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Comptes Rendus Chimie Olga Ishchenko, Vincent Rogé, Guillaume Lamblin, Damien Lenoble and Ioana Fechete TiO 2 , ZnO, and SnO 2 -based metal oxides for photocatalytic applications: principles and development Volume 24, issue 1 (2021), p. 103-124. Published: 23rd April 2021 <> © Académie des sciences, Paris and the authors, 2021. Some rights reserved. This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Les Comptes Rendus. Chimie sont membres du Centre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte

TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2-based metal oxides for photocatalytic ...

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Page 1: TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2-based metal oxides for photocatalytic ...

Comptes Rendus


Olga Ishchenko, Vincent Rogé, Guillaume Lamblin, DamienLenoble and Ioana Fechete

TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2-based metal oxides for photocatalytic applications:principles and development

Volume 24, issue 1 (2021), p. 103-124.Published: 23rd April 2021


© Académie des sciences, Paris and the authors, 2021.Some rights reserved.

This article is licensed under theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Les Comptes Rendus. Chimie sont membres duCentre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte

Page 2: TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2-based metal oxides for photocatalytic ...

Comptes RendusChimie2021, 24, n 1, p. 103-124

Review / Revue

TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2-based metal oxides for

photocatalytic applications: principles and


Olga Ishchenkoa, b, c, Vincent Rogéa, b, Guillaume Lamblina, Damien Lenoblea

and Ioana Fechete∗, b, d , e

a Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxemburgb Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l’Energie, l’Environnement et la Santé—ICPEES,UMR 7515 CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, 25 rue Becquerel, 67087 StrasbourgCedex 2, France

c TE-OX, 2, rue Jean Rostand, 91400 Orsay, Franced ICD-LASMIS, Université de Technologie de Troyes, Antenne de Nogent, PôleTechnologique de Sud Champagne, Nogent, 52800, France

e Nogent International Center for CVD Innovation-NICCI, LRC-CEA-ICD-LASMIS,Université de Troyes-Antenne de Nogent, Pôle Technologique Sud Champagne, 26,rue Lavoisier, 52800 Nogent, France

E-mails: [email protected] (O. Ishchenko), [email protected] (V. Rogé),[email protected] (G. Lamblin), [email protected] (D. Lenoble),[email protected], [email protected] (I. Fechete)

Abstract. This review mainly relied on advanced TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2 nanostructures for photocatal-ysis; therefore, their physical and chemical properties are hereafter summarized. We will discuss thevarious approaches that have been already proposed such as the doping, the heterostructure fabrica-tion, and the use of plasmonic materials. We wish to draw here a particular attention to the semicon-ductor/semiconductor heterostructures.

Keywords. Photocatalysts, Water purification, ZnO, TiO2, SnO2, Plasmonic, Heterostructure.

Manuscript received 22nd July 2020, revised 20th November 2020, accepted 8th January 2021.

1. Introduction

The issue of environmental remediation is oneof the most discussed modern challenges. The

∗Corresponding author.

economic activities of developed and developingcountries have important impacts on water andair quality [1–4]. Industrial activities are clearly thelargest source of pollution; therefore, the challengefor the 21st century is the control of technolog-ical processes in all industries to develop atom-economical and environment-friendly processes

ISSN (electronic) : 1878-1543

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without by-products [5–8]. However, organic wastesuch as that from sewage or farming activities alsohave an important environmental impact. Every day,2 million tonnes of sewage and industrial and agri-cultural waste are discharged into the world’s water(UN WWAP 2003), the equivalent of the weight of theentire human population of 6.8 billion people. Thisis critical, knowing that only 2.5% of the total volumeof available water on Earth is fresh. What is more,according to WHO and UNICEF, approximately 894million people globally do not have access to im-proved water sources. On average, 250 million peo-ple worldwide succumb to diseases related to waterpollution annually [9].

Water purification in modern societies has be-come a critical need. In general, water purificationconsists of complex physicochemical processes suchas coagulation and flocculation into an insolublephase, sedimentation, several filtration steps, anddisinfection [10–12]. Several types of disinfection ex-ist, such as the use of chlorine, ozone, or UV radi-ation. However, the purified water introduced intothe rivers still contain chemical substances such asantibiotics or pesticides. This means there is a needto improve the efficiency of water purification to in-crease the accessibility of purified water and to pre-vent the release of pollutants into the ecosystem [13].

The photocatalytic approach was proposed sev-eral decades ago as an ecofriendly solution for waterand air remediation by the degradation of pollutantsin the aqueous or gas phases [1,2,10,14].

The possibility of the degradation of complex or-ganic compounds into simple CO2 and H2O seemsvery attractive and promising for environmental re-mediation. A range of semiconductor materials caninitiate the redox degradation mechanism due totheir electronic band structures. The first water-splitting property was shown by Honda–Fujishimaon titanium dioxide, initiated by the irradiation lowerthan 400 nm that corresponds to the TiO2 bandgap at 3.0 eV [15]. Since then, a large number ofinvestigations have been published over the lastfour decades. However, the high potential of thisapproach still attracts interest from the scientificcommunity.

The existing photocatalytic materials that meetthe criteria, namely, chemical stability, biocompati-bility, nontoxicity, and low cost, are TiO2, ZnO, andSnO2 [16,17].

The main problem of basic photocatalysis is thewide band gap that limits the light absorption. In fact,the activation of photocatalytic materials is only al-lowed for light with lower wavelengths (higher fre-quencies) than the band gap energy; this means thatonly 3–4% of the solar spectrum could be involved inthe photocatalytic reaction. Activation of the photo-catalytic material under visible light became a ma-jor challenge for the scientific community. However,it is not only the limited range of light frequencies butalso a short carrier lifetime due to recombination thatreduces its efficiency.

