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<0 -> <-» /• Volume 14. AN EXPONENT OF THE SPIRIT • r > "V; Published by - tos; - Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY ; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond WHERE IS YOUR SPIRIT-WORLD ? GEOGRAPHY OF THE CO^KfRY. A few weeks ago I met a reverend Now. as all of the countless orthodox friend on a railroad train, millions that have died in the eons [\^- He took a seat next to me, and after past and all that will be bo|b aiwlijju me that you are a Spiritualists. Is these localities, are we not nil ill that so?" I replied that was. He ested in learning something of paused a moment as if concentrating geography of the .country! or his gigantic intellect to a focus, then lawyers would say, of the locus said: ''Where is your Spirit world?" quo where we will either stlfier t "It is all around us. And where torments of everlasting fire|or tj IN yours?" I answered. but little more endurable eterni|j 'Above and beyond the stars," of playing on musical instrument he replied. singing songs around a great whf "And where is hell?" I asked throne, and drinking m somewhat abruptly. "Below us," he answered. "The Bible savs that the Savior ascended and ever into heaven, and that Satan and his followers were cast down into TJ , *. , « i . .. fcJ ; >,, , l£w , he]1 ,. How often have we hefrd thisj seafcon And to give emphasis N. I„ I ARCH 18, m. Istoed Every Saturday at One Dollar a Y«ar. Number 217 f ||^;|«lphimMii tv nes of the eluded the < bservation ing spectres ope. But a few corn arisons of |pct% iand d: tances. I me s ; vlfit;}H : pagination heavenly cc itell ations entific resea ch. the size lanets and velocity in have %eem calculated g certainty i Jid exact- taps in our vfandcrings idenUlIy fo that un- country -fi m* whose hodoxy ^-setts, "no THE IMMENSE STAR SIRIUS. that it is lost in the obscurity of ere is another star Sirius in the immeasurable space. e^jitellation • "Canis Major/' or Onward we pass, swifter than tafc atDoii" It is also a fixed star, the flash of the lightning's wing. the brightest in our firmament, and Century after century passes^and astronomers estimate its distance we Jo °k ahead, towards our des- urns. >• %> u$ to be a hundred millions of tination, yet we have not approach- It is as large as six hundred *& it sufficiently to make any ap- sand of our suns, and is mov- preciable difference in the appear- 'mni^i^its awfyl pathway ance of the* nebula. On and on, for rate of |me thousand miles centuries more, and it begins to utejyet we see it now, as assume form, and we see a faint early litronorners. Where Hght of its jgreat beacon, kindled by going?! Vtf$l\ it e^tr reach a the creator billions of years ago. in the firmament beyond the <*» <W journey we have already wherein is located tjie heaven passed countless thousands of orthodoxv? "\ Now here are two world* and suns and solar systems. **•** *»**». fMkft, and from the standpoint of revolving in harmony in their end- of contpap on for sice, ^isartfa,' one is coining from ill- lew cycles. (To be Continued.) THE WWEt Of UNBNESL cejaad velocity an its orbits, ft^able space and the, other going ?6ur stfn.wlii h in round t&fards it: and yet their journeys one wiflior, two hun- &jjmmenced billions ofi years ago, ftythoutewl imeslarger and will continue- through ail the Mmtafrlrfl ! £ ? £ ? Sf ? *? W ; ¥° re £* reMb the A correspondent who has recently ffiSLi tfti. Z ' ^ f n ^ ^ f . ^ ' r orbits, or enter become acquainted with Spiritual- ESfiET f ^ ^ - H U f c g i o n beyond the st^r«-if such a ism in a northern town writes: I Herdsman * Bootes, plate exists. On and on they fly, o the bell-rope and down to the floor. thjnki members ^ i^figL • But, "sa.d I, "if I had asked you w ln ^ , ,£30 these questions twelve hours a«o ^^ wag ^ fc you would have pointed m exactjy ^ of mon ^« opposite dtrect.ons For as the c l e r i c a l d .^ world has made a half revolution m rf m f t n s a w nothi that time, you would have then the crysta nine sphere* pointed in the direction of heaven in which the star8 ^^ tor had«. and towards hell for jewe!sin a diadem . BeyoUd heaven 1 am afraid my Christian the waters that were a friend," I gently remarked, "that firmalnenti which< accora yourgec^raphy is as uncertain as Biblical narratiorii Qod,'« your theology. the second day from ._, .._ This oonversation suggested to whkh were under the {^nanj me the subjectof my present lee- .. Bey ond the stars" then afcant ture: yond the crystal spheres Whose WHERE is THE MEAVEN AND HELL OF dows were opened at the time , ( the flood, and the earth deluged [L*«- —a—j «—. _ -i. K7? " i" "-. — ~~' -•" feel as ifl had been asleep for forty- ^ \ *T*t t**™? 1 * ^ 0Ugh *• boundlc ^ d<? P ths ot three years and am just beginnii $*£ °L!S! e ?fl )0ng ! # « ; « Wd on for interminable to«wake. All those years I nev£ **-**%$* t h t ^T 1^^ wa V ^ ^ untu time on this little earth once heard any one mention Spir- ttttlf 7 !K ' U K ^ ^ ^ V ^ f c u r s shall be no longer; and as itualism, and what led me to at^ S C ! S ! f f ^ l Wag f ^ y j ° urney OT1 the y wiU only tend their local meetings I do not ^l[ff V* ma V?* ** to ^^ r w ^elds of space, filled with know. I saw them advertised in honey within the glaring. S^tterif^^ i . r W \ ! ! ! « * c ' ,tof » th , at ^ iu . Tival them in the papers for a week or two, and walls of the New Jerusalem for e ^ S H W f t f S ^ I S S i 5£ f ^ ^ ™f ,« C ^ ^ l^ ,r found "* ™Y there. The people I jwmttabet. ie asked the h 4 ¥ tmy was fulfield in the infinite met there have all been very kind ^d phito^F irr. Canst ^ i n of the universe. We have to me—in fact, their kindness ha& j{ fortn Mw> ijrth m his f l e e t e d these |wo staits as illustra- been a greater surprise to me than hou guide k lotions, because one is iapproaching their belief. I have been a widow " At that^- • - • --* - ^ - " - •• - ^aswer this 4 wer?|. Jerusalem ^revef.^ HEAVEN IS BEYOND THE ^ARS.** ylii '*hd||:oi canst assertion from the lipsof the learned'/ t e m m f ^ t a h h b sons , ^ ¥ v . , J orthodox divines in the |M*&it, aiAiiferiile^Job failed t^ racular statement he pointed tip to how ^ ^ - t r e p e f t t e d ^| h e ^ ^ ^ ^ wif T^^ forgets thei system and the other going from for nearly eleven years, and have one is coming froiii ^beyond the h*d to work hard to bring up my th|R oUier^|gottig there, fatr^y. All those years I seem to> b«e> on the defensive anduto> kindi thostn &imit know good lire may do by rvating *the art of being; on ht, Ttpk F©r the Pregrorfyc UTCCOOL Sunday March 19, 1905, S. E. M The Spirit Garden." 4T '• 'f NCT LIMIT "ko STELt^R SPACE. \he% i us :ft\$$i& one rnofe illustration our purpose quite. Herschell ! >«•" i " ... flfilys that|f a p«? rson stould start from ^^^ ^V^u^uri it. . ;$jcity of |ighi two l^itidred thous^ ™ « * J . s a « ardett of th * s P mt - IDERN AStRO^ >MY HAS ASI **nd miles per second; ft would re- Whwem ^g^ow CERTAINE . : j$Pto* ™ ^ USan *vAi^ ^ ^ Our a^u>U! most beaut'ous ORTHODOXY f And where the Spirit-world of our cherished faith? The heaven of orthodoxy is located beyond the stars so say all true believers. But where is beyond the stars? In the infancy of our race, long with the waters them. Before mapped out the heavens:and call^ culated with mathematical precisicjn the movements of the?' celesttjji!: orrery. Before geology had lead the rocky pages of tip eartli's jparsfor hm to reWh the outer Our daily life e'er leads us near it. Modem astronomy iaa escertain| yjjp&% of the starrv universe already- We **y f V end ^n^P^^d hours. astr^Sny " ^ 4f|#^ ^ * * * 7 ? ^Jt^i 4^°™**' ** sinc * tbe &** 1 .** Thoughts are. the *eed, and words that were above before the sciences of astronomy and formations , there was ri&ihing i ^ geology were born, the fundamen- tal theories of our present theology existed in the minds of men. The world was a wide, extended plain; •he sun was a great light created for its illumination alone, while the moon and stars were lesser lights— all made on the fourth day of crea- tion, the one to rule the day and the other the night. There was no other world than ours, no other sun, no other stars than those whose feeble rays were kindled for the first time after the consistent with the crud| and : jig;? norant theories of the^ time :, Ji which thev originated, But—* j.| * ! 4, The day the star of relfaon affejtie in the sky. And science advanced with # conquering legionsl 4 I i!* When every respectable, honored lie j fled from her face to the * my res 3 on. y» WHAT SCIENCE HAS DjmOKSTRAj "The orthodox heaven is be earth had brought forth grass and herb-yielding seeds, and trees yield- the stars," say the religj|OAAS i in*? fruit whose seed was in itself, of today. Now let us! see. This world with |ndred and f ty thousandK Monomer made that assertion, im- thc branches, ter than pur and efeye^roved telescopes and photography Actions perfume soft and sweet; five hnndr d thousand,^ ve gr€ atly extended the bounds v?hi|e deeds of service much enhan- e distant, a d yet it ma| ^sdentifie knowledge and have ces g the >mafe v it| the €01^^^^^^ demonstrated that there ^ ^ h and beauty,—makes com- *fow thi splendid orw.4 no limit to stellar space, and that p j ete coming 1 )Wards us a|^ ere i s n o such plabe as "beyond pi three mft on five hui^-% e stars." Sow ye then, precious seeds of kind- lusand milles 1 day' during >r * t ' ness, v c time, yet is distance ft£5 A JOURNEY I>$TO SPACE In |he ^ ^ gftfdf|| feir; nsethatther lies been n^^ Now let us suppose that there is t o heal the world 1 * sore pain and e difference in its positicfel It railroad ffcm our earth to the blindness, Its sister suiv i Let us ima> farthest nebula discovered in our }fa% e each soul of love aware. surroundings was its the creation, and man, the consumma- tion of infinite ingenuity and wis- dom, was the last act of creative power. And notwithstanding the The figures mythical story states that "God tions fail to convey to saw everything that he had made, mind a just conception and behold, it was very good." Yet movements and -distan if orthodoxy is t grievously mistaken constantlv mutinie , r _ t . Maker; rebelled against his govern- judge of them by ccMlHMg|^ ment, oppressed, enslaved and well known facts an^|||taur 1 ^'- ,i ^ J * !kSl ^ murdered his fellow-man and by even then we are b^i * J his eeneral vicious and brutal con- velocities so great |uft$$Hit« duct has given rise to a cardinal space so vast, that doctrine of the Christian faith, that and with bated of total depravity, and that all templation. In vaito lie sei mankind primarily deserve to be the boundaries of t immediate science has demonstrated astotjjljte !ttbov# them. extent of vastness of stellar s#a*ft. aitf^lje ipp||ently \ti inconceivable number!* of stins, %%o^kh for t^e worlds and svstems that- s« UR in the boiindless fieldl of 'i$&i imi^lOR two thousai t four hund 1 Ji.T^ I e^'ta. t fature vre i and woe Of W eight times aroun4 this earth in Temole Galveston mankind, and white they told the one second of rime. We are all of ^ tua,,st Temple> t ' aIvestOB fale'il their vour.} love, as Eve us seated fn th< ears, ticketed to a lexas - ^ fcefMeirtfiy at o apple orj.aiworld in the distant "nebula." The IS IT REST TO BE A POET. tynd, she sitebell rings, the conductor shouts "all V the heavelttijaboard;" and away We go. at the uer^it is n c « | r * f e ©* l t*o hwidred thousand w * best to be ajpoatr S X e H l m i l e s per Jeond. There would be When you come tpview the past ftousand yeaMno succession .,f day and night dur- ^H~.7f_*2?!£!:. over b^l* Ijlrctiirus gleaming the 1 SO? 3. W l t a i t o «k:»- b a s b e p l i n g o u r journey, Ht only a diner. '^^^^£^^ } ' , ence in degree of light as we passed **!«*«* *** » de ^ oJ ? England the countless millions of blazing Not a stone to mark his grave mi La; 3i a staf itn« as now' njoitst- fc 'chtam _„ s ^rov««*r^n#l ^ll^Nrth's Ipmfi ^.^sown'handjH- 4t &&** gtobe teefe: ife4 ,1' ; Mr™ each othet. As days, weeks and ^asso was often in distress montbspass on, i|n, our unceasing. yfo ton finished his life in obscurity tirele^ lourney, we Jook back at our Thou ^ shellv was the best; sun fa$t d|minishiOg into a star of J s i t b e s t to be a genius? ^fir^.^eeottjd and # i r d magnitude, gpencer died of want they say until &naj|y, as centuries pass on, Sir Waiter Raleigh on the scaffold, |j its comparatively feeble rays are And Savage in Bristol Prison lay. totally obliterated by the immense distance our train has passed thru Yet I'd like to be a poet, world'Jfifc the boundless fields of stellar space. Tho my chance is very slim life W And, tight here, do not forget I would try and rise above, tbat prirjil- that our sun is one million, two A life that was full of sin; a hundred and fifty thousand times If I could be like Longfellow, all larger'than our earth, and yet. long Whose path so bright and clear located a: very large hell and a verv tian's hope and faith. The fi^tf thl^ time he n« seen Arctufua before we have reached the end of Then ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ • S S t i v e n ^ o r the future punish- of the one has escaped the vision oi c o p y i n g nearly ie same place in our journey, it is so » ^ J ^ i t Next to that m *^**^* r ~ Zlt and reward of mankind. the keen-eyed telescope, while the the heavens that 1 does to-day. in size, compared withkindred orbs, &. J. RICHARDSON.

tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

Apr 04, 2018



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Page 1: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

< 0 -> <-» /•

Volume 14.

A N E X P O N E N T O F T H E S P I R I T • r > "V;

Published by - t o s ; -Th« Sunflower Publishing Company.

P H I L O S O P H Y ; I T S S C I E N C E , A N D A L L I E D S U B J E C T S .


A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions.


A few weeks ago I met a reverend Now. as all of the countless orthodox friend on a railroad train, millions that have died in the eons [\^-He took a seat next to me, and after past and all that will be bo|b aiwlijju

me that you are a Spiritualists. Is these localities, are we not nil ill that so?" I replied that was. He ested in learning something of paused a moment as if concentrating geography of the .country! or his gigantic intellect to a focus, then lawyers would say, of the locus said: ''Where is your Spirit world?" quo where we will either stlfier t

"It is all around us. And where torments of everlasting fire|or tj IN yours?" I answered. but little more endurable eterni|j

'Above and beyond the stars," of playing on musical instrument he replied. singing songs around a great whf

"And where is hell?" I asked throne, and drinking m somewhat abruptly.

"Below us," he answered. "The Bible savs that the Savior ascended and ever into heaven, and that Satan and his followers were cast down into TJ , *. , « i . .. fcJ ;>,, , l£w, h e ] 1 ,. How often have we hefrd thisj seafcon

And to give emphasis

N. I„ I ARCH 18, m. Istoed Every Saturday at One Dollar a Y«ar. Number 217

f | |^;|«lphimMii tv nes of the eluded the < bservation ing spectres ope. But a few corn arisons of

|pct% iand d: tances. I me

s ;vlfit;}H : pagination heavenly cc i tell at ions entific resea ch. the size

lanets and velocity in have %eem calculated

g certainty i Jid exact-taps in our vfandcrings idenUlIy fo that un-country -fi m* whose hodoxy ^-setts, "no

THE IMMENSE STAR SIRIUS. that it is lost in the obscurity of ere is another star Sirius in the immeasurable space.

e^jitellation • "Canis Major/' or Onward we pass, swifter than •tafc a t D o i i " It is also a fixed star, the flash of the lightning's wing.

the brightest in our firmament, and Century after century passes^and astronomers estimate its distance w e Jo°k ahead, towards our des-

urns. >• % >

u$ to be a hundred millions of tination, yet we have not approach-It is as large as six hundred *& it sufficiently to make any ap-

sand of our suns, and is mov- preciable difference in the appear-' m n i ^ i ^ i t s awfyl pathway ance of the* nebula. On and on, for

rate of |me thousand miles centuries more, and it begins t o utejyet we see i t now, as assume form, and we see a faint early litronorners. Where Hght of its jgreat beacon, kindled b y

going?! Vtf$l\ it e^tr reach a the creator billions of years ago. in the firmament beyond the <*» <W journey we have already

wherein is located tjie heaven passed countless thousands of orthodoxv? "\ Now here are two world* and suns and solar systems.

**•** *»**». fMkft, and from the standpoint of revolving in harmony in their end-of contpap on for sice, ^isartfa, ' one is coining from ill- lew cycles.

(To be Continued.)


cejaad velocity an its orbits, ft^able space and the, other going ?6ur stfn.wlii h in round t&fards it: and yet their journeys

one wiflior, two hun- &jjmmenced billions ofi years ago, ftythoutewl imeslarger and will continue- through ail the

Mmtafrlrfl ! £ ? £ ? S f ? * ? W ; ¥ ° r e £ * reMb t h e A correspondent who has recently ffiSLi t f t i . Z ' ^ f n ^ ^ f . ^ ' r orbits, or enter become acquainted with Spiritual-E S f i E T f ^ ^ - H U f c g i o n beyond the st^r«-if such a ism in a northern town writes: I Herdsman * Bootes, plate exists. On and on they fly,

o the bell-rope and down to the floor. t h j n k i m e m b e r s ^ i^figL

• But, "sa.d I, "if I had asked you w l n ^ , , £ 3 0 these questions twelve hours a«o ^ ^ w a g ^ f c you would have pointed m exactjy ^ o f m o n ^« opposite dtrect.ons For as the c l e r i c a l d . ^ world has made a half revolution m rf m f t n s a w n o t h i

that time, you would have then t h e c r y s t a nine sphere* pointed in the direction of heaven i n w h i c h t h e s t a r 8 ^^ tor had«. and towards hell for j e w e ! s i n a d i a d e m . BeyoUd heaven 1 am afraid my Christian t h e w a t e r s t h a t w e r e a • friend," I gently remarked, "that firmalnenti w h i c h < a c c o r a yourgec^raphy is as uncertain as B i b l i c a l n a r r a t i o r i i Qod,'« your theology. the second day from . _ , .._

This oonversation suggested to w h k h w e r e u n d e r t h e {^nanj me the subjectof my present lee- . . B e y ond the stars" then afcant t u r e : yond the crystal spheres Whose WHERE is THE MEAVEN AND HELL OF dows were opened at the time ,(

the flood, and the earth deluged

[L*«- —a—j «—. _ -i. K7? " i" "-. — ~ ~ ' -•" feel as ifl had been asleep for forty-^ \ *T*t t**™?1* ^ 0 U g h * • b o u n d l c ^ d < ?P t h s ot three years and am just b e g i n n i i $*£ ° L ! S ! e ?fl ) 0 n g ! # « ; « Wd on for interminable to«wake. All those years I n e v £

**-**%$* t h t ^ T 1 ^ ^ w a V ^ ^ untu time on this little earth once heard any one mention Spir-t t t t l f 7 !K ' U K ^ ^ V ^ f c u r s shall be no longer; and as itualism, and what led me to at^ S C ! S ! f f ^ l W a g f ^ y j ° u r n e y OT1 t h e y w i U o n l y tend their local meetings I do not ^ l [ f f V* m a V?* ** t o ^ ^ r n«w ^elds of space, filled with know. I saw them advertised in

honey within the glaring. S ^ t t e r i f ^ ^ i . r W \ ! ! ! « * c ' , t o f » t h , a t ^ i u . Tival them in the papers for a week or two, and walls of the New Jerusalem for e ^ S H W f t f S ^ I S S i 5 £ f ^ ^ ™ f ,«C ^ ^ l ^ , r f o u n d "* ™Y there. The people I

jwmttabet . ie asked the h 4 ¥ tmy was fulfield in the infinite met there have all been very kind ^ d phito^F irr. Canst ^ i n of the universe. We have to me—in fact, their kindness ha& j{ fortn Mw> ijrth m his f l e e t e d these |wo staits as illustra- been a greater surprise to me than

hou guide klotions, because one is iapproaching their belief. I have been a widow " At t h a t ^ - • - • - -* - ^ - " - •• -^aswer this4


Jerusalem ^ r e v e f . ^


'*hd||:oi canst

assertion from the lipsof the learned' / t e m m f ^ t a h h b sons , ^ ¥ v . , J ™ orthodox divines in the |M*&it, aiAiiferiile^Job failed t^

racular statement he pointed tip to h o w ^ ^ -t r e p e f t t e d ^ | h e ^ ^ ^ ^ w i f T ^ ^ forgets


system and the other going from for nearly eleven years, and have one is coming froiii ^beyond the h*d to work hard to bring up my

th|R oUier^|gottig there, fatr^y. All those years I seem to> b«e> on the defensive anduto>

kindi thostn

&imit know good lire may do by

rvating *the art of being; on


Ttpk F©r the Pregrorfyc UTCCOOL Sunday March 19, 1905, S. E.

MThe Spirit Garden."

