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E:'il'3:t::r= .1*-.= : = : fin,l,nscn Tot fu'lurn & Sad L,3is i;',;i. PttirF.iilil -ir, ' L':{AFI'ER i alltrrr.sthereadertog*tic,klorvrlhals.::lci;i'i:s;:"ii:r:::,iial>,-',-.,'ii;r:1;i\ 1it;tclttCailrbridgel-rrir*:rnilr rl.'r81" *-l) ancl the firsf atterirptbr \iI6 tt-, pel'sij,rii*:lt* ;o j,,.ti iti;;trt I s;,i'-l n:r. i;rit.:rli.t' rrr ;}tt i':-i ,u:ci .-\rg"'tttiiia. I iliil t \i:i. ,i;;:r i ri:i:; ii1: \ilt-. ir*ad t'ri sr*ti*ttr \ "ONEC, Ni'e studerrts jcirr *.itii rrr,: ,:rr m1 igrak*. 1l-e iiil l',;i,; ii'i"urii,. ;,it:-l ili:ir stti's;clrieirl cilrsers r11 tbtRrie vhroilgh the rest af flre 66,rk. Chief of ^rtir icoiin ).lcc*i!.1.starrs 1:ri iiiriril1g irr!!t's3 \\ith tut ':pening spedch' attempting to iusti4.\{16 i* postcold rvur. rv*'fhen ru*:r'c cfu:r*rr 1o },!lf:"s 3;qr-;f traiiiing base' knotin as the "Fort"' c' 1he south coast of England. The.,Fcrt" is an lid f lisab*Ttirn r:as1!r:- :utd it s vdr]'imposing place tbr the.trainirrg prograrnme * it is just iif,e out of a Jarnes BonrJ lilur set The ndxt iix nr<xtlt" are fillcd ivith h'aining: - Lect*res on h^adacraft a6,J techliqries c,f s1:r'in-e i:v ;';r"'ing l,JIf:' ,:filcersiil:'.i oli'i3rs (reader needs this information to unclersta*d urhat;6lii-rr'rs' t'ui catibe si'oon ted in a r+'rder i;ienCil fashicin): sun,eillance. antisun'eillance. cLrtillter sltrTeillLtlce tl! iboi' car' lni)1"-irtlikc' Flarre ;:tc -+g*nt operationsr'irlng dEad ietter bores' trrush cotrtacts afent tai getir: g. cultiv arion. recruittn ent atrd rr'rm;ing - Jse of diplomatic co\€r ut16i n4ti1s| soter :ffi#:.;,ilffi;;.;;;i;*g ro1*" i,lentitr'^ r,.**ll',ll: 9:"1'i:ill:il,'::..::i5;1"f"11111-5,:J:. l::::1ilffi:ffi#ffir;;;;;:*ri",i''gl''.rcas*s. s'i,,bir ir-.'f-,r,:'* i'';t'"-;,ne litset reinote listenrng' *errchtecl"riclues smuggling oidocuments, use ol dip-'ceg' T t'!"'ul1h rlnore i'iu!-o',r:,rrining on a,11 sorls of smail a.r.u, Rr.,t t,ng, l iz:' he:kler & i<-ircl: r::'r-' 'Irainrng tn unarmed co:nbat Clandesttne PhotograPhY Reststanee ta interrogation a a I o I

Tomlinson Synopsis

Feb 02, 2016



Synopsis of Big Breach
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Page 1: Tomlinson Synopsis

E:'il'3:t::r= .1*-.= : = :

fin,l,nscn Tot fu'lurn & Sad L,3is i;',;i.

