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Jan 23, 2023



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A tietitngK U M B E R 3.4G 2. N E W A R K . N . J .. T I i r R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 22 . 1894 . P R I C E T W O C E N l 'S .

F i r s t E d i t i o n s c h e f b a u e r g iv e s t e s t im o n y

F L i i S AT SOUTi Bl?EB.Tbs Little Town Ihraatrned for &

Time W ith Entire Destmotion.


Ko r ir * A p M n ta * la tha V la « , aaU E «*a

Oilldrau Callad la ta tarTla* la Help KtllacnU h lha Vlaaiaa-Horaai aad Catlla Barmad to Daalh Balara Ilia lira

Waa OolUn Dadar C oa tn l-Lon aa br

FIra at Othar Flacaa^

Thaaa i ODt- lOM

Bpedal Diniateh to tha Nitva,S iw BdU.aawicK, Nor, 33.—Ona nf tba

Oaroaat flraa ia tba hlator; o f tba T illi(a of Houtli iUrar bruka out tborUr M ora 1 a’olock tbU moTnlng. Ttaa town bu a popo- latlon of about 3,0DU nod la l i i mllat from bar*.

A t ona ttina tba antlra town wai thraat- anad and a maianga w u aent to tbfi e lt; for •Id.

Tba flamaa bruka out In tba Urarj ibibla of Gaorga Hariaa, in tba roar of Uabrlal Tanbroecli’ i botaL From barn ibay cilA' munlcalad with all tba outbuihllnp of tha botal^nnd to tba hotal Ibalf. Tba atora o f Jacob Laalnaos next took Ara. A ll ibaaa boiknaga ara m tba oantra of ttaa boaliHaa portion of tha town, which la built antlralr ^ wood. Ttaa boiaaa ara cloaa to- gather and aa ona attar anothar naught Bra tha wUdrat axcitamant and alarm prarallad.

Tha town baa ao lira dapartmaot and all tba inhabllaota tanaad out A buekatbrigade w u formad axtaadlng to tba rirar, SOO yarda away, and watar w u paaaad akng thla Una. Eaau littla chlhtran wara pot into icraioa. nod oarrlad watar la tin p ^ aad dippan.

A talcpbona maaaata waa asat to Cblaf Graenawald, of this city, bagging bloi to aaod aaaUtanca. A t aooo u man ouuki bt rouatd an angina and hoaa-oaiTiiga, with a crawof eight maa ware teat to Sonth Rlrar. Ba- fort they raaebad that pUoa, bowarar, tha wind (Um oat, and tba Bn w u gnttan under controL A inaaaoger w u tent to meat tba

' aoginA and aftar uam iag tha flamet ware under ooiitrol It ratumad to tbit dty.

UaTaral horau and oowt parlthad In tba * » " * * but no human IIt u wan Icat Tha lOM on buildingi and etock can aot ba nact- iy Mtlmatad, but It will reach atTaral thou- nnd dollan-

Juft after thti Bra w u gotten under con­trol aootbar broke out at the barni of a farmar named Waltan, jnit orar tba rirar In BayraTlUa Thla lira w u arldantly tba work o f trampa. A ll tba taarui boildlngi wara dattroyad.ia.800.

John Bandaraon'i place, near W oodbiidn w u aatoo Bra by trampa Uat nigbt, but tba flaaHt wan axtlngniaaad before any great damage w u d o n a . ________

FIRE ON A STEAMSHIP,The Alamo P a rtlr bunk to Ban Har

Carga Damagad aad a Cbloamaa’a Corpoa Cramatad.

V xw Y obe, Nov. S3.—Tha (teamiblp AUmo, of tba UaUory Una, which arrlTad from Oalvnton yesterday aftarnoon w u dit- oovared to ba on B n u tha lay at Ibar No, 31), E u t River, at 1 o’clock thla morning. Bha carried a fuU cargo of $,000 balec of cotton and totna tobacci and genaral luar- ehandiec. It w u found naoeeeery to par­tially eiok tha itaamar In order to save bar, and two bolna w en cut In bar and eha lat- tlad down uutll har mala deck w u level wtU) tba dock.

A t ao time bad Ultra boon any fiame to ba taen and the heavy tinuMering of tba cot­ton In tha lower part of tht vaeiel lad tba ctptalu aud fire chieft to balievt that Ibo Bra bad etartad bafon tha vatatl left Galvei- lon and tvo- tinoe hail bean aating lu way througfa ttaa cargo. In Iti nroKrau It le prohaDle that It cramatad tba dead Indy of a Lhiuanun which w u itowad ’tween dicka Tha body wni that of Qaorga Thorn and w u oontignad to New York, on ita way to Cblaa, to ba burled Uiare. The cauia of tha Bra w u prohahly tha dropping of a ipark from a pipe Into a bale o f cotton while tha cargo w u being eblpped. In that caaa it mutt have bean burning tor a weak, thoulh it w u dlacoverad exactly nine bourn Biter tba ■turner bod ranched bar dcetinatlon.

Tha police ntimata tba uamaga oauaad by the Un at tUXOlkl, bnt it ia carttlii to exceed that aum. Tba whole of tba cuiitanta of tba after holds, including 3,(X)0 bnlaii of cotton, bu bean aatioualy uainagad by tba water, and to raiaa tha ■taomar will alto ba a cn lly prooeee, Tba Alamo b a firat-claea iron ■taamer of 3,‘.1W tonnage. She wet built in 18R8 and tau been ruaniug to Galveeton un­der oommand of Captain Lewie. Ouee be- fe n the Alamo eanered from a allgnt Uiw hat la did aot amount to anyiblug aerloua

AMONG THE STOCK BROKERS.Tba lla tk e t Fevarlak and Exalted et the

Opealng—A Ilreak la Sagar-Guo- ta t le u for the Day.

N iw Y obx, Nor. 33.—The opening at the Stock Rxobenge to-ilay w u feverlih and eicitad. Natnrally after tba aventa of yea- tarday Borllngton w u tbs pivotal point. Tha A nt sale o f tba etock w u et 70^, after which im r iy 3.B00 abarae changed hande at

end 71. The bulla mora than held their own at tba outset. Soon after the opening Bupporiing ordera came In and the general U>r movau up frautiuoelly.

IMweau 11 o'clock and noon tba market w u quiet and u u rule p leat were higher all around. Burlington eold up to 713^ Bay State Uat rallied to Tbera w u a hrux in lUgar during the Brat hour, due to the re­duction of 1-18 and 3 In tba price o f rellnad. A t noon apaoulatloB w u qu lk and Arm ia tona. ____________ .

Yaaag t «w y a r Ranaatt Aaqaltlad.L ondoh, Nov, 33.—The trial of Sidoey

Bannatt, tba young American lawyer who in July lagt Bi m a revolvar at Mlee Edith Andrtwf, a young lady of whom ba wee enamored, ended t ^ a y jn hb acquittal, on the ground that tbe ibootlng wet accidental. BannetHe aim w u faulty aud the bullet failed to Inyira Miaa Andrews, who Bed from bla pmence, whereupon be tonMil the pietol upas faimielf. inflicting dangerous wounda. Aftar hie re- oovrry na w u arraigned, when Him Aa- drswe endeavored to exculpatehlm byewur- Ing that tpa tbootlng w u accidental, la Which view tbe jury coincided to-day. Ben­nett explained hie attempt at auidde that be

, thooght the bnllet eccidantallr diectaerged badtaltUlte Andrewa, and baring Inflicted iu|nry upon bar, ba did not can to lire him-

Mra. Kaefa aad Noa Arraetad at I-ut. H vdx Faltg, Ifau ., Nov. 33.—ITia Eeefa

bouea, on Oandton itrqet, at Hyde Pork, remained guarded by Bve polioamau alt lu t night, while ttboda Keefe 'and her eon Jemee, who lu t evening launlted the Town Clerk and OllJaer HaoMy. dtfieil the officart. A t daybreak the offlean broke Into tbe honee and ditarmed youag Keefa. U n . Keats w u upetain end u UlBoer ^h w ab want np die tlrnck him over the head with a bateher’a cleaver. He M r t trY h n W s ® »b“ Wow gnd probably kavad bix U fa but ba ra^yad a cut tbraa inolue long In b li ecalp, I fn . Keefe w u arretted aad tha prlHm»rt removed to tlia lockup, where ttwy were examined later by pbytlolanA who declarsd them laeaiw. They w ill be taken to on in- eane uyinm._______________________

Cbaneallar Alltson'e ABeeetln Dead. NAanviLLn, Tcnn., Nov, 83.—George E.

Wb tworth died tfabi morning at liBBo’ clock, bevipg llred eight daye nftar tbe tragedy lu wbi h be played to Important a part. He Hiit|two belb through ble body after na bad

atad Cbancellor AIliaoB.

Ha Telle W hy Ha Daeliwd K eeray Town ihip lo tea tha Weellngtaouia lye-

tam e l i le c lr le Ugtate.

Bnaciel to tha F vx e n o NxwiiJilUiXT ('ITT, Nov. Ti. Jlore teetlmoay

w u taken hen yaeterday In tba cariloreri lirocce'Unge which have bean brought by KJworU Kenny for Rupert Si-bafbauer eg.ilnet the Kearny Towuehip Committea. Srhefbauer wua tbe only w ituea o f tba afler- nuon, and hii taetimony conaiitad o f an ei- pleoatiou of the reena why bo daalrad the townablp to lue tbe Wattlngbouu tyetem ofalectrlo Ughta end a deecription o f the tyetem which ba recommendad. Ha atatad that the blda for the n ork had bun properly advartlead for and that tha bonda had been fliad with the Townihip Treuurar, u la re­quired by law,

’■ I recommeaded the W utinghoou eyi- tem," eald Hhefbauer, “ bacaiiu that oora- pany le perfectly orgenined aad la tbe only company which la able to furnlib every requisite for the lighting o f a town freen the ro ^ in e ry in the power-bonie to the wlna and lamps. The Township CommlUu could hold auch a oompany raapnuaible fur the work, where U different oompanlea fur- nlibail tba machinery, wlrao, lampi, etc., u ■ome daelnd, and It there w u any trouble OM comuany would hUma tlM other aud it' would be ilimcult to B i tba blama on tbe

TheH^atltagbouto Company laaleowlll- ing to fnrniab boode In any amount for the faithful performancs o f tha work. In oen- alderlng tha queatloa o f Inveatmaat la ttaa lighting buaioaaa and deciding ou tba beat ■pparntui to purebaaa, two qnaattona will present tfaemielTU. They are: Wtaiob It tba beat from an eUotrical ataadpolnt, aadwUoh from a mtcbanioal ataodpoint. In aebetliu the but ayitem for street lighting 1 w w ld ■elect tbe atternatiiw cuireot eyetam. I In­tended to bnild a modal station with all of tbe aawut and bu t apparatni, altbar altar- natlng or direct current maotatnee, the best Improved are Ughia, tba beat Improvad and flre-proof twllcbboard and tba but anglneS built for durability and aAsctlvaoau. The beet wire aad tuukUou w u to be used oa the line,”

Tbe orcee-axamlnatlon w u to a vlaw to testing Hr. Sebefbauer’e technical kiowl- edga. Counnilor Kenny brought out tbs tact that Commltteecuan Engalttadtar had toldSebefbauer that ba aadnls oolleagnu prcfiaead to support fall plan. Hchefbauar, It w u itated, w u given to nndsntand that tbe contract w u to be awarded to him unbl tbe night pravlona to tbe tneaciil at which it w u awarded to Wooleton.

AN EXPLOSION IN A SCHOOLTeaeken and Pnplla Bnraed by Beeaplng

Sleaaa aad Uthen Tram pled Vpoa.

No Oee K illed .

trxvaiooa, Mau., Nov. 83.—A boiler ex­ploded thla morning In tba oallar of Centra School building narier tbe floor o f the primary department. The floor w u coraple^y tom up and deeki and seats were brokm. Biioke were thrown through the Door u high u the oeltlng, but no o m is reportedu fatally hurt,

Thudy acbolare were in tbe room at tba time, and many o f them were thrown •boat. W a Agnau Perker, tha teacher, btetaoed to open tha door and tba ■oholaie mibad out in a mau. many being hurt in so doing. Hlaa Perker w u borned a little onher face by steam. Franeti Cuey bed hia face ellgbtly bnmad. John Chau ■ facsi. neck and lags ware burned. Fred Kelley w u ilruck by a flying bnek on the forebeed.

Thnnuu Smith fell down etalra and w u trampled on. John Roptn w u badly bruiied and bnrneiL Napoleon Crovo w ubadly burned and hurt. Tba acbolan in other parte o f tha building were not injnred, but were baply fr igh taa n No one la htamed tor tha aocidant, which w u probably due to a dafectiva boiler.

C'BIKBSB h a k e a n a t t a c k .

AapaaaH Troupe Shelled aad Tbea a Na­val Eagagameat Follows.

Logpofc, Nov, 88.—The Star pq|}llahaa a dispatch from Yohohama stating that tba Chinees Pel-Yang squadron o f wanblpa at- Ucked aad ehelM tha Japanau troops who

m marching upon Port Arthur, tba troops having token a mad

or tha ooaiL Tba Jape new fleet came to tbs amlstonea o f the tmopa aud a deaperate Sght took place between the Cblneea and Japaueee wanhipe, the reault of which It not kaown, Tbe Chinau battle- ■hip Chen-Yuan bacama nulau dnriug the flgbt and ran atbore in trying to avoid tba torpedo at tba aatronoa to tba harbor o f Wei- Hnl-Wel.

Tba Oloba prints a dispatoh from Hiro- ehimaitatlag that odvioea hava bean re oeivad there from China in which It la inti- matsd that It la the IntonMoa o f ttaa Cbinaae Gnvemmeat to offer ao Indemnity of lOU,- (100.000 toala and also to defray tha expentua of tba war u ona of tba conditiou o f paaca.


The Crlmaa o f a Hoad e f Haxlaan Bandlti B ron tbt to L ight.

CrtT ftp lia x ico , Nov. 88.—A bldaona dii- oovery h u Jnat bean made near tha town of Cburlotolo, In tba State o f Iflehoacon, by a traightor named Faaaual (Jamrx. Tbe Bad conaiata of thirty human bodiu in an ad- vanoad atote o f daoompoKtloo aad piled one upon another in a aava which waa aiuicet luipanatrabla on aooonnt of tbe stench ema- aatliqi therefrom.

Antonio Jlmlnu, a natlva o f tbe town, a freighter by ocoupetioii, had hla h e^ m uhedto a jelly by a bandit recently, end C leofu Gomea w u robbed and m urdem for hia money at the pUoe sborGy afterward. Paecnal. a brother o f tbe lata viedm, while a o g a ^ In eurching fo r him, made the dlt covary^ which e x ^ in t many mytifrioue murdan which bav* oocnirad in Mjphpaoen ia tbe lu t few monthi by • notorloua gang at bawlltit^^__________


iT I I . I , .tM>TIII-:lt V ICTI.H .

W illiam Kuhn W u Injured la the Pal- lUlon e f Trni'k eud Car.

At hie boiiH-. ,17 I'lane atreat, William Kohn la luffering grrat )iaio u the m ult of injuries bu received ludirectly tnrtuigh tba colHalon of No. 'i Truck and the Uraiiga elreet trolley car on Tuat.luy morning. Mr, ICibn'a retlileiK<u la cIum by tha acene of the oorlileol and be w u one of tbe Bret whoruebeit to ih« aid of the Injured flmiien. After Ue men had lieeu cared for, Kuhn WM one of the manywho leut a hUJii to right tbe ovcrturncil anil wrecked vablcle. A t the Bret tiy the atronglb of the witting hand wae uot luinciciit to ralaa I he Mg wagon, lilil it wu iiartlally lifted from the ground, when it fell liacli again.

Kohn wee uiuler tha load and ha reoelvod the weight of the rear and of the vablcle on hla body. The ume eervicu that ba wae notlcring othari a few inlnutae before bed <0 bn brought Into |ilay In bit cote and he wu earrieil to hi* home. Ur. KorriatK. nurnetl wu tumnuined, and an exemlnation itaowetl that one of the man’s rlbe arv fractured. Me aloo ausUined tevtra axtunul brulSM. Thit morning be w u eald to ba in a Iwl way.

Geiirga V. Dtainan, who of tha other vie- tlu» wo* iHotiably the worst Injured, rested well Uat night and In cunacqueuca hla condiUim wu aomewhat Improved to-iUy. Hr. Ward, bla pbyiilcUn, utal tba uian'a riba aeeinad to be praiiaJ agaimt hla rq[bt lung, but fur a day or two It will be Impoeatble to tell how faamy he ia Inb-rnally Injured. Hia right arm, abouMer and tbe right aide nf bu bead •re badly limiani, but it Is believed be will rtoover. Driver Cbenowortb and John J. Brnlin are getting alone nicely at Ht Hlehasr* Hoapltol, but It will be aoue tiina before either will be able to reeuma duty. Tlllerman Edward Gilbooiy, It la a^d, will not get around agala until many days elapu and Alvin Beonett la atUl at home nuriieg hia Injurlea. The Injuries to Fireman Gould amt Render are alight, and both are doiag light duty at the truckhouw,


Inapeelor Vandeweeet Aaye tbe K ill lo gW ill Be Contlnaed—A Coeeplatnl.

Dr. J. A. Exton, the Health OIBoer, ported to the Kearny Board Health lu t night that he visited the horm •laughler-hauu the Gilbert Brewery building and found carcaieee there, aa hu baan deacribed In tbe Newh. The board adopted a reoolu- Uon raquntlng the Townablp Committae to proceed ogainet Boeu A Cfo„ ownen of tbe place, under tbe ordinance for- blddiog the operdtlon of a eleughter- heuto within 4W feet of a highway. Samuel Worthington appured before Jut- lice Turefanll tbli morning and mode tbe complaint. aud the emn- mona wLU be laeiied to-day. Dr. Exton wu empowered by tbs bAard to om- ploy vaterinariu to visit tbe alangbter-houu and aaoertaiu whether the anlmali killed there are healthy or not.

The clerk of tbe board waa directed to notify the Board of Education to dis­tribute vaccioation blaahe in tbe ■choole. It wu also decided that tbe ftoora of tba scboolbouaee should be pointed u toon u pnaaible and then tcrubsd onoe n month. All tbe meaibers of tha board except AoUrew Eogle were preeent.

Health USioer I.wlbach, of thu city, told this mondog that he would visit tbe •laagh- ter-banss thu of Wrnoon in oompany with Dr. Exton.

Dr. U. Tondervoeat, tba inspector of the eatabltabmeut, «»lit t o ^ y that the anlnioli ware atilt M ng kiUad at the ploea, and that the kflllng wanM continue. He daclorad titot a (>oTemment regulation ol- lowad Bosh A CIO. to do bualneae, the re­quirement being that the mut be certifled M healthy for tbe protection of consuman in this ooufity and abroad.

A TraeUoD Employ?, Who Had t l ,546 to Pay 38 Wiigei, Li AccmmL


ThoRiM* m l^ u le r HM'lianlCat)r«WM thp to l* »7 (h r Mrn TiidvrUittii Hii(t .Aerardlng |e Ilia Hhiry Its Lom— IIU Me iiiurjr Mi W#ll « « (Ke Hul* Ian A l l i r T ik tuc m n r ln h -T li* Rtiili* ittiitU t»f Ihe Kn|ilo ji, l i Anr«Hte<l

ChanKcii With Kmb«ul«>Bkint> No|

b j tliv PoUre, Who A n Hard mt Work Oh lha 1’Mto.


I t


• V fTpcd* Eri«won llr«a]u Howr. ggainonm, Nov. 88.—Tha Navy De- neut hi Informed that the torpedo boat___ broke down egain tqli morning

Jilt on a tria ltrip . Her air pumps gave J and the -vtaial returned to her anchorage j^DW Lo n d o n . ___________ _

yt Win Pay Toa > Me the Blaok Clay DIaaoaal Butte they an

A Mew Brnatwlek M aanfaelorer’e THefc Expeaed by a DiHfaarged Enpleye,

Spaolal Dispatch to tha Rawa.Nxw Bbcnsw ioe , Noy. 83.—Oa tha teell-

tfanoay of a discharged amptoye, Adam Ureana. ona o f tba ieadlag manntectnrerf of this dty , w u tummonad before the Board of Water CommlMlonere but evening to an­swer to a charge o f tappiag tba water molne.

I t wet p ro v ^ that Greene, who owns tbs New BruMwiok pottery, hod a pipe ocaw nectad wito the main about two y n n ago. Tba work w u done eecratly aB night by an anglnam- in hie employ. Home days ago thla man w u diaobarged and in revenga axpoead tbe theft o f water.

Green bat no defanoa to offw and ba w u ordered to pay IIBU tor tbe water lUagallv taken. He w w g lvo i thirty (Uya Id which to pay this, and it it In not pokl o r lu lu l proom tog* will be iaetltutwL Ufeaa la esUmated ao ba worth 1(10,000.

Taudavllle Managers e t Anaarleo.A lbah t , H ot. 88.~Tba Aesaotatlon ef

Vaudeville Uansgere of Amerioa w u bunr- porated to-day with tbe Beoretary o f Htoto to traasoot the bnalneae o f anpptylng all kinds o f attraotloae, performera and aotar- talumenti tar tbaatres, opera houM and muiio ball* In tbe Uaited Btotec end Caaada. The principal offloe w ill be In New YorK The directors are W illiam J. GHmore, of Philadelphia; h a orr C- Minor aad Jamse Donaldaou, of New York ; Marvlu 8. Robbi- Bon, nf Buffalo; and Jam u J. Butler, o f B l Loulii, Mg " __ ■

’ Drowned In Rancoou U ru k. gpeoial Dltpatob to the Nawn,

BtiituaoiDK, Ngv. 8&—Thom u ReQly, who murdered Pittman Borden, of tnle city, some ysere ago and urved a tend in tbe State prison, was tonid drowned In the Bonoocu Cruk near Oentretion

S tn-day. Uellly bad bean working In brick yardt et Oentreton, and leinp-

pmad to u v e fallen la tbe ortek while dmafc. He bad a bottle o f whiakey In hla poekat when found. ______

Alleged ta H are Orabbad a Watr.h, Frank Craig, of 108 R lrer etreet, who h u

baen In tbe custody o f tbe poUoa a imU doiBn timet on trlria l cbargeA arreetad this morning otw red with atoaUag a woteh from JoaepO tltls, of 43 Babey etreat, w U ^ It i i n lIlrl«l , C m g grabbad oa tbe atreat attor aakiag F rltta tha Sima.

Tha Admlnlatralax iayaTha OhUdtea'i Bolt* aad Ovareoat* mnit V i

j S a S W S i n i a s M


A Lot af Iboe t aad Drees Qoodi Fouad In a Prisoeer’s Apartments.

Patrolman Chrlatie and Sichltr this mom- lug made what are believed to be two Important orreeti.They come upon Francis Mo1n;iu h* w u trying to diapoae o f a new pair of ■hoes la a store on Canal etreet.Nolan could not mtiefy the ofllncrtthat he copie in poaiamiau of the ebnes housst- M and he w u tu sn to police beadquortcri. When aearebed a new thirty-eight calibre revalver w u found uunn him. He gave hit oddrem at B Railroad ptace. and the olTlceri were directed to aearoh bla apartment!.

Undef a bed In hit room t u y found flfteen pair* of new tboee like the oaec he ti led to e ^ aad a lot o f remuaelsof callcoH and ginghams. The etnff la probably worth from gflO to 37-’i. A young woman who w u found lu tha ronme and who claimed to be Mrs. Nnlon, w u taken to poUoe headquartare along with tba artictee fouad. Tkp police believe that tha artlclea noovared were stolen from a country stare.

Nolan le on* o f tw * men who w u arreatod, undar anotlisr name tbuugh, by tbe Third Precinct p o U « ab<.uc a weak ago on luspielon o f having robbed freight care on the< Peansylvama Hailrood. The men were discharged on acoount of a lock o f svidonoe.


Efforts for a Vnion a f Teaebert and 8n- perlntoadeats' Asseelatlon.

Tbe Bnt qnartarly meeting of the year of tbe Ks m i County Rnnday-aohool Suparlntend- ent< Aeeodatloa w w held lu t night lu the )a r lo n of tbe Bontb Park Preebyterlan Church. R^reaentativee from Uontclalr, Bloomflald, M larU la and tbli city to the number of savanty-fly* ware praaeot.

The matter uadsr oaaaideratiaa wo* a re­port lutauiitted by tbe BKeoutivo Committee of the Ruuday-aanool Teaofaen’ Aaeoclatinn lookmg toward a ualoa o f tbe two so- cletles for more aggreeeivs -Sun- daj-acfaool work. A u t of reeoluttone haying thli object in view werereferred to a committu o f Are to ba ap­pointed by Chancellor Huolon' to­day or to-morrow, which conimltteo will bare full power to act. He.'. Dr. R. M. Lather, State Secretary Ferguson, E, U, McFarlaad and others ■poke In favor of tbe proposed uniou.


The Old Matebleek and He F rlm lllve Arreageoteats—The Ipear.

From A ll the Y ear Round.Among tha um a now cbooleto whloh

formed a U rge port o f the infantry equip­ment, In tho doya whan tba army was Marted WBI the pike, whloh woe in tbe form o f • ipeer, w ith ■ flat and pololed baud, mountad on a atafr tkom thlrteeu to eighteen feet long. The firearm in gan- •ral nae at the time was tha nutohlock.

W b st would a Sargaant-MAjor o f tbe prewnt day, w ith U e men armed with the magaiine rifle, Ib lnk ol tiw b a weapon as this;

“ Attaohed to tha look o f this musket w u a p a n ; alao b oook, tbe hammer o f whiob w u eom awhit Id the form p f a bird's, u rp eo t 's or dog’s head. This head waa split, and aaeraw oompreiaed or eased ttaa silt*. T h e pleoe belog loaded first w U h jK w der and than wTth ball, aoms powder w u poured into ^ e pan. Ttaa

n wae iban abut to keep Ui* ^prim ing ' D dropping uot and to keep it dry.

When the lold lar wlabed lo Ore be fast­ened U s bom lng natoh i ^ t b a e l l t o f I ha oook, opened the pao, looked to bis priming, preeanted aod polled the trigger. The meten, fkltlng Into (h e powder In tbe pan, fired It,

" Between the pan end breeoh o f the b v r e l o<mitiaDlcuioD w tg establlibed by m eanswihemail bole. W hen tbe piece WSB being lobdad, the grains o f powdsr were naturally ru am airand abaken down olou to this bole, and when prim ing the soldier took oara to parfaot the oonimonl- oatlon o f tbe powder lo the pan w ith that In tba barret Tbue tha explotion in the pen oanaed tbe Ignition o f the charge."