2. Principle of photocatalysis

A catalyst is a substance that allows the accelerationof a chemical reaction by lowering its free activationenergy while the catalyst itself does not undergo anypermanent modification [18]. A photocatalyst is aphotosensitive substance that manifests its catalyticproperties via a photon absorption. One can drawa simplistic analogy with photosynthesis in greenplants in which chlorophyll plays the role of a pho-tosensitive catalyst to transform CO2 and water intoenergy and O2 (Figure 1). A photocatalyst is typicallya semiconductor material that under light irradiationand in the presence of water and/or oxygen forms ahighly reactive species, i.e., radicals. These radicalshave a strong ability to oxidize organic molecules andenable their degradation.

Since Honda–Fujishima [15] first reported on wa-ter splitting into O2 and H2 under UV irradiation at400 nm on titanium dioxide electrode, the domainof photocatalysis has undergone significant develop-ment. Various photocatalytic materials have alreadybeen reported in the literature. They are classifiedamong the families of metal oxides, metal sulfides,metal nitrides, as well as metal free compounds suchas polymers or graphene [19,20]. Metal oxides suchas TiO2, ZnO, Fe2O3, ZrO2, SnO2, MgO, GeO2, Sb2O3,V2O5, WO3, In2O3, and Nb2O5 as well as perovskitematerials are among the most investigated materi-als for photocatalysis today. The particular interest inclassically photocatalytic materials such as TiO2 andin a lesser extent ZnO and SnO2 is due to their highphotocatalytic activity, good chemical stability, non-or low toxicity, and low cost.

One of the key elements characterizing photocat-alytic materials is the interaction with light and, in

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Figure 1. Simplistic comparison between photosynthesis and photocatalysis [18].

particular, the photon absorption. A photon with anenergy higher than the semiconductor band gap en-ergy can be absorbed by the photocatalytic material.A photon absorption will excite electrons from thevalence band (VB) and promote them to the con-duction band (CB) (e−CB), generating holes in the VB(h+

VB). These generated carriers (e−,h+) may migrateto the material surface and since they are in contactwith water and/or oxygen molecules, they induce theformation of OH• and O•−

2 radicals (Figure 2) [21].On the surface and depending on the photocata-

lyst, holes have a typical oxidative potential from +1to +3.5 V compared to the Normal Hydrogen Elec-trode (NHE), and electrons have a reduction poten-tial from +0.5 to −1.5 V [16,22]. The redox potentialvalue of the semiconductor is determined by its elec-tronic band structure. The main condition of OH•

radicals generation is that the potential of valenceband should be higher than the potential of hydroxylradical formation.

Figure 3 represents the positioning of the bandgap energy compared to the potential of radical for-mation. The redox potential of OH•, H+/H2O is 2.31 Vvs NHE [23]. The formation of superoxide radicalsO•−

2 by e−CB requires a potential of 0.92 V vs NHE. Su-peroxide radical formation is typically induced whenthe semiconductor’s CB energy is higher than thisthreshold potential.

In order to fully understand the activity of pho-tocatalysts, the determination of the lifetime andmobility of photogenerated charge carriers mustalso be carefully studied. In materials like ZnO orTiO2, carriers recombine over the nanosecond pe-riod [24]. However, the relaxation time and spa-tial distribution of carriers are a function of multi-ple parameters like the chemical environment, thepresence of defects in the material or the crys-tal structure [25]. Thus, spatial and time resolvedcharacterization techniques are mandatory to deter-mine the lifetime and surface availability of carriers.

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Figure 2. Scheme of the photocatalysis principle [21].

Figure 3. Band gap energy for TiO2, ZnO, and SnO2 on a potential scale (V) versus the normal hydrogenelectrode (NHE) [23].

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The photogenerated charge carriers’ relaxation timecan be studied using time resolved fluorescencespectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy [25,26], or time resolved microwave conductivity [27].Spatial distribution can be determined by Kelvinprobe force microscopy (KPFM) [28], electrostaticforce microscopy (EFM) [29], or conductive atomicforce microscopy (C-AFM) [30].

The degradation of organic molecules mainly re-lies on high oxidative potential of OH• radicals, whichenables the breaking of C–C bonds. A typical photo-catalytic degradation reaction of organic moleculeshas been reported with TiO2 as photocatalyst[21,22,31]:

The carriers are photogenerated under photon ab-sorption within a few femtosecond range:

TiO2 +hν→ e−+h+ (1)

The electrons in contact with the adsorbed oxygenmolecules demonstrate their reductive potential andform superoxide radicals:

(O2)ads +e− → O•−2 (2)

The interaction between holes and watermolecules produces hydroxyl radicals OH•:

(H2O ↔ H++OH−)ads +h+ → H++OH• (3)

The superoxide radicals being very reactive (non-stable), they can react with H+ and undergo a fasttransformation in OH• radicals:

O•−2 +H+ → HO•

2 (4)

2HO•−2 → H2O2 +O2 (5)

H2O2 +e− → OH•+OH− (6)

Hydroxyl radicals enable the organic molecule ox-idation:

R+OH• → R′•+H2O (7)

R+h+ → R+• → degradation products (8)

The determination/quantification of photocat-alytic degradation performances of photocatalystsis usually followed through the degradation of ki-netic of organic molecules. Many organic moleculescan be used as a chemical probe, like salicylic acid,formic acid, phenol, or dyes/azo dyes like methy-lene blue or methyl orange. For molecule owningaromatic cycles or chromophores, their degradationprocesses can be easily followed with UV-visible ab-sorption measurements. It is the case for salicylicacid, phenol, methylene blue, and methyl orange.

Concerning the degradation of formic acid, it canbe tracked by measuring the amount of H2 releasedduring its decomposition.

The photocatalytic degradation of aromatic cy-cles follows a mechanism starting with the hydroxy-lation of free sites followed by a rupture of the cycleand its decomposition in smaller molecules. Devi etal. [32] evidenced this mechanism, based on the phe-nol molecule, as presented in Figure 4. Phenol min-eralization involves first a hydroxylation step lead-ing to dihydroxybenzene (catechol, resorcinol or hy-droquinone), followed by the cycle opening formingpent 2-enedioic acid or benzoquinone both leadingto maleic acid. As the process progresses, the maleicacid dissociates in oxalic acid and finally mineralizein CO2 and H2O.

