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Tour Code: 7CLX-1_D7

Tour Code: 7CLX-1 D7€¦ · 的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。 卡若拉冰川 –...

Jul 08, 2020



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Page 1: Tour Code: 7CLX-1 D7€¦ · 的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。 卡若拉冰川 – 位于西藏山南地区浪卡子县和江孜县交界处,距离江孜县城约71公里,是西藏三大大陆型冰

Tour Code: 7CLX-1_D7

Page 2: Tour Code: 7CLX-1 D7€¦ · 的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。 卡若拉冰川 – 位于西藏山南地区浪卡子县和江孜县交界处,距离江孜县城约71公里,是西藏三大大陆型冰

* 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准

搭乘客机飞往四川省省会, 有天府之国美称的成都市 (中国历史文化名城之一)。 锦里古街 – 又名锦里一条街、锦里,是位于成都市的一条古商业街,最早可追溯到秦汉時期便已存在。传说中锦里曾是西蜀历史上最古老、最具有商业气息的街道之一,早在秦汉、三国时期便闻名全国。锦里古街毗邻武侯祠,颇有古蜀国民风。现在的锦里古街已经被开发成一条民俗商业步行街,混合三国文化以及川西文化。

第一天 吉隆坡 成都 (-/-/晚)

第二天 成都 拉萨 (早/午/晚)


精心安排 : 布达拉宫山下下午茶点 + 欣赏布达拉宫夜景 – 布达拉宫依山垒砌,蜿蜒直至山顶,宫域几占据了整座山峰。宫内群楼耸峙,殿宇巍峨,金顶辉煌,气势雄伟,充分体现了藏式建筑的特色。团队抵达后将于布达拉宫山脚下享用温馨下午茶,晚餐后观赏布达拉宫醉人美景。

第三天 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

罗布林卡 – 是一座藏式古典园林。位于拉萨河畔,建于 1740 年代。全园占地面积 36 万平方米,主要建筑为格桑颇章、措吉颇章、金色颇章、夏典拉康、达旦明久颇章(新宫),有 374 间房,是西藏人造园林中规模最大、古迹最多者。

色拉寺 – 位于西藏拉萨市区北郊的乌孜山南麓,是藏传佛教格鲁派六大寺院之一,由宗喀巴的弟子“大慈法王”绛钦却杰在公元 15 世纪初创建。(在此您还有机会可观看到辩经每逢周一至周五 3pm-5pm, 视天气状况而定)

扎基寺 – 位于拉萨市北郊的扎基路上,是全西藏唯一的一座财神庙,寺庙虽小,但香火十分鼎盛。在藏语中,“扎巴”是僧人、和尚的意思,“基”是数字“4”的藏文变音,扎基寺即“有 4 个僧人的寺庙”,这是因为最初的扎基寺只有色拉寺派来的 4 位僧人管理。


第四天 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

Tour Code: 7CLX-1_D7

春熙路步行街 – 成都的美味小吃云集之所,钟水饺、赖汤圆、夫妻肺片、韩包子、龙抄手,还有街边的麻辣烧烤和串串香,价格指数和美味指数的对比绝对让你在大饱口福的同时,丝毫不担心钱包的迅速缩水。 晚餐后,乘搭客机飞返美丽家园吉隆坡。

布达拉宫 – 布达拉宫在西藏拉萨西北的玛布日山上,是著名的宫堡式建筑群,藏族古建筑艺术的精华。始建于公元 7 世纪,是藏王松赞干布为远嫁西藏的唐朝文成公主而建,在拉萨海拔 3700 多米的红山上建造了999 间房屋的宫宇。宫堡依山而建,现占地 41 万平方米,建筑面积 13 万平方米,宫体主楼 13 层,高 115米,全部为石木结构,5 座宫顶覆盖镏金铜瓦,金光灿烂,气势雄伟,是藏族古建筑艺术的精华。被誉为高原圣殿。