Took Horiihlaa to Km l H er Llfe- Speelal Dlssatoh to the N b w x

BiTbUNOTOk, Nov, 38.—Driven to despair through douwetio troubla Urt. Emma Nail, o f East Pasri atreek swallowed a iiumuUty of nuirphlne and now l iu dying at bar hums, a abort time ago M ra Nsfl mado a atoillar •Mempt OB her UfA but was unauo- cttlfuJ. Hba ' wss than taken to tho Blatt Inaana Asylum, but w w toon a fta rw ard d iu h a i^ u cora d . Mtrdasgbtor w u alio oonQosd Gi tbs Stot* Ittsaoo Asylum attbasamatlmo. ________ ■

LeakA t tho Black Kariay Ovarnaata th « Admtnla- trator la ulUng for tU . Gtbar atoaat can ahow n U lh aaaat. H t iboy srul u k yoa l i t for IhuB. SCthBdw8roa.,lUMarkatt<— Adv.

Datartlre Carroll amUbo offlclih o f tha (.'oiimlidatnl Traction Company are at work tnvsstlgatlug tlia clrcnmatoucai that at- temlsil ibe lots of |1,!M4 uf ths com|iany't moDpy, which illupiirared yttUrday aftor- noon In a rather mystorkHia way.

For several yaars tha ounstructlon dapart- meut or tbe company’ ! tyttoiii bu baea in charge of Thomiu VVhIU; » f Jaraey City, who sarvad at muter mechanic. In addition to hla other dutiM While acteil u |Myniutar for tbe iiisu in hi* daparUiienC and aach Wsdeesday he called at tha ciimpany'a oBlce aud raoiiivad the rash ui'caaury to pay the nmi. Rectnily tbe offlclalt of the company dacldad to make a change m the method of paymoul aud Muter Mechamo White w u notified that after yettenUy h* would ba re- Uaved o f that part of bla work.

YaatenUy morniag Whits M t Jersay City and came to Newark and m-eived tba wtskly wage* o f bis mea. His atory, os told to Ds- tactlve Carroll, is full at dlacrcpanolea, and instead of throwing any light on hla furthar movement* only lerves to thicken the mye- ttry tbaLsurronuds tha luai o f tba inonay.

Whila told ths datsctlv* that after raaob- Ing tbia d ty ha met a young man who iatro- duced hluuelf ai "Jimmy Hanley,'’ ami clalnMi to hava base a motoroian In tha employ of the coiniany. The two repaired to a Uarkat street saloon, whore eech drank whiskay. White then went to the company’s olfica wbare be recalTOd a packaga o ' money in bills of amsU denomination, anwuntlng to tl,$40. On iMvIng (In ofllce h* met In­spector Coyne ilao an employe of tbe oain- pony, with whoui be hod enotfaer drink. He told the intpeotor of hla meetiog with tba ■ lla )^ motorn»R, Hanley, and preaalag bli bond to hla head he Hid

“ I had a couplt of drlnki with that youag fallow and my head hu felt kind of queer •Ttr alDca"

Us than directed Coyne to go to the O - enga electrlo carhoiiM and get ready tba vragoD which be uied lu mekiag bla rounda M pavmuter, aHitring Coyne that ba would board an Orang* car preaaatly and join him at tba carbuiwe- lusUwl of doing this ht got on a uurlhbou od Bloomflald avaniH oar, whara, he iiayt, he again mat ■‘ Hanley.’' To tha detective's siqfgestion that Uonlay might have ih d him boordllg the rer and followed him White declared positively that tnota ooald not be theoeae, u ‘ ‘ Uanlsy” w u Inside the oar when he got on. Tlw muter mechanic next told how oeacetpbad "U an ley 't” Invltatiou to have another drink mud bow they went to Howell’t u lo og at Brood altd Cross atreata. Right there. White s t )i, hla rsoollactloa of tbs day's bappenloKS itoppaJ. K * inaiati that ba cannot recall asything that happaniKl from tha time be took that drink unUi 8:30 o'clock, when be found blmself liaok agala in tbs Markft (treat saloon whara ha boil itupped on fall arrival In Newark. Hla flrat thought w u of the moaay that bod bean aatrusled to Mm. Ua ttarehed Ms pooketa in vain, shd than, ooncludiag that ha had bean robbed, telephoned to tbe offloe of the Traction Company informlug them of hb lost. John F. Conrtuey, to whom ha talked, uotifled the pedice et haedquarters, and than took White to the offloe. Deleotlve Carroll and Offlear Lewb were eet to work on the Clue, and, with Hr. Courtney and the uuder mechanic, went over the ground that had beea travareed by White, hut fMbd to And evidance that would tend to anti- port Whita’a declaration that be had been drugged, or even that be had appeared to be Intoxloatsd.

Meanwhile complaint h ^ been made be­fore Juitloe of the Peece Rapp, who iHued a w irraat charging the man with smbeule- nient o f the money. Justice Uapp proceeded to tba offloe o f tlw conqiaay a M placed White under orreat and held him In 33,000 balk IVhlta nroteeud eornaitly egainat be­ing sent to ja ^ and promiuj], if released, to find the money or make good tbe amount within tlx moothi. Deapita hta protest he w u lodged in jail, wbare ha remaiaa.

A t tbe office o( the company this morning Mr. Courtney told a Nxws reporter that tba matter waa under luvretigatlon, and that until tbe inquiry should lie atided tha com­pany would not have any atateiuent to makA The police dubelievs ttaa stories told by White o f bis meetings with Hoaley, and tbiuli that be kuows more about the whevA about! of tbe mlismg muuey than ht carea to talk

BaJooa-kHper Howell itated this morning Ihst White eiitersd bis loluon alone and that bt drank a elus of wblvkey that w w poured out of a buttle from wnh-b onuUiar cus­tomer Wat drinking nC tha tima, Hs sold White was not in thevoloon more than three minutes and that he wsut out perfectly tobar and In full coniiuaud of bit aensas, to all appearance). ^ _________


gnccfHful Use oflha Aalu ala to B aaD ew a Crliulaala.

From tbe Franklin Favorite.Woodburn, our nnighborlng ytllogo oo

tbe north, has had an exuperating exper­ience with petty tbievea o f late, and lost Friday night Dr, Robb’s d rn g ^ re and several other hotuoswere broken Into and robbed. Altogether the value o f wbat bu been lost in the Inst few months footo up a considerable sum. I t teamed for a time that the thieves would escape tbe clutches o f the law entirely.

Saturday morning, howercr, tw o blood­hounds, which h v l been procured lYom Eliasbelhtown for the purpoee, were put

hiupon tba traii end In a abort time they stopped at a barn belonging to Ed H ill, a negro living two or tbrae mllea from Woodburn, and refused to go flirther, thus giylng mote bnt expreealve testimony that the th ief w u found. Furtlutr devef- opmeoti showed that H ill, whom tbe dogs looiued, wore a pair o f gam boob, which mode tracks correapooding to those foond around tha hoasaa that bod been pilfered, and on thla clranmatanllal evidence tbe negro-*w « arrestod and triad before Judge Fletobor.

He w u held to aniwer to the Grand Jury In the sam o f F3B0. H e ooold not gat tbe bond and w u placed m lo ll at Bowl­ing Green. It Is probable that H I II oon nut be cooTicted unleu stronger evidence Is brought sgalnst him. Tracking orlmi- nali with bloodhounds Is eomswbot o f on mnoTsUon lo this sectloD, and, howevsr eucceuful a method It may ba. It recalls ante-bellum days In the fiar South, when runnwey elavea were ohaeed w ith theoa savage oanloei, sod the fhrther we g e t away fYom those tim u and those methods the better it were for onr bsppineei and pesoe o f mind.______ _ _ _ _ _

Token to tbe 8tate Prlaoa.Two men, who were rsoently sentenciad to

the Htate Prison, wsr* taksn to thst iuUtu- ticii t o ^ y by Conatable Lewis Anith. One of tbe prlsourn w u Edward Cavanangb, wbo got two veere for assaulting P o llo sn ^ A 111*00, o f iho Fourth Pr«lBut, aod the other w u Frederick H. LattnA who w u eeotennri to three yean after be bad pleaded guilty to five chargee of lorgtfy.

Found Bla Fatber-la-law DeadJWhen Goorgo Stuoky, o f 147 Soinar-

aat atraet, returoed to his borne laiit night he found the dead body of bis fether-io-lsw, Hsurv Lndwlg Leurloh, whom bo hsd left sllve and apparently In gcoil health a abort tinis before. Ixiurioh was Mventy-three ysar* o f age and Ms dsstb was doe to a stroke o f apoplexy.

TH S B L O n iir tK L O D IV IU O N .

CoaMlldated Traetlea Ovaapoar-ffpeslal Motloe.

Tba slaotrio aarvles on the Hlooinflald dlvi- alon will be extenood on ML lYoapeot ave­nue to Foreit Hill, oomraesohif Haturday, No- vambarM. The « l * wM run uy w u of (him- raar svaniiaand BallaTlUeavanna,alMrnatelT, Smsfl sirus will ba dlaplayed oa front of s a A oar, denollDf tha routa.—Adv.

You would ba spigiamautls U yon sail S I P u h u * n tbs but.—Adv.

KNOW, BOX WONT TELLTha Man Fsmtller With Ibe Prolaet to

Nattin the Cosaplrallmlilp Mud­dle Pretend Igouranre.

The very mra who know ell eboot the moveiMont looking toward n urUlaiiient of the Comptrollarahip muddle are the vary men who pretend to know nothing whatever of Uie plau to adjust tbu dlfllvultr.

I hst certain prumluent l(i'|iulillcnna fo«l that John H. Glbeon, tbe .Mayor’s private secretary and nominee fur tbs ofllce rf (.'umptrullar, will be conflrmwl *t the next regular meeting eeeri* to bn a anttlert fact.

It was due In a gnat msnaurc to thla feel- lug of confidence that Ibe uuiiilnalkm wu not called up at ths lu t Owetiug of the Hoard of Aldermen.

It may ba just poaaibla that aoma of tba Demucratlo Aldarmaii an nut aenre nt what la goiog oa or what bod at least breii >tarted. Tliereare otbara tho-jgh who >muld tell a lot of thloga If they only would, niirl some at these ore far mure InBuentiel iu Ibelr way than tile ordinary tnatter-of-fnet Alderman. Hut if anawers to quMlluna go fur anything thsM nwn ore In btlaeful Ignoraiv-t uf svtry- thing aiqiertainlng to the IkHuplrollerthip.

Aldarmau (iaffaey to-day rvit.-rated bla •tatemaet of yaatesvlay afternixm, that he knew nothing of any d » l un tha part of Domooratic Alderman for the coiitirniatlon of Mr. Glbeon, and aildal tliat. ha caunct be counted upon to vote that way.

But there le aomathlng iu tha wlmk" added Mr. Gaffney with a ranke of the Ivud. "Juat wbat it la I cannot even guess, hut thara la eomethlag just too tame. ’

From another eouroa It wu learned that eoma Dsmocrate on anxious lu have tbe Ownperollerablp flilad aad are willing to urge the confirraatlaa of tbeappoiutiuenl nf aey proniinont HspubUcon other than Mr, Gib­son.

I can assure you thst Uis liemucrstlc Aldermra hsv* stood nsily fur aoms time put to confirm soy olllien wieue intareits ■re Identified with ths Inlensij of .Newerk, ami who would prove utlafactury to Uia public at large,” uld a Dviiini-ratiu city official. “ I do not hallsra the Democratic Ahlsrmeo will vote to oonBrin Mr. Gibson any more than they would Mr. (Iwluoslk I oouM name quits s suuiliar. asy one of whom. If nominated by the Mayor, would ha prnm^ly ouudruied."

Tha party Isoihwii, Rspubllcaui and Deino- crotA ^pear to know more of the plana on foot than do the Alderman. An attempt wu made toward hiving Hr. Gltaou Isld uld* aod some oa* taken np m hit plscw, but this projaot sumi to bsv* liallsd.

Alderman Hydiay Ogoan aaillail planunt- ly when uked by a Ntwa reporter cunosrs- iag to* inatter.

" You oao « y for me that I know noto- iag of aay deak aiupt what 1 read In the nawapapeTA" said ba “ In tha Brat place I doa't ondantand bow tbare could be a deal, or why. I f tot Democralt want to let lu tten atand u they ara we will be ntlafled. Hbonia the mittsr uf coDflrtning a caodidata for Comptrollsr go over for • few nrontoa It will fire na one year longer lo tha nlfioA u we oaa than apwint e man for • term of five yaart from Jnnuary next, while If toe matter it aattlad nuw the new Oomp- troller wHl urve only a four yean’ term.. As to a deak however, I know nothing cf any euch thing end 1 think I wouhl have re- ctfved a hint oif some kind If there wu such a move uadsr wsy. I do nut think tost Hr. Gibson would tend himtulf to any such tolag. I feel certain that tha Mayor would not unction such a move, asd I know thst I would not havs anything to do with it (If couree, 1 hav* said on the floor of the Counclk 1 would like very much to au .Mr. llltMOD'a nomine- tion oooflrmsd. As for d«la; walk K tbare ia snytolag of that kind in proepset 1 know nothing of H ’’

City Counul Chandler tV. Riker ontwered firmly in to* nagatlye whan aikail whether ha knew of tha ^ n to oouBnn Mr. Gibaon’a nomiaation.

“ No, and I don't bellava there ia any­thing of toe Mod going ou," laid Mr. liikar emphnttcelly.

lu yor l.abkaecber aald that tbe talk of a deal w u "a ll nonienae.’’ He alio would like to eu Mr. Giheon conflrmed, but iw knew of no plan being on foot to aoeodipllau that end, Mr. Glbeon dlw-laimod all or any knuwladga of the matter, and when rendodeil that tbe arrangemenls might have bun tnadu without couaultlng him, he nid that some of toe Kepubllcona would auruly bare mantlooed toa thlug if then wu aey plan of the kind afooL

The position outllnsd by Alderman Ugdaii, that If toe matter la not yieadtly aettlM the new man will have • Bve yu n ’ term to aervA w u denied by Deonvrrals.

' Jamea P. Connelly wu appointed bud time for a Bva yean' tarm." it tba way they sum toe loattar up. "Ua ravigned aftar urviag a few mouths, luv- tog ^ offlea noant, Tbe new man, yrhoeyar be may be. can only be ap­pointed to fill the UDCi|iired term. an,l that’s all. 8o these people who are building on a five-year term from next January aiiaply duo't know wbat they're tniking about."

Some Democreta argue that the ronflrmo- tlon of Hr. Glboua would be a good thing for the Danwcratlo party aud they are urg­ing the Aldermen of toeir faith to vote tor him. Thare ore mauy HepublicanA bow- evor, who don't want this thing to happen.


The United fltatae Credit Syitein Cempeny H akn a Claim for • 1 ,N<MI.

A frlradly suit bu been initltuted through Reealvor George Grey by the Cnltol Hulea Credit Byatem Company agalnvl tha ( 'nuadlan and European Export and Creillt Hya- tem Company. The suit wlilch le brought in the Nupruraa ( 'oiirt la to learn whether the litter com­pany ahall pay for the nae nf tha right* and patent* of the farmer company.

Borne time ego the Cauwllau and Kiirnjieaa Export and Cnilit ByaUm t.'oiiipany mode a contract with the I’ ulted Btate* Credit Byatuni Couqiauy under toe patient) and copyriglits of the Uaited Htatea Company, agreeing to pay a lloenoe fM of m on every fl.OtX) of ]iu)lcy, Tbe Canadian coiniianj, auGui; unuiii this ogreamUL iuuad a nuuibei- of poUclea, but It I* claimed by the plaintiffs that the ( 'aiiaillan conoern hu never peld the livanae f-u, rd- yanoing the claim that thu pet- enti vrore Invalid. 3'he amount claimed by ton United Statea Credit Syatem Comgwiiy u due It Is aliout 31,800, Mr. Gray it repraeenteil by llayai & LnmbaiA

A RECEIVER FOR THE RAILWAYTheHuburbaii Travtliid Company 1'

by * C m U lor that Furnished the

I’ r lio tVurld'a Fair Engine.

The Huburhan Traction Com|»nr of Or­ange will in a few days Im pbeed In the haiiila of a receiver. I bis morning nothwe of a SherllTa u ie o f the company's property next Tue-slay fur ihe benalU of tha creditura were Duste,! in ( Irange.

The u ie b u been brouyht abmit hy the ittsrueya tor the Hall Wixsl Cimqwuy o f New Vurk, which presse<l Ita dal in. Tb li romimny lurnlahu-l the engina which took a priM et the World'a Kelr and la nuw Used tor running tin Suburban'/dynamo.

IVatnuti WhlttlcMy, une nf tbe ihickbold- eri, u iil thia tuorning that the forerhaitre proceadinn would take prei'eileiim ovar the Mhedira aalA *ud tiiat a receiver would heappuinled in a few dnv).

.Vliout u niDUth ogii thu Huiiurbau Com- pauy ieeuad on appul tu Its creditors to accept flfty cente on Uie dolkir In wUlcuHint o f tlwlr rlalnia. The huvie.t creditors n u rly all agreed to thla proposi­tion when tba inia etate uf affairs w u i>re- unted to them, and IS was tbea hoped that iuulvency procewlings wuukl bo avoided.

One ceuw uf toe uoinpaiy'a Gunblu w u tbe accident that occurred on tbo Kagla Ruck iorllna in Augnet lur. Many o( the people wbo were in the wrecked car have Iwen set­tled with by ths ooinpany, but suits to tbs amuunl of 3trA00U b a n bun luatllutod In cooerquence o* the occhlant. When the accident ocourn-l the company w u nopitlatliig with cepltallats for moiey to hqulilata Its Inilehtedueea and a|ulp tha K u t U n age and HloiimBtld tinea wlthslei'- triclty, but wbeo ttaa caplUllaU u w many Buite ataring the cuinpany In the face they caoBOdaU oegutiatlana andrafuaed tuadvoma •Bv funda-

Th* ftoatlag debt o f (be camponj la 3148, • BOO; about 3tk'(,0Uil o l wMeh ia unaeoured. Tha American Loan and Trust Company at Doatoo holda a mortgage given by tha Hub- urhan Company to aecure the ^ym eat of the boada outatanding to tha amount o f 3$M,00(k____________ _________ _


Colleelor CaBDetly tteaemmanda a Nnm- ber nf Men fo r AppoInlmenL

I f toe reoammeodationi made by Collector JiRMa K. CoonoUy are aptirovad—and It 1* thought tb«T w lil ba—there will toon ba a number o f changu made lo tba Fifth In­ternal Ravsnua DlttricL Tbs Collector to­day forwarded to tha Treuury Department at W otUngtoo toe namM of men whom be nmikJen worthy o f appointment u alore- ketner* and gangare under bit supervltlom

Hie ulecAlons arc George M. Gerhnrdt and Michael (fCounalk o f Homeraet County, and Bishop BdmnodA o f HtddlauA to he atora- ka^ara at ttaa Rost Ulllstoos dlstiUariaa. For gangani ba b u named C. J. Dalk for Warreo County; Juuphua Hhaun, for Union; John Hatalln, In Huaeei; Hebald Ja- c c ^ for this county, and John i ’srksr in Huntsrdoo. As tba recommendstion Is simort equivalent to appointment, It is ax- peotad thau man wlU be sworn iu la a few dsya

Tba Collector called attantlnn to tbs foot that tbare It a atotnta of toe United Htatu govarnlng aopointmanta. whirh It In certain rtspacU Nmilar to the charter of tbe city of Nevrerk. It provides that no man holding a municipal positioa, whether h* rscelvri ■alary or not fo r the taiDA can be sf^ in tad to a berth In ths Internal Revenue Depart- nient. ’This law ^ d t e the nhanou nf any d ty employ* or o l ^ r gettlag ■ pisoa, and it it aatd tost there are st leut one or two of tb* Aldarmen who would like to rrcelv* on sppointmeot.


Its A im to F rteea t Leglalallaa Oetrl- m eatal te the Rasinevs.

An OTganliatlon of tbe liquor dulara o f this d ty w u effected yeatsrdsy sflernonn at the rooana o f tbe Newark Chnte Club under tbs naaie of tbe Liquor-dealers' Prof-ectlvs lABgO* of Newark, Tbo organ lutioo will send on* repreeentatlvn, and possibly two, to tbe Htate Amoclation. About thlrty-flva ■alooa-kaepsra wara present at tba mauting yntirday, which was peseldod orer by Juhn Cavangh, o f toa Palaoa Hotel.

Tbe aim o f the Insgue, It w u stated. Is to prevent lagiilation detrlinental to tbe busl- ueet. An effort will be uisde to win publia lentlmant to tbe liquor trsda, which the members coosldar ijurfsctly Isgitlmato, by a proper supervUion of the deallDgi aad con­duct o f the Ingue momhera. These oBicart were elacied; Preeldent, John CaTOBigh: vice-prwldent, FerdiaandC. Bcnmidt; rvcordlsg secretary, Gus­tav J. Volkrr; flnauclal sacralary, Frank X. Kelliug: treasurer, A. H. C'oelln. Already there are iSKI applicant* for admis­sion to toa leogUA and an attempt will ba moda to make thu meinberihlp 3110. The leogUA It- ia claimed, wlh oitke nc attempt to uphold say member who vlclatse tbe Ex- oiw w w A nor will any uloou-kaegwr be ad- mlttad uideu hia place of buslnen le oon- ducted In a thoroughly reputable mainer.

Want pMsengm Transfsmd to ths New York Trolley Cere,


or JtmnAanffr, onvfhtrtff ifOM Ifant, In/tictfljran}/ malft>r to mtvAriU04 vou lAouM vH iM Wrl| for iAt uf t

U i* w/rthNWlTW*

A b e a <;r o v ]>a h a o k i t ' i m

TnietloA CompARjr Aiketl for Andtk * PtiiD f j Itad Iu RAltrend •15yOOO.

AncAhar damage auit hu been brought againat tka Cuoaolidatad TraoUon Company It ia for 3fl,tl00 and le tha outcome of an ae- cldaot which happenwl to Mrs, Chkrlotta Uvlngaton on November 1 tost Tbe latter tried to board a Brood street car near Cedar atraet, but before she could gat on the plat­form, she clolmi, tbe conductor gave tbe slg- nel to 11011. TIta car at onou started for­ward, and Mra. TJvlegttnn wav thrown to tbe ground. Hba snatalnad pninful lujuriea about tbe knaea and body and retained Leonard Kollacb to bring suit ogaiut the cotniiany.

Through the u ine lawyer Fiwtarick W olf b u brought a 313,00(1 damage suit against the I ’ennaylvania Railroad Cuinpany. Ths plaintilT was driving ocruei the Coal street croestng of the rood aunie time ^ wbtu hla Tshlcle wav struck by n train. 'The plaintiff, it Is will, w u thrown forty feet ami landed upon hi* head, HI* hlu w u distocatail and be Bustalned loternal Injuries. It Is claimed thst no aignal o f any kind w u given uf tbe approach o f the train.

A Karopeen Bappernud Fair.A Ettrotiean supper and fair w u given lu l

night In tha p u lon o f tba Sixth Fraabyteriiin church by the woiuan of tba congrrgttfaui. Tba tablaa were set to rtpreeent different naUonalltlea and the ladies wbo presided at tbe tables were dressed id tlic coa- tumas of the natloni raprawDttd. There were Bootob, lliab, Hwiia, Hpaniah end Gre- rian table*. An Imitation of a Klurlda oran n groVA under tha charge of Mra. Wllluun H. Prattou, ooeupM una of porlorx aad In amitber wsa • ikooto o f fancy arllclst with aa imitation of toa “ Tammany Tiger" after elec­tion, which attracted a great dral o f attention. That w u in oharga a f Hiss H. K. Iliain. A string band rtadarad mualc during the evoolng. 'The fa ir wbl be continued to-ulght.

The Jury Views tbe beena. 'In order to have a better nnderatandlng o f

toa oata, tbe jury in the 3IS,00U damage suit o f James H. lAngitrqih im luat the Dela­w are Lackawanna aud Wwvern Railroad Oampaay to dty vialted Olea HMge, where toe plaintiff clalme he w u Injared. Tbe facta la the con ora tutuewlul pscullir. Tha plaloUff claims that wblle detuondlng tba •ta in In tbe Glen Ridge Htatinn Im atruck hla hu l In auch a inanuar u to oaOie him great and laallng pain. Tha trip w u made by tbe ju ry In ebargo of Bberlff r«blbach. James E. Howell repraaents the plaintiff and tha defendant oompany'a IntensU a n looked after by J. Frank Fort

Knaawaya Unkaowa In Rsaala.H one runaways ore uuknuwn In Ruaelo. No

one drtvea lu that uouniry without having a thin eord with a runnieg uaoa* around the beck of tbe team- The horse alopa u *osn u It feala a pretaure ou lU windpipe.

Carr's Melton.Early In the aeonn we buugbta lot of Carr'a

Melton. They were to he delivered October 1. Just before that our partner died. The Ad-

Staleirator wonted lo conoel (ho order, but e noanufootarer luslaled that we had to take

ttaa goeda. Thay were bought for gn Ovor- ------- the AdndnlMntor nu nurked them

Tria l Over a rromlasery Neie.The trial e t the suit o f ths rflstor-Vogel

Ismtoer Company against R. G. Halomnu was bogun thia morning betora Ju ^a Child end a Jury in tha Circuit Court. T^a action waa brought on a promliaory note. 1'he plaintHTs nre in hnalnexa In Milwaukee, Wit., and had bualnaee trauacUoaa with tha Hock- furd Hbto) Compnuy, of Rockford, ill. Tha Uttar conesro. It w u claimed, liecanie In­debted tu toe plainUffa lu tbe pteaeut suit to tba amount ef EkDOtl. Home time later tbe plamtllTt became dlnatlvfled with tbe work that toe Rockford Company w u doing, and made a demand for some aa- curlly on toa nromlaaory uotea The defend- aut K. G. Hatonion, w u a large atockholder In tba Rockford concern, and it la uld in- doraad a>ftiafar33,33(l. The company failed on Decembar 4, ItflXi, and whan Mr. Halomou w u ukad ta mast toa note ha ntiiveil to do so. Hanoa tba aulL Tha defence clalini a avt-oS. _______ ____

M inor Follaa Nawa,Jamre. Corrigan, who otaliiu ratidence on

Bou atrut, t/rnaga, w u Mratlad bafora daylight tub monung by Fulicaman tValcb and HgiacliU Officer Mct.'arthy u a tutpleioui cliaracter. The special clHcsr u w the man trying a oumbar of doors on Meclianic street, and aunimanliig PDllctman Welch

filiced Corrigan under arrHt. T iiIb morn- Dg Judge Mott held ,wner fur further

eaaminatloo.Carmine Waltare, who uld be lived ou

River street, w u held fur the tiraud Jury by Judge Mott to il morning, ehargad vrltri itaulng * lllg lAOlnrn bahingini la tha Gea- ■olidated Traction Company, which w u taken from a polat on Centre atraet, where It marked an obstrnotlon In the roadway,

^ I I I ' -"■ aARelher EfforS for Their Helsaa*.

