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Home » A Bit of the Language A Bit of the Language Contents Introduction Vowel Pronunciation Guide Consonants Alphabets Japanese Onomatopoeias and Mimetic Words What the Animals Say Fractured English Introduction As the title suggests, this is not an in-depth look at all the complexities of the Japanese language. I simply intend to provide a brief look at the language in order to introduce some of the fun and quirks that budding students of Japanese can look forward to. (And also so they'll have a little idea of what they're in for....) © 1998 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson Vowel Pronunciation Guide Japanese vowels are easy. If you have taken Spanish, you'll quickly see that they're the same. Unlike crazy English, vowels in Japanese are always pronounced the same, so once you've got them down you'll be well on your way to correct-sounding Japanese. (And then you can attack the consonants.) Here are the five basic Japanese vowels, in Japanese alphabetical order: a - pronounced "ah" i - pronounced "ee" u - pronounced "oo" e - pronounced "eh" o - pronounced "oh" Let's look at the word "house." In Japanese it's ie. Just say "ee-eh." Now a little faster. Got it? The next important thing you must remember about vowels is to elongate double vowels, giving each one its own "time." Again, "house" in Japanese is ie. The word for "no" is iie. It's not as hard as it looks. Said slowly, "house" is "ee-eh," and "no" is "ee-ee-eh." Said at natural speed, the "ee" in iie should sound about twice as long as Tim's Takamatsu - A Bit of the Language 1 of 9 4/13/2010 8:56 PM

Tim's Takamatsu Japanese Grammar Guide

Apr 27, 2015




Japanese grammar guide written by Tim Takamatsu and available at his website

It covers japanese:
-phrasal verbs
-"bikkuri" adverbs
-numbers and counting
-time related nouns

recommend using with Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar guide
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Home » A Bit of the Language

A Bit of the Language


IntroductionVowel Pronunciation GuideConsonantsAlphabetsJapanese Onomatopoeias and Mimetic WordsWhat the Animals SayFractured English


As the title suggests, this is not an in-depth look at all the complexities of theJapanese language. I simply intend to provide a brief look at the language in order tointroduce some of the fun and quirks that budding students of Japanese can lookforward to. (And also so they'll have a little idea of what they're in for....)

© 1998 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson

Vowel Pronunciation Guide

Japanese vowels are easy. If you have taken Spanish, you'll quickly see that they'rethe same. Unlike crazy English, vowels in Japanese are always pronounced the same,so once you've got them down you'll be well on your way to correct-soundingJapanese. (And then you can attack the consonants.)

Here are the five basic Japanese vowels, in Japanese alphabetical order:

a - pronounced "ah"

i - pronounced "ee"

u - pronounced "oo"

e - pronounced "eh"

o - pronounced "oh"

Let's look at the word "house." In Japanese it's ie. Just say "ee-eh." Now a little faster.Got it?

The next important thing you must remember about vowels is to elongate double

vowels, giving each one its own "time." Again, "house" in Japanese is ie. The word for

"no" is iie. It's not as hard as it looks. Said slowly, "house" is "ee-eh," and "no" is

"ee-ee-eh." Said at natural speed, the "ee" in iie should sound about twice as long as

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the "ee" in ie.

While we're at it, let's look at two more that foreign speakers seem to have a tough

time with: obasan and obaasan. Obasan (aunt) is pronounced "oh-bah-san," and

obaasan (grandmother) is "oh-bah-ah-san." Just remember to give each vowel equaltime and you'll be all right.



The consonants used in Japanese are k, g, s, z, t, d, n, h, f, b, p, m, y, r, and w; andthey are pronounced the same as you would in English, except for the following:

r - this is like the Spanish r, so ri should sound like a lightly pronounced dee

d - because r sounds like a light d, d has a more distinct d sound

Japanese consonants are not thought of as having their own sound, except for n. Allof the others always appear combined with a vowel, with the vowel coming after the

consonant, like ka, for example. This combination of one consonant and one vowel

makes only one "letter" in the Japanese alphabet, and to the Japanese mind

represents only one sound. This is a very important point to remember when studyingJapanese.

There are also a few letters which have combined consonants like shi, chi, and tsu.Again, each of these look like 3 letters to us, but they are each viewed as one inJapanese.

As with vowels, consonants also have doubles. Doubled consonants are found in

compound words like ippun, which means "one minute." The difficulty in pronouncingthe double consonant is that there's nothing to pronounce; it's just the trick of"holding" the pronunciation so that the "time value" of the double is recognized, just

like with the vowels. When pronouncing ippun, you should be giving equal time to the

4 syllables: i-p-pu-n, with the second syllable being just a silent rest and preparationto pronounce the third. This will be barely noticed during normal speech, but it isimportant. Doubles not pronounced correctly will be noticed by native listeners. When

said correctly, ippun will be heard as "eep-poon," not "ee-poon."



| Hiragana | Katakana | Kanji | Romaji |

There are 4 alphabets used in Japan today: hiragana, katakana, kanji, and romaji.Here they are in a nutshell:


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Hiragana is the first system you want to learn, as they are phonetic symbols or

"pronunciation guides" for kanji, and have an extensive role in Japanese grammar.

Hiragana is the first alphabet that children learn, and, at any age, is the "default"

alphabet used when a particular kanji is unknown or forgotten.

Here are the basic 46 hiragana with their readings:

The nice thing about Japanese is that once you can read and say these, you can readand say longer words, which are simply combinations of the individual letters. Let's trysome:

Easy, right? Now let's move on to the modified hiragana.

There are 4 groups of hiragana that are modified by two small quote-like marks added

just above and/or to the right of the letter. They are the ka, sa, ta, and ha groups. The

ha group alone has an additional mode of modification which is made by adding a

small degree-like circle. Here are the modified hiragana with their readings:

It will be noticed that two ji 's and two zu 's are created, but the ones in the sa groupare used most of the time. Accurate knowledge concerning differentiation and use of

these is not important until the student is well into the study of kanji.

Let's try these:

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Next up are the combined hiragana, which are made by adding a small ya, yu, or yo to

letters in the second line, namely ki through ri, including the modified ones mentioned

above. For example, ki + ya = kya; chi + yu = chu; and so on. Here they all are:

The ri group is usually the hardest for foreign speakers to master, but that's because

they're still trying to pronounce the r like the English r. If you just pronounce them

dya, dyu, dyo, with just a light d, they'll sound fine.

Try these:

The last thing that needs to be mentioned about hiragana at this time is the small tsu,

which indicates double consonants. As one becomes familiar with kanji, this willbecome easier to understand. Here are some good examples. Remember to hold thedouble as mentioned in consonants.

This should be enough about hiragana for the time being. All the examples used here

are words that are usually written in kanji, but are shown in hiragana to show whatthey look like and how they work together.

Hiragana also play an important role in Japanese grammar as subject and objectindicators, prepositions, and other particles.

You can learn or review hiragana using my Hiragana Driller.


For every hiragana there is a corresponding katakana, which are more angular. Herethey are:

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Katakana are used to write foreign words and names, and the names of someJapanese companies. They are also often seen expressing the sounds of variousnoises in comic books.

Most of the rules that apply to hiragana also apply to katakana. One exception is when

a vowel sound is elongated: katakana vowels are not doubled, but use a dash (—) toshow an extended vowel sound.

Here are a few that are often seen:

The worst thing about katakana is that they are sometimes used as a phonetic guide

for pronouncing English words. Tiny katakana can sometimes be seen running aboveor below English sentences in textbooks — books that I would never recommend.

While it is true that katakana will give Japanese students of English an idea of how a

word is pronounced, those who rely on katakana to learn English form bad habits inpronunciation that become very difficult to overcome in the future.

You can learn or review katakana using my Katakana Driller.


Kanji are characters which were originally adopted from the Chinese. Though

similarities still exist, Japanese kanji have evolved and changed differently than their

Chinese counterparts, and now have forms and readings all their own. Kanji are usedfor the core parts of a sentence: nouns and the root forms of verbs and adjectives.

Hiragana are used as the "cement" between the kanji to indicate their relationship toeach other, and to conjugate verbs.

You need to know around 2,200 kanji to read a Japanese newspaper. The study of

kanji can be fascinating, however, and the more you study them the more sense theymake (excepting the exceptions), making it easier to learn more.

This just barely scratches the surface, but here are a few of the easiest kanji of the 76taught to first graders in elementary school:

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Romaji are simply the ABC's we all know and love, but the Japanese like to use them,too. Large, international companies usually have logos and emblems with their nameswritten in the Roman letters. Internationally known organizations and other names andtitles like OPEC, FBI, NASA, AIDS, and VIP are left as-is.

Finally, there is a certain "fashion appeal" in using foreign words on products andproduct packaging, and it is practically impossible to buy something here that doesn'thave some silly message written in English. It may be in poor English but

comprehensible, or it may have no clear meaning at all. It's for fashion only, I've beentold. English letters, words and phrases may be combined just as an artist doing an

abstract will combine colors together. In this way, romaji become an enemy to the

serious student of English in pretty much the same way as katakana do, as mentionedabove. The successful student will always keep "fashion English" and correct English

completely separate.1


Japanese Onomatopoeias and Mimetic Words

Students of Japanese often find the Japanese giseigo and gitaigo amusing and fun touse. These words are made up of 2 Japanese syllables said twice in succession, for a

total of 4. The giseigo are onomatopoeias: words used to describe a sound. Gitaigoare mimetic words which describe a certain feeling or condition.

Here are some that are often heard in everyday conversation, arranged in Japanesealphabetical order. Remember to pronounce those vowels correctly!

This list is only a sample of the hundreds that are actually used. Some are dialectaland will be heard only in specific regions. Some will have meanings which overlap

with others, with some being both giseigo and gitaigo. Also, some will have a dialectalusage that has evolved from its original one. For example, according to the dictionary

bishobisho is used for "it drizzles," but people in the area where I live use it todescribe their clothes after they come in from the rain without an umbrella: "soaked tothe skin."


karikari: crispy

garigari: crunchy

gyugyu: squeak; creak

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guigui: gulp down

kusukusu: giggle; snicker

guzuguzu: complain; grumble

korokoro: rolling over and over

zakuzaku: walking on gravel or similar surface

jabujabu: splash and play in water

janjan: clang-clang; a jangling sound

dondon: beating (drums); heavy rainfall

batabata: flap; to bustle about

bishobisho: drizzle; soaked

pichapicha: water lapping against a shore or object

berabera: chatter; jabber

potsupotsu: (rain) falling in drops


iraira: to be impatient

gyugyu: to squeeze; pack

guragura: loose, as in a loose tooth

gungun: steadily

sakusaku: a light crispness

sarasara: light; smooth; dry

zarazara: rough, like dry skin or sandpaper

sansan: to shine brilliantly

jimejime: damp; wet; moist

soyosoyo: gently; softly

sowasowa: to be restless

tsuntsun: to be stuck-up; stiff-mannered

dokidoki: nervousness; a fast heartbeat

nukunuku: warmly; snugly; comfortably

hakihaki: quick; smart; brisk

harahara: to be in suspense; thrilling

bishibishi: severely; rigorously

pichipichi: lively

pyonpyon: hop; skip along

hirahira: flutter

hirihiri: smart; tingle; burn

piripiri: to be on edge; testy

furafura: to feel dizzy or light-headed

fuwafuwa: light; soft

betabeta: to feel sticky

perapera: fluently

hokahoka: warm

botsubotsu: gradually

hodohodo: in moderation

mukamuka: to feel sick; be disgusted

meramera: go up in flames

meromero: to be terribly upset

wakuwaku: to be excited

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What the Animals Say

These are just some of the sounds that animals make, according to the Japanese. It isinteresting to note that there are some that do not exist in English, like the elephant's

paoon. (I verified this with the people at Webster's, just to make sure.) These are

written in romaji (Romanized Japanese), so please remember to pronounce them

correctly. For example, the horse's hi-hiin is pronounced "hee-heen," etc. If necessary,go back and review vowel pronunciation.

cat - nyaao ; (purring) gorogoro

dog - wan-wan ; (growling) uuuu

mouse - chuu-chuu

horse - hi-hiin

cow - moo

sheep - mee-mee

pig - buu-buu

chicken - (clucking) kokkokko

rooster crowing - kokekokkoo

duck - gaa-gaa

sparrow - chun-chun

owl - hoo-hoo

fox - kon-kon

elephant - paoon

monkey - kyakkyaa

A real kick, right? These are great to memorize and bring out at boring parties.


Fractured English

When I first began working in Japan there was a strange word that I would hear

several times a day. It was pasokon, and it didn't sound like Japanese to me. That'sbecause it wasn't, and isn't; but in a way it is. It has to be, because it's not English,

nor any other language for that matter. In fact, it's only one of the thousands of wasei

eigo words (Japanized English) that are used all the time here, with more and morecoming in every year.

The paso in pasokon is the Japanese pronunciation of the first part of the word

"personal," and the kon is short for "computer." So when you hear pasokon in Japanyou know that someone is talking about personal computers. Yes, it would be much

easier to say "PC," but that's not used very often; pasokon or konpyuuta is preferred.

There are thousands and thousands of these, from simple ones like keeki (cake) to

ones a bit more complex like puranetariumu (planetarium). When the English is made

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up of two words, the Japanese will usually be a compound made from the beginnings

of both, like rimokon (remote control), eakon (air conditioning), dejikame (digital

camera), and pasokon mention above. And there are oddballs like baito, which comes

from arbeit, the German for "work"; but in Japanese it means only a "part-time job."

Here are a few more:

sooseeji: sausage

suteeki: steak

orenji: orange

shatsu: shirt

masukomi: mass communication

fuakkusu: fax

marason: marathon

sofuto: software

hoteru: hotel

shinpojiumu: symposium

kurejitto kaado: credit card

chokoreeto: chocolate

rasshu awaa: rush hour

intaanetto: internet


1 For many more examples showing the strange and interesting ways English is used(and abused), please visit


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Page 110: Tim's Takamatsu Japanese Grammar Guide

Home » Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

English Phrasal Verbs to Japanese


Phrasal verbs can sometimes be challenging and hard to findin English-Japanese dictionaries, if they are listed at all. Hereyou should be able to find most of the common ones usedevery day.

Each phrasal verb will be followed by vi (intransitive verb, not

taking a direct object) or vt (transitive verb, taking a directobject), a short definition for clarification if needed, theJapanese equivalent, and an example sentence inJapanese along with its English translation.

