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Learning Intentions To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA from plant matter To explain semi-conservative replication

To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Mar 12, 2020



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Page 1: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Learning Intentions

• To describe the structure of DNA

• To extract DNA from plant matter

• To explain semi-conservative replication

Page 2: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


• Genes contain the chemical code which controls the production of proteins.

• The code is contained in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules.

• The structure of DNA enables the correct sequence of amino acids to make a particular protein.

Page 3: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Structure of DNA

• A DNA molecule is made up is 2 chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix

Page 4: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Structure of a nucleotide


sugar base

Page 5: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

There are four different nucleotide bases

• Nucleotides are linked together by bonds between phosphate and sugar molecules

• Adenine

• Guanine

• Thymine

• Cytosine

Page 6: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Structure of DNA

• Two nucleotide chains are joined by

hydrogen bonds between the bases.

• Adenine on one chain always bonds to

thymine on the other

• Guanine bonds with cytosine

• The two linked


chains are

twisted into a

coil called a

double helix.

Page 7: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Starter Question Without looking at your notes answer the following questions

1. What shape is DNA?

2. What does a DNA nucleotide look like? Draw a fully labelled nucleotide in the box below.

3. What are the names of the four bases found in DNA?

4. How do these bases pair up in a molecule of DNA? Write the bases in the boxes below.

Page 8: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

DNA Structure to function

• Information storage • Long molecules

• Replication • Base-paring rules

• Hydrogen bonds

• Stable

Page 9: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


Page 10: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Learning Intentions

• To explain semi-conservative replication

Page 11: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

DNA Replication

• DNA can reproduce itself exactly, this process is called replication.

• Replication requires • DNA – to act as a template

• A supply of the four types of nucleotide

• The appropriate enzymes

• ATP – for energy

Page 12: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

DNA Replication

• When DNA replicate the molecule untwists, the two strands separate and unattached nucleotides join on to the parent chain (A with T, G with C).

• Neighbouring nucleotides then form sugar phosphate bonds and a new half of the DNA molecule is created, complementary to the parent half

• Each strand acts as a template for making a new strand • This is known as semi-conservative replication

Page 13: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Experimental Evidence for the semi-conservative replication of DNA • Three ways were suggested for DNA

replication • Conservative replication

• Semi-conservative replication

• Dispersive replication

Page 14: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

• Scientists thought that semi-conservative replication was most likely but there was no evidence to support this theory.

• 1958 Matthew Meselsohn and Franklin Stahl demonstrated that DNA replication was semi-conservative following experiments with E. Coli.

Page 15: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Stage 1

• E. Coli were grown in a medium containing a heavy isotope nitrogen (15N).

• The bacteria used 15N to make the purine and pyrimidine bases in its DNA.

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Stage 2

• After many generations, they were then transferred to light isotope nitrogen (14N)

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Stage 3

• Bacteria were taken from the new medium after one generation, two generations and later generations.

• DNA was extracted from each group of bacteria,

• samples were placed in a solution of caesium chloride and spun in a centrifuge.

Page 18: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


Generation 1 2 3

Page 19: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


• Explain why the band of DNA in the first generation is higher than that in the parental generation.

• If replication were conservative what results would you expect in the first generation?

• If the DNA had replicated dispersively what results would you expect in the first generation?

• Explain how the second generation provides evidence that the DNA has reproduced semi-conservatively and not dispersively

• What results would you expect to see from a third generation, draw a diagram of the results?

Page 20: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Explanation of results

• Parental generation - both strands made with 15N

• First generation – DNA made of one strand 15N and one strand 14N

• Second generation – some DNA made of 2 strands of 14N and some made of 15N and 14N.

Page 21: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

DNA Replication

• Double helix unwinds and the DNA “unzips” as hydrogen bonds break

• Existing strand acts as a template for assembly of nucleotides

• Free nucleotides move towards exposed bases of DNA

• Base pairing occurs between free nucleotides and exposed bases

• Enzyme DNA polymerase forms covalent bonds between free nucleotides

• Two daughter DNA molecules form separate double helices.

