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  • 8/12/2019 Training Text Material



    Training Text Material[for Phase-I & Phase-II Workshops]


    1 Accreditation : 21.1Introduction : 21.2Importance and Significances of Accreditation : 21.3Types of Accreditation : 3

    1.3.1 Institutional Accreditation : 31.3.2

    Programme Accreditation : 3

    1.4Accreditation Models : 41.4.1 Minimal Model : 41.4.2 Input Output Model : 41.4.3 Outcome Model : 4

    2 Key Components of Outcome Based Education : 52.1Vision and Mission of the Institution : 5

    2.1.1 A guideline for Creating Vision and Mission : 52.2Vision and Mission of the Department : 72.3Programme Educational Objectives : 82.4Graduate Attributes : 102.5Programme Outcomes : 112.6Programme Specific Criteria : 132.7Course Outcomes : 162.8Curriculum Design : 20

    3 Assessment and Evaluation : 223.1Introduction : 223.2Assessment Tools : 223.3Assessment of Programme Educational Objectives : 243.4Assessment of Programme Outcomes : 263.5Assessment of Course Outcomes : 26

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    Accreditation is a formal recognition of an educational program by an external body

    on the basis of an assessment of quality. It is a process of quality assurance and

    improvement, whereby a programme in an institution is critically appraised to verify that

    the institution or the programme continues to meet and exceed the norms and standards

    prescribed by the appropriate designated agency. Accreditation does not seek to replace

    the system of award of degree and diplomas by the universities/autonomous institutions.

    But, accreditation provides quality assurance that the academic institutions aims and

    objectives are honestly pursued, and effectively achieved by the resources available, and

    that the institution has demonstrated capabilities of ensuring effectiveness of the

    educational programmes over the validity period of accreditation.

    1.2IMPORTANCE AND SIGNIFICANCES OF ACCREDITATION To attain international recognition of the degrees awarded. To provide students a quality education which lead to a wide range of job

    opportunities and international mobility.

    To make the institute/department aware about strengths and weaknesses of theinstitution/programme offered by it and encourage the institute to move continuously

    towards the improvement of quality of its programme, and the pursuit of excellence.

    To facilitate institutions for updating themselves in programme curriculum, teachingand learning processes, faculty achievements, students knowledge/skills/abilities.

    To excel among stakeholders (students, faculty, alumni, parents, recruiters,industries, government/Public Sectors, regulators, management, etc)

    The accreditation helps the stake holders in the following ways:o Students:

    Selection of Institutions and educational programmes of higher standards Admission in reputed educational institutions for higher studies.

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    o Faculty: Career growth in an inspirational environment with academic freedom,o Parents: Assurance of quality education to their wards.o Alumni:Career with professional accomplishment.o Industries and Employers:

    Recruitment of well-qualified, competent and role ready graduates Improved Industry institute interaction

    o Institutions:Continuous improvement towards Excellence and building a brand nameo Government/Regulator:

    Quality improvement in the education

    Availability of skilled manpower.


    1.3.1 Institutional Accreditation

    Institutional Accreditation is the evaluation of overall institutional quality, but it does not

    focus on individual academic programmes. It is usually based on an evaluation of

    whether the institution meets specified standards such as faculty qualifications, research

    activities, student intake, learning resources and infrastructure. It might also be based on

    an estimation of the potential for the institution to produce graduates that meet explicit or

    implicit academic standard or professional competence. National Accreditation a nd

    Assessment Council (NAAC) was set up in 1994 by the University Grants Commission

    (UGC) for institutional accreditation through a combination of internal and external

    quality assessment.

    1.3.2 Programme Accreditation

    Programme Accreditation is the evaluation of a programme of study, rather than an

    institution as a whole. It is mainly to assess the professional competencies of the

    graduates. National Boardof Accreditation (NBA) was originally constitutedin 1994 to

    assess the qualitative competence of the educational institutions from diploma level

    to postgraduate level in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy,

    architecture, and related disciplines. The NBA, in its present form, has come into

    existence as an autonomous body with effect from 7th

    January 2010, with the

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    objective of assurance of quality and relevance of the technical education through the

    mechanisms ofaccreditation of programmes offered by the technical institutions.


