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1 MOVING FORWARD IN 2015 early in the year. Then, we each focused on our specific areas of responsibility, and we made an effort to continuously motivate each other to be our very best. I want to specifically mention a couple of accomplishments, however, I want you to know that everyone played a huge role in our success this year. One accomplishment I’d like to mention is t he creation of our PRO Committee. I believe this greatly increased our ability to keep the district informed about current and upcoming events, special happenings, everything. From email blasts, to newsletters and multiple forms of social media, we shared information from every direction. District 63 May/June 2015 Volume 5, Issue 7 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the District Governor Message from the Lt. Gov., Education & Training Message from the Lt. Gov., Marketing Review of the Spring Conference The Caterpillar’s Passion D63 Wall of Fame Beat the Clock District Highlights Summer Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) June 27, 2015 TN Tech University Cookeville, TN Beat the Clock Membership Contest Contest Ends June 30, 2015 Deadline for Club Officer Elections June 30, 2015 2015-16 Toastmaster Year 2015-16 Toastmasters year begins July 1, 2015 Touch Points masters For article submissions or comments, email us at: [email protected] TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL D63 INTERCHANGE District News and Events CLUB OFFICER ELECTIONS - LIST DUE TO TI If your club has elected, or will soon elect, officers for the 2015-16 Toastmaster year, remember to submit the new officer list to Toastmasters International by June 30th. Not only does this help HQ keep your club’s contact information current, but your club can earn 1 point toward next year’s Distinguished Club Plan. Tip: It is the secretary’s role to submit the updated list to TI. Dear District 63 Family, I am so proud of each and every member of District 63. I am proud of our District leadership team. I proud of our accomplishments. Each month we have consistently been ahead of the previous two years in terms of “Paid Clubs”, “Membership Payments”, and, beginning in April, “Distinguished Clubs”. I believe this is a direct result of changes made by a GREAT team. What changes did we make? Let me tell you. First, we made a point to set goals See Year In Review (page 2) DISTRICT 63 YEAR IN REVIEW

TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL MOVING … (TLI) June 27, 2015 TN Tech University Cookeville, TN Beat the Clock Membership

Aug 29, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL MOVING … (TLI) June 27, 2015 TN Tech University Cookeville, TN Beat the Clock Membership



early in the year. Then, we each focused on our specific areas of responsibility, and we made an effort to continuously motivate each other to be our very best. I want to specifically mention a couple of accomplishments, however, I want you to know that everyone played a huge role in our success this year.

One accomplishment I’d like to mention is the creation of our PRO Committee. I believe this greatly increased our ability to keep the district informed about current and upcoming events, special happenings, everything. From email blasts, to newsletters and multiple forms of social media, we shared information from every direction.

District 63

May/June 2015 Volume 5, Issue 7

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the District Governor Message from the Lt. Gov., Education

& Training Message from the Lt. Gov., Marketing Review of the Spring Conference The Caterpillar’s Passion D63 Wall of Fame Beat the Clock

District Highlights

Summer Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI)

June 27, 2015 TN Tech University Cookeville, TN

Beat the Clock Membership Contest

Contest Ends June 30, 2015 Deadline for Club Officer Elections

June 30, 2015 2015-16 Toastmaster Year

2015-16 Toastmasters year begins July 1, 2015

Touch Points

For article submissions or comments, email us at:

[email protected]


D63 INTERCHANGE District News and Events

CLUB OFFICER ELECTIONS - LIST DUE TO TI If your club has elected, or will soon elect, officers for the 2015-16 Toastmaster year, remember to submit the new officer list to Toastmasters International by June 30th. Not only does this help HQ keep your club’s contact information current, but your club can earn 1 point toward next year’s Distinguished Club Plan.

Tip: It is the secretary’s role to submit the updated list to TI.