Page 22: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Semi-conservative replication • Each new DNA molecule receives one

strand from the original parent molecule.

Page 23: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

RNA and Protein Synthesis

Page 24: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

RNA Nucleotide

• Nucleotides are made up • base

• Ribose sugar

• Phosphate

Phosphate Ribose sugar


Page 25: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

RNA Bases

• There are 4 bases: • A Adenine

• U Uracil

• G Guanine

• C Cytosine

• Complementary base pairing • A U

• G C

Page 26: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Comparing DNA and RNA


Number of strands one two

Complementary base

pair of adenine uracil thymine

sugar Ribose Deoxyribose

Page 27: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

DNA and Protein Synthesis

• All chemical reactions are controlled by enzymes, all enzymes are proteins, DNA codes for proteins, therefore DNA controls all the activities of a cell.

• The shape and behaviour of a protein depends on the exact sequence of amino acids in the primary structure (polypeptide).

Page 28: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

The Genetic Code

• DNA determines the exact order in which amino acids join together.

• The genetic code • sequence of bases along the DNA molecule, • There are 20 different amino acids, only 4 bases, • a sequence of 3 bases codes for an amino acid. • This is called the triplet code.

• A gene is the part of a DNA molecule, which codes for just one polypeptide.

Page 29: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


• mRNA • Messenger RNA • Carries the genetic information from the

nucleus into the cytoplasm • Triplet of bases is a codon

• tRNA • Transfer RNA • Only a triplet of bases is exposed – anti-codon • Transfers amino acids from cytoplasm to the


Page 30: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


• This is the process by which mRNA is built up against one side of an opened up piece of DNA.

• The relevant section of DNA unwinds, the hydrogen bonds between base pairs are broken and the two strands split apart. Free nucleotides then assemble against one strand of DNA.

• The enzyme RNA polymerase moves along the DNA adding on RNA nucleotide at a time.

• Each triplet of bases is called a codon.

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Page 32: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


1. DNA strand unwinds

2. Breaking of hydrogen bonds between two bases causing the DNA strand to separate

3. Free RNA nucleotides find the complementary base on the DNA strand being transcribed

4. Weak hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases

5. RNA polymerase links RNA nucleotides to form the sugar-phosphate backbone

6. Weak H bonds between DNA and RNA bases break the transcribed mRNA separates from the DNA template

7. mRNA moves out of nucleus and into the cytoplasm

8. DNA strands reunite to form double helix

Page 33: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Movement of mRNA to ribosomes • mRNA leaves the nucleus through a

nuclear pore into the cytoplasm, and attaches to a ribosome.

Page 34: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Amino Acid Activation

• Enzymes attach amino acids to their specific tRNA molecule.

• This needs energy supplied by ATP.

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• Small spherical structures

• occur freely in cytoplasm • Proteins made are for cell use

• Occur attached to endoplasmic reticulum • Proteins made are for export

• The site of protein synthesis.

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• Amino acid attaches to the ribosome

• Adjacent amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds and a polypeptide chain is built up.

• This carries on until the ribosome reaches a stop codon, the completed polypeptide is released into the cytoplasm

Page 37: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

• Summary of protein synthesis

• Read the information provided on the reverse of the sheet and colour in as instructed

• You will face a short “protein synthesis” test after 25 minutes

Page 38: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

• Describe the steps in the synthesis of the enzyme pepsin under the following headings:

1. Copying genetic information as mRNA

2. Translating the genetic information into protein

Page 39: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Copying genetic information as mRNA

• Transcription • DNA unzips, • Short length / one gene for one protein • Enzymes / ATP required • Free RNA nucleotides line up on one strand of DNA • Complementary base pairing

• G-C, A–T, U-A

• Nucleotides mRNA join / sugar phosphate backbone

• Sequence DNA bases species sequence mRNA bases

• mRNA migrates to cytoplasm • Through pores in nuclear membrane

Page 40: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Translating the genetic information into protein • mRNA attaches to ribosome

• 3 bases on mRNA code for an amino acid

• Triplet is known as codon

• tRNA has anti-codon / base triplet

• tRNA anticodon matches complementary codon

• tRNA brings amino acid

• Each tRNA specific for an amino acid

• Peptide bonds join amino acids

• Chain of amino acids forms polypeptide

• Sequence bases on mRNA determines amino acid order

Page 41: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

What happens to the RNA?

