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To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search Giorgos Tolias INRIA Rennes, NTUA Yannis Avrithis NTUA Herv´ e J´ egou INRIA Rennes Abstract This paper considers a family of metrics to compare im- ages based on their local descriptors. It encompasses the VLAD descriptor and matching techniques such as Ham- ming Embedding. Making the bridge between these ap- proaches leads us to propose a match kernel that takes the best of existing techniques by combining an aggregation procedure with a selective match kernel. Finally, the rep- resentation underpinning this kernel is approximated, pro- viding a large scale image search both precise and scalable, as shown by our experiments on several benchmarks. 1. Introduction This paper is interested in improving visual recognition of objects, locations and scenes. The best existing ap- proaches rely on local descriptors [14, 15]. Most of them inherit from the seminal Bag-of-Words (BOW) representa- tion [25, 7]. It employs a visual vocabulary to quantize a set of local descriptors and to produce a single vector that represents the image. This offers several desirable proper- ties. For image classification [7], it is compatible with pow- erful machine learning techniques such as support vectors machines. In this case, it is usually employed with rela- tively small visual vocabularies. In a query by content sce- nario [25], which is the focus of our paper, large vocabular- ies make the search efficient [17, 22, 16], thanks to inverted file structures [24] that exploit the sparsity of the representa- tion. The methods relying on these ingredients are typically able to search in millions of images in a few seconds or less. Several researchers have built upon this approach to de- sign better systems. In particular, the search is advanta- geously refined by re-ranking approaches, which operate on an initial short-list. This is done by exploiting additional ge- ometrical information [22, 18, 26] or applying query expan- sion techniques [6, 27]. This paper focuses on improving the quality of the initial result set. Re-ranking approaches are complementary stages that are subsequently applied. This work was done in the context of the Project Fire-ID, supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-12-CORD-0016). Another important improvement is obtained by reduc- ing the quantization noise. This is done by multiple assign- ment [23, 12], or by exploiting a more precise representa- tion of the individual local descriptors, such as binary codes in the so-called Hamming Embedding (HE) method [12], or by integrating some information about the neighborhood of the descriptor [31]. All these approaches implicitly rely on approximate pair-wise matching of the query descriptors with those of the database images. In a concurrent effort to scale to even larger databases, recent encoding techniques such as Fisher kernels [19, 21], local linear coding [30] or the “vector or locally aggregated descriptors” (VLAD) [13], depart from the initial BOW framework by introducing alternative encoding schemes. By compressing the resulting vector representation [13, 20], the local descriptors are not considered individually. Im- ages can be represented by a small number of bytes, simi- lar to coded global descriptors [29], but with the advantage of preserving some key properties inherited from local de- scriptors, such as rotation and scale invariance. Our paper introduces a framework to bridge the gap be- tween the “matching-based” approaches, such as HE, and the recent aggregated representations, in particular VLAD. For this purpose, we introduce in Section 2 a class of match kernels that includes both matching-based and aggregated methods for unsupervised image search. We then discuss and analyze in Section 3 two key differ- ences between matching-based and aggregated approaches. First, we consider the selectivity of the matching function, i.e., the property that a correspondence established between two patches contributes to the image-level similarity only if the confidence is high enough. It is explicitly exploited in matching-based approaches only. Second, the aggregation (or pooling) operator used in BoW, VLAD or in the Fisher vector, is not considered in pure matching approaches such as HE. We show that it is worth doing it even in matching-based approaches, and dis- cuss its relationship with other methods (e.g., [11, 21]) in- troduced to handle the non-iid statistical behavior of local descriptors, also called the burstiness phenomenon [11]. This leads us to conclude that none of the existing schemes combines the best ingredients required to achieve 1

To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

Mar 05, 2023



Amel Bennaceur
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Page 1: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

Giorgos Tolias


Yannis Avrithis


Herve Jegou

INRIA Rennes


This paper considers a family of metrics to compare im-

ages based on their local descriptors. It encompasses the

VLAD descriptor and matching techniques such as Ham-

ming Embedding. Making the bridge between these ap-

proaches leads us to propose a match kernel that takes the

best of existing techniques by combining an aggregation

procedure with a selective match kernel. Finally, the rep-

resentation underpinning this kernel is approximated, pro-

viding a large scale image search both precise and scalable,

as shown by our experiments on several benchmarks.