Dear District 63 Family, I am so proud of each and every member of District 63. I am proud of our District leadership team. I proud of our accomplishments. Each month we have consistently been ahead of the previous two years in terms of “Paid Clubs”, “Membership Payments”, and, beginning in April, “Distinguished Clubs”. I believe this is a direct result of changes made by a GREAT team. What changes did we make? Let me tell you. First, we made a point to set goals

See Year In Review (page 2)


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experiences. Being Lt. Governor of Education and Training (LGET) has been a wonderful experience for a multitude of reasons and I would like to share a few of them. 1. First, I loved the opportunity to meet and

listen to D63 members through workshops, speech contests, conferences, and club visits. While I was unable to attend all of these events, I attended as many as possible. As a bonus, I never left a Toastmaster event without learning something new.

2. Second, as LGET, I am constantly learning

both professionally and personally. What have I learned? I’ve learned:

To be an active listener;

Another accomplishment is our development of Division and Area Governor Coaches. These positions and the members who filled them gave an extra level of support to our leaders throughout the district. Their dedication and contribution was extremely valuable to the positive changes that have occurred this year.

If I had to point to only one thing I learned this year, it would have to be the importance of value. For my own personal and professional growth, value really “IS the Key to Success”.

First, I re-learned the value of good planning. For instance, I learned a lot about the creation of a district budget, and I am very proud of the financial condition of our District as we transition to the our incoming leadership team.

Secondly, I have a better appreciation of the value of people. Veteran Toastmasters, people such as Dr. Irma Perry, PID, PDG, supported our entire team with positive feedback and encouraging calls, cards and emails that made us feel we appreciated. Her kindness will never be forgotten.

Thirdly, the value of training and mentoring should never be under-estimated. I am truly indebted to all those who mentored me through my years of leadership. D63 future leaders will be better with focused training and mentoring.

The future looks bright. New leaders are excited and the leadership pipeline is fully primed. District 63 is poised to be distinguished for many years to come. If I could offer any advice to the incoming Leadership Team, it would be this: 1. Utilize your resources wisely. Value each and

every member, their unique skills, and their contributions. Use everyone that wants to help. Don’t try to do it all yourself. Allow others to help, and know that this will allow everyone to take ownership in the success of the District and your leadership; and

2. Respect and recognize that our past leaders have paved the way for you to enjoy the District you will inherit on July 1. Once they walked, and served, in your shoes. I found these past leaders and

Year In Review (Continued from page 1)

their counsel a source of inspiration, and a wonderful resource of historical information which allowed me to make better decisions. Each one of them can teach you something, so listen.

Thank you to all the members of District 63 for a wonderful year! It has been my honor to serve with each and every one of you, and I will treasure the memories always. Signed, Your 2014-15 District Governor

A Message from the

Lt. Governor, Education and


Traci Hale, ACS, ALB

Former United States Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., observed “a mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions”. Serving on the court for 20 years, Holmes grew and stretched through a plethora of new

See Learning, page 3)

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To think about the big picture. You can get bogged down in the day-to-today and forget that the long-term goal is to reach Distinguished Status;

That when you are faced with a challenging situation, apply the TI core values of integrity, respect, service and excellence;

That it’s wise to ask for help, seek, guidance and request clarification;

That “delegate” is not a dirty word; and To practice and apply new learning

tools. Practice will mold you into a better leader and a more efficient communicator.

3. Third, I learned to accept responsibility

when I made a mistake. I now view mistakes as learning experiences, and hopefully, I won’t make the same mistake twice!

4. Lastly, the LGET role has given me the

opportunity for personal growth. I was able to step out of my comfort zone by speaking to larger groups; facing new challenges, such as the development of training workshops; and accepting constructive feedback from fellow Toastmasters.

I’m excited about the new Toastmaster year, and I have a few tips to share with the incoming leadership team.

Learn your leadership role by reading your Toastmaster manual, re-read your manuals, and apply what you have learned.

Always follow the Toastmaster core values and focus on getting your Club, Area, Division and District to “Distinguished”.

