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Too Sentimental

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Too Sentimental


    Too Sentimental



    Nico, weve talked about this, the lavishly dressed Female Gunner said, letting loose an

    exasperated sigh as she patiently set her crystal glass down on the bar between them. I dont

    work with a team. I just. . .dont. Im as good as I am so that I dont have to work with others.

    The man behind the counter, just tall enough to appear lanky but always suave enough to

    be handsome, leaned back upon an empty spot on the shelf lined with dozens of bottles as he

    studied the look on the Gunners face. Its not a team though, Tsuiichi; its just one guy. The

    client wants him along to escort the girl back. After youve rescued her, of course.

    But if hes good enough to be an escort, Tsuiichi replied, casting her eyes down to

    watch the light dance through her glass and the liquid in it, why cant he just go himself?

    Nico smiled warmly, still watching his friend struggle silently with her emotions.

    Because, Ichii. Youre the best. Tsuiichi tried to grimace at him for referring to her that way,

    but it quickly dissolved into an embarrassed smile. Her only response was to pull a Buster

    Grenade from her pocket and set it on the counter between them as an unspoken warning."You

    know it's true," he continued, holding eye contact with her now. "You said so yourself.Just give

    it a chance. This job means a lot to your career." Having said enough, he poured a little more

    drink into her glass, then set the bottle on the counter and moved further down the bar to deal

    with other business.

    Tsuiichi watched him go, a stoic expression hiding the conflicting thoughts and emotions

    within. As soon as he began to take an order from a quiet, inexperienced-looking Fighter far

    down the bar, she forced her eyes away and lifted her glass just above the counter. She swirled

    the liquid in circles, listening to the soft clinking of the ice within as she forced herself to

    consider taking the job. Working with others wasnt exactly her forte; shed earned the nickname

    Hundred-Gun Tsuiichi to make sure people understood that she didnt neednor wanttheir


    Tsuiichi took a casual sip of her liquor, feeling the subdued heat flow down into herbody, as she tried to focus on what could be considered the pros of the situation. From what Nico

    had told her, she wouldnt really be working with himhe was just along for the ride. And

    having an escort for the girl was definitely a good thing; she desperately wanted to save her, but

    knew well enough that she just wasnt that great with kids.

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    Taking another sip from her crystalline glass, drawing longer from the liquor and almost

    emptying the glass, Tsuiichi turned to call for Nicos attention. She stopped as she noticed him

    standing just a half-dozen feet away, a grin spreading across his face as he pointlessly polished a

    glass. Ill get ahold of the client, he said, not even pausing to question her decision. Go home

    and get some sleep; youve got a big day tomorrow. Ill send someone for you just before noon.

    Hundred-Gun Tsuiichi managed the grimace this time, although it wasnt really very

    convincing. She set her silver fedora, complete with black rim and white feather, back atop her

    head, then downed the rest of her drink. She stood and adjusted the strap that secured the multi-

    form launcher to her back, then made her way up the short staircase and out the door, purposely

    leaving the Buster Grenade on the counter as an unorthodox means of payment to her old friend.

    Part 1

    A Berzerker? You have to be joking. There went the idea of leaving the girl under his

    care; how many kinds of insane must the client be to entrust the life of his daughter to one ofthose blood-loving maniacs?

    Tsuiichi had been able to spot the mans profession from half a block away, noticing the

    dark pink hue that stained his zanbato. Sighing heavily, she crossed the last bit of distance to

    where he was leaning casually against one of the many white stone walls of the city around them.

    Her hands brushed anxiously against the muskets at her waist as she took the last few steps to

    enter his field of vision.

    He noticed her immediately; his eyes flickered with surprise, but he quickly recovered

    and began to identify the woman in front of him. Tsuiichi? he asked out of convention, almost

    more a statement than a question, as he extended his hand towards her.

    She grasped his hand firmly, shaking it as she studied him. In lieu of armor, he wore an

    elaborate black, red and brown outfit, with a matching scarlet cloak thrown partway over his left

    shoulder. His lack of armor surprised her, on top of the fact that she was already a slight bit

    confused by the fact that he didnt have that bloodshot look in his eye common to Berzerkers,

    nor that unnatural shake to his hand. She probably had little room to talk, however, seeing as

    how black shorts, an exposing white-and-black dress shirt and her trademark fedora probably did

    even less to protect her. Youre the escort my client sent for the little girl? she inquired, letting

    just a bit more suspicion creep into her voice than shed intended.

    That I am. Im Sinemetucall me Sine. he replied, in a tone that was a good bit too

    friendly for an average, raving lunatic who preferred to fight while drenched in his own blood.

    Just the manner with which he composed himself alleviated some of her doubts about the man.

    Besides, a man with as much money as her client did was unlikely to be that foolish. Of course,

    none of that meant she was going to let the little girl out of her sight until she was returned safely

    and the money had been transferred.

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    Shes supposedly still being held in the Inner Sanctum of Puppet Museum, he

    continued, wasting no time. Dogries long gone, but he left enough residual power for someone

    else to come in and take over. Dogries foot soldiers were mostly just mindless puppets, after

    all, he explained, and there was just a hint of familiarity in his voice that echoed all too

    obviously in the short pause that followed. The name of the Museums new master is Brennan.

    He was supposedly one of Dogries old partners; as soon as he heard he was dead, he came

    rushing in to stake his claim. There was another quick pause, and his eyes flickered with


    Of course, none of that matters to us, he said. All we care about is the girl. We dont

    believe that Brennan himself kidnapped her, but that hardly matters because we know hes the

    one holding her captive. He adjusted the zanbato at his waist and rolled his head from side to

    side, stretching. Im ready to go as soon as you are. The Museum is only about an hours trip

    from here, which is good, because my boss expects his daughter back tonight. With nothing

    more to say, he turned and began to stride toward the city gate.

    Tsuiichi watched him for a moment, taking in and analyzing everything he had said and

    done. Even beyond the fact that he was nothing like any Berzerker shed ever met, there was

    something different about him; just a few little quirks in his behavior that hinted at some sort of

    secret. But it appeared a great deal more likely to just be a dark past than any sort of dark

    intentions. Checking once more that her muskets, golden with streaks of black along the barrels,

    were in their rightful place, she set off after him, mentally preparing herself for the mission.

