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Department of Computer Science & Engineering ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE : CSE 452 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- DESIGNPROBLEM– 1 SUBMITTED TO: RAMANDEEP SINGH SIR SUBMITTED BY: PIYUSH RANA RA1803A32 10803036
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Page 1: tower of hanoi

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


: CSE 452






PIYUSH RANARA1803A3210803036

Tower of Hanoi

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The Tower of Hanoi or Towers of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape.

The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following rules:

Only one disk may be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the rods and sliding

it onto another rod, on top of the other disks that may already be present on that rod.

No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

Is the end of the world near? At a monastery in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam, a group of monks has made it their life's work to solve the Towers problem, known due to its location as the Towers of Hanoi. Legend has it that the world will end when the monks finally solve the puzzle.

The puzzle is this. In the monastery are 3 pegs made of diamond. Resting on these pegs are 64 discs made of solid gold. None of the 64 discs are the same size; in fact, disc 1 is slightly larger in diameter than disc 2, which is slightly larger in diameter than disc 3, which is slightly larger in diameter than disc 4, etc. The initial configuration of the puzzle has all 64 discs piled in order of size on the first peg with the largest disc on the bottom.

To solve the puzzle, all 64 discs must be moved to the third peg. Easy you say? The problem is that due to the fragility of the gold, you are not allowed to rest a

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larger disc on top of a smaller one, and only one disc may be removed from the pegs at any one time.

There are many ways to solve this problem. The first is purely guess and check. Those who fear the end of the world may be hoping that the monks are using this approach. However, they're not; in fact, the monks all know the exact sequence of moves to solve the problem.

Solving Towers of Hanoi

One Disc

Let's simplify the problem to clarify our thinking. Let's imagine the Towers of Hanoi problem with only one disc.

Figure %: Towers Problem with 1 Disc

How do we solve this problem? Simple. We just move the disc on the first pole to the third pole.

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Figure %: Towers Solution for 1 disc

Two Discs Let's make the problem slightly bigger. Imagine two discs.

Figure %: Towers Problem with 2 Discs

How do we solve this problem? Simple, again.

1. Use the one disc solution to move the top disc to the intermediate pole.2. Use the one disc solution to move the bottom disc to the final pole.

3. Use the one disc solution to move the top disc to the final pole.

Figure %: Towers Solution for 2 Discs

Three Discs

How about with three discs?

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1. Use the two disc solution to move the top discs to the intermediate pole.2. Use the one disc solution to move the bottom disc to the final pole.

3. Use the two disc solution to move the top discs to the final pole.

$N$ Discs

So how about with $N$ Discs?

1. Use the $N-1$ disc solution to move the top discs to the intermediate pole.2. Use the one disc solution to move the bottom disc to the final pole.

3. Use the $N-1$ disc solution to move the top discs to the final pole.

Figure %: Towers Solution for N discs

And, voila! A recursive solution to solving the Towers of Hanoi! Note that the problem can be solved iteratively as well; however it makes much more intuitive sense recursively.


The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas in 1883. There is a legend about a Vietnamese temple which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it surrounded by 64 golden disks. The priests of Hanoi, acting out the command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks, in accordance with the rules of the puzzle, since that time. The puzzle is therefore also known as the Tower of Brahma puzzle. According to the legend, when the last move of the puzzle is completed, the world will end. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it.

If the legend were true, and if the priests were able to move disks at a rate of one per second, using the smallest number of moves, it would take them 264−1 seconds

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or roughly 585 billion years;[1] it would take 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 turns to finish.

There are many variations on this legend. For instance, in some tellings, the temple is a monastery and the priests are monks. The temple or monastery may be said to be in different parts of the world — including Hanoi, Vietnam, and may be associated with any religion. In some versions, other elements are introduced, such as the fact that the tower was created at the beginning of the world, or that the priests or monks may make only one move per day.

The Flag Tower of Hanoi may have served as the inspiration for the name.


The puzzle can be played with any number of disks, although many toy versions have around seven to nine of them. The game seems impossible to many novices, yet is solvable with a simplealgorithm. The number of moves required to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle is 2n-1, where n is the number of disks.

Iterative solution

The following solution is a simple solution for the toy puzzle.

Alternate moves between the smallest piece and a non-smallest piece. When moving the smallest piece, always move it in the same direction (to the right if the starting number of pieces is even, to the left if the starting number of pieces is odd). If there is no tower in the chosen direction, move the piece to the opposite end, but then continue to move in the correct direction. For example, if you started with three pieces, you would move the smallest piece to the opposite end, then continue in the left direction after that. When the turn is to move the non-smallest piece, there is only one legal move. Doing this will complete the puzzle using the least amount of moves to do so.

It should perhaps be noted that this can be rewritten as a strikingly elegant set of rules:

Simpler statement of iterative solution

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For an even number of disks:

make the legal move between pegs A and B make the legal move between pegs A and C

make the legal move between pegs B and C

repeat until complete

For an odd number of disks:

make the legal move between pegs A and C make the legal move between pegs A and B

make the legal move between pegs B and C

repeat until complete

In each case, a total of 2n-1 moves are made.

