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Today’s HIPs A special publication by Tomorrow’s LEADERS The 2012 Who’s Who of the Home Inventory Profession

Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012

Mar 30, 2016



In keeping with our mission, The Inventory Institute has compiled a list of Home Inventory Professionals who truly set the example for all Home Inventory Professionals in North America.
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Page 1: Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012

Today’s  HIPs

A special publication by

Tomorrow’s  LEADERS

The  2012  Who’s  Who  of  the  Home  Inventory  Profession  

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We are proud to spearhead yet another first for North American Home Inventory Professionals, this first of its kind and unique magazine where we happily share our knowledge, information, and network with current and would-be Home Inventory Professionals. We work hard to make this a valued source of professional information and encouragement. This project compiles much information not available in one place anywhere else. We welcome competition and truly believe there is enough work for everyone, but you are expected to prepare your own work and not use our material or work and put your name to it – copying and pasting should never be a standard method of practice. We are fiercely honest and transparent in our business practices and continue to demand that others hold themselves to these same high standards – our success is in large part due to our insistence of transparency and honesty. If you are tempted to copy our work and effort, we recommend you reconsider this approach as we spend a good deal of time and energy reminding Home Inventory Professionals as well as home and business owners of the importance of original work.


Volume  2  No.  2  

PUBLISHER  &  EDITOR    Michelle  Ke>erman  

LAYOUT,  DESIGN,  &  PRODUCTION  Virtual  Margie,  Right  Brain  Produc0ons  

ADVERTISING  SALES  Michelle  Ke>erman  927-­‐834-­‐8592  [email protected]  



Founder:    Michelle  Ke>erman,  The  Inventory  Experts  &  The  Home  Inventory  Mastery  Program  Advisory  Board  Member:    K.  Andre  Ankton,  Innovarus  Mobile  Media  Advisory  Board  Member:    Susan  Day,  Inventory  It  Advisory  Board  Member:    Chris  Gerstner,  Win  With  Chris  Advisory  Board  Member:    John  Grimm,  Global  Home  Inventory  Advisory  Board  Member:    Patrick  MarKn,  Steadfast  Home  Inventory  


This is an original piece of work and all writers and authors retain full rights to their original work. The editors and publishers are not responsible for unsolicited materials. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of The Inventory Institute. All rights reserved. All materials listed in this magazine are subject to manufacturers change and the publisher assumes no responsibility for such changes. Compiled and designed in the United States.

Thanks to everyone for their tremendous support and encouragement in 2011. We climbed many mountains and slayed several dragons in 2011. We learned that a great majority of HIPs in North America were fed up with the trickery and deception that had become common-place in our industry.

The Inventory Institute’s 2012 Advisory Board and I remain 100% committed to advancing the third-party home and business inventory profession with the utmost respect and dedication to our five pillars: Truth, Trust, Training, Tradition, and Transparency.

In 2012, The Inventory Institute will work hard to remain the trusted source of non-biased and reliable third-party Home Inventory advice, information, products, and news…and we will continue to be honest and upfront about everything. We continue to be fiercely committed to the industry and leading by example in the utmost ethical manner.

--- Michelle Ketterman

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Table  of  Contents  

4  2012 HIP Conference

5 Fox Business News

6 2012 Products & Services

7 Today’s HIPs…Tomorrow’s Leaders ☑  Jessica Alcorn of Third Coast Inventory Specialists ☑  Nick Athans of The Inventory Experts of SoCal ☑  Carrie Austin of Accurate Inventory Specialists ☑  Zachary Bell of Contents Management A Home Inventory Service ☑  Melton Bennett of What’s Under Your Roof ☑  Susan Day of Inventory It ☑  Hanna Curtiss of Asset Data Collection Services ☑  Charles “Chuck” Greene of Carolina Docu-Mentors LLC ☑  John Grimm of Global Home Inventory ☑  Terry & Gini Hansen of Hometown Inventory ☑  Michelle Ketterman of The Inventory Experts ☑  Patrick Martin of Steadfast Home Inventory ☑  David & Sarah Miller of three Rivers Inventory ☑  Marla & Bruce Regan of Organized Time and Inventory Services ☑  Jo Soard of American Home Inventory Professionals

49 HIP Client Bill of Rights

51 HIP Code of Honor

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  3    

Unlike  tradiWonal  magazines,  our  adverWsing  space  is  NOT  for  sale.  

All advertisers have been scrutinized to ensure they hold themselves and their products and services up to the same high ethics, standards, and integrity that you should expect. We are proud to share the advertisers in the following pages with you. Rest assured that they provide quality products and services and will not waste your time or money.

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We hope to see you with other industry trendsetters at the:!

2012  Home    

Inventory    Professional    Conference  

Jacksonville,  Florida            October  3-­‐5,  2012  Find  details  at  


Trust Tradition


RAISE  YOUR  HAND  FOR  WHAT  IS  RIGHT  Today’s ETHICAL Home Inventory PROFESSIONALS know that it does MATTER where they are trained and credentialed.

on  the  other  hand…home  inventory  providers  &  specialists  are  found  elsewhere  

The  Inventory  InsKtute  and  its  members  conKnue  to  commit  to  our  5  pillars:  

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MEMBERSHIP Become a member of The Inventory Institute and enjoy the many benefits. Complete and email. Membership Application with payment. $250 or $70/quarter

COACHING Inventory Coaching Club includes a bi- weekly 1-hour coaching covering HIP specific topics and issues. $29/month

Individual Coaching – Two 45-minute one-on-one sessions per month. $60/month

CERTIFICATION This program is for experienced HIPs - it is not an introductory training or a mere formality. Our process is similar to other non-biased, respected professional certifi-cation programs in similar professions. You must be an Inventory Institute member in good standing to apply. $595 or 2 payments of $325

MASTERMIND GROUP Only 8 slots available. Mastermind participants in emerging professions like ours are considered leaders. This is a perfect opportunity to create a name for yourself as a reputable thought leader. $360 or $45/month

WEBINARS Monthly 45 minute sessions cover relevant topics directly related to today’s HIP success! Member Price $10 each Non-Members $25 each  

The Inventory Institute is pleased to offer these exciting professional enrichment and collaborative programs in 2012 for the Home Inventory Professional (HIP).

See you October 3rd thru 5th for the 2012 HIP Conference! �

Visit The Inventory Institute’s website for more details.

SUMMITS & CONFERENCES 2011 HIP Conference was such a smashing success, we could not wait another year to get together again! We are pleased to sponsor several HIP TeleSummits in 2012: including “Goal Setting for the HIP” in January and “The HIP BrigadeTM” in April.

MONTHLY MARKETING MIX We are very excited to offer 10 seats for this new program. Participants receive new HIP marketing workbook inserts each month with exercises and assignments. Participants meet virtually to engage, discuss, and plan. Member Price $250 or $25/month. Non-Member Price $350

SOCIAL MEDIA SCRAMBLE We are very excited to offer 10 seats for this new monthly program. Participants are given personalized hands-on, real world social media coaching from Patrick Martin specifically geared toward HIP Success. Member Price $250 or $25/month. Non-Member Price $350

Members only: Combine both Monthly clubs for $400 or $40/month

Unless specifically noted, programs are for The Inventory Institute members only.


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This project is comprised of interviews with notable members of our industry that are making their mark in the third-party Home Inventory profession. The Inventory Institute’s TODAY’S HIPS…TOMORROW’S LEADERS serves as yet another industry first where Home Inventory Professionals from around North America are highlighted.

Some of the HIPs featured are well-seasoned; others are just getting their ‘inventory feet’ wet, while a few are still in the HIP business-building phase. Although every HIP highlighted here is at a different stage in their HIP service, they all share a common trait: a true passion for third-party ethical Home Inventory…these HIPs are passion-driven, not profit-driven. Of course their goal is to build a profitable business, but they refuse to cut corners or make-up credentials, experience, or accolades. In essence, these business owners are a new breed of HIP and will not sacrifice their standards or their reputation and brand to turn a profit. These HIPs are committed to building their business based on the highest level of ethics and transparency.

Each HIP highlighted in this project was invited based on personal experience, interactions, reputation, branding, and image. Not every HIP listed is a member of The Inventory Institute and absolutely NO payment of any kind (whether monetary or otherwise) was made to be included in this project.

We recognize these ethical HIPs by listing them as industry examples to provide future HIPs with a reference point as well as a way of recognizing their professional and ethical strides of expanding their success while also ensuring this relatively new industry continues to head in the right direction.