    Part 2

    You hear that, dont you? Tsuiichis eyes shifted anxiously back and forth, watchingthe rows of clay statues lining the hallway with murderous vigilance. Theyd just entered the

    Main Hall, but the dozens of living statues hadnt moved at all.

    Of course I hear it, Sine replied, striding straight ahead. I can feel the magic in the air,

    too. Were in for a pretty exciting time, but for now, all we can do is wait for them to jump out

    and yell surprise!

    The pair fell back into silence as they continued their purposed march. The heavy magic

    echoed their footsteps in awkward ways; the overbearing sound almost drowned out the soft

    rustling that emanated from the ranks of statues. They were definitely awake; they were just


    It wasnt much later that their journey came to a sudden halt. The massive stone door to

    the next room was shut tight; they stood in silence for a short yet drawn out moment, examining

    the impressive dark gray barrier that barred their way. Well, then. Its about time, Sine

    remarked casually, rolling his shoulders in their sockets. Looks like this should be a good warm

    up. He slowly slid the beige Zanbato out of the sheath on his back, the heavy black center of the

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    blade catching the white light and trapping it away.Tsuiichi slid into action at the same moment,

    flipping the safety catch on the Muskets at her waist and prepping a row of Buster Grenades,

    hanging several from a chain on either side of her shorts.

    Silence reigned over the scene for a moment longer, hanging ominously in the enormous

    hallway like a velvet curtain about to be raised. Then, almost literally in the blink of an eye,myriad statues strode out from the wall. Blank expressions adorned the faces of Slayers and

    Fighters as they moved to stand against the pair; Gunners and Mages filled in behind them, and

    Priests stepped into place between the two groups. All in all, there must have been three dozen

    malicious foesversus just the two of them.

    Part 3

    A good warm up indeed, Sine repeated, dashing into the fray. He gracefully side-

    stepped an uppercut, slicing upwards and cleaving his attacker in half instantly. He turned to

    stare down a Slayer statue on his right; its sword was hefted above its shoulder, and a dark,wispy aura was congregating about the blade. Time seemed to slow as they held their positions;

    then the statue brought his blade crashing downward, coated with thick, blazing violet energy.

    Sine reacted with beautifully inhuman speed, parrying the blade away to the side, dark crimson

    droplets of blood literally absorbing the ghostly energy, rendering the attack useless in its


    However, just before he could bring his sword around for the kill, a fiery skeleton

    pumpkin came soaring towards him; he had just enough time to backstep out of the way, the

    scorching heat sucking the oxygen out of the air on its way past. He grimaced, then brought his

    blade back to a guard stance and glanced in his partners direction. Tsuiichi, get over there andtake care of them! I cant keep dodging projectiles forever!

    A pang of annoyance shot through Tsuiichi, and she immediately drew back at the insult

    of being commanded. For a moment, she thought about refusing; then she finally acknowledged

    how quick Sine had been to admit his own weakness, and the idea slid from her mind. With

    something between a scowl and an excited smile, Tsuiichi leapt into battle.

    As fast as she could, she turned and dashed straight for the stone gray door. She didnt

    slow her stride in the least as she neared itshe simply lifted her foot high, set it on the wall,

    turned her world on its side and raced towards the ceiling. About two thirds of the way up, only

    seven feet from the top, she planted both feet on the stone and vaulted off of it as hard as she

    could. She flipped through the empty air, up and over the horde of statues below. At the apex of

    her jump, she tossed two Buster Grenades up above her. By the time they began their own

    descent, shed landed on the ground in a kneeling position, the entire horde of statues between

    her and her partner.

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    If time had seemed to slow before, it now had truly halted. Hundred-Gun Tsuiichi spun to

    face her enemies, lifting one knee into a firing stance as she turned, her muskets already drawn.

    She opened fire immediately, drilling accurate shots into the statues. A half-dozen of them

    recoiled into the air as Tsuiichi rose to her feet and strode forward, blasting another bullet into

    each of them. With no more bullets to fire into the fray, she pushed her muskets back into their

    holsters; it appeared that her onslaught had ended, but shed planned too well for that.

    The Buster Grenades hit the ground at that exact moment, exploding to each side of the

    aerial statues and launching them higher into the air, grouping them together at the same time.

    Sliding her Weapon Launcher into firing position, Tsuiichi dashed forward and slid, nocking the

    barrel of a flamethrower onto her weapon. When she was directly beneath the group of statues,

    she pulled the trigger and engulfed them in a thick cloud of glowing flame. When the blaze

    finally disappated, the melting clay remains of the statues fell to the floor, now completely

    devoid of life.

    Buzzing with adrenaline, Tsuiichi bounced herself back to her feet and turned in Sinesdirection, where chunks of clay still recognizable as statues flew into the air, now stained with

    blood. You doing alright over there, Sine? she called, smirking with excitement.

    Another several bits of clay flew up above the crowd of enemies before Sinemetu responded.

    Im doing just fine over here, he answered, the sound of his panting audible even with the

    distance between them. Ill see you in the middle!

    Tsuiichi shook her head and smiled, pulling her muskets back out from their holsters and

    reloading them. Sine had been right; this was a pretty damn nice warm up.

    Part 4

    "This isn't good, Sine," Tsuiichi muttered, staring out at the crowd of statues below them,

    amassed at the base of an enormous staircase. It hadn't been long since they'd left their earlier

    skirmish behind. Long enough to catch their breath--but not enough for Tsuiichi to fix her

    jammed weapon launcher.

    "I realize that," Sine replied, slowly calculating the situation they'd gotten themselves

    into. There were less statues than before, but only just barely. Too many for him to take on by

    himself, and the only obstacle keeping them from their prey was an ascent of about a hundred

    marble stairs. "How long?"

    Tsuiichi glanced over the weapon in her hands, then gazed at the cavernous, circular

    room around them; it was either descend the staircase, or suffer a deadly drop to the floor on

    either side. The only advantage they had was the high ground, and it wouldn't be enough. "Too

    long.Sine, we've got to pull back. Without my launcher, there just isn't much we can do."

