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TOP 7 QA Testing Software Vendors REVEALED 2010 Edition Profiles of the Leading QA Testing Software Vendors For more information, visit
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TOP 7QA Testing Software Vendors REVEALED

2010 Edition

Profiles of the Leading QA Testing Software Vendors For more information,

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About Quality Assurance TestingToday, more than ever, companies engaged in software application development face increased competitive pressures in a global arena. Tolerance for product failure is virtually zero.

Software quality assurance testing involves the entire software development process - monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. It’s clearly oriented to “prevention.”

Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results. In other words, if the user is in interface A of the application while using hardware B, and that user does C, then D should happen. These controlled conditions should include both normal and abnormal conditions. Testing should intentionally attempt to make things go wrong to determine if things happen when they shouldn’t or things don’t happen when they should. This is the aspect of quality testing that’s oriented to “detection.”

Organizations vary considerably in how they assign responsibility for quality assurance and testing. Sometimes they’re the combined responsibility of one group or individual within the company. Also common are project teams that include a mix of testers and developers who work closely together, with overall QA processes monitored by project managers. It will depend on what best fits an organization’s size and business structure.

Why Do Things Go Wrong in Your Software Development Environment?There are several common problems in the software development process:

Poor requirements - If requirements are unclear, incomplete, too general, and not testable, there will be problems. Unrealistic schedule - If too much work is crammed in too little time, problems are inevitable. Inadequate testing - No one will know whether or not the program is any good until the customer complains or systems crash. “Featuritis” - Requests to pile on new features after development is underway; this is extremely common.





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About Quality Assurance TestingMiscommunication - If developers don’t know what’s needed or customer’s have erroneous expectations, problems can be expected.

What are some recent major computer system failures caused by software bugs? In August of 2008 it was reported that more than 600 U.S. airline flights were significantly delayed due to a software glitch in the U.S. FAA air traffic control system. The problem was claimed to be a ‘packet switch’ that ‘failed due to a database mismatch’, and occurred in the part of the system that handles required flight plans.Software system problems at a large health insurance company in August 2008 were the cause of a privacy breach of personal health information for several hundred thousand customers, according to news reports. It was claimed that the problem was due to software that ‘was not comprehensively tested’. A major clothing retailer was reportedly hit with significant software and system problems when attempting to upgrade their online retailing systems in June 2008. Problems remained ongoing for some time. When the company made their public quarterly financial report, the software and system problems were claimed as the cause of the poor financial results. Software problems in the automated baggage sorting system of a major airport in February 2008 prevented thousands of passengers from checking baggage for their flights. It was reported that the breakdown occurred during a software upgrade, despite pre-testing of the software. The system continued to have problems in subsequent months.

In some cases an IT organization may be too small or new to have its own in-house testing staff even if the situation calls for it. In these circumstances it may be appropriate to instead use contractors or outsourcing, or adjust the project management and development approach (by switching to a licensed or hosted QA/testing solution).

What Quality Assurance Testing Solution is Best for You?If you’ve determined that it’s appropriate to investigate the next steps to bring a QA test solution to your organization, here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

A lot depends on the size of the organization and the risks involved. For large organizations with high-risk (in terms of lives or property) projects, serious management buy-in is required and a formalized QA/Test process is necessary.







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About Quality Assurance Testing Where the risk is lower, management and organizational buy-in and QA/test implementation may be a slower, step-at-a-time process. QA processes should be balanced with productivity so as to keep bureaucracy from getting out of hand. For small groups or projects, a more ad-hoc process may be appropriate, depending on the type of customers and projects. A lot will depend on team leads or managers, feedback to developers, and ensuring adequate communications among customers, managers, developers, and testers. The most value for effort will often be in (a) requirements management processes, with a goal of clear, complete, testable requirement specifications embodied in requirements or design documentation, or in ‘agile’-type environments extensive continuous coordination with end-users, (b) design inspections and code inspections, and (c) post-mortems/retrospectives. Other possibilities include incremental self-managed team approaches such as ‘Kaizen’ methods of continuous process improvement, the Deming-Shewhart Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, and others.

Common Features of Software Quality Assurance Testing SolutionsThe newest on-demand solutions deliver an expanded test platform, eliminating up-front license fees and protracted implementation periods of traditional QA and proprietary test solutions. On-demand QA Solutions leverage open source frameworks and are delivered in a software-as- a-service (SaaS) model, enabling web development operations of all sizes to benefit from them.Quality assurance solutions address the challenges posed by today’s web applications, which increasingly depend on aggregating third-party functionality at the point of delivery - the browser. The implementation of new client-side delivery tools and the proliferation of alternative browsers have given rise to a host of variables - including operating system, geography and connection speed - that can affect the performance of an application.

