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toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special

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Page 1: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special




Page 2: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special

summer 2009 3 2 WINTer 2010

Bart & teddy: Hardworking and Mellow

FoR ovER 25 yEaRS, DiREctoR oF tRaining Rick HolDEn HaS bEEn wEaRing oUt tEnniS SHoES on bEHalF oF SoUtHEaStERn gUiDE DogS. A quick calculation and an average of 3 pairs a year means that rick’s now wearing out his 75th pair. Just the other day he walked a total of 48 blocks, carefully observing blindfolded trainers while evaluating potential guide dogs. rick wouldn’t have it any other way. In any given day, rick walks sideways, backwards, fast, slow, and scuffing along, stopping at every curb and preparing dogs and trainers for every possible contingency. And he’s hoping to spend the next 20 years doing the same, as long as his body, mind, and “soles” cooperate.Southeastern was only about five years young when rick came aboard. He’d already trained

sentry dogs for the Air Force, including a stint in Vietnam. He’d trained law enforcement dogs for the sheriff’s department. When he phoned the first CEO of Southeastern Guide Dogs and asked if they needed a hand, he instinctively sought a pathway to peace. And it was no coincidence that rick found southeastern, after growing up with a visually impaired mother whose complete dependency and lack of mobility often left her homebound.“I really like watching people be able to be independent,” he shares. “That elation…that smile…whatever look they get when they first walk freely and safely by themselves with the aid of a guide dog. That’s the payoff. That’s the reward in life, seeing that firsthand.”Because of rick Holden’s talents as a canine expert, skills as a fabulous trainer-of-trainers, and attitude as a loyal-for-life staff member, Southeastern Guide Dogs is a better place.

rick Holden: Body, Mind, and SoleS

1987Rick’s first

Southeastern Guide Dogs class

baRt bUtlER waS 47 anD a bUSy HUSbanD, FatHER, anD FiREMan wHEn HE loSt HiS viSion to DiabEtic REtinopatHy. He withdrew from his active lifestyle and then endured a pancreas and kidney transplant. After regaining his health, Bart wanted to be more self-sufficient and not have to rely on others to navigate. When he discovered that an old college friend and an acquaintance were both raising puppies for southeastern, Bart soon applied. He graduated with his guide dog Teddy in 2010.Teddy, a people-loving black Goldador, has that ideal combination of being both hardworking and mellow. Bart, too, for that matter! Bart worked incredibly hard to give back to the school that gave him Teddy. “When I found out about the Walkathon, I decided to try to give back as much as I could,” Bart shared. “I know the school has a lot of expenses.” Bart set a personal goal to raise $5,000, then increased it to $7,500.“I spent six months in Daytona at a rehabilitation center for the blind, and I had a lot of down time,” Bart explained. “I got an iPhone for Christmas so I started sending emails and texting people. When I came home, I went around the neighborhood and did some fundraising in town. I became a real pest to some people!”Bart estimates that he contacted about 300 people, and in the end, he raised $12,275 from 110 donors and earned the distinction of being our “Walkathon Fundraiser of the Year.” Now that’s the kind of tenacity we appreciate!

Dear Friend,We’re celebrating a milestone—our 30th anniversary. milestones inspire us to take a good look in two directions: back to our roots and forward to our future. As we contemplate our history, we’re pleased to report that we’ve graduated over 2,600 guide dog teams since our small beginnings when one trainer started with three dogs on a borrowed piece of land. Those 2,600 teams represent countless families, friends, and communities who have been positively impacted by the gift of our remarkable guide dogs.To get from there to here required sound, detailed planning. And to get from here to tomorrow means even more planning to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for our guide dogs. As we plan, we’re realizing that we’re quickly outgrowing our compact campus buildings we’ve called home for years. We’re excited about plans for the future; ambitious plans that include replacing existing structures with those that will serve us better as our organization continues to grow. Our Barpal Veterinary Center is a wonderful example of careful planning; one that will ensure the healthiest puppies and guide dogs.Looking back and gazing forward, we’ve always relied on friends and supporters like you. Thank you for standing with us as we continue to plan, grow, and serve the visually impaired.

