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Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited ABN 86 102 573 222 annual report 2012 Trafalgar District Community Bank®Branch

Trafalgar District Community Bank®Branch · 2019-05-27 · 2 Annual report Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited Trafalgar & District Financial Services Ltd Our vision

Aug 01, 2020



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Page 1: Trafalgar District Community Bank®Branch · 2019-05-27 · 2 Annual report Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited Trafalgar & District Financial Services Ltd Our vision

Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited

ABN 86 102 573 222

annual report2012

Trafalgar District Community Bank®Branch

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Annual report Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited 1

Values and behaviours 2

Chairman’s report 3

Manager’s report 9

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank report 11

Committee report 13

Directors’ report 16

Financial statements 20

Notes to the financial statements 24

Directors’ declaration 32

Independent audit report 33


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Annual report Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited2

Trafalgar & District Financial Services Ltd

Our vision

We are the most respected and effective Community Bank® franchisee in Victoria.

Our mission

We operate a Community Bank® branch to provide our community with outstanding banking services and play a key role in building the prosperity and resilience of our community.

Our values and behaviours


We pride ourselves on being honest, reliable and professional in our dealings with each other and with our stakeholders.

We will:

• beaccountableforouractionsandholdothersaccountable for theirs;

• workeffectivelytogetherasateamwithacommonvision and a common purpose;

• abidebythelawandourgovernanceprocessestoensure equity, fairness and transparency in all of our dealings.


We are committed to effectively engage with our customers and our community to ensure we understand their needs and can diligently work to meet those needs.

We will:

• respectandvaluetheimportanceofourcommunity;

• worktocontributetotheeconomicwellbeingofourcommunity;

• listentoandconsultwithourcommunity;

• listentoandunderstandourcustomers’needspriorto offering a solution.


We pride ourselves on continuously learning how wecanimproveourbusinessforthebenefitofourcommunity.

We will:

• committodevelopingourknowledgeandskills;

• committoseekingbetterwaysofdoingthings;

• showinitiativeinwhatwedotobettermeetourcustomers’andcommunity’sneeds.

Values and behaviours

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For year ending 30 June 2012




Theattachedgraph(Figure1)showstheprofit/lossoftheCommunity Bank® branch since its establishment.

Thereductioninprofitfromthepreviousfinancialyearisduetoseveralexpensesbeinghigherthanpreviousperiods.ThecategoriesofEmployeeBenefits,GeneralAdministration,andMarketingandSponsorshipexpensesweresignificantlyhigherthanthepreviousreportingperiod.TheBoardallocatedfurtherfundstowardssponsorshipapplicationsandalsosupplieddefibrillatorstofivesportingclubsduringthefinancialyear.Salaryincreases,superannuation and the payment of travel allowances for branch staff contributed to the increase in Employee BenefitsplustheappropriateprovisionforLongServiceLeave.Generaladministrationhadincreasesinaccountingfees,advertising,printing/stationaryandthepromotionalDVDexpenses.IncludedintheGeneralAdministrationexpenseswerethepaymentsoftheshareholderandstakeholderssurveys.Also,includedinthisreportingperiodweretheincreasedexpenditureforthepositionsoftheAdministrationOfficerandtheExecutiveOfficer.



Onceagain,theBoardispleasedtoannouncethat,despiteareductioninnetprofit,ithasdeclaredadividendofseven cents per share fully franked, maintaining the dividend amount from the previous year. The dividend is payable toshareholdersowningsharesasatcloseofbusinesson6September2012.


Figure 1 – Profit/Losssincecompany’sestablishment.

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Ratings upgrade

InDecember2011,BendigoandAdelaideBankjoinedAustralia’sA-ratedbanksfollowinganupgradeannouncedbyStandard&Poor’s(S&P).S&P’sdecisiontoraisetheBank’slong-termratingfromBBB+toA–meanstheBank,including our Community Bank® company,isnowrated‘A’byallthreeoftheworld’sleadingcreditratingagencies.

Government guarantee

During the reporting period, the Federal Government announced changes to its Financial Claims Scheme, also knownasthe“governmentguarantee”,loweringitfrom$1millionto$250,000effective1February2012.AsourCommunity Bank® branchoperatesunderBendigoandAdelaideBank’sbankinglicence,alldepositsheldwithour branch are guaranteed by the Federal Government and supported by capital supplied by our franchise partner, Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.

Lowering the cap is an indication of the strength of Australian banks, including Bendigo and Adelaide Bank and the combinationofhealthy,profitablebanksandstrongprudentialregulationisthebestguaranteeourcustomershavethat their money is safe in our Community Bank® branch.

Company governance

The Board continues to review and evolve to ensure the company is governed at the appropriate level, one that meets our various regulatory and statutory requirements, as well as those under the franchise and our constitution. Directors, individually and collectively, remain focussed on further improving the governance of the company. The Directors maintain a strong desire to continually improve their Directorship skills.



Thecompany’sbalancesheetgrewby$10.161millionfrom$83.55millionon1July2011to$93.711millionasat30 June 2012.


Figure 2 – Balance sheet growth.

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One of the main purposes of the company is to generate funds to enable our community to grow. During the reporting period,thecompanycontributed$96,783ingrantsandsponsorship.Sincethecompanycommenceddistributingfundstocommunitygroupsin2005/06,$512,872hasbeenprovidedtocommunitieswithinourcatchmentarea,consistingof$267,290insponsorshipand$245,582ingrants.


Thecompanyprovided$79,283to49communitygroupsduringthereportingperiod.Thecompanyheldasponsorship information night for community organisations during the reporting period to update them on the sponsorship process and to highlight to them that sponsorship is not a donation; that the organisations and their membersareexpectedtosupporttheCommunity Bank® branch in their banking.

The Community committee reviewed its sponsorship process during the reporting period; as a result, starting from 1 July 2012, all applications will be received electronically, principally via email, and when our new website is developed, organisationswillhavetheabilitytolodgedirectlyon-line.


