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To Be or Not to Be Presentation 2.0

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 To Be or Not to Be Presentation 2.0


  • 8/3/2019 To Be or Not to Be Presentation 2.0


    c. 1994

    Synopsis (for those who live under a rock):

    Tricked into thinking he killed his father, a guilt ridden lion cub flees into exile andabandons his identity as the future King.

    Similarities in Character:

    1) Hamlet & Simba

    2) King Hamlet vs. Mufasa3) Claudius vs. Scar

    Similarities in Plot:

    1) Hamlet is prince of Denmark

    Simba is prince of Pride Rock

    2) Hamlet is grieving his fathers deathSimbas father is killed when he falls into a herd of wildebeasts

    3) Hamlet not sure who killed his dad

    Scar convinces Simba he is responsible for Mufasas death

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    Episode 14 of the thirteenth season:Tales from the Public Domain

    Original air date: March 17, 2002


    Bart Prince Hamlet

    Moe Uncle Claudius

    Marge- Gertrude

    Homer- King Hamlet
  • 8/3/2019 To Be or Not to Be Presentation 2.0


    Popular RPG/ shootervideo game

    First released November

    20, 2007 To the right:

    An Elcor: large,

    elephant-like race

    of aliens

    Imagine a Shakespeare playdone in such a manner:
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    Written by Mark Twain(Samuel Clemens)

    First published in US in


    In Huckleberry Finn, theDuke and the King cook up ascheme to perform Hamletsfamous soliloquy. However,

    the version they put togetheris a little off.

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    To be, or not to be; that is thebare bodkin That makescalamity of so long life; For

    who would fardels bear, till

    Birnam Wood do come toDunsinane, But that the fearof something after death

    Murders the innocent sleep,Great nature's second

    course, And makes us rathersling the arrows of outrageousfortune Than fly to others that

    we know not of

    To be, or not to be--that is thequestion:

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind tosuffer

    The slings and arrows of outrageousfortune

    Or to take arms against a sea oftroubles

    And by opposing end them. To die, tosleep--

    No more--and by a sleep to say we end

    The heartache, and the thousandnatural shocks

    That flesh is heir to, tis aconsummation

    Devoutly to bewishd

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    A play, with the setting in the wings (offstage) of aproduction ofHamlet While in Hamlet, R&G have small parts, but in this play, they

    are the main characters Conversely, Hamlet himself has a very small part

    An absurdist, existentialist tragicomedy Metatheater

    Written by Tom Stoppard

    Premiered 8/26/66

    Later adapted into a film in Feb. 1990 Not as good as the play, because its meant to be performed,

    not acted

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    Released 1991

    Steve Martin!

    Synopsis: With the help of a talking freeway billboard,

    a "wacky weatherman" tries to win the heart of anEnglish newspaper reporter, who is struggling to makesense of the strange world of early-90s Los Angeles.
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    The Last Action Hero (1993)

    Synopsis: A young movie fan gets thrown into themovie world of his favorite action film character.
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    Hide & Q

    Season One,Episode 10

    (11/23/87) Picard argues with Q on

    the potential of thehuman race. He feels

    that one day our specieswill exceed the power ofthe gods.
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    The storyline in anutshell. The videoincludes the importantelements of Hamletexplained in a formeasier for people tounderstand.
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    Song: The Story of Hamlet by Richard Thompson