bluff checks, as well as a circumstance bonus to bluff and diplomacy.

Hood of the Cobra (CM) (Debuff):    One creature makes a will save or is shaken.

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Then you make touch attacks for 1d6 con (fort negates). Not a big touch attack fan, otherwise this would be awesome.

Displacement(PHB) (Buff):    Like blur, but now the miss chance is 50%. You are still better off with mirror image (IMO), though this spell actually stacks decently with that if you get a chance to layer defences before a fight.

Shadow Binding (SpC) (BC):    Like Web except that you get a will save to ignore the effect (bad) – however, you don’t need anchor points like web (good).

Major Image (PHB) (BC, Utility):    The next step up the image spells. This one can now include smell and thermal effects. Once again – not a huge amount better than silent image – and in most cases, the first level spell will do the trick. This one can talk, which could possibly be useful in certain situations.

Level 4:

Greater Mirror Image (PHB II) (Self Buff):    like mirror image but much better. Firstly, you add 1 image/round (max 8 ) meaning that as your opponents hit images they reappear. Most importantly however, this spell is an immediate action casting - this is a big, big deal.

Shadow Conjuration (PHB) (flexible threat):    or     Mimic any conjuration (Summoning or creation) spell of 3rd level or lower with 20% affect. The power of this spell varies greatly depending on whether you believe the saving throw is optional. If it is – this spell is great, if it doesn’t, this spell is good. Note that PrC options can improve this spell greatly.

Shadow Well (SpC) (BC):    Maze with a will save. That’s basically this spell – remove your opponent from combat while you finish off his allies/prepare for his return. The will save to ignore is bad – but otherwise, a decent spell.

Greater Invisibility (PHB) (Buff):    Like invisibility but you can attack. The duration now sucks. Still, for BSF this is a good buff. For yourself, stick to invisibility and indirect attacks.

Hallucinatory Terrain (PHB) (Utility):    Change the appearance of terrain. Actually, very circumstantial.

Phantasmal Killer (PHB) (Save or die):    This save or die grants 2 saving throws (Fort and Will), but if you love save or dies – this is a low level one.

Phantom Battle (PHB II) (Debuff):    Opponents in a 20' radius spread make a will save or they cannot make attacks of opportunity. Regardless of their save, they are considered flanked (hello rogues!). Unfortunately, leaving the affected area ends the effect.

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Level 5:

Shadow Evocation (PHB) (flexible threat):    or     As Shadow Conjuration above except it can mimic any evocation spell of 4th level or lower. This is an extremely versatile spell, but again, much of the versatility is dependant on whether you believe that you can skip your save when you cast “shadow” contingency on yourself (which would make a huge effect on whether it works at all).

Friend to Foe (PHB II) (Debuff):   This illusion could be easily labelled an enchantment spell. You make one creature per CL (can't be more than 30' apart - though you want them close anyways), make a will save or begin attacking his companions. I've seen this spell used to great effect.

Persistant Image (PHB) (BC):    Next in the line of image spells. This one works as major image – but requires no concentration – so you can have an illusion for 1 min/level. This is a decent improvement on the spell line – though still pales in comparison in power level (for the level of spell) to silent image IMO.

Level 6:

Permanent Image (PHB) (Utility):   OK – now once again I’m impressed. Make an illusion that essentially has permanency on it (with a small material cost and no XP cost) – you can move the image by concentrating on it at any time. Nice.

Shadow Walk (PHB) (Utility):    An illusionists mass transport spell – probably inferior to teleport – but easily as good as a clerics wind walk. In addition, you can take unwilling subjects (if they fail their save) and “lose” them in the shadow plane.

Shadow Grappler (SpC) (BC):   Only mentioned in this guide so you don’t get it confused with Phantasmal Strangler – the 3rd level spell which is really good. This spell is worse than that one and level 6.

Level 7:

Project Image (PHB) (Buff):            Kind of like Mirror Image except it doesn’t disappear when hit, and you don’t need to be visible at all, and your spells originate from it (which is probably the biggest feature), and you can see and hear from it. So basically – throw a projected image in the midst of your enemies and go to town. Absolutely game breaking (and frusturating for a DM!)

Greater Shadow Conjuration (PHB) (Utility):    As Shadow Conjuration with a 60% reality and it can duplicate up to 6th level. Again, very versatile – and now fairly effective even if disbelieved.

Level 8:

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Greater Shadow Evocation(PHB) (Utility):    As Greater Shadow Conjuration but evocation spells up to 7th level. Still very versatile, and becoming more real – very solid spell.

Superior Invisibility (SpC) (Buff):    Like greater invisibility, but with improved duration and much harder to detect. Avoids tremorsense, blindsense, sent, see invisibility, invisibility purge – but does not evade true seeing. Against certain creatures – useful, against others, not so much (and true seeing isn’t that rare by this level).

Level 9:

Shades (PHB)(Utility):    As shadow conjuration – but up to 8th level and 80% real. This actually is not quite as great as it appears, as the high level conjuration spells aren’t as impressive. Still a good spell – but not as great for the level as Greater Shadow Conjuration actually.

Final Thoughts: Overall – I’m pretty impressed with illusion. Lots of options besides the standard Silent Images and Shadow Conjuration/Evocations.

However, if you are going with a Focused Specialist illusionist – going with a Shadowcraft mage/Shadowcrafter seems to be a total no-brainer. However – I’m convinced that a Focused Specialist Illusionist who does not take this route could still be effective – however, be aware that you will be almost exclusively targeting Will – this reduces versatility and can be the worst save to target at high level.

Personally - the one thing I have against playing a dedicated illusionist is that you are going to hear the phrase "I Disbelieve!" over and over again. For those who don't know - the "word" disbelieve (verb) is ridiculous, and makes me want to gag. Just a personal response, as the "word" bugs me greatly - and always has.

The "Shadow" magic debate: So, those who have been following my conjuration guide responses may have discovered that it turned into a huge debate regarding "Shadow Conjuration" and the like spells.

The debate started with the suggestion that a Create Tattoo spell cast with Shadow Conjuration would achieve the same effect without the material component.

Then it was suggested that this was a bad alternative, since the spell would only have a 20% chance of working since the caster would obviously know that they were casting a "shadow" spell.

The debate moves on without resolution - it comes down to whether you believe that the caster can choose whether to save vs. the shadow spell or whether you believe that they automatically disbelieve. Better check with your DM...

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Treantmonk's Guide to Wizard Spells: God's Tools - Part 7: EnchantmentTHE SMALLEST ENCHANTMENT GUIDE EVER!!!!

Yes - this enchantment guide is small, wee, minute, and petite.

For those who haven't seen it - there is a very well written and maintained guide to enchantment already:Enchanter Handbook

This handbook will list and rate every enchantment spell from pretty much every source you can imagine. Someone mentioned to me after my first guide, that an Enchantment guide would be redundant.