Organisation funded2011/12


1st Thorpdale Scouts 5,000 6.3%

Baw Baw Arts Alliance 5,140 6.5%

Gippsland Greenkeepers & Bowlers 200 0.3%

Headway 5,000 6.3%

Hill End Community Inc 2,500 3.2%

Hill End Grove Rovers Football & Netball Club 5,695 7.2%

Narracan Primary School 5,700 7.2%

Off the Leash Theatre 500 0.6%

Trafalgar-BattleofTrafalgarFestival 5,000 6.3%

Trafalgar Bowls Club 2,000 2.5%


Figure 3 – Balance sheet activity by month: 2009/10,2010/11and 2011/12.

Table continued over page.

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Organisation funded2011/12


TrafalgarBoxingGym 1,508 1.9%

Trafalgar Cricket Club 4,000 5.0%

Trafalgar Football & Netball Club 1,380 1.7%

Trafalgar Golf Club 300 0.4%

Trafalgar High School 1,000 1.3%

Trafalgar Junior Football Club 3,906 4.9%

Trafalgar Lioness Club 200 0.3%

Trafalgar Probus Club 450 0.6%

Trafalgar Public Hall 4,000 5.0%

Trafalgar Rotary Club 4,000 5.0%

Trafalgar Scout Group 2,925 3.7%

Walhalla Heritage and Development League Inc 3,000 3.8%

West Gippsland Bowls Division 400 0.5%

Willow Grove Kindergarten 429 0.5%

Yarragon & District Community Assoc. Inc 5,000 6.3%

Yarragon Bowling Club 5,000 6.3%

Yarragon Business Association 2,750 3.5%

Yarragon Cricket Club 1,500 1.9%

Youth Reach Inc. 800 1.0%

Total 79,283 100%


The number of grants during the reporting year was small due to grants being presented in early 2011 (before the currentreportingperiod)andlaterthiscalendaryear(afterthisreportingperiod),thusbothgrantprogrammesfelloutsidethe2011/12financialyear.

A new initiative during the reporting period was the commencement of our Students Scholarship programme, which is aimed at year 12 students with special circumstances. “Special Circumstances” means students who are high achievingthatarecommunity-mindedandwhoarefinanciallyand/orsociallydisadvantaged.

Theprogrammeresultedinthreestudentseachreceiving$2,000towardsthecostoftheirfirstyearoftertiaryeducation.Thisprogrammewillcontinue,withanotherthreescholarshipsbeingfundedinthenextfinancialyear.Lastyear’sthreestudentsareentitledtonominateagainiftheysatisfactorilypassthisyear’sexaminationsandtheycontinuetodisplayspecialcircumstances.Bytheendofthethirdyearandeachyearthereafter,weexpecttohaveupto nine students each year on a scholarship



Sponsorship (continued)

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Below is the list of grants distributed during the reporting period.

Organisation funded2011/12


Student Scholarships 6,000 34.29%

Thorpdale Bowling Club 2,300 13.14%

Trafalgar Bowls Club 2,300 13.14%

Trafalgar Park Bowls 2,300 13.14%

Trafalgar Victory Soccer Club 2,300 13.14%

Yarragon Bowling Club 2,300 13.14%

Total 17,500 100%


The CEF is a trustee company established by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank to manage grants on behalf of Community

Bank® Companies such as ours.

Community Bank® Branch Manager

Phil Drummond has settled in well since his appointment in April 2011. He brings with him a high skill level and is quickly developing the technical banking skills. He is providing strong leadership to the Community Bank® branch’sstaff.

UnderPhil’sleadership,thebranchisconcentratingonfurtherimprovinghisstaff’sskills,andatthesametime,promotingthevariousproductsavailabletocustomers.AmoredetailedBranchManager’sreportisfoundelsewherein this annual report.

Community Bank® branch staff

There were two changes to our Community Bank® branch’sstaffduringthereportingperiod.KimWicklanderresignedandmovedtoQueensland.TheBoardwishesKimallthebestforherfuture.AsaresultofKim’sresignation,Philundertookastaffreviewandre-structuredittomeetourchangingneeds.Consequently,werecruitedBrionySchembri,whojoinedthebranchasitsinauguralCustomerRelationshipManager.Brionyisanexperiencedbankerandbringsagreatdealofexperiencetothebranch.


Bank® branch’sstaffandpleasedwiththeirworkeffortspreadingtheCommunity Bank® message.

Administration support to the Board

TheBoardreviewedtheadministrativesupportitneededduringtheyear,resultinginthenewpositionofExecutiveOfficerbeingcreated.TheroleisanimportantoneinthecompanyasitincorporatesthefunctionsofcompanySecretary and Treasurer. The Board determined that the holder of the position should be a Director, subject to shareholdersupportatthenextAnnualGeneralMeeting.

MelWhite,ourAdministrationOfficer,wasappointedtothenewposition.TosupportMel’snewrole,GemmaRicardowasappointedtotheroleofAdministrationOfficer.BothMelandGemmahavesettledintotheirrolesextremelywelland are now very important to the management of the company.

WehavefinalisedtheleasingarrangementswithBawBawShireCouncil,andnowhavepremisesinTrafalgarTechnology Centre to maintain our company records and for our administration staff to work.

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I thank, once again, all Directors for their effort during the reporting period. The Board is continually improving in its governance of the company. The Centro Property case in the Federal Court has once again highlighted that Directors have to be aware of all matters affecting the company. That our Directors do this without remuneration is an indication of their commitment to our community.

During the past 12 months to 30 June 2012, there have been some changes to the Board. Michelle Robertson and SallyBrowndidnotseekre-electionatlastyear’sAnnualGeneralMeeting(Michelleforfamilyreasons,andSallyduetofurtherstudyandworkcommitmentsinMelbourne).DylanBerendsresignedduringtheyearduetoworkcommitments.

