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Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala SNP Genotyping and Cell Culture Techniques Human Molecular Genetics Lab Submitted by Stevin Wilson Aruna Mohan
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Page 1: Training report


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

SNP Genotyping and Cell Culture Techniques

Human Molecular Genetics Lab

Submitted by

Stevin Wilson

Aruna Mohan

Page 2: Training report



We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to

complete this project.

First of all we would like to thank Dr.Radhakrishnan Pillai, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre

for Biotechnology and Research for giving us the opportunity to be a part of the institute.

Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Moinak Banerjee for letting us use his lab, for his outstanding

support and knowledge he shared with us.

This report would not have been possible without the help of Ms. Swathy B, Mr.Sanish

Sathyan, Ms. Sarada Lakshmi,Mr. Shabeesh Balan, Mr. Antony KP and Ms. Anaswara

Ashok. They steered us through the basics of all techniques practiced in the lab. We

would like to thank Mrs. Veluthai for providing us facilities in the lab.

We also appreciate the support and encouragement of our fellow lab mates during the


Above all we thank the Almighty for His blessings without which this training would have

been just a dream.

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Section-A: SNP Genotyping

A1.DNA  ISOLATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        6  


A2.DNA  QUANTIFICATION  AND  QUALITY  CHECK  OF  DNA                                                                            10  


A3.POLYMERASE  CHAIN  REACTION                                                                          13  


A4.AGAROSE  GEL  ELECTROPHORESIS                                                                                                                                                                        19                                                                                                                                  


A5.DNA  SEQUENCING                            21  


A6.RESTRICTION  FRAGMENT  LENGTH  POLYMORPHISM                                            27  


TABLES  AND  FIGURES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  30  

Section-B: Cell Culturing B1.PREPARING  AN  ASEPTIC  ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                                                    34  


B2.PREPARATION  OF  CELL  GROWTH  MEDIUM  AND  CULTURE  CONDITIONS                                                                                                  36  


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B3.  CHECKING  CELLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          39  


B4.SUBCULTURE  FROM  ADHERENT  CULTURED  CELLS                                                                                                                      40  


B5.COUNTING      CELLS  USING  HEMOCYTOMETER                                                                                                                                                                                                  42  


B6.FREEZING  CELLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              43  


B7.CELL  REVIVAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        45  


B8.CELL  SEEDING  FOR  DNA/RNA  ISOLATION                                                                                                                                                      47  


B9.DRUG  TREATMENT      TO      CELL  LINE                                                                                                                                                                            48  


B10.DNA  ISOLATION  FROM  CULTURED  CELL  LINES                                                                                                                                49  


B11.  QUANTIFICATION  USING  NANODROP™                                                                                                                                                      50  


B12.RNA  ISOLATION  FROM  CULTURED  CELL  LINES                                                                                                                                  51  


B13.  ASSESSMENT  OF  RNA  QUALITY  AND  QUANTITY                                                                                                                          52  


B14.cDNA  PREPARATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                            53  


B15.  REAL-­‐TIME  PCR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            55  


REFERENCES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        58  

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Experiment -A1

DNA ISOLATION Before any type of analysis can be performed, DNA must be isolated.

The success of all subsequent procedures depends on the availability of

sufficient amounts of DNA of the appropriate quality. Many different methods

and technologies are available for the isolation of genomic DNA. All methods

involve disruption and lysis of the starting material followed by the removal of

proteins and other contaminants and finally recovery of the DNA.

The method used here is “Phenol –chloroform DNA extraction’’ from blood

sample. This method was found by was originally devised by Piotr Chomczynski

and Nicoletta Sacchi and published in 1987 (referred to as Guanidinium

thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction).


Human blood consists of enucleated RBCs and nucleated WBCs and

platelets. The blood is first suspended in RBC lysis buffer. This buffer consists

of chloride ions, which will enter the cell as a result of which the cell enlarges,

the membrane integrity thereby weakens and RBC gets lysed subsequently.

EDTA is a chelating agent for metal ions, which are cofactors for nucleases

thus inhibiting their activity. The pellet obtained after centrifugation consists

mainly of nucleated cells: WBCs and platelets. In order for the cell to be lysed,

the lipid walls must be broken down. Cell walls, cell membranes, and nuclear

membranes are also broken down by the action of the blender. Incubation at

56⁰c in the presence of Proteinase K and SDS is used to partially digest

cellular proteins and loosen the association between proteins and chromosomal

DNA and to degrade cellular RNA.The cell lysate is then treated with buffer

saturated phenol: chloroform. The DNA remains in the aqueous phase while

the cellular proteins are extracted into the organic phase. The aqueous phase

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is often extracted a second time with phenol: chloroform to ensure complete

removal of the proteins. The aqueous phase, containing the DNA, is then

washed with ethanol and then dissolved in water or TE Buffer. DNA extracted

this way is generally high molecular weight and double stranded is therefore

suitable for either RFLP analysis or PCR amplification.

Reagents required:

• 20% SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate)

• Absolute ethanol

• EDTA (0.5M)-pH8.0

• NaCl (5M)

• Tris saturated phenol- pH-8.0

• Chloroform –isoamyl alcohol (24:1)

• Sodium acetate (3M)

• 70% ethanol

• Proteinase K -20mg/ml

Buffers used:

• RBC lysis buffer (Tris: EDTA: NaCl-30: 5:50mM)

• WBC lysis buffer (NaCl: EDTA-75: 2mM)

• T.E buffer (Tris: EDTA10: 1mM)

Preparation of buffer solution:

RBC lysis buffer (TEN-30: 5:50mM)

− 1 M Tris - 7.5 ml

− 0.5M EDTA-2.5 ml

− 5M NaCl – 2.5 ml

− Distilled water-250 ml

WBC lysis buffer: (N: E-75: 2mM)

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− 0.5M EDTA – 1 ml

− 5 M NaCl - 3.75 ml

− Distilled water - 250 ml

TE buffer: (10:1mM)

− 1M Tris – 1 ml

− 0.5M EDTA - 0.2 ml

− Distilled water – 100 ml

Equipment and instruments:

o Deep freezer (-80°C)

o Water bath

o Centrifuge (Rota 4R)

o Micro centrifuge (Hitachi Himac CR21E)

o Laminar air flow chamber

o Incubator

o Homogenizer

o Pipettes


Day 1

• Intravenous blood specimen collected in EDTA tubes can be stored for a

longer period of time at -20⁰c or -80⁰c for later extraction of DNA.