4 T '• 'f


\he%i us:ft\$$i& one rnofe illustration our purpose quite. Herschell

! >«•" i " . . . flfilys that|f a p«?rson stould start from ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ u ^ u r i

it. . ;$jcity of | ighi two l^itidred thous^ ™ « * J.s a « a r d e t t o f th* s P m t -IDERN AStRO^ >MY HAS ASI **nd miles per second; ft would re- Whwem ^g^ow

CERTAINE . :j$Pto* ™ ^ U S a n * v A i ^ ^ ^ Our a^u>U!

most beaut'ous


And where the Spirit-world of our cherished faith? The heaven of orthodoxy is located beyond the stars • so say all true believers. But where is beyond the stars?

In the infancy of our race, long

with the waters them. Before mapped out the heavens:and call culated with mathematical precisicjn the movements of the?' celesttjji!: orrery. Before geology had lead the rocky pages of t ip eartli's

jparsfor hm to reWh the outer Our daily life e'er leads us near it. Modem astronomy iaa escertain|yjjp&% of the starrv universe already-W e * * y f V e n d ^ n ^ P ^ ^ d hours.

as tr^Sny " ^ 4 f | # ^ ^ * * * 7 ? ^Jt^i 4^°™**' ** s i n c * t b e &**1 .** Thoughts are. the *eed, and words that were above

before the sciences of astronomy and f o r m a t i o n s , t h e r e w a s ri&ihing i^ geology were born, the fundamen­tal theories of our present theology existed in the minds of men. The world was a wide, extended plain; •he sun was a great light created for its illumination alone, while the moon and stars were lesser lights— all made on the fourth day of crea­tion, the one to rule the day and the other the night.

There was no other world than ours, no other sun, no other stars than those whose feeble rays were kindled for the first time after the

consistent with the crud| and : jig;? norant theories of the^ time :,Ji which thev originated, But—* j.| *!

4,The day the star of relfaon affejtie in the sky.

And science advanced with # conquering legionsl

4 I i !*

When every respectable, honored lie j

fled from her face to the * my res 3 on.


"The orthodox heaven is be earth had brought forth grass and herb-yielding seeds, and trees yield- the stars," say the religj|OAAS i in*? fruit whose seed was in itself, of today. Now let us! see. This world with

|ndred and f ty thousandK Monomer made that assertion, im- t h c branches, ter than pur and e feye^roved telescopes and photography Actions perfume soft and sweet; five hnndr d t h o u s a n d , ^ v e g r €atly extended the bounds v?hi|e deeds of service much enhan-e distant, a d ye t it m a | ^sdenti f ie knowledge and have c e s

g the >mafe v it| the € 0 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ demonstrated that there ^ ^ h and beauty,—makes com-*fow thi splendid orw.4 no limit to stellar space, and that p j e t e

coming 1 )Wards us a | ^ e r e i s n o such plabe as "beyond pi three mft on five hui^-%e stars." Sow ye then, precious seeds of kind-

lusand milles 1 day ' during >r * t ' ness, v

c time, yet is distance ft£5 A JOURNEY I>$TO SPACE I n | h e ^ ^ g f t f d f | | feir; nsethatther lies been n^^ Now let us suppose that there is t o heal the world1* sore pain and

e difference in its positicfel It railroad ffcm our earth to the blindness, Its sister suiv i Let us ima> farthest nebula discovered in our }fa%e each soul of love aware.

surroundings was its the

creation, and man, the consumma­tion of infinite ingenuity and wis­dom, was the last act of creative power. And notwithstanding the The figures mythical story states that "God tions fail to convey to saw everything that he had made, mind a just conception and behold, it was very good." Yet movements and -distan if orthodoxy is t grievously mistaken constantlv mutinie , r _ t . Maker; rebelled against his govern- judge of them by c c M l H M g | ^ ment, oppressed, enslaved and well known facts an^|||taur1^'- , i^J* !kSl^ murdered his fellow-man and by even then we are b^i * J his eeneral vicious and brutal con- velocities so great |uft$$Hit« duct has given rise to a cardinal space so vast, that doctrine of the Christian faith, that and with bated of total depravity, and that all templation. In vaito l ie sei mankind primarily deserve to be the boundaries of

t immediate science has demonstrated astotjjljte !ttbov# them. extent of vastness of stellar s#a*ft. aitf^lje ipp| |ently \ti

inconceivable number!* of stins, %%o^kh for t^e worlds and svstems that- s« UR in the boiindless fieldl of 'i$&i imi^lOR two thousai t four hund

1 Ji.T^ I e 'ta.

t fature vre i and woe Of W eight times aroun4 this earth in Temole Galveston mankind, and white they told the one second of rime. We are all of ^ t u a , , s t T e m p l e > t ' a I v e s t O B

f a l e ' i l their vour.} love, as Eve us seated fn th< ears, ticketed to a l e x a s - ^ fcefMeirtfiy at o apple orj.aiworld in the distant "nebula." The IS IT REST TO BE A POET.

tynd, she s i tebel l rings, the conductor shouts "all V the heavelttijaboard;" and away We go. at the • uer^it is n c « | r * f e ©*l t *o hwidred thousand w * best to be ajpoatr S X e H l m i l e s per Jeond. There would be When you come tpview the past ftousand y e a M n o succession .,f day and night dur- ^ H ~ . 7 f _ * 2 ? ! £ ! : .

over b l* Ijlrctiirus gleaming

the 1 SO?

3 . W l t a i t o «k:»- b a s b e p l i n g o u r journey, Ht only a diner. '^^^^£^^}' , ence in degree of light as we passed **!«*«* *** » d e ^ o J ? England the countless millions of blazing Not a stone to mark his grave



3i a staf itn« as now' njoitst-

fc 'chtam _ „ s ^ r o v « « * r ^ n # l ^ll^Nrth's Ipmfi

^ . ^ s o w n ' h a n d j H - 4t &&** gtobe teefe: ife4 ,1' ;


each othet. As days, weeks and ^asso was often in distress montbspass on, i|n, our unceasing. yfoton finished his life in obscurity tirele^ lourney, we Jook back at our Thou^ shellv was the best; sun fa$t d|minishiOg into a star of J s i t b e s t to be a genius?

^fir^.^eeottjd and # i r d magnitude, gpencer died of want they say until &naj|y, as centuries pass on, S i r Waiter Raleigh on the scaffold,

|j its comparatively feeble rays are A n d Savage in Bristol Prison lay. totally obliterated by the immense distance our train has passed thru Yet I'd like to be a poet,

world'Jfifc the boundless fields of stellar space. Tho my chance is very slim life W And, tight here, do not forget I would try and rise above,

tbat prirjil- that our sun is one million, two A life that was full of sin; a hundred and fifty thousand times If I could be like Longfellow,

all larger'than our earth, and yet. long Whose path so bright and clear located a: very large hell and a verv tian's hope and faith. The fi^tf thl^ time he n« seen Arctufua before we have reached the end of Then ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ • S S t i v e n ^ o r the future punish- of the one has escaped the vision oi c o p y i n g nearly ie same place in our journey, it is so » ^ J ^ i t Next to that m * ^ * * ^ * r ~ Zlt and reward of mankind. the keen-eyed telescope, while the the heavens that 1 does to-day. in size, compared withkindred orbs, &. J. RICHARDSON.

Page 2: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

2 THE SUNFLC WER. March is, 1905. _

of the most potent forces and pop-; PROVED BY THE BIBLE. PSYCHICS. AStrugC Drum. ular cause in the spirit woild. ' ' _

On the other hand the bold affii^ "Wifcn a man diet, ie is dead". Who wishes to lead must also bear A London correspondent of the mers of the truth, the true and tried' gay, , ^ tr ibute , . m H man Nature responsibility. Manchester Guardian relates the

ITBLI^HED EVERY 8AT0BDAT BY ^ " " * * S T L auTy}^ °™ *•* of SaA Rrancisco. Furti errnore that The realisation of a truth rests in following interesting story of a ™ - O M ^ i m N m r f n unC*,W'th *ht!m W t a C i l S ? l t *»" "»*a of immortal ty i , the re- finding its cause or soul. dream, in the issue of the 6th inst. THfc SWFLOWER PUBLISHING CO., aeK n o « - v o f e a , , ^ t r f o T r t a * « * <**<ies iretol iv; that person- T o * ri^ly guided k e ep your A lady living in London recently

L i l y D a l e , N . Y . R ™ ^ * * * * « * > ^ ^ * ™ ^ / ^ W w t f B f t t a l i t y is alii: agination- m t o d { r e e fawn frivolous thoughts ?«*««fd • m a ° « * h » ™ f e » s

• • ' B S ^ « i ^ f t 5 r ^ V - ^ = = 5 i t a ^ S = " U S e . c o n iPa™**v e ^ ****** « 5 all » t i e mind," He then contin- ^ heart free from unspiritual de- housekeeper and butler. She en-^ ^ ^ ^ ± 2 ^ ^ ^ } ^ ' ^ enjoy its beatitude or honors aceo* h i s m i w ; t k m b t h e ^ ^ j ^ U M p gaged them without having seen

<**-!f T"u ^Jonot receive jrnir paper promptly, plea** d m i r l v -TZ. « *r*w * " .. ' W i t s W i e c » u g » . - _ « « ; « *^-^^^» •™uifrit**immedutily in «rd« that theAuit U1"K,7- Bible. Quotine Tim. vi. v. 12 : "God xi _i.~ -u:-i u i= J U * . ^ the man, as he was m temporary r^^i.-atM«ndthec^r*aioTed. However, Spiritualism is firmhf " t T ^ I r ^ Z i t v ^ V w He who thinks he can find hi* own k { h country bu* she was so a»r\*hen you »ant the addrm* on your paper ' r , ^ j ^ ^ i - — *Za 'Oilla&JWatn i m m o r t a l i t y , a tUl f u a l m * - t ruaovaan w i t h ™ * * cai^ncr o n a w u r * l " v n c c u u » " y « o u « s n c w a b * " -bang»Ki, always ,riTe th« add™* to which u hv bwa enough establish to dispense with «V2Le 0 i o . Mil. , v w T t , . u . e t way to neaven without sauing on a aati-fie<j .-uu t i . e characters oro-#olnjr,aiiwella*ihenewaddr% ,©rweoaBn*tftn.lth« . *J . . , ^1.* _ J 3 ^M-tV, V.112 : Man Hi Kettle beast oftro.1.. W A IM k tn ha AHVIPH f(,r h« »««*«U WTWl *ne cnar»ClCTb pro­line«« on r TOr^nP!ion ilia to inak« th* chao . the aforenamed, and as new recruit* ^k**. a«riah«th M and thinks that S^*"11** w a y f ^ e n v i e a « > o r ^ duced and the woman's appearance « T We are ao«rwponsible>fi>rtauddonoliMwmarilj „ - « - , 'A^ . -^—.:—-1 ; -^<»: f . . *£4>i:«a#&£ji • * " * » • l ^ i W f i B t n , •»«** M I M , * » • « • • m u s t b e . C O n t e n t m d e e d . « « • « • « . . . ^naor theopini«nr«prw»ed\>Tcorr«ip<.ndent-. 7 are ndw coming m<iaily t |fdditK»HI • • M t t i # - th# nuAfition " a ^ w wrwfiwnu .naeea. that she decided to take the risk. M r R<>;«Ht«Hi corumunlcatiocs will bfepreaerred thirty ,r;.T r t» ;« ;«.- t v ^ r t r ^ o f/\«v«A wrilt «/v«ii w i M W ! v n v 4 u c a » i v u , • • » • A x . , A - A « ,

4ayif«ftrrwutrhthi.ywHi be d«tr«yed. No maun- v l g o r in its working toixe will t o o f • The clenTV eeneftilb endeavor t o r ^ r\ -i r J w i **i . A f c w nights after the house-S t t . ^ M — — " — " ^ w — b e ? » - - a n « e s t • » n d " ***** prove S r t a f e y b the Bible. \ £ * ? £ r g i ? £ t e e x n r l S * • * " h , d U k e n U p h e r d u t i e 8 ' t h e

—_ being wafted in on the popular w*v* . u - „ _ v ! L . ; . . . * .HJM. » . *K» „ • ! , . , i » t n utt. &ir u n v e r Loage expressed i d dreamed that she was lvin? SIBSCRIPTION RATBS: ? momentarilv active they bring with S ^ 1 * ^ » « **»«»'' « t f c e o t b e r - himself thus: ' r J * f w j ! J l J ? L I ^ i

si,,^ suh ription. p«y«r. . . . . n n momentaruy active, tney onng w w fi t w h w modern th nker goesout . . n . ; — ^ , ^ . ^ , „ .„ „„• , „ • „ .*„; awake in her bed and «aw a man at • T K T ^ - . - . - . - . - . - . • • % them a new l mpetus for a healthkf ^ h k ^ to d i , f u t

S „ r e l i f e O ^ * ^ ^ L u t ^^nt d ^ h e r dressing-table, with her jewel--ro .* r., « » * . , « c r O ^ J . « * and consequently more harmonioaa b ^ j t t t l e q t t0totio .$, neither of ^ I ^ ^ ^ A ^ l ^ T Z t U « " • °P«n ^ ^ h i m - P i ck inR t h e

¥ . ' ^ ± 1 - 2 growth m general. whfch embodfes any logical tense. ^ ^ l . T f ^ , g A ' s t o n e s out of their settings with a ^ "jg^SUjHH., .- . . . in ,«,„,; . , « „ Wff Those who desert their Cause « * . J l ^ r i S t « S i « t e nlwform of tt&C ^ J ™ " * " 1 o f f1*0018 fn,d coU*" small instrument. H e turned his ~_1?^»-?'™*^l^'^ will regret it ere long; for i t e .unak ^ j u X d d l n g T a t v ill also provei" « * P ~ M C " t , o n s , , f o r c . t y s t a , - | a z m 8 face « v e « l times toward the bed

ADVERTISING RATBS. t h e ascendent, and in a little wbifr f ~ ? T S S . t n . 7 t h a ""arth is flat • * * " * «t«P^anachronism.andsome . U u e h e d to himseU S h e w o k e

^tn.h,on,iM»ttion,<oe;th««»ii««rti»iis,|inn. . c „ _ f l - „ , v « ^ « - . ; u k« »V tfte Bible tbat tne _>artn is n a t , -jav the fact that such orosecutkms » u g n e a to nimse.i. one woKe \ :: • * r. :: i•£ m o r e ^ S u n f i o w e r J ^ T j , ? ? that eyolution is a h imbug ; that S i n g e d in the twtntJnln w S UP a n d t r i e d to d i s m 5 s s t h e r e c o , l e c -R-., l i,(!,.Mi^1v. li&;2onn«,.oc»iioeV,iM^ worn by more people than other n o ^ J w w i e e n d i s c o v e d continued m the twentienth would t i o n o { t h e d r e a m f r o m h e r m i n d

•"•"" " • " - - ' s ^ emblem-for, does it not symbol** b e c a u { J a t a w , . , p r t ( } , . „ ^ s ^ e , , be remembered against m a n y T h e m x t n J h t s h e d r e a m e d e x a c t l v RBMiTTANCES. the highest and grandest truth ever , . f c t t l t d . . b t w o ^ t h , r j i t t t e v e r s e a Everybody wishw personally to h ^ d Q n t h a £ t e r n o o n

. ^ 7 T ™ ^ r T r 5 S S S i r « i B S ; j ! i -SK revealed to human kind ? m the Bible be kmdly remembered after death. f o l k m f a s h e w a t r e l a t i t h e m a t . uHsrif, t«.,«iK„y.»ur fall nam* and adrirw* plainly in • • • "* _ ^ * ^ » ^ . DUt S e e m tO f o r g e t t h a t a s p a r t Ot E . m - i . °" « . l l A - „ ,U^« Tu^ v>^.^«

• •ypryromm.mir.tion. ih»n»t send your r,*r*>nai<»~ * \ ' J 7*/:i?/7» c vnirK But the only on^. amy m this - u i , tK.B M«i; ,I(;II « „ « m m . A t e r t o ft caller when the nouse-vi it co-ts i.i rem- to collet it, ao<l we must deduct it A A I L Kb. b \ UlLC.. . , J «• * WQOle t h e y e a c h WllJ s e n s e SO m U C n i , . ^ . , . ^ k . - . j . - J M ; J u a i . u M I J u ^ j

^mth^n1ouut,oilSend. ' % form of genius woul be that any o f t h e ^ ^ r e b u k e a s t- w c f e keeper entered and said herhusband ??Z^u^Sc\22E&tou Everything in Nature speaksto manwith a littlckno* edgeofgram- ^ ^ Qr ^ p r e j u d i c e d o r i t ( f a v o r had arrived and would she care to A i M n« HEKS, ASSOCIATE EDiroR. -t i u. *. ;~ Aw» «,u:*i mar could prove or < isprove any- r „• \- see him. Apologizing to her guest

- - — the sensitive soul, but m the whirl "":* w«»«a F ^ T « . ^ W ^ «»»; of the prosecution. r .- . . z- *, , . t Adir.-v an cm.nnunjcations to TH« stwFLowBK . . «»w« - / V „ * J « thinfiT he has a mind 1 > by such an • ^. tor the interruption, the lady said

rneuMti N«»O>.. and n»»t to the individual*. of civilization so many other sounds, ******5 *«* « « » «*« ^ ° " v " u u . " « ^t. . ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ a . ^ a w w ^ — a r e h e a r d t b a t Nature's voice is lo i t t insystematic compile :ion of scrip- For obsession sav obsessing pas h e c o u l d c o m e UP* T h e m a n e n '

~T>fF PAY OF YIS10XS to the majority. tures as the Bible is c mposed of 8ion, and you'll hit it right nine tered the room his new mistress _ „ Thetinvforestfluwerasitliftsits f .

l t certainly contai s many sub- t imes out of ten. looked at him, and gave a loud ex-., . , ." • *i ,. i f .rp a h n w th^ l^ ' -rarnf ted ground 1 , m c tn i ths-and whi. i none better „_ clamation. for it was, I need hardly I * l^ : l b ; V r C ^ , 0 V :; S ^ h e ^ i . » ? 2 n i , S J ^ S P i * ^ a« ^ ^ e t be- p E R S 0 N A L S > say. t h . man of the dream.'

-.imbus (Ohio) daily Press-Post has . . t _ t l . n . t t r M r l n nF

m ^ » a f t d cause they are having its phenome- T • f. ^ ^ . .. *~ .. U,.di„R editorial com mentin« on ^ ^ y ^ V l l ^ Z V ^ - r e p e a t e d as was pr mise'd therein J ^ K ^ ^ L l ^ Z • ^ e need not seek pecuhar paths

vision experienced by Monsignor d c r s t a n d L m e n and^omen claim- -*»* j M , s o c o n t a , n m u c h t h , a t " p l S K i S u . l t o fa l u l T S i ^ ^ c h to demonstrate our genms. Ooane ..f New York some time be- i„g to be the "Lords of creation." contradtetory as may * twisted out P £ £ £ X K c a n T c o ^ v i n K f . T h e

fv t L y . d e S , r e t 0 "**< tY*A

R'f T • -re h-s death It thinks the vision And uh, how dull we are at time*. °f t h « ^renamed qu tations if any "Jh o u=J^T the m « t a ^ U t e o S i to ° , ^ P o s ^ s s ' l ; a n d w h « " >rc n.N ntatn. it tnmKs tne ISIOP. • . ol^aderi °«e so wills bycoropa mg them with l u e o u l s * < ? e tV,e m w t a i tnrougn nis e v e r w e d e s l r e t o d o t h a t c a n w e d o

mav be construed as being a revela- trampling clown the^e little pieaaers J f * , own mediumship in his 13th year. i,-,.. Pnlvill*. j .«. . .u i v. anH nnr w i n . thpir a w m v in th«ir passages that the c jrgy select t o J oest. coivuie. n.n, rind savs that the clerjjv has ana nor. seeing tneir agony in meir *_._"*.. . , ... . . °Jl„i:.„ „^_ ••» • !»vn <!iseussing the subject as a nat- attempt to straighten up again. But «?ake t»»«r * » » « «r nortality con- ^ ^ - — — ^ _ - ~ ^ - ^ ~ ~ ~ ,,V, ,.n,. and that great significance how can we see such mites when <mf ««tent-and which , is their bus,- A MUSIDie rTtaCMT. Y J ^ L e a J ^ g W o r k s o f E . D . vs.s in the fact that so manv think- «.wn greatness is constantly ,n the «<** *» d o - o r d e c ! r e themselves A Wesleyan preacher writes to the B a b f e t t L M . D . :,.g men concede the possibility of foreground ? h yg°?l t C 8 - ,. . , . r „ r . ?™ W o r i df : "' h a ' e « » " • *"?«• ^ such experiences and that such con- We often see the least worth see- L

B u t Spiritualism e id the Church been moved to write you pleading T H E PRINCIPLES OP LIGHT AND COLOR .. • i .w . ;™ w W n «•» cm n n r u i m i nnW *nri have one mission in the matter of for a greater tolerance and a l a r e c *n»rbiy ta»a»d, roy»i s™, «nh o»*r two huuiimi

session must certainly mean that >nS wnen we see ourselves oniy, ana . , . *"* »5*«-«»*»'» v ^ »..v«; « • » » w"«c. eMr»»iiw.iui<ii'oior«itpiai«». prire js.oo , ., . , • , v,,»„. m a m . rvf nc /ir. nitf <hinV •!»»• noiQing up a tuture i; e oetore tneir c h a n t y toward each other. I t is so -An impMiag volume of iMMiyowpagM. sbows»

these jvrsons are thinking along a now many ot us a o not tnmtc tnax At^*f i „ - » v „ »u^ c„;-; . . .»i v "* 7 v . , •' V . . gw«»m<SMtorK».«f«ii<m «» i«tottb* »atiB.r. lim-wpich leads straight to the belief all the world should know us because adherents, only tha the Spiritual- easy for the pulpit to burlesque Vra»to«yp^icquwiioawsci«t<acLiu«rt.*" <n soirit communication. we are ourselves so acutely consekrtw Jf8 .*" *»ng to byw .at the Church Spiritualism and is is equally easy fc^ . ^ ^ t i - i j j ^ ^ i f c ™* or

There never was a time when men of our existence. As a rule we «re ««>«»—rejectmg tna portion ot its for the Spiritualist platform to ndi- ™^m" the Normal Teacher, Dauville, Intl.: We be-

and women were doing so much of very jealous of anyone also lovh* scripWres which P ™ i*ed that even cule some aspects of Christianity. S S ^ ^ n ^ . h , , h e n ° ""*"•* WmW"eal

their own thinking-asking •why" what we love-except self. K , J S f ^ l t h m g S . **" /e d ° / t l ' ! , f B u * w h f ! ? ° ? d 1S d o n e ? „ M u c h * * - RELIGION o n I ^ „ m = . n ^ i n « r . » , ^ f c a l l o f wViiVh A h i t i s t h a t s e l f - l o v e W h i c h W » t9f^al**8 COOtMteitt l i U t a s t h e t e r WOUld I t b e t o m u t u a l l y r e s p e c t umr«>le4l>7lbe)te<«l«lM«lSpintimCairerar.