JaneCoots,ChrisHardyandWayneMcArdlewereelectedasDirectorsatlastyear’sAnnualGeneralMeeting,andMelanieWhitewasco-optedasaDirectorduetoherappointmentasthecompany’sExecutiveOfficer.Thecompany’sconstitutionprovidesthatthreeDirectorsmustretireeachyear.ThisyearitisPeterMarx,DiHarrisonandI;eachiseligible to seek election as a Director.

Inconclusion,itappearsourreputationwithinthecommunityasasignificantcontributorofcommunitydevelopmentis increasing. Our aim is to continually improve.

Mick Bourke



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For year ending 30 June 2012

2011/12 has been a very challenging year with the economy continuing to recover from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)andthevalueoftheAustraliandollarimpactingontheviabilityofourmanufacturingsectorcreatinguncertaintyinmanypeople’smindabouttheirjobsecurityandhencetheircomfortinbuyingpropertyorinvestinggenerally.

Inthiscontext,itisvitaltothemanycommunitieswhichtheCommunity Bank® branch supports for us to continue to be a viable and strong business into the future.

TheManagingDirectoroftheBendigoandAdelaideBank,MikeHirst,explainedinanarticledated8July2011whatcaused the GFC and how banking has changed from its original model of building the prosperity of our communities toamodelthatfeedsoftheprosperityofcommunitiesandexplainshowtheformermodelisonethatmirrorstheCommunity Bank® modelcreatedbytheBendigoBank14yearsago.


Itusedtobethus.Bankswereformedtofeedintoprosperitythisway-toacceptcashfrompeoplewhohadexcessto lend to people who lacked cash but could add value to it once obtained. The bank charged the borrower a bit more than it paid the investor and returned the risk margin to its shareholders in the form of dividends. Win‚ win‚ win. And addtothatafourthwin‚becausethevalueaddedalongthewaywasinvariablybeneficialtosociety–peoplegainedemployment‚ houses were built‚ businesses started and public infrastructure funded.

Thisworkedparticularlywellinearlybankingforoneotherreason-bankswereformedinvillageswhereinvestors‚borrowersandbankshareholderslivedcheek-by-jowlandthereforesharedacommoninterestinseeingtheircommunityprosper.Overtime‚bankinghasbecomemoretechnical-somemightsayimpenetrablyso-andglobal-linkingtechnologyenablesfinancialtransactionstoberemotefromandunsupervisedbybothinvestorandborrower.Overlay on that the centralisation and growth of government‚ and people have never been more detached from and powerlesstoinfluencethefinancialforcesthatdictatetheirlives.

ButfromtheashesoftheGFCisstirringaphoenixofrecognitionthattherearealternativestoaresumptionofbig government and global market domination. No lesser authorities than Harvard economic luminaries Michael E.PorterandMarkR.Kramerenvisageanewbusinessworldordertheyhavedubbed‘sharedvalue’.It“involvescreating economic value in a way that also creates value for society by addressing its needs and challenges”…. If sharedvalueandbankingforandbycommunitysoundfamiliar‚it’sbecausethebankIheadstartedjustsuchaventure13yearsago.It’scalledtheCommunity Bank® concept and it was founded on the belief that successful customersandsuccessfulcommunitiescreateasuccessfulbank-inthatorder.Thatlastphraseisthekey‚becauseitreturnsustothephilosophyonwhichbankingitselfwasfounded-thatthebankfeedsintoprosperity‚notoffit.Simplyput‚youcan’trunasuccessfulcompanyinapoorcommunity‚soitmakessensetoinvestinhelpingtocreatea wealthier‚ more cohesive and inclusive community…In a nutshell‚ it enables local people to become shareholders in a community company formed to run a Community Bank® branch. The community aggregates the banking business of its members; pays the costs of running its branch and receives half the income that business generates (frominceptionthisamountstoover$764m);Bendigocollectstheotherhalfforprovidingbankingsupportandinfrastructure.Localprofitsaresplit‚withshareholdersentitledtonomorethan20percentandtherestbeingploughed into community development.”

This model of banking is one the branch staff are particularly committed to and proud to be part of. That is why they gotheextramileforourcustomersanddoeverythingwecantosupportourcommunity.


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Business growth

Thebranchincreaseditsbusinessby$3.59millionmorethanbudgetedfortheyearresultinginthebalancesheetshowingbusinessof$94.6million.Inlayman’stermsthismeansthatthevalueofdepositsandloansheldatthebranchhasgrownto$94.6millionattheendoftheyear.Thisrepresentsgrowthfortheyearof13.2%whichisaverypleasing result and testament to the hard work of the staff and quality of the service we provide.



This year has seen a staff member, Kim Wicklander, resign and return to Queensland. The opportunity was taken to review the structure and roles of staff within the branch. This resulted in the recruitment of a Customer Relationship Manager(CRM)tothebranch.BrionySchembriwasselectedtofillthatroleandhasbeenwithussinceFebruary2012.

OtherchangesmadetostaffingatthebranchhaveincludedTiffanyJoneschangingherrolefromCustomerRelationshipOfficer(CRO)toCustomerServiceSupervisor(CSS)andLorraineMorlandchangingfromaCROtoaCustomerServiceOfficer(CSO).ThesechangesandtheadditionofBrionytotheteamhaveresultedinthebranchimproving its capacity to service the needs of our customers and being successful in continuing to build the business.

The challenges facing the branch in the coming year include the apparent continuing economic slide as well as a very competitivebankingandfinancialsector.Thebranchiswellplacedtomeetthischallengeintheyeartocomeandislooking forward to another successful year.

Phil Drummond

Branch Manager


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For year ending 30 June 2012

Thanks to your support as shareholders the Community Bank® networkhasachievedasignificantmilestonethisyear,contributingmorethan$80milliontosupportthecommunitiestheseuniquecompaniesoperatewithin.