Experimentally, the intensity of the absorptionpeak corresponding to the aromatic cycle of the mol-ecule lowers as the photocatalytic degradation pro-cess progresses.

Photocatalytic degradation experiences based onthe decolorization of organic dyes are also com-monly found in the literature [34]. In such processes,the decolorization of the molecule is due to the de-struction of chromophoric groups of dyes. Conse-quently, the decolorization of water can be mon-itor by visible absorption, but it does not certifythe complete mineralization into CO2 and H2O. Itis possible that some by-products form in the wa-ter, with sometime a higher degree of toxicity thanthe primary molecule [35]. Thus, the UV-visible ab-sorbance characterization is a strong technique tofollow the disappearance of an absorbing group, butit does not give any confirmation of the mineraliza-tion. Other techniques like LC–MS [36] or Total Or-ganic Carbon (TOC) measurement [37] can thus becomplementary.

3. Basic photocatalytic systems

Typically, photocatalytic systems belong to the fam-ily of binary metal oxides such as TiO2, ZnO, or SnO2.These materials can be characterized as wide bandgap semiconductors having a light absorption in theUV range. Historically, TiO2 (particularly TiO2 De-gussa Evonik P25) was the first commercialized andmainly used material for its photocatalytic proper-ties. Tin oxide, having particular electronic and op-tical properties, is also successfully applied in photo-

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Figure 4. Photocatalytic degradation pathway of phenol. Reproduced from [33].

Figure 5. Crystalline structures of anatase, rutile, and brookite phases.

catalytic degradation, but requires deeper UV irradi-ation [31].

3.1. Titanium dioxide (TiO2)

Improvement of the photocatalytic degradation pro-cess requires a clear understanding of photocat-alytic material properties. Although TiO2 is the moststudied photocatalyst, it continues to attract atten-tion from the scientific community. The various

TiO2 applications are principally based on UV-lightabsorption, such as UV-light protection, photocatal-ysis, hydrogen production, and solar cells. TiO2 isalso applied in gas sensors, varistors, and as anti-corrosive coatings.

3.1.1. Crystallographic structure

TiO2 exists in three main crystallographic phases:anatase, rutile, and brookite. Rutile is the thermody-namically stable phase while anatase and brookite

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Table 1. Summary of anatase and rutile physical properties [38]

Anatase Rutile

Lattice parameter

a (Å) 3.7874 4.5937

c (Å) 9.5147 2.9587

Density (g/cm3) 3.894 4.250

TiO6 coordination number 8 10

Dielectric constant

⊥ 31 89

∥ 48 173

Electron effective mass 1m0 9–13m0

Hall mobility (cm2/V·s) 15–550 (crystal) 0.1–10 (crystal)

(300–10 K) 4 (thin film) 0.1 (thin film)

Nonmetal–metal transitionby a shallow donor band

Yes No

Excitons Self-trapped Free

Luminescence Visible broad bandcantered at 2.3 eV

Sharp peak at 3.031 eV

Optical absorption edge: Eg (eV)

⊥ (direct) 3.420 3.035

∥ (indirect) 3.460 3.051

are metastable (Table 1). Both anatase and rutilemodifications have tetragonal structures; brookitepossesses an orthorhombic structure. For all poly-morphic TiO2 structures, TiO6 octahedrons representbasic blocks, where the Ti atom is bonded with 6 oxy-gen atoms, and each oxygen atom is bonded withthree Ti atoms. In the anatase structure, each TiO6

octahedron has 4 shared edges and 4 shared cor-ners with 8 neighbors. The edge shared octahedra arealigned along [100] or [010] direction, forming zigzagchains perpendicular to c axis. In the rutile structure,each TiO6 octahedron is connected with 10 neigh-bor octahedrons having 2 shared edges and 8 sharedcorners. The edge shared octahedrons are alignedalong the [001] direction. The unit cell parameters foranatase, rutile, and brookite is illustrated in Figure 5.

3.1.2. Electronic properties

TiO2 is a wide band gap semiconductor with aband gap value of 3.2 eV for anatase phase and 3 eVfor rutile phase. The anatase phase has a higher elec-tron mobility than the rutile phase due to the lower

electron effective mass (1m0 for anatase and 9–13m0

for rutile).In the TiO2 electronic band gap structure, the

maximum of the VB principally gets the contributionof O 2p orbitals and the CB minimum is mainly dueto Ti 3d orbitals. It is generally reported that anatasehas an indirect, and rutile a direct electronic bandgap. However, numerous studies on this topic are stillcontroversial regarding the electronic structure of theband gap. The experimental (spectroscopic) meth-ods of band gap measurements indicate for anataseand rutile phases that there is a dependence of theband gap nature on the electric field orientation. Ifthe electric field is perpendicular to c axis (E⊥c), theoptical band gap is found to be direct, and indirect ifthe applied electrical field is parallel to c axis (E ∥ c).Another opinion is about the crystallites size depen-dency on direct–indirect band gap transition. It wasshown by Reddy et al. [40] that anatase nanoparti-cles with grain size of 5–10 nm exhibit a direct bandgap transition. The photocatalytic activity of anataseis known to be more important than for rutile, even

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Figure 6. Schematic illustration of possible recombination processes of photogenerated electrons andholes in (a) anatase (indirect gap) and (b) rutile (direct gap) phases [39].

despite of the wider band gap [39,41]. The investiga-tion realized by Zhang et al. [39] demonstrates thatin anatase, thanks to the indirect band gap, the life-time of photogenerated carriers is increased due tothe phonons assisted recombination (Figure 6).

Concerning the brookite phase, being less investi-gated, the literature overview gives contradictory in-formation about the band gap energy. According tothe theoretical predictions and reported experimen-tal measurements, the brookite band gap values varyin the range between 3.1 and 3.4 eV [42]. This lackof information could be justified by the difficulty toobtain pure brookite phase. However, the recent ad-vances on hydrothermal synthesis of pure brookitenanostructures raise the interest in this phase, butthe film deposition of pure brookite phase remainsan open challenge.