    Accreditation involves a set of procedures designed to gather evidence to enable a

    decision to be made about whether the institution or programme should be granted

    accredited status. The set of procedures differs from one model to another. The following

    are the popular accreditation models.

    1.4.1 Minimal Model

    This model ascertains basic characteristics of the institution and programme. In general,

    this model is numeric and law-based. This model ascertains the existence ofinfrastructure, size and qualification of the faculty, coverage of basic topics in the

    curriculum. Further, it provides a prescription for a minimal core and general parameters

    for the rest of the curriculum. The minimal model is easy to implement and maintain as

    long as it adheres to the minimal philosophy. One of the major drawbacks of this model

    is that it does not encourage continuous improvement in curriculum, teaching learning

    process and faculty competency other than qualification.

    1.4.2 Input-Output Model

    This model strictly adheres to the core curriculum. It gives direct prescriptions of

    curriculum and faculty composition. It also specifies parameters for the rest of the

    curriculum. It makes the accrediting process uniform and potentially fair. The criteria of

    this model are unambiguous and often numeric. But, it is difficult to establish and update.

    This model is relatively easy to maintain as it is adherent to clear rules. However, there is

    no scope for innovation and creativity in the curriculum.

    1.4.3 Outcome based Model

    This model prescribes a minimum core and basic requirements. It focuses on the goals

    and objectives of the programme. But, tt does not specify the specific goals of the

    program. Thus provides significant diversity in setting up goals and objectives. It makes

    that this model is very different from other models. This model requires evidence of

    measurements to feed a quality improvement process. It is sophisticated and hard to

    evaluate as it requires a lot of responsibility and risk in the hands of the program leaders.

    Outcome based model is Learner Centric, rather than the traditional Teacher Centric.

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    Vision is a picture of the future you seek to create, described in the present tense, as if it

    were happening now. It shows where we want to go, and what we will be like when we

    get there.


    Mission statement defines what an institution is, why the institution exists, its reason for

    being. It defines what are we here to do together.

    2.1.1 A guideline for Creating Vision and Mission

    The vision and Mission statements are to be co-created through a collaborative process. A

    guideline to build a shared vision is as follows

    Start with personal visiono When a shared vision effort starts with personal vision, institution becomes a tool

    for peoples self-realization, rather than a machine they are subjected to.

    Treat all the stakeholders as equal. Involve every department in the institution. Avoid Sampling Among the various teams in the institution, encourage Independence and diversity

    Seek alignment, not agreement. Have people speak only for themselves Expect and nurture reverence for each other Consider using an Interim Vision to build momentum Focus on the dialogue, not just the Vision statementSome of the lead questions those may be helpful in the creation of the Vision and Mission


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    o What are the critical elements in our system?o Who are the current stakeholders today inside and outside?o What are the most influential trends in our institution today?o What aspects of our institution empower people?o How is the strategic plan currently used?o What major losses do we fear?o What do we know (that we need to know)?o Who are the stake holders of the institution?o What are the most influential trends in our institution?o What is our image in the market place?o What is our unique contribution to the world around us?o In what ways is our institution a great place to work?o How do we know that the future of our institution is secure?o What are our values?o How do we handle good times and hard times?

    Example: Vision and Mission Statements:


    To create professionally competent, and socially sensitive engineers capable of

    working in multicultural global environment.Mission:

    To achieve academic excellence in science, engineering and technology throughdedication to duty, innovation in teaching and faith in human values;

    To enable our students to develop into outstanding professionals with high ethicalstandards to face the challenges of the 21


    To fulfill the expectation of our society by equipping our students to stride forth asresourceful citizens, aware of the immense responsibilities to make the world a

    better place.

