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A f e . . S Penome" . . : •. £ſtor: ,1{co Robinson 41The Bes · · Tubo :· admsbe : . FK/02 Scod : .

T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and

Aug 27, 2020



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Page 1: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and


T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge P!Jenome02 .. :

Investigations •. £rfftor:

,1{a/co/m Robin son 41 The Braes ··

Tul/ibody ::· ·

C!adm31l!lansbire :: . FK/02TT Scotland : .

Page 2: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and

2 b!\IG"·�.S N:l 2 7 FEE/r.A RC!l 1992.

'1SE JOli�\).L OF S'I'?�t..NG!: ?EENJ!·:RNA IKVESTIGATIO!�S. (S.P.I.)

Editor : Malcolm Robinson, 41 The Br?.es, ��libody, Clackm2nnanshire, FK10 2TT, Scotland.

Consult2nt Editor : Ronald E.olliciRy, 35 }'ountpin Ro2d, Bridge Of Allan, Stirlingshire, FK9 4A u. Tel : C/86 83246G.

U:UGr�S is published bi-m�r;t.lUy and is avail able on S'..lbsc:-iption for £.7.';/J for l.Ssues. Send c.l;eque or postal order made payable to lbnald Ealliday at 'l'1e a�v� �dd.ress. Ove:-seas rates dealt 'With on app li cation. Articles, lette:-s, cnhc1sm or prai se, are '>lelco:ned by t.l:e Editor and shoul d be eent to t::.e Editorial address. All subrri ssions are subject to e ditir.g fo r style and cl arity �d conciseness. J1o slanderous rcil:4r:t:s of a defamation c�:-�cter please, "L:.I'.less it is acrottpc.nyed >:i th a heavy dn.�tion to S?I. J..ny correspoodance di rected to SPI, should include a S.A.E. sho uld a reply be \.'arreoted � Th..e vie�o·s ex;.ressed in t.'lls, '...2..Y r..ot neces sarily :-enect t.l;::se of the Editor, or of S?I as a whole. J..ll arti cles c.:>r:.tai•.ed .,..i thin are copyright, ( �o·here state:i) of their respective o;:n�rs. �.ould refe::er.ce be r:quired on any article by other parties, please ens.1re t:Ut you quote t.l;e a"..ltX>r, t1tle of 'WOrk, a..::1d ENJGI"J..S.

T:le purpose of STP.A..�GE PiE!iO!-:..E:!'U lh'Y!:SIT�L.TIO!-iS as an org-c:..tisa tion, is define:i clearly by its title- to ir.·:estigc.t;: st::-OL6e ptewwer..a in its r;.ar.y catcgvric:s. s�ch �te�ri es include repo�ied hauntings, ie, appa=itions, pol tergeiet events, �70 B1ght1nga, and various forms of psychic ;:v�nts. SPI �as co�ceived in pr�ciple ln 1979. 1nv�

.lerc.ent in sP1 is ro:-e tha.o acc.demic beyond the appeal of th e o.lbject aa a study. -..e t.o it becc..use '>le s.l;are t�e mutual opillion that the S".lbject de�.and s

_I nvestigation and a definet a�o·c..reness on as �o·ide a scale as possi ble, c.nd

-.:h.ich 'Wlll help to estc.bli s.:, a finer fo-ur..dation t!"lat, "T:-.ere .Are S"J...Ch".

��e aims of S?I, are to collect, researc�, and publi sh, acco·�ts relating to most aspects of strc..nge, c.nd to inform the general public that t."lere is indeed a case to be ans·,..ered. SPI do not ho ld or express any st:-ict vie-...-poir.t as to the r.aiur� of t�e events of •:h.ic.l; �o·e re search, �o·e k eep ar. open mind, and r.ope t.'lat by cor.ilnued research -.·e may c.:>ILe up '>lith soiLe a.r:s·,.·.:rs to &ccount for �o· at �resent elud es ua.

PAGE 3 Editorial. P!GE 5 I don't believe .I'v.e crapped myself, by A. North PAGE 8 }. Voyage ToAtlantis, by Jenny Handles. PAGE IO&II, Nicbael Roll articles. PAGE 12 The White Acres Encounter by Pat Gildea. PAGE I4 The '>leird ropd � by Nigel Wptson. Plus many other items.



Now UFO is official Well we've done it folks, our perceverence has finally paid off, I just couldn't be happier, even if Bibernian F.C. won the Scottish Cup, its just simply great. What am I on about 7 well the Livingston Development Corporation (LDC ) has finally, after years of direct pestering by SPI, erected a cairn with plaque to commemorate Bob Taylor's UFO encounter in Dechmont Woods near Livingston West Lothian Scotland. SPI always felt that this encounter should be formally recognised, and that something should be erected in the area of which it took place.

Well its now been done. But above all, what is greatly important is the fact tm t as far as '>le believe, this is a WORLD FIRST, this has never ever been done before. I've read about some guy placing strong white lights in a circle in some field, can't remember the country, to try and entice UFOs to land, but this was probably more of an 'attention seeking' gimmick than an actual belief orientated quest. Now, I'd be the first to admit that there are many other more famous, and more interesting UFO encounters worthy of this attention, but as far as Scotland is concerened, Bob Taylor's I979 UFO encounter is our most famous.

The fact that he w�s in close proximity to a landed UFO, and that two small spherical objects resembling 2nd world w�r sea mines, rushed out of this larger object and grabbed at Bob's trousers, ripping them at both hips, the fact that there were numerous marks on the grass left behind after this object had gone, all make it to this group, an incident '>lhich should never be forgotten, and no'>� we have percevered and ensured that this is so. AgAin I'll admit, that at the end of the day, we only have witness· Bob �ylor's word that this incident occured, but having met the man, never were there anyone that in my opinion spoke the truth on the matter. His sincerity and general public standing enhanced my view that this man did indeed see what he had claimed to have sa'>l. I do not doubt his word, nor will I ever do so.

Is the recognition of this UFO site a good idea then ? We at SPI feel that it is, and I' 11 tell you why in one word, "Awareness". }lublic knowledge of this cairn and plaque will no doubt make people more aware of the UFO subject, that it is a facet of enquiring science, that it is an understanding, as yet, out of our That UFOs 'are real', but it is what they are, or represent, that is the problem, and that pursuing the problem is one of the biggest challenges which we at present face. The UFO subject deserves attention and a respectable responsibility, and the erection of this cairn and plaque helps us in getting nearer to achieving those aims. Steuart Campbell and I , were basically the only two Scottish researchers on this case. BUFORA, that's the British Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins and another chap. Steuart however, did the real spade work, his final con­clusions however, that of a star seen low in the sky which induced an epilectic fit on the witness, was not treated too kindly by the UFO community.


Page 3: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and


I s poke ove� the phon e with witn ess Bo b T.aylor recently and he still maintains that what he saw wa.s re�l. He ' s not too keen on further public ity about all this and was undecided a bout whether to attend the o fficial SPI ceremony o f which we shall b e having i n a few months tim e. When a sked a bout what he felt about the erection of this ca irn and plaque, which, by the wa y, he heard first o f all from SPI ' s Ron Halliday, he said to m e, that he was not really fussy on e way or the other. He realises now the importanc e of the UFO subj ect , o f which he did not at the time; and acc epts the position that SPI are taking with thi s issue .

I then s poke over the phone with D ean Swi ft o f the (LDC ) c onc erning the cairn and wp s surpris ed to learn that they actually erected it in Octo b e r last year. They only recently informed �PI a bout this , this mayb e perhaps b ecaus e o f the wrangl e tha. t we were having with the (LDC.) concering the actual wording for the pla que. This mad e big news in som e papers in Scotlp nd, ( s e e previous i s sues of ENIGMAS ) . However at the end of the day the (LDC ) got their way, and the fina l word ing for the pla que reads a s follows .



A s I ' ve said, SPI would have preferred the wording to have been much different but at the end of the day one must accept that it wa s , a fter all, the (LDC ) who were erecting it , so we must be thankful for this.

I then s poke over the phon e with the Livingston Development Corporation ' s publicity o fficer , a Mr Stuart A lli son , who informed me that the ca irn was actually a five foot oval boulder, and not the oblong ca i� as I has thought. But bas ica.lly a boulder is still cla s s i fi ed as a cairn. He informed me that there had b e en much interest in thi s ca irn, and indeed the ' Scotsman ' N ewspaper and th e Edinburgh evening tim es news�per , featured an item on thi s recently. I thanked Stuart for all his help in this , and that we at SPI were full o f gratitude for their cooporation o n this.

There is no g etting away from the fact that thi s is a ma jor achievement as fa r a.s we are concerened in regards to furthering UFOlogy. This is a first. U FOlogy is a s erious bus ines s , and if SPI can promote it in thi s way , then we have don e something positive in h elping achi eve tho s e aims.

Robert Taylor, I982. l'no Lo, t·ial col m Ro ilin.son ..



This paper is about the sceptical inquirer. You can blame David Barclay

- editor of the UFO Debate - for the title. In a marvellous review of

THE SCEPTIC in THE UFO DEBATE Vol2, No2, he described super-scepticism

as a state of mind ' ... wherein you don't believe you need to go to the

toilet until it is running down your leg.'

Such poetic words touched a cerebral nerve and I was rolling about for

the next twenty minutes.

Within days of reading this review, I came across a classic episode

of this leg-wetting syndrome. It is presently 0930 on Friday, 17th May

1991, and not half an hour ago I listened to a report on Radio 4 claiming

that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle had been finally solved by the

discovery of the wreckage of five military aircraft off the Fort Lauderdale

coast. It is more than likely - though, as I write, not definite - that

these five aircraft are the legendary Flight 19 which disappeared without

trace in 1945, causing the popular controversy of the Bermuda Triangle.

Super-scepticism proliferated on this Radio 4 report. Commentators

decreed the death of the Bermuda Triangle myth, ridiculing those writers

who had speculated upon UFO abduction and space-time continua, but adding

the snide remark that mystery-mongerers would still continue to harp on

about the mystery to make plenty of money.

Now I'm the first to admit that the real mystery-mongerers who purposely

distort facts so that they fall in line with their theories should NOT

have their wings clipped, as such, but there is a strong case for categorising

their work as fiction (for those of you who feel I fall into this category,

I hope you enjoy this short story). But I equally believe it's about time

the super-sceptic began to live by the same ideal. For instance, the

Radio 4 report made no mention of the Martin Mariner flying boat sent to

find Flight 19, which also disappeared. But most important, neither did

they mention the oodles of researchers who have put forward theories for

the Bermuda Triangle within which it is accepted that the lost ships and

planes could still be found on the ocean bed.

This attitude is little different to that of the mystery-mongerers,

in that although they do not distort facts, they DO leave out those all­

important little snippets that argue with their often bigoted appraisals.


Page 4: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and

6 Scepticism in itself is a valid practice. It is essential to any

legitimate enquiry. But I do feel it about time to knock super-scepticism

on the head, if for no other reason than constant dribbles down the leg

· � becomes socially unacceptable.

Consider the constant attacks on many areas of serious paranormal

research. The Amazing Randi is at the forefront of such assaults, forever

replicating the feats achieved by mystics and psychics. So what? In

an article in the same issue as the above UFO DEBATE, I pointed out that

many psychological and physical characteristics attributed to psychics

are also prevalent in stage magic. Things such as increased awareness

and photographic memory, which many believe to be at the heart of stage

magic, are equally inherent in the paranormal, allied with such talents

as cryptomnesia and unconscious appraisal of the wider aspects of the

environment. Such abilities are themeselves paranormal. Hence, if

phenomena can eventually be locked in psychological and physical manifestation,

then Randi's attempts to discredit paranormal research does, infact, prove

it. The antics of Paul Oaniels were often mentioned in my article to give

credence to this argument.

But super-scepticism even invalidates this area of inquiry.

As for myself, I would class myself as neither sceptic nor believer.

Indeed, I've tried to show this non-tagging aspect of my work in my magazine

RATTLER'S TALE, prompting one reader to write, recently:

'A little press magazine that covers such a range of live interests

from Green Scene to the paranormal, yet with the feet on the ground, but

NOT the feet of a monument, must be good.'

This comment encapsulates my attitude to life, making both the believer

and sceptic equally wrong.