<ind demanding proots, all 0 1 » m c l i fvn, ii. ia » w t MSH W » « WUW-K .y»r? ., J£.^4S:.,. . . - j . - ^ g . t .11 a j n u n i n . j .!___»u_i- • •• . _ j _\t2i »»»«»•«»u»»»»«rt*»ih«t»r« * « « * M i s n o t u n l v Miraificant b u t of the t a i l s o u r Sight t o tflS i&8t*&*MKMK9BBBIB&?X™?3B5&X ^ j C T j f ? ! W ^ 9 B a ^ W j ? ? 9 w A ! C o r l v , ? W 0 * * t W C1UH- taUttMtl&booko/alm* fo^Um*!*- nlue. F. i s n m « m y «igninc»rav u m . u i m t , , . , * * * a «!' W l 1 ' ' ^ " l i S f f t W B a a r a t t'MtfraMill l l i B l r f t i W « B ^ W « ^ ' - W » » r i ^ p ft*'*4n,,",T«ti»i • f*i. *WSbnnM*.»..taM,"I*w« nrf m n l work*. value of a conclusion—the conclu- the little forest flower, and m a i f l '"j?"*?t ^ , - ^ ^ ^ r / u ^ Z T ^ : Y T „ • " n , s w n c e OT «" With—Is - i ^ J a e h f t . ->*&"?« ""^ W S "f1",a

sion that men and women may see little human flower in our morUl •««• 4 W i e v . that < hnstianity h*» well a* a clear regard for each ^ f t ? ^ «**•»• • » — . ^ - * » ' « — visions, which actually show them garden. Oh. thou self-love. th*t " M ^ *">«» « » *• * and conte- others -views of truth. Liberal ft*...**,..i.^p^ra*. the land of spirit, is one not to be seeest not the agony of the HtO* <!«»*»% h " f , 1 £ t

II t V «' ~ t?™*. C ^ i a m t y Orthodoxy and Spirit- u«x^»y^™**™c™*- ^

trcaud lightly crushed rose bud. suffering in heart 8 r * « ^ m o s t l l k e v n S a v , o r b y n o t « a l »t s alike have their 'arrant dem- ^ ^ f f i , , , p W * w " " " M d ' ""u'* F-mch

It is the touch with spiritual to re-adjust its lost geniality-the h a ™ « t r " ^ „ h , m ; . , . t f c f f ^ 8 ' . ' The former speak of ta- ^ ^ S ^ ^ > ^ ^ ^ things that has made men and effect of thv blindness to the wants Butas the Church s rejecting the We rapping* as rf the whole case J ^ S K W S ^ " » * l , w , ^ " " d f c -w„nu.n great. Everv noble impulse, of others-thy lack of conscientioue- ) ^ J * " " " . ° ^ a ' , 2 ^ 1 ^ * ^ ^ Sint«alisrn rested there; the lat- J j u r w ^ a g i V j y g r j j t a ^ ffim ^,^^, -,rA„ nf^n * ™-o». i^;M^nAe- nf» «i«i or iktlf^ ron«5otpnr*» a8« *o prove immort; lity lt too may ter dwell on the story of the ark, oftheNerrous system and io*auity. «ver\ prompting toward kindnesb, ntss or list less conscience. _ u» w i . 4 „ A ^ l . ' 7 „„A _ ^ Al_ u^,^ ^ „ _i,.z_^^__ _ _ . , . . , "This work dikiow-for the urn time the, hernial -every desire to love and be loved,— Conscience ! What these are touches of the spiritual effect of Nature's voice ^which lift men and women upward it is. For it is mostly t«.~ ^~~-^.„~ , . - .-. ,, t v» .u*™,- .«*»..«»«* .»... and t reate in them clean hearts and t ions who are cognizant of the little ™ » « e » \ t h « t h e ;' a 5 ° ° d C h u r c h P * 1 ^ "P"*- "emagogism either ^ ^ ^ p V J t ^ e ^ w i ^ °ur ,gl'ow b"",i!" upright spirits. things of life ; and as this consefcn- " E ^ J * ~ "? ! 2 . " ! ! ! . I L c f n ^ w ^ * T , ^ 7 °I tb^?^Vk«?™,K^rlUhcur.niT"^• °"1

S> much for the Press-Post, the tiousness grows or develops it seemi ^ ^ ^ t ^ J . ^ ! , ! " ^ ^ K ^ l ™ £ ^ L a ^ H ^ 2 J a ? 3 ^ M « ? . ^ ^ S $ leading daily in C0I1 honor to its editor wj to sneak out in public, ^v.-«„.v*v. rr---- .- * fc , j . ,_ from' this a still greater significance It is the causal principle inNatuw e v ! ^ f * ««d itreiij thened by the ^ ^HJUH M Power, . j ^ ^ 7 ^ ™ « ^ « . ? of th, whole is the general tendency which is intelligent, and it is that P ^ ^ 4 ^ L g J | ^ J f ^ h J ~ 2 ". Our iense nature is not evil, but , ^ A i S 2 S i ^ <.f the secular press (except in a few which whispers to the soul-sett.!- « ~ J ™ 1 ^ !. J K J S 1 ? S ' ^ T 9 ^ f^" 7 *P* * A S 5 S R ^ S S S ^ ^ Intniuhted regions) towards an accep- tive, when it catches the vibration ; Wallace, n m . LTOOK s. Astronomer petite must be mastered, not de- M.wnyj-i iitti*ipamphie? «e. vx -a™- of the occult or spiritual in and it becomes sensitive thrott«h Flamtnanon and , odern thinkers .troy e d - C o l vi lie. A v r f i h . ^ b o - . c u b e h ^ i b u o t o jNature. conscientiousness, sympathy, kmOU- • • Rfv. IVT J, Savaj •, Rev. Heber

And what about those who KNOW ness, love—soul meeting soul, and N c w t o n . f>r- I s a a c u n k » a n d n u ' xht sc phenomena to be true, and recognizing each other. merofts others. iust on the eve of success of their Who cognizes the greeting or the ;Nof the man who an assert that Cause have gone into hiding ' ehind pleading of the little flowers along when a man dies he ;dead, i s l i v m * some so-called ncw-thought move- life's pathway is in touch wi th |^ft- t« a t e r y distant ag* or is himself ment^ Will they return to their ture's intelligence, and who canhear aead and doesn t kr -w it. iirst-love to be in the popular swim her voice echoing in his heart and IS "^^T* when Spiritualism rises to the sur- thereby touched to the quick is sen- Physicians in Ohi< have succeeded fa™ bv force of its own assertion— sing her love — her sweetest a n d in making Christian Scientists a n y i t s - r a n d and beautiful proofs of im- holiest vibration. enable to the med: al law of their rr rtality ? Who would not feel To sense the cause of an effect is State—that is, the cannot take a honored in his community to be re- to sense its law centre ; and as man fee, but may ply t eir healing art ;:ardr i a^ a veteran in the MOST IS an epitome of Nature he embodies free. This is kindof * le law. but bad D p ZZA O!.>KIOL-S i-Auss in the world's his- all of her laws, and ashe studiesaelf for the regulars, for rhose who have *M H f l f l l l I T C f I D I I Q I £» r^rv? he also learns to interpret her ! w s the power of healii : can no more fcgj D U U R I I I I U l f U O « %A

A day of visions has been ere this —one of which is to sense the whis- resis^ the temptati n of exercising fM ^ i^j — .1 number of them—but none un- perin- of sweet flowers—eithetf in- it than an inspirati< lal medium can kj|| * ^ dcr the same propitious circumstan- spirationaliv as the poets sens# it) of expressing his th oghts in writing P | S S S S ft S ^ ccs, and when intelligence could so or as it touches the heart's synf^a- or discourse, and w 1 thus have ad- rffj* w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •iullv appreciate its sublime signin- thy—the two most general modes of ditional applicants for treatment -caiu-e. Are they going to let go the hearing Nature's Voice. wi th comparative !< ses t o the M. oprv.rtunitv of being enrolled on a tt """" ^^"^ 7~. ', i • D's., where cures a: effected.

• .u \ -1, u i . i v ^ v o u n a v e a n unspnitual force . ^ rccop.l that will be elevated above * . r ^ . , w^u t m* rKi< _ * . . > _ . . .

ti i r *• & -. that bothers you turn on the breaks n^—™..-u-*„. ^.n a * it»riA o«,«^w4 tt^ T A K P M all others in a few generations off , ^ t T ~ Ufcause they sen 3 a little supen- 1 2 I M f \ t n

t i i * • *u «. and reverse its motion for good, as ^-:*U „$ ^^WM ^„a i f l f t ru f i r fiii^« ?8I Or >ave thev alreadv forgotten that m , _ . .. ^CX.*- ontv of power ove another tellow |^S| CV^m

. v ' i r ^ everv negative force in the human w r .J i f t i e *^ ;,.,. \nt> r u A V « . . . , r « r r O m i n port ant pnmarv lesson of the . " f u •*•• KJ1^4-S« m 0*ta*t some imt me tney must spiritual philosophv which discloses l a w - c « n t r e

f n a s a P ° ^ ! : I ^ V ! ^ 5 J ? al^o I be superior ii wisdom Don-

that begin life' in spirit exactlv ? s **"• l l ^ c ™ ^ y ^ ^ 8 * key« *lso sense thi power at times, i r IT u J • m t o action. And once the epect Xt** ii*^ -^ M .u^ ^^,t ,»• w a r r Q n t « - , .

vrlure we leave oil here—doing or c . £ . %fT o u t tne results doi^ 11 warrant any* i •*!. v. i -. of its reverse action for good has AJUI^L _ „ • „ « „ ^^^ rt^^HoKi* <^-,i

a tir^' m accordance with tne last . , . _ . 5 irCIT tnii^g specially coir nenaaoie. Jjoul • u • * * » been sensed more is wanted. C W - A J L 1 V ^ ^ ; J - ^ I » ; v.™* rpacAn ^»

training ot the mina or most potent .. . A „ ^_ . iiJLTau.« JKJ^ftr exercised wi nout reason or x * • •*• . t inued exercise finally neutralises i t s \r.%9mh • ft^.' «M/>-, f*i«» « n M ^ a««H ft.rce uppermost in a spirit s compo- .. .. .. t^ ~ -1*33:*^- |OV* aa arroganc€: taise p n a e ) ana \c -. < w l. entire negativitv for a positive or ^ — M ^ U * ^ , »C- win- d«r»f» 9nrl nffan sstion. If it nas been hypocracy or • - t „ o l t i x ^ * " o«^ - ^~+*7J* w^iktw ^ ^ p h n e s the blu derer. ana otten moral cowardice it will exemplify it- ^ ^ effect, and a virtue, tafcnt W O f 4 d . b e l e a d e r a a o o g his people, sv?lf in the entire expression of the ° r g ,1S rn' , . , , j ; c 4 i ; »fhen it becomes a ^ase of the bKnd fM This is for New Subscribers spirit body and. even if not cogniz- Every human passion will assert leading the blind. • . ! a iSi Not for Renew <ed >r considered worthy of notice by itself as long as i ts possessor feels < ~> other spirits, it is so sensitively felt kindly disposed towards it. A ruling If Spiritualists > ere one-half a s b y its possessor that he involunta- passion is one thing which a m a n patriotic for theii Cause as Metho- nmyp&> < ^ ^ rily seeks seclusion and is thus shut may hate with all his heart without dists or Catholics £ e for theirs how TMh£vL o u t from the exhilarating influences injury to himself. grandly would Spi: tualism flourish.

Page 3: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

March IS, 1905. THE SUNFLOW1 JR.

I in

f 1


I M N H M H I M as N O T I C E .

Please bear in mind the fact, that W H. Bach will take charge of any­thing sent in his care to T H E S U N ­FLOWER — for the willing workers. U sef u 1 or om amen tal. Remember

Buffalo n>«X«\\VtftMMIWk«MM

K 1. BftY. OncsftMlc u Sundav morning March th, Mrs.

LILY DALE NEWS. our auction cleared the basket—so Tillie U. Reynolds be an her we have to commence all over month's engagement with he First again. Spiritual Society, Prospect \ve . and

M. ELIZABETH CLARK, Sec. Jersey St. The morning subject "How are 1we consecrating >urselves

- . CONFERENCE ^ . t h e goo^and t r u e ^ b . are we w .u • 1 • *u•' *• u ~, ,< r . .v T 1 doingfdn&wntualismrf^. h^advc-W tat her stock m this section has The Conference at the Leolyn C9££ Jf^linking rit .t living

: ,vn on. a gradual rise the past Sunday evening seemedU> have a*. ^ righr doing. Many d u t i f u l wtvK. beginning Monday morning tracted al Lily Dale The **b3ee% ^ k i * d %% h t s w e r e x p r t ; s s e d

• ™l T c n d e n u m K t h e ' T 6 , ' R cl1 , g . , o n , w a s ^V'Ttf* and tt&kTdi t o c t ^ t b s of Spi itualism.

lov with JO. bo. each morning be- made it interesting for both sides. * T • . . ' jan with a little more than nothing The next meeting will be at T H E - I T . e y ^ m g l e ? t u . r e v a s *ul1

an.l leaving its high water mark on SUNFLOWER cottage. Subject "The « *«»d words, relative to what :he thermometer comparatively, till Problem of Life." ^intusJisra was doing foi human-. . r r i i , , ;, n n f l t . , i .A TKIC u-a"c t^, * t v ' Said it had gone n o many .uuliv it quoted 40 lnis was, too 0 U k ANNIVERSARY. UL**** ..W* i .^ . .„u i**^t^ - ^ *ul

murh for the bears and thev sent a r i n - . , v , n ; n a p t ft f n - ^ i f l i r bw»e9 and brought comfo t to the sn. .Wvdav to discou-aoe this ther Sunday evening, at a meeting sorrowing ones. Mention was also sn. *> <1*\ to discourage tni* tner- f o l l o w i n g t h e Conference—after made that Soiritualism * s taking rnometrical rise. But thev so^n j ^ t j ^ M r c r ^ n a n , « « . M,*;*™^ ©piruuausm * s laxing a^ndonedtheireffortsanddavafter ! ^ M ? C ^ ^ T T i ^ T ^ ? 8 " ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ **,"

•h, snowfan the bulls advanced the * n d M • G^enamyer. vice—.t was fore with the people at-1 rge, and " ' s n o w t a ' 1 tneDuiis advanced the decided to celebrate the annivenary • ! « • the tinv little rao ha its mis-^ s h T i t ' f o byEvJ^°TZ%. ^ Modern Spiritualism on the £ K J ^ X S ^ S S i a f t v ™ h ^ r a ^ V e - v e n f h e c a u S e r e ^ n - ^ ^ f L S n ^ £ » ' W * " ° f * C O n t i n U i t „ * " ^

tic. «1 out of doors to see what was 1 * * 1 ° " ° " ™ , n ? " f ? ~ M ^ " ^ l f ^ J " * ™ ? « ' * » e n t o n e However, this did not ™Hee was appointed. Lee Morse, and hstened to with mt rest and

, . . . . L. L. Hutcni


M R S . O. W. G R A N T HEADINGS BY MAIL. Five questions answered for .">oc and one 2-ceut

stamp. Full life reading* 91 00 and two2 cent stamps, 570 Main St., Hotel \U toria, Buffalo, N. Y.


nRS.TrATGRIFFIN, English Medium.

Inspirational Speaking end Tests. Open for engagement* with *oi i<>tie» or camp meet­

ing* February, March. April, Mav, June. Goe/TUre-dqstialft. Mr*. Griffin? pampiil. i» and books on aale. ANf t i s , «*V,'«*tl7rh8l. ErVHPa, ftl-tOS*

MRS7 H. BtROM TORTHRUP Clairvoyant and Healing Medium. Free Diagnosis Bend 6 two veut stamp* and lock

of hair, date of birth. Clairvoyant Reaping* fl 203* 1920. Niagara St., Buffalo,N.Y.

C D C C t Three months* subscription to a splendid l l l l t b l eight-page Occult Journal and sample copies of 169 loading magazines and newspapers sent n u t s on receipt of o n mux to pay postage.

International Subscription Agency, Lawrence, Kane.

GREAT ASTB0L06IST & SPIRITIST Myrtle Hyde Darling, 167:; (ambrldge 8 t , Cam­

bridge, Mass. Send birth hour, day, and year. A general horoscope or eight que^lons answered, Price 11.00. 191-Cm.

Ten cent tests.

k'omg on. ^ U U i K ; u - u u n c u i * V"3 v;:u "7; L. C. Hutchinson, and Mrs. W. H. attention At close of lee ure .pint engender anv spring faith, though ~ , r\»*»^ *«—•;««».;#—»—.•*.. a t w : i l w u n - A I c o x ui iw urc .pint , " J I J \ _ . J Bach. Other mer tings, if necessary, messages were ?iven

the crows cawed loud enough to de- . • . . „ £ ^ rac»««|fcj> w e r e g i v e n .

igh v-eive the imaginative. But the ap­pearance of a few cats and crows <l« n't establish spring. We are a

subiect to call of committee.

N O T E S .

Ladies Aid Society will hold an­other padro party the lat >r part of this month at the Tempit Prospect

nusical people in this section, and E. W. Shults is at home for a Ave., and Jersey St. :>refer to hear a solo through the short time. The First Spiritual S< ciety has mo-Hum of the seasoned cut-gut than Chas. Haas has been appointed lately been the recipient A a nice through the best cat alive. A few section foreman on"the D. A. V. & **«w ingrain carpet, cost: \g nearly SirJs, too. htve made their appear- p R V > on the section north of our 1200.00, being presented o them by

led amone Wai nnp the members of the Y. P. . I. The, but they are not classed among local one the star singers. A robin is report-o ! to have been seen, but tetephon- v i 8 £ Jo "Buffalo n: to us as 'claimed to have been << en by somebody else who assumes the responsibility." Well, that's 7i<>t on us. We shan't mention rob-

latter society was establish ed 7 years ago, and is an auxiliary t < the First Society of Spirirualists. The Y. P.

TT , ^ , , . , S. I. has a most excellent library of Riley Johnson, Herbert Cobb. Mrs. i u o w n . a l s o o t h e r equip.-ents nee-Mary McConnell, were recent visi- c t Q t h e i n t e f C S t o £ t i e ^ ^ ^

Mrs Scheu has returned from a •iuto Buffalo. Mrs. Hattie Stone and son. Laurel,


n , i :

until they disturb our morning . then well, we wish to sav

essary Their socials andenterUn mentsare

Responsible Agents Wanted to handle our line of fountain pens. Both ladies and gentlemen. With a fair amount of energy, | f and £10 a day can be made between now and the holidays. Full particulars sent upon request. Exclusive territory given. Write to da*. ADDRESS the Selden lVn Mfg. Co., 140 Nassau sUeet, Sew York. Silt

Psychometric Readings and emblem flower. Send 25 c m s audi lock of hair to.

v MRS. FRANCES P. 8PANGLER Gen. Delivery. Pittsburg, Kansas.

^ ^ ^ 802-4*

The Light of Reason. T h e l a t e s t sacred s o n g in sheet mus ic ,

e s p e c i a l l y a d a p t e d for the h o m e , the uplift­ing; o f Sp ir i tua l Circles and services . B u l ­l i sh a n d G e r m a n . Price 2 5 c a c o p y , 3 for 6 0 c . $ 1 . 5 0 per dozen.

Send t o G e o r g e J. D r e w s , 3 5 M a r i o n Ct . , C h i c a g o , IU. 2 0 0 - l y *


-MaaUims and speakers freqneatly lose engagement* btfjntase people do not know where to find them. To. avoid this have your name and address listed in this, directory, under the proper heading. Price, $1.60 per-year—payable strictly in advance. Those marked* with a 8tar will attend funerals.