1. Introduction

This paper is interested in improving visual recognition

of objects, locations and scenes. The best existing ap-

proaches rely on local descriptors [14, 15]. Most of them

inherit from the seminal Bag-of-Words (BOW) representa-

tion [25, 7]. It employs a visual vocabulary to quantize a

set of local descriptors and to produce a single vector that

represents the image. This offers several desirable proper-

ties. For image classification [7], it is compatible with pow-

erful machine learning techniques such as support vectors

machines. In this case, it is usually employed with rela-

tively small visual vocabularies. In a query by content sce-

nario [25], which is the focus of our paper, large vocabular-

ies make the search efficient [17, 22, 16], thanks to inverted

file structures [24] that exploit the sparsity of the representa-

tion. The methods relying on these ingredients are typically

able to search in millions of images in a few seconds or less.

Several researchers have built upon this approach to de-

sign better systems. In particular, the search is advanta-

geously refined by re-ranking approaches, which operate on

an initial short-list. This is done by exploiting additional ge-

ometrical information [22, 18, 26] or applying query expan-

sion techniques [6, 27]. This paper focuses on improving

the quality of the initial result set. Re-ranking approaches

are complementary stages that are subsequently applied.

This work was done in the context of the Project Fire-ID, supported

by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-12-CORD-0016).

Another important improvement is obtained by reduc-

ing the quantization noise. This is done by multiple assign-

ment [23, 12], or by exploiting a more precise representa-

tion of the individual local descriptors, such as binary codes

in the so-called Hamming Embedding (HE) method [12],

or by integrating some information about the neighborhood

of the descriptor [31]. All these approaches implicitly rely

on approximate pair-wise matching of the query descriptors

with those of the database images.

In a concurrent effort to scale to even larger databases,

recent encoding techniques such as Fisher kernels [19, 21],

local linear coding [30] or the “vector or locally aggregated

descriptors” (VLAD) [13], depart from the initial BOW

framework by introducing alternative encoding schemes.

By compressing the resulting vector representation [13, 20],

the local descriptors are not considered individually. Im-

ages can be represented by a small number of bytes, simi-

lar to coded global descriptors [29], but with the advantage

of preserving some key properties inherited from local de-

scriptors, such as rotation and scale invariance.

Our paper introduces a framework to bridge the gap be-

tween the “matching-based” approaches, such as HE, and

the recent aggregated representations, in particular VLAD.

For this purpose, we introduce in Section 2 a class of match

kernels that includes both matching-based and aggregated

methods for unsupervised image search.

We then discuss and analyze in Section 3 two key differ-

ences between matching-based and aggregated approaches.

First, we consider the selectivity of the matching function,

i.e., the property that a correspondence established between

two patches contributes to the image-level similarity only if

the confidence is high enough. It is explicitly exploited in

matching-based approaches only.

Second, the aggregation (or pooling) operator used in

BoW, VLAD or in the Fisher vector, is not considered in

pure matching approaches such as HE. We show that it is

worth doing it even in matching-based approaches, and dis-

cuss its relationship with other methods (e.g., [11, 21]) in-

troduced to handle the non-iid statistical behavior of local

descriptors, also called the burstiness phenomenon [11].

This leads us to conclude that none of the existing

schemes combines the best ingredients required to achieve


Page 2: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

the best possible retrieval quality. As a result, we introduce

a new method that exploits the best of both worlds to pro-

duce a strong image representation and its corresponding

kernel between images. It combines an aggregation scheme

with a selective kernel. This vector representation is ad-

vantageously compressed to drastically reduce the memory

requirements, while also improving the search efficiency.