The proliferation of browser and operating system platforms, accompanied by the explosion in web-based applications, is driving the need for enhanced quality assurance tools. Web application developers need the tools to perform complex QA tasks in parallel across multiple browser/OS platforms and ensure a high level of application performance before release.







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About Quality Assurance Testing Quality Assurance Solutions

Industry vendors now deliver quality assurance solutions that let users load-test applications under real-world peak loads using real devices connected to the Internet.Quality assurance tests can now be performed that realistically emulate the profile and load characteristics of a customer’s actual production user base.You can now test your web site under a production load in an authentic environment prior to releasing it to customers. And you can do it in a single click. This and the other new on-demand QA Solutions reflect the fact that a quality web experience starts long before applications are deployed.Solutions are now available that provide cross-browser functional QA testing of applications. Users can load scripts of business transactions recorded using the leading open source web-testing frameworks. Once loaded into the system, these scripts can be played back manually or on a scheduled basis against the desired combination of browsers and operating systems. In addition to providing a pass/fail determination of the web application’s functionality, a product can capture screen shots and movies of each test. This unique capability enables developers to see precisely how an end user would experience the application, which is critical for the latest generation of Web 2.0 type applications.

Top 5 Quality Assurance Testing SolutionsYou have many options when selecting a software quality assurance test solution. To make your search a bit easier, we’ve featured some of the leading software QA vendors in this paper. Review these companies, and you’ll be well on the way to finding the right QA testing solution for your company.





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Offers an advanced modular ALM system, the segments of which can be seamlessly integrated to establish higher levels of traceability.Easy to administer: no programming needed.Integrated defect tracking, QA test management and automated testing.Scalable to thousands of users.



HEADQuArTErS: Lafayette, CA

OWnErSHip: Private

FOunDED:199�, California

SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:DevTest Studio*

CuSTOmEr FOCuS: TechExcel software is targeted to mid-size and large teams (20-1000+) of developers.

SElECT CuSTOmErS: Sony, Activision, Electronic Arts.

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About TechExcelTechExcel unifies the enterprise by bridging the gap between product development and service/support. This end-to-end environment empowers companies to optimize the relationship between these important organizations without sacrificing autonomy or business processes, and it provides a collaborative environment that saves time and resources.

TechExcel’s Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solutions enable enterprises to focus on their strategic goals of product design, project planning, development and testing by providing a collaborative and “knowledge-centric” environment.

Traditional approaches to ALM stipulate that every phase of software development, from product concept to strategy, planning to implementation, and finally to verification and delivery, relies on separate tools and processes. TechExcel DevSuite is built around the best-practices insight that knowledge is central to any product development initiative. By eliminating the silos of knowledge that exist between different teams and in different locales, DevSuite helps enterprises dramatically transform their development processes, increasing efficiency and the overall quality of their end products. This strategy helps teams communicate better and reduce their cycle times, allowing the right products for the right markets to be developed in the shortest possible time.

Products in TechExcel’s ALM suite include: DevSpec - Manages requirements, specification and knowledgeDevPlan - Manages timelines, resources and dependenciesDevTrack - Manages tasks, issues, and bugs DevTest - Manages test cases


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About TechExcelTechExcel Key Strengths

Highly configurable tools to manage every kind of process.Best practices enforced through use of software.Scalable to thousands of global users.Easy to administer and configure: no programming needed.Rapid Return on Investment (ROI): with the combined power, flexibility, ease-of-use, and competitive pricing, DevTrack gives you the best value. Increase developer satisfaction with subscription notifications and better process control. Fast deployment with easy installation and automated upgrades. Intuitive user interfaces reduces training time and gets users up to speed faster. System customization to suit individual demands: easily configured workflow rules that can be changed to control the business processes based on your organization’s mission. Resolve issues efficiently with greater teamwork and collaboration between different users, teams, and even customers. Ensure no bug ever falls through the cracks with auto-routing and escalations. Universal access to DevTrack Web from any location using almost any browser.

TechExcel TechnologyClient:

Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows NT �.0 or abovePentium PC with 2��MB memory and 200MB free disk space Microsoft .NET framework 2.0

Server: Windows 2000, Windows NT �.0 Server or abovePentium PC with �12MB memory and �00MB free disk spaceMicrosoft Internet Information Server (IIS) �.0 and aboveMicrosoft .NET Framework 2.0

Supported Web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer �.0 and aboveNetscape �.0 and aboveFireFox 1.0 and above









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About TechExcelSupported databases:

Microsoft SQL ServerOracleMySQLMicrosoft Access

TechExcel Software HighlightsTechExcel DevTest StudioFrom test case creation, planning and execution through defect submission and resolution, DevTest Studio tracks and manages the complete quality lifecycle. DevTest Studio combines the award winning test management features of DevTest, the market-leading defect tracking features of DevTrack and TestLink for test automation into one specially priced, integrated solution.