龙王潭公园 – 位于布达拉山后,湖泊旁边种植着古柳树,景色迷人。它是拍摄布达拉宫倒影的最佳位置。 药王山 – 藏语称:夹波山,意为:山角之山。位于布达拉宫西南侧,海拔 3725 米,与布达拉宫所在的红山咫尺相对,两山之间有北京路穿过。其半山腰有观景台,是拍摄布达拉宫全景的最佳位置之一,同时也是中国货币 50 元人民币的背面图案拍摄地。

大昭寺 – 大昭寺已有 1300 多年的历史,在藏传佛教中拥有至高无上的地位。大昭寺是西藏现存最辉煌的吐蕃时期的建筑,也是西藏最早的土木结构建筑,并且开创了藏式平川式的寺庙市局规式。

八角街 – 位于拉萨市旧城区,是拉萨著名的转经道和商业中心,较完整地保存了古城的传统面貌和居住方式。八廓街原街道只是单一围绕大昭寺的转经道,藏族人称为“圣路”。


第五天 拉萨(拉日铁路 :硬座火车,火车车程 3HRS)日喀则 (早/午/晚)

羊卓雍措湖 – 是西藏自治区第五大湖,该湖与纳木错和玛旁雍错并称西藏三大圣湖,是喜马拉雅山北麓最大的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。

卡若拉冰川 – 位于西藏山南地区浪卡子县和江孜县交界处,距离江孜县城约 71 公里,是西藏三大大陆型冰川之一,是整个西藏离公路最近的冰川。巨大的冰川从山顶云雾飘缈处,一直延伸到离公路只有几百米的路边,晶莹幽蓝中,捎来几许凉嗖嗖的感觉。虽然由于长年受公路上灰尘的影响,冰川整体呈黑白分层形态,但冰川上半部在阳光的照耀下,犹如一副巨型唐卡挂在山壁上,熠熠生辉。

第六天 日喀则 6HRS 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

藏族家访(品酥油茶)。 扎什伦布寺 – 是日喀则市最大的寺庙,为四世之后历代班禅喇嘛驻锡之地。于 1447 年由宗喀巴弟子一世达赖喇嘛,后四世班禅罗桑却吉坚赞加以扩建。寺中错钦大殿可容 2000 人诵经,殿中有释迦牟尼像,两边有根敦主与四世班禅立像。大殿两侧为弥勒殿与度母殿。寺的西侧有大弥勒殿,高 30 米,甚宏伟。

第七天 拉萨 成都 吉隆坡 (早/午/晚)

Page 3: Tour Code: 7CLX-1 D7€¦ · 的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。 卡若拉冰川 – 位于西藏山南地区浪卡子县和江孜县交界处,距离江孜县城约71公里,是西藏三大大陆型冰

* The itinerary is subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator

Norbulingka - It is a unique representation of Tibetan palace architecture. It was built by the 7th Dalai Lama and served both as administrative centre and religious centre. Norbulingka covers an area of around 36 hectares (89 acres) and considered to be the largest man made garden in Tibet.

Sera Monastery - located in north of the Jokhang, one of the "great three" Gelug university monasteries of Tibet was founded in 1419 by Jamchen Chojey of Sakya Yeshe of Zel Gungtang (1355–1435), a disciple of Je Tsongkhapa. (You may have a chance to see debating Buddhist scriptures on Monday to Friday 3pm-5pm and subject to the weather condition)

Zaki Temple - located on East Zhaji Road in the northern suburbs of Lhasa City, Zaki Temple (Zhaji Temple) is the only one God of Wealth temple in Tibet as well as a branch of Sera Monastery. In Tibetan, “Zha Ba” means “monks”. Ji can be interpreted as “four”. Literally, Zhaji Temple is a temple that has four monks. It was true that Sera Monastery just sent four monks to administrate this branch temple after it was set up.

Tibetan herb shop.

Day 02 Chengdu Lhasa (B/L/D)

Tour Code: 7CLX-1_D7

Assemble at airport for flight direct to Chengdu. Jinlin Ancient Street - Chengdu is a city brimming with a strong leisurely ambience with Jinli Street as the typical

representative. The street is located to the east of the Wuhou Temple of Chengdu (the most famous Three Kingdoms period relic museum in China). It is recorded that as early as the Qin Dynasty. And it was also one of the busiest commercial areas during the Shu Kingdom. Now, it is a famous commercial pedestrian street.