To nominate a stellar and ethical HIP for the 2013 TODAY’S HIPS…TOMORROW’S LEADERS, email

[email protected].

Today’s  HIPs Tomorrow’s  LEADERS


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Website:  Still under construction


Service  Area:  Greater Houston area

Niche/Specialty:  Gun inventories and P&C and flood insurance

Slogan:  Prove your loss today and be prepared for tomorrow.

Mo`o:  It is your responsibility to prove your loss, and we are here to help before there is one.

Vision   Statement:   Five years from now Third Coast Inventory Specialists will be a integral part of the Houston community, protecting home owners and business from losing even more from a loss.

Mission   Statement:  To provide documentation of the client's personal property to insure that in the event of a loss, it will serve to expedite the claim's process.







Coast In




JESSICA ALCORN of Third Coast Inventory Specialists

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Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward. – Soren Kierkegaard

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2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  9    

What   is   your   professional   background?   I have been a property and casualty adjuster specializing in flood losses for over 10 years. I have worked multiple storms across the country including Hurricane Katrina and the four hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004, as well as handling Tropical Storm Allison and Hurricane Ike claims at home.

How   did   you   first   hear   of   Home   Inventory?   Through mutual networking friend in November 2011.

What   is   your   specialty?   Insurance and what an adjuster is looking for when handling a claim.

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally?  I am blessed to have been able to assist in the process of helping people put their lives back together after a loss.

What  are  your  professional  affiliaWons  and  and  organizaWons? The Inventory Institute

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? I see the industry as an invaluable tool for the client and the insurance industry and will serve to help both mutually.  

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   Thoroughly researched my training options, and joining the Inventory Institute.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? Getting the mission of the industry out there. Many people do not understand how important a third-party Home Inventory can be.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Getting my name and why this service is so important out to the public.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? I love to help rescue animals, read, and travel.

If   you   could  have  only   1   book  on   your  desk,  what  would   it   be? The Home Inventory Profession-How to Be an Expert by Michelle Ketterman

What is your biggest challenge? At this time, juggling the demands of continuing my work as an adjuster and building my home inventory business.

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? A stronger understanding from the community as to why this industry is so important.

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What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Unethical and dishonest people.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? I would like to have the opportunity to help more people.

Do   you   network? Yes, I recently attended an event for local claims adjusters and networked with mitigation companies and contractors.

What  is  your  hobby? Tending my flower garden.

What   makes   your   home   inventory   service   be`er   than   any   other?   I know what an adjuster is looking for when they are working a claim and what kind of pictures and documentation they need to complete the file.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? The Inventory Institute

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  I anticipate the majority of my clients coming from Insurance Agents and my network of friends and business owners.

What   is   the   best   advice   you  would   give   new   HIPs? Be honest, ethical, and above all empathetic to your client.




















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Twi`er:  @NickAthans

Service  Area:  Southern California

Niche/Specialty:  Home and small business inventories

Slogan:  Get the proof of what’s under your roof today…because your photos could be worth a thousand bucks tomorrow.

Mo`o:  Your insurance coverage is only as good as your ability to file an accurate claim.

Vision  Statement:  Be the nationally recognized beacon for transparent, professional, ethical, and non-biased third-party inventory; and provide a means for other upstanding HIPs to do the same while creating a more distinct divide between Home Inventory Professionals and the casual, less-serious, and corner cutting provider.

Mission   Statement:   We detail, photograph, and catalog customer belongings and property; providing unparalleled peace of mind that when needed, our customers can produce irrefutable third party verification of their possessions.






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Experts o

f SoC


NICK ATHANS of The Inventory Experts of SoCal

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  11    

Moderation is the key. – Anonymous

of SoCal

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2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  12    

What   is   your   professional   background?   I have been a commercial driver and sales representative for most of my career. However, I was also part owner of California Hot Hand Towel Service, a service that provided textiles for the restaurant industry in California. I had the privilege of being part owner of a bar in Thailand during the late 1990s where our bar catered to travelers and British ex-Pats.

How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  Through my girlfriend at a Chocolate Blues and Business Festival in Modesto, California in early 2011.

What  is  your  specialty?   Photo Folio™ and high end residential homes and small business

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally?   Setting a company sales record for number of new accounts opened in one year and increased the previous record by 25%.

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? I would like to see it continually grow with each passing year and have consumers see the need and value of having current Home Inventory.  

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you  did   for   your   business?   I asked a ton of questions and waited until I was 99% sure that this is something I wanted to pursue.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? The biggest hurdle I see is getting the public to understand the need to have a current Home Inventory and making Home Inventory a mainstream product.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Spreading the word about the importance of third-party Home and Business Inventory.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? I am a fanatic about motocross and ride several times every month. I also attend every motocross and supercross race possible.

If   you   could   have   only   1   book   on   your   desk,  what  would   it   be? The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K Liker

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I want to see my Home Inventory service grow and be able to support my family by the end of the year.

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2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  13    

What   is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? People you deal with in business that are irresponsible and have an ‘I don’t really care’ attitude.

How   can   you   be   be`er   than   last   year? Work harder at growing my Home Inventory business. Network a whole lot more.

Do   you   network? Not yet but I plan to seriously in 2012 because I know the value of networking to Home Inventory Professionals.

What  is  your  hobby? Motocross, motorcycles, photography, snow skiing, and traveling!

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  I am 100% honest and never use a smoke and mirror approach while providing a true asset for my clients.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Shelly Rice and insurance agents.  

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  I anticipate the majority of my clients coming from Realtors, Insurance Agents, and friends and family.

What   is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs? You will get out of it what you put into it.

Serving  Home  and  Business    owners  in  Southern  California  

of SoCal











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Service  Area:  Ventura, Santa Barbara, and West Los Angeles Counties

Niche/Specialty:  Both home and small business inventories

Mo`o:  Document your valuables once so you don't have to pay for them twice.

What  is  your  professional  background?  I am a 20 year Real Estate Appraiser specializing in residential properties. I feel this gives me a unique take on the home inventory profession.

I also serve on the board of CCAP (California Coalition of Appraisal Professionals) and am also Secretary for them and have been since 2010.







rate Inven



CARRIE AUSTIN of Accurate Inventory Specialists

Be the change you want to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

Nick  Athans  Zachary  Bell    -­‐  emailed  dra\  02-­‐08  Melton  Benne>  Johanna  CurKss  Susan  Day  John  Grimm  Terry  and  Gini  Hansen  MICHELLE  KETTERMAN  PATRICK  MARTIN  David  &  Sarah  Miller  Marla  &  Bruce  Regan  Jo  Soard  Paul  White  

       Peter  Yvanovich  (????)  

       John  and  Karen  Osenbaugh  


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How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  I first heard about home inventory from a friend in late 2010 and began cultivate it into a new business venture for me in 2011.

What  is  your  specialty?   High end residential homes and small business.

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally?  That I am independent and able to do things my own way.

Where   do   you   see   the   industry   in   5   years? I truly believe in home inventory and think within the next 5 years, this industry is going to explode. I believe in the next 5 years, this industry will be booming and there will be a need for a great deal more HIPs around the country.  

What  is  the  smartest  thing  you  did  for  your  business?  Listening to my clients and my heart and doing what I know is right.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest   industry  hurdle? The biggest hurdle I see immediately is making sure 3rd party home inventories are mandatory when obtaining homeowners insurance. Once we overcome that hurdle, the biggest obstacle will be keeping up with the demand and ensuring that all HIPs are ethical and obtain proper education and certification prior to opening their doors. As an appraiser I feel this is imperative since I have seen first hand the outcome of inexperienced "professional" appraisers. I do not want to see that happen in the Inventory profession. It is my goal to make sure this profession is ethical and all HIPs obtain the experience and education necessary to provide quality reports.

What   is   your   biggest   challenge   professionally? Currently, the biggest challenge I face in California is convincing homeowners of the importance of a home inventory. People in my area have been hit hard by the economic turndown and I have adjusted my current business model by incorporating less expensive products so all homeowners can afford a quality product from my company.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? Extreme adventure races and obstacle courses, marathon, and yoga.

If   you   could   have   only   1   book   on   your   desk,  what  would   it   be? iLeadership for a New Generation by Steve Jobs

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I would like to see a stronger acceptance of the Home Inventory Profession as a legitimate ancillary service to the insurance trade. Done correctly, our efforts minimize the time required to adjudicate an insurance claim. This reduces reserves the insurance company must retain for property and casualty claims against the insured’s policy, resulting in savings for the insurance company and a greatly reduced settlement time for the insured. I’d like to lead the effort to educate the insurance industry on how a home inventory represents a win-win-win solution for them, the insured and the HIP.