It is worth noticing that TiO2 anatase demon-strates a different photocatalytic activity as a func-tion of the dominant crystallographic orientation. Itwas found that among crystallographic orientations,the facet (001) is the most reactive (Figure 7). This isunder intense investigation.

However, being the most energetic facet, it is diffi-cult to obtain, mostly due to the principle of the mini-mization surface energy during a growth process. Theanatase synthesized by conventional methods likeCVD or hydrothermal synthesis, contains more than94% of thermodynamically stable and low-surface-energy (101) facets (Figure 6a). The average sur-face energy (γ) given by theoretical predictions forprincipal TiO2 anatase facets are: γ (001) 0.90 J·m−2 >γ (100) 0.53 J·m−2 > γ (101) 0.44 J·m−2 [43]. Cur-rently, hydrothermal synthesis is the most appropri-ated method to obtain a significant percentage of(001) facets using a shape controlling agent, mainlyHF [44].

The thin film deposit ion of (001) facets couldbe achieved by epitaxial growth on Si (001) sub-strate with buffer layer SrTiO3/TiN or on SrTiO3(100)single crystal. It is worth mentioning that the de-velopment of new methods tailoring the crystallineorientations and its stability is one of the emergingroutes in the research on TiO2. Therefore the crys-talline structure of TiO2 and thus potential tailoringof the surface energy has to be taken under consider-

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Figure 7. Illustration of anatase crystal facets: (a) Normal anatase crystal; (b) Elongated anatase crystal.

ation as a potential way of enhancing the photocat-alytic activity. Nevertheless, the photocatalytic activ-ity remains in the UV range.

3.2. Zinc oxide (ZnO)

After TiO2, ZnO is the second most studied pho-tocatalyst for photocatalytic water/air treatment. Itpossess properties close to that of TiO2 in terms oflight absorption and photocatalytic activity, but itspeculiar optical and piezoelectric abilities makes italso suitable for optoelectronic applications like lightemitting diodes [45] or piezoelectric material [46]. Inaddition, ZnO is a cheap and nonhazardous material,easily synthesized with multiple liquid or gas phaseprocesses.

3.2.1. Crystallographic structure

Like many binary semiconductors based on II–VI groups elements, ZnO can crystalize under theform of hexagonal of cubic structures. Most often,ZnO crystalize in the hexagonal wurtzite structure(B4 group), but in some particular cases, it can alsoexist as cubic zinc blend (B2 group) and cubic rocksalt (B1 group) [47]. A schematic illustration of thosetree cell structures is presented in Figure 8.

The zinc blend structure can be obtained using aZnO epitaxial growth on cubic structured substrates

whereas the rock salt one can only be synthesized un-der high temperature and pressure (around 9 GPa)conditions [48]. For those reasons, almost all ZnO-based materials found in the literature are hexagonalwurtzite. The wurtzite structure belongs the P63mc

space group according to the Hermann–Mauguinclassification, and C 6

4v group according the Shoen-flies one. ZnO hexagonal wurtzite lattice parametersare a = b = 3.250 Å and c = 5.206 Å, with α= β= 90°,γ= 120° (JCPDS 79-2205).

3.2.2. Electronic properties

ZnO is a semiconductor with a direct band gapof 3.2–3.4 eV. Density Functional Theory (DFT) cal-culations used for the determination of bands struc-tures for the ZnO wurtzite crystal are presented inFigure 9. They reveal that the maximum of the va-lence band and a minimum of the conduction bandare located at the symmetry point G. In addition, thevalence band maximum is at the energy zero point(Fermi level). It highlights the direct electronic bandgap, with a band gap calculated here at 3.373 eV [49].

With a band gap of 3.2 eV, ZnO absorbs lightin the UV-A range of the light spectrum and showphotoluminescent emission properties around380 nm corresponding to the excitonic radiativerecombination. Local Density Approximation (LDA)calculations reveal that the maximum of the valence

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Figure 8. Schematic representation of cell structures for the three different crystallographic phases ofZnO: (a) Rocksalt, (b) Zinc blend, and (c) Wurtzite.

Figure 9. Electronic band structure of ZnO calculated by DFT. Reproduced from [49].

band principally get the contribution from oxygen2p orbitals, whereas the minimum of the conduc-tion band principally get contribution from zinc 4sorbitals [50].

3.3. Tin oxide (SnO2)

Tin oxide is another wide band gap semiconductorwhich is already used in numerous fields like trans-

parent electrodes, gas sensors etc [51–53]. The com-bination of optical transparency and high conduc-tivity makes SnO2 very attractive for optoelectronic,photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications.

3.3.1. Crystallographic structure

SnO2—cassiterite (or rutile phase) has a tetrag-onal crystallographic structure with space groupP42/mnm and lattice parameters a = b = 4.731 Å and

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Figure 10. SnO2 cassiterite unit cell.

Figure 11. The electronic band gap structure ofTin oxide [54].

c = 3.189 Å. A schematic illustration of the cassiteriteunit cell is represented on Figure 10. Cassiterite’scrystallographic parameters are very close to TiO2

rutile. As with the TiO2 rutile structure, SnO2 hasSnO6 octahedron building blocks, were each cation(Sn) is connected to 6 anions (oxygen).

3.3.2. Electronic properties

Tin oxide has a direct band gap with an en-ergy value between 3.6 and 3.8 eV and an n-type

conductivity [55]. The electronic band gap structurealong high symmetry directions is represented onFigure 11.

In the SnO2 electronic bands structure the max-imum of the valence band (VB) principally get thecontribution from oxygen 2p orbitals while the min-imum of conduction band (CB) is mainly due to tin4s orbitals. Tin oxide shows a possibility to change astoichiometry on the surface and become SnO, whereSn4+ can be reduced to Sn2+. This modification hasan important effect on the surface electronic struc-ture, leading to the formation of Sn 5s derived sur-face states, and reduces the work function of the ma-terials. This property is largely used in gas-sensitiveapplications.