Recursive solution

Let call the three pegs Src (Source), Aux (Auxiliary) and Dst (Destination). To better understand and appreciate the following solution you should try solving the puzzle for small number of disks, say, 2,3, and, perhaps, 4. However one solves the problem, sooner or later the bottom disk will have to be moved from Src to Dst. At this point in time all the remaining disks will have to be stacked in decreasing size order on Aux. After moving the bottom disk from Src to Dst these disks will have to be moved from Aux to Dst. Therefore, for a given number N of disks, the problem appears to be solved if we know how to accomplish the following tasks:

1. Move the top N - 1 disks from Src to Aux (using Dst as an intermediary peg)2. Move the bottom disk from Src to Dst

3. Move N - 1 disks from Aux to Dst (using Src as an intermediary peg)

Assume there is a function Solve with four arguments - number of disks and three pegs (source, intermediary and destination - in this order). Then the body of the function might look like

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Solve(N, Src, Aux, Dst) if N is 0 exit else Solve(N - 1, Src, Dst, Aux) Move from Src to Dst Solve(N - 1, Aux, Src, Dst)

This actually serves as the definition of the function Solve. The function is recursive in that it calls itself repeatedly with decreasing values of N until a terminating condition (in our case N = 0) has been met. To me the sheer simplicity of the solution is breathtaking. For N = 3 it translates into

1. Move from Src to Dst2. Move from Src to Aux

3. Move from Dst to Aux

4. Move from Src to Dst

5. Move from Aux to Src

6. Move from Aux to Dst

7. Move from Src to Dst

Of course "Move" means moving the topmost disk. For N = 4 we get the following sequence

1. Move from Src to Aux2. Move from Src to Dst

3. Move from Aux to Dst

4. Move from Src to Aux

5. Move from Dst to Src

6. Move from Dst to Aux

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7. Move from Src to Aux

8. Move from Src to Dst

9. Move from Aux to Dst

10.Move from Aux to Src

11.Move from Dst to Src

12.Move from Aux to Dst

13.Move from Src to Aux

14.Move from Src to Dst

15.Move from Aux to Dst

Recurrence relations

Let TN be the minimum number of moves needed to solve the puzzle with N disks. From the previous section T3 = 7 andT4 = 15. One can easily convince oneself that T2 = 3 and T1 = 1. A trained mathematician would also note that T0 = 0. Now let us try to derive a general formula.

The recursive solution above involves moving twice (N - 1) disks from one peg to

another and making one additional move in between. It then follows that

  TN ≤ TN-1 + 1 + TN-1 = 2TN-1 + 1

The inequality suggests that it might be possible to move N disks with fewer than 2TN-1 + 1 moves. Which is actually not the case. Indeed, when the time comes to move the bottom disk, (N - 1) smaller disks will have been moved from Src to Aux in at least TN-1 moves. Since we are trying to use as few steps as possible, we may assume that that portion of the task took exactly TN-1 moves. It takes just one move to move the biggest disk from Src to Dst. One then needs exactly TN-1more steps to finish the task. Therefore the minimum number of moves needed to solve the puzzle with N disks equalsTN-1 + 1 + TN-1 = 2TN-1 + 1 moves.

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In other words,

  TN = 2TN-1 + 1

Thus we can define the quantity TN as

 T0 = 0TN = 2TN-1 + 1 for N > 0

We may compute T1 = 2T0 + 1 = 1, T2 = 2T1 + 1= 3, T3 = 2T2 + 1 = 7 and so on sequentially.

The above expression is known as a recurrence relation which, as you might have noticed, is but a recursive function. TN is defined in terms of only one of its preceding values. Other recurrence relations may be more complicated, for example,f(N) = 2f(N - 1) + 3f(N - 2). Recurrence relations appear under various guises in numerous branches of Mathematics and applications.

Returning to the definition of TN, define SN = TN + 1. Then S0 = 1 and SN = TN + 1 = (2TN-1 + 1) + 1 = 2TN-1 + 2 = 2(TN-1 + 1) = 2SN-1. Which is to say that SN could be

defined as

 S0 = 1SN = 2SN-1 for N > 0

The latter is solved easily in the closed (non-recurrent) form SN=2N. Wherefrom

  TN = 2N - 1 for N ≥ 0.

Coding Towers of Hanoi

Now that we know how to solve an $n$-disc problem, let's turn this into an algorithm we can use.

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If there is one disc, then we move 1 disc from the source pole to the destination pole. Otherwise, we move $n-1$ discs from the source pole to the temporary pole, we move 1 disc from the source pole to the destination pole, and we finish by moving the $n-1$ discs from the temporary pole to the destination pole.

void TOH(int n, int p1, int p2, int p3){

if (n == 1) printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);else {

TOH(n-1, p1, p3, p2);printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);TOH(n-1, p3, p2, p1);


Of course, we can simplify this to the following:

void TOH(int n, int p1, int p2, int p3){

if (n>1) TOH(n-1, p1, p3, p2);printf("Move top disc from %d to %d.\n", p1, p2);if (n>1) TOH(n-1, p3, p2, p1);


Actually, the whole story of the monks is just a legend. In fact, it isn't even an old legend. The story was created in 1883 by a mathematician named Edouard Lucas. He had invented an eight disc, three tower puzzle, and created the legend in order to sell his product.