TEST MEDIUMS. F. Corden White, Lily Dale, N. Y. • C. Walter Lynn, 784 0th, street, Oakland, CaL Miss Ella C, Preston, 8S05 Morgan St , St. Louis, Mo-. Mjs. O. W. Grant, 67* Main Strret, Buftalo, N. Y. Mrs. Edith Mc-Crasvman, 9S8 East First Ave., Uoium^

bus, O. Mr«. E»ftabttU J. ifemoiyst, SSO Anderson SL.AI-

Jejrhett.Pa. . . HEALERS.

Mrs. Mattie Recior, iWHicks rtt., CtVa, X. Y. Mrs. Dr. Dobsou-Barker, 230 K. 6th, San Jose, OaL. Dr. J. S. Loncks, Btoneham, Mass. Mrs. A: A. Gawcroft, 3S3 E. 2nd, Jamestown, N Y. Dr. Jscob Bwauson, 1788 Clinton, Minneapolis, Minsu

LECTURERS. Mtoees Hull, Whitewater, Wis.* Mattie E. Hull, Whitewater, Wis.* *Hugh"R. Moore, 120 W. latbHt., New York City.

SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHERS. Dr. W.M. Keeler, 1S4S Roanoke, Washington, D. C. A. Normann. 2721 Elliott Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Fmnk N. Foster, 91 Fitshngh 8L, Grand Rapids.


N. H. Eddy, M Prospect Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.

TRUMPET MEDIUMS Mrs. 8 E Pemberton. 407 Hancock St., Peoria, Hft Frank McXinley, 124* M ami ion Ave.. Toled, O. Cora H. Moore, ISO W. lSth ht , New York CUy.


Cleon B. Nichols, Andover. O.

We work exclusively in 11; light; can develop you in from one to six weeks.

Write for particulars and t<Mimonials. Rev. Cora Benton, Wm. F. Benton,

M E D I U M S , 1714 Adams St., Toledo, O. 2 0 1 2 3

° x n e u s<><jitt is iu iu en trxi.ii; imciits are Q * i 4 * C ° * 4 l f -I* l«* Miss Olmstead takes regular trips always well attended, M\ partici- IKB(M)l 0 1 J p l F l t l e f l l U I I I S l I l p

t V first signs of the coming camj) a s a representative of a flavoring pants never fail to have a ^ood time. - v e materialized which the reader extract house She expects to go The executive commit ee of the w. ! find among the Notes, and fur- t o Rochester, N. \ .. in a few days. y p^ ^ L m e t a t t h e h o ^ o f UT

rm-rmore that we hope to greet the Josh Ramsdell has secured a po- a i M i Mrs. A. G. Atchesen 274 North :'rvnds of the camp again in the sition with the Larkin Soap Works Division St., Saturda evening, < !ne genial spirits and a year youn- as manager of their engraving de- March 4th, to consider 3me busi-g- r as it becomes the spiritual min- partment and his family is now at ness. Aside from this a social con-vied to grow. But who c a n n o t Cassadaga. verse was enjoyed and a the close as 1,-ng as they have any vigor left E. W. Phillips of Cassadaga, well a moat excellent lunch as served

them to visit Lily Dale during known to many of our summer visi- bfjr the hoe* and hostess, which was tors, has just returned from Phila- jappreciattd by the jn«rt ipants. delphia where he made a ^mtf ? a^'MW^^^%: -GiwcTCilft o( JanieS' vantageous deal in connection with town, N . %*., has been topping at the I. X. L. Rural Delivery Mail '1414 Michigan St. Buffa o for a few

*hv "Good Old Summer Time ?'


Mrs A L. Pettengill, president . . ~ »-itv of Light Assembly writes con- B o x o f w h l c h h e 1S t h e patentee and <weeks exercising her gii of healing corning the coming session of the manufacturer. and has been quite succ ssful in her a-sembiy that. The Bambams give an evening treatments.

The campmeeting at Lily Dale at the Opera House in Fredonia, She goes to her home in Jamestown v il open on July 14th, and close March 10. They expect to fill en- this week for a short vi it and ex-September 3d; gagements at * number of towns in pects to return in the cc irse of two

The Northwestern Band has been this vicinity. T H E SUNFLOWER or three weeks, tocontn ne her work t! gaged,

Mrs* L* Evelyn Barr,

i C«mmnnle%tioma through trumpet in the

Jbjjft. Business *6TicC aoa«ii»o*iso<<li^

8S4 West Ave, Buffalo, N. Y. Bell Phone. 191-tf


Card Reading __|jy f H F

NEW PAHUVI SYSTEM. Edscatttaal, Sdeatifk, Istcrettiag, PrtfitaMe

Send for PAHLAV1CARTOMAKCY, a M page book of instructions beautifully illustrated In , colore, showing each PAHLAVI CARD and what < it means. Th» book tells you how to read Pah- ! lavt cards with remarkable accuracv, and i* the ; only book of itn kiud published. Sent poitpeid to > any add rem for J« cents. Write for it today. It's \ worth having. <

The cards are beautiful, duplex enamel ftnihli, ! and are so novel they carry 7i patent claims and ', 17 copyrights.

54 card* ID a pack, sent upon receipt <>f X> c^ut?. ! Many pedple make a profitable buMnerw out of

card reading, especially at church fuiri.plcnicx, parUea, etc

Write for particular* and sample card sent free, or send 76c for pack of card* and book of Oarto-mancy instruction.

Agents and dealer* make money selling our

P A H L r A Y I C A R D CO. , 3 6 2 H o u s e m a n BKk, G r a n d R a p i d s , M i c h .

- V * T ^stSa»»*»»^NsW»» l^^^*^^s^s*^^^»^>^*^*^»^>^

M R S . M . ZS. Is ANTES

otfice is doing their poster work. here. Mr John T. Liliie has been ap- If it is a poster let us figure on it. A very good number > c-re present,

Pointed as Chairman; We can print it if it does not take Wednesday eveneng sea ice at Tem-Pioneer Day will be celebrated on a sheet over 32 by 48 inches. p ] e t March 8th, Mrs. Ti ie U. Rey-

Tuly 10th: B O R N - t o Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. nolds. medium, the desc iptive read-Woman's Day, August 16th. Foote, of Jamestown, on March 9th ings were acknowledged correct, by Following speakers have so far at 9 a. m.,—a son. • those receiving them. Mrs. Rey-

been engaged: ^•~ nolds is an earnest wor er, and will Rev. ^Marguerite St. Omer-Briggs, Another Testimonial for the Ncaesb Of be with our society du ing March,

Psychic. Successful in s t ruc tor o©

t h e l a w s o f H e a l t h an& S t r e n g t h b y Nature 's -M a g n e t i c M e t h o d s , o r medicine if necessary .

R e a d i n g s ( b y iri a i 1 > $ 1 . 0 0 . B u s i n e s s a d v i c e o r d i a g n o s i s .

Send n a m e , sex and*:

NEW MOON PUB. CO. " ^ * - ° w " h a » d » r i t " ' « -Fort Dodge, Iowa. 215 Virginia St , Buffalo, N. Y-

HYPNOTISM. We have a few of our $5.00 Courses

left and will 6ell them as long as they last for 25c, sent prepaid. We will re­fund voar money should you order reach us after our supply is exhausted.

Mrs. Carrie E. S. Twing, Mrs. C. Fannie A!l\n, Rev. F. A. Wiggin, Mrs. R. S. Liliie. W. J. Colville, Rev Anna Shaw, Susan B. Anthony un i Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond.

There are several others, who have n«>t been x>laced, whose names will be given in a later report

Chautauqua. Prof. Lockwood is expt ted for the ^ , -« ^» * n> month of April.

Inclosed please find $1.25 forTHB m , T ,. * - J O • ~~ ». A „ F

A A xr _ The Ladies Aid Socie y connected SUNFLOWER one year and and Nem* . . T*--^. o • *. *. r> *. A

c nu > \ T i,^ w ^ i.BV* with First Society at P >spect Ave. esis of Chautauqua Lake. We have , f Ck

y ... , . , r ^ _ , • . • *i K i u^m—»A i+** and Jersey St., will r Id a pedro iust reaa the book—borrowed it oi ^ -,. J . . » , _ ; n* J , , . , j r _ - i „ party Thursday evenin . mv brother-in-law. and mv family £* 3 . . J. , i •. i v. ,• e.,^,, »u^r ~„J*. Remember the date, al o k it the best story thev ever . . , . ,


March 30. come and

bring your friends, a ood supper ^ c J A (~~~ ~-~c^+ read. Beinu acquainted with some u . , ° ^ . . , , * . . , So far so good; and from present l \ * •* u««;«« will be furnished,and { izes to the

fc oi the paces spoken of ana having . , ^ ,z

w„,« *^ Morrill , winners, a grand good amestown to Mayviile • ,. , &

v-utlook this years campmeeting \ romises to be one of the best in

me is guar-

vt-ars. anteed to all who corn


The social and dano


M A S Q U E R A D E .

Hall harbored an intev-

rode fr>m several times on water, makes the storv very interesting. I have seen the auth-ir and heard him givemanv auspices of the \ . P. v grand lectures at Lily Date. Mav Temple, Prospect Ave the remainder of his life with us be St., Tuesday evening March 7th,

under the L, at the

and Jersey

e>ting assembly on Saturday even- p e a c e f u l and happy is my sincere was a ven-enjoyable . casion, and young folks, with

CP D T AIM S E N D N O MONEY U I V l A i n But a s t a t e m e n t from A N f F D the publ ishers oJ T H E r%l^lWaU«IV SUNFLOWBR t h a t }OU

I T D K ? h a v e d e p o s i t e d w i t h ^ - ' • v * - ' t h e m t h e s u m o / $ 2 6

t o be f o r w a r d e d t o me w h e n the Cancer is removed , or return­ed t o y o u if i t i s n o t . and I w i l l send y o u , p o s t p a i d , m y R 3 M E D Y , w h i c h i s pa in le s s a n d h a s N E V E R F A I L E D .

Mrs . J. E . R a y , Conifer, C o l o . , cancer re­m o v e d in 4 d a vs . Mrs . J. M a r t i n , Green L a k e . S e a t t l e , w a s h . , cancer r e m o v e d in 6 d a y s . D a u g h t e r o f 8. F. B a t o n , W h i t m a n , M a s s . , cancer o f breas t removed in 1 0 d a y s . A cancer m e a s u r i n g 4 inches l o n g a n d 3V& inches th ick , t e m o v e d in 1 2 d a y s from the b r e a s t o f M r s . E t t i e Miller, Hebronvi l l e , M a s s . Edward E. Gore, Lawrence, Kansas.

MILLER'S MAGIC MIRRORS A l s o k n o w n a s the Black Mirror; is a

quick successful deve loper oi C l a i r v o y a n c e a t a n v a g e . L i g h t s and c l o u d s a p p e a r in first s i t t i n g s . T h e y are chemical ly t reated and powerfu l . Endorsed b y l e a d i n g me­d i u m s . T e s t i m o n i a l s o n a p p l i c a t i o n . Price $ 2 . 0 0 . Are y o u successful in life? M y H o r o s c o p e wi l l tell ><>u w h a t y o u are fitted for. B o t h Spir i tual ly and Pract ica l ly . Send d a t e of birth a n d where b o t n . Price $ 1 . 0 0 .

ing. Al! the young to!ks, witn a g<>od sprinkling of the elders, had met to enj»y themselves under dis­guise. How they succeeded would require as many chapters to relate as there were beating hearts beneath the various disguises. Recognition

w ; g h those present, express 1 themselves With best wishes for T H E S U N - as_being very much p). ised with the


179-tf W . H. Jl lLLER,

1*. O. Box 169. CantoD, O.

_ efforts made in thei interest for Perry Center, N. Y . t n c entertainment of :he evening. ^. - ' A good supper was fi rnished, and

Low Rates West aaa Scat*. from appearances wo Id say that Everv dav until Mav 15th, agents » m e was greatly enjc ed, a goodly

would probably be easier if all could o f l h e Dunkirk, Allegany Vallev & number were present, whereby the catch these hearts's vibrations. But p l ttsburg R. R. will sell one-way financial returns wer< made quite under circumstances the big majori- Colonists' tieketsjto certain points in acceptable. ty has to rely on the little externals t j i e w e s t a n i j northwest, including Harmony Circle So sety holds a to identify their friends—by their t ] i e Pacific Coast country, at ex- card party Thursday c- ening, March carriage, grace, color of hair, figure, t r e m e l y low rates. On first and 16th, at the home of Ir. Allen 168 etc., though many, were so effective- third Tuesdays in March and April Rhode Island St. Tl ese entertain-ly hidden under bed clothing that special rates to southern points, on ments are made very iteresting and even Gabriel could not have been e a c l l x u e s d a y in March and April to enjoyable to all who tttend, hence able to select the iambs from the other points in the northwest and west, a good time may b« expected at •fellers '. But the disclosure hap- Consult ticket agent or write to Mr. Allen's, March 1< h.

pily revealed that they were all of A j Smith. G. P. & T A., Cleve-the right kind, and among them ] a n ( j t o . 207-2t some of the dearest little lambs in • • -Chautauqua county — in which as- fty» "•*» "**• **••• sertion their mothers will sustain us. A fly and a fiea in a flue

He—"If I tried to iss you would you call for help?"

She—"Would you iced it?" +, » •»

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A cabinet photo showing Messrs. Bom bam and Far-rsr, their hands iu full view, with four hands, euch containing Sowers, at tbe aperture* of the cabinet. Printed on the back <>f each picture U sn affidavit signed by twelve witn«•*-<•*, attested by a notary pub­lic, detailing the condition* sod "tatiny they were fraud proof. Getoue of these pictures > nd show the evidence of the canter a to yoor skeptical friend-*.

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sent free. Oldest asency forjsscsutpgpaien^ Patents taken through Mann * Co. reeeltro

•pedal tteMet, without eharge, la the

i n

However, there was sufficient varie- Were imprisond. Now what could ty to prevent monotony. A num- they do? her of fancy and humorous costumes Said the fly: "Let us flee! made it interesting to al), and thus "Let us fly." said the Sca­the hours passed enchamingly until So they flew through a flaw in the thru facial expressioi or by a word midnight announced adjournment. flue. which tells the same tory.

To be sure of being ontent in spirit maumust first attain t in the body. if but at the last mo ient in which the departing soul dt >icts its belief

Scientific fluierkatu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. 1^ olaUon of any ecienUfte Journal. T ear: foor mouths, SL Sold by all

—a » * « * O B * r x t « « f f v m % A handsomely lllnstratfd weekly. iAnresteir-

AM Exponent of the Spirit**} Phifosophyi lt$ Sd-« c e , and Allied Subjects.

Published weekly at l.ilv Dale, V. V., (Oty of Light A»>sei'.b!y Grounds.)


Truth only needs a hearing. !>ut it wants to be heard hke music— withcut dibo< rd.

Page 4: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

TUB, SUflttX WER. March 18. 1905.

»<WWW»W^^>^l^»l>W»WWW»»«WWWWWW>Wft>W>IW«ll>>l»l>l»^%^X%^%»%»%%WC*»»>WHWWi M M . , . . • • I I

»-» . « | M I A H W I M I M I



• M M

« * S *

t D.A.V.&P.R.R. fee ttyill; infc'i #*y f **rter!y b%* lieved it to be all my >wn mental (Central Standard Time.) power*, and I could Ms en to these ow heat siswerthau »***•« Tuns. voices* and also Hsten t » words spo- RO.II No. a.

He*9£T4 00OM

ATENTS t*mmct j»ov.». 19M. yo. £> N0.4

MINDS OP MEN. but clairvoyance gives. ( power of hearing that can < hear several voices w M R S . M A R Y A. P R I C E .

We are confronted with Mental in such closffelatioi^ W Science as a seperate one from Spir- ca* life &nd indi itua! Science. Spiritual Science in- «>ul thinks it hears its eludes all life and its relation to t ion of power or one pari others, therefore embraces all that the other part which II Christian Science has found; that when clairaudionce i t mental science can demonstrate and an(* the mind can listen i i

ken by other mortals o other voices t how po* rful was my

do so many it i»gs at once. le knowled e takes the from me. ] am so small

ly listen an leatn, and ly do the w rk and teach



•118 'SS*4S

ifi /i -f"1**11 gg^'^r^^

Ufti -S.U SJS 1.4* • 4* M 7 est l U L f .



Dunkirk Fredonla Laona

Lily Dal* Csssadaga

Moo us WuclainrllH

6«»rry. Falconer

Jamestown Falconer Janet

Warren TitusviUs.

. m.ip. BU 9L«5| « . « 9:171 &tt 9.1S! 6.48 «.**! &*> S.M *J7 4.4$ wfllbe

Lr. Lv.

t LT.


I S * M l $.»| t.Ol S.M 4.50

aitl 4.4S 7.10} t>»l C04| 1 »

a. m.|p.m.

THI astro „ a skstch ssadsscffedoarfsslwreseoa, awfaad« w i d M g ^ a a to Iti 1

Isssjsavs catena)* scxtoos.

TUB AMUICM IB VUTOsl A bMBtMbUy (Uusttsssd saasI-SMMttiity Journal.

SsbKdatlgn,|b9k AH at »«taiWn. aoc a copy.

things 4ti f «e**h m« ^ w ^ ^ ^ Y p ^ ^ „ , , * p .* U ^ w ^ l ^ ^ ? ^ ^ H * ^ " * * ^ ^ ^ S S ^ m 3 ! D « y l isle, XSS, Falconer

aks-glf^M* i9w fhe hearing; I mast accept ^ff^ « f5S?Tti£>viiie«.»j>. m. m' ^:%hf** # ^ n d ' s e * ^ ^ tfcey sho* r Central Standard Time is one how

rstood me is to lie seen, Gr< vmg I can in dower than Eastern Standard which it


J- 7-ts two time the


goes beyond them and tells the or more words spoken '^^ J^\^^K^on\y. whys and wherefores, the laws by the same time, proving tiiAt which demonstrations are presented separate intelligences are ejrpi for our investigations. themselves to the listening soul.

There are more who seek to prove It is not easily undets theories than are walking into God's people could analyze world like little children, to learn mind and take cognizance of xhe lessons of truth. When people different expressions of intelli ^become so wise that they know it often sensed with a sonl jcpilsc <iH, without the help that the spirit nessof hearing they would find

plain t iey npw oc« med by the towns along this line. a*th«: t-U^port an4 ••?Wtoni to Lily Dale from the — ea«t

iu«t "-iu - ~ i ~s. (~„ „***, *sii *ul m ld weet can make connection* with lead me can I go fttr v»tt|^iU the ^ A v # ^ R t r a i n s a t D t t n k i r k f P a | powers grow md gtve m« conerjc, Warrei, and lrviiieton. 92-lyr

strength to clasp hi i U and walls h side b? aid . r

gton* D. C.

world can give, they become blind are listening to some intelli teachers of the blind. They refuse speaking to their listening to sec the light that is able to ilium- Can the soul listen and b^ s mate their understanding. There is at the same instant? I know much that is mysterious in our is a power within me vibratin mental life and all the theorizing consciousness into expression the cannot prove it thus, and so till we energy, a part of the universal have a positive proof demonstrated, of God, but I know it is aided HI We hear people tell of the sub-con- fuller expression by forces in

const ious mind, the power that do- gently operating within an<f a rninatss the functions of the phy^i- it. It is enshrouded in this cal liie, without our thinking and power and becomes a pait of it aaj directing its work, and try to prove lifts its feeble strength oi intelHl^1,

this sub-conscious mind exists by consciousness, and is urged by one can read and greater to come out, reach


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the fact Jisten to another person talking and seek greater powers. The Aj can Visttm and think of any itual life of the soul is composed subject foreign to that which is many individual powers operas talked of, can read and think of as one, expressing their indivi many things besides what we are aiity but as one cooapoeit wh61e, Stpteij^ There are 1,0 0 lawyers, 2,000 -reading and understand all as well There is the experience ol the i«*i» lottnifllsts, 3,000 cler yinen, 6,000 lit-as if several people were talking at mal life expressed in the hul^tt, ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ i ! ! ^ ' J ' ! * ^ P?T once, and we listen to all and know back of that blended with it is in a way, what each was trying to experience of flower or vege tell. life, separate consciousness is

^ d& not like to quarrel with people to these individual experfe who have grasped a little truth and blended with our soul, they t are using it to do good, but I would influence of sensitiveness thai ask them to be reasonable enough to folds the new individual self admit others may learn farther into we truly are. B the book of revelations by reaching lives having all % out the hand and seeking God out- back of their Uvea side as well as within themselves with our unfoldment and see how the two parts are re- into super-consciousness, tated. There is a mysterious im- speak to us, to the sufe-cons^ planting of life in every growth of ness within us, and ii^eflecW1

soul consciousness that none but a intelligence and becomes |ill developed clairvoyant can find, consciousness; recognizing its©

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life gaining on men i almost all the s occupations save, stm >ge to say, these

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and wonderful met «W»*W^rf»^»<**< '^

Tht soul must reveal itself to the puts into action its energies i'ftjnd ^«a^fw have not f« en. What harm soul, for the physical eye can only grows, but is led by the other ! W - Ja,'1ff


? Nfn?L8J e *** h a r ™ ^ a t

... . \ \ „ ' T>, , c r \ ? „r*m**.~ o« i ;«. /^ . M A i i «-»A ZZiii, has been done to the i putatlon of those see with physical powers. The soul ing powers and is so small and weak ^ ^ g t o o d i n t h e Wfl, consciousness that dominates the that for many yt ars it is a bem of | ^ ^ rather be a iead of my time phvsical functions, is not mind but power, and thinks the powers ffcttat an<* goffer ridicule »r a season than intelligence, soul consciousness. If hold it belong to itself, and whpt it shake my fist and mke grimaces in by sub-consciousness is meant a has gained a knowledge that je*m- the face of advancln truth and there-lower order of consciousness there is bles it to stand alone for an inf|int, by become the laui dngstock of pos-:?. great mistake. My spirit teacher and become conscious of each or at *8ritjr» HBRBBR ' S. BIGELOW. :says it is submerged consciousness, least some of the personal' fplhi* a central consciousness hid deep ences that have blended their Jpow-within the life; it is the life princi- ers with its unfoldment, it say^» "*I pie, expressing itself in a force, am so many selves, I am all |bere showing intelligent power ruling the is." „

in Federate Australia, some form of suffrage in every civilised of cure. "Fast becoming of world-pmm of the world. wide fame."—H. Tuttle. Light, AUSTIN PUB. CO., Toronto, Can.