3.4. Limitations of basic photocatalytic systemsand solutions

The three main metal oxides TiO2, ZnO and SnO2 arefundamental in the photocatalytic approach. How-ever, their electronic and optical properties have fewimportant drawbacks that limit its photocatalytic po-tential. The wide band gap of metal-oxide semicon-ductors represents the first important limitation. Thelight absorption allowed only for photons with higherenergy than the respective band gap energy restrictsthe use of classical photocatalysts in the UV range ofsun light. It means that only 3% of the solar spectrumis involved in a photocatalytic degradation reaction.

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Therefore, one of the current challenges is to pushforward the light absorption to the visible range.

The second issue is the low stability of the pho-togenerated carriers; in particular, their fast recom-bination (few nanoseconds) represents one of mainissues in photocatalysis. This phenomenon could beavoided by the addition of electron and hole scav-engers, which could be various metastable surfacestates, electron donors or electron acceptors ad-sorbed on the semiconductor’s surface [16]. Conse-quently, the increase of photocatalytic system effi-ciencies could be reached by acting principally on theband gap structure, in order to increase the range ofabsorption and reduce the carrier recombination.

3.5. Doping

In the semiconductor industry, doping is one of themain approaches to tune the Fermi level. In pho-tocatalysts, the doping approach consists of a di-rect modification of the band gap structure by cre-ating additional energetic levels, in order to extendthe light absorption and also create trap sites of car-riers to prevent the fast recombination [56]; n-typedoping of TiO2 by C, N, P, S, B has shown a sig-nificant improvement of the visible range light ab-sorption in the photocatalytic material. The nitrogenincorporation within TiO2 lattice has demonstratedthe photocatalytic activity in the visible range thatopened a potential way for the improvement of pho-tocatalytic systems. The visible range absorption maybe induced by the substitutional or interstitial ni-trogen incorporation. The impurity incorporation inthe metal-oxide lattice may create oxygen vacancieswhich may also be responsible of the photocatalyticefficiency enhancement [57,58]. The theoretical pre-diction through DFT calculations showed that, in thecase of substitutional N-doping, the occupied N 2plocalized states are slightly above the valence bandedge (Figure 12). While for the interstitial incorpora-tion of nitrogen, the unpaired electron is shared be-tween the N and O atoms and formed NO bond. Thatgenerates π-type localized states which are higherthan the valence band edge of 0.73 eV [57,59].

Besides the N-doped TiO2, doping with Boron-Carbon- and Fluorine are extensively studied in theliterature and appear as also attractive candidates forthe significant improvement of the photocatalytic ac-tivity [58,60]. However the bang gap tailoring through

the impurity incorporation in the metal-oxide latticemay also have a reverse effect and promote the unde-sirable fast recombination of carriers.

3.6. Stoichiometry

Oxygen vacancies (VO) are particular defects of thecrystalline lattice, which could be present either inbulk or on the surface and results in reducing ofTi4+ to Ti3+ [58]. The presence of Ti3+ defects, alsocalled a self-doping significantly enhance the lightabsorption of TiO2 in the visible range creating theinter-band gap states. Therefore, the attention tononstoichiometric TiO2 has been increased recentyears [61–64]. The oxygen vacancies in the TiO2 lat-tice can be created by the high vacuum annealing orthe use of a reduction agent. However, the importantdrawbacks of these methods are high cost and crit-ical experimental conditions. Last years an impor-tant number of publications report on the hydrother-mal approach offering better control on the Ti3+ gen-eration [61,63–65]. The Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 pow-der synthesized by the hydrothermal approach con-firms the significant enhancement of TiO2 photocat-alytic performances in the visible range. Sasinska andco-workers [66] achieved a highly Ti3+ doped filmby realizing the hydrogen plasma post-treatment ofamorphous TiO2 films deposited by ALD [66]. The H2

modified TiO2 films demonstrated significant im-provement of the photocurrent density and the lightabsorption in the visible range.

3.7. Heterostructures

The fabrication of heterostructures does not implythe band gap modification of each material partic-ipating in the heterostructure as in the doping ap-proach. Instead, it involves the combination of ma-terials with different band gap energy levels and theformation of heterojunction.

As mentioned previously, to prevent the fast re-combination of photogenerated electrons and holes,they have to be separated. The band gap engineeringvia the heterostructure fabrication acts principally toimprove the carrier’s separation and thus increasestheir lifetime, and consequently the photocatalyticefficiency. When the semiconductor interface formsan energy gradient that promotes the carriers’ sepa-ration, the staggered gap (SG) is formed, and the elec-trons will intend to migrate into the semiconductor

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Figure 12. Schematic of possible N-doped TiO2 crystalline structure [57,59].

with the lowest energy position of conduction band(CB1). This is contrary to the holes that would migrateto the semiconductor with the highest position of thevalence band (VB2), as shown in Figure 13. The as-sembly of SnO2 and TiO2 must be noted (Figure 14).XPS analysis can be employed to demonstrate theformation of heterostructures. Another example isthe SnO2/ZnO heterostructures [67–69], where thevalence band and the conduction band offsets (VBO(∆Ev ), CBO (∆Ec )) in the heterostructure was calcu-lated using the following equations [67–69]:

∆Ev = (EZn2p −EvZnO )ZnO bulk

− (ESn3d −EvSnO2)SnO2 bulk −∆ECL (9)

EZn2p corresponds to the binding energy of the Zn 2ppeak in bulk ZnO;

EvZnO to the valence band maximum of bulk ZnO;

ESn3d to the binding energy of the Sn 3d peak inbulk SnO2;

EvSnO2to the valence band maximum in bulk

SnO2.The ∆ECL term can be determined from:

∆ECL = (EZn2p −ESn3d )heterostructure. (10)

EZn2p corresponds to the position of the Zn 2p peakin the heterostructure of ZnO/SnO2 and ESn3d to theposition of the Sn 3d peak in the heterostructure ofZnO/SnO2.