Section 4 shows that our method significantly outper-

forms the state of the art in a comparable setup, i.e., when

comparing the quality of the initial result set produced when

searching a large collection.

2. A framework for match kernels

This section first describes the class of match kernels that

we will analyze in this paper. This framework encompasses

several popular techniques published in the literature. In the

following, we denote the cardinality of a set A by #A.

Let us assume that an image is described by a set X ={x1, . . . , xn} of n d-dimensional local descriptors. The de-

scriptors are quantized by a k-means quantizer

q : Rd → C ⊂ Rd

x 7→ q(x) (1)

where C = {c1, . . . , ck} is a codebook comprising k = #Cvectors, which are referred to as visual words. We denote

by Xc = {x ∈ X : q(x) = c} the subset of descriptors in Xthat are assigned to a particular visual word c. In order to

compare two image representations X and Y , we consider

a family of set similarity functions K of the general form

K(X ,Y) = γ(X ) γ(Y)∑


wc M(Xc,Yc) , (2)

where function M is defined between two sets of descriptors

Xc,Yc assigned to the same visual word. Depending on the

definition of M, the set similarity function K is or is not a

positive-definite kernel.

The scalarwc is a constant that depends on visual word c,for instance it integrates the inverse document frequency

(IDF) weighting term. The normalization factor γ(.) is typ-

ically computed as

γ(X ) =



wc M(Xc,Xc)


, (3)

such that the self-similarity of an image is K(X ,X ) = 1.

Several popular methods of the literature can be described

by the framework of Equation (2).

Bag-of-words. The BOW representation [25, 7] represents

each local descriptor x solely by its visual word. As no-

ticed in [3, 12], bag-of-words with cosine similarity can be

expressed in terms of Equation (2), by defining

M(Xc,Yc) = #Xc × #Yc =∑



1, (4)

Other comparison metrics are also possible in this frame-

work. For instance, the histogram intersection would use

min(#Xc, #Yc) instead. In the case of max-pooling [4],

M(Xc,Yc) would be equal to 1 if both Xc,Yc are non-

empty, and zero otherwise.

Hamming Embedding (HE) [10, 12] is a matching model

that extends BOW by representing each local descriptor xwith both its quantized value q(x) and a binary code bx ofBbits. It computes the scores between all pairs of descriptors

assigned to the same visual word, as

M(Xc,Yc) =∑



w (h (bx, by)) , (5)

where h is the Hamming distance andw is a weighting func-

tion that associates a weight to each of the B + 1 possi-

ble distance values. This function was first defined as bi-

nary [10], such that w(h) = 1 if h ≤ τ , and 0 otherwise. A

smoother weighting scheme is a better choice [11, 12], such

as the (thresholded) Gaussian function [11]

w(h) =



, h ≤ τ0, otherwise.


We assume that binary codes lie in the Hamming space

{−1,+1}B and use the Hamming inner product

〈a, b〉h =a⊤b

B= a⊤b ∈ [−1, 1] (7)

instead of the Hamming distance presented in the original

HE paper [10]. Here a denotes the ℓ2-normalized coun-

terpart of vector a. The two choices are equivalent since

2h(a, b) = B(1− 〈a, b〉h).

VLAD [13] aggregates the descriptors associated with a

given visual word to produce a d× k vector representation.

This vector is constructed as the concatenation V(X ) ∝[V (Xc1), . . . , V (Xck)] of d-dimensional vectors, where

V (Xc) =∑


r(x), (8)


r(x) = x− q(x) (9)

is the residual vector of x. Since the similarity of two

VLADs is measured by the dot product, it is easy to show

that VLAD corresponds to a match kernel of the form pro-

posed in Equation (2):

V(X )⊤V(Y) = γ(X ) γ(Y)∑


V (Xc)⊤V (Yc), (10)

Page 3: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

where Equation (3) determines the normalization factors.

Then it appears that

M(Xc,Yc) = V (Xc)⊤V (Yc) (11)




r(x)⊤r(y). (12)

The power-law normalization proposed for Fisher vec-

tors [21] is also integrated in this framework by modifying

the definition of V , however it cannot be expanded as Equa-

tion (12). Its effect is similar to burstiness handling in [11].