Gain control over product quality with real-time test results reporting, tracking and analysis that let’s you know what has been tested and what still needs to be done.Improve test standardization, re-use, and revision control using a centralized test library.Increase your team’s productivity with reduced data entry, definable test interfaces, and process automation.Ensure ultimate accountability for all test phases with detailed histories of test cases, data and test results.






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HigHligHtsIntegrated cross-platform application lifecycle management (ALM) solutions for high traceabilityHigh scalability and configurability with low administrative overheadExtensible with flexible workflow engines, industry standard databases, and open programming interfacesCompany focus on helping development organizations improve software development efficiency and quality




HEADQuArTErS: Cincinnati, OH

OWnErSHip: Private

FOunDED:199�, Ohio

SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:QA Wizard Pro 2009*

CuSTOmEr FOCuS: Customers of all sizes and in all industries use Seapine ALM solutions. Companies in industries where software quality is critical are particularly heavy users of Seapine’s solutions.

SElECT CuSTOmErS: American Stock Exchange, CIGNA, FEMA, Department of Defense, US Air Force, NBC Universal, Bausch & Lomb, Cisco – WebEx, Nokia, Lockheed Martin, SEGA, Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

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About SeapineWith over 8,�00 customers worldwide, Seapine Software, Inc. is a recognized, award-winning leading provider of quality-centric application lifecycle management (ALM) solutions. Seapine is uniquely positioned to directly provide sales, support, and services around the world with headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio and offices in London, Melbourne, and Munich.

Seapine Software’s integrated software development and testing tools streamline customers’ development and QA processes, improving quality and saving significant time and money. Designed for the most demanding software development environments, Seapine’s ALM solutions are scalable, feature-rich, team-based tools that can be used separately for superior issue tracking, software configuration management, automated software testing, or test case management—or seamlessly integrated for more efficient control of the application development process.

Seapine’s integrated ALM suite includes:

TestTrack Pro – Development workflow and issue management TestTrack TCM – Test case planning and trackingSurround SCM – Software configuration managementQA Wizard Pro – Automated functional and regression testing

Seapine Software Key StrengthsSeapine Software’s flexible cross-platform solutions adapt to the way teams work.Collaboration features allow organizations to achieve maximum productivity whether their teams are located under one roof or scattered around the world.Automation helps organizations deliver products faster by eliminating steps, streamlining processes, and automating repetitive tasks.Seapine application lifecycle management (ALM) tools provide a lower cost of entry. Unlike most ALM suites that require a dedicated IT staff to support them, Seapine’s solutions can easily be managed by business professionals or the development staff, greatly reducing software management and support costs.





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About SeapineSeapine Software TechnologyBuilt on a flexible architecture that is easily extended to support new technologies and frameworks, Seapine Software’s QA Wizard Pro can be used to test popular languages and technologies like C#, VB.NET, C++, Win�2, Qt, AJAX, ActiveX, JavaScript, HTML, Delphi, Java, and Infragistics Windows Forms controls.

Seapine Software HighlightsQA Wizard Pro® 2009QA Wizard Pro completely automates functional and regression testing, helping you increase test coverage and deliver high quality solutions faster. Features include:

Use one tool to test multiple technologies and applications, including Web, Windows, and Java applications. Support both novice and experienced testers with QA Wizard Pro’s powerful, easy-to-use scripting language. Grid View provides a point-and-click interface while Text View provides direct access to the scripting language.Automate complex test scenarios with a comprehensive library of built-in functions and statements.Significantly reduce maintenance time when an application changes with QA Wizard Pro’s object-based record and playback engine, smart matching, and ability to identify objects by unique properties.Store application object information in the global application repository and quickly propagate application object changes to all team members from a central location.Use checkpoints to validate both visible and non-visible information by comparing the expected value of window or control properties with the run-time value.Verify the text in charts, graphs, Web graphics, Flash-based applications, Java applets, and more with optical character recognition (OCR) checkpoints.Easily create data-driven test scripts to more efficiently boundary test applications and to quickly populate applications with large data sets for stress testing.Distribute automated testing and more quickly run through test suites with remote script execution.Create batch script files and schedule groups of test scripts to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a shorter, more thorough testing cycle.











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About SeapineSeamlessly integrate with Seapine’s ALM suite to centralize script storage and version control scripts, track which test cases have been automated and schedule scripts runs, and automatically push defects into the defect tracking workflow.


