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Unit #15 : Differential Equations Goals: To introduce the concept of a differential equation. Discuss the relationship between differential equations and slope fields. Discuss Euler’s method for solving a differential equation numerically. Discuss the method of separation of variables to solve a differential equation exactly.

To introduce the concept of a di erential equation. Discuss the …math121/Notes/Annotated_Online/... · 2017. 12. 15. · Di erential Equations Intro - 1 Di erential Equations A

Feb 06, 2021



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  • Unit #15 : Differential Equations


    • To introduce the concept of a differential equation.• Discuss the relationship between differential equations and slope fields.• Discuss Euler’s method for solving a differential equation numerically.• Discuss the method of separation of variables to solve a differential equation


  • Differential Equations Intro - 1

    Differential Equations

    A differential equation (DE) is an equation involving the derivative(s) of an un-known function. Many of the laws of nature are easily expressed as differentialequations.For example, here is one way to define the exponential function:


    dt= y

    Write this mathematical formula as a sentence, and then find a “solution” tothe equation.

  • Differential Equations Intro - 2

    How can the solution you found be altered and still satisfy the DEdy

    dt= y?

  • Differential Equations Intro - 3

    Making a further alteration to the function y = et, find a family of functionsall of which satisfy the DE


    dt= ky.

  • Differential Equations Intro - 4

    The differential equationdy

    dt= ky, when expressed as an English sentence, says


    the rate at which y changes is proportional to the magni-tude of y.

    • If k > 0, this is one way of characterizing exponential growth.• If k < 0, the rate of change becomes negative and we are dealing with expo-

    nential decay.

  • Second-Order Differential Equations - 1

    If a DE involves the second derivative of a function, it is called a second orderdifferential equation.

    Try to think of two functions that satisfy the differential equation


    dt2= −y.

  • Second-Order Differential Equations - 2


    dt2= −y

    Try to combine these two functions to get even more solutions for this DE.

  • Sources of Differential Equations - 1

    Sources of Differential EquationsWe study differential equations primarily because many natural laws and theoriesare best expressed in this format.Translate the following sentence into an equation:

    The rate at which the potato cools off is proportionalto the difference between the temperature of the potatoand the temperature of the air around the potato.

  • Sources of Differential Equations - 2

    Translate the following sentence into an equation:

    The rate at which a rumour spreads is proportional to theproduct of the people who have heard it and those whohave not.

  • Sources of Differential Equations - 3

    Translate the following sentence into an equation:

    The rate at which water is leaking from the tank is pro-portional to the square root of the volume of water inthe tank.




    dt= k√V



    dt= V



    dt= kV

  • Sources of Differential Equations - 4

    Translate the following sentence into an equation:

    As the meteorite plummets toward the Earth, its accel-eration is inversely proportional to the square of its dis-tance from the centre of the Earth.


    dt= kr2






    dt2= kr2





    The previous examples indicate how easily differential equations can be constructed.Unfortunately, starting with those equations, we have a lot of work to do beforewe can predict will happen given the equation.

  • Slope Fields - 1

    Slope Fields

    Consider the differential equation


    dx= cosx .

    Recall how we would use this derivative information to sketch y:


    dxvalues give the slopes of the graph of y

    Said another way, we are looking for a function y(x) which has, at each point, aslope given by cos(x).

    Give the most general function y that satisfiesdy

    dx= cos(x).

  • Slope Fields - 2

    We are now going to introduce an alternate way to get to this solution throughgraphical techniques. These are an extension of our slope interpretation.

    Example: Below is a slope field graph for the DEdy

    dx= cos(x). How was

    it constructed?

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








    Sketch the functions y found earlier on the slope field.

  • Slope Fields - 3

    Slope fields are especially useful when we study more general differential equations,which can be written in the form


    dxy = f (x, y).

    Examples are


    dx= −x



    dx= xy, and


    dx= y − x .

    Note: These forms cannot be directly integrated to find y(x).

    Try to solve for y givendy



    2(x− y)

  • Slope Fields - 4

    Sketch the slope field for the differential equationdy



    2(x− y), and sketch

    two solutions.





    1 2−1−2



    This sketch gives an idea of the form of y which satisfiesdy



    2(x− y), without

    needing to solve for y as a function.