Please keep in mind that this is not meant to becomprehensive. In many cases there are other Japanesewords which can be used instead. However, the ones listedhere are those which I feel are the most preferred. Pleasecross-reference using other dictionaries in order to get a goodfeel for the total scope of each word or phrase. Also, pleaseremember that not all English verb forms will translate into aJapanese verb form. Sometimes the commonly usedJapanese equivalent will be an auxiliary or something elseentirely.

Example sentences will use a wide variety of verb

conjugations. Please use my Japanese Verbs as a guide forthese. While I have taken care to choose examples whichtranslate over in a straightforward manner, there are some thatare not a perfectly literal match. They will be, however, closeenough to convey the meaning shown while being commonlyused in both languages. Even though Japanese tends toprefer passive structures much more than English, I have keptsome active simply to keep the structure true to the English inorder to be more easily understood. If further clarification isnecessary, or if there are others which you would like to seeincluded here, please feel free to contact me.

© 2008 Tim R. Matheson


| be l blow | call | catch | cheer | come | cut | drop | fill | get | go

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| hang | keep | look | make | put | show | take | tell | turn | wear| work | write |

be about to 1 vt (to be on the verge of doing) ...tokoro: Ima

kara yuushoku o taberu tokoro. (I'm just about to eat dinner.)

be up to 1 vt (to be doing) shite iru: Kimiko wa nani o shite iru

ka na? (I wonder what Kimiko is up to.) 2 vt (to be planning to

do, often something devious) takuramu: Ano futari wa kitto

nanika takurande iru. (Those two are surely up to something.)

3 vt (to feel like doing) ga aru: Kouen made aruku ki ga

aru? (Are you up to a walk to the park?)


blow away 1 vt fukitobasu: Kaze wa kare no boushi o

fukitobashita. (The wind blew his hat away.) 2 vt

(to surprise) odorokasu: Sore o itte mina odorokashita. (I saidthat and blew everyone away.)

blow out 1 vt (to extinguish) fukikesu: rousoku o fukikeshite

ne. (Blow out the candles, okay?) 2 vi (for a tire to blow

out) panku suru: Jitensha no tire ga panku shita yo. (Thebicycle tire blew out.)

Panku is borrowed from the English "puncture."

blow over 1 vt fukitaosu: Kaze wa sanbon no denchuu o

fukitaoshita. (The wind blew over three telephone poles.) 2 vi

(to die away) toorisugiru: Kono arashi ga toorisugiru made

matsu shika nai. (All we can do is wait for this storm to blowover.)

blow up 1 vi (to explode) bakuhatsu suru: Kyonen, kouba no

tanku ga bakuhatsu shimashita. (A tank at the factory blew uplast year.)


call off 1 vt (to cancel) chuushi suru: Asu ame ga futtara,

yama e no haikingu o chuushi suru. (If it rains tomorrow I’mgoing to call off the hike in the mountains.)

call on 1 vt (to visit) houmon suru: Kurashiki ni itta toki yuujin o

houmon shita. (I called on a friend when I went to Kurashiki.)

call out 1 vt yobidasu: O-namae o yobidashitara, kountaa ni

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kite kudasai. (When I call out your name please come to thecounter.)

call up 1 vt denwa suru: Karen ni denwa shita no? (Did youcall up Karen?)


catch it 1 vi (to be scolded) shikarareru: Yameta hou ga ii.

Shikarareru yo. (You better not do it. You’ll catch it.)

catch on 1 vi (to understand) rikai suru: Sono uchi rikai suru.(You’ll catch on in time.)

catch up 1 vi oitsuku: Saki ni itte. Oitsuku kara. (Go ahead. I’llcatch up.)

As in the last example above, there are words used inJapanese simply for “colloquial smoothing,” which wouldusually not be used in the English counterpart. The literal

translation of oitsuku kara would be “because I’ll catch up,”

but that would sound unnatural in English. Oitsuku alone

would sound equally as odd in Japanese; kara would naturally

be added. Kara, ga, ne, and yo are just some of the Japanesewords that are often added for feeling but do not have asimple counterpart in English.


cheer up 1 vi (to show renewed spirit or energy) genki o dasu:

Genki o dashite ne. (Cheer up, okay?) 2 vt (to cause someone

to show renewed spirit or energy) genki zukeru: Kanojo wa

shibaraku no aida kare ni hanashite genji zukete kureta. (She

was nice enough to talk to him for a while and cheer him up.)

cheer on 1 vt ouen suru: Ouen shimasu yo. (I’ll be cheeringyou on.)


come across 1 vi (to give an impression) inshou o ataeru:

Kare wa totemo majime na hito da to iu inshou o ataeru. (Hecomes across as being a very sober person.) 2 vt (to find)

mitsukeru: Souko no naka ni totemo furui hon o mitsuketa. (Icame across a very old book in the storage shed.)

When something is found which was intentionally searched

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for, the intransitive verb mitsukaru is usually used: Mitsukatta!(I found it!)

come after 1 vt (to follow) (no ato ni kuru: Daitai tsuyoi kaze

ga ame no ato ni kuru. (Usually strong winds come after the

rain.) 2 vt (to come to get) tori ni kuru: Kanojo wa mou sugu

kasa o tori ni kuru deshou. (She will surely come after herumbrella soon.)

come again 1 vi mata kuru: Mata kite kudasai. (Please comeagain.)

come along 1 vi (to accompany) tsuite kuru: Yokereba tsuite

kite. (Come along with me if you like.) 2 vi (to progress)

susumu: Yoku susunde imasu ne. (It’s coming along quitenicely, isn’t it?)

come and go 1 vi ittari kitari suru: Benchi ni suwatte, hito ga

ittari kitari suru koto o miru no ga suki. (I like sitting on a benchand watching the people come and go.)

come apart 1 vi barabara ni naru: Denwaki ga katte ni

barabara ni natta. (The telephone came apart on its own.)

come around 1 vi mawatte kuru: Maitoshi kono jiki ni tsubame

ga mawatte kuru. (Every year about this time the swallowscome around.)

come back 1 vi (to return) kaette kuru: Nanji goro kaette kuru

deshou? (About what time will you come back?) 2 vt (to be

remembered) omoidasareru: Chotto matte. Chotto shitara

omoidasareru deshou. (Just a minute. It’ll probably come backto me in a bit.)

come from 1 vt (kara kuru: Doko kara kimashita ka. (Wheredid you come from?)

come in 1 vi / vt hairu: Douzo, haitte kudasai. (Please comein.)

come in handy 1 vi yaku ni tatsu: Denshi jisho o kattara yaku

ni tatsu ni chigainai. (If you buy an electronic dictionary it willsurely come in handy.)

come close to 1 vt (to approach) (ni chikazuku: Ippiki no

saru ga boku ni chikazuita. (One of the monkeys came close to

me.) 2 vt (to just miss an occurrence) ( tokoro: Hikouki ni

noriokureru tokoro datta. (I came close to missing my plane.)

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come off 1 vi hazureru: Jitensha no cheen ga hazureta. (Mybicycle chain came off.)

come on 1 vi (used to hurry someone up) isogu: Isoginasai!(Come on! Hurry!) 2 vi (for lights or electrical appliances to

start working) tsuku: Denki ga mou sugu tsuku deshou. (Thelights will probably come on in a minute.)

come out 1 vi dete kuru: Sakuban nezumi ga kurozetto kara

dete kita. (Last night a mouse came out of the closet.)

come over 1 vi kuru: Watashi wa shichiji han goro kuru. (I’llcome over around 7:30.)

come to 1 vt (to result in) (ni naru: Kesshite konna koto ni

naru to omowanakatta. (I never thought it would come to this.)

2 vt (to total in money) (ni naru: Go hyaku juugo en ni

narimasu. (That comes to 515 yen.)

come up 1 vi (to rise) agaru: Douzo, agatte kudasai. (Please

come up. [Please come in.]) 2 vi (to happen) okoru: Ano

mondai ga okoru made, raku na ichi nichi ni narisou datta.(Until that problem came up, it looked like it was going to bean easy day.)

Since the inside of Japanese houses are traditionally muchhigher than the outside, you are literally asked to “rise up”when asked to come in.

come up against 1 vt butsukaru: Ritsuko wa Hawaii de

hatarakihajimeta toki, iroiro na mondai ni butsukatta. (Ritsukocame up against various problems when she began working inHawaii.)

come up with 1 vt (to suggest) teian suru: Kono mondai o

kaiketsu suru tame, ii houhou o teian suru koto ga dekinai ka.(Can’t you come up with a good way to solve this problem?)


cut corners 1 vi (to make tasks easier; to not do a task

completely) te o nuku: Kare wa itsumo te o nuite iru. (He isalways cutting corners.)

cut down 1 vt (to cut down a tree) kiritaosu: Kare wa niwa ni

atta furui matsu no ki o kiritaoshita. (He cut down that old pine

tree that was in his yard.) 2 vt (to decrease) herasu: Shuppi o

herasanai to ikenai. (We've got to cut down our spending.)

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cut off 1 vt (to interrupt) chuudan saseru: Chuudan shinaide

kudasai. (Please don’t cut me off.) 2 vt (to discontinue service)

tomeru: Karera wa gasu dai o harawanakatta node, tomerareta.(They didn’t pay their gas bill, so it was cut off.) 3 vt (to hang

up and end a telephone call) denwa o kiru: Watashi no kyuuka

ni tsuite hanasou to omotta kedo, kanojo wa denwa o kitta. (Iwas going to tell her about my vacation, but she cut me off.)

cut out 1 vi (for a machine to stop) kyuu ni tomaru: Enjin ga

kyuu ni tomatta. (The engine just cut out.) 2 vt (to make a way

through) kirihiraku: Karera wa kawa made no michi o

kirihiraita. (They cut out a path to the river.)

cut out for 1 vt (to be good at) muite iru: Boku wa sou iu

seikatsu ni muite inai. (I’m not cut out for that kind of life.)


drop by / drop in 1 vt tachiyoru: Mise ni iku tochuu, Sachiko

no ie ni tachiyorimashou ne. (Let's drop by Sachiko's place onthe way to the store, okay?)

drop off 1 vt orosu: Yuubinkyoku no mae ni oroshite kudasai.(Please drop me off in front of the post office.)

drop out 1 vi (to quit school) taigaku suru: Kare wa juugo sai

de taigaku shita. (He dropped out of school when he was 15.)


fill in 1 vt (to write information) kinyuu suru: Kono

moushikomisho o kinyuu shite kudasai. (Please fill in this

application.) 2 vt (to inform) oshieru: Kinou no kaigi no naiyou

ni tsuite oshiete ageru. (I’ll fill you in on what we talked about

in yesterday’s meeting.) 3 vi (to substitute for) (no kawari ni

suru: Kyou wa, Ishii-san no kawari ni shimasu. (Today I will fillin for Ms. Ishii.)

fill out 1 vt (to write information) kinyuu suru (see fill in) 2 vi

(to gain weight or fullness) yutaka ni naru: Kyonen made wa

inu no ke ga sukunakatta ga, daibun yutaka ni natta. (Up untillast year our dog’s coat was scanty, but it has filled out prettywell.)

fill up 1 vt (to fill a container) ippai ni suru: Kappu o ue made

ippai ni shite choudai. (Please fill my cup up all the way.) 2 vt

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(to fill a hole) umeru: Inu ga hotta ana o umete kureru? (Wouldyou please fill up the hole that the dog dug?)


get across 1 vt (to cross a road, river, etc.) wataru: Kare wa

booto de mizuumi o watatta. (He used a boat to get across the

lake.) 2 vt (to make something understood) rikai saseru: Yatto

boku no gakusei ni ano suugaku no mondai no kaiketsuhou o

rikai saseta. (I finally got the solution to that math problemacross to my students.)

get after 1 vt (to nag) shitsukoku iu: Obaa-chan wa itsumo

shukudai o suru you ni shitsukoku itte iru. (Grandma's always

getting after me to do my homework.) 2 vt (to scold) shikaru:

Bill wa gakkou ni okurete kita node, sensei ni shikarareta. (The

teacher got after Bill for coming to school late.)

get ahead 1 vi (to make progress) susumu: Nihongo no

benkyou wa, sukoshi zutsu susunde imasu. (As far as myJapanese studies are concerned, I'm getting ahead little bylittle.)

get along 1 vi (to exist together well) nakayoku yatte iku:

Karera wa nakayoku yatte itte iru. (They are getting along welltogether.)

This is usually expressed with the adjective form naka ga ii:

Karera wa naka ga ii.

get around 1 vi (to spread) hiromaru: Sono uwasa ga hayaku

hiromatta. (That rumor got around quickly.)

get away 1 vi nigeru: Kanojo wa ano iya na shigoto kara nigeru

koto ga dekita. (She was able to get away from that wretchedjob.)

get back 1 vi (to return) modoru: Goji made ni modorimasu.

