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Tolkien & Tolkien Related Books

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 Tolkien & Tolkien Related Books


    Books by Tolkien

    A/A publiced  title   composition   genre

    1 1937 ~1930-32 Fiction children's fantasy novel

    2 1945 Leaf by Nile 193!"39 Fiction short story

    3 1945 1930 Fiction #oe$

    4 Fiction $ediaeval fable5 1953 %he &o$eco$in of eorhtnoth eorhthel$'s (on &istorical fiction

    ) 1954 %he Lord of the *ins+ %he Fello,shi# of the *in 1937-49 Fiction1954 %he %,o %o,ers

    1955 %he *etrn of the .in

    7 Fiction

    ! 19)4 %ree and Leaf Fiction

    9 Fiction

    10 Fiction /oetry

    11 Fiction

    12 Fiction

    Published posthumously

    %he &obbit or There and Back Again

    %he Lay of otro and tron

    1949 Far$er iles of &a$ 1937a #lay ,ritten inalliterative verse

     e#ic hih-fantasy novel

    19)2 %he dventres of %o$ o$badil and Other Verses from the Red Book 

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    first #blished in the Dublin Review, anary 1945

    Welsh Review, ece$ber 1945

    #blished ,ith the acco$#anyin essays Beorhtnoth's Death and Ofermod in ssa!s and "tudies b! members of the nglish Association vol$e )6

    a revised version of On #air!$"tories and %eaf b! &iggle in boo for$

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    #rose verse acade$ic adio


    1911 The Battle of the Eastern Field1913 From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames1914 The Voyage of Eärendel the Evening Star (The Book of Lost Tales 2 267–2691914 The Bidding of the Minstrel (The Book of Lost Tales 2 261!"# 269!"1914 Tinfang ar!le (The Book of Lost Tales " 1$7!"191% #o!lin Feet191% $o% and Me & and the ottage of Lost (lay (The Book of Lost Tales " 27!"191% )*r # published as The ity of the #ods in 1923 (The Book of Lost Tales " 136191% )ortirion among the Trees (&e'ised in 1937 and in the 196$s# The Trees of )ortirion191% +ver +ld ,ills and Far way191%  Song of ryador191% The Shores of El.and1916 ,a!!anan !eneath the Stars1916 The Sorrowf%l ity1917 The Song of Eriol (The Book of Lost Tales 2 29)"1917 The ,orns of /lmo192$ The ,a00y Mariners# published in 192$# composed in 191%

    192$ The hildren of ,1rin (be*un in 192$ o& ea&lie continued to 192% (The Lays of Beleri1922 The lerkes om0leinte1923 31monna #old #aldre Bew%nden1923 The Eadigan Saelidan1923 hy the Man in the Moon ame 4own Too Soon1923 Enigmata Sa5oni6 - a 7%0er 3nventa 4%o1923 The at and the Fiddle8 7%rsery-9hyme /ndone and its S6andalo%s Se6ret /nlo6ked1922  Middle English Vo6a!%lary # +,!o&d# -la&endon P&ess# 16 pp"1924 n Evening in Tavro!el1924 The Lonely 3sle1924 The (rin6ess 7i

    192% Light as Leaf on Lindentree192% The Flight of the 7oldoli from Valinor (The Lays of Beleriand192%–1931 The Lay of Leithian (The Lays of Beleriand192$s The Lay of Eärendel (The Lays of Beleriand192% Sir #awain and the #reen )night # co.edited /ith 0"" o&don# +,!o&d ni'e&sity P&ess# 211 pp" 5e'ised edition 1967# +,!o&192% Some ontri!%tions to Middle-English Le5i6ogra0hy # published in The 9eview of English St%dies# 'olume 1# no" 2# pp" 21$–2192% The 4evils oa6h ,orses# published in The 9eview of English St%dies# 'olume 1# no" 3# pp" 331–336"1926 The 7ameless Land1927 dvent%res in /nnat%ral ,istory and Mediaeval Metres: !eing the Freaks of Fisiolog%s

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    Fren6hmen FrothFrom +ne to Five3 Sat %0on a Ben6h

    La ,1r%

    Lit and Lang7at%ra 0is8 Morali 9i6ardi Eremite

    The 9oot of the Boot 9%ddo6 ,anaSy5 Mynet 

    19%$8s 0l'ish t&anslations o! -atholic p&aye&s (ed" ynne# :mith# ;ostette& in inya& Ten*/a& 43# 44# 2$$2# composed in the 19

    1927 Tinfang ar!le# published in 1927# composed in 19141929 n6rene isse and ,ali Mei;had# published in Essays and St%dies !y mem!ers of the English sso6iation# +,!o&d# 'olume1931 Mytho0oeia# ci&ca 1931 (published in Tree and Leaf 

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    "GIJ The Lord of the 9ings

      The Cd'entu&es o! Tom Bombadil

      Bombadil oes Boatin*


      Aittle P&incess ee

      The an in the oon :tayed p Too Aate

      The an in the oon -ame ?o/n Too :oon

      The :tone T&oll  Pe&&y.the.inkle

      The e/lips



      The -at


      The ;oa&d

      The :ea.Bell

      The Aast :hip

     ia MarCa (Guenya ve Maria 'e&sions .Litany of Loreto in Guenya+rtCrielyanna (Guenya S%! t%%m 0raesidi%m l6ar i taren (Guenya #loria (atri l6ar mi tarmenel na Er%n (Guenya #loria in E56elsis 4eo e dar 7Cn (:inda&in (ater 7oster 