Going back to the Bermuda Triangle, I have a theory of my own. If you

break down the factors of any one disappearance in the region, an apparent

truth presents itself. No one individual factor - spinning gyrpcompasses,

disorientation, banks of fog, water-spouts, etc - can be classed as

paranormal. In isolation, most of these factors have been experienced

by most flyers and sailors at some time in their working life. But what

IS unusual about the Bermuda Triangle is the way such 'normal' events


There are other incidences of such clusterings, such as the case of


1 the Amtrak Silver Meteor train which, in 1983, became a total disaster

area, with numerous crashes, etc, during a single journey. Such

clustering of events are quite common, and come under the super-sceptics

tag for all things paranormal - i.e. coincidence. He could well be right;

but exceptionally short-sighted in leaving it there.

Jung and Kammerer went a long way to explaining coincidence with such

terms as synchronicity and seriality. However, science itself could hold

the answer to coincidence. A similar factor is enshrined in the Mathematician

Bernoulli's 'law of large numbers'. He claims that an ordered event is

more likely to happen with increasing numbers, events, etc. Science could

well show that coincidence is essential to the paranormal.

Developing this theory, I have pointed out elsewhere that most major

disasters such as Zeebrugge and Hillsborough are also preceded by a

clustering of perfectly normal events, building up to the inevitability

of disaster. It is therefore not too far-fetched to suggest that statistical

analysis of disasters in the Bermuda Triangle could, eventually, result

in more understanding of the principles behind such disasters; perhaps

even offering a form of disaster prediction ability. But super-scepticism

doesn't allow this, making such scepticism not only socially unacceptable,

but darn-right dangerous.

Just to show how all-embracing this coincidental influence is, consider

the following. My article on the similarities of stage magic to the

paranormal was published a couple of days before writing this present article.

It was in the same UFO DEBATE as Barclay's review of THE SCEPTIC which

prompted the title of this piece. In this article I make the only mention

to date of Paul Daniels. Barclay's review of THE SCEPTIC included his

thoughts on the interview within said publication of, you've guessed it,

Paul Daniels. To add further strangeness to the proceedings, I have written

just one article on the Bermuda Triangle, showing how this coincidental

influence could be the cause. This article was published in PREDICTION

magazine on 10th May 1991, also within a week of writing this article,

but, more interestingly, just a couple of days before the discovery of

the wreckage of Flight 19.

Super-scepticism is, in my opinion, an illness. It is born out of

delusions of grandeur, which are themselves caused by a condition of

ENIG�. S FEB-MA RCH 1992 .

Page 5: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and

8 repressed trauma. Basically, that which they cannot answer must be

repressed out of existence, for it risks the foundations of their paradigm.

Indeed, it is an influence that has existed throughout the history of

scientific research. And in nearly every case, it has ended up being proved

wrong. As Charles Fort once said: 'Science has done its utmost to prevent

whatever science has done.'

I think it's time for those who genuinely want to know what is going

on to stand up to the super-sceptics. As I said earlier, scepticism itself

is a valid practice, but it has nothing to do with super-scepticism.

think it's time to reply to the super-sceptics by beginnig a complimentary

award to their famous 'Uri'. Perhaps a 'Randi' would be a worthwhile

acolade. Either that, or send them a nappy.


At the first trial time I was placed by circumstances, (I preordained nothing) in a chugging coach at the C�tr park of my hotel gazing across a wall at a swimming pool and some chirping children about in their own sm�ller pool. The two were interconnected by an artificial w�terf�ll. For the second test, I purposely clambered up a pile of volcanic ash he?.ped up like ?. giant rubbish tip.

I had no idea what lay on the other side, or what view I would thus get from the top. It turned out to be a fantastic panorama down a sloping volcanic hillside with cliffs at the foot, and the harbour of Purto de la Cruz set out before me with its whitewashed houses speckled in the sunset.

Fbr the final trial, I again went where fate decreed. This saw me suspended on a camel half way up a mountain side of lunar desolation. I was talk�ng and thinking French with my coapanion on the ride (for she spoke no Engl�sh). �ut my main impression was of terror, as the camel seemed to have a predelication for wandering ever closer to the edge of what looked rather like a bottomless ravine. When I arrived back in England, I collated the written results. They were fascinating. At a conservative estimate, about££! third of the responses were appropriate, (and I had photographs to prove where I had been). In the first test, one of the ten collated replies even actually said they saw a waterfall, "the children", and "car park" features also came up in �wo other responses. One of the above also added a "large white shoulder bag' , I had bought this because the blue one I took with me had broken at the airport.


9 In the case of the second trial, there was a decrease in correct responses. The most accurate again from one of the people who was spot on in the first test. On this occasion, he suggested that I was looking at a "harbour" with twinkling lights. It was the final test which proved the least satisfactory. But this in itself was interesting. For I had decided to change the rules without telling anybody. I would do the experiment 48 hours before the date when everyone would be attempting to "tune in". But I would also record what I chanced to be doing at the time I had set. In this way I could see whether what I transmitted was more important than the tuning in process of others at the set time. The confusion appears to have weakened the results. The closest was a reference to "deserts of sand", very accurate for Lanzarote and the mountain I was climbing at the time I transmitted.

Another mentioned, "I see you in an aircraft", but added that this appeared to be a thought rather than an action. That is interesting too, bec�use when I knew that I was going to be flying to Lanzarote, on the day in question, (but did not know the inter-island flight times). I did wonder quite seriously w�t it would be like to do the experiment IO,OOOfeet up in an aircraft. However, nothing whatsoever relevant to what I was doing at the time of the test so far as England was concerned, made its presence felt. I was then watching lizards on a rock face.

It is easy to imagine that you have been to Atlantis. The agricultural marvels of Lanzarote, strike one as evidence of some intuitive knowledge. The island is a barren volcanic desert. Yet amidst its dunes, spring onion, potato, and fruit groves. Even the names have an Atlantean tang; Soo,Uga, Ye, and Lanzar­ote's ancient capital Teguise. They sound weird even to a Spaniards ears. Remnants of old place names onAtlantis? Who can say.

I took myself up to the top of Mount Teide, a I2,000 feet high sleeping volc�no which dominates Tenerife. I watched the sulpher smoulder into the thin air, �nd pondered on Gilberto Naranjo and his close encounter here. It does feel as if you are in outer space as the clouds float beneath you. l sat awestruck trying to express my feelings. Was this the . once fabled land of A tlantis ? Rationally I am still unsure, but in my heart, the belief is too seductive. If I am asked where I was whilst England shivered, l will say (perhaps honestly) on a voyage to A tlantis.

(c) Jenny Handles.

Terminology. (A Classification of par:>normal phr�ses).

OOBE : The conscious experience of being outside your own physical body and of possibly being able to see it from without, also called seperation. PSI : The general term designating a person's paranormal perception or ability to influence his surroundings. This includes both ESP and PK. ESP : '· bbrevia tion of extrasensory perception, includes telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience pre, and retro-cognition, that is all experiences or reactions to objects, events, states, or appe8rences which tAke place without the intermediary of tho senses. PSYCHE : The general term for a persons mind or total psychic cap�bility and qualities. RSPK :Abbreviation of recurrant spontaneous psychokinesis. PRECOGNITION--:--The power of prophecy.


Page 6: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and


Our Radio and Television Sets are Mediums by Michael Roll

The vicious but highly efficient, Establishment propaganda machine has conned

the people into thinking that scientists who are making a study of survival

after death are "dp bbling in the supernatural" or "dabbling in Spiri tualisml' •

Nothing could be further from the truth. Scientists, and indeed all students

of philosophy, never "d�bble" in anything. They do the very opposite thing

to the word "d:>bble", they m�ke a very careful, methodical study of every

subject that they engage in. t.ll genuine scientists who are making a study

of surviv�l �fter de�th, are re�ding subatomic physics. Put in simple lAympn's

terms, they pre reAding � subject t�t is beyond the r�nge of our five physic:ol


Before we embark on this field of study, we first of ?.11

have to find P medium. ' medium is simply a tr�nsformer.

Trpnsforming something t�t we cannot normAlly see, he�r,

or sense, into something that we can see, he�r and sense.

Our radio pnd television sets pre mediums, there is

nothing supernatural about them. Are rpdio and television MIC HA EL ROLL .

sets "dabbling in the supernp tur:ol" ? r.. re they dealing with p subject t� t is

outside or beyond the laws of nAture ? BecAuse t�t is the definition of

supernptural. No, of course they are not, they are doing eXRctly the spme

function as ? hum:on medium. Sorting out signals from different wavelenghts.

If we go outside pnd look up at our aerials, we cannot see, hepr, or sense the

signals, but we jolly well know they are there because of the mediums t�t pre

inside our houses, our radio and television sets.

A television set is a very clever, intricate machine, but it is P.lso an

incredibly crude device when it is compared to the human brain, which we know

very little about, pod the human mind, which we know nothing about. We m:orvel

Pt what?. television set can do, but this is nothing compared to what a hum�n

medium is Cpppble of.

�1\IGNt S FEB-M� RCH I992.



In the presence of materiplisation mediums, my colleagues and 1 have h?d

physical contAct with people who once lived on EArth. We are repePting the

pioneering experiments of Crookes, Riehet, and Hamilton, but this time we have

the benefit of modern technology together with recent reTolutionary disc�veries

in subatomic physics, proving that reality also exists beyond our five physical

senses. After taking part in these exciting experiments, all the mystery and

fear of the unknown goes straight out of the window. All the people that I

have met from the etheric wavelenghts, including my 'dead' father, are exactLy

the same as we are.

We are engaged in experiments that represent the gre�test scientific breakthrough

in the history of mankind. Therefore, we must get it right, ie, Perfect the

experiments under laboratory conditions with the same thoroughness as when

Rutherford and his team split the a tom at Cambridge University. I alii! appealing

to all those working in this field of study to learn from the mistakes that

have been made in the past. Never underestimate the hatred of powerful people

who have a vested interest in making sure our experiments are never completed,

and the results published in the scientific press .•

The materialisation medium Helen Duncan was killed in 1956 from injuries she

received following a police raid. Nothing like tpis must ever be allowed to

happen again, the safety of the medium must be paramount in all experiements.

Therefore it is vital that materialisation mediums never reveal their identity,

and only allow scientists to witness the phenomenon that they are able to

produce who have a proven track record of supporting the published works of

Sir William Crookes FRS, OM, and Sir Oliver Lodge FRS . In other words, only

trust scientists who have something to gain when the truth is told, and

nothing to lose.

Send for "The Colossus" by R.D. Pearson BSc. Showing how enlightened physics can support mediumship, explain the paranormal and solve the most intractable problems of cosmology. We now have the mathematics that Sir William Crookes lacked at the end of last century when he carried out his experiments. 1llis booklet is obtainable from Michael Roll, 28 Westerleigh Road, Downend, Bristol BS16 6AH, Great Britain. It costs £1.00 including postage and packing in the U.K. This is a layman's introduction to Mr. Pearson's book "Intelligence Behind the Universe". £9.95 inc. P&P.


Page 7: T!Je Joi1ID2i Of . . Stcmge Unidentified Flying Object Research Association, sent up Andy Collins ... and





LOCA 'UON : I9 kilometers due west of Sal e,

Victoria, on the Princess Highw�y . A ea ttl e Grazing property o f approx . 500 acres cal l ed "WHITE A CRES" •

TI ME A ND� TE I am I . 50 am .

Tuesday 30th Septem ber 19 80,

PRI NCI PLE WI TNESS Mr G eo rge Bl ackwell , the property sta tio nha nd .

WEATHER C ONDI TION S : A cl ear star studded sky .. calm, no wind, with a ful l moon.


Mr Bl ackwell awoke from his sl eep to the noi se of hi s ho rse gal l oping a round

the paddo ck i n panic, the bellowi ng o f cattl e nearby, and a n uausual whistl ing

sound . Gl ancing at his b edside clo ck , I am, he arose i n haste and went to the

back porch to i nvestigate the co mmot io n. Being un abl e to view the horse from

the porch due to 2 smal l shed, Mr Bl ackwell cl imbed o nto the top porch rail to

view the anima l . Immedi ately his att e ntion was drawn to P-n obj ect flying l o w

from a south west e rly direction just bel o w a clump o f t rees. The obj ect wa s

approxim at ely 5 50 f� from the po rch. Mr Bl ackwell estimat ed the obj ect to be

six fee t o ff the ground .