(I'll get back by 5:00.) 2 vt (to take back) torimodosu: Kenji no

ie ni itte, watashi no jisho o torimodosu. (I'm going to Kenji's to

get back my dictionary.) 3 vi (to step back) ushiro e sagaru:

Keikan wa 'ushiro e sagarinasai!' to sakenda. (The police

officer shouted 'Get back!') 4 vi (to reply later) (ato de) henji

suru: Asu no gozenchuu henji shimasu. (I'll get back to yousometime tomorrow morning.)

get behind 1 vi (to be slower than planned) okureru: Zannen

nagara, boku wa yotei yori okurete kita. (Unfortunately, I havegotten behind schedule.) 2 vt (to move back behind

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something) ushiro ni sagaru: Kiiroi sen no ushiro ni

sagatte kudasai. (Please get behind the yellow line.) 3 vt (to

support a person or idea) shiji suru: Suzuki san no an o shiji

shimashou. (Let's get behind Suzuki's proposal.)

get by 1 vi (to make do) nantoka kurashite iku: Kibishikatta

kedo, Tokyo ni sunde ita toki nantoka kurashite iku koto ga

dekita. (It was tough, but we were able to get by when welived in Tokyo.)

get down 1 vi (to move from an elevated location to a lower or

normal one) oriru: Ojii-chan wa hitori de kaidan o oriru koto ga

dekinakunatta. (Grandpa can't get down the steps by himself

anymore.) 2 vt (to swallow) nomikomu: Ano shokuji wa

mazukatta! Nomikomenakatta yo! (That food was awful! Icouldn't get it down!)

get home 1 vi (to return home) ie ni kaeru: Kinou no yoru no

juuichiji han goro ie ni kaetta. (I got home last night at around11:30.)

get in 1 vi / vt (to enter into) hairu: Kagi o wasureta node

hairenakatta. (I forgot the key so I couldn't get in.)

get it 1 vi (to understand) rikai suru: Nankai mo setsumei shita

ga, kanojo wa rikai dekinai. (I explained it again and again, butshe cannot get it.)

get off 1 vt (to get out of a train, bus, etc.; to get off of a

bicycle, table, or object higher than the floor or ground) oriru:

Takamatsu eki de orite kudasai. (Get off at Takamatsu Station.)

get on 1 vt (to get into a train, bus, etc.; to get onto an object

higher than the floor or ground.) noru: Hayaku! Densha ni

norinasai! (Hurry up! Get on the train!)

get out 1 vi / vt (to leave a room or other enclosed area) deru:

Dete mo ii? (Can I go out?) 2 vi (to esape) nigeru: Inu ga

nigeta. Issho ni sagashimashou. (The dog got out. Let's look

for him together.) 3 vi (to go out for entertainment) asobi ni

dekakeru: Konogoro amari asobi ni dekakenai. (We don't getout very often these days.)

get over 1 vt (to climb over a physical obstacle; to get through

a difficult period) norikoeru: Taihen na jiki deshita ga, yatto

norikoemashita. (It was a difficult time, but I've finally gottenover it.)

get through 1 vi / vt (to pass through a physical area)

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toorinukeru: Ano mori o toorinukeru no ni, itsuka kan kakatta.(It took five days to get through that forest.) 2 vi (to make

contact with someone) tsuujiru: Nankai mo denwa shite mita

ga, sanji goro yatto tsuujita. (I called many times, and finallygot through around 3:00.) 3 vt (to make someone understand)

wakatte morau: Hai, densha wa hachiji han ni deru koto ga,

kare ni wakatte moratta. (Yes, I got through to him that the

train leaves at 8:30.) 4 vt (to finish) oeru: Raishuu no

mokuyoubi made ni kono shigoto o oeru yotei da. (I plan to getthrough this job by Wednesday of next week.)

get together 1 vi (to assemble) atsumaru: Doyoubi no ban

atsumarou yo. (Hey, let's get together Saturday night.) 2 vt

atsumeru: Oya no kekkon kinenbi ni kazoku zenin o atsumeru

yotei da. (I plan to get together the whole family on myparents' wedding anniversary.)

get up 1 vi (to get out of bed; to rise from a sitting position)

okiru: Hayaku okinasai! (C'mon, get up!) 2 vt (to get someone

else up) okosu: Ima kara ojii-san o okosu kara, tetsudatte ne.(I'm going to get Grandpa up now, so give me a hand, okay?)


go after 1 vt (to chase) ou: Inu ga dete itta. Hayaku, otte

choudai. (The dog got out. Hurry and go after him.)

go against 1 vt (to oppose) hankou suru: Boku wa nani o

shiyou to shite mo, kare ga hankou suru. (He goes againstwhatever I try to do.)

go along 1 vi (to accompany) tsuite iku: Tsuite itte mo ii no?

(Can I go along?) 2 vt (to agree) doui suru: Yoi keikaku ka dou

ka mada wakaranai ga, ichiou doui shimasu. (I don’t know yetwhether or not it’s a good plan, but I’ll go along for the timebeing.)

go away 1 vi (to leave) saru: Ano norainu wa dokoka satte itta

mitai. (It looks like that stray dog went away somewhere.) 2 vi

(to vanish) nakunaru: Itami ga yatto nakunatta. (The painfinally went away.)

When referring to people, nakunaru means “to die,” so becareful when using it.

go back 1 vi / vt modoru: Itsu o-kuni ni modorimasu ka. (Whenwill you go back to your home country?)

When talking to someone about their own country — as

well as many other things — the honorific o prefix is often

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go down 1 vi (to descend) oriru: Chikashitsu ni orimashou.(Let’s go down to the basement.) 2 vi (to break down)

kowareru: Konpyuuta wa kinou no gogo kowareta. (Thecomputer went down yesterday afternoon.)

go off 1 vi (to leave) tachisaru: Kare wa sayonara mo iwazu ni

tachisatta. (He went off without saying good-bye.) 2 vi (for food

to spoil [British]) kusaru: Zannennagara, niku ga kusatta.(Unfortunately, the meat has gone off.) 3 vi (for an alarm to

ring) naru: Boku no mezamashidokei ga rokuji han ni natta. (Myalarm clock went off at 6:30.) 4 vi (for electric lights to be

extinguished) kieru: Denki ga mata kietara komaru. (I’ll be at aloss if the lights go off again.)

go on 1 vi (to continue) tsuzuku: Kono ame wa itsu made

tsuzuku kana. (I wonder how long it will go on raining.) 2 vt (to

continue) tsuzukeru: Kyuukei suru you ni itta ga, kanojo wa

shigoto o tsuzuketa. (I told her to take a break, but she went

on working.) 3 vi (to talk about) shaberitateru: Kanojo ni au tabi

ni kodomo ni tsuite shaberitateru. (Whenever I meet her she

goes on about her kids.) 4 vt (to take a trip) tabi ni deru:

Kotoshi no natsu kanada made tabi ni deru yotei. (Thissummer I’m planning to go on a trip to Canada.)

go out 1 vi dekakeru: Konban dekakemasu. (I’m going out this

evening.) 2 vi (for a light or fire to be extinguished) kieru

(see go off)

go over 1 vt (to climb/pass over) koeru: Inu wa hei o koete

nigeta. (The dog went over the fence and got away.) 2 vt (to

inspect) tenken suru: Kuruma o kau mae ni tetteiteki ni tenken

suru yo. (You can bet that I thoroughly go over cars beforebuying them.)

go through 1 vt (to experience) keiken suru: Nido to sore o

keiken shitakunai. (I don’t ever want to go through that again.)

go too far 1 vi yarisugiru: Erika wa paatei o hiraku to, itsumo

yarisugiru. (Whenever Erika throws a party, she always goestoo far.)

go up 1 vi agaru: Ni kai e agatte kudasai. (Please go up to thesecond floor.)

go without 1 vt (nashi de yatte iku: CD o wasureta node,

konkai wa ongaku nashi de yatte iku shika nai. (I forgot myCDs, so we’ll have to go without music this time.)

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hang about / hang around 1 vi / vt burabura suru: Kinou

shoutengai de burabura shite jikan o tsubushita. (Yesterday Ihung around the mall and killed time.)

In case you didn’t catch it, jikan o tsubusu is a handy idiomfor “to waste / kill time.”

hang back 1 vi (to hesitate) tamerau: Sore o teian shitakatta

ga, doushite mo tameratte shimatta. (I wanted to suggest that,but for some reason hung back.)

hang in there / hang on 1 vi (to keep trying) ganbaru: Ato

mou sukoshi. Ganbatte! (Only a little more. Hang in there!)

hang on 1 vi (to wait) matsu: Cindy ni sukoshi matsu you ni

itte kureru? (Would you please tell Cindy to hang on just a

bit?) 2 vt (to depend on) (shidai: Umi ni iku ka douka wa,

otenki shidai. (Whether we go to the beach or not hangs on

the weather.) 3 vt (to listen carefully) chuui shite kiku: Gakusei

wa Tanaka sensei no hanashi o chuui shite kiita. (The studentshung on every word that Mr. Tanaka said.) 4 vt (to grasp)

nigiru: Tesuri o shikkari nigitte yo! (Hang on to the handrail

tightly!) 5 vt (to keep something) tebanasanai: Ano furui

jitensha o suteyou to omotta ga, ima tebanasanai. (I thought ofgetting rid of that old bicycle, but now I want to hang on to it.)

Tebanasanai is the negative form of the compound

tebanasu, from te (hand) and hanasu (to release).

hang up 1 vt (to put up for display, etc.) kakeru: sono e o

terebi no ue ni kakemashou. (Let’s hang up that picture above

the TV.) 2 vi / vt (to end a telephone conversation) denwa o

kiru: Jaa, denwa o kiru. Mata ashita. (Well, I’m going to hangup. See you tomorrow.)


keep after 1 vt shitsukoku iu: Kare wa heya o souji suru you ni,

shitsukoku iwanakereba naranai. (I have to keep after him toclean his room.)

keep ahead 1 vi sakinjiru: Ken wa itsumo doukyuusei yori

sakinjiyou to shite iru. (Ken is always trying to keep ahead ofhis classmates.)

keep at 1 vt (to continue) tsuzukeru: Kanojo ni totte piano o

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narau no wa taihen deshita ga, kanojo ga tsuzukete imashita.(Learning the piano was hard for her, but she kept at it.)

keep away 1 vi / vt chikayoranai: Ano kodomo ni inu ni

chikayoranai you ni iinasai. (Tell those kids to keep away fromthe dog.)

keep down 1 vt (to allay a problem) osaeru: Kono kusuri wa

kayumi o osaeru. (This medicine will keep down the itching.)

keep from 1 vt (to avoid) shinaide iru: Gomen. Warawanaide

irarenai. (Sorry. I can’t keep from laughing.)

keep going 1 vi ganbaru: Taihen na shigoto da to wakatte

imasu ga, owaru made ganbarinasai. (I know it’s a tough job,but keep going until it’s finished.)

keep off 1 vt (to quit or control the use of) hikaeru: Osake o

hikaeta hou ga ii yo. (You had better keep off the booze.)

keep on 1 vt tsuzukeru: Yameru you ni iimashita ga, kare wa

tabetsuzuketa. (I told him to stop, but he kept on eating.)

keep out 1 vi hairanai: Heya ni hairanaide kudasai. (Please

keep out of the room.) 2 vt irenai: Shako ni karera o irenai you

ni. (Keep them out of the garage.)

keep together 1 vi / vt issho ni iru: Kengakuchuu, issho ni ite

kudasai. (Please keep together during the tour.)

keep to oneself 1 vi kousai shinai: Kanojo wa hotondo kousai

shinai. (She pretty much keeps to herself.)

keep up 1 vi / vt (to continue) tsuzukeru: Nihongo no benkyou

o tsuzukete yo. (Keep up your Japanese studies.) 2 vi (to

maintain pace with) tsuite iku: Tokidoki tsuite ikenai you ni

kanjiru. (Sometimes I feel that I just can’t keep up.)


look after 1 vt (to take care of) sewa o suru: Itsumo kodomo no

sewa o shite, arigatou gozaimasu. (You're always looking afterthe kids. Thank you.)

Sewa o suru is very flexible, and can be used for just aboutanything from a simple task to the full-time chore of caring for

children or the elderly. The set phrase O-sewa ni narimasu!(You help me!) is often used as a greeting, even to the point of

becoming meaningless. Another expression, mendou o miru,

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which has the same meaning, is not quite as flexible, beingusually reserved for real acts of caring: children, animals, etc.

look all over 1 vi achikochi sagasu: Are o achikochi sagashite

ita yo. (I tell you, I looked all over for that.)

look as if 1 vt (you ni mieru: Komatte iru you ni mieru. (Youlook as if you're confused.)

look back 1 vi furikaette miru: John wa arukinagara nankai mo

furikaette mita. (John looked back again and again as hewalked.)

look for 1 vt sagasu: Tebukuro o sagashita kedo,

mitsukaranakatta. (I looked for the gloves, but couldn't findthem.)

look forward to 1 vt tanoshimi ni suru: Kondo no Hawaii no

tabi o tanoshimi ni shite iru. (I'm looking forward to myupcoming trip to Hawaii.)

look into 1 vt (to look inside) naka o miru: Neko wa heya no

naka o mite iru. (The cat is looking into the room.) 2 vt (to

examine or verify) shiraberu: Ato de shirabete ageru. (I'll lookinto it for you later.)

look like 1 vt you ni mieru: Kanojo wa watashi no itoko no

you ni mieru. (She looks like my cousin.)

look out 1 vi chuui suru: Chuui shinasai! (Look out!)

look through 1 vt (to search or check) me o toosu: Honyaku

ga dekiagarimashita node, jikan ga areba me o tooshite

kudasai. (I've finished the translation, so please look through itwhen you have time.)

look up 1 vt (to search for something in reference books or on

the internet, etc.) shiraberu: Ano kotoba o jisho de

shirabemashou. (Let's look up that word in our dictionaries.) 2

vt (search for and visit a person) sagashite tazuneru: London ni

iru aida, Jones-san o sagashite tazuneta. (While in London, Ilooked up Mr. Jones.)

look up to 1 vt (to respect) sonkei suru: Boku no nihongo no

sensei o hontou ni sonkei shite imasu. (I really look up to myJapanese language teacher.)


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make do 1 vi ma ni au you ni suru: Tanonda kazu dewa nai ga,

ma ni au you ni shimasu. (There aren’t as many as I asked for,but I’ll make do.)

make do without (see go without)

make it 1 vi (to get by) dounika yatte iku: Saisho wa

kibishikatta kedo, dounika yatte itta. (At first it was tough, but I

made it.) 2 vi (to be on time) ma ni au: Okureru ka to shinpai

shita ga, ma ni atta. (I was afraid that I would be late, but Imade it.)

make out 1 vt (to see; to discern) mieru: Bouenkyou de mitara,

getsumen no kureetaa ga mieru. (If you look through atelescope, you can make out the moon’s craters.) 2 vt (to

understand) rikai suru: Sensei no itte iru koto o rikai suru koto

ga dekinai. (I can’t make out what the teacher is saying.)

make up 1 vt (to compensate) tsugunau: Kabin o watta koto o

tsugunau tame ni, kare wa atarashii kabin to ooki na hanataba

o katte kureta. (To make up for breaking the vase, he bought a

new one and a big bouquet of flowers.) 2 vt (to lie) uso o

tsuku: Jody wa shigoto ni tsuite uso o tsuita. (Jody made up

what she said about her job.) 3 vt (to create) sakusei suru:

Rainen no jugyou no tame ni atarashii kyouzai o sakusei

shinakereba naranai. (I’ve got to make up new teachingmaterials for next year’s classes.) 4 vi (to be reconciled)

nakanaori suru: Ano futari wa senshuu oogenka shita ga, sono

ato sugu nakanaori shita. (Those two had a big fight last week,but made up soon afterwards.)


put aside 1 vt (to stop doing for the time being) waki ni oku:

Jisho o waki ni oite, kyoukasho o dashinasai. (Put aside yourdictionary and take out your textbook.)

put away 1 vt (to clear things away) katazukeru: Kono shokki o

katazukemashou. (Let’s put away these dishes.) 2 vt (to save

money) chokin suru: Dekiru dake chokin shinasai. (Put awayas much money as you can.)

put back 1 vt (to return) modosu: Ima sugu modoshinasai.(Put that back right now!)

put down 1 vt (to set down) orosu: Sore o koko ni oroshite

kudasai. (Please put that down here.)