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    Sine's eyes didn't once leave the crowd below them. "Then we'll do what we can. We're

    running out of time." His words carried a kind of personal fear; almost as if it were his own

    daughter he was saving. "Do what you want, but you'll waste your breath if you argue. I'm going

    in." Tsuiichi didn't even respond, already knowing how futile arguing would be. She watched as

    his irises took on a reflective crimson sheen, could see the pink hue on his blade being sucked to

    the surface in slick streaks of blood. Then she silently turned her attention back to her launcher

    and struggled hastily to remove the jam.

    Silently, but with a sense of focused purpose and courage that almost seemed to shock the

    statues below, Sinemetu charged headlong down the staircase. With stiff, inhuman urgency they

    marched towards him, driving up the sides to flank him. The vanguard of the group consisted of

    several Gunners; Sine predicted each and every shot they fired,ducking to either side without

    ever once slowing down. As soon as he was within striking distance, he spun gracefully to the

    left, drawing the sword in his right hand around in a rising slash that decimated the gunslingers

    before him. The motion dropped him several steps lower, and his blade continued moving in

    perfectly coordinated strokes, bringing utter destruction upon anything that came within its


    Stupid fucking thing...come on, workalready!

    Sine grasped the hilt of his blade with both hands and swung it in tight arcs, dancing back

    and forth between stances as he spun to face each new enemy. Cleaving downward to rip through

    the chest of a Slayer; a horizontal slash that drew a perfect line across the neck of a Fighter, the

    head soaring up and away. His eyes predicted each and every movement of the statues.

    Why won't you fire!? Dammit, dammit, dammit!

    Everywhere his blade sliced through a foe, the air parted into a vacuum; before it could

    return, enchanted scarlet blood rushed in to fill the void, hanging ominously. Steadily, he pushed

    the statues away; Tsuiichi froze for a moment to watch the spectacle, immediately noticing the

    intricate designs of power being etched into the air.

    Justa few morelines. . .There! He finished it!

    As soon as he drew the last line, Sinemetu flipped his blade upside-down, grasping it

    with his right hand and hefting it high into the air, then tossing it downward, thrusting it

    diagonally into the heart of a statue lying at his feet. He threw his arms outward and bellowed,filling the sound with furious, primal strength. A magical shockwave shot forth, forcing the

    suspended blades of blood away, ruination tearing through anything and everything around him.

    Sheer power enveloped the entire chamber, leaving horrible silence in its wake.

    His body suddenly devoid of energy, as if he'd purposefully driven the air from his lungs

    and the life from his body, Sine dropped to one knee. His right hand reached out and clutched the

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    zanbato for support, the left pressed against his heaving chest--and the remaining dozen statues

    strode unsympathetically over shattered clay remains to finish him.

    "Sine, down!!"

    The shout rang out just before a barking, violent explosion emanated from the apex of thestaircase. Sine reacted immediately, eyes growing wide and breathing becoming more steady. He

    drew both arms in to his chest and crossed them, bowing his head as a thin crimson web formed

    around him, all the protection he could muster.

    Not a heartbeat after the shield went up, Lancer rockets fell to the stairs around him,

    striking the ground and detonating. The entire world around him erupted into flames, the

    scorching blaze and choking smoke completely enveloping him.

    Tsuiichi watched as each of the remaining statues was blown apart, smirking excitedly,

    but didn't move once as she watched the stairs below her for any sign of life. Through the thick

    gray smoke, she caught glimpses of a dozen crimson lights, the magical life force of the statues,

    spiraling inward toward Sine's location.

    Sine fell in and out of view as the haze began to clear, and Tsuiichi strode quickly down

    the stairs toward him. She eventually found him lying flat on his back on a landing halfway

    down. He'd replaced his zanbato in its sheath, and was still trying to catch his breath as he

    watched the remnants of flames spiral upward to the ceiling high above.

    "Well," he said, a soft chuckle mixed in with his exhausted tone of voice. "That was fun."

    Part 5


    Thats hardly a good reason to stick your neck out like this.

    Its good enough for me.

    Bang. Bang. Two more shots that cracked like thunder as they smote statues from above like

    thunder, fired with nigh inhuman accuracy.

    But it isnt your kid.

    She isnt yours, either.

    Bang-snap. Shot through the heart by a bullet with the tenacity to ricochet off a wall before

    delivering its judgment.

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    Yeah. But Im getting paid, Tsuiichi responded, teeth clenched in frustration. And your boss

    hates you. You said so yourself. He doesnt sound like the sort of person to change his opinion

    just because you got bawlsy.

    He hates everyone. Better for business that way. He pays me, I live up to his expectations. Out

    of the corner of her eye, Tsuiichi could see him, bandaging his last wounds as his bloodmore

    than just his life force, the material he depended upon for his protectiontrickled its way back

    down the staircase they had worked so hard to ascend, where Tsuiichi stood as she sniped lone

    statues that wandered their way into the amphitheater. Besides, even if I die this late in the

    game, Im sure youll be able to save her. At which point, my employer would be free to openly

    respect mebetter than being a coward and ducking out of the job, in any case.



    Tsuiichi spun on her heels, grasping her muskets tightly. Youre going to get yourselfkilledthis

    way, Sine! Nothing matters if youre dead! She gestured wildly with her muskets, eyes blazing

    with frustration. God. And I thought you were smarter than all the other psychosHa-hah!

    Hrk With a snap, her feet froze in place, immobilized by blood. Sine stood, glaring with hate

    behind the crimson tinted lenses of his sunglasses. For a moment, he was silent, the only sound

    in the chamber Tsuiichis heavy breathing and the scuffling, screeching shuffle of clay feet

    ascending the staircase. Then, with a flourish of his hand, he snapped Tsuiichis feet out from

    under her.

    Slowly, undaunted by the prospect of being set upon by the approaching foes, Sine made his way

    toward Tsuiichi. He stared silently down at her, holding her shaking gazethen he forcefully

    thrust his blade into the ground, just inches shy of her head. The action frightened her enough

    that she flinched, letting out a restrained cry of fear. He knelt down beside her, close enough to

    her face for her to smell the blood.