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HigHligHtsTSelect Awards: 2008 Testers Choice Winner – Best Commercial/Test Performance Solution, 2008 Jolt Finalist – Best Project Management Tool, 2007 SD Times Top 100 - Top Software Innovators.Over 70,000 Customers in over 24 different countries.Free Trial and Demos Available.Flexible Pricing and Deployment Options - SaaS or Enterprise versions available. SaaS pricing starts at $30 per month and Enterprise pricing starts at $1000 per seat.



HEADQuArTErS:Greenwood Village, CO

OWnErSHip: Private


Alm SOluTiOnS Software Planner*

CuSTOmEr FOCuS:Pragmatic Software offers two versions, the SaaS version is an economical version dedicated to small and mid-sized enterprises while the enterprise edition provides more comprehensive features for larger companies.

SElECT CuSTOmErS:Alliance Data, Acer Computers, Star-QA, Precision Craft, Department of State Health Services, Giorgio Armani Corp., Quest Diagnostics, Procter and Gamble, RNL Design, TravelEx.

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About pragmatic SoftwarePragmatic Software provides award winning application lifecycle management (ALM) tools and portals that allow teams to complete projects faster and with higher quality. Founded in 1992, Pragmatic Software now serves over 70,000 customers in over 2� different countries.

By offering comprehensive and flexible products that are fully web-based and providing top notch customer support, Pragmatic Software was able to gradually grow its customer base into the large number they currently have today. Pragmatic Software provides clients with access to online support tickets as well as phone support. Pragmatic takes pride in being able to back its top notch ALM tools with unparalleled customer support, helping them to maintain a large, loyal customer base.

pragmatic Software Key StrengthsWith Feature Based Pricing, you can pay for what you need. Some teams need to manage all phases of the lifecycle, while others just need to manage specific areas (like defects, test cases, customer specifications, etc). Software Planner allows you to purchase its features ala cart so that you pay for only the features you need.Save money with upgrades to future product versions at no additional costs. SaaS clients receive future products at no additional cost and Enterprise clients also are capable of getting new upgrades at no additional cost. Software Planner provides all the features you need to manage all phases of the development lifecycle in a single integrated tool eliminating the need to purchase separate products that can be very costly.With a 92% customer satisfaction rating, Pragmatic Software takes pride in being able to maintain outstanding customer support. With easily searchable knowledge bases as well as an efficient support ticket system, support requests are quickly followed up on to maintain high customer satisfaction.With its competitive pricing model, there is no need for pricing to change from one client to another. Consistent discounts are offered for long term commitments and volume purchases.






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About pragmatic Softwarepragmatic Software Alm TechnologySoftware Planner is available in two models. The SaaS version is an economical version for small and midsize companies while the enterprise edition is hosted by your company providing comprehensive features and the ability to synchronize data with the other software within the organization.

pragmatic Software Alm HighlightsSoftware plannerSoftware Planner is an ALM tool that helps IT departments manage all components of their software development. Software Planner’s features can be purchased ala - cart, flexibly allowing you to use just a few features. Features include:

Alm Features:RequirementsTest Case ManagementDefect and Issue ManagementSupport Ticket ManagementProject Management

Collaborative Features:Shared DocumentsContact Management (CRM)Calendar (Appointments, To Do)List Manager (Custom Lists)Discussion Forums



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Large market share & large base of developers familiar with IBM solutions.Supports a wide variety of testing scenarios - manual to complex automated paradigms.Open APIs deliver customizable test management.



HEADQuArTErS: Armonk, NY

OWnErSHip: Public (DJI: IBM)

FOunDED:1910, New York

SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:Rational TestManager*

CuSTOmEr FOCuS: IBM’s clients include many different kinds of enterprises, from sole proprietorships to the world’s largest organizations, governments and companies representing every major industry and endeavor.

SElECT CuSTOmErS: 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, uBee, Bank of Russia, Geisinger Health System, Servimatica S.A., Trustmarque Solutions.

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About iBm rational TestmanagerAs a world-class IT leader, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) develops and manufactures information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices, and microelectronics worldwide. Its Global Technology Services segment offers IT infrastructure and business process services, such as strategic outsourcing, business transformation outsourcing, integrated technology, and maintenance. The company’s Global Business Services segment provides professional services and application outsourcing services, including consulting and systems integration and application management. Its Systems and Technology segment offers computing and storage solutions, including servers, disk and tape storage systems and software, semiconductor technology and products, packaging solutions, engineering and technology services, and retail store solutions.

IBM’s Software segment primarily offers middleware and operating systems software comprising information management software for database, content management, and information integration; lotus software for collaboration, messaging, and social networking; rational software, a process automation tool; Tivoli software for infrastructure management, including security and storage management; Websphere software for Web-enabled applications; and product lifecycle management software. The company’s Global Financing segment provides commercial financing to dealers and remarketers of IT products; lease and loan financing to external and internal clients; and sale and lease of used equipment.