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put in 1 vt (to place inside) ireru: Hako ni hon o irete kudasai.(Please put the books in the box.) 2 vt (to spend time or

money on) tsukau: Anata wa kore ni takusan no jikan o

tsukatta deshou. (I’ll bet you put a lot of time into this.)

put off 1 vt (to reschedule for a later date) enki suru: Ryokou

wa aki made enki shimashita. (We put off the trip until fall.) 2

vt (to make wait) mataseru: Matasenaide kudasai. (Pleasedon’t put me off.)

put on 1 vt (to wear) kiru: Chotto samui. Jaketto o kita hou ga

ii. (It’s a little cold. You had better put on a jacket.) 2 vt (to

gain weight) futoru: Futoru no wa itsudemo kantan da. (Putting

on weight is always easy.) 3 vt (to deceive) damasu: Uso

yarou. Damashite wa ikenai yo. (Come on. Don’t put me on.) 4

vt (to play music) kakeru: Kono atarashii jazu CD o kakete ne.(Put on this new jazz CD, okay?) 5 vt (to put over heat to cook)

(hi ni) kakeru: Kono jagaimo o hi ni kakemashou. (Let’s putthese potatoes on.)

To put on clothing requires various different verbs in

Japanese: boushi o kaburu (to put on a hat); nekkutai o

shimeru (to put on a tie); kutsushita o haku (to put on socks);

megane o kakeru (to put on glasses); yubiwa o hameru (to puton a ring).

put out 1 vt (to place outside) dasu: Inu o dashite choudai.

(Please put the dog out.) 2 vt (to extinguish) kesu: Hi o

keshite, hai ni suna o kakenasai. (Put the fire out, then cover

the ashes with sand.) 3 vt (to annoy) meiwaku o kakeru:

Go-meiwaku o kakete, gomen nasai. (I’m sorry for putting you

out.) 4 vt (to make efforts) doryoku suru: Karera wa hontou ni

doryoku shita koto o shitte iru yo. (I know they put out their

best efforts.) 5 vt (to produce) seisan suru: Ano kouba wa

mainichi yaku gohyaku nijuu dai no jidousha o seisan shite iru.(That factory puts out around 520 cars per day.)

Meiwaku o kakeru is a very polite set phrase and is usually

used with the honorific go prefix added to meiwaku.

put through 1 vt (to cause to endure) keiken saseru: Kyonen

kare wa kanojo ni iroiro keiken saseta. (He really put herthrough a lot last year.)

put together 1 vt (to assemble) kumitateru: Bill wa gareeji no

naka de jitensha o kumitatete imasu. (Bill’s in the garageputting together his bicycle.)

put up 1 vt (to fix in a relatively high location; to attach to a

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wall or ceiling) kakeru: Ano tokei o kabe ni kakete kudasai.(Please put that clock up on the wall.) 2 vt (to build a

structure) tateru: Atarashii shoppingu sentaa wa ni san ka

getsu dake de taterareta. (The new shopping center was put

up in just a few months.) 3 vi (to stay at) tomaru: Satogaeri

shitara oya no ie de tomaru. (When I go back to my hometown, I’ll put up at my parents’ house.) 4 vt (to provide a place

to stay) tomeru: Asobi ni koretara tomete ageru yo. (If you canvisit, I’ll put you up.)

There are various Japanese verbs used to convey “to set /

put up”: Kurisumasu tsurii o kazaru (to put up a Christmas

tree); tento o haru (to put up a tent); kasa o sasu (to put up anumbrella), etc.

put up with 1 vt (to endure) gaman suru: Ureshii! Ano furui

reizouko o mou gaman shinakutemo ii kara. (I’m so happybecause I won’t have to put up with that old refrigeratoranymore!)


show off 1 vi / vt misebirakasu: Kenta wa itsumo

misebirakashite iru ne. (Kenta is always showing off, isn’t he?)

show around 1 vi / vt annai suru: Takamatsu ni kitara annai

shite ageru yo. (When you come to Takamatsu I’ll show youaround.)

show up 1 vt (to embarrass) hazukashii omoi o saseru: Kare

wa itsumo douryou ni hazukashii omoi o saseyou to shite iru.(He is always trying to show up his colleagues.)


take after 1 vt (resemble) niru: Kare wa kare no ojii-san ni nitte

iru. (He takes after his grandfather.)

take apart 1 vt bunkai suru: Kore o bunkai shite katazukete

kudasai. (Please take it apart and put it away.)

take away 1 vt torisaru: Kare wa senshuu no shuumatsu, sore

zenbu torisatta. (He took it all away last weekend.)

take back 1 vt torimodosu: Kanojo wa zasshi o torimodoshita.(She took the magazine back.) 2 vt (to apologize for

something said) torikesu: Gomen! Yutta koto o torikesu. Honki

de nai yo! (I'm sorry! I take back what I said. I really didn't

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mean it!)

take down 1 vt (to lower something) orosu: Kanojo wa

nichibotsu mae ni kokki o oroshita. (She took down the flag

before sunset.) 2 vt (to write down) kakitomeru: Shizu wa

sensei no yutta koto no subete o kakitometa. (Shizu took downeverything the teacher said.)

take it easy 1 vi kiraku ni suru: Kiraku ni shite kudasai. (Pleasetake it easy.)

take it out on 1 vt yatsuatari suru: Kare wa itsumo jibun no

shippai o boku ni yatsuatari suru. (He always takes out hisfailures on me.)

take off 1 vt (to remove clothing or accessories) nugu: Boushi

o nuide kudasai. (Please take off your hat.) 2 vi (to leave) deru:

Rokuji han goro demashou, ne. (Let’s take off around 6:30,

okay?) 3 vi (for an aircraft to leave the ground) ririku suru:

Hikouki wa hachiji juugo fun ni ririku shita. (The plane took offat 8:15.)

take on 1 vt (to accept as an assignment) hikiukeru: Ima

watashi wa atarashii shigoto o hikiukerenai. (I cannot take onany new projects now.)

take out 1 vt dasu: Gomi o dashite kureru? (Would you pleasetake out the trash?)

take over 1 vi / vt (to carry on a responsibility in place of

someone else) hikitsugu: Iketani wa boku no kawari ni kono

shigoto o hikitsuide kureru. (Iketani will take over this job forme.)


tell apart 1 vt shikibetsu suru: Kono nidai no pasukon wa onaji

moderu da to omou. Shikibetsu suru koto ga dekimasu ka. (Ithink that both of these computers are the same model. Canyou tell them apart?)

tell off 1 vt (to scold) shikaru: Kare wa amarinimo shitsurei

datta node, kanojo ga shikatta. (She told him off for being sorude.)

tell on 1 vt tsugeguchi suru: Kanojo wa boku no koto o itsumo

tsugeguchi shite iru. (She is always telling on me.)

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turn around 1 vi mawaru: Skeeto o shite iru onna no ko wa

kurukuru mawatte iru. (The girl skating is turning around and

around.) 2 vt mawasu: Sono tsukue o mawashite kudasai.(Please turn that desk around.)

turn down 1 vt (to decrease the volume of sound) oto o

chiisaku suru: Terebi no oto o chiisaku shite ne. (Turn downthe TV, okay?) 2 vt (to decrease the flow of water, etc.; to

decrease the amount of heat or air conditioning) yowaku

suru: Mizu no de o yowaku shite kureru? (Would you turn

down the water?) 3 vt (to reject a person or thing) kotowaru:

Boku no teian o kotowaranaide kudasai. (Please don't turndown my suggestion.)

turn in 1 vt (to hand in) teishutsu suru: Shorui o kinyuu shi,

suiyoubi made ni teishutsu shinasai. (Fill out the documentsand turn them in by Wednesday.)

turn inside out 1 vt uragaesu: Mite. Kono boushi o uragaesu

koto ga dekiru yo. (Look. You can turn this hat inside out.)

turn loose 1 vt (to release) hanasu: Kouen de inu o hanashite

wa ikenai. (Don't turn your dog loose in the park.)

turn off 1 vt kesu: Heya no denki o keshita? (Did you turn offthe lights in the room?)

turn on 1 vt tsukeru: Terebi o tsukenaide kudasai. (Pleasedon't turn on the TV.)

turn out 1 vi (to result in becoming) naru: Kanojo wa rippa

na sensei to naru deshou. (I'm sure she'll turn out to be a fine

teacher.) 2 vt (to produce) seisan suru: Yaku hyaku nen kan

jidousha o seisan shite kita. (They’ve been turning out cars foralmost 100 years.)

turn over 1 vt hikkurikaesu: Hotto keeki o hikkurikaeshite

kureru? (Would you turn over the pancakes?) 2 vi hikkurikaeru:

Katte ni hikkurikaetta. (It turned over on its own.) 3 vi (to turn

over in one's sleep) negaeri o utsu: Toshi o toru to, dandan

negaeri o utanakunaru. (As we grow older, we turn over in oursleep less.)

turn up 1 vt (to increase the volume of sound) oto o ookiku

suru: Ongaku no oto o ookiku shite kureru? (Would you please

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turn up the music?) 2 vt (to increase the flow of water, etc.; to

increase the amount of heat or air conditioning) tsuyoku suru:

Danbou o tsuyoku shinaide kudasai. (Please don't turn up the

heater.) 3 vi (for something to be found) dete kuru: Shinpai

shinaide. Dete kuru deshou. (Don’t worry. It’ll turn up.)


wear off 1 vi shidai ni nakunaru: Chotto nemuke ga sasu kamo

shiremasen ga, shidai ni nakunaru. (You may feel drowsy, butit will wear off.)

Nakunaru alone means "to cease to exist." Shidai ni orequivalent is necessary to convey the fact that it will begradual.

wear out / wear down 1 vt (to wear something out) tsukai

furusu: Kyonen katta jitensha o mou tsukai furushita. (I’vealready worn out the bicycle I bought last year.) 2 vt (to wear

someone out) tsukaresaseru: Kim o haikingu ni tsurete itte,

tsukaresasemashita. (I took Kim hiking and wore her out.)

Tsukai furusu is mainly for things besides clothing: tools,appliances, etc. For clothing, since there are several differentverbs for "to wear on the body," the correct one will have to be

used with furusu: ki furusu (to wear out a shirt, jacket, suit,

etc.); haki furusu (to wear out pants, shoes, etc.), etc.

wear well 1 vi mochi ga ii: Kono kutsu wa mochi ga ii. (Theseshoes wear well.)


work loose 1 vi yurumu: Kono neji ga itsumo yurumu. (This

screw is always working loose.) 2 vt yurumeru

work off 1 vt (to gradually decrease) torinozoku: Kono zeiniku

o dandan torinozokanakucha. (I’ve got to work off this flab.) 2 vt

(to work in order to pay back a loan) hataraite( kaesu:

Juugatsu no getsumatsu made ni hataraite, kono shakin o

kaesu tsumori da. (I plan to work off this loan by the end ofOctober.)

There really isn't a simple word to convey the gradual

"working off" of something in Japanese. Torinozoku actuallymeans "to remove" and can be used concerning something tobe removed instantly. To convey the fact that it will take time,

something for "gradually" will be needed, like dandan, sukoshi

zutsu, shidai ni, etc.

-nakucha is an informal contraction for nakereba naranai.

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work on 1 vt (to focus on solving a specific problem) torikumu:

Ohiru o tabetara ano mondai o torikumu yotei. (I plan to workon that problem after lunch.)

work out 1 vi (to exercise) undou suru: Mainichi undou suru no

ga daiji. (It’s important to work out every day.) 2 vt (to solve a

problem) kaiketsu suru: Sono mondai o yatto kaiketsu shita.(We finally worked out that problem.)

work over 1 vt (to give someone a hard time) hidoi me ni

awaseru: Kanojo wa hontou ni kare ni hidoi me ni awaseta, ne.(She really worked him over, didn’t she?)

work toward 1 vt (ni mukete doryoku suru: Tom wa Nihongo

Nouryoku Shiken Ni Kyuu ni mukete doryoku shite imasu. (Tomis working toward passing Level 2 of the Japanese LanguageProficiency Test.)


write back 1 vi henji o kaku: Bob oji-san ni henji o kaku. (I’llwrite back to Uncle Bob.)

write down 1 vt kakitomeru: Kono jusho o kakitomenasai.(Write down this address.)

write in 1 vt (to write on a line or designated space) kakikomu:

Douzo, koko ni onamae o kakikonde kudasai. (Please write inyour name here.)

write out 1 vt (to write in detail) kuwashiku kaku: Onamae,

jusho, denwa bangou o kuwashiku kaite kudasai. (Please writeout your name, address, and telephone number.)


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Page 232: Tim's Takamatsu Japanese Grammar Guide

Home » Japanese Numbers and Counting

Japanese Numbers and Counting

Basic Numbers

The simple, standard numbers from one to ten in Japaneseare:

1 ichi

2 ni

3 san

4 shi

5 go

6 roku

7 shichi

8 hachi

9 kyuu

10 juu

Above these, yon is preferred for "four" and nana for "seven."

(There are a few exceptions, but shi is avoided because it isalso the word for "death." Due to relevant superstitions,buildings can be found without a fourth floor, room numberswith no fours, etc.)

11 juu ichi (This is literally "ten, one.")

12 juu ni

13 juu san

14 juu yon

15 juu go

16 juu roku

17 juu nana

18 juu hachi

19 juu kyuu

20 ni juu (This is literally "two, ten." Think of it as "two tens.")