I agree with that sentiment. After all - I clearly am not the expert at enchantment as the OP of the guide. Although I do think they are overly enamored with enchantment spells - for rating the spells against each other - the guide works nicely.

However, there is something the enchanters handbook won't do for you, which should make this guide a decent companion to that one. It doesn't give a lot of detail on which spells to use to get around the rather large disadvantages associated with enchantment spells.

Enchantment is an interesting school - certainly unique amongst all spell schools. Should you face off against an enemy with a low will save – enchantment offers you a huge number of solid options; maybe you will make the enemy into your thrall, or perhaps just friends, or perhaps you will leave them a quivering mass on the floor your Big Stupid Fighter can slash into ribbons.

When it comes to mind-affecting/will targeting magic – enchantment is the best school, with tons of effective spells – but, dare I say it? The school becomes redundant, and the weaknesses become difficult to circumvent. The school ends up being very specialized.

The conventional wisdom of course is this: Should you come across an enemy immune to mind-effecting magic, or with a great will save – have your thralls attack him. Use non-enchantment spells to back them up.

However, if you are considering enchantment as a speciality school – this probably isn’t enough. At low levels, you probably don’t have thralls yet – and if you are a FS, your spells will be mostly enchantment. So in this guide I will be focusing on enchantment spells that fit at least one of these two requirements.

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1) not mind affecting2) does not grant a Will save

This ended up reducing the size of this guide more than I ever expected. Firstly, ALL enchantment spells are mind-affecting. I suspected as much, but I can now confirm it completely (at least in the sourcebooks I use).

Secondly, if an enchantment spell offers a save - it's Will. Again, I suspected as much, but can now confirm it (though a respectable number offer no save).

Thirdly, enchantment is small. I mean small! I never noticed that my spell compendium offered NO enchantment spells of 5th or 6th level. Hundreds of spells offered to wizards at that level - but not a single one is enchantment. That is how small this school is. It is likely the smallest school in the game.

This should then be a useful tool for those specializing in enchantment to add versatility to their spell list – and with enchantment – this is an important and difficult task.

Technically, buffs such as heroism are mind affecting and grant a Will save – but since it’s a buff, those factors become irrelevant.

Sources: I use PHB, PHB II, Complete Series, and SpC (these are both the books I own, as well as those allowed in the campaigns in which I play) - so all the spells listed are from those sources. (these guides are not completely unselfish - I reference them periodically with my own characters)

There are lots of gems in various other sources - but I've found there are lots of good spells to round out your spellbook in the sources used. By all means, if you would like to highlight a spell from another source - post it in a reply (along with the source and the specs) for the readers to reference.

Kinds of Spells: This is how I break down the types of spells...

BC: Battlefield Control. This is the spells that involve impeding movement of your opponents - aiding movement of your allies, or in any other way treating the world as your own personal chessboard.

Debuff: Debuffing is anything you cast on an enemy to impede his ability mechanically. Lowering of attributes, Blinding, Sickening, or scaring the living crap out of. Debuffing - as the name would indicate - also includes removing any buffs your enemy might have.

Buff: Buffing is improving the abilities of your allies mechanically. Whether it be through giving them extra attacks, better AC, or merely providing them a flanker. The nice thing about buffs is they likely won't involve saving throws.

Blast: A Blast is a spell that does HP damage to your opponent. Blasts are a pretty

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basic part of any Wizard's toolbelt - but IMO make a poor central focus to any Wizard. My suggestion is to cast Blast spells when you have nothing really useful to do.

Utility: These are those spells that have uses that aren't necessarily related to combat. Often utility spells can be useful in combat - but more circumstantially.

Save or Die: These spells give you a saving throw - or you're dead (or effectively dead). Personally, I don't like these spells - since they tend to target Fort - and are higher level then spells which can give you the win without avoiding the fun. You are usually better with a debuff if you like this style of spell.

Multiple Threat: A spell that covers more than one of the above at a time is a multiple threat spell. For example - a spell that does damage as well as impede the enemies movement would be a double threat (BC + Blast), while a spell that does damage, impedes the movement of the enemy, gives them mechanical penalties, and gives your allies bonuses would be a Quadruple threat (BC + Blast + Debuff + Buff). By the way - if you know of a Quadruple threat spell - let me know!!!

Rating the spells:

After breaking down the spells, I will self-righteously give them either the Treantmonk stamp of approval - or the stamp of the foot, oversimplifying the use of each.

: This spell's a Turkey. Not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not all bad, but not good enough for me to recommend

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it

  : This spell is highly recommended

   : YES!!!!!

Part 7: Enchantment

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Level 1

Shock and awe (SpC):    Mind affecting but no save. This spell can only be cast in a surprise round (circumstantial) to give your opponents a -10 to their initiative.

Rouse (PHB II):    Wake up your allies quickly. This spell is intended as a reaction to your party being hit with a sleep spell. This makes it horribly circumstantial.

Level 2

Ray of stupidity (SpC):            Mind affecting, subject takes 1d4 +1 Int DAMAGE no save. Very nice, you CAN drop an opponent to 0 with this spell, you can hit opponents with this multiple times. The obvious (but wrong) target with this are wizards. Personally, when my 4th level party gets attacked by a T-Rex - I will drop it with a single spell, no save. Treantmonk’s FAVORITE enchantment spell right here!

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Touch of idiocy (PHB): (Debuff)    Mind affecting, but no save. This spell gives the target a 1d6 penalty to all its mental stats (Int, Wis and Cha). This amounts to quite a bit of penalties – but to stats are only circumstantially useful to your enemy (and seldom all of them). The touch spell factor is also limiting.

Mechanus Mind (SpC): (Buff)    Mind affecting buff. This spell gives the target a +4 will save vs mind affecting spells and abilities. They also receive a +2 bonus on Int based checks and a -2 on Cha based checks. The 3rd level spell disobedience (complete scoundrel) will make this spell obsolete.

Level 3

Ray of dizziness (SpC):    Basically slow on one target with no saving throw. Awesome!!!

Heroism: (PHB): (Buff)    This buff gives the target creature a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saves and skill checks. A far cry from Haste or Mass Snakes Swiftness – but a decent buff nonetheless, and with 10 min/level duration – it lasts much longer.

Rage: (PHB): (Buff)    Give allies the benifits of rage - but wait, not really. You actually give 1/2 the benifits of rage and all the drawbacks (except the fatigue at the end). You can affect multiple allies (1 / 3 levels) which is the only reason this spell avoids "non-recommendation" status. Thanks to Trednis for pointing out this spell affected willing targets only...

Level 4

Battle Hymn (SpC): (Buff)    Allies within 30ft can reroll will saves if they are missed. A little circumstantial – but not bad as a buff.

Vecna’s malevolent whisper (CM): (Blast)    Put any target with 10 HP or less to -9 with no save. A decent “finishing touch” for the high AC monsters.