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    2.2VISION AND MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENTThe vision and mission of the department should be correlated with the mission and

    vision of the institution. Further, mission and vision of the department is to be more

    focused on the theme area of the Department. It may be created based on the SWOT

    (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis.

    A mission statement might include a brief history and philosophy of the academic

    programme, the type of students to be served, the academic environment and primary focusof the curriculum, faculty roles, the contributions to and connections with the community, the

    role of research, and a stated commitment to diversity and nondiscrimination.

    Example: The Mission Statements of UC, Berkeley.


    To serve society as a center for higher learning, providing long-term societal

    benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge,

    and functioning as an active working repository of original knowledge. That

    Obligation, more specifically, includes undergraduate education, research and

    other kinds of public service, which are shaped and bounded by the central

    pervasive mission of discovering and advancing knowledge

    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Educating future leaders in academia, government, industry, and entrepreneurialpursuit, through a rigorous curriculum of theory and application that develops

    the ability to solve problems individually and in teams

    Creating knowledge of fundamental principles and innovative technologiesthrough research within the core areas of EECS and in collaboration with other

    disciplines that is distinguished by its impact on academia, industry and society

    Serving the communities to which we belong, at local, national, and internationallevels, combined with a deep awareness of our ethical responsibilities to our

    profession and society.

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    2.3PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO)The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe the

    career and professional accomplishments that the programme is preparing graduates

    to accomplish. PEOs should be measurable, appropriate, realistic, time bound and


    Significances of PEOs:

    PEOs are meant to guide the programme toward continual improvement. PEOs provide concrete and measurable steps toward achievement of goals. Also, they

    provide the crucial link between the programme and the needs of stakeholders in the

    program and the Vision and Mission of the Department and the institution. .

    The PEOs would be helpful in careful curriculum design, continual monitoring ofstudents progress, assessment of outcomes, and evaluation of the curriculum by the

    programme primary and major stakeholders. Establishment of the PEOs normally

    follows the process of identification of stakeholder needs.

    Guidelines for Establishing/redefining PEOs:

    Collect and review documents that describe your department and its programs Collect and review instructional materials List the achievements you implicitly expect of graduates in their field. Describe your

    alumni in terms of such achievements as careeraccomplishments, societal activities,

    aesthetic and intellectual involvement.

    Form a committee to establish/redesign PEOs. The committee may consist of Head ofthe Department, Programme coordinator, Senior Faculty members, representatives

    from students, parents, Alumni, employers and members from professional bodies

    like IEEE, ACME, ACSE.

    o The committee considers the following to establish/redefine the PEOs Mission and Vision of the Institution and Department

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    Data collected from the stakeholders. Details of the current status (Student admission quality, Teaching &

    Learning Process, Faculty and their research activities, other facilities)

    of Department.

    Data Collected on prospect/ potential of identified Industries (relevantto the academic programme) / Research Organizations/Higher

    Educational Institutions etc.

    Action Taken Reports on Minutes of the Meeting.o The committee would

    Analyze the data collected from the stake holders

    Analyze the current status of the Department Analyze the data collected onprospect/ potential of identified Industries/

    Research Organizations/ Higher Educational Institutions.

    Develop assessment methods for each PEO to measure the attainment.(It would be better to specify the expected attainment level for each

    PEO). It is generally a good idea to identify between three and five


    Check for the consistency of the PEOs with the mission statements ofthe Department.

    Publish and Disseminate the PEOs among the stakeholders. This would help thestakeholders to know about the career accomplishments of the graduates

    Example: PEOs of Electrical Engineering Programme of UCLA.

    PEO1: Graduates of the program will have successful technical or professional careers

    PEO2: Graduates of the program will continue to learn and to adapt in a world of

    constantly evolving technology

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    2.4GRADUATE ATTRIBUTESGraduates Attributes (GAs) form a set of individually assessable outcomes that are the

    components indicative of the graduates potential to acquire competence to practice at

    the appropriate level. The GAsare exemplars of the attributes expected of a graduate

    from an accredited programme. The GraduateAttributes of the NBA are as following:

    1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of

    complex engineeringproblems.