    Dont tell me how to do my job. How to live my life.Ever.

    With nothing else to say, he stood, hefted his weapon from the floor, and strode away from his

    partner, through the darkened doorway that led deeper into the dungeon. It took Tsuiichi several

    moments longer to compose herself, but she did it, rising and returning her guns to their holsters

    before she followed after him, frustration still burning in her minda different shadow of it that

    she barely understood, but still same enough to wield as a fire.

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    Part 6

    Damn fool, where did you run off toTsuiichis words, whispers though they were, still

    echoed off stone pillars and floors and walls, more than they had any right to. They were

    deafening, just like the sounds of her own labored breathing, her rapidly pounding heartbeat

    the slow, thudding footsteps of the beast at it stalked the hallway, searching for her, and the sharpclick of the hammer on her musket.

    For a moment, the grotesque, faceless stone behemoth stopped, and Tsuiichis heart caught in her

    throat, transferring its heavy tremors to her head. Sweat pooled on her brow; her ears rang with


    Come onjusta few more stepsPlease

    At last, the beast lumbered forward. Tsuiichi couldnt stop herself from heaving a sigh of

    reliefand once again, the footsteps halted. Dammit! she shouted, grasping her musket in both

    hands and stepping out from behind the pillar. She adopted a firing stance, took aim at the apex

    of the pillar behind the golemwhich bellowed bestially, though it lacked any mouth with

    which to do soand squeezed the trigger.

    As soon as the bullet left the barrel, she turned and began to scramble away, into the seemingly

    endless darkness of the maze of pillars. Before shed gone two steps, there was a soft, rushing

    whoosh, followed by the sound of a quantum detonationless bang than gunpowder, but still

    enough to ruin the pillar and ceiling, bringing half a ton of granite down upon the massive,

    mindless puppet.

    The wave of static energy the detonation gave off caught up with her just before it dissipated,sending a tingling exhaustion through her limbs as she ran. Aside from the sounds of rumble

    settling, the way behind her was silentat least for the moment, it seemed shed gotten free. But

    she still had no idea where her partner was.

    Hes bound to be in here somewhere. Hellprobably comelooking for the source of that


    From somewhere in the distance came another bestial roarfollowed by the frustrated shout of

    an enraged, wounded Berzerker.

    God dammit!

    Tsuiichi took off at an awkward gait, forcing strength back into her legs as she ran. A glance to

    either side showed her blood spattered lightly across the pristine marble pillarsshe focused her

    thoughts and slowed, retrieving her Launcher and sliding a rotating barrel and a drum of bullets

    to the end. With slow, measured steps, she paced forward, eyes piercing the shadows.

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    But there wasnt even a hint of warning of the presence of a second golem in the distance before

    her, and she barely had t ime to side-step into the next row of pillars as it came charging down

    upon her. It continued past her, its hulking mass barely contained between the pillars.

    Masking fear with efficiency, Tsuiichi stepped back into the space it had just passed through,

    hefting the Launcher and squeezing the trigger. The barrel spun with absurd speed, and thehallways was briefly illuminated with flashes of strobing light as heavy caliber bullets roared

    from the gun. Nearly fifty rounds tore into the beasts back from less than ten feet awaybut

    even above the incessant buzz of her gun, Tsuiichi could hear the awkward thudding sounds they

    made as they struck home.

    After several seconds, the drum ran dry, and the cloud of steam that had formed around the

    barrel began to dissipateand the only evidence left of the specially designed piercing rounds

    upon the puppets body were shallow dents in its back.

    Theres no wayjust no way Tsuiichi stood in shock, eyes wide and mouth agape, stillgripping her now useless Launcher. The behemoth roared again, and fear shot through her,

    freezing her in place as it began to lumber towards her.

    Move, dammit! The sounds barely registered in Tsuiichis mind, but the shock of pain as she

    was pushed roughly aside and struck her left shoulder hard upon a pillar did. She gasped,

    beginning to breath once more, her heart still thudding as she slumped to the floor, staring up at

    Sine. He approached from behind, bloody blade in hand, his eyes locked upon the faceless

    mound of living stone. Stay down, out of the way. I can handle this.


    Shut up.

    She couldnt help flinching back an inch.

    Sines blade was drenched completely in blood, a scarlet coat that brought out the silver cross

    carved into the hilt. From the side, Tsuiichi could see his eyes, and the pink hue that had begun

    to leak into the corneas. Most Berzerkers would be shaking with bloodlust at this pointbut not

    Sine. He just stood with confidence and focus, all of his rage and madness locked into the tense

    muscles beneath his skin.

    The golem watched, its posture somehow implying confusion, before it grunted and began tolumber slowly toward Sine. He didnt move as it approached. The beast faltered for a moment,

    studying himthen, with no regard for the laws of physics, it took one last, blindingly fast step

    forward, and stretched its arm forward with unmatchable speed to grasp the Berzerker.

    Sine still saw it coming.

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    In a flash, his blade swept upward, taking the things hand off at the wrist. Crimson blood began

    to seep up its arm, and it warbled in pain. Sine caught the severed hand, still glaring daggers into

    the beast as it grasped its arm. He hefted his trophy before him, grasping it tightly. The motion

    caught the golems attention, and it watched in silence as Sine crushed it in his grip. The

    shattered pieces morphed into scarlet blood that leaked from between his fingers and oozed to

    the ground, eliciting another trembling scream from the beast, as though its severed hand could

    still feel pain. Sine just watched, his face a mask void of expression.

    The puppet continued to bellow and roar, loud and basso sounds that conveyed pain and rage

    and also served to mask the swift approach of its partner. Tsuiichi could see it coming, took note

    of its hulking mass as it stepped out of the shadows to Sines right side. She knew that there was

    no way he could hear her, knew that there was no time for him to get out of the way. She had no

    choice but to bear the burning pain in her shoulder and knock a missile launcher to the end of her

    gun, take aim, and fire at the beasts head, recoil shoving her spine back into the pillar with

    breathtaking force.