But remember, our term is not over until June 30th. So, let’s strive to move our clubs, Areas, Divisions, and District to “distinguished” status.

Issuing all those meeting invitations, thirty-nine members from across the district stepped up to serve as Club Sponsors, Club Mentors, or Club Coaches! A win/win for everyone - club builders, club members, and stronger clubs in District 63. With the assistance of a fabulous launch team, D63 chartered 6 new clubs this year, and the leads keep on coming! Hats off to the district-wide Launch Team – great job! Anonymous once said, “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely”. Toastmasters are individuals who choose wisely by investing in themselves. At the end of the day, it’s all about the individual member! The investment increases in value as Toastmasters become leaders. Leaders are made from the moment a guest becomes a member, and a member

commits to “A Toastmaster Promise”;

gives his or her first Icebreaker Speech;

achieves CC, ACB, ACS and more;

steps up to serve as a leader in their club and/or the district, and

receives recognition for his/her accomplishments.

It has been my pleasure to serve as D63’s Lt. Governor of Marketing this year, but it’s not over yet, so let’s finish strong, remembering the “One Team / One Goal” vision. I challenge you to kick-off the new year recommitted to “A Toastmasters Promise” and the district mission.

Learning (Continued from page 2)

A Message from the

Lt. Governor, Marketing

Michele Roach, DTM

It rained acorns in District 63 this year! That’s right, ACORNS, and each invitation to attend a club meeting was another opportunity to build membership and charter new clubs across the District. In addition to stepping up to


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For more photos from the Conferce visit us at:

Keynote speaker Ian Humphrey

Area 5 Advisor Don Bittick

enjoying the photo booth!

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The excitement began Friday night with our keynote speaker. Then came door prize and champion Table Topics speakers from across the District going head-to-head. Saturday kicked off with a proclamation from the mayor of Chattanooga, Andy Burke, naming Saturday, April 25th “Toastmasters Day”! Then came educational sessions, more door prizes, club and member awards, lots of food, the International Speech contest, and finally the Distinguished Toastmaster award ceremony. Saturday night saw the best of D63’s 2014-15 International Speakers come together in a head-to-head competition to determine the best speaker for this year. Representing Division C, Carlos Calderin’s speech, “Free to be Free”, was judged the best of the night, and as the first place winner, he will move on to the international speech competition at the annual Toastmasters International Conference in Las Vegas. Second place for D63 went to Division E’s Denver Schimming with his speech “A Lasting Fragrance”, a tribute to his last mother-in-law. Rounding out the top three was Division D’s Gilda Mayes with her speech “Life” which talked about the unexpected challenges everyone faces in life. Should Mr. Calderin be unable, for any reason, to compete at the international competition in August, Mr. Schimming would take his place. If neither the first or second place winners are available, the honor would then fall to Ms. Mayes. Other competitors included Division B’s Drew Bennett with his speech “Find an Excuse”, Division A’s Patrick Somers with his speech “Self Alliance”, and Division F’s Heidi White with her speech “Finding a Family”. Chatter Master’s Pam Henry, ATMS, CL, acted at the Contest Master. “What lesson have you learned in your life that you consider Priceless?”

April 24-25, 2015 Chattanooga played host to District 63’s Spring 2015 Conference. The Spring Conference is traditionally the highlight of the Toastmasters year featuring excellent speakers, exciting speech competitions, good food, fellowship, and fun.


Smith; Division D’s Lynn Blake, CC, CL; Division E’s Steven Lyles, CC; and Division F’s Andrea Burnette, DTM. Following stiff competition, and some insightful answers, the declared winners were: 1st place Steven Lyles, 2nd place Lynn Blake and 3rd place Calvin Price. The contests were chaired by Division C’s Cynthia Hill-Watson, CC, ALB.