PttirF.iilil-ir, '

L':{AFI'ER i

alltrrr.sthereadertog*tic,klorvrlhals.::lci;i'i:s;:"ii:r:::,iial>,-',-.,'ii;r:1;i\ 1it;tclttCailrbridgel-rrir*:rnilr rl.'r81"

*-l) ancl the firsf atterirptbr \iI6 tt-, pel'sij,rii*:lt* ;o j,,.ti iti;;trt I s;,i'-l n:r. i;rit.:rli.t'

rrr ;}tt i':-i ,u:ci .-\rg"'tttiiia. I iliil t \i:i.,i;;:r i ri:i:; ii1: \ilt-. ir*ad t'ri sr*ti*ttr


"ONEC, Ni'e studerrts jcirr *.itii rrr,: ,:rr m1 igrak*. 1l-e iiil l',;i,; ii'i"urii,. ;,it:-l ili:ir stti's;clrieirl cilrsers r11 tbtRrie

vhroilgh the rest af flre 66,rk. Chief of ^rtir icoiin ).lcc*i!.1.starrs 1:ri iiiriril1g irr!!t's3 \\ith tut ':pening spedch'

attempting to iusti4.\{16 i* postcold rvur. rv*'fhen ru*:r'c cfu:r*rr 1o },!lf:"s 3;qr-;f traiiiing base' knotin as the "Fort"'

c' 1he south coast of England. The.,Fcrt" is an lid f lisab*Ttirn r:as1!r:- :utd it s vdr]'imposing place tbr the.trainirrg

prograrnme * it is just iif,e out of a Jarnes BonrJ lilur set The ndxt iix nr<xtlt" are fillcd ivith h'aining:

- Lect*res on h^adacraft a6,J techliqries c,f s1:r'in-e i:v ;';r"'ing l,JIf:' ,:filcersiil:'.i oli'i3rs (reader needs this

information to unclersta*d urhat;6lii-rr'rs' t'ui catibe si'oon ted in a r+'rder i;ienCil fashicin):

sun,eillance. antisun'eillance. cLrtillter sltrTeillLtlce tl! iboi' car' lni)1"-irtlikc' Flarre ;:tc

-+g*nt operationsr'irlng dEad ietter bores' trrush cotrtacts

afent tai getir: g. cultiv arion. recruittn ent atrd rr'rm;ing

- Jse of diplomatic co\€r ut16i n4ti1s| soter:ffi#:.;,ilffi;;.;;;i;*g ro1*" i,lentitr'^ r,.**ll',ll: 9:"1'i:ill:il,'::..::i5;1"f"11111-5,:J:.

l::::1ilffi:ffi#ffir;;;;;:*ri",i''gl''.rcas*s. s'i,,bir ir-.'f-,r,:'* i'';t'"-;,ne litset reinote listenrng' *errchtecl"riclues

smuggling oidocuments, use ol dip-'ceg' T t'!"'ul1h rlnore

i'iu!-o',r:,rrining on a,11 sorls of smail a.r.u, Rr.,t t,ng, l iz:' he:kler & i<-ircl: r::'r-'

'Irainrng tn unarmed co:nbat

Clandesttne PhotograPhYReststanee ta interrogation






Page 2: Tomlinson Synopsis

aJ..,;,\-,.,.:r'11iIr''-:! r-e I 'r:\'"

:i e':r+i"es t'tt ;rli lll'- abr t - '-

-:, \\.jll as i:3'i'r''JIrl lectures ot! itlillt:s': t=';rut1lilt'is' i"':: ;"ii l':l'i':I:1 "lk r:litctlc' I f:i'i''''i '

i;r'i!)Lis iocatiorrs #r;i:[-ri.r, "i;=.;.;;-j:.', "urr r',ui': v+r'r'r'"' i]rrr'11r'it]lg ;r]!r]e


ili*:Ti i::::i:i*:ri:ffi*i.';l:] ii:i;:l;ri;;l:ii::: ']:':i;n"'i'11u\\i] 'ln "\ se\E1r::1 r'|i'lii*'lr'1"

severelt..*'assed tlreunsel*'e= .,.+L on,1 T ;-,irij.r:- tliis:i ice ici*,rtalil it:r.oi:'itrr.l itutlrc*tttltt+tnh*ls il'tliv

lllila.eillal.lce ***,"iu** arcund Portstnirr,rttl an.J ],iirtritlt:- triig:i rce ici*:,rtalil

p'rt fi- \\'llh dinbarrassing rciults'. or...rrrr :,r;; r ill l,Ut,lic

\rsi s)f disgt*s; (;;;: ;;t;;tnas!":s' mak:tip ;'r:; ; irt I'*t'lii-

se;ii;lri'g ,-.1'randori"11, selecteel Pcrlsni'-l;itll liiii'i-iss io1f il;:'' rli'1 'l\\ lr'i )

