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Towns and Cities, Growing Greener

Towns and Cities, Growing Greener - European · 2019. 4. 10. · with speed limits of 20 km/h, so vehicles and pedestrians

Feb 05, 2021



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  • Towns and Cities, Growing Greener

  • Located in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Cornellà de Llobregat has a population of 86,610 and covers an area of 7 km2. It is a compact, multi-faceted city, with residential neighbourhoods, facilities, green areas, services and industry. Sitting on the banks of the Llobregat River, the city is home to five large city parks and a small agricultural area that is part of the Baix Llobregat Agricultural Park. Cornellà’s history has been defined by its proximity to the city of Barcelona, being well connected to the Catalan capital, and by its location on the Llobregat River.

    Cornellà de Llobregat at a Glance

    Cornellà NaturaCornellà Natura is the city’s Strategic Plan

    for 2016–2026, which aims to make the city

    more livable – with a focus on sustainable land

    use in the city, environmental improvement,

    and ensuring that Cornellà is genuinely people-

    friendly. The three pillars upon which it is

    based include making Cornellà a greener place,

    promoting sustainable urban mobility

    and improving the city’s environment.

    People at the ForefrontCornellà prides itself on the charitable nature

    of its citizens and their involvement in a range

    of projects in the city. For example, Cornellà

    has a ‘Social Agreement’, signed by its citizens

    and city stakeholders, committing to working

    together to improve Cornellà on the basis of

    consensus. Cornellà’s ‘Alliance Against Poverty’

    is another such initiative, which provides a city

    plan with actions to fight energy poverty and

    aims to raise awareness of this issue amongst

    citizens by providing them with advice and

    support on the topic.

    A Vibrant CityOne aspect which particularly characterises

    Cornellà is its network of people-led associations.

    This enables its citizens to genuinely take part

    in a diverse range of educational, cultural and

    leisure activities, helping to shape the city for

    the benefit of all.

    Cornellà de Llobregat places great value on citizens and their involvement in a range of projects in the city.

    Cornellà de Llobregat aims to make its city more natural and to maximise its green spaces.


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    Cornellà de Llobregat, a Green City

    Spotlight on Cornellà de Llobregat

    Climate Change and Energy Performance Cornellà signed the new Covenant of Mayors’

    Agreement on Climate and Energy, committing

    itself to reducing CO2 emissions by 40% by

    2030, and at the same time, to becoming a more

    resilient city, with a local plan for adaptation

    to climate change. Additionally, Cornellà has a

    plan to improve energy efficiency in municipal

    facilities, and has made a firm commitment to

    the fight against energy poverty.

    Sustainable Urban MobilityCornellà has two excellent features that

    facilitate sustainable mobility: it is a compact

    city (almost 90% of journeys within the city are

    made on foot) and it has an excellent public

    transport network of trams, trains, underground

    and buses. There are more than 16 kms of roads

    with speed limits of 20 km/h, so vehicles and

    pedestrians may co-exist in harmony. 8 kms of

    cycle lanes will be added by 2020.

    Nature, Biodiversity and Sustainable Land UseThe city’s green infrastructure is made up

    of the Llobregat River, parks, green areas and

    agricultural land, which account for a total of

    83.86 hectares. The Cornellà Natura project

    aims to increase the amount of green surface

    area to 133.60 hectares by 2026 (15.52 m2/

    person). With this in mind, five green corridors

    have been defined in Cornellà to fuse the city’s

    natural and cultural heritage, structuring green

    areas as environmental services, which favour

    biodiversity, the water cycle and the urban


    Images on the left page ©Guillem Urbà / Cornellà City Council

    • 9.74 m2 of green area per inhabitant, aiming

    to reach 15.52 m2 by 2026

    • More than 50% of all journeys are made on foot

    or by bicycle, with public transport accounting

    for another 30%

    • Public electric bicycle programme recently

    created with 56 bicycles

    • 19 solar, thermal energy facilities in schools

    and municipal buildings

    • 500 environmental education activities

    took place in 2018 with more than 14,000


    • Energy Efficiency Office created in 2016 to

    address energy poverty

    • More than 50% of schools form part of the

    Schools Network for Sustainability

    • Less waste generated per person than

    European average, 1.08 kg/person/day vs.

    1.31 kg

    • Water usage per person is less than

    European average, 94.6 litres per day vs.

    128 litres

    • Won the National Sustainable City Award

    for initiatives “Run against energy poverty”

    and the “Solidarity Shop” for combating

    food waste

    • Awarded Child Friendly City twice by


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    Five green corridors Cornellà identified to connect citizens to green spaces.

    There are 19 solar, thermal energy facilities in schools and municipal buildings in Cornellà, with installed panels covering a surface area of 544 m². This initiative has a dual objective: to promote renewable energies in the city and to boost the green economy.

    Air Quality and Noise Pollution In 2017, the first institutional agreement to

    improve air quality in the Metropolis of Barcelona

    was approved, aiming to reduce emissions by

    10% over the following five years. Cornellà has

    also signed up to the Metropolitan Programme

    to combat air pollution, which includes structural

    measures to reduce polluting emissions. As a

    start, the most polluting vehicles have been

    banned in some parts of the city when levels

    of pollution are high.