21 ni juu ichi

22 ni juu ni

23 ni juu san

The pattern should now be easy to see. Accordingly:

27 ni juu nana

35 san juu go

48 yon juu hachi

56 go juu roku

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63 roku juu san

72 nana juu ni

89 hachi juu kyuu

94 kyuu juu yon

100 hyaku

111 hyaku juu ichi

135 hyaku san juu go

167 hyaku roku juu nana

200 ni hyaku

208 ni hyaku hachi

242 ni hyaku yon juu ni

290 ni hyaku kyuu juu

300 san byaku

350 san byaku go juu

385 san byaku hachi juu go

400 yon hyaku

423 yon hyaku ni juu san

500 go hyaku

600 roppyaku

700 nana hyaku

800 happyaku

900 kyuu hyaku

1,000 sen (or issen)

1,200 sen ni hyaku

1,632 sen roppyaku san juu ni

2,000 ni sen

2,800 ni sen happyaku

3,000 san zen

4,000 yon sen

5,000 go sen

6,000 roku sen

7,000 nana sen

8,000 hassen

9,000 kyuu sen

10,000 ichi man (Not juu sen. Man is the Japanese for units of

10,000. Unlike hyaku and sen, ichi always precedes man fornumbers 10,000 to 19,999.)

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17,000 ichi man nana sen

18,570 ichi man hassen go hyaku nana juu

20,000 ni man

25,000 ni man go sen

30,000 san man

50,000 go man

100,000 juu man

200,000 ni juu man

250,000 ni juu go man

1,000,000 hyaku man

2,000,000 ni hyaku man

5,000,000 go hyaku man

10,000,000 issen man

100,000,000 ichi oku (Oku is the next major unit jump when

reaching ichi man man, or "ten thousand ten thousands.")

0 zero or rei

Special Numbers

Fractions & Decimals

A half is hanbun.

A quarter (1/4) is yon bun no ichi, literally "one of four parts."

Three-fourths (3/4) is yon bun no san, or "three of four parts."

Two-thirds (2/3) is san bun no ni, and so on.

A decimal point is called ten, so:

1.5 itten go (ichi and ten are contracted)

2.5 ni ten go

4.78 yon ten nana hachi

11.36 juu ichi ten san roku

Days of the Month

The days of the month are in a group all their own. Someare similar to other numbers or counters, while some are

completely unique. The final ka or nichi means "day." Pleasekeep in mind that these are not ordinal numbers in the Englishsense, and cannot be used to express the order of otherthings in a series. Take note of each one; there are somesurprises.

The first day of the month: tsuitachi (some people use ippi)

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The second: futsuka

The third: mikka

4th yokka

5th itsuka

6th muika (some people use miuka)

7th nanoka

8th youka

9th kokonoka

10th touka

11th juu ichi nichi

12th juu ni nichi

13th juu san nichi

14th juu yokka

15th juu go nichi

16th juu roku nichi

17th juu nana nichi (some people use juu shichi nichi)

18th juu hachi nichi

19th juu ku nichi

20th hatsuka

21st ni juu ichi nichi

22nd ni juu ni nichi

23rd ni juu san nichi

24th ni juu yokka

25th ni juu go nichi

26th ni juu roku nichi

27th ni juu nana nichi (or ni juu shichi nichi)

28th ni juu hachi nichi

29th ni juu ku nichi

30th san juu nichi

31st san juu ichi nichi

Months of the Year

Sadly, the ancient Japanese names for the months are nolonger used except in poems and other special literature. Indaily writing and conversation the number of the month with

the Japanese for month (gatsu) is used instead:

January ichi gatsu

February ni gatsu

March san gatsu

April shi gatsu (never yon gatsu)

May go gatsu

June roku gatsu

July shichi gatsu

August hachi gatsu

September ku gatsu

October juu gatsu

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November juu ichi gatsu

December juu ni gatsu


Years are expressed in either seireki, the western

reckoning, or wareki, which follows the Japanese eras of thereign of the emperors. In either reckoning, the word for "year"

(nen) follows the year. Years in seireki are expressed the sameas any other number; there are no special abbreviations. This

year, 2008, is ni sen hachi nen; 1996 would be sen kyuu hyaku

kyuu juu roku nen; 1872 is sen happyaku nana juu ni nen, andso on.

In the wareki reckoning, this year is the 20th year of thepresent emperor, and his era has been named Heisei. In

Japanese it is called Heisei ni juu nen. If you were born in1975, you were born in the 50th year of the Showa Era, or, in

Japanese, Shouwa go juu nen. For year conversions see my

Handy Tables of Japanese Years.

If you need to express B.C., use kigen zen before the number:

723 B.C. is kigen zen nana hyaku ni juu san nen.

Room Numbers & Floor Numbers

Room numbers are usually read one number at a time.

Interestingly, zeroes are usually read maru, which means"circle":

310 san ichi maru

407 yon maru nana

1227 ichi ni ni nana

1502 ichi go maru ni

The floors of a building use kai:

first floor: ikkai

second floor: ni kai

third floor: san gai

fourth floor: yon kai

fifth floor: go kai

Telephone Numbers

Telephone numbers are also often read one number at a time.A very clever invention the Japanese have, however, is saying

no where hyphens usually are. This makes listening to a longnumber easier. For example, 067-892-7813 would be read:

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zero roku nana no hachi kyuu ni no nana hachi ichi san.

Flight Numbers

Flight numbers use bin:

Flight 26: ni juu roku bin

Flight 183: hyaku hachi juu san bin

Trains and buses use gou after their numbers, not bin.


There is a set of what could be loosely called "ordinalnumbers" which are sometimes used for counting up to tenitems. Similarities will be found between these and the days ofthe months introduced above:

1 hitotsu

2 futatsu

3 mittsu

4 yottsu

5 itsutsu

6 muttsu

7 nanatsu

8 yattsu

9 kokonotsu

10 tou

These are used mainly by small children to count things orsay how old they are. Adults will sometimes use these in short

requests or replies:

A: Yobi no denchi aru? (Are there any spare batteries?)

B: Hai. Mittsu aru yo. (Yes. There are three.)

However, it will sometimes be preferable to use the correct

counter when counting things, especially in formal settings.The counter for batteries and similar irregularly-shaped,

relatively small objects is ko. Counters are used with the basicnumbers which were introduced at the top of this page. Hereis the previous conversation made a bit more formal:

A: Yobi no denchi arimasu ka? (Are there any sparebatteries?)

B: Hai. San ko arimasu. (Yes. There are three.)

There are many of these counters — many more than are

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mentioned on this page. These should be considered theabsolutely essential ones that you need to learn and masterfirst. The more counters you memorize and use correctly, themore literate and fluent you will sound.


Ko was just mentioned. It is used to count things like apples,oranges, blocks, boxes, and many other things which arepretty much the same size in all dimensions. People often use

ko in place of other counters. If you use ko to count bananas

instead of the technically correct hon, it's no big deal, butusing it to count cars or animals would really show a lack ofknowledge.


Use hon for relatively long and narrow things: pens, pencils,rulers, sticks, bottles, etc. Take note how the pronunciationchanges according to the number:

1 ippon

2 ni hon

3 san bon

4 yon hon

5 go hon

6 roppon

7 nana hon

8 happon

9 kyuu hon

10 juppon

Boku wa enpitsu ni hon motte iru kara, ippon kashite

ageru. (I have two pencils so I'll lend you one.)

Note how the number of an item retains its counter even whenthe name of the item is known and omitted.

Please keep in mind that this is a general guide and there willbe people who use other expressions. For example, there are

people who will say hachi hon instead of happon. This appliesto everything on this page.


Hai is for cups or glasses filled with a drink: ippai, ni hai, san


O-cha ni hai kudasai. (Two cups of tea, please.)

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satsu, mai, dai

For the number of books use satsu: issatsu, ni satsu, san

satsu, etc.For flat things like sheets of paper, photographs, and tiles use

mai: ichi mai, ni mai, san mai, etc.

For cars, bikes, and other machines use dai: ichi dai, ni dai,

san dai, etc.

Animals & People

Small animals up to dogs use hiki: ippiki, ni hiki, san biki, yon

hiki, go hiki

Larger animals from sheep on up use tou: ittou, ni tou, san tou

Birds use wa: ichi wa, ni wa, san wa

Fish use bi: ichi bi, ni bi, san bi

Watashi no itoko wa inu san biki, neko happiki to niwatori

go wa o katte imasu. (My cousin has three dogs, eightcats, and five chickens.)

For people use hitori for one person, futari for two people, and

then the counter nin for three or more:

3 people: san nin

7 people: nana nin

12 people: juu ni nin

65 people: roku juu go nin

Futari no ane to san nin no otouto ga imasu. (I have twobig sisters and three little brothers.)

Telling Time

For time, add ji after the hour and fun/pun after the minutes:

1:25 ichi ji ni juu go fun

3:51 san ji go juu ippun

11:47 juu ichi ji yon juu nana fun

Four o'clock is yoji, not yonji. Also, han (meaning "half") isoften used for 30 minutes:

4:30 yoji han

Periods of Time

Although omitted in some cases, add kan to indicate a periodof time:

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years: ichi nen kan, ni nen kan, san nen kan, etc.

months: ikka getsu kan, ni ka getsu kan, san ka getsu kan, etc.

weeks: isshuu kan, ni shuu kan, san shuu kan, etc.

days: ichi nichi (kan is usually omitted), futsuka kan, mikka

kan, etc., following their names as days of the month.

hours: ichi jikan, ni jikan, san jikan, etc.

minutes: ippun kan, ni fun kan, san pun kan, etc.

seconds: ichi byou, ni byou, san byou, etc.

Kare wa juu ni nen kan doitsu ni sunda. (He lived inGermany for 12 years.)

Chiisai koro, natsu yasumi wa san ka getsu kan datta.(When I was little our summer vacations were threemonths long.)

Sono shigoto wa ni jikan han kakarimashita. (That jobtook two and a half hours to do.)

Times & Attempts

Use kai to express the number of times something isexperienced, tried, or done:

Ni kai toukyou ni ikimashita. (I've been to Tokyo twice.)

Mou ikkai kanojo ni denwa shite miru. (I'll try calling her

one more time.)

Kai is also used to show frequencies:

every other day: futsuka ni ikkai

once every three days: mikka ni ikkai

twice a week: shuu ni ni kai

once every two weeks: ni shuu kan ni ikkai

once every three months: san ka getsu ni ikkai

three times a year: nen ni san kai

Bokutachi wa ni ka getsu ni ikkai bouringu o yaru. (We gobowling every two months.)

Watashi wa nen ni ni kai amerika ni iku. (I go to Americatwice a year.)

Rankings & Placings

Rankings within a group or placings for contest winners use i:

first place: ichi i

second place: ni i

third place: san i

Numbers in Succession

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Use ban to show the number of something in a succession:

number one (or "the best"): ichi ban

number two: ni ban

number three: san ban

Ban is also sometimes used instead of i to show rankings.

A Specific Number in a Series

To specifically point out the number of something in a series,

add me:

the second person: futari me

the third day: mikka me

the fifth machine: go dai me

Imouto wa migi kara san ban me desu. (My sister is thethird one from the right.)

Vague Numbers

a few dogs: inu ni, san biki

4 or 5 students: shi, go nin no gakusei (not yon, go)

around 25 people: ni juu go nin gurai

50 or more: go juu ijou

several years: suu nen kan

hundreds of birds: suu hyaku wa no tori (or nan byaku wa no


thousands of liters: suu sen litoru (or nan zen litoru)


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« Home

Handy Tables of Japanese Years

The Heisei Era (1989 to


The Showa Era (1926 to


The Taisho Era (1912 to


The Heisei Era

Year A.D. Heisei Year Year of the

2010 22 Tiger

2009 21 Ox

2008 20 Rat

2007 19 Boar

2006 18 Dog

2005 17 Chicken

2004 16 Monkey

2003 15 Sheep

2002 14 Horse

2001 13 Snake

2000 12 Dragon

1999 11 Rabbit

1998 10 Tiger

1997 9 Ox

1996 8 Rat

1995 7 Boar

1994 6 Dog

1993 5 Chicken

1992 4 Monkey

1991 3 Sheep

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1990 2 Horse

1989 1 Snake

The Showa Era

Year A.D. Showa Year Year of the

1988 63 Dragon

1987 62 Rabbit

1986 61 Tiger

1985 60 Ox

1984 59 Rat

1983 58 Boar

1982 57 Dog

1981 56 Chicken

1980 55 Monkey

1979 54 Sheep

1978 53 Horse

1977 52 Snake

1976 51 Dragon

1975 50 Rabbit

1974 49 Tiger

1973 48 Ox

1972 47 Rat

1971 46 Boar

1970 45 Dog

1969 44 Chicken

1968 43 Monkey

1967 42 Sheep

1966 41 Horse

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1965 40 Snake

1964 39 Dragon

1963 38 Rabbit

1962 37 Tiger

1961 36 Ox

1960 35 Rat

1959 34 Boar

1958 33 Dog

1957 32 Chicken

1956 31 Monkey

1955 30 Sheep

1954 29 Horse

1953 28 Snake

1952 27 Dragon

1951 26 Rabbit

1950 25 Tiger

1949 24 Ox

1948 23 Rat

1947 22 Boar

1946 21 Dog

1945 20 Chicken

1944 19 Monkey

1943 18 Sheep

1942 17 Horse

1941 16 Snake

1940 15 Dragon

1939 14 Rabbit

1938 13 Tiger

1937 12 Ox

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1936 11 Rat

1935 10 Boar

1934 9 Dog

1933 8 Chicken

1932 7 Monkey

1931 6 Sheep

1930 5 Horse

1929 4 Snake

1928 3 Dragon

1927 2 Rabbit

1926 1 Tiger

The Taisho Era

Year A.D. Taisho Year Year of the

1925 14 Ox

1924 13 Rat

1923 12 Boar

1922 11 Dog

1921 10 Chicken

1920 9 Monkey

1919 8 Sheep

1918 7 Horse

1917 6 Snake

1916 5 Dragon

1915 4 Rabbit

1914 3 Tiger

1913 2 Ox

1912 1 Rat

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| Top | Home |

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Home » Time Related Nouns and Expressions

Time Related Nouns and



the present: genzai

now: ima

today: kyou

this morning: kesa

this afternoon: kyou no gogo

this evening: konban

tonight: konya; kyou no yoru

this week: konshuu

this month: kongetsu

this year: kotoshi


the past: kako

yesterday: kinou

yesterday morning: kinou no asa

yesterday afternoon: kinou no gogo

yesterday evening: kinou no ban

last night: sakuya; sakuban

the day before yesterday: ototoi; ototsui

two days ago: futsuka mae

three days ago: mikka mae

a few days ago: ni, san nichi mae

the other day: senjitsu

last week: senshuu

the week before last: sensenshuu

one week ago: isshuu kan mae

two weeks ago: ni shuu kan mae

three weeks ago: san shuu kan mae

a few weeks ago: ni, san shuu kan mae

last month: sengetsu

one month ago: ikka getsu mae

two months ago: ni ka getsu mae

three months ago: san ka getsu mae

a few months ago: ni, san ka getsu mae

last year: kyonen

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August of last year: kyonen no hachigatsu

spring of last year: kyonen no haru

one year ago: ichi nen mae

two years ago: ni nen mae

three years ago: san nen mae

four or five years ago: shi, go nen mae

hundreds of years ago: suu hyaku nen mae

millions of years ago: nanbyaku man nen mae


the future: (near future; a person's future) shourai; (far-off

future; science fiction type of future) mirai

tomorrow: ashita; asu

tomorrow morning: ashita no asa

tomorrow afternoon: ashita no gogo

tomorrow evening: ashita no ban

tomorrow night: ashita no yoru

the day after tomorrow: asatte

the day after the day after tomorrow: shiasatte

two days from now: futsuka go

three days from now: mikka go

a few days from now: ni, san nichi go

next week: raishuu

the week after next: saraishuu

one week from now: isshuu kan go

two weeks from now: ni shuu kan go

three weeks from now: san shuu kan go

a few weeks from now: ni, san shuu kan go

next month: raigetsu

the month after next: saraigetsu

one month from now: ikka getsu go

two months from now: ni ka getsu go

three months from now: san ka getsu go

a few months from now: ni, san ka getsu go

next year: rainen

the year after next: sarainen

April of next year: rainen no shigatsu

summer of next year: rainen no natsu

one year from now: ichi nen go

two years from now: ni nen go

three years from now: san nen go

four or five years from now: shi, go nen go

hundreds of years from now: suu hyaku nen go

millions of years from now: nanbyaku man nen go

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Home » Japanese Particles

Japanese Particles

Particles in Japanese act like the "cement" of a structure,holding the major components together and serving asindicators for the words they follow or are stuck between.There are even times when they have their own meaning,usually as prepositions. They can be friendly at times andpesky at others, and some can even be omitted in familiarconversation.