I..Ee t^,i. r.i;:aiJ lefier bcx*s anrl bnrsl: J;;:;.;t; ,rt;'uttiit ":'"r.r'"" ii:i:!irili:* aii';cdtr:es'r

inr*rrosati** exercises ie 11,e *iri .r;.;;;.]ri;',;;j i* iii.rg pr::i-"':;s' :lt"rpiti'*ri elc)

anil anrested b'uK pc*c* rvltt't tl'ere g"t**tr: r'li1i1\\.al\r'til"t \i'e i1i1'-'{ill i:tf'(:!te

lont. Ut"ttl ancl amusitrg arre+dotes'

-lrlilitur*' training: in.riiitari t:;'iir-llic'i. :{-) tirat ''r'e tlttilcrstaritl befi:rr ii:'l\\'

iil; iitO oin""s ar* airerr a hr;r'r $'dck rro.irtr' ltl p'3ril

Br.itiair,s SAs and sES,,rt-,rk. *'-.-rr^ri:,"-_1'{:i:;,n-lii..r*,i ',,-.r" irlit s::is**rr;t ard srtper':liie Jr*r't of L'l*

iil;i*.*nJ ^+it F*rce) *ho iio utu 5t61 rur:r''

extensive tra'rungi; ""*ul'ot]t''o"iilirrg ano tllrai:ll:(-1 itli'icrbl';;

joirrt *xerciu*t l*oi't'*:-!'ls it-ri''t'nj"'' o*'-lpl:ue ar:ro SAS lfii-i';iil't'llt

r ieie:stta tit" ttgl*fl*;*'o*t iJ"unt' J::ndirr:rlie trj'r:1s '?li':

r iectu:e bi"{ni1 t'iti:'n ;'uthrr ci "Rra"r T'i''r iie:'-r" r'l le :;''-' i€ - '

Clii'{'}'=TLii 3

Lib1,a to lrela'rd' ih* r-p:tx.311..,0,..0ui|.,,*.';-;: 'J *'ii rlrc t+cluriiiit.: l r't.E itli\.-l l;;..:l:-tt irr the traitrtng'

-: ;.x,':ru1,Til,[-']:*lH'li;,T;:l;fu'1.:-ifli;ii:Il;,a;;]i.l;ft-:;::,',1';#*':';:1-lopir.g S\:r.

rising doctored aftershave" neetins;;i;d"];;t,'1o^',;;r;:-t-..tti::st''1 alle*ei 1in!5txr *rth \'lafia

dealing n,ith rrickery bv rR{ igext.';;;iG r.,-,,tr* "rrrrJJ.!*iu,; *r'*;.i' elite irnit olltaliari Airt'rcnre

Carabinieri. takentotrleir seoref ,rrrr3*Jirierrogated- caraf,i'i*r: ':ii't eri"t- i'-i*pr the.ut''is1 s'rnior otl'lcers') tirat

this is un r*.r.ii*, Trnc sr>ldier* ,nrro"#.ii^-- s-"'.1iiei'beli*ve th:1 i.'* u"' i**tt'i'it an*'1 gir'* us scrnte rtrugh

reament, Some st*de*tg disgrace #;;il.. ,iro r*il th* *r**,,ri.'* 5r-'1ne u'"**l"g a'ecd'ites eg on''] sfltcleut

ejected tt " in.rlriunrr.,g euid",r.. ($il;'i;i;;;r;J,o-t*iinr* ti:* ;r'rtoslrada with cl'r'r'''tic resrtlts'

graduat* t.p of class. rvith best erer.reinrts o'lr,rilririg prlr-;!=-*r11, rncrstl] i!tl': 1'' :rr1' excellcrut

the rraining Oru*run*r*-';r;;rr.,rrd. i;;;p.,ro'l t'-' ilit* iot'i*t op*ratiotr'' il';:iixrtrrent'


thr dgnr "Cenfltn'H{;its3" ifi a rtult"i'iiii pai-t *i c*rlfi'ai Lon$'ru'