ThisfigurewasalmostunimaginablewhentheCommunity Bank® modelwasfirstlaunchedin1998,inpartnershipwith the people from the small Victorian wheat farming towns of Rupanyup and Minyip. For these communities the Community Bank® model was seen as a way to restore branch banking services to the towns, after the last of the major banks closed its services. However, in the years since the Community Bank® model has become so much more.

Inthepastfinancialyearafurther20Community Bank® brancheshaveopened,thisgrowthisin-linewithourforecast and consistent with what we have seen in recent years. Demand for the model remains strong and there are currently another 32 Community Bank® sites in development, with many more conversations happening with communities Australia wide.

Attheendofthefinancialyear2011/12theCommunity Bank® network had achieved the following:

• Returnstocommunity–$80million

• Community Bank® branches–295

• Community Bank® branchstaff–morethan1,400

• Community Bank® branchDirectors–1,905

• Volumefootings–$21.75billion

• Customers–500,000

• Shareholders–71,197

• Dividendspaidtoshareholders–$28.8million

Almost 300 communities have now partnered with Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, so they can not only enhance banking services,butmoreimportantlyaggregatetheprofitstheirbankingbusinessgeneratesandreinvestitinlocalgroupsand projects that will ultimately strengthen their community.

Inthepast14yearswehavewitnessedtheCommunity Bank® network’sreturnstocommunitiesgrowexponentiallyeachyear,with$470,000returnedwithinthefirstfiveyears,$8.15millionwithinthefirsteightand$22.58millionbytheendofthefirstdecadeofoperation.


Bank® model,returnsshouldtop$100millionbytheendof2013.Thesedollarsadduptonewcommunityfacilities,improved services, more opportunities for community engagement activities and generally speaking, a more prosperous society.

ThecommunitieswepartnerwithalsohaveaccesstoBendigoandAdelaideBank’sextensiverangeofothercommunitybuildingsolutionsincludingCommunityEnterpriseFoundation™(philanthropicarm),CommunitySectorBanking(bankingservicefornot-for-profitorganisations),GenerationGreen™(environmentandsustainabilityinitiative),CommunityTelco(telecommunicationssolution),sponsorships,scholarshipsandCommunityEnterprisesthat provide Community Bank® companies with further development options.

In Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, your Community Bank® company has a committed and strong partner and over the lastfinancialyearourcompanyhasalsoseenmuchsuccess.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank report

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LastDecember,ourBankjoinedtheranksofAustralia’sA-ratedbanksfollowinganupgradeannouncedbyStandard&Poor’s.Itsdecisiontoraiseourlong-termratingfromBBB+toA–meanstheBank(anditsCommunity Bank®

partners)arenowrated‘A’byallthreeoftheworld’sleadingcreditratingagencies.ThisisahugeboosttotheBankand will allow us to access new funding opportunities. It will also enable our group to service supporters who were precluded from banking with us because we were not A rated.

TheratingupgradeisawelcomeboostfortheBankanditspartnersatatimewhenfundingisexpensiveandlikelyto remain so, margins have been eroded across the industry, credit growth is sluggish at best and subsequently, the profitabilityofbanksremainsunderpressure.

Notsurprisingly,thesefactorscontinuetoplacepressureonourBank’smarginandasCommunity Bank® margin shareisstillinpartbasedonfixedtrails,thisiscontinuingtoreflectaskewinmarginsharebetweentheBankanditsCommunity Bank® partners.

We’vebeenworkingwiththeCommunity Bank® network to take action to reduce this imbalance (which is in favour of the Community Bank® partners)andseetheshareofrevenueoncorebankingproductscloselyalignedtothekeyprincipalof50/50revenueshare.Recentmarketdevelopmentsarechallengingthisgoal,buttheBankanditspartners remain committed to addressing this.

It’sBendigoandAdelaideBank’svisiontobeAustralia’sleadingcustomer-connectedbank.Webelieveourstrengthcomesfromourfocusonthesuccessofourcustomers,people,partnersandcommunities.Wetakea100-yearviewofourbusiness;welistenandrespecteverycustomer’schoice,needsandobjectives.Wepartnerforsustainablelong-term outcomes and aim to be relevant, connected and valued.

This is what drives each and every one of our people and we invite you as Community Bank® shareholders to support us as we work with our partners to deliver on our goals and ensure our sustained and shared success.

As Community Bank® shareholders you are part of something special, a unique banking movement which has evolved into a whole new way of thinking about banking and the role it plays in modern society.

We thank you all for the part you play in driving this success.

Russell Jenkins

Executive Customer and Community

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank report (continued)

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For year ending 30 June 2012

Thecompany’sfivegovernancecommitteesandfouroperationalcommitteescontinuedtheiroperationsduringthereporting period. The activities of each committee are outlined below (members of each committee are as at 30 June 2012).

Corporate governance committees

Audit & Risk Committee


Duringthefinancialyear2011/2012,thecommitteereviewedandupdatedtheAuditandRiskcharter.Italsoreviewedapplicablepoliciesandproceduresaspartofthetimetableforongoingreviewofallthecompany’spoliciesand procedures. The committee researched and assessed if there was any requirement for Auditor rotation.

Crisis Response Committee


This committee did not meet due to there being no crises.

Executive Committee


No activities were delegated to this committee during the year.

Governance & HR Committee



• ReviewedandupdatedtheGovernance&HRchartertoensurethecommitteeismeetingitsrequirements,

• Progressedtheprocessandtimetableforongoingreviewofallcompanypoliciesandprocedures,

• DevelopedtheDirectorExitpolicyfortheexitofDirectorsduetoretirementand/orresignation,

• DevelopedprocedurespursuanttotheDirectorRecruitmentpolicyforco-optingofDirectorsasrequiredfromtimeto time,

• AmendedtheDirectorInductionpolicytoimproveDirectorinductionproceduresaswellasimprovethenewDirector induction checklist,

• WorkedonfurtherrefinementoftheannualBoardperformanceassessment,

• InitiateddevelopmentofanannualDirectorperformanceself-assessmenttool.