    2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complexengineering problems reachingsubstantiated conclusions using first principles of

    mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

    3. Design/development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineeringproblems and design system components or processes that meet t h e specified

    needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the

    cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

    4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledgeand research methods including design of experiments, analysis and

    interpretation of data, and synthesis of t he information to provide valid


    5. Modern Tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to

    complex engineering activities with an understanding of thelimitations.

    6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextualknowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the

    consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

    7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professionalengineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate

    the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

    8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics andresponsibilities and norms of the engineeringpractice.

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    9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as amember or leader in diverse teams, andin multidisciplinary settings.

    10.Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activitieswith the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able

    to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make

    effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

    11.Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge andunderstanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these

    to ones own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and

    in multidisciplinary environments.12.Life-long Learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability

    to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of

    technological change.

    2.5PROGRAMME OUTCOMES (POs)Programme Outcomes (POs) describe what students should know and be able to do at the

    end of the programme. They are to be in line with the graduate attributes of NBA. POs

    are to be specific, measurable and achievable. POs transform the PEOs into specific

    student performance and behaviors that demonstrate student learning and skill


    2.5.1 Dimensions of Program Outcomes

    Knowledge Outcomes

    Pertain to grasp of fundamental cognitive content, core concepts, basic principles

    of inquiry, a broad history

    Skills Outcomes

    Focus on capacity for applying basic knowledge, analyzing and synthesizing

    information, assessing the value of information, communicating effectively and


    Attitudes and Values outcome

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    Encompass affective states, personal/professional/social values and ethical


    Behavioral Outcomes

    Reflect a manifestation of knowledge, skills and attitudes as evidenced by

    performance and contributions.

    2.5.2 Guidelines for Establishing/redefining POs:

    Have open discussions with department faculty on the following.Describe an ideal student in your programme at various phases throughout the

    programme. Be concrete and focus on those strengths, skills, and values that you

    feel are the result of, or at least supported and nurtured by, the programexperience.

    o What does an ideal student know?o What can an ideal student do?o What does an ideal student care about?

    List and briefly describe the program experiences that contribute most to

    the development of an ideal student.

    Programme Outcomes are to be SMARTo Specific: Be precise about graduates are going to achieveo Measurable: Quantify each Programme Outcomeso Appropriate: Align with the needs of the studentso Realistic: Consider the resources to make each outcome can be achievedo Time-Specific: At the time of graduation.

    Develop assessment methods for each PO to measure the attainment. Hence, it isgenerally a good idea to identify between five and ten.

    Publish and Disseminate the POs among the students and faculty. Check for the consistency of the POs with the PEOs of the Programme and Graduate


    In general, Programme Outcomes

    Describe student performance, not teacher/professor performance Describe learning product, not process

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    Are specific without simply stating the subject matter to be learned Stick to one type of result for each outcome (e.g., do not say Knows the scientific

    method and applies it effectively)

    Start with an action verb that indicates observable and measurable behaviorThe following questions would be helpful in establishing Programme Outcomes

    o For each of the PEOs, what are the specific student behaviors, skills, or abilitiesthat would tell you this PEO is being achieved?

    o Ideally and briefly, what would a skeptic need (evidence, behavior, etc.), in orderto see that your students are achieving the major goals you have set out for them?

    o In your experience, what evidence tells you when students have met these goals how do you know when they are getting it?

    Example: Sample POs of Electronics and Communication Engineering Programme

    At the end of the Programme, a student will be able to

    1. Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering to solve the complexengineering problems in analog/digital electronic Systems

    2. Identify and formulate a problem from the physical layer issues of communication system3. Model and simulate communication systems to conduct experiments and analyze the

    performance using modern tools.

    4. Design signal processing algorithm, a component or a electronic subsystem to meetdesired needs within a realistic constraints such as economic, environment, social,

    ethical, health and safety.