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STAMPS ? Judge Lindsey of > »e Denver juvenile action or functions of the physical As Salvarona says it is half to court has been re-el< ted by a plurality Lock 0 f Hair, Age, Sex, Name, and expression. But the mind is not tell whether the sensations that are of more than 50,0C« votes. Mrs. Flor- the Leading Symptom, and your :.he consciousness, it is the vibration consciousness expressing its gijjoiwth enef Kelley, secret; y of the National disease will be diagnosed FREE by of consciousness to exoress itself in within one phvsical bodv is from Consumers* league, rites: Spirit Power. language to another soul-conscious- our own unfolded self or aniother "W* insures to t e children of Den Dobson-Barker . ness to create the social condition, spirit life with ours. But ttisVl do ™***» continued e. re of the man who « * • • ^ • « » « « « » w » - . -i i - „4 • i. -i 1 f . ii ^ t_ _^J ** seeilred the Colorado law that any adult 230 N. 6 St

V e stand alone, and in the si ence know, I can talk to these **#tff .3r ibut ing to th. delinduenci of a v>f Vh? soul grow into a knowledge difkrent parts of my own beinri in- child is himself a . dlnqnent and may My D^mSKlii.; of many fc^ndcnul lessons, but the telligently, using word of E f p s h be punished by AD or imprisonment, t*iing™!&T<>« ! '

.s?(»lation is felt and the soul vi- expression , and be answered | * the or both. bratos into thought, becomes a same language, by several at the *'No one has ever nought to light as wental t rce of expression, puts it- same time, all speaking duferent Jnfge I4ndsey ha? done the extent to self into words and tells to another words that reveal the in^ivldnal wtiWi men and v« aen profit sordidly

has learned; becomes personality of each intelligence. " b#; the tempting f children Junk r dealers buy stole goods of them;

S a n J o s e , C a l . n Gat* Ave., 8. F., Jan. 19,1906. bnob Barker

» write you this month that I am Th* last nv-uthV treatment did

wonaers f»r u><, < tuislug rh«> paiw In my side to disappear «nd n«y :t|>pettte to incrt-tw*, which caused me to gain flesh m' r. rapidly, and l look fine. I have never felt IxrtU i I am so thankful to you and band, and only wl&b tli« -ufferlnc women all over the land c» old receive th<•>•• rich blessings which you can sive. Yours Most Slnvi>r. ly. Addie Johnson.

the lessens it s•Vml, is conscious of its oneness They tell me they are truly- peo- ^ j ^ ^ d e a i e r s •with aV: v-thi* lives and claims the pie who have escaped from the inor- g^fwares to them .companionship of all the other tai body and as decarnate^ spirits ^^gg,. companies part> of God's life. inhabit my body at will, with me, m 0ns places, and !<

Writing of these things we must teaching me to act, and forei$J|, my tickets. And in n

ad saloon keepers telegraph and mes-end them to infa-v theaters sell them st communities the

.speak from a medium's experience life powers into exercise andjbbwtll.' l^ughtless public c<niiescea when the The real self expression of | #very eliSBdren are puni ed. Judge Lindsey mortal life, must grow into a [power P^ces such your, offenders on pro-beioreit can recognize the ;lthers lotion and with 11 m the Pajent whose

neglect may hai< made the children easy prey. But U the sordid men and

und give some ot the knowledge ciairvoyant'y obtained as well as explained by the spirit teachers. There are some things only a de­veloped conscious medium can rightly understand regarding men­tal forces operating with and thru

who are expressing themselves with it. The waking of the solat %»lexns ^ ^ ^ o ^ e " rome^lbTtheb^ is purely a growthjM mteffefual ^ ^ o f ^ c h i id m there are fines or consciousness to cafne in , pp^ort %m\ sentences,

one human body. Were I to tell with the spirit world, a conscious- f'How is it th c a judge who en-what I know, without telling how I ness of soul life, and lifts one above winters such p<* erful political forces know it I would only make the as- the first unfoldment of conscious , 4 t h e u*1™* k apere' t b e c i»« ,« t t e

sertion without giving a reason for life called physical powers | n d We fi?^^^^!; ^ ^ S t t S S ^ l ^ y « to believe I had proved a little recognize the inner f « w e r t | ^ c e n . { £ 2 2 * 1 g , ^ *£* fortune to live alons these lines and not deducted tral consciousness, that wnl;| enable 32T v « ^ * i t • w w

Bards^ale, Cal., Kov. 31,1904. Mrs. Doh*on Bur;> r, Dear Fri«nd:

Please s^nd m<- :> «ccond month's treatment. Yonr medicine, is he'.i>ii.K tne so much. My mourn will be up the 24th, fiii< 1 I want more medicine. When I re­ceive! your nw'li' hie and Utter telling me what utled me, I r«-ad it over and over. You d»scr">ed my cafe* perfectly, and <». 1 urn so thankful to you and your spirit band. 1 <.. I yon are the dear friend I have in this world, l t . l t »veryone 1 know I will get well. My back or H'oma'-h is better. I eat without pain now, aud have h<v<s of getting well.

Yours Very Trnly, Mrs. Rosa Varquez.

Arcana of Spiritualism— A Manual of Spiritual Science natf

Philosophy. This book is intended by the Inspiring spirit authors

to be a couipenM inn of spiritual xclence, embracing life here and herein, r, for tbe use of students of psychic laws and ma«it» -tutlona. It has been more than thirty years In prepan UK and contains* all that has been rc-clevedbyme tlnoiitffa inspiration and gathered by research on the -ubjeetft it treat* during that time. Few qnesttiotis w ill aris=e in the minds of investigators that are not an^wt-red in its page*. Price^fH.25 post­paid. All or<l IT- addressed to HUDSON TCTTLE, Berlin Heighst, Ohio. 167-tf



| Its Meaning and Result f V > YOU. a s a\ Sp ir i tua l i s t , Pree *-* T h i n k e r , o r seeker after l i g h t a n d t r u t h , desire t o k n o w w h y there i s n o t a re l iable a n d proficient tel-g r a p h i c l ine o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n ex i s t ­i n g b e t w e e n e a r t h a n d the sp ir t w o r l d ? D o y o n w i s h t o k n o w w h o a r e b l o c k i n g t h e w a y o f t h i s p o s ­s i b i l i t y a n d f o r w h a t purpose? D o y o n w i s h t o k n o w under w h o s e cen­s o r s h i p a l l m e d i u m s are . w h i c h aer-•Hence s o l i m i t s the ir poss ib i l i t i es? W h o i t i s t h a t b l o c k s t h e w a y o f t h e g r a n d e s t d i s c o v e r y o f a n y a g e , b e c o m i n g c o m m o n k n o w l e d g e , t o g r a t i f y a j e a l o u s p r o p e n s i t y a n d serve a selfish desire? If s o . t h e n r e a d t h e g r e a t e s t b o o k of m o d e r n t i m e s .

"Death; The Meaning and Result," b y J O H N K . W I L S O N ,

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5BO P a g e s , I l l u s t r a t e d .

C lo th , f 1 .25 , P o s t p a i d .

t 1 i i i

theories. us if we allow the growth. Mental scientists are so afraid of tinue, to see and know oar

being called Spiritualists, that they self, and its relation with 11 refuse to accept Spiritualism, and ate lives of spirit r^eople^alj call all the mental forces they find lation and oneness with * t t f great

and work In a cit where womea tote. • ? • : $ he defender of tempted children is

kept permanent!} in office by the votes I W ^ lie the mothers, he teachers mid the ijjfo¥t>> M s * Intelligent omen of Denver,"

F. Corden White, Trance, Test and Business Medtam*

helpful or detrimental to thernsel- universal life. ?!*J •* i;?'£;Wn*n troth, l k c a Pa i; becomes Readings by Mail, $1 and 3 Stampe. ves—their various selves. But no I know I can listen while holding fl&b difficult to < evour, a httle sugar- |s t rsa i n e nt Address Lilv Dale. II V one lives unto thernself, is more a book and hear it i ^ d by 4 vewee *mtin§ will not destroy its efficacy. ^ L T 2 Z~L^ truly a truth than we know, for I claiming to be the spirit oVmy fa- A skeptical 54 3 needs diplomatic A subscriber In Elba, N. Y.# send-have learned that clairvoyance may ther, also hear another voice claim- ministration. ^ g j n t h e I ) r i c c 0£ a n e w sut>Scriber, see beyond the first developed pow- ing to be another spirit person tell- Only false pi de makes poverty a says: Such an excellent paper ers of sight the mortal recognizes ing me things while I listen to the disgrace. should bt in every Spiritualist home.

I11 The World Celestial. B Y T . A . B L A N D , M. D.

Is a wonderful book, being a record of the actual experiences of a well-known literary man, who, while in a hypnotic trance, spent ten days in the realms where dwell the so-called dead, and with his dead sweetheart as his guide, made a tour of the heavens and Sells.

In Beat Cloth Bindings With' Gold

Title, Price SI.00.

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T h e N e w Life i s a n e x p r e s s i o n o f t h c N e w T h o u g h t , w h i c h i s s o rap id ly m a k i n g i t s w a y in t h o u s a n d s o f m i n d s .

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I n t h i s b o o k t h e w r i t e r d e a l s w i t h the pr inc ip les w h i c h c o n s t i t u t e the very bas i s o f the successful marr ied a n d h o m e life.

H a n d s o m e l y b o u n d to c l o t h . Price, One do l lar .

Page 5: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond





. • > •

> •

\ - i -

a m i

March IS. 1S0S.

" • w n mil m


BV J . C. P . G R U M B I X E .

«'.!isiderableignorance is i tc • both by enlightened Sj \^ -. and mediums, as well as m» •mv>ers of that large bod v - tra i tors of Spiritualism c ir ruidiumship so-called an v.-iopment. Some publish b t S subject, alleging that n s'-..;» :innot be developed, a • '„ st authors are inconsistent < iav down in their books r ;Y- for its development. 1 vrr.v through ignorance or pi *'. y ridicule or disparage eq t Va^-nt. methods of theii *• rktrs. Some hold tha m i is born, not made, ai

c<l umship cannot be taugh T i e truth of the matter r rv person is psychical, r

- I sychical powers and is ; •:.n '. *r some phase of mediut

O-rtain sensitives have the ^ - s.ipornormally expressed i • : :,;,f conditions manifest

.; • others can only realize r i^mentary forms of thei

• :. -.ip. / medium in the strictest

•ho is easiest controlled il by spirits, and few

. i o be so controlled. It .v all *>f the prominent m

(\ot one would let a c • sit f«>r development ".i'lm. Now in order to b<

.• i a person must be wil it to these conditions : Become extremely nega Knter some form of the

' Be controlled or obsessc ;>on these three conditio

» -icienco of medial develc r. . the exploitat ion of phen< .:• wn as spiritism

There never was and never ,' v psychical phenomena frc 1. vn wivh<mt these condition

- •'-ilnsophy and psychology ol •:::;-hip are established upc

v hical organism when go *• these conditions. Unit

.;.'.«»:escent medium | i s willing

. me negative so that the j ;n be experienced, his will n • the will of the controll u 'licences, with the result t • ill neve v express his mediun

T;\e cost of such a sacrifice ; :ne being of personal freedc - vereigtv. just to be a practi

- sessional medium, is toe • :iU-ss all other things areeqv

>t persons pay the prici ::!v in rare cases, when girls

F " \ sisters or men like D. D . < forced into it, will an or

• , n or woman "rush in wh< .» fear to tread." For what is to be gained r

..- developing mediumship ? •.••li vou. It is a life in nin<

\:t, of ten of uninterrupted a •nsing torment—harassed

\ 'Mies bv a sea of influences tl >n> one's vital ity and obsees

•:w\\, compelling a lifeof mend i:.d social ostracism and filli 5 tvs with fear and terror, an . j h t s with insomnia and

•» «'«re. when the spirits are no \:\\i* the bedclothes, moving < ^n.^ upon the furniture orotV :•. »kiTiK the nights hideous.

The «*nd of it all is often tr • diutn becomes a degenerate • - s h:- health: his mind giv< ruler the repeated assault of •M n his nerve force. He . .r«-ib»e agonizing death or m

.i>M :u'd to a hospital. As r..f' clonal medium for all sr Viv-iv.ena and many phases

lv .mship 1 ear. speak from < •r.c<j. The o s t i say of your -.mshio ii you develop it, is a *..•!• of vour sovereignty an< .•..d^.vii d-vinity. But it yo

, vc:11 ;•/.'.! vour psychical pow 1, p. r. lentlv of your mediu: r>;| vou can do so at no loss i \\in\h »od and without sub\ ,- m; reason or will, or passir i con lition o( trance or uncon:

n M M M N « M

of obsessing conl > not in good hai

the world is com M i C l n > ignorance and PNENT. dragging others

But , if as a n divinity he seeks these godgiven h

rcanifes- no longer the sla piritual- n e realizes exact the lay -r'» he cooperat

ty of in- becomes an ade concern- becomes indepen d its de- Pendent—so tha ooks on allow your body, nedium- ruled over by s md yet doing; it is qui enough intelligently, con certain realizing that y

Vt same yourself and th rejudice v o u r Divinity in < uallyin- being. • fellow Now everyone t a me- sed of five senses rid that mally possesed it. ually correspond!

is that brevety' sake car las soul a medi- S ight—dairvo:

nship. __ se pha- Hearing—clair. m d can „,

them Touch—sensiti

broken _. , . r medi- Ti .ste-cla .rser.

sense is S m e l > - 3 £ d o

1 or ob-indeed These powers ii

l fact I to our spiritual oi cdmms brin,^' us en rappc hild of w o r i d t l n fact, t or be a sublimate the mil * a me- a ] | ^r a mediu Uing to mediumship. but

trolled or obsess tive. conscious, trance. This is the h >c ' which is now v< »ns rest t r i e intelligent pe >pment making extraord: jmena, spiritualistic cirok

are not a medii can be c a p i e d upon to de^ >m me- j s t h e one way, bi is. The w i ( i e open to the 1 t medi- v o u a n d in Spiritv >n the y O U n e e d do, i verned m e d i t a t e and co sss an fact to sublimaU ; to be- s e n s e S f so as to i trance t i a ] divinity. Ch

lay re- o a s t e r were not r ing in- masters, that is, s .hat he a c i e s they perfoi iship. perform when yo for the D o n o t Hsten tc m*i and ignoramus who cing or t h m g b u t h i s o w n

> d e a r a shallow thinker lal; for Q e t lessons or kno e, and possible source, likethe t h a t is. wisdom, w Home desired than greal

dinary _*_ ?re an- p R W

>v sim- When low spirit I will pressed it often c

e cases some such calamii nd un- necessarily serious at all ly so—a disturbar iat ab- equanimity. Ill: ss ones some impending t licancy some prevailing d ng the pe might be the c d the either is sensed c night- the aforenamed n

t tnm- such being known :.r iap- us for an effect to urwise servers oi these i

ing themselves ca >at the less prophesy cone •* or he and when they ca i\s way with others to the spirits can extend theii dies a outward. But it ui.-t be on self hrst to mc once a at right conclusioi >rt of than good may be of me- perimenter loses r f'xi^eri- ]>rophet or is caV medi- of which there ar«

i >acri- class extant, d your right, then go a u >eek morist. Hut yc^u ers in- a passihly good ht mship. pn ^phesy or you ; >f your through a glassdai 'erting the shadowy side < i:4 intr, ing out of the "ca >cious read. .* right Such a prophet ramid a sensitive, and i

1 trols. H i s fate is be rij nds, and his use in medii mensurate with his spira criminality, while matti

down with him. dona lan who realizes his be so i to put into action must iculties, he becomes or he ve or puppet of fate sensil ly his law and pow- t ions e s with spirits and judge pt or master. H e dent, no longer de-t it is one thing t o 0p^ mind or soul t o be ***

pirits, t o your un- *&& te another to walk entit l sciously in the l ight - , - . -ou are a law unto X H t • t you can express svery power of your

is normally posses- — He is supernor-

of other but spirit­ing sen ses which for 1 I be thus set down: ha%

/ance or conscious- ° ^ f

ness. tint audiance or concen- call

t rat ion. veness or affirma­

tion, itience or realiza- ^° I I \$& * ti°n« u n t

'** or positiveness if t or the love life.


sen ntroduce us at once the; r divine nature and add •rt with the spirit jaSU

heyjenable one to id, so as to realize m can get by his without being con­ed or rendered un- AfcJ

AN igher Spiritualism G M T ! t*ry popular wi th * • ople and which is A te inary headway in paragr ?s. So tha t if y o u MM to lm or do not feel *Tb« ^ welop as such, here ! • to ( *ight and pure, left * k ° * tiighest and best in ^ k uilism, and all that * 1 « T * s to know how t o <OT°** ncentrate, how in tt on t 5 your forces and nwi11 "* realize your poten- « « » t t t

rist, Buddha, Zor- **&**• nere mediums, bu^ i f f ^ J idepts. The mtr> 2 J S med y o u too can T j j ^

u know the law. ^ ^ m

) the old fashioned in the is down on every and In wares and who is Xn the

and not a teacher, *M*T_* wledge from every • r e ? j ! but ^et the best— ****** oat get tne Dest y ^ hich is more to b e m tt|€

t riches. g ^ t ^ • - • • tttnde

upon r ted, gloomy or de- their e lenotes sickness or VVHA ty impending—not i but comparative- T*« n ice in ones general WMM"1

less due t o cold of T h e

rouble or perhapsI J J -isease like la grip- ^ J ause. . But when s u f f r a g

>ne or the other of w^j^ nay be expected— they t as the cause upon public follow. Close 6b- "no." ' mluences concern- eharact in always more QT dlfferei kerning themselves r_e n

*. • ± _ tores i n get into rapport f< jr m

same extent they family. • prognostications aggregi is best t o practice only IK ike sure of gett ing Let th< is, or more harm bew*pn : done and the ex- ^**y lis reputation as a * T ? r 2 led a bad urophet B e c a t

e allready quite a when Be sure you are whm head*' says a hu- have at also want to be in affairs. imor when you do might be "looking •kly" and see only of the effect grow- vJJJ>fr*' use upon" the one ~ w J

[ H E S U N F L O W E 3 u

5ht or wrong according: to urn's accuracy of absort ng tion. Personal feeling in 1 it may reverse the prop ecy

in election prediction . re in general affairs the \ ropl

be outside of the insj rati must come down to th< pur<

i v e and base his prog: osti. on what he feels an I t t

> b y experience.

PSYCHICAL, is department will be cc tint an interesting spiriti d stc

s d :



rhose o ! our subscribe * who re noticed that we ha\ ? been tring T H E SUNFLOWER >r 25C

il the \%t of July will please I the attention of their riends the fact that this i their

LAST CHANCE ?et the paper for th; *> price il the date mention* . So hey wish to begin th« ir sub-ption with the n€\ storv y must send in t lu i name, Iress and 25 cents bef re next e. Mail letters to




OBJECTIONABLE LAW. hat Should Be Visor* amir Coi t«4l hy Friend* of > o n e s . lading Denver dally inotea t aph of the propo»h stateho which women objc* and sa;

best way to defeat Uis sect! sleet only members *f congrc ire opposed to i t " It prouc that the nominees < Its pai stated absolutely tb t they w this section and si ak agair

he floor of the hou3< They a rho do not pillory t ieir worn* nents between com ets and 1

Their frank and • ianly stai I them to the vote < * every M Oag woman voter a their i •e districts and In tl > state.H

t a difference the** is betwe nslderation accorde to won*

states where the> have vot i these where they have noo four equal snffrai;< states pro Imoirt all the noml aes for co upon whatever t 'ket won pledge themselves o speak ai

gainst this dlscred able sectit > pending bill. 1 i the oth so far as we have seen, the s of candidates on this snbje t been considered orth pnttli ecord by either tb Ir friends < oemies.—Woman'w onmai. T WOMEN ST MD FOR

[oa»e« A n d t h e 1 o n a e k e e p e i d B o R e p r e s e n t e d I n P o l i t i c * ,

greatest obstacle o the estal it of equal suffr; re is the U of the average u >uor woma reclate the goo<3 that woma e will accompli* . They saj vomen wiser th; i men? Ai >etter qualified > tdministc affairs?" We ? y ,4yes" an

Ihey are differen from men i ter and environD n t and tha ice needs to b representet tand for agricui re, manufa< md commerce. VomeD stan » home, the ctii iren and tb

Now, the coin :y is only a *tiou of homes, nd politics i onsekeepiDg on larger scah 3 homes and tb housekeeper esented. does war contii le to decimat aan family? we women, tl mothers o re nnrepreaent^: n government t will war eeas<: i women, the u >thers of mer l eqaal voice ac vote in pabli


Women's Indlt daaltty. are nice woi en, who mna

>etter. who sigr their letters a ohn R. Smith" istead of uLnc; th," as if ino* d they had n lality. Does a oman lose evei i name when si marries? It i lothine bnt i«' )ranee, bnt th


the in-the as

To bet ion ely ea­ten





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DR. R. P. FELLOWS, V Say yes saw Ad. In this paper, g

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Hull-Jamieson Oebstte. st Debate ever held on Apiritaaliam. Hull , President Morris Pratt Instil

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o-biographies of the disputants. 412 pi held at Lily Dale, K Y., July 10-SO, reeehes of from 80 to 40 minutes eacl ontains the greatest store of (acts anc very side of the great question of Spii in be found ln any one volume in a high'toned Polemic discussion, an ie word, a fight or quarreL Price,

sis of the Peet and Presa rison of the Chri*t Work or Mediumi essiahfl, and the Con<lttioas they requi Manifestations in Modern spiritual

id enlargement of "Jesus and toe M enil comparison of the Spiritualism nt the Bible with that of today. By M Incible argument, proving that Jesus m, subject to ail the oonditiona of n hip. It also shows that all the manii bout the Old and New Testaments l ie conditions that mediums requin the coming of Christ is the return of

ihe world. Price 16 cents. A few bo tit*.