Level 5

Nothing – not a single non-mind affecting or non-will save spell I could find. This was the first time I noticed that the Spell Compendium lists no spells for enchantment of 5th or 6th level.

Level 6

Greater Heroism: (PHB) (Buff):    Much like heroism except double the bonuses (+4) and add temporary HP equal to your CL and immunity to fear. Note however that the duration reduces to 1 min/level.

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Freezing Glance: (Frost) (Debuff):    Please note the source (which is not a standard sourcebook), but this spell is too good not to mention. Although it does target will - it is not mind-affecting, so mind affecting immunity will not help you. For one round/level, you gain a gaze attack that targets one opponent. That opponent makes a will save or is frozen in place (unable to do anything at all - worse than paralyzation) for 1 min/level. Attacking them grants an additional saving throw. So a 11th level caster is basically getting 11 "spells" from this. (Thanks CantripN for pointing out this spell)

Level 7

Power Word: Blind: (PHB) (Debuff):    You blind one opponent with no saving throw. Note however that SR still works, there is a maximum HP allowed or the spell fails (200 hp), and assuming the creature has over 100 HP, the duration is small (1d4 +1 rounds).

Level 8

Otto’s irresistible dance: (PHB) (Debuff):    This spell turns your subject into a useless capering idiot for 1d4+1 rounds with no saving throw. Note that it is still mind-affecting and allows SR. However, barring immunity or resistance – the subject of this spell is toast as long as you can finish them off during the duration (they also have a -4 AC and a -10 to Ref saves, but I can’t think of any Ref targeting save or dies off the top of my head).

Power word: Stun: (PHB) (Debuff):    Like power word blind, except the HP limit is reduced (yes, reduced) to 150, and the duration is worse (expect 1d4 rounds for most opponents). Stun is a nice effect – but you are much better off with the stun ray from SpC (conjuration level 7), as it also results in a minimum of 1 round of stunning regardless of save, and has no HP limit.

Level 9

Power word: Kill (PHB) (Debuff???):    Like the other power words except now the HP limit sucks (100 hp), however, the duration is much improved (you’re dead). Assume most of your enemies begin with too many HP for this to work – you need some method of divining HP, or take your best guess and pray.

Final Thoughts: Again, enchantment is a small school - and a specialized school. There are however, a number of very strong "no save" spells. I was surprised and impressed with Rage. Ray of Stupidity and Ray of dizziness were less of a suprise, but each extremely effective.

In the end, I've come to a conclusion that a FS enchanter has an acceptable number of options to use against creatures with a high will save. However, the lack of options against creatures immune to mind-effects is a vulnerability that will only be overcome with non-enchantment spells.

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CantripN's Guide to Transmutation Spells

Well, I went and made myself a Focused Transmuter... Looking at the Handy Links, I must admit I had been quite surprised there was no guide to Transmutation spells! Considering that Transmutation and Conjuration are the 2 most powerful and versatile wizard schools, it's a shame. So, after going through almost every book printed, here it is, finally.

In case you're wondering, yes, it's very much possible to play a Focused Specialist (Transmuter) at all levels. It's about as good as a Focused Conjurer.

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The Rating System

Unabashedly stolen from TM, the rating system follows.

  : This spell's a turkey; not worth having in your spellbook at all.

   : Not bad, but not good enough for me to recommend.

  : Run of the mill. It's OK, but nothing special.

   : The spell is solid. I recommend it.

  : This spell is highly recommended.

   : Jackpot!

Level 1:

Enlarge Person (   ) - Gives your Fighter Reach, so he can kill things better. If you didn't get it by now, that's your job: letting the Big Stupid Fighter kill things.

NerveskitterSpC (   ) - It helps you win Initiative. That's pure WIN, right there!

Treacherous WeaponExEv (  ) - Save negates, but not only does it scale until 9th level, it can be cast as either an Immediate Action or a Standard Action - which doubles the effect. Awesome spell.

Ray of ClumsinessSpC (  ) - It's Ray of Enfeeblement, except instead of weakening offense, it hurts their defense. Really nice spell, easily lowering AC and Reflex saves. Kill those pesky Rogues with this.

Expeditious Retreat (+Swift)PHB/SpC (   ) - It's a spell for running away. You have a d4 HD. Guess what you do when your Big Stupid Fighter fails?

Hoard GulletDrM (   ) - How about a Bag of Holding... at level 1? Sure, it's not perfect, but it's a good spell to know.

Snuff the LightDotU (   ) - I'm sure you can see the use of turning off the lights as a Swift Action...

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Reduce Person (   ) - It adds to your AC and some skills. Not bad, but barely worth a slot.

Feather Fall (   ) - Like Magic Missile, it's a spell every Wizard knows. It's a handy little thing to have, but somehow the others live without it.

Magic Weapon (   ) - Only ever of any use when facing DR and Incorporeal enemies, this is a fairly useless spell. At low levels, you don't need it; At high levels, you have Greater Magic Weapon.Level 2:

Alter Self (           ) - This spell deserves a whole thread, also here. I don't recommend you use it, but it's power is undeniable.

Quick PotionSpC (   ) - Not only does this allow you to save actions in combat and let the peons act in your stead, it can be used to store emergency healing potions and the like. Also, these potions aren't made at minimum CL. A fun trick with this is making the Material Component for Tenser's Transformation and it's derivatives.

Jaws of the MorayStorm (   ) - It gives the BSF an extra attack per round. It's no Haste, but it's good. Not only that, but it's kinda like Improved Grab.

Levitate (   ) - That's like flight, except you can't move as easily. If they can't reach you, they can't hurt you.

Rope Trick (  ) - This is your safe haven spell. Use it well, grasshopper.

HeroicsSpC (  ) - Again, your job is making the fighter able to better smash things. This spell does that nicely.

Swift FlySpC (   ) - That's Fly, 1 level early. Useful for running away, covering distances or along with other spells (Levitate/Greater Floating Disc), getting actual flight. If you're an actual Transmuter, this is a (  ), because you can get Sudden Shift.

Fox's Cunning (   ) - I only mention this spell because of a trick related to Quick Potion and Mental Pinnacle. Without it, it's not a very good spell except for raising DC at low levels.

Knock (   ) - Opening doors is not your job. The rogue can pick them and the barbarian can smash them, but if you want a quick, easy, assured and simply enchanting entrance, use this. It makes rogues cry.

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Heart of AirCM (   ) - You want this spell for the combo with other Heart of... spells, but little else.

Level 3:

Haste ( ) - Get this one on your allies, and you make them that much deadlier.

Slow ( ) - Get this one on your foes, and you basically win.

Fly ( ) - You can fly! No more of this "walking" mere mortals do!

Celestial AspectBoED - ( /  ) If you can get someone to cure the ability damage, it's plain out better than Fly, and offers other options, to boot. If not, it's still rather good.