The obj ect wa s producing a low whistl i ng sound and emi tting blue and o�nge

l ights. Mr Bla ckwell ' s thoughts wer�, in his own words, " Oh my God, i t ' s an

aircra ft . cr?.shing" . He then stood there stunned wa t ching the obj ect. As i t

cl eared the t re e s, h e real i sed t h e obj ec� was domed shaped, not 2n aircraft,

and l i ke nothing he had eve r wit ne ssed before .

He estimated i t to be I O ft i n height, and �6 feet i n l ength . The obj ect

proceeded in a stra ight l i ne pa ssing over fences and touched down 50 ft from

a concrete wat e r tank a hal f a mil e from the house .



Mr Blackwell returned to the bed room, changed clothes, j umped on his motor bike

and drove towa rds the site where the obj ect had l anded . On ?.rri vi ng a t a

closed g�te , he al ighted from hi s bike and nervously opened the ga te whil e stil l

observing the object. The object was st�tionary on the ground , the whistl ing

sound continued, and o range a nd blue l ights were sl owly revolving . The l ights:

were I O ft apart , and approx, 7 inches in diameter. The object in the l ight

of the moon was bel l shaped, coloured orange, with a whi te dome on top .

6 fter approxima t ely IO minutes the obj ect st�rted to l i ft off a nd Mr B!ackwell

mounted his bike and drove directly towa rds it. When 50 yards fro� the obj ect

the whi stl ing noise increased in pitch l ike a j e t engine in reverse . The

noi se was ear pi ercing a s the obj ect raised slowly into the a i r giving off a

bl ast of heat . A s the bike was on a sl ight slope, i ts headl ights picked up

the bottom of the object as it rose . Mr Bla ckwell no ti ced a large circul ar ri m

on the bottom si mil ar to a hovercraft tube . Thi s rim receded in width a s the

craft rose . Suddenly the suction reduced in the lift o ff a s did the high

pitched noise, and stones and cow pa ts fel l from below the craft. The craft

fl ew in an Easterly di rection slowly ga ining height, and Mr Bla ckwell observed

it until i t disappea red from ey e sight. On returning to the house, the time

wa s no ticed a s I . 50 am .


The principl e witness wa s notably s�ken by the

experience and d eveloped heada ches at I I am t�t

morning . Heada ches were no t a normP-1 thing for the

witness. He did feel ti erd a nd a l so had troubl e

sleeping . No ey e trouble ha.d developed. The phy­

sica l evidence on the ground consisted of a circul�r

brown ring 14 inches wide around the circumference

with a di�meter of approx, 30 ft. There were six

FOR SALE UFO models and kits both new and ra�e i!ems. plus UFO entity figures

a�d busts as well as the largest selection of second hand & rare

UrO books. We aiso stocr-, posters, badges and a large assortment of

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England, WF17 7SW Or phone: UFO· LINE 0898 881 907

evenly spaced hal f spo kes pointi ng inwa rds towards the centre of the ci rcl e

whi ch �d not turned brown . No radiation was evide nt, and soil sampl es were

taken. The magneti c fi eld in the area was normal .

The grass, cape weed and clover, wa s not burnt, but appeared to h3ve been

poi soned, cre�ting the brown effect. The IO,OOO gallon wa ter tank nearby was

nearly empty to the ama zement of the witness and the owner. No expl ana tion

could be found for thi s.


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The stock on the property would not go anywhere near the circle. It was even

impossible to force them into the paddock where the circle was. There �

distinct line of rocks �nd cow pats lying on the ground in an Easterly line

from the circle. On examining these, it was found that they had been uprooted

from another place probably the centre of the circle. A time discrepancy of

approx, 20 minutes was discovered in the witnesses statement, not all the

details can be produced in this report, as in all such cases we must respect

the personal feelings and wishes of any witnesses.

The only other witness to be found, was young Kelly lostle from the Kilmany

General Store approx, 4 kilometers away. Miss Postle stated that at 12.12 am

the same morning, she saw from her bedroom window a pink ball of fire moving

slowly in the west just under the southern cross. The sighting was reported

to the R.A .Jo .F. at S::tle, and Flight Lieutenant .fhilip, who handles the

U.A .F. reports began an Investigation. On a return visit on 31st October,

Mr Blackwell recalled the object actually hovered over the water tank before

touching down.

(This report was printed with permission).



( Editor's note. Over the years I have been sent by fellow researchers various articles relpting to the st�nge world of the paranormal, and I would now like to share with you, one of these. Although its 14 years old, it is, none the less, quite interesting. See what you make of this.)

The variety and scope of the ?.lleged appearances of UFOs and their associated occupants is enormous. Despite this spectrum of strangeness inherent in UFO reports, there is p linking similarity which binds both UFO and paranormal phenomena under a communal banner. The following sighting which occured in the Worrall district, West Sheffield, �orkshire, England, is one which might be linked· with the UFO phenomenon, but has intrinsic char�cteristics which put it on the fringes of UFOlogy. Indeed, reports such as this one, make us question the simple assumptions of the ETB (extra-terrestri::tl hypothesis), and the framework of objective reality as P. whole.

ENIGI>� S FEB-J'o;& RCH 1992.


The two witnesses, Hobert Holmes and Sally Jensen (I), at the time of the sighting, were parked in Myer's lane. To one side of this lane are fields, �nd on the other side is a council tip, 2nd beyond t�t a golf course. The l�ne itself is only wide enough to �llow two cars to pass, it is unillumin�ted by street lamps, and hedges border it. �hey had been sat in Robert's Morris Oxford estate car for 5 minutes, when a metallic blue, Ford Capri Mk II, overtook their car and carried on down the lane. The sun was setting at this time. Ten or fithteen minutes after the Capri had passed them it became completely dark, but the sky remained clear, and the weather was mild.

At appoximately 9.00prn, Sally heard a 'crackling' sound, similar to that made by a person walking on autumn leaves. Looking out of the rear window of the car, Sally saw a bright orange light which was a few hundred yards away at the begining of the lane. Robert, who didn't hear the 'cr::tckling' sound, looked up at the rear view mirror when S�lly told him about the light, but he at first thought that it was a. vehicle with continental headlights, (yellow headlights Eel). But there's no headlights that shine in a half moon shape or dome sh::!pe he told me (2).

Silhouetted in the front of the bright dome shaped orange light, which grew larger as it came nearer at a. f�st rate, was a. large broad figure with a. white haze surrounding it's outline.

Sally said that at first no arms were visible, and consequently, she thought that it was wearing a cape, but not long afterwards

Copy of sketch by Sally Jensen of figure and domed light seen in the Worrall district of Sheffield 1977.

it's arms were distinguis� ble. An effect enhanced or created (3) by the surrounding white haze, made it eppear that the figure had fizzy �ir and furry boots. This mysterious entity was approximately ten to eleven feet tall, and was almost (4) in the centre of the base of the semi­circular light.

Robert estimates that the light which extended �cross the road overlapping slightly onto the hedges, projected to a height of about 50 feet. A curious feature of this light was that it did not illuminate the road or the surrounding countryside. At this juncture in the proceedings, something made Robert switch on the car's Pye radio, and to his dismay, discovered that all he could receive was a persistant 'crackle'. S::tlly said t�t "it was terrible, and we knew the radio worked before we got there". Switching the radio off, Robert looked behind him and saw that the light P.nd figure were still approaching, and faced with this strange appa.ri tion, he drove off at the fastest speed poss:ible.

"l fter finding that the wireless wasn 1 t working, I switched the ignition on and we set off. I was doing about 65 to 70 m.p.h. �nd it was still catching us up" said Robert. Sally claimed that she didn 1 t hear any more from the strange phenomenon after they drove off, which was not surprising when we consider that the car's engine was producing a lot of noise due to its speed. As they drove along, they pa,ssed the Fbrd Capri which had parked about 50 yards further down the lane. Thet were going to signal to the occupants of this car, but by this time they were going at a considerable speed, and they thought they'd find out soon enough. Robert said, "it seemed to be getting closer and closer all the time, and I said at the time, 'I can 1 t lose it' " Sally watched it through


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16 a driving mirror which wa s fitted to the left han d passenger side of their car , and by in termit tingly turning round to wa tc h it through the rear window, Robert sa w less o f the phenomenon , a lthough , a s he sa id , "I didn ' t do much conc en t ra tion on the ro?.d , I kept peering through the driving mirror". All the tim e the base of the semi-circle of light followed the con tours of the sec tion of the ro?.d a s it travelled along. I t hugged the roa d even though there �re several humps and dips in the roa d. Strangest o f a ll , the figure appepred to be ' wa lking' a ll the tim e , even when it wa s pacing them at a speed of 65 to 70 m.p.h.

As they approached the end of the lan e , they could see car headlights behind them , a s if the Ford Capri had just st�rted to follow them ,(4 ). At the end o f t h e lan e Robert turn ed right a n d then , deciding t o turn roun d , he stopped sharply and reveresed his ca r back in to Myer ' s lane. " We looked up the lane again and there just wa sn't anything there , it was just pitc h black. Both the car hea dlights and the bright orange light had dissappepred fro� view' said Sally, and that wa s the end of their sighting.

Both o f them were frighten ed and shaking from their experience . A lthough frightened , Robert was curious a bout what they had seen , and he would ha ve liked to have driven back up the lan e to see if he could find something that might o ffer a s imple explanation for their strange sighting. However , Sa ll� wa sn ' t sold on that idea , and so they return ed hom e. When initially seeing the light and figure , Robert jokingly sa id that it wa s a fa rmer walking down the lane , but that explana tion soon eva po rated on further observa tion . They tried thinking of suitable explanations to accoun t for the various a spec ts o f t h e encoun t er , even considering t h e po ssibility that m et?l in t h e nearby counc il tip might have caused the sta tic on their radio.

Not finding an y explana tion that sa tisfied them , " we went to report it to our loca l newsppper , but they said that they c ould not print it because people would writ e and tell them they had seen a ll sorts of things. Although the man we spoke to at the newspaper believed our story" , wrote Sa lly. (5)







UFO-LINE PHONE 0898 881 907

Eq�lly sc eptic pl reac tions were rec eived from some of their frien ds, and one friend' s father asked if they o wned a Toyo ta. ('-)

For a while aft er the observa tion , Sa lly could close her eyes and see clearly in her minds eye the figure and light. The morning a fterwards she wa s still shocked by the encoun t e r , and,

" I c ouldn ' t speak to anybody , I was that frightened " , she told m e. Robert had read one or t wo books on UFOs before their sighting , and sinc e then , both witnesses have se en a couple of T.V. docum entaries on the subj ec t , and seen C lose Encoun ters of the Third Kind film. Other than consulting a few books on the subj ect of UFOs , they have no undue or obsessive int erest in UFOs , para­normal subj ec t s , or sc ienc e fic tion . Indeed, both witnesses struck me a s being honest friendly people who wan ted t o report what they ha d seen. (7) Considering t heir sighting , they could only conclude that what they had seen wa s puzzling and strange , and they had no sa tisfactory e xplana tion to a c count for it . Robert said , " I just think it could have been a pro j ec t ion from something" • A sta temen t reminisc ent of Carl Jung' s , when having dreampt o f UFOs , he a wok e with a thought that; ' we a lways think that t h e UFOs are pro­j ections of ours, (8) Now it turns out that we are their pro j ec t ions" . I am pro j ected by the magic lantern as C .G . Jung. But who manipula tes the a pparatus

ENIGt-lA S FEB-MA. RC H I992 .




(I) Witnesses real nam es a re on file. Their ages a t the time of the sighting were , 19 years old , and 16 yeprs old respec tively. (2 ) In terview with Robert and Sa lly took pla c e on November 28th 19 78. (3) When drawing a sketc h o f the figure , Robert a dded hands , not because he actually sa w an y , but because that's where you'd expec t them to be , he told me. (4) Sa lly felt that the figure wa s slightly off c en tre. (5) Lett er written to the Daily Express newspaper ea rly in I 9 78 as a result of their publicity a bout the CE 3 film. (6) A referenc e to the Toya ta T.V. commercia l , which showed a Toyota ca r and it's occupan t s being kidnapped b y a UFO. (7) Sally is an ?ppren tic e hair dresser , and Robert is a pan el beater in the motor tra de. (8) A referenc e to his idea that UFOs are pro j ec t ions o f the 'collec tive unconscious' due to psychic unba lanc e. (9) Jung , Ca rl G. ' Memories , Dreams, Re flec tions' , Routledge & Kegan Paul , London I962 , page 2 98.