Flight to Lhasa by China local domestic flight. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT : High tea + enjoy the night view of The Potala Palace - The Potala Palace was built

at an altitude of 3,700 m , on the side of Red Mountain in the center of Lhasa Valley. Upon arrival, our team will enjoy high tea on the foot of Red Mountain, after dinner, will come back to view night scenes of the Potala Palace.

The Potala Palace - located in Lhasa, Tibet northwest Lhasa Maburi hills, is the famous castle -style buildings, is the essence of Tibetan ancient architectural art. The Potala Palace was built in the 7th century AD and was built by King Songtsan Gambu for his wife Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. The Potala Palace, a 999-seat house, was built on the Red Hill, more than 3,700 meters above sea level in Lhasa. Palace Fort built on the mountain, now covers an area of 410000 square meters, construction area of 130000 square meters, Palace main building 13th floor, 115 meters high, all for stone and wood structure, Magnificent, is the essence of Tibetan ancient architectural art. Known as Plateau Temple.

The Dragon King Lake Park - locate behind the Potala Palace and it is the best place to shoot the reflection of the Potala Palace.

Chakpori Hill - rising up beside the Potala Palace, is 3,725 meters above sea level, is also the ideal location for taking photographs of the Potala Palace.

Jokhang Monastery - is the spiritual center of Tibet. Built in 647 by Songtsen Gampo, it has a history of more than 1,300 years. The temple had brick-lined floors, columns and door frames and carvings made of wood. During the Tubo period, there was conflict between followers of Buddhism and the indigenous Bon religion.

Barkhor Street - located in the old area of Lhasa City, Tibet, Barkhor Street is a very ancient round street surrounding the Jokhang Temple and the locals are always proud of it. For visitors, Barkhor Street is a magical place showing the original outlook of Lhasa.

Tibetan handicraft Store.

Day 03 Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 04 Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 05 Lhasa (train ride experience - Lhari Railway) Shigatse (B/L/D)

(** hard seat, train journey about 3HRS)

Yambdrok Lake - is a freshwater lake in Tibet, the fifth lake in Tibet, it's also one of the three largest sacred lakes in Tibet. The lake is surrounded by many snow-capped mountains and is fed by numerous small streams.

Karuola Glacier - About 5,600 meters north of the main peak of Karuola Mountain which is 71 kilometers away from Gyangtse country, Shigatse of southwest of Tibet Autonomous Region.Karuola Glacier is a very special place to enjoy the great glacier sceneries. It is very close to the road, is just about 300 meters far away from the highway, which makes it very convenient to reach and attracted many tourists every year.

Day 06 Shigatse 6HRS Lhasa (B/L/D)

Tibetan home visit (taste local tea). Tashilhunpo Monastery - is the biggest monastery in Shigatse, founded by the First Dailai Lama in 1447, the

monastery's structure was expanded by the Fourth and successive Panchen Lamas.Covering an area of nearly 300,000 square meters, the main structures found here are The Maitreya Chapel, The Panchen Lama's Palace and The Kelsang Temple.

Day 07 Lhasa Chengdu Kuala Lumpur (B/L/D)

Chunxi Road - is the most bustling commercial street in Chengdu.

Transfer to airport after dinner. Home sweet home!!!

Day 01 KUL Chengdu (--/--/D)

Page 4: Tour Code: 7CLX-1 D7€¦ · 的内陆湖泊,湖光山色之美,冠绝藏南。 卡若拉冰川 – 位于西藏山南地区浪卡子县和江孜县交界处,距离江孜县城约71公里,是西藏三大大陆型冰