IBM serves banking, insurance, education, government, healthcare, life sciences, aerospace and defense, automotive, chemical and petroleum, electronics, distribution, and communication markets. The company was founded in 1910 as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company and changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation in 192�. IBM is based in Armonk, New York.

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About iBm rational TestmanageriBm rational Testmanager Key Strengths

Rational TestManager is IBM’s central console product for test activity management, execution and reporting. Built for extensibility, it supports everything from pure manual test approaches to various automated paradigms including unit testing, functional regression testing, and performance testing. Rational TestManager is a solution designed to help project teams manage testing - from initial test case planning, to test development, execution of the tests and analysis of the results. Rational TestManager is meant to be accessed by all members of a project team, ensuring the high visibility of test coverage information, defect trends, and application readiness. Rational TestManager is freely available to all users of IBM Rational Functional Tester, Rational Manual Tester and IBM Rational Robot. And because of its value to development teams, it is also included in the IBM Rational Team Unifying Platform.To improve productivity by consistently leveraging best practices, efficiently communicating information across the team, and analyzing and managing the impact of change as you track product defects and issues, IBM has assembled the Rational Lifecycle Package. This bundle includes IBM Rational ClearQuest, IBM Rational Method Composer and IBM Rational RequisitePro software.

iBm TechnologyRational TestManager, through a unique integration with VMware server virtualization software, simplifies and automates one of the true headaches for QA teams - configuration testing.

The entire process is automated. Once configuration images are created and stored in the GSX Server library, no manual work is ever required. Testing can be done serially or in parallel.

Based on server statistics gathered by the GSX Server, TestManager determines on the fly how many configuration images can be run in parallel on the same machine. TestManager is able to differentiate one image from another and can thus run different test sets on each image - maximizing the usage of existing hardware resources. Test execution information is recorded to the TestManager test logs in full, eliminating opportunities for data loss or confusion about which software tests were run where.





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About iBm rational TestmanageriBm rational Testmanager HighlightsRational TestManager

Provides support for all test types. Lets you plan, manage and execute functional, performance, manual, integration, regression, configuration and component testing from the same interface. Gives QA leads, project managers and business analysts a comprehensive view into all of the test activities and test results for the application.Delivers customizable test management. Open APIs in Rational TestManager let users build support for new test inputs (e.g., system requirements from a third-party tool) and test types (e.g., home-grown unit tests).Provides support for local and remote test execution. You can run tests on the local machine or on remote machines in the test lab. Parallel test execution is limited only by the number of system resources at your disposal.Lets you establish and manage traceability. Requirements are linked to test cases, ensuring proper test coverage. In addition, suspicion analysis ensures that when requirements change, test cases traced to the requirement are automatically flagged as possible candidates for modification.Ensures detailed test evaluation. An integrated log viewer constructs a log for each test run, including test status, environmental information and additional informational tags such as runtime analysis information gathered by Rational PurifyPlus.Gives you the capability to generate meaningful reports. Includes a series of predefined graphical and textual reports capturing the crucial aspects of application quality and test completeness. Special reports exist for performance test analysis, including correlation reports combining response times with resource utilization metrics from remote machines. Ships with a flexible reporting engine enabling the creation of custom reports required by your organization’s internal development processes.Provides deep integration with Rational’s Team Unifying Platform tools. Out-of-the-box integration with Rational RequisitePro ensures seamless traceability between requirements and test cases, resulting in clear test coverage metrics and sensitivity to requirement modification.










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HigHligHtsEnterprise-level J2EE platform.Includes requirements management, release and cycle management, test plan, test lab, defect management, and dashboard modules.Out-of-the box capabilities for SAP, SOA Oracle, and Web application security quality management.HP has a 60% market share in distributed automated software quality (IDC).




HEADQuArTErS: Palo Alto, CA

OWnErSHip: Public (NYSE: HPQ)

FOunDED:19�9, California

SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:HP Quality Center StarterHP Quality Center EnterpriseHP Quality Center Premier


CuSTOmEr FOCuS: HP focuses on simplifying technology experiences for all of its customers - from individual consumers to the largest businesses in virtually all industry sectors.

SElECT CuSTOmErS: Orange County Choppers, Western Australia Department of Education and Training, MICROS-Fidelio EMEA, University of Central Florida, France Telecom, Nies/Artcraft, Houston Trust Company, Austin County, HOPS, Chemtronics.

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About Hewlett-packardHP focuses on simplifying technology experiences for all of its customers—from individual consumers to the largest businesses. With a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services, and IT infrastructure, HP revenue reached $107.7 billion for the four fiscal quarters ended January 31, 2008.

The company’s corporate headquarters are located in Palo Alto, California; but it is truly a global interest, with �11,000 employees doing business in more than 170 countries around the world, and �9% of its revenue coming from outside the United States. Mark Hurd is currently company chairman, chief executive officer, and president.