Warm regards,

eric WilliamsChairman of the Board

MESSagE FRoM tHE cHaiRMan oF tHE boaRD

Page 3: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special

Donor Circle

Friend $25 - $249:Window decal, newsletters, annual calendar

Supporter $250 - $499:Window decal, newsletters, annual calendar,

recognition in our annual report

partner $500 - $999:Window decal, lapel pin, newsletters, annual calendar,

recognition in our annual report

champion $1,000 - $3,499:Window decal, lapel pin, newsletters, annual calendar,

recognition in our annual report,inclusion in our on-campus donor recognition display

visionary $3,500 – Up:Window decal, lapel pin, newsletters, annual calendar,

recognition in our annual report, inclusion in our on-campus donor recognition display,

invitation for two to our annual Visionary Banquet,personal invitation to one of our graduations.


Dear Friend,One of our graduates recently shared the e-mail message below. We would not be hearing news like this without the significant involvement of our donors and our volunteers – individuals who exhibit great generosity in support of our mission. so, it is a pleasure to share this with you.If you ever have a question about the impact of your gifts of time, talent and treasure to Southeastern Guide Dogs and the people we serve – here’s your answer.

Warm regards,

Titus HermanChief Executive Officer

I just wanted to thank all of you for allowing me to work with one

of your fabulous dogs. I brought Chase home 2 years ago and I

can’t imagine how I survived without him. He’s absolutely a blessing

in my life. He’s helped me to become so much more self-sufficient

and empowered, and he is so very loving and the best furry fri


I’ve ever had. He’s given me the confidence to get into a Medical

Transcription program and I should be working within 18 months.

Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc. has been one of the best things to

happen in my life--definitely since I lost my vision.

Thank you for all that you do and for all you’ve h

elped me to do and

be as a result of your great gi


With love and puppy kisses,

Stephanie Fish

Our Donor Circle recognition program presents us with the wonderful opportunity to highlight the generosity of our supporters. These are the people who make it possible for us to breed, raise and train the finest guide dogs in the world. so, it’s another chance to say a heartfelt “thank you” for everything you do for southeastern Guide Dogs and the people we’re privileged to serve.

since we need support every day, your recognition level within our Donor Circle will be determined by your donations over the year.

No matter how you give—whether for our Walkathon, our new clinic, to sponsor a puppy, or simply for our general fund—you’re in our Circle. You’re family! Because of your help, we’re training the most adorable and skilled puppies in the world and changing lives forever.

We honor donors’ requests to remain anonymous.

donorcircle:recognizing your Generosity

Page 4: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special

summer 2009 7

tHe Barpal cHallenGeTo ensure the healthiest puppies and dogs and the best outcomes for the people we serve, we can’t afford not to build this remarkable Veterinary Center. And through the incredible generosity of margaret and Isaac Barpal, we’ve made impressive progress.

The need is critical and the need is now. Not only are our facilities full but there’s been a remarkable change in healthcare technology allowing for improved screening and treatment for our dogs. Our proposed Veterinary Center is mission-critical for keeping our dogs at peak health and optimum

performance. Our planned facility reduces treatment times and improves crisis management resources such as quarantine, emergency treatment, and recovery facilities. It improves sanitation, air quality, odor control, and noise management.

With the Barpals’ challenge grant and your help, we’ll get to the finish line. And generations of dogs will experience the best possible medical care; while hundreds of visually impaired individuals will transform their lives as they travel with a Southeastern Guide Dog.

Remarkable growth, and a fantastic opportunity.

Isaac Barpal margaret Barpal

Dear Friend,

Our family cares deeply about helping others and supporting worthwhile causes, but rarely have we found a cause as worthwhile as Southeastern Guide Dogs. It has truly touched our hearts.

We feel so strongly about the amazing work carried on the shoulders of these incredible guide dogs that we’ve spearheaded the effort to build a stand-alone, state-of-the-art veterinary center.