    The projectile passed the golems own mid-flightthick globs of liquid stone already on their

    way toward Sine. The missile was too slowshe had been too latebut it crashed into the

    things head all the same, denting it inward and detonating with enough force to render it

    headless. The only small mercy was the fact that the explosion had been louder than the bellows

    of painSine whipped his head around at the last second, and the stone projectile caught him on

    his scalp rather than just above the ear. He shrieked in pain, spinning around to face Tsuiichi. His

    sunglasses had been knocked from his face, and the crimson in his eyes grew deeper as he

    clutched his palm over one eye. The stone on his head grew larger, spreading over the right side

    of his face and petrifying it, leaving only his scarlet eye visible beneath a gray mask.

    Merciless beast that it was, the golem he had wounded swung its crippled arm at his chest,

    knocking him over. His blade clattered to the ground, echoing in the sudden silence as the

    puppets watched him twitch in pain. For several moments longer, his body spasmed in pain, then

    finally went still.


    Go on.


    Head on into the next room. Ill be there soon.

    What, youre going to fight both these things alone!? Thats suicide!

    He didnt respond. He only struggled to his feet, grasping the hilt of his zanbato and using it for

    support. His eyes had taken on a luminescence of their own, and they reflected against the

    centimeter-deep pool of blood that covered the immediate area. With his free hand, he clutched

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    at his neck, ripping a necklace from it and tossing it at Tsuiichi. She caught it, clumsily, and

    when she looked back up, hed pulled a second, shorter weapon from his waist. Get clear and

    give me three minutes.

    Sine, theres no way you can

    The blood at his feet began to boil and hiss.

    Just go, would you?

    She could hear the pain and anxiety in his voiceit was there in spades, and his words trembled

    with effort. But she also took note of the strength, the rage, the hungerit flowed up from deep

    in his chest, threatening to overflow. She hesitated, just for a single moment longer, before

    struggling to her feet and hobbling away, as quickly as she could. She could hear him behind

    herlaughing softly to himself. She struggled onward, but her legs steadily gave out beneath

    her. With a grunt of pain, she settled down once more against a pillar, facing back the way she

    came. She was just close enough to see the look on his face, illuminated by his eyespsychosis

    threatened to wash over his mind.

    He stood, perfectly still, for just another few secondsthen the behemoths roared and set upon

    him at the same time, and he flashed to the side. The world went dark for an instant, a

    heartbeatjust long enough for Tsuiichi to notice that the already dim lights in the cavernous

    room had grown dimmer, and cast a crimson shade of their own. Then, with a cackling giggle,

    Sinemetu struck.

    Numerous thick, crescent-shaped strokes of luminescent blood lit the area Tsuiichi had last seen

    him, manifesting and vanishing in an instant as they tore into the golems. They bellowed indistress, sounds that were renewed every other second as another blade injected boiling blood

    deep into their bodies. The carnage lasted for almost half a minute, and Sine cackled endlessly

    then, as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped.

    Tsuiichi could see the crippled forms of the puppetsone kneeling, supported by its only

    remaining arm, the other slumped against a pillar. They both glowed dimly, causing shadows to

    dance over the scenethen Sine strode forth. His glowing eyes were still the brightest source of

    light, though his weapons appeared to be coated in bloody flame as well, cast out to either side.

    He silently slid the cudgel back into its sheath, and then rested his zanbato upon his shoulder.

    Gradually, the light upon it dimmed to nothing, only visible by the light of his eyes reflectedupon its silver cross. The eyes were the only source of light remaining until, breathing heavily,

    Sine shut them.

    Darkness fell, and the only sound to be heard was Sines breathingwhich grew louder, and

    louder, twisted into manic laughter, and was suddenly accompanied by the sizzling of hot blood.

    Then the world flashed in blinding crimson hues, lighting the entire chamber as Sines laughter

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    grew louder and louder, instilled with far more madness than any man should be able to fit into a

    single breath. The entire scene grew too bright for Tsuiichi to see anything within, veiled by

    crimson light as it was. Finding somewhere within her the strength to continue onward, she rose

    again and staggered her way out of the chamber, Sines mad laughter always close on her heels

    and the beads upon the necklace clutched in her fist glowing dimly with a pure, stagnant sky blue


    Part 7


    Dragged back to reality by the sudden noise, Tsuiichi flinched, hard enough to knock her head

    against the stone wall behind her. She gasped, rubbing her scalp, the motion enough to send a

    renewed pang of intense discomfort through her wounded shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye,

    she could see Sine, standing far enough behind the wall to avoid being scrutinized, and she

    realized she had no way of knowing how much time had passed. She had eventually been able toignore the sounds coming from the room behind herbut shed apparently been so far gone, she

    hadnt even been able to hear Sines approach.

    The necklace, Sine spat impatiently, and this time Tsuiichi could hear the growling undertones

    that laced his words. She hesitated for a moment, startledthen hastily grasped the blue

    necklace from where it lay beside her, throwing it clumsily to the ground near Sines feet. She

    could hear him grunt in pain as he bent to pick it up, and listened nervously as he set it back

    around his neck, heartbeat racing. Over time, she could hear him bring his ragged breathing back

    under control, the rhythm of her own heart slowing gradually. Eventually, the small passageway

    grew silent once more.

    Hows your shoulder? Tsuiichi could easily tell that he was back to normal; short of anything

    else, he at least sounded human again. Can you still use that arm?

    Tsuiichis left shoulder twitched in response to the question, but she was able to lift her arm and

    move it with only moderate discomfort. Yeah.Its fine for now. She rotated her shoulder in

    discomfort, wincing every second or so as she brought it around full-circle, but the pain lessened

    with each rotation. Hows your head? You took a pretty nasty hit. He was silent for a moment,

    and out of the corner of her eye Tsuiichi could see his shadow moving as he lifted his hand to

    touch the spot just above his right eye where hed been struck. He sucked in a hissing breath of

    pain, his heels clicking on the marble floor as he staggered back a few steps.