Another effort w u made In (he Court of Commoo Pleoa M-day by Philip Lowy to ae- enre tna raleaM from jail of H. Flrol aud Inoia lAyerfaerm. T u two meu wara ar­retted u duordarly persoiu and were lent to jail fur n tu ty days by Judge Mott, The prisonara then ratainad Mr. Ixiwy to aeoura their ralaaH. Tba lawyer clalnu that toe conviction w u iUogal and ha ukad Judge Kirkpatriok to-day to order the rehM*) of (he prlaoaara. Proaeoutor Crane opposed tha

Srandng o f tha onlert of releou and tbo udgo deoidad to look Into tba inatter fur­

ther before deriding IL

Itequesl Hade af tka roaaollilaled Trao- tleo I'onlpewy to A llow Rlfteri on All Local Kowtli lo Coaslane aa the Thraigk Line I'pnn Ihe Paymeni o f Only Five I'ritta Rstra —Tlie Hallway (bkiapaay

Still Vlnlallag tha T ra u la r Ordlaaaea, aad the Koerd a f W ork* Preeldeut Cites

aa l■■l•■ee o f ths T la latlaa to City I'oaniel Biker.

Mayor Ijebknerher and Harrison Van Duyne, pmlilsut o f toe Board of Works, ara tryiag lo Induua ths Cohsolldalad Tras- tlon ('unitviny to transfer passengers fruaa tba local etreet car llnra to tha Jeraeydty IIm upon tbe payment o f onlv five otnla extra, instead of a dlmo. u it chorgva at preunL Tke plan nriftnated with Hr. Vaa D iiyu.

“ Homa time ago," aald Mr. Van Duyne to a re|wrtsr ut the Nxwa y ealerday afternooD, "H r . Young, toe geueral luanager for tba Traction Com|Mny, oama to Hla and askad II the Hoard of Worki wouhl ba willing to let the compaay run some of ita can north aad •oulh from Markot alraot on Broad atreab aud west on NprlngBeld avenue. The nwm- ban of toe btoird dlacuaud the maUar In an Infornial way aud decklad that suck ptnola- •lon abiiuld not be graated. It then oocarrad to me that If the oompany oould afford to run New York cars lu toa cniUylDg dlatrleti of toe eity It oould also afford to traastsr poseengers from ttaa local Itnu to tha Naw Y'ork division and charga Ibam ouly Avt cant* axtra, and ttaa upehot o f tha mattar w u that a proposltlou to that offaet wsa mad* to to* compajiy. No answer hu u yet been rscalvsd.

“ Now, I am Mtlified that undsr th* Hlals law th* compaBy h u ao right to sat apart a Jsnsy City dlvtalon, on which a n ry pasun- ger m u t pay Un i-anU fan , and I bslieva that wbsu a |eiaungar boards o u of tbss* can and damawki to ba carried to a polat within tot ( i ly llmiu fo r firs caolt bs It acting enUraly Wilkin kis rigbta. It it ooa- cadfd, bowaver, Ibat a New Y'ork axptui it a real anntumodatlDD to the paopH, and so wa have said to tbe TracUoo Company tbal If It will agree to give a transfer such u I hava Indicatod, and to live up to tos traas- fer ordiaanca lo other parts of ton city, tba mambari of ths municipal govsrnmaal will promlw to ski toe company to aecure Isgisla- tion which will lagalln the Mlablishmeat of a line eiclutlvtly for Uw trafilo betWMU Jaiu u y City end Newark."

"M r . Van Duyna" ukad toa reporter, "D the tranefar ordlnaaoe that w u neawd recently by the Board of Works 11 rad up to by tbe Traqtinn ('ampanyP

"N o ; it la Dill," w u toa reply. “ Im w an Inatance uf that fact Ifais marulag. 1 w u riding west on tbe Bpriugfield avenuaand South Tenth aireet liua, wlira a woman boanled the cor at about Sixth atraet Btaa uked tor a transfer w u t from South Tealb atraet on the Houtb Orange road aod tbe con- duoior u ld hr could not gl^e bw oaa Whan I apeak to Hr. Va<iag about this map- tor be always uaune ma that the new traas-' far tickets ara belug printed and that thay wUl be isaued In a faw days, but that axoau has grown to be rather lama"

The trenafar orillnaara, wbich <nw ap­proved by ths Mayor August I, dscreu that' "an y couiptny or corporstion iqiaratlng oara for the purpeu o f carrying pusengm within Uu> limits of ths city of Newark, wbethar such Cars b* propellsd by bonsi,^ slectrlulty or oUarwIsa, ebail, upon reqattl,' ■nd without furthar oharga, glvs to aay psr-. son wbo hu paid hi* fa n ut five oents oaanf auob car a troufar ticket, which slwU tatlU* such perwm to a oonUnuous rlda, la stlbar, dlrectfou, on nay atraet railway ilna Inltr- ■acting witb or conneeUng 'with tto ilM upon which aald trenafar w u gtvan, w h s t^ rontrolM hy the said company or corpora) tlon or any other company or enrporaUan.'’ .

Twu reeoluUoiu, Iniruduasd by Coounl*-, ■loner Kuhiu directing tb* City Caunul to.

froceod sgalnst th* ConaoJIdatsd Traction Pmpsny for vlolatinns o f thla ordlnaaca;

have linen adopted by tha Board of Workf, but ■■ yet thare have been no praawutlou. A Nkws reporlsr yaeterday afternoon uked, City Council Hiker what had been dou 111 tbe mattar.

" M y undaratan ling;” anld Ur, Hiker, " is , t o l l th* company It complying with tlitlordlasBce.”

"U h , so. It Isn't!" ninarkad CommlisioBsr Van DuynA who w u sltGng cleat by aad who then related tb* incident a l»u t tba woman wbo could not get a transfer from South Tenth slrail to the South Grange avo- nu* line.

“ I will look Into that cau at onca" said Mr. Hiker. “ Two or th ru other com- plainta hava litan praaaoted to me and I hav* ■wkan to tbo officers of tbe company about, toem. In every iuttanoe tht offleen to r* promtaed to remedy tbe fault."

Soon after the peavags of the transfer or- dlnanos ibe comnaay objected to giving tranafara In the f ullowlng uanes: To paaastt- gere on Ht. Rroapect avenue ran, antUllDg them to rlile aortb ou Bellcvtll* avauus from BtuoniBeld avauue; to pnaunMca comlug ■outh on llellaville aTemu-, aatltl rl^lhaiu to ride weft on Bloomfield avenue a ^hrth ou Ml Rruepect avauus; to iwnseiigan froui I'iintoa ’I'owiiahlp, uuabllng thsin to ride wral on tba Itaplu Triualt dlvlalun and vloa r«raa; to poaaengera guing cu t on Springfield ■venuA allowing thsiuto rideanutbon VVath-, Ingtou atraet; to paaseiigera going north on tbs Rapid Traniit division, allowTug them to rid* south on Brotul street; to fnaisugen on tb* Courthuua* line, trumrcrrlug them to the Bouth Graugu Hue; to pueseugers board-

, Ing South Tenth atraet cars on Nuriugflald j avenue or Market street and whhing to go ' au t or weal ou South ( Irauga avenuA and to

liasaengcr! going north on Mulberry atraefi aud dmirliig to change to. west ou Bridge ■tract.

Mr, Young tol l a Naw* reporter this mureiug that cunduotoni bad beau initruotad to iaaiia tranafara et aa many nf tbea* points u w u poaaibla with tbe tlckals now ia usA A ll the )HilntA he said, would be covend 1^ the new trauifer caul.


Friday Fair end Cooler.Fair and ellghtly cooler weather with west­

erly winds IS praillctad for New Jeruy to­morrow by ths Weather Bureau.

— ----------- »- IIIWhan yon want prlnUug go to Baker, 3(1

Market street* Fast pnsi*A low pricaa--Adv.


Out ofToart.The suit of Arkllln Rlrnlssgalut|the Poor-

taeuth Ward Itulldingaud Ia »u AKaoclatioa ha* been lettiod out of court, end the fu t w u written up on the court minutoa yaeler-. ilay afhtruoun. I'lrula aueil through Jainu Id. Trluihla to recorer damages dune to his house hy tire. It a)>)<c*ra thatFIrola bought a uumbv of house! through the building os- Hh'iati'ia. IU had thu property luture^ hs clulnicil, and gave the pdirie* to tbs s w o ^ tioii. Tbeolfliera fsilea to have them renewed when they liad *xpir«t, but I ’ lrola w u not aware uf this until be tried to oollect the In- •iirance, after a Br* hwl destroyed oue of tb* houir*. It w u cislined by the plalntlS thst th* building saioclstlon should luve had the’ tire Insuranc* reuewsd.

Otra. Fletcher Gat* 81,000.Tb* jury In the suit of Ure. Imbslla

Fletcher sgalnst ths Iron Htaamhoat Com­pany yesterday sfternoon returned s ver­dict for 31,(100 ia favor of lbs plalstiff. Tbs suit was brought through Waltar J. Knight to recuvei 310,000 dauiagea for Injurlaa ma- tainod on April 38, IStia, whan aba wu hurt on one of the company's boats. Bha atarteil to aaceud a Bight of atspA when they aud- danly allppad aud staa w u thrown to tha deck.

„ No Ilepe for Mr. Teameei.Gsorge M. TernMU, who w u Injuria to a

ruonway nccident ou Tuesday ulgtaL la still lying uncouscloui at tho Groun Hamorlal Hosrital. The hoepitol authorltl** reported to-day that ttwy sntertalued no hope of hla raoovary. HU wife and father an oonstant- ly at tha alda of hla bad.


The Vuneg WumsD'a Christian Tamperueq Union will girt a cuuoert at the W, 0. T. D, Hall, corner Market aad Mulberry atrsalA to* morrow ulght- There will be refnahmentA

To-olght and to-morrow and Hatunlay night* a batar and supper will be given by tha tadleaoflh* Dnltid RreabytsHon Chnroh la Marcui L, Word I'oet rooioA M Belleville ava- nuc.

Iwal nigbt tba houaa of W. V. Egbert, at 8 Gould avanna, wu burglarliad. A rear door had bun toieed optn, apparently with a Jimmy. Two blaok beavar ovarooain onq Nvantl artlolts of slivst-plalad ware war*' ■lolan. The thisvu left no oliw.

Have yen tried the Anwrloan Opera OtfU*, Try a Me* on#.—Adv. ,

Page 2: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

N E W A K K e v e n i n g N E W a . - T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B B B 2 1 1 (3 9 4 .

M U R D E R FO R R E V E N G E .

I A M M kM l -Tl»» K «t»n i r s n p ir W Iskw In 'tM «M* «Bd I'M* k UBVolTBr

w ith KBlal KITkst.

I U k T in C lK k . Mirh * S ot. i l - - A n oih I tem ro tnukrii nun « r l y Im » »T « i im <•>'* ' kkd IkteE^ woun'lkt WilHam li\ lokwiro,


Mar* a ltka laaiiraaaa kwladlar’ i Sll».l»a«ltllruu ihl la UvUt.

C'm0A0i>, Sot. -Thar# li n» loufor * Ui.ubl lb a t« (urtatiwMt olthaTi iry *<>l I •» I'hila-ialiiM* l»T II. It. JlolniM, Iba lnniran«' Twlndli.r, U Ima It U oortom Ann* 111- Uiiu <ll'I Toina to I ItltAii" t " J‘>‘1 tlTlar Mlnnta. kti-l that aka «M »»-ii aaT.

i.a^T r u m n «M - m e m o r i a l H O S P IT A L P A IR .

I t Waa


fatTOM-UTlojuaart'limai, anJal»a llot and j tlmaa In Unlniaa’a i-ompan.v. Hut wholhiT ' allcktty woundad Min Wwliwlra, a luUr of i aha waa mnrdaral la a [wlnl Ibat ran only l »

til# fsTBier.A t 7 o'clock U lt nlickt # m»tt knorl<* l • (

ib# door #f th# firmliouBC oeriitH®** **J' wir# tbr»# »n # i %KJth o( i'lMnai. An ftd o f^ eo n Ih# xtttx-k, «u*l th#tnfft. wboN olotkM w#r# oobc«#1«<I ^7 » ^nbb#roo#t #nd bit fcotnr* ly •pillow- c#M^ #ot#r#d and for tb# m#ii'«f tb#bonw. H# pMMd b j Uw l#d Into til# ilitlax* rnmu, wham Wickwira'a alalar waa iitliint. Gtaa Bottoad lliat ha waa niaakfd an.l o»rr ‘*‘ ; a ranlTar, and aha Juinpwl up M d jralibad foa tha waapou. At Ihla ha ju lla l tba Irw* war, tba ball ilriklag har in tha aldn ol tha •aoa tnaklag a d if bl daah wound, liailraii ■gain. b«k ttali Uma Ua ab<A iuiaM<l Ita iwrk.

IVicliwiro, who waa iBlhaiurtor adjoin­ing, niakad out aad grabbul tba man. Tha nardarar turaait on nluj an.l Brad on« anot, tba ball rtrklng blm in tha mouth aud |iaaa- iBg dipactly Ihrougb hia baail. A a ^ n d abM f ktnrad anumf kla m b • third blm la tba tlumara and a fnurib mlaaol him. Mra. Wichwlra ran out o f tlia uarlor and aodaaTuradto taar tba maak olT tba mtir- itarai'a fact. Ha fnugtal hr-r Tleaperataly and atartad to barb out of tba room. Juat ikon wichwlra, who kail (lartly raroTar^r ~ i fT '------- ralaid a chair ami airuck tba(aUow oTrr tha bami Tba blow itunaad him and ba half dropnad to tba Brnw, bat ralUad and ran from tha plaoa. WIrk wira la fatally lajorad and tba docbira aay ba oan lira but a ahort tlma, HU •UUr’a wound la aot fatal. It U alidad that a ralatiTa and naif bbnr U atupanlad of tlu otIum aad that it waa aoaunlttad for raaanga

; rirarad whan bi-r alibir Slinnir u br'iuglii to ' light. Aiiaa WlllU^n»'a trunk U atlll un-

0|irrnd la a local ohprma oHlrr. Tha aay bill In I hair fa waanlnn alarwi It waa aoiit

i from Midlothian, Tai., July T, l iB, ml- dranaail U. M L» SannU WlUlaiai, ean' o ' II

lllnrdon, 1 « ) Wrlghlwix*! avanua, i'.blrago,i 111. Whan tha aipraaaitKnimuy trlwl bi il-

liaar thi.- trunk It wai rafuto.l, a. iiolKaly nainad WilUauia or Horton a»ar lira I tj*" ■ Nothing haa aaar baan dlacuaral of tba wharaatMiit of Anna Wllllarai.

Tha raal raaaon whlnh droar llolmai froiii Chieagi) U baliaaad to ba tba duU" lio.i ot hi* aclwmo toawhidla a nutniwr o,r Uru inauraaoa uimpaaln. Early In .VoTarabar, I ' *:, t-u

amuwa at 701 H lllytlilrd alruitEuVnad, Tba pimw waa'tDanra.1 for pl.waJIn tha naiiH of tha l ainpia facturlng Coioiuny. Tha r>mi»toU- had roaaoa to auapacl tha Bra waa tha work of no candlarlaa. I uTaatlgatloa aliowal_ that Iba luoorporatora of tbo Campball-Tiit.; mn tarn wara; A. H. Vatai, Hiram H. ( amp U ll. H. H. Holmta, llanry Owaiu and M H tvmianw. Owaiia waa tba rolorad m.rtar wbo worhwl tor Holmw. M H- " ijlianii waa tha ataaogmphar. Mmulo Wllliania, Yataa and Camriball oould md ba lo<;al*l.

la lha inaantluia lloliiiaa llmnia Wimamt aa.1 Pitaal had m .Tfl b- a bouta In Uural aranua Hmldealy llolmat blnaantiwil onl u If ba bad laid hli bandt on eoiuldarabla monar, and hlnal bacdwHita apartnwnia at tba I'Uaa HnW. opixwua tha IJoudn Earb Tba party rwjlitarrd ar II. H. llolmm and

■ it. P. ritaol. Tba latt Unm Ilolinaa

(IK A N IIlIMt o f frrT , and Waair tioad

llilna f W'ari- I’ oiiixbrd.A d .i,*U o..., 1- II w *. hold hr thr namila.ra

of tba llra iid .'u ryin Krii- .'i-r n .tudltorliim lait uigliL ami r.inildmilil* Imilnaai waa tranaarto<l. U o m nol lor kind ol buiineaa that th.-Hriind !miun.itor<u ully haia In- fora them, tail * a » thadi 'ur with which aarb Uraml Jury haa mndr a practKW of aiidlngitt work. Tha l « ‘ ' ' iiir.wiiuiiilieri of Ibu jury wcra not at -r m tl"* fr*tirnir«. I'r. —n-ulor Ilraaa, amihug and happy, waa lliora. So Wara a uiiiiihi'i oloilrtni. A lury waa mala on aotiia of tbt yoo*l thliii;* >J HberilT IwhlliAPh, who waa aUi iirraant as a guaat, and tha tpeacban wara mrrfully dts >a-tad by ( ‘ounty I'h jlh u c Kllloll Then Jiatactira William Volk gM on tin* track of wmia brilliant lokaa Uut w r r ''.arrfully uin- lidarwl hr Juilgal J.'^lwith ami ncbalk. Tho ooIt ' I iIU that Wfci i«n -d upon by

: County Auditor Hugo J llannaU wni tha Itlll of lara, while t'oiitily t ulln tor Itogan

. ni «!aatly rafraliiad from pr-.-inUng ony LI' din'ornoola. , , ,

It wtti about ft:3U uVliX'k wb»*u lu<* <t}l#Pra*timi waa coqiinomT<l with a dinni-r aiich aa cpiciir'iout oould anjoy. Itahna tha tatd*

1 Two Mardarad b f Tpampa.lUiAUBl'lni Mloh., N ot. • ».—W lllUm

— ' . ■ ' Wickwira and aiitdr, wka llTad St« inUaaOpanad I ’udar Auaplcloua PlrraaeataaMa j ^

111 tha W. f . T. r . ttulldlag. Or anga, Thia Afianiooa

night. Twi> man wara aaan near tbara about h < clock yaatarday aftamono. A pnaaa of nimi la aaarebing tba oouatrj for them. Mr.

Tlia annua] fair fur tha baoafli o f ih* Me- ; Wn kwtrs waa an old raalilnt aud hlgblr ra- ^mnrlal lloapital of Dranga opanad In lha Wiinian'a Chrtitlau Tauiiwranoa Ilulliling, known aa Uaiou Hall, on Main airrat, ur- anga, thla afterniKia. H wUl continna to­night aud to-morrow aftarnomi and uTaniog. Tba mawalun ti maita inora httaraating to Oranga'l aoclaty paojila hy raaaon o f tha (act that the churltabU inalltutlon la alao twenty- oaa yeart old to-day.

Tba anllra ball !• being utlliaail for tha fair, lea eraani and rafrwhmauta are auM In the parlura upetalra, and tba two large rooiua ilownatalra are couTcrbed Into dining hklli, where to-night the uaual elahorala Unnorial HuepiUl dinner wlU bn eerred.

p'rniu the ohandellera in Ibe centre of the I hall are bung alrraiueri o f allernale pink and wliito, and any aunibar o f Japanean

I noTcItlaa are airewu about the aide walli and cellluga adding much to tha beauty of the

i decuraUuua Thaaa hare be.-n kindly loaned I by tlio Orange Athletic tTub.

Uue of tha Brat objacu to atlraot atlanllun

i|wcte«l. Hobbary Waa probably tba ob ject


M'dHKH lirDkClbao'BAIlUAiMa


lUBggg 4 ave* — r* >ie.aai'jtaaam ajv/wtia vaejwrj . - - - - a»a aajgp lae mv vwar w wer w-»------Vainpliell-Vah', Maim- ]ia<| iiaan claarwl tw»ulT- '*c « ^“ 1“ '!!'“ 'lutha Ealry Uooaa lahla, whiob la to the

■ ■ ' right of the main doorway. Tho udaoella-tiaoua table la Id a aemi-clrcular form nt ibu loft. In front of tha antiaoca la tba cake labia in the ibapa of a hollow aquaro. Sear the oautra of tba hall la the Young luulir-i Auiiliary embroidery table. Candy la manufm-turad by prekly young mlaaaa at a lahla Icon tod la tba far left band ournar of tha ball. Tha aprun and hoUBa-furnlibing

Twife and


Halharferd'a Mlaalag Clark Wrllea la Hla Wlia-Myalary Abaat Iba Caaa.

I Rurmaroan, Not, ML—Alsxla McNulty, tha Clark of tUa boroagb, wbo dlaappaarail •bout two moatba agoi, and In whoaa ae-oanata aa apparant abortaga of tdOQ haa atnoabeta dIaoDTWWd, bai baau beard from. Hla

'artfabaaraoaiTada lalkar from him. She U wary raUoaat aboul Ika oontaata and wlU not

;taUwbma It w m ^nttan from. Tbara ii ■UMU in batlaTa, boaraTar, that Boaton la tha plasB from which it waa dated.

MoNnMy left tba TlUaga la raaponaa to a tatHram data! New York and atgoail “ WhllB Btawart Building.'' Who lUa WUtairMtaBinlwaya baas aodMwbat of a

“ i f i 'k .N iU ty a .T . that la IboM tar aha haa raoalTad from bar buabaad iw toM bar ha araat to Saw York and mat " H'hlta *' In adoordansa wtUi tba Ulograin. Ha luada an

; apfgdntinant with White for the aaaaa araa- l^ a a d a a tb a timewaaan ih irt, ranudaivl hi New York through tha day and met White la tba arauuig. I f McNulty aa- ■lalBad what bh buriiaai with While waa, H ra McNulty wUI wa admit it. Hha aaya )Mr hiwband wrota bar that ba rttuanibarad

‘ itHtdlng at tba comer o f Third aTauuu and Kertaenth atraat, lalkiag with While. It

'waa take la tba arealng. Whan neat ha waa I abta to taka cognuanoa of what waa going on '•boat blm ba waa la a city a taouaaud mllaa 1 tn m Haw York, What city tbia waa, It har huMmad named H, Mra. HaNulty will not

'ta li Bbaaaya bar hnabanit thlnaa ba waa ' dragiad aM abducted, but U aba kaowe any 'raaaoa why bn abould bara bean aubjartad to ! n eb traakmant aha kaepa bar own couiuaL

M ra McNulty laya bar buaband la wlUlng ito latum If ha la glTtn aaanraooaitbat c r t i^I Bai pruaaoatloa tor tha atiactaga will aot ba ilntitotad nnUl after ba baa bada ebanoa to iMCpiaiB blabooka. Mra. McNultr baa aaen lauTalal CnuncUman, and they all agrta to thM om rn aaylngtbailf McNulty oan gel t id o fth a alKvtBga and eip lain tba laac- .eniagdaa which appam tly a p (w la hM ibocka, Ibay will ba batter aatlaBed Miat U •bay hara to retort to forcing hit boBdameo

I to nay aad pnaaeaUng him.Mm McNulty haa wrilton to har hnabaud,

aad n p co lia rtp ly ibuitly eittur by mall of ta panon. Bba aaya aha may prepare a ittabamaot of tbe caae and Imua it o?ar her

" C S i - . nwettog between McNulty and W Utoln New York la tuppoatd toka re tahtu plaoa on tbatTenliig of Baptambar 18.


i t

waa In the ollliw ol a rarlaln in turanca roinjany, wbara ha hml coma aa Hiram H. CampliaU to reealTa tha amount of hie Inauranot mooay. Afterward Willlama uia^ a ooniplata admlmlon of Iba fraudulmit charactar m tbo BreandgaTcuptba Inauranca lapam. .....

Tbe auddanrtluppaaranro ol tba William' firla from Chlctio la ailll uneiplaUw . Minnie waa latt taan hare In Dwaml^r, iw.l, In company with bar alaler Aana. Tha two waraiaau togathareaTaraitlnieaJuat prrTioutto taa (lUapiMraauT cf Huluiaa. The alury told by Hulinee to the polloe In Phllailel|iblia that be taw Minnie kill Anna and that ha hatpad dtapoan of tha body and lidiHl Minnto to aacapa to Europe, li geucrelly doubled. HeToral peo|^ who know liulniM they brilmHolmaa, aided hy ITMel, klllaij hotb the Willianw girll to gel pHauaalou of tbe fortune hatungiag to the glrla aad that Hulmaa aftorwarl dlaiwaad of Hiaci w'l* lactad hla Ufa luauranoa aad waa iiuklug plana to laaTe tba ooubItt when arivatwi

KaNKaggg, Hi, Not. Pliicl,brother of U. V. Hlaal, lleae four mUea tnulb of thla oltr on a farra. Two waaka BgoharaealTailalatter from hla atoter, In­forming him of tba death of hla brother, B, E. PltieL but tbia letter did nut coatain either tbe uartlculam of hie deetb or the cauae al death. Ha waa altnplT glran to umlaraiaod that hla brotbar waa Jai^

a worka warn prie»nle,l b' WiHwr- lori-eEraeman, forenmn of Ih* J“ rT-„ '* ‘1 rach Tuluma waa a htbographu face>lndln ol ilie auPoiraphi o f all tua mi-mljer'of the Jorv, Tba praaantation «t»."wh waa n i ^ by K li i ' nerla, one of tho Jurora. I ho dlgnuy behmgtng to each of tho juron* lia'l uBTor Iwon lurgotlan during tho rariout laeaUnga, Mr. llerui aakl, and he thought llialtbey might well lay dignity aii.| liuaineea aahle to enjoy the pleaaurea of the ■ ■ i-aal<«l. Mr. Ilaria than inaile eoine rionpUmeutary n marki cuaceramg Mr. Kra-oioiii, to whom the IwokB Were then unwanted. Af>ar Mr. Krmiiian had gracefully roa|nnd»l J"hB J- llendry, ehairuMB of the Uraad Jury'a Hueh naea CuoimitMe, aroaa and made e ueal apeech. In wbh'b he pralaad llmidhy it. hC-alee, eierk ol tho Grand Jury. Ha aaw iiiaar Tery pltaaani thluga aliout the g i^ - lookmg aud good-calura l clerk and to™ preaajitod blm with a liand*»iua armchair, i t waa nut haoanae Mr, Hoalea waa l « y or careleaa that tba chair waa praaente I. he 0»- cLarad, but bacauaa lha clerk worked ao bard that aa eaay chair would ao doubt he agree­able lu hla law bourt » f rant.