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What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? My absolute biggest pet peeve is when people are not truthful – there is absolutely no excuse for not being honest. Another of my biggest peeves is not knowing your own worth and value or selling yourself short.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? By being fearless and going after what I want and not letting other people’s negativity and doubt influence me.

Do   you   network? I mainly network face to face with homeowners when I appraise their properties, I always have business cards on hand when meeting Real Estate Agents and I will speak to fellow professionals and homeowners at their request. For example at homeowner board meetings, Real Estate Board meetings, etc. Every day, I make it a point to speak to at least 1 new person about the home inventory field and the importance of having a thorough inventory.

What   is  your  hobby? In my down time, I enjoy extreme adventure racing, spending time with my family, yoga and jogging.

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  I believe my experience in the appraising field makes me unique and I see inventory from a different perspective.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Insurance agents are my best referral source. I seek out niche insurance companies, especially home grown firms who focus on the higher end market.  

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  The bulk of my clientele comes from meeting people through my appraisal practice.  

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs? The best advice I can give to new HIPs is to find an experienced mentor and learn as much as you can from that person. Consider joining a professional organization such as The Inventory Institute and educate yourself as much as possible. This is a very young industry and it is evolving and growing constantly. I am passionate about spreading the word about this industry.

Carrie is also a member of the 2011-2013 Product Review Committee of The Inventory Institute.

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Twi`er:  @HomeInventoryCM

Service  Area:  Greater Cincinnati Area

Niche/Specialty:  Residential and Small Business

Slogan:  We conduct an inventory to give homeowners and small businesses added protection, value to their policy and create peace of mind.

Mo`o:  Disasters Happen. Don’t get caught unprepared.

Vision   Statement:   Our service professionally documents your personal property quickly, conveniently, and affordably. Providing you with the peace of mind of knowing you'll receive the maximum settlement for your loss in the shortest amount of time while minimizing the disruption to your life.

Mission  Statement:  At Contents Management our goal is to provide services and products that offer the highest quality asset protection and management to you, our clients. By providing our service accurately, with confidentiality and professionalism we can give our customers peace of mind. This ensures that when an incident occurs they will be prepared to receive the insurance company’s highest settlement.

Zachary is currently completing his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and will graduate in 2013. He is married to his ‘number one supporter’ and enjoys helping property owners in Cincinnati; where he has lived his entire life.







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ZACHARY BALL of Contents Management A Home Inventory Service, LLC

Formal education earns you a living; self education will make you a fortune – John Rohn

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E What   is  your  professional  background?   I was a Business Consultant and Project Manager for a local fire restoration company for three years.

How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home   Inventory?  I first heard of third-party home inventory in 2009 during my tenure at the restoration company. There I saw first-hand the devastation that hits Americans daily. I also learned from Insurance Adjusters and Insurance Agents that although there were powerful benefits of keeping a current home inventory, the vast number of American home and business owners were grossly unprepared and I wanted to help.    

What  is  your  specialty?   Standard residential homes and small business

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? My ethical standpoint on both inventories and the successes found in entrepreneurial pursuits.

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? Larger than ever and still growing. There will be a lot more HIPs popping up and hopefully, the insurance companies will have a discount or requirement for inventories to help home and business owners make that decision to find and hire a third-party home inventory.

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   Getting into the industry and networking along with smart and consistent following-up.

What   do   you   see   as   the   biggest   industry   hurdle? Proving the tremendous value of third-party, ethical inventories to home and business owners.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Consumer awareness

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? I am a very proud member of the Greater Cincinnati Claims Association

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? Without a doubt, the latest edition of Entrepreneur magazine

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012?  I would like to see my business expand at least double the inventory projects and realize a lot of potential professionally.

What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Entrepreneurs that are not organized or have poor follow-up habits.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? By achieving my goals. I currently am working with a SCORE coach and mentor to help my goals become realities.

Do   you   network? I network every single day through Facebook, professional networking organizations, BNI, one-on-ones, and so on.

What  is  your  hobby? I work, go to school, and then do more work and even more school!

What   makes   your   home   inventory   service   be`er   than   any   other? I provide the best customer service possible and am available to my clients 24/7 – if they need me, I am there.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Estate attorneys and independent insurance agents.

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from? Estate attorney referral partners

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs? Do plenty of networking and follow up!

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Twi`er:  @WUYR

Service  Area:  Greater Atlanta Metro Area

Niche/Specialty:  Home and small-business inventories, wine cellar manage-ment and divorce/estate settlements

Mo`o:  Preparation is the key to peace-of-mind.

Vision  Statement:  To educate home and business owners on the importance of documenting assets, valuables and sentimental possessions.

Mission  Statement:  To be the Home Inventory profession’s market leader in the Southern United States through ethical practices, customer centric service, and a genuine desire to provide peace of mind.

What   is   your   professional   background?   I spent over 10 years in radio communications as a Music Director and on-air personality before beginning a career in Information Technology working for IBM and HP providers. Most recently, I worked in the corporate world as a Director of Sales Operations for a Fortune 200 company. I managed resource centers in Atlanta and Cleveland and had a budget of approximately $1B. That experience, coupled with my communications background, has prepared me for this entrepreneurial role.








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MELTON BENNETT of What’s Under Your Roof?

History is written by those who make the wake, not by those who ride upon it, nor by those who watch safely from the shore. −

Author Unknown

Nick  Athans  Zachary  Bell    -­‐  emailed  dra\  02-­‐08  Melton  Benne>  Johanna  CurKss  Susan  Day  John  Grimm  Terry  and  Gini  Hansen  MICHELLE  KETTERMAN  PATRICK  MARTIN  David  &  Sarah  Miller  Marla  &  Bruce  Regan  Jo  Soard  Paul  White  

       Peter  Yvanovich  (????)  

       John  and  Karen  Osenbaugh  


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A How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  I first heard of third-party home inventory after I identified a personal need for a Home Inventory and began researching inventory companies in the Atlanta market. I quickly realized that there was a missing element of professionalism in the marketplace, and I felt that I could use my background in communications, information technology, and sales to propagate a successful business model.

What  is  your  specialty?   High end residential homes and small business

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? Having the courage to start my own company is what makes me most proud. I had always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but the intersection of opportunity and resources had not presented itself until 2009.

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? I see the industry gaining momentum in the next five years as home inventory professionals gain credence through cohesive efforts to promote strong ethical and moral standards for the growing industry. I believe the next five years will also begin the vetting process of separating the professionals from the chafe.

What  is  the  smartest  thing  you  did  for  your  business?  I solicited an advisory board and a focus group. As a solo entrepreneur, objectivity does not come easily, so selecting a group to hold me accountable and a group to offer genuine feedback has been absolutely critical.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? Hands down, the most challenging aspect of being a Home Inventory Professional is in educating general consumers on what we do and expanding on the value of the offering in a way that they can understand, appreciate and be willing to pay for.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Time management is the biggest challenge I face on a daily basis. Of all the resources available to me and my company, time is the most precious and most irreplaceable of all.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? As a pet lover, my activities outside of the workplace revolve around volunteer work for our furry friends who share the earth with us. I spend a week each year in Utah doing volunteer work at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, and volunteer with my local humane society and rescue organizations to enhance the lives of animals who can enrich our lives when given the chance. As a matter of fact, 10% of all profits from What’s Under Your Roof? are donated to animal charities.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? My appointment/task book. It serves as the compass for each day’s journey.

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I would like to see a stronger acceptance of the Home Inventory Profession as a legitimate ancillary service to the insurance trade. Done correctly, our efforts minimize the time required to adjudicate an insurance claim. This reduces reserves the insurance company must retain for property and casualty claims against the insured’s policy, resulting in savings for the insurance company and a greatly reduced settlement time for the insured. I’d like to lead the effort to educate the insurance industry on how a home inventory represents a win-win-win solution for them, the insured and the HIP.

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A What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Entrepreneurs that are not organized or have poor follow-up habits.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? Doing better in 2012 than in 2011 will require that I do a better job of organizing my task list and prioritizing my time. My plan is to set aside one office day, a block of hours for networking, a block of hours for back office efforts and a block of time for beating the streets to meet insurance agents, estate attorneys and realtors who are the gatekeepers to the clientele I seek.