The conduction band offset (∆Ec ) can be calcu-lated by:

∆Ec =∆Ev +EgZnO −EgSnO2, (11)

where ∆Ev is the valence band offset previously cal-culated, EgZnO is the optical band gap of ZnO, andEgSnO2

is the optical band gap of SnO2.

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Figure 13. Schematic of the staggered gap. CB1

and VB1 represent the conduction band andthe valence band, respectively, of the semicon-ductor 1. CB2 and VB2 represent the conduc-tion band and the valence band, respectively, ofthe semiconductor 2.

The presence of an SG type heterostructure onthe ZnO/SnO2 interface was confirmed with 0.67 eVvalence band offset and 0.24 eV conduction bandoffset on the ZnO/SnO2 interface [67–69].

The assembly of various metal-oxide or metal-sulfide semiconductors are known to form a SGtype heterostructure. However, ZnO- and TiO2-based heterostructures are still commonly inves-tigated: ZnO/SnO2 [70–73], TiO2/SnO2 [74–76],TiO2/ZnO [77–80], TiO2/WO3 [81], or ZnO/CuS [82].

TiO2 and ZnO have very similar electronic prop-erties, such as a band gap value of 3.2 eV, or simi-lar valence and conduction band positions. Tin oxidehas a larger band gap value, which limits its absorp-tion to the deep UV range. The assembly of SnO2 withTiO2 or ZnO in heterostructures creates conditionsfor charge separation and the enhancement of pho-tocatalytic activity; unsurprisingly, they attract con-siderable attention.

The increased photocatalytic efficiency has beenreported in the literature in the case of using Janustype ZnO/SnO2 and TiO2/SnO2 heterostructurescompared to basic metal-oxide systems. Uddin etal. [71] demonstrated a twice faster rate of pho-tocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (UV at365 nm–125 W) on SnO2/ZnO nanoparticles com-pared to ZnO alone. Similar heterostructure systemsshow a 100% enhancement on the decolorizationof methyl orange solution [72]. The assembly ofTiO2/SnO2 nanoparticles exhibits a 50% increasein the rate of photocatalytic degradation of Rho-

Figure 14. Representation of the SG het-erostructure present in a SnO2/TiO2 het-erostructure.

damine B compared to commercial TiO2 (DegussaEvonik P25) nanoparticles [76].

A large number of publications discuss the het-erostructure assembly of nanowires/nanoparticles,which allows us to draw a conclusion about the ef-ficiency of this approach. The decoration of metal-oxide nanowires grown by various methods withmetal-oxide nanoparticles also demonstrates the ef-ficiency of the heterostructure approach [73,83]. Zhuet al. [83] demonstrated, by photocurrent measure-ments, that the efficient separation of carriers pro-motes photocatalytic degradation. As shown, thesemiconductor heterostructures can solve the prob-lem of carriers’ recombination; however, the photo-catalytic activity will still be limited to the UV range.Moreover, the semiconductor–semiconductor inter-face should not have any parasitical contamination;otherwise the separation of carriers will not occur.

4. Plasmonic approach for the enhancementof the photocatalytic activity

The association of metal-oxide structures withmetallic nanoparticles presenting surface plasmon

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Figure 15. (a) Schematic illustration of surface plasmon resonance. (b, c) Illustration for plasmon reso-nance dependency on nanoparticle material and shape [69,84,85].

resonance properties is considered as heterostruc-tures as well [86,87]. Like the process occurring in thecase of semiconductor/semiconductor heterostruc-tures, noble metal nanoparticles can trap electronsfrom the conduction band of a semiconductor. Itis due to the Fermi level difference between noblemetals and metal oxides. Usually, noble metals pos-sess lower Fermi level than metal oxides, leading to amigration of photogenerated electrons from the con-duction band of metal oxides in metallic nanopar-ticles, through the heterojunction. This process en-hances the charge separation and prevents recombi-nation of photogenerated species. In addition, one ofthe main advantages of plasmonic nanoparticles isthat the plasmonic surface resonance appears in thevisible range of the light spectrum.

4.1. Principles of the plasmonic approach forimprovement of light absorption

Plasmonics address the core idea of a coherent os-cillation of electrons in metals induced by the in-teraction of incident electromagnetic radiation withmetallic nanostructures [69]. The principle of thisplasmonic surface resonance can be explained bydrawing an analogy with a mechanical oscillator [69,88]. The displacement of a simple harmonic oscil-lator from equilibrium results in a continuous sinu-soidal motion. The amplitude of the harmonic oscil-lator is a function of the external periodic force fre-quency applied to the system. When the frequencyfulfills the resonance conditions (“in phase” with thesystem), the amplitude of the harmonic oscillator isincreased [69].

Likewise, in plasmonics, an incident electromag-netic radiation (as external force) enhances the os-cillation of delocalized electrons from the electroncloud. It induces the emergence of Coulombic forcesbetween the noble metal nucleus and the delocal-ized electron cloud, opposed to each other. The plas-monic resonance appears when the resultant of thosetwo opposite forces leads to the collective oscillationof the electrons from the electron cloud (delocalizedelectrons) [69] (Figure 15a).