The D63 Sales Table (aka The Company Store) was also a success. Our leaders and members purchased items from 46 categories totaling approximately $850.00. The top 3 hot items included: 1. Static Cling Decals 2. Membership Pins 3. Toastmasters Key Rings Another very hot item was the conference-themed T-shirts (Toastmasters and You – Priceless). Sales from T-Shirts were slightly over $200. We still have several in stock and you can pick up one at the Summer TLI. One highly recommend item for every club, a set of Toastmasters note cards. Use them to send to visitors, new members, or to remember someone for doing something special. Yes, in this digital age, handwritten cards are still appreciated.

Garnering $1,325.00 for our district, the Silent Auction was highly successful. From baseball themed baskets to hand-crafted scarves and baby blankets, the silent auction inventory offered something for all shoppers. The top 3 highest bid items included:

Wordspinners ($60.00)

3. Chocolate Lovers Basket donated by Parthenon Club ($60.00)

What were other hot bidding contests? The Baseball Basket, Baseball prints, and several of the wine baskets sparked bidding wars. Many thanks to all the club members who completed the new forms, donated items and made bids.

Pictured (l to r): 1st place Carlos Calderin ACB, 2nd place Denver Schimming, and 3rd place Gilda Mayes

With that question, Contest Master Summer Kohlhorst, Chatter Masters Club, kicked off the District 63 Table Topics contest. Competing for bragging rights to the “2014-15 Best Table Topics Speaker in D63” were Division A’s Calvin Price; Division B’s Michael Harris; Division C’s Doug

1. Autographed Hatch Print donated by Speak Up NASBA ($75.00)

2. Wine, Coffee and Snacks donated by

Pictured (l to r) 1st place Steven Lyles, 2nd place Lynn Blake and 3rd place Calvin Price.

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Triple Crown Award Awarded to individuals who complete 3 or more educational milestones in one year.

Member # of Milestones


Bryant, Kelly M. 3 CC, ACB, CL

Diggs, Rodney K. 4 CL, ALB, DTM, ALS

Hale, Traci L. 3 ACG, ALS, DTM

Lieving, Diane J 3 CL, CC, ALB

Martin, William H. 5 ACG, LDREXC, CC, ALS, DTM

Mayes, Gilda 3 ALB, CL, ACB

Young, Mary 3 LDREXC, ALS, DTM

HIGH PERFORMANCE LEADERSHIP PROJECT (HPL) Awarded to individuals who complete an HPL.

Member Name Club

Bethany, Barbara F. Northeast Advanced Toastmasters Club

Putnam, Carol A. East Ridge Wordspinners Club

Blair, Vicki R Unum Toastmasters Club

Hixson, Debra Blue Masters Club

Young, Mary South Central/State Farm Insurance Club

Negron Perez, Heyda I Speak Up NASBA

Martin, William H. Deipnosophists Club

Burnette, Andrea L. Deipnosophists Club

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Awarded to members achieving the highest level educational award.

Member Name

Putnam, Carol A. East Ridge Wordspinners

Parker, Jillyn K. McKee Foods Smile Wrappers

Rosenquist, Charlie G.

Blue Masters Club

Young, Mary South Central/State Farm Insurance

Diggs, Rodney K. Nashville Elec Service

Bittick, Donald F. HCA Creative Articulators

Woodlee, Cynthia Carter

Deloitte & Touche Articulators

Hale, Traci L. James K. Polk Toastmasters

Roberts, Jimmie H. Tennessee Talkers

Martin, William H. Deipnosophists Club

5 STAR CLUBS Awarded to Clubs who reach 5 of the first 8 Distinguished Club Plan (DCP) goals between July 1 to Jan 31.

Club# Division Club Name

2640 A Volunteer Club

2983 A Wednesday Orator

817760 C McKee Foods

3376 E Harpeth View

6548 E James K Polk



D63 PRO AWARD Clubs recognized for their PRO efforts include:

Club Name # of PR Areas Club

Participated In During Year

Downtown Dazzlers 8 of 8

Oak Ridge Toastmasters 6 or 8

Parthenon Toastmasters 6 or 8

Wednesday Orators Club 4 of 8

D63 NEWSLETTER AWARD Winners of the D63 Newsletter award include

Place Club NAme

1st place Downtown Dazzlers

2nd place Unum Toastmasters

Honorable Mentions Parthenon Club

TGL Toastmasters Club

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Sponsoring New Members Awarded to individuals who sponsor new members.