Last year, we challenged you to help us fund the Center. Thanks to like-minded, generous individuals and foundations who have met the challenge, we are two-thirds of the way there. Your help now will make this goal a reality.

We have no time to waste since the need is here, now. There are people waiting for a dog – delaying their independence, postponing their lives – until they can leave Southeastern Guide Dogs with a skilled, loyal and loving four-legged companion.

Therefore, we’re establishing a second challenge grant of $250,000 which will match your donation dollar-for-dollar. If you make a donation, we’ll match it. If you make a two-year pledge, we’ll match it. We are committed to making it possible to continue providing the best dogs in the world to the people who need them to transform their lives. The new Veterinary Center will enable the school to provide premium care to more puppies and dogs and therefore to serve more people who want and need our services.

Please join us in recognizing the value of a dog to a visually impaired person and help us build the new Veterinary Center. We’re thrilled to be able to match your gift and double your donation.


Join us by donating today.

Fill out the enclosed envelopeor donate online at

Make your donationcount...TWICE!


Page 5: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special


Fantastic. Fabulous. Friendly. Those are just a few of the words that can’t do justice in describing our 2012 Walkathon. mother Nature outshined her reputation, and we enjoyed a picture-perfect day along the shores of Tampa Bay. Vinoy Park and our host city st. Petersburg welcomed us with open arms.

We saw old friends, met new ones, and welcomed graduates who traveled from across the street and across the country to walk with their guides. We couldn’t be more pleased about the support and the warmth showered upon Southeastern Guide Dogs.

staff and volunteers arrived before dawn as the sunrise emerged in its glory, as if to say, “Get ready…this day’s going to be amazing!” And it was. An army of volunteers helped us get ready, and then together we welcomed over 4,000 walkers and their tail-

wagging friends who showered us with love and support.

After enjoying the music, the food, the sunshine, the auctions, and of course, the walk itself, we capped off the evening with our Celebration Dinner at the Museum of Fine Arts. This beautiful venue offered us the opportunity to honor this year’s award recipients – people who have done so much for Southeastern Guide Dogs.

On top of awards, we had plenty to celebrate when we tallied up the results, too—over $450,000 raised to help us continue our mission. What a wonderful show of support!

We’re so thankful to all of those who helped us reach such a fabulous outcome, and we can’t wait to do it again next year.

Bradenton February 23, 2013 at rossi Park

sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park

st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park

(plus Celebration Dinner)

a special thank you to our

2012 Sponsors!

Tampa BayLightning

Grateful American Coin

Publix super markets Charities, Inc.

Bright HouseNetworks

srQ magazine

WalkatHon 2013:Uno, doS, treS! We’ve got news! Instead of one Walkathon location, this amazing event has grown so popular that in 2013, we’re expanding to three locations! This will give everyone a chance to participate in their local event and to walk in not one, not two, but three Walkathons. Incredible, isn’t it?

Each will have a unique flavor and the events will be capped in St. Petersburg with our annual Celebration Dinner.

mark your calendars now for one or all three: it’s never too early to plan.

We’ll be sending out details of each event in the next couple of months - we’re excited to see this expand and hope you will be too!

annualaward Recipients

Volunteers of the Year nancy & george cottrell

Puppy Raiser of the Year Ellen cox

Graduates of the Yearann Humphries

Dulce Muccio weisenborn

Philanthropists of the YearMargaret & isaac barpal

a Wildly WonderfUlWalkatHon


Page 6: toDay - Southeastern Guide Dogs · February 23, 2013 at rossi Park sarasota march 2, 2013 at Payne Park st. Petersburg march 9, 2013 at Vinoy Park (plus Celebration Dinner) a special

summer 2009 11 Please return this completed form to: Southeastern Guide Dogs 4210 77th Street East, Palmetto, FL 34221

Pursuing the mission - Ensuring the vision

Heritage Society

Enroll me/us in the Heritage Society as Member(s) as Founder(s)



