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Transitional (in)Justice in Chile

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009


    Published by GlobalMajority 479 Pacific StreetSuite 5C, Monterey, CA93940

    Editor:Jennie Konsella-Norene


    Kit Alviz and Katie Holland

    Cover design by:Rebecca Walters

    Copyright Global Majority.All rights reserved. No partof this publication may bereproduced without theprior written permission ofGlobal Majority

    Transitional Injustice 200

    Global Majority and The Center for Human

    Rights Studies facilitated a three-week

    course on Human Rights and Chiles

    Vulnerable Populations from January 5-20,

    2009. The seminar-practicum entitled

    Transitional Injustice focused on Chiles

    history of democracy and dictatorship,human rights abuse and transitional justice,

    and had a particular focus on the role of the

    judicial system in terms of the protection o

    rights of the most vulnerable populations.

    It was designed to enlighten students on

    the situation of human rights in Chile as

    well as to fully understand the current

    problems of discrimination and abuse that

    the Mapuche face. The program was run by

    Hon. Juan Guzmn Tapia, director of

    Universidad Centrals Center for Human

    Rights Studies, Dr. Jan Black, professor of

    International Policy Studies at the MontereyInstitute of International Studies; and

    Global Majority. Twenty-one graduate

    students from The Monterey Institute of

    International Studiesattended the program.

    About This Event

    Human Rights andChiles Vulnerable


    January 5-20, 2009

    Santiag o, Chile

    Tab le of Conten ts

    About This Event p. 1

    About Globa l Ma jority p. 2

    About the C ente r forHuma n Rights p . 3

    Executive Sum m ary p. 5

    About The Montere y

    Inst i tute p . 4

    Stud en t Article s p. 6-22

    About Juana Ca lfuna o p. 14

    Reco mmen d ed

    Readings & Resources p. 23

    Pract icum Agenda p . 24

    Pract icum

    Coordinators p . 25

    Pract icum

    Part icipan ts p . 26

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    Global Majority is an international,

    nonprofit organization that

    promotes the non-violent

    resolution of conflict through

    education, negotiation, mediation

    and advocacy. The organization

    believes that violent conflict isantithetical to the sustained growth

    and health of humanity, and

    therefore all forms of informal and

    formal dialogue to be essential and

    preferred methods of conflict

    resolution. Thus Global Majoritys

    activities promote peace through

    dialogue. These include advocacy

    campaigns that embody its aim to

    give voice to the global majority;

    both local and international

    education and training through

    workshops and conferences.

    Furthermore, along with research

    and analysis of current and past

    conflicts and resolution practices,

    Global Majority is building an

    alliance of organizations and global

    citizens devoted to peace and

    alternative dispute resolution.Global Majority members share a

    common commitment to organize

    and facilitate an international

    movement promoting nonviolent

    conflict resolution.

    Violence is too often the preferred

    option for resolving conflict; it is

    rooted in various circumstances,

    including political marginalization,

    poverty, racial and gender

    discrimination, environmental

    degradation, population

    displacement, and inadequate

    healthcare. Global Majority believes

    that most societies around the world

    desire peace but too often lack a

    voice in life-affecting decisions.

    Global Majority is cultivating a

    global network to pressure state and

    non-state actors to foster dialogueand avoid resorting to violence. The

    organization recognizes and

    emphasizes the universal human

    right of all people to realize their

    fullest potential of human capacity

    and develop cultures of peace.

    About Global Majority

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    The Center for Human Rights of

    Central University in Santiago, Chile

    focuses on the promotion of human

    rights. The center encourages a

    culture of human rights where all

    social actors participate and where

    all rights are respected. The center

    strives to defend human rights

    violations and to promote actions

    against them. They advocate that

    every persons rights should be

    recognized regardless of race, sex, or

    condition. The purpose of the Center

    for Human Rights is to be an

    academic reference in the

    investigation of Chile and Latin

    America in relation to the education,

    justice, and democratic transition

    and has received several awards for

    his work. Patr icia Alborn oz

    Guzman is the co-director of thecenter. As a lawyer, she has worked

    on various projects and

    investigations in conjunction with

    many sectors of Central University

    as well as other public and private

    national and international

    institutions. Her vast experience in

    the human rights sector makes her avaluable asset to the centers team.

    Mar a Paz Nar ca B is the centers

    journalist and photographer who

    compiles publications and

    documents all events.

    reflection, and debate of the actual

    violations of human rights that exist

    in these countries as well as around

    the world. The goal is to promotehuman rights and leave a positive

    impression on younger generations

    regarding justice, equality, diversity,

    and liberty. The center has been

    open for just over a year and they

    look forward to contributing to both

    national and international knowledge

    of human rights.

    Jua n Guzmn Tapia is the director of

    the center and has impressive

    experience in the field of justice. He

    has been internationally recognized

    for his defense of human rights,

    About the Center for Human Rights


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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    done c vitae


    Institute for Foreign Studies, the schools focus was on

    promoting international understanding through the

    study of language and culture. This belief of the

    founders is still a guiding light for the Institutes

    educational philosophy. Over the years, the Institute

    added new programs, and faculty, expanding its global

    reach and strengthening its educational mission.

    The Monterey Institute is widely recognized as one of

    the most academically prestigious language and

    international policy studies schools in the country.

    The Institutes graduates are prominent in the US

    Foreign Service, in language teaching leadership, and

    in the international business community. The

    Monterey Institute of International Studies recently

    partnered with Middlebury College of Vermont.

    Middlebury, founded in 1800, is a leader in language

    education, international economics and

    environmental studies.

    The mission of the Monterey Institute of International

    Studies, an affiliate of Middlebury College, is to develop

    professionals who, through their knowledge, research,

    language proficiency, fine-tuned intercultural skills, and

    specialized expertise, are prepared to manage, lead, and

    inspire others to address todays global challenges.

    The Institute offers graduate degrees in translation and

    interpretation, international policy studies,

    international environmental policy, business

    administration, public administration and language

    teaching. The Institutes core values are based upon

    excellence achieved through continuous improvement

    and innovation, a multicultural community with a

    global reach, the belief that each person can make a

    difference, and the idea that multi-lingual and multi-

    cultural skills are essential.

    The Monterey Institute of International Studies was

    founded in 1955 by Gaspard Weiss, Remsen Bird, and

    Dwight Morrow Jr. Originally known as the Monterey

    About the Monterey Instituteof International Studies

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    Executive SummaryBy Jennie Konsella-Norene

    The 'Transitional Injustice' seminar-practicum was

    an incredible opportunity to directly explore the

    struggles that the indigenous communities of Chile

    face. It emphasized the urgency in acknowledging

    these struggles and pressuring the Chilean

    government to recognize Mapuche rights. The

    practicum focused on Chiles history of democracy

    and dictatorship, human rights abuse and

    transitional justice, and had a particular focus on the

    role of the judicial system in terms of the protection

    of rights ofthe most vulnerable populations.