*rr,l r,f tl:e g61$ \tr'ar' $et up ne\\rsagenc)

t -ol,to

a ;let-ecttrr to n'ctrk agirinst fi:m:er

Retum to UK' Iperformance on

First dav in the \116 *t3ice

\{r'firsttaskistorrinXORTHST'\I'uVoilllsKCiBCe{'e;irli'illi''iitrbusiness rvith him ;rr;;;;J recruit no*ilttt a-rd \-krtritrieli jc;ur::aiisis;

Page 3: Tomlinson Synopsis

Pagr ; gfr

r",ircie operatirl. zut'S get s,Jiu* ntrtrlerat*ll s*od J-eir;!.ii-

Seci;nri is to orga-nise the huguirig. of- a Rusiian ,Jilic,n.-iils ilar;;: I r:ii.c,r: -i'liis ini.olr,*s usir;r: .:,i:* {r.escLifronr certetn Ceath at LtK's rveapot i re.err*h tacilitr r iJ ru:l r.,irc,. rl;-i:.r.igi, ,,,,rr',:i,t; ;;;;r;r;;r* i,, Lj*rr";;,':'

e \al1' funnl' sfon,l

Third rask ls to debrief ,l R.ussian d:fectcr (a frmrer {t,-r!r:nel - lii. ir,;ltrilir:ril iascin;rtine.i fronr fh* So,,i;t Ihimissiie fbrcps' He pro\.iries top le','ei intelligenc"' on the Ru.-;sial nirr,;iie- pr.-g=l,r".: ttirr;i, *"r, iir**rl' iii [;Silr'-=sid,ent George Brish. Flut thdefbctc'r ri,,'ieir tli:t more iu:;,ori*iri:,.ti.,niratlr,,,,rrr*lrr' ,,,H;;ij;;1.-,;;";i;.'knitting bo.x in her -.;ubrlrhan \lcscon' jlai He has t.rirfen d*irn pa-!d! +t',J;rta d;scrihins,h* u.rr,.,rnrii':,f ;;i;_,missiles i' scho*l exercise brrok -l'his

i*1on-rrrtiirri r-,o*lci"b,;*ex;crti,rrrrilr *refirl li-r the _A'r*rictrns. H,-rrr cir11'e iscs\rr'it'? I design;,iud p:'tlpcs* a grouttdbreakitig ci:cr;riorr ir.-, 1.ri::g ri i.,;ick t6 the L'K ,{fter l'ricir lrsurieutrrith renror olEcers lvhrr arc opposed ro a;unic,r i-,fllc*r- like r:i's;,li,r,i,ii.i:.,11 ir:lt fhs opeiatir--r'- i er.,c*tuall' getpsrnissiott t0 undertakc, ihe cpr:ratiorr Befor€ gtri11g. I irar,*i ir) piil-1 *,rr: c..per.i:lilri ip 3utstlncline detejl ro tai..e c,:u.**f';r: el} tinv evenntalin . I hai e tc d+r e!c,p u *i, *r-ii'',rr r.,'hirdi ii, r!;:r.-,lui*11. irr;;;;.;ili;:',-,d il all *i'


tran-crrri s iion deviccs.

a Fnancial Tim*s c,;nf, i,'l:::ce nn "lloine Frisiresi iri R"r.::sia'. h;id ,,r irie IL'f:l ti*,ri,.-,pr,ie. -ift,,;,,ii'-ti.," dc.taileii

approachinghir'::andergriair:ingn'1ir I*ntund*raiaii':rlirilrc-. lic.r;,;llscr.:..r1 a:relsoicle,riJei.;,,;*h.-r,di;iilithc

cioci.rtllentsandleai'+,'h;rtevcnins^It,rkethenroii:*Br"it:sii jJrr.rl.;i'..s]"anci!n-ril';,;;;;;il**j,n*,,.,.,clancestinelv pass then,. tLr sn,:thei-tii6 otfic*:rilrc is ,rut* r,, ..rt,j rl,r.,ti lrrll.'i. jire {,rK.