HP is a global leader in a number of markets, including: #1 in LaserJet and inkjet printers, #1 in x8� Windows®, Windows, UNIX® and Linux servers, #1 in notebook and desktop PCs, #2 globally in workstations.

No other company offers as complete a technology product portfolio as HP. Looking ahead, the company remains committed to remaining a global leader in providing infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world’s most powerful supercomputer installations.

Hp Key StrengthsWith the HP Quality Center solution, you can more effectively govern your software quality processes and automate QA testing across your IT and application environments designed to address the wide-ranging challenges that your quality assurance professionals face. By leveraging consistent, repeatable and standardized software quality processes, HP Quality Center helps your quality assurance teams turn quality into a competitive advantage. HP Quality Center offers a single, web-based application that supports all essential aspects of test management. It provides a consistent, repeatable process for gathering requirements, planning and scheduling tests, analyzing results and managing defects and issues. This software enables your organization to digitize specific quality processes and procedures within the larger application lifecycle.




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About Hewlett-packardFor �9 years, HP has helped people, businesses, and communities around the world apply technology in meaningful ways by harnessing new thinking and ideas to deliver reliable products and services. The company bases its solutions on intuitive technology that hides complexity inside, where it belongs, so its customers’ lives are enriched and their IT experiences are simpler, smarter, and more manageable.HP is a leading technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. The company is at the forefront of exploring how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. HP’s 2007 Fortune �00 ranking was No. 1�.

Hp TechnologyThe HP Quality Center foundation is an enterprise-level J2EE platform that serves as a central repository for all quality assets, houses centralized workflow rules, and facilitates collaboration among all parties involved in the quality process. In addition, HP Quality Center includes fully integrated dashboard technology that provides an executive-level view of the entire quality process across multiple QA initiatives.

Hp Software HighlightsHP Center Management for Quality Center Software

Lets you effectively manage requirements throughout the application lifecycle.Provides leading-edge capability to prioritize testing priorities based on business risk. Gives you the capability to access testing assets anytime, anywhere via a browser interface. Provides the ability to create an end-to-end quality management infrastructure. Gives your professional team the ability to manage manual and automated tests. Lets you perform accelerate testing cycles by scheduling and running tests automatically, unattended, 2�x7. Offers the capability to manage multiple versions of requirements, tests, test scripts and business components. Gives you the power to enforce standardized processes and best practices. Lets you analyze application readiness at any point in the testing process with integrated graphs and reports.








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HigHligHtsFree 30 day product trials of SilkCentral Test Manager, SilkTest, and SilkPerformerRecent acquisitions of Borland Software and Compuware ASQ catapult Micro Focus into a leadership position in the Testing and ASQ market, particularly as Micro Focus combines the “best of breed” features from both product linesStrong integration between tools – in house, third-party and open sourceStrong support for Web 2.0 and rich internet applications testing




u.S. HEADQuArTErS: Rockville, MD

OWnErSHip: Public (LSE: MCRO.L)

FOunDED:197�, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:SilkCentral® Test Manager™SilkTest® and Silk�J™SilkPerformer®


CuSTOmEr FOCuS: Micro Focus offers innovative solutions to help organizations better control, measure and manage application delivery, by automating testing and quality processes across every phase of the software delivery lifecycle

SElECT CuSTOmErS: JDA. Blackboard, Intuit, Wells Fargo, eBay, Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit (German unemployment agency), and Trend Micro

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About micro FocusMicro Focus International plc (Micro Focus®; LSE: MCRO.L) provides innovative software that allows companies to develop, test, deploy, assess and modernize business-critical enterprise applications.Micro Focus’ software enables customers’ business applications to respond rapidly to market changes and embrace modern architectures with reduced cost and risk. Micro Focus has more than �0 years of expertise, more than 18,000 customers and over two million licensed users, including 91 of the Fortune Global 100 companies.

Micro Focus’ strategy combines organic development with selective acquisitions. Since 200� the company had made seven acquisitions that have allowed it to extend into logically adjacent marketsegments in order to further develop its customer proposition and extend its product portfolio.The recent acquisitions of Borland Software Corporation and the Testing and ASQ business of Compuware Corporation give Micro Focus a leading market position in the highly complementary Application Testing / ASQ market.

micro Focus Key StrengthsThe Silk™ Suite provides comprehensive functionality, superior process and methodology support, easy integration with existing IT environments (no “rip and replace” necessary) and is particularly well suited to support the testing of Web 2.0 and rich internet applications. The company prides itself in focusing on the interest of its customers first, not the platform or service agendas promoted by many IT vendors. Micro Focus is the only major player in this space exclusively focused on software.Micro Focus is committed to extending integrations between tools – in-house, third-party and open source – to automate, support and improve the software delivery process.Micro Focus has historically been recognized by the industry for excellent customer service.The Silk Suite offers a flexible licensing structure suited to meet the unique needs of various types of customers and implementations. Internally, Micro Focus is doing requirements driven testing as well as employing an Agile methodology to bring new and innovative releases to the market.







