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Time, Teaching, & Technology Preamble: The Lecture R.B. Campbell UBCO 2012.

Jan 18, 2018



Job Mathews

Preamble: The Lecture R.B. Campbell UBCO 2012
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Time, Teaching, & Technology Preamble: The Lecture R.B. Campbell UBCO 2012 Lecturer (12 Month) Lecturer means a person holding an appointment without review for a term of twelve (12) months with responsibilities limited to teaching and related duties which may include administrative responsibilities normally undertaken by faculty members.These are term appointments without review that are for a specified term (one year at a time maximum) and carry no implication that the appointee will be considered for any further appointment of this or any other kind at the expiration of the specified term. Reappointments can be made subject to the terms and conditions of policy 42, Faculty Term Appointments without review. Medieval University Lecture Babylonian hour: we only have hours because of the Babylonian base-60 number system. It has nothing to do with the psychology of learning. Passive observers: lectures turn students into passive observers. Research shows that participation increases learning, yet few lecturers do this (Brophy & Good, 1986; Fisher & Berliner, 1985; Greenwood, Delquadri, & Hall, 1984). Attention fall-off: our ability to retain information falls off badly after minutes. The simple insertion of three two-minute pauses led to a difference of two letter grades in a short and long- term recall test (1987, Winter) Note-taking: lectures rely on note taking, yet note-taking is seldom taught, massively reducing their effectiveness (Saski, Swicegood, & Carter, 1983) Reasons to Dump Lectures (Clark, 2007) Disabilities: even slight disabilities in listening, language or motor skills make lectures ineffective, as it is difficult to focus, discriminate and note-take quickly enough in a lecture (Hughes & Suritsky, 1994) One bite at cherry: if something is not understood on first exposure theres no opportunity to pause, reflect of get clarification. This one bite of the cherry approach to learning is against all that we know in the psychology of learning. Cognitive overload: lecturers load up talks with too much detail leading to cognitive overload. In addition they often go off on one, with tangential material. Tyranny of location: you have to go to a specific place to hear a lecture. This wastes huge amounts of time. Tyranny of time: you have to turn up at a specific time to hear a lecture Poor presentation: many lecturers have neither the personality nor skills to hold the audience's attention. Time Time as Technology Systematically applying and regulating the passing of moments with set activities or events. Time as regulator:to bring order, method, or uniformity to Time as Technology Time as a systems regulator Technology Definitions The systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical tasks (Galbraith, 1967) Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. (Januszewski & Persichitte, 2008) Prisoners of Time, 1994 Report of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning 1994,2005 Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 School Time: The Obsession Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons With few exceptions, schools open and close their doors at fixed times in the morning and early afternoon. With few exceptions, the school year lasts nine months. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons Despite the obsession with time, little attention is paid to how it is used, only 41 percent of secondary school time must be spent on core academic subjects. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons No matter how complex or simple the school subject or how well or poorly students comprehend the material, the schedule assigns each subject an impartial national average of 51 minutes per class period. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Images: Wikimedia Commons The norm for required school attendance is 180 days. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons Schools typically offer a six-period day, with about 5.6 hours of classroom time a day. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons Staff salary increases are typically tied to timeto seniority and the number of hours of graduate work completed. Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 Image: Wikimedia Commons Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 School Time: Obsession and Compulsion Temporal punishment is used extensivelydetention, delays. Slow learners, holding back, repeating, accelerating. We group students by timeby litter, the year of their birth. Wasting timeidleness is the enemy of the soul (St. Benedict). Time on task. Synchronous and Asynchronous learninglearning in time and learning out of time. Learning in real timewhat is real time? Slow schoolingbacklash against 'hamburger' approach to education, which emphasizes uniformity, predictability, and measurability of processes/results. Repurposing timeflipping time (time as technology). The Design Flaw: The assumption that learning can be doled out by the clock and defined by the calendar. Research confirms common sense. Some students take three to six times longer than others to learn the same thing. Yet students are caught in a time trapprocessed on an assembly line scheduled to the minute. Our usage of time virtually assures the failure of many students. (Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005) Efficient Learning Hypothesis The (wrong) assertion that learners are at roughly the same stage when they start a course and that they progress at roughly the same pace. (Siemens, 2010) Prisoners of Time, 1994, 2005 School Time: Efficiency Images: Wikimedia Commons Social Efficiency: By using education as an efficiency tool theorists believed that society could be controlled. Students would be scientifically evaluated (IQ tests) and educated toward a specific role in society. Vocational and junior high schools were created to address the a curriculum designed around each students societal future. Images: Wikimedia Commons Social Efficiency: By using education as an efficiency tool theorists believed that society could be controlled. Students would be scientifically evaluated (IQ tests) and educated toward a specific role in society. Vocational and junior high schools were created to address the a curriculum designed around each students societal future. Images: Wikimedia Commons To my mind, the biggest problem is a preoccupation with, and the application of, the factory model of management to education, where everything is arranged for the scalability and efficiency of the system, to which the students, the teachers, the parents and the administrators have to adjust. (Denning, 2011) St. Benedict of Nursia: Systematized monastic life ( ) St. Benedict perceived the necessity for a permanent and uniform rule of government in place of the arbitrary and variable choice of models furnished by the lives and maxims of the anchorites (hermit monks). Benedicts Rule is a simple outline for the way monks in sixth century Italy should live together. He orders the way the monks should sing psalms in church, how the monastery should be governed and how to handle difficult characters. The Rule is practical and down to earth. He tells the monks how much wine they should drink, how to behave when outside the monastery and not to wear knives to bed lest they roll over and cut themselves. Teaching with Technology and Time Factory Model and Monastic Model Teaching Out of Time Deregulated Education Personalized Learning IEP Seymour Papert Guided Discovery Learning Logo programming Papert used the power of technology the computer, which he described as the universal medium, to provide guided discovery learning to students. Guided Discovery Curriculum LOGO Programming Seymour Papert defined constructionism in a proposal to the National Science Foundation... He likened their learning to a living in a "mathland," where learning mathematical ideas is as natural as learning French while living in France. (Papert, Mindstorms, 1980) Mindstorms NXt Metaphors to Consider Images: Wikimedia Commons DeregulationRegulation Images: Wikimedia Commons Heuristic Algorithmic Images: Wikimedia Commons Self-organized Externally Organized Considerations: Aut0-didacticism Deregulated Education Personalized Learning IEP