This ston' is len interr st;ne and irrur_r', etir,.i firr:.i e prcli:tsir.ri1.:li ,:,*:,

'rttn minutiae and proftrss trnalisrn rif r.r;.1 sri irls. lrs, oirrcrs*d i., 1ri,tti:rf r,iq'.r. it tliil eiye fh* r.'ad,if :r gi)cd, it:\igirt:.rillilri Fir:i:d irr.k hrr I e iane ljcticli,

On retunr to the UK br.:flv I beconre in','oil'cd in the plaruring of :rn .,r+lir;i.rn tr-.r irrsert a deepcor,er oftlcer ii-; rrofunder diplonratic co|el:, i;r South Jf ica :o nrn rivo llp S.iu$i.{Ji-i+rn:rge:its. I r,--cr,.rii the gflicer (a' estabiisheclUK btrsinessman), rve l:rrld him crn traini'g prnnr..,r,,r," tli*r: sei t,i,,, up-i' Juh;,;;;ir;,;g. jj;;;;,rnicat*s usirsiltemet rnodified for s:.,.uhtr',Tiris operatitinagarn verr., ilu:trr.atrre ii.;:C gr,:oC illustration olcha.gir;;';;;;;;;;i]rrr.after cold r,t'ar. I als,r g:? :h'olr'ed in a r.en' coLpli;ared operalii:r 1., ir"l.t ,.,i-.1-;l; ,,r;r;p*;;'s;"r- fi.orrr ih*fonner SovietLlnion. tr;'t'";9v011lllanage tcr steai ri B\ift-l '"r't.i.:rr':!. i*lisr.)!r1l*l c*n.iEr. nn.i,n,u**le iio*tolF,sttr'iato friendlv Slveden on,:odrci tha "Esternia''. the,rJalric L-r ,ii lr'u:r :unh a ferr,r.e;irs later It iias d*ri'g thisoperafion that I learntt;:al l-lemi Pe"ul, the secirriru* n1iin.t3r-:r .::i ti:e ll^ii:t hr:,rei. ilirc r\.orking for.\116.

CHAir'I[R 5

August 1992I lnove tt tl'e Ealkan operatiotts ticp;rrin:ent, Shrlck b'r r.:reerrnpetence. disr:r.sar:isatitrn. antj i'tenraifeuding in the departm,;n1 ' i'-'

Otte maYerick officer i:i t!te depar-rrnet:t proposes t{r assas-sinatr Se;ririiil Poei;ider:r SlcbocJan \liloscr ic. fheassassination aftempt ir siipposed to take place in C'en*i'a. iri ths l+r-:::r ol a c:ir ,;ra.ih, \danv of the details of theplan rvere let.l'similar:D sc'fte of the asp*cts of'the acci,Jent rihleh kil"rii th* princess oi14'ales.

Page 4: Tomlinson Synopsis

rar"i Tcmli'ison To: ['id, &- ,!ad -,3:g lY.r.i /r ,r'.i€. i;l .i.Ji;J Page 5 cf €

th*re ar; no fligirts intc B,;lgradr. i ilrqi*I th:- irrunt'llis1 i lin .iulJiLr, -:il iri .';L'i'ii'." bt-tt soon i.ealis; tirnt lre is nr--rt ilt nllreciuitable,Fletluealeritlrepofir\lvap1lr'oar:hfc,th*p.rllc." iila,..'t,--, lrrli\.tr'Ii.:i5:radcirrr:crilh.ltak,'-iir.-lraiii'iack to Budapest. \ren tense at the bortler cri':s;ng. "ts*atis* r:f !i:,: ;'.riiiii:ilii'" ,iiarrest

in rn5'ne:{t operation irr B,:lgrade, I discrver that Lhe Bntisl: (.l,irur...lrr';i'[j'.* P::i.-, iriis be,:ri ac,"'eptrng donritir.ns Jioi,rrlie Bosnian Serbs, Thil r,rould 1r1111g jort'rl rJre t.K !o'r:*'1rltrll'lf if irr.l'Je prririic. I an: told tc) kdep quiet etr.rut it- ,riL,j

th": discoven'is r*ported 1i-'' Jolm \{*"jor clir'*cfir'- hvpnssing nonrtitl ;1,-r'..'errr}rur:,: procetiirril,'.