That being said, what if the story were true? Should we be worried about the world ending when the monks solve the puzzle? After all, they live in the 21st century, too, and have access to the same information about recursion that we have.

Luckily, just as mathematics helps us solve the puzzle, it also helps prove that our grandchildren will still have a world to live in. In order to figure out how long it will take the monks to solve the puzzle, we need to write a recurrence relation, a recursive formula for describing the size of a recursive problem. Let's call our recursive formula T(n), where n is the number of discs.

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As seen above, the base case for the Towers of Hanoi problem is when $n$ is 1. This is when the monks just have to move one disc from one pole to another. So $T(1) = 1$. For the recursive case where $n != 1$, we need a more complicated formula. The monks, in the recursive case, follow a three step procedure. They move $n-1$ discs, then they move 1 disc, and then they move $n-1$ discs. So $T(n) = T(n-1) + T(1) + T(n-1) = 2T(n-1) + 1$.

Now we know that to solve a Towers problem with $n$ discs takes $T(n) = 2T(n-1) + 1$ steps. It would be nice if we had a closed-form solution to this recurrence so that we could figure out exactly how long it will take. A closed form solution is a formula without recursion, meaning we can simply plug in numbers and get our answer.

Let's plug in some sizes and solve the Towers problem with those sizes to see if we can find a closed-form solution.

T(1) = 1 T(2) = 3

T(3) = 7

T(4) = 15

T(5) = 31

T(6) = 63

T(7) = 127

T(8) = 255

T(9) = 511

T(10) = 1023

Notice a pattern here? $T(n) = 2^n - 1$. To prove to yourself that this is true, try modifying your TOH code to count the number of disc moves. Create a global variable count, run your modified TOH code, and then print out count.

Now we can easily compute how long it would take the monks to solve their 64-disc Towers problem. $2^64 - 1$ is approximately $18.45x10^18$ (note that if you actually tried to run the TOH code on your computer it would most likely take a very, very long time). If the monks could move a disc in a millisecond (an

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incredibly rate considering the size and weight of each disc), it would take them approximately 584,600,000 years to solve the puzzle. It appears the world is safe for now.

Let's look for a pattern in the number of steps it takes to move just one, two, or three disks. We'll number the disks starting with disk 1 on the bottom.

1 disk: 1 move

Move 1: move disk 1 to post C


2 disks: 3 movesMove 1: move disk 2 to post B Move 2: move disk 1 to post C Move 3: move disk 2 to post C


3 disks: 7 movesMove 1: move disk 3 to post C Move 2: move disk 2 to post B Move 3: move disk 3 to post B Move 4: move disk 1 to post C Move 5: move disk 3 to post A Move 6: move disk 2 to post C Move 7: move disk 3 to post C

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A. Recursive pattern

From the moves necessary to transfer one, two, and three disks, we can find a recursive pattern - a pattern that uses information from one step to find the next step - for moving n disks from post A to post C:

1. First, transfer n-1 disks from post A to post B. The number of moves will be the same as those needed to transfer n-1 disks from post A to post C. Call this number M moves. [As you can see above, with three disks it takes 3 moves to transfer two disks (n-1) from post A to post C.]

2. Next, transfer disk 1 to post C [1 move].

3. Finally, transfer the remaining n-1 disks from post B to post C. [Again, the number of moves will be the same as those needed to transfer n-1 disks from post A to post C, or M moves.]

Therefore the number of moves needed to transfer n disks from post A to post C is 2M+1, where M is the number of moves needed to transfer n-1 disks from post A to post C.

Unfortunately, if we want to know how many moves it will take to transfer 100 disks from post A to post B, we will first have to find the moves it takes to transfer 99 disks, 98 disks, and so on. Therefore the recursive pattern will not be much help in finding the time it would take to transfer all the disks.

However, the recursive pattern can help us generate more numbers to find an explicit (non-recursive) pattern. Here's how to find the number of moves needed to transfer larger numbers of disks from post A to post C, remembering that M = the number of moves needed to transfer n-1 disks from post A to post C:

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1. for 1 disk it takes 1 move to transfer 1 disk from post A to post C; 2. for 2 disks, it will take 3 moves:    2M + 1 = 2(1)  + 1 =  3

3. for 3 disks, it will take 7 moves:    2M + 1 = 2(3)  + 1 =  7

4. for 4 disks, it will take 15 moves:   2M + 1 = 2(7)  + 1 = 15

5. for 5 disks, it will take 31 moves:   2M + 1 = 2(15) + 1 = 31

6. for 6 disks... ?

B. Explicit Pattern

Number of Disks         Number of Moves        1                          1         2                          3         3                          7         4                         15         5                         31

    Powers of two help reveal the pattern: Number of Disks (n)     Number of Moves        1                 2^1 - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1         2                 2^2 - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3         3                 2^3 - 1 = 8 - 1 = 7         4                 2^4 - 1 = 16 - 1 = 15         5                 2^5 - 1 = 32 - 1 = 31

So the formula for finding the number of steps it takes to transfer n disks from post A to post B is: 2^n - 1.

From this formula you can see that even if it only takes the monks one second to make each move, it will be 2^64 - 1 seconds before the world will end. This is 590,000,000,000 years (that's 590 billion years) - far, far longer than some scientists estimate the solar system will last. That's a really long time!