Shrink Item ( ) - You can use this spell to carry around bonfires, statues, boulders, corpses, or just about anything else. Not only can you break the game with this, you can pillage and loot anything not nailed down.

Greater Magic Weapon ( ) - Give your allies +5 weapons. They'll thank you for it more than if you'd cast another Fireball.

Heart of WaterCM ( ) - Remember the days when not being able to cast Freedom of Movement was a weakness of Wizards? Now you can cast it, and better than any Cleric ever could.

Greater Mighty WallopRotD ( ) - HUGE damage boosts to your allies.

HaltPHB2 ( ) - Immediate Action debuff. Very nice.

DragonskinSpC ( ) - This is mostly nice to get Energy Resistance, but the NA doesn't hurt, either.

Dolorous BlowSpC ( ) - Give the BSF Imp. Critical and Automatic Confirmation. That's pretty cool.

Mass Snake's SwiftnessSpC (  ) - Not everyone uses Haste well. A Swift Hunter might prefer this, for instance. Also useful if your foes move around a lot or there are a lot weak ones.

Animate WeaponCM ( ) - The effect depends on the size of the weapon, not you. Have the BSF carry a spiked chain that wouldn't shame a titan. Might be slightly broken if you use it like that, but it's plain useless otherwise.

Sense of the DragonRotD ( ) - It's essentially Blindsense 30', which is always good to

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Control TemperatureFrost ( ) - This is your Endure Elements, except you can use it for so much more. Not bad.

Wand ModulationCS ( ) - You might need the same spell a lot of times at once, and this allows for it, but it's hardly cost-effective.

SiphonCS ( ) - This one is nice if you have an URGENT need for spells, but it's really expensive to use, unless you have a Staff of the Magi.

Level 4:

Polymorph (           ) - You win. No save to avoid awesome. Probably one of the most broken and open ended spells ever. If your type isn't Humanoid, it gets just as silly earlier.

Displacer FormSpC (   ) - Not only is this a decent combat form, but you also get Displacement (yes, this is a Trans spell, not an Illusion), and you get to keep your casting!

CelerityPHB2 (   ) - You can act out of turn. That's so powerful, it's silly.

Heart of EarthCM (   ) - Stoneskin for free, as well as Temp HP and synergy bonuses? Great value.

Perfect SummonsBoED (   ) - At this point, you'll be meeting lots of spellcasters, demons and devils. Guess what those guys do? This gets you free, powerful, allies.

Voice of the DragonSpC (  ) - You're not the party face, but you can cast Suggestion! Considering you've probably prohibited Enchantment, this is good.

TrollshapePHB2 (  ) - This gives you Regeneration. Enough said. It's a defensive spell, and a good one.

Spell EnhancerSpC (  ) - Pretty darned nice. When casting CL dependent spells, this is amazing. Use it to get the good kind of Phantasmal Steed, for instance.

Baleful BlinkPHB2 (  ) - Save or lose 50% of your actions? Nice!

Passage of the Shifting SandsDrM (  ) - Very nice getaway spell, it gives you decent speed, and an attack capacity.

Mnemonic Enhancer (   ) - Adds some versatility, and if you have a day in advance, you can get free spells.

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Call of StonePHB2 (   ) - Wierd sort of Slow, and given a high DC and CL, it might well be a SoD.

Stone Shape (   ) - Pretty darned useful in natural terrain and stone walls.

Repair Critical DamageSpC (   ) - You're no healer, that's for sure, but if you have a Warforged ally, this spell and lessers are useful.

Alliance UndoneExEv (   ) - This one removes all "alliance" bonuses with no save, in a large area. Bardic Music? Marshal Auras? Flanking? None of that, and more. Mostly useful against a party, hence the lowish rating.

Mark of the Enlightened SoulDrM (   ) - Regeneration/Good exists, and with this spell you can bypass it and get free Empowered spells. Not bad, I think, but this is for those rare times you blast.

Scramble PortalSpC (   ) - Only ever of use in a planar campaign or the like. Screw over Gates with this.

Level 5:

Draconic PolymorphDraconomicon (           ) - This is Polymorph, except improved in every way that matters! If you thought Polymorph was broken (it probably is...), then don't even look at this spell.

Telekinesis (   ) - You can grapple Ghosts with this, damnit!

Mass FlySpC (   ) - This spell will win you encounters against earthbound foes without a doubt. It's even rather good for aerial combat. LEARN THIS.

Lord of the SkyDrM (   ) - I love this spell! You're a Wizard, so a good assumption is that you don't walk often. If you're a Transmuter, it's a given. With this, you can make sure you have aerial superiority or even force your foes to land. Swift Action blasting every round to stress the point is also pretty cool. This is an Evocation/Transmutation spell, so you need to be able to cast Evocation.

Flesh to IceFrost (   ) - Your first real SoD! Woohoo!

Greater Enlarge PersonSpC (  ) - Essentially, this is Permanent Enlarge Person. If you have a BSF, this is certainly handy, saving you the actions on buffing him (it?).

Lightning LeapCM (  ) - Transmutation doesn't usually move you around. Sure, it gives you the means to do so, but it rarely does so directly. This is rather unique, and damaging those in your path is rather stylish. Sculpt this for better maneuverability.

Heart of FireCM (  ) - It doesn't stack with Haste, but Fire Resistance all day long, an OOC speed boost and the Fire Shield are all nice. Not to mention the combo with the

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other Heart of... spells.

Airy WaterStorm (  ) - This is like Water Breathing, except it's actually good and has a decent duration. It lets your party fight better underwater, too.

Zone of PeaceCity (  ) - It's an Emanation around you preventing BSFers from drawing their weapons. That's pretty cool.

Trait RemovalSK (   ) - If you can somehow trap Pun-Pun for a while, this is how you disable him. It also has plenty of use in removing bad racial traits like Light Blindless, weakening Bound Pit Fiends, and if you can cast it as a Full Round action with Uncanny Forethought (hasn't seen Errata yet...), you can use it mid-combat to remove annoying abilities.

Transmute Rock to Mud (   ) - Utility is awesome, but entrapping foes with this followed by TMtR is even better.

Transmute Mud to Rock (   ) - A really good spell in a swamp, and with TRtM it's even better.

Overland Flight (   ) - If you plan to use this indoors, get one of the spells that improves maneuverability or the Pectoral of Maneuverability. Otherwise, this is your first hour/level flight spell.

Greater BlinkSpC (   ) - I don't like wasting actions on defense while in combat, but this is pretty good, I admit. With Eyes of the Oracle active, this offers immunity to most things.

Xorn MovementSpC (   ) - Because Earth Glide is just dandy!

Swift EtherealnessPHB2 (   ) - When you need it, you really do. Still, this is a 5th level spell!