I malte nLunerolis r.rndeiccver trips tc Skopje, capital tf \{ac';drtti.r :': as::r:it lir-'l{J{i clllcer irr tir* citr'. Otu'rnaiuli.jectir,e is to infiuencer i.L,e \,Iacedorriarr ir:tel!igeuce ;er,'i;r int+ thili:Lg int* Briiish sphe-r* rrf irlflucncs- x5 crpp*s*d

toaligningthems;lves rithther-rencir.{ier:.:":-r:r; ,r1'.1,,n1*ric;ir:r,i\'''llrrdlhaltlrr'BliDardiix"lrelurir aclireinSkopje. and are Gurtn&:n livals, i airr'' rpentlnuLrh iirrty pcr;ett:tini rir'; -+lirlnir:l ,-,',nposilicn irr \lacedor:iri. --\1so

d*signed tire emergenc"'.'Exfilffaticn plan fi:rth* otJrc':r in Skt!r.i* iirn"rlring subl:ariirer. SAS frcopsr. chi:;'teredcir il aircraft etc

rvhtt. rvhile posred to Prris. rlrvented an "ngent" iri th; iretrch \Iir:'iiirl c'f -{gricuittre. -tor lhree','ea::,; h* iriissedint'errted intelligerrce on Fiench cconornic af'lhiri fo l,:.;tiC';,n.. atiei pi.ei:--t;c! li:'; sallrr'ltu trar suppor:.:ii tr'' irr: lrirr i;l:to the agent. This false rntr;':lligence rvas a kev l'irct.-,r in the t'K's -:r;t'r' in|r [:.EC Comhrcin ,\gricuitural Pi ']icr ,

.drrother otTicer sold blanl.. passpilts toI*lK crlrliiial li';i,-:ntitr. \tl \'..rr ni,i tr',--isicuted altd. eleri given a suir..lairtreipavofTto keep quiet. O: sJ-orli'of'ariotheroffrcsr t-r1if i11,1ut*tii. nt.,l*iir; f*ln;i':: strfi'. lij'i.)\\irtg iirat h.: clrur.:1 b;taken to court etc. Ard anrther oflicer rr.,ho u";s ;rur-*ht drilik-ilrivlrr ir: L,-xr,.lr'rr. and tli*ri pres*ntcd t* tlie cr:'riil irl;of his false driving:icerc*'s. arr,.-l catri;cl on tlniiirs,*rrt hiri iei,i ilrilr',i llcelcr:l

hackirrg capabiliries

[.ate in \or.emher l99l:, I anr call*..i up i,: Perir'nfi;l D;Far:]]ref]l,rt.i trlJ thill i altr. t,r he poriecl't,: Bosnil I litiigir,en hvo rueeks to preca:'e for tbe porfing,

: i_.H {P t' fi

In November i993 I staft il'ork ii'r Bosnia urrrjer oL-)r,:Er as an aur\',.tl:;et'as ai',i..eL to the Cr)nrlnutd\:r uf'BritishforceE in the counhl'. I rvork rvith fig-leaf and inadequate cr)\'er rnii ;r t'er, :ir:iall btrdget I set lrp a. mobileoperations centfe using l-Ii{plate LarTd Rover I)r.icrlt.:rr titt,;ci o*t n':tlt 'ir:cure srrtr:llite c('rnrnls. sut'r'ival gear and a

fclur man arux)' team (fiom co\,ert signals itr-ginl*nt ir: tl:.e Briirsli ar:rir.t .iin int*lligence *'orld. itsing lli ct'rver is

considered not proper. Ruming an cperatian in ihis liisicn itrder i-'N ci-rler rv,rulil cat;sr- a. iot of ;mbarasstneut lorthe L.K goverrunent if tincovered),