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The tower of Hanoi (commonly also known as the "towers of Hanoi"), is a puzzle invented by E. Lucas in 1883. Given a stack of disks arranged from largest on the bottom to smallest on top placed on a rod, together with two empty rods, the towers of Hanoi puzzle asks for the minimum number of moves required to move the stack from one rod to another, where moves are allowed only if they place smaller disks on top of larger disks. The puzzle with pegs and disks is sometimes known as Reve's puzzle.

The problem is isomorphic to finding a Hamiltonian path on an -hypercube (Gardner 1957, 1959).

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Given three rods and disks, the sequence giving the number of the disk ( to ) to be moved at the th step is given by the remarkably simple recursive

procedure of starting with the list for a single disk, and recursively computing


For the first few values of , this gives the sequences shown in the following table. A solution of the three-rod four-disk problem is illustrated above.

1 12 1, 2, 13 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 14 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1

As the number of disks is increases (again for three rods), an infinite sequence is obtained, the first few terms of which are illustrated in the table above (Sloane's A001511). Amazingly, this is exactly the binary carry sequence plus one. Even more amazingly, the number of disks moved after the th step is the same as the element which needs to be added or deleted in the th addend of the Ryser formula (Gardner 1988, Vardi 1991). A simple method for hand-solving uses disks painted with alternating colors. No two disks of the same color are ever placed atop each other, and no disk is moved twice in a row (P. Tokarczuk, pers. comm. Jun. 23, 2004).

As a result of the above procedure, the number of moves required to solve the puzzle of disks on three rods is given by the recurrence relation


with . Solving gives


i.e., the Mersenne numbers.

For three rods, the proof that the above solution is minimal can be achieved using the Lucas correspondence which relates Pascal's triangle to the Hanoi graph. While

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algorithms are known for transferring disks on four rods, none has been proved minimal.

A Hanoi graph can be constructed whose graph vertices correspond to legal configurations of towers of Hanoi, where the graph vertices are adjacent if the corresponding configurations can be obtained by a legal move. The puzzle itself can be solved using a binary Gray code.

Poole (1994) and Rangel-Mondragón give Mathematica routines for solving the Hanoi towers problem. Poole's algorithm works for an arbitrary disk configuration, and provides the solution in the fewest possible moves.

The minimal numbers of moves required to order , 2, ... disk on four rods are given by 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, ... (Sloane's A007664). It is conjectured that this sequence is given by the recurrence


with and the positive floor integer solution to




This would then given the explicit formula



number of disks

total number of moves

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1 1

2 3

3 7

4 15

5 31

Then, I tried to dissect the process of moving one tower, specifically the tower with 5 discs. To dissect it, I kept track of what move I was on when I finally got the nth disc off the original tower or onto the final tower (in place).  

To get: 1 off 2 off  3 off 4 off5 off/on 

4 on 3 on 2 on  1 on

cumulative # moves

1 2  4 8 16 24 28 30 31 

This didn't give me any great insight at first, so then I tried to count the number of moves between each step.  

To get: 1 off 2 off  3 off 4 off5 off/on 

4 on 3 on 2 on  1 on

cumulative # moves

1 2  4 8 16 24 28 30 31 

# moves at step

1 1  2 4 8 8 4 2 1 

Ah, now we're beginning to see a pattern. Let's look now at the terms of the sum for different numbers of discs.  

Number of discs

Terms in SumTotal number of moves

1 1 1

2 1 + 1 + 1 3

3 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 7

4 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 15

5 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 31

61 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1


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Now, consider this same table in terms of 2n.  

Number of discs

Terms of Sum

1 1

2 1 + 20 + 20

3 1 + 20 + 21 + 21 + 20

4 1 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 22 + 21 + 20

5 1 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20

6 1 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20

From this, I could describe the pattern of summation as: (TH)n = 1 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-3 + 2n-2 + 2n-2 + 2n-3 + . . . 23 + 22 + 21 + 20

But this is a very cumbersome formula. Notice, however that there are always two appearances of every term. So, we can simplify somewhat by expressing 2x + 2x as 2*2x or 2x+1. This gives us a new summation seqence:

(TH)n = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

Before continuing, let's verify this formula with a few known sums:  

Number of Disks

Known Sum

Formula Value:(TH)n = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1


1 1 20 = 1 Equal

2 3 20 + 21 = 3 Equal

3 7 20 + 21 + 22 = 7 Equal

4 15 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 15 Equal

Here, we can easily see the recursive formula: (TH)n = (TH)n-1 + 2n-1

At this point, I was still playing with summing particular sequences of numbers using collapsing pairs. I found that for n=6, (TH)6 = 62 +1 = 64 -2 +1 = 26 -2 +1 = 26 -1. So, I made the guess, (TH)n = 2n -1. So, now my question was: Does 2n -1 = 1 + 21 + 22 +23+...+2n-2+ 2n-1? I decided the best approach was to continue trying to collapse my summation. Here I returned to our familiar method of summing terms from opposite ends of the sequence.

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(TH)n = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

Notice that each pair sums to 2n-1. We can use what we've learned before to figure out how many times this sum appears. Counting from zero to n-1 gives us n terms, or n/2 pairs. So, (TH)n = 2n-1(n/2). But this can be simplified as well, because 2n-1/2 is equivalent to 2n-2. So, (TH)n = n*2n-2. Before I continue with this formula, let's verify it for a few known sums:  

Number of Disks

Known Sum

Formula Value [(TH)n

= n*2n-2 ]Equal/ Unequal

1 1 1*2-1 =1/2 Unequal

2 3 2*20 = 2 Unequal

3 7 2*21 = 4 Unequal

I'm not sure what went wrong, but let's try a slightly different collapsing pattern. Keep the 20 alone and sum the rest as usual. Then each pair sums to 2n. Now there should be (n-1)/2 pairs of this value. (TH)n = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

Now, we should get the formula (TH)n = 20 + 2n(n-1)/2. Again, let's try to verify the results.  

Number of Disks

Known Sum

Formula Value [(TH)n = 20 + 2n(n-1)/2]

Equal/ Unequal

1 1 1 + 21(0)/2 = 1 Equal

2 3 1 + 22(1/2) = 1 +4/2 = 3 Equal

3 7 1 + 23(2/2) = 9 Unequal

Foiled again.

Let's go back to the guess of (TH)n = 2n -1 and try to verify those values.  

Number of Disks

Known Sum

Formula Value [(TH)n = 2n -1]

Equal/ Unequal

1 1 21 -1 = 1 Equal

2 3 22 -1 = 3 Equal

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3 7 23 -1 = 7 Equal

4 15 24 -1 = 15 Equal

5 31 25 -1 = 31 Equal

So, from computational verification, we have two possible summation formulas:

(TH)n = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

OR (TH)n = 2n -1

Now, the major question is: Why should they be equivalent? or Where does 2n -1 come from? Let's play around with some numbers here. Let's assume that the two expressions are equivalent:

2n -1 = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 1 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 20 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 2(20) + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 21 + 21 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 2(21) + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 22 + 22 + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

2n = 2(22) + 23 + . . . + 2n-2 + 2n-1

...2n = 2(2n-2) +2n-1

2n = 2n-1 + 2n-1

2n = 2(2n-1)2n = 2n.I don't know if this proves anything or not, since we assumed they were equal to begin with.


Numerical solution (TH)50 = 1.13 * 1015

Recursive formula (TH)n = (TH)n-1 + 2^n-1

Closed formula (TH)n = 2n -1

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The formula for the minimum number of moves with 3 pegs and n discs is2^n - 1.

The recurrence relation that leads to this result is

u(n) = 2*u(n-1) + 1 .....................................[1]

where u(n) is number of moves with n disks present.

To see this, note that to transfer n disks to another peg we must first transfer the top n-1 disks to the third peg (taking u(n-1) moves) then transfer the largest disk to a vacant peg (1 move) and then transfer n-1 disks back to the peg with the largest disk (taking another u(n-1) moves.)

Adding these moves we get

u(n-1) + 1 + u(n-1) = 2*u(n-1) + 1

Solving this recurrence relation gives

u(n) = 2^n - 1

To prove this result you can either use a descending series of partial sums based on the recurrence relation (1) above, leading to

1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3 + ..... + 2^(n-1) = (2^n -1 )/(2-1) = 2^n - 1

or you can prove the result by induction.

Inductive Proof---------------First show that the formula is true for n = 1.

For n = 1 the formula gives 2^1 - 1 = 1 and that is correct.

Next assume it is true for some value n = k, that is we assume the

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truth of

u(k) = 2^k - 1

Now add one more disk, so that n = k+1.

From the recurrence relation (1) we have

u(k+1) = 2*u(k) + 1 = 2(2^k - 1) + 1 = 2^(k+1) - 2 + 1 = 2^(k+1) - 1

and this is the same equation we had before, except that k is replaced by k+1. So if the result is true for n = k, then it is true for n = k+1. But it is true for n=1, therefore it will be true for n = 2, and if true for n = 2 it will be true for n = 3, and so on to all positive integral values of n, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction.

Remark 1

The latest implementation of the applet sports a "Suggest move" button that exploits an algorithm devised by Romek Zylla who graciously put up on the Web an explanation of his algorithm. The algorithm actually provides another, a non-recursive solution to the puzzle.

Remark 2

There are quite a few variations on the puzzle. For example, you may want to experiment with its bicolor or 3 colors versions.


3 pegs, 3N disks of N different sizes, 3 colors of each size. Size N is the largest disk, size 1 the smallest.

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Rules: A larger disk must never sit on top of a smaller disk. Equal size disks are OK to stack. The only allowed move is to transfer a single disk from one peg to another.

Starting Position: Each peg holds all N disks of a single color, ordered by size from largest (bottom) to smallest (top).

Ending Position: Same as starting position, but the colors of the stacks are rotated among the pegs, so that no peg holds the same color stack as it did in the starting position. In other words, a derangement of the stacks in the starting position.


A BASE of depth k is an arrangement of the k largest disks of each color (3k disks altogether) across all 3 pegs, so that no two disks of the same size are on the same peg.

A STACK of depth m is an arrangement of the m smallest disks of each color (3m disks altogether) into a single stack on one of the pegs, so that all three disks of each size (1 through m) are together on that one peg.