Form of the Threefold BeastPHB2 (  ) - Probably the worst combat form spell for it's level. If I'm losing my casting for the duration, I'm expecting something good.

Level 6:

Mental PinnacleSRD/XPH (   ) - Become a powerful Psion for the encounter! Cast this spell once and you'll last the encounter. Ask your DM whether you get bonus PP for a high INT score - I'd rule that yes. An Enchanter casting this spell can manifest powers with a truly scary DC.

Brilliant BladeSpC (   ) - Truly a good spell when meeting anyone wearing armor or using Arcane spells.

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Lesser DragonshapeDrM (  ) - None too shabby. You can rip a level appropriate foe apart, especially if you're pre-buffed.

Scalding MudSand (   ) - This is like Stone=>Mud=>Stone, except they take damage, and it's just one spell. Not bad, I think, especially combined with Solid Fog or somesuch.

Flesh to Stone (   ) - It's a Save-or-Die. I actually like those, even if I often prefer stuff like Slow or Black Tentacles. Even so, unless you can use Flesh to Ice, this is the earliest you get a real SoD.

Disintegrate (   ) - This is an old staple, and quite a bit overrated. Damage is good, but only if they fail their save. A level earlier you got a Save-or-Die, so this don't impressin' me much. The utility of this spell is very good, with destroying walls, floors, Walls of Force and the like, though. If you want this kind of damage, without a horrid save, look at Stored Lightning Bolt (SoS).

Mage’s Lucubration (   ) - Think of it as a Pearl of Power 1-5 for a 6th level spell. Not bad, but not the best use for the slot.

Ooze PuppetSpC (   ) - Not something I'd prepare, ever, unless I plan to meet an Ooze. But if you do, it's truly good. My very own Living Spell? Sign me up!

Tenser's Transformation (  ) - I'm now a Fighter! Except I'm scrawny, have no proper equipment, and far more stupid than a wizard or fighter should ever be. This should be [Mind-Affecting, Stupid].

Nightstalker's TransformationSpC (  ) - This is like Tenser's Transformation, except you at least get Evasion and SA. This MIGHT be good if you cast it along with using Shapechange/Polymorph, but it's still a terrible spell.

Level 7:

Elemental BodySpC (   ) - Immunity to Stun, Parlysis, Poison, Sleep... the list goes on and on! Oh, and you can Fly (Perfect) at your base speed all day long. This is my favourite Transmutation spell!

Glass StrikeSpC (   ) - This is a Fort save or die... that affects Objects! You know what that means, right? Use it on Undead and Constructs while laughing like mad!

Reverse Gravity (   ) - Assuming they can't fly, this isn't a Save-or-Die; It's just a Die.

Statue (   ) - Hardiness 8 all day long is fun. Not only does this reduce damage by a lot, it also cuts energy damage down by quite a bit. This is even better on your allies.

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Control Weather (  ) - Hurricanes are fun, and you can decimate whole armies with this. Takes time, but it's worth it.

Brilliant AuraSpC (  ) - Personally, I prefer the other options and using Brilliant Weapon, since not all your allies need it, but I can't say this is bad. Your entire party ignores Armor and Shield bonuses.

Unicorn HeartCM (   ) - That's no flight, but the bonuses to skills, increased speed and DD are useful. Along with Elemental Body or the other Unicorn... spells, this is rather nice, but still, we're talking 7th level spells here...

Body of WarSpC (   ) - So I get to turn into a mighty Warforged Titan! Wow! You can't cast spells now. Congratulations, you're a BSF, but at least you're an OK one. The amount of immunities this gives is HUGE, and even though you have no CON score, you keep your HP.

SynostodweomerSpC (   ) - Whoever said Wizards can't heal, obviously missed this spell. Hardly efficient, but when you need it, you really do.

As the FrostPHB2 (   ) - Not the most powerful spell, but Slow is good. Useful vs. very mobile foes who are smart and want to kill you specifically, and the DR is not bad at 10/Magic and Piercing. It also makes you an Outsider with Cold Immunity for the duration.

Adamantine WingsCM (   ) - You can get almost the same effect with lesser spells. Still, this one offers some utility in letting you bash down doors and getting a Quickened Blast for free.

Level 8:

Polymorph Any Object (           ) - Turn your allies into Sun Giants! Turn your foes into Rocks! Utility abounds! If you don't use it as a buff, it's not actually broken, just really good.

Greater CelerityPHB2 (   ) - Unless you have some sort of reason to use a Full Round Action, such as Uncanny Forethought or a Full Round Action spell, I really don't see how this is worth 4 (!) spell levels above Celerity. Even so, I can't discount it totally, since it has SOME use.

GhostformSpC (   ) - If you're a Sorcerer, this is much more interesting. Anyhow, it's a useful spell to know, but you don't really want to waste an action casting it. Also, it's only a slightly improved, if at all, version of Greater Blink (SpC)...

Level 9:

Shapechange (           ) - Turn into whatever monster you like and abuse any racial trait! That's the pinnacle of transformative magic, and is every bit as broken

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as the lesser versions. By now, you've come to expect this.

Time Stop (   ) - You'd just stopped time. That's quite a feat, right there! Relish it by using Rainbow Falls and casting 3d4 Stored Lightning Bolts for ~1050 points of damage.

Replicate CastingSpC (  ) - Not quite Time Stop, but if you want to cast Heal, a prohibited spell, or even follow a Planeshifter, you need this.

DragonshapeDrM (  ) - You don't generally want to enter melee, but with this you might just beat them in their own game.

Planar PerinarchPlH (   ) - Interesting spell. This lets you literally be God, after a fashion, on many planes. Don't expect the local powers to appreciate your messing around with their domain, though. Were this usable on the Prime, I'd rate it higher.

Prestige Classes for GOD - when just being GOD isn't good enough:* Decent Choice** Good Choice*** Great Choice

DMG PrC’s:

Archmage ***: This is a great choice for a specialist or focused specialist since you already have Spell Focus (or should) for your chosen school. It will take you a whole one level of Master Specialist (see Complete Mage PrC’s) to get the Skill Focus (Spellcraft), so you only need Spell Focus in one more school to qualify.Archmage is not a PrC you need to take all 5 levels of – but it certainly is a decent choice for 5 levels. Here’s a breakdown of the High Arcana abilities:Arcane Fire: Skip this garbage. Yuck.Arcane Reach: This is normally +2 level metamagic. Take it once – twice probably isn’t worth it.Mastery of Counterspelling: I hate counterspelling – have them counterspell you.Mastery of Elements: Unlike Energy Substitution metamagic – you can switch energy to sonic. Very few creatures are immune to sonic. This actually makes Acid Fog a decent spell. This is a good choice – but not a must have.Mastery of Shaping: Must have. If you go Archmage and don’t take this – I will be very disappointed in you. This will have the appropriate holes/hallways in your solid fog spells – which makes me in love with this ability.Spell Power: Adds CL to your spells. This is decent (also helps with Spell Penetration) – but not necessarily huge.Spell Like Ability: A good choice for 9th level spells that you cast often. That’s it.