    Students began the course in Santiago where they

    learned about the history of Chile, the dictatorship,

    and the Mapuche culture. They then had the

    opportunity to travel to various Mapuche

    communities to listen to concerns of community

    members and to witness the impact of environmental

    degradation, a lack of access to resources,

    contamination, and land deprivation. The practicum

    ended with reflections on the course, guest speakers,

    and special lectures from Judge Juan Guzmn Tapia

    and professor Jan Black. This newsletter aims to

    capture the key ideas and spirit of the course and will

    be useful for students, activists, and organizations

    that strive to address the conflicts and struggles of the

    Mapuche communities in Chile.

    Indigenous peoples around the worldhave sought recognition of their identities,their ways of life and their right totraditional lands, territories and naturalresources; yet throughout history, their

    rights have been violated. Indigenouspeoples are arguably among the mostdisadvantaged and vulnerable groups ofpeople in the world today. Theinternational community now recognizesthat special measures are required toprotect the rights of the worldsindigenous peoples.

    ~ United Nations Permanent Forum on

    Indigenous Issues (UNFPII)

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    Since serving in Chile in the early 1960s as a founding

    generation peace Corps Volunteer, I had returned

    often, but the prospect of collaborating with my

    friend Juan Guzman, known now around the world as

    the judge who dared to prosecute General Pinochet,

    was an offer I could not refuse. I was also elated by

    the prospect of sharing with Monterey Institute

    students in January 2009 my own deep sense of

    appreciation for and kinship with all things Chilean.

    Chile, moreover, is a most fruitful locale for learning

    about human rights and human wrongs abuses and

    protections not only because of the tyranny and

    terror the population experienced between the

    Pinochetazo (military onslaught) in 1973 and the

    beginnings of democratic transition at the end of the

    1980s, but also because this awful fate had befallen a

    country that until that time had been among the most

    nearly democratic and politically stable of Latin


    The transition process, halting and arduous, seemed

    almost complete at last by the middle of this first

    decade of the twenty-first century. The war wounds

    inflicted by bombs and artillery on The Moneda, the

    presidential palace, had been patched up, and the

    plaza beyond was guarded on both sides by statues of

    the fallen democratic leaders, Salvador Allende and

    Eduardo Frei. One of the most notorious of the

    torture centers, Villa Grimaldi, had been converted

    into a memorial to its victims, and the Santiago

    Stadium, where beloved folksinger Victor died at

    the hands of his torturers, now bears Jaras name.

    Strikes and demonstrations and cultural events

    that would have been rare even two or three years

    earlier have been commonplace since 2005, and

    expressions and body language suggests that

    people have begun finally to exhale.

    Nevertheless, the process that has come to be

    known as democratic transition rarely extends

    rights beyond the social categories who had

    enjoyed them before the onset of authoritarianism.

    That means that persecution comes to be re-

    concentrated on the poor, who had always been

    vulnerable. In Chile, in particular, sociopolitical

    participation had been limited and tenuous for

    slum and shanty-town dwellers, working and

    would-be working classes, and the indigenous even

    before the Pinochetazo. Barrios populares, or the

    peoples neighborhoods, like La Victoria, whichhad suffered the brunt of Pinochets anger and

    paranoia, continue to be harassed and preyed upon

    by the same carabineros, or militarized police, who

    occupied them regularly during the military

    dictatorship, though now such persecution is in the

    name of vigilance against terrorism, drug-dealing,

    Stretch Marks of Chiles Rebirth:Pushing the Parameters of Transition

    Jan Knippers Black

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    and youth gangs. Meanwhile, Chiles largest

    indigenous nation, the Mapuche, faces new claims

    on and desecration of their lands by foreign lumber

    and mining companies. New assaults on Mapuche

    rights and culture, responding to Mapuche

    attempts to protect their communities andlivelihoods, are now misrepresented and

    intensified through reckless government use of

    anti-terrorism legislation. The upshot, as

    elaborated in the essays that follow, is a situation

    in which many indigenous communities are

    continuously surrounded by carabinero

    encampments, and residents feel that they are in

    virtual detention on what remains of their now

    despoiled lands.

    That is not to say, however, that the peoples still

    excluded from the liberation of transition are

    simply settling for victimization. Far from it. City

    walls here and there that in the early sixties bore

    graffiti telling Yanquis to go home and in the late

    seventies wore a bone-chilling whitewash as

    silent as the people who darted nervously past.

    Now dazzle with triumphalist murals. La Victoria,notwithstanding the carabineros on watch, has

    become a stroll-through art museum, depicting in

    professionally-executed murals the recent history

    of a people who have suffered and have overcome.

    And a locally generated broadcast and

    documentary production studio, Senal 3, is

    reaching out to assist the Mapuche in

    communicating their plight and their aspirations to

    a larger world. Murals in Mapuche country, from

    Temuco south to the stunningly beautiful region of

    lakes and volcanoes, also tell of a heroic struggle,

    though reaching farther back in time to successful

    resistance against conquest first by Inca, then bySpanish, imperial forces. That spirit has been

    reinvigorated by the example of what can be

    accomplished in Chile even by a single courageous

    and committed individual like Judge Juan Guzman, as

    well as by what indigenous peoples around the worl

    can achieve when they pull together. Inspired

    particularly by the UN declaration on the rights of th

    indigenous adopted by the General Assembly in 2007

    Mapuche leaders have launched a new program toeducate their communities about the individual and

    collective rights to which they are entitled under

    international law and to motivate them to explore

    strategies for ensuring that those rights will be


    Through our collaborative seminar-practicum in

    January 2009, Monterey Institute students had the

    great privilege of participating in the launching, at th

    headquarters of the Consejo de Todas las Tierras

    (Council of All the Nations) in Temuco of the Escuela

    de Autogobierno, or School for Self-Determination.

    Moreover, walking among the working people of

    Chile, whether urban or rural, with Judge Juan

    Guzman (Pictured below with Professor Black), was

    in itself a rare privilege rather like, one supposes,

    walking around India with Mahatma Gandhi.

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    Lets face it, transitional democracy is

    sexy. The words have been

    romanticized- transitions from

    dictatorships to people power, and

    the victory of citizenship. However,

    transitional democracy is dragging its

    shredded feet like a prisoner of war.