Do  you  network? Networking is critical to the success of my business and to my industry as a whole. There are a couple of monthly networking events that I won’t miss. Once I attend these meetings, I quickly identify the people that I believe I can help in growing their business and then take the conversation outside the event to a lunch or coffee meeting. One on one follow-up is the secret to making networking events work for you. I also believe in the Law of Reciprocity and seek to help others first.

What   is   your   hobby? My two main hobbies are traveling and cooking. Each satisfy my never ending desire to learn something new and to experiment. I love to create something whether new memories or a new dish to share with friends. I am never more relaxed than when I’m in the kitchen or exploring the side streets of a new city or destination.

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?   I wouldn’t say that my service is any better than another. That is for the consumer to decide, not me. I do believe that having an organized sales and marketing plan, following solid ethical practices and retaining a focus on my brand will set me apart from the competition in my marketplace.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Insurance agents are my best referral source. I seek out niche insurance companies, especially home grown firms who focus on the higher end market.  

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  The majority of my clients come from referrals I have gained from my networking efforts. As I grow my business, I expect to see more referrals from my clients.  

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs? To new Home Inventory Professionals, I would simply say, ‘don’t be afraid to ask for help from other HIPs’. Most of us have learned through trial and error. In order to gain more credibility, HIPs must work together to build a solid value proposition for our services. A key way to do that is to help new talent build their brand.

Melton is also the Chair of the Insurance Company and Insurance Commissioner Task Force for The Inventory Institute

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  21    

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Twi`er:  @AssetDCS

Service  Area:  South Carolina

Niche/Specialty:  Home, Small Business & Disaster Inventory Services

Slogan:  Protecting Your World, One Asset at a Time

Mission  Statement:  Our Mission is to continually build and grow a sustaining network of trusted partnerships while advocating for our clients through the delivery of professional & confidential asset inventory services, leaving our Clients 100% satisfied and able to be accurately insured, protected and prepared.

What   is   your   professional   background?   Johanna has a well-rounded and successful professional history with over 20 years in Information Technology, Management, Leadership, Project Management, Security, and Consulting.







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JOHANNA CURTIS of Asset Data Collection Services, LLC

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. – Samuel Johnson

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How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  When my family experienced a catastrophic fire in October 2010.

What   is   your   specialty?   Disaster related services specializing in post-event reporting including fire, flood, storm damage, and theft victims.

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? That we can help families gather information quickly & efficiently to prepare themselves for a claims process.

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? I feel the industry will triple in size in the next five years and become a more respected industry with companies such as the Inventory Institute out there advocating & educating the public along with every other respectable 3rd party home inventory company.

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business? Took my time in year one doing tasks surrounding business development.

What   are   your   professional   affiliaWons   and   and  organizaWons? The Inventory Institute – Chair of the 2012 Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct Task Force Flag Officer – Western Carolina Sailing Club in Anderson, South Carolina.

What   do   you   see   as   the   biggest   industry   hurdle?   Respect – It’s a difficult market and because you cannot just go out and start a home inventory business and have business (replacing your income) in a short amount of time, some business owners get discouraged and go out of business before they even get off the ground. As a result, the industry is somewhat fragmented and therefore, has not gained the respect of those industries important to our industry.  

What   is   your   biggest   challenge   professionally? Being an entrepreneur definitely has its challenges; learning everything necessary to be in business has been my challenge. Finding time to fit everything into a given day that I would like to accomplish. I am super excited to be in business and am passionate about that business and what I do. I don’t want to stop working sometimes and as a result, come up with more work daily to take on and never get everything done in a given day that I would like to because of all the new things that can be done to grow my business & the industry.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? Sailing, sailing & more sailing……… I spend my free time sailing and am a member as well as a board member (flag officer) at our sailing club; Western Carolina Sailing Club in Anderson, SC on Lake Hartwell.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? A Better Way to Think by H. Norman Wright

What  would   you   like   to   see   in   2012? The insurance industry to take notice that a strong consideration should be taken to pay for 3rd party home inventory services. We help protect home owners, business owners & insurance companies alike. We offer valuable protection for everyone!

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What is your biggest professional pet peeve? I would say that my professional pet peeve is having to work very strategically in providing extra reassurance due to the negativity that follows other HIPs that have left the business that maybe didn’t do things properly when they were in business. Owning an inventory business means that you will face this but the expectation should always be able to be that anyone going into this industry should be someone that holds themselves in high ethical regard and conducts themselves nothing short of professionally.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? I am better than last year. My business has grown by 50% already in January/February 2012. I am smarter about how I do things this year already and have improved my processes. I continue to grow each year with my business.

Do   you   network? I do. I network as often as possible. There is a great advantage to this however, making sure to use my time wisely and network where I am going to see the greatest impact is super important to me.

What  is  your  hobby? Sailing

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other? I don’t think I am better than any other. I think that I am slightly different because I do offer disaster services. I have lived through a disaster which provides me with a unique perspective and the ability to help my clients based on a true understanding.

Who   is   your   best   referral   source? Everyone but Insurance Agents are a great source of referrals.

Where   do   the   majority   of   your   clients   come   from?   Restoration Companies, Insurance Companies, and word of mouth.

What   is   the   best   advice   you   would   give   new   HIPs?   Hang in there! Starting a Home Inventory Business is not a quick ride to success but a steady acceleration with a tremendous amount of personal reward.

Johanna is also the Chair of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics Task Force for The Inventory Institute











2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  24    

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Website: and


Twi`er:  @SueDayFL

Service  Area:  North America with corporate headquarters in Albany, Georgia

Niche/Specialty:  Data entry management and report compiling for other HIPs

Slogan:  Begin with the end in mind.

Mo`o:  Spend your time doing the things that will build your business and let us do the things that will sustain it!

Vision Statement: To be the “Go To” company for back office services and reporting for the successful HIP.

Mission   Statement:  To provide every client the highest level of service by delivering an accurate and complete accounting of their customers assets and to present the professionally finished product back to the client in a timely and specified way while making every possible effort to insure that the information is kept private and secure.

What   is   your   professional   background?   I have an Information Technology (IT) background. 20+ years of project management which trained me to focus on the details while managing the big picture and to use technology to streamline my processes in as many ways as it makes me more effective and efficient.







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SUSAN DAY of reporting from Inventory It!

Don’t worry about tomorrow. God is already there! – Anonymous

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How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home   Inventory?   I actually realized the need prior to knowing that anyone was actually doing third-party home inventories. Back in 2002, after a conversation with some friends who have two homes and a need to know what was in each of them, I did some research and only found 2 businesses (with an online presence) who were doing this. I decided that it was something that I could do, do it well and enjoy doing. I was living in an affluent area with many “conspicuous consumers” and after finding a good referral source, Inventory It! became a reality.

What   is   your   specialty?  Currently, my specialty is being the first to provide back office support for other Home Inventory Professionals. My goal is for a HIP to finish taking an inventory, electronically send all their data, photos and notes to my company where we will compile, edit, organize, upload and create and mail the client report back to the HIP. All the HIP has to do is deliver it! In the meantime, the HIP has had the time to conduct additional inventories, network, market his/her company and spend time with the family!

What   are   you  most   proud   of   professionally? Being a pioneer and an early adopter in a business that continues to grow and to be able to help and influence the direction that this industry is taking.

Where   do   you   see   the   industry   in   5   years? I hope to see the industry somewhat more regulated but not overly so. Get some standards in place and have the insurance industry give the home owner a reduction in their homeowners insurance if they have a comprehensive up-to-date home inventory.

What   is   the   smartest   thing  you  did   for  your  business?   I gave it a professional, corporate brand and image so that it is taken seriously but gave it some warmth and individualism so that it isn’t off-putting.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest   industry  hurdle? Organizing without over-regulating. Big Professional Organizations like Big Government, quash the entrepreneurial motivation. We need a united voice and basic goals but not an overwhelming amount of requirements and regulations.

What   is   your   biggest   challenge   professionally? Personally, my biggest challenge is the never ending balancing act. I think that I do a pretty good job of it but I have to focus on it to keep the balance there. You really need to throw a spa day into the mix when you need some rejuvenation!

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? I am very active in my church and the Emmaus community and I play tennis and golf when I can.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? The Bible

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I would like to see reporting from Inventory It! grow and prosper and allow me to hire some good people who need jobs!

What   is   your   biggest   professional   pet   peeve? I learned a long time ago that there are enough customers out there for EVERYONE so share your knowledge with the new guy, help them avoid some of the pitfalls you experienced and help others succeed. What’s in it for you? You will be blessed in ways you would never have even conceived! Try it!

How   can   you   be   be`er   than   last   year? I can fine-tune my processes and expand my knowledge.