The idea:

Since there are very many positions possible, I will choose a subset of particularly simple positions that is broad enough to include all the absolutely necessary positions that must be used in a solution. By confining my moves to this subset, I will get a particularly simple algorithm, although it will not be possible to prove that it solves the puzzle in the minimum number of moves.

Since in order to effect a derangement of the largest disks, all the smaller ones must be gathered into a single stack, a stack of depth N-1 is necessary at some point. Since the starting and ending positions are bases of depth N, these are necessary positions as well. The simplest definition of a subset of all positions that would include these is this: A stack of depth k on top of a base of depth N-k. I will choose these to be the allowed positions. The starting and ending positions fit into this scheme with k = 0, and the intermediate stack fits with k = N-1.

I will only consider sequences of moves that start and end with allowed positions. There are four basic operations needed:

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1. MOVE(a, b) moves the top disk of peg a to peg b. MOVE is invertible, and the inverse of MOVE(a, b) is MOVE(b, a).

2. SHIFT(a, b, c, k) moves a stack of depth k from peg a to peg b and ignores peg c. SHIFT is invertible, and the inverse of SHIFT(a, b, c, k) is SHIFT(b, a, c, k). It can be defined recursively just like the algorithm for the ordinary one-color Tower of Hanoi:

3. SHIFT(a, b, c, k)4. { 5. if k > 0 6. { 7. SHIFT(a, c, b, k-1)8. MOVE(a, b) 9. MOVE(a, b) 10. MOVE(a, b) 11. SHIFT(c, b, a, k-1) 12. } 13.}14.GATHER collects the top layer of disks from a base onto the bottom of a

stack of depth k-1 located at peg a, leaving the resulting larger stack on peg c, and using peg b as a temporary location. It can be defined non-recursively by calling SHIFT:

15.GATHER(a, b, c, k)16.{17. MOVE(b, c)18. SHIFT(a, b, c, k-1)19. MOVE(a, c)20. SHIFT(b, c, a, k-1)21.}22.SPREAD is the inverse of GATHER, and distributes the bottom 3 disks

from a stack of depth k on peg a to form a new layer on top of a base, and leaves the reduced stack on peg c, using peg b as a temporary location. It is defined much as GATHER:

23.SPREAD(a, b, c, k)24.{25. SHIFT(a, b, c, k-1)26. MOVE(a, c)27. SHIFT(b, c, a, k-1)

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28. MOVE(a, b)29.}

Some observations:

SHIFT reverses the color order in the bottom 3 disks of the stack. However, because SHIFT calls itself twice in each recursion, all disks above the bottom 3 have had their color order reversed an even number of times (in fact a power of 2). Hence all the color order in the stack is preserved, except for its very bottom layer of 3 disks. GATHER and SPREAD each call SHIFT twice, so that in practice, even the bottom layer of the stack has its color order preserved.

GATHER and SPREAD preserve a record of the color order of the base and the stack. If the colors are numbered 1, 2 and 3, then the color order of the top layer of the base can be thought of as a permutation of those numbers, call it B. Similarly, the color order in the bottom 3 disks of a stack is some permutation of [1, 2, 3] (ordered from the top down), call it S. The calling arguments of GATHER are some permutation of [1, 2, 3] as well, [a, b, c] = p([1, 2, 3]), where p is a permutation operation. As is easy to check (there are only a few cases) S = p(B). For instance, if the colors in the base are in the order 3, 2, 1, and if GATHER is called with parameters [a, b, c] = [1, 3, 2], its permutation is (2, 3). The permutation of the bottom 3 colors of the stack will then be (2, 3)[3, 2, 1] = [3, 1, 2].

SPREAD similarly gives B = q(S), where [c, b, a] = q-1([1, 2, 3]). Note the order reversal here. In order for SPREAD to be a true inverse of GATHER, the stack has to start where GATHER left it, and end where GATHER found it. Also, of course, q is inverted because SPREAD takes S to B instead of B to S. In short, q is the inverse of the reverse of the parameter permutation of SPREAD. Examining the definitions of GATHER and SPREAD line by line shows that each operation in SPREAD(c, b, a, k) is the exact inverse an operation in GATHER(a, b, c, k), and that the operations are carried out in the reverse order.

Recursive GATHER and SPREAD:

I defined GATHER and SPREAD nonrecursively to make it clearer how they preserve color permutation information. For any given base + stack position, there are two possible ways to apply GATHER or SPREAD: if the stack of depth k is on peg 1, for instance, GATHER(1, 2, 3, k) and GATHER(1, 3, 2, k) could be applied. These would leave the stack in different positions and also leave the bottom three disks in the new larger stack in a different color order. Therefore, the only way to

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make GATHER and SPREAD recursive and still inverse of each other, is to define a standard choice if permutation at each depth in such a way that SPREAD is inverse to GATHER at each depth.