Member Name # of Members Sponsored

Ruth Livingston, ACB, CL 11

Michele C. Roach, DTM 10

Cole Pardue, DTM 7

Charles Albright,DTM, PID 6

Jamie L. Burroughs, CC, ALB 6

Vicki R Blair, CC, ALB 6

Candace Meagan Carter 5

Gary R. Davis, ACB, CL 5

Alex Herweyer 4

Jimmy Brooks 4

Wendy W. Lick, DTM 4

Durward Blanks, ACB, CL 3

Jason Tummins 3

Jeanetta L. Cothron, DTM 3

Mary Frances Griffin-Sollner 3

Michael L Harris 3

Membership Awards Membership in Bloom Awarded to clubs that renew or increase the number of paid members by April 1st

Division Club# Club Name

A 00002640 Volunteer Club

A 01374007 Speaking Dynamically

A 00009716 Northeast Advanced TM

B 00003117 West Knoxville Club

B 01293336 Watts-up Toasters

B 00005711 TIC Talk Club

C 00002976 Monday Mumblers TM

C 00004376 Speaking Frankly TM

C 00817760 McKee Foods Smile Wrappers

C 00005100 Downtown Dazzlers

C 00006906 Unum Toastmasters Club

C 00007902 Chattanooga Chatters Adv. TM

C 00963635 Blue Masters Club

D 00001429 HCA Artful Articulators

D 00002870 Let’s Talk Franklin Club

D 01277643 General Mills-Murfreesboro TM

D 00003429 Franklin TM Club

E 00896571 Speak Up NASBA

E 00003114 Caterpillar FPD Club

E 01489484 Vanderbilt Toastmasters

E 02219223 Skyline Raconteurs

E 00003982 Music City Club

E 04138075 Canned Conversationalists

F 00007805 Mt. Juliet Toastmasters Club

F 00649135 Cracker Barrel Club

Miracle on 63rd Awarded to clubs who add 5 new, dual, or reinstated members between November 1 and December 31

Club # Club Name # of New Members

00002983 Wednesday Orators Club 7

00005687 Twilight Toasters Club 5

00836184 Toast to Education Club 14

00007436 Summit Medical Group Toastmasters


00000802 Central Communicators Toastmasters Club


00000697 Pellissippi Club 11

00003117 West Knoxville Club 5

00006791 SNI Toastmasters 29

00006906 Unum Toastmasters Club 6

00001429 HCA Artful Articulators 13

00002870 Let's Talk Franklin Club 12

03785611 Prime Meridians 8

00003030 Maury County Toastmasters


01331450 Nissan Toastmasters 7

00896571 Speak Up NASBA 6

01489484 Vanderbilt Toastmasters 5

00001565 Nashville Toastmasters 11

00005341 Nashville Tech Toastmasters Club


04138075 Canned Conversationalists


00966806 Bridgestone Babblers 10

02880304 Belmont Law Toastmasters


00006548 James K. Polk Toastmasters Club


03679690 Source Masters 5

00001738 Parthenon Club 9

00007931 Thoroughbred Toastmasters


Talk Up Toastmasters Awarded to clubs who add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31