    Its alright, he responded after another short moment. Ive got a pretty nasty bruise and a

    terrible headache, but Ill manage. He chuckled to himself, and though the laughter sounded

    entirely human once more, Tsuiichi still had to fight back the urge to flinch again. It was the

    strangest feeling. Didnt really hurt that bad, but it really weighed me down. Not exactly

    something Id like to experience again. He was silent for a few seconds, and Tsuiichi could tell

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    he was running thoughts carefully through his mind. Were almost there, you know. This is the

    last chamber. Tsuiichi just slowly nodded several times in acknowledgment. No sense in

    giving up when were this close to the end.

    The insinuation hit Tsuiichi like a suckerpunch to the stomach, and her eyes widened in surprise,

    mouth dropping open in rage. She spun to glare at Sine, rising to her feet and clenching herhands into fists along the way. You think I was planning to duck out now? That I was just

    gonna run off and leave you here, all because of my stupid shoulder? Her golden eyes were hot

    with rage, and she continued to stare off into space. Eventually, he started to laugh again. This

    time, Tsuiichi could really see the life in it, could tell for sure that he was back to the same

    eccentric man he had been before. It was immediately simple to differentiate from his laughter,

    and the sickening cackle from before.

    I know you wouldnt. If I really thought youd do it, I wouldve told you to go myself. He

    cocked his head to glance at Tsuiichi, all traces of scarlet veiled away once more by dark amber

    brown. Besides. Youre Hundred-Gun Tsuiichi. Youre hardly the kind to leave a jobunfinished.

    Coming from anyone else, it wouldve sounded like an insult. Coming from Sinemetu, it just

    seemed honest and respectfulwhich still stung Tsuiichis pride a bit, seeing as shed been the

    one to stagger away while Sine did all the work in the previous room. All the same, she tried to

    take it for the compliment it was. Of course not. Theres a kid in there who needs saving. And

    once you do that, I can collect my fee. She held eye contact with him, her confidence returning

    as her mouth slipped into a wicked grin. So. One last room, huh?

    Yeah. This is it. Sine turned to stare down the dark hallway before them, expression veilingover once more as he though about what lay ahead. Its gonna be rough in there. No telling what

    well be up against.

    Yup.Tsuiichis gaze fell upon the darkened doorway as well, and the grin slid slowly from her

    face. Silence fell over the small room, persisted for almost a full minute; then: You ready?

    Hell yeah I am.

    Then lets go.

    With grace, Tsuiichi slid her arms down to brush her sides, pulling her guns from their holsters

    and flipping the safety catches in one fluid motion, before stepping forward and setting off

    through the doorway. Behind her, she could hear the elegant, ringing screech of a blade being

    pulled from its sheath, and Sines footsteps fell in next to her own as they made their way into

    the darkness.

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    Part 8

    So this is the best you could do, huh?

    Sines words echoed endlessly around the massive amphitheater, reaching out over the hordes of

    statues and spiraling up and away toward the impossibly high glass ceiling. They were met withsilence; none of the statues moved in response. They were everywherelining the balcony that

    circled the entire chamber, standing as though frozen in place as they ascended and descended

    stairs, and scattered about the ballroom floor below, an incredibly immense sea of statues.

    All in all, there mustve been close to two hundred of them.

    Is this really all youve got left? After everything you threw at us, I was expecting something a

    bit more grandiose. Sine was grinning sadistically, teeth bared, zanbato resting on his right

    shoulder. I have to say, Im quite disappointed in you, Brennan. Wherever your scrawny ass is

    hidingprobably already turned tail and run. What do you think, Tsuiichi?

    She grinned, but was generally more serious about the whole ordeal than he was, eyes shifting

    constantly to watch for any signs of movement. I appreciate the confidence, but we are talking

    about a lot of enemies here, Sine, She responded, keeping her voice much quieter as she

    continued her constant sweep of the room. Howre we gonna play this one?

    His grin grew yet more massive, almost frighteningly tenacious. We freestyle, I suppose. Seems

    to be your specialty, and, well, Im just too good to be believed. Aint that right, fellas? At last,

    a response; the circular ballroom filled with unpleasant, lifeless sounds as the statues shook

    themselves to life all around them. Sines grin never faded, but the fire in his eyes immediately

    focused. You ready?


    Good. Eyes still locked on the flight of stairs before them, Sine withdrew his cudgel from his

    belt, wielding it and his zanbato in the most menacing way possible, giving the impression that

    they were less weapons than they were instruments of death. Runnels of scarlet blood ran down

    them, and they began to cast off a faint crimson light once more. Ill be a gentleman and let you

    make the first move.

    Tsuiichi grimaced. How kind of you.Asshole. Grasping tight to the handles of her muskets, she

    inhaled deeply, bracing her muscles for the fight. Left.


    Tsuiichi nodded, turning to set her back against his.

    On your mark.

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    Sine nodded.


    With more speed and grace than seemed possible, the two spun about one another, then dashed

    apart, racing along opposite sides of the balcony at the same breakneck pace. Statues turned to

    face them with ten times more speed than they had displayed in previous battlesbut stood no

    chance against Tsuiichi and Sinemetu. A gunner that lifted its gun to fire upon Tsuiichi had its

    hand blown off as she neared, then side-stepped and spun to bring her other musket up to its

    chinbang. She swept out with her leg, knocking the lifeless corpse off balance, then grasped it

    by the arm, completing her rotation as she hurled the statue toward the opposite end of the


    Without taking his eyes off the statue before him, Sine tossed his bludgeon straight up into the

    air, then threw his arm out to the side and snared the flying corpse with a lasso of blood. His fist

    flew across the face of the statue before him in a left hook, bringing the bound corpse crashing

    into the others behind it. Too good to miss a beat, Sine raced over the ruined statues before him,

    grasping his missing weapon out of the air and bringing it down into the shoulder of yet another

    foe. It staggered to the side, and he swept upward with a two-handed swing of his zanbato,

    cleaving the statue in half diagonally from the waist up; he then reached for the cudgel with his

    left hand as his momentum carried him around in a spin, then ducked between the statue and the

    wall, shoving its teetering remains off the edge of the balcony as he continued onward to face his

    next foe.

    Bang-bang, bang-bang. Bang.