• In such specimens equal volume of RBC Lysis buffer is added.


• Remove the blood samples from freezer and thaw it in a water bath for

10-15 minutes.

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• Centrifuge the tubes at 10,000rpm for 10minutes at 15⁰c. After the

centrifugation carefully remove the supernatant without disturbing the


• Add equal volume WBC lysis buffer to the pellet and dissolve the pellet

thoroughly. Then add Proteinase k of 100µ /ml and SDS to make 2%

concentration in the final volume. Mix well and incubate the samples at

37 ⁰c overnight in a water bath.


• When the cell are fully digested, take out the lysate add equal volume of

Tris –saturated phenol (pH8.0).

• Centrifuge for 10minutes at 10,000rpm at 4⁰c.

• Collect the supernatant into a fresh tube and add 5ml of Tris Phenol. Mix

the contents of the tube gently for 2minutes and then add 5ml of

Chloroform+ isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). Mix well and centrifuge at 10,000

rpm for 10minutes.

• Transfer the upper aqueous layer carefully into another centrifuge tube.

• Add equal volumes of Chloroform+ isoamyl alcohol (24:1) to the

supernatant and mix gently for a minute and centrifuge at 10,000rpm for


• Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh tube.

• Add 1/10th the volume of 3M sodium acetate and equal volumes of

chilled absolute alcohol, mix gently to precipitate DNA.

• Spool out the DNA lump in a fresh 1.5ml tube and decant the alcohol.

• Wash the DNA twice with 70% alcohol.

• Dry the pellet and ensure that whole alcohol is dried off.

• Dissolve the pellet in TE buffer.

• Store the DNA samples at 4⁰c or -20⁰c or-80⁰c for future use.


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Prior to any analysis, DNA samples should be quantitated and checked

for purity of DNA. The amount of light that a sample absorbs at a particular

wavelength is measured and used to determine the concentration of the sample by

comparison with appropriate standards or reference data. The most commonly

used methodologies for quantifying the amount of nucleic acid in a preparation

are: (i) gel electrophoresis and (ii) spectrophotometric analysis. Here the sample

amount being less, the latter method is preferred.

a) Spectrophotometric Determination

The spectrophotometric quantification of DNA is based on Beer-Lambert’s law that

gives the linear relationship between absorbance and concentration of absorbing


A= λ × b × c

Where A is measured absorbance, λ is wavelength dependent absorptivity

coefficient, b is path length and c is analyte concentration.

Analysis of UV absorption by the nucleotides provides a simple and accurate

estimation of the concentration of nucleic acids in a sample. Purines and

pyramidines in nucleic acid show absorption maxima around 260nm (e.g. dATP :

259nm ; dCTP : 272nm ; dTTP : 247nm) if the DNA sample is pure without

significant contamination from proteins or organic solvents. The ratio of

OD260/OD280 genomic DNA should be determined to assess the purity of the

sample. This method is however limited by the quantity of DNA and the purity of

the preparation. Accurate analysis of the DNA preparation may be impeded by the

presence of impurities in the sample or if the amount of DNA is too little. In the

estimation of total genomic DNA, for example, the presence of RNA, sheared DNA

etc. could interfere with the accurate estimation of total high molecular weight.

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Based on its structure, DNA absorbs light in the ultraviolet range, specifically

at a wavelength of 260nm. A value of 1 at OD₂₆₀ is equal to 50ng/µl double-

stranded DNA, therefore to calculate the concentration of DNA ; the following

formula can be used:

Concentration DNA =260nmabs × 50ng/ µl

Purity of DNA sample can also be calculated based upon its absorbance of

light. A pure sample of DNA has a 260nm/280nm ratio of 1.8. Ratios deviating

from this usually indicate contamination of the sample with proteins, organic

solvents or RNA or could indicate degradation of the DNA sample.


Determination of DNA Concentration by Spectrophotometry:

• Take 2 µl of DNA preparation and dilute it to 100 µl with Double Distilled

water and mix well.

• The spectrophotometer is calibrated at 260nm and 280nm with 100 µl

Double Distilled water.

• Measure OD of the diluted DNA aliquot at 260nm and 280nm using

cuvette. Calculate the OD260/OD280 ratio.

Quality Assessment:

A ratio of OD values at 260nm and 280nm indicates the purity of the extracted

DNA sample. If the ratio is within 1.6 to 2 range, the DNA is considered as

clear and free from contaminants.

An OD ratio less than 1.6 indicate the residual proteins or phenol

contamination, whereas ratio of more than 2.0 indicates residual RNA


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Quantity Assessment:

If the OD value at 260nm of extracted sample is 1.00, then the concentration of

DNA is 50µg/ml.

So DNA concentration of the extracted sample = OD at 260nm × 50 × Dilution



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The polymerase chain reaction is a technique widely used in molecular biology,

microbiology, genetics, diagnostics, clinical laboratories, forensic science,

environmental science, hereditary studies, paternity testing, and many other

applications. The name, polymerase chain reaction, comes from the DNA

polymerase used to amplify a piece of DNA by in vitro enzymatic replication.