City, State, Zip Phone

email I/We would like to remain anonymous

i have included Southeastern guide Dogs in my estate plan. My gift is in the form of: Charitable Bequest Charitable Gift Annuity Charitable Remainder Trust Retirement Plan/IRA Life Insurance Gift Charitable Lead Trust Other (please describe):

Description/amount of gift (optional)

Legacy gift of any size Legacy gift of $100,000 or more

Are You reAdY for PlAYtime?every dog lover knows that puppy personalities are as unique as snowflakes, so our trainers understand that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” formula for enriching our dogs’ lives. One of the secrets to creating amazing guide dogs is stimulating their intelligence and sociability from birth to graduation, but what wags one tail might put another puppy to sleep.

With this challenge to stimulate our dogs with experiences tailored to their unique personalities, we’ve designed a new and exciting Kennel enrichment program. We need volunteers for our dogs-in-training, to excite their imaginations and have some fun!

Our dogs need stimulating activities including human bonding such as brushing, combing, and petting; novel playtime with toys such as large balls, puzzles, and rope toys; unique exercises

such as steps and ramps; olfactory stimulation with aromatherapy and spices; auditory stimulation with wind chimes and music; and visual stimulation from wind- and fan-blown objects.

Our Kennel Enrichment program couples these experiences with weekend getaways for dogs who need a temporary return to a home environment. We’re recruiting on-campus volunteers for interactive playtime, reading to a dog (it alleviates boredom!), and grooming. We’re also looking for weekend host families, and welcome donations to purchase approved toys.

Are you ready for playtime? Call us to find out how you can join the fun!

Phyllis siskel and her late husband Norman have lived like doting grandparents to southeastern Guide Dogs. For over 16 years they gave their hearts, countless hours, and financial resources on behalf of the school. Over the years they spon-sored and named 18 puppies, supported numer-ous projects, and volunteered wherever they were needed.

Today, Phyllis is a Tuesday morning fixture at the kennels, arriving at 5:30 a.m. she cheerfully starts with the laundry, washes up dog bowls, and then heads to the puppy nursery where she socializes the four- and five-week old puppies. “I take them outdoors and expose them to toys and sounds,”

she shares. “I do whatever the school needs. I’m happy to be where I am!”

Phyllis shares her generous spirit with the community as well, where she supports the mission of several community organizations. she’s a goodwill ambassador for southeastern, telling others the wonderful stories of freedom and life-changing confidence our students experience.

One of the dogs Phyllis sponsored carries a symbolic name: Legacy. Legacy’s name represents the embodiment of Phyllis’s kind and caring philosophy, one she expresses through her participation in southeastern’s Heritage society. Heritage society members pledge lasting support through estate planning, wills, and other bequests.

“I want to see the future of southeastern taken care of, long after I’m gone,” Phyllis shares. “I want to see it go on and on. I know my husband would be very pleased to carry this forward and continue the mission. I’m happy to be a part of it!”

phyllis Siskel: loving & leaving a legacy

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12 WINTer 2009

4210 77th Street East Palmetto, FL 34221941.729.5665

let yoUr fanflaG fly: new online gift Shop coming this Summer!We love our community of “fans,” and in response to popular demand, we’re launching a new online gift shop. This exciting news means that you can purchase unique gifts and apparel featuring the Southeastern Guide Dogs logo! All purchases help support our puppies, people, and programs. Check our website for details later this summer!

Nestled beneath majestic oaks is the wonderful new Freedom Courtyard. Bearing the name of our loyal and generous supporters, Bobby and merideth Newman, it offers an opportunity to lend your support to Southeastern Guide Dogs as you honor a loved one by purchasing an engraved brick.

The Freedom Courtyard serves as a training ground for students as they reinforce obedience with their new dogs. And it provides a beautiful site for gatherings, meetings or just quiet contemplation.

Please join us and create a loving memorial of your generosity. Visit to order your brick today.

tHE bobby anD MERiDEtH nEwManF R E E D o M c o U R t ya R D