I spend rnost of m1'tirne rvorking in Sarajevo. trhi;h al the time is c-';tlr'.r11ecr, br the Frencir afln\', J contirruali)have to bribe ofTicers in the French anltv r,;ith trc.:files of niriskcv tr {t{-}p thern esking too manv ervkn'ard questions

aboutml/ acti\jitiss in Sarajevo. I recnrit sEveral agdnts ir: thc, Br":snia:r anti Crti.tiotr govet:ments.

Numerous interesting. *musing. rragic or vicl*nt rricidenfs occiit'riiiil.; itl .lJr'siria.;

For erample. orre er,ening late atnight 1\'e get an:hirsl:td tri'IJostiirir f.ii:iilim an:i\'. tluealetred at gunpoirtt. fi-:rced

to emph' our vehicles. ,iortunatell sclcliers a p.--'1*r:i;ir!!i' t'ery ria:tr- irtcicir::tt is ar'+iderl at the iast rnonrent b"' quickthinking of one of m1's,:ldiers. and the Bosnians Co r:crt L\ !lru t,iie.t'cli=: i,,-,1r'e'11't)g the iecret coil.:s --iust es

-w'ell. because it is prinied io explocle if open.'d bt artr'Lrodv u'lse c:'ic*pt mel

Page 5: Tomlinson Synopsis

-- :-.;_q'--- -Z :, v, ,v,vr,t g t/ag

bofile's etc to disgulse rnlself ils a ll*s,:iiatl t.,-lnt' *\'inirru. i',']tijr: '.',iiitii,e :- e I.:1e n:gllitnre*tirtg r0,i1h,,,,111;:,.rf llagents in Sarajevc, I come under h;A\,','si:el !iiig ,\'f'f;illt&1 ilii'jilii i+tr t1i'!t';'\ in fir''l:t rrf nrir is lril i,.r'a sir..;il. l:has her legs blonn ofT, i fr1' til sa'.'r iier lili:, but iliiI go to Pale to fneel Bosniau $+rb Presjrjeril Ra;litari l.,rr*Jrrr,. ^ h:',he l, fill)r]mtjssron tu du this ii"orrr the I r',

arrnS' in the P f T buriding. and ira', e t': Lrrilie tiry:n iot'$: cfl ri'h;'rln iri trr d'.;r tirr them i* sigrr tn1' paF,-'rs. \ leetirru'irh Karadzic ven'interssting - he is chamirrrg brrt *vii iutci:rir16, {irt lriuI.: back to Sarnjer,'o. rre lhrnl.. \\e ard'r bg an:bnsheci h1'fire Serbian rnilitia -- txlt qirick rjiir*rng i-'. :rrre cf :r:) i,:iciiels savi:s the da1'.

.rnds of otlier incidet:ts atd cojxineut il1 Li.ri;r,iir " 1;(r ntrtcir'l''r g,.r ilti{i it: rirrr srnlpsili

CH;{Pi i:F. 1

..:i silimondts irr Bosnin, I ref*nr tci the L'F". Iji6 i:asnu..i'1111',iii t:ir,,, a i:'ftnd nd1,. i.en'hieh-tc;lr ririrJ

i',pensi','e HQ on south banli of Tlremr:s. I ii:tr ir.ii.i Lr.,stert \.,'{iiK r,t crriti}iii; prl!it' dirision. rrrrrkirrg egnjtr:re lrnniau chemical and bi,rlogr'.lai '*'eaports pr,rs!ari]t:e. Ilr irii;t,. is tJ Denrtialc the ]ruiirn clrenrrc;il 'rt:jillrortr

irir>curernentitetw,ork in crdei'tr-r gairt:r:t;:liigsr: s, .::t,j d!rrui:i il tl:'::i plalr'' tc h'uil,j a ;,lieruica! 'lvrjnllr-rri.i ih(-1,.)r:\