(c) N igel Wa tson .

UFOs And The 4th Dimension. BY Audrey Hunter.

(Editor's note. I now present �n a rtic le �itten by one of our readers, and, UFO witness , who has herself had quite? few psychic experienc es. Here she writes on her fee lings regarding UFOs and the Fourth Dimension).

Man is a lways seprching for life on o ther plan ets. The

}mericans pnd Russians have spent millions on sending spac e

probes and man piloted spac e shuttles into spac e , and so far

have found nothing of note , 'or so they in form us the media ' ? I t is my sinc ere belief th?.t other pl?.nets , or worlds , do

exist parallel to our own planet E?rth , in another dimen sion

a.nd time sp .. n , 'or Fourth Dimension ' , which ha s the power to

a pp ear and manifest its s elf at will to c ertain people who it

can use as a c hannel.

The C hristian faith which most o f our culture is ba sed on

relies on the teaching o f the Bible. This Holy Book tells us

Beings from the Fourth Dimension ?

o f a wonde rful invisible world, or , planet ? ca lled Heaven , and a lso of other


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18 Heavens or planets . I t m entions Cherubs/A ng el s and

the supermind of God , or being of l ight , whom no human

has s een . The Bibl e m ention!!! a Virgin birt h , and a

s ta r which moved in the sky , The star of Bethl ehem ;

space ship o r U FO ? I t s ta t es how God ' s son J esus dis­

app ered in a cloud a ft er cruc ifixtion , and a ppearing to

his discipl es in spirit form , and no body was ever found .

'i/a s the son o f God transported into a s pa c e s hip ? ba ck to the invi s ibl e

worl d of the Fourth Dimension , or Heaven ? Maybe this invisibl e worl d is a

planet with a ra c e o f ' superminds ' who by pro c ess of evolution over thousands

of y ea rl!l have crea ted and developed over our plan e t , a magnetic fi el d to

enabl e them to visit us and come into our tim e span and dimension , and fl ip

back a t wil l . Tho s e ' superminds ' to m e , have evolved into spirit forms , but

have the power to a ppear to us as humans a t c ertain times , in condi tions which

are suitabl e . Perha ps they popula ted this planet by genetic engin eering a t

som e point o f t im e . They may b e our future , and by the proc ess o f evolution

we will be l ik e them . I t hink they make contact with us by tel e pa t hic means .

The Bibl e t el l s of a new world to com e , and a new J erusal em rul ed by the son

of God , a Holy S piri t of perpetual l ight , an energy forc e of suc h proportions

tha t the new c i ty o f J erusal em and new worl d , wil l need no moon or sun to l i ght

i t , and everyon e wil l liv e in t ha t l i ght forever in spi rit form . Perhaps by

proc ess of t echnol ogy and evolution , and God given supermind devel opm en t , we

wil l triumph over dea th , and be al ive in a spiritual condition o f imorta l i ty .

Somehow i t m?.y com e t o be , that the son o f the ' supermind ' o f God , wil l com e

b�ck t o planet Ea r t h from t h e Fourth Dimens ion and t h e invisibl e plan et Heaven

som e tim e in our futur e . This could b e poss ibl e becaus e o f very a dvanc ed

t ec hnology travel l ing in som e kind of spa c e s hip made of magnetic energy and

l ight .

I don ' t t hink a l l the planets in the Fourth Dimension and their peopl e are so

advanc ed , som e may not have reac hed tha t s ta t e or s tage of spirit form , but

may b e muta tions tha t we on Earth s e e suc h forms with large black ey es , long

arms , and fla t nos e s . Som e may b e l ik e the C herubs o r angel s i n the Bibl e .

I a m o f t he opinion t ha t man will ha v e t o break through the Fourth Dim ension

to reac h t he s e o ther worlds and their l i fe forms , as they had to do to reac h us .

( Ed i to r ' s note . Wel l readers , wha t a re your views on UFOs , ghosts , psychic phenom ena ? Wri t e to ENIGMA S and l e t us know .



1 :$:99�trr�JiJ:i��:�§�lff§lj:tjP.:�t?:;�;ltm���iJl¥.9J\�tmrgJp�j�'§ts.l U9 LANGTON VIEW EAST CALDER WEST LOTHIAN SCOTLAND EHS3 ORE


( Editor ' s note . The fol lowing are fairly rec ent U FO reports from our s i s t er group , S .R .U . F . U . Thes e cas es are currently b eing Inves tiga ted . )

SRUFO cont inued to rec eive cal l s from a number o f witn e s s es in Lothian Region . In a ddit ion , I have twic e been on � dio Fourth , and onc e on M:l x A m . The Sunday f1a il did a small articl e , which al thoug h punc hy , was disa ppoin t ing in its con t ent , whi c h wa s , (surprise surpris e ) , no t accura t ely quoted . For exampl e , the articl e referred to a Stirl ing ma n having s een a UFO when it s hould ha ve read L ivings ton man . The reporter made som e comm en ts a bout not wan ting the � rtic l e to a ppea r parochial , i e , only about Wes t Lothian. 1 s tress ed t ha t unfortuna t ely for him , Wes t Lothian wa s where i t wa s a l l ha ppen ing , and I was not prepared to l i e jus t to sell his paper. Sadly he p;:o id no a t t ention and dec ided to quo t e other old s ighting loca tions jus t to hi t the wider audienc e suc h is l i fe .

C � S E ONE .

On Wedn esday 2 0th November , a number o f C ivil S ervants working for the Dept o f � gricul ture and Fis heries in a wes t Edinburgh o ffic e block , witnessed a t 1 5 . 50 hours , a number of smal l obj ec ts making fas t and e rra ti c movemen ts a bove · �. rthur ' s Sea t which is a. la rge Volcanic Hil l som e two mil es to the east of the C i ty C en tre , and about six mil es l ine o f s ight from the 4 th floor o f the o ffic e . The obj ec ts put up qui te a display , and everyon e i n the offi c e s topped work to wa tch the show . A t around 16 . 10 hrs , an Edinburgh bound a ircra ft , thought to be the Shuttl e 7 57 , came into view. A s the a ircra ft ::� pproac hed the vic in i ty o f the sma l l obj ec ts , they a l l sc� tt ered upwards a t grea t speed and did not return . S RUFO ' s Vinc ent Johnson and Ken Higgins a re fol l owing up the ca s e . The Governm ent o ffic e s tA ff cal l ed ra dio fourth, � ir Tr� ffic Con trol , and the Edinburgh Evening News , and Scotsma n News papers . A l l three pa s s ed on detp. il s t o SRUFO , (we p ppe;:o r t o be working wel l together) . Ind ividUa l witn ess testi­mon i es s houl d be with us soon .


06 . 35 on Thursday 2 1 s t of November , a g entl ema n on his way to work by s ingl e decker bus , wa s only one minute from Livings ton bus s tA tion when he looked upwa rds out of the bus window , (l eft hand s ide l ooking south ) , He was s hocked to s ee a l::�.rge " Flying Sauc er" hovering above a n ew branch of the Bank O f Scotland , ( N e w }. lmondva l e ca r pa rk Br;:tnch) . The obj ec t is d escribed as being very big , grey is h aluminium colour , and i t ' s bas e W::! S c ircul a r , with many sma l l sunken whi te l ights undern ea th . The obj ec t when fi rs t s e en , wa s hovering i t s ta y ed in the sam e s pot for a bout 10 or 12 s ec onds , then s hot upwards a t. p n incredibl e s peed. The gentl eman witness works ;:o t the n e? rby S t John ' s


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Ho s p i t� l . H e swea rs tha t he i s not a ' b el i ever ' i n U FO s , o r p ny o ther rela ted ma t ter , But , he c l ?. ims th? t ::- " Fly ing S8 uc e r" i s e X<> c t ly wha t he sa w . The Gentl ema n wil l s oon be in te rv i ewed by A l i s ta i r Kerr , a n d prom i s e s to provi d e a dra win g o f t h e o b j ec t . The s e two c a s e s are ty pica l o f the inc idents b e ing reported to S RUFO on a fa i rly regul� r ba s i s , thus c on fi rm in g our b e l i e f tha t we �re curren tly undergoing a ' wp v e ' o f UFO ac t i v i ty . Whi c h s tp r t ed a round Ep rly A ugus t 199I and c on t inues .


A t the ripe o l d � g e of 36 and with p round 22 y ea rs of g enuin e UFO in teres t b e hind me , I rec en tly a s k ed my s e l f t h e ques t ion , wha t is i t t ha t c ont inues to ca pture my in t e res t in the UFO sub j ec t , and why do I bo ther to k e ep an in t e re s t w i t h i t now , when the va s t m;:�. j o r i ty o f t h e c oun try ' s po pula tion l a ugh a t the sub j ec t and tho s e involve d w i t h it ? I n ever did read s c i enc e fic t ion c om i c s a n d whil s t I ha d m y fa i r s ha re o f Spp c e Fam i l y Hob inson , (no c onnect ion !!;d ) and S tp r 'l'r ek epi s odes , 1 n ever s hed c ro c od i l e t ea rs i f I m is s ed a programm e . A f tera l l , I ha d many o t her in teres ts a s w e a l l do . I d i d s e e a s t ra nge moving l i ght a t the age o f I4 , and yes , it wa s thi s inc id en t t� t s ta rted m e off . I a l s o saw my s ec ond un expl a ined ob j ec t a few w e eks ago , whi c h d e s p i t e being qui te spec ta c ula r and s e en by ot hers , did n o t s e e me doing s om e rsa ul ts w i t h ex­c i t em en t . Perhaps the r ea s on for this is d e ep down per ha pe I 1 m think ing , is all this wo rthwhi l e ? Who 1 s bo thered anyway ? and wha t good is al l thi s s tudy and res ea rc h and Inves tiga t ion doing ? Mo s t of us work for � l i ving , we a l l have fam i ly and ma ny o t her commi tem ents and interes ts tha t at t im es suffer through our ' U FO a d i c tion ' , so where is a l l this l ea d ing us ?

I f w i tne s s e s c on ta c t a UFO group fol l owing a s i ght­ing of an un expl a in ed obj ec t or l ights in the sky we a r e in te res t ed , we try to vis i t them , w e l i s t en in t ently , we tak e notes , we check ma ps , and fil l out Inves t iga t ion reports . Som e t im e s we phone

K en Higg in s , Ma l c olm Rob in s on , Budd Hopkins & Ron Ha l l iday, (som e team) .

o f fi c ia l bo d i e s l i ke the po l ic e to c heck out s t o ri e s , we c heck w i t h A ir Tra ffic con t rol , and ' s om etim e s ' we ga in c o-ope ra t i on. Occa s i ona l l y the m edia hea r about the repo r t ed inc i dents , a nd they put out d e ta i l s on pre s s or on ra di o . But where i s a l l thi s l eading u s ? and wha t go o d a r e w e doing ? WBA T IMPp C.T A. RE WE BA VING ? ' i s p nyone in a ut hori ty r ea l ly in t eres t e d in wm t we are up to , o r , are we our own wor s t en em i e s ?

Perhaps i t is time to l ook inwa rd s to oursel ves , to our ima g e and importanc e in the c ommun i ty , and wi t h o ffic ia l bod i e s who perha ps wri t e us o ff a s frea ks , whether U FO , S c i - fi , psyc hic , or jus t pla in s ic . Y ES i t hurts , but Jo publ ic and most o ffic ia l bod i es jus t s imply don ' t give us a c r edibil i ty ra t ing of more than 0. So what has caus ed thi s s i t ua t i on whi c h is not predom in ent in o t her European Coun t ri es . Na tion s l ik e Fra n c e and B el gium and the S ca n din!'l vian Coun tri es where o ffic i? l U FO bodi es a re trea ted w i t h a l i t t l e more res p e c t a nd even gain Gov e rnm en t coope ra t i on .

A. rec ent conversa ti on with one of the U . K . s top Governm en t U FO C o o rdina tors ga ve me a few hin ts a t why we do not ga in c oopora t i on . Ea rring the officiP. l s ec r e t s a c t whi c h i s a no go a rea , a n d t h i s c l o s e s the door when w e pry too d e ep .