The DNA polymerase enzyme, thus doubling the number of DNA molecules,

replicates the original molecule or molecules of DNA. Then each of these

molecules is replicated in a second "cycle" of replication, resulting in four times

the number of the original molecules. Again, each of these molecules is

replicated in a third cycle of replication. This process is known as a "chain

reaction" in which the original DNA template is exponentially amplified. With

PCR it is possible to amplify a single piece of DNA, or a very small number of

pieces of DNA, over many cycles, generating millions of copies of the original

DNA molecule. PCR has been extensively modified to perform a wide array of

genetic manipulations, diagnostic tests, and for many other uses.


The polymerase chain reaction is used by a wide spectrum of scientists in an

ever-increasing range of scientific disciplines. In microbiology and molecular

biology, for example, PCR is used in research laboratories in DNA cloning

procedures, Southern blotting, DNA sequencing, recombinant DNA technology,

to name but a few. In clinical microbiology laboratories PCR is invaluable for

the diagnosis of microbial infections and epidemiological studies. PCR is also

used in forensics laboratories and is especially useful because only a tiny

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amount of original DNA is required, for example, sufficient DNA can be

obtained from a droplet of blood or a single hair.


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method for oligonucleotide primer

directed enzymatic amplification of a specific DNA sequence of interest. This

technique is capable of amplifying a sequence 105 to 106-fold from nanogram

amounts of template DNA within a large background of irrelevant sequences

(e.g. from total genomic DNA). A prerequisite for amplifying a sequence using

PCR is to have known, unique sequences flanking the segment of DNA to be

amplified so that specific oligonucleotides can be obtained. It is not necessary

to know anything about the intervening sequence between the primers. The

PCR product is amplified from the DNA template using a heat-stable DNA

polymerase from Thermus aquaticus (Taq DNA polymerase) and using an

automated thermal cycler to put the reaction through 30 or more cycles of

denaturing, annealing of primers, and polymerization.

After amplification by PCR, the products are separated by polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis and are directly visualized after staining with ethidium

bromide. Ethidium bromide is added to the agarose to stain the DNA. Ethidium

bromide, a fluorescent dye binds tightly to the DNA double helix and glows

when illuminated with ultraviolet light. This lets us see where the separated

DNA fragments end up.

Primer Design Online tools

NCBI database - reference, database of SNP, Genes etc.

UCSC – Insilco PCR

Primer 3 – to design primer

Gene pipe – Alternative for above

1. Get the required SNP and flanking sequence from ncbi database

2. Copy and Past the sequence at Primer3 giving required parameter values.

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3. We obtain a primer design.

4. Verify the obtained primer by entering into UCSC.

5. Input the obtained primer into Primer Premier to check if it forms hairpin


Gradient PCR

The selection of the annealing temperature is possibly the most critical

component for optimizing the specificity of a PCR reaction. In most cases, this

temperature must be empirically tested. The PCR is normally started at 5°C

below the calculated temperature of the primer melting point (Tm). However,

the possible formation of unspecific secondary bands shows that the optimum

temperature is often much higher than the calculated temperature (>12°C).

Further PCR reactions with gradually increasing temperatures are required

until the most stringent conditions have been found. When a standard PCR

cycler is used, this method is the most time-intensive optimization strategy.

During the PCR, a temperature gradient, which can be programmed between

say 50 and 64°C, is built up across the thermo block. This allows the most

stringent parameters for every primer set to be calculated with the aid of only

one single PCR reaction.

The following reaction mixture was prepared for a required number of


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10X Buffer


20 pM forward primer

20 pM reverse primer

Taq polymerase (3U)

Sterile water








Total 10

Vortex the mixture briefly, then centrifuge at low speed. The Gradient PCR was

performed with the above tubes in a thermal cycle according to the following


Initial denaturation




Final extension




550C to 65oC




5 minutes




5 minutes


Protocol for a PCR reaction

1. The experiment has to be planned prior to any addition of reagents

(Number of primer pairs to be used, number of DNA templates, etc.).

Reagents Quantity per PCR tube in µl

Distilled water 6.68

10x Buffer 1.0

2.5µM dntp 1.0

20pM Forward Primer 0.1


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2. After doing so, make the appropriate cocktail/s and ensure complete

mixing by tapping the tube and quick spinning.

(N.B. Caution should be used to avoid contamination of reactions with even

small amounts of DNA. In addition, care should be taken to avoid

contamination of pipette with carryover amplification products from

previous reactions)

3. Pipette 9.3 µl of the appropriate cocktail directly into the bottom of a

sterile microeppendorf tube for each reaction. The tubes should be


4. Add 0.7 µl of the DNA directly into the drop of cocktail in each tube and

ensure adequate mixing. Quick spin to collect the reaction mixture in the

bottom of the tube.

5. Place the tightly capped tubes in the temperature block and make sure

each is firmly seated by pressing on the tubes individually.

The PCR machine must now be programmed for the specific reaction

conditions desired. Each cycle in the polymerase chain reaction involves

three steps (denaturing, primer annealing, polymerization), and the

products are amplified by performing many cycles one after the other

with the help of the automated thermal cycler.

The Taq polymerase is heat stable, and remains active despite the high

denaturing temperature of each cycle. A representative set of reaction

conditions for 25-35 cycles is:

20pM Reverse Primer 0.1

5U/µl Taq Polymerase(NEB) 0.12

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Initial denaturation




Final extension








5 minutes




5 minutes


6. After completion of the PCR reaction, remove the tubes from the

temperature block and place them in an eppendorf rack.

7. The reaction products are conveniently separated according to size by

electrophoresis through a 1% polyacrylamide gel at 75 V for 30-

45minutes, and visualized after staining the gel with ethidium bromide.

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It is used to separate DNA fragments. Electrophoresis uses an electric current

to separate different-sized molecules in a porous, sponge-like matrix. Smaller

molecules move more easily through the gel pores than larger molecules.

The technique uses an agarose gel, made from highly purified seaweed. This

could be used to separate DNA molecules ranging from several hundred

nucleotides in length to over 10,000 nucleotides.