This is a general guide for using the particles. I trust that it willserve nicely for daily conversation and writing, but I really

must emphasize general here because of the many exceptionsand surprises that do exist. In fact, there are some exceptionsthat defy all reason. While some particles more or less followcertain rules regarding use, others do not and must belearned "case by case" and remembered as such. I havespent hours with native speakers trying to get straight, logicalanswers concerning the strange behavior of some of theparticles, but I often just get blank stares and the "case bycase" answer. I will do my best to point these out, but it will beimpossible to cover everything here.

One thing that is nice about Japanese is that it's not as"grammatically fussy" as English. If you happen to omit ormake a mistake concerning particles, you won't sound asridiculous or illiterate speaking this "broken Japanese" as youwould if you did the same thing in English. (That's not meantto be an excuse; it's just to assure you that it's okay to makemistakes along the way.)

© 2003 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson


Subject indicators wa and ga

Direct object indicator o

Indirect object indicator ni

Destination indicator e

Action indicator de

Possession indicator no

Connectors to and ya

Includer mo

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Question maker ka

Emphasizer yo

Terribly overused ne

Quasi-adjective indicator na

Subject indicators wa and ga

Wa and ga indicate subjects by coming after them. You could

say that wa is the "standard" subject indicator. It indicates thegeneral topic and, if anything, emphasizes what comes after it:

Nihon no natsu wa atsui desu. (Summers in Japan arehot.)

In this example, wa tells us that the topic of conversation is

summers in Japan, and that the important thing about them is

the fact that they are hot.

Kimiko wa mainichi eigo o benkyou shite imasu. (Kimikostudies English every day.)

Here we are talking about Kimiko, and want her diligenceconcerning English studies to be made known.

Ga points to "active" subjects, emphasized subjects, andsubjects within a larger topic:

John ga suru shigoto wa muzukashii desu. (The job thatJohn does is difficult.)

In this one, wa tells us that we're talking about a job, and that

it's a difficult one, and ga tells us that it's not just any jobwe're talking about, but the job that John does.

Ima Seiko ga shite imasu. (Seiko is doing it now.)

This one, which is a reply to someone's question, needs to

point to Seiko as the person doing whatever, so ga is used.The thing she is doing is already known, so it needs noemphasis.

Ga is used with simple question subjects in many cases:

Dare ga kono gyuunyuu o koboshita? (Who spilled thismilk?)

Nani ga tabetai no? (What do you want to eat?)

Itsu ga ii? (When is a good time?)

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And ga is used to emphasize the answers to those questions:

Tommy ga yatta. (Tommy did it.)

Gyouza ga tabetai. (I want to eat gyouza.)

Sanji ga ii. (Three o'clock's good.)

...unless there's something still indefinite about it:

Gyouza o tabemashou ka. (Shall we have gyouza?)

Gyouza wa dou desu ka. (How about some gyouza?)

Rokuji wa dou? (How about six o'clock?)

As you can see, it can really get confusing. More than trying toremember set rules, I've found that memorizing "set phrases"is the safest way to go, even though it does take some time.Here's where learning "case by case" becomes necessary,because the particle used will sometimes change dependingon what is being emphasized, as well as the verb tense andconjugation used.

Ga sometimes indicates "but":

Watashitachi wa pikuniku o tanoshimi ni shite ita ga, ame

ga futta. (We looked forward to the picnic, but it rained.)

Notice how the three ga's are used here:

Keeki ga tabetakatta ga, onaka ga ippai datta. (I wantedto have some cake, but I was too full.)

Wa could replace the third ga here.

As a strange particle quirk, subject indicator wa is always

written using the hiragana for ha. For reference, please see

my hiragana table here.


Direct object indicator o

You could call o a "limited use" particle. Its only job is to showus what the direct object is:

Jisho o kashite kureru? (Would you please loan me yourdictionary?)

Atarashii kamera o katta. (I bought a new camera.)

Pizza o tabemashou ka. (Shall we get a pizza?)

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However, ga is usually preferred when using the -tai ending:

Ramen ga tabetai. (I want to eat ramen.)

Also, use ga, not o, before the verbs iru (to be present; to

exist), iru (to need), aru, wakaru, dekiru, and the weird quasi-

verb/adjectives suki, kirai and hoshii:

Bob no heya ni tokage ga iru. (There's a lizard in Bob'sroom.)

Boku wa atarashii kasa ga iranai. (I don't need a newumbrella.)

Shizu wa jitensha ga arimasu ka. (Does Shizu have abicycle?)

Kenji no itte iru koto ga wakaranai. (I don't understandwhat Kenji's saying.)

Emiko wa ryouri ga dekiru? (Can Emiko cook?)

Chuuka ryouri ga suki desu ka. (Do you like Chinesefood?)

Tom wa hikouki ga kirai. (Tom hates airplanes.)

Ano nuigurumi ga hoshii! (I want that stuffed animal!)

It is sometimes easy to confuse the particle o with the o- prefixwhich is used as an honorific indicator for some selectednouns, so be careful. Some of these are:

o-tenki: the weather

o-cha: tea

o-mizu: water

o-niku: meat

o-naka: stomach

o-kuruma: car

These can be very interesting. Some use the o- prefix only insome instances and not in others. For example, when talkingabout your own car or cars in general, you would never use

the o- prefix. You will probably only hear it when salespeopleor servicepeople are talking about the car you are going to buy

or have bought from them. Some, like o-tenki and o-cha, arealmost always used with the honorific prefix.

I might as well mention here that there is a verb conjugation

that uses this honorific prefix. It's o- + Base 2, and has severalendings. Here are examples of two:

Douzo, o-cha o o-nomi kudasai. (Please, have some tea.)

O-niku wa o-tabe ni narimashita ka. (Did you have somemeat?)

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These are very polite constructions. Can you sense the honorand respect oozing from them?

Although this particle is usually written o in romaji these days,

in older documents it may be seen written wo. It's the sameparticle with the same role, but with an alternate spelling in

romaji. You may also hear some Japanese pronounce it more

like wo than o.


Indirect object indicator ni

Ni shows us what the indirect object is — who or what anaction is directed to:

John ni jisho o kashite kureru? (Would you please loanJohn your dictionary?)

Susan ni atarashii kamera o ageta. (I gave Susan a newcamera.)

Inu ni esa o yarinasai. (Feed the dog.)

Ni is also a preposition which indicates destinations, places,dates and times:

Nihon ni kono hako o okuritai desu. (I want to send thisbox to Japan.)

John wa Okayama ni ikimashita. (John went toOkayama.)

Neko wa isu no shita ni iru. (The cat is under the chair.)

Kare wa suiyoubi ni kuru. (He'll come on Wednesday.)

Kaigi wa shichi gatsu touka ni arimasu. (The meeting willbe on July 10.)

Bob wa rokuji han ni tsuku. (Bob will arrive at six thirty.)

Ni, not o, is used with the verbs noru (to ride) and noboru (toclimb):

Hayaku! Densha ni notte! (Hurry! Get on the train!)

Kenji wa jitensha ni noru koto ga dekiru. (Kenji can ride abicycle.)

Ki ni noborimashou. (Let's climb up the tree.)

Kinou kodomotachi wa yama ni nobotta. (The kidsclimbed the mountain yesterday.)

Ni is often combined with wa to show that something exists oris included in the subject:

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Nihon niwa chiisai shima ga takusan arimasu. (There aremany small islands in Japan.)

Suzuki-san niwa san nin no kodomo ga imasu. (Mrs.Suzuki has three children.)


Destination indicator e

While not as flexible as ni, e is sometimes used in place of itto emphasize a destination:

Soto e ikitai. (I want to go outside.)

Kyou wa doko e? (Where are you going today?) (Yes, theverb can be omitted here.)

Ashita bijutsukan e ikimasu. (We're going to the artmuseum tomorrow.)

As another strange particle quirk, destination indicator e is

always written using the hiragana for he. For reference, please

see my hiragana table here.


Action indicator de

Particle de is a preposition that shows us where an actiontakes place:

Kyou ie de taberu. (I'll eat at home today.)

Kodomotachi wa kouen de asonde imasu. (The kids areplaying in the park.)

Some exceptions are: Use ni when the verb shows attachment

to an object or place, and o when the action passes a place orintentionally covers a wide area:

Kana wa ano isu ni suwatte iru. (Kana is sitting in thatchair over there.)

Bill wa Nagoya ni sunde imasu. (Bill lives in Nagoya.)

Futatsu me no kado o magatte kudasai. (Please turn atthe second corner.)

Kouen o sanpo shimashou. (Let's take a walk in thepark.)

De is used for "among":

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Watashi no yuujin de, piano o hikeru hito ga inai. (Thereis no one among my friends that can play the piano.)

De also indicates a method:

Onamae wa pen de kaite kudasai. (Please write yourname with a pen.)

Genkin de haraimashou. (Let's pay with cash.)

Eigo de hanashite kureru? (Would you please speakEnglish?)

De is sometimes used before ii to say that something is goodor sufficient as it is:

Kore de ii. (This is okay. [It's good enough.])

Ashita de ii. (Tomorrow will be okay.)

De is sometimes combined with wa to show that something isdone within the subject:

Tokushima dewa maitoshi yuumei na matsuri ga

okonawareru. (A famous festival is held in Tokushimaevery year.)


Possession indicator no

This one also has many roles in Japanese grammar. It showspossession:

Sore wa Keiko no kasa desu. (That's Keiko's umbrella.)

Jack no inu no namae wa Aki desu. (Jack's dog's nameis Aki.)

It can sometimes replace ga, and is used especially in clausesthat modify a noun:

Hontou ni mondai no nai tabi deshita. (It really was atrouble-free trip.)

Watashi no oshieru gakusei wa, eigo no dekinai ko

bakari desu. (None of the kids that I teach can speakEnglish.)

It comes after some adjectives:

Kyoto no matsuri ni takusan no hito ga ita. (Many peoplewere at the festival in Kyoto.)

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Kumi wa midori no fuusen ga hoshii. (Kumi wants agreen balloon.)

It makes informal questions:

Yuushoku wa tabenai no? (Aren't you going to eatdinner?)

Nanji ni kuru no? (What time will you come?)

And it is also used between prepositions and nouns to makethe noun the object of the preposition. Compare the followingsentences:

Kono tegami wa Yuuko kara kita. (This letter came fromYuuko.)

Kore wa Yuuko kara no tegami desu. (This is a letterfrom Yuuko.)

And these:

Kono tegami o Yuuko ni okuru. (I'm going to send thisletter to Yuuko.)

Kore wa Yuuko e no tegami desu. (This is a letter toYuuko.)

Note: Ni is not used with no in this way.


Connectors to and ya

These work like "and" in English. Use to to include only what

is actually mentioned, and ya to include other things whichare not mentioned but may be relevant or supposed:

Ashita boushi to undou gutsu o motte kite kudasai. (Bringa hat and athletic shoes tomorrow.)

Gakkou ga hajimattara, pen ya nooto ya jisho ga hitsuyo

desu. (When school starts, you'll need things like a pen,a notebook, and a dictionary.)

To also indicates quotes and thoughts, whether they are director indirect:

Jane wa konban gaishoku shitai to itta. (Jane said shewants to eat out tonight.)

Sore wa totemo ii keikaku da to omoimasu. (I think that'sa very good plan.)

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Some oddball adverbs use to optionally:

Ken wa hakkiri (to) kotowatta. (Ken flatly refused.)

Motto yukkuri (to) hanashite kureru? (Would you pleasespeak more slowly?)

Sometimes to is used to mean "with":

Dare to kouen ni iku? (Who are you going with to thepark?)

Kimiko wa Sally to issho ni kaimono ni ikimashita.(Kimiko went shopping with Sally.)

Note: Issho (ni) means "together (with)" and is often used after

to. Use it when there's a chance that to alone might not beclearly understood.

After verbs, to often means "if" or "when":

Massugu iku to Ritsurin Kouen ga miemasu. (If you gostraight you'll see Ritsurin Park.)

Watashi wa soba o taberu to byouki ni naru. (I get sickwhenever I eat buckwheat noodles.)


Includer mo

Forgive me for making up my own English, but "includer" just

works perfectly here because mo includes things, the way"also" and "too" do:

Watashi mo ikitai! (I want to go, too!)

Yasuko mo atarashii pasokon o katta. (Yasuko alsobought a new computer.)

Mo is also used to emphasize "any," sometimes beingcombined with other particles:

Ima watashi wa nani mo taberenai. (I can't eat anythingnow.)