Joan, Tha Medium; red Heroine of Orleans. By Moses B e the most truthful history of Joan of t most convincing arguments on Spix •itteu. Victor Hugo said: "Joan of person who ever had control of an ai 18 years, and the only general who m ke." Ko novel was ever more Inter y more true than this pamphlet. Pt tS cents, paper 15 ronta.

ilrltual Alpa and How We Ascend Them;

tonghts on how to reach that altil rit is supreme and all things are a snt onrait. By Moses Hull. Just the m tiat yon are a spiritual being, and to si iucate your spiritual faculties. Sec ublished. Price, bound in cloth, 3S • rs, '15 cents.

tual Birth; or. Death and Tomorrow.

il Idea of Death, Heaven and Hell. This pamphlet besides giving the Sni >tvtatloi>H of many things in the BI iv«-n. explains th«* heavens uud the h JSpiritualists. Price, 40 cenu.

fte Old and the New; \V* Pr»»gre H in Reliaioux Tiiought.

Mose* Hull shows thv adv:ui»-» iu«*n in its iunuity to the preseut matur i.

Swept Away. r Mows IIu*l on some of tho sir.s of < i which Hi*- '-RVt'iiKe of Li»V hcap^i >r Hinful k'cri.»latlon h;i» heeu " S * tiaiuphip* fhnuM be r*-«d *»y •'very <

>i«* coudition of our country and h<>v (* 5»«ges. Only A few left and not U ice reduced to 6 cents.

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4S well printed pages. Price, 10 ce

SplrHuat 8onciatar. .Hat!. Fiftv-et«ht«fMr*.HxklVsew

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Wayaida Jottinga, i the Highways, Byway* »nd Hedge* tie E. HulL This is a marvwlouhly u tions from Mrs. Hull's l**t poem», s lys, and contalus a hj>leudid portr.iit ho. a ftortrait of Mo«^ HulL Pri In Kugli«h cloth. 75 cents.

tM. ce, t h e h i g h e s t ty\*c o f in kness s y m b o l i r i u g the i>? »ken by the r a y s o f lijcht rkness a n d j o i n t h e l i^ht one o f t h e pilncij-U* 'i

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5c. Each.

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Page 6: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

THE SUNFIOWER. March IS, 1905.




For sixteen years I was Mrs Stan- Hcilt Of Nat lit. ford's private medium. Through T o reach t h e h e a r t >r soul of Na­me she consulted her husband t u r e W n e r e he is prot cted from ma-about every move made in her terial influences or ibrations, and business affairs. She acted wholly happy comparative t thought and upon his advice. During the feeling harmonizing v ith it, man has trouble with Professor Ross and to firivt his way into it. The bat-

The death of Mrs. Stanford has o t h e r s of the faculty soma time ago t l e | e l d i s ^^he 8J i r i t - s o u l and deeply shocked and grieved me. but she took a firm stand that the San- body combatting f r its control. I was not unprepared, like the world at or had advised through me while In this struggle man senses a trip-fit large, for the tragedy. This is l w a s i n t h e t r a n c e s t * t e . t I* was a p i e consciousness h id, can, by a because I knew the meaning of a religion with her to cafry on the s t u d y of the Spirit al Philosophy strange vision that came to Mrs. u n i v e r * i t y work accor^ng to his an4 self in connectl n with it soon Stanford about two years ago. l d e a i - Sometimes I saw * haifas ^eafn to distinguish between them

Mrs. Stanford feared death by o f t e n a s eight or nine ^ t i m e s j p a and take sides as IK desires to go? violence. She had reasons for such moJiXh-m _ .V-^ •;•' , This is battling in le light, while

•tatseekers Eicarsfoiis. Persons desiring cheap round-

trip excursion tickets to many points in the south, southwest, west and northwest, which will be sold on certain dates in March and April, in some cases in May and June, should consult with the nearest Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pitts­burg R. R. ticket agent or write to A. J. Smith, G. P. & T. A.. Cleve­land, O., stating plainly where to and about when you wish to go. . 2t

WEkKH. Coming in touch with the causal'

realms by a development in har­mony with it, our consciousness simply attunes with it and the soul vibrates as its surroundings dictate. Such is the Heaven the heart is seeking, happiness being the effect sensed in the gratification of its purer atmosphere as we may sense inspiration or joy in the exhilarating sunshine of a pure mountain air.



If "happiness is the essence of love?' perhaps it would be necessary to possess the fundamentals from which to extract that essence.

t the way to-om its hiding

the enjoys a





^©^•© 3®© ]>•©]>©• 3>©#C } © • 3>©# D©# 3>©# } © • } © • © ©

They were not hallucina I used to say to Mm. Stanford the recognition of tl J varied forms lions. Her mind was as clear and "Oh, if you would only come out of consciousness is n« t only a find-her nerves as strong as thev had P^bllcl>r W l t h Y°™ **lief! It would i n g o f t h e s o u l > b u t

been throughout her remarkable **\fhe m e a n * o f bringing <**f» *> wards raising it : life. She feared death by violence believe in the great truth of Spirit- place and leading it forth into because she had a dream in which ualism." She would reply: " lean- realms of light wh( e it enjo; deadlv poison was given to her n o t - l w o u l d o n l v * • misjudged, better understand™ of both ma-That dream has come true. misunderstood by the mass of tin- t e r i a l and spiritual life, and feels # « ^ « . —, ^ . ^ ^ — - *

One da v. two years ago, Mrs believers People would speak gratified according!} - t h e grand ef- © A Q T H f l I I I O T I I Stanford sent for me, and when I harshly of me They would say I f e c t of the extern consciousness £ D \ I K | | | 1 1 l l T I f reached the house I saw that she w a s c r a z v - She was sensitive, and being overruled by he interior o r g f l W I l l W i a U w k i l l l was laboring und-r unusual distress very naturally so, upon the subject divine consciousness-the God with- -

r • •, ^, « • of r a i l i n g f lown u n k i n d , u n i u s t cr i t l - :~

We may find light or darkness— spirit friends or obsessors—as the mind or heart vibrates. Let both soar above the sphere of the enemy and none will be attracted.

N. H. EDDY, Ps

of mind. She exclaimed: °f c a l ! i n £ d o w n u n k i n d ' u n J u s t mU

"Oh, Mrs. Whitney, I want you c i s m * to explain something to me! I ^^ have had a terrible dream! Can f o r d ^P" in

L Sacramento, before you tell me what it means? Last l l t h e r o f . u s h a d . ever thought of nigh su idenly seemed to be in a room


PREMIUM BOO tf? YES. We still have a fe v.

._ _ They are well ound, most of t. when asleep in my bedrom. I Spiritualism. She felt that she t h e m h a v e g i ] t t o p s a n d t h e y a r e

„.Jenly seemed to be in a room could trust me perfectly. I know l o n w t t h i l l g evcrvone wants to read. totally unfamiliar to me. It was that she never had anything to do T h e y are yours for 25 cents each, not like any room in this house or with any other medium. My father o n e o r a n Gf them, -hen the order anv room that I remembered hav- w a s 've l* acquainted with Governor i g f c n t w i t h a y e a r , , ^ ^ p t ^ t o

Stanford. My hasband was m his T H E S U N F L O W E R . employ SARTOR RESA TUS. This is

Mrs. Stanford was a noble, gener- T h o m a 5 Carlyle's g latest work on ous woman, loyalty itself to her friends.

It is not true that she feared to die—that is, to pass to spirit life. She looked forward joyfully to a

not like any room in a ing seen. I was all alone. Then, looking around me I beheld a figure entirely covered with a heavy black veil. The figure was so enveloped thai 1 could not get a distinct im­pression, but it appeared to be a woman. It stretched an arm toward me, and in its hand was a . . glass. Drink!' it commanded. I spiritual reunion with her family. shrank from the strange apparition, for 1 felt a terror coming over


& P*


And Character Reader, n

9 3 Prospect Avenue, Bofialo, N. Y. Life Headings by mall, $1.00 and upwards. Trial readings, 25 cents and

2 two-cent stamps. Send sex, time, place, and If possible hoar of birth. These reading* are of great benefit to business men, and to parents in

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me. 'No" I cried, *I do to drink that.' Again rang cut. Drink" A tiwl.

not the


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the Philosophy of Life. If you have not read it yc i have missed a treat that you now have an oppor­tunity of enjoying * >r a very modest sum.

* • u A •* , A A *u v •!. HEROES AND HERO WOR-But she did dread death by other s m p A g c r i e g c f leQtxJTes b y C a r . than natural causes. l y f e Q n t h i § i n t e r e s t n g t Q p i c g i v e n

A Church Minister's Reasons for Becom- i n e ™™table JJ1 ;leof tthe au*jT :

, . e-i-uM iw* atl(^ u m a k e s a n 1 iterestmg book; ing a piruaaiBi. one t h a t is calcula t d t o t h r o w ijgnt

In the Franklin Street Spiritual upon the myths of he present and T h r e e times the command was Church says the Baltimore Ameri- past. No verbiage is necessary re-

J;IV«TI. Then, why I do not know, can Rev. Dr. H. B. Austin, by re- garding any of Cs.i yle's works. excepting that I was overpowered quest, told how and why he became ROMANCE OF ^WO WORLDS bv some mysterious force to do a Spiritualist. He said that as a by Marie Corelli. )ne of the most what was really against my will, teacher of mental and moral science interesting roman es ever written I swallowed the contents of the in a college over which he presided and as it deals in a practical manner glass. Instantly I was in great for 16 years he encountered many with many abstrj 3 points in oc-aLrony. While the poison was remarkable experiences which no cultism, it becoir s more than a torturing me I was conscious that known laws of psychology explained, story to the studei & of such. another vision was floating toward In his intercourse with dmgjh*»en T H E NEMESIS OF CHAUTATJ-me. As it came nearer I saw, to and professional men, as well as in QUA LAKE, by I m. A. B. Rich-v.\\ joy, that it was my dear boy, current literature, he found well- mond. This very valuable histor-Le'.and. and with him by me the authenticated facts relating to ical and psychical tory is now out ;n::i all left me and I realized that dreams, premonitions, prophecies, of print with the t ception of a tew I died. Then I heard him say: apparitions and so-called spirit com- copies left in our 1 inds. Aslongas 'M'.»ther, I tried to prevent it but munications, which increased his in- they last we will s nd them as pre-I v u i d not.' " terest in the subject a id led him to mium books to Ti : SUNFLOWER at

I told Mrs. Stanford that I could make an extended and careful 25 cents each. I is based upon ^ue her no explanation myself, examination for himself. fact, vet in the 1 cts are running while in a normal condition, that I He went into strange cities,called lines of psychism hat will be of in-must go into a trance, and then upon psychics whom he had never terest to everyom The publisher -hr could ask questions for herself, met. and, under conditions of his of T H E SUNPLOW R has read the

own making, received written and book through for times with in-spoken communications which not creasing interest in each perusal, only clearly related past facts, but It is historical, ps chical, thrilling. in several cases correctly revealed You want it.

I waken as one from a future events. He pursued his in- WOOD'S NAT RAL HISTORY. s »und sleep. Therefore I did not vestigations during five years in This is a book th; will more than know what was said through me to over a score of cities and with a please the childu u It has illus-t he sitter. She seemed much more large number of psychics, and be- trations on nearly every page and at ease, however, when the sitting came convinced, after deducting all includes little stoi es of the different was over, and said: 'All I can do results that could be accounted for animals. We wil send them while :s to trust the angels.' by fraud or collusion, that they last for 15 c< its when accom-

But the dread m her mind which First—There existed, in the pres- panied with a yei 's subscription to the visions had brought about enco of certain persons, a iforce T H E SUNFLOWER. never left Mrs. Stanford. It shad- which the scientist had never recog- REM ^MBER. <Aed her life. I positively know niz.ed which could move ponderable The price of Ti ra SUNFLOWER is this, because we scarcely ever met bodies. not reduced in n iking these pre-that she did not refer to it in some Second—That this force was di- mium offers. It ^ $1.00 per year. way. She questioned me many rected by intelligence—and that the But for the benel of our patrons, times concerning the extent to knowledge revealed often transcen- we agree to sell them the above which our departed friends can pro- ded that of all the sitters. books at the asto* ishingly low prices tect us and prevent accident to us. Third—That so-called spirit writ- quoted, when a ^ompanied by a She would say: 'Do you think ing was a facfc utterly unexplainable year's subscript! n to T H E S U N -that my husband and n-y mother except on the theory of its occult FLOWER. ..nd my son, who are constantly origin, and apparently the work of Think what a brary you can get

me, can keep me discarnate spirits. for $2.15. First THE SUNFLOWER Fourth—That there is a mar- 52 times, or eqm to about twenty-

proves that this is velous similarity between the veri- five ordinary bo( cs, $1.00. Then they endeavored to fied psychic phenomena of today any of the other »ooks at the prices

do. Xo doubt the plot to adminis- and the miracles of New Testament quoted, or $1.15 or the entire five, ter the drug was in the evil mind of Christianity. Take advanta? of it today. You sumeperson or persons two years Fifth—That *'discernment of spir- will regret it if you do not. It ago. and being spiritually discerned its." "the gift of tongues," "the makes no differed :e if you are »an by her dear ones she received a healing of the sick," the "visitation old or new subsc ber. Send your

of angels," etc., are all facts of order and includ a year's subscrip-present-day experience and capable tion to this pape and your books of verification by candid and earnest will be sent by eturn mail, post-

Circulars, with full explanation of different price, or Detail Read-inge Sent Free Upon Application.

*I*C.^ *WVT A T17i»^»f An Astrological Gfcme. Anyone can gire a Lot W O l l O e r y V I l C e i * Perfect wading after a few hours practice.

An instructive and amusing derice for an evening party or to mystify your friends. You ask them the date of birth, and In a tew minutes you tell them all about themselves. Price, with book for instructions, $1.00. Postage, 10 cents-

*W*4m'L**i~ imVjwijai A pocket chart that tells you the best boors of the J. s w l l l s l l Y l A g w S * day to begin any venture. Vou should try to col-




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I s s ©•DO©©©0DO«D©Oj)©eD©©])©#])©®])©©])©^^©e3O©D

to answers.


© PS



w ^

Until April X st THE SUNFLOWER One Year MEDIUMSHIP and its Development PSYCHE to Assist Development

M T O M M Q M M f ^ Q M S M M M M i nnmediately went under spirit in-

she hoMing my hand mean-llurnee, whilt*. While in a trance kn«»w nothing whatever oi jjoinir on

state I what is

watching over from harm?"

The vision exactly what



:,. i' . , . , . . • . ' . " • H- , •• v . ">•.


warning. She may have thus escaped death until now.

It will be asked why the spirits did nor warn this splendid woman men who will take the time and paid. There is 1 it one condition. again, and spare her life? The trouble to investigate. That is, every or er for one or more spirits cannot see all that is happen­ing -n this earth. But I am sure— in fact I been

• • » •

A WEAK W i l l .

I know positively—that had As all spiritual power has to be at- SUNFLOWER. Mrs. Stanford at. the tained thru spiritualitys a spirit-

of these books ir ist be accompanied by a year's sul ^cription to T H E

near » •

xime I would have felt the danger ually potent will has to be develop- Forgiveness is i powerful agency and prevented the terrible conse- ed on like principles. «* adding spirits \ vibration to the quenees. A medium is ex tremelv As injustice is the most potent interior. In fa t, the greater the sensitive to conditions, * factor in robbing the will of its di- effort to overc; ne an unspiritual

Mrs. Stanford had the rare gift of vine power, justice or righteousness sensation, emoti n or impulse, the mediumship herself. If she had becomes its stimulent for growth greater its effect or good—the more needed to do so, she could have when weak—its savior when hav- potent the spirit ality added. developed into a medium of great ing been inherited weak or made • +-+ power, but her mission here was in impotent by injustice or selfish- Truth, like m isic, wants to be another line of work. ness. heard without d cord.

Students of Spiritualism and Psychic Phenomena usuallv desire to make experiments for themselves. To siuh we recommend PSYCHE as a neat and convenient device for that purpose. It is construeted on the cabinet principle, entirely of wood, and is intended to produce the maximum result with a minimum power, and to develop anything from table-tipping and raps to independent slate-writing and materialization

Hundreds of people have successfully developed their latent mediumship by its aid, and there is every reason for believing it will do as much for vou. It will cost vou hut a little time and $1 20 to make ihe experiment, and if successful you will have demonstrated the grandest philosophy ever given to the world—a positive demonstration of life beyond death, which enables you to receive communications from A our friends who have gone before.

P r i c e , $ 1 . 2 0 prepaid to your nearest Express Office.

Complete directions accompany each one, but a copy of "Mediumship and Its Development." which we can furnish you for 25 cents postpaid, would be a great aid in starting right.


The Sunflower Pub. Co., Uly Dale, N. Y.

Page 7: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

March 18. 1905. THE SUNFLOW VEL w m w i t ' Mftv*






L I G H T F*Wi E V E B Y W H F B F A t m m e e t i n S o f the Willing Work- representative advanced thinkers Wisconsin's most valued lawyers. this truth, and for the sake of the s - t s - s m s n i M - m * ers'of Titusville. Pa., held Tfeurs- will be remembered for a 1 ng time They have won the suit. Have comfort and joy it has brought to

day afternoon at the home of Mrs. by the large and harmonicas audi- given the property to the Associa- them, and will bring to others, te Holtingworth, East Central avenue, ences that greeted the ver efficient tion a second time—as was the come forward now, uphold tho the following were elected for a officers who have made th Indiana wish of the original donor—we are hands of those who are trying to term of six months: Preddent, Mrs. Spiritualists Association s\ jh a sue- now in possession of it; we can place this school on a sure founda-J. N. Larson: vice-president, Mrs. ceas; the lectures by Miss Harlow, make it one of the fore-most insti- tion. that future generations may B. Skinner; secretary, Mrs Eliza- Will Erwood and Will K cum. has tutions of learning in the world, meet here and go out from its doors beth Prather; treasurer. Mrs. W. left such impressions on tl ir listen- Free from sectarian bias, sect carrying to the world "glad tidings Bould. A lunceon was served. erk as wffl reflect to their < edit, not domiiiation. or narrow-minded pre- of great joy.M Make the school

J. E. RifTer of 1607 15th St., opywMte''fhey remain cm arth.but judice, and place upon the rostrum what you want it, elect your officers, Niagara Palls, N. Y. writes: The )&k *tosr ttiey have joiaec the great as able teachers as any denomina- and support them in their offices.

, ' ? ; : . t n ^ ^ ^ ^ k ^ i ^ i ^ ^ i 8 ^ ^ L < S Society, or First Spiritualist Church if»J°H*Jr- VJWfcy can wis lot have tion; tn the world can produce, and Remember this is your property V.l'i.-* "o'r 11 S VitSSST iPfa?0*1*** i?™^C*•1^^, **as a c n a r t e r *o r nearly tttm'yeara* ^ N * ipeafcte* who can fee i, instead by so doing, carry to the' thinking not a private institution. Will you

'***^ili^"rm*****fr «»t«r2taS^ but it is holding meetings' across w f l^ i*8 to! be-fed? The tests giv- public these truths which have not do all vou can to assist it, and ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ i t h e r i v e r o n t h e Canadian s k l e / « ^ ^ ^ t r ^ « a Throntd n at the been so long trammeled and re- do it now? Send in your contri-

r^r^SliT^l****"?**^-. wkere >t intends to apply for a ©Ititveatioi* gave the best c f satisfac- jected for want of educated men butions at once. "»•** repoew wita typewriter or plainly with ocvi * * w k-1^ *t» l A - . - . . • ".k. ijererom. a p«ncii or write on both sM«of charter. Tests given by J. E* Rif- *P§* \ T r u *f » * A n honest medium, and women to properly present Yours for Education,

fer. I might state that I am the '*[ 'ffcfjf' 0<*fWt work of- Spiritual- them. For while the world to-day CLARA L. STEWART. only correspondent. The Church * * » * is looking for them and longing for Sec. M. P. I. A. holds services every Sunday night Our correspondent at W itertown, them, they can not and will not -~"~. I «£-'-_«.— with good attendence. N . Y . , writes: The Watt town So- accept them as presented by the mSWUi ftt$mHHL

Transitions: T. Clifton. New ***y will celebrate the 5 th anni- avetsje worker. BY SALVARONA.