Hr. Bralaa la au orator ami ha abowed It In the happy epeech which Iw loida io eiv-ept- log the gift. Other apoMchw were mada jokea were let louaa and before tbe gathering djaperaed, about midnight, atary onn prtaeut waa praaeatad with a nunilaoma tbe ahapa of a ailrer matchlioi.

AHniwl M . W rMBH......................nlnivfT MVf . ffmtu*. ID rottOkl . . RliAkbrtb MV* . fran #e # roomiiFairmiHiiil « v t , frftkn#. II ioMsa-........iiAnitt««i.'frikQk#,V mtwu........... .liigtt m . Mick. U rootikf. . .a...... .simtid* av«.. lV»iairt ...........i.mrfiiii #*•*. rrunr, IBAhkm .............—.M>rtli F'-urih^L. frw *. II reeoi*.... ......>QfLU I- litti •!.. frail#. 11 tu#oi#............ .Ndiiu lAlti «i., nr#m«je rtKtou. JmiiBjIranU ##•., rraoi#, II r*u#u

I omtUI#. mtu#. 14 itfum#.Mjiuid iHivaiiLh iL, flftiut. U roouM.......

]«mK It.. muDi. I # ...humfii#r ar#.. (ram* -10 rootM ..... .V#ro0ii ■« . oorBpr, frama, ii goomx.

..... f».M#,TI0

... 4,MQ

iBO#- - . uoo....... I,10*..... 4.IUU....... 4,«U0..... *.»«..... LOOO ..... i,a »

♦..'HJU.. ... 6.«i0 .... - Bell®... t,u8u..... 04QU

'tha-#rioTif all lackUd In daHlrableMctlonnaid rrmuiii aM tuodara IntproaamauU asJ will ba wltl upua rafjr Ub#ral tamu.

ftnOWK AhCHLlClirNaKK,Heal iat*la, liMUFaaf#i

jov ____________ 74# mwl T « Broml H.I »AHtUlN'H-MOHIUM T KltOUi*;I I1.7W; h<Mtk NinaMaath #L. near ThirtMMb avt!.. atorf. t tvoma. naw b#aiM prkra,

' Kom#m » t , havaa. 4 ro#Rii; print. |u*n;


T > R o il) HTh i i i - r o H N ia i i i i r PLICAKAWT J f front nKini for Hfkl hnuaakaaidni ,

/H.lNTn^S “T . « A NIf'KIaY KLIIMHIIKM arcuad tiorr f^ni roani; btaitd OTt

( t l . iw n t l #Ti. H 'l.AKHil rilrtKT IHkiM. . lnll>bn1 : n|til hhtatktf pinf i wtlrr on AO(»r. I

]AAM I'tHK HI.. Itt--'jnUbtd rooma In prittla CiinU]r; htatg gi

runiilug watar.Mt and

C ITT A lirU TU B M B M TH w

.^lioantiDf of kUl patttrA eiM larkm idu nlv irlkuwirt or ani otbar toeiinn of dltiribDUoa of dtaidar <)f prliki«d ur wituaa wlvarU'lut miltar, at>4 lonruva* rutaa, raaulaUuaA aud raitrictlui««


l/A IH HT.. V pt.JlAHAHT |<TH?ClllllKI» A room fMagaDilamanln privata kuulif. . II*

/ I Ha hi” Hi., :i .4 ffPCAiLVI t roam, all liuprovafiiaou, buiua agmtbru aiid<*t'm*aulaal hu (ravpL . _______4^

_ (lifviH'a Lbaraiii.Ha li ardAlnad. kv tba Uomaaon Coniiall of Uia

d l f of HawoTK. M kfUiiwt,f*oc|AM 1. I bat DO parmi iktl] aartrou. la tho

rlur uf Nawark. tut buainaai uf Md putUng. carl ineklna, MU diatrlkuiiag. «>r dlatribuilag nr dl*-

TM t P t/lug prloiad or wnttto a<iv«rUalkig moltor. Wilkoutaiktuif tkrinat purvnaa firit oim^aoJ mo Ltraliion«j fltracrad and pruvl'i**!

rwrthM L An* |itrtrHi. o clllibffl Of tba I ’lltatl Kiatoa. war ^ luanaad b> lUa i ’amoioii i uuiK*ti u>

n aL'iKY HT., sn-riTiiXlHHKb ROOMH tU lot for light houiokaeplng.


aourobir lu

r u t v g t t r TW O w k k k ' .

laiiht U to the right aeruM tba hall, aud near It itaada the embroidery booth.

Tba lemuaaila labia and tha fortune teller era atollonad at the right on tbe aante aide aa tba aairanoa, and tba left and of the hall ii uncupied by tba Bowar booth, where a uum- bar of young miatea, attired lu quaint cua- tumea, act aa Bowar glrla.

There la eTary rcaaon to baliaTa that tha prnceada of the ralr will be much larger than ihoaa of preTioua yaart.

The table tor ambrohlartaa la In charge of Mra. t:harlea Halliaway, chairman: Mra. I,. II. kPiulrc, Jr., MlaaW'iggIn aad Mlaa Ella L'ouraen. Ttie following mmubera from the Young Ladiaa' Auilllary baTa an ambrulJ- ary tahla: Miia Clara Wataon, H ln Kath- ai'laa Itaylaa, Mlaa Clara Billot, Mlaa Bertha Gerhard, Mlm Aguoa Zlmniarman, Mita Mabel Kkmiar,- Mwa Aana Hpenoer, Mlaa Eldllb Vraeman, Mua Loniat Hmitb, Miu Alloa Van Waganau and MMa Bhuibt HoUla- •ou.

Tba apron aad bouaafuralabing table ii under the charge o f .ora ElUa H Maatera. Mlm Alice G. nereou and Mra. George r.

ndl«on « i . iwar Kin. tivonu: priv. |3,004i olau iiiri«r taorgoina V. HKYICR A Oa, Hanl katAM, ID H|iriG|rt»M ava.i Dpan avonlnfgI vIC'IHAIII.K NEW IfiJUKl. HllCKfWK;I'kU iniprikvtoiauia: loonilun eaoitol: prloe

• balfAMh. AddM#UWKKtIe Jlok H. MawioffiMh

l^-'IltHT »T » M nran m;Y#


for ona or two Ikmillaa baianoa murtgaga.

wnrib iST?

*K M>K h a LK L»H t o LItT. tlOl'ilK 9 " ~ ~ of frouniL (ruU#d

U R .niH

moin*. larif bora. 4ki<al(br laoiUou. MIOHAKL RjvKUY, huefc at*.. Plauantdala, S. J.

duKY m ’ NLAV lV .

_ S lA R ntSTHAL AVU rW 'i balL ; rant tow lo giDtlamaOv Addran

iH>l H, Kawi odio#

___ . rirnNIIUUi» MOOM* ALLilta tiroa, laxga and 9ioali, hy ika waak ur

itiunik; Dle#,(iut«i maar i fi ap; uMlAor iinia ________________________

\ I run HT.. 42I~rUH.'«IKHICl> HUONid. U U H r i I kouafkaaptif Uf gtatlaniaa. 97?

I AWUKHi:« hT.. lA OPT >#IT» CLIilTUN - JFurulakad MOiua ; all ooiiaaui«iiCM. 90a

n IciH sT„ fi

HltlU HT.,T *

lu aikd owid^t. wiibiuMi'lylly. tktO>ihlDt^...........1

_____ ^ _ . . _ .. _Mid wndau a4?arilBiui uiau^r; wicD iUipdim ahail

aitgacaiufbitl pwaiiiMf. -adTrriUiig and iHKtritHiUigoiid dt#:

{■ard tM-klu.*. IjHI IliiciktiUu . tl.’u liigprlikM

1IH>HTYkT..I9' Pt'HMHKKI) UU l|U FUH Jilgtal hDuiakaaplntof Kamtamin. 49u

MVi l»f HBY m\, ttS- YL'KMWHkD HfHJlIH light hcynkatplog; ballrauwa ^gaaUaaaau. Ua

Mr i . iS RV >*T,. t»-OO.YNlO llYU PLH.tttakAl frook ruoaaa to tai. lotproramtaia, for

lllkl kauaakaaptaf.

x T kaTLY FUR?fI'‘IIKD FRONT JU>oM iN Hru^ at. fhr ona or two gaitUaaiaa t avarp #rm- fantotica 1 raal low. Adda an1 BtJAHO, Ui>l , Rawi uRloa.

nminAHLK rUHHl«UKI» Uftti. kaak and baitt Hm

OH HIUK, !«1CAH ORRTRAL |Anodara' krooni brink hoaia

wub all Imiiiovamtftta. Addraaa III kOOKHN. Hot A. NewaoSa^

MUTATM jrOft ■ A 1 4 i-^ 0 T T o w n ,

o r

. /.MeariT fifty ThouMud Dollerr la Geld

Tahea frem aa ladtaa Mleaad ta Teaaemae.'

KboxtooM, Tena., Nor. S i—Great aa- nitamaat praTaila in Union County, aboul twauty-Bre mllaa frona thla city, orar a dlp- eorary In aa Indian mound of 148,000 wertb of gold ban and nuggeta

Abaat a week ago a Cherokae womaa named McDonahl, a graud-dtugbler of Ctaiet Mclntoah, one of tbe (amoui ableftalni of her trtbA appeared lu the aalghbcrhood with a map ahowlag tba purportad laeatioo of a large amount of blddan treaaura, Hbe elalmed that a half milUou dullan bad been barltd tbara by bar grantifathar. 1‘aopla were dlipoaad to treat ber aa a crank at Brat, but finally the owner of the farm oa which ttw mature waa located agreed to open the mound fur ball of the traaaura If any waa found.

Three daya ago workmen oommanoail ex- cuTatlng, und early yuterday morning round SlfkOUO worth of gold diul and nuggeta lu a tar. Later they uneanhed au Iron ixti cou- leielng WGIOU worth of lha p.'euloua metal. Bba nl iiia that than la a great deal more to ba unearthed. Orer 4,000 people gathend In the nolghborhuixl of the mound, and tlfty anued men ara guarding the ireaiure apot.


General K. f . Bteektoe'e Denghter Mar­ried to Geerge W. Marie Igh.

TwilTos. Not. 84- In Trinity Eidwmpal Church al 4:80 o'clock yeetorday afuntooa Mice Ua YMo-bida Btochtoa, daughter of Ganerul R. F, HMckton, waa maTled to Oaorga WUUam Burlel^, of New York, hy tba Her. Henry M. Thabouraur, tbe rector.

Tbe bride, wh« waa gtreu away by her father, wore a gown of whlM aatlu, trimmed with dneheme lace and an tralna. Around bar neck waa a pearl ooUar, and aboee the tulle Tetl waa a ocrooet of oranga bloa-

Tba gieom'i gifta were a dlamood ■tar and ring. The maid of honor

h im Halaa Grata, ooualn of Gie brida who waa in pink mttn, trimmed wlthdaobama lace. Tha brldaamalda ware Mlm MargaretU Baatlay, of New York City: Mlea Catbarina Seaale.r, ol Treaton, ana Him Beajmua Grata, of Trenton, They won pink gnwua. whita laoa beta pmk Tel- Tet orowna and plug oatricb faatbera Tbt b « t man waa Richard f . Wood, aad the nehera wen Hemra Henry Green, of Trau- ton: Chauncey G. Barker and William f . Jaokaon, of Newark i Duucan Edwarda of Bnwhlya; AUred Uigp, ol Baltimore, aud Mactara Bydnay A. Mernam. of New Ko- obMIa and Percy It. Pyaa, of Saw York. A nceptlon followad.

Aiming tboaa prmont warti General and Mra Hobert BtooktoA Mr. acd Mra Robert K. Htockton, Jr., Mr. and Mn. Corltandt Parker, Mr. and Mra OllTcr B. Carter ax- GoTemor and Mri. Robert B. Green, (Iban- oallor and Mn. Alexander McGill, Praecou- tor and Hri. Bayard Btooktoo, Geuaral and Mra E. Hurd Grubb, Mlm Grubb, Guueral and Mn. Wllllain J. HeweU.

Ur. aud Mra. Uurlclgb, on thalr return from the Hnuth, will raalde at the Porta- mouth, in Saw York.

Freaent Attractloaa at the Theatraa aad lha UmhI Oiiaa t'oinlDfa

A t MlnaPi Thaatr# Frank l>oaei and tbe roiiipeny tuiiportlng him continue to premuv “ Wurft Na 1" with He electrical axarullon icana. He rtallatio atorm effect, 11a display o f iiiaohloary. aad lie rapreaanUtlon of the deptba of a m lM and of a dynamite eiplo- eion. Tha acting in tba drama la often forceful nnd tbe nenaailonal a-euae ara re- cat red with ItTor.

Next week will bring to MlntPi Ttiintn nn attraction of algnaT merit, lu toe prment- all.m there by Charlee Frohman'i company of “ The O lr i l u r i flebled Me," The p ly t#lli • itory of k m Ad?9Dmr# and panlplife on the frontier, ol nn Indlnu attack upon a toft aad of daring imeue. The premnl proiluotion will be gGon with i^u ilt whloh roArksd tba atk moottu' run at laa AcadetnT of Mueio In New York City.

To-nlgbt Um grant Tammany tiger will make hit Brat appearance on the atage at H, H. Jacoba’a Thealra In tba ewly atage of bU pertormanoa tha baaat will hare aoiu fun with Dr. Parkhuiit DockxiadUr, but the latter will finally turn the lablna and than tha ha'daat baaat ~1U hara a and tcparieaoa. Tbia fammany tiger la a fearful and won­derful aalmal, but the bara of the cage are etroag and tbe andiaiwe will he In no dan­ger. In addition other ohangea will he maita fu tUa programme of Docxaladtar'a Mlaatrela. The oomoany haa been glTlng a good ahow and dotag a Bna taulnaat.

S a lt weak Omtrga W. Moorw will be teen at Jacnba'l Theatre ax Aunt flridja* In the bopular ptaT o f tkiat EtkiiM,

A t Walijmana’t Opera Hooia Tbe Ntgbt OwltOQUtisu# tofi?#aiDUiiDg p ru fra jn ^ of burlM4iue and TAudeTlUa.W. WtlllaraPa Company wUl a iiw r . P r o ^ nant in that organlutlou U J. W . Kelly, tba

Aitama. The oake table It pnaldeA Mra. Fred W Kataay and Mra. B. O.

ildedoTcr by Church.

A t tba confaetiooary labia ara Mra Harrl- tuu Whlttlnghaui aM Mra Joaaph D. Picka lay. 1 ba utImUanaciaa table ta in utaarga of Mra H. J. W. B. Cook and Mra. WUllam B. Araoid.

The Fairy Oooaa whkifa ta ooxtaldered tba moat noTal faatnra cf tha aSatr, ta ooder tha charge of Mra. Waller 1. MoCoy. Thla faniuui bird tahm yuur monay, placet lU bMUl under lha table aad brian up a mlm. Him Erelyn Uillmpta aad llttla Mlax Dyer

in watchful care of tolllU take tarae tamoua gooaa.

At tbe flower table Mra L. Hatnlng, Mra wVlliaia Barr, Mra. baaton B.

Oaorga dra. Ml

Meiialf and Mlm Jaoktoa ara In charge. Ice cream ta eerred imder the dlrecuua of Mra Jacob Maiwaau.

Arliiift4»a*fxYOK H4LK AT AKLliYurOX-AHOOIt GOT- I laca and baru: all lm#fOTamaau ; f muad

half haur I# Na«r Vorit tow •aaMdnWiltpat i CQMt 91,(100; irlU i*k# HHO:miun Iniiwliiwiui; irvataat k#rf4lD ataf oftorad ;N ii of water an plaaa<40u 100 HICLLBVILLV AVtuglB ttofA


ava., irtlnftoTi, I roAioa; lot ltai7L U. tx KIIOLAUK, Kirtto av», Of H A M . PU, New-

ariL » ?

FOR EJt€HA!fOK.l.#k t‘HANURft,ILX('llAl4UnH, RXCTlAlf44IB- .rMwabavaa u unbar alaroporilat tor axobaoiaf ■Iw ■ eiirahar et fraa and aliar oltr tota W M-

N FLAOTT PL, tf fmairoeoui “

N^ltW BT,. U <0-•re |iDtjro?aB»ui«; priraia tonillf { rarar

anca _______ ____ _ *4x ’f Kw a t 't f - F in u L4H<if rtiu^aaiut)

fhiot roua tor Mabt houatkaa)ilAc: bam ;* 93?

j ^ r w atm Mtaftraaoa.


1>L*NK aT., 974 rUBJU»HBl» mOOMH. U#bl hodatkaaplni. lilOi. ___ ^ T?

l> k c r (m aT..' i i ' NKWLYItrront Tooto! aU Inpruvaaitato i ftry oaelret;■Bodarata. ___ *'**lIBOroTt HT., tt-TWO BiriCLY FtJH?fIHHM) Jlfhaatadi room# ( lmpro?«»aaia ;toallj.


K)DTH TF.J4TII HT., »l-FO fc BBNTy arp tomlib«4 xoomt. _____________


l^TiuLiMi ar., « - fu b m a>ir onnioai to l#L lit door.

YirAHHlIKiTON AT., 149 -TWO LKRnF CX)B ■#rtln#araaranU?dtonilahaAro#mitoruabt

iKHiaaliaaiilat ar fcaUanau ( aU laip4e?*iu«u^ aiaa haiinwm.

rlLau## f ir lmpra?id prapartf. m l aatato aod tnaoraBoa, iia H^ncOald a?^

tor axabaaiai . xF tote w M-



y^UUaW TO LE T -

Yi.llHowlMidt^Sfo#QU aad AalbpfofamMli ; rant

.— — jfiH.

all tto-

luttuiraarow^ . 144 BaUarlUaaT#

MOSRODTrt HT„ B lA B CUKTON AVR- Huuaa uCaLgbt roomi; bath aod la#a4rf.

f!l IneulfaJ. H. SHAFAH, 4lOoarHLV<OLTH KLKVrNTB BT., ISl-HOUSK, NIFK i^rootuf aU Improvamama, and paparad mrowb- out Ibqatrf 49 Ka LABY BTe, aT#Blpi#A_______W



The Bedy te He Keineeed To-day to tti riaat Uiullug Place.

N iw Yung, Nov. 41.—Mcuihcrt of the Amw'lntad Plonrcri of lha Tarritorlal Daya of Calilcrnia, anil other pioaMra who ora Mot inambara, will go to llocktaud Camolery, .onthe Northern Hullrun>l of New Jeriey, thla aftarDuun to witaam tha retuuval of the body of Uucral John r. Fremont from tnc ocmatary rnult nod lU liitoriuant la ton gran.

Among thiM who hnra nnnaotlred thnlr txtantioa to ba prmeut an Roar. Admiral Richard W. UaM U. B. N., praaiJant of the Amoclatad Piunaarx: Captain Naiuual L. Clapp, of Brooglyn; Cajitnlu AVtlllara F.

. Btanct, of Hanrock: John U. Towutcml, of New York; George 8, Ruyee, of New York; e W b e W. Bliermau, uf New York; Joaeph H. I*ray, of Saw York; 'Gaoi^ F. Itendia, of Mount Vernon: Richard J. Paulton, of Brooklyn: Curntbu' Lydacker, uf EnglawtKtd: Jouph Evanx, of Newark: Major Prancu D. Clark, Hcretary of tha Amoelatod Ploneen: John tieult, of New York; Colonel Charlm J. Murjiby, of New York; Colaucl A. 0. Ferrlx, of Hackan- aack, N. Ji, and IJautauanx John C. Fre­mont, ton of the dead Genarnl. A l aprexon tatlva Blihop Pottar will Iw la attendance. The ceretuuny will be n brief und a aimpla


Tba gala Craebail and Valuable Paperx end Huaey Tahen,Gpanial Dlipatoh to the Nnwii.

Bxi.TiiixRg, Nov. S4.—The jioetofllce and general ttore of Tbomot < ralg. at llutuvilla near here, waa burglarlxed lait night. Tbe

. tafa Wax rrackad and mveral nundreit dollera ' aad valuable imptre taken and a quautity uf I g ix ^ carried oir.

The night watchman woe to badly fright- anad that he tailed to give any alarm. Thera were tbrna burglara la tbs lurty. Thii itun

. hex bean robbau a number uf tiinaa before.


Franduleat (ichemea by Wbloh I'lrrea Heallaad AI.IMHI.OOO In Five Vaare.

yANlTtix, 8. D-, Nov. 'J3.—Tlia Englleh eapllallata wbo have beea dealing lu Kuuth Dakota paper during the paat few yean have been Inveatlgallug the validity of their holdiugx aud Hud In nearly every inelance they have been iwlgdled toruugb J. U U I'ieroe, an Engllxbman, who hae bvon living during the pMxt thm yean In Itoudon.

Fraah evidence ta dally acsumulatlug. hut enuugb bax Iwen gathareil to indicate that Pierce haa realired fully (I,tlh0,000 In five yean through fraudulent and furgad jwprrx, acbool boniU, tax dtaili, cvrUHoaloa mythi­cal townihip bunds, etc. Tba Hriu of PiercA Wright A t'o. bu uSIrea in Yanioon, In Ixrodun, In Hulyuka, (.'ol., and In rinokanei, Wneh. Pierce gave tha Impreuiion that the New York uorrm|>ondant« uf the Arm were Gilman, Ruu A Co„ of tW I ’lvlar itraut. The flrin’ i Ixuidooliaiikira, betaiil, were Barclay, llevau A Co. It hex liaeu known for tliruu or four yuan that forged ai-hool dlxtrict hond.'to the amount of about gJOtUkil) had linen flont^ auma of them buving liuvn bold I i New York. ,

Una bond for 110,000 wax dltoovarnl by tha purebnaarto be wurthlou, and woe re­turned to the cellar, who took It up. Intereet coupimt on the allxged fraudulunt ouutand- leg buodc have been rvcclveil Iwrn regularly through the Imnax, and have U-en proiupily |itid by llercc, Wright Jt Co., but the cou- pnna which arrived ywtanlay wilt not lie paid, btcauia Plaice, who hex been man­aging tba Londun olHce, tiax Ile>l. it lx xup- poaeJ to Mexico, with perbape (htkXl.UUt).

« ------------t'lltid a t'avaat Anil

llACKKNNAi'K, Nuv. 'x ,—John U. ConkUu, who diatl aiitMaolT tut WtHlheaiUy, bad cauMil a I'aTNil to b« tileii iu Hurroj atio Har* lag's ofRca sgaiiiitl tin# will of Lii luotliar,

laaviHK All asuta THluutl at aboui FJ<)u,i)00. Tho will has u vt boto ttlad f(ir pi‘i> hat#, but It la uodorabiihl John IV ('ouVllft WM Dot utlillail with hiifcharo uf aatato. ria spoka m Laswyar JohURoa of oootaatmgy but bia lutiiliu llluaM rstna aaar upsatllug t!i« CAlculatloni. lie wtu tmly fiblo to luaka n croM aaar hit name the da? ha aioil, being too waak to wriU*. Ha witfll aiKiul twanty* four houn. 1 'uukiiu \» naM to liavahad ulna chilli raa, thi'w of whom ara dead.

____ ________ ,«<HoUmc MIU Mao.*' KtUy'a moaoloctw parformanoa, with Ita tosgx aad atoriei, la a whole ahow U Itaelf and has niada him OM o f tha moat popular variety porfonnan In tba oouQtrjN__________ ________ ' ^


To Fay ASOO F la t aad ie rve Five MenthaIn the Couaty Jail.

AnnuRT Pa r k , Not, 112.—Alderman Cbartat Parki, of the “ Tandarloin " dtatrict, New York, who waa convicted lait Friday of keeping a gambUng-home at Asbury Pork,In tba moat faanlunablo part of town, waa MBteneed hy Judge Conover thii morning to pay a fine of IfiOO nod **rve a lentenca of Bve month! In tha couaty jail.

The xaatancB waa recelveil with rnneh lur-

Ertae. Ihe Aldnrinaii'efrleadt expectod that e would awmpa with a light Hue and recelva

no aentaaca in Jail. „ . . .Ald^mau Parka cam# to Aibury Park lait

.Tuna tod opened a gambliog-huuje In the moat faahWnabta part of the town. V, ito him wara WilUnm Myera aud Ixiuii 0. l.jman, the latter one of the uiiat experi­enced gamWeri In the country, who ran the nmlclte wheel t t Pnrki'i den. The Ablerman wae ar rented in Auguit and Indicted by tbe October Oraoil Jury. A t tte trial ho tried to ahlft all the bbirac on Myerx, xav- ing he wax the aominal proprietor of tho placa. Parks waa tba bonitaman of Lyman, who did not appear in court as a wltiic", thui forfeiting hta ball, which wax fwi). Parka will have to pay thta.

Attaehed h r a Veiled Woman. NOBUuTiUJt, Ind., Nov, M .-A myxterl-

nua vailed woman made an attack on Ulse Fairy CruU lust night that may coat thu latur bar life. Beiaing U l « t rull by the hair aha tided to pour carbolic acid down tha young Indy’i throat. Falling in thla the woman threw a quantity of Uia and lu Mliw Crult’i faoei then boat her tarrilily over the bead with a revolver. Rivalry lu a love alfair ta lupooud to have cuuxrd the trouble.

New Commercial Treaty With Jayae. VVa HIi INUto*. Nov, 'J i—It ta pnibable

that among tha earlleat coniiimnicnlloiii to tie aant to Congrxaa hv the Pne-iitanl, when It axeamhlm lu December, will be the new cuiuiuercial treaty with Jaiwu, » hich Srere- lary Greabim anil Hlatater Knrino have bMB argutlaUng in the post few luuulba.

Franklin and Mutiey ABhlra.Frcgrcta Lodge No. SUL K. of H.. will bold

lu Brat anaual rally and gift aatartalDuieat to­night at Knaby'a Hall, on Fnuiklln avanua. Franklin. Dalagatlona from Newark, PaUr- ton, I’aeialo, BloomBeld and New York will attend.

A brilliant wedding took plane last night at theMethodtot Epiaeopal obnroh on Paxaele avenue, Nutley. The contracting parties were Mtae VIrgUda N. Sagulne, ehleatdaughter of Hr. aud Ura W. tL Bagulni. of Et ta avenut, NuUer. and rradarlok Austin, of Pasaalc avs- nua. Ballerina The heal man waa Wllllain Donglaa, of FnukUu, and Mlm Lydia Fyfe. of New York, waa bridesmaid. The bride wot* wnite allk, trimmed with lace, and carried a bouquet uf bride reeea. Rev. William J. Keailey, paator of tba ohnroh, performed the ceremony, after which tha bridal party and their gueatt returned to the home of the hridt'iparenU, whernaooUatl^ wae nerved and a nceptlon hald. About KM gnesta vrere preeeet at tha reoeptlon.

OwwniFXerHaarvSowrtaoM ■ « (he FgtaSwtaaUwy«waisWI,aesoeM!y te itotnp Itavrxsltwlata ig AeJBi# a peeshoxxr-F wwta erowaa

r O L K f ) Y O U K N O W .