    Four more shots in rapid succession, two from each musket, then the executionand another

    statue fell lifelessly to be washed away amidst the flowing, shifting sea of stone below. With

    three more statues lined up before her, Tsuiichi grinned wickedly, thankful for such good luck. In

    a flash, she swung her launcher to bear, loading a Steyr missile to the front and taking quick aim

    before letting loose. The recoil pushed her back several feet, dangerously close to the edgebut

    she recovered quick enough to follow through with the strike. The missile had left different

    wounds on each of the statuesthe first had lost an arm, the second its head, and the third the

    spot in its chest where its heart would bebut they were all still standing, and the shorter statue

    in front used its one remaining arm to toss a bolt of lightning toward Tsuiichi. The danger never

    shook the focused expression on Tsuiichis face as she closed the distance between herself and

    the deadly projectile. At the last moment, she fell into a slide, then wrapped her lower legs

    around the statues foot. With the last of her momentum, she flipped herself over into a

    handstand, carrying her foe with her and releasing it toward the other two statuesthen

    springing off the ground and launching clear over them, pouring bullets into the tangled mess of

    statues along the way.

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    She hit the ground hard, catching herself with one knee and a single palm to the floor of the

    balcony. Before her, plenty more statues still waitedbehind, exactly half of the balcony had

    already been cleared. Sine, down! she yelled, panting heavily. She then slid one musket back

    into its holster and pulled several Buster grenades from her belt, which she threw behind her over

    the edge of the balcony.

    Clear on the other side of the room, halfway along the balcony as well, Sinemetu responded

    immediatelyhe finished the statue before him with a crimson spear of blood through its chest,

    then sheathed his cudgel and turned toward the ledge of the balcony, the blade of his

    zanbatofacing downward as he grasped the hilt with both hands. With a vicious bellow, he leapt

    from the balcony, trailed by a scarlet aura that grew more intense as he fell to the ballroom floor

    below. At last, he touched down, driving the blade deep into the marble floorand sending up a

    shockwave of blood before him, clearing a good thirty feet of statues.

    At the exact moment hed jumped, Tsuiichi had tipped backwards over the edge of the balcony,

    both hands grasping the single musket directly above her head. In the split second she drewparallel to the floor, she fireda single bullet that pierced through all three grenades at the same

    time, detonating them and clearing a path to the center. She could see Sine, at the opposite end of

    the amphitheater, as he touched downthen she flipped onto her feet and hit the ground,

    immediately holstering her gun and turning to sprint along the already closing pathway toward

    the center of room.

    At the last moment, she turned and set her launcher before her, the heavy barrel of a

    flamethrower already attached to the end. Her momentum gave out the moment she felt her back

    touch against Sines, and she could feel his body tremble as he inhaled and exhaled, heart

    pounding just as rapidly as her own. Having fun? she asked through heavy breaths, eyesintently focused on the statues that closed in around them.

    More than I have in ages, he replied, still holding tight to the hilt of his zanbato with both of

    his hands. Weve still got a long ways to go. Tsuiichi chuckled dryly in response. Sure you

    dont want to back out?

    She laughed again, more lively this time. Not for the world, Sine. Not for the world.

    Good. Then lets give em Hell.

    They acted in unison, letting loose a cry of fire and hate as they spun about an axis, letting loosewith scorching napalm and seething blood, layered over one another again and again, forming a

    vicious twister that literally dissolved the statues around them. When at last Tsuiichis

    flamethrower had run dry and Sines blade had been sucked clean of blood, the floor around

    them had been scorched to a shining, pearlescent white and layered over with a soft sheen of

    pinkand all the space around them, a full forty feet in every direction, had been cleared of


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    Nonetheless, at least two thirds of the army yet remained; with all that effort, theyd barely

    managed to make a dent.

    Guess weve got a ways to go still, huh, Tsuiichi?

    Looks like it.

    How many bullets do you have left, anyway?

    Enough. Youll run yourself clear of blood before I even have to stop and count.

    Heh. Not likely.

    Well then I suppose theres no reason to stand here and talk about it, is there?

    Good point.

    Tsuiichi smirked once more. Ready?

    Always am, baby.

    The smile disappeared instantly

    Oh. Uhsorry. Sorry about that. Shouldnt have said that.

    But it wasnt gone long.

    Dumbass. Shut up and dance.

    Without another breath wasted on words, Sinemetu and Hundred-Gun Tsuiichi stepped apartfrom one another, turned their attentions on the statues closing in around them once more, and

    wielded their weapons and their skills with the practiced prowess of Reapers of Death himself,

    steadily tearing holes in the seemingly endless army that surrounded them.

    Part 9

    Cmon, Brennan. Give it up. Youve lost.

    Not a chance in Hell, the tall, slender man replied, staring down the barrel of Tsuiichis gun as

    a dozen of his statues closed in around her. Do you really think that all I ever had to throw at

    you were numbers? He grinned, blue lips peeling back atop white teeth. I assure you, Im the

    one with the upper hand here. His smile grew even more vicious, and the ring of statues closed

    in even more. And Im not giving you the option to surrender.

    Tsuiichi grimaced, eyes flashing back and forth around the crowd of statues. Sine was clear on

    the other side of the room, finishing off the last few statuesall of which stood between the two

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    of them. Sine! Hey, over here! Hes overgah! She barely managed to step out of the way of

    a storm of bullets, turning to fire in return, shattering a statue to dust.

    Hrm. Played like a fool. With a flourish, Brennan swept his hand upward, palm facing toward

    the sky, and a stalagmite rose from the ground near Tsuiichis feet. It tore into her left side, and

    she gasped sharply in pain as it drew blood. Almost instantaneously, the gushing blood turned tostone, toppling Tsuiichi to her side in pain, barely able to breathe.

    Tsuiichi! Hey! Get away from her! Tsuiichi could see scarlet arcs of blood dance around the

    crowd of statues, turning several of them to dust. Then her vision grew blurry, right along with

    her thoughts, and her eyes began to squeeze themselves shutand her world faded to black, with

    Sines voice and Brennans laughter ringing in her ears.

    Dammit. It would happen like this

    Pain. Hot, fiery pain, spread all over the left side of her body.