Materials required

∗ Horizontal gel electrophoresis

∗ Gel tray

∗ Gel combs

∗ Power supply unit

∗ Micro wave oven

∗ UV transilluminator

Reagents required

∗ 1X TAE buffer

∗ EtBr ( Ethidium Bromide)

∗ Gel loading dye(orange –G)

∗ Agarose (ultra pure)


1. The gel is prepared by melting 0.3g of agarose in 30ml of 1X TAE buffer.

Add 2 µl of Ethidium bromide into the mixture and the mix was poured

into the gel tray taped on all sides.

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2. The combs are placed in the slots and the gel is ready to be used, once it


3. The tape is removed and the gel is submerged in a tank filled with 1XTAE

buffer that conducts electricity.

4. Using a pipette, DNA samples are loaded into the wells made in the

agarose gel. The DNA samples are colourless, but a blue tracking dye is

added to track the DNA migration through the gel.

5. The phosphate groups in the DNA backbone carry negatively charged

oxygen giving a DNA molecule an overall negative charge. In a n electric

current, the negatively charged DNA moves toward the positive pole of

the electrophoresis chamber.

6. The DNA molecules move through the gel by “reputation”- a reptile-like

snaking action through the pores of the agarose matrix. Smaller DNA

fragments migrate faster and further over a given period of time than do

larger fragments. This is how DNA fragments can be separated by size in

a agarose gel.

7. A photo of the gel is taken for later analysis.

8. The size of any DNA fragment can be determined by comparing it to

“markers”- DNA fragments of known sizes.

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The principles of DNA replication were used by Sanger et al. (1974) in the

development of the process now known as Sanger dideoxy sequencing. This

process takes advantage of the ability of DNA polymerase to incorporate 2′, 3′-

dideoxynucleotides, nucleotide base analogs that lack the 3,′-hydroxyl group

essential in phosphodiester bond formation. Sanger dideoxy sequencing

requires a DNA template, a sequencing primer, DNA polymerase, nucleotides

(dNTPs), dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs), and reaction buffer.

Four separate reactions are set up, each containing radioactively labeled

nucleotides and either ddA, ddC, ddG, or ddT. The annealing, labeling, and

termination steps are performed on separate heat blocks. DNA synthesis is

performed at 37 °C, the temperature at which the T7 DNA polymerase used has

the optimal enzyme activity.

DNA polymerase adds either a deoxynucleotide or the corresponding 2′, 3′-

dideoxynucleotide at each step of chain extension. Whether a deoxynucleotide

or a dideoxynucleotide is added depends on the relative concentration of both

molecules. When a deoxynucleotide (A, C, G, or T) is added to the 3′ end, chain

extension can continue. However, when a dideoxynucleotide (ddA, ddC, ddG, or

ddT) is added to

the 3´ end, chain extension terminates . Sanger dideoxy sequencing results in

the formation of extension products of various lengths terminated with

dideoxynucleotides at the 3′ end.

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DNA Template Preparation:

*PCR Strategies: Because cycle sequencing involves many cycles of template

denaturation and extension, adequate signal is produced in the sequencing

reaction. In selecting the strategy for generating PCR DNA templates to be used

for cycle sequencing, considering specificity and yield.

*Primer design and quantitation:

When you perform dye terminator cycle sequencing reactions on PCR template,


primer sequence, primer synthesis method, and primer purification method


greatly affect the quality of the sequencing data.

*Optimizing Primer Design:

• Primers should be at least 18 bases long to ensure good hybridization and to

minimize the probability of hybridizing to a second site on the target DNA.

• Use the recommended thermal cycling conditions for cycle sequencing,

because primers with Tm>45 °C produce better results than primers with lower


• Avoid runs of an identical nucleotide, especially runs of four or more Gs.

• Avoid designing primers over a SNP. Consult SNP databases (dbSNP, SNP500,

and/or SNPbrowser™) for SNP locations.

• Keep the G-C content in the range 30 to 80%, preferably 50 to 55%. For

primers with G-C content less than 50%, you may need to increase the primer

length beyond 18 bases to maintain a Tm>45 °C.

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• Avoid primers that can hybridize to form dimers.

• Avoid palindromes because they can form secondary structures.

• The primer should be as pure as possible, preferably purified by HPLC.

PCR Contaminants That Affect Cycle Sequencing:

• Excess PCR primers – Compete with the sequencing primer for binding sites

and reagents in the sequencing reaction. Additional primers in sequencing

reactions using dye terminators result in the creation of multiple dye-labeled

sequence ladders and noisy data.

• Excess dNTPs – Can affect the dNTP/ddNTP balance of the sequencing reaction,

resulting in a decreased amount of short extension products.

• Nonspecific PCR products – Include primer-dimer artifacts and secondary PCR

products. Nonspecific PCR products behave as templates in the sequencing

reaction and cause the generation of multiple dye-labeled sequence ladders,

which result in noisy data. Any significant quantity of nonspecific PCR products

can result in poor quality sequencing data.


Following three steps are need for sequencing

a) Sequencing PCR

b) Sequencing clean up

c) Analysis using Genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems 3730xl)

a) Sequencing PCR

For sequencing PCR, following constituent are needed, DNA(amplified product

from the primary PCR),Primer (Forward or reverse),Sequence mix ,Sequence

buffer and Water

Page 24: Training report


The following cocktail reaction mixture was prepared for the required

number of reactions.