—Mr. aud Mra Thomaa (tartar, of Chicago, who have bean tba guoata of Hr. aud Mn. John A. Nlcbola, of Fulton itreat, left thta week for the Boulh, when they will winter.

—Henry C. Howell and family, who have baeu euniuMring al Mairtatown, retnrnad thta week to their Broad atreet retldenoe.

-.Mra. Morttmer Remington, formerly Mlaa Hnlllkan, bald bar Bret racaptlou on Tuaaday, and lha will hold ana on Nevamber Sf In her old home, on Clinton avanna.

—Mlaa Julia Hlainer waa marvtad to riamual Doctor, both of thta city, Tumday. The cart- many waa ■otamnlnad at Davta'a parinra Ualy' near ralallvea wan prvaant. Tbt young conpta left Immadlatalr after ton wedding tupper on n trip to Washington,

—F. J. Kaatner ealebrated hta eaecnly-flfth birthday annlvemary Tuanday night at hie hooie, ITS Clinton avanna. Among toe guetta ware Mayor and Mra. lAbkuecfaer.__________

,e I n wi'., *e —IV w . . RRltlgluit: iraeue. bate aod laaalry: aU Imptova-

aaoii; I' nxetsix order; will reel lew.X7t H KNfIgrt'll bBUanTORA ITT Breed et

tJIlUTH TWgLFTH UT.. ta-TO I.BT,*hl»UI . . . a

Ki!4*tKY HT., « - T W l LAIW4R, TV alcaly ftreUbad noma for 1l#faihgaaakaap*

Isf ; alio lUfivi* roam i al( improrauiaDU.

Iia irnMitrid GiilT' iiQ wrillan aiipltudsdo# to Uia L'imu- itioa OiuiicU Ottraiur, whk'b jbpp»aaUuii muil ba flladwIibUta lit/ t larA at kaan laa #&)*• balHra Iba maaMiii of tba runiaitB ( euiicll u wbioa li mar ^ a* ta4i on. ao4 ibali vuotiua* in feM fisT uM IW fruiB lu trauiliu. 'fna UraoMa tiiall racaira kach oinibuaia in wrlilnf at ^ «4MOfdar1i/ t#IxnKmt rM olbaf p ir|>.Ma* 9/tuMd k.:ornmoo oouiicii. and BuKil mv lo tUa vlurii uf pari Hir Ik* tiim of OB# bun-lrati (to Ura m kb bu- Dual luwuw r*a oa raa Wlat ouoh canlduara.nit kikaU alw> Mtar lau> Latid i« Ui« Uay>sr

aud vorDnoii L'ouadl ut Ibt #11/ uf . aw ark wUb #4 aad MfUciaai Mirtt/, lo tta auuravtd br llii F1a»i*OB lX»miiluaa af lha { am- iiioiv UiuDcil In Iba panai *aui uf Ara iliiKMaad dailan aonuUiuaal fur lAa Una obairvavoa ui tba UfuvUIaiM of all web onlinanoat of Use cUf or :«aiv- ark M tuMj ba li torkw at aa/ U«a duriat tka tffiiiliiuttiAWor MObllcaota lha «mduafcuf b'lUiiara aailxiDatil tkarab/. okMlaiMa44 akaU ba oauBkKTiaa uudtr autborllF ot laid Ikratiaa antU tuch oarilHialik Um Ofan ai-hiail/ MvaraUaudilMi>i29aif laaisat# auU lha buud iiran ■■ karain bruvlilad.

kai'iton? Nil(llia?a*aa.ataum'tr«,a#anUaaUaia- ploraawbLla wnsaUiNl m tba am uf puatinUe p4iati## or (UfiMbuilaa au/ ptwiaa. oarda. avo*. clrouiiua. ■dv*riiMmtP(« or aoUoat, ur wbtia aoluf In uukita an/ aoi or ibiuf auihoriaad 9/ lAt pr#* vhusia«afihU urdlnanra, ibatl waara baigawU# ,ha iBiiowlAf pf*a*«l ibar4#'L*• r.loanaad iTli: imiar, ' f(diuwa>f bf iba lluauia##

M«tlao4. Frtwaadaitor tba paaiaira af ibh ur- ditiaiit-a, DOpenwuwbo Miail ihH haaabaan lluanaad M b*rtiii prufidtdxoi wiio obait uui M aautliiwi agaui or ampJ#*# oi Micb licwnaan, ibatl gu uisoa aa/ of ika iim u. aldawBikat al4a/a ur piaoaa uf lald < t/ lur au/ purpiiaa ouiiuauiau with m U buBluaaa ur h>r tba piirpoat uf diitrlbutp laa ur tditiotaiiiic puMera> vlruylara UAbd biUa, aawplhi. ]irtniiMl u# aisgrarad uoikwa or oLbar advariliaiuaaia of an/ kiDd to ur auwDM the padaatrlsnt ur iravaUar* on A»ld kiraaLi, Hdtwailta. aUa/i ur pubito plaiwa. ar t# Kj]/oittGat,kioraa.alaaa«otuatlaiaa or rntMaioa* in eahl cil/, ft>r Ikf purpoaa of poitiog or dlttrAuU lui puatariieClrcuLan, band uliK wtuplai, pdukKl ur angravad noUoae or oUtr advaftlMmaDt# of bar kmd. ur ulreulata, p*liu#rdi iritmu m aata nil/ aa/ poaiara, cliuularay haad bill#x Mmpljlata •aoip^ai or Btber pnniad ur aagrarad ad'rarita#' naovt a r^a* of ao/ kind wbataoavar

aaaiiou k /sutblbf ktraia •ball #• oouUuciadi# ■utborlMi an/ paraua lu toaiiar cw ihruw, tha atraala,9ldwaiu.atia/a ur pukile plaoar lu hat# clt/e pihtani. band ktlu, adyaruaainunta or papah ur to abatrtkot iba iiraat*. aldawatkt, aJta/t j4»r iptio- Ito idauai uf laid oU/, ur oraata an/ uDiaaoaa tberalo, or piuYtut Iba ^alhtf ot ootloaa rwiuirad b/ law lohi puatad b/ paraoui duL/ auiburUad ta buai Ika aauQA

rm looa aoihleg herein eeetalae4 ehaU he aa ooneiruhdai w pra/aul an/ Miauu raiUlloi ar trauaiHlUK builaaia in tba hUd ell/, of Hawark fikiin diainbaiiiif clroaiari or h»jMi biUa, adrerU# lag lb* bH#tn»** ^ wblck aarb prraoa UdIracUF ■ugagad, ur fnxa dIanU/lag aigua or poMef#

Ibt bulIdiDga or piumieai- - luati -----

RTORRft. U lFT fv r fO .. TO LET.4 RLlKUTt)r4BT.,M 4ND 9t-TH R»FLO O na

iVwltbpowartalalL 1.M9 iquataraak aaob: fuir aldui llfblhl aad all uua?aalaaoae; atMUbli Aic JawaUar. Appl/ oa premlaea li. o. LRFOHT. 4lo

VEHK ROOM OB PART oP OFFICE ; C .rifarkai and Broad Ma: raiR low. UHoXLAbUUANi' OuMFANYefAl Broad at. 1


.RUI f .KTfBH AUITABL* FURjiooar aud (miebir: alao fbar r»«uk IhitalrafLEVKNTH A V E a MDHIXTHAT.

PACIFICraoDi and haMntaat

a r. Tl-LAVeOR iTORE. rail fik

B u .itI?

rjn> LFT-HOUAt, II yfWfc AT., OBE BLtCEfren Klnna/ aod Waak1ict#Q ata.; good loo#'

Ikon; 7 roowaaod ekt/ waiat \ raoi low I# good; tanant,

Ifouais IA7 PtaakuftM tty Troanta and 0U/watar, 91U month.

Ikuu-w.MB. Twakftb at. aaar Bprlncfiakk ara., 10 ruoma and cit/ watar: rant ra^ low.

ID Vina ai.. 4 room* and watar, ft.47? WILLIAM #a WARD. 4 Aaadam/ah

rrO LBT-BKALL KdCBE. 4 RrK>AU. APART- 1 iBMtaadlaiid 4 rooma. Taqnira

au 9»CA2CALHtra aQAlotBoa

m n ktBKT-TWOHrOHY PAEMBD BULK, i with aataaMon.iki roomr. aU |mpro?*MaU;

raoaoii/ daouraiad: naar aledtrta oari; aaar Phaa- raalytUk.

UBa F. lM>DD,lt» Broad ab1/ d .

i/lraoM RaUfoad Matioa; rNb fag

lJ<iOMaT«> LEI'. WITH fOWBRj ALL IM- jtVpro?am«nla; wall Ikibi^ Bu(itlnoj|l i foauira of a a MCIX W. QEEBY.TK Broal ■i.araugioaar oa iba pruioMaa ralapaoaa tal ito

UTOKB-GOHBRR WAVBRLT t U ANLBOM' r^traaiat.; r»od kooattaa lirgraDar/ ordrugatjre. ibraa oka Aate, wUh latproviiaantt; 9^Ttt Hh u MOrr. 497 Broad ai

upi»a .pi^ b/ au/ luab naiaua. ^ ■a aa to *rt?anl tha woftWIot oT aa/ ihraira Id aaid city of .' awark kroa dl tlajHar hlUa or powara adrartulag an/ plaf « oihar aai^ ulDm«tit in auok thaatr ea an/ bUibuard, owuad or kaarad by Bueh proprtatory or aoaa to praraniaaFKirtoft iio4 tpgM# to# bnakn— ofadvarUa*•g rtttm kMimrlag bia avaoasioB aa

pBatar. ingrarar. ■Igo ^ n u r or uiMrwiM t Md natbiiv banka MialT appi/ to ar atfaei iba laBuaofaa/ uavipapar, part<idnal, ba*k ur ui^r MbUoatlwUx aad lha ciroutailao or aaia tbaraof bp Blab or rag ‘tar carrkar. or b/ uawivauder. or la caufit 9I trade, or tba produatluD »f uritiwd ar ao gravad manar b/ an/ priutlag taiahttabinaBt, ar Iba dlapka/sradrerUaaoMiiU b/ aa/ auwatoaror tf^iaa amupao/ In iba oar of auah aorapao/.

ktocUoB 7. Au/ paraoo iloamad baraundar tract bUI Itoardi dlapla/ klgM ln aay af ^ ■traata, roeda or bigbwa/i or aa/ oibar plaeM Iftthti city, provided, buwarer, lha* do paiwuaa ■ball erect au> ^ buaid ur poatMO/k>Ul4urdla|da/ aar algoa au or la mat ot aa/ prainUai io laid oH/ wlwaui Ua cooaaai ot tha owoar ur oauupaDt or Mid prafuri/Ant kud aad ohlalDBdeand wlihatli lha writtati oouaai of tba >traai luut&bMioaax or oibar ofllrerTtaflng like power, durlag bl# pkaar Drt, aad eu^aci alao to ramoeai at iba dkre#tToa oT the body arMarrl baTl^ ooDirol uf ibaauaataaf ■aid eit/:btii nothlag baraia aball oa ouuatr^ ta auUtarliaaB/ oksttruehuB of tba itraeta, nd^ waiaa alleys or puhlie eiioe. within tail eiiy.

eectieii C Be perxah soail goel. pexo. et dlx- irlbute any oatil, ■!■■, paw.phiet, otacutar.adtiititeinani or nmlos In aay pubHc placa In tola cli/ gaacitbiof, recuoiiuaadliif ur adv«rtkwDg 4w aala or La aa/ way rafarriog to apf uiidlcloa af ramady far tbe pra?# ' Iloo or cure of aay etDtreal dtoea^uratiy lewd, vulgar. Immodeat, JiAmumt or lode' eeat palDi , prlDiad, angraead. wxRtea ur plclorta advertWag luaUer of aoy hlad what«oe?er ; a ^ uay patMii ea daliif ehaki fbrMi aad pay a ponui/ uf fifty dUkart lor each aad evury omwe; aad it ■bad be tbe duty of aiy Uaenata, uoder tbia ordlOAOoa, bti ageai# aad aarranu, upoa Dotloa frbto iha cHreat CotamtaetoQer or olAoer ka?lAr kike powtra, to remove and de- atroy ail advartkamg mailer paetad ur dlapiayad by blm aad btraby problbltad, irom Uia airoaca ami pobllc ^aeee of im aU/, witblo akx bauri from Iba Uma of Nrvtoa af each duUuil — upab ffehure to ao ramora aod d« a«eh adveriWag mauar witblo aal

n m huilbA eball ba aobtacitomun CuuocU may alao rw

tJTORl- HPLEBnCI) LARGE BTOHE TO LET I^ U h ft?a dwekUng TDoma: aU }!~ rantreaeaaahia Apply tM BAJ<E

tU ka ffoad lapalfC KT. 171


HOUHh WANTEn, 9TOU HOOU^: a LLIM ' pro?aiaaflte; oaoiralty looaetd. Addraaa

77d IIOUAEg Ekra O. New# oBea

HOtmE- TO LETsTMM EDI AT ■ PORalt».HlOlf.reotlow, bokN, ala rooma: waiat. furoaci aod

flaagTuuada; AamralagCfiDoara Apply lev____________ROOM IR >4D Mato lA. OranfA

OAEHT.,49, BAaTuRAKOEra-rMREE LARGE Ilfbt roaoia newly paparetL mat p.________ » ?


AOVInb f o r t u bncaneiog of Mil poawrt. card t®kara,. hl i d i»

tiibeian ur aa/ other nedtom afdlitrltwUuo or dkeplay of prlatad or wriiton adverttalog oiattar, aod to proTide nilaa, ragelaBuM and nwrletiaoewUb rvfbraa«e ibareio.

Ba U otdalMd by the CunmoA Cotuidl of iha eU/ af Newark, aa fbikowi:

Saettoa 1. Thai eo peteen ibalk carry 00 tn Iba dky of Newark tb* btralDaee of bill poeUng. card laoklof, bill dturtbmlat. or dWrlbuliag or dto^y-

artatod or wrluaa adearUaing faster withoutlogia aoi fur that P4irpoaa Aral ubialbad a# haralaafiar dtraciad and praridad

by tbe I’omnkua Uooncli toaDdouaduet wlihto iato tba bewi-

Macitou3. stay j>erao*i, a elUaea of tba Lbllod BtUit, may !be klceoaed ‘ " "aogag* Ip I " ~■aeiof bUk ---- --------—- X X, .aigh advertraiag aad dlairlbuttu and dwpla/log pRuied and wrIUea adverUieag malttr; enub

u wriiien appllcai- iktoreft rr which ap'

detiro/___ _ _ _ Umax

log aball baaobtatiito attoaal (ifty'^ilAra aod taa Curaot|ie panon


KtTag.'c^ taoktbf.hUl^dletrtbuUBff.I .......... ...

ktoanea iball ba graatad ooiy (lOUAbU

li4M)HB A lfD FLA T S TO tE T .

VPA R T M B m OF THREE AND FUQR roome; balk# aod lalra klgbiad, ftamlalrad; eery

daalrable to anulk ikuiUtoai raotokow. Apply 00 prtiotoea,l3 RANK al. _____________ m

itoe La Um Comiitoii tlouacU Iktofaft r, which ap- pltoaliaa muftI ba hkid wlih tha Cit/ Urark ai leaat ten daya bafura tba toaatioy of tha Oommun t‘auo- oik ai wbicu It may ba aotad m aad ahalt oonbaba to torea fi>c ooa /ear from iia grmov- iDg. The Ikoaoeae ihall raoaW# luah oartitl- calatn wrHlag aa I* oiiiomanly gtvaa

UmStaad for otbar iwrpeeae bytat per

______ __ . . . ^ commob Uiaartl! aod ebaJl pa/ te iba < :iark of *aKl diy the eam af iwant/-fiv4 dukUwa aa aa aoDuak lioaBea


Animal E x trac tsPrepATod acconting 4o tha fbnnut* of

D r . W m . A . H a m m o n d ,

In hta lebomtoTy el Watkluftau. 0. C.The matt weMtafful ikenpe.iU: dtaceve^elMutlM fle je el

C C R C B R IN I , .


C A R D tN C ,

T E S T IN E ,

O V A R IN E .



A X-ROOH KLUT; OOttRJf ■eierpeied ; f IS.

nitoMe: HuUJi .Dlil.ow, Mltaie.>eiieil eOT

-flA.NR ST., Ml. NSa R NKUTTOM ST.-FIVK J jetH tet w n u 10 lex with improeemeetei nee

xynST'yv o r ..u -T iin sG nesu R room utqJ»litat, with weUr; rent (7. __ .n t Apply » 8TH U ,i«o ut.

ODH.QmTHAN ANTJ MilNTUOMUlY STS. Hoomt te let fr-jm M V te !T-tU

(eeea leotlTtaigiunh ceetihtale; nod shell eleecn- ler Into bone te the Ueyur end Oemmoo Onuectl of Iheoliy erifewerk, with good end xaiBaleiit Mireiy, te ta eppiDTed hr the Fliien» uomniKlee nf the (Ximmon Coimi-U, In the peoel ram of one ihoueud dollera, randnloned (or the dee otaervnura of the ptovllloa. uf ell .uch ordineecee at the clip of ■vtaeiX M may M enfomd ateiyilme durieg tbe cuetlnaeeocofeuch Ikwuw reipeoUef tbe cen iihii of entliMieeuibartaed thereby, be butineu •bell ta wedncltd eedtr euUiurUy af leld lleetH uoilt eueb «n H 1oxie h v taaa ecmxtiy Iwutd ana delle- endendlbellctnaeltapeldeedllieboaatleea ex btretn provided.

eeolloul Held lloeuta, bta offloete, erteta eed Ka emptoye* wbUe onofed le the not .J poeUee,**** xtM taint PikeeUri* mn■

TOke tb» JloatM aUhor &r poatlug e#ch prW' blbUad maitor or frltora lo rtmova ih9 eaoia whoai■ettOad WI to do, . w ..

bacUudk UIbatl hath* duty ofiha ll«*aM 1*- tpeotuT and of poUra uffloeri to aid la the an toraf iMutof kbki ardlrmuoa. and aay pereow. wbathar prlhdpaloagmitofaerraui, gnUi/of ?h»lai^ any af iha pravkaluM heraof, ib*U Ibrfetl aad a Moall/ of fifty dulUn ftir aacb aad avary oBbnaa

Baciua 1ft tbe word "penoa," wbetaver kt u^ careln Ibtiordmaoee, ahaU include ptraooA firm* aad corporaUttoa

HecilonlL AU*rdlna#oei or peria of ordinaiM mnOtotliif wtih ibla otillaaoce are bareby rapaatod, and Itale avdiBanoe aball lake affect Imnwdlatoly.

Tha foragokng urdioanot v m introdOEWd in LWm* aoD Coohcil Fridge .sovembar 9, 1094, raid oaoRand wae duly ardered ta a eecoDd reading, waa UIU7 a ^ (/OONNOH,49r ______________ ciiycitfk.

/■WTAUEMr.,40 Vyroomai all modern improvamaiUA


Fl a t o f a ix houuh io l e t . iNQcrRE 39? --------------------1« (iUlTMAV IT.


Crilteaden at.. 9—Pk?a room*, |ll par manth. latnoQ 19—Five roonuL |14 par month.unLAga Me, lU—Pour riFomt. |14 uar mooih.

IM iDqtilre 1041 BROALRT.

IWURROOMH, I1W RULIAli HT AUK) FOUR PQoina 47 halt kiune/ite litoulfe


FLAT. 9 LIUHT HOOK® J IM- rani |IA 99?Gi BEEN at., »


palming or dlMribailuff any poaiara, carda. aline, pampbreia, ckrcul«ra.adTerikaaaianu or auUoaa. ar wbkie doifig la pabiVi any act or iblng amhart/aa by the pruvliloBB of ibw urdteaiMa abaii wear a badge wlib the lullowln# word# aoniptououel/ prluiedthareoa. •■lioeaaedblU poeiar,'' W tow^by iM lUwuaaFa uami- Andltehail be uakAWfal mr aur Qirkaer, agent nr emjio/i of eald lloan«aa tuWear lha abuT# dauBrlbetf badge before Hrai obtaln-IngaMrtiflmieufauihftrii/ from lha Clly CMerk. DpoD wriltM appliceUua from the aald lipeiima. Fit? aatb oar^rata of aoibortty ihare aball ba paidiuthaciaffcofthaoiiyofMawarhiha earn of larodunara. ^

hacaan A From and afiar the pamaca of thU ar divauea noptraoa wktoihaii doL havebaan Ucaueadaebaralu provided, or whu ihall not be an oiBoer,ateai or empkd/e uf eu«h UMoeea, ab^ l we upon — el the airaaUx aldaweikA alke/B pnbllo pkacee«r liJd L/*'fo7'M/ purpuai oottBOBUKl wki aald butlaam or tor ike iHirpuaa of dletrUmtlog or drou-

OFFlt’EllF I KK HOAKL u p riTRAET AB(B Water (loiomkaikoaen oftbadiy of Newark.

Newark, N. J.i Nor. IT, im i Realad propmal« win ba raoelead ai ibli oCflaa M

4tfd»ck P. If. or KTtda/etba iblrUaih da/ of la vember, 1W4. at the public maating of iba Hoard af blTavt aad Watar itinmlaMoaare to te haid at ^ 4 tkma and place, lar the cauainioliofi of a aawer In

Lt'ULK’lO.Y AVKffllP, from the preeeat termlnaip naar Wamn eigeat, to Rankiiruai

kh* fbliowtogla about lha anionoi of (he work to be done and iba materlali to te tornuhed In Ina oouwructkon and ratuplailoa ofmM work s

Fourbuadradi and niiy (4M)i ibeiof U-tneb, ekirf* dad. aali-tl»M>t aiuaewara aawa pipa■

N«veo bunarad and dfry (710) fret of l^lncheevar pi pa

HI# (9) maaboiee (tnolndlng oa* )niialloa mao* hoi#.)

Two {9) recilrinf baaina, with lolld grmalta haidaand dtia

UIddera will atat# thalr prleaa In wrlUngaewaa ea la flgiirea , . ^

Htodara muK Bpedflr to ibufr prqpoaaki IbaL ahuutd Iba above work ea awarded to Ihtai, lha/ #111 bind cbtmeNvaa to fiolab and oompi«w tha iazne wliblii iwaiit/ ibur canaaoutlva wurkLng dara

i taa plant and apae>floMiont of Uia work oan ha aiamkuedai tha uaca of the Board of wtreat an# Wator ioniralailoiiara, No. itt Malta/ alrati. h m propoaala to be acooxoapnlad hy (ba oaDgent in wiUe Inc, of two-------- ^ ----- ‘

G r i e nr

wr„ lay-TO l k t .• • * 1 fbiroamt, third floor, toamai]


FOUR NICE mU/i rentfiojiar

two Hiraikea. wbofitoU!, ai the lUaa of put*— r --------- , Hnii to aeoh pfupoa^ QuaUfy ai to lhair mponto

launi paamciL diroti ara, bandblin. Mropiaa. prlatad miuf iti the amouat of auob piiqHMai, aod blud agraead notloao ur atbar adfari^maDt# j ihamiMTaaUijai, iftha (xiairact te awardad lo iha

among rta, iUMW

U iaH hT.. NEAR (*ENTKAL AVE-BEVEJf room* and bath ; all kmpnjvamanui; rani, ITA

M c. J BtUiWN, 7*7 BroadiA

Hu m HT., 904- P

Bandit Util Cook Trobahiy i'anghieF ort W orth, Tei-, N ot. 2a,—At tba

Vnibad fitaua Mambul't oflk*#, tliougb tbu ofilcial* are var? reticent, tt li ragarJod aa noeitlTa that Bill Co<.>k, tha darUi) younR la a ^ o f tba Kang which hai baeu tefrorir.' iuiC Lbe Indian Temtprjr (or the pant tlvo BtoBthii b Rader anwat, Ha k thaufHit ^ba one of the Ava inati raptured by tbe Taxaa

neeTri at Wh^blt# Fnlia. Tha daHcrl|>ti«'ti of'tae man Farrlv akacify (Kirraipomle wliht ^ t of Bill Cook. Thia ia ctrangthauMl by

, tba fact tliat tba man wlio iDiwan to the Bantu nf Hkaatrr u an exact counterpart of tha man Baldwin, aUa# .Skwatar, of tbe Cook gaftE' ___________ _

J. Ee EmmH, (ha Actor, Matrlad,Davenpubt, la., Not, ‘JS.Wiwai'h K.

Emmet, tbu actor, and Mn. May Kaggiua Btavaiu, kuowa to tha dramaUc profetclon M Emily Lytton, wero niarrltd in Crate Cathudral here at 11 A. M. ycatonUr. Mn. BtoTuai {■ the laadlnE indy uf Mr. Kiniuet’k t^mpaiiT. Thu eounla bad lotaiulod to Iw married for eomu time, aad w a lW untU t ^ y reached here fu tbaballef that no iicanee Trha required bare and they oouU avoid

• publloity. The riug waa k»ought and tha lady waiting before “ Krila^' duouverwi tliat

I a UoeBM wa« nenraaary.


4)lva u* ika word and wU w ill make your lAKrthe Wft

, domeetkohome tba muat altraaliva place cm an BBvatTeryihliif In tbe ptotiire line.

a2l (rapb*

Altciuptad tuli'ldn iif a FranelimaBe New Y ork, Nov. -Kugeue Bhkbauj,

^(iy>4dgbt yearr ol't, a Knoun book-kuaiitr Ufing; at Kuthurfor<l, N. J., ahut bimaelf three tlmea m the Twunty al^bUi Ntrei^t tion uf the Sixth AvaLHiB Elo?atcd Itailway jeNterday fifurnoon. lie it now In the New York Hoapltal with wouuda lu tba luft linmats arm and ibpulder. Bhilaauy^ait bwco cut of work a)l nuinaier and bad iraoomn ilae> poDdenk UiB woundi ara cuunidareU dan- g e r o u A ________________________ _

C'aar and Ciarlna Both ladliiMurd.Bi k l i H, N ov. aa.— a dlapatuh frotu BL

PetaraburF that Kmparor Niubolu U. le 'kUlfariuE graally (rum iutonintoaud iit, cua- pofiueoiry, ?ory much dci>reA#ud In eplrlle. Tba Caarlaa bat btooroa vary much etnac^ atad M tho reeult of her vigil at tbu liodeUU o f her hnebaod wntl tbe auUMoaenb titx npotl her iihvKloal itreugthi imi>oead by the jouruoy toHt, Putonhurg mtd her iiariioi|«Uc' lha varliiue oaremoniee over liiu body ei late Cxar, I. - ,. —Moiixltnor Hetolll'i rraliHUI, UueeeMor.

Home, Nov. ITS,—In vii^ lee oloxt, to the Vatican loilet ta exunexml that U»niij{u iir lAireuielll, Pepsi Nundo to the Neiner- innilx, vrill eventually loi appointed Apoelulic Delvgat* to tbe CnUe<t ISUUa (u eueraed tloiieiguur Hatulli. It li xoicl, liovesver. tliul the iluta ut Menxigllor Netolil'x recall ho* not yet lH«n fliixi. and It ta iinilerxhxid that hta return to Koiue, if ho tloee retu-u, will 1>s runtitiKeut upon bta elevatlou to tbe Cor- din^ete, ___________

Her ('lo lliles Cuilfht iu llavlilaery, Bprciol DlHiHitoh to the Naa s.

HnilHiEluN, Nov. 'Ja.—While worltinn et her niei‘hlue In I he Globe eUlrt factory on liuuth Itaurel xtreet yuti'rtiay efterunun Hat tie Ijuiitwrt, aged elghteeu yueri, wee ceuglit In the abefllag and had her clothing torn from her. Hlie would have been killed Itul for the timely ouliteuee o f the engineer. Bbe woe loaned eonie clothing by the yoimg women In the factory and woe tahen to her

Mniadet. home In a hook.

Klklae'e Kleetlon .\Miireil. W BUUTt'l, W. Ve.. Nov. ‘JJ—A cenvau

to-day of th, Itcpuhllcani electml to the LwritlaUire proctloally remove, all doubt of tbaelwtion ot Kill me to the beuatt. It it now boUere.1 that the other eaodi.letee will withdraw, end that there will be no roitext la the oaucu,._____

Ita A’B'Sht Ota. eeviole n. exi-rr-tiveweeo,. riir rtii diftali utvt > o i.triiM.'t e4rOO, O.IV.'J'WIJX ^

T l i a t K ItIG W AR VSS.sKLS.

Arm or end llx iie rle ioa the Indlaee, taiix- esehii.eUe end Oregue.

From'Caeeier’x Megulne.When the Kngllth Govornment, a few

yea n ago, began the conetrucUou o f eight onormoue bettlo-ihlpi o f 14,000 ton, dle- plaoement, the United Mtetev, following ■alt, anthorlxtid the oonetruellon o f three baUte-ehipe wbtcli were to ourry the heevl- cet armor und tnuet powerlhl ordnutice. Theoe veeeoli, the Indiana and ohueetla, DOW bolng bnllt hy tho M ,«wa. Oramp, end the Oregon, by U i, Union Iron Worke, ere nearing completion. They are o f i0,800 tone diapiocomont, end nre deiigncd to Hncoeiifully meet In but­tle tbe beet ,hi'p« o f other natluni.

The hull le protoclod by a belt o f heavy nervoyleod niuhvl-eleel ormo^ eeven nnd une-huir feet deep, turned to forward and a lt aiound the boeea o f tbe armorod r»- doablft The belt ta three feet above and four and bne-Uelf feet below tbe water line. Forward aod abaft thU bolt aro tbrnr-lnoh nlokel-gtcol deck', eloping at tUe eldee to four and iine-helf feet below the water. Thera ta alM nn arinured deck over tbe belt. Coel tnuikere are worked over tho belt deck, end bolte uf oelluloxe eix feel thick uru worked on the alopes o f the armor dock forward and ell. Above the belt ermur, and extending from redoubt to redoubt, tho eido ta nroteoled by Bve Iticbe, o f nrnior. The vewel ta cut up for- ward to udil to the manusuvriiig power end en ible her to roaiUly dleengage her- te ll from an enemy after ramming.

Hieing from the armored eitodel, tntdo by the eighteen-Inoh belt, ere armored redoubts asvedleen Inehee thick, extend, itig through the mein, deck three end one-helf reot, giving en armored free­board o f fifteen feet two tnehex. Thew redoubts proteot thedtinilng and loading guer o f lbe heavy fifteen-inch lurrete. The armament consfeta nf four thlrleen-lnob guna, eight eigbt-inoh gnne, tour tli-lnoh guru, Mk one-pounder guna, two Gatlings and six torpedo tobea (This repreeenU a weight onsament euperior to that o f any o f Gib Utoet battleeblpi laid down by other Dowera

FROM THCOVARIIR.The phyitologloil eftatle pfodneed by a ,lir

gle dote of Cerebrloe ore acceteijtloo of the pulee with feeling o f f t ’taeee end dietealloa In Ih, heed, eihltarmtloa o f eplrlts. IncrMted urlmtiy excretion, tegineat..4t.o o f U e m - palxlve force o f the hledder end i ;rliUltle triloa of the InteeUnee, Incretee ta mueceler eiteoflh lod enderenee, tneneeed »w e r of vtaloB In .Irterlgpeople. Oh'l taweiietT eppetlte eed dlgeetlve iBwee-

OcM, Fhe Drape. M e i ( f dnehws), IL IO .T H E C O LU M B IA C H E M IC A L (XI,

W u b lB E to iit D . C .

■end for Book. «C. R. BMITM A OO., AO Eirnt.

- I HuuMH i ua ru i o l i . i k -_ IpravimaiU.OKUEle A rfUiiENT COMPANY, 711 Bruafi iL I

AKEE BT.x 101 -TliKK-: NIOR LIGUTEB rooma aiifi attic, with watar i raal ffi. fiTu

I IiARUK UrjBT ROOMA,I IBERTY BT.efil- J lil floor, fto, waiar.

T INOOLN AVE., IH -P IVK LABOR, LIOHT Jtuoffi#, aaoDufi floor ; balk, etc.; adalta pra*

_____ AT., 471 -ONE A U W E UN-faralabafi room ; uloa iiaiiihburhood. 1MLLBEtUiY AT., 479 -UNV fttralabafl room ; bid

OR^NttK «T. -f l a t bai^baib \ m atin


C' J. B RQWIf, 717 Broad IL

llO W L A N li Alta n-TO L IT , A NUUJiapaifsiaot uf 9room* uu 3d floor, lagolraat »LI

n in t h bt ., r *nuBu, wtib ttoproTiMtauu.




-^ s r . ,lUplaraaoi to eer oflicta, xuae, plecee ef eusi- neeeetiwldeiwralo xsW lUtr, Ibr [he pofpota of uoetlni ot dielriinting poeteri. drcaiera head Mta, eeniiitti printed et eeemved noUiwe or otlwt ■dverttaement, of ear kind, or otsMleia. mint et dutribute It .eld city eny potters, elreulm hee.1 hills pampblets eeniplee or other p r in ^ or ee- gnetd eimtiletinebla or eltex of eer kind whet-

*°»eoUae I, Kelhlog btRlo ehOU ta eoeelrued toeulhorlee ear poreon loecxllet of throw upon the e ln ^ tldewelki, ellert M pnolk: pleowi le eeld oltT. poeMrs head hlUa, ed'erUeeeiniia of pepers oiwtasitoMIhttlreetacMowelka elltre erpuh-UcpIaMeofeelrloUr, Of oreeteeny nulteoce thero-In.orprereoithe poedog ef ooOset miilte-l hy lew »0 ta peeled by pereoee duly euthortaed to peel

Y e .s , a n d t r y i n g t o im p r o v e

a l l th e t im e . T h a t ’ s w h a t

m a k e s o u r S u i t s a n d O v e r ­

c o a ts f o r M e n f i t w i t h s o f in e

a s t y l e a n d g i v e t h e w e a r e r

a l l th e * * c h l c ” o f a w e l l

d r e s s e d m a n .

T h a t ’ s w h a t p u ts g o o d l in ­

i n g in to th e m , c a r e fu l w o r k ­

m a n s h ip a n d w e a r in g q u a l i ­

t ie s . $ i o , $ i a , $ i 5 ; y o u c a n ’ t

t e l l h o w m u c h s u c h s m a ll

s u m s w i l l b u y t i l l y o u s e e o u r

S u it s a n d O v e r c o a t s f o r M en .

Marsliall & Ball,807 t o 813 B R O I D 3 T .

K. ]L-On» ataima wUl ba upon a«arp alffht fl«xt vruaks On TbankiflTlni till noon onlr

■aliabto for ligbi bmiMbaaptnE.o f4?

ROOMflan# paatr/ lo luL In tvaw bourn i moomi flour i

all ImarovecDtatA Inoiiira «Tl JAOOn rioLLE, Jm4Bblpm*naL

fltHIRTEENTH A V K ,e »-«R V E N

Of aur bind to vr aorauf too jp«di^rUAA ur m iw d uf ptnou makUip tba prop may wUI. iravalfar4on in^ik»nia,4l04wallni alla/aurpub- uHm lu tetof ao bwnrflad.

- - --------- ' buaJ. hh or Ibrtr auratlH tor ih i , (UlbftiibfifcrtoShce of aald work ; nnt ibal irihaparaoii or uerwjiautnuor raftua to axaouta toeb couiraoL ma/wm p#/ to tbu clt/ or Kawnrb no/ iHflbfunca teiwatn Ui»KtnMla whtob bu or ibu/wutild ba?u baaa unUU^ Bpon oompiaUon of (ha ouDtracL nafl Ibntwblcbtoa dl/ot Newark me/ haobUaadXu pay (ba penoii ur paraoun b/ whom wiob contrnra nbntl teantcutod.

Tte baarfl of mrautand WaUrCoDamlMfonanuf lb* oil/ of Newark raaenra to ihasmalTua lha i4fbi(oaoM]ftor ralrctnn/ uraU-propouli torlha abuva work,M iha/ ma/ duam baai tor Lbu Intoraat uftbauU/e

Blddera and aureUaa ara bareb/ noilflafl^U^ Dsdtr LhaproTiMona.of iba Nvehih ancUoaoi (A* towuraatiuf (ba Board of litraaiaad Wator Uo» ntaAloiwra, appra/td Mairb M, IHL ite l (ba tend or buoda to te vl van tor tte biibihi aiacoiiou and pvrtorniauaaof raid pubito worA, (ball flraL te *(>- protad aa to ao fllcianc/ b/ i te board, and ai to foriD, by (teooanaal orlba board, and ao ooniiaol 9bail ba bladlni on lha oJ(/. or baooma ai' laedva or uparaUva until aitob^ba^ \» ra anprortd: and (ba PraaldaDl o( (b# Roajto

brae powarto aaamlM tte ppapoaad bteda- ia«u under uaib, If h« aball ao duaira, or teMi te M loatcttoUd b/ ite board, bol (Ba board will P09 bf bouad b/ a#/ Matonml (bat i w ba r a w b/ kuch ppoMcard teadamatL, bui iteii teva toll power Md aMbto dUcrutkia la tba whole nrau^aod ibia pra?l«toa abaii te rafrrtud to la te/ MvaTtira- BtDt lavlttoi bida for I v ■

H/dirtoiioD<^tbu Board m Mtraat abd Watar Oeairilraleeera oftta919___________(toawal Aupartotaadtel a/Wgrte.


^aoltol9. Noiaiti baraiauoalalnad ahail ba ao aoaairuad M ta provaaL an/ paraon r^diB f ar trfiTfM*hr boaHuaa In iba laMl c1(t a f Rawark rwradwHbttitoS draalarB or haadbtllt, a dTardaiaa ItebuilitawlDWbiou Mob panoa I# dlraou/ an- ntad. or frau d Itela/tof ‘ ute or poatovi upon Ua binldlbi* or pranltta oooupiad by an/ aarb puraoD. or aa aa* a pruvant Iba proprlaiaf af aa/ l(oaaraii iteaita la taid d(/ ar NawarE fruoi diapla/lof bUM Of FfifrarA tevartUac aa/ pla/ or (Htoar MlortJamuBt Inanil board lor,Ua avoaatirm

riTO LKT-X Flat# with all modaxa huproaaraMlA HL JlL4Wto“ ' ------ -------------41k BarffUb RL. Apply to

T. A. EAHT.N iit, 40Alxkaaaibava

TO LE T -V E R Y [»KAIHABLE BBOOND lluol, FfurlaaoLb Ward.

u aa LE VORB, «U Broad aL


llT A L N tT AT.. BI-HKAT POAAlO-TT aloa koiraadlaial/. liGtilra


W ALNUT»T„ W -TO LKT.aLKUlT BOO MR, linpravainaala;- rani III. DOUaSTV A

HOUiA». 910 Broad at., room A Itn

WALNU r A .e 191-ru I.Br.9LiaitTR0OlULlaaprorainaota: laat j i L frOUdilTT B. . ____ . laat |1L

QOULb. 119 Broad IL, roont 9.

W IORLIFFEHT.. lta-10 bOOMA,MHtord a?ae tod. 7 rooma.

(iraao ak, M, upper par^ l ruoura- IP? ___________ WM. T. TW Broad i t

1 Q TK AVEpft. NRAK HIOM J L O teo r ift lOKOAL A NUGENT COMPAN V, TWatoidra I

nI cB boom# to LKT. INL4U1KB Mb m p l a b e bT.


WITH 4 ROOM l AND baita. Id rwppo^ta oal^borlini^, b/ ^ aduUa,

y n l a t W a n t e d ,r baU, Id raaprotabta aalfbborh_____ _ -AdataM.ataUDfl prica, a ., tez O, NawaoBaa

GKNTLKMAN _(utdliM parlor, te

ulla, in nlc4ara buuau.

AND w if e niGAlHI UN' tedroom and pnrato bath, an

_____ u. wUn flrK'Uiara (able, to nkfined private tomU/ : looatlou In aurUara part af oit/eOld KMfito Ward ; boardtif'hoDaaa pMUMda aotanzwfr: brai ol rvfriartoae aipaoiad and fr^ aiataad t aBi pa/ (ur Uiu abovA Addraai « v ______ F u. M, i«ok Kaw -lilia.

rVM N IV IIK D KOOMB TO LEX*___H E i^ a N Hal'UB, Rl'BKOADiT -BOOM* flirnlehixl Ibr liehi houetkeeplng tea fentta

ueu I Improvenehta I4T

............... ruHNiaucD * o t> i«hocxekeeiilog: leaUeme* i weeet.A canRur rr„ «


Ha n k fit,, m - laiu iic f r o r t a r |] bxok- oom, blotl/ toriHahad t oat mlanto’u walk (o Bnrad and Maivai lUs lalartaoa.

awprdlhaaira. ot an/ bill

bj tdab propHa- paifloA tel a n A f^ b i ■ frara Mlawidff

n ra?af, Mcii palotar< ......................

^eleeee ef ehverUe^ ftaai MleiJlRi hta rtaur, euinver, rion eelnier c*

tthernlra. eng nsIhliK ierttn ehell epplvtoar eUtaUtatlieiw of tey newepejet, oeJIiMioel, h «e or other DQhiloeUoo. ee i the taroiijetlae eitathta tHitof hr loell Of nfuler cerriei or by »w>- eendee. or Ih ooufie oMrehe, oe le tta pfOo'.aUufi ofiHlete* or eetteved melter hr eny prtetlet tt- leMihueal, or UH hixptay ol edvertlraioeale hy toy tireel ohr o uieilue Compeay Ih the eere of each eompeny.

Htetioe r a e y » • " • « Itoteeta hratoeOer w •rwil hUltaheUeextl diepley •ta«» l« »ey of ihe tinehs node or htahweyt ei eny other ele «e le ibla raL/e provlduoi bowmr, (bat ao panon ao IMoeed .hell enot toy Mtltaenle of goet toy hllleor dM ey ear xta*' on oe lo ftool efeoy onmlee. le eel4 uty wUhiwt Ibe oqqraol of Ihe uwtwr of oconinhl or eel I prayefty Riel hod end Ohielned, eed wlihoe, the written ooneeiH of the Ktraet Ouai’ iilraieeee er ether oActr hevingllke power, dofthf hit etaeeora eed eohlw ntniere- muvxl ei the dltwibn of the body ur IxieM htvlei eftoiralof Ihe itraeit ef eeM oltyi but nothing herele .hell W eoaiRved in tethurlee eey obeinis- U<m of Ihe etreeia eldtwellis eltaye or puhlto •Ijm , withle Ihli city.

xenriou a no ptieoe xhell poet, pelel oe dUtrlh- ete eny pMlet, exnl, iigs peoipitlet, ctn-ulor, ed- rerUeeoient or eeiloe te ,ey public plsoo la thie diy deecrthlat. noontnencrnt or odventalne Mr tele »r It oey wey ntarrlug to toy eiedMoe or natdy Ihi the ptevenlloB « cote of eny vtaereol dleeiea or eey lewd, velger, Homedral, lioeionl or ledennl pwled, prlaitd, eegrevee. wrilwn el ■lotoiiel tdvertluiig Better of eny kind whoieo- ■eeei eed eey peraie ni drtag ehell Rw- fhji end gey * PtejlM *’0’'Md ^ v ^ enxooe i tod It then ta Ibe duty ef toy Iletniee, under thta onlloeaae, bta teeeu end ,trTeoU opoo notioe fro ox the hireel rouimltilniier oe omoer hevinf like peweie, to femove end deeiray xli ■dverilxtag Better potted or dwpuyM hy him xad heiehy prohlWiwl frem tatilreeli end puhlleplKeeoftbtBtr.wlihle III noon from tta lleie hf raivloe of tooh notioe, ^ upon talloie to to renien end deelivy tech ed- veritaln* raxitet within eeW lime, the reieen to Ihlllni itiell he tsbjecl toeRM of HlXy dollera end the OoBmsD Uoandl mxy eleo revoke the eeld ItoenH either ftw petung leoh prohibited matter ot taileie to ttBUve Ibe eeexe whea hoUiled to to Aa

neeilona It ehell ta the duty of the I^ o e e lo- loeelor ind of polloe oBlcitie le eM In the iniorot- Staatef thta oiSioanos eed ,eeyeeieon. trtatherprtnolpel, egent or tereeni, f nlliy ef violelleg toy of Ihe pnjvWoni hereof ehxTl fcrBIt eedjn.y ■ pea- eity e f any dollert Ibt eeek end ereey o A ocs

> erth» 10. the word '’ ppccoB" wher-irer iiee- coTi lu thta ordleenoe ehell loilude peitens Rcmtaud ouf puraAooa

aarttoaU-All urdtoauro# an# parta of ordl- Mnaweoaflkittaf wi(b IhA orulaMca ara barab/ rapaaltfi. ate (buurdliuuwa abaU (aka afiteilB ' medletalf.

W e ra d R o ta B ta M ^ iy .^ ^ ^

Ptaaldaai af ctaoiaa UnaolL WM. x.crauNNHR,

CItjOtfvkeAnorofad Nbrurabar tl« 19M>


_ I jparaafl te OouLsoa . ■ - Apbarjly <ar

^ '--V I** S S r 2 *** "-BKOKBR ar„ r-FbRNM HRD ROOH* TO - ^ W K ■xltofbtltahtiuraMhea4u, . « U v 'n v

/-,a i id * n b t r r c t v.'frr

Kotlee ta herahy rlree Ihet ee eiiwmeet o mell the owoeti o f ell the t a ^ end reel tatale ptooltarly hoMilted by the ooeetnuHloa of the

CeKPRR *T!tJBlT.Itam Weme elieei ta B m G te t^ j i « » r t ln * l* ^ prevlxleo. oreo ordlnew ef tat tjly of htiww^ taiuieu “ an ordlnonoet* piovldo for the o-jutnu-

" ' ! T * « o r r m t iE f ,ITOB Werrae lifft* «o Beek eitwt," eppravkl

^iuEflWtarapefel hy the underalveed Oommle-Aoaura, appaloK bf Lte Ma/or iha dtp ofNaw- Afk. aadthteaffpurtx b/a oarAfloala In wrltia<wlih anaQaBmpaa/lof map rahadulA ibowlDgtba aarur araraaotoalu Bfiiavi ibaaavaral owiwra pacullar!/ banafltad aa aftiraral«l. ha# hran flapaaltofl to^a uaca al Uia CU/ t1urk of m* alt/ of Newark ftri/amlrtadoa by laa iiarllra lutorwrtad thtraiiw

ijBliamentoompitapialUoi#, Lraofratenarr ealaof laaa ate real uvtoto liable to ba wraaiafl aa aftirirali 1/luf bath ilAaa of

CAMDEN wTKBKT, fttoiu Waroati ilraat to BMk atruai.

A rtpraaaQUanuQUre plot oflanfl» wbalka ar tana vf ■aaik.

#11 pa^u* ratarraUKl to wid arawement uaf ba kiaart batorarald €omail#ilon?ra aa FBtDAYf t u b T iilin lE I 'H UAT OE

JlnYRMBEAt t«M,al I Fe H., at (ha CurcmlaalouaiE room, 5 a 4 (Iblrl fluaAcil/ Mail.

ZMUil Novunbar IT, 1994.F. Lx riCINP,JOHN DWYKTl,

V r. W. a u l l iv a n ,90t (Vmmlraloaarii.“vT(TTRTx-i4nTicE 18 icKiiEhy niYr.H iHj iN ah piHlaa iBtorvitad ibat tte uantfluaia of te aranufoL of tbu wbola amouul of iln oraM ate atx p«oaraofaoDatni?tla9 auwarila

ttouiu e l e v e n t h ATREVr ANn

aoUTU tW E L IT II aTREET, aavulteaflallTaraq la n » aodurdina kb law. BalA awu49m*Dka coinprtaa all tba iota traoti and Mreali af laafl and raal Htata I/Id# un tba wait vlfla af

NUUTH MLaVJCN’T fi wTkKrV'efrumaprlnfiiti4a?»M (oapoIfiiJlfilaaiVKiatuu aoulbofibaearau;

ua lha raal aide oftojiiTtl KLlVENTn HTRBBT,

frott npriiitfirid a?aaM lu a polai am toaUO liKbia ■uuth ulLbiaaina.

Oa lha wait alda afM)irrH TWELFTH aTBEETp

from nprinfflaldavaaiataapolat llfifliatllaahM Hulhonbarama.

Ohtba iMt ilflaofraU/THtWELFTIINTREETp i

from apriixfBall) aTuntit (o a polat 4M fa«t • aauLh o(Thf aaraa.

'ihaowaani af lano ateroalpatoia .. ralfloartifloakatuf araeasmael m heraby to pay tha amouk ao araarate apoa i tem

Page 3: tietitng I - DigiFind-It





9 lb ««UI,



Wm 4r«i |4*ntnoc

in or» ih«>r ih* t«rub

1 tbat

Cooi-I r>o4 *i Itml JO *<>- M to nimol j i if '

M9o*f4houdi-ill twII PCM Mli br powor rr, Pad

W itit

>T,tfk&i i i ?

l o mMtoUjT Uti



tmittlp> ( S w rrltiof cowingMTCWMpool tod lowork•workbtnlik nd 1nd Mr- ■Od 00

mm m m m m mm i P H I B I P P i l

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S , i H l U S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 2 2 , 1 8 9 4 . 8

Aftciorlkod Aooofo for wdrortMog ot oHm roioo. iioa io l ikooo pipotiooo

9pem ovooNiiCira w v m iK -

Efonlog Mowo lirmork triBo*. f3 WorM llPlIdlof, K. r, II. UoilOMOiit OFiolol roprearuiAtloc^

ffVorvflR-I ooHlov Wo wo BniHote #!■••• iU|w. T. U iflv , tfiMOMor. l*(wdolor Swildlwc.

M rwwM ldi UgoirvrolHv^HOlll 10 l». M.

OUANtil; VA IX ICY-AM M Iooooo, mpp. Illgbtitkd Aoo. 8l** tioi,

OKW AttK -F. IV. ioiuHor, T91 Brood 91. Ilolthnorr** OroffVtoro* torpor ol Brood

ood Morkot'^to.GoodioJ llrwiiioro, 4ttr n ro o d ik t. PI oobUr. 010 Browd Mt.I . R. llooeoB, IM a iM « l ,B otitr ToofhoioP, 105 BooorHlo Aoo W .li. n io ti.M d WMhllM:^OP«l tl jrop W. Moroo. Vluod llorrUop. Rowidowlor, MPOOrlUo Aro>

blollwp.f J P T O llto c iC ~

W, II. Allro. 940 Molo **»illoreW MiPtlop. *

W. II. riOMler. Bool Oroooo Molloo.tO rYH 0BAIV41B-

BoboH Loobk o. Mowtli •rwop# Aro.■ A B m o o iv -

F.J. lioodMPP. M l Msrrloop Aro.■I.OOHnELB-

Hlgglpo. oowodowlor, opR* BofOAt t 'H lI lT ..


II. .n Klpo i t Co., no wodoaUrs. dBLIKilTCt.O^

I.W . RIoor.UATMEHMinn^

f:korloo Prodlor, RowidtoUr.

I.011TU A. W oiiO i, bpwo Doolor,tod IV II, K.HimtJoo.

IIO K K l'^TnW Y-W, i »*4. Vwo^to^or.

D., I.


Tbo OtUnt Policonioa'o A n n lr tn o r j—A Thlof Smiuhot • Nhow WiodoW '-A

Bokeh o f Sotlol New*.

^*Poto" iHoli, the oldest pohcomOD both in point of lerrioo uul ymr* of iho Orposo polico fcHXM, oetobrotod bis lixtj-tocnnd birthday joolordny, ami in honor of the ernat givo a mast pig dinatr to twenty of bii frlomli. Olfictr Dech wm the 8r»t police ofllttr In OnDgu, haria« been appointed la 1b6P. Ho li oror lix feet tall.

Early this moramt? a thief brolce a targe pane of gla«4 in Jacob tiiofn'i show winnow, on Centre otroet, Orange, and stole aJa pairs of ohow and four pain of penta all ?dued at |Si. Ktein reported bis loss to the police.

Billside Council No. 1H79, Royal Ar- oanum, of Orasgu, will g irea iniMical aid reoept&oa in Masonic TemplA Orange, to-



The real estate traMfera recorded tu ths Regleler'e offlcw W'edbeedey pad reported by the ridelity Title and DepoeU r. ompaay were:

aiWAaa.Eben^aer Wood axul al to damuel J.

Kuis,eaPenoaarSOn fr Wrightfflijw !.................................................. 11,100

Meillilas M. Rudd and al tu Juecph llaunawair, uadiT U of trart eontgL*iwa........ ..................................... . "

Herman i.>ehlbai‘b iSUerlff) ii» the N. V.Life Jn». Co., esOrange si SSw Jrflbef*field ................................

Win. I4u& Alien el aa lu i 'n a t. B. Allen ear, w e 14th Mt and ■ s Moreland st,7«*140........................................... .

Mary Held to John Hobernou. e s Me-W'unrier et O' n s fr Elm el. .......

Juba 1). Guerin and al e in to Harry' I'otuptun, e • Cbapel St fiM • fr Uslerav, laiUn......................................... .

RlUabetli M. Helmet to Jacob J. Hulnies. w s Holinen at Uh n fr bpring*Held ar. 7.bflUU........ ..................... .

rowfciimPe.Barab M. Daeis to Edw. C. Dodd a ^ al«

exra., Illoonifleld. n e • Bioomfteld ae w cur Uien K ldgetjAM O o. ttilM ....

W«tt-!n V. JoDSi and si to Jennie L, ^«n•om. Clinton, s e e LoU pi &00 s w frHawthorne av. 5fiilU). .............vv ' C

Suburban Home AMooiation o f Mont* n .slrio Cbarlrs 8. Aleott. Montclair, KeJlevue av 4X fr Hark et, AUxS3E.. • • <•

CharleiS. Alcott ei us to HJcbert J. Hushes. Montclair, Bellevue av 4BI fr1*1^ Ht. iMSt)........ . ................ .. * >/ •

Ricbard J. Hughes to Charles ^ Oloott.Mo ti-lair. L«>rralneev4iVlefrFarksl,iaas£iu........................................... .

Nicholae Weber et ax to Adam Magin et Bx. Cllntoti, n 1 Rich it n w frOrange av. ttxlSl............................. •

The NVeet End Land Itupntveroeni Co. tu btaidslaui Bierleya, Vallshurfb, n 1 Monmoutb pi MO w fr Arllovton av,

EUxabeth M. Price s ix to 8arah W.

NOTICK—Transient adverlUlnip ta NKWg must Invsrlahly tM |»aul far la


No acMunU w ill be opened for eueh.No advertlsewient w ill ho roeeivvd evor

the tolephoao oaeopt these seat by amthur* Isod agenu.

Opp HTUVITY IN MANCKACn W-L Inc hu*;iM»w fbr s voubc msn, % resrs. havirue

*t|wr1eiHe as iiencwrAplii rsnd typewriter; niiJfMty not cii ntuch renulred si wlblncnesi lu ilu licit leiiemi werti sbuul 4^L« snd wsrernom. Ad* ctriNV, wlib rsiareiuee su<| waviHiiipicted,Hv HuYAi. UAK, Kox 1', NewtnrBee.

A»*KK i^ m WRfiKT.Y. tvonne-----. . .


.. ....... V IAKLY.exfwrlesie nnnineiserj ; blgfiMil btcisaita ea

eerth : Miei'es-t 4»verwhelui1off : eur uien ptiuc wild: new so«hJ4. new alsn; rredit glvin; It lemple ferlfwau p«wuse; «uiok furtuuv lr wnrsira 1 PbATT Prtu<‘kaK O}., A. 9.. I sttideii, N. J.

\OHN1M Wa NIKU T-« ilA N ld r Mrt’UtY burner*: only ihee* who om command sotns

PSitllal and wbu are hufttlerxu*^ apnljr.Itr iig M tY U. l>a Y Ht Manet It.

WOK.iTu - h A M y: pH vpK PUR uoon

ageeta ; small deiMsU required.Cl.i > I o5 At*., ronm 44.

i br canvaseers ; muiL bn shie to iiwali tiermen ] riottauig 00 I.. ai AHNjiKRi, A <x>., QftllarketK

L3D0 \fiRVTa^criHfHrH * terrliory and


, a iu fo iiiN n .h n n u iK ..... ♦) jer eeiiL I'Fufli by iddreMlng

PHUUPKi ITY, box II. .New* iimca. >«v

K «P U IY M I:n t W A N T K Il-n C H A L K i.

A im n 'II ■

KH VtM ?«rpPUKI) AT HHOlcr (Hiilne «•, yro-.-ure work wiiboai ohi*re M

Clrteaikl crnetall, hate appU iStlotit d»r p(a«*i Kl.l I K KMIS.nYHKN rorPJi'lL riU llraal lUtx

KKKl’ ilKfK>«ltloii at bouk-aeeol

Wli.l.t.Nil, ftl t>rs

VOt'Xt* I.AnV |)¥K|HE'< >>«ltloii et bouk seefil^ at wrtilng | re4»iencet.


gVWVK Kl-HKf.tTABf.* liKKMAN ' wlihe* tliiisUon as reuk or st g ri -rsl work. Pall SI ;;tS M , 1ILAN I

uiKb hou*e~

i*rsnis 4lvlook

. dfsi<WUM t.v WANTS M n '4T m n AH du nu\ and ]auudrtsn> STl n.AS’ lC -'iT. L

OllVwhMAKK.n. IN A l.r T.ATXir hTYJ.KH,deil—- - ■ * •••ilre«<'bc«ier tienli. tusklux reiuudetlliic

1 pet dsy. AtiJre iI A^MK»*. itus Newi(*fn<.v.

liltKKIMXhKU WOUUt.iilke ennctmeiti1 .iilke engSKShiehU bjr ibe day

: Ml>!lRlw AVJC.

n m wKW 'Kk 11IUHV i> altustlou ceitrral hriueewoik

aaitier sOil iruiier. I

unu. wiAMHa H hm) plslDCOeX,

lay*v'l MiHill NT.

I JO V ikS V iM K Y - il NU IM IU. SVANl’HI uslkm to do hituiew urk.


iw> KkHHv nr.

n tiT'hF.WifHKdogrni'ral biiimewei'lL.

w a n t u m . a Ni i P i riuNTola N I n S K N r. IRI

YdPNu tlTlit. \\iisuon *» ijurie girl or upeUira work.

addi ■ iwO FKiiKV or.

VI,1»Call or


HKHPhrlAiU.K w o m a n • ......................


■alesmaiLMo 1. BlXKNRKKd A CT, Ka MA Market fek

A Ma nand drive




]*arker. CUuton. undlv k po coulg 7Ma ■ e I Eiwex and M ipk rd;tract oontf_Al4a.......................... .

MaUhiaa J. Prlcte ei Bx to BUaabeib M.

Ra r h x r w a n t k d , aJUUlkX 1--- *“ ‘



;pk rd;

P rW , und It M part same.............. ,Kliaabeth M. 1 00. exi., to Bamnel F.

Fuwler and aU undiv U part aaiiM..... Ehaabetb M. Price, exx., io MaUhlaa J.

ih'lQe, uQdlv liliwnaame.............. .Ellen Dauf Uirty to Buphla Ikwk, Eaei

Orauge, n w cor Park it and Dougherty11 , MlxIlU........ ...................................

Peter Hook et lU to Ellen Uo^herty, Keel Otiinfe. e a Llnwood pi m n fr Bpriotfdale av, WxITO................. .........

1 )OY w a .v t k d a t o n c k I r i Apply 4<B p u t t o n a v r .

H uadorstaxicta turnlru and irlU work. Addreea HHAH-4 PlNIHUriH, Lux B, New«o4f1ea



rbaneb butcherone ih*t amlenMaad* hii buil Tie«* } luiiat give flntela\i reference or no actk>e loken. •ddnMsasv lienxiPF lPF Rox T4B. PlalnAfId. N. J.

a,wo Hu t c h ER w a n t r i ) w it h a ii u t hw toHart In ■

Dltht.the.Ttw lin t loctaro In Ui* iitw eouna undn-

MapItwMKi QIm b IdS*.A lurprlH p v lr w m t«nd*nd to K n .

Clurtno* llopkiu, nt her tMMea». In T u h w rcMd, TuHilnr nichi. The eSnlr w m v ru c e d br U iH Emmn Hopktn* end MIm Atktiuos, u id nbont iTort, ounpleiwere pruent. The ■rening w u plHMUtly peMed with Tochl n&d liMlrumei.t«I miulc nnd dnnolng.

The Epworth J.Mgn« « t the Unptawood Melhotllet Eptecopnl Churebbeld* biulMU nH llB g iMt night. A vote o f ihuka w u Undereil the choir of tl.o Firot t'brlollnn Chnrch of IrTlagion for Iho pleuing ontor- tnlnmeot giron by It ttndor the ntuplcee of Iho lenguo n fow wooko nga. A flor rooilno boil- nooo bed been tnunrled tho raemhen wore outertmtned bynpUnoonlo utd rtoluUoD by MIm Rtbol liopkloa.

Mra. H. C. Thoupoon. of Bnkor atroet, bna retumed from n vlall to New Haran. Conn.*

I nocomponlad by bar alator, H ln Chulotto

aul wafua.buWiiaai: I bava nxlam ana haraa Addraa.

HUTt n (R. Do, B, bawa odlaa.MABPKNTEB w a s m > ut ■ l.TO ih x k k a l

work aboiii hetory. Addraw. atHitu wagaa ai> ■■ ■ -..... ..............................odlcjactad, CAHPKN FCH, TIOI W, Nawa

|.:WKI.I,RH—FnmT<ll.AKi hAI-PKIl

tha nuapiret of the Y. M. C. A. of Orugo ~ ■ r In AMot-ld.wlU be jjiren by Roburt Colyar

ticn Hall. O ru ^ , to-night. Tbe lubjoct will tiO " Clenr Orlt.'’

Uroond wai broken yaaterday afternoon lor the propcoed new addition to tba Chnrcb of Onr Laaiy of tbe ValUy at Orange Valley. Ko plana or apacldciationa ban yet oaen pm- pared for tba now bnlhllng. Hav. Father Callan, tha paitor, had nut contemplated tha boglnning uf tbo collar until aarly In the ipring, but owing to the hard timaa and with a Ttaw to HTing a coettderable turn on tha aicantii>B, It waa decided to biTO Ule cellar dug uow, to be ready for the founda­tion to bebullt In the

H »d er.The delay In the bnUdlng of the new ebnrch

of Ht. Ueorgo'a Epiaoopal Mlatlon. heeanao of tha failuta of tbo trnateea tn borrow mooey. owing tn prov ialnoa of tha dacd, haa been rcmaidled aa far aa money matlon are oon- cerntd, bnt m the buildlug la to bo o f atone It ta thought adrlaable to diaaontlnno further aonatmctloD ustU aprlng.

J E R S E Y J O T T IN G S .

ha apriag.Hn. Ic Mauaback. of i n William atraet,

Oranga, raturnod Tuaadar front Fine BlnS, ' ' ‘ boon yialtlng herArk., wkera aba had

brotbor.A Tory delightful euchre party wu riran

yeoUrday Afternoon by lira, Uardner C^by, of Harriaon atraet, Kut Orange, in bouor of lllaa Oonrglo Burk Tbo Arat priaa, a hand-

acutglaat]I powder box, w u won by Mra.Mantoo S. Hotealf, aid tbe aacond prina, a

by Mrallrer pooket dictiooary, wu won by Blcbard 11. Colgata.

Tbo Royal Banquet Clnb of Orange bold lit flrat aiuioal ruceptlon in tho Armory on William atr.ot, Oraogo, laat night. Tbo oinb fa compoaed of a number of coknwd men of the Urangae. About one hundred oouplM were preant and dancing wu enjoyed.

The' clerki in tba hardwara atora of Joaaph Eeit Orange, beard a atraage nobe

illway leading to tbe rooma ooer tha atom but night. An inTtatlgatioa wu madeand Pbiilp alcOoaty, a Newai^ lathar, w u found lying tn tba Itairway. When tbe rierka tried to eject Um ho drew a lath baicbft and tbnaUaed U> carre hie way through thorn. Offieer MeCabe w u called and amatod JlcConty. On the way to the police atation tbe priaoner mada an aOort to eacape, but ba w u u fe ly landed In e cell and will u a e a kearihg tbia afternoon.

Rot. Dr. Henry Baker, putor of Bt. PauTa Chnrch, Newark, will preach in tbe Park Aaeuue Uetbodiat Chafiel, E u t Orange, Sunday af umuon.

There w ill 'Mag in tbiChurch, B ut Orange, Sunday next.

Miaa Nellie Howe, younxeat daughter o f Alfred Rowe, of 68 Main atroet, Siut Or­ange, w u uuuTied lu t night a l the ruideaoa of He*. Cbarloa Hall EToreat, putor of tha Grove Stmit Congrmatioual Cburoh, Bait Orange, to Frank A . Fox. After the oere- moay Ur, and lir a Fox left on a wedding trip to Philadelphia.

The Ladiae’ Aid Society of tho Park Ane- ■ue Holhodiat Chapel, E u t Orange, will hold a aoclable to-night at the reeidenoe of Mra. George R Rowa coruer of Arllagton and Park avenuea, Bart Oranga.

Mra Florann Howe Hall will give a par­lor talk on the “ Advaatagn and Dlaad- yantagn of Woman Su ffran ” to-morrow morning at the raldenoa of Mra. Oharlea B. Yardley, Walaut and William atreata E u t Omnga. Mn, Yardley ia a prominent num­ber of Soroala New York, and of tha Womaa’e Club of Oranga

Dr, Talbot R Chambera for nine yeara Townahip Phyaldan and Health OIBcar of Kaat Orange, ia about to nmove to Jeraay City. Dr, Chambera w u for nine yeara a School Tnutae of i£ut Oranga flrat from the Eutern Hoboot Dlatiiut and afterward from Dlatrlct No. IS. and in addition to hia pro- feeiional dutiei he b u had charga of tbe traetmant of eye and ter dlaeeaee at tbe Memorial Hcanltal diipenaary.

Eugaao V. Magee, of Orange etnet, E u t Oranga hu rone to Cnba for a ehort i ^ t .

Ur. and Mra. H eu ^ Kmith bava removad from Morrlatown to E u t Orange.

W. H. Ballentlna o f Main etreet, Eaat Oranga bae been vialting tale alater, H n. Anna Wright, o f Bemardevllle.

UlM Sholwell will eutertaln the Cblt-Ohat Euchre Club at her homa Park avenue and Grove atraet, E u t Oranga to-ntgbt.

The Republican Club m E u t Orange hu tamed Invltatlona for e reception to Con- graumau-eleol Parker to be held al the olub- roomi to-nlghi

The Park Avenue Chautauqua Ctrele w u ■ntertaiaed lu t night by George R Howa of AfUngton evenue aod Park avenue, E u t Oinnge.

The lubjeoti of Her. Dr. George 8. Blihop lu tha Flrat Retormad Churob, R u t Or. anca next Sunday, will ba In the morning. •‘ Bnalneae Prinoipua and tbe Atoneiaeut;’ ' in tbe evening, " John Palntlag to the Lamb et God.” au'vloe to-itobt at 8 o’clook; I’ NabMnlab’t Haonl%ht .luurney.”

Tbe young peopluof the F ln t Reformed Chnrcb of Eaat Oranga will laaue a aouvenlr full of Intei'caUng itema on Tbankaglving. It .will contnii an article from the pea of Rot. Dr. Q eom S. Blabi^ aad quolationa by tba Rev. 1. R Miller, Iter. J. lierg Emwlan, the late Pblljpt Rniokt and otbera w ilf adorn itMiaga*. H m ry Bacon Allen will write on “ ExJbtraot L lvea" and ttaere will be a poem by Jamee M. Martin cutltled “ Experlanoa”

II UWtkI be a Tbaakagivlaf aervlce of le Hnnn A ven n iTMbytarlaa


John Gk Woolef, of Ohld, spoke to ea im- maoao eadleore last nlxkt at Moore's Opera Homo, Bridgetoe, oq **Uood CltixeuMilp," There were at leaat 1,000Chrletlan SadeoTotera prseest.

The trial of Jesee 0. HaDsee, tbe Uobokea peoaloo agept, acotiaed of aooeptiug lUegal fees, haa been poelpoaed nnlll Janoafy, and It le likely he will bare to spend the Interval la jail. Ua la over seventy yean of age,

Jt waa annoanoed la Prlnoeton yeeterday by a Joint conu&lttee of the CJloaophbs and Amer­ican Whig Uurary sooletlea, that a debating ooDteat bad been armnied between Princeton and Harvard ooUegee, to lake place Maroh I la Princeton.

Alfred Timken, SOB of the late Hentyui L. Timken, one of Hoboken'a reform Marore, tried to kill, blmaelf at hla home In Hodson atreet, on Tueedar night by enltlng hla throat. The wound li not fatM. Young Tim­ken la believed to be temporarily tosane from cigarette smoking.

John T. Mollard and Christian Sohwarm pleaded guilty In tbe Federal Court at Tren* ton ycatenlay of operating u ilUolt distillery near PatersoQ. MolUrti was fined $1(D and eentenoed to six montba* ImprUonment aad fichwaita waa fined IMIO and sdnunoed to we monlh'e Impriaonment.

Somebody shipped to Wisbington Westber- by, of TinelanU, a botilsot Liquid labelled ^ Hair Oil,'* and offered him the agency for the preparation. The label wntalned Ulreo- tkina to pour the liquid upon the head and ** note the effect.*' Weatherby followed dlreo- tlona, and now he Is doctoring a badly burned scalp. He has Isamed that the bottle oontaiaed murlalio sold,

Mn. Cbarlee C. WetbeiiU, of Riverton, ehot hereelf tbroogh the heart in her room Just after dinner last night. Mr. WetheriU was In the library with a book when be heard the pistol, fallowed by a heavy fa ll He ran up- atairs and found Mrs. WetherUt lying on tbe floor dead. Tbe open draw of a desk seemed to indloate that she had taken the weapon out. She had been eufferiog from aome nerv­ous trouble. All her friends declare she could not have oontemplated suicide and that tbe shooting must have been aeetdoatal.

Henry H. Palmer, of New Brunswick, who two yeara ago was declared Insane after a sen- aalicmal trlM and placed under tbe care of a guardian, waa ^Mterday ukeu to the Insane asylum at Trenton. His guardian, J. Barard Kirkpatrick, wae forced to this step by hli io- abillty to keep P^mer In restraiut, despite tbe moet watolifql care. After many attempts i^m sr was yesterday induced to enter a clewed oarrlage, and at onoe DeteetivM Oliver and Reed sprang m after him and tbe coachman drove off for Trenton. Palmer la over seventy years old and is worth |17I,00IX

fTpelliher vrskini an taticy geld rjjiffi: w^djrAND

N knit koutl pey. JriekFH >1. FINK AGO., <1 Baldvolaa#, N«w York. ^s

IpnRTman p.”*fVrreiL,

h ■•‘OFl l.lgrOR HOHI.SEBd; SINULB ■ t t l ’UJARHT. I

^Al.TCHMi-N 44ALAHY Oil IXlNMISSIflN TOairoduce our tooiisU) lb* trade; perniiiavalpo-

alOon; itaplallae; rasi«tll*r»; big |ireilU: pleaS” anc wwrk. AdOreM eltli •tanou,Mtt kIN ii MF(» aO., D 4L Chlcsge.

UAr.RAKRN IN RVXKY 0)UNTY: M A•• _ - .. ....^maatli: axpeneea. ofTlre. furnltar*. adverUilagrsmlabed : soud monopoly: ■iperleoo* anasevs- •ary. a . J. V a N Bk I'.nt . Deliwaona. N. J.

UAl.Rj^MaN^two iDODtbs. otttdrpor talMruao Add

ATOIfCi:, MAN FOB imao Addreaa

8a 1>»HUAN, Rnx &. Neivt office.

^ A 1.C8U AN C salaaman

WANTED. AN OUTcUnX A paly to 744 BROAD HT. VtV

^KXTON-W ANTFD. A MAN r^of a ohoPT-h on l.llUeton av* sgv. experlanre. ele

FOR eKXT'iN ava Writv. gl^iiig

to y. B , Doi H, Naws olBoe. 17v

- ......... ..................... WANTS ANYkind or<la>'« wiirk.

r lll.cKi KgK AT., third liner.

liOAUnt.M *.

A .A.-t!l O l U ’r KT. N irtUV KUH

BleheJ itMJin*, with boaid ; UfaL lax, batb. TTv


A. -A. -A .-A --A .-

|.T4,ueo n ) lo a n ON n'iMJANti h o r to a u e , INSUUBTO ADIT; NO hOM'H.

HIUUF I.OWY.I'niUd Maiee Ciedit nyM«in Bnltdlev,

7U) Wiebliisitm as4 Maricst *14,

A .iiKsrovR tiiL i pABTtwi [N Nxrn '^rifoNrv I be obtain iba Mkme a( tbe effliwef m* Newark

T.eaa rxa We »Ui1»e-t rou any «mn 1 1 «. yeu wuh M Uie :n«r*et poeMbie r*le\ in the vM posatbie Uks* and ijr aiy leariii ilrae g i %<i . you. YooteispeyN ew'kia auck iiwtal uaei* a> yuuwiatLWhei foe vial eel #iiy iiiy - 1; ai kififM yeu keep Yoe raa borrew nq twiiu- bnld JurtilUira plMUM, hofiit. >aa. 'a* iar** *' •iihar p#r*oiial property remvU rr>e your own pdbwMloB, ibui ftviuf v n lb* <m '4.' iKiihUaed menweey. ourofl1u«iareiio<ivenle*« y iflwaled, aad parilee caa b* weltel na vil-ic'v robrieeuajy aud i-eeil IsaUallr. Hemamlier tkat ymi ma rev ail OF eey pert ef tlte loan any tt-it*. lod Uiat every tui lef paiiliss>*ni tu# t' ik nl oirr/Inx Ike leeo. NXWaKK MORIMAiJlt LOA.N <-U :i4MarSel*L,««^al Imr

^ A L L a t TBB OtFlCS QP

Ncw jK R a ir loancil.

TSDBBOADITot SD rLO.MC l i l f lU t I 4!fD I.

A -LAHilv W4HM FRUNT BUUM, WITH Jkebdartl. sat Mfivll Hi'. TCv

le A S K Ml.. •.< IvXCKLLKNr llUAHU AND j|||pjen*aiil roemB; (•vriuen cooking. Hv

llOAKlirMi JYaod peikbbfrixHiMi

I'JS OK('H.4Kn sr,; TAB1-S gr*i<iaji; tcrnii motltr-

1 1<»4HDIN<iJ>nFlable board

*M CVlLUMHlA Mr.; ALrui,Obi

irpAo wont mooey la auaall nr larpt a-nrjiia on tkort er loci Umei on heu*eliM<l eelitlaMS, honei, wageiM. <wrnat«> •varebom r» ''elpuer persosal pnoeriy et aav kml, <viiu9ni remevel Sr properly Aum your awn pevoMilan, w« maaave you nkoeey by eur ler 111 i>* i-vnai n-«ir ameeei (Irem |9S te H.OJS at very tb* rt * m mtk eiH pabMiHiy. Tee ea« pay the muaey back la a «f amiueu you wlah aad alany lime, ea I esx'h, peV- mani made ee the orlaNpal wtll rel i n m* ujii >' tbe loan Is pfoporiioe.

llvfereiMUtig OMney el*ewb*re n,\\ *ie i ' aad you wlU had It greatly to you? aJ v»ai* ra

AgW JBIIMEY U>kv ('.)741 nnnvt It

MOVRY to LOAN ON MiH'^KIhO.O Kl M- miura. plaeet, orfeiu aed pereioii prepiiiy

wUhjut removal. paruM boneraMv dmit vilb

BOAUDKH w a n t k d . a UKXTLkMAN TUI ■ '•yboard; all cenven viH'e*.

Cr..>Ti(AL, Box (i. Newiollke.

BcURDEHM -MCRI.Y KI RNlHiJ^U llo>MH, wtlb erwiihoiii bnard ; rvAr iirea excbaiigfd ;

private AMBliy. AildnnH A., Carrier 49. 1

BO ART! rich W aSTKTiFlNU.UB Karo XL, lUoumlteld


Bro ad ht. board


.119-Vl'HMttJlK.h HDOHM.WITII h*mi, ga*. bath, table board; urmi


1 1 ROAD NT.. 107* B ‘AttllANn I'* .........J Jiable aod appolbUoveLi MrlcUy flr»t>clati.

CtAMP ST., 40-FLKASa NT ■ beard; ImpruVcfneaU

RO<iMn. W Ifli lecini nuKierate. Ilv


; Also table iKrerdvrl.HfXJHH WITH


( 'tHK.MTNCT KT.. -«./rtinBlDg walcr; hmuecomrorU

l.ARiJB PHUNT ROOM t ineble. «fv

( tnsHTNrr mt. . « l a r o i: a i/j v k rikjm.Irani, ■ullahiv liir man aed wifr er two gentis-

men ; ether pleaaartl rooma wUU bnanl metili: table board.


CIgAT i*T„ 41 <I M>D BOARD, ably fumM)«d roenn* ; larmetnoderaia


CLINTON MT„ Wotlleat uble board at low retea


( tLlNTON HI., 40 KXCALLRNT HOARD wlibiart* and small reotoa, table board; mod-

elate. uv



Ij^f.LtOT MT., I. W.MiDHlDX PBIVATtt Fa M- Ally can aeoanuuodaie two genilemca boeideri.l

CTiiNIMnTKR nmtkinr-


jlN N lN G S M^rO 00., M Mecbaalo sL

T l^A ITR R , .AT ONXE, FOR HIRlTADRAN'r ; vv aioady portion. 23 CROAK hT. 1

ttr., 94‘e-NICKLY PCRNIHUEt) ni-rlotx Fioaril; table hoard: t min-

u t«' walk IMnnxrli'aale liepot; ImpravameetaSlr


W A M > D 'F D K a r m y , a RLKpO >mRD UN> monied men. betweru the eges of i i and •)

years; good pat. railoas. oluitilng aod medloal el* lendaace : appiloaeu muw be prepared to rbraish ■ailafkcuiry erhlenoe ei to at* ebareuter end habUa Apply 274 U A R K rr Sf,, Newark, N.J.74d

WANTED A FEW PEBSONS IN EACHpiaee to do ivriuiit; send etaoip forll^page

beok of paniculara^. WpUDfiJHY, tilr^rty-eeooodet.. .vew York CXty.

I ^ a n t e d - m a n to s a w a n d HPLITA V wood aad deliver coal and wood ; muet keewbow to run tnglsv. Address, statluf wagea,1 R, C McKAi.VM, AvonSola, N. J.

VT INDEN BT.. S-DK’-JHABLE ROUIfS WITH XJor wltheut b^rd ; Impruveioesta ITb

W ANTED—A OILOHID MAN wifb, ibr the country

_ ---- (5VJE, AND Call 2 WlUlam at, e<w.

fr.mploymciii geeidy. J. KkEaq;i . 1

'y y A N T R D -A YOUNO MAN TD MAKE HIM”Self u a^ l lu csie and resign rant


W ANTED-M EN TO BELL NOVELTY.I Addms R. BBrDEK, Box N, Kewtolflee.


FREE OF CHa ROE FOB OUlLi wlin rehreooe: hlgbeel wiget; lamllle*A FT, ac ewlin rehreooe: Blgbeel wage

ELITE e m p l o y m e n t orFiOK,74a Bread*!, Ala

Am r h ic a n aiDocA Addresi

j.a d y to f il l a v a c a n c y f rsssVACANCY, Box A. New* onoe.

O ^ e r y : 1

uennsit prelkned.AH CLERK Callera broad st.