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Basically – for 5 levels of Archmage I would suggest (in this order) Mastery of Shaping, Arcane Reach, Mastery of Elements, Spell Like Ability (shapechange or time stop), Spell Power

Also – use “specialist” slots to power the high arcane – never give up generalist slots.

Loremaster *: You need one useless feat for entrance and can get as much as 5 secrets in 10 levels - one of which replaces said useless feat. The other secrets are OK but not great.

Complete Arcane:

Fatespinner **: Levels 1-4 are great and easy to qualify for. Level 5 isn’t worth it. The abilities are all limited in use – but still, you are basically “The Fortune’s Friend” without the lost caster levels.

Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil *: Yes – I acknowledge the abilities of this PrC are impressive, however, it is a pain to qualify for (SF and GSF abjuration??? WTF?) It also requires extensive level investment to pay off. It is a good choice – but it already gets too much love on these boards and there are lots of other great options for GOD.

Mage of the Arcane Order ***: Tired of being told that Focused Specialists lack spell versatility? Very well, take 7 levels of this and sacrifice “specialist” slots for casting spellpool spells. Problem solved. I’m in love with this PrC due to spellpool being so incredibly versatile and wonderful. One crappy feat required for entrance.

Wayfairer guide *: For a conjurer this is a very easy one level dip for some moderate teleportation bonuses with no drawback.

Complete Divine:

Sacred Exorcist *: Level one gives Turn Undead (yeah – you can’t use DMM, but there are a million divine feats out there that are now of use to you. (Divine Vigor, Glorious weapons). The second level gives detect evil at will if that is of interest to you.

Complete Mage:

Master Specialist **: Specialists should qualify automatically by level 4. However – waiting until level 6 to enter is wise (to take advantage of Granted Domain power or other 5th level granted alternate class features for wizard). You can use this PrC to get Greater Spell Focus as a bonus feat at level 3. The Skill Focus (Spellcraft) will help you qualify for Archmage. This PrC is a great 3 level dip – or in the case of Conjurers – decent for 10 levels (the 10th level ability is really good for Conjurers – if you can wait out all 10 levels).

Ultimate Magus *: This one is for the Metamagic Focused Route only – and even

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then consider the loss of caster levels. However – it is certainly worth consideration if you are going that route. If you do decide to go Ultimate Magus – use Beguiler as your other class. The skills rock, it gets as many castings as a sorcerer, and it uses INT as its primary stat. Don’t worry if you aren’t a fan of the spell list – the majority of your spell slots will go to power metamagic anyways.

Complete Scoundrel:

Malconvoker: (  can't rate this) Well – I love this PrC, but it’s not for GOD, it’s for Wizards who want to create Big Stupid Fighters. Deserved special mention anyways. The level 5 power is basically free twin on summon monster spells.

Complete Champion:

Paragnostic Apostle **: Easy, easy qualifier. Nepence once said to me that the first time he saw this PrC he vowed “To come back and check it every time I make a caster to see what it could add.” (I’m paraphrasing from memory). Nepence is a smart guy. This is an easy dip – go for one level or all 5 – either way it’s good. Knowledge is power abilities to consider:Accurate Retort: +1 to hit with Ray Spells against creatures with NA. So basically +1 to hit. Not bad.Backhanded Attack: OK – but very specific in use. If you love orb spells – this is worth consideringCall of Worlds: Decent for summoners – for you – not so much.Discern Weakness: Take only in campaigns where you fight a lot of one type of creatureDivine Understanding: Skip me.Energy Supremacy: Yawn. Might be OK for blasters – but not GOD.Manifest Ethos: Great for blasters – for GOD, well, not terrible anyways.Mind over body: YawnMind over Matter: Take this. Greater Mage armor now gives the protection of full plate. (Preplan for the skill requirement – Knowledge (architecture) is not normally taken)Mortal Coil: YawnNoble Presence: YawnPenetrating Insight: +1 spell penetration that stacks with spell penetration. Good choice.See through the veil: YuckSpatial Awareness: Decent choice

If you go all 5 levels – I would suggest (in order): Mind over matter, Penetrating Insight, Spatial awareness, Manifest Ethos, Accurate Retort.

Building GOD:

The Focused Specialist Conjurer

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Battlefield Controller: - The Versatility specialistThis build is a Focused Specialist that will have lost little versatility over a generalist while gaining all those extra spell memorizations:

Stats: See my 22 point build suggestions. Increase INT for levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

Race: Strongheart Halfling (cheesy - but not as cheesy as a whisper gnome)

Alternate Class abilities: Level 1 (Fighter feats, Immediate magic). Level 5 (Domain granted power - Magic Domain - now you can use spell trigger items from any school)

Levels:1: Conjurer (1)(Cloudy Conjuraton, Improved Initiative, Cooperative Spell)2: Conjurer (2)3: Conjurer (3)(Sculpt Spell)4: Conjurer (4)5: Conjurer (5)6: Mage of the Arcane Order (1)(Metamagic School: Conjuration)7: Mage of the Arcane Order (2)(Extend Spell)8: Mage of the Arcane Order (3)9: Mage of the Arcane Order (4)(Spell Focus: Conjuration)10: Mage of the Arcane Order (5)11: Mage of the Arcane Order (6)12: Mage of the Arcane Order (7)(Augment Summoning)13: Master Specialist (1) (Skill Focus: Spellcraft)14: Master Specialist (2)15: Master Specialist (3) (Rapid Spell, Spell focus - transmutation)16: Archmage (1) Mastery of Shaping17: Archmage (2) Spell Like Ability: Timestop18: Archmage (3) Arcane Reach (Spell Penetration)19: Archmage (4) Mastery of Elements20: Archmage (5) Spell Power

What this build has going for it:

It's save DC's for Conjuration spells will be very high. It will have lots of castings per day - and can switch out conjuration spells for spellpool spells from non-conjuration schools.

It can also use spell trigger items from any school of magic due to the "Magic Domain" granted power.

The Focused Specialist Transmuter

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Buffer/Debuffer: - The DC specialistThis build focuses less on maintaining versatility and jumps right into a Buffing/Debuffing specialty. This build is made so DC's will be high - but has lots of Buffing spells to fall back on when the opponent has ridiculous saves or SR. In most combats he should start with a buff (maybe a haste) and then start debuffing come round 2.

