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Translating XML and XLIFF Structured Content XML - a brief definition HTML Limitations XML advantages Web services, .Net and XML XML syntax rules XLIFF Catalyst and XML/XLIFF Workshop

Translating XML and XLIFF Structured Content

Jan 01, 2016




Translating XML and XLIFF Structured Content. XML - a brief definition HTML Limitations XML advantages Web services, .Net and XML XML syntax rules XLIFF Catalyst and XML/XLIFF Workshop. What is XML?. e X tensible M arkup L anguage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Translating XML and XLIFF Structured Content

Translating XML and XLIFF Structured Content XML - a brief definition HTML Limitations XML advantages Web services, .Net and XML XML syntax rules XLIFF Catalyst and XML/XLIFF Workshop

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What is XML?

eXtensible Markup Language

A markup language designed specifically for delivering information over the WWW

XML Definition:• Bare-bones syntax• User-defined elements

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HTML elements are pre-defined, e.g.

• HEAD Heading info, eg page title

• TITLE Page title, appears in title bar

• BODY Main body of text

• H1 Top level heading

• H2 Second-level heading

• P paragraph of text

• UL Unordered list

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HTML Limitations

1. The GUI is embedded in the data.

2. Searching for information in the data is tough.

3. The data is tied to the logic and language of HTML

4. Browser support issues.

<UL> <LI>Gunther Birznieks <UL> <LI>Client ID: 001 <LI>Company: Bob's Fish Store <LI>Email: [email protected] <LI>Phone: 662-9999 <LI>Street Address: 1234 4th St. <LI>City: New York<LI>State: New York <LI>Zip: 10024 </UL> <LI>Susan Czigany <UL> <LI>Client ID: 002 <LI>Company: Netscape <LI>Email: [email protected] <LI>Phone: 555-1234 <LI>Street Address: 9876 Hazen Blvd. <LI>City: San Jose LI>State: California <LI>Zip: 90034 </UL></UL>

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XML1.With XML, the

GUI is extracted. 2.Searching the

data is easy and efficient.

3.Complex relationships like trees and inheritance can be communicated.

4.More legible -- XML is self-describing.

<CLIENT> <NAME>GuntherBirznieks</NAME> <ID>001</ID> <COMPANY>Bob's Fish Store</COMPANY> <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL> <PHONE>662-9999</PHONE> <STREET>1234 4th St.</STREET> <CITY>New York</CITY> <STATE>New York</STATE> <ZIP>Zip: 10024</ZIP> </CLIENT> <CLIENT> <NAME>Susan Czigany</NAME> <ID>002</ID> <COMPANY>Netscape</COMPANY> <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL> <PHONE>555-1234</PHONE> <STREET>9876 Hazen Blvd.</STREET> <CITY>San Jose</CITY> <STATE>California</STATE> <ZIP>90034</ZIP> </CLIENT>

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XML Formatting

XSL – XML Style Sheets allow you to precisely select the XML data you want to display, to present that data in any order or arrangement, and to freely modify or add information.

An XSL stylesheet gives you access to the full formatting and functional richness of HTML, in addition to the data access and transforming features provided by XSL itself

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Summary: Advantages of XML

Breaking the Tag MonopolyXML allows each specific industry to develop its own tag sets to meet its unique needs without forcing everyone's browser to incorporate the functionality of millions of tag sets, and without forcing the developers to settle for a generic tag set that is too generic to be useful.

e.g. OFX (Open Financial Exchange)

MathML, MusicML, CML (Chemical MarkupLanguage)

Moving Beyond Format The real power of XML comes from the fact that with XML, not only can you define your own set of tags, but the rules specified by those tags need not be limited to formatting rules.

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Web services and XMLA web service is a self-contained "applet" that

performs a single task. The component describes its own inputs and outputs in a way that other software can determine what it does, how to invoke its functionality, and what result to expect in return.

XML is the widely accepted format for exchanging data and its corresponding semantics. It is the fundamental building block for nearly every other layer in the web services stack.

With web services, eBay could syndicate its auction functionality and make it available to other web sites or applications (presumably for a fee).

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.Net and web services

Delivering software as a service is the future, and XML is instrumental in making that happen. The .NET Framework is a key part of Microsoft’s developer strategy and is aimed at making it easy for developers to build, deploy, and run Web services.

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Extends to MSOffice.... MAY 25, 2004 -- Expanding on its vision

of Office as a front end to business applications, Microsoft Corp. yesterday announced the trial release of a software bundle that allows developers to link business systems to Office applications using Web services.

Its own Microsoft CRM product team is

leading the way. By using the Office Information Bridge Framework, Microsoft CRM users can now access customer relationship management data from within Office applications, Microsoft said.

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MS Office 2003 XML support

Word    Word now has an XML format called WordML, which appears to preserve almost everything in the .doc format, as well as XSLT support and a toolkit for letting users mark up information for their own schemas.

Excel    Excel builds on its SpreadsheetML format, which supports most Excel content except for charts and VBA. It also provides tools for creating spreadsheets which can import XML document information, making it much easier to separate data and analysis, plus VBA features for working with Web Services.

Access    Access builds on its existing XML support with updated support for W3C XML Schema and XSLT.

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Well-formedness rules:

One top-level element (root) Proper nesting No omission of end-tag Start-tag and end-tag must match Case-sensitive

XML Syntax

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The XML Localisation Interchange File Format is a format developed by a group of localization customers, localization suppliers, and tools vendors, including: Oracle, Novell, IBM/Lotus, Sun MicroSystems, Alchemy  Software, Berlitz, Moravia-IT, and the RWS Group.

Purpose: XLIFF is a format to store extracted text and carry the data from one step to another in the localization process.

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XML Catalyst workshop

Note: elements are completely protected – user cannot accidentally delete any tags

Preparation steps using ezParse•Hide tags•Lock tags•Inline tags•Code segments•NavPoints

Text segmentation

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XML Translation in Catalyst

Catalyst editors XML toolbar Import Translations Validate Expert

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Catalyst and XLIFF

Interpretation of resource types• Dialogs• Menus• String Tables

Interpretation of status• For review, untranslated, signed-off• Memos• Locks• Max string lengths