,r-« S»U<1 U S

* tin c i^akew ,l : i , , , lJ?Arr . o u ? l u w " »»**«»*»» In fact, «verything >. si * uuw like to know about other societies.

W r i t * »:> i

;;.• p a p e r

M tke lt*m» abort and to the point W* will adjust *.u*'.n .<» Mult tbe uixace we have to use. A weekly no-

>>- fyourtnertlnr* written on a poatal card would ...... k. well iu this column.

Aiwayirifrnyour full name and address to every M'.n.iiniraifnn; not necessarily for publication, bul an

i tr.i.*r:iuu*off<»od faith; "correspondent" or "subucri-•-r trivMusiKM-luetotbeaathur. The printed article . „ . . - . . _ - . >V:^trtlZZ:V!&l2&?.bmmtm'M,»" Bedford. Mass.-Mrs. L. M. B. Ni- VjjfUMjr of Modem Spirit .alism by Asworters we are „ , » « « , « , ™ L S p i r i t u a l f o r m y s t i c B l ^nsa-,^.^,i"*l?^.rJ,l2i',''',."/"*""^l.,«,u»»"» c h o ! » Chicopee Fall*. Mass.—Mrs. * week** service. Mc iday the these factt, but we have been bid- tiotu, ail have their cautes. in spir-- : M £ ^ ^ . ^ S ! SSSJ25W: G. H. El l io t , Edgewood. l a . - 20th. ***** and tests y G. H. den and have answered the call, we Uual fc^es forms. a n d e i i f t e n L .

conscious of

i;> i u m* an we ut» not return them if we can not use

rucgcfftioM for the improvement of the paper are in«

T H I SrsrrLowen Pes. CO.. LitT DALE. K. Y.


Harry Crossfield, Lichfield. 111.—N. WooKs. Tuesday, lectur by Rev. have a message to deliver, we would T h e c a u s e s a n d 8 t i m u l i bringing Warner. S. Dayton, N. Y.—Mrs. *>• Moses Harris, paste of the gladly'•learn of the master," but a b o u t t b e i e i l l a t | 0 l l f b ^ g ^ u . Polly Chase. Jamestown, N. Y.— U»iv«rsaliit Church here. Tests by where can we go and not be subject physical. Mr. Mitch, Little Valley, N. Y.-~N. <>• H, Brooks. Wedm day, lec^ to ridicule? 2 Spiritual, or mystical sensa-Fisk, Wonewoc, Wis.—Mrs. H. M. *ure and tests by G. r Brooks. No place has been found until t i o n g are the first truths of religion; Brown. HUlsboro, 111. — Mrs. E . Thursday will be devote I entirely good old father Pratt founded this. o f ^owledge pertaining to an Hanson, St. Paul, Minn.—Mrs. J. to test work Several of rhe home He has given us the home and asks

existence after death, and of the stir-L. Stanford. HonaluJa. SMdiuros will take part. Friday a those who love the work as h* v i v a i 0 f t h e ^oui.

Mrs AddieCoooer president of 8 C S n d l i t t ** T V a n d m u s a l e n t e r - loved tt. t o k e e p it up by contn- 3 Spiritual or mvstical sensations i S. Ktock is lecturing in Lin- t h e L a d i e s A k l w i ^ i to remind all tainment W l be given Sunday j * ^ . T J ^ * a t , ~ * " . ? £ Ornish spiritual fkcts for classifi-n. Xeb. s o n s i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e preeville, f0"""^ * « * « * » «* f«- A f ; ® ! ? > t t ^ ^ r

nS , p e I ^ t ' ^ * i . t f c a t i o n - T**™*y « ^ » g the pos-

Mrs. E. E. McCarthy is lecturing X. V . camp, that the time is ap- ^ ° ° n _ * ^ d t * v e S ? . , ! f *? J" 1 ? ? , " d ' . u ? . * ^ 2 ! " ™ u ^ „ ! j sibility of a knowledge of the laws

•A*infield, Kan.

?ierre Keeler has taken a trip uth. Prof. Lock wood is in Conncaut,

spiritual meetings.

k at IndiaiL^polis. '•rank T. Riolev will be in Louis-'• this month and next.

-rattle. Wash., has a mass meet-on March 17, 18 and 19.

*£" tfests by fe. H. Brooks A most We should begin to have an Qf spiritual beings, forms, and forces

; is hoped that this will be the same;

,. •. o P f e n n i g to prepare for the same. ^ ^ k l invitation is extei led to all endowment fund. All schools must ^ fioiritual time and soace an Francesco supports nine Sun- As last year's was a success it is g ^ ^ {n ^ ^ t o w n g ^ h a v e ^ . ^ «r m spiritual time and space.

^ t w „ „ . to be successful. We can 4 Spiritual or mystical sensa-f 4 A -i i • ^ • • > 1 and as there is *oin* t o be a bazaar' c o m e a t l d ?n*°y t h e m e t i n g s * As work towards it. There are many, t i o n s teach t h a t a l l c h a^ng^ i n t h e

•.Irs. A Anmbel is doing spiritual £ e £ ^ ^ faras possible the Societ> will enter- many influential people m America s u c c e s s i o n s o f t h e t i m e 0 f our con-

to contribute towards it. We want to make this the banner year.

E. W. Sprague and wife, the N, S. A. Missionaries are now working KZ^jT'^i^pv^Tonm^ ~ effected edfe t o t h e w o r l d **& c o u l c^ be in California. Thev will turn their f*™** ^ -deve lopmci . ettected * .

fain all who come So f r nds, come who are conscious of the presence c e p t s ^ o n l y poSSible on the con-and enjoy the celebratior with us. of loved ones gonr from mortal $xX\0Ti% of the permanence of spirit-

The Occident, a mon ily publi- sight, who would gladly support a u a j c a u s e s . as metaphysical forces, cation for the studv of f ul-growth 8 y | t e m t h a t w o u \ d K^e this knowl- —Banner of Light.


St., Brockton, Mass.,k s bscription price, per year, 50 cents, ays of our

" T H E SUN rj., , J . . * publication: " iHEbuu LOWER, an Thev have campmeeting en- ^ . rt . . . .. , . . , . / , ^ \ & ^ exponent of the spiritual Philosophy


::. W. Sprai^ue's address for f a c e s eastward about April 1st. ir h is 1420 Market st., San Fran- T h e v w i l l b e p i e a s e d to hear from J(>- societies, and individuals wishing

•o. H. Brooks may be addressed their services anywhere between •» Flower Ave., W., Watertown, SanFrancisco and Jamestown. N. Y. Y. * ^

Married—Miss Cora McCracken of gagements Cor the coming season at \IJ^S^and T l l M l u )7«^ts Lilv i,innati to D. H. Neitis. Gen. Chesterfield, Ind., Snowflake. Mich . ^ - K- S. M. Co. and Vicksburg, Mich., and wish to ] & £ j ^ £ ^ f.t t J S To avoid mistakes in your cor> m^ke more engagements for camp- I ICCt t | t 8 ^ i f i c a n c c ^ i t name, for

. ^ n d e n c e be explicit, don't crowd ™%"1™X ^ £ S S ^ its P k a 8 i l ^ i t t t t r u ° -,nd punctuate correctly. 1 4 2 9 M a r k e t S t - SanFranciico. C ^ J l ^ I seenWtc « ^ e l f to

Ml correspondence for W. Fitch P- A. Nugent. 4 U . 0 l # ; A ^ ^ . , ~ ^ .« *. ^. - . heads, and he atmos-

about to >e suffused Keed 642 5th st. speaker and test medium is nolding with thif aura of sum owers. It

*nass meetme under the aus- s e r v i c e s h e r e a ^ a i n . s i n c e w » prcvi- was certainly a pleasant experience 4 \ . u in-' • c»«* Cn,.;t«Vi ous visit 2 vears ago, coming from t o one who now s ot the Illinois State Spiritual- * A, « • i » r T . , . . 4

. _-n t_ U^I,J „* Tamestown, N. \ . His work along, fcas beheld but i

by the intelligent applici ion of the d o n e i n a n a c c c P t a b l e manner to Material accumulation might be a Higher L*ws. Edited an published intelligent people. safeguard to the body, but it is also by L. Frances Estes, 124 Highland l a PP« a l to them, as they love an anchor to the soul.

, . * ] KM'fie of Louisville. Ky . may be writes from Beaver Falls. Pa: Cha* •\ Mressed to his secretary Miss A. T^ec>- Schneider an inspirational

Do You Want to Publish a Book, Pamphlet or Magazine?


A for ma iy a week . . . * " M r 7 / r j , " " Jamestown, N. Y. His work along lias beheld but asnow-c veredland-

. Ass^iation win oe neia at t h e l i n e s o f l a b o r f o r t r u t h . s ^ k , i s g ^ . f h e explanation s t h a t l h a d mdel Haa. Lhicago, Marcn - i s t , a p p r e c i a t e d b y t h e p u b l i c a n d hope opened a^td read the p. per imme-" he shall remain to establish the for- diately upon receiving it, and so

The Philosophical Society of Chn- m e r w o r k c . r s o f t h e 0 i d society back sensed strongly the wfl .ence with n. Iowa, elected following officers: i n t o j t s respective place. His tests which, eifher consciousl; or uncon-

aciottsly, i t had been ivested by those who had sent it fc th."

Ir^.A.C. Barr\', president; A Buf--. jrn. vice: Mrs. Ida Starr, secntary and treasurer.

•Osceola, la., has organized with 'lowing officers: N. McGrew, pres

are all recognized. \Y. Fitch RufHe and his assistant

in the phenomena of mental tele* pathy, Miss A. F. Reed, are at* tbe Spiritualists ol America.

I P 8 0 C O N S U L T U 8 .

Wc are prepared t o do all classes of Printing and Publish­ing, from a hand bill t o a cloth bound book.

Printing Done on Atomtntusu Special attention given to the needs of large companies who

want printed matter at stated intervals. Call or write for estimates.



Dr. Peebles' Books and Pamphlets AT RE.DUCE.D PRICED

t f spirit tests given by Mr. Ruffle was to a ladv from her sister, Whl© was a

<ttffie w a r -* '. i t rt o f W a l Who Ate These Spirituals^r Wlib Was a W 1 1 8 -^ A ne circuit co rt oi wai- wtati»spimuaiiim.(

Mrs. Cora L. V. Richmond will singer of Scotch songs in* ea*th l i fe;?* 0 1** « " * y t ^ i s c o n : a ' h?5 d ^' and what has it done for the world? 151 page*. Price 50 cents;

volume, * » peget, iltastrated. deacfibiag Fnc

rly ell nations. •liver a course of lectures before and which was r e ^ n i z e d ^ ? S ^ " * * 1 * % * " * f o T € d b ^ " ° r r i f T ^ J ° 1 S S 2 ^ f ^ u 2 ? o 2 ^ : stu.lot.ts of the Morris Pratt In- £ a c t in connection with tt. A n o t h - ^ r « * ^ r e b y t h « f»

a«P««*n* W j r . - * i c . w . » — * - « . t r i c ^ d ^ u . ^ . ^ •„t e at Whitewater. W i s . - t h e e r was to a gentleman from a s p i r i t ? F ^ « * y j ^ ° J " " ' « * l°™.^ra" 5 w r t %li!Spvo.u«. .«o .p .«« . . t™.tta , . f t i««*««. .» i«««wUht*«irT i «o n s , 0 d

, , u beginning now and to con- f r i e nd whose body was mutilated ^ g ^ ^ X s a o u U S t h e m - ^SfS^^&^i^^1^!^^ ^ b"PtiSm-,.ue every two weeks until 1 st of years ago. the test being recogmze* S J ^ M i K b " f o r t h . Purpose of Tbe Empfonneat of Spirit, to the Spurt Vorld

in conformitv with this fact. Alfe selves w^etner jor tn< purpose oi "-""wn., t n e y Jv ot th«ir <£7iimK pi.c««-iafanu. UMou. niddo. «tc 3» p«g«» invited to the* f»t*b)iabng and carr

t ie .

i) m't cut uj> your papers to se institution for the t a i i ^ ^ r s ^ d e ^ s ^ teacher^andpublic w

cause ho held dear to

end visiting mediums are .,rder> The names printed in platform. Our correspondentho|

...advertisements tell us all that in him to see all the sock w

necessary. If you do not care to Louisville conwhtotrf [Inviting ^ ^ ^ - P the papers, pass them on to m e d ; u ^

aeone else to read. the battery for rnen^ohenomena^ u ^ h {r and consolodation adm to the IOK "*"^ ^ 3 / • u « i

The First Spiritualist Association t l u e n c e of the Cause in a c o m m u n ^ ° 2 P a c S j faithfully and Titu.ville, Pa., at its annual • _ E p , ' Three years have i • »tin" last evening elected the fol- " •: The directors have bet vin" «>mcers to wit: E. C. Bell, Our regular corresvwndent of r esort to almost cei

Ulg On a n Reduced from $1.50 to $x 00; paper, 50 cents. iucation of The Spiritual Harp Ar*>~. ; « * u ^ A book of songs, anthems, hymns, with both the words and music. 300 pages, icera in t n e Reduced from $2M> to I1.25.

lis heart, is The Christ Question Settled t t h e t r u * . , Who WM Jesus Christ? A symposium by Hudson Tnttle. W E. Coleman. Rabbi Wise,

u . R B o c h a n a n > QQI jTJperson. au<i others, with what the spinu say about it through n t r u s t r u n s J. J. Morse. \V J. Colvtlle, Mrs. Uoagiry, tod other mediums. 400 pages. Reduced part of the om *x t o *f °°' T h i r d edi t ion'

J^X*A**> The Secret ol How to Keep Young Q -oruer. A book of 22c pages, treating of conception, gestation, marriage, divorce, foods, drinks. >W p a s s e d . sleep, fiesh-eating, how to live a 100 years and more. Reduced from $1.25 to ft 00. . obliged to Vaccination a Ctrse

& A book of between 300 and 400 pages, treating of inoculation, Taccinatton. cow-pox. e l e s s e a O r t calf lymph poison, Jenner's discovery; how vaccination causes death, eczema, pimpled

faces, cancers ulcers, consumption, etc. FrkeSi-oo.

> . .

D >na!d. Trustees 3 years, \V. D >nal 1. C. M. Hayes.

t.s.. Walter Donald, vice president. Syracuse \ . Y.: The First Society and struggle to bring t a institution Se^tual i inT^e^ \V B irber Treas Rec\ Sec'v, C. of Spiritualists held services March before the public in su< 1 a manner A fine, handsomely bound book, showing the fallacy of materialism, and theti uth of P . l V . s Financial Sec v \V H. ">th. a t 33*2 S. Warren St.. witli a s t 0 a « e s t their atten on and en- spiritmdisiu. price50cents.

H . G e o r g i a G l a d y s C o o l e y a s l e c t u r d | , ? H l t t h e i t s y m p a t h i e s . \ t first t h e R r i n ^ * Ak d U a s i o n between Dr. Helen Densmore and W. J. CotvUle, affirming, and j . M.

a n d m e s s a g e bearer . I h e SUbjeC*. ."'iicause Of t h i s Was in ifference, a s Peebles, deuying the truth of reincarnation: Price 50 cents. was 'Who are the Spiritualists ?f Spiritualism has ha( very little Obienioo, *r the Inflaences of Evil Spirits

A m m v * t h e l a t e s u b s c r i p t i o n s % _ ^ »t,^ ~^**±A ^.,^^ *l»^ «MALoJ[: ^ i ^t *. • *i. - This volume treats of demonism in all age* and countries, and especially as tr*nif«*st A m , n : ' ' " A m o n g t h e n o t e d o n e s She m e * s y s t e m fn t h e p a s t i r I ts Organi- . i n modern spiritism, exorcism, hypnotism, insanity, the rescue ot evil spirits, t ic .

,m a distance is one from the t ; o n t d o u r martyred president^ Zations.J Then came murrnurings Piice$ico " k ' l r t S ^ t SrlSL oT he ^ b r a h a m L i n C ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .wl*> l? U k 6 t h e ^ * V * r o V . ^ Price ,coo. >eck in the inventor, and Jjohn Wesley tmjcoiicfosjap reached bj' the average f^ire* J«W*e Lectures acihe Ocean Spiritualism has gained f o u n ( ] e r Qf Methodism. On W e ^ ^ rumors, was

• . ^ • U ^ . l ^ l o r t r l i t C A r i V n O A t e S W a n t • 1 ry'^ 1 L. ~* LJL. T - . J 1 . - _ __ J i'oothold and its advocates want Delivered in Hydesville, Rochester, and Xjmdon. 1*5 pages, illnstratcd.

nesdav and Fridav evenings of each to be **i long drawn c it and very S^ritealism Coaamanded ol Cod Thirty pages. - . h e a r the Spiritualistic news of w e e k a m e s s a c ; e service^ will be held/disagreeable thing;" Thile in re* T i e Orthodox Hell and telant Damsatloa the world. The j u n never sets on M a r c h 1 9 t h t h e F i m Society vf|l; a l % t % case was v »n before it IT* "Sort? Did It Pre^rist

celebrate the 57th anniversary ^hglfaj^r %|l^ a hearing. >4«ch credit Spiritualism in All Lands Pamphlet of 3s pages. Modern Spiritualism. There wiH bj? i» due, no doubt, to ie able and The Pro and Con of Spfrituaritm meetings at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. gentlemanly counsel « o conducted

trie readers of T H E SUNFLOWER.

They encircle the globe. D. C:nerty, Denver. Colo.. las.

The *ev. H. A. Hart versus J. M. Peebles.

i v / a m a n calling himself Robert Mrs. Cooley will also give ^ of :he"trus te^ ****** j ^ P e e ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ v Advcntlrti Vrnon. ft feet. 3 inches, slender, light well address on ttu^t " ^ W. Hal and S. Swan- A Plea for Justice to Medhmis Large pamphlet.

h.vlr. and posing as a medium, fleec- Hoping our out-of-town | l | n d i *m *m of 0* Km oi Ten .ys. Hall and ^ £ ^ ^ £ 2 ? ^ i L i v e r a a r v Af Dr PeeMe. t-.l him out of S120 and skipped, be able to attend. . ^ s^Swanseii: of Madispr Wisconsin. The ^^y™l^™£™Z t^^SS^m. Before believing anvone to be M. P. Hammond wtitei from IO^^Their clear understa ding of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Modern Spirihtahsm a medium, pemse the Spiritual- dianapolis, Ind.: The First annual case, and able presen nion of the with speeches and mu*rations. 1st papers and familiarize yourself conventin of the Indiana State SphM same, and the techn al points of The Pentecost Neatly bimnd. * pages. .vith the recognized ones. But itualist Convention has come and law as Well as justice. *> able pre- Are Aoimab Immortal? mu^^la^St look out for the aforenamed, just passed, and the work done at this sent-d by them coul the same. most harmonious convocation of the place them where the

not are.

fail to among

are in manuscript ready *or the press*

Price 25 cents. Price !5ctnt». Prfce locrnts. Price 15 cents. Price 10 cents.

Price *o cents. Price 5 cent*.

Price io cents. Price 5 cents.

Price 15 cents.

Price 15 cents. Price 10 cents.

IThatever Is. U Right,

Can be had at THE SUNFLOWK or from Dr. Peeble5, Battle Creek, Mich.

Page 8: tos; THE - IAPSOP by -tos;-Th« Sunflower Publishing Company. PHILOSOPHY; ITS SCIENCE, AND ALLIED SUBJECTS. BEYOND THE A Graphic Outline of Very Imp® Questions. By Hon. A. B. Richmond

^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ L — ^ ^ M M ^ ^ H i f l f l y t e * • » S SS*JSfJS>e SBSjBmSjnMnv

THE SUN1XOWER. March i l , 1905.

THE PHENOMENA. Tryphcu Lhrdct It will not be superfluous for the "~j£a7*friends

everyone was wel pleased with her remarks.

t e N. S. A. has fund for assist-

arorkers and the thi?

wornout TH»<M» rii^kc CtAii Tirkind Whpn ™ a d e r s oi T H E S U N F L O W E R t o hear m a n y c a p s o n

Three Clocks Stop ricking When a fcw more itcmg about Ur^ Try. ing >hc worn< He Dies. phena C. Pardee, whose last ten *«*"* i* small an( no endowment,

Wenlock Down of Middleboro. years it has been the privilege of and it is dwindlir % Come in the Mass.. tells a story that might in- S p i r i r ual ists to brighten with their ^ W J £ ! ! 3 o ^ w l V ^ h a l terest the Physical Research So- * • V 1 1 t&ose who servea ou wnen they had ciety A little more than two * l £ t s o £ l o v e ' A l c t u r {rom m E11" the power to do o. Lose self in weeks a2o a brother of Mr Down ington lady giving ft*U particular* caring for these c her souls, was killed in Providence by fall- of her departure from her body "Give as the n rning that flows ing from a freight train upon which says: Thursday, February lft|h, at he was regularly employed. The noon she fell into a sweet sleep—at accident happened in the evening at 12:30 when someone looked, she had exactly three minutes past 7 o'clock, "laid down the burden of her years" and just at that minute in the house without a struggle, just as this had of the brother living here, three often wished. Every detail o | the clocks and a watch stopped. last services were carried out a* she

Mr. Down declares there is no requested. doubt whatever about the circum­stances of the stopping of the time pieces, and says that he has no ex­planation for the fact.