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Do  you  network? Since my target client is other HIPs, my current networking is restricted to groups, conferences, and conventions where they hang out!

What  is  your  hobby? My hobby is cooking. I have recently become fond of cooking! Who knew!!! I have focused on Thai cuisine, but enjoy other savory but lower calorie endeavors and the occasional decadent dessert. This comes from one who was afraid that one day she would become bored with boxed dinners and then what would she do!

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  Everyone’s answer to this question should be “Me”! You are the service. The customer has chosen YOU to trust with their personal assets and they are counting on you to be ethical, non-judgmental and to meet the expectations that you have set for them. If you do that, your business will be better than any other. Who  is  your  best  referral  source? When I was doing home inventories in Florida, I had a Financial Planner that almost required all of her clients to have a home inventory done to round out their portfolio. The efforts I made to garner other referral sources were not as successful but I do recommend that you search and seek 2 to 4 strong referral sources amongst the professionals (divorce lawyers, estate lawyers, financial planners, homeowner’s insurance agents) and don’t stop until you have them in place and nurture them. If one “dries up”, don’t drop them but seek another quickly.  

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  My clients now come from within the industry so my latest clients came from The Inventory Institute’s 2011 HIP conference that I attended, and of course from the most special referrals, other HIPs!

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Be persistent, be patient, be professional, be ethical, and be on time!

Susan is also a trusted 2012-2013 Advisory Board Member for The Inventory Institute

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Service  Area:  Charlotte (Piedmont Area) of North & South Carolina

Niche/Specialty:  Providing services to Home & Small Business Owners and Emergency Services Organizations

Slogan:  Making it simple to be prepared.

What is your professional background? With over a thirty year career in the volunteer and career fire service, Emergency Response and Disaster Management, Life Safety Management, Loss Control and Life Safety Management, I have experienced first-hand the frustrations that home and business owners deal with after their property has been stolen or destroyed by fire, flood, or other disaster.

How did you first hear of Home Inventory? In an AARP magazine article.

What is your specialty? Life Safety Management, Disaster Preparedness, and Fire Safety

What are you most proud of professionally? Working with the International Association of Fire Chiefs on a nationwide study on “Fire Safety in Health Care Facilities.”

What are your professional affiliations and and organizations? The Inventory Institute, National Fallen Firefighters.








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CHARLES GREENE “Chuck” of Carolina Docu-Mentors, LLC

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  28    

If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen. – Author Unknown

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2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  29    

Where do you see the industry in 5 years? The home inventory industry is in its early development stages. Thoughts of having your home inventoried never enters the minds of most home homers. Over the next five years we as professionals must educate home owners, Emergency Response Organizations, and insurance professionals and insurance professionals about the importance of the services we as HIP can provide.

What is the smartest thing you did for your business? Creating a thorough webpage and networking.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? Building trust, overcoming the stigma that home inventories are a waste of time and money.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Business marketing.

In   what   extra-­‐curricular   acWviWes   and   organizaWons   do   you   parWcipate? Church, National Fallen Firefighters "Everyone Goes Home Program" as well as providing safety services and training.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? The Wit and Wisdom of Ronald Reagan.

What is your biggest challenge? Funding.

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? Government entities working with Home Inventory Professionals.  

What   is   your   biggest   professional   pet   peeve? Lack of professionalism and dedication across the U.S.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? Focus more on growing my business.

Do  you  network? Yes, both in person and on-line through social media.

What  is  your  hobby? Spending time with my grandkids, fishing, and camping.

What   makes   your   home   inventory   service   be`er   than   any   other?   I know what an adjuster is looking for when they are working a claim and what kind of pictures and documentation they need to complete the file.

Who   is   your   best   referral   source? Anyone that owns or insures anything is a referral source.

What   is   the   best   advice   you  would   give   new  HIPs? Be professionals, the services we provided are a vital piece of life's puzzle.

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?   Networking.

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Service  Area:  Iowa

Niche/Specialty:  Insurance approved complete home inventory

Mission  Statement:  At Global Home Inventory, we are providing a sense of calm during a time of chaos. Our Vision is to be the most trusted home and business inventory company in the world.

What is your professional background? Jack of all trades and a master of none. After college, I went into outside sales, then Insurance agent door to door selling long term care. I was then introduced to the mortgage industry. I was a mortgage broker for about seven years. Then I opened up a credit repair company 2 years before the mortgage meltdown.

How did you first hear of Home Inventory? I have been involved with home inventory industry for almost four years now.

What is your specialty? Working with insurance agencies.

What are you most proud of professionally? Taking on the challenge of what is hurting us as Inventory Professionals…Software.

What are your professional affiliations and and organizations? The Inventory Institute


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John Grimm of Global Home Inventory Inc. Universal Inventory Systems

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  30    

If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen. – Author Unknown

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2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  31    

Where do you see the industry in 5 years? I see this industry exploding. I see insurance companies backing third party home inventory industry. This means an explosion of HIPs throughout the United States.

What is the smartest thing you did for your business? After doing over fifty inventories in my first year, I knew their had to be a faster and more efficient way to do inventories. That's when I took up the challenge of developing software.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? A sense of urgency. Time is now to have this done.

What   is   your   biggest   challenge   professionally? I would say the balance between two companies right now.

In   what   extra-­‐curricular   acWviWes   and   organizaWons   do   you   parWcipate? I coach basketball and football for my two young sons.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? The Bible.

What is your biggest challenge? Riding this emotional roller coaster called the inventory industry. For me this is what I do, all my chips are in when it comes to this business.

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? Providing the best inventories to my clients. I also would like to provide the best software tool to my fellow HIPs.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? Follow the ABCs Give people the insurance that you know best. Someday they will thank you for this.

Do   you   network? I do. To be honest I haven't much this past year. 2012 will be more focused on networking.

What  is  your  hobby? Coaching.

What   makes   your   home   inventory   service   be`er   than   any   other?   I feel that with hundreds of inventories under my belt, and working closely with insurance agencies and their adjusters, I give a homeowner a great service and peace of mind.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Insurance agencies

What   is   the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs? I truly feel we are on the verge of something great. We can all be very proud that we are working so hard to establish this industry. We just need to keep moving forward.

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?   Insurance agencies

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Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think

about it. Go out and get busy. – Dale Carnegie  



Service  Area:  Utah

Niche/Specialty:  Homes, including high end and businesses

Slogan:  Providing professional, third party documentation of your cherished possessions.

Mo`o:  Are you Prepared?

Vision  Statement:  We believe that clients deserve our full attention to detail and the highest quality workmanship. We create a custom video, digital photo and written inventory of their possessions and property. We use the latest computer technology enabling us to record electronically all necessary identifying information of their assets, facilitating a quick and accurate settlement of insurance claim & accurate identification of stolen property.

Mission  Statement:  At Hometown Inventory our goal is to provide services and products that offer the highest quality asset protection and management to our clients. By providing our service accurately, with confidentiality and professionalism we can give our customers peace of mind. This ensures that when an incident occurs they will be prepared to receive the insurance company’s highest settlement.

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What  is  your  professional  background?  A brother- and sister-in-law team, Gini and Terry Hansen have combined talents and experience and proudly started a Home Inventory Professional service in Utah. Gini has spent many years as a Legal Assistant, Administrational & Graphic artist and Terry spent 29 years in Building Material Sales & Management.

How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  This was an idea that Terry pondered over for about 10 years, after researching this opportunity, we started Hometown Inventory.

What  is  your  specialty?  High End Homes, DVD Photo Inventory  

What   are   you   most   proud   of   professionally? We developed a quality professional product, learned to network and develop important business associations.

Where  do  you  see   the   industry   in  5  years? Home Inventory will be a well known and accepted service used by insurance agencies to give their clients peace of mind, by real estate agents as a value added service and by attorneys in estate planning for their clients.  

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   We reached out to other professionals to see how they achieved success and capitalized on their ideas. Then we developed our own style and business model.  

What   do   you   see   as   the   biggest   industry   hurdle?   Helping clients, insurance agents, realtors, police, fire and public in general to recognize us as a valuable and viable industry.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally?  Working in a home office & keeping on task is hard – so many other things compete for our time.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? The Inventory Institute, Chamber of Commerce & BNI networking group.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? Book of Scriptures

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? Business taking off, people calling us regularly for our Home and Business Inventory service, and happy appreciative clients.

What   is   your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Insurance agents and Realtors who don't "get it" and refuse to listen to what we do and how it can benefit their clients. Also, those who love the idea, but don't refer people.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than   last  year? Make some strong strategic alliances with good contacts.