    Waste and Circular EconomyCornellà has several initiatives to prevent

    waste and promote the transition towards a

    circular economy. These include the prevention

    of food waste through the ‘Solidarity Shop’

    concept, where leftover food from Cornellà’s

    Centre Market and supermarkets is collected in

    collaboration with the Red Cross and distributed

    to families in need; as well as the promotion

    of composting through the city’s nearly 500

    composting stations. In addition, the city has

    created a space for ‘social reuse’ at the waste

    collection centre where objects that are in

    good condition are recovered and distributed

    to socially vulnerable people.

    WaterCornellà has taken several measures to

    conserve its water. For instance, Cornellà built

    two ‘lamination tanks’ to prevent flooding and

    to regulate the water that reaches treatment

    plants. Groundwater is also used to water

    public parks and gardens, as well as fill the Can

    Mercader Park’s artificial lakes during droughts.

    Additionally, sports facilities in Cornellà have

    wells and rainwater collectors that reuse the

    collected water to water their respective fields,

    resulting in a water savings of 90,000 m³/year.

    From left to right ©Guillem Urbà / Cornellà City Council ©ProCornellà

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    Cornellà de Llobregat, European Green Leaf 2019Cornellà Natura is an urban renewal project geared towards a new concept of mobility and the use of public spaces, thus improving the health and quality of peoples’ lives while also making the city more sustainable and livable. Cornellà’s events and activities during their European Green Leaf 2019 year will strongly reflect the key visions of this strategic project.

    More Green SpacesMaking the city a greener place which is

    more people-friendly is one of Cornellà’s main

    priorities, with many actions planned over the

    coming years to increase the number of green

    spaces and their links to citizens by way of green

    corridors. Cornellà also aims to preserve and

    improve its city’s natural heritage, while also

    making its city more resilient to climate change.

    Improved Public SpacesCornellà is committed to creating a pleasant,

    quiet and safe environment for its citizens. It

    has plans to create more pedestrianised areas

    and to increase the widespread use of public

    transport and the bicycle path network, while

    also improving road safety, accessibility and


    Cornellà also plans on introducing facilities to

    enable greater use of electric vehicles in the city.

    Environmental QualityThe city plans on introducing a number of

    measures, such as integrated air management

    plans, optimised use of water resources and

    better waste management, all to improve

    Cornellà’s environment and ecological impact.

    For instance, Cornellà has been implementing

    the Catalan Government’s Action Plan, which

    includes a series of actions such as promoting

    sustainable mobility and regulating the domestic

    boilers in municipal facilities to improve its air

    quality. Furthermore, Cornellà’s municipal waste

    prevention and management plan will form the

    basis for many of their waste-reduction related

    activities in the next few years.

    Images left and right © Guillem Urbà / Cornellà City Council

    8 kms of cycle lanes will be added by 2020. Cornellà aims to increase biodiversity and preserve its city’s natural heritage.

  • • Galway

    • Torres VedrasMollet del Vallès

    European Green Leaf Award Winners Ganadores del premio European Green Leaf Award

    • Cornellà de Llobregat 2019

    • Horst aan de Maas 2019

    • Leuven 2018

    • Växjö 2018

    • Galway 2017

    • Torres Vedras 2015/2016

    • Mollet del Vallès 2015/2016

    • Leuven

    • Horst aan de Maas

    • Växjö

    Cornellà de Llobregat


    European Green Leaf AwardThe European Green Leaf Award is a

    competition aimed at towns and cities

    across Europe, with between 20,000 and up

    to 100,000 inhabitants, which recognises a

    city’s commitment to better environmental

    outcomes. It is the partner competition

    of the European Green Capital Award for

    cities over 100,000 inhabitants. Cornellà de

    Llobregat in Spain and Horst aan de Maas

    in the Netherlands are the joint European

    Green Leaf Award winners for 2019. In 2018,

    Leuven in Belgium and Växjö in Sweden were

    the joint European Green Leaf Award winners.

    The Spanish city of Mollet del Vallès and the

    Portuguese city of Torres Vedras were the

    winners of the inaugural European Green Leaf

    Award 2015/2016, followed by the Irish city of

    Galway, who won the title in 2017.

    The European Green Leaf and European Green

    Capital Awards are initiatives of the European

    Commission. To find more information about

    the winners, how to apply for the Awards, how

    the winners are selected, and for any other

    questions, please visit our website below.

    European Green Leaf AwardEl premio European Green Leaf Award está

    dirigido a ciudades europeas de entre 20.000 y

    100.000 habitantes y reconoce su compromiso

    para mejorar sus logros en sostenibilidad urbana.

    Va de la mano del European Green Capital

    Award, que se concede a ciudades de más

    de 100.000 habitantes. Cornellà de Llobregat

    (España) y Horst aan de Maas (Países Bajos) son

    las ganadoras conjuntas del premio European

    Green Leaf Award 2019. En 2018, las vencedoras

    conjuntas de este galardón fueron Lovaina

    (Bélgica) y Växjö (Suecia). Mollet del Vallès

    (España) y Torres Vedras (Portugal) ganaron

    la edición inaugural, 2015/2016, seguidas de

    Galway (Irlanda), que se hizo con el título en 2017.

    Los premios European Green Leaf y European

    Green Capital son iniciativas de la Comisión

    Europea. Para más información sobre las

    ganadoras, cómo presentar una candidatura,

    cómo se elige a las vencedoras o cualquier

    otra consulta, visite nuestro sitio web a


  • Towns and Cities, Growing Greener

    Print K



    N 978-92-79-96526-5


    F K



    N 978-92-79-96527-2


    cover image “C

    an Mercader Park ” ©


    Urbà / C

    ornellà City C


    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019

    © European Union, 2019 Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39).For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders.