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TMF Pimp My Productivity

Dec 24, 2015




Productivity Guide
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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How  to  get  more  done  and  have  more  free  time    

Luke Crocker



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Stage  1:  Prioritize  Your  Focus………………………………………………………...4  


Stage  2:  Maximize  Your  Output……………………………………………………....5  


Stage  3:  Automate  Your  Execution………………………………………………….7  


On  Pulling  the  Trigger……………………………………………………………………9  


About  the  Author…………………………………………………………………………11  



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Does  this  sound  at  all  familiar  to  you?    


All  right,  I  want  to  ask  you  3  quick  questions.  


1. Do  you  want  to  get  more  done  in  your  day  and  have  way  more  

free  time?  

2. Do   you   want   to   improve   your   focus,   concentration,   memory,  

and  productivity?  

3. Do  you  want  to  be  one  of  the  people  that  GET-­‐SHIT-­‐DONE?  


Well   of   course   you   bloody   well   do,   or   you   never   would   have  

downloaded   this   eBook,   right?  Well   you’ve  made   a   good   choice,   so  

well  done.  


In  this  eBook  I’m  going  to  offer  some  solid  insights  and  strategies  to  

get  you  going  and  on  the  road  to  achieving  everything  you  dreamed  

of  as  a  starry-­‐eyed  little  kid.  


I   can   promise   that   if   you   follow   the   lessons   and   complete   the  

exercises  (yes  that  means  you)  that  you  will  be  on  track  to  achieving  

your  goals  in  a  fraction  of  the  time.    

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I  really  believe  that  success  builds  upon  success  and  that  we  all  need  

to   create   a   solid   foundation   to   build   upon.   THIS   EBOOK   IS   THAT  

SOLID  FOUNDATION.  So  I  want  to  challenge  you  to  play  at  100%  and  

really  act  on  what  I’m  going  to  teach  you  here.  


But  perhaps  more  importantly:  I  want  to  challenge  you  to  become  

a  student  of   life.   I  want  you  to  challenge  yourself  everyday  and  

become   dedicated   to   creating   an   upward   spiral   to   glory,  

happiness,  and  riches…  Welcome.  


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Time  is  the  ultimate  resource;  spend  it  wisely  


To  get  everything  you  want  in  life,  you  first  need  to  decide  where  

you’re  going   to   focus  your   time  and  energy.  The  aim  of   this   first  

stage  is  to  sit  down  and  decide  what’s  most  important  to  you,  and  

exactly  what  you  want  to  achieve.  


This   is   done   to   ensure   you’re   working   towards   things   that   are  

massively  valuable  to  you.  In  today’s  day  and  age  the  information  

required   to   learn   any   skillset   or   achieve   any   goal   is   at   our  

fingertips.  The  ability  to  focus  our  time  and  energy  (like  a  fricken  

laser)  is  what  makes  the  difference  between  glory  and  failure.  

Exercise  1  


I  want  you  to  grab  a  pen  and  paper,  and  pretend  you  have  a  new  

superpower:   the  superpower  of   changing  your   future.  Nothing   is  

too  crazy.  

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I  want   you   to  write   down   3   specific   things   you  want   to   achieve  

(these  need  to  be  things  that  are  in  your  control  to  change,  e.g.   ‘I  

want  to  be  younger’  doesn’t  count).  It  could  be,  ‘I  want  to  write  a  

book’  or   ‘I  want  to  be  at  8%  body  fat’  or   ‘I  want  to  start  my  own  



So  list  3  specific  goals  (BEFORE  READING  ON)…  


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20%  of  your  actions  produce  80%  of  your  results  



It’s  very  easy  to  spend  hours  working  on  something  and  still  not  

be  moving  forward  at  the  rate  you  would  like.  Now  that  you  have  

figured  out  what  you  are  going   to   focus  your   time  on,   the  aim  of  

this  stage  is  to  figure  out  how  to  maximize  your  damage  (e.g.  how  

to  achieve  your  goals  at  rapid  speed).  


This   is  done   to  ensure  you  are  not  wasting  days,  weeks,  months,  

and   years   moving   at   a   snail’s   pace.   Life   is   short,   and   if   you’re  

anything   like   me,   you   want   to   achieve   and   experience   so   much  

that  it  boggles  your  mind.  The  answer:  supercharge  your  output.  


Introducing:  Pareto’s  Principle  (the  80/20  law)  


The   80/20   Law   states   that   generally   80%   of   your   results   will  

come   from   just   20%   of   your   actions.   These   are  what   I   call   your  

high  leverage  actions.    


Now   the   trick   is   finding  out  what   these  high  leverage  actions   are  

for  your  chosen  goal  and  focusing  WAY  MORE  time  on  these.  


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Say   you   want   to   write   a   non-­‐fiction   book.   You   could   choose   to  

spend   your   time   browsing   forums   on   the   topic,   chatting   to   like-­‐

minded   people   about   the   topic,   planning   a   marketing   strategy,  

analyzing  the  competition,  proof  reading  and  editing  your  notes…  

you   could   do   that…   Or   you   could   focus   your   time   on   SPECIFIC  



I  promise  if  you  were  to  solely  focus  on  the  last  2  things  you  would  

have   the   book   written   in   a   fraction   of   the   time,   it   would   of  

otherwise  taken  you.  