    Painful wounds have slowed the road

    to social freedom and unfortunately,

    the most threatening abrasion is

    promoted by the state: the market

    economy. The worst part? The global

    community prematurely calls it a step

    towards democracy, while the

    public simply says, Well done. Chile

    is a prime example. The international

    media and accessible public reports

    praise the governments progressive

    initiatives and human rights

    ratifications, yet somehow, many

    have missed the one million people

    still stuck in a dictatorship. Though

    Chiles standard dictatorship ended

    with Pinochets ousting in 1988,

    many promises of change made by

    elected officials have not been kept.

    The Pinochet Constitution still

    operates, rejecting the Mapuche

    Indigenous as a distinct community,

    and legally binding them to poverty.

    Pinochet embezzled 500,000 of the

    750,000 acres the Mapuche owned in

    the late 1970s, and though all

    subsequent Presidents have promised

    to restore it, land reform has been

    anything but progressive. I visited

    Chile in January with a Student

    Practicum to examine democratic

    transitions and the impediments to

    Mapuche human rights. We traveled

    with Judge Juan Guzman, the famed

    Pinochet prosecutor and one of the few

    standing up for the Mapuche cause.

    Contrary to the international praise

    reports of Chilean democracy, the

    Mapuche are victims of state abuse.

    Large transnational forestry industries

    and paper mills surround

    communities, while they face police

    brutality and systematic terrorism

    daily. As thirsty, non-native trees

    deplete their alreadyscarce natural

    water sources, they struggle to gain

    legal rights as they are also often

    charged and imprisoned for crimes

    they did not commit. The question

    remains, why? As the bus bounced to

    our fifth community, the leader of

    Mininco stood and said, Vean esta

    fbrica. The bus stopped and we

    stepped out. The CMPC Celulosa

    factory professing to use the latest

    proven production technologies

    that are environmentally sound andprovide the ultimate level of safety

    stood before us. Strangely

    contradicting Celulosas claim, we

    learned that this paper mill

    contaminates the rivers that flow

    directly to the 500-person

    community below-- causing child

    diarrhea, miscarriages, deformities

    in animals, and rotting agriculture.

    As we took pictures, documenting

    the ugly character and awful smells

    a man appeared from the factory

    gates. He lifted a camera and to my

    great surprise, began snapping

    photos of us. I was struck. Why wa

    he taking pictures of us? To report

    us? What kind of credibility does

    Celulosa have? And why would he

    think, for even a second, that he has

    more power than the human and

    environmental rights activists.

    DemocracyReally? On the Economic Fast-Trac to a One Culture World

    By Cory Belden

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    1Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    should consider protecting and keeping what we still

    have, rather than just apathetically marveling. The

    Mapuche are still here. The Cherokee are still here. The

    Pygmy, the Aymara, the Zapotecs, the Ami are still here.

    Bu they are fading away. Though the West claims thathuman rights declarations, the International Criminal

    Court, and Official Development Assistance is enoughit

    is not. We must face the truth as global citizens- states

    are choosing to protect the capital before the people.

    While Chile receives $24 billion from industries in the

    south, the Mapuche communities pray on their sacred

    grounds, surrounded by burnt eucalyptus and vast

    barren land without support from other Chileans or

    international advocates. There must be a better way.

    Chile has provided us with a warning: an alert to quit

    while we still can. Stop naming every nation a romantic

    transition to public justice just because they have

    instituted elections. Forget mentioning democracy

    when the state is not equally protecting every citizen, and

    when transnational companies have more rights than

    humans. And for Gods sake, be truthful to yourself- this

    is nothing new- the failures of our economic model are

    on a speed train to a one-culture world and an

    environmentally exclusive global system. Lets

    remember the Mapuche, and pour one down for human

    awareness, and active public participation. Before its

    too late.

    Incredible still, while we were attempting to rattle

    Celulosa for causing environmental and human harm,

    the man was accusing us for disrupting capital flow.

    And then it hit me. As we purchase our daily paper

    materials, (the U.S. is the primary buyer of theseexports), weprevent true democracy and violatehuman rights. We are those exterminating Mapuche

    communities, and the market-economy is theculprityet again. Withoutglobal participative democracy, the

    market-economy is promoting a one-culture world.

    The Western model (Chile following) has given priority

    to consumption. To Celulosa and other multinationals,

    the human rights activists are a threat. The Mapuche

    people are a threat. Anything that stands in the way of

    production and recapitulation of wealth is degraded,

    including humanity itself. This fast-paced priority

    capitalism is squashing numerous cultures and nations

    around the world. At a community meeting, I took a

    moment and watched these harmless people pass a cup

    of traditional drink. One by one, each Mapuche tipped it

    to the ground before drinking. When I asked why, the

    man squatting near me met my eyes: We must give

    back to what gives to us. Right, giving back. We must

    protect the people and the earth, while encouraging

    economic growth. So while we (the public with rights)

    visit our Indigenous museums and green parks,

    admiring the culture and tranquility, perhaps we

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    1Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    The extensive human rightsabuses during the Pinochet

    dictatorship in Chile are well

    documented. While many efforts

    have been made to heal the

    wounds from this horrifying past,

    little has been mentioned

    concerning the abuses taking place

    under the current democraticgovernment. Chile is home to

    more than one million indigenous

    people and the Mapuche account

    for almost 90% of this population.1

    Mapuche means people of the

    land in their native language and

    symbolizes the strong connection

    and cultural identity they maintainwith the earth. For centuries the

    Mapuche resisted Spanish

    conquest and imposed culture; a

    long history that represents a

    continuous and current attempt to

    defend the relationship they havewith the land. Since the return of

    democracy in 1990, Chile has tried

    to enjoy some of the characteristics

    that usually come with a democratic

    government. Yet the shadow of

    military rule often overpowers the

    quality and true existence of

    democracy. As a result, Chile hascontinued to follow many of the

    economic policies developed by the

    military in the 1970s so the

    exploitation of natural resources is a

    current, accelerating problem. Chile

    has been under extreme pressure to

    develop quickly under a neo-liberal

    model, thus capitalistic values aregiven priority before environmental

    and human rights issues.2 The lack

    of attention placed on

    environmental and human rights

    issues is especially impacting the

    Mapuche. The right to land, whichis usually protected under both

    international and national laws,

    does not apply to indigenous

    people in Chile. The International

    Labor Organization (ILO)

    Convention 169 is a prime

    example, which states that

    indigenous people have a right todecide on their own development

    projects and to have influence and

    decision-making power in

    economic, social, and cultural

    development that directly impacts

    them. 3 Adopted in 1989, only 18

    countries have ratified the

    convention. The Chileangovernment recently ratified it, yet

    little progress has been made to

    protect the rights of indigenous

    peoples and to enforce the

    fulfillment of the convention.