  • Slope Fields - Logistic Growth - 1

    Example: (Logistic Growth) The growth of a population is often modeledby the logistic differential equation. For example, if bacteria are grown on apetri dish which really cannot support a bacterial culture larger than L, thena useful differential equation model for the population is


    dt= k P (L− P ) ,

    where P (t) is the size of the culture at time t.

    For what values of P is the function k P (L− P ) zero?

    (a) P = 0

    (b) L = 0

    (c) P = 0, L

    (d) L = 0, P

  • Slope Fields - Logistic Growth - 2


    dt= k P (L− P )

    For what values of P is the function k P (L− P ) largest?

    (a) P = 0

    (b) P = L

    (c) P = 2L

    (d) P =L


  • Slope Fields - Logistic Growth - 3

    Sketch the slope field associated with the differential equation


    dt= k P (L− P ).

    On the slope field, draw several solutions using different initial conditions.

  • Euler’s Method - 1

    Euler’s Method

    We can extend the idea of a slope field (a visual technique) to Euler’s method (anumerical technique). Euler’s method can be used to produce approximations ofthe curve y(x) that satisfy a particular differential equation. Here is the idea:

    Knowing where you are in x and y, you look at the slope field at yourlocation, set off in that direction for a small distance, look again and adjustyour direction, set off in that direction for a small distance, etc.

  • Euler’s Method - 2


    • Start at a point (xi, yi)

    • Compute the slope there, using the DE dydx

    = f (xi, yi)

    • Follow the slope for a step of ∆x:– xi+1 = xi + ∆x

    – yi+1 = yi +dy

    dx∆x︸ ︷︷ ︸


  • Euler’s Method - 3

    Follow this procedure for the differential equationdy

    dx= x + y with initial con-

    dition y(0) = 0.1. Use ∆x = 0.1.

    x y slope ∆y = slope ·∆x

    0 0.1 0.1 (0.1)(0.1) = 0.01

    0.1 0.11




  • Euler’s Method - 4

    Here is a picture of the slope field fordy

    dx= x + y. On this slope field, sketch

    what you have done in creating the table of values. From the picture, wouldyou say the values for y(x) in your table are over-estimates or under-estimatesof the real y values?

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2












  • Separation of Variables - 1

    Separation of Variables

    We have now considered both visual and approximate techniques for solving dif-ferential equations, which can be obtained with no calculus. The problem withthose approaches is that they do not result in formulas for the function y that wewant to identify.We (at last!) proceed to calculus-based techniques for finding a formula for y.

    Consider the differential equationdy

    dx= k y.

    Treating dx and dy as separable units, transform the equation so that onlyterms with y are on the left, and only terms with x are on the right.

    Place an integral sign in front of each side.

  • Separation of Variables - 2

    Evaluate the integrals.

    Solve for y.

    The solution gives a family of functions, one for each value of the integrationconstant. k is also a parameter, of course, but it is presumed to be specified in thedifferential equation.

  • Separation of Variables - 3

    As soon as we are given an initial value, say y(0) = 10, the solution becomesunique.Find the specific solution with initial value y(0) = 10.

    If y0 > 0, this function describes exponential growth (k > 0) or decay (k < 0).

  • Separation of Variables - 4

    Use the method of separation of variables to solve the differential equation


    dx= 2R + 3,

    and find the particular solution for which R(0) = 0.

  • Classifying Differential Equations - 1

    Classifying Differential EquationsFor any differential equation which is separable, we can at least attempt to find asolution using anti-derivatives. For equations which are not separable, we’ll needother techniques. It is important, as a result, to be able to tell the difference!Indicate which of the following differential equations are separable. For thosewhich are separable, set up the appropriate integrals to start solving for y.

    • dydx

    = x2

    • dydx



  • Classifying Differential Equations - 2

    • dydx

    = x + y

    • dydx

    = cos(x) cos(y)

  • Classifying Differential Equations - 3

    • dydx

    = cos(xy) A. Separable B. Not separable

    • dydx

    = ex + ey A. Separable B. Not separable

    • dydx

    = e(x+y) A. Separable B. Not separable

  • Classifying Differential Equations - 4

    Note: all the original anti-derivatives we studied in first term are of the formdy

    dx= f (x) and so y = F (x) =

    ∫f (x) dx.


    dx= x2


    dx= x cos(5x)




    1 + x2

    These are all immediately separable.

    The challenge is that most interesting scientific laws expressed in differential equa-tion form aren’t that easy to work with.