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About micro Focusmicro Focus TechnologyThe Silk Suite from Micro Focus is a suite of testing products that provides QA and development teams with a comprehensive approach to software application testing. It allows organizations to centrally manage manual testing and automated functional and performance testing of a wide variety of applications including Web-based, Java, Microsoft .NET, and native GUIs and supports both traditional and Agile development methodologies.

micro Focus Software HighlightsSilkCentral Test Manager

Allows existing test assets to be managed under a unified test management framework Eliminates re-work associated with project changes and exploits test asset reuse across the team Integrates and aggregates test results from existing test frameworks and tools Provides a single investment that will sustain a quality program across all projects and teams Increases efficiency and reduces costs through native support of VMware® Lab Manager™ Enables live, quality monitoring of Agile and traditional project activities for co-located and globally distributed teams Improves manual testing with a simple, scalable manual test client that guides testers through the process and assures consistent, repeatable data collection and reporting Delivers advanced reporting, including project status, requirements and test coverage, quality trends, milestones, test type and defect trendsProvides custom dashboards and reports with cross project, quality metrics that allow management to make informed, go/no-go decisions Provides context sensitive reports based on current “in flight” user activities - dynamically generate “one-click” reports specific to requirements, test plans, and test plan execution Code coverage technology links tests with code they actually touch, enabling better choices on what to test and revolutionizing the decision process for tests to modify due to code changes











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About micro FocusProvides trending and analysis data to track the progress of all quality initiatives across multiple teams, technologies, and platforms across a global computing environmentIntegrates with VersionOne and Rally

SilkTestOffers visual test creation, test execution, test analysis, and extensibilityOffers strong capabilities with regards to testing AJAX and other rich internet applicationsProvides recovery system for 2�/7 unattended testing Provides basic workflow for instant productivity and data driven workflow for testing business logic functionality using externally stored data Enables code completion for rapid test customization and automation infrastructure development Offers project workspaces for organizing and sharing test information Provides a GUI abstraction layer for easy-to-maintain reusable tests and scripts Offers an extensible and easy-to-maintain scripting language Provides agent technology for enabling individual tests to span distributed machines Provides truelog-technology for visual front-end diagnostics of script actions from the end-user perspective Integrates with SilkCentral Test Manager for advanced, process-oriented test management and issue tracking Provides new, next generation open agent providing support for Flex/AMF� and Windows-based applications Offers built-in support for testing Adobe Flex applications using Internet Explorer, Firefox, and the Standalone Flex Player Adobe AIR Offers an improved User Interface Provides animated Run Mode to provide ‘slow motion’ playback of test scripts Offers an Eclipse plug-in Silk�J with Java as a scripting language Provides dynamic resolving which enables an object to be located without reference to a windows hierarchy











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About micro FocusSilkPerformer

Provides load-testing automation as well as performance diagnostics for Java and .NET environments through dynaTrace integration.Enables ease of use with step-by-step workflow wizardsAccurately assesses application performance, scalability and reliability characteristics before deployment Creates realistic, reproducible load test scenarios to cover all critical use cases and requirements Isolates and resolves the root cause of performance problems in cross-platform systems quickly and easily Lower IT infrastructure costs through tuning and accurate capacity planning before deploymentCreates tests and executions with SilkPerformer’s intuitive interface, or leverage the Eclipse IDE or Visual Studio .NET Tests a wide range of enterprise environments with versatile, sharable, multi-protocol virtual-user types Reuses test cases in different environments and scenarios without changing test scripts Analyzes load tests in real time to avoid invalid test results that require time-intensive test-case rerunsProvides a technology tier-based licensing format, with Micro Focus offering concurrent and node-locked virtual user licenses based on the technology under test. The categories include: Web (HTML, Flex, Ajax, etc), Standard (Java, .NET, databases, etc), and Premium (SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Citrix, and other packaged applications)











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HigHligHtsProvides the fastest and easiest software testing suite available in the marketplaceRapidly growing company Offers 4-5x better Time to Quality rating than competitors (per customer feedback) High Return on Investment




u.S. HEADQuArTErS: Austin, TX

OWnErSHip: Private


SOFTWArE SOluTiOnS:SmarteScriptSmarte StudioSmarteLoadSmarte Quality ManagerSmarteXSmarteTimeSmartePak