Such a choice would have to be made in any case, merely to make GATHER and SPREAD recursive; the point here is that the choices must be compatible. For both GATHER and SPREAD, the previous call to them must leave the stack in the starting position for the next call. I will chose to make GATHER always rotate the parameters backwards in the subroutine call, and SPREAD always rotate them forwards, as follows (new definitions replace the old definitions):

GATHER(a, b, c, k){ if k > 1 { GATHER(b, c, a, k-1) }

MOVE(b, c) SHIFT(a, b, c, k-1) MOVE(a, c) SHIFT(b, c, a, k-1)}

SPREAD(a, b, c, k){ SHIFT(a, b, c, k-1) MOVE(a, c) SHIFT(b, c, a, k-1) MOVE(a, b)

if k > 1 { SPREAD(c, a, b, k-1) }}

With these definitions, it is easy to check that SPREAD(c, b, a, k) is the inverse of GATHER(a, b, c, k) at the kth depth, and that the recursive calls are to SPREAD(a,

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c, b, k-1) and GATHER(b, c, a, k-1), which are inverses at the k-1 depth. Therefore, the recursive SPREAD and GATHER are inverses at all levels.

Now the solution to the 3-color Tower of Hanoi with 3N disks is:

GATHER(1, 2, 3, N)SHIFT(3, 2, 1, N)SHIFT(2, 1, 3, N)SPREAD(1, 3, 2, N)

The first line gathers all the disks into a stack on peg 3, and the next two lines move the stack to peg 1 (using 2 SHIFT calls, because doing it with just one would leave the bottom 3 disks on the stack in the wrong order). Since GATHER has put all the disks onto 1 peg, the SHIFT operations are equivalent to permuting the pegs with the permutation (1, 2, 3). Normally the inverse of GATHER(1, 2, 3, N) would be SPREAD(3, 2, 1, N), but because of the permutation of peg positions, the correct inverse has parameter order (1, 2, 3)[3, 2, 1] = [1, 3, 2]. Because the parameters have been rotated, SPREAD is "fooled" into distributing the colors onto different pegs than the ones they started on. In fact, the colors of the final position are permuted by the same permutation mentioned just above, (1, 2, 3).

In general you could solve the puzzle for whatever cyclic permutation of the colors you wanted by defining:

PERMUTE(a, b, c, N){ GATHER(a, b, c, N) SHIFT(c, b, a, N) SHIFT(b, a, c, N) SPREAD(a, c, b, N)}

This will not work, I think, for non-cyclic permutations [a, b, c].

Well, that's it. It is more complicated than the solution to the 1 color Tower of Hanoi, and it may not be optimal, but it clearly works. Perhaps some use could be made of the fact that GATHER and SPREAD keep the color permutation information in a recoverable form to make a true "next step" algorithm.

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Move the top two disks from l to m

Move the bottom from l to r

Move the top two from m to r


Move the top disk from m to l

Move the bottom from m to r

Move the top froml to r

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Move the top from l to m

Move the bottom from l to r

Move the top three disks from m to r


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The Tower of Hanoi is frequently used in psychological research on problem solving. There also exists a variant of this task called Tower of London for neuropsychological diagnosis and treatment of executive functions.

The Tower of Hanoi is also used as Backup rotation scheme when performing computer data Backups where multiple tapes/media are involved.

As mentioned above, the Tower of Hanoi is popular for teaching recursive algorithms to beginning programming students. A pictorial version of this puzzle is programmed into the emacs editor, accessed by typing M-x hanoi. There is also a sample algorithm written in Prolog.

The Tower of Hanoi is also used as a test by neuropsychologists trying to evaluate frontal lobe deficits.


The Towers of Hanoi Problem involves moving a specified number of disks that are all different sizes from one tower (or peg) to another. Legend has it that the world will come to an end when the problem is solved for 64 disks. In the version of the problem shown in Figure 5.15 there are five disks (labeled 1 through 5) and three towers or pegs (labeled A, B, C). The goal is to move the five disks from peg A to peg C subject to the following rules:

1. Only one disk may be moved at a time and this disk must be the top disk on a peg.

2. A larger disk can never be placed on top of a smaller disk.


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The stopping cases of the problem involve moving one disk only (e.g. "move disk 2 from peg A to peg C"). A simpler problem than the original would be to move four-disks subject to the conditions above, or three-disks, and so on. Therefore, we want to split the original five-disk problem into one or more problems involving fewer disks. Let's consider splitting the original problem into the three problems below.

1. Move four disks from peg A to peg B. 2. Move disk 5 from peg A to peg C. 3. Move four disks from peg B to peg C.

Step 1 moves all disks but the largest to tower B, which is used as an auxiliary tower. Step 2 moves the largest disk to the goal tower, tower C. Then, step 3 moves the remaining disks from B to the goal tower where they will be placed on top of the largest disk. Let's assume that we will be able to perform step 1 and step 2 (a stopping case); Figure 5.16 shows the status of the three towers after completing these steps. At this point, it should be clear that we can solve the original five-disk problem if we can complete step 3.

A B C ³ ³ ³ ³ 1 ÍØÍ ³ ³ 2 ÍÍÍØÍÍÍ ³

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Unfortunately, we still don't know how to perform step 1 or step 3. However, both these steps involve four disks instead of five so they are easier than the original problem. We should be able to split them into simpler problems in the same way that we split the original problem. Step 3 involves moving four disks from tower B to tower C, so we can split it into two three-disk problems and a one-disk problem: 3.1 Move three disks from peg B to peg A. 3.2 Move disk 4 from peg B to peg C. 3.3 Move three disks from peg A to peg C.