    Chiles Mapuche: The Struggle for JusticeJennie Konsella-Norene

    Picture by Michelle Seivers

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    1Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    - sodales.

    Although the exploitation and

    abuse of the Mapuche began long

    before the military dictatorship,

    the Mapuche continue to be

    victims of Pinochet even after his

    death. The 1978 Amnesty Law

    enforced by Pinochet exempting

    the military and armed forces

    from prosecution for human

    rights violations committed

    during the dictatorship is still

    being applied. 4 For this reason,

    the Chilean justice system hasalso been damaging to the

    Mapuche people. The misuses of

    anti-terrorism laws are used

    against the Mapuche anad cause

    unjust arrests and violence. Many

    Mapuche have been arrested

    under these laws that grant the

    government the right to hold

    prisoners for months without trial,

    to withhold evidence from defense

    attorneys, and to permit the

    testimony of unknown witnesses.

    Various human rights organizations

    have criticized Chile for their anti-

    terrorism legislation, as it is

    inapplicable for punishing crimes

    that might be illegal but that are not

    acts of terrorism. Under the anti-

    terrorism accusations, the Chileangovernment is essentially denying

    the Mapuche of their right to justice.

    Instead of holding fair trials, the

    Mapuche who are accused of crimes

    are tried in military courts where

    they have little hope against a

    system where those who have

    violated the rights of the indigenous

    people have an almost perfect

    record of impunity. The current

    situation of the Mapuche is an

    extreme case of human rights

    violations. Under the supposed

    democracy that Chile holds, the

    government should be morally and

    legally responsible to protect the

    rights of its citizens from those who

    would violate even the most basic

    rights. The Chilean government aswell as the international community

    must commit the time and resources

    necessary to eradicate these issues

    and recognize the indigenous

    community as not only citizens but

    as human beings.


    1. Parellada, A. (2006) The Indigenous World 2006: Chile2. Von Malmborg, M. 1999. The Chilean Mapuche-Pehuenches3. International Finance Corporation: ILO Convention 169 and the Private Sector.$FILE/ILO_169.pdf4. Matear, A. 2004. The Pinochet Case: The Catalyst for Deepening Democracy in Chile? Fighting for Human Rights. 117-120.5. Parellada, A. (2006) The Indigenous World 2006: Chile

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile


    1Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    Mapuche: In the Search for Truth and JusticeLeah Cassidy

    major element of the population. Avelino Meaco,

    the lonco of Communidad Pascual Coa was 17 years

    old when Pinochet came to power. The hope for

    democracy brought an expectation of freedom for

    the Mapuche. When democracy was restored, in

    Meacos experience he felt that, Everything

    continued to be the same. In his eyes there is little

    democracy in Chile, a sentiment often echoed by

    many Mapuche.1 Full participation in a democratic

    society can only occur if the issue of accountability is

    dealt with1 and if the demands for truth and justice

    of all parties scarred by history are answered.

    Unwittingly or not, the government, employing

    discriminatory tactics has created two parallel states

    sharing an uneasy space, the Chilean state and the

    Mapuche state. The rights of Mapuche continue to be

    exploited through police repression, invasive

    infrastructure projects and government approval of

    environmentally harmful forestry, mining and

    industrial projects. Criminalization of Mapuche by

    both the political and legal systems, supported by

    the strength of the Carabineros, persists. It is little

    wonder the Mapuche are so disaffected with Chile.

    The most fundamental right of the Mapuche is to

    maintain their own specific cultural identity tied to

    the earth, which not only provides a way of life but

    also is the media of cultural and spiritual integrity

    for the entire community.1

    Nations often re-tell their glorious pasts. Conquests

    are commemorated and written down in history books

    for prosperity purposes. This history contributes in

    part to feelings of national identity and holds

    particular relevance to citizens. More relevant but

    under-reported, is the history that has been omitted

    by those in power. Gross violations of human rights

    including genocide, torture, rape, disappearances,

    murder, false imprisonment, detention, cruel and

    inhuman treatment and punishment are part of this

    worlds un-glorious past. These international crimes

    are also part of the present as well as the future of

    nations. Political and military repression, corruption,

    economic discrimination and other forms of

    misgovernment are common forms of abuse. In fact

    around the world, people are far more apt to be

    harmed by their own than by other governments.1 In

    the name of national security, human rights, including

    the rights to truth and justice have been abandoned

    and atrocities justified. Chile continues to struggle

    with demands for truth and justice for the many

    murdered, tortured and disappeared during the 17

    years of the Pinochet dictatorship. Difficulties are

    apparent in this country trying to come to terms with

    Chilean hurts and attempting to heal Chilean wounds.

    However the progress made by mainstream Chilean

    society in the transitional justice process and the

    transition to democracy has left out the Mapuche, a

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    1Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    done c vitae


    lawmakers and policy makers in the government

    buildings above. Oscar Wilde said, The one duty we

    owe to history is to rewrite it. Embracing the truth

    and enacting justice according to the rule of law, would

    raise the credibility of Chile and strengthen its

    legitimacy in the international sphere. Reconciliationcannot be possible if denial and impunity is

    institutionalized within the governing authority.

    Hopefully Chile will rewrite history and use this

    experience to search for the truth and bring justice to

    the hidden and the voiceless.

    A lack of validation and invitation to participate fully in

    the Chilean democracy further disengages the Mapuche

    from Chile. The unwillingness on the part of the Chilean

    government to seriously acknowledge the suffering and

    make reparations for the injustice experienced is a sign

    that Chile has yet to fully transition to democracy.Meanwhile, the Mapuche are the subject of political

    rhetoric and presidential protocols. The Mapuche

    display in the underground museum, Cent ro Cultural

    under La Moneda is a startling metaphor for the

    Mapuche struggle, hidden away from normal society,

    exploited for Chiles benefit and distanced from the

    Picture above taken by Marja Byekirova


    1. International Council on Human Rights Policy,Duties sans Frontires: Human Rights and Global Social Justice (2003) , 48.2. Community Meeting, Pascual Coa. Digital video recording. Lleu Lleu, Chile, 13 January 2009.3. Alexandra B. De Brito,Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America: Uruguay and Chile (New York, NY: Oxford UniversityPress, 1997), 1.4. Ronald Niezen, The Origins of Indigenism : Human Rights and The Politics of Identity, 75.

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    Chiles transition to democracy, after the bloody

    seventeen-year dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet, has

    produced a thriving national economy with heavy

    international investment, high wages, a strong national

    infrastructure and a sense of national reconciliation.

    However, with a transition to democracy comes

    democratic rule of law, which is held in place by the

    peoples respect for the government, and in a democracy

    respect for authority must be based on its legitimacy, and

    legitimacy is always open to question and challenge.1 A

    governments legitimacy is always open to question

    because legitimacy is the belief that in spite of

    shortcomings and failures, the existing political

    institutions are better than any others that might be

    established, and that they therefore can demand

    obedience.2 This being the case, to assert that a

    government is legitimate is to assert approval for it and

    thus respect for its authority.3 Therefore the fight for

    legitimacy as discussed here is a fight for approval on both

    the side of the Chilean State and that of the Mapuche. In

    Chile the indigenous population, the majority of which are

    Mapuche, have suffered because of the governments

    development policies, and while the living standards of

    the rest of the country continue to improve, Mapuche in

    the south live in an impoverished enclave.4 This disparity

    has helped to foster an age-old us and them socio-

    political disaccord between the Mapuche and the Chilean

    state, which has become a fight for legitimacy. . The sta

    has fought to legitimize its actions, through the use of

    anti-terrorism language and legislation and through

    economic and social policies, which are designed to

    legitimize the treatment of and to discredit the Mapuche

    The Mapuche have fought to bring legitimacy to their

    land claims through social protest and community

    organization. During the visits conducted in a variety of

    Mapuche communities by a group of students from the

    Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in

    January 2009, it became apparent that the Mapuche

    continue their historical role as outcasts. To the

    Mapuche the Chileans are huinca and the Chileans still

    view the Mapuche as violent, lazy drunks who, refuse to

    adapt to Chilean culture. However, the Mapuche are now

    also considered to be terrorists and because of the

    governments use of anti-terrorism language and

    application of the Terrorism Act prejudices against the

    Mapuche continue to be reinforced and their grievances

    delegitimized in Chilean popular opinion. There is fault

    on either side, despite their mostly legal demonstration

    and protests some Mapuche have resorted to violence

    and illegal means, however the move into illegality has

    been more out of desperation to be heard by their

    country rather than a desire to provoke the governmen

    If the government desires the Mapuche to act completel

    within the law it must take steps to normalize normaliz

    Mapuche and the State: A Battle for LegitimacyBy Josh Lease

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    relations with the Mapuche. The first should be to

    stop trying Mapuche under the Terrorism Act and

    the government should publicly recognize that

    despite the criminal nature of some Mapuche actions,

    many of their protest actions are lawful and in

    response to legitimate social demands.5 The

    Mapuche on the other hand could continue to fight

    for their rights and work to organize their

    communities within the law, as in the case of the

    Consejo de todas las tierras in Temuco and the newly

    formedEscuela Autogobierno Mapuche (Mapuche

    Self-governance School). To diffuse their message

    abroad the Mapuche should invite more international

    groups to their communities such as the students

    from MIIS, Amnesty International and Human Rights

    Watch because most governments respond to

    human rights pressures because they care about their

    legitimacy in both the domestic and international

    arenas.6 Foreign groups need to publish what the

    Chilean media refuses to publish and pressure other

    governments to consider human rights in policy making

    as it concerns Chile because states not only care about

    their material well-being, but also about their

    legitimacy (that is, their normative standing) among

    both domestic society and foreign states. As a result,

    vigorous efforts to shame noncompliant states can

    produce important changes in the targeted state even

    in the absence of overwhelming economic sanctions or

    military force.7 Chile has no doubt come a long way

    from the days of mass human rights violations but if it

    hopes to to maintain and legitimize its democratic

    credentials the state must not only cease to violate but

    also begin to create the necessary conditions so that the

    basic human rights of all members of society are

    safeguarded.8 The Mapuche are an integral part of

    Chilean history, culture and society and there is nothing

    to say that both the state and the Mapuche could not

    find legitimacy if the right steps are taken



    1. Human Rights Watch. The Limits of Tolerance: Freedom of Expression and the Public Debate in Chile. (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1998) 4.2. Linz, Juan. The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Crisis, Breakdown, and Re-equilibration. Vol. 1 ofThe Breakdown of Democratic Regimes, edited byJuan Linz and Alfred Stepan. (Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1978) 16.3. Charles Boix and Susan C. Stokes, ed. The Oxford Hanbook of Comparative Politics. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007), 238.4. Human Rights Watch, Undue Process: Terrorism Trials, Military Courts, and the Mapuche in Southern Chile,Human Rights Watch 16, no. 5, 2004), 1.5. Bialostozky, The Misuse of Terrorism Prosecution in Chile, 95.6. Hawkins, Internat ional Human Rights and Authoritarian Rule in Chile, 27.7. Hawkins,International Human Rights and Authoritarian Rule in Chile , 1728. Alexadra B. De Brito,Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America: Uruguay and Chile (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1997), 223.

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    About Lonko Juana CalfunaoLonko Juana Calfunao is the leader of the

    Juan Paillelef community and is an activist

    in the struggle to recover land belonging

    to the Mapuche people,which has been

    occupied by neighboring landowners as

    well as the Chilean state. She is a victim of

    violent political persecution and her

    situation is one of the most serious cases

    of human rights violations in Chile. She is

    truly an inspiration and seminar

    participants were fortunate to meet her.

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    D r aw in gs by Lon ko Juan a Cal fun ao

    D ef en di n g lan ds, defen di n g r i ght s, defen di n g w om en

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    R oot ed i n t he lan d, t he M apuche l iv e

    t o defen d n at ur e

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    2Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    interested in the benefits of a particular business model.

    Mapuche groups did not intentionally join this business

    model, but from my observations, the modus operandi of

    these groups, to protect the environment, is an incognizan

    advancement of Mapuche social rights within an economi

    social, political system that is inherently business

    oriented. One of the advantages of this approach is that it

    does not encroach on Mapuche identity, and it allows them

    an appropriate medium to fight for their rights as a people

    group. In other words, the Mapuche can now operate

    within a neoliberal system without losing their identity

    (Mapuche individuals do not have to become lawyers or

    businessmen/ women to resolve inter-cultural issues and

    obtain human rights).

    TheEscuela de Autogobierno (Self-Governance School)

    established by Mapuche communities in January 2009

    reinforces the autonomy of the Mapuche with respect to

    the fight for social rights and the maintenance of

    indigenous identity. As the Mapuche become more sociall

    united and fulfill community needs, the hope is that they

    will continue to innovatively advocate for their social

    rights in a way that is most appropriate for them. Through

    self-advocacy, the Mapuche will actively participate in the

    process of development, without falling victim to wayside

    projects that inadvertently neglect their needs. If Mapuche

    communities continue to equip themselves and operate in

    a way both congruent to the modern world, yet distinctly

    indigenous, they will prove themselves worthy of

    incorporation into a global system on their own terms

    rather than experience an incommodious integration by

    external forces. Now that promises progress for


    Posh, prudent, and pricey, from the prosperous to theimpoverished, development semantically and

    practically hinders and helps millions. The definition of

    development, though static has proved malleable in

    practice: a discovery noted from extricable pockets of

    development projects that become floor scraps before

    their dollars can make sense. Contemporary

    development organizations, programs, goals and

    metrics follow a neoliberal structure with a twist of

    grace. The incorporation of the business sector into

    development efforts yields innovative results. People

    groups typically targeted, as recipients of development

    projects, are often savvy to their role within the

    development system. Furthermore, these groups have

    developed strategies, independent of outside influence,

    that utilize business system models to further their

    own interests. The Mapuche of southern Chile are one

    such example. A new business model for

    environmentally sustainable enterprise involves the

    overlap of economic, social and environmental sectors.

    Through process of elimination, the Mapuche have

    discovered that the optimal path to secure their social

    rights is to function within this sustainable business

    model. Through advocating for environmental

    protection, Mapuche members are fighting for their

    social needs; and because advocacy for environmental

    protection now often overlaps with greater social and

    economic interest, Mapuche efforts can appeal to

    powerful leaders (whether they be in business,

    environmental groups, or governmental groups)

    The Dynamics of DevelopmentJennifer Billings

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    We have already been in Chile for

    over a week and we are having an

    amazing experience. Over the past

    few days we have been traveling

    around to various communities but

    we are back in Temuco now for a

    couple of nights. We just attended a

    Mapuche community meeting of the

    at the Consejo de Todas las Tierras

    where Judge Juan Guzmn spoke

    passionately about the need for self-

    determination of the Mapuche

    people. While the Mapuche have

    inhabited the area in Chile and

    Argentina for over 10,000 years, they

    have been victims of marginalization

    and severe discrimination for over

    500 years. Though this discrimination

    remains, they successfully fought back

    both the Incas and the Conquistadors

    and in some manner, the economic

    policies of the past few decades. It

    goes without saying that they have a

    history of being fierce and formidable

    warriors. We have thus far visited five

    local Mapuche communities

    throughout the Araucania region in

    Southern Chile. All of them appear to

    have their own characteristics, though

    all fit under the umbrella of the

    Mapuche nation. The word

    Mapuche originated centuries ago.

    Che means people and Mapu

    means the land, thus the Mapuche

    are literally "the people of the

    land." We first arrived at

    Lonquimay where the Mapuche in

    this area are known as Pewenche.

    We met the lonko (leader) who is

    a very grounded and humble

    leader yet has an obvious vision

    for autonomy for both his local

    community and the larger

    Mapuche population.

    Meeting the Mapuche on Their LandStudent Reflection by Dave Moorer

    Picture above taken by Dave Moorer

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    2Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009

    with impunity and any cases brought

    against them are found to be in favor

    of the police. Another community,

    Mininco, has had their water

    reservoir contaminated by a nearby

    factory called Celulosa that makes

    paper and other products. Over the

    last three years many of their cows

    have been born with birth defects or

    born prematurely. At least three of

    the children have had serious

    problems with diarrhea since

    drinking the contaminated water.The government agency monitoring

    and regulating these environmental

    concerns seems to favor the

    corporations, thus leaving little room

    for recourse. Given these grave

    concerns, Judge Guzmn has been

    searching for possible legal actions

    to make reparations for the damagescaused by the pollution. It sounds

    just like Monsanto all over again.

    The corporations that are based in

    Chile operate with impunity, and

    would rather spend money to get

    around addressing the solution of

    contamination by paying off some o

    the locals with huge monetary

    settlements, pitting them against

    their neighbors who are receiving

    no offer of reparations. On a lighter

    note, we entertained the communit

    in Mininco with a group

    performance of "I Will Survive,"

    which seemed very appropriate for

    the event. We were also serenaded

    by some of the lovely young wome

    and their male guitarist who sang a

    couple of beautiful tunes withpersonal religious meanings. We

    stayed the night in Mininco and set

    off at 6:00 a.m. heading for Lieu

    Lieu, 80km down the roughest road

    in Chile. After two site visits, one in

    Pascual Koa and the other in

    Choque, we returned to a crystal

    clear lake that called each of ournames. It was a perfect location

    surrounded by beautiful and

    grandiose forests, despite obvious

    signs of deforestation. So far we

    have experienced an amazing

    adventure in Chile!

    They have a very strong connection to

    the Kue (mother earth) and to the

    forces of nature. In the Mapuche flag,

    there is a circle with four elements of

    the universe: stars, moon, sun and

    wind. They are very proud people and

    have welcomed us all with open arms

    and much generosity. One of the

    women gave a large jar of honey to a

    member of our group, and we have

    consistently enjoyed it over breakfast

    and dinner. While we are learning

    about the Mapuche way of life andbuilding relationships, Judge Guzmn

    has been meeting with various

    Mapuche communities and has

    defended them against many different

    charges. From what we understand,

    most if not all of these charges have

    been made up charges by the

    Caribieros (national police). Weinterviewed a man who had lost his

    right eye from being shot by the

    Carabieros about two years ago. He

    said there was no trial or much due

    process involved regarding his case.

    Unfortunately, the Caribieros operate

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    Phot ogr aphs by D av e M oor er

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    A Lasting ImpressionJohn Billings

    My original assumptions were turned upside down

    when I went to Chile. In Chile, I witnessed the

    difference between theory and practice, and I also

    observed a culture very different from my own. The

    heritage of the Mapuche is quite different in the

    sense that the community is highly valued. An

    individual represents his community, and the

    community advances or retreats together.

    Furthermore there is a deep connection to their

    land. It is deeper than what I, and probably most

    people raised with Western ideals, can understand.

    Outsiders from across the world, who view the

    earth as a resource and seek to profit from it have

    bought the land that the Chilean government has

    solicited to them. These companies do not

    comprehend the Mapuche way of life and taking

    into account their concerns would require a great

    deal of effort on their part. This is an unfortunate

    disconnect since the Mapuches soul connection

    involves the land from which the outsiders wish to

    seek profit. It will take much empathy for these

    outsiders to begin to understand and fight for the

    Mapuches cause.