Kare wa doko nimo ikitakunai. (He doesn't want to goanywhere.)

Paul wa nan demo dekimasu. (Paul can do anything.)

Note: There are also elongated mou's that have totallydifferent usages. One is used to mean "already," and anotheris used for whining about something:

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Watashi mou shimashita. (I already did it.)

Mou, anata itsumo osoi! (Oh, you're always slow!)

By the way, mou is what Japanese cows say.


Question maker ka

Ka makes questions, both plain and polite:

Kodomotachi wa mou tabemashita ka. (Have the kidsalready eaten?)

Jennie no kasa o karita ka. (Did you borrow Jennie'sumbrella?)

When it comes to making questions, there are both written

and unwritten rules that will keep you wondering. While ka

can be used in most instances, there are times when no ispreferred. These can be interchangeable in some cases, but

not in others. Both of them — no ka — are even usedtogether sometimes.


Emphasizer yo

Yo is usually used at the end of a short phrase or sentence.Its nuances are not easy to define, but it generally has twopurposes: to emphasize an action, or to brag about one:

Heya o souji shimashita yo. (I DID clean the room.)

Eigo no shiken, goukaku shita yo. ([Of course] I passedthe English exam.)

Note: As in English, to correctly use the "brag" version youhave to keep a straight, matter-of-fact, "no big deal" face.


Terribly overused ne

The correct place for ne is at the end of a sentence, where it isused to check or request the agreement of the listener:

Ashita watashitachi to issho ni ikimasu ne. (You're going

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with us tomorrow, right?)

Ii otenki desu ne. (Nice weather, isn't it. [with a fallingintonation])

However, like "y'know" in English, too many people have the

habit of grossly overusing ne. I've even heard speeches whereit was put between almost every word. Be careful not tooverdo it.


Quasi-adjective indicator na

In the world of Japanese adjectives, there are "true" and"quasi" types. When a "quasi-adjective" modifies a noun in a

straightforward manner, na goes in between:

Sono mise wa benri na basho ni aru. (That store's in aconvenient place.)

Ooki na inu desu ne. (That's a big dog, isn't it. [with afalling intonation])

Changing na to ni converts quasi-adjectives to adverbs:

Dare demo kantan ni dekimasu yo. (Anyone can do iteasily.)

See my Japanese Adjectives for more.

Na may sometimes be heard here and there in familiar

situations as a substitute for ne. This is considered impolite atbest, and should be avoided.


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Home » Japanese Prepositions

Japanese Prepositions

Due to several recent requests, I have put together thisoverview of Japanese prepositions. This should cover the mainones, but please contact me if you can think of any not listedhere. Be sure to see my page on particles, because many ofthem also have "prepositional attributes," and it will helpexplain the difference between the particles used on this

page, for example ni and de.

© 2004 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson

Naka is used to express inside:

Neko wa hako no naka ni iru. (The cat is in the box.)

Keeki wa sono fukuro no naka ni aru. (The cake is insidethat bag.)

Hasami wa hikidashi no naka ni aru. (The scissors are inthe drawer.)

When a large room or building is referred to, the no naka isusually omitted:

Bob wa toshokan ni iru. (Bob's in the library.)

Bideo dekki wa san maru nana kyoushitsu ni aru. (TheVCR is in Room 307.)

Naka is also used for among:

Yamamoto Sensei wa gakusei no naka de ninkimono

desu. (Mr. Yamamoto is popular among the students.)

Kono kasa no naka kara erande kudasai. (Please choosefrom among these umbrellas.)

Soto is used for the outside of things or places:

Kodomotachi wa soto de asonde iru. (The kids areplaying outside.)

Neko o soto ni dashite kureru? (Would you let the catout?)

Ayako wa taiikukan no soto de taberu no ga suki. (Ayakolikes eating outside the gym.)

Ue is for things sitting on things, the top of things, as well as

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above things:

Jisho wa tsukue no ue ni aru. (The dictionary is on thedesk.)

Tokei wa tsukue no ue ni kakemashou. (Let's hang theclock [on the wall] above the desk.)

Ki no ue made nobotta. (We climbed to the top of thetree.)

Shita is the opposite of ue:

Inu wa teeburu no shita ni iru. (The dog is under thetable.)

Ano hon no shita ni sen en satsu ga aru. (There's athousand-yen bill under that book.)

Mae is used for in front of:

Eki no mae de matte ne. (Wait in front of the station,okay?)

Jitensha wa ie no mae ni oite kudasai. (Please park yourbicycle in front of the house.)

Ushiro or ura is used for behind:

Kuruma wa ie no ura ni aru. (The car is behind thehouse.)

Hako no ushiro ni nezumi ga iru. (There's a mousebehind the box.)

Soba, yoko, and tonari are used for next to:

Shako wa ie no soba ni aru. (The garage is next to thehouse.)

Miki wa tonari no ie ni sunde imasu. (Miki lives in thehouse next door.)

Gakkou no yoko ni kouba ga aru. (There's a factory nextto the school.)

Aida shows that something is between two other things:

Yuubinkyoku wa toshokan to eigakan no aida ni aru. (Thepost office is between the library and the movie theater.)

Watashi no kasa wa reizouko to kabe no aida ni atta. (Myumbrella was between the refrigerator and the wall.)

Mawari is used for around a thing or area:

Kare no ie no mawari ni tambo ga aru. (There are ricepaddies around his house.)

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Bokutachi wa Takamatsu no mawari o doraibu shita. (Wedrove around Takamatsu.)

Please note that in the second example above mawari doesnot mean "around the perimeter of Takamatsu" only, but "inand around," just the same as the English equivalent.

Ni shows motion directed towards something:

Kouen ni ikimashou. (Let's go to the park.)

Sono okane wa fuutou no naka ni irete ne. (Put thatmoney in the envelope, okay?)

Ashita Osaka ni iku. (I'm going to Osaka tomorrow.)

Ni is also used for in, on, at specific times, days, dates,seasons, etc:

Rokuji ni kite ne. (Come at 6:00, okay?)

Senshuu no kayoubi ni tsuita. (I arrived last Tuesday.)

Sen kyuuhyaku hachijuu ichi nen ni nihon ni kita. (I cameto Japan in 1981.)

Kara shows motion from something:

Kono hon o amerika kara motte kita. (I brought this bookfrom America.)

Ano hako kara ringo o totte kudasai. (Please take anapple from that box.)

Chikai or chikaku ni is used for near:

Kuukou wa chikai. (The airport is nearby.)

Watashitachi no ie no chikaku ni takusan no mise ga

aru. (Near our house are many stores.)

Tooi (pronounced like "toy") or tooku ni is used for far:

Eki wa koko kara tooi. (The train station is far from here.)

Kare wa tooku ni sunde imasu. (He lives far away.)

Mukai is used for opposite something:

Honya wa kouen no mukai ni aru. (The bookstore isopposite the park.)

Kanojo wa gakkou no mukai ni sunde imasu. (She livesacross from the school.)

While mukou is used for beyond:

Minato wa hoteru no mukou ni aru. (The harbor is

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beyond the hotel.)

Shokudou wa kaigishitsu no mukou ni arimasu. (Thecafeteria is on the other side of the conference room.)


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Home » Japanese "Bikkuri Adverbs"

Japanese "Bikkuri Adverbs"

In Japanese there is an interesting set of adverbs which are all

made up of four hiragana, the second of which is the small

tsu, which "doubles" the following consonant, and the fourth

of which is ri. I have asked a few Japanese if there is a namefor this set of words, but have received only negative replies,which is surprising to me because there are so many of them.Since I feel that they need a name, and since it is surprising tome that they don't have one, I have decided to call them

"bikkuri adverbs" because bikkuri means "surprise" and isitself a good example of one.

As with most points of grammar, there are exceptions. I callthese adverbs because of the role they play in most Japaneseconstructions. Some of these are seen or heard as adjectives;

some are combined with the verb suru (usually as shite iru or

shita) to create adjectives. Some are "specialized" and onlyappear with a certain verb as a set phrase. Some of these are

followed by to when used by some people. (The optional todoes not change the meaning.) Some don't sound right

unless they are followed by to.

There are a couple in here that are not adverbs, but I includedthem because they fit the pattern.

I have create three groups. Group 1 is what I would call the"everyday group": the ones which are used the most and soshould be learned first. The ones in Group 2 should betackled next. They are also used often enough, but not asoften as the ones in Group 1. I would call Group 3 the"obscure group." I personally have rarely or never heard theseused, but they are in the dictionary. The words are arranged inJapanese alphabetical order within each group, followed byan example sentence or two.

The "groupings" have been done totally from my ownexperience. Your experience with the language will most likelybe different to a certain degree. Good luck!

© 2005 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson

Group 1

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gakkari: to be disappointed

Sean wa shiken o subeta kara gakkari shite iru. (Sean isdisappointed because he failed the exam.)

gussuri: to sleep soundly

Sakuya gussuri nemashita. (I slept great last night.)

shikkari: strong, firm, solid

Shikkari shite kudasai. (Get a hold of yourself. / Snapout of it. / Don't die.) (This is always said to dying peoplein movies and dramas.)

Shikkari shita hako aru? (Do you have a sturdy box?)

sokkuri: just alike; identical (or close to it)

Kanojo wa Michiko ni sokkuri. (She looks just likeMichiko.)

hakkiri: clear; plain; distinct

Iitai koto o hakkiri iinasai. (Clearly say what you want tosay.)

Kare wa hakkiri kotowatta. (He distinctly refused.)

bikkuri: to be surprised

Mayonaka denwa ga natta node, bikkuri shita. (I wassurprised because the phone rang in the middle of thenight.)

pittari: tightly; fit perfectly; exactly

Kono boushi wa pittari au. (This hat fits perfectly.)

yappari (slang form of yahari, and not an adverb): asexpected; of course

Yappari, Kumiko wa okurete kita. (As usual, Kumikocame late.)

Yappari... (It figures...) (used to show that somethingdreaded has happened)

yukkuri: slowly; taking one's time

Douzo, yukkuri shite kudasai. (Please relax and makeyourself at home.)

Motto yukkuri hanashite kudasai. (Please speak more

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Group 2

assari: simple, light, frank; light (food)

Ojii-san wa assari shita tabemono ga suki. (Grandpalikes light, simple food.)

Kanojo no seikaku wa assari shite iru. (She has a frankpersonality.)

ukkari: carelessly, absent-mindedly; by mistake

Sumimasen. Ukkari shite jisho o wasureta. (I'm sorry. Icarelessly forgot my dictionary.)

Kanojo wa ukkari shite machigatta densha ni norimashita.(She took the wrong train by mistake.)

gisshiri: tight, full, close

Kyou no densha wa gisshiri desu ne. (The train is packedtoday, isn't it?)

kitchiri: punctually, sharp

Kitchiri shichiji desu. (It's now seven o'clock sharp)

Sono tokei wa itsumo kitchiri desu yo. (That clock isalways right on.)

Kare wa kitchiri juuji ni kita. (He arrived at ten exactly.)

kossori: secretly, quietly

Ano futari ga maiban kossori atte iru. (Those two meetsecretly every night.)

Kare wa jugyouchuu kossori zasshi o mite ita. (He washiding a magazine and looking at it during class.)

sappari: neat, clean, orderly; frank, open; refreshed; entirely,completely (usually with negatives)

Sappari shita hito ga suki. (I like frank, uncomplicatedpeople.)

Ofuro ni haitte sappari shita. (I took a bath and now feelrefreshed.)

Tanaka-san no iu koto wa sappari wakaranai. (I can'tunderstand a word Mr. Tanaka says.)

shakkuri: (noun) hiccup (hiccough)

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sukkari: completely, all

Aa! Sukkari wasureta! (Oh, no! I completely forgot aboutit!)

Kanojo wa sukkari kawatte shimaimashita yo. (I tell you,she has completely changed.)

sukkiri: neat, clear, refreshed

Sachiko no heya wa sukkiri shite iru. (Sachiko's room isneat and tidy.)

Kare no iu kotoba niwa itsumo sukkiri shinai tokoro ga

aru. (There's always something unclear in everything hesays.)

tappuri: full; plenty of...

Tabemono ga tappuri aru yo. (There is plenty to eat.)

Jikan tappuri aru. (We have lots of time.)

battari: suddenly; with a thud; to run into someoneunexpectedly

Kouen de Suzuki-san ni battari atta. (I ran into Mrs.Suzuki in the park.)

Kare wa battari taoreta. (He suddenly fell over.)

bisshori: get wet, soaked

Kasa o wasureta node, bisshori nureta. (We forgot ourumbrellas, so we got soaking wet.)

yuttari: easy; comfortable; relaxed

Kore wa hontou ni yuttari shita heya desu. (This really isa comfortable room.)

Group 3

uttori: entranced, fascinated

Mina wa kanojo no subarashii ensou ni uttori shimashita.(Everyone was entranced by her wonderfulperformance.)

ottori: gentle, quiet, calm

Bob wa ottori shite imasu. (Bob is an easy-going guy.)

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kakkiri: prompt, sharp; exactly (same as kitchiri)

Kono jitensha wa kakkiri san man en deshita. (Thisbicycle cost exactly 30,000 yen.)

Watashi no hikouki wa goji kakkiri ni touchaku

shimashita. (My plane arrived right at five o'clock.)

gakkuri: collapse; break down

Shiken no kekka de Kenji wa gakkuri kita. (Kenjicollapsed in shock after finding out about the examresults.)

gasshiri: stout, strong, solid (same as shikkari)

Kono furui isu wa totemo gasshiri dekite imasu. (This oldchair is very sturdy.)

gatchiri: firmly, securely (usually used in connection withbeing tightfisted in money matters)

Ichirou oji-san wa saifu o gatchiri nigitte iru. (UncleIchirou is tight with his money.)

kikkari: exactly, punctually (same as kakkiri)

Hachiji kikkari ni demashou. (Let's leave right at eighto'clock.)

kippari: definitely, positively; (refuse) flatly

Bob no teian wa kippari kotowarareta. (Bob's suggestionwas flatly refused.)

Kanojo wa kippari to henji shimashita. (She gave adefinite answer.)

kukkiri: distinctly, clearly

Kyou wa Fuji-san ga kukkiri to mieru. (Today Mt. Fujistands out clearly.)

guttari: be dead tired

Mou guttari da. (I'm dead tired.)

Kare wa guttari to beddo ni taoreta. (He collapsedexhausted onto his bed.)

kokkuri: nod; doze (Kokkuri is usually doubled when used. Itconveys the motion of "nodding off.")