Figure 5.17 shows the status of the towers after completing steps 3.1 and 3.2. We now have the two largest disks on peg C. Once we complete step 3.3 all five disks will be on peg C as required. By splitting each n-disk problem into two problems involving n-1 disks and a one disk problem, we will eventually reach all cases of one disk, which we know how to solve.


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Design OverviewThe solution to the Towers of Hanoi Problem consists of a printed list of individual disk moves. We need a recursive procedure which can be used to move any number of disks from one peg to another, using the third peg as an auxiliary.

Data RequirementsProblem InputsThe number of disks to be moved (int N)The from peg (char FromPeg)The to peg (char ToPeg)The auxiliary peg (char AuxPeg)

Problem OutputsA list of individual disk moves

Initial Algorithm1. if N is 1 then 2. Move disk 1 from the from peg to the to peg else { 3. Move N-1 disks from the from peg to the auxiliary peg using the to peg. 4. Move disk N from the from peg to the to peg. 5. Move N-1 disks from the auxiliary peg to the to peg using the from peg. }

If N is 1, a stopping case is reached. If N is greater than 1, the recursive step (following else) splits the original problem into three smaller subproblems, one of which is a stopping case. Each stopping case displays a move instruction. Verify that the recursive step generates the three problems listed above Figure 5.15 when N is 5, the from peg is A, and the to peg is C.

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The implementation of this algorithm is shown as function Tower in Fig. 5.18. Function Tower has four arguments. The function call statement Tower('A', 'C', 'B', 5);solves the problem posed earlier of moving five disks from tower A to tower C using B as an auxiliary (see Figure 5.15).

#include <iostream.h>

void Tower(char FromPeg, char ToPeg, char AuxPeg, int N)//Moves N disks from FromPeg to ToPeg using Auxpeg as an//auxiliary.//Pre : FromPeg, ToPeg, AuxPeg, and N are defined.//Post: Display list of move instructions to transfer the disks.{ if (N == 1) { cout << "Move disk 1 from peg " << FromPeg; cout << " to peg " << ToPeg << "\n"; } else { //recursive step Tower(FromPeg, AuxPeg, ToPeg, N - 1); cout << "Move disk " << N << " from peg "<< FromPeg; cout << " to peg " << ToPeg << "\n"; Tower(AuxPeg, ToPeg, FromPeg, N - 1); }}

The stopping case (move disk 1) is implemented as a call to function cout. Each recursive step consists of two recursive calls to Tower with a call to cout sandwiched between them. The first recursive call solves the problem of moving N - 1 disks to the auxiliary peg. The call to cout displays a message to move disk N to the to peg. The second recursive call solves the problem of moving the N - 1 disks back from the auxiliary peg to the to peg.

Testing The function call statement Tower('A', 'C', 'B', 3);

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solves a simpler three-disk problem: Move 3 disks from peg A to peg C. Its execution is traced in Fig. 4.19; the output generated is shown in Table 5.1. Verify for yourself that this list of steps does indeed solve the three-disk problem.

Table Output Generated by Tower ('A','C','B',3) __________________________________________________________

Move disk 1 from peg A to peg CMove disk 2 from peg A to peg BMove disk 1 from peg C to peg BMove disk 3 from peg A to peg CMove disk 1 from peg B to peg AMove disk 2 from peg B to peg CMove disk 1 from peg A to peg C________________________________________________________________

Comparison of Iteration and Recursive Procedures

It is interesting to consider that function Tower in Figure 5.18 will solve the Tower of Hanoi Problem for any number of disks. The three-disk problem results in a total of seven calls to function Tower and is solved by seven disk moves. The five-disk problem would result in a total of thirty-one calls to function Tower and is solved in thirty-one moves. In general, the number of moves required to solve the n-disk problem is 2n - 1. Since each procedure call requires the allocation and initialization of a local data area in memory, the computer time increases exponentially with the problem size. For this reason, be careful about running this program with a value of N that is larger than ten. The dramatic increase in processing time for larger towers is a function of this problem, not recursion. However, in general if there are recursive and iterative solutions to the same problem, the recursive solution will require more time and space because of the extra procedure calls. We will discuss algorithm efficiency later. Although recursion was not really needed to solve the simpler problems in this section, it was extremely useful in formulating an algorithm for Towers of Hanoi. We will see that for certain problems, recursion leads naturally to solutions that are much easier to read and understand than their iterative counterparts. In these cases,

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the benefits gained from increased clarity far outweigh the extra cost (in time and memory) of running a recursive program.





int a[10],b[10],c[10],tos_a=-1,tos_b=-1,tos_c=-1,n;

void push_a(int x)





int pop_a()


int x;




return x;


void push_b(int x)


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int pop_b()


int x;




return x;


void push_c(int x)





int pop_c()


int x;




return x;

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void show()



int i;

















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void solve()








else if(tos_b==-1)








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else if(tos_c==-1)












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else if(tos_b==-1)
















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else if(tos_c==-1)



















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else if(tos_b==-1)



















else if(tos_b==-1)




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void main()


int d=DETECT,m;

int i;

cout<<"Enter the number of discs(Max 10):";






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