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Transmission for a hybrid kart

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart




      under the guidance of   Dr.Md.Abid ali. Proffessor



    N.Sai $a%a&

    Ch.Sai Ku)

    Ba,-h D/M0!

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    Abs,*a-,One of the major problems we are facing today is global warming and dwindling of the natGlobal warming is mainly due to the emissions of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere. Tplays a major role in emission of carbon dioxide. It contributes to about 1-1!" of the emisdioxide. One of the best ways to reduce the emissions is switching to hybrid electric #ehicl

    the both emissions of carbon dioxide and also the fuel economy .$ybrid %lectric #ehicle isof both con#entional internal combustion engine and electric propulsion. The presence oftrain is intended to achie#e the better fuel economy. 'odern $%&S ma(e use e)cietechnologies such as regenerati#e bra(ing which con#erts &ehicle*s (inetic energy into elecharging the battery rather than wasting its energy. $%&*S reduce idle emissions by shuidle and restarting it when needed it is called start-stop system. . , hybrid-electric producefrom its I+% than a comparably-sied gasoline car since an $%&/s gasoline engine is usuallycomparably-sied pure gasoline-burning #ehicle and if not used to directly dri#e the car carun at maximum e)ciency further impro#ing fuel economy. +urrently hybrid electr

    a#ailable in automobiles light truc(s locomoti#es buses truc(s0 military #ehicle*s and tax

    In this project dual transmission dri#e for a formula hybrid #ehicle will be designed accord space constraints gi#ing a maximum possible output along with rectifying the identi2edthe pre#iously fabricated #ehicle3for ISI%-$&+-145 an indi#idual transmission type with a cefrom engine and a direct chain dri#e connection between the electric motor and the dri#e salso lead to a magnetic loc( of the motor due to absorption of #ibrations from the engine clutch. 6ectifying all those problems this research would help to design a best suitable drthe constraints and impro#ing the #ehicle performance.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    I,*2&u-,i2• $ybrid &ehicle is which that runs on two types of fuels.

    7etrol 8 electric power.• %xample-19 , hybrid may recei#e all its energy from onboard

    fuel howe#er may be dri#en by an electric motor or a combustat #arious times or both simultaneously

    • %xample-:9 , #ehicle may be dri#en only by electric dri#e tractand recei#e its energy from two sources9 a combustion eng

    generator the generator is commonly referred to as a range-ean electric battery that is charged externally or by the onboard g

    • &ehicles ha#e a long history combining internal combustion antransmission - as in a diesel-electric power train < they ha#e rused for any #ehicular application other than railways.

    • $owe#er hybrids comes in many con2gurations.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



    On basis of dri#e train1. Series $ybrid

    :. 7arallel $ybrid

    =. Series>7arallel $ybrid

    • On basis of electric power source1. $%&

    :. 7$%&

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    S5*i5s Hyb*i& Lay2u,

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    6a*a3353 Hyb*i& Lay2u,

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    S5*i5s76a*a3353 Hyb*i&

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    HEV / 6HEV

    Hyb*i& E35-,*i- V5hi-35?attery is charged on

    board by regenerati#ebra(ing of @ineticregenerati#e systems etc.

    and the extent of charge isbased on the fuel 2lled.

    • 63u%0i Hyb*i& E35-,*i- V5hi-35

    ?attery is charged from an external poextent of the tra#el per charge depends on


  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    6*2b35) S,a,5)5,

     To design a transmission dri#e for a hybrid electric #ethat runs on a :A!cc ?riggs and strattion engine andelectric motor which runs with a maximum speed of !

    • 6educe or rectify the fuming problem of centrifugal cadded to the engine output shaft.

    • E%i5 S85-i4-a,i2s M2,2* S85-i4-a,i2s

    • Displacement9 :A! cc 7ower 9 1.B@C

    • TorEue9 1:.4F-m TorEue 9 1.F-m

    • 7ower 9 4.B$p 6pm 9 ==AA

    • 6pm9 =4AA

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    O3& S5,u8

    • In this layout a double sproc(et open chain diHerentiawhere the motor and engine indi#idually deli#er transmto the rear wheels which ma(es the #ehicle a parallel hyalso the power to the motor is supplied from a li-iowhich is charged from external power source and it b

    #ehicle into 7$%& classi2cation.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    6*2b35)s Obs5*95&

    7oor ,cceleration.• +lutch o#er heating.

    • umes from +entrifugal clutch.

    • 'otor shaft runs while the engine is running.

     These problems are obser#ed to be because of #ery lessratio which made the engine and motor to put much eHort actually can and improper wor(ing conditions of cclutch3reduction ratio J4915. Dependent diHerential cbetween motor and engine which is the main reason for loc( of the motor.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    C2)8a*is2 b7: S5*i5s a&6a*a3353 &*i95s•

    Since a series and parallel combined transmissiocomplex and is optimal only for commercial and #ehicles so it is ruled out of our criteria. Fow it isdecide whether to opt series or parallel dri#e tramodel.

    In a Series $ybrid there is a single path to powewheels of the #ehicle but two energy sources.

    • In a 7arallel $ybrid there are two parallel paths power the wheels of the #ehicle.

    • The parameters we ha#e ta(en to compare are ;

    G*a&5abi3i,y< A--535*a,i2 Ti)5< Ma=i)u)V532-i, .

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    C5,*i@u%a3 -3u,-h

    • , centrifugal clutch is a clutch that uses

    centrifugal force to connect two concentricshafts with the dri#ing shaft nested inside thedri#en shaft. It engages more at higher speeds

    • A&9a,a%5s

    Fo (ind of control mechanism is necessary.