Components Volume

DNA (PCR product) 1 µl

Sequencing Buffer (5X) 2µl

Sequence mix 0.25µl

Primer (forward) 0.4µl

Sterile water 6.35

Total 10µl

Sequencing PCR reaction mixture

i. Prepare sufficient sequencing master mix.

ii. Vortex and centrifuge the master mix briefly.

iii. Add 9.5µl of master mix to 0.5µl of cleaned PCR product.

iv. Place the samples on the PCR thermocycler using the following


The Sequencing PCR is carried out as in condition shown below





94C(35 cycles)



10 sec

4 min


b) Sequencing Reaction Clean Up:

Sequencing clean up is mainly done to purify the single stranded or double

stranded DNA product from primers, nucleotides, polymerases, oil and salt,

Page 25: Training report


dNTPs, enzymes, short, failed PCR product so that they do not interfere with

the downstream application such as cloning sequencing or labeling.

Materials and reagents:

• PCR product

• Distilled water

• 125mM EDTA

• 3 M Sodium acetate

• Absolute ethanol

• 75% ethanol

• Formamide


1. Add 10µl water and 2 µl of 125mM EDTA to each sample and mix.

2. Add 2µl 3M sodium acetate (pH 5.2) and 50 µl 100% ethanol to each

sample. Incubate for 15minutes at room temperature.

3. Centrifuge for 12,000rpm for 20minutes at 26⁰c.

4. Decant the supernatant, add 100 µl 70% ethanol and centrifuge at

12,000rpm for 10 minutes at 26⁰c.Repeat the step for once more.

5. Decant the supernatant and air-dry the pellet at room temperature.

6. Add 10µl formamide to each DNA pellet and seal the plate.

7. Denature samples by heating to 96⁰c for 3minutes in the thermocycler

and immediately place on ice.

8. Prepare sample sheet and create a plate record on the analyzer.

9. Place the plate into a cassette and load on to the analyzer and run the

sequencing analysis.

c) Analysis using Genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems 3730xl)


Page 26: Training report


AB1 prism 3730 Genetic analyzer is an multi capillary automated system to

sequence, size and quantitate nucleic acids using multicolour fluorescent

labeling technology .AB1 PRISM Genetic analyzer software provides the

sequence data in the form of a chromatogram, where each nucleotide is

represented as a peak; C is represented by a blue peak, A by green, G by black

and T by red.


Page 27: Training report


Experiment -A6

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) is a difference in

homologous DNA sequences that can be detected by the presence of fragments

of different lengths after digestion of the DNA samples in question with

specific restriction endonucleases. RFLP, as a molecular marker, is specific to a

single clone/restriction enzyme combination. RFLP is one technique used by

forensic scientists inDNA fingerprinting. It is also used for tracing ancestry,

studying evolution and migration of wildlife, and detection and diagnosis of

certain diseases. Most RFLP markers are co-dominant (both alleles in

heterozygous sample will be detected) and highly locus-specific.

The RFLP probes are frequently used in genome mapping and in variation

analysis (genotyping, forensics, paternity tests, hereditary disease diagnostics,


RFLP methodology involves cutting a particular region of DNA with known

variability, with restriction enzymes, then separating the DNA fragments

by agarose gel electrophoresis and determining the number of fragments and

relative sizes. The pattern of fragment sizes will differ for each individual tested.

Materials required

DNA sample

Enzyme buffer

Restriction enzyme

Sterile distilled water


Water bath

Agarose gel electrophoresis

Page 28: Training report


Digestion tubes

Micro centrifuge

Vortex mixer


Restriction enzymes were selected using the software NEB cutter V2.0

( This tool will take a DNA sequence

and find restriction enzymes that cut the sequence. Restriction enzymes

that cut the region of our SNP differentially based on the allele are

selected.rs2250889 was genotyped using restriction enzyme BsrBI.

Master Mix is prepared in an eppendorf tube for the required number of


Reagents Quantity

Sterile distilled water 1.25µl

Buffer (NEB 2) 1.0µl

Enzyme 0.25µl

1. This mixer was first vortexed and spinned down using a micro centrifuge

2. The digestion tubes were labeled and aliquot 2.5µl of the reaction

mixture to each tube.

3. 7.5µl of the DNA sample were added to each of the digestion tubes.

4. The tubes were centrifuged, vortexed and again centrifuged to ensure

proper mixing.

5. The tubes were then incubated overnight (16hrs) in a water bath at a

recommended temperature (37°C).

6. After incubation, the digested products were loaded into the wells of the

agarose gel (3%) along with a loading dye (orange G).

7. Current was applied and after sufficient band separation, the bands were

viewed under an UV transilluminator.

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8. Then the gel picture was captured and saved in a gel doc.

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Tables and Figures

Figure  1:  Representative  Gel  picture  showing  amplification  product  obtained  with  primer  after  

gradient  PCR  



Figure    2:  Representative  Gel  picture  showing  amplification  product  obtained  with  primers  


Page 31: Training report








Figure  3:  Gel  picture  showing  RFLP  done  for  all  the  samples  were  shown  to  monomorphic  

CC  and  gave  two  bands.  





Fragment  size   genotype   rs225089  

Homozygous  CC   134,  115  

GG   249  

Heterozygous   CG   249,134,115  

Page 32: Training report


Figure   4:   Sequence   results   showing   homozygous   GG,   heterozygous   GC   and   homozygous   CC  




               Figure  5:  Sequence  results  showing  homozygous  GG,  heterozygous  GT  and  homozygous  TT  


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Experiment B1



To ensure cell culture procedures are performed to a standard that will prevent

contamination from bacteria, fungi,and mycoplasma and cross contamination

with other cell lines.

Materials required

• 70% ethanol in water


• Personal protective equipment (sterile gloves, laboratory coat)

• Microbiological safety cabinet at appropriate containment level


1. Sanitize the cabinet using 70% ethanol before commencing work.

2. Sanitize gloves by washing them in 70% ethanol and allowing drying for 30

seconds before commencing work.

3. Put all materials and equipment into the cabinet prior to starting work after

sanitizing the exterior surfaces with 70% ethanol.

4. Discard gloves after handling contaminate cultures and at the end of all cell

culture procedures.