Burstiness [11] refers to the phenomenon whereby a visual

word appears more times in an image than what a statisti-

cally independent model would predict. It tends to corrupt

the visual similarity measure. Once individual contributions

are aggregated per cell as in the HE model of Equation (5),

one solution is to down-weight highly populated cells.

For instance, one of the most effective burst weighting

models of [11] assumes that the outer sum in Equation (5)

refers to query descriptors Xc in the cell and down-weights

the inner sum of the descriptors Yc of a given database im-

age by (#Yc(x))−1/2, where

Yc(x) = {y ∈ Yc : w(h(bx, by)) 6= 0} (13)

is the subset of descriptors in Yc that match with x. A more

radical option is (#Yc(x))−1, effectively removing multiple

matches within cells, similarly to max-pooling [4].

3. Investigating selectivity and aggregation

The three match kernels presented above share some

similarities, in particular the fact that the set of descriptors

is partitioned into cells and that only vectors lying in the

same cell contribute to the overall similarity. VLAD and

HE have key characteristics that we discuss in this section.

This leads us to explore new possible kernels that are thor-

oughly evaluated in Section 4. We first develop a common

model assuming that full descriptors are available in both

images, i.e., uncompressed, and then consider the case of

binarized representations.

3.1. Towards a common model

The non-aggregated kernels individually match all the el-

ements occurring in the same Voronoi cell. They are defined

as the set of kernels M of the form

MN(Xc,Yc) =∑





. (14)

This equation encompasses all the variants discussed so

far, excluding the burstiness post-processing considered in

Equation (13). Here φ is an arbitrary vector representation

function, possibly non-linear or including normalization,

Model M(Xc,Yc) φ(x) σ(u) ψ(z) Φ(Xc)

BOW (4) MN or MA 1 u z #Xc

HE (5) MN bx w(


2(1− u)


— —

VLAD (12) MN or MA r(x) u z V (Xc)

SMK (20) MN r(x) σα(u) — —

ASMK (22) MA r(x) σα(u) z V (Xc)

SMK⋆ (23) MN bx σα(u) — —

ASMK⋆ (24) MA r(x) σα(u) b(z) b(V (Xc))

Table 1. Existing and new solutions for the match kernel M. They

are classified as non-aggregated MN (14) and aggregated kernels

MA (15), or possibly both. φ(x): scalar or vector representation

of descriptor x. σ(u): scalar selectivity of u, where u is assumed

normalized in [−1, 1]. ψ(z): representation of aggregated descrip-

tor z per cell. Φ(Xc) (17): equivalent representation of descriptor

set Xc per cell. Given any vector x, we denote by x = x/‖x‖ its

ℓ2-normalized counterpart.

and σ : R → R is a scalar selectivity function. Options

for these functions are presented in Table 1 and discussed

later in this section.

The aggregated kernels, in contrast, are written as

MA(Xc,Yc) = σ










= σ(



, (16)

where ψ is another vector representation function, again

possibly non-linear or including normalization. Φ(Xc) is

the aggregated vector representation of a set Xc of descrip-

tors in a cell, such that Φ(∅) = 0 and

Φ(Xc) = ψ





. (17)

This formulation suggests other potential strategies. In

contrast to Equation (14), there is at most a single match

between aggregated representations Φ(Xc) and Φ(Yc), and

selectivity σ is applied after aggregation.

Of the variants discussed so far, BOW and VLAD both

fit into Equation (15), with σ simply being identity. This is

not the case for HE matching. Note that the aggregation,

i.e., computing Φ(Xc), is an off-line operation.

3.2. Non-aggregated matching SMK

We introduce a selective match kernel (SMK) in this sub-

section. It is motivated by the observation that VLAD em-

ploys a linear weighting scheme in Equation (12) for the

contribution of individual matching pairs (x, y) to M, while

HE applies a non-linear weighting function σ to the similar-

ity φ(x)⊤φ(y) between a pair of descriptor x and y.