Committee report

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Low Volume Market


The LVM committee is responsible for supervising the process of buying and selling Trafalgar and District Financial ServicesLtd’sshares.Theprocessofsellingandbuyingsharescanbecompletedeitheronlineusingtherequiredforms on our website or printing the required form and mailing it. Each committee member must complete the required training to be part of this committee.

During2011/2012,wehavecompleted5sharetransfersusingtheLVMprocessandattheendofJune2012therewas only one party on our Register of Interested parties schedule who is seeking to sell their shares.

Operational committees

Best Practice Committee


The‘BestPractice’Committeehasidentifiedabusinessexcellenceframeworktobeusedtobenchmarkcompanypractices so that we may measure our performance and identify activities that require improvement.

We have started to identify company activities that pose a potential risk to the strength of the company and ways to measure our performance.


Community Committee



• Investigatebuildingapartnershipwithlocal,stateand/orfederalgovernmentaswellasotherCommunity Bank®


• Thesupplyofautomaticdefibrillatorstofiveselectedsportinggroups(TrafalgarVictoryFootballClub,TrafalgarParkBowlsClubsInc,TrafalgarBowlingClub,YarragonBowlingClubandThorpdaleBowlingClub)tosupportthecommunity health and well being of those clubs and its members as well as other member of the community who visit their clubs.

• Tosupply“WelcomePacks”tonewresidentsofourcommunity.Thepacksincludedflyers,stickers,DVDandwelcome letter to promote the services of the Community Bank® branch and welcome those residents to our community.

Along with these three major projects, the community committee during the year also monitored and reviewed the sponsorship programme, student scholarships, community EFTpos machine, Greenlight youth driver education course; and advertising and promotion.

Staff Committee


The major focus of the staff committee this year was to introduce staff development plans that were better aligned to the objectives of the business; developed the capacity of the staff and the business and increased the skill levels of thestafftomeetidentifiedbusinessneeds.Whilstthisactivityisanongoingprocess,ithasprovensuccessfultodatewith the staff training and development activities resulting in improvements in parts of the business that were not meeting targets in previous years.

Committee report (continued)

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The capacity of the branch has improved to ensure that it has improved its capacity to meet the needs of our customers. This focus of alignment and skills development will continue in future years to ensure that the constant changes being introduced to meet the constantly changing needs of our customers are fully understood by staff so they can provide outstanding service to our customers.

Stakeholder Committee


Theoverarchinggoalsofthecommitteeweretoidentifyandimplementthekeyfindingsofthestakeholdersurvey;identifyandimplementthekeyfindingsoftheshareholdersurvey;andtorestructureandenhancetheYouthFoundations Project.

Two surveys were undertaken during the reporting period, one involving stakeholders (customers and the general community).Thestakeholdersurveyidentifiedthatamarketingcampaignneededtobedevelopedandimplementedin order to enhance its position. A campaign was organised and implemented in the early months of 2012 which appeared to be quite successful.

Thesecondsurvey,thatofthecompany’sshareholder’s,identifiedthatseveralwaystoimprovecommunicationbetween the company and the shareholders (a quarterly newsletter; an informal meeting between parties; and exploringtheusageofelectroniccommunication).

Based on the survey results, the company has increased its shareholder newsletters to a minimum of three per annum. A planned informal meeting between shareholders and the company was cancelled due to a lack of interest. The use of electronic communication between the company and shareholders will be considered in 2013.

TheYouthFoundationsProjectfinishedduringtheyear,however,thecompanydecidedtocontinuewiththeinitiative,and has now formed a partnership with Trafalgar High School for its continuity.

Profitability Committee


Inthelastreportingperiod,theprofitabilitycommitteecollatedfinancialdatainordertocompleteafive-yearcapitalplaninordertoincreasethefinancialcapabilitiesofthecompany.ThecommitteealsomonitoredinconjunctionwithBendigo and Adelaide Bank the survey completed with regards the feasibility of an agency in the township of Yarragon. Thisareaofbusinessgrowthwillcontinuetoberesearchedbythecompanyinthenewfinancialyear.

Committee report (continued)

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1. TheDirectorsinofficeatanytimeduringorsincetheendoftheyearare:

Mr Michael Bourke


Mr Gary Smith


Mrs Melanie White


Mr Peter Marx

Peteris64yearsofage.AppointedasaDirectoron21October2002,hewasalsoappointedcompanySecretaryon2February2007until1December2011.HeworksasalandsurveyorandhasqualificationsofLicensed Land Surveyor, Diploma of Surveying, Diploma of Cartography and is a member of the Institution of Surveyors Victoria and Association of Consulting Surveyors Victoria. He is involved in the Audit & Risk, Crisis Response and Low Volume Market committees.

Ms Dianne Harrison

Dianneis53yearsofage.ShewasappointedDirectoron4November2010.DianneisemployedasaTAFEteacherandhasqualificationsofBachelorofArts,BachelorofEducation,MasterofEducation,andGippslandCommunityLeadershipProgram(2010)Graduate.SheisinvolvedwiththeGovernance&HumanResources,Low Volume Market and Community committees.

Mr Wayne McArdle

Wayneis42yearsofageandwasappointedDirectoron5May2011.HisoccupationisaBarrister&SolicitorandhasqualificationsofBachelorofLaws,BachelorofEconomics,DiplomaofLawandGovernmentandDiploma of Legal Practice. He is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria. He is part of the Audit & Risk and Stakeholder committees.

Mrs Jane Coots

Janeis44yearsofageandwasappointedaDirectoron3November2011.HeroccupationisanaccountantandhastheBachelorofBusinessandCommerce(Accounting)asherqualifications.SheisanAssociatemember of CPA Australia. Jane is involved in the Audit & Risk and Best Practice committees.