5. Movement within and immediately outside the cabinet must not be rapid.

Slow movement will allow the air within the cabinet to circulate properly

6. Speech,sneezing and coughing must be directed away from the cabinet so as

not to disrupt the airflow.

7. After completing work disinfect all equipment and materials before removing

from the cabinet. Spray the work surfaces inside the cabinet with 70%

ethanol and wipe with tissue paper.

8.Periodically clean the cabinet surfaces with a disinfectant

Page 35: Training report


Method for cleaning CO2 incubator and biosafety cabinet

8.a.Clean CO2 incubator with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite

8 b. Leave for 5 min. Rinse with water and remove water completely using


8.c.Spray incubator with 70% Isopropanol. Wipe with dry tissue to remove any

residual sodium hypochlorite and water.



Page 36: Training report


Experiment B2




Before starting work check the information given with the cell line to identify

what media type, additives and recommendations should be used.

Most cell lines can be grown using DMEM culture media or RPMI culture media

with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and antibiotics can be added if required.

Most cell lines will grow on culture flasks without the need for special matrixes

etc. However, some cells, particularly primary cells, will require growth on

special matrixes such as collagen to promote cell attachment, differentiation or

cell growth.

Materials required 1.DMEM 2.FBS 3.Antimycotic antibiotic solution Procedure a) Media preparation

i. Preparation of DMEM A. Add powdered medium to 15°C to 30 °C (Room temperature)

autoclaved water with gentle stirring.(Do not heat).

B. Rinse out inside of packet to remove traces of powder.

C. Add 1.7g of NaHCO3 per litre of medium.

D. Dilute to desired volume water. Stir until dissolved.

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E. Adjust pH of medium to 0.2-0.3 below desired final working

ph(7-7.4). Use of NaCl or HCl is recommended. Keep container

closed until medium is filtered.

F. Sterilize immediately by membrane filtration.(Positive pressure


b) FBS heat inactivation

1. Transfer 500ml FBS from –80 C freezer to refrigerator to thaw on. Complete

thawing of serum is done the following day by placing the serum in a 37C

water bath in which the water level is a little higher than the serum level in the

bottle. Mix by inversion after each 10 min.

2. Once the serum is completely thawed, incubate it for another 15 min to

equilibrate serum with 37 C water bath.

3. Raise the temperature setting of the bath to 56 C. Use a timer to measure

the 35 min needed for the temperature of the serum and bath to come to 56 C.

During incubation invert the bottle every 10 min to mix the serum.

4. Once the bath reaches 56 C, incubate serum for 30 min. Invert bottle ever

10 min.

5. Remove the serum from waterbath and allow to cool at room temperature for

30 min.

6. Aliquot 50ml of treated serum into conical tubes and store at 4 C or freeze at

-20 C.

c) Media preparation 1. Add the given constituents in required amounts into a 50 ml centrifuge

tube 2. Store the medium at 4 degree Celsius.

Page 38: Training report


1.DMEM 45ml

2.10% FBS 5 ml

3.Antibiotic antimycotic solution 0.5 ml

50 ml

Providing culturing conditions

Cell lines are maintained at 370C incubator at 5% CO2.

For human cells, coat flasks with 1% gelatin.

Prepare 10mL of coating solution composed of 1% gelatin by diluting with

distilled water, followed by filtration. This is efficient to coat about 5 flasks.

1. Pipette coating solution into flask. Rock back and forth to evenly

distribute the bottom of the flask. Let sit in an incubator for 15-30


2. Completely remove coating solution by aspirating before seeding.


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Experiment B3


Cells should be checked microscopically daily to ensure they are healthy

and growing as expected. Attached cells should be mainly attached to the

bottom of the flask, round and plump or elongated in shape and refracting light

around their membrane. Suspension cells should look round and plump and

refracting light around their membrane. Some suspension cells may clump.

Media should be pinky-orange in color.

Discard cells if:

They are detaching in large numbers (attached lines) and/or look shriveled and

grainy/dark in color.

They are in quiescence (do not appear to be growing at all).

Media change is essential when the colour of the medium in culture flask turns

from red to orange (due to accumulation of toxins). Trypsinization of cells

should be done when 85-90% confluency is reached.

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Experiment B4



Adherent cell lines will grow in vitro until they have covered the surface area

available or the medium is depleted of nutrients. At this point the cell lines

should be sub-cultured in order to prevent the culture dying. Cell passaging or

splitting is a technique that enables an individual to keep cells alive and

growing under cultured conditions for extended periods of time. Cells should

be passed when they are 85%-90% confluent. To subculture the cells they need

to be brought into suspension. The degree of adhesion varies from cell line to

cell line but majority of cases proteases, e.g. trypsin ,are used to release the

cells from the flask, However, this may not be appropriate for some time where

exposure to proteases is harmful or where the enzymes are used to remove

membrane markers/receptors of interest. In these cases cells should be

brought into suspension into a small volume of medium mechanically with the

aid of cell scrappers.

Materials required

• DMEM-FBS medium

• PBS/EDTA solution

• 0.05% Trypsin


• Personal protective equipment

• Microbiological safety cabinet

• CO2 incubator

• Pre-labeled flasks

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• Marker pen

• Micro pipettes

• Ampule rack


1. Discard the media from the culture flask.

2. Wash the culture flask twice with 2ml PBS/EDTA.

3. Add Trypsin and gently shake it so that cells get detached.

4. Add 1ml fresh media to deactivate trypsin

5. Transfer to a centrifuge tube

6. Centrifuge at 1000rpm for 3 min

7. Discard supernatant

8. Add 1ml fresh media and transfer to culture flask.
















Page 42: Training report


Experiment B5


a. Preparing hemocytometer

i. Ensure the hemocytometer is clean using 70% ethanol.

ii. Moisten the shoulders of the hemocytometer and affix the coverslip using

gentle pressure and small circular motions. The phenomenon of Newton’s rings

can be observed when the coverslip is correctly affixed, thus the depth of the

chamber is ensured.