    Sadly, it was the government that first invited these

    companies to buy the land owned by the Mapuche. If

    the government does not change its policy toward

    these indigenous groups, these ancestral

    misunderstandings will cause continual land

    conflict. The Mapuche realize this; they know

    overarching war involves obtaining respect from

    the Chilean population, while their daily battles are

    with the companies that now use their land. It

    seems that Chileans, for the most part, do not view

    the Mapuche favorably. Our group met many

    Chileans with racist tendencies who have little

    respect for the Mapuche. The Mapuche are often

    labeled negatively and those Mapuche leaders

    who stand for their rights are often mistreated. I

    believe it is here, within the eye of the Chilean,

    that the Mapuche people must struggle and work

    to gain ground. If the Mapuche are seen as fellow

    men and women, whose passions and desires are

    seen as equally important to those of other

    Chileans, then it is much more likely that the

    Mapuche will live with peace and respect on their


    Though I am sure there have been previous

    attempts to achieve the respect and understanding

    of the Chileans, the Mapuche must continue thisbattle. This is the most challenging battle for the

    Mapuche that is, the fight for respect of the

    Chilean majority. In the past, the Mapuche

    withstood every empire that crossed their paths,

    from Incas to Spanish. Yet, they fight a very

    different battle now, one of respect and

    recognition. In this regard, it is not against the

    Chilean people that the Mapuche fight, but against

    disrespect, and the conventional lack of care and

    understanding. It is hopeful that a gained respect

    for the Mapuche will transform their former

    enemies into loving allies, from winka to pene. It

    is, after all, through respect and love that our

    group,all winka, were welcomed as pene by every

    wonderful Mapuche community that we visited.

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    Sustaining the Human Rights Movement (1973-Present)Rebecca Walters

    This reflection on the long-term sustainability of

    Chiles human rights movement during the Pinochet

    era was first conceived on January 20, 2009 in

    Santiago as a deliverable for the three week

    practicum on Transitional (In) Justice. But thats not

    the story Ill tell. I'll never forget the feeling of

    isolation and helplessness, of hearing snippets of

    news about the 2009 Gaza conflict, which left

    thousands of civilians dead. I began to wonder within

    the context of the Chilean state: how does a human

    rights movement perpetuate itself during

    dictatorship and military occupation?

    The Chilean Catholic Church assumed a pivotal role

    in the human rights movement following the

    September 11, 1973 military coup. Ecumenical

    human rights organizations such as Comite de

    Cooperacion para la Paz en Chile formed immediately

    after the coup, providing legal, economic, and social

    services to the marginalized and vulnerable segments

    of Chilean society. These organizations flourished

    under the protection of the Catholic Church, which

    utilized its public authority and international linkages

    to insulate them from obstruction by the regime.Although the Comite para la Paz was dissolved at the

    personal request of Pinochet, Cardinal Silva created

    the Vicaria de la Solidaridad in January 1976 as an

    official - and, therefore, untouchable - branch of the

    Catholic Church. The Vicaria established a platform

    fordocumenting human rights issues, communicating

    with international organizations, receiving needed

    social services, and empowering communities

    through civic participation.

    These human rights interventions adapted to the

    amount of political-social space the regime allowed -

    organizing through churches, secular associations,

    and when the moment was ripe, on the streets in the

    1980s. Catholic Church-sponsored organization such

    as COPACHI and La Vicaria created protected

    platforms for non-violent resistance in Chilean

    society. Individuals could express their social and

    political activism with a degree of safety. In this

    manner, under the careful watch of the Catholic

    Church, the consent of the subjects was withdrawn

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    over years and decades from the military

    dictatorship; the legitimacy of the undemocratic

    Pinochet regime was undermined by popular

    resistance. Indeed, the vigorous, detailed

    documentation of human rights abuses committed by

    the Pinochet regime provided an avenue for speaking

    truth to power. The Catholic Church and other

    organizations channeled this grass-roots information

    to international NGOs, communities, and other

    interested parties. And the meticulous testimonies

    and evidence gathered by the lawyers of La Vicaria de

    la Solidaridad assisted transitional justice efforts,

    leading to the indictment of Pinochet by Judge Juan

    Guzman in 2004 and the successful prosecution top

    level officials.

    Finally, the Chilean human rights movement embodie

    the saying, The whole is greater than the sum of its

    parts. Political, social, and civic mobilization during

    the Pinochet regime was complex, nuanced, and mult

    level, merging neighborhood initiatives, legal aid

    services, economic assistance, popular protests, and

    international human rights campaigns by Amnesty

    International, the United Nations, and the

    Organization of American states. International donor

    and human rights organizations provided funds for

    social, legal, and community service provision. The

    Chilean human rights movement arguably would not

    have sustained itself in the absence of collaborationand intersection between these forces and the

    diversity of interventions ensured its long-term


    Photos taken by Michelle Seivers

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    Chile Practicum AgendaTran sitationa l Injustice

    Janu ar y 5-20, 200 9

    Monday January 5, 2009

    Visit to Villa Grimaldi Lecture at the universitywith Dr. Jan Black: Limited

    Democracy and the Slide intoDictatorship

    Visit to the city centerTuesday January 6, 2009

    Lecture with Judge JuanGuzmn: Demographic andSociological Developmentand Class Delineation

    Film: Machuca Visit to La Cases de Neruda:

    La Chascona

    Wednesday January 7, 2009

    Film: El Juez y el General Lecture with Jugde Guzmn:

    Judging Pinochet and TheTransition from aDictatorship to a Democracy

    Lecture with Dr. Jan Black:Transition-Obstacles andOpportunities

    Film: El Diario de AgustnThursday January 8, 2009

    Visit to the Pre-ColombianMuseum

    Guest Trainers-MapudungunDomingo and IgnacioCalfucura

    Visit to La Victoria

    Friday January 9, 2009

    Arrival in Temuco Meeting at the Consejo de

    Todas las Tierras Accommodation in Temuco

    Saturday January 10, 2009

    Visit and lunch with thecommunity of Roble Huacho

    Visit with the community ofBoyeco

    Meeting with La Machi Accommodation in


    Monday January 12, 2009

    Visit to the ConguilloNational Park and the LlaimaVolcano

    Visit and dinner with thecommunity of ValleHuelehueico in Mininco

    Accommodation near MinincoTuesday January 13, 2009

    Early arrival in Lleu Lleu Visit and lunch with thecommunity of Pascual Coa Visit with the community of