Page 4: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

α = 1, τ = 0.0

α = 1, τ = 0.25

α = 3, τ = 0.0

α = 3, τ = 0.25

Figure 1. Matching features with descriptors assigned to the same

visual word and similarity above the threshold. Examples for dif-

ferent values of α and τ . Color denotes descriptor similarity de-

fined by σα(r(x)⊤r(y)), with yellow corresponding to 0 and red

to the maximum similarity per image pair.

Choice of selectivity function σ. Without loss of general-

ity, we consider a thresholded polynomial selectivity func-

tion σα : R → R+ of the form

σα(u) =


sign(u)|u|α if u > τ0 otherwise,


and typically set α = 3. In all our experiments we have used

τ ≥ 0. It plays the same role as the weighting function w in

Equation (5), applied to similarities instead of distances.

Figure 1 shows the effect of this function σα when

matching features between two images, for different values

of the exponent α and of the threshold τ . The descriptor

similarity, now measured by σα, is displayed in different

colors. A larger α increases the selectivity and drastically

down-weights false correspondences. This advantageously

replaces hard thresholding as initially proposed in HE [10].

Choice of φ. We consider a non-approximate representa-

tion of the intermediate vector representation φ(x) in Equa-

tion (14), and adopt a choice similar to VLAD by using the

ℓ2-normalized residual r(x), defined as

r(x) =x− q(x)

‖x− q(x)‖. (19)

Our SMK kernel is obtained by setting σ = σα and φ = rin Equation (14), as

SMK(Xc,Yc) =∑



σα(r(x)⊤r(y)), (20)

It differs from HE in that it uses the normalized resid-

ual instead of binary vectors. It also differs from VLAD,

considered as a matching function, by the selectivity func-

tion σ and because we normalize the residual vector. These

differences are summarized in Table 1.

3.3. Aggregated selective match kernel ASMK

SMK weights the contributions of individual matches

with a non-linear function. We now propose to apply a se-

lective function after aggregating the different vectors per

cell. Aggregating the vectors per cell has the advantage of

producing a more compact representation.

Our ASMK kernel is constructed as follows. The residual

vectors are summed as in VLAD, producing a single rep-

resentative descriptor per cell. This sum is subsequently

ℓ2-normalized. The ℓ2-normalization ensures that the sim-

ilarity in input of σ always lies in the range [−1,+1]. It

means that

Φ(Xc) = V (Xc) = V (Xc)/‖V (Xc)‖ (21)

describes all the descriptors assigned to the cell c. The se-

lectivity function σα is applied after aggregation and nor-

malization, therefore the matching kernel MA becomes

ASMK(Xc,Yc) = σα


V (Xc)⊤V (Yc)


. (22)

The database vectors V (Xc) are computed off-line.

Figure 2 illustrates several examples of features that are

aggregated. They commonly correspond to repeated struc-

ture and textured regions. Such bursty features appear in

most urban images, and their matches usually dominate the

image level similarity. ASMK handles this by keeping only

one representative instance of all bursty descriptors, which ,

due to normalization, is equal to the normalized mean resid-

ual. Normalization per visual word was recently proposed

by a concurrent work [2] with comparatively small vocabu-

laries. The choice of normalizing our vector representation

Page 5: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

Figure 2. Examples of features mapped to the same visual word, finally being aggregated. Each visual word is drawn with a different color.

Top 25 visual words are drawn, based on the number of features mapped to them.

resembles binary BOW [25] or max pooling [4] which both

tackle burstiness by accounting at most one vote per visual

word. Aggregating without normalizing still allows bursty

features to dominate the total similarity score.

3.4. Binarization SMK⋆ and ASMK⋆

HE relies on the binary vector bx instead of residual

r(x) = x − q(x). Although the choice of binarization

was adopted for the sake of compactness, a question arises:

What is the performance of the kernel if the full vector are

employed instead? This is what has motivated us to develop

the SMK and ASMK match kernels, which rely on full d-

dimensional descriptors. However, these kernels are costly

in terms of memory. That is why we also develop their bi-

nary versions (denoted with an additional ∗) in this section.