,-rrtiside'lehran \\'e n'ork ir: liesor: \\'rlh tlte ili*iii*;n;* s3i-1.'1;'i! ...ilr.ia.:i (ir-nnan]'. Po1nq61 it$C -'ir)ji::':i.r ag:iiithe iranians,

I tierelop tl \€r:"'conrplicai*C r::C d.,triiie'.l cJ!+i .r! r i,.?3itn\ .:.-:-;.t1rit,tlli Lr;{lir){)\ t:: pcltciti:i,: :ii,;= ,r,.,r:;;ii:., i .

riei el) -{rgentine passporf and driving li;e::r*, I ;:el ,ln,;iir:'.,.-)11 i::;ri:;.:-iran:ar: fi'acii::,g c''r:l'c;nfal I-ondr.--n r.l'hrchhas li*;s',1'it1: fir;: lratrrri: f:ruri,:ili'9l1ier!inrj.\iilrI.,. {rrir.iir:,ilr I L:eJii*rrd sli th,. '

br,ihe Iranians to obtain th*ir ill*grr) +h+nticais attd lrtanuiaci'.i:nr:i cquiirn:*iri. Slor';l',. i t'in th*:, - r i riithern that l arrt prepared tcr bend rules. iuid thnt i 'r.rn tiof ttgititt'1 r,l*'rirnli :r:, ,;,r*'::"riinls Lis!-d th'i cherii,..:i \\; i1J,..,r1,

1l,'e aisi: invoive in this clperation. a r*Iif*d {-i'^trrtat: ItNi) r>iiic+: '.',1i',.- 11'*'.v ir',-)r'ks lrilltirne fil'\!l{:. $l,,irir ipenell'ate the lranian procrffeiilrn:ring, \11 ;i:r*t it:r'uii*s:::aki:t; irl;ir.ld!'.ii.r::;r'ips trr llr.rzil. Spain aird -{r'gu'nilr:

attd eien filcrcr altt&Zingl1," ti:a Isra*li's c].f€ ciiui,Jr::.tir:clr i:*ip;r:g lir'; iliuriiTi.t "';rl tire piaut nir:rtr:rg. ut *si:lrane.,; ihelp on filclirrg their n:issing aviilior, Rutr.Lrad I drti irui p:i';par*,.i t.'r i,iili J:,i'.ri's rhoul fi1i5 1-rpr-.r8trr-:rr in tfie su:ir1fbrlegalreasons. I am going tcr gile eridslc,: in -*uFFcrt rri' \{r},,111.,urt .\i,r*:tra". and Isracii bursiriessnri,rl n,hoinlolved in this operetion. and has n6ru just bi'rlr: terllsrlced t\; si:(t*t:n .\'iii1r-r, -i'n!'t'isorurrent. I do not ,a'.tt11i. gilefirrther details in this syrropsis until tfter \.fanbar's app€rii hearing.

iust rr,hen the operation vr'as reaiiy' -eetting gci:ig. I g*f ,;ali*d lli' i(-r Bdr.oruici l)eparn:rgtrt errd ger lircd i'j:,r rrc

reasonatail, Ibelievethatrnvdicmiss:r1 r.rar'ltarEireynduet(-iri1. L:Dp\-)silll)r1 iofhen1aru1erinnhich\li6andrllossad rvere using Jrlunbar in this,


I czuurotunderstand $h1,1have been sack*d. anii allnr1 ertQuir:e:i ti; \11t,;ir* rlict uith srloucc;. { rrv to rake }116coufi to find out the reasons for mv dir;rnissal. but asr toid that I cartt;r.rf iqr lhi* ai, IIlo nle "too secr'*1 ', Thir isagair:st the European conrentio:t crl huntatr rights t\.ff*r I lia'.'e rt,.', ,'t,,.,1* l,;:gil .:ptiot'is to Jlurslre againsf \116. Idecided to r,vrite a bo'tk about MI6 in order to *xpr)se ilrerr dishoi'ri:i1,, {rorrrrptiorr. barl rnauagerne.rt. urd lack olege! accountabilitl,,