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Do  you  network? Yes in networking groups like Chamber of Commerce, BNI. We spend 2 days a week meeting insurance agents, realtors, attorneys, jewelers, financial planners, professional organizers, anyone who could refer clients to us - have had some very encouraging results with people who are anxious to work with us.

What  is  your  hobby? Hiking, reading, sewing, bike riding, bowling and being with


What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  As new Home Inventory Professionals, we are still in the process of defining our processes, procedures, branding, and presentations.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? We are still defining our best referral sources.

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  We are actively working on educating other industries to the fact that we’re here and can offer an excellent service to their clients. Our local police & Fire officials are very supportive.

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Don't expect business to come to you – get out and meet people who can refer clients. Work on your image – website, brochures, business cards, your dress, etc. Act as if you are already successful and always be totally professional from the start.










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e Inven



MICHELLE KETTERMAN of The Inventory Experts & The Inventory Institute

Live a life that outlives your life. – Denai Downs Vaughn (1974-2011)



Twi`er:  @ExpertInventory

Service  Area:  North America

Niche/Specialty:  Training and coaching HIPs

Slogan:  Get the proof of what’s under your roof today…because your photos can be worth a thousand bucks tomorrow. If your HIP service isn’t as profitable as it should be, it’s time to get a coach. If it is, then it’s time to learn to be a HIP coach. Either way…this industry needs YOU.

Mo`o:  When stories are told, inventories are sold. You can’t claim it if you can’t name it. Your insurance coverage is only as good as your ability to file an

accurate claim.

Vision   Statement:   Be the nationally-recognized beacon for transparent, professional, ethical, and non-biased third-party inventory; and provide a means for other upstanding HIPs to do the same while creating a more distinct divide between Home Inventory Professionals and the casual, less-serious, and corner-cutting provider.

Mission  Statement:  We detail, photograph, and catalog customer belongings and property; providing unparalleled peace of mind that when needed, our customers can produce irrefutable third party verification of their possessions.

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A What   is   your   professional   background?   I am an admitted geek and absolutely love databases. I have been working on databases, writing process and procedure manuals, presentations, and graphic designs since the days of 10” floppy disks…and I still love it.

How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  In 1997 roughly six months after our home was robbed and all insurance claims were filed and we began to realize all of the things we forgot to claim. Once we realized we had left off over $5,300 (that we could remember) from the claim on our 1200 square foot home, I asked our insurance company how I could avoid that from ever happening again.

What   is   your   specialty?  The Standard Home Inventory. In December, I performed a very comprehensive Home Inventory on a 19,500 square foot house in a little over 7 hours. This inventory included everything from the crown molding and fire extinguishers to serial and model numbers on all appliances and electronics on the property. It was a blast!

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? Being a part of the group of amazing HIPs that joined together and made amazing strides for the industry as a whole. We introduced the concept of third-party inventory to countless property owners in 2011 through national sponsorships and there will be more in 2012. I am also extremely proud to work on projects that help educate consumers on not only the importance of what HIPs do, but also the how and why of spotting the difference between a Home Inventory Professional and a provider or specialist. Of course, it was a really good day when Fox Business News said that I was ‘taking Home Inventory up a notch.’

Where  do  you  see  the  industry   in  5  years? In a really great space! This industry is where identity theft was 10 years ago…no one really knew what it was or how to protect themselves, and now it is a thriving industry. Home Inventory will experience the same growth. With this growth, I believe insurance companies, on a corporate level, will encourage and give discounts for third-party CREDENTIALED HIPs.

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   I hired four coaches…and then I listened to them. I had always heard the trendsetters say how important their coaches had been to their success, so I decided to go for it. I pay hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars every month for coaching and it is worth every penny! The second best thing is hiring Susan Day from Reporting from Inventory It. She has literally cut my workload in half! I perform the inventory and Susan does all of the data entry, cleans the photos, then matches everything. It totally clears my schedule and allows me to move on to the next project!

What  do  you  see  as   the  biggest   industry  hurdle? The lack of education – both consumer awareness and universal HIP knowledge of how to see through a lot of these schemes and fake products. Some of the things we’ve seen are truly despicable.

What   is   your   biggest   challenge   professionally? Collaboration is the name of the game…competition is an old school concept from decades ago, but some are not willing to see that. There is enough business for everyone and I am hopeful that the old-school thinkers will begin to realize this soon.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? Toastmasters!

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? As Man Thinketh by James Allen

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What would you like to see in 2012? The veil of deceit lifted from the industry.

What   is   your   biggest   professional   pet   peeve? When anyone uses copy and paste as a business model and then puts their name on it.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? More consistent industry communication and let’s be honest…I have got to be more committed and dependable with blog posts. I really fell short in that area in 2011.

Do  you  network? Not only yes, but HECK YES! I love to network and meet people. Show me a HIP that doesn’t network, and I’ll show you a HIP that doesn’t work. I am currently president of two chapters of BizLink Global and I travel around the country as a national sponsor of Chocolate Blues and Business Networking Festivals where I ‘talk inventory’ to business owners and decision makers throughout North America. We calculated that in 2011, this sponsorship alone introduced the concept of third-party home inventory to over 30,000 home and business owners – so yes, I absolutely network every chance I get! As Patty Farmer always says, “Your network is your net worth.” Needless to say, I absolutely network but I am a firm believer that it’s so much more than just exchanging business cards, it’s about connecting…genuinely and sincerely making real human connections with people.

What  is  your  hobby? I have a real passion for gardening and ‘digging in the dirt.’ I also love reading and writing.

What  makes   your  home   inventory   service  be`er   than  any  other?   I go so far above and beyond for my clients!

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Other networkers and local connectors. Insurance agents and divorce attorneys

Where   do   the   majority   of   your   clients   come   from?   I have really strong strategic partnerships and relationships with insurance agents, divorce attorneys, financial planners, and other local connectors that understand Home Inventory and routinely introduces me to my target clients.

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Don’t’ give up and don’t automatically trust the well-meaning advice of seasoned coaches or advisers because the rules change when dealing with a brand new industry. If I had a nickel for every time a successful business person told me that I would never find someone to pay for an inventory…

Michelle is the Founder of The Inventory Institute and a co-host of ‘The Home Inventory Panel,’ radio show/Podcast

Michelle has authored and co-authored several HIP resources, that can be found on and
















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PATRICK MARTIN of Steadfast Home Inventory

Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile. – Gary Ryan Blair



Twi`er:  @sHomeInventory

Service  Area:  Greater New England

Niche/Specialty:  Home and Business Inventories

Slogan:  Because there’s more under your roof than you think!

Mo`o:  Recalling is recovering

Vision   Statement:   Providing professional, third-party home and business inventories, Steadfast Home Inventory works tirelessly to make sure that people’s valuables and livelihood is protected.

Mission  Statement:  Steadfast Home Inventory was created to give home and business owners the peace of mind knowing that their well-being is secure. That is a mission we constantly strive to better ourselves with.

What   is   your   professional   background?   Before running Steadfast Home Inventory, none! I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology which I feel has helped me deal with all types of people throughout the life of the business.

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How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  I  originally  believed  that  I  had  thought  of  home  inventories   on  my   own   a\er   daydreaming   of   a   service   to   help   homeowners.   A\er   some  research,  I  realized  that  it  was  a  budding  industry  that  I  needed  to  be  a  part  of.

What  is  your  specialty?  Spreading the word and educating the public on Home Inventories through talking with upstart home inventory businesses.

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? Turning what was once just an idea into a fully functioning business that helps people on a daily basis. It’s an amazing feeling!

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? I see the industry being much more aligned with other, more established industries. This includes insurance agencies, estate lawyers, real estate agencies etc. working hand-in-hand with Home Inventory Professionals.

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   Connecting with other Home Inventory Professionals to share stories, network, and help me realize that I am not alone in this endeavor!

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest   industry  hurdle? Educating the public on not only why a Home Inventory is important, but what a Home Inventory is.

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Being my own boss is great because I only have to answer to myself. However, it is also an extremely difficult challenge in return because I only have to answer to myself!

In   what   extra-­‐curricular   acWviWes   and   organizaWons   do   you   parWcipate? The Inventory Institute, Markham Group

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide by John Jantsch. It’s my business Bible!

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I would love to see 2012 be the year that the general public embraces the Home Inventory Industry. We are a group of highly motivated, caring, and professional people who are ready for the world to know who we are!