    Accommodation in Lleu LleuWednesday January 14, 2009

    Visit to La Escuela para elAutogobierno in Temuco

    Thursday January 15, 2009

    Visit and lunch with thecommunity of Malalhue:Inauguration of La

    Escuela del Autogobierno Accommodation in


    Friday January 16, 2009

    Visit and lunch withcommunity of Mehuin

    Visit to local blueberryfarm owned by JamesMark

    Accommodation inValdivia

    Saturday January 17, 2009

    Visit with Juana Calfunaoat the Temuco jail

    Night return to SantiagoMonday January 19, 2009

    Guest Speakers:Gabriela Zuniga: HumanRights MovementWilma Perez Huenupe:

    Rights of IndigenousPeoplesLorenzo Morales:Indigenous HumanRights

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    Practicum CoordinatorsCamer on Hun terGlobal MajorityExecutive Director/Board ofDirectors

    Cameron Hunter has an MBA and anMA in International Policy Studieswith a specialization in Negotiationand Conflict Resolution. She joinedGlobal Majority in 2005 working forthe local education and trainingprogram. Originally from SantaYnez, CA, she received her BA fromUC Berkeley in English Literature.Prior to her position with GlobalMajority, Cameron worked as aresearcher for the Center for

    Nonproliferation Studies and editorof the GLOBE Management Reviewin Monterey; intern at the PalestineIsrael Journal in East Jerusalem;horse trainer in southern Portugal;and with Mother Teresa's Home forAbandoned Children in Delhi.Shehas studied, worked and traveled inJapan, Russia, Africa, India, Europeand the Middle East. Her recentpublications involve issues facingIraqi scientists and academicsduring the reconstruction of thestate published by the NuclearThreat Initiative, as well as articlesadvocating negotiation betweenIsrael and Palestine for the Ma'anNews Agency.

    Lejla Mavr isGlobal MajorityProgram Directors/President

    Lejla Mavris is a founding member

    of Global Majority. She was theexecutive director of GlobalMajority in 2006-2007 andcurrently is the Programs Director.Lejla received a Masters degree inInternational Policy Studies and aCertificate in Conflict Resolutionfrom the Monterey Institute ofInternational Studies in California,with further training in conflictanalysis through United StatesInstitute of Peace. For over five

    years now, she teaches studentsand teachers of Monterey Countyand advocates for incorporatingconflict resolution education topublic school curriculums. She isalso a trainer of internationalnegotiation and mediation skillsand has conducted such trainings invarious cultural and regionalsettings in Costa Rica, Cyprus,Czech Republic, Jordan, Nepal, andthe US.Previously, Lejla worked atthe United Nations RefugeeAgency'sEvaluation and PolicyAnalysis Unit office in Geneva forthe International ProfessionalService Semester, publishing herwork on refugee smugglingandmigration. Lejla is originally fromSarajevo, Bosnia.

    Jan Knippe r s BlackMIIS Professor in Human Rightsand Latin American Politics

    Jan Blacks areas of expertise

    include Latin America politics,human rights, and internationaldevelopment. She holds a PhD inInternational Studies and an MAin Latin American studies. Herinternational experience includesSenior Associate Membership atSt. Antonys College, OxfordUniversity; Fulbright, Mellon andother grants and Fellowships inSouth America, the Caribbean, andIndia; on-site or short-termteaching and honorary facultypositions in several LatinAmerican countries, and extensiveoverseas lecturing and research.She has also been a Peace CorpsVolunteer in Chile and a facultymember with the University ofPittsburghs Semester-at-SeaProgram. Jan was a researchprofessor in the Division of PublicAdministration, University of New

    Mexico, and editor and researchadministrator in AmericanUniversitys Foreign Area StudiesDivision. She has also served onsome two-dozen internationaleditorial and NGO boards.

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    2Transitional Injustice, C hile 2009


    Axel AllenMIIS- International Negotiation

    Cor y BeldenMIIS-International Development

    Cr aig BeldenMIIS-International Trade Policy

    Jason Digiacom oNPS-Foreign Area

    Jen nifer BillingsMIIS-International Development

    Joh n BillingsPrivate Contractor-SoftwareEngineer

    Mar ja Byekir ovaMIIS-International Development

    Leah CassidyMIIS-Human Rights

    Otto HansonMIIS-MBA: Development in L.A.

    Nate HughesMIIS-MBA

    Lindsay Kr eslak eMIIS-Non-Proliferation

    Jen nie Konsella-Nor en eMIIS-International Development

    Dar yl Lam ber tMIIS-PCMI International Management

    Josh Lea seMIIS-Human Rights

    Ashk in Mer r ikh


    David Moor erMIIS-Human Security

    Lun iya MsukuMIIS-Conflict Resolution

    Michelle Seiver sMIIS- Human Rights

    Jon i See be rMIIS-Environmental Protection

    Rober t SousaMIIS-International Policy Studies

    Rebe cca Walter sMIIS-Conflict Resolution

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  • 8/14/2019 Transitional (in)Justice in Chile



    1. Angell, Alan.Democracy After Pinochet: Politics, Parties,and Elections in Chile. Washington, D.C.: BrookingsInstitution Press, 2007.

    2. Black, Jan. The Politics of Human Rights Protection:Moving Intervent ion Upstream with Impact Assessment.Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, Inc., 2008.

    3. Black, Jan.Latin America: Its Problems and Its Promise .Boulder: Westview Press, 2005.

    4. Burbach, Roger. The Pinochet Affair: Stat e Terrorismand Global Justice. London: Zed Books, 2004.

    5. Constable, Pamela, and Arturo Valenzuela.A Nation ofEnemies: Chile Under Pinochet. New York: W.W. Norton,1991.

    6. Guzman Tapia, Juan.En el Borde del Mundo: Memorias

    del Juez que Proceso a Pinochet. Barcelona: Anagrama,2005.

    7. Kornbluh, Peter. The Pinochet File. New York: The NewPress, 2003.

    8. Wright, C. Thomas. State Terrorism in Latin America:Chile, Argentina, and International Human Rights.Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007.


    The Judge and The General


    El Diario de Agustn

    Online Resources:

    Mapuche Blog:

    Mapuexpress Informativo Mapuche:

    Revolver Online Magazine.La Victoria, Santiago: Undera Rough Exterior, An Inspiring Neighborhood.

    The San Francisco Examiner. Considering Human Rightsin Foreign Policy: The Mapuche Comm unity in Chile. y2009m3d17-Considering-human-rights-inforeign-policy-the-Mapuche-community-in-Chile

    Centro de Estudios de Derechos Humanos, UniversidadCentral.

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    ad ip iscing e lit.

    Recommended Readings and Resources

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