b. Counting

i. Using the Gilson pipette, draw up some cell suspension containing trypan

blue. Carefully fill the haemocytometer by gently resting the end of the Gilson

tip at the edge of the chambers. Take care not to over- fill the chamber. Allow

the sample to be drawn out of the pipette by capillary action, the fluid should

run to the edges of the grooves only. Re-load the pipette and fill the second

chamber if required.

ii. Focus on the grid lines of the hemocytometer using the 10X objective of the microscope. Focus on one set of 16 corner square at the corners.

iii. Take the average of the number of cells found at the corners.

iv. Cells per ml = the average count per square x the dilution factor x 104

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                                                                                          Experiment-B6 FREEZING OF CELL-LINE Aim

It is common practice to create a master bank consisting of 2 to 20 vials of the

cell line. Then create one or two working banks from this with 2 to 20 vials in

each (depending on how often the cells will be required). When the working

bank is used up, a new working bank can be cultured and created from one

vial of the original master bank. If possible, keep the master and working bank

in separate liquid nitrogen storage tanks.

This will ensure you always have a stock of cells from a lower passage number

and it will also not be necessary to keep purchasing the cell line.


1. 1 ml - 2 ml cryovial

2. Cell culture medium with 20% FBS (Fetal bovine serum) and necessary


3. DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide), high purity, sterile, for cell culture

4. Prepare freezing medium: to cell culture medium, add 5-10% (v/v)



1. Split the cells. Take 1ml to cryovial.

2. Centrifuge at 2500rpm for 3 minutes at 4 °C.

3. Discard the supernatant and add 750ul freezing mixture (9ml FBS + 1ml


4. Store at -20 °C for 1 day, then in -70 °C (2-4 days) and then in liquid N2.

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This step must be done as soon as the cells are in freezing media. DMSO and

some other cryoprotectants are toxic to cells and so should not be exposed to

the cells at room temperature for any longer than necessary. Thawing of the

vials and placing of the cell suspension back into culture media should also be

done very quickly for the same reasons.

Page 45: Training report


Experiment B7

REVIVAL OF CELL LINES Aim Many cultures obtained from a culture collection will arrive frozen and in order

to use them, the cells must be thawed and put into culture. It is vital to thaw

cells correctly in order to maintain the viability of the culture and enable the

culture to recover more quickly. Some cryoprotectants such as DMSO are toxic

above 4 °C. Therefore it is essential that the cultures be thawed quickly diluted

in culture medium to minimize the toxic effects.

Materials required

• Media- pre-warmed to the appropriate temperature.

Equipment required

• Personal protective equipment (sterile gloves, laboratory coat)

• Waterbath set to appropriate temperature

• Microbiological safety cabinet at appropriate containment level

• CO2 incubator

• Pre labeled flasks

• Marker pen

• Micropipettes

• Ampule rack

• Tissue

Procedure 1. Take the cells from -80 °C. Thaw it at 37 °C

2. Centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 5 min

3. Discard the supernatant.

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4. Transfer to 15 ml tube. Add 5ml 20% DMEM

5. Centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 5 min and discard the supernatant.

6. Take 5 ml 20 % DMEM in culture flask. Transfer pellet to it

7. Start maintaining the cell line

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Experiment B8



1. Discard existing media

2. Add 2 ml PBS-EDTA and wash twice

3. Add trypsin and gently swirl

4. Add 1 ml media

5. Transfer to Centrifuge tube

6. Centrifuge at 1000rpm for 3 min

7. Discard supernatant

8. Add 1ml fresh media

9. Dilute it 10 fold with media.

10. Take 10ul and count the number of cells using haemocytometer.

11. We require 3 x 105 cells in a culture plate. So, with the help of


We calculate the volume of media to be added to each culture plate.

12. Add [1000-(volume of cell added) ] media to each culture plate

13. Incubate at 37°C

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Experiment B9



To subject cultured cell lines to different concentration of drug and thereby

study the effect of drug concentration on the cells.


1. We prepare 5 different concentrations of drug- haloperidol (antipsychotic

drug; stored at -20 °C; light sensitive) by serial dilution using the formula


Where V1= Volume of drug to be taken

M1= Concentration of Drug given.

V2= Required Volume

M2= Required concentration

From the 1mM stock solution, 1µM, 5µM, 10µM, 15µM and 25µM drug

was prepared by serial dilution

2. Discard existing media from culture flasks

3. Add 1ml of mixture of fresh media and different concentration of drug

into culture flasks.

4. Add 1ml of DMSO containing medium (DMSO concentration < 0.1%)

into control culture flasks.

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Experiment B10


(QIAGEN  DNA  isolation  kit)  

1. Cells suspended in DMEM stored at -20 °C

2. Remove the supernatant completely and discard

3. Add 20ul PBS to resuspend the pellet

4. Add 20ul proteinase K

5. Add 20ul buffer AL (lysis buffer) and mix by pulse vortexing for 15s

6. Incubate at 56 °C for 10 min

7. Add 200ul chilled alcohol (60-100%) & mix by pulse vortexing for 15s

8. Transfer to mini spin column & centrifuge at 8000rpm, 23-25 °C for 2


9. Discard the filtrate

10. Add Buffer AW1(wash buffer) 500 ul & centrifuge at 8000rpm, 23 –

25 °C for 2 minutes

11. Discard the filtrate

12. Add 500ul Buffer AW2(wash buffer)

13. Centrifuge at 14000 rpm at 25 °C for 3 min

14. Add 200ul Buffer AE(elution buffer)

15. Incubate at room temperature for 5 min

16. Centrifuge at 8000 rpm at 25 °C for 2 min

17. Store at -20 °C

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Experiment B11



Purity of DNA sample can also be calculated based upon its absorbance of

light. A pure sample of DNA has a 260nm/280nm ratio of 1.8. Ratios deviating

from this usually indicate contamination of the sample with proteins, organic

solvents or RNA or could indicate degradation of the DNA sample.