On the morning of the day of the fatality Mr. Down went into a lo­cal clothing store to purchase a pair of gloves. A pair of black gloves were handed out by the clerk. He declined at first to consider this shade and remarked to the salesman

'Her path shall brighten more and more

'Unto the perfect day; "She cannot fail of peace who

bore •Such peace with her away"

"The dear Lord's best interpret­ers

"Are humble human souls "The gospel of a life like hers

out o heaven "Give as the waves when their

cham 1 is riven "Give as the fi e air and sunshine

are g en Lavishly utt rly carelessly give

Not the waste drops of thy cup over! >wing

Not the fa it sparks of thy heart , everglowing

"Not a pale bi 4 from great June roses blowing

"Give as he gave thee, who gave hee to live."


HraM Strsiiti telml — B Y —

Nature's Methods



F o r F r e e D i a g n o s i s of D i s e a s e

•end five two-cent stamps, age, o •ex and own handwriting.


C. Walter Lynn, T H B E M I N E N T

Healer AND


Reading* and Business Advice* By Mali, S1.00 ssd two Stamps.

" I b a r e never k i o w s * more c o m p e t e s * , rel iable a n d t m t b f a l m e d i u m for t h e Spi f f* W o r l d , t h a n Cbaa . W a l t e r L j n o . "

Joe . R O D S S BvcnjkMxm.

H U D S C ; T U T T L E .

Is more than books or scrolls.' that if he should buy black gloves One of her townsmen in writing there would be a death in his family of her said: She is the most grate- n . . fm.<ia <« Q~~ within a week. He finally bought ful soul I ever knew, so in her . °|V ? e s ' ™ ™ , r a i l d 8 "J bP i r" witiuu A weea. * s, j * A *• . •ti««t^ IM«* — ituahsm, and th t cause is not alone the gloves but says that frotn that name and o ^ her t h a n * * £ _ n - fa ^ ^

he had a ioreboding of turned t o all w h o he lped i n riunis- «• T» . ^ * The wholly t iests of the Holy

Mother Church are examples, and a score

never comes to ight. At Denver, C lo., Father Lapore,

Address, 784 Eighth Street, Oakland, Csl.

moment evil tering to her needs—first to THE

The next morning Mr. Down re- SUNFLOWER, who some years ago, reived word that his brother had when all schemes of relief teemed to . - . . . v*en killed the night before, and have failed and the county house was ^Zlt ZULU JT £ £ • then there was serious consideration looming up in the near future, took given to the popping of the clocks up her cause and by ^*JJ»™* j ^ o , o f the M . Carmel Church of and watch. This led to inquiries as words brought her case before its *7~ . T ^ ^ U Q ™ , ^ ^ tc the time his brother was killed, readers and enabled her to stay in X ^ ^ P n " v e r e ^ a v i n e T ^ as nearlv as the railroad men could the home she loved, through life. ™ * " J ' ZT\ Zt £ t i l * £ determine it was at exactly the Ins bright face brought fragrant a m * a m C OI ] K e r i n ™ e v n


"""^ ** " - " ' - • —7--*^ #—* *»- —-»»- - ™ *> ~*"7~w apartment in t e rear of the church. same moment that the timepieces tidings of her to us all, year after JT _ ^ „ , . . . stopped ticking. year and THE SUNFLOWER office has ™?*™??_ *l*j£j%^™

sent a gratuitous copy to her ever FORESAW HIS OWN DEATH. since. All through these years has A premonition that quickly came been marked evidence of angelic

true, is icported from a Canadian ministrations. The editor of THE village. The fittle country town of SUNFLOWER may recall some singu-St. Eustache, in Quebec Province, lar incidents that occurred along reports a case of second sight, pre- about the time he was appealed to monition or presentiment, which is as a "Last Hope." Mrs. Pardee scarcely equaled by any of those re- had a great dread of being buried lated bv M. Camile Flammarion in by the town. She made many ap- ^ ^ / T I V ^ \*<™ Z* J^ZZ&JIZ^* _, T; , ,, i ^ t _ ^ ^ j t ^ u t _ %i* »:. could be atone 1 tor m no ot ner man-"The Unknown." peals that a fund should be laid by ,^L

One of the villagers, a healthy, for that purpose and that? middle aged man named l^egare, be done for WS i m w %

played with ar ace up their sleeves, and came to h ;h dispute* with ton­gues and thei revolvers, with the result that bot 1 will die.

Such "strer iousM measures are not usual with the priests, and de­tectives suspet there is a skeleton in the closet— hat the shooting be­gan by his c npanion, was done out of revenge for a wrong which


Development with some In like hatching *fg» or raising ba». i •> i n aa incubator. 11 is not the nat­ural way—ttmt it why richly endowed psychic* fail. Not fv.ry egg can hatch a chicken, but that la not tb*> fault of the ben. If yoa will POL-LOW MY INSTRUCTIONS I will develop you by God'tfway - that te the way you get the breath of life and realize your psychical powers.

n^TStoj. H>tcotng to men who Kay "learns" can't develop you. THEY SAY SO BECAU8E THEY' HAVE BOOKS TO SELL. Since 1898 I have provtii my system to be superior to the method of hatching mediums in the dark, by holding IIHII'IS and getting the blind *taggers by looking ai \;t< uity for a ghost—This is the incu­bator plan.

£4Tlf you have not realized any results, climb out of your incubator and get wliere God's pun shine can u arm your soul into life, until you be­come an .t'!< pt like Christ. Tlien you can mater­ialise a spirit, raise the dead, beal the Mck, see the angeK turn water into wine, demonstrate your divinity.

Send 8t u in i K?d addressed envelope for Proepec-tus Delineation. Reduced terms. Address,

J . C. F . G R U M B I N E , 1 2 8 5 C o t r . m o n w e a l t h A v e , B o s t o n , M a s *

after risine one morning recently superfluity when the y«rtr came apparently in the best of health around But last year the pre*- R e f o r ^ c d : h u r c h a s w e l l a s o f

-„ AfAin t t eA ;M- C A. h^« an ex*

said abruT)tlv to his dent of the N. S. A. had* the case the aforenam* I. He was rUdel Spirit Photographs. BANGS SISTERS t i o n n ^ « , A « A ^ v « , as a model of Christian grace and contiguous »«ccea« in the phases of our 912.00 per month tor Mrs. ~ . . , A . r . ° , - M e d i u m ? h i p a n d in o b t a i n i n g t h e l ikeness

™ » u v e A T U ; . » ; + I . energy. Thi? beautiful example of of those si.-rit friends moat a< m t n e . \ . D, A . m i S W l t n n u - . - „ ^ _ ^ 1 ; # „ ^ _ ^ „ „ „ ! , • «^«« i p a t r o n s , m a t c a n be r

m o s t desired b y o u r

clothing and put on clean apporel, Mrs. Pardee's life w a s t h a t of a far-

an.l spirits wife: 'aid before h im and it resulted in

4 I iim e<»in» t o die tonight b u t pension of ^ * ^ t i - M ^Ur . .* t i ' c-~~~ *.u^ \ T e A f » u : - * . :« . ! . W C I K V . X HJ? u c a u w i u i C A « I I J U I C U I o i t h o s e sj»rtt i n e n a s m o s t aes irea DY

VC»U m u s t n o t t r o u b l e V ^ u r s e l t a b o u t P a n i c e f r o m t h e N . S , A . T h l S W i t h r i i r £ / . t n g n t : l v w a _ r » l l i r l i 1 *t»*\ p a t r o n s , m a t c a n be readi ly recognized, h a s it. l a m Koing t o arrange every- a small collection raised by the V h n s t i a n ™* ny was caugnt steal- en ^ d . t o reduce the^prlce o r s U t i n ^ b ,

^ b . . , - * • m£? f r o m t h e 111 OI a d r U U S t o r e i»ai l t o One i m l a r for t w o finished p ic tures . th ine in such a manner as t(, g ive president, s tarted a reserve-fund s , « . . . . * x - J J Always ast,iring for the highest in the psv-

i **i P ' u , ». ri u -+u . ^ ^n**^*. ^t •t%ia xr c owned by an intimate mend, and chic fiew. has aided us to ri«« above the vou as little worry as possible. which with the consent of the N. S. ' . , . , wte ot• „ti:nuiait». tobacco and ail contam.

Mrs Le^are bel ieved that her bus- A. will defrav all funeral e x p e n s e s n ; ? o n 1^ c o r -S5CU ^n e t r i m e , DUX, l n a t i n g i n n u eTicei»w prevalent, and places s .„ * , . , r. . O t h e r s a l s o . u* en-rai»<> w i t h t h e h igher spirit forces a s

* ~ *' - - - . - - - . d e p a r t e d friends, a n d p u t s sue-cany reach.

tor o u r three v a l u a b l e circu-t i o n . a n d bus iness r e a d i n g s b y m a i l

, . .« . . v i . w v . v v.Jed q u e s t i o n s a n s w e r e d w i t h -

qual t the catastropny re- out-opening, by spirit power. oialvd a n ' h i s K p ^ r s ^ n d b u s i e s m«'» wife'Vart work znd ^\\r'e- *">«** "°™ > agerstown, Md Mr. a n d M r . . A. Norn .an , .\fTairs in proper order and made his ward. But her life-linewa.cheered A f t e r a f ^ t h e confud«»e IgJ^Z'£T??% M P ° -il v u « M « tM-~~~ c i , ^ ^ ^ ~~* ceremonv of aptism was performed tiTMiiunctizcd Slates $1.00 a Pair. will bv what Mrs. Marion Skidmorecon- . - , r. tK f -vs^^^^^wv^ws^^^vw^^^wv^

Then he calmly asked his wife to side.ed a remarkable de^ee of n,e- ^ ^ ^ l,™™ ^ T H E S P E A K I N G D I A L B0...r the pamnpnest m order that d.umship She b i o n m i of the £ a n d ; a r c e l h a d fifst 1 , » a B l t e B l l > n B « he might make ms c< nfession and camp at Lily Dale before it was a Mnmrt y^- ,.i,incrl^ , h * n th^ in « w nm* to» «* d i » « i « « i 8p«k« to r e e v e the last sacrament, of the fact and wrote them to Mr* Skid- S ^ h S e p S e weTe^lnaine ^S^SSL church before dying. Seeing that more She saw the work of Hudson ^ S v a T f i ty yersTn. were 8 ^ . r » ^ r

, r ? M « f f t K health, and Emma Tuttle and read Mrs. K . 7rt/»/1 " "*vy F^*^"8* « * « thillfroni „„. hiit Hun j^^t^, uonueiiy, tonuer

governor of Minnesota. Philadelphia, Pa., March 8, lsM.

the priest until Le^are had insisted seemed t o be held before her, and ^ ^ 1 7 ^ 1 ^ " . I T v . ^ ^ I l T V u ^ L ^ *'&£#ir.^ Vbroufht my copy of your slicing Dial M M xv « . A ».,-. ««*«• «. . - , « ^^ it has made a (Treat sensation. I

g*i a ft*w cop!*** for presentation to my .i«e ««n<l four Dials to the nani<as below. • ^ ••„ &X±~ ™.^- «;„- . - v ^ . from the t rrible shock and the v«ry».«,..-:fuiiyy«mr« l M A W .Tw««,.<r sai^es in poet ic i w m were g iven ner , , , x u 1 1 1 . ^ 1 ^ ™» . . ^ ^ IOSATIW POTJELIT.

. , - i * l J V ^ t u COld . b e f o r e h e v COUld b e t a k e n t O Wal* no-.v «©. B<'ware of ImaauuJons. bend for

i he priest, went to the house wi th and can be read now a t our library u ' ^ - *, . , . . circular u».i testimonial. i •t,^ «.\r^;^ r,t I ^ J . » A l a near-by l< m nouse. After this P. J. DEMPSEY,inventor,

where the Voice ot Angels , an . , , .. , , 28t7Cf»iunjbu«.ATP.. MinneHpoiis, VL\UH. earlv Spiritualistic paper is on file. e P ' ^ e t b e ^ , s m P r o f e-ded: , ~ ; Mrs". Pardee presented same to li- . W h a t ^ * * " * « Sp»r,tua!- D R . W . M . K E E L E R , brary. In conclusion a few words »sts taught • a t the moment belief 134:! KoBaokt St.,Washington,D.C. to Spiritualists who are. blest with l n , t s d o c t n es

f w f s a^n o w>edged. n w , , , ™ ^ , ^ ^ . . ^ , * .

material wealth, who aw so sure of s t r o n S m e n T, f r a t l W O m e n W e r e a t $S2tt ^ U ^ ' S ' i^'^S O n c e p l u n g 1 l l l t O I O C - W a t e r t h e hisme«l)nn;shipoftliec»iutiiniityofUS'i»Ms record. r - . . , rtenrt N< ;:i own iikfn»-» or a lock of hair, and have

SO g r e a t t h a t t h i c k two di>< ii.• - «IUlni^ f«" ^OtK- NOT two or three pic-rrf'*T> o n / 1 *•- •- tures fr-i?,. t lie »AME negiitive.

t l iat time . a n d that he would be ;i would still s tand b y their corivic- 1UC Jnu** w L , r ? A . e 1 1 ' a n a

corpse that very ni.vjht. The priest t ions—take some part of the m o n e y m e n t s o f * e ^^lates wasobdurau and lett him. soent for self -gratification at seances "^rnent th« ' came out;

Lcgare continued to busy him- and for pictures, slates and other W o u l d t e r e n o t b e a h u e a n d

s^lf w i t h t h e atTair-> of h i s e s t a t e

6 5 4 West Adams Street, C H I C A G O .

Telephone 1912 Ashland

Phenomenal Mediums


^ V ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « . ^ i

Independent Slate and Paper Writing; AT THEIR HOME.

ne wa* apparently in best of health, and Emma Tuttle and read Mn. «"'". .""''r '~ ""T ^ ^ ^ ^ e

his witV positively refused to -o for Tuttle's poems from a book that P**«P««rtea titn aeep water, ihe ' s . insisted seemed to be held before her. and P«>mpt act* ^ of bystanders fortu- ^

aKain and a«ain that he was per- t he v had not then been published. " ^ ^ ^ m a T y ^ s u f f e r e d ^R^Z t^ctly sane and knew only too well At wash-tub an4 churn sweet mes- ? m a D * ! ^ ! \Zvl ™"? *™ f #Z*lJ:r:£ what h^ was about.

Mwwersm«itslqt£«foDsvconTlnc" l l l d e p e i H l C I l t LttttT W r l t i f l i faV M l l f leal. Has come to prore immortsl* • •* *

Parties desiring independent written communications from their departed friends can receive instructions for same by writing ns,enclosing stamp for reply


Mrs. Logare and co i^ented to re­ceive her husband's confession, but pos i t ive ly refused to administer the sacrament of extreme unction, re­minding Legare that it could be

In w a s

ejven only t o a dyin.i: vain Legare insisted

person, that he

about to die. altho oerfectlv well at the truth of spirit-return, t h a t . should thev never have further proof u r ^ n c y bei

..i.i ..«.:ii — i v „ *u«;- ~ :~ ice mus t be t the gar- Mt^ frozen the UKSLil':

ii given t«» tin- «i*v«-l«T»t«eiit f«f m.^iuaaship > uiKiii Two «»-nt rtiMiip f«»r r»-ply.

until early in the evening, when h suddenlv expired. hat death was due

and e(»uld n<>t p;.>ssib.v

T'.ie doctors say t - lie art failure

i:i the turai order of thitv;?. have been Pneseen. The remarkable circurn

messages and give it W «8«st tbe cr>; & n d . a r ' s t .^ f ^hf , c a d e r s - e n h e r

N. S. A. in coring for t h o l e w h o have a s J w » ^ * r , d , o t s ? spent life-tone and nerve power as . A n d vf« , e r e

tm u s * ^ a n e x e / '

. . . . m.,.lium. and are unfitted thereby « * o { c h a l : y ; f o r t h e S * c c n v e r t 8 -na- tor farther exertions, give it to the l f *? **?*' a d a t ° n c e ; ^ S u m m e r

National Soiritaalists Association, would thin, better of it - escape nut grudgingly give but ^ h a , ! « c , a t l ° ? w h , c h rothral,s

Mrs . A. A . Cawcroft, M A G N E T I C HEA.LEK.

Diseases of the brain, heart and kidneys a specialty.

833 E. Second St., Jamestewn.N. v .

VIEWS OF LILY DALE 1 2 views of Lily Dale, in a neat little

MORRIS PRATT INSTITUTE FoilD'lwl l,y ^IiilTi- l'Palt.

' C h a r t e r * * i n 1 9 0 2 A S<-l.-»<il rtnd^r th'-an^pW't-v « fS|.irituaH-»pi ^^!n»>-

li^h'-d for tlj«* <11tfn>.i<»n «>; w n - j a l < nhur>- an<i tti« ai*qui>iTi<»it of u-« l'-il k«*<>v. l**! .-.

THOkOrGHLY ilYUAFlY.i.i TF. \<MKI^ A Larg«f jtud iv-nunful BtnSliiiL' ^tjjt'n lit s*. MA

Hotutid ('< l«J \V;«t •: 1 l.r.nifcl.i.ut

A Two Years' Course P r e p a n f «-*pwrial!y f«>r l'tii'ii. ;«ii«. i'i** tVofl;. Op«*n ti> a l l o f 1HI;1I «M*X<-- :H>>'. <>t nil a<t-^ >><.- r :^

ADMITTANCE WITHOUT KXAMiNATiO!* A-'fOlut** Fretcloiti <>f Tlioi:*f'.t an*! r.\|>r»*»»ii*ri <•:.-courac<-<l. For thor»»u^l n**-- :«MI :!•<• (r^o^tli >f i'l'Iivitiuul and iii<ii*|M'ii<!* n ( t>> ;'ki»..', IM* ^ual* H T u i t i o n pcr>'*iar .">0 Tuition by th** W w k . $!.7.Y i-r nnl H ttli fui ni-:»*-i

fii'im*. |nr » x k *i »••»:'.>i O p e n s S e p t s m b e r 2 7 t h . IQ04.

t»cat«d at Whitf«-At(f!', W'»« ., m ^ n«ir*'u >f Chiciigo.

X. K.—All who flfritl*? t*» r»n. T>-i *>h<.!il<! i.<* r*t-»-«*nt atth*> oirf-tiinK *h**n tin « 1H»V -ar** r>»jr>»-«i ar, i tak«* the full two yex.V «<c.ji—-.

For Catalogues writ** to

W la:- uati*r. W'i>., o» t>« CLARA L. STEWAKT, >**V\. . . . A. J. W E A V E R , rr iut tpi i , «-I! < *n li.*\r.i, vie.

**^*0 >T^»%r^»r^*^*»^#t»%>*« »»*^ r . ^ ' ^^^^ i»»^- i

assistance t o u s in carfog for Mr». IMMORTAUTlf. „„.a f c„„^ ^ « . «. ^*.«» .^. „ . . Immortality dewnds on the Pardee' a n d ^ h o a i a!ll^kitttali«toi Wm Hi hea ng or perfonnng mir-

awakening of the 1 >ve principle in interested in this cast owe hearty a c l e * w h i c l ^ said would b e done m a n — t h a t is. a consciousness of t h a n k s i n t h a t ^ t bei,^ 0 f the emit *?** *??' ^ 5 t efonies ^ l a w ; himself after death His spirit y e t h e c o u l d recognk* worth and ful- Ve"1

tt h e Chnstian Church

survives the body just as the spirit g l a d i v j ^ e i n makinf comfortable l e a d e r s h a v ^ r g e l y become the false of all life ent i t ies do, whether oi the t h c fast d a y s o f a ^ t devoted P^phets v 10 are using the name of .lora or fauna. But until awakened Spiritualist, writes: Allow me to say J«sus unla fully-proved by their by the divine principle man is in a t h A t the Spiritualists have strength- \"* b , l l !£ I fog." with darkness or gloom crowd- ened them'selves very much In this d l d-~-b d-J u\z on him comparative to the sel- town, owing to their kindness to Crimed -eascn selfishly applied, of you fssiiness or unreason engendered a Mrs. Pardee and the way Mrs. Wat- whether p >hibited by law or con- minui

er, Lily Dale, N. Y.

do anything he ever

- • • » > •

mortal life. so n conducted the funeral services— science.

This 1« » picture of thc only Pr. aplnnry i s t h i s s t a t e . ANDREW B. SPIMKEY. M. I>. who has bad forty-eight years experience In the stody a n d l»racti« e of medicine, two years Prof, i n medical coUejre, ten years In sanitarium work, and U a natural clairvoyant. He never fall* in diacnoflla. B e hat Riven especial attention to *>ye. ear. throat and lunsr tronhl*^. al»o all forma of nervoasd:;cases of both sexes.

>.ever falls to cure plie?. i f you w o u l d like an opinion

»e FREE, write Just how ynn fe«-l with wn hand ami hold thc letter ln your hand five

Knc!ot»e srarnn for reply. Address. ANDREW B. SPINNEY. M. D. «, op. Keed city ttaaitartum. fUwd Cu j . yi^

The Horoscone of the Future.

A wrift* o f f lnt>i»jri:l \'r> <]i:>i\nn-> r*"-.-****•••«; fr<nv. cpirU rcalnt. HK-- ..irl< \hc m«*<ihtniK!:>p o f R»»v. ('4H;I siiut \^ fn P..-it-.n <tf T"!»<l<i. n . Ii'*l»ir»tloi)H. H|Hmk«-r«- :.ii-l >j*ir:t Aina'nc i in-lr-48.

I)f*i^iipil t""* Hin^' <•!!• i <•»« to m e n , W I - H L T aii'l ohi l ' lrcu .

Price 25c May IK * ink-red Through "The Sunflower."