    Of all the things that could happenBrennan, you son of a bitch

    With the pain growing ever more pronounced, other sensations gradually began to spread

    throughout Tsuiichis body. Still mostly painbut more than that all the same. With a groan, she

    tried to sit up, using the right half of her body for support.

    Oh, good. Youre awake. Hey, listen. You know that thing I said about running out of blood?

    Tsuiichi just sat on the ground, staring at her companion, trying to focus her thoughts.

    Yeah, so, uh, apparently itspossible. I meanlook, this is all Ive got left.

    With her mind finally congealed enough to think, Tsuiichi finally noticed the scene before her.

    Sine had his left arm outstretched, palm facing out, and a scarlet twister of blood was spiraling in

    toward it, emanating a harsh whooshing sound and emitting a vermillion luminescence.

    Suspended in the trap were the last few remaining statues, struggling soundlessly and robotically

    for escapealong with Brennans lifeless body, hanging limp at the end.

    I cant hold this for much longer, anditll take everything I have left to finish them off. The

    blade of his zanbato hung low to the ground, the streaks of blood running thin. Guess I got a

    little too recklesslisten, you remember what I said earlier? About thethe possibility of me

    dying out here?

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    Tsuiichi said nothing; just fought to rise to her feet, struggling against the immense pain that

    infused the left half of her torso.

    Well, I guess it was a little more likely than Id realized. Anyway, the point is, we did it.

    Together. The girl is just up those stairs over there. The strain on his face was becoming

    obvious. You can go in there and save her, get her out of here. Take her back to my boss, collectthe reward

    At last, Tsuiichi managed to push herself into a vertical position; she bent down low to retrieve

    her launcher from the ground, wincing silently in pain as she did.

    When you find her, tell herjust make sure she knows I was here. That I made it this far, that I

    tried to save her. Shell listen to what you say, I guarantee it.

    Tsuiichis only response was to knock a thick glass barrel to the end of her launcher.

    Andwalk her around the balcony when you come back through, okay? Idont want her tosee meyou know, de

    You know what your problem is, Sine?


    You talk too much. You care too much. Most Berzerkers wouldnt give a damn about anyone

    else. And honestly, I think it makes more sense that way.


    You take everything everyone around you says to heart. Their opinions, their happiness matters

    to you. Youre the least selfish, most respectable Berzerker I have met in my entire life.

    With another grunt of effort, Tsuiichi hefted her launcher onto Sines right shoulder, squeezing

    down hard on the trigger. Lavender light began to swirl inward toward the end of the barrel,

    followed by pearly white refracted light spun with sky blue undertones that gave the gun an

    otherworldly glow.

    Thats whats wrong with you, Sine. Thats what your problem is.

    With a sharp click, light stopped flowing into the end of the barrel, and several attachments slid

    out of either side, including cooling fans and a targeting reticule.

    Youre too goddamn sentimental.

    Without another word, Tsuiichi released the trigger on the barrel, and a white hot beam of light,

    melded of blue, white and lavender, immediately shot from the rifle, easily ten inches in

    diameter. It pierced through all of the statues, shattering them, doing the same to Brennans

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    unconscious body. The recoil sent both Tsuiichi and Sine flying backward, end over end, as a

    white flash of light completely enveloped the room, a heavy, metallicshingechoing around the


    Part 10

    No way! Of all the people who couldve come and saved me, I get rescued byHundred-Gun

    Tsuiichi!? Oh, god, this is the greatest day of my life!

    Sine grimaced nauseously. Well you seem to be in high spirits, Lorelei. Good to see youre


    The young girl scrunched up her face in disgust upon seeing Sine limp into the room. Oh, and

    youre here. My dad sent you, I guess? Gah. Worst babysitter ever It didnt take long for her

    to turn her attention back to Tsuiichi. I seriously cant believe youre here, though! Youre the

    coolest person ever!

    Tsuiichi didnt seem anywhere near excited about the entire situation. Um.Right. Sure, kid.

    She shot Sine a look filled with malice; he just shrugged and shook his head, but she could tell he

    was grinning regardless. Well, whatever. Look, lets just get you home, okay? She turned her

    back on the girl, heading back out of the chamber. Its about damn time I got paid

    But I dont wanna go back home! Tsuiichi could sense the sorrow written across the girls face

    without even looking at her. Its not like Dad ever pays attention to me these days anyway. Hell,

    he never did. Im old enough to be out on my own, anyway

    A pang of sadness shot through Tsuiichis heart without any form or warning. She stole a glance

    at Sine, walking beside herbut he just turned his head away, completely hiding the expression

    on his face. Well, whatever. Well talk about it when we get back. So long as somebody pays

    meeither way, Im tired. I just wanna get home. Alright with you, kid?

    Once again, Tsuiichi could sense the turn in Loreleis mood with little effort. Yeah, sure! God, I

    still cant believe I get to meet you, Tsuiichi! Oh, man, I wish I couldve seen all the fighting you

    did. Look at all these statues!

    Tsuiichi sighed heavily, hanging her head in resignation.

    You know, Tsuiichi, Sine responded, a tone of sick enjoyment leaking into his words. Maybeyou really shouldve backed out when you had the chance.

    Her only response was to pull the last grenade from her belt, snap the pin and toss it aside, and

    hurl it back over her shoulder, right into Sines hands.

    Wahahh!Gah! He hurriedly tossed it off into the darkness of the ballroom around them. It

    detonated all alone in the distance behind them, a throaty, disembodied bang.What the hell

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    would you do that for!? That couldve killed me! Tsuiichi remained silent, walking back

    through the darkened doorway that led out of the dungeon.

    Hah! Serves you right, asshole! Lorelei jeered, laughing. Maybe next time you wont be such

    a stuck-up prick! Whah-hey! Wait up, Tsuiichi!

    Tsuiichi sighed, shaking her head. She was still a long ways from home, and at this rate, she

    might not even get paid for the job. All the same, things couldve been a lot worse. She had to

    admit to herself that if it werent for Sines help, she probably couldnt have gotten through it all


    Of course, she didnt have to tell him that.