• Diet Flavor 药膳风味

• Tibetan-Cantoness Cuisine 藏粤风味

• Nepal Flavor 尼泊尔风味

• Mushroom Hot Pot 菌类火锅

• Tibetan Flavor 藏式风味

• 5★ HOTEL Buffet Dinner

价值 RMB238 5★酒店自助晚餐

• Sichuan Cuisine 川菜风味

• Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜风味

Dining Highlights 风味

Shopping Stop 购物站

Tour Highlights 行程特色

世界两大文化遗产:布达拉宫 The Potala Palace & 大昭寺 Jokhang Monastery

西藏三大圣湖之一:羊卓雍措湖 Yambdrok Lake

藏传佛教格鲁派两大寺院:色拉寺 Sera Monastery & 扎什伦布寺 Tashilhunpo Monastery

精心安排: 布达拉宫山下温馨下午茶点 High Tea @

欣赏布达拉宫夜景 enjoy the night view of The Potala Palace

贴心安排: 每人每天 1 瓶矿泉水 1 bottle of mineral water provide daily

随车备有氧气钢瓶 Oxygen Cylinder carrier on the coach

单程拉日铁路火车旅程 1 way Lhari Railway train journey 缩短车程劳累 (火车3HRS, 巴士6HRS)

提升一晚拉萨入住国际 5★品牌酒店 + 加码酒店自助晚餐价值 RMB238

Lhasa UPGRADE stay in 1N international 5★ hotel + Buffet Dinner worth RMB238

*If unavailable, will replace with local similar grade accommodation


Chengdu: Holiday Inn Express 4★/ similar

成都 Chengdu Airport Zone (1N) 同级


Lhasa: Taehf Phodrang Hotel (3N) 4★/ similar

拉萨 扎什颇章藏文化主题酒店 同级

Shigatse: Su Bei Hotel (1N) 4★/ similar

日喀则 苏北大酒店 同级

Lhasa: Shangri-La Hotel (1N) 5★/ similar

拉萨 香格里拉大酒店 同级

Tour Code: 7CLX-1_D7

Tour Fare / 团费: Departure Date / 出发日期:

Airport Tax / 机场税 (subject to change)

Tip for Guide and Driver 导游与司机小费

China Visa (Normal single entry) 中国签证 (普通一次入境)

Agency Collection Fee 旅游社附加手续费

Travel Insurance 旅游保险费


*Flight Details (subject to change) / 航班时间:

DAY 1 KUL/CTU D7320 0910/1340 // DAY 7 CTU/KUL D7327 2355/0445+1 *The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator


7Days 6Nights Tibet Tour (Chengdu/ Lhasa/ Shigatse)

7天6晚 西藏之旅 (成都/ 拉萨/ 日喀则)

免费赠送: 藏族哈达 Tibetan Welcome Fabrics & 转经轮 Prayer Wheel

Optional Tour 自费项目

– RMB 380/ pax/ 人

Live performance of Wencheng

Princess 拉萨必看演出


FREE GIFT 免费赠送 : 藏族哈达 Tibetan Welcome Fabrics & 转经轮 Prayer Wheel

Chengdu 成都:Jinli Ancient Street 锦里古街,Chunxi Road 春熙路步行街

Lhasa 拉萨 : High tea + enjoy the night view of The Potala Palace 布达拉宫山下下午茶 + 夜景,

The Potala Palace 布达拉宫,The Dragon King Lake Park 龙王潭公园,

Chakpori Hill 药王山,Jokhang Monastery 大昭寺,Barkhor Street 八角街,

Norbulingka 罗布林卡,Sera Monastery 色拉寺,Zaki Temple 扎基寺,

Tibetan home visit (taste local tea) 藏族家访 (品酥油茶)

Shigatse 日喀则: Tashilhunpo Monastery 扎什伦布寺,Yambdrok Lake 羊卓雍措湖,

Karuola Glacier 卡若拉冰川

Day 1 KUL Chengdu (--/--/D)

Day 2 Chengdu Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 3 Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 4 Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 5 Lhasa (train) Shigatse (B/L/D)

Day 6 Shigatse – Lhasa (B/L/D)

Day 7 Lhasa Chengdu KUL (B/L/D)

第一天 吉隆坡 成都 (--/--/晚)

第二天 成都 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

第三天 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

第四天 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

第五天 拉萨 (火车) 日喀则 (早/午/晚)

第六天 日喀则 – 拉萨 (早/午/晚)

第七天 拉萨 成都 吉隆坡 (早/午/晚)

Place of Visit 景點

Hotel 酒店

• Tibetan Handicraft 工艺品

• Tibetan Herb 藏药