Alternate class abilities: Focused Specialist (Transmuter), Fighter feats, Domain Granted Ability (level 5)

Race: Grey Elf

Stats (32 point buy): Int 20 (16 points), Con 12 (6 points), Dex 16 (6 points), Cha 12 (4 points)

1: Transmuter 1(Spell Focus: Transmuation, Improved Initiative)2: Transmuter 23: Transmuter 3 (Spell Penetration)4: Transmuter 45: Trasmuter 5 (Family Domain)6: Master Specialist 1 (Toughening Transmutation, Skill focus: Spellcraft)7: Master Specialist 28: Fatespinner 19: Fatespinner 2 (Minor Shapeshift)10: Fatespinner 311: Fatespinner 412: Sacred Exorcist 1 (Divine Ward – Glorious Weapons)13: Master Specialist 4 (Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation)14: Paragnostic Apostle 115: Paragnostic Apostle 2 (Spell Focus: Conjuration)16: Archmage 117: Archmage 218: Archmage 3 (Greater Spell Penetration)19: Archmage 420: Archmage 5

This God uses Slow and Call of Stone as high DC debuffs while using Haste or Mass Snake's swiftness to basically give their own party 10:1 attack ratio (or therabouts - maybe not quite that much )

Advantage of this build: This build will rely more on buffing than the previous Conjuration build. As such the Divine Ward feat will be of exceptional advantage – allowing allies to be targeted with touch spells at range. Later on – Archmage will allow basically the same thing – at which point you will want to retrain your Divine Ward feat for Glorious Weapons (basically mass align weapon).

The domain granted power will give a nice party-buff of +4 Dodge to AC to all allies

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around you as a free-action 1/day. This keeps the BSF's where they should be - around you as a shield.

The slightly higher CHA is to optimize the eventual Turning ability granted through Sacred Exorcist so it is usable more times/day.

Enemies will have a difficult time with the Tranmuter’s debuffs when the saving throw is altered through Fatespinner (and even worse when they make their save and the Transmuter forces a reroll). The increased initial INT score through the racial choice will also make DC's higher.

This character will focus on Haste or Snake’s Swiftness along with Polymorph for Buffing – the 3 free extends can be used for Greater Magic Weapons, Rope Trick (at low levels), or Overland Flights.

Magic Items:Wands:

Here's the straight goods on wands - generally - they aren't great. You are stuck with a lousy caster level, they're charged, and if you want a decent level spell they are hideously expensive.

The requirements of a good wand are as follows: Level 1 spell, Level 1 caster level, Spell gives no saving throw, doesn't grant Spell Resistance, and the spell is useful enough to use often despite the requirements. Then you are talking about a wand that is cheap (750 gp) and good. For those who like math - that's 25gp per charge.

Pretty restricted stuff - but not impossible - here's some examples of wands that are actually a good deal. You might want these as a wand instead of having them in your spellbook.

Benign Transposition: No save 1st level spell that you will have use for on multiple occassions. The wand restricts your range somewhat - but is well worth 750 gp.

Protection from X: An excellent wand - keep it for when you travel the Abyss or somewhere else where outsiders will have dominate person as a SLA at will.

Silent Image: Useful utility wand. I use mine if I run out of Wall of Stone spells. It does grant a save - the idea is to use it when the opponent is not likely to try to save.

Enlarge Person: A buff spell that should last through the combat.

True Strike: Grant yourself a +20 to hit next attack. Can be useful at low-mid levels for Ray spells you don't want to miss.

True Casting (CM): Grant yourself a +10 on your next spell penetration roll. It's a standard action - but a half-decent substitute for Assay Spell Resistance.

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Get the idea?

(Note: There are a million-and-one ways to optimize wand use and to waste charges on Wands at a truly astonishing rate. The Rod of Many Wands, Metamagic Wand Grips, Dual Wand Caster are a few things that come to mind. If you really like charged items - and love depleting charged items as fast as possible - you are reading the wrong thread. In fact, Dictum Mortuum has a handbook for wand users that will give you all the methods to spend your money faster than you could ever hope to recover it - no kidding!)


I hate scrolls - they are a one-shot item which (with my miserly ways) means I'll be too cheap to ever use any I have. They just sit there - declining in value to me as I level - makes me boil to think about it.

Also - a scroll for a spell you might cast only once in a blue moon is also often worth the dough.

Here's some examples of spells that make good scrolls:

Corpse Candle: You won't use it often - but sometimes you will really need it

Ethereal Jaunt: Again - a once in awhile useful spell

Get the idea?


Staves are very powerful - they are also ridiculously expensive and charged. The more spells your staff has - the worse the deal is (since extra spells add to the value of a staff but not to the charges). Generally - I don't recommend staves unless it is a spell you cast very inconsistantly (you might cast it 4 times one day - 0 the next. The kind

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of spell you either need or is useless). In that case - have the staff specially made - with just that spell on it. Never get a staff with less than a 4th level spell (5th is better) - or you are paying for caster levels that you didn't need.

It's pretty restrictive - but here's a staff I would consider at high level:

Teleport: Spell I use often - but not everday. I always hate the slot this takes up on the memorization list - because when I need it - I NEED IT, but somedays I'll need it more than once, others I won't need it at all.


Repeat after me: "Potions suck"


Tend to be horribly overpriced. The ring of sustenance does not do what you may have heard. For a ring to be worth it - it either needs to be a minor effect (so not super-expensive) or a stupendous one.

Rings to consider:

Feather Fall: I like to use Phantom Steed as a long-duration super-fast fly spell at mid-high levels (Mid because you can get your CL boosted with other means than just levels). If you do this - this ring is a good investment - trust me.

Invisibility: Super expensive - but worth it once you can afford it.

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Ring of Enduring Arcana: Not too expensive (6,000) and your spells are 20% harder to dispel.

Spellguard Rings: Tend to be of more use in groups where there are is one primary Big Stupid Fighter. In that case - very worthwhile. Cloudkill away!!!

Miscellaneous Items:

I love items that I can use over and over (I'm sure you've figured that out.) Here's some gems to consider:

(Note: I don't have MiC and I'm not getting it now with 4.0 just around the corner. Use these examples of a guide for how to pick the right magic item for your wizard when you look through the MiC)

Pearls of Power: These are EXPENSIVE - hey wait - 1st level pearls of power are cheap! Worthy to pick up a few 1st level pearls so you can keep casting and casting and casting.

Headband of Intellect: Get this ASAP - then upgrade it whenever you can afford to do so. It will grant you some extra spell castings and raise your DC on spells. (Later on - the Tome of Clear thought as well naturally)

Amulet of Health: Less important than the INT bonus - but being a little tougher doesn't hurt.

Cloak of Resistance: Good for any character - you too. +1 is cheap.

Heward's Handy Haversack: Also a must for any character - especially one with a variety of wands, scrolls and wands!

Heward's Fortifying bedroll: Super cheap - super good.