Club Number Club Name New

Member Total

00002870 Let's Talk Franklin 7

00005925 HCA Creative Articulators Club


00006985 Tennessee Talkers 6

00649135 Cracker Barrel Club 5

04310000 TGL Toastmasters 5

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no idea that his little leaf, was connected to a branch with other leaves that were connected to a limb that was connected to a tree. Our little caterpillar went about his daily life, eating and sleeping and doing caterpillar work. Until one day, when he ran into another caterpillar who invited him to join the caterpillar club where he found friendship and opportunities. Passion for learning and exploring began to grow, but still he went about his daily life believing his caterpillar club was the only one in the world. Then one day he traveled to another branch, and then another limb. Each time he found a larger world, his passion grew. In case you haven’t guessed, that little caterpillar was me, and probably most of you. We plod along in our own little cocoon-like worlds until someone invites us to a Toastmasters meeting. If you’re like me, it took three months of visits (and lots of encouragement from the other caterpillars), before I would even commit to join my home club. They just kept offering me food and telling me when they were meeting until I finally agreed to come along for the ride. And what an awesome ride it’s turned out to be! At first I was encouraged to work toward completing my Competent Communicator (CC) and, at the very same time, work on my Competent Leadership (CL) manual. Now that concept alone took six months to sink in. You see, I’ve always been one of those people who take things one step at a time. Finish my CC and then look at my CL. I couldn’t possibly do two things at once. However, since I was doing the roles anyway, it made sense to get credit for it, and my passion for Toastmasters began to grow. So, there I was happily plodding along in my little club unaware that there were other clubs out there and so convinced that my little cocoon was perfect. Then, I was asked to become an officer. Wow! What a surprise! For the first time my eyes were opened to the bigger picture of District 63. But, even then, I’ll admit, I still felt like my home club was the best and everything they did was the right way to do it. All the other clubs were doing things wrong if they were doing them differently than my club. But, as I began to step outside my home club, I began to realize that every club does things different, and that’s OK. Each club looks at things a little differently and tailors their club to fit their own individual needs. First, I became president of my home club, and then coach for another club. As president my club

achieved presidential distinguished for the first time in its history, and, the club I coached, it became select distinguished for the first time in its history. As a club officer I was encouraged to attend special officer training. This training opened my eyes to the entire world on the Toastmaster tree. I discovered there were other clubs in my division and other divisions in my District. Soon I was introduced to District leaders that covered more than 90 clubs. That’s when my passion for leadership was ignited. Speaking of which, did you know, our next Toastmaster training will be held in Cookeville, TN on June 27? I encourage everyone to attend, even if you currently don’t hold an office. The learning opportunities are fantastic, the chance to meet other Toastmasters is critical, and learning how everyone else does things in their club is so rewarding. Once I stepped outside of my home club, I began attending area and division contests, training events, and conferences. I also began helping out with SpeechCraft in my home club and other clubs as well. That’s when I noticed a surprising thing, each time I went to an even I was inspired to do more, and my passion grew and grew. Coincidentally, as my passion and Toastmaster-world view grew, so did my leadership and influence. My enlarged cocoon blossomed into a beautiful butterfly as I helped each club to grow and succeed. District 63 gave me the one of a kind, “District 63 Toastmaster of the Year award for 2014-2015” year. But I didn’t achieve all of this alone. I had the support of both clubs behind me 100%, and the entire District Leadership Team supported me every step of the way. You see, I found out that the District Leadership Team were not dictators, they didn’t order people around. I moved up to become an Area Governor, as my passion for Toastmasters grew I realized the leadership were actually servants to me. They exist to help me succeed, not only as a leader, but as an individual, to grow my passion from the individual caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly I am today. Our District 63 Governor’s, (Becky Begarly,) encouragement for us to become dual members, is not just an effort to grow D63 into a distinguished district. It’s an effort to open our eyes to a whole new world. The things you learn by helping other club grow are irreplaceable. Your world will expand and you will see things in a whole new light. As your world grows, so too will you passion for Toastmasters. Like that old Grinch’s heart, your passion will grow to the “strength of ten Grinches… plus two.” You will develop a passion for the communities around you and become a leader who invites others to become


Jene Coy ACG, ALB

Today’s Word of the Day is “passion”. Collins Dictionary defines passion as, “a strong affection or enthusiasm for a person, an object or a concept”. Used in a sentence, “I have a passion for poetry.” Today I want to share with you a story of the caterpillar’s (Toastmaster’s) passion. Once upon a time, there was a caterpillar who lived all alone on his own little leaf. He had

See Caterpillar’s Passion (page 9)

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The information in this newsletter is for the sole use of Toastmasters members for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters materials or information.