We , the UFC Fra t e rn i ty , do not ? pp ea r to b ehave too pro fess iona l y when dea l ing wi th o ffic ia l bodi es . Thi s probl em s ta rts with peopl e l i k e l o cal pol ic em en A i r Tra ffic Con tro l l ers , and esca l a t es a l l the way up to MOD and to Whi tehal l . During a rec en t d i s c uss ion with s everal Whi t e ha l l Depa rtm en ts , I wa s even tua l l y trans ferred to the U FO group Coordina to r for the U .K . A very pl ea sa n t cha p with a busy j o b , but , d e s p i t e thi s , h e took time t o a t l ea s t provi de m e w i t h wha t in forma t i on he c oul d , and h e wa s a l i t tl e g o h smaked when I t ha nk ed him for hi s hel p . It s e em s thes e peopl e have b e en only us ed to insul ts and accusa tions of " Wha t el s e a r e you guys c overing up" , !'l n d , " is thi s ::!11 tb::! t you a re prepa r e d to g i v e m e" , and , " Wha t a l oad o f . � • • • • t • . • * Rub b i s h" , l'l nd s im i lP. r c omm en ts .

Jus t in c a s e you think I ' ve b e en A bduc t ed , s o rry , I m ean cp rri e di a wa y , l e t m e reas sure you t ha t this conversa tion a c tual ly took pla c e , and y es I ha ve re­c e ived some in forma t ion whi c h wil l be trea ted con fi den tia l l y and wi th res pec t b ecaus e tha t ' s the nam e o f the game n o w . I f we wa n t to go fo rwa rd w i t h UFO­LOGY in t he U . K . t hen w e n e e d to c ha n g e our s tyl e and ima g e . I don ' t m ea n des i gner suits a n d t h e l ik e , I mean jus t s impl e thin gs l ik e g e t ting c l o s e r t o offic ia l bodi e s , a nd i f i t m eans s ta rting o f f with t h e l oca l po l i aeman , then tha t ' s the way we s houl d go .

We s e em to spend so muc h t im e doing in hous e fighting and firing ro c k e t s a t fel low U FOl ogi s t s , a n d l e s s time o n how w e might turn in t e rna l c omp e t i tion into external c oo pera t ion . I p m n o t an exp e rt , ind eed , I woul d c l?. s s my s el f as a novi c e in U FO l o gy , but I am al so c on c e rn ed a t the en e rgy we wa s te on unproduc tive s qup bl in g . The wa y a hea d m ea n s more c o o pe ra t ion , pro fess iona l i sm and co urt esy from gra s s roo t s s tuff , upwa rds . Do you p g r e e ?



Y es I fo r on e K en woul d m i rror your v i ews on U FOlo gy a t t he m omen t , but having sa id t ha t , I ' m sure t ha t it i s jus t a m inori ty of U FO l og i s ts who squa bbl e in the way you m en t ion ed to Governmen t bod i es . Courtesy surely is the way , w i t h

· a pl easa�t del ivery t o o f fic ial bod i e s from ours elves i n s e ek ing t h e i r a s s i s t ­enc e . Being ' pushy and c he eky ' wi l l do us no good . B e in g pro fe s s i onal a bout our bus in e s s is wha t i t ' s all a bout . So l e t ' s hope Inv e s t i ga to rs North and South of the border ta k e n o te . U FO l ogy. is s e ri ous , l e t ' s a c t s e rious .

�ews D e s k E x t rct . • DON.' T FRET ? Owing to the extra c ov e ra g e in t hi s i s sue ra l a ting to the erec t ion o f t he ca i rn and pla que to comm emora te the L i v inga t on UFO Inc i dent � we have un fortuna t ely had to e xc l ud e o ur ' l e t t ers to the Ed i t o r ' pnd ' Fir e s i d e Ta l e s fea ture , b u t don ' t fre t , thes e w i l l re turn i n o u r n ext i s s u e . Ill VlRGIN. MA. RY PHOTOGRA PH . We a r e s ti l l no further forward , as y et , in our eva l ut i on o f the V i rgin Ma :ry photogra p h , ( s e e la s t i s s ue ) , we s t i l ] a wa i t answers , more when we have them .


ENIGWl. S FEB-M\ RC H I 9 92 .

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22 U F O I N H E N C I D A

B Y M R L A Z S LO N E T W O R K .

K I S S , H U N G A R I A N U F O

Some very strange events took place On Friday , 1 7th November 1989 , i n Hencida , a sma l l v i l lage in Eastern Hungar y . In the even i n g Sander Gyorke , a 45 year old tractor driver , was working on soin cultivation . At about 6 .30 pm he arrived at the f ields where he was to work when he noticed a 'fire ' burn ing between the forest of the farmers cooperative and forestry , a half km from him , at the corner of M ik losi-erdo.

H.: s.:t tt.: controls of his tractor and began his work as usu:�. l , still watchi!lg the f i re . This took approximately a quarter of an hour after wh ich the fire was sti l l burn ing although there was a n absence of smoke. He took l ittle further notice of this and began to work i n the field again. A fter his f irst trip around the f ield be observed a red l i gh t wh ich descended and encircled h is tractor . This l ight could be seen to come only half way up the tractor from ground level . This strange l ight extended some 6 0 meteres ·from the tractor. All the instruments of the tractor worked fine. He stopped the engine and cou l d not bear any other noise. So, he stepped out of the tractor and walked around it. He could see nothing apart from t h i s red l ight. Upon enteri n g the l ight be skin began to cra w l and upon l eaving the l ight this sensation left also.

He rema ined near the tractor for some 4-5 m inutes before returning to the tractors driv ing compartment . It was at this point that he suddenly had a feel ing that something terrible had happened . He became extremely frightened and didn 't know what to do, He became even more frightened when �he l ight began to move up-and-down . After a few moments of this he dec ided tha" be had bad enough and restarted the tractors engine. Moving away he noticed that the l ight remained above and after rega i n i n g his composure he continued w ith his work in the f ield .

Mr Gyorke made four or f i ve trips around the f i eld w ith the light in constant attent ion . It seemed that he cou ld not shake of this l ight and be actua l l y feared for h i s l i f e . After cons ider ing t h e s ituation he dec ided to look f o r two of his colleagues who should have been work ing nearby . He drove the tractor to a nearby river after wh ich he l ost sight of the strange l ight .

A few m inutes later he noticed that the tractors coo l ing system was over heating . He checked the cooling system byt could f ind ne reason f or the over heati n g . He had never had any trouble l ike this prev ious ly and cou ld not understand it. Dri v ing back a long the ri verside be noticed the l ight aga i n and an object wh ich appeared to be e ither on the ground or hov.:r ing just Z� bove i t . T h i s strange object was descr ibed a s look i n g l i ll e it was in two parts . The lower part was a symetrica l vertical cy l inder while the upper part was a vert ical cy l i nder w ith 'pins ' com ing out of it at right ang les . These pins em itted red and wh ite light.

Mr Gyorke observed this object for some 1 5 m inutes . He felt safe as the r iver was between him and the object. The object remained stationary and Mr Gyorke continued w ith his wor k . He made another three trips around the f ield , again followed by the strange light. T h i s time be could see that the l ight was com ing from the object he had seen ear l ier on the ground. The object was f inally lost from s ight a t around 1 0 .00 pm . M r Gyorke con tinued work ing until 6 .0 0 a m the following morn ing . That morni n g a colleague noticed tb&t the tractor was covered in a kind of black soot w h ich was later washed off . Two days later a

ENIG!I\A S FEB-M\ RC H 1992 .

3 visit to the site produced a round dry area... in the field where the object had been observed on the ground . Neither the w itness nor the tractor suffered any ill ef fects nor was the object identif ied .

On the same even ing , Sander Harang i and Zsigmond Gyori were ploughed the fields near Hencida . They had been a t work for some b ourse when Mr Harangi observed a triangle of red light in the western sky . The object looked almost like a 'christmas tree ' and was in v i ew for a couple of m inutes before it disappeared . They continued about the ir work but after about 5 m inutes the object reappeared . Again they watched it for a few m i nutes before it d i saapeared aga i n . They saw the object again at about 1 1 . 0 0 pm that night, but on ly for about 10 seconds. Another man by the name of Sander Szabo qui te independently reported seeing a _red 'christ!!!!!.S tree ' shaped object the same eveni n g .

Sander Rosza a n d his family were driving from Hencida to Nagykerereki at 8 .00 pm . On the way they observed a red ell ipse-shaped ' f i reba l l ' . This f irebZ� l l seemed t o approach they c a r before returning to i t s or ig inal position .Tbes.: sightings were w idely reportE?d in the l ocal newspapers . Explanat ions for them ranged from weather ba lloons to astronom ica l bod i es . Investigator of the case Mr Lazslo Kiss is confident that these explanations are incorrect and that the sightings remain un identified .Many thanks to Mr Laszlo K iss of the Hungarian UFO Network for the above report. Mr Kiss can be contacted at : HUFOH , 4 0 02 Debrecen Pf: 1 6 0 , Hungary .

{c:) LA zlo Kiss . Re-typed for ENIGl'\\ S by Phil ip Ma ntl e, o f the I . U .N .

CREATURES OF BO B T A Y L O R y e s t e r d a y

s h owed o f f h i s d r a w i n g o f a spacecraft.

And told of the strange creatures he encou ntered.

I t h a p p e n e d , accord ing to Bob, on l one ly Deer H i l l , West Lothian .

N O I S E T h e 6 1 - y e a r - o l d

forestrr worker spoke of a l 1 e n aggression a ft e r h e spotted t h e era !\ a n d crt!atures in 11 clearing in the woods.

B o b , o f 4 Broomie knowe Drive, Deans, Livingston, said: " The cral\ was round, a b o u t 20 to 30 fee t across.

" It was a dull grey, but seemed to change colours.

" Two ro u n d t h i ngs l ike balls, with met11l


By JIM OAV/5 legs st icking out, rolled towards me and tried to lake me into the cral\.

" There was no noise except for the sound of the two balls rolling.

Bob said there was an

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e��: J us t b e fore he lost c o n s c i o u s n e s s , h e heard his dog barking.

When he came to he fo u n d h i s trousers

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D ru m m o n d , h e a d o f

�i;��gstc�r p�;a


ia%�s�f(r ���;��m

=�� had told me the story, I would have laughed.

"But not Mr Taylor. He i s a n a d u l t , s e n s i b l e man, whom I respect."

s:;l.o i.�C.:e s p


r�e s�M investigating.

"This man definitely saw something."

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EN IG� S F'EB-fi'A RCH 1992 .


Cairn Mark s The SPot . BY Ron Ha l l iday_!_


The decision by Livingston Development Corporation , (LDC ) to erect a cairm � Dechmont wood , ma rks the succes ful culmination o f a three y ea r ca.m:p:dgn by SPI

to Bob 'Jhylor' s remarka bl e 197 9 sighting pu.lillicably ma rked . It was b:l, ck

in ]988 tha t the SPI committ ee of Malcolm Robinson , Fr.ank McKa y , and Ron

Jh llida y , a greed to p ro po s e th:l.t a plaque shoul d be erect ed a t the site o f

Scotland ' s most famous UFO Incidemt.

It wa s on November the 9th 1979 , that forestry worker Rob ert � ylor cam e upon

a translucent s pa c e s hip like obj ect in a cl ea ring i� Dechmont Wood . Two

round s pikey obj ects cam e towa rds him and Bob pa s s ed out. When he came to , his

trous ers were ripped , and the obj ects had disa ppea red. Depres sions were la ter

found in the ground where the obj ects ha d been s e en. Tha t is a very brief

summing up o f a very complicated incident. It wa s a n encounter which

Interna tional hea dlin es , and ha s ever since intrigued , not only d edicated UFO Investigators , ( our own l-13-lcolm Robinson wa s on e o f the first on the s

'cen e ) ,

but the gen eral public too .