Armor and Shields:

It's expensive, but you can get armor and shield (bucklers) that have 0% arcane spell failure. You can then enhance them to give yourself a great AC. Personally - I tend to concentrate on the defensive spells - but Dictum Mortuum analyzes this option in his wizard's thread (see my link at the beginning of post)


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I love Rods as a way to get metamagic without wasting all my feats. I especially love the lesser varieties as I am cheap (as if you couldn't tell). Preplan though, when you pick a metamagic rod make sure you've already answered this question: "Which spell will I use this rod on?"

Extend, Lesser: Great for your all-day buffs (Mage armor, Greater Mage Armor, Create Magic Tattoo), Great for all-day utility (Rope Trick). One is great - two might even be worthwhile.

Enlarge, Lesser: Cheap way for double range. Definitely not worth taking the feat - but as a Rod - this could definitely be worth it based on circumstance. Keep it in your Haversack for Move Action readiness.

Silent, Lesser: Save for a rainy day (by rainy day I mean for when you have silence cast on you or you need to be vewy-vewy qwiet)

Quicken, Lesser: Painfully expensive but extremely powerful. You've spent all this investment on getting lots of spell memorizations - now find ways to burn them all off as fast as you can! This is not a rod to rush into - but pick it up at high levels instead.

Filling your memorization slots:

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Despite what you may have read elsewhere - wizards do not have every spell they need whenever they need it. The goal of building your Wizard with Focused Specialist and Maxing out Int is to have as many as possible.

The next trick is to have the right spells in your slots. You can keep open slots which you can fill later in the day if you want - that comes down to personal play style. I tend to fill all my slots right away so they can be cast on a moments notice.

I'll give some examples of memorizations for a the Versitile Caster/Focused Specialist conjurer example above. I'll use a few different levels (5th, 10th, 15th) to give perspective.

5th level: Slots: 0: 6, 1: 7, 2: 5, 3: 4

0: Caltropsx3, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand1: Mage Armor, Wall of Smoke, Grease x2, Expeditious Retreat (swift), Targeting Ray, Silent Image2: Web, Glitterdust, Cloud of Bewilderment, Rope Trick, Invisibility3: Stinking Cloud, Glitterdust (Sculpt spell meta), Bands of Steel, Haste

Recommended Magic Items: Rod of Extend (lesser), Wand of Benign Transposition, Cloak of Resistance (+1), Headband of Intellect (Totals 8750gp) (The Rod is probably your first priority here - the Cloak of Resistance is the most expendable)

Recommended Strategy: You aren't high enough level to just blow all your spells yet. Start each battle with one of your 3rd level memorizations and then assess your

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situation. If it should be easy going from here on, then cast down some caltrops and make use of your cloudy conjuration feat for minor battlefield control. If things are tough - go into 2nd and 1st level spells in following rounds. Keep at least 1 Glitterdust or Cloud of Bewilderment in reserve in case there are more combats than you expected.

10th Level: Memorizations: 0: 6, 1: 8, 2: 8, 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 5

0: As level 5 example1: Mage Armor, Wall of Smoke, Grease, Expeditious Retreat (swift), Targeting Ray, Silent Image, Blockade x22: Web, Glitterdust x2, Cloud of Bewilderment (sculpt metamagic for free), Rope Trick, Invisibility, Create Magic Tattoo, Fog Cloud3: Bands of Steel, Haste x2, Corpse Candle, Stinking Cloud, Dimension step, Mage Armor (greater)4: Dimension Door, Solid Fog, Bloodstar, Wall of Sand, Assay Spell Resistance, Celerity5: Teleport, Cloudkill, Wall of Stone (Sculpt metamagic for free), Overland Flight (extend for free), Wall of Good

Recommended magic items: Rod of extend (lesser), Headband of Intellect (+4), Pearls of power - level 1 (x 5), Rod of silent spell (lesser), Heward's handy haversack, Heward's fortifying bedroll, Amulet of health (+2), Cloak of Resistance (+2), Wand of True Casting (Total gp value: 39,750 - leaves some extra room for incedentals)

Recommended strategy: You now have a lot more spells. Use your rod of extend on your greater mage armor and your Create Magic Tattoo at the beginning of the day.

Cast blockades or swift expeditious whenever they're helpful and recover them with pearls of power. Start battles with a 4th or 5th level spell. Follow it up with 1st or 2nd level spells in following rounds. Use cloudy conjuration for defense (place in front of you). You stillcan't just waste spells or you will still run out - but you can nova at need without completely draining yourself.

You also have spellpool to swap out spells as required. Use it.

15th Level: Memorizations: 0: 6, 1: 8, 2: 8, 3: 8, 4: 8, 5: 8, 6: 6, 7: 5, 8: 4

0: As level 5 example1: Wall of Smoke, Grease, Expeditious Retreat (swift)x2, Targeting Ray, Silent Image, Blockade x22: Web, Glitterdust x2, Cloud of Bewilderment (sculpt metamagic for free), Rope Trick, Invisibility, Create Magic Tattoo, Fog Cloud3: Haste x2, Corpse Candle, Stinking Cloud, Dimension step, Mage Armor (greater), Phantom Steed x24: Dimension Door, Solid Fog, Bloodstar, Wall of Sand, Assay Spell Resistance x2, Celerity x2

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5: Teleport, Cloudkill, Wall of Stone, Wall of Good, Friend to Foe, Evacuation Rune, Shadow Evocation, Transmute Rock to Mud6: Freezing Fog x2 (One enhanced with sculpt spell), Tunnel Swallow, True Seeing, Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic (Greater)7: Stun Ray (Extend for free), Choking Cobwebs (CS) (Sculpt Spell for free), Summon Monster VII, Brilliant Aura, Reverse Gravity8: Maze, Plane Shift (Greater), Deadly Lahar (CS - huge cone slow effect), Chain Dispel

Recommended magic items: Ring of Feather Fall, Ring of Enduring Arcana, Headband of Intellect (+6), Amulet of health (+4), Metamagic Rod of Quicken (lesser), Metamagic Rod of Extend (lesser), Metamagic rod of Silent Spell (lesser), Heward's handy haversack, Heward's fortifying bedroll, and treat yourself to a nice metamagic rod as well. Should have lots left over for whatever else you like.

Recommended strategy: You are now flying at 240' on your phantom steed all day. The second is in case the first goes down. There are more spells on the list that simply enhance other spells (Celerity, Assay spell resistance) - since you can now afford more castings of these type of spells. There are lots of Battlefield controls, Buffs and Debuffs on the list. Use mid level spells for most battles - plus you can afford a high level spell for every battle with some left for reserve.

Freezing Fog + Sculpt spell just makes me smile.

Thanks guys!If there are any alterations that need to be done, just PM me, and I'll be right on it!

Disclaimer (again):I did not write any of the above hanbooks or spell guides.Tsuyoshikentsu wrote the Divination spell guide.CantripN wrote the Transmutation spell guide.malaspina reformatted the code after the wotc boards changeTreantmonklvl20 wrote everything else above.

Thanks to those for writing amazing guides!