Toastmasters. Your influence will grow and you will find more doors of opportunity opening to you. You will realize that your number one fear (fear of public speaking) will turn into, “what’s there to be afraid of, I’m a toastmaster.” And, as a bonus, you will be able to take things all the things you learn from one club and share them with all the other clubs so that everyone benefits. Back in my little world, my boss now refers to me as an “expert” when opportunities come up to speak in our department and he almost always has me say a few words at his meetings. That can’t be a bad thing for my career, right? Like Darren LaCroix says, “Stage time, Stage time, Stage time.” My advice, never turn down an opportunity to speak. It will help you hone your skills, put into practice the good things you are learning in Toastmasters, and blossom into the beautiful butterfly we are all meant to be. Consider becoming a member of the District Council by becoming an Area, Division or District leader. Shadow the current leaders in preparation for next year. Let them know you’re interested; and allow them to Mentor you in that direction. As you grow from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, consider joining other clubs. Don’t leave your home club, but add what other clubs offer to your experience. Multiple club membership enlarges your prospective as a Toastmaster, helps each club achieve great things, and allows you to blossom beyond anything you ever imagined. I have gained more confidence and speaking ability in the five years I’ve been in Toastmasters, than in all of my educational training combined. Toastmasters are a far better value than many of those courses for which you pay thousands of dollars. Thank you, Toastmasters for helping me grow in many ways. Thank you District 63 leadership for being there throughout my growth, and helping me every step of the way. We have the best district, and, with the help of all you caterpillars and wonderful butterflies, we will make it even better.

District 63 Wall of Fame The following people obtained educational achievements from March 1 through May 28, 2015: Competent Communicators Cathy E Ammerman; Paul F. Arnhold; Yvonne Chamberlain; Lydia Cook; Karen A. Davis; Tasaha M. Delaney; Ibrahim Elsaeed; Rachael M. Even; Aleshia D Garrett; Gay Haliburton; Glenda A Harsen; Judy Herman; Alex Herweyer; Debra Hixson; Terry L. Lancaster; Prashanth R. Maruthur Chakrapani; Kelly S. McKeethan; Carolyn R Miller; Sarah Lynn Moore; Darryl V. Pace; Valerie H Phillips; Goran Popovic; Michele C. Roach; Jimmie H. Roberts; Maja A. Russinova-Ballard; Cecille C. Slish; Paul E Taylor; Ronald L. Taylor; Haley S Werth Advanced Communicator Bronze Valda R. Barksdale; Jennifer J. Barrie; Kelly M. Bryant; Jamie L. Burroughs; Jack G Cannon; Gilda Mayes; Ernestine Meiners; Jessica Mullen; Rebecca Seymour Advanced Communicator Silver Dianne P. Ellis; Melissa M. Rhodes; Michal D. Tolon Advanced Communicator Gold Lourdes R. Thomas Competent Leaders Jennifer J. Barrie; Steven Boerrigter; Effie J. Boothe; Kelly M. Bryant; Janice T Horn; Gilda Mayes; Jillyn K. Parker; Keith Presley; Janet Beth Schreibman; Tyler W. Wilson Advanced Leader Bronze Jeanetta L. Cothron; Caleb Joshua Dossman; Kathy Marie Keyes; Diane J Lieving; Gilda Mayes; Russell J. Wilson Advanced Leader Silver Ernestine Meiners Distinguished Toastmaster None LDREXE Charles K. Crider; Debra Hixson; Ernestine Meiners

Caterpillar’s Passion (Continued from page 8)