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1. TheDirectorsinofficeatanytimeduringorsincetheendoftheyearare(continued)

Mr Chris Hardy

Chris is 33 years of age and was appointed a Director on 3 November 2011. His occupation is a pharmacist and holdsqualificationsofBachelorofPharmacy,DiplomainTrainingandAssessmentandMBTIAssessor.ChrisispartoftheGovernanceandHumanResourcesandProfitabilitycommittees.

Ms Michelle Robertson


Ms Sally Brown

Sallyis22yearsofage.ShewasappointedDirectoron5November2009.Sheisauniversitystudent.ShewasinvolvedintheAudit&RiskandCommunitycommittees.Sallydidnotseekre-electionatthe2011AnnualGeneral Meeting.

Mr Dylan Berends

Dylanis26yearsofage.HewasappointedDirectoron4November2010.DylanisemployedasanAccountantand is a Candidate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. He was part of the Audit & Risk, BestPracticeandProfitabilitycommitteesuntilhisresignationon13October2011.


2. TheprincipalactivityofthecompanyduringthefinancialyearwasthemanagementofaCommunity Bank®


3. Thenetprofitofthecompanyforthefinancialyearwas$83,524(2011$107,097).

4. Duringthefinancialyearthecompanycontinueditstradingactivities.Theresultsofthoseoperationswereinline with projections.

5. Therewasnosignificantchangeinthestateofaffairsofthecompanyduringthefinancialyear.

6. Nomattersorcircumstanceshavearisensincetheendofthefinancialyearwhichsignificantlyaffecttheoperations of the company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the company in future financialyears.

7. TheDirectorsarenotawareofanylikelydevelopmentsintheoperationofthecompanyorofanychangeintheexpectedresultsofthoseoperationsinfuturefinancialyears.

8. Noindemnitieshavebeengivenorinsurancepremiumspaid,duringorsincetheendofthefinancialyear,foranypersonwhoisorhasbeenanOfficerorAuditorofthecompany.

9. NopersonhasappliedforleaveofCourttobringproceedingsonbehalfofthecompanyorinterveneinanyproceedings to which the company is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the company of all or any part of those proceedings.

10. The company was not a party to any such proceedings during the year.


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11. Thecompany’soperationarenotregulatedbyanysignificantenvironmentalregulationunderalawoftheCommonwealth, or of a State or Territory.

12. NoDirectorhasreceivedorbecomeentitledtoreceive,duringorsincethefinancialyear,abenefitbecauseofacontractmadebythecompanywithaDirector,afirmofwhichaDirectorisamember,oranentityinwhichaDirectorhasasubstantialfinancialinterestotherthanthebenefitsdisclosedinNote7.ThisstatementexcludesabenefitincludedintheaggregateamountofemolumentsreceivedordueandreceivablebyDirectorsasshownintheaccounts,orthefixedsalaryofanemployeeofthecompany.

13. During the Financial year, 13 meetings of Directors were held. Attendances by each Director were as follows:

Director Director since

Director’s meetings

Numbereligible to



Michael Bourke 2007 13 12

PeterMarx 2002 13 12

Michelle Robertson* 2009 7 5

Sally Brown* 2009 7 7

Gary Smith 2010 13 10

Dianne Harrison 2010 13 13

Dylan Berends~ 2010 6 5

Wayne McArdle 2011 13 11

Jane Coots** 2011 6 4

Chris Hardy** 2011 6 5

Melanie White^ 2011 6 6

*Didnotseekre-electionat2011AGM~Resigned 13 October 2011 **Appointed 3 November 2011

^Appointed 1 December 2011



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Auditors Independence Declaration

The Directors received the following declaration from the Auditor of the company:

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Michael Bourke




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Statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2012

Note 2012 2011 $ $


Incomefromoperations 893,702 872,264

Interestreceived 29,285 27,576

Total revenue 922,987 899,840


Employeebenefitexpenses 340,372 314,334

Depreciation 12,946 9,713

Amortisationoffranchisefee 13,772 13,773

Generaladministration 196,175 143,615

Leasingcosts 7,478 8,345

Auditservices 1,400 1,386

Advertisingandpromotion 14,963 9,329

Marketingandsponsorships 91,995 60,603

Occupancycosts 29,010 27,844

Total expenses 708,111 588,942

Profit (loss) from ordinary activities before income

tax & market development 214,876 310,898

Marketdevelopmentgrants 105,000 152,000

Incometaxexpense 3 26,352 51,801

Net profit (loss) after income tax 83,524 107,097

Earnings per share (cents per share)

-Basicfortheperiod(cents) 15.67 20.10

-Dilutedfortheperiod(cents) 15.67 20.10

Financial statements

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Statementoffinancialposition as at 30 June 2012

Note 2012 2011 $ $

Current assets

Cash&cashequivalents 5 563,806 544,560

Trade&otherreceivables 84,808 78,260

Othercurrentassets 7,343 7,859

Total current assets 655,957 630,679

Non-current assets

Intangibles 13 19,281 33,054

Plantandequipment 2 90,457 74,558

Deferredtaxasset 3 9,215 9,254

Total non-current assets 118,953 116,866

Total assets 774,910 747,545

Current liabilities

Trade&otherpayables 35,569 27,021

Provisions 4 22,071 42,141

Total current liabilities 57,640 69,162

Non-current liabilities

Provisions 4 2,072 9,254

Deferredtaxliability 3 2,203 2,358

Total non-current liabilities 4,275 11,612

Total liabilities 61,915 80,774

Net assets 712,995 666,771

Members funds

Contributedequity 532,859 532,859

Accumulatedprofits(losses) 9 180,136 133,912

Total members’ funds 712,995 666,771

Financial statements (continued)

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Statementofcashflows for the year ended 30 June 2012