When metal nanoparticles are smaller than theincident light wavelength, the collective oscillationof electrons is referred to as Localized Surface Plas-mon Resonance (LSPR). Multiple parameters affectthe oscillation frequency of electrons, such as the ef-fective mass and density of electrons, or the shape,charge distribution, and size of nanoparticles [69,84,85]. Among all metals presenting LSPR properties,noble metals are particularly attracting due to theirchemical stability, even at the nanometer scale, andtheir strong LSPR in the visible range of the lightspectrum (Figure 15b and c) [69]. Thus, heterostruc-tures between metal-oxide photocatalysts and no-ble metal nanoparticles showing LSPR propertiesare particularly appealing for photocatalytic applica-tions, as they are efficient in a broader light spectrumrange (especially visible range), and improve pho-togenerated charge carriers separation [69]. In theUV range, nanoparticles behave as collectors for theincident light, resulting in an improved absorbanceof the electromagnetic field at the metal-oxide sur-face, through an LSPR mechanism. Previous publi-cations, studying the mechanism at the origin of theimprovement of photocatalytic properties of metal-oxide/plasmonic nanoparticles, stated the aptitude

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Figure 16. Possible mechanism of charge sep-aration (direct charge transfer mecha-nism) [91].

of nanoparticles to enhance the separation of chargecarriers [69]. In the suggested mechanism, the inter-face between plasmonic nanoparticles and the pho-tocatalytic metal oxide was considered as a Schot-tky barrier [69,89–94]. In the visible range, electronsoriginating from the oscillating electron cloud in themetallic nanoparticles are injected in the conductionband of the metal oxide (Figure 16) [69]. In the pro-cess depicted in Figure 16, electron migration fromthe gold nanoparticle to the TiO2 leads to a tem-porary oxidation state of the gold nanoparticle. Asstated by Tian and Tatsuma [91], this oxidized statereduces quickly with an electron provided by a donorpresent in the solution. Femtosecond IR analysis per-formed by Furube et al. [92] showed that this electronreduction happens within a few hundred femtosec-onds [69].

The mechanism behind the global photocatalyticimprovement is still not fully understood. However,the direct charge injection is appearing as the mostsupported one, based on experimental and theoreti-cal studies [69,95,96].

Another interesting property of plasmonicnanoparticles is the local heating effect. It originatesfrom the local electromagnetic field produced by the

plasmonic resonance. This local heating effect is par-ticularly interesting in applications like photother-mal catalysis, medicine, synthesis, or light-to-heatconversion systems [97–99]. Fasciani et al. [100] high-lighted that the local temperature at the surface ofgold nanoparticles could attend 500± 100 °C underlaser pulses (8 ns, 532 nm, 50 mJ/pulse).

In the literature, multiple associations of metal ox-ides and metallic nanoparticles can be found. Mostoften, metal oxides are ZnO, TiO2, CeO, CdS, Fe2O3,etc. Metallic nanoparticles are usually based on sil-ver, gold, platinum, or mixed alloys [87].

Heterostructures between a metal oxide and ametal can be found under two different configura-tions. In the first one, called core–shell, the metal-oxide shell surround the inner metallic core. In thesecond one, called Janus, metal-oxide particles arepartially in contact with metal nanoparticles [86,101].Some publications (on both experimental and the-oretical work) detailed that the Janus structure wasthe most efficient one, as it shows the strongest near-field enhancement, and thus improves the light ab-sorption [86] (Figure 17).

She et al. [86] studied the Au/TiO2 heterostructurewith Janus and core–shell nanoparticles. They estab-lished that the light absorption was amplified by 1.7times with Janus nanoparticles compared to core–shell ones.

The improvement of metal-oxide photocatalyticactivity in the visible range can also be performedby doping the last with other elements, but the plas-monic strategy is easier to control and leads to equalor improved results. However, a major drawback ofhaving metallic nanoparticles decorating the photo-catalysts must be mentioned. It concerns the loss ofphotocatalyst’s specific surface area exposed to theexternal medium. The surface coverage of nanopar-ticles must be tightly controlled in order to avoidan undesired passivation of the photocatalyst. It hasbeen shown that a surface coverage of more than 15%of metallic particles impairs the final photocatalyticproperties [94,102,103].

5. Light management approaches

The light management approaches attract con-siderable attention in photovoltaics. This strategymainly targets two goals: anti-reflection (AR) andabsorption enhancement. Given that, the increase

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Figure 17. Illustration for Janus (a) and core–shell (b) Au 50 nm-TiO2 nanostructures and their plasmonicnear-field maps obtained by DDA simulation [86].

of light absorption would be also relevant for thephotocatalysis.

Fundamental studies on the anti-reflection prin-ciples were already well investigated on bulk ma-terials. The maximum of achievable absorption onsolar cells was determined to be 4n2, known asYablonovitch or Lambertian limit (where n is therefractive index of the semiconductor material). Thislimit was determined by Yablonovitch and Codybased on Lambertian scatter [104,105]. Various stud-ies intend to reach this limit and photonic struc-tures have been considered to go beyond this the-oretical limit. It was shown that the use of peri-odic structures could increase the density of opti-cal modes [106–110]. Therefore, the key parametersdetermining the interaction light/material are spac-ing, spatial arrangement, and optical properties ofmaterials [110]. Some publications even underlinedthe importance of geometry that may predominateintrinsic material properties [111]. This phenome-non is based on the light scattering and reflection onperiodic nanostructures which increases the opticalpath. Therefore, the commonly used light manage-

ment approaches are mainly based on patternedmicro- and nanostructures arrays, their shape, size,and spatial arrangement. For instance, concavenanonets and nanobowl arrays significantly improvelight scattering, while vertical nanostructures such asnanocones enhances the anti-reflection properties(Figure 18) [112].

The light scattering enhancement on patternedarrays is related to the increase of the light pathdue to multiple reflections and refractions. The im-portance of the aspect ratio of textured surfacescould be evidenced by using the example of Haug etal. [113]. The patterned structures with higher aspectratio reduce the reflection losses (Figure 19b) com-pared to shallow structures (Figure 19a). The verticalnanowire designs show up the interest as the poten-tial design for axial absorption paths which is muchlonger than the film thickness (Figure 19c).

Besides the light scattering strategies, the anti-reflection approaches play an important role toimprove the performance of photocatalysis, pho-tovoltaics, optoelectronic, and optical devices.The sharp nanostructures such as nanocones,

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Figure 18. Schematic representation of main light management strategies based on patterned micro-and nanostructure arrays [112].

