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Tips to Beat Motion Sickness

Aug 26, 2021



Peter Maurer

Motion sickness starts with a mild feeling of nausea while you're traveling in a car or on a bus, boat, train, or plane. If you're as sensitive to it as I am, you'll feel it when you're swimming in the ocean or a pool! If you don't deal with it when it strikes, it will progress to a bad case of the sweats while your stomach feels worse and worse; eventually, you'll be dizzy and vomiting—perhaps nonstop. That will lead to dehydration and utter misery. This isn't the way you want to spend your traveling time, and you don't want to arrive at your destination broken from motion sickness side effects (fatigue since you can't sleep while throwing up, sore throat from constant vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise as you haven't been able to keep down food). Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for you to gain control of your stomach while you're still on the move.  

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Your symptoms should subside when the motion stops. Motion sickness doesn’t lead to long-term complications. You may even get used to motion on a longer journey, like a cruise, after several days. If your job requires frequent travel, or if the potential for being sick makes you anxious before trips, make an appointment with a doctor. Prescription medications or long-term options like biofeedback therapy may help you overcome motion sickness.