Following an o fficial a pproach from SPI to the LDC , SPI were pl ea santly surpr­

is ed when the LDC through their public relations ma n , Dean Swift , responded

positivi l y . A pla que was promis ed , it was even hinted ttat SPI woul d be con­

sulted a bout the s ha p e of the plaque and any wording printed on . it. It wa s

d e fin etly s ta ted t ha t we woul d be invited to the o p ening ceremony . Un fortuna tely

not on e of thes e promises cam e to fruition. Bob � ylor ' s nam e for exampl e ,

does not a pp ea r on the pla que , in spite o f our protests , publica l y ma de in the

press . The pla que in fact , con ta ins a re ference to A rthur C C la rke. With a l l

d u e respect to t h e great ma.n , he i s N O T the key person in t h e event. A mention

of Bob �ylo r ' s na m e would ha v e been wholly a ppropria t e , ( s ee Edito ria l for

e xa ct wording , Ed ) . However , the s e circums tances a pa rt , I stil l feel that the

LDC des erve our congra tulations for b eing prepa red to publica l y acknowl edge

the significance of this 1979 event. I� is a first , and des pite the curios

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s ecrecy in which i t wa s ca rri ed out , ::iPI w ere only in formed 'a fter the event 1

the erection o f the ca irn is to be welcomed . A s the L:OC ms dec ided not to

m ve a ceromony , SPI will be go ing a hea d with i ts own . Bob 'laylor ms been

consul ted , and hope ful ly he will be a bl e to make the journ ey from his home to

a t tend . We a t SPI very muc h hope t m t he will do s o . A defin i t e da t e during

the s pring is under cons ide ra tion . The wea ther s i tua tion makes the spring

option more l ikely .

A rragements for the unique event are b eing discus sed . Id ea s from other UFO

groups and individual s woul d be welcom ed . A ll in teres ted pa rt i es would be

in form ed in pl enty of time of the even ts planned for the c eremony . \t.'a tch

this spac e .

(Ed itor ' s Comment )

t s Ron points out in his articl e , SPI in tend holding our own open ing ceremony in Dec hmon t Wood at the sit e of this encoun ter . We have our own idea s about wha t we would like to s ee happen at this c eremony , but we would a s k you , our read ers , to s end o ff to Ron , ( his address can be found on page 2 ) , your thoug ts on wm t YOU would like to s ee occur . A fter all , this ms never been done before , and an offic ia l c eremony is an important fea ture in repres enting UFOlogy .

So s end off to Ron , your vi ews on wha t r ou would l ik e to s ee ha ppen a t our open ing c eremony . Indeed l et rton know if you would care to a tt end . Be there or be squa re .


IUlr - I ND E P E ND E NT U F O NE T WO R K - U. K.

I A series o! U . K. CASBF I LB REPORTS , !ram t he I UI ARCH I VES .







15 R 'i DAL STllliilT , B U R!I L E Y , LA.1CASH I RE , BBl O l HS . U . K.

EN IGJV�- S F'EB-fv�. RCH 1992 .


J ings Not Long Now !

BY . INrflli!&®� ill®ThlfiiD&i®ID

Readers are no doubt well aware of the vis ions of the Virgin Mary which have

occured at many plac es all over the world , but it was in Fa. tima in Portugal in

19I7 tha t much publ ic ity a rose whic h conc erened vis ions of the Virgin Ma ry to

three young girls in which verba l communica tion was all eg edly spoken to them

conc erning future events .

Much has been written and s poken about thes e three future prophesys , in which

two have already came tru e . The firs t being tha t , two of the children spoken

to by the Virgin Mary , would soon die , and in fac t they bo th did within the

year . The second prophecy conc erened the end of World Wa r One , and the start

o f World War Two , and also the convers ion of the US SR publ ic , (now C .I .S . )

into C hristiani ty , in which I wa s surpris ed to s ee on T .V . recently , Churc h

Minis ters in the C .1 .S . adminis tering Ea ptisim in publ ic ba ths to va rious in­

dividuals , from young c hil dren to elderly peopl e , (looks l ik e this one is

coming true a s wel l ?) The C .I .S . is currently awash , ( excus e the pun ) with

ba ptis im c eremonies .

The third prophesy wa s deem ed too horrendous to reveal , and in I943 the Va tican

orde red the third child , Luc ia , to put this predic tion on paper , and swea r

that she would never reveal its content to anyon e . A journa l i st from I taly ,

a cha p ca l l ed l'lario Soluri , who it ' s cla imed " knows a lot of peopl e" , ( he

dosn ' t know me ? ) som ehow managed to obta in this thi rd and final prophesy , how ,

NEW DIMENSIONS The monthly maF>e explaining uoteric law PrOQt.mtne your f� succ.u.a with Fr� O..tdon.

HermetCs, OatMiah, tht Tarot. Astro'ogy, Ps�. Mcu:Jhys.cs etc. Utest book 1nd

New Age Muse tl:>tl teviews. The latest Matutt in ,,ading.

top UK ,.,........, £1 .301 and tr.. glh

Dept. RT 1 Austin Close, lrchester Northants N N 9 7 AX, England

the report does not say . A nyway here ' s the big bit ,

It looks l ike next y ea r 1993, is go ing to be one

hellava bad y ea r for us all , (a s if the poll tax

wasn ' t bad enough ? ) My sourc e reads , • • • "a grea t

plague will b e fall mankind in 1 993, nowhere in the

world wil l there be order , and Sa tan will rul e the

highes t pla c es determining the way of things .

A huge w-a r wil l erupt , fire and smoke will fal l down from the sky , the wa t ers

o f the oc ean will turn to mis t , and the foam wil l rise to trem endous heights

EN1Gr1A S F.b:B-MA RCH 1992 .

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and everyone wil l drown . Mill ions and mil lions o f men w i l l die from hour t o

hour , whoever rema ins a l ive will envy the dead . S o remember folks , n o ma tter

where you book your summer hol iday for 1993 , it won ' t be much fun . For me ,

w el l I ' l l j us t put on a Ka. t e :Bush C .D . and administer some whisky and l �monade and hope l ike all other A. rma.geddon prophesys , this one dosn ' t com e true.

(C redit & Sourc e , The Weekly World News June 1991 . The Skeptic Nov/Dec 1991 . )

Muchal ls U FO Hot SPot � I

BY Tom A l ien . (Editor ' s Commen t . A s :Brian McMull ern gui tarist with the CE IV UFU/Rock group would say , " wha t the hel l is mppening here" ? This aptly. a pplys to UFO sightings which a re occuring near the Scottish village of Muc ha l l s in North Fa s t Sco tland , (nea r A berdeen) , I now present a qui te interes ting account of U FO l ights/obj ec ts s een by a chap who has wi tnes s ed them in this loca �io� over the years , (and captur.ed them on video) . See wha t you make of this . )

I mus t tell you o f wha t happen ed la s t weekend , (31st Jan to 2nd Feb 1992 ) . I

wa s in Muc ha. l l s for the first time s inc e October , (The second video) . I did

no t rent a video camera beca use I wanted to conc entra te on the binocula rs and

get a good look . I a rrived a t the first pla c e , (the scene o f the firs t video) at around 6 . 45pm on Friday the 31s t . I had n o sooner got out of the ca r when a ' flying ma c hin e ' fl oa t ed pL S t . A s best a s I could make out , it looked l ike

the fol l owing , (see dra wing bel ow) . Red l ights were pul sa ting a t the back.

I fla s hed my headlights but there wa s no reply . It made no sound . A few

moments la t er , a pL S s enger j et J:S. SB ed no is ely in the other di rec tion . A few

moments la. ter a red l ight appeared and quickly ' extinguished ' . I then moved

to the s econd s ight , (The s econd video) ' Thes e videos are with SPI , Ed ' .

to get o ff the road . I went down a. fa. rm roa. d , it ha d s. s top sign s.nd markings . I pL rked in a siding

s.nd looked at a ' s tar ' in the sky from my ca r .

ENI� S FE:B-f"A RCH 1992 .

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I then got out of the ca r and hea rd a gun fire shot in my direc tion , then

another , then another. I quickly got back into the ca r . S tupidly , I did not

think tha t I was the ta rget . A bout 7 . 30pn , a car rol l ed up with four fema l e

( I think ? ) p:lSSengers . A ma n g o t u p out of the ca r and asked wha t I was doing.

I reply ed tha t I was " wa iting" . He sa id that. I was on priva t e property and

would tak e the regis tra tion number of my car , (which he did ) , I moved back

onto the public road a bit shaken .

I had moved only a bout a quarter of a mil e when ' three' obj ec ts a pprea red in

the sky . I s topped the ca r to get out and look a t them . TheYi were st.a tionary

in the sky , I did no t hear any sound a t all from tha t range . A driver in a

rang e rover then s topped to see if I had broken down . A s he s topped his car

the obj ec ts imm edia tely fl ew off , (they made very l i ttl e sound) . �he other

driver was una ware of wha t was ha ppening. I tol d him that my car was in s.

l ittl e troubl e but wa s alright now.

Fina lly (s.nd this is the cl incher) , I drove for ano ther three or four minutes

and then turned .the ca r around to get back . On my way back, I spotted s. red

l ight above a small hil l . I s topped the ca r and got out the binoculars .

s ight was ama zing .


'l'Wo red " cylinders" of red light , in :ra ra l l el s.nd

a t an angl e to the ground pulsa ted sl owly . This

wa s sol id light and not a few singl e l ights . :Below

thes e cyl inders was a whit e l ight . The whol e

s truc ture wa s a bout the height of the trees in al­

titud e . There was no sound that I could hear. I

am now lOO% c erta in tha t there is an intell igenc e

behind all o f this , and that this is NOT a na tural phenomenon .

i s perhaps , (da re I say it) , thousands of years a hea d of ours .

a lmost c erta inly a ' by produc t ' of the propul sion system .

This technology

The l ight is

I was thinking that maybe the ' red cyl inders ' was on i t ' s way out of the hill

itsel f ? Tha t is specula tion , everything else I am tel l ing you now is

fac tual . To s pecula t e further , I beli eve there to be only two other ma in

possibili ti es for the intell igenc e behind thes e " flying machin es" •

(a ) Visitors from s:rac e , or ' inn er SJ:S.C e ' ?

(b) Mankind itsel f ?

EN IGK\ S FEB-f'"A RC H 1992 •

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Fb r (b ) I woul d rul e out the M . O . D . (Min i s try Of De fenc e ) w e do n o t have the

t ec hnology , nor will we have it for g en e ra t ions to c om e . A s an engin eer , I

am a s tound ed wi t h t hi s t ec hnolo gy and s e e ing i t even from a d i s ta nc e , is an

hono ur . Not only t ha t , but they a pp ea r to be abl e to ' t ra c k ' human beings

from a dis tanc e and dis tingui s h them from o thers . They s e em to wa n t to displa y

t heir t ec hno l o gy from a d i s ta nc e to m e a t l ea d t , and probably a few ot hers in

t he a rea I gue s s . They do not w i s h to communica t e , a t l ea s t a t the mom en t .

They a r e o bv ious ly n o t ho s t il e .

I woul d guess t ha t t here i s n o n e ed t o c ommun i ca t e with us , s inc e t here is

nothing tha t ' t hey ' woul d l ea rn from us tha t they don ' t know a l r ea dy . There­

fo re , the only conc lusion I can com e to a t this s ta g e is t ha t , ' t hey a r e

humans from our future l ea rning a " l iving hi s tory11 , they ca nn o t in t erfere for

o bvious rea son s ' . The d i s play of there c ra ft is a form of t es t fo r us , a b i t

l ik e put t ing a dummy b i rd on a bird ta b l e . Fa i l ing thi s explana t i on ,'


havn ' t the fogg i es t .

( Ed i tor ' s Comm en t : )

Thes e s trange l i ghts in the Muc ha l l s a r ea , ha v e been witn e s s ed by Tom fo r som e y ea rs now . We ' ve l o oked a t hi s two vid eos , and t hes e l i ghts a re very pla in to

s e e . There ' s n o t hing unduly sp ec ta cula r a bout them , and n o d i s tinc t sol id s ha p e is s e en , just l i g hts . Coul d th es e be na tura l • EB. r t h L ights ' of the kin d t ha t Ia ul Dev e r ea x ta l ks and wri te s a bout ? Wel l who kn ows , I know on e thing I ' m going up there soon with fel low res ea rc hers , and hopeful ly , if l uck will have it , I might s ee thes e l i ghts mys el f , (and film them ) . So ho p e ful ly in

o ur n e xt issue I may ha v e som ething to t ell you . S tay tun ed .