    It is cheaper than other clutches.

    7re#ents the I+ engine from stalling when theoutput shaft is slowed or stopped abruptly

    therefore decreases the engine bra(ing force.• Disa&9a,a%5s

    Since it in#ol#es friction and slipping betweendri#ing and dri#en parts there is loss of power

    It in#ol#es slipping therefore it is not desirablein high torEue reEuirements or in cases wherethere is hea#y load.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    T2*u5 C295*,2*

    , TorEue +on#erter isKuid-2lled case thatcontains a set of turbines -there is an input turbinethat is dri#en by the

    engine an output turbinethat connected to thetransmission/s input shaftand a stator turbinebetween them that directs

    and controls the Kow of

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



     TT% LFM N 66 LFM 8 G6 LFM 8 , LFMChere9

     TT% N total tracti#e eHort LFM

    66 N force necessary to o#ercome rolling resistance

    G6 N force reEuired to climb a grade LFM

    , N force reEuired to accelerate to 2nal #elocity LF

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    R233i% R5sis,a-5• 66 LFM N G&C LFM x +rr L-M


    66 N rolling resistance LFM

    G&C N gross #ehicle weightLFM

    +rr N surface friction

    G*a&5 *5sis,a-5

    • G6 LFM N G&C LFM x sin 35


    G6 N grade resistance LFM

    G&C N gross #ehicl


    N maximum inclinLdegM

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    A--535*a,i2 F2*-5FA N GV; = V)a= 7 (a = ,a#


    , N acceleration force LFMG&C N gross #ehicle weight LFM

    &max N maximum speed Lm>sM

    ta N time reEuired to achie#emaximum speed LsM

    • T2,a3 T*a-,i95 52*,

     TT% LFM N 66 LFM 8 G6 LFM 8 , LFM

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    ;h553 M2,2* T2*u5 T: N0) TTE N = R:

    ) = RF


     Tw N wheel torEue LF-mM

     TT% N total tracti#e eHort LFM

    R: *a&ius 2@ ,h5 :h5537,i*5


    6 N PresistanceQ factor

    • V5hi-35 S85-4-a,i2s

    &ehicle Ceight 3along with=AA @g.

    Cheel 6adius 3m5 m.

    D5si*5& Ma=i)u) S855& . )7s.

    D5si*5& A--535*a,i2 ,i)5!s5-.

    • Inclination angle 35 N

    • 6olling 6esistance N 3+oncrete air surface5.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



    6olling resistance N =AAR.!A.A1B N .1 N• Gradient resistance N =AAR.!sin 3B5 N .'

    • ,cceleration orce N =AAR.!::.:> 31A:A5 N '

    • T2,a3 T*a-,i95 E2*, .1.''.'."N

    • T2*u5 *5ui*5& N 4:4.4A.:R1.1 N 1+.

    ,nd the reEuired gear reduction for an engine tdeli#ers a toEue of 1:.4F-m is approximately 11

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart


    M2&i45&76*282s5& Lay2u,

    •  The main components are9


    %lectric 'otor.

     TorEue +on#ertor.


    Open chain DiHerential.

    Th5 CVT us5& @2* ,his &*i95 ,*ai &53i95*5&u-,i2 2@ .1 a& ,h5 *5&u-,i2 asha@, 2@ CVT a& Di5*5,ia3 is 1< a& ,h

    *5&u-,i2 is 1.'1.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



    • The comparati#e study of series and parallel dri#e trains is done and t

    pre#iously designed layout is obser#ed to be the wrong assumption of redand not following the wor(ing conditions of the centrifugal clutch which wa

    •   $ere it is optimied and the centrifugal clutch is replaced with a torEwhich also wor(s as li(e a centrifugal clutch but the friction slip and hereduced which increases the e)ciency and also recti2es the problems facdri#e train used.

    • Th5 8*282s5& 3ay2u, %i95s a )a=i)u) ,2*u5 !1. N0)

    • Ma=i)u) 9532-i,y " K)7h.

    • $ence the transmission for the new (art is designed rectifying all the pimpro#ing the dri#ing e)ciency of transmission.

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart



    • +,6OU $. $ybrid %lectric &ehicle 'Sc. Thesis Istanbul Technical ni#ersity :AA=

    • ,mbVhl D.0 SundstrWm O.0 Sciarretta ,. Guella U. 3:A1A5. %xplicit Optimal +ontrol 7olicy a,pplication for $ybrid %lectric 7owertrains. +ontrol %ngineering 7ractice &ol.1! 3:A1A5 pp

    • , +omprehensi#e O#er#iew of $ybrid %lectric &ehicles International Xournal of &ehicular Techno:A11 ,rticle ID B14!=

    • %co riendly &ehicle International Xournal of %ngineering Trends and Technology 3IX%TT5 - &olum:A1=

    • 'odeling and +ontrol of a 7ower-Split

    • $ybrid &ehicle Xinming Uiu and $uei 7eng I%%% T6,FS,+TIOFS OF +OFT6OU SYST%'S T%+$F14 FO. 4 FO&%'?%6 :AA!

    • D. +unde# Z. +ero#s(y 7. 'indl9 P'odeling of the $ybrid %lectric Dri#e with an %lectric 7ower Simulation of the uel %)ciencyQ %7%:AAR 1=th %uropean +onference on 7ower %lectronics an?arcelona Spain September :AAR

  • 8/17/2019 Transmission for a hybrid kart




    Ba,-h D/M0!

    K.Kaushik (

    N.Sai $a%a&ish (

    Ch.Sai Ku)a*