So  how  do  we  find  these  high  leverage  actions  for  our  goals?  

Exercise  2  


I  mentioned   earlier   that   in   today’s   day   and   age,   the   information  

required   to   learn   any   skillset   or   achieve   any   goal   is   at   our  

fingertips.   It’s   now   time   to   utilize   the   glorious   gifts   of   our   day  

(more  specifically  the  gift  of  Google).  


For   each  of   the  3   specific   goals   you  wrote  down   in   the  previous  

stage,  I  want  you  to  follow  these  2  steps.  


1. Type  your  specific  goal  into  Google,  e.g.  ‘getting  to  8%  body  fat’.  

And   scroll   through   the   results   to   find   someone  who  has  gone  

from  where  you  are  now  to  where  you  want  to  be.  

2. Now  find  someone  who  is  giving  away  this   information…  FOR  

FREE  (or  at  a  minimal  cost).  I  guarantee  there  will  be  someone  

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with   a   blog,   newsletter,   or   eBook   detailing   exactly   how   to  

achieve  this  specific  goal.  


Important:  Don’t   allow  yourself   to  be   swept  up   in  marketing  

bulls#@t.   People   will   try   and   make   their   ‘area   of   expertise’  

sound   overly   complex,   in   order   to   upsell   you   on   a   bunch   of  

products  you  don’t  need.  You  will  have  to  use  a  bit  of  common  

sense   here   to   find   someone  who   is   offering   the  high   leverage  

actions,  and  nothing  more.  


Now  for  each  of  your  specific  goals,  write  down  the  2  or  3  

high   leverage   actions   you   will   need   to   execute   on   a  

regular/daily  basis.  


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Give  yourself  immediate  reward  for  your  actions  


Have  you  ever  felt  that  you  know  what  you  want,  you  know  how  

to  do   it,  but  you  still  don’t   take   the  consistent  action  required   to  

achieve  your  goal?  The  aim  of   this   stage   is   to  get  you   to  execute  

the  actions  required  and  to  make  it  fun  and  easy.  


Anything  that  you  don’t  enjoy  doing,  you  are  not  going  to  keep  doing,  

simple  as  that.  Success  doesn’t  have  to  be  a  chore  and  whether  you  

want  to  lose  weight,  start  a  business,  write  a  book,  or  build  a  shed,  

there’s  a  way  to  make  it  enjoyable.  

Exercise  3  


A)  Now  under  each  goal,  and  subsequent  list  of  high  leverage  actions,  

I  want  you  to  write  (in  2  or  3  sentences)  everything  it  will  cost  you  if  

you   don’t   achieve   this   goal   and   also   (in   2   or   3   sentences)   how  

incredibly  awesome  your  life  will  be  if  you  do  achieve  this  goal.  


Linking  huge  pain  to  not  taking  action  and  huge  pleasure  to  actually  

taking  action  is  extremely  important,  so…  DO  IT  NOW.  


B)  Finally  I  want  you  to  write  down  a  list  of  rewards  for  yourself.  You  

will   give  yourself   a   reward   from   the   list  of   rewards  every   time  you  

follow  through  on  your  high  leverage  actions.  

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This   is   crucial   in   training   our   mind   and   body   to   feel   good   about  

taking   right   action   (this   step   alone,   will   allow   you   to   achieve   your  

goal  in  a  fraction  of  the  time  and  enjoy-­‐the-­‐hell-­‐out-­‐of  the  process!).  


An   example   of   a   list   of   rewards   would   be:   10  minutes   listening   to  

awesome  music,  eating  an  amazing  meal,  watching  a  funny  TV  show,  

going  for  a  run,  having  sex,  having  a  glass  of  wine.  Basically  anything  

that  makes  you  feel  great  will  be  on  the  list.  


So   again,   every   time   you  do   the   right   thing   and   complete   your  

high  leverage  action,  give  yourself  an  immediate  reward.  



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On  Pulling  the  Trigger  

Programming  these  high  leverage  actions  as  daily  habits  is  key.  Until  

these  actions  are  habits  you  will   feel   like  you  are  pushing  a  boulder  

up  a  hill.  


So  follow  these  steps  above,  and  I  promise  you  will  see  great  results.  


For  heaps  of  other  tricks,  hacks,  and  strategies  for  following  through  

on   your   goals   and   simplifying   your   life   check   out   the   site   at:  


And  be  sure  to  check  out  my  check  out  my  Easy-­‐Living  Hacks.  


Until  Next  time…  


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About  the  Author    

 I’m a dating dynamics coach and productivity expert, as well

as an author. Over the past few years I have committed

myself to learning everything I can possibly learn about

hacking productivity, supercharging memory, building social

momentum, reaching financial freedom, increasing

mindfulness, and simplifying life. And I’ll be the first to

admit, I have made A LOT of mistakes, but I’ve also learnt a lot.

I’m now running multiple websites, stock trading, studying

psychology at University, Kindle publishing, and working

with local youth. As well as having plenty of time to spend

with my girlfriend, friends, family, play music and also hit the

gym… And I’m able to do all of this by simplifying life, never

working harder than I need to, and using simple techniques to

automate a lot of what I do.



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