News Des k E xt rc r . • HEA L ING HA NDS . I ris hman Finbarr Nolan ( 39) a res pec t ed fa i t h heal er , ha s s e t up fl c l inic i n Ed inburgh , ( t he A i ds ca p i tal o f Euro pe ) t o hel p a l l kinds o f a i l m en t s , but more importan tly , t hi s s ev en t h son o f a s eventh son , wants t o t ry h i s pow ers o n A ids v ic t ims . He sa i d , 11 I b e l i eve I can hel p peopl e w i t h A ids , I can ' t prom i s e a cur e , but I have c erta inly made su fferers l ives b e t t er' . Finba rr who ha s cured many peopl e over the y ea rs , added c e l ebri ty Bernard Manning to his im pres sive l i s t , a s he cured a colaps e d disc in t he n eck o f this controversial c om edian . Mr Mann ing s ta t ed , 11 he la i d hi s hands on t he ba c k of my n ec k and t hey were a l l ho t and trembl ing , it was l ik e a sun ray lamp , i t was a warm comfortabl e feel ing and l '. v e had no troubl e sinc e11 •

EN IGMA. S FEB-l'! RC H I992 .


Cropcircle Communigue (The Video).

R�ev_..:::...;ie�w..:........=e-=d--=-By Ron Hal l iday.

C ropc irc l e Commun ique is a video n ea rly an hour and a qua rter in l ength from • C IRCL EV I S ION ' , on , a s y ou m ight ha v e gues eed , Crop c i rc l es produc ed by Jo hn

l"a c n i s h . It is a visua l ly s tunn ing , but a l so informa tive and s t imula ting . Ma gn i fic en t s ho t s of do z ens o f d i fferen t c i rcl e s , a re in t ersperc e d with in ter­vi ews wi th l ea d ing figur es in the fiel d , ( e xcus e the pun ) , inc l ud ing , Col in

A ndrews , Dr Terrenc e M ea d en , Fa t Del ga do , Busty � y l o r , etc . Perha ps becaus e thi s is n o t a t ra d i ti ona l 'l' .V . produc tion , som e o f t ho s e in t ervi ewed give fre e re ign to t h e i r v iew o f the phenom enon . A cc o rd ing to Windga t e , we a re d e fin i tely d ea l ing wi th a s uperna ture i n t e l l igenc e , and , " c rop c i rcl e s a re a t an in terfa c e

between t h i s dimen s i on a n d o thers" •

A n A s trologer , (n o t the on e in Priva t e E;y e ) , s ta t es t ha t t here a re a l o t o f symbols tha t only A s t rol og ers woul d unders tand turn ing up i n c i rc l es . Why the mak ers of the c i rc l es s houl d l ea ve mes sa g es for A s tro l og ers rema ins un ex pla ined . On the other hand Bus ty 'laylor informs us , 11 We a re on an educa tion tri p" , and cla ims t ha t the c i rcl es form C el t ic symb o l s , i e , n:ankin d is gradua l ly being l ed a l ong a knowl edg e c urve to the final revela tion , an a rgumen t whi c h c l ea rly ms i t ' s plac e , but who ' s j us ti fica tion a wa its developm en t .

Terrenc e M ea d en ' s pla sma vortex theory , is given t h e onc e over and the probl em o f C him ing i t with m o re compl ex c ircl e ra t t erns is d i s cuss ed . " I t does not comply w i t h the la w of angula r momentum" wa s on e comm en t , whic h s truck m e ev:eeo if I d i dn ' t und e rs tand i t , phys i c s wa s n ever my s trong po in t .

The issue o f hoa xing i s squarely fa c ed up to , and Doug and U3. v e a re s hown in a c tion . I t is c l ea r tha t t he s el f s tyl ed experts CA N be hoa x e d , a l though the c irc l e provided by 11 doubl e D" did not l ook ra rti cula rly convinc ing . Pa t De l ga do mak e s s om e t el l in g c ri t i c i s im s on the video , I l ik e , " a l l down to a hoa x" theo ry . The c l o s ing J:a r t o f the video moves ba c k in to the my s t ical a r ena . A n A s tro l og e r r em inds us th:l t we a r e en t ering the ' N ew A g e ' , and we a re a l s o bui lding up to a powerful con j unc tio� in I993 , more crop c i rc l es a r e a s s um ed .

Moving d e eper in to t h e e s o t eric , t he filn ca l l s up the opinion of the Hopi Ind ians o f t he s igni ficanc e and m eaning o f the c i rc l es . The a n swer a pp ea rs to b e th3. t " Mo ther is in s erious t roubl e" (Mo t her Ea rt h th3.t is , Ed ) , Personal ly I don • � doub t i t , but I ' m n o t c onvinc ed I n eed the a pp ea ra n c e of c ro p c i rc l es to con fi rm i t .

I f I ha v e a c r i t i c i sm o f the video , i t is in t h e ma rvel i n whi c h mus ic is us ed TERRENC E MEA DEN • PHOTO BOB B\ RCIA Y •

to c rea t e an a l mos t r e l igious m es scanic ba ckdrop; c rop c i rc l es move ever c l o s er to m il l enia. l i sm . On e i s s u e whi c h goes to the hea rt of the crop c i rcl e

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phenomenon is the a ppa rent c onc ent ra t i on on the south- ea s t o f England . O f cours e there ma y b e a sci en t i fic answe r to thi s , but i f not , I wonder i f t ho s e who s e e t h e answer i n the mys ti ca l , ha v e pondered t h e impl ica tions . D o they b el i ev e t ha t there is som ething s pecia l a bout the a r ea ? Tha t the fields o f rura l England ha v e b e en s ingl e d out for a m essage o f worl d wide s i gn i fica n c e ? I f c rop c i rc l es say anything , i t is usua l ly c onn ec t ed with the current s ta t e o f the Engl i s h psyche .

CROPC I RCL E COMMUNIQUE Revi ewed by Ron & l l iday . C ROPCIRCLE COMMUNIQUE i s a va ila bl e pric e £I4 . 99 from ' CI RCLEVI S ION ' P .O . Box 36, Ludlo w , S hrops hire , England , SYS 3ZZ. C heques ma d e payabl e to C I RCLEVIS ION pl ea s e .

( Edi tor ' s not e . ) The fol l owing is a pa ra gra ph from the publ i c i ty fly e r whic h a ccompanies C ROPCIRCLE COMMUN IQUE, i t r ea ds , " • • • • • On e o f the UFO s equenc es i s the v i d e o s ho t b y Cons tanlin a n d Dom in i c Von-Durcheim a t a forma t ion a t Manton , Ma rl bo rough on 18th A ugus t I 99 I . Thi s s hows a s eries of sma l l obj ects each a bout the size o f a t enni s ba l l a pproa c hing the cam era over and a round t he edge of the c ro p forma tion . The obj ec ts s e em to move in a purpos e ful manner and a t on e poin t , one o f the obj ects l ea ves the surfa c e of the crop and fl i es into the a ir . A s y e t no on e ha s b e en a b l e to expla in this re� rka bl e foo � g e .

I t ' s in t eres ting to c ompare it w i t h a s im i la r o b j ec t recorded during the fl ight o f C oncord e back in the ea rly s even t i es . A ga. in a sma l l ba l l o f l i ght i s s e en which s e em s to fly a l ongs ide the a irc ra ft travel l ing a t a few hundred mil e s an hour , b e fore s ho o t ing up and a way • • • • • "

So for fol l owers of the c rop c i rc l e phenom ena , thi s video is a mus t . W e a t S PI s trongly recomm end i t .

News I Jesk E xt rc t . S EN D FO R THE GHOSTBUS TERS ? Thi s was the hep dl ine from Scotland ' s Sunday

M� il N ewspa pe r o f Februa ry 9 t h , in whic h it c l p ims , ' Gipnt sho p s i t e haun t ed by j inx ' . We l ea rn t ha t a mul t i m i l l ion pound s hopping compl ex has ?ad a � eries o f disa s ters , whi c h som e fe el , a r e a d irec t resul t of t h e compl e x b e1ng bu1l t over a c em e te ry . The s ho pping C en tre i s Fal k i rk ' s Cal l ender SqUp re Compl ex , and ha s s e en a number o f s etbacks i n whic h work ha s b e en s to pped over rows c oncerning ac c e s s through a l ocal beauty s po t and al s o the buil d ing company going bus t .

Glasgow psychi c Frank Pil kington was s en t in , and us ing h i s pendulum , dows ed the area and revea l ed that the s i t e ov er the graveyard , was buil t on a l ey l in e He went o n to say , " the l ey l in e wa s on e o f t h e mys terious l in es o f powerful magnetic forc e t ha t c ross the c oun try and whi c h psychi c Inves t iga tors b el i eve can rel ea s e n ega tive energy i f t hey a r e d i s t urbed . This ha s proba bly been an a rea o f worshi p s inc e Pagan times . There ' s a very bad nega t iv e feel ing , I ' m not s urpri s ed they ' ve had probl ems . They shoul d exhume the graves , or there coul d b e a pol t erge i s t d i fficul ty" . Don ' t ghos ts have s el l by da t e s ???

ENIGf>\\ s FEB-MA RC H 1 992 .


The Dev i ls Of Paradise.

BY Alexer Pr iYma. i(�:I:A. t:•!.i.._;>,..l.l-'- ' �� �1

4�-�££:� ·:����;�!� �:�:t��l- '���J� ·-·.;���� J � i�-� -�� ( Edi to r ' s c omm ent : I ' m pl ea s ed to say tha t overs ea s coopo ra t ion ;:-·�!§�\;�4 /.4; {J�� is s til l in a bundanc e , in which SPI have b e en r ec eiving reports . . . 'f:J;�.ff. -· y)A' 1:,1{� o f no t only UFOs , but o f ghosts and o ther pa ranormal even ts . Our :.i.�U..£� Engl ish col l ea gu e Phi l i p Mantl e , has been extrem ely hel pful in - w ' enabl ing SPI to obta in c on ta c ts with overs ea s res ea rchers , A LEXEY PRIYM\ . and our n ex t fea ture c onc erns Rus s ia n ( C . I . s ) a utho r , A l ex ey Priyma , with extra c ts from his book The Devi l s O f Pa ra d i s e . A Rus s ian pers pe­c t ive then in to the pa ran o rma l . Interes t ing s tuff, rea d on.)

A LEXEY PRIYM\ : Soc ia l an thropo l ogi s t , spexia l is t in s pc i fic s tructures , genera l d irector of the C en tre for the Inves tiga t ion o f A noma l ous Contact s i tua tions , Moscow , C .I .S .


I am 42 with my I�6 a rt ic l es on l i t e ra ry and fo lklore s tud i es tha t ea rn ed m e two prizes i n l i t e ra ture . I consider mys el f to be a pro fess ional wri t er. Today I ha v e 1 2· a rticl es on encoun t ers with a l i en el em en ts , ( U FO opera to rs , pol tergeis ts , etc ) t ha t have n ever b e en publ i s hed . We Rus s ian UFOlogists work in the v ery di fficul t condi tion s . Only in 1 990 we b egan to pub l i s h in the Sovi et pre s s on a rticl es a bout UFOs , and only in I99I , b egan to publ i s h the books a bout thes e ques t ions . My firs t book will b e publ is hed in Februa ry I 992 .

During the la s t I 3 y ea rs , I have b e en enga ged in ga thering in forma tion a bout anoma l ous phenom ena and i ts analysis . With t hi s a im in v i ew , I have ta k en pa rt in Ins trum en ta l Inves t iga tions o f the plac es where " fl y ing sa uc ers" landed , or where pol terg e i s ts and o ther anoma l ous phenomena were regis tered . To crea t e my un ique c o l l ec t ion o f ma t eria l s on the his tory o f anoma l ous phemomema in Rus sia in the 12 t h-20 t h c en turi es , I spent hundreds of hours in the la rge s t l ib ra ri es ( both i n Moscow a nd outs i d e i t ) reading t h e ea rl is t a n d o l d Rus s ia n books a n d manuscripts .

This book is ba s ed on thes e ma t erial s . I feel it impo r ta n t to no te t ha t the his torica l ma t eria l is correla ted in t he book with modern Russ ian evidenc e of encoun ters with crews o f " flying sa uc ers" , demons , gho s ts , etc . My p ersona l bank of s im ila r ' pres en t da y ' evidenc e is exten s iv e and is growing . Wha t ] s ee a s my ma in ta sk is 1 identi fica tion o f the b ehavioura l pa tt erns ' t ha t the non-peopl e exhi b i t in t heir m e e t ings with peopl e . I d escribe som e o f my s en­sa tional experim en t s on con ta c ts with the evil s pirits . The s e are the mos t int eres t ing pa g es in my book. Upon r ea ding some o f the c ha pt ers , two respec ted m embers o f the Sovi et. a ca d em ic commun i ty were qui t e en t hus ia s tic a bout it and ca l l ed i t " the mos t fa s c ina ting book they have ever r ea d" . It ma kes int eresting rea ding .and ca p t iva tea the reader. A l exey PriYJ!lS!. .