A m .K -M 0 K lN O U A C H lN B B f*

Bew Ike rim lt Is Outhered by Improved AvUflelul Mflun**

From aa Exohuugs,Many oonkrlYnnoet huvs bssn devised

for faolMUtiog and obsapeDinji: ths work o f picking applsSf bnt nons has corns Into nnivenal uas. An improved apple catcher is now tbe subject o f an applica­tion for a patent. T h e apparahu b made Jd two parti—o f canvas or any other strong, durable fkbrlOf such is lalloloth. Tbe lowefi or main mnvaa, Is forty fsal aorom, In the form ofan iinmsnse saucer^ the centre about the tree coming down tothe ground.

Above this Is tbs bood^ about twelve fen square, and highest in the centre* [Wceii this Is adjuited about the tree, tbe

ranobei are shaken, and the apples find ‘ way down to tbe ground in a pile at

lase o f tbe tree. ItUcfaIfnhd that ogb thus be gathered In one-half the and at one^balf the expense o f baud ng, aud with a mirkedImprovement iDdition. Tbe apple catcher is lly eervloeable when gatheriag fruit loitj trees, It mar be used for etaek

irlng when not required for fraitgatk- g. It is also made In smaller risw for leHog pears, plntoA nnt% etc.

Vrhat the Leekarer Bald*ths LoulivUls Oourisr Johroal. ’*Wha

OCArHh.BELBY'r>B thaZM lML,at hi* lata naliltnus,

Na. U HartltoB svsno*. Harriaos,owaonsiby.Nolle# of iDBtral hwreaflar.

BLAEI* R—Us ibl* {Tbundayi momlog. Ndvsbi- ber S3, ISM, MiBDis Blaalsr, daugfaisr of Aimd u. ssd NvUls BlsiOtf. ogtc 4 ysxrt • mofitki.

Fuusml privali, at tbs pofsatF fMlUsaca 14 Quitoksn ilrstl. ou Fj-hUy, NovwinbsrtS.

oaHrLL--aoNsT*BbsrlS^grMtat,ks)ovsd wlft of Philip OakUL

RslaUvs* Mdi firtvudsan klsdly ttiritsS toat- iMid (he ffjBsral fniahtr lets rsskluoa, Na tt Jafflirson ucssi, ou Friday, th* 34d lost., si s A, M.. toSL y&Btsi*tCkar^ wh«** a Mtssof Hsquism w.)l bs ofTArid lor the rspos* of ksr souL iDtsrmsDlltithe Comttsvy of ths Holy Fspulehrs.

CARBON At Hontelair, N. J., eu Noverabtr W, IIM. Auftt* U„ wUh of immaA J. Conoo, sgod MrsMs.

Bolsilvoaand frisudt sc# lavlud to atUsd bsr luiwratos Fiidsr, .Nors.wbsr as, si t P. M„ from Par lau wslSsoea. |l Mflatagus ptaoi, Montclair, N. J. InisrsMBt at ksssCala Csjbs-tarr*

BBCEER On 1 nstSiy, Kovambar IS, IkN, Jaaok Dackar, Is tba mh ysor af kM oga.

BtUllvat stol maud* ara Isvttad to sttoed tkt ftmaral aarvleBA to bt held n Friday moralsg at 10 o*dsek fiam bU lata ta*idaaca, Na 41 Roctor strati. loiannsni at Falnaoust Gama* tary et coavantaocs of tha lasiUy. PltHt essli flawira

JOTCE-Ofl Tuaadoy, Novambat SO, Tbomei F. Joyoa.

Balatlvaa and frltnds of ths daesoiad, aud aaoh ban or uranok Na ii. e, p, A. of A., tha PalUta Mutual Aid ASioelattaSr sod PoUaa Daport- MfUt. are reapacuutiy Invitad to sUand Uia fouanl fron hi* lala ragldsnast No. lis Ofdas straal, on Friday, Norambaf M, at leo a . M., i« SI. lilshoal'i CbuNb, wkara s High Mail ot Requlaa wUl ba oritiwtMd for tha rapoaa of hla wuL laUzmantlutiia Osewtary of tha Holy Eapulehrs.

kCnZENBEIiaElt—At hsv notkafs rsMdaacs, 4lt High itraat, on Wtdnmdoy. .Novambar 21, KlIaohiAb, batovsd daosbiarof Fmdaiieliaa&d tha Laia cbruhan Kunasbargar, agad SO yewss fflombi 1 doy> *

Notloi of rontnl kartaftM^LUEhi0ii-”-Oa Wadnaadoy avaslaSt Novambar

21, at hla Igta rasUasca. H& 147 Moiuaraat auaat. Ludwig l.aat^,sgadnyaart l i masiks aed S7 doyv

Nonet of funarol bamsltar.

|HE<4»tfAS^n -amoka r and amud girl i a eOTTTH (JIJN TON »T., lOat Orsofa.

'I''|HE<4»tfASBn WANTED, riRST-CLAffS J Jdrtasmaka r sad arraud girl st

'l^N K R A L s e r v a n t . S8t BlROgN .T naor CilBiOD ava.


/'ilRI.H WANTRD-POR THE HACJIIM XTlroalng dapartmanl aad Ifeoan on lodla*' waIttA PAi*''AJC bTBAM LAUNDKY CO., RallavUla, N. J. «l

r i lULH WIKHINO nonDRELl^BLE PLACES, t.Tapply al onca ;blgba*tv HKLhOf KUPLUYHaNTkatit

:ba*t wag** la baac lataille* at ' — AUoNCY, liS Mar-


4tHI. fOR OFFICE; MCWf HPIAK (lEB-fiEosn and EngUih ; waga* to itart |2 par wnk.

tadroo* GliiL, Box D, Nvwioffiua.

Gi iHiB Wa n t e d .nr Hanioon, N, J.


r 4 Or>D FINISHKIW WANTED ON LADIKd‘xXolo^s; ataody work and good wagas.Tit laqom MS MDHKIS AVC.

HOUaEKEBPBR- - WASTED, IN SMALLr " • - - - - -_ (kmiiy, ooa wbo cog taka foil charga and oapa-

bit uf doing bome-fuada onoklng and baking ; wag** *mall. bat a good lioma i aa aldarly prraun ralarrcd; rrfkraocaaaxcbaasML

O oxM ,Addr««i HOUR, , Nawa office.

HDUHKWORK'Wa NTED. OIRL F m O K N ” Oral bouaaworfc : tuuat ha neat otid qIqcX.

1 SOaoL '' H TW BLFIU MT., lUia*vi]l*.



WANTED, UIR.1. oolarwd or white: al«ep

» t elX TU AVX„ Itoavvllia.

FUR borne:


HOUHEWORK-WANTED, OIBL rOKlg.N- aral hanaawo^ j rafrniDea raqulrad. Call from* a «rpi itwunwOT i/cM . rvqu:

2 to A MMriJlU TW KLFl'Hdl.

HODblWORK-WANTED. A (URL TO DO gaoerul bonaawerk; nbranet* rtgoinwi.

lAt N4IETH UHUVfiBT., koalOranga.

TTPDSEW OAK-W a NTED. NEAT GlBLFOR AAgtoanU houaawork In small family.

H iHlKD AVK.naar Bellavllla ara.

HOL’iFW O RK -fH R L WANTED TO DU DEM* aroi housawark In Ihmily ef fbur.

1 Cmll U RNYDKR BT., OtangA

'JJODSRWnnK^ - WANThD, SATURDAVe,Iglrl fUr llflii boaaawerk and land baby.

I ll llT. PKOhPKCl AV*.

J.JOUeFWnRK—QRRMA.N OIRL WANTEDLter gaotrei koaaaworx ia baordlng-bouaa.


TrOtiaKWORK-^>lHL WANTED FOH HEN- I lacal kauaawark ; moat ba goad, plain took.1 IB NELikiN PL.

HOCaElVORX — COMPETENT QBRMANr ■Lgltl woaiad f i » gausral bouiawork,


HOUBEWnHB^WANTRD,A UkePlcrAfiLE girl tor gtsaral housawerk. M FIFTH AVlLi

HOUs BW RK ~W a HTFD, OKRlfAN UJKL ta asilsl to hBUWwork. H? HUNTERDON 8 f.l

HOCSIWOHK-YOtJNUOlRL w a n t k d TO saalstlu bouaawork. MEAhT PARK NT. I

OPERATHRU a n d flAETlEe W^ANTED QNFeoatat girls to Itiro,


QALBBWOlfRN-WAETBO, fiXPKRlKNUEDnialMi— ^wwoDMi st tba


rpTPEW RITER-YOONO WOMAN WASTED k With souia kaowladgf of itanafraphr: ma”

ohlD* DinlshMi; to work avanlngs, 7 to lo: atata_______ . avanlngf,hiwaat prloa par vraak. t Addraw P. W„ Bex 0, Nawa o a ».

BKENNAN-Monlhi Mlad.*^RalaUvassiidrriaada o f ths Ula Morgaral Breanan. e f IS Ooua atraet, nrongs. N. J.. sn rsQUsslad W siltad s eoLama UaqntamMai* st M John's Chareb, Orange, cm Friday morsisg, Narembfr 21, at 7J0 o’clock.

^dl^ANTEt^LADlEB, IP TOC WlAH KU TV proymaat at your own hemti trnd aalfad

p ee tb Clalwu P o ld le NaWark axiil T ie le liy T e -dsr by N etrepe lltM L ife Ins* Ca«

OaorgaGrinlbe. S Aabtoad i* hV wBanjooiln KlwalL Cbloeava., Irvingtoa ,n 11*40Uaorga Myuait, J4I Walnut at.... . .ie SASSChrlitloii Uadmels, IH Mala oL. otot...... .W MSO

C. P. WILLIAKM. enpa,Uft-ias-lt7 Marbit tk. aoTker llalaay.



(tB AM

WAXMOOIta, UI K A R U r BT, niWABK, M ,l.

T1i*cl**U>u«*toilitt)UilHn; OTr<lli«r(Mw, ■sllbf n i l u * Imruhtilr Boq.n l, -, pnu.,1 ot ln llD ii*t.U ti«n . OJlIlt >11- Hat-

>*Iot>i» x*i lt>.

8 - " Whxt dU Uw Mstanx « » , «4 *n ran ihoM ckblBxc* » t hlto r —-Oil, iB U ld fa* trad faop*d111**nd- wolfl fa* *i**i*d , b*» h *ra »llTh »d * ’l

thtr wooU «Mlrair iM* tM x if'

G w . HtmBYWCI.1. * A. FAIIITBR,. U adw U .n tod KBWawn, Ml BtoOT « .

B * a . W. Manorrall. >««* w tiB s fc Woodi

W AlTHBBB-WANTElk,AN KZFKHIKSCKD glri to wait oa loklia. call at

t UHTUfAL PAHLOk BW Rresd at


u Kook at caa i P. if. 1

dresaad enralope w ear dsaorlpllve olrmlar aad ram^taMjwork p a M ; good wsgaapaliL ‘IMios; good wsga* palil ALVo**DK»iITUIM4«Mi,WlBlkray, Mim

*\I7 a n t e d -T W O YOUNO fADfKS TO TV tasra talsgr b y , day or aroDlnf, tor poaiUon.

44v Pankruliui, eSOBhOAO t»T.


W E HAVE ON h a n d LAROB NUMHER OF •xparlaaead and Inexperitnead OormM girls.... - ............ ....with rafaianeas: siao ati uatlenaiUiax HkLoc



A N ORtiANlwr n v eOME EXPBHIENOX ./Adaitm a peritlM Io s sosli ditreh. Addreas Tu OKU A N, lex ! « , Utstham, N. i.

BAREREPEH-- POni now gisi«sUae maa,

WANTED BY ■eber aad tettskla, with rtf*

BAhKEXPBRt Box A, Naw* eOca.

^lOACKMAN-4-VrANTRD, BY BNOLtSHMAN, ^.ymanlad, a altnaHoa ea ooadiOiAn 1 flifl-ciais Tatoraaea, AddrowIStt if vaOHMAN, Nawa efllcs. Oiaaga.-r^NUlNEEE W IB ilia EITUATIONt Jlmarsaoe 1 longespaclaaea Addiaia

1;^H(1NT KT....................... .. Ugbtful fiioini, ol) ImproTMintuu.

7U-Krim-( LA''M UJABD, DI- Mv

C4 ROVETBoaird torgantleinea; pt par tvaak.


aaaka rapavmaala by ln*(Mii*»La uaeaa** Iinmiy oeoddaelLaL il. MAKU.W rvaa A 7D RriiOii M.

MONFY U iANKO mn PKH-HlXAr, PHMPd-l- If. plases oiiniBS aad fUnltara la ii«a wlkbvxt f i w . «■« w- *i**> tjoUir

addiw F, a m W AKDi, laamf, lai Market •(*, ar ISOadarst, dsrer avettlog.

MitNEV TO l/OAN O.N WINII AVr* KOHIV lagalaaumaiawlt, irem 1*00 leltioiL

S4U ecUCYLERB JAI'KimjN. hwmdit

ONKY t u l o a n UN MOHMamR, iSq n V. h u ia k , Hii> H^^ai4t


1 par w*at par rnoalh: g«Mi fur oaa yto*. C, KIERMa N. Pawabroktr. KaisldWiaU issi toCadarvl. oaaf Broad.

O M lM f^Vrlf^ faM rigaga al I par iwaL laHI.M* AlS a*

r \ V ' w * *OMnsifa ai ■ par cam* sad tor parted* le wit tha hnrro< BUNCH OR COh MIpwION KXALTRU;

T psaan roraAllly prapara<1. FEIC'k , llmiaaaUor^Taw . 7U Hr<ia*l r.

irrowar NO OIL i>eoa»-


r^fh andC* I at t !>at oast la•SUM and Aw periad* ta aiiU th* L•r^>wan hoBM er cnmmlariaa ehorgad; ISiQO) la looa on ekottal mongsga In «iima tasalt i d w a KDh. BLACK. caanasItarAl law, ream hit PrudaoUai RblMiog : lalaphena N*x UL

CPWAlin LOANED Mff Fl’ HNITURl; ■?m O bo ramovol: prompt private. raiUbla,low rml^ aoav rtnioymaaia; avaali*** aaUI tu'elQi k. KPUR, *M flroad «tt. ^ ______

l o a n m w a n t e d .


H AI.HEY HT . *4 bcoud; laihrvut*


n ALHEY RT., IS! - PLKA8A.NTLroonu, with ur wlthuui board.


L ARUEFHONT Ma 1,L ANDOTIIEU RiX>MS, Bith board : haat, go*. boUi; tarmi madarou.

flJES. fLSOCt tfifioa. IlMQ. |2.nH M.Vri cos be piscad eu AtsSclais heal m l ruortfaga *a eerily ea prapanr wertli doa*)ia ihasmouai an] oMta by ealliag a#

CHARLIBA. FirCK, t m>Bi*Uer4fat-i*w.

BSn :w nnmd iL


Addram MUDEUAlM, Hex J. .N*wai ffloa.


PLEAR4NT ROUM; board : bast: etniml: tarma raasoaobla. Wn

1>AHK pr*.,M-hHUNl ilOitH4WrrH BOARD, aiao taela board. 4ir

PLIABANT rCKNI**UlD ROOM TO with er wllhoul board ; baaV ga* and bath.


p M. BOX IS, rcMUb ijmuta.

naaloesa iVreonali.

Alt. I.AD1BB AKF INTNItE-TID IN CLEAR ootsplaxlea i »o fracklaa wrlttkle*, tou. htack< brad* and llvar apot«; my Biauiy t^xten roat*

duly S2 itar bottle: coll and gat fraa iraaiinaat;aUe warNfcJid molastetkJDVfHl. MADAM CAKULlNk, 007 Bread u. upon fvaalngt. 2Sh

. LLDieKAKEe THKATID WITHOUT PAY Ltliloumd. P. 0. Bmx IN. Nawork. Ml

V^^EMAI.E CmU PLAIN IN AND IKflEOU* r larttlM rand • beat* davaloiwd by aiacirtoity ; *-o*t irinihg. . ddraaa1 CONFIDE.MTIAL, Rex o, N»wa offiua

J>LANK ht.. J«2-H)AHDbast retoranoa raquirad.


KBCToB bt., !«> ]'tsbir, canuml looalien.


ROOMS, out boonl; isfala board.


JjrCTOU ftf.. *T

KOOM A.ND RDa KD for TWO OKStTLK-j.mao. Or morrlad ooepta, In private ramliy, at

44u 27 U h a m Hi'-, ihlrd Soar.ycU TH AT., 85-l'WlMJRNrLEMSM 'JAN BB noeeeiumodaiad with board. cvtiimBlajk i'> ataom ood alaotns Sara, Uk

f^UMMER AVE,Ctor — - -

IW KR *KT ROOM, WITH wUbont board ; privsi* (koilly. 58v

CuN-Nkf'riNij FUK- □lahed front room* ; beat, go*, use of bath,

with or wUbout boikr>l, AddraM Sf HuMib UuMFOkTh, Ilex N, New* olBoa,

TWO p l e a s a n t

J7WO YOUNr* M IN CAN OBTAIN BOARD, H X weakly i eenvanlaei 10 car* Adilraa*eenvanlaei i

HU UK. iVvx u, NawaoAea

B O A ltll W ANTED.

I IOaHTt—1WM VOUNU LADIES DESIREboard : privata family; tarinn nnt 10 ateaad

ILU. Adiiraa* PtttVATK, JlQX 11. NewaolBoa I



TtS BR>AD nr., icooma I and AJ. K. HKtth.NBKHU, laaLnietcr.

TERMS ON a p p l ic a t io n .|U PAYS roH FUl.l. EVEN I NO iXlUHKf.

N 00 LB'RONH: rapid eoavarneilonal metiiod ; pupil only

tptaka Carman ; araoiof lesutna In tbaumagast modarota lemu. nancl lur rirrular by addraw 44v IlkINRii.'ll. Hot N, Nawa olBoa.


lormrrly at S71 Broa>l at., will n«paaTilUiiBlJAY, hEprUMBERlT,

a t 21 WALNUT BT.Primary, ooadaflilci and eollafa praparatory da*

poramaiua ------------ - --------—l-'uil lararmatiun frutn rlmuiort.

MIHH TUW.sh1v.VIFA il iAKDINU> DAY I *ochoel torglrla. 44 PARK PL, Nawarx. S,J

Primary. Aoodemia aad ‘ ;eliaga Pr»j»ar*(efy Da-porimtuu. Ka-epati WadiMidayiHaptaiabarll.

UreulanonappilcfaU>a. S4u

J^EWARK academ y-

&A.FAHRAND, Rasi Mostar,V WILSON Fa RKAND, AanoetOla MoitS:.

naeptaa^piajibariT, lUL

Tboroerbpraparatla!i tor any eMlaya eMoleullfi!. ■eheol ot tor huvinaai' I fU-

(htaletue '>ltoatle^tJlIOIlTHAND ANDTTPKWRlTlHOBCHnOL n e l ibe Wontoa'4 iliririlan AbTu. |04 Court aL|i*rtut niedeiiite. Apply at aabeoL S to 12 a . M., ea altar to taodbar. 1. C. WxIgkIatUk

/ Id TO Ma DAMK B. WK-HTSKVELrH, 211 1. V Woatainguin at, tba nidevi au1 moil ratlaMS hairdrHtaliif aatobllabmaDt tn tha city: tbampeo- liif and hong rtttUQg st raduiad piii'Si; balr work In all Ita broat'hBS. lli)

I ADira-KUPiurLcoUH h u b p e h m a -Jnaoily renievad by «J*etrlolly. ntvar to raturn ;

molaa, warm and toclal blrtnlauta. MAHUa KKT E HU^:fNBnN* Ululan *i, Newark. Offioahoura from s w i wU

L a d ie s , uak FAunus c b y s t a l dhw fo rihaouinulaxieQ ;H«ora* crratol; harmlaw oa

da>« ; tor Hma by agvnia avarywiiara .-ant to oity oddrau by uial< frum44a BRANCH OFFICE, SI Dlcknr»oii vL

I Ani]£*>^A FRIEND IN NEED IH A KRIK.ND Jlodasd. Jfyou woata rafiCaiorttui*irir'»>u.


LA D I^ W iellINO PHtVATR NUKHTHU, 11 UoWAHD, 00(1. StlrllbgaL. tMindtJaeiUI treat-

mant { lutoaU adepud ; doctor In ati*u<1attcv, ?ut


OT.vl.wLahlag privslau irBleg; twauty yoari’ axpa- rtei.c#, coiiQutiuUai treaiairni. doctor luattautS*aore; uke Clinton ava. or ijspid ironalt can. S7q

Mid w if e — o kh m an m id w if k w ip h diploma ;iS yeara'axparieiua; wtmian nuraad

at bar fsenia isvarythleg quiaU AVE. 7BS

1>AL«IHT«T-11AVE YOUH HAND ItKAO by PHOKX#HOH WALTRi;, ib* pa mlat, al 47

Clinton aU: lodtaa tft oabu, ■■uti w cants ; bouro, 10 A. M. to e P. u. &u

W ANTKD - PE^U'LE To KNoW TH AT I'bariatC W*ftka, tha iVMlilr4gtoa at. tailor,

la makingfltoUilTig to order at len« ibau raudy uioot prli-oa ; a vinuloa WoruDiiio fur liearar uvenimt. WGOl llnad. ftS. IM WanUl.'iilo.v er,. neat In canal brUtga. ___ Mu


A -A.«4irHOOL OF H. T. TA V- • loriaeyflain of dra>i* ciitilug '•

iha only tyaiaot m>i n cb«ri ; aoay to learn and artl'tln lu uk* . pr»c>ioal liitirooiloD* fivan; arlhilara make draaia* whiJalrarMlnx; |pMot*a dally; spadai rate* tor tilglit tcbolan. me-M. l. 'i*yior« 0, OumwjuBroad­

way. New Tevk* BmoahiSll-SU lDoo>l at.S(N) M. L, CIlHIbTlB.

A —A.-AT'rKNTION - OKANdk lU'E-H.*.fCBtiiSf''oheeicrarler'.a Hyaiaiu): to prevail

you mat w* bava tha bMl aritani o’ ar**« oiiUlnv. ul* lar|«at and baal onndurlad aahiHJl In Ihr ' laie. waluvltaybutooull aad xaa for yoiiiHair; irulivld- nol iDsirucUoas; no oImwa MARY k . LYN!.il. Szlajid m Motitak, t>aakar HuUditif. Wk

A LL ARK INVITED TO CAl.L A l' ilUll ./Vaabool, wbeta the nnly gasu1aaH, T, raylar ayvlamla t«lfUI InOraugr; ea'- i Kuolar laicbt aaparsiaiy evarythlug panaloLuf to nrit^iAK drsotmoklng. L E. DUff.N, H. E. CLIKPCillD. WUlUm* BuUdlag. tlS Mols li, Oraiig*. 74a

1 hREHSUAKlNO-BIUTH. p TO fJD, i y flv baat work; opaa avaoluga.



V ^ ^ l ’ RiKNCED DhhM'^MAKEHX/naw customan ; work gnaraataed aatl to tory,sou U ROWLAND nl.

AND TYPKW RITINOTA UOHTLiHOhTMAND Al r^tvaulnfi; apaao ola*«aa ; terms on appUeaileu. w it. F. DECKER, JR., No. 440 »^B*bljiftoaaV 41u


nojLBbiyn d a t aoBooi.n HILL i t ,

JUIW WHITMOH^ PHIKOIPAL.CoHw Prvpanla.T, Senior. Juftlor soi Pi1no*rf

DaiiutaMiilO. A I1n, DumborDfbOTila Priiswr OrtolMl" lutouu » WoimUj. Oil- lega circular* ue appHoalleu.


Banjo , m a n d o l in , nciTAB.ZTTHER and« ------------------------------ --------------IvioLIn lemona, SQC. A. J. WK[nT.74Noutbtl.l

E XFE B IE K O B aeemi to tbow that the oheapeet prioe at which a good, general newi> paper can be hi twoconta.

Tho ruling prloea at whloh auoh papora are sold are tw o and three centa.

In this oiaas the H B W A B K 2 V E N I N O K £ W 8 atanda pre. eminent.

I t ezoeada in oiroulaUon anyafter. noon daUr pubUshed at theae pnoee in tha SUtaa o f K ew York, Pm n- • iT fin ia or V e w Jerfley.

r i i » K TAYLOR SYSTEM, BHANCit tiF 102 X Wh I Penrteeiiib. New York Waonly lak* five msoBUfa* and teocHl to out, fit. drape and mab* : all tba leading otylea of walatk, tonoy *l«arah, otual'le Jaekfla, napai, aklrta, thorough 1/ laughc: all old puptla poruUliy Invtied to call aad aanibtljleii atyle akin iwitaraa mi, u oenta ■It L M^LRK. Manogar.ITt aad 078 Bread fL


iirniNRSK op poR T try iT iB R .


Aulh' rnad by tba lawi of Ibt stala of New •ay IO tortilah bomN fur AiliulaUtnUon. (luirdlSM* tru taao, Haerlvara, .ip-; gaaca. 4i-., aia> In ease et rafiav.M ai-val, opi>aal. Aa LuoraDlaat. Blda eod CtHilracta.

f r a n k C. W lU'ucol Alt roay* j iiMait at,

4H Newark. N. J,VGKNIt ;-

4 Xorarcati,WDI I HIIO >T!H HKAVr.ll

— maila t*t 4>r*lar, woal Ha* I ID. CHAi:l, =it’ \laVinifMl M. tUlur.I'M M Sshinxt'm ai, >i*ti h> oanal bt) Ig* --•aa for■al«'C*d<i HU

\1.ADY* WU H HMM,i I'UMTAI. m lNVtHT i'.m Smi atriciiy lw«iuoiara l)u>1iif«* paying

lar*a i*rulU» : aiu. rt,- . uiutm- ‘ varv1-' L ll 1 l.H A Ui*VI,NS Unit 111.

HI ArK«^Mnn Mini*; N tnUiD r iV I 'w location : laog -\utubihed taMuaaa. will aall at

a bar/aiii; ■•»d rattao i h»r a»-l l>ig ANl't*h.\T l oMPANV. V, Brood at, Ttv

L^<m hkl.i: A WKi.J. K I ilUHIKD I.Akll* 1 ebinanay raata. nii-iibariNf I4i a|or<Hi Addi1 U . la W...... .iw. rati liBVnHC irieWT^

HaKu.%lN, luii H. Naaitiifloe.l

1,HORHAl.« -Al.'MiN AMI l ‘i) 1. *MM l.I tYnaa uatll July 1: bargain : pruw I

riu Addraai 1',. Hus C, NawiotTli^

/ t ROTEIlY AM i HKaT It' lUiR'^r,A Vwagon, atiipk. fixinrwa g H*l paytnx bi ; prica |Mi>, A banxaiit - win m»ii pr.>! »rly vniU u«i

u Hlabad ; ion la aB**a U Hlabad 14 ir

b imiH cLaniIIL B'.ru HO li U.7W timed at.

( *R ