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Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b: 1541 in Of, Essex, England d: January 31, 1611/12 in White Chapel, Middlesex, England Anne Margaret Aires Henry Howland b: 1564 in Of, Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England d: May 17, 1635 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, England Mary Newland Elizabeth Tilley Henry Howland, Jr. b: Abt. 1595 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, England d: January 17, 1670/71 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts John Howland b: Abt. 1599 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, England d: February 23, 1671/72 in Rocky Nook, Kingston, Massachusetts Founding of Jamestown, VA Zoeth Howland PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version

Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Oct 03, 2018



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Page 1: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Timeline - John Howland

1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000

Emma Revell

John Howlandb: 1541 in Of, Essex, Englandd: January 31, 1611/12 in White Chapel, Middlesex, England

Anne Margaret Aires

Henry Howlandb: 1564 in Of, Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, Englandd: May 17, 1635 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, England

Mary Newland

Elizabeth Tilley

Henry Howland, Jr.b: Abt. 1595 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, Englandd: January 17, 1670/71 in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts

John Howlandb: Abt. 1599 in Fen Stanton, Huntingshire, Englandd: February 23, 1671/72 in Rocky Nook, Kingston, Massachusetts

Founding of Jamestown, VA

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Page 2: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Zoeth Howlandb: in Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusettsd: January 30, 1674/75 in Tiverton, RI


First representative colonial assembly in America

First Africans brought to America

Mayflower Compact

Pilgrims leave Plymouth, England

First Thanksgiving

Tobacco tax and tobacco monopoly in England

Judith Sampson

Benjamin Howlandb: March 08, 1656/57 in Newport, RId: February 12, 1726/27

England takes over NY & NJ

Bacon's Rebellion erupts

First German immigrants in N. America

Rebecca Lapham

English-French conflict in colonies begins

Penelope Tripp

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Page 3: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Barnabas Howlandb: September 16, 1699 in Dartmouth, Bristol, MAd: February 19, 1773 in Dartmouth, Bristol, MA

Slave-trading Asiento Guinea Company founded

Delaware becomes a colony

Inhabitants of the Palatinate emigrate to N. America

Tuscarora War

Sarah Hicks

Gideon Howland

Georgia established

Enlightenment in America

Sally or Sarah Horton

Amendment of British Sugar Act

Sons of Liberty formed

Stamp Act

Townshend Acts

Circular Letter sent

Boston Massacre

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Page 4: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Gilbert Howlandb: June 13, 1772 in Dartmouth, Bristol, MAd: 1857

Boston Tea Party

First Continental Congress

Washington appointed commander of Continental Army

Second Continental Congress

American Revolutionary War

Battles of Lexington and Concord

American victories at Trenton and Princeton

Declaration on Independence

Articles of Confederation drafted

Winter at Valley Forge

Treaty with France signed

British surrender to Amerian colonies

Treaty of Paris signed

Economic depression in U.S.

Land Ordinance of 1785

Northwest Ordinance

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Page 5: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Northwest Ordinance

Constitutional Convention meets

United State of America established

Washington elected first president

Bank of U.S. is chartered

Bill of Rights adopted

Whiskey Rebellion

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Jay's Treaty

Pinckney's Treaty

Treaty of Greenville

Two-party system develops

Adams elected president

Tennessee enters the Union

William Howlandb: February 18, 1797 in Dartmouth, Bristol, MAd: 1873

Alien and Sedition Acts passed

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

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Page 6: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Jefferson elected president

Tripoli declares war on U.S.

U.S. purchases Louisiana

Lewis and Clark begin expedition

Lois Rootb: 1809 in Otsego County, NY

Macon's Bill Number Two

National Road begun

Battle of Tippecanoe

War of 1812

U.S. declares war on Britain

Creek War

Hartford Convention

Peace of Ghent signed

Oresta Howlandb: in Chenango County, NY

Monroe Doctrine

John Quincy Adams elected

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Page 7: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Andrew Jackson elected president

William Howlandb: 1829

Milo Gilbert

Congress passes Removal Act

Warren Howlandb: 1830

Orson Howlandb: February 25, 1831 in Central Lisle, NY

National Trades' Union

Henry Harrison Howlandb: 1835

Texas wins independence from Mexico

Martin Van Buren elected

Republic of Texas proclaimed

Trail of Tears

First baseball game

Harrison elected president

Daniel Webster Howlandb: July 22, 1840 in Lisle, Broome, NYd: May 16, 1919

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Page 8: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Tyler succeeds Harrison as president

Daniel Livermore

Russell Livermore

Lyman Arnold

Alliston Robertson

China and U.S. sign first peace and commerce treaty

Polk elected president

Texas enters the Union

Ameila Howlandb: 1846

Republic of California declared

California Gold Rush

Taylor elected president

Mexican-U.S. war ends

Sarah Katherine Gunungb: May 22, 1849 in Delaware County,New Yorkd: July 28, 1914

California enters the Union

U.S. Compromise of 1850

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Page 9: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Lina Howland

Luella Howland

Clara L. Howland

Anna L. Howland

Pottawatomie Massacre

Buchanan elected president

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Abraham Lincoln elected president

Telegraph wires span U.S.

U.S. Civil War

Pacific Railway Act

Battle of Gettysburg

Emancipation Proclamation

Earl Gilbert

William Gilbert

Marion Gilbert

Clarence Gilbert

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Page 10: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Clarence Gilbert

Lee surrenders to Grant

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Lincoln assassinated

Civil Rights Act

Name unknown

Fourteenth Amendment

Grant elected president

Johnson impeached and acquitted

Vanderbilt begins railroad empire

Knights of Labor founded

Transcontinental railroad completed

Fifteenth Amendment ratified

Jane Howlandb: August 20, 1870d: 1952

Patrick McNamarab: March 18, 1872 in Illinoisd: June 12, 1949

Norman Howlandb: April 02, 1872 in Lisle, NYd: June 01, 1937

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Page 11: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Vivian Claire

Inez Katherine Howlandb: February 14, 1874 in Lisle, NYd: July 19, 1958 in Salem, MA

Battle of Little Bighorn

Lewis William Dawesb: August 11, 1876 in Kent, Englandd: 1958 in Foxborough, MA

Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction

Margaret Howlandb: June 15, 1877 in Lisle NYd: August 02, 1913

Harry Howlandb: June 15, 1877 in Lisle NYd: February 06, 1960

Garfield elected president

Garfield assassinated

Sitting Bull surrenders

Chinese Exclusion Act

Cleveland elected president

American Federation of Labor

Interstate Commerce Act

Jacob Emhof

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Page 12: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Jacob Emhof

Harrison elected president

Battle at Wounded Knee

Atlanta Compromise proposed

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

McKinley Tariff

Cleveland reelected president

Homestead Strike

Lena Robinson Howland

Moylin McNamara

Maud Howland

Republic of Hawaii declared

Winifred Gielend: 1991

Pullman Strike

McKinley elected president

Eileen Bell Brown

Cassie Howland

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Page 13: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

U.S. declares war on Spain

Ida Howland

McKinley reelected president

Boxer Rebellion

Chesler Loreine Patteeb: May 03, 1900 in Salem, MAd: May 05, 1982 in Sharon, MA

McKinley assassinated

Roosevelt becomes president

Morgan forms U.S. Steel

Coal strike in U.S.

Helen Kohut

Anne Katherine Dawesb: February 25, 1903 in Highland Park, IL

James McNamarab: October 23, 1905d: May 29, 1985

John McNamarab: January 07, 1907 in Central Lisle, NYd: January 09, 1987 in McGraw, NY

Inez McIntoshb: August 23, 1907 in North Colesburg, NYd: October 11, 2000

Genevieve BebikPDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version

Page 14: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Genevieve Bebik

William Howland Dawesb: 1908 in Everett, MAd: March 17, 1916 in Salem, MA

Daniel McNamarab: January 19, 1908d: November 07, 1992 in Cortland, NY

Taft becomes president

NAACP formed

Norman McNamarab: January 04, 1909 in Lisle, Broome, New Yorkd: June 02, 1991 in Johnson City, NY

Howard McNamarab: May 25, 1910d: October 13, 1982

Arthur Ernest Dawesb: September 21, 1910 in Salem, MAd: June 28, 2000 in Swampscott, MA

Gladys Marie Sheehanb: May 06, 1911d: March 05, 1981 in Swampscott, MA

Wilson elected president

Seventeenth Amendment

Federal Reserve Act

Sixteenth Amendment

U.S. Federal Reserve System established

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Page 15: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

U.S. Federal Reserve System established

Mary McNamarab: August 02, 1913

World War I

Federal Trade Commission

Harding elected president

Prohibition throughout U.S.

19th Amendment

Ruth Poole

Coolidge elected president

Barbara Patteeb: April 16, 1925 in Salem, MA

Frank Henry Healey, Jr.b: October 05, 1925 in Salem, MA

Hoover elected president

"Great Depression" in the U.S.

Inter-American Treaty of Arbitration

John Dawes Patteeb: August 01, 1929 in Salem, MAd: January 26, 1930 in Salem, MA

"Black Friday" in U.S.

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Page 16: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Arthur Dawes

"Star-Spangled Banner," words by Francis Scott Key

Arthur William Patteeb: April 14, 1931 in Salem, MA

Roosevelt becomes president

Ruth Constance Shortellb: April 07, 1932 in Manchester, New Hampshire

The New Deal

21st Amendment repeals prohibition

Marianne McNamarab: September 21, 1934 in Cortland, NYd: May 24, 1993 in Cortland, NY

Wilma Beatriceb: January 09, 1935

Joan Eathel McNamarab: June 30, 1935 in Lisle, Broome, New York

Patricia Dollar

Diane McNamarab: September 26, 1937

William McNamarab: December 26, 1938d: March 21, 1998

Diane Blumenthal

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Page 17: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Clara Susan Brown

World War II

Patrick Herman McNamarab: June 10, 1939

"Manhattan Project"

Judith Mary Dawesb: June 03, 1941

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Jacob Patrick Emhof, Jr.b: December 11, 1941

Patricia Wiggins

Roger Norman McNamarab: January 24, 1942 in Binghamton, NY

Rosemary Ulmerb: October 17, 1942 in Linden, PA

Rationing begins in U.S.


Rose Mary McNamarab: May 06, 1944

Barbara Louise Dawesb: May 24, 1944

Leroy McNamarab: June 30, 1944

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b: June 30, 1944

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Susan Margaret McNamarab: February 16, 1947

Margaret Ann McNamarab: November 17, 1947

Sharon Elizabeth Healeyb: May 15, 1950 in Boston, MA

22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Peter Francis Healeyb: June 01, 1951 in Boston, MA

Jonathon Thomas Malayb: July 14, 1951 in Beverly, MA

Eisenhower elected president

Frank Henry Healey IIIb: June 26, 1953 in Cleveland, OH

Segregation in public schools deemed illegal

Barney Strobelb: March 15, 1954

Vietnam War

Nancy Ellen Haganb: June 09, 1955

Jananne Catherine Healeyb: February 04, 1956 in Salem, MA

Sharon Rene' TeenyPDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version

Page 19: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Sharon Rene' Teenyb: October 22, 1956 in Portland, Oregon

NASA established

William Dawes Patteeb: March 06, 1958 in Salem, MA

Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S.

John Thomas Patteeb: August 29, 1959 in Norfolk, VA

Kennedy elected president

Ai Choo Wongb: April 26, 1961 in Singapore

Julie Ann Reeceb: August 04, 1961 in Spokane, WA

James Shortell Patteeb: September 15, 1961 in Norfolk, VA

Mary Josephine Healeyb: November 10, 1961 in Salem, MA

Cuban Missile Crisis

Kennedy assassinated; Johnson takes over

Cathleen Christa McNamarab: January 09, 1963

Suzanne Ruth Patteeb: August 14, 1963 in Newport RI

24th Amendment of the U.S. ConstitutionPDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version

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24th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Johnson elected president

Nancy Seamanb: May 27, 1964

James Tomlinsonb: August 27, 1964 in Springfield, VA

Coleen Marie McNamarab: March 12, 1965

Stephen Charles Patteeb: February 03, 1967 in Newport, RI

Charlene Patricia McNamarab: June 07, 1967

Shawn David McNamarab: November 03, 1967 in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela

Nixon elected president

Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated

Sandra Cutshawb: September 13, 1968

Cheryl Ann Kamenickyb: November 20, 1968 in Springfield, VA

Christian Eleanor Joliffb: August 27, 1969 in Ridgeway, OH

Shane Paul McNamarab: March 30, 1970 in Williamsport, PA

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Page 21: Timeline - John · Timeline - John Howland 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 Emma Revell John Howland b:

Shane Paul McNamarab: March 30, 1970 in Williamsport, PA

Ami Kristin Smithb: July 07, 1970 in Midland, TX

Michael George McNamarab: November 17, 1971

Watergate Affair begins

Nixon resigns; Ford becomes president

Carter elected president

Elizabeth Rose Malayb: March 14, 1978 in Monterrey, CA

Benjamin Peter Malayb: October 08, 1979 in Monterrey, CA

Reagan elected president

James Damien Patteeb: November 22, 1980

Katherine Anne Malayb: September 03, 1983 in New London, CT

Space shuttle Challenger explodes

Siobhan Healeyb: February 27, 1986

Brenda Mei Healeyb: February 16, 1987

Michelle Ruthanne Patteeb: August 02, 1987

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Michelle Ruthanne Patteeb: August 02, 1987

Bush elected president

Declan Francis Healeyb: July 06, 1988

Melissa Diane Patteeb: October 30, 1988

U.S. troops sent to Panama

Sean Francis Healeyb: September 11, 1989

Persian Gulf War

Claire Maria Healeyb: July 18, 1990

Alyssa Lauren Patteeb: July 06, 1991

North American Free Trade Agreement ratified

Carl Strobelb: January 23, 1994

Mikal John Patteeb: October 03, 1994

Ciara Kathleen Healeyb: April 02, 1995

Faith Elise McNamarab: September 18, 1995 in Midland, TX

Bethany Rose McNamarab: October 09, 1995 in Bellefontaine, OH

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1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000

Bethany Rose McNamarab: October 09, 1995 in Bellefontaine, OH

Jackson Scott Strobelb: May 22, 1996

Ariel Nicole Patteeb: May 29, 1996

Danielle Rose Patteeb: November 29, 1997

Ashlyn Theresa Healeyb: March 08, 1998

Joshua Davis McNamarab: May 30, 1998 in Belfontaine, OH

Grace Elizabeth McNamarab: December 03, 1998 in Midland, TX

Amanda Victoria Patteeb: August 10, 1999

Craig Hamilton Patteeb: August 09, 2000 in Santa Barbara, CA

Sarah Elizabeth Patteeb: December 08, 2000 in Manassas, VA

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