Figure 19. Illustration of light scattering textures: shallow structures (a); structures with higher aspectratios (b); nanowire designs (c) [113].

nanoneedles with dimensions below the lightwavelength act as an anti-reflective coating (ARC)[110,111], whereas the nanostructures with uniformdiameters such as nanowires show fundamentalphotonic resonant modes and could lead to theefficient light confinement and absorption [111].

Typically, in the vertical patterned array the lightis trapped by the gap between the vertical struc-tures and if the size of individual structures (the pitchand the depth) are in the same range as the wave-length it leads to the significant decrease of the re-flectance in the visible range. In the case if the sizeof vertical structures is significantly lower than thewavelength range, the incident light is insensitive to

these structures that allows to adapt gradually therefractive index independently on the angle of inci-dence [112,114].

Recently, the nature inspired approach of theMoth-eye gains significant attention due to a rela-tively simple fabrication approache and high AR ef-ficiency [115,116]. This biomimetic approach tendsto reproduce the surface of the moth eye whichpresent the array of 200 to 300 nm sized pillars (Fig-ure 20). Such surface texturation allows to reducethe reflection of light and enhance night vision ca-pability [115]. Through the fabrication of polymericpillars on polycarbonate substrates, Sun et al. [115]achieved an average reflection of 1.21% in the visible

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Figure 20. (a) Moth-eyes photograph; (b) SEM image of the details of ommatidia. The inset figure is amagnified SEM image to show the subwavelength structure array in one ommatidium (the scale bar insetis 1 µm). (c) Measured angle-dependent reflectance on fabricated nanostructures at different incidenceangles. (Curves a–e represent incidence angles of 0°, 30°, 50°, 60°, and 75°.) [115].

light range from 380 to 760 nm, at normal incidenceand below 4% at 50° of incidence angle (Figure 20c). Asimilar approach has been reported by Yoo et al. [116]based on patterned SiO2 nanopillar arrays coatedwith 100 nm of low-reflective index material MgF2(n = 1.38). Associated with a perovskite solar cell(PSC), SiO2/MgF2 patterned surface demonstrate in-crease of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) by12.50% [116].

The biomimetic approaches based on photonicstructures attract particular attention for develop-ment of sustainable technologies; they often of-fer simple and efficient solutions. Low et al. [117]demonstrates the application of the bio-inspiredphotonic crystals for a photocatalytic CO2 reduc-tion system. Authors inspired by the Papilio nireuswing photonic structures, performed a multilayerporous TiO2 anodized membrane, produced underalternately changing anodization conditions. Such amultilayer photonic structure represents the periodicvariation of pore diameters from 80 nm and 100 nmwith layer thickness of 200 and 250 nm, respectively(Figure 21). The investigated TiO2 photonic crystals(PCs) demonstrate a significant increase of the CO2

reduction rate (almost 5 times) compared to simpleTiO2 nanotube arrays (NTAs) without pore diametervariation.

Light management strategies demonstrate a re-markable improvement of the light–matter interac-tions for all light-related applications. The appro-priate design of the array’s geometry, shape, size,spatial arrangement, and the material properties willallow an increase in the efficiency of the light path

through scattering, reflection management, lightconfinement, or waveguiding.

6. Conclusions on photocatalysis enhance-ment approaches

The overview of the current state of photocatalyticmaterials and devices summarizes possible pathsto enhance the degradation efficiency of photo-catalysts. In addition to the photogeneration andtransport of carriers, photocatalysis is a surface-dependent approach. Therefore, it is also obviousthat the increase of specific surface area would in-crease the photocatalytic activity. Thus, two kinds ofnanoscale photocatalysts can be distinguished: sus-pensions of nanostructures in solutions or nano-materials supported on appropriated templates. Themain advantages of dispersed nanostructures are thesimplicity of use and their low cost. Nevertheless,nanomaterials dispersed in solution tend to agglom-erate, lowering their exposed specific surface area.Moreover, due to the toxicity of the nano-objects,they have to be removed after the pollutant’s degra-dation cycle; thus an additional filtration step isneeded. For this reason, there is a growing inter-est in supported nanomaterials. To increase the ex-posed specific surface area of nanotextured photo-catalysts, their synthesis at the surface of porous sup-ports like membranes has been envisioned for watertreatment [118,119] or water splitting [120]. The con-ventional photocatalytic approach, which uses basicmetal oxides such as TiO2, ZnO, SnO2, is far fromreaching the required efficiency. Light absorption

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Figure 21. (a) Schematic illustration of the enhancement mechanism for the photocatalytic CO2 reduc-tion on the TiO2 PCs; (b) gas chromatogram for the product of photocatalytic CO2 reduction test usingTiO2 PCs; (c) comparison of the photocatalytic CH4-production activity of P25, TiO2 NTAs, and TiO2

PCs [117].

limited to the UV range and fast recombination ofphotogenerated carriers are the main bottlenecks.

Various solutions were proposed to overcomethese limitations. Among these solutions, the mostcommonly used have been previously discussed. Thedirect band gap engineering via doping intends tolower the band gap energy by the creation of addi-tional energy levels. It will extend the light absorp-tion in the visible range. The assembly of metal ox-ides with plasmonic nanoparticles also allows theactivation of conventional photocatalysts in the vis-ible range. Moreover, this approach improves thephotocatalytic activity in the UV range by electrontrapping. The semiconductor/semiconductor het-erostructure approach acts on the carrier separation.The light management approach is already appliedin the field of photovoltaics; it would be also inter-esting for the photocatalytic applications as a way oflight absorption improvement. The periodic organi-

zation of metal-oxide nanostructures with a high re-fractive index offers myriad possibilities of light ma-nipulation. Nevertheless, the methods allowing themetal-oxide structuration in the periodic arrays atdeep subwavelength scale are expensive, especiallyfor TiO2 and SnO2. Therefore, it is an open challengeto develop large-scale and low-cost methods of peri-odic doped metal-oxides nanostructures over highlyreflective substrates and to combine them with well-and periodically organized plasmonic nanoparticles.


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