• mRNA is reused to produce more of the same polypeptide

• tRNA attaches to another amino acid ready to go

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Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) • Bears ribosomes on outer surface of membrane

• Continuous with the outer nuclear membrane

• Provides a large surface area for chemical reactions to occur.

• Folding of proteins

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Golgi Apparatus

• Flattened fluid filled sacs

• Vesicles from RER pinch off an fuse with Golgi Apparatus

• Golgi modifies the proteins • E.g. attaching a carbohydrate to make a


• Finished products are pinched off in a vesicle which moves towards and fuses with the cell membrane • This is secretion by exocytosis

Page 44: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

• Describe the steps in the synthesis of the enzyme pepsin under the following heading: • Secretion of the enzyme

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• A gene codes for the production of a protein • Name as many different types of protein in the

human body and state the function of each

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Functional Variety of Proteins

Page 47: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Learning Intentions

• To examine the primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins

• To revise and expand the role of proteins

Page 48: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Protein Structure

• Proteins are organic compounds containing C, H, O and N, some contain S.

Page 49: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Primary structure

• The sub-unit is the amino acid, which are joined together by a peptide bond to form polypeptides.

• The sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide determines the structure and function of the protein.

Page 50: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Polypeptide Chain

Page 51: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds


• Peptide bonds join the amino acids together in a protein

• Hydrogen bonds shape the protein chain. This affects the protein shape

Page 52: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Secondary structure

• Hydrogen bonds form between amino acids coiling the polypeptide into a helix.

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Tertiary Structure

• Several polypeptide chains become linked by bridges between sulphur atoms (di-sulphide bridge) and further hydrogen bonds.

• This determines the final structure of the protein to enable it to carry out its specific function.

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Tertiary Structure

• Proteins can either be: • Fibrous e.g. collagen and keratin

• Globular protein e.g. insulin

• Conjugated e.g. haemoglobin

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Fibrous proteins

• Polypeptides linked in parallel strands

• Structural properties

• Examples • Elastin – walls of large arteries

• Collagen – bone, tendons and ligaments

• Keratin – hair

• Actin and myosin – muscle contraction

Page 56: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds
Page 57: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Globular Proteins

• Polypeptides folded into a spherical shape

• Enzymes are folded to expose and active site which is specific for a substrate.

• Structural proteins e.g. cell membrane

• Hormones are chemical messengers e.g. insulin and thyroxine

• Antibodies are used in defence against disease.

Page 58: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Enzymes are globular proteins

Page 59: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Antibodies are also globular proteins

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Conjugated proteins

• Globular protein with a chemical

• Examples include • Glycoprotein e.g. mucus

• Haemoglobin has a haem group (contains iron)#

• cytochrome

Page 61: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Conjugated Proteins


Page 62: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Summary of Protein structure

• Primary structure • Sequence of amino acids

• Secondary structure • H Bonds – twist into helix

• Tertiary structure • Further folding or coiling

• Disulphide bonds

• Hydrogen bonds

• Quaternary Structure • Adding of non-protein groups • More than 1 polypeptide


Page 63: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Pupil Activity – 15 minutes

• Torrance, J. pg 61 • Give three examples of a fibrous protein and

for each one state its function

• Name 3 types of globular protein and briefly summarise the role played by each one.

• Give two examples of a conjugated protein and explain their function.

Page 64: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

Applying your knowledge time allowed 5 minutes

Name of protein Type of protein

(F, G or C)

Role of this protein







Page 65: To describe the structure of DNA To extract DNA … of DNA •Two nucleotide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds

ERQ Protein Synthesis

• Give an account of the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and its control of protein synthesis within a cell.

• Give an account of the structure of protein and its synthesis and functions within a cell.