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Ano gakusei wa jugyouchuu kokkuri kokkuri shite ita.(That student was dozing off during class.)

gossori: all, entirely

Houseki ten ni dorobou ga hairi, houseki o gossori

nusunde ita. (A thief broke into a jewelry store and stoleeverything.)

kotteri: thick, heavy, rich (opposite of assari)

Bataa o tsukatta ryouri wa kotteri shite iru. (Food madewith butter is rich.)

zakkuri: thick and rough

Kare wa zakkuri shita fuku ga suki. (He likes roughlymade clothes.)

shikkuri: exactly (usually used negatively)

Bokutachi wa shikkuri shinai. (We don't get along well.)

jikkuri: closely; without hurry

Jisho o tsukatte, jikkuri shiraberu no ga taisetsu. (Usingyour dictionary and studying carefully without hurry isimportant.)

shittori: gentle, graceful; moist, damp

Watashitachi wa shittori shita funiki de hanashita. (Wespoke together in a quiet way.)

Shibafu wa ame de shittori nurete iru. (The lawn is wetfrom the rain.)

suppari: flatly; once and for all

Kare wa tabako o suppari yameta. (He quit smokingcompletely.)

suppori: cover one's head completely

Kimiko wa suppori zukin o kabutte ita. (Kimiko coveredher head completely with a hood.)

chakkari: nervy, cheeky

Kanojo niwa chakkari shita tokoro ga aru. (There issomething shrewd and cheeky about her.)

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choppiri: a little bit (slang for chotto)

Obaa-chan wa ame o choppiri kureta. (Grandma gave mejust a little candy.)

tekkiri: surely, beyond doubt

Tekkiri Bob wa issho ni iku to omotta. (I was certain thatBob would go with us.)

deppuri: portly, plump

Sore wa deppuri futotta neko desu ne. (That's a fat cat,isn't it?)

dosshiri: composed; dignified

Kare wa itsumo dosshiri shite iru. (He is alwayscomposed.)

nikkori: smile at; beam at

Kanojo wa nikkori shite aisatsu shimashita. (She greetedus with a smile.)

nettori: sticky; clammy

Kare no te wa nettori shite kimochi warukatta. (His handswere clammy and felt gross.)

nossori: heavily; sluggishly

John wa nossori okiagatta. (John got up sluggishly.)

pattari: abruptly, suddenly

Kare wa kanojo to pattari tsukiawanakunatta. (Hesuddenly stopped seeing her.)

patchiri: having bright eyes or eyes wide open

Yumiko wa me o patchiri aketa. (Yumiko opened hereyes wide.)

hissori: quiet, silent

Machi wa kurakute hissori shite ita. (The town was darkand quiet.)

hyokkori: by chance (like battari); unexpectedly

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Kinou kaimono shinagara hyokkori Nagao-san ni atta.(Yesterday I ran into Mr. Nagao while shopping.)

Kenji wa hyokkuri boku no ie ni kita. (Kenji came to myplace unexpectedly.)

puttsuri: entirely; utterly

Kanojo kara no renraku wa puttsuri nakunatta. (Allcommunication from her totally ended.)

bettari: sticky; thick

Ano futari wa itsumo bettari shite iru. (Those two arealways together.)

bettori: soaked; covered with

Kare no shatsu wa bettori penki ga tsuite ita. (His shirtwas covered with paint.)

pokkiri: only; no more than

Watashi wa gohyaku en pokkiri shika motte inai. (I'veonly got 500 yen with me.)

pokkuri: to die suddenly

Kare wa pokkuri shinimashita. (He died suddenly.)

hossori: slim; slender

Kanojo wa hossori shite imasu ne. (She's slim, isn't she?)

potteri: plump; chubby (opposite of hossori, same as deppuri)

Potteri shita inu desu ne. (That's a chubby dog, isn't it?)

misshiri: hard, earnestly, severely

Sensei wa gakusei ni eigo o misshiri oshieta. (Theteacher earnestly taught the students English.)

mitchiri: hard, earnestly, severely (same as misshiri above)

mukkuri: get up suddenly (opposite of nossori)

Neko ga mukkuri okiagatta. (The cat got up suddenly.)

mutchiri: portly, plump (same as deppuri and potteri)

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muttsuri: glum; sulky

Kare wa kanojo no kotoba o kiitara, muttsuri damatte

shimatta. (After listening to her, he became moody andsilent).

mekkiri: considerably; remarkably

Saikin mekkiri samukunatta. (It has recently becomequite cold.)


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Home » Modern Japanese

A Very Short Study in Modern


As each year goes by, we see more and more English beingadopted into the language, and true Japanese disappearing.It's a sad fact of life. Besides tackling the grammar,vocabulary, and writing systems, students of Japanese must

become familiar with the ways foreign words, especially wasei

eigo (Japanized English), are used, because they really areused a lot. An excellent example of this is a label I foundrecently on a bread product.

This is from a small bread roll,a "Milk France" bread roll. Iwouldn't call it french bread,because it doesn't look, feel, ortaste like french bread. In fact,it's a cream-filled snack roll —pretty good, but definitely notlike any french bread I've evertasted.

Anyway, take a look at thewriting at the bottom of the

label. Directly under FRANCE it

simply says, in white katakana1, the same thing that's written

above: MILK FRANCE.2 And under that is the followingsentence:

The amazing thing about this sentence is that there's very littleJapanese in it. To illustrate this I have colored the English orEnglish-based words blue, the Japanese red, and the oneword which is neither green. In Roman letters this sentencewould look like this:

Sofuto na furansu pan ni, miruku fuumi no kuriimu o sandoshimashita.

Though the English words in blue are probably

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unrecognizable to beginners, they are soft, france, milk,

cream, and sandwich, but are written in romaji 3, which showpretty much how they are pronounced in Japanese or by the

Japanese.4 The Japanese have the tendency to shortenlonger English words to suit their fancy, which is why

"sandwich" becomes sando.5 The only Japanese word here is

fuumi, which means "flavor," and the overall structure is

Japanese, making necessary the use of particles na, ni, no,

and o, which indicate adjectives and objects.6 Shimashita at

the end simply indicates past tense. The word pan means"bread," which Japan borrowed from the Portuguese.

Now, if we convert all this to English while keeping theJapanese order and colored elements, it would look like this:

Soft france bread in, milk flavor cream sandwiched.

A very interesting and often convenient point about theJapanese language is that a sentence can have its subjectomitted and still be correct. This sentence is a good example.

Finally, starting with the implied subject we, let's nowcomplete the translation into English while retaining the colorcoding:

We sandwiched milk-flavored cream inside soft french bread.

We sandwiched milk-flavored cream inside soft french

bread. Sentences like this on food packages are very common

here — lots of "katakana English" and very wordy.

I believe this is a great example of how Japanese works.Though a simple sentence, it shows concisely and accurately

the roles and association of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, the

three Japanese writing systems. Kanji are used to write thecore words, when they are not replaced with English or other

foreign vocabulary; katakana are used to write those foreign

words when they are used; and hiragana act as "grammaticalcement," indicating the role of the core words and giving verbs

their conjugations.7

As we can see, six of the seven core words here are not

Japanese, which is why there are many more katakana than

kanji. But this is the direction that Japanese is going, for betteror worse. You used to hear that one needs to know around

2,200 kanji in order to read a Japanese newspaper, but if thepopularity of foreign words continues to increase, we may seethat number shrink.

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Students of the language need to not only learn the writingsystems, words, and how to put them together, they also haveto re-learn their own language in order to successfully make itwork as a vital element of modern Japanese.


Katakana is the Japanese alphabet used mainly to writeforeign words and names. For more click here.


Almost all consumer goods in Japan have the productname written in both English and Japanese on thepackage. The English shows that they are making someeffort towards "internationalization," and since mostpeople ignore or can't read the English, Japanese isnecessary in order to maintain product identity.


Roman letters. For more click here.3.

Sadly, too many Japanese think that this is how Englishis really pronounced, creating problems when attemptingconversation with native speakers. To be fair, though,this is a two-way problem: most native English speakers

don't pronounce Pokemon or karaoke correctly, either.


For more examples click here.5.

For more see my Japanese Particles.6.

Please see Alphabets for a more in-depth look.7.

© 2000 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson


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Home » About You and Name Suffixes

About You and Name Suffixes

In Lesson 9 of my Japanese Verbs anata is introduced in thelast example sentence as meaning "you." Actually, the word"you" is not used in Japanese as often as in English,especially when talking to an individual. Once a person'sname is known, it is usually used in place of "you" (as a nativeEnglish speaker would consider it) when speaking to thatperson, which may sound a bit childish until you get used to it.For example, an English speaker usually wouldn't turn to hisfriend Bob and ask, "What does Bob want to eat for lunch?"but in Japanese that is exactly what you do.

Additionally, names are usually not used alone. "Namesuffixes" are attached depending on the person and situation.

The ones you'll hear the most are san, sama, chan, and kun.

Generally speaking, san is the "default" suffix for a personwhen none of the others are suitable. You will most likely want

to use san with neighbors and business associates that you

see regularly but perhaps not every day. San denotesfriendliness and perhaps even familiarity while still including atleast a touch of respectful distance.

Sama is an "honorific" suffix which is attached to the names ofsuperiors or people you want to show special respect to, realor pretended. Customers who go into new car dealerships will

have the luxury of hearing sama added to their names — for awhile, at any rate. After the sale is made, time passes, and thecar is brought in for routine checks or service, the customer

will find that he or she is no longer a "sama," but is now a

"san." This is normal and good, however, because san showsthat a closer, more familiar (and, hopefully, a more trusting)relationship has been created between customer and serviceprovider.

Among close friends and family members chan is usually

heard. Parents add chan to their children's names, andchildren add it to the words for father, mother, grandfather,grandmother, older brother or sister (but not younger), aunt,

uncle, etc. Customarily, within families chan is added to thefirst names of those younger than yourself and to the namesof cousins, but to the title of those older. Also, names are

often shortened before adding chan. For example, a girl

named Emiko would probably be called Emiko-chan or

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Emi-chan by older family members, cousins, and playmates,as well as classmates and co-workers later in life. A boy

named Hiroki might go by Hiro-chan unless he's going by

Hiroki-kun or Hiro-kun. For those older, these are commonlyused:

otou-chan (dad)

okaa-chan (mom)

ojii-chan (grandpa)

obaa-chan (grandma)

onii-chan (elder brother, older neighbor boy)

onee-chan (elder sister, older neighbor girl)

oji-chan (uncle, adult male neighbor, friend's father)

oba-chan (aunt, adult female neighbor, friend's mother)

Chan is also used with the names of pets, and evensometimes with special possessions and things like dolls,toys, bicycles, cars, etc.

Among male friends kun is used as the name suffix, unless an

individual prefers chan. Teachers add kun to the names of

male students, chan to female students. Bosses add these to

the names of subordinates sometimes, though san is probablymore common for females. Family customs, company size andtype, and personal preferences all come into play whenchoosing these suffixes.

As a safe rule, use san with colleagues' names and older girls,

kun with boys, and chan with younger girls. You most likely

won't use sama unless you meet a company president or

owner. Even then, their title, such as shachou (companypresident) will normally be used instead of a generic suffix.Being observant and attentive will be the best guide formastering name suffixes for the people you work with or know.And, you can always ask.

Now, let's get back to you. Again, "you" normally wouldn't beused when speaking to an individual when his or her name isknown. If I wanted to ask my student Hiroki if he did hishomework, the literal translation of the English sentence

"Hiroki, did you do your homework?" would be: "Hiroki, anata

wa anata no shukudai o shimashita ka", where anata is usedfor "you." This Japanese would be understood, of course, butwould also sound very stiff, formal, and very odd. A nativeJapanese speaker would never use this kind of construction.

The natural Japanese would be:"Hiroki-kun wa shukudai o

shimashita ka," where the name of the person is used in place

of the subject you. So, even though I used anata in Lesson 9

of Japanese Verbs, it is seldom actually used in daily

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conversational Japanese.

It's when speaking to groups that "you" becomes useful.

Anatatachi could be used, but it conveys a certain distance,even displeasure: a teacher reprimanding a class might use

this. So, the one left would be kimitachi, which showsfamiliarity, even some affection, toward the group concerned.There may be a certain feeling of "being talked down to" when

kimi or kimitachi is used, but as long as the situation and therelationship between speaker and listener(s) warrants it andmakes it sound natural, there's no problem. When I first cameto Japan and was only several years older than my students, I

really didn't feel comfortable using kimitachi, but now that I'mold enough to be their father it feels very natural and fitting. Iwould not use this with a class of people my age or older, I'd

probably use mina-san (everyone), which is the best choicewhen talking to large, mixed groups.

Japan, for better or worse, puts a lot of emphasis on a "vertical

society" — knowing whether or not a person is above (me-ue)

or below (me-shita) yourself. Much more could be saidconcerning all the various words and "levels" used whenaddressing others, but this should suffice for most students ofJapanese for the first year or so.

© 2002 - 2008 Tim R. Matheson


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Home » Japanese National Holidays

Japanese National Holidays

January 1 New Year's Day

January 15 Coming of Age Day

February 11 National Founding Day

March 21Vernal Equinox Day (first day ofspring)

April 29Showa Day (the Showa EraEmperor's birthday)

May 3 Constitution Day

May 4 Green Day

May 5 Children's Day

July 20 Sea Day

September 15 Respect for the Aged Day

September 23 Autumnal Equinox Day

October 10 Health Day

November 3 Culture Day

November 23 Labor Thanksgiving Day

December 23 The Emperor's Birthday

Please note:

1. The 15 holidays listed here are the ones signified by a rednumber on Japanese calendars. Schools and most companies

are closed on these days. (Holidays that count, as I like to putit.) There are, however, a few other special traditional daysbesides these which are recognized throughout the year, such

as setsubun and o-bon.

2. Holidays that fall on a Sunday are recognized on thefollowing Monday. However, holidays which fall on a Saturday

are not changed to Friday. (They sadly go uncounted.)

3. The dates shown above are the traditional dates of theseholidays. Some are now observed on the nearest Monday forthe sake of business convenience.

4. The span of days from April 29 to May 5 is called "GoldenWeek" in Japan because of the cluster of holidays. Since half

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of the population think they have to go somewhere, many ofthe roads and trains are jammed during this period. If you'resmart you stay close to home.

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