SMK⋆ and ASMK⋆. The approximated version SMK⋆ of

SMK is similar to HE, the only difference is the inner prod-

uct formulation and the choice of the selectivity function σαin Equation (18):

SMK⋆(Xc,Yc) =∑





b⊤x by


. (23)

It is an approximation of the full descriptor model of Equa-

tion (20), which uses the binary vector b instead of r.

Similarly, the approximation ASMK⋆ of the aggregated

version ASMK is obtained by binarizing V (Xc) before ap-

plying the selectivity function:

ASMK⋆(Xc,Yc) = σα











where b is an element-wise binarization function b(x) =+1 if x ≥ 0,−1 otherwise. Note that the residual is here

computed with respect to the median as in HE, and not the

centroid. Moreover, in SMK⋆ and ASMK⋆ all descriptors

are projected using the same projection matrix as in HE.

Remark: In LSH, the Hamming distance gives an esti-

mate of the cosine similarity [5] between original vectors

(through arccos function). The differences with HE are that

(i) LSH is based on a set of random projections, whereas HE

uses a randomly oriented orthogonal basis; (ii) HE binarizes

the vectors according to their projected median values.

4. Experiments

This section describes some implementation details and

introduces the datasets and evaluation protocol used in our

experiments. We further present experiments for measuring

the impact of the kernel parameters, and finally compare

our methods against state-of-the-art methods. Most of our

results are presented without spatial verification or query

expansion (QE) to focus on the quality of the initial ranking,

before re-ranking by these complementary methods.

4.1. Implementation and experimental setup

Datasets. We evaluate the proposed methods on 3 publicly

available datasets, namely Holidays [12], Oxford Build-

ings [22] and Paris [23]. Evaluation measure is the mean

Average Precision (mAP). Due to the randomness intro-

duced to the binarized methods (SMK⋆ and ASMK⋆) by

the random projection matrix, the same as the one used in

the original Hamming Embedding, we create 3 independent

inverted files and measure the average performance.

Features. We have used the Hessian-Affine detector to ex-

tract local features. For Oxford and Paris datasets, we have

used the modified Hessian-Affine detector of Perdoch et

al. [18], which includes the gravity vector assumption and

Page 6: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

improves retrieval performance. Most of our experiments

use the default detector threshold value. We also consider

the use of lower threshold values to derive larger sets of fea-

tures, and show the corresponding benefit in search quality,

at the cost of a memory and computational overhead.

We use SIFT descriptors and apply component-wise

square-rooting [1, 8]. This has proven to yield superior per-

formance at no cost. In more details, we follow the ap-

proach [8] in which component-wise square rooting is ap-

plied and the final vector is ℓ2-normalized. We also center

the SIFT descriptors. Our SIFT descriptor post-processing

is the same as the one of Tolias and Jegou [27].

Vocabularies. We have used flat k-means to create our vi-

sual vocabularies. These are always trained on an indepen-

dent dataset, different from the one indexed and used for

evaluation each time. Using visual vocabularies trained on

the evaluation dataset yields superior performance [22, 1]

but is more prone to over-fitting. Vocabularies used for Ox-

ford are trained on Paris, and vice versa, while the ones used

for Holidays are trained on an independent set of images

downloaded from Flickr. Unless stated otherwise, we use a

vocabulary of 65k visual words.

Inverted files. In contrast to VLAD, we apply our meth-

ods with relatively large vocabularies aiming at best per-

formance for object retrieval, and use an inverted file struc-

ture to exploit the sparsity of the BOW based representation.

With SMK and ASMK, each dimension of vectors φ(x) or

Φ(Xc) respectively, is uniformly quantized with 8 bits and

stored in the inverted file. Correspondingly, a binary vector

of 128 dimensions is stored along with SMK⋆ and ASMK⋆.