CuSTOmEr FOCuS: Small, medium, and large enterprises in the following industries: Energy, Healthcare, Medical Technology, Retail Systems, Financial Services, Banking, Insurance, Software, Travel & Leisure, Defense, Aerospace, Software Consulting, Federal, State and Local Government

SElECT CuSTOmErS: BP, American Airlines, Frost Bank, Spectra Energy, Clearwire, Dresser, Emerson, DirecTV, NASA, US Strategic Command, FEMA, State of Washington, State of Indiana

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About SmarteSoftSmarteSoft, Inc. offers an integrated suite of test management, functional test automation, and performance test tools and services. Headquartered in Austin, TX, with offices in multiple locations in the U.S., Europe, and Australia, SmarteSoft products bridge the gaps between Software Development, Quality Assurance, Business Analysis and Deployment.

SmarteSoft was founded by a group of test automation and performance test experts to advance process of comprehensive software testing. They developed very easy to use, fast to learn, and fast to implement and maintain test automation software tools. The result is an integrated suite of software test products that can quickly be adopted by novice users, but also offer powerful functionality and automation to experienced testers.

To further enhance its offerings, SmarteSoft provides consulting services via a global team and a network of partners with deep expertise in every aspect of manual and automated testing. Customers include companies of every size -from Fortune 100 to mid-sized to small startups - and from almost every industry. Any company that develops, deploys and/or manages software applications can benefit from SmarteSoft’s products and services.

SmarteSoft Key StrengthsOffers the easiest to use and fastest to implement and maintain test automation suite on the marketHighly Versatile – suitable for both novice users and experienced automation engineersProvides synergy for development, quality assurance and business analysis teamsIncludes automated generation of English test case documentation for easier regulatory compliance

SmartSoft TechnologyEnvironments: Web, Desktop, Mobile, Point-of-Sale, Embedded, MainframeApplication Platforms: All Microsoft .NET compliers, Microsoft Visual C++, Intel C++, Microsoft Visual Basic, Java, Flash, Flex, Microsoft Silverlight*, Microsoft Access*, Microsoft InfoPath, AJAX, IE, VB�, Console





* limited support

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About SmarteSoftSmarteSoft Software HighlightsSmarteScript

The first comprehensive functional test tool that does not require programming skillsIntuitively learns the windows and objects used in an application, allowing users to create “test skeletons” for each business processProvides automated documentation by generating test cases for each script, and test cases are continually updated to reflect any changes in the scripts

SmarteStudioDesigned for developers, Smarte Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for creating automated unit and system tests, and is user extensibleMerges innovations in record and editing technology with a dynamic debugger, Microsoft’s JScript interpreter, and powerful automated reportingOffers its users the ability to record their interactions with an application, save them as a script, and edit them as needs changePrevents developers from having to re-write scripts for each individual test—a next-step move which will save users on both time and effortCan be extended by the user to automatically recognize objects which Studio does not recognize out of the box. This enables extension for custom or non-standard environments, and emerging technologies. Any extensions made by one user can be shared with any other users via common libraries.

SmarteLoadA load test tool that offers automatic load test script generation, data-driven automation, multi-level grid driven automation, simulated load synopsis, and moreCan leverage existing automated functional tests to give users a jump start on performance testing projectsAutomates the entire process of parameterization, correlation, and load testing to deliver comprehensive, reliable results

SmarteQMIntegrated QA Test Management System that allows users to take control of the project lifecycle and synchronize the previously separate worlds of development and testing












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About SmarteSoftHandles requirements management, release management, reporting and analysis, test case management, and incident and defect tracking

SmarteXA cost-effective solution for performing functional and regression testing to workgroups and test labsKey features include the Grid Visualization Engine, automatic test measurements, automated window/object image capture, a scalable regression manager, and an automated report writer

SmarteTimeThe SmarteSoft scheduling tool that is network- and storage-awareUsers can set tests to occur overnight or to avoid planned maintenanceCuts staffing costs by automatically scheduling test executions to start each time a software build is done

SmartePakExtends testing capabilities with a selection of four prepackaged options: SmartePak2, SmatrePak�, SmartePak10, SmartePak2�SmartePak2 includes: 1 license of SmarteScript, 1 license of SmarteX, 2 licenses of SmarteQM, a free training sessionSmartePak� includes: 2 licenses of SmarteScript, � licenses of SmarteX, 1 license of SmarteTime, � licenses of SmarteQM, and 2 free training sessionsSmartePak10 includes: � licenses of SmarteScript, � licenses of SmarteX, 1 license of SmarteTime, 10 licenses of SmarteQM, and � free training sessionsSmartePak2� includes: 10 licenses of SmarteScript, 10 licenses of SmarteX, 2 licenses of SmarteTime, 2� licenses of SmarteQM, and 10 free training sessions