Note 2012 2011 $ $

Cash flows from operating activities

Receiptsfromcustomers 976,570 956,192

Paymentstosuppliersandemployees (821,578) (765,043)

Interestreceived 29,831 29,252

Gstpaid (46,662) (50,795)

Incometaxespaid (52,770) (24,519)

Net cash provided by operating activities 6 85,391 145,087

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchasesofproperty,plantandequipment (28,845) (9,561)

Net cash used in investing activities (28,845) (9,561)

Cash flows from financing activities

Dividendspaid (37,300) (31,971)

Net cash used in financing activities (37,300) (31,971)

Netincrease/(decrease)incashheld 19,246 103,555

Cashandcashequivalentsatbeginningofyear 544,560 441,005

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 5 563,806 544,560

Financial statements (continued)

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Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2012

Contributed Retained Total equity earnings equity $ $ $

Balanceat1July2009 532,859 31,093 563,952

Netprofit/(loss)fortheperiod - 54,336 54,336

Dividendsprovidedfororpaid - (26,643) (26,643)

Balance at 30 June 2010 532,859 58,786 591,645

Balanceat1July2010 532,859 58,786 591,645

Netprofit/(loss)fortheperiod - 107,097 107,097

Dividendsprovidedfororpaid - (31,971) (31,971)

Balance at 30 June 2011 532,859 133,912 666,771

Balanceat1July2011 532,859 133,912 666,771

Netprofit/(loss)fortheperiod - 83,524 83,524

Dividendsprovidedfororpaid - (37,300) (37,300)

Balance at 30 June 2012 532,859 180,136 712,995

Financial statements (continued)

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For year ended 30 June 2012

Note1.StatementofsignificantaccountingpoliciesThefinancialreportisageneralpurposefinancialreportthathasbeenpreparedinaccordancewithAccountingStandards, Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views, other Authoritative Pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations Act 2001.

ThefinancialreportcoverstheeconomicentityofTrafalgar&DistrictFinancialServicesLimitedasanindividualentity.The company is a company limited by shares, incorporated and domiciled in Australia.


The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the company in the preparation of the financialreport.Theaccountingpolicieshavebeenconsistentlyapplied.

(a) Statement of Compliance


(b) Plant and Equipment

Each class of property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less where applicable any accumulated depreciation.

ThecarryingamountoffixedassetsisreviewedannuallybyDirectorstoensureitisnotinexcessoftherecoverableamountofthoseassets.Therecoverableamountisassessedonthebasisofexpectednetcashflowswhichwillbereceivedfromtheassets,employmentandsubsequentdisposal.Theexpectednetcashflowshavebeendiscountedto their present values in determining the recoverable amounts.

Thedepreciableamountofallfixedassetsaredepreciatedusingthediminishingvaluemethodovertheirusefullivesto the company commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use.


• PlantandEquipment 5%-100%

(c) Cash

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash includes:

(i) cashatbank;and


Notes to the financial statements

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(d) Revenue


Revenue from the rendering of a service is recognised upon the delivery of the service to the customers.


(e) Goods and Services Tax (GST)


(f) Intangibles

Thefranchisefeeisvaluedintheaccountsatcostandisbeingamortisedoveraperiodoffiveyears.Thebalanceisreviewedannuallyandanybalancerepresentingfuturebenefitsforwhichtherealisationisconsideredtobenolongerrecoverable is written off.

(g) Comparative figures


(h) Leases


Finance Leases

Leaseswhicheffectivelytransfersubstantiallyalloftherisksandbenefitsincidentaltoownershipoftheleaseditemto the group are capitalised at present value of the minimum lease payments and disclosed as property, plant and equipment under lease. A lease of equal value is also recognised.

Capitalised lease assets are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the assets and the lease term. Minimumleasepaymentsareallocatedbetweeninterestexpenseandreductionoftheleaseliabilitywiththeinterestexpensecalculatedusingtheinterestrateimplicitintheleaseandrecognizeddirectlyinthenetprofit.

(i) Employee Benefits




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(j) Income Tax



• exceptwherethedeferredincometaxliabilityarisesfromtheinitialrecognitionofanassetorliabilityinatransaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profitnortaxableprofitorloss;and

• inrespectoftaxabletemporarydifferencesassociatedwithinvestmentsinsubsidiaries,associatesandinterestsinjointventures,exceptwherethetimingofthereversalofthetemporarydifferenceswillnotreverseintheforeseeable future.


• exceptwherethedeferredincometaxassetrelatingtothedeductibletemporarydifferencearisesfromtheinitialrecognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business and, at the time of the transaction, affects neithertheaccountingprofitnortaxableprofitorloss;and

• inrespectofdeductibletemporarydifferencesassociatedwithinvestmentsinsubsidiaries,associatesandinterestsinjointventures,deferredtaxassetsareonlyrecognisedtotheextentthatitisprobablethatthetemporarydifferenceswillreverseintheforeseeablefutureandtaxableprofitwillbeavailableagainstwhichthetemporary differences can be utilised.

Thecarryingamountofdeferredincometaxassetsisreviewedateachbalancesheetdateandreducedtotheextentthatitisnolongerprobablethatsufficienttaxableprofitwillbeavailabletoallowallorpartofthedeferredincometaxasset to be utilised.

Deferredincometaxassetsandliabilitiesaremeasuredatthetaxratesthatareexpectedtoapplytotheyearwhentheassetisrealisedortheliabilityissettled,basedontaxrates(andtaxlaws)thathavebeenenactedorsubstantively enacted at the balance date.

(k) Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the company during the reporting period which remain unpaid. The balance is recognised as a current liability with the amounts normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.