Multiple assignment. We further combine our proposed

method with multiple assignment (MA), which is applied

on query side only [12]. We replicate each descriptor vector

and assign each instance to a different visual word. When it

is stated that multiple assignment is used in our experiment,

5 nearest visual words are used. Single assignment will be

referred to as SA.

Burstiness. The non-aggregated versions of the proposed

methods allow multiple matches for a given visual word.

Thus, we combine them with the intra-image burstiness

normalization [11]. This is done to compare with our ag-

gregated methods which also deal with the burstiness phe-

nomenon. We will refer to burstiness normalization as

BURST in the experiments.

Query expansion. We combine our methods with local

visual query expansion [27] to futher improve the perfor-

mance. A brief description follows. Similarly to other vi-

sual query expansion methods [6, 1], we apply spatial verifi-

cation [22] to the 100 top ranked images in order to identify

the ones that are truly relevant. Images are considered as

verified when they are found to have at least 5 inliers with











1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Holidays 64










1 2 3 4 5 6 7

















1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Holidays 64










1 2 3 4 5 6 7







Figure 3. Impact of parameter α for SMK and ASMK (left) and

their binarized counterparts (right). In these experiments, τ = 0.

single and 8 with multiple assignment. The estimated geo-

metric transformation estimated for verified images is used

to back-project features of database images to the query

image. Features projected out of the query region are dis-

carded. We collect visual words of all retained features, sort

them based on the number of verified images in which they

appear and select the top ranked ones. We select them in a

way such that the number of new visual words that are not

present in the query image are equal to the number of orig-

inal visual words of the query image. Descriptors assigned

to those visual words are merged with the query features,

and aggregation per visual word is applied once more. The

new expanded query is of the same nature as the original

one and can be issued to the same indexing structure.

Aggregation. For the aggregated methods descriptors of

database images are aggregated off-line and then stored in

the inverted file. On query time, query descriptors are ag-

gregated in the same way. In the case of multiple assign-

ment, aggregation is similarly applied once the aforemen-

tioned replication of descriptors is performed.

Query expansion uses spatial verification which requires

the construction of tentative correspondences. In the aggre-

gated scheme, when two aggregated features are matched

then correspondences are formed between all original fea-

tures being aggregated of query and database image.

4.2. Impact of the parameters

Parameter α. Figure 3 shows the impact of the parame-

ter α associated with our selectivity function. It controls

the balance between strong and weaker matches. Setting

Page 7: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search








0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5




Single assignment









0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5


Multiple assignment



Figure 4. Impact of threshold value τ on Oxford dataset for SMK,

SMK with burstiness normalization and ASMK. Results for single

(left) and multiple (right) assignment is shown.

k 8k 16k 32k 65k

Oxford 69% 78% 85% 89%Paris 68% 76% 82% 86%Holidays 55% 65% 73% 78%

Table 2. Ratio of memory requirements after aggregation (ASMK

or ASMK⋆) to the ones before aggregation (SMK or SMK⋆), for

various vocabulary sizes.

α = 1 corresponds to the linear weighting function used

by VLAD. The weighting function significantly improves

the performance in all cases. In the rest of our experiments,

α = 3 as a compromise for good performance across all


Threshold τ . We evaluate the performance on the Oxford

dataset for different values of the threshold τ . Figure 4

shows that the performance is stable for small threshold val-

ues. In the rest of our experiments we will set the threshold

value equal to 0, maintaining best performance but also re-

ducing the number of matches obtained from the inverted

file. Remark also that ASMK outperforms SMK combined

with burstiness normalization [11].

Vocabulary size k. Approaches which are based on a visual

vocabulary are usually too sensitive to its size. We eval-

uate our proposed methods for different vocabulary sizes

and present performance in Figure 5. Our methods being

employed with descriptor information and not only visual

words, do not appear to be too sensitive to the vocabu-

lary size. ASMK outperforms SMK combined with bursti-

ness normalization. We have computed VLAD with the 8k

vocabulary, which achieves 65.5 mAP on Oxford5k with

a vector representation of 8192 · 128 dimensions. SMK

and ASMK with single assignment and the 8k vocabulary

achieve 74.2 and 78.1 respectively.