    5. Test, measure and provide valid conclusions on the performance of signal processingalgorithm or component of wireless communication systems using the tools/equipment.

    6. Work as a member of a project team to find successful design solutions to the problemsrelated to wireless communication systems

    2.6PROGRAM ME SPECIFIC CRITERIAIn addition to the General Criteria, each programme must satisfy a set of criteria specific

    to it, known as Programme Specific Criteria which deal with the requirements for

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    engineering practice particular to the related sub-discipline. The stipulations in the

    Programme Specific Criteria chiefly concern curricular issues and qualifications &

    competencies of faculty. The programme curriculum is to be provided in correlation with the

    programme specific criteria. The NBA is intended to adopt the programme specific criteria

    specified by appropriate American Professional societies such as ASME, ASCE, IEEE etc.

    The institution shall provide evidence that the programme curriculum satisfies the

    programme specific criteria, and industry specific criteria and industry

    interactions/internship. Three examples are given for Programme Specific Criteria.

    Example 1:Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Lead Society: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

    These program criteria apply to engineering programs including "civil" and similar

    modifiers in their titles.

    1. Curriculum

    The program must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through

    differential equations, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and at least one additional area

    of basic science, consistent with the program educational objectives; apply knowledge of

    four technical areas appropriate to civil engineering; conduct civil engineering

    experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data; design a system, component, or

    process in more than one civil engineering context; explain basic concepts in

    management, business, public policy, and leadership; and explain the importance of

    professional licensure.

    2. Faculty

    The program must demonstrate that faculty teaching courses that are primarily design in

    content are qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of professional licensure, or by

    education and design experience. The program must demonstrate that it is not critically

    dependent on one individual.

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    Example 2:

    Program Criteria for Computer Science and Similarly Named Computing Programs

    Lead Society: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Cooperating Society

    for Computer Engineering Programs: CSAB

    These program criteria apply to computing programs using computer science or similar terms in

    their titles. The program must enable students to attain, by the time of graduation:

    An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computerscience theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that

    demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices.

    An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of softwaresystems of varying complexity.


    Students must have the following amounts of course work or equivalent educational


    a. Computer science: One and one-third years that must include:


    Coverage of the fundamentals of algorithms, data structures, software design,concepts of programming languages and computer organization and architecture.

    2. An exposure to a variety of programming languages and systems]3. Proficiency in at least one higher-level language.4. Advanced course work that builds on the fundamental course work to provide depth.

    b. One year of science and mathematics:

    1. Mathematics: At least one half year that must include discrete mathematics. Theadditional mathematics might consist of courses in areas such as calculus, linear

    algebra, numerical methods, probability, statistics, number theory, geometry, or

    symbolic logic.

    2. Science: A science component that develops an understanding of the scientificmethod and provides students with an opportunity to experience this mode of inquiry

    in courses for science or engineering majors that provide some exposure to

    laboratory work.

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    Faculty: Some full time faculty members must have a Ph.D. in computer science.

    Example 3:

    Program Criteria For Electrical, Computer, and Similarly Named Engineering Programs

    Lead Society: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Cooperating Society for

    Computer Engineering Programs: CSAB

    These program criteria apply to engineering programs that include electrical, electronic,

    computer, or similar modifiers in their titles.


    The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range ofengineering topics implied by the title of the program. The curriculum must include

    probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to the program name;

    mathematics through differential and integral calculus; sciences (defined as biological,

    chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics (including computing science)

    necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and

    systems containing hardware and software components.

    The curriculum for programs containing the modifier electrical in the title must

    include advanced mathematics, such as differential equations, linear algebra, complex

    variables, and discrete mathematics. The curriculum for programs containing the

    modifier computer in the title must include discrete mathematics.


    Course Outcomes (COs) are clear statements of what a student should be able to demonstrate

    upon completion of a course. They should be assessable and measurable knowledge, skills,abilities or attitudes that students attain by the end of the course. It is generally a good idea

    to identify between four and seven.

    All courses in a particular programme would have their own course outcomes. These course

    outcomes are designed based on the requirement of the programme outcomes (POs). Each

    course outcomes are mapped to a relevant PO and they are mapped to the programme

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    Example 1:

    Course : Digital Communication Systems,

    Programme : Electronics and Communication Engineering

    This course aims at designing digital communication systems for a given channel and

    performance specifications choosing from the available modulation and demodulation schemes.

    Course Outcomes:

    At the end of the course, a student will be able to

    1. Determine the minimum number of bits per symbol required to represent the source and themaximum rate at which reliable communication can take place over the channel.

    2. Describe and determine the performance of different waveform coding techniques for thegeneration of a digital representation of the signal.

    3. Describe and determine the performance of different error control coding. schemes for thereliable transmission of digital information over the channel.

    4. Describe a mathematical model of digital communication system, to provide a frame workfor the bit error rate (BER) analysis.

    5. Characterize the influence of channel, in terms of BER on different digital modulated signals6. Determine the BER performance of different digital communication systems7. Design digital communication systems as per given specifications

    Correlation between Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes:

    Programme Outcomes (samples) Course Outcomes

    Apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science

    and Engineering to solve the complex

    engineering problems in analog/digital


    1. Determine the minimum number of bits persymbol required to represent the source and the

    maximum rate at which reliable communication

    can take place over the channel.

    2. Describe and determine the performance ofdifferent waveform coding techniques for the

    generation of a digital representation of the


    3. Describe and determine the performance ofdifferent error control coding. schemes for the

    reliable transmission of digital information over

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    the channel.

    Identify and formulate a problem from the

    physical layer issues of communicationsystem

    4. Describe a mathematical model of digitalcommunication system, to provide a frame workfor the bit error rate (BER) analysis.

    5. Characterize the influence of channel, in termsof BER on different digital modulated signals

    Model and simulate communication

    systems to conduct experiments and

    analyze the performance using modern


    6. Determine the BER performance of differentdigital communication systems

    Design signal processing algorithm, a

    component or a electronic subsystem to

    meet desired needs within a realistic

    constraints such as economic,

    environment, social, ethical, health and


    7. Design digital communication system as pergiven specifications

    Example 2:

    Course : Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    Programme : Computer Science and Engineering

    Course Outcomes:At the end of the course, students will be able to:

    1. Use mathematical induction to prove asymptotic bounds for time complexity.2. Use asymptotic notation to formulate the time and space requirements of algorithms.3. Prove the tight asymptotic lower bound for the running time of any comparison based

    sorting algorithm.

    4. Use the Master Theorem to analyze the asymptotic time complexity of divide andconquer algorithms.

    5. Use the theory of NP-completeness to determine whether a computational problemcan be solved efficiently.

    6. Design, implement, and test an efficient algorithmic solution for a givencomputational problem.

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    o Identify the curricular components that cover depth and breadth for theattainment of programme educational objectives. The curricular

    components may include

    Humanities and Social Sciences Basic Sciences Engineering sciences Discipline Core Discipline Electives Inter-disciplinary Electives Project Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities

    o Determine the credits for the identified curricular components likeBasic Sciences, Humanities &Social Sciences, professional core,

    electives, projects, co-curricular and extra curricular activities

    o Identify the courses/tasks in each curricular component to attainprogram outcome

    o Define the course outcomes for each course and give the correlationwith the program outcomes.

    o Schedule the courses semester-wise and prepare the pre-requisite flowchart for the courses in the curriculum

    o Obtain the approval of curriculum by competent authorities The individual courses would have the following

    o Department, Course Number and title of Courseo Identification of Course Designers

    Mapping with Faculty Expertiseo Designation as a Core or Elective courseo Pre-requisiteso Contact Hours and type of course (Lecture, tutorial, seminar, project,


    o Course Assessment Methods (Both Continuous and Semester-endAssessment

    o Course Outcomeso Topics Covered

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    o Text Books and/or Reference Material




    Assessment and evaluation play vital role in OBE. Effective assessment methods would

    be helpful in improving the student learning. In particular to the learning process,

    assessment is the systematic collection and analysis of information to improve student


    In OBE,assessment is one or more processes, carried out by the institution, that identify,

    collect, and prepare data to evaluate the achievement of programme educational

    objectives, programme outcomes and course outcomes. Evaluation is one or more

    processes, done by the evaluation team, for interpreting the data and evidence

    accumulated through assessment practices. Evaluation determines the extent to which

    programme educational objectives or programme outcomes are being achieved, and

    results in decisions and actions to improve the programme.


    Assessment tools are categorized into direct and indirect methods to assess the

    programme educational objectives, programme outcomes and course outcomes.

    Direct methodsdisplay the students knowledge and skills from their performance in the

    continuous assessment tests, end-semester examinations, presentations, and classroom

    assignments etc. These methods provide a sampling of what students know and/or can

    do and provide strong evidence of student learning.

    Indirect methods such as surveys and interviews ask the stakeholders to reflect on

    students learning. They assess opinions or thoughts about the graduates knowledge or

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    throughout the programme

    Course Evaluation Direct It gives information about what and how students are

    learning within the classroom environment, using existing

    information that faculty routinely collect (test / end-semester

    exam performance, assignments etc.)

    Methods of assessing student learning within the classroom


    Guidelines for selecting assessment methods

    The evidence you collect depends on the questions you want to answer. The samplequestions for the programme assessment are

    Does the program meet or exceed certain standards? How does the program compare to others? Does the program do a good job at what it sets out to do? How can the program experience be improved?

    As many outcomes are difficult to assess using only one assessment tool, use multiplemethods to assess each learning outcome.

    Include both direct and indirect measures. Include qualitative as well as quantitative measures. Choose assessment methods that allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the


    3.3 Assessment of PEOs:

    Define the performance Indicators and goals for the attainment of each PEO.Example: A sample PEO of Electrical Engineering Programme of UCLA

    PEO1: Graduates of the program will have successful technical or professional careers

    Performance Indicators with Goals

    o Level of technical or professional contribution according to employero Goal: 95% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectations

    o Percentage of graduates working in technical or professional careers or enrolled ingraduate or professional school

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    o Goal: 95% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectationso Percentage who are working towards another degree since graduation

    o Goal: 30% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectationso Percentage who have published a conference or journal article since graduation

    o Goal: 10% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectationso Percentage who have filed for a patent since graduation

    o Goal: 5% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectationso Percentage who have had a patent granted since graduation

    o Goal: 3% or more of graduates meet or exceed expectations Choose a set of appropriate assessment tools to measure the performance indicators of

    each PEO.

    Identify the stakeholder from whom the data are to be collected Identify the person responsible for collecting and analyzing data and the frequency of the


    o The following table describes the assessment tool, frequency, identifiedstakeholder and the person responsible for data collection & analysis (Sample)

    Assessment Tool Frequency Stakeholder Who is Responsible?

    Alumni Survey Every year Alumni (3 years after

    the graduation)

    Alumni Interface Cell


    Employer Survey Every year Employer Programme Coordinator

    Example:Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for BE(CSE)

    I. The graduates of the programme will progress for their careers in the software industry.PEO Performance Metrics Expected Level

    of Attainment /




    PEO I Number of graduates who got placement in

    software industry.80% Institutional


    Number of graduates who are continuing in

    the software industry90% Alumni Survey

    Number of graduates who are carrying out

    the work in software industries with

    professional accomplishments

    90 Employer


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    3.4. Assessment of Programme Outcomes:

    The following table may be used to assess and evaluate the programme outcomes considering the

    direct and indirect methods. Some Pos may be assessed either by direct or indirect assessment

    methods. Direct method of assessment of PO is based on the achievements in the contributing

    courses for that particular PO. Indirect method of assessment is based on the various surveys,

    feedbacks and rubrics.

    Based on the attainment level of each PO, programme outputs may be modified/redesigned or

    strategic plans may be designed to improve the attainment level.


    Course Outcomes are the attributes that the students are expected to demonstrate after completing

    the course. The assessment of COs is important to assess whether the student or learner has

    attained what is expected out of them. The assessment results are used for continuous quality

    improvement. The results of course outcomes attainment are used to evaluate the attainment of

    Programme Outcomes (PO). It is also used to improve the teaching and learning experience in a

    Direct Method Indirect Method









    nt of





    nt level in




    nt Tool


    nt Level



    nt level in




    nt Level

    of PO



    (Goal: )



    CO1 AlumniSurvey









    Course 2




    to the PO



    COn ;

    ; ;

    Course N

    CO1 ;

    ; ;

    COp ;

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    particular course. The evaluation of the attainment of course outcomes are carried out using

    the data from continuous assessment tests, end semester examination, assignments,

    laboratory examinations and project reports. This method is referred to as course embedded

    measurement. The assessment method - course outcome mapping table may be created as

    follows, to measure the course outcomes.



    Course Outcomes


    Outcome I


    Outcome II


    Outcome III


    Outcome IV


    Outcome V


    Outcome VI




    20 % 20% 40% 20% - -


    Examination10% 10% 20% 20% 20 % 20%

    Assignments 30% 40% 40% - - -

    Lab Exam - - - 20% 40% 40%


    Report- - - - 50% 50%


    Course Name: Digital Logic Design

    Programme: Computer Science and Engineering

    Course Outcomes

    CO1. Understand different Number systems, Codes, Logic Gates, Boolean laws &theorems.CO2. Simplify the Boolean functions to the minimum number of literals.CO3. Design & implement different types of combinational logic circuits using Logic gates.CO4. Design & implement different types of sequential logic circuits using Flip Flops.CO5. Design & implement different types of Counters, Registers, and Programmable Logic


    Programme Outcomes addressed in this course:

    PO1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineeringappropriate to the discipline.

    PO2. An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process,component, or program to meet desired needs.

    PO3. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, andcomputer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way

    that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices.

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  • 8/12/2019 Training Text Material



    Design a combinational logic circuit for bcd to ex-3 code converter.Assessment Tool: Assignment

    Implement 4-bit full adder with look ahead carry generator. Differentiate bet. Decoder & encoder, Multiplexer & Demultiplexer.

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    Assessment Tool: Laboratory Experiment

    Implementation ofdifferent combinational logic circuits. Design of BCD to 7-segment display.

    CO4: Design & implement different types of sequential logic circuits using Flip Flops.

    Assessment Tool: Assignment

    Convert SR flip flop into JK flip flop.Assessment Tool: Test

    Design a clockedsequential circuit for the given state table/state diagram.

    CO5: Design & implement different types of Counters, Registers, and Programmable Logic


    Assessment Tool: Test

    Design 3-bit synchronous counter/ Mod-6 ripple counter. Design 4-bit bi

    directional shift register/4-bit universal register.

    Assessment of Course Outcomes:



    Contribution to Programme

    Outcomes (in %)

    Attainment Level of

    Course Outcomes (in



    (Goal: 70%)PO1 PO2 PO3


    Assignment Q1 51 - -

    69 NoAssignment Q2 78 - -

    Assignment Q3 57 - -

    Lab Experiment 90 - -

    CO2 Test Q1 95 - -

    87 YesTest Q2 90 - -

    Test Q3 76 - -

    CO3 Test Q1 - 86 86

    74.75 YesAssignment Q1 - 56 56

    Assignment Q2 - 67 67

    Lab Experiment - 90 90

    CO4 Assignment - 67 6777.50 Yes

    Test - 88 88

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    CO5 Test Q1 - 60 6073.00 Yes

    Test Q2 - 86 86

    Recommendation: Conduct extra classes on the topics such as logic gates & Boolean algebra. Give more assignments on combinational circuits