What   is   your   biggest   professional   pet   peeve? Businesses that don’t follow through with getting back to their clients in a timely manner or clients who cancel appointments at the last moment.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? I can be better than last year by shaking more hands and talking about home inventory to more people. I need to promote who I am and what I do more often rather than only at designated times and places.

Do  you  network? I am huge proponent of social media and networking through Facebook etc. Nothing however, will replace face-to-face human interaction.

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What   is  your  hobby? I love unwinding with friends and family and catching up on what’s going on in their lives. It’s the people who I surround myself with that make me who I am and I am forever grateful for that.

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  I am a teacher at heart so I bring to the table my ability to put forth to the customer the importance of a home inventory. I listen to their needs so they fully understand how a home inventory can preserve their well-being.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Insurance agencies and local networking groups.

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  Most of my clients come from about a 20 mile radius from our North Chelmsford, MA office but we are perfectly capable of traveling wherever there is a need for our services.

What   is   the   best   advice   you  would   give   new  HIPs?  Don’t give up! As with every new business, you’re going to have high days and low days. It’s the low days that you have to power through to get to the high days. Eventually, the highs will outweigh the lows ten to one!

Patrick is also a trusted 2012-2013 Advisory Board Member for The Inventory Institute, Chair of the 2011-2012 Security Task Force, 2011-2013 Product Review Committee, and a Co-Host of Home Inventory Panel radio show/pod cast.

Patrick was a featured presenter at the 2011 Home Inventory Professional Conference and co-authored several industry list books in 2011; these books can be found at









RY , N





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DAVID & SARAH MILLER of Three Rivers Inventory

If a man pays you $1 per hour, give him $1.25 worth of work. You will always succeed. – Michael Miller (David’s dad)

Website:  Three


Service  Area:  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas

Niche/Specialty:  We specialize in residential and small business inventories. We also work with attorneys on estate planning and divorce clients.

Slogan:  Giving you peace of mind.

Vision  Statement:  Three Rivers Inventory will distinguish itself as a leader in defining the home inventory profession by providing superior quality and innovative products to our customers.

Mission   Statement:  Our mission is to provide peace of mind to all of our clients in times of difficulty through organized, detailed reports of their assets.

What   is   your   professional   background?   David has successfully run multimillion dollar territories for over 20 years in the professional community. He has also served on the board of Pittsburgh Young Professionals, the Western PA Entrepreneur Consortium, and has spoken for the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC. Sarah has chaired the Pittsburgh Legal Marketing Executives committee and also freelances in creative graphic design.

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How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home   Inventory?  About six years ago, David decided to do an inventory of the Miller home. Admittedly, the Millers have always been somewhat obsessed with creating detailed lists of their belongings. This led David and Sarah to think that this may be a service that other people could also benefit from. David started looking on the internet to see if such a service existed and was surprised to see a number of companies that provided this service.

What  is  your  specialty?  We specialize in residential and small business inventories. We also work with attorneys on estate planning and divorce clients.

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? David says: I am most proud of my wife and that we started this business from scratch and am excited to see how far we can take it. We dove in head first and never looked back.

Where  do  you  see  the   industry   in  5  years? I believe that the professional home inventory industry is just in it’s infancy. I see the day when every home owner and small business owner will see the value of our service and couldn’t imagine not having it to protect their future.

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you   did   for   your   business?   We reached out to other home inventory professionals throughout the United States. Becoming active members of the Inventory Institute has been priceless. There are extremely talented people that we have collaborated with in sharing ideas for the betterment of the industry.

What  do   you   see   as   the  biggest   industry   hurdle? At this point, the biggest hurdle is that most people don’t know that this service even exists. We need to educate the public first that this service exists and secondly the importance of having a third party inventory performed.

What   is   your  biggest   challenge  professionally? Our biggest challenge is educating people about the importance of a home inventory. In these difficult times, finances are limited and people are just trying to survive. We try to convey that our service is a small price to pay for security.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate?  We both volunteer at Pittsburgh East Community Church and in our kids schools and activities.

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? The Bible

What  would   you   like   to   see   in   2012? I would like to see a better environment for small businesses to flourish and the ability to stimulate the economy through small businesses.

What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? My biggest pet peeve is people not delivering on what they promise.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? Our goal is to double our business this year through effective networking and obtain new customers through referrals.

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Do  you  network? Our belief is that networking is what you do in everyday life. Professional networking organizations are great, but we believe that to be successful you have to go beyond that. Most of our networking takes place at the grocery store, at church and through meeting new people everyday.

What  is  your  hobby? I like to shoot handguns competitively and my wife loves to read. We also find our most enjoyment in being active in our kids lives.

What  makes  your  home   inventory   service  be`er   than  any  other?  Our attention to detail and our compassion for each and every client.

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Join  the  Inventory  InsKtute  and  network  with  fellow  HIPs.

Sarah is a member of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics Task Force for The Inventory Institute.

David often edits and proofreads many of The Inventory Institute’s projects and resources.














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MARLA & BRUCE REGAN of Organized Time & Professional Inventory Services

Alone, we can do so little; Together, we can do so much. – Helen Keller



Twi`er:  @HouOrgHIP

Service  Area:  Greater Houston metropolitan area

Niche/Specialty:  Room by Room organizing followed by Home Inventory Process

Slogan/Mo`o:  Peace of Mind with Organized Time

What   is   your   professional   background?   Marla has been a Professional Organizer in the Houston, Texas area since 1998, and her husband, Bruce, has been Unix System Administrator since his days in the US Air Force.

What  are  your  Professional  OrganizaWons/AffiliaWons?  National Association of Profession Organizers; The Inventory Institute; Family Manager® Coach; American Business Women Association, Board member for American Business Women’s Association – Galleria Chapter.

How did you first hear of Home Inventory? In August 2011 at a Chocolate Blues and Business Networking event in Houston.

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What   is   your   specialty? Residential, Home Office, and Small Office Organizing and Inventory

What  are  you  most  proud  of  professionally? Being in business since 1997

Where  do  you  see  the  industry  in  5  years? HIP industry – world wide!

What   is   the   smartest   thing   you  did   for   your   business?  Network and continue to educate myself in business and social media

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? Unethical behavior

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Time to network and get the word out about my new business addition – Home Inventory Professional

In   what   extra-­‐curricular   acWviWes   and   organizaWons   do   you   parWcipate? Mentor for a middle school in my area

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be? The Bible; The one business book would be Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? Being the Houston Authority on Organizing and Home Inventory Professional

What   is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Lack of integrity, bait and switch, and poor customer service

How  can  you  be  be`er   than   last  year? Having at least 1 – 2 Home Inventory jobs every week and allowing my husband to be so busy in this job, he can quit his JOB!

Do  you  network? Yes, 1 – 3 times a month

What  is  your  hobby? Reading

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?   I have the advantage of being a professional organizer who can help declutter prior to doing an inventory

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Organizing Clients and Networking professionals

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  Referrals

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Join the Inventory Institute and learn all you can about being an ethical Home Inventory Professional

Marla was a crowd favorite presenter at the 2011 Home Inventory Professional Conference and the 01-12 HIP Telesummit. She has also been a guest on The Home Inventory Panel Radio Show and Podcast

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JO SOARD The Inventory Lady

of American Home Inventory Professionals

Your favorite quote goes here. – Quote’s Author


Facebook:  Facebook/AmericanHomeInventoryProfessionals

Twi`er:  @JoSoard

Service  Area:  Indiana

Niche/Specialty:  Home and Business Inventory

Slogan/Mo`o:  Documenting and protecting all of your family assets.

What   is   your   professional   background?   Photography, business, and chocolate. What   are   your   Professional   OrganizaWons/AffiliaWons?   Greenwood Chamber of Commerce and The Inventory Institute.

How  did  you  first  hear  of  Home  Inventory?  As a profession, just in the last couple of years.

What   is   your   specialty? Home Inventory adding two services -Photo Inventory scanning all photos in albums and boxes to preserve them in the event of a disaster/loss. Also doing a Picture Inventory where all information is added by the client while I supply all of the digital proof.

What   are   you   most   proud   of   professionally? I am an ethical home inventory professional and give my customer the best inventory/service they can receive.

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Where   do   you   see   the   industry   in   5   years? I see home inventory becoming a household term in the next five years.

What  is  the  smartest  thing  you  did  for  your  business?  I joined The Inventory Institute and surround myself with other positive Home Inventory Professionals.