We have measured the amount of descriptors being ag-

gregated in each case by the memory ratio which is defined

as the ratio of the total number of descriptors indexed after

aggregation to the ones before aggregation. The memory

savings are presented in Table 2. Our aggregated scheme

not only improves performance, but also saves memory.









8k 16k 32k 65k




Oxford5k - MA










8k 16k 32k 65k




Holidays - MA



Figure 5. Impact of vocabulary size k measured on Oxford5k and

Holidays datasets. Multiple assignment is used.

Dataset MA Oxf5k Oxf105k Paris6k Holidays

HE [12] 51.7 - - 74.5

HE [12] × 56.1 - - 77.5

HE-BURST [9] 64.5 - - 78.0

HE-BURST [9] × 67.4 - - 79.6

Fine vocabulary [16] × 74.2 67.4 74.9 74.9

AHE-BURST [9] 66.6 - - 79.4

AHE-BURST [9] × 69.8 - - 81.9

Rep. structures [28] × 65.6 - - 74.9

ASMK⋆ 76.4 69.2 74.4 80.0

ASMK⋆ × 80.4 75.0 77.0 81.0

ASMK 78.1 - 76.0 81.2

ASMK × 81.7 - 78.2 82.2

Table 4. Performance comparison with state-of-the-art methods

(α = 3, τ = 0, k = 65k), without spatial verification nor QE.

Note that both SMK and ASMK rely on full descriptors and do not

scale to Oxford105k. Memory used by SMK⋆ (reps., ASMK⋆) is

equal (resp., lower) than in HE. The best ASMK⋆ variant is faster

than HE (less features after aggregation).

Larger feature sets. We have conducted experiments using

lower detector threshold values than the default one, thus

deriving a larger set of features per image. The performance

is compared between the two features sets in Table 3, show-

ing that using more features yields superior performance in

all cases. The use of the selectivity function allows the use

of more features which also includes more false matches,

but these are properly down-weighted.

4.3. Comparison to the state of the art

Table 4 summarizes the performance of our methods for

single and multiple assignment and compares to state of the

art methods which do not apply any spatial re-ranking or

query expansion. Only our binarized methods are scalable

for Oxford105k. ASMK achieves a better performance than

the binarized ASMK⋆ and outperforms all other methods.

We further combine ASMK with the query expansion

scheme previously described and achieve mAP equal to

87.9 and 85.4 on Oxford5k and Paris6k respectively.

ASMK⋆ with query expansion achieves 85.0 on Ox-

ford105k. These scores are better than the best scores re-

ported with query expansion on these datasets [16].

Page 8: To aggregate or not to aggregate: Selective match kernels for image search

Dataset Oxford5k Paris6k Holidays

Small Large Small Large Small Large


#features 12.5M 11.2M 21.9M 19.2M 15.0M 13.0M 25.1M 21.5M 4.4M 3.5M 16.7M 12.0M

SA 74.9 78.1 78.5 82.0 70.9 76.0 73.2 78.7 78.6 81.2 84.0 88.0

MA 77.4 81.7 79.3 83.8 71.8 78.2 74.2 80.5 79.0 82.2 82.9 86.5

Table 3. Performance evaluation for different feature set sizes, extracted by using different detector threshold values. Small = set with

the default threshold, Large = set with lower threshold. Number of features indexed without (SMK) and with (ASMK) aggregation are

reported. Performance for single (SA) and multiple (MA) assignment. These results are without spatial verification and without QE.

5. Conclusions

This paper draws a framework for well known matching

kernels such as BOW, HE and VLAD. We build a common

model in which we further incorporate our matching kernels

sharing the best properties of HE and VLAD. We exploit the

use of a selectivity function and show how aggregation per

visual word can deal with burstiness. Finally, our methods

combined with a query expansion scheme exhibit superior

performance than state of the art methods.


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