Materials Required



1. Clean the sample loading point with sterile water to initialize the


2. Open the bundled software

3. Add 1ul of nuclease free water solution in which DNA is dissolved and

calculate Blank’

4. Now clean the loading point and load subsequent samples and measure


5. Record the values of DNA concentration(ng/ul) and A260/A280

Page 51: Training report


Experiment B12




1. Wash cells with 1X PBS.

2. Add 1ml TRIzol per well.

3. Incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes

4. Add 200ul CHCl3

5. Pulse vortex for 15 seconds and incubate at room temperature for 3


6. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 8000 rpm at 4 °C.

7. Pipette water phase into a new eppendorf tube.

8. Add 500ul isopropanol per ml of trizol

9. Incubate at -20 °C for 30minutes.

10.Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 14000rpm at 4 °C

11.Wash pellet with 500ul 70% ethanol.

12. Centrifuge for 5 min at 14000rpm at room temperature.

13. Air dry the pellet (20 min)

14. Resuspend in 30-50ul nuclease-free water.

15. Keep at 56 °C for 10 minutes

16.Store at -80°C.

Page 52: Training report


Experiment- B13


a) Quality of RNA can be checked by agarose electrophoresis followed by

ethidium bromide staining. 2µl of RNA is run on 1.2% agarose gel and


The presence of crisp bands corresponding to 28 S rRNA and 18 S rRNA

indicates the quality of the RNA isolated.

b) RNA concentration can be measured using NanoDropTM


A260/A280 ratio for RNA should be 1.8-2. A260/A230 ratio should be 2-2.2


1. Clean the sample loading point with sterile water.

2. Open the bundled software

3. Add 1ul of nuclease free water solution in which RNA is dissolved and

calculate Blank’

4. Now clean the loading point and load subsequent samples and measure


5. Record the values of RNA concentration A260/A280 and A260/A230.

Page 53: Training report


Experiment B14



1. Prepare a mixture in an eppendorf tube with the following constituents

10 x RT buffer 2 ul

25X dNTP 0.8 ul

10 X random primer 2 ul

Reverse transcriptase 1 ul

Nuclease Free Water 4.2 ul


2. Prepare 1 ug of RNA in 10 ul

3. Mix 10ul of RNA and 10 ul of reaction mix.

4. Place the tube in a thermal cycler and run the following program

25 oC 10 min

37 oC 120 min

85 oC 5 min

4 oC infinity


This test was being performed by PCR amplification of β-Actin.

Reaction mixture was prepared with following components

cDNA - 1µL

Page 54: Training report


10XRT buffer - 1µL P.T.O

2.5mMdNTP - 1µL

20 uM forward primer - 0.09ul

20 uM reverse primer - 0.09ul

Taq polymerase - 0.2ul

H2O - 6.62ul


PCR conditions

95°`C 3 min

95°C 30 sec

56.7°C 15 sec

72°C 30 sec

72°C 10 min

4°C ∞

Following PCR,the product was run in 1% gel and analysed for bands

corresponding to B-actin.

Page 55: Training report


Experiment B15



This technique is used to amplify and simultaneously quantify a

targeted DNA molecule. Here the amplified DNA is detected as the reaction

progresses in real time. Two common methods for detection of products in real-

time PCR are: (1) non-specific fluorescent dyes that intercalate with any

double-stranded DNA, and (2) sequence-specific DNA probes consisting

of oligonucleotides that are labeled with a fluorescent reporter which permits

detection only after hybridization of the probe with its complementary DNA


Page 56: Training report


There are basically two methods of analyzing the data from a real time PCR-

absolute quantification and relative quantification. Relative quantification or

comparative quantification measures the relative change in mRNA expression

levels. It determines the changes in steady state mRNA levels of a gene across

multiple samples and expresses it relative to the levels of another RNA. Relative

concentrations of DNA present during the exponential phase of the reaction are

determined by plotting fluorescence against cycle number on a logarithmic

scale (so that an exponentially-increasing quantity will show as a straight line).

A threshold for detection of fluorescence above background is determined. The

cycle at which the fluorescence from a sample crosses the threshold is called

the cycle threshold, Ct.

The amount of target, normalized to an endogenous reference and relative to a

calibrator is given by,

Amount of target = 2-ΔΔCT

Where ΔΔCT = (CT,target – CT,actin )time,x – (CT,target – CT,actin)time,0.

Here time ‘x’ is any time point and time’0’ represents the expression of the

target gene normalized to β-actin.


PCR components for TaqMan based gene expression assay

cDNA - 2µl

TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix - 5 µl

20X TaqMan Gene Expression Assay Mix - 0.5 µl

Nuclease-free water - 2.5 µl

Total - 10 µl

Page 57: Training report


Reaction mix was prepared for B-actin also, which served as the reference


The samples were loaded on 96-well plate and each sample was run in


The plate was run on the ABI 7900HT with the following settings:

Step 1. 2 minutes at 50 C; Step 2. 10 minutes at 95 C and then 40 cycles of

Step 3.15 sec at 95 C and then 1 minute at 60 C.

The results were analyzed using SDS RQ Manager software.


Page 58: Training report



Section A Molecular  markers,  Natural  history  and  Evolution  -­‐  John.C.Avis  

Calculations  for  Molecular  Biology  and  Biotechnology  –  Frank.H.Stephen  

Principles  of  Gene  manipulation  –  Sandy  B.  Primrose,  Richard  M.  Twyman,  Robert  W.  Old­‐Gradient-­‐PCR-­‐To-­‐


Section B  

Sigma-Aldrich ECACC handbook

http://www.tissue-­‐cell-­‐    www.protocol-­‐­‐forums/cell-­‐culture.html