What  do  you  see  as  the  biggest  industry  hurdle? Education

What  is  your  biggest  challenge  professionally? Doing everything myself (In past businesses I had someone doing website, marketing materials etc. Now I do it all) and getting people to understand the value of doing an inventory.

In  what  extra-­‐curricular  acWviWes  and  organizaWons  do  you  parWcipate? Order of Eastern Star

If  you  could  have  only  1  book  on  your  desk,  what  would  it  be?

What  would  you  like  to  see  in  2012? I would like my business grow to other markets.

What  is  your  biggest  professional  pet  peeve? Negative people.

How  can  you  be  be`er  than  last  year? I am in my first year of business so I have nothing to compare.    

Do   you   network? Networking is crucial to any business. Power Circle Network/BNI/Greenwood Chamber of Commerce. From those connections I believe in one-on-ones to build relationships.

What  is  your  hobby? Reading, theatre, gardening, and playing with my Bichon Friese

What  makes  your  home  inventory  service  be`er  than  any  other?  I don’t want to say my service is better than others but I will give the customer a quality, honest, ethical, and exceptional inventory and report… get the idea just cannot get the words the way I want them.

Who  is  your  best  referral  source? Professional Organizers and Insurance Agents

Where  do  the  majority  of  your  clients  come  from?  Professional Organizers and Insurance Agents

What  is  the  best  advice  you  would  give  new  HIPs?  Join other positive professionals involved in The Inventory Institute. Read, study and learn the profession.

Jo is a member of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics Task Force for The Inventory Institute.

Jo has participated in EVERY educational opportunity provided by The Inventory Institute and is a welcome member of every group, webinar, mastermind, and brainstorming session.

2012:  Today’s  HIPs…Tomorrow’s  Leaders  –  Page  47    

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Home  Inventory  Professional’s  Client  Bill  of  Rights  

North American Home Inventory Professionals (HIPs) have a moral and ethical obligation to clients and the American consumer. This obligation includes integrity, competency, honesty, confidentiality, objectivity and a genuine respect for the importance of client data safety. Fulfilling this obligation will promote and protect public recognition and confidence in the third-party Home Inventory Profession.

In recognition of this serious obligation, we hereby promise and proclaim that as Home Inventory Professionals, we will always:  operate within professional and ethical guidelines.  work diligently to ensure our client expectations are met.  strive to be the experts in our field.  completely outline the scope of the project.  Protect and hold safe client data.

Furthermore, we hereby promise and proclaim that as Home Inventory Professionals, we will never:  disclose ANY client information without prior client written approval or subpoena.  assume, imply, or otherwise guarantee insurance reimbursement amounts or time frames.  have financial interest in this inventory other than the agreed upon fee for third-party inventory services rendered.

About  this  Client  Bill  of  Rights Providing a Client Bill of Rights is another way we have chosen to set Home Inventory Professionals apart from the casual provider. Members of The Inventory Institute have made the conscious and serious decision to operate their Home Inventory service ethically and hold themselves to the highest standards and are encouraged to share this Bill of Rights.

Adopted on the 9th day of October 2011 by The Inventory Institute.

Approved by attendees of the 2011 Home Inventory Professional Conference and Michelle Ketterman (Founder of The Inventory Institute and The Inventory Experts) and Patrick Martin (owner of Steadfast Home Inventory and member of The Inventory Institute Advisory Board and Chair of Product Review Committee).

This product is currently in the Review process of

of  mankind’s  capacity  to  rise  to  the  

Page 50: Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012

HOME  INVENTORY  LIST  –    The  First  100  Steps  to    Home    Inventory    Professional  Success  

Experts  say  that  we  are  the  average  of  the  five  people  we  spend  the  most  Wme  with.  Keeping  this  in  mind,  take  a  real  and  candid  look   at   who   you   have   aligned   yourself   AND   your   Home  Inventory   service   with.   This   includes   networking   and   social  media.   Don’t   simply   retweet,   share,   or   connect   with   anyone  that  has  ’Home  Inventory’  in  their  profile.    Be  smart  and  be  HIP!  

Find  these  industry  resources  on    

Page 51: Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012

Trolling, slander, dubious products, suspicious organizations, false accusations, fake testimonials, fabricated awards, and general bad manners have prompted The Inventory Institute to speak out against professional divisions. Such open unprofessional expression, comments, copying, false crediting, and accusations if left unchecked can irreparably damage the third-party Home Inventory Profession and its members in the eyes of property owners, strategic alliances, and referral partners.

As Home Inventory Professionals (HIPs) who work diligently and passionately to see the profession gain public acknowledgement, respect, and mainstream acceptance, we sincerely believe that the importance of moving forward ethically and universally supersedes personal gain for any particular business or individual. In recognition of our duty to promote the profession and the legitimacy of qualified and ethical HIPs, we remain eager to offer assistance and collaborate with those who share the same wishes to see our profession progress in a positive light that will long outlast us.

In our view, we must begin by preventing destructive and damaging press to the industry from spilling over in to the public view of our profession. As a first step toward this goal, we agree to respect each other in accordance with a ‘Home Inventory Professional Code of Honor.’ We remain committed to this HIP Code of Honor and believe that this will assist third-party HIPs during times of agreement and ease, and more importantly, in times of mutual disagreement and when faced with contentious issues.

The  Ethical  Home  Inventory  Professional’s  Code  of  Honor  

We agree and are committed that ethical HIPs will :! respect one another at all times. We may disagree and have differences of opinion, will still treat each other with courtesy, common decency, and consideration. ! protect consumers and other HIPs from purchasing unqualified products and services. We will commit to outlining specific guidelines, tips, and techniques for choosing credible and trustworthy professionals and products.! not publicly slander, bad mouth, disrespect, or disparage other HIPs or members of professional organizations.! never share client information; either verbally, electronically, or printed. We will always protect client data down to the last detail. ! be forthright and truthful about their credentials, training, and qualifications. We will never pretend to be something or someone we are not; we will especially never mislead anyone by claiming to be ‘licensed’ unless we hold a current professional license in good standing by a recognized and accredited entity. In such case, we will clearly state our license in a manner that does not interpreted that we are a licensed Home Inventory Professional.! be honest in all advertising and promotional materials. We will not create illusionary accolades to impress, embellish accomplishments, or fabricate awards to misrepresent ourselves or imply we are more qualified than we actually are.! advocate open communication, recognized standards, and universal procedures in all professional matters.! welcome peer collaboration and embrace working together for the advancement of the profession above our own personal gain.! let go of the ‘mine, mine, mine’ attitude of the past and realize that every rooftop in the country; whether residential or commercial, needs a third-party Home Inventory...and there is enough work for every ethical, qualified HIP in the country.!

Adopted on the 9th day of October 2011 by The Inventory Institute.!

Approved by attendees of the 2011 Home Inventory Professional Conference and Michelle Ketterman (Founder of The Inventory Institute and The Inventory Experts) and Patrick Martin (owner of Steadfast Home Inventory and member of The Inventory Institute Advisory Board and Chair of The Inventory Institute’s Product Review Committee). !

We endorse the contents of this Code of Honor and commit ourselves to upholding it. We encourage, moreover, all Home Inventory Professionals in North America to honor the terms set forth herein to the best of their ability. We will hold ourselves and each other accountable to conduct ourselves in a manner that holds ourselves and our chosen profession to the highest standards.!

Page 52: Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012


If  your  Home  Inventory  service  is  not  as  profitable    

as  it  should  be,    

it’s  TIME  to    GET A COACH!

If  it  is,  it’s  TIME  to  learn  to  BE A COACH!

Either  way  your  Industry  Needs  YOU!! Order 15 hours of goal setting & HIP-specific MP3s

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$608 that’s  only  $5  per  day  to  begin    a  new  &  exci0ng  profession!  

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Wanted: EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVES Currently Itching for a Positive Career Change

Page 53: Today's HIPs Tomorrow's Leaders 2012



When  strategies  aren’t  working,  the  Provider  says  ‘Who  can  I  blame,’   but   the   Professional   rolls   up   his   sleeves   and   says  ‘What  can  I  change?’                                                                                                -­‐-­‐@exper0nventory  


Looking for a terrific way to spice up your website with an action packed, dynamic video geared towards Home Inventory Professionals? Here’s a special limited time offer but before you make up your mind...

Visit us on You Tube at

Normally priced at $500 (a tremendous deal to begin with), I am offering this to the first 25 customers for only $350! Imagine – your logo with narration and a dynamic score for a price that you’re simply not going to find anywhere else!

Call Brett Braaten, Vanguard Inventory Professionals, (218) 591-5226 for more information.


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