    19%3 Middle English KLosenger8 Sket6h of an etymologi6al and semanti6 en%iry # published in Essais de 0hilologie moderne8 o19%3 +fermod and Beorhtnoths 4eath# t/o essays published /ith the poem The ,ome6oming of Beorhtnoth: Beorhthelms Son

    19%3 The ,ome6oming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelms Son (a play /&itten in allite&ati'e 'e&se# published /ith the accompanyin* e

    19% The +ld English 0olloni%s of Tyre# +,!o&d ni'e&sity P&ess . edito&ial p&e!ato&y note1962 n6rene isse8 The English Te5t of the n6rene 9iwle# 0a&ly 0n*lish Te,t :ociety# +,!o&d ni'e&sity P&ess"1962 The dvent%res of Tom Bom!adil and +ther Verses from the 9ed Book 

    1963 English and elsh# in ngles and Britons8 +'4onnell Le6t%res# ni'e&sity o! -a&di) P&ess"1964 Tree and Leaf (+n Fairy-Stories and Leaf !y 7iggle in book !o&  nt&oduction to Tree and Leaf # /ith details o! the composition and histo&y o! Leaf !y 7iggle and +n Fairy-Stories"196% +n6e %0on a time1966 Bil!os Last Song (&st published as a poste& in 19741966 -ont&ibutions to the Per%salem Bi!le (as t&anslato& and le,ico*&aphe&1966 Fo&e/o&d to the :econd 0dition o! The Lord of the 9ings# /ith TolkienDs comments on the 'a&ied &eaction to his /o&k# his m1966 The Tolkien 9eader (The ,ome6oming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelms Son# +n Fairy-Stories# Leaf !y 7iggle# Farmer #iles of ,a1966 Tolkien on Tolkien (autobio*&aphical1967 For < ,< < in :henandoah

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    1967 (oems and Songs of Middle-earth# -aedmon T- 12311967 Smith of ootton MaQor (sho&t sto&y1967 The 9oad #oes Ever +n# /ith ?onald :/ann197% #%ide to the 7ames in The Lord of the 9ings (edited 'e&sion . published in  Tolkien om0ass by @a&ed Aobdell" &itten by197% P< 9< 9< Tolkien 9eads and Sings his The ,o!!it R The Lord of the 9ings# -aedmon T- 1477# T- 147 (based on an Cu*ust# 1197% T&anslations o! Sir #awain and the #reen )night # (earl and Sir +rfeo1976 The Father hristmas Letters1977 The Silmarillion

    1979 (i6t%res !y P

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    2$$ Tales from the (erilo%s 9ealm (a compilation o! 9overandom# Farmer #iles of ,am# The dvent%res of Tom Bom!adil# Leaf2$$9 The Legend of Sig%rd and #%dr1n2$13 The Fall of rth%r (a na&&ati'e poem about Kin* C&thu& o! B&itain

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      # -la&endon P&ess# 232 p


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      4# pp" 1$4–126"

      t-9oman Site in Lydney (ark: #lo%6estershire# +,!o&d# ni'e&sity P&ess !o& The :ociety o! CntiLua&ies"  no" 2 (@une 1934# pp" 9%–111"

      ct humou int&oducin* the ;en*/&t manusc&ipt into te,tual c&iticism o! -hauce&8s The ant

    ion o! an essay late& published in

    ! an essay conce&nin* TolkienDs philosophy on !antasy# and /hich had been p&esented in sho&tened !o&m as the 1939 Cnd&e/ Aan* lect

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      m%ni6ations 0r>sent>es a% ongrNs 3nternational de (hilologie Moderne O"GI"H# Aes Belles Aett&es"  in Essays and St%dies !y mem!ers of the English sso6iation# 'olume 6"

      says Beorhtnoths 4eath and +fermod# in Essays and St%dies !y mem!ers of the English sso6iation# 'olume 6"

      ti'ation !o& /&itin* the /o&k# and his opinion o! all

      m# and The dvent%res of Tom Bom!adil

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      Tolkien !o& use by t&anslato&s o! The Lord of the 9ings# a !ull 'e&sion# &e.titled I>omenclatu&e o! The Ao&d o! the 5in*s#J /as published i9%2 &eco&din* by eo&*e :aye&

      n Fairy-Stories# Leaf !y 7iggle# Farmer #iles of ,am and Smith of ootton MaQor 

      # +,!o&d

      $ +n Fairy-Stories (1947  Se6ret Vi6e (193$ English and elsh (19%%

      the lon*e& essay !&om /hich it /as conde

      ayne " ;ammond and -h&istina :cull :B> $.61.64267.6" 5e.titled to I>omenclatu&e o! The Ao&d o! the 5in*sJ in this book" &itten b

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       y 7iggle and Smith of ootton MaQor 


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      2$$% in The Lord of the 9ings8 9eaders om0anion by ayne " ;ammond and -h&istina :cull

    y Tolkien !o& use by t&anslato&s o! The Lord of the 9ings# an edited 'e&sion had been published in 197% in  Tolkien om0ass b

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