ENIG.l1\ S FEB-I-1\. RC H Ji992 •

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This book d ea l s with the anoma l ous pheuomena tha t ha�e been in evidenc e in Russ ia s ince tim e immemorial , and tha t have been known under the blanket term of the evil spirits phenomena . There i s a ca t egory of peopl e who a re unabl e to imagin e , even for a. moment , tha t there i s a. gra in o f truth in wha t the s tories a bout evil spiri ts curren t in a l l countries tel l . �he inborn psychol­ogica l tra. i ts shut their minds to the anoma l ous phenomena (}. P) . Ye.ny times I ran into suc h peopl e , and I am now convinc ed tha t this is precisely a fea ture of their psychol ogica l make up . They a re inca pa bl e of consc iously think ing over the in expl icabl e in the sam e awy as they would find it impo s s ib l e to jump out of a plane without a pa ra c hute .

A ny s tories about a l ien phenomena t hi t defy explana tio�:�� , a re for suc h peopl e , nothing more thin a jumbl e o f meaningl ess words thi t hi v e neither sys t em nor any reasona bl e explana tion . They give hos ti l e rec eption to t he a ttempts to analyse suc h s tori es and trea t them s eriously . They b el i eve them to be ma l ic ­ious inven t ions . My book is n o t intended for them . My advic e t o suc h peopl e is to lay a s ide the book and do something el s e ins t ea d . The book provides a historica l review of anoma l ous pherwm ena . It a l so apprce.c hes analytica l ly , the numerous ama zing s tori es about the con ta c ts o f our compa triots with the beings thit mve a sc i entific name of, "anthropoid forms of intell igen t l i fe" thi t hive a l l egedly taken plac e .

The ma in figures i n the book are " extra terrestria l fly ers" who a re U FO opera tors c rews o f ' flying sauc ers ' , the " ma s t ers" or, wood gobl in s and house spirits , invis ibl e ghos ts , or pol tergeists , ghosts or ' spirits of the d ead ' . I a l so tell a bout the incorporeal crea tures thi t the peopl e who have experienc ed c l inica l d ea th during their short tri ps beyond their bod i es . In s hort , the ma in


figures in my book a re ' non peopl e ' This i s a book about con ta c ts with ' non peopl e ' , and only with them . A ny o ther A P ca us ed by , for exampl e , the still unc l ea r bioenerge tica l c ha rac teris tic s o f the human organism , a re l eft outs ide the scope o f . the book .

My discus s i on proc eeds a ga inst the background o f a constant s ea rc h for dia l ec tical interconn ec tions and m ean ingful ties inside thi t s ec tion of real i ty (both pa s t and present ) thi t is the mos t puzzl ing componant of l i fe . I bel i eve it important to emph­a s is e from the very begining , t ha t this componant is guided by the laws of ' non-human' l ogic and ' non-human ' consciousn ess .

Seemingly , this l eads to a conclusion tha t any attempts to penetra te the " sc hizoid" l ogic are doomed to fa ilur e . A l l human efforts to open thi s

c l osely s e�l ed door o f the non human s ec tion us ing the hUWP.n common s en s e w i l l c rumbl e away . There is no k ey hol e on the door to fi t the key in . Upon del ibera tion , the firs t pess im is tic a pproa c h turns out to be erron eous . There is a promising trend in identifying the meaning of the contac ts between ' Non­Peopl e ' and peopl e . A ll of them everywhere , occured on the initia t ive o f the evil spirits , tho only exeptions b eing spiritua l is tic s eanc es and shimanism.

ENIG� S FEB-!1\. RCH I992 .


I think tha t the firs t ta sk i s t o ' identify the behavioura l pa tterns ' evident in the conduc t o f anthropo id c reatures when they meet peopl e . Such pa tterns if and when discovered , m ight s erve an indica tion of where to l ook for t he k ey its el f . In the book , there is no answer to the question why the evi l spirits s e ek conta cts with the peopl e . In t h e sa m e wa y I do not provide answers to many other questions . Wha t i o ffer my readers , a re not the fina l explana tions , but ' hypo thes es ' . The reader i s free t o a dopt , or rej ec t them.

My book , is ·a · book o f hypotheses .

Evidently , the author proceeded from the a ss­umption tha t the greater pa rt of evidenc e about con ta c ts with the evil spirits is not an idl e c rea tion o f those addic ted to bla ck humour. A compa ra tive a na lysis o f eye-witness accoun ts brings out an ama zing similarity ,and sha red detail s t ha t can be found in every story of this kind , no ma tt er to wha t period of time or geogra phica l region they belong to . The phenomenon o f the evil spirits belong to the WORLD t. S A wHOLE , and have s tabl e spa tial and t empo ra l c ha rac teris tic s . This is the hinge of my book .



This shoul d not be taken to mean tha t the author is a simpl eton ready to accept and bl ood c hi l l ing s tory o f an encoun ter with the evil forc e as true . Th. r from i t . I give muc h a ttention i n my book t o the probl em o f veri fica tion , o f the s tories about con ta c ts wi th the ' non-human ' forms o f intel l igent l i fe . This is on e o f the ma j or poin ts . I a rrange a sort o f indirec t c ross examina t ion of thos e who reported on their contacts with the evil spiri ts . I compare their accounts and go into tiny d e ta i l s o f their circumstanc es . Some pa ges in my book read l ik e a report by a commission of l egal experts .

On the concl uding pages o f the book , the resul ts of my investiga tions a re summa ris ed to form a hypothes es on the na ture of the phenom enon of the evil spirits . L et m e emphas i s e wha t I o ffer. I t is a hypothesis and not the final truth. Min e is not a universally a ppl i ed and flawl ess construc t . I t is mearly ' my own , and only my own ' , int erpreta tion o f the s itua tions o f contaets . I am open m inded about my va riants , any of them might prove to be pa rtia l ly t rue or not t rue at a l l . Everything can ha ppen . My readers have to tak e on trus t my as suranc es tha t I have disca rded I8 poss ibl e explana tions , one a fter another until I found the mos t plaus ibl e one . I did this with a feel ing of doom , sinc e al l the resul ts I got through my Investiga tions of pa rticula r situa tions p per­s is t ently poin t ed in on e and the same direc tion , l ike the n e edl es o f num erous compa s s es . My book is about a possibil ity of the imposs ibl e .

I am fa r from impos ing my findings on the re? ders , o r rega rding my conclus ions as the t ruth in the final ins tan c e . Even those who refus e to s ha re my views will obta in a vas t body of in forma tion tl'\:1 t makes the world a round us l ook more ful l blooded and true to rea l i ty . I think that the huge amoun t of fac ts and numerous i l l us t ra tions , a re the ' chief sc ientific m eri t ' of the book tha t ca n be of trem endous hel p for future res ea rc hers . ( Editor ' s note and we s ha l l be d ea l ing wi th these fac ts in pa rt two ) .


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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I I I I I I I I I 1 ·1 I I I I

it;-:".r \:' .. t�Z. LJ.J;��

P � E N O � E N A [t}J � t I LE£� I �� � \


• FRONT COV ER DESIGN . SPI woul d l ik e to t h3. n k G erry L o v e l l o f '.Ye l l s Somers e t Engl a nd , fo r s ubm i t t in g his cover des ign fo r t hi s i s sue of ENIGI"A S , n ic e on e . • lfl. FFL ED CROFTER ? From t h e A ber­d e en n ew s pa p er the Pre s s and J ournal o f t h e 8 t h o f Janua ry , w e l ea rn t ha t baff­l ed c ro f t e rs of Sandw i c k S h e tland Scot­land , ha ve wi tn e s s ed s t range fla s hi n g l i ghts , n o t j u s t in t h e s ky , but above som e gra R s . C ro f t e r A rt hur Moa r ex­pl a in ed t ha t he had in fac t b e en w i tn e s s to t h es e l i ghts o v e r a n um b e r o f y ea rs but d idn ' t say too muc h for fea r of b e ing r i d i c ul ed . On e of h i s more in­t e res t ing s ig h t ings , wa s tha t o f a ' fla s hing obj ec t ' in whic h he c l a im ed l a nded c l o s e to hi s hous e and s howed w i t h i n a · b r i g h t l ight , a ' gl o b e of t h e worl d ' • Pro fes s o r A rc h i e Roy specul a t ed t ha t thes e l i g h t s m i ght ha v e b e en a bright fi r eba l l or m e t eo ri t e , but wa s ­n t en t i rely sure , but d i d a dm i t tha t i t wa s ' al l v e ry s t range in d e ed ' . S PI ' s Ron Ha l l iday ha s b e en in touc h w i t h Nr Moar , and rec e i v ed ba c k from him , hi s S F I UFO s i g ht ing report fo rm . Further contp c ts s h2 l l be mp d e in an a t tempt to c l a ri fy thi s s i ghting and make some un d ers tanding o f i t , More la t e r . - N ES S 1 E FOUND ? Y e s t hi s wa s t h e headl in e from S c o tlan d ' s b i gges t s el l ing n ews pa p e r , The Daily Record . S e emingly N es s i e , our own Loch N e s s Mon s t e r , wa s ca ptured by t h e yanks , ( w e l l who el s e come on ) o n Dec ember t h e 2 2 n d I 99 1 . She wa s tr2 p p e d in � s t e e l n e t and was fed on a da il y d i e t o f 2 00 l b s of tuna . S he b eca m e so tam e , the s to ry goes , tha t s he even l e t d i vers s t rok e h e r . Za c k Ba ga r , a s p ec i ?. l c o rres pondant f o r the Weekly Worl d N ews o f whic h brok e this

s to ry , c l R im s N es s i e i s 70 fe e t in l en g t h , and wei ghs 2 0 tons , ( and n o on e no tic ed t h i s a quR t i c a bd uc t i on from t he shores of Loc h N e s s ? ) A

French s c i en t i s t is quo t ed as s fl y ing "we ?.. r e currently taking sam pl e s from it then we w i l l rel ea s e i t , my gut feel ing i s t ha t w e have ca p t ur ed the last d inasaur on E'6 r t h" . Wh"'- t a l o"' d o f o l d codswp l l o p . B e t ty Ga l l a g h e r c ura tor o f t h e Loc h N es s Exh i b i t ion C en t r e at Drumna d ro c h i t , L oc h N e s s , summ ed up this whol e e p i :::; o d e by s ta t ing , " i t ref! l l y i s t h e m o s t B PP­a l i n g rubbi s h" . Hea r he:� r B e t ty . S o hands o f f our N e s s f e Yank s , s he ' s there a l l righ t , b u t s he won ' t b e ta king n o vaca t i o n t h e t h e USA . L i ke porri g e and t he S unday Po s t , s he ' s S c o tland ' s ins ti t u t i on. .. 'l'HE L 1G H'r OF HER L I FE . A c t re s s El i za b e t h Tay l o r revea l ed to t h e p r e s s recen t l y t � t during a bout of pn eumonia s he expe­ri enc ed wha. t s he c oul d onl y d e s c r ibe a s d ea t h , S he ch im s tha t i t ha ppe­n ed 30 y e:� rs a go in hos p i tR l . She hR d 8 to pped bre:> t h in g fo r a round 5 minutes during whic h s he e x p e r i enc ed hers e l f going through a l ong t1mn e l in whi c h s h e s a w a s t rong w h i t e l i g h t a t t h e end , s h e sa id , " t he l i g h t wa s wond e r ful , and I w� n t ed to go in to i t" S h e a l so e l f! im s t ha t s he s a w her t hi rd husban d , M i k e Tod d , who d i ed in a plane c ra s h , a t t h e end of this tunn e l and who told h e r t ha t s he mus t g o ba c k . S he d i d , and L i z no w s ha re s t h i s common N ea r Dea t h Experi ence w i t h c oun t l e ss o t hers . THE PLA QUE . · Wel l t ba t ' H i t for thi s i s sue . W e a t SPI fi�l l� ma n ­aged t o g e t o ffic ial r e c o gn i t i o n t o a UFO land in g , w e ' r e t hr i l l ed to b i t s .

ENI GMA S FEB-l'u\ RC H 1992 .