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2012 2011 $ $

Note 2. Plant and equipmentPlantandEquipmentatCost 191,752 162,907

LessProvisionforDepreciation (101,295) (88,349)

90,457 74,558


Balanceatbeginningofyear 74,558 74,710

Additions 28,845 9,561

DepreciationExpense (12,946) (9,713)

Balance at end of year 90,457 74,558

Note3.IncometaxexpenseTheprimafacietaxpayableonoperatingprofitisreconciledtotheincome taxexpenseasfollows:

Primafacietaxpayableonoperatingprofitat30% 32,963 47,669

Adjust for tax effect:


Set-upcosts 4,132 4,132

Timing differences deductible when incurred

Provisionforholidaypay,accruedandprepaidexpenses (982) (51)

ProvisionforLongServiceLeave 934 (3,195)

AccruedInterest 164 503

37,210 49,058

MovementinDeferredTaxAsset 39 289

MovementinDeferredTaxLiability (155) 515

PriorYearAmendedReturns (10,743) -

Income Tax Expense 26,351 49,862

Deferred Tax Asset

AccruedExpenses 1,656 1,410

ProvisionforHolidayPay 3,850 5,068

ProvisionforLongServiceLeave 3,710 2,776

9,215 9,254

Movement in deferred tax asset charged to statement of

comprehensive income (39) (289)


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2012 2011 $ $


Deferred tax liability

Accruedinterest 1,536 1,700

Prepaidrent 667 658

2,203 2,358

Movement in deferred tax liability charged to statement

of comprehensive income (155) 515


IncomeTaxPayable (1,055) 25,247

AnnualLeave 12,832 16,894

LongServiceLeave 10,294 -

22,071 42,141

Non - Current

Long Service Leave 2,072 9,254

Averagenumberofemployees 5 5

Note5.Cash&cashequivalentsCashattheendoftheyearasshowninthecashflowstatementisreconciled totherelateditemsinthestatementoffinancialpositionasfollows:

Cash at Bank 563,806 544,560


Operatingprofit/(loss) 83,524 107,097


Depreciation 12,946 9,713

Amortisation 13,772 13,773


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2012 2011 $ $


Changes in Assets and Liabilities

(Increase)/Decreaseinreceivables (6,032) (1,804)

Increase/(Decrease)inpayables 8,548 (280)

Increase/(Decrease)inprovisions (949) (10,694)

Increase/(Decrease)inincometaxpayable (26,302) 24,539

(Increase)/Decreaseindeferredtaxassets 39 3,223

Increase/(Decrease)indeferredtaxliabilities (155) (480)

Net cash provided by operating activities 85,391 145,087

Note7.RelatedpartytransactionsTransactions between related parties are on normal commercial terms and conditions no more favourable than those available to other parties unless otherwise stated.

No transactions with related entities.

Note8.SegmentreportingThe company operates in the service sector where it conducts a Community Bank® branch in the Trafalgar, Yarragon, Willow Grove, Thorpdale, Narracan, Erica, Rawson, Walhalla and Tanjil South of Gippsland in Victoria.

2012 2011 $ $

Note9.Accumulatedprofits/(losses)Accumulatedprofitatthebeginningofthefinancialyear 133,912 58,786

Netprofitafterincometax 83,524 107,097

Lessdividendspaid (37,300) (31,971)

Accumulated profit (loss) at the end of the financial year 180,136 133,912

Notes 10. Dividends paid on ordinary sharesFranked dividends 37,300 31,971


Note 11. Franking credit balanceFranking account balance as at end of the financial year 139,977 103,192


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Note 12. Company detailsTheregisteredofficeofthecompanyis103aPrincesHighway,TrafalgarVIC3824.


2012 2011 $ $

Note 13. IntangiblesFranchiseFeeatcost 68,862 68,862

LessAmortisation (49,581) (35,808)

19,281 33,054

Note14.EarningspershareEarnings used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share 83,524 107,097

Weighted average number of shares for basic and diluted

earnings per share 532,859 532,859


Effective interest rate

Floating interest rate

Fixed interest rate Non-interest bearingWithin 1 year 1 To 5 years

2012 %

2011 %

2012 $

2011 $

2012 $

2011 $

2012 $

2011 $

2012 $

2011 $

Financial assets

Cash at bank 5.09 6.00 81,095 88,924 482,711 455,636

Receivables 84,808 78,260

Total financial assets

81,095 88,924 482,711 455,636 84,808 78,260

Financial liabilities

Payables 14,547 27,021

Total financial liabilities

14,547 27,021

(b) Credit Risk

Themaximumexposuretocreditrisk,excludingthevalueofanycollateralorothersecurity,atbalancedatetorecognisedfinancialassetsisthecarryingamount,netofanyprovisionsfordoubtfuldebts,asdisclosedintheStatement of Financial Position and Notes to the Financial Statements.

Thecompanydoesnothaveanymaterialcreditriskexposuretoanysingledebtororgroupofdebtorsunderfinancialinstruments entered into by the company.


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(c) Net Fair Value


TheaggregatenetfairvaluesandcarryingamountsoffinancialassetsandfinancialliabilitiesaredisclosedintheStatement of Financial Position and Notes to the Financial Statements.


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The Directors of the company declare that:

1. Thefinancialstatementsandnotes,assetoutintheDirectorsReport,IncomeStatement,BalanceSheet,CashFlow Statement and Notes to the Financial Statements, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001:


(b)giveatrueandfairviewofthefinancialpositionasat30June2012andoftheperformancefortheyearended on that date of the company;

2. IntheDirectors’opiniontherearereasonablegroundstobelievethatthecompanywillbeabletopayitsdebtsasand when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Michael Bourke




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Independent audit report

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Trafalgar District Community Bank®Branch 103a Princes Highway, Trafalgar VIC 3824 Phone: (03) 5633 2783 Fax: (03) 5633 2760

Franchisee: Trafalgar & District Financial Services Limited 103a Princes Highway, Trafalgar VIC 3824 Phone: (03) 5633 2783 Fax: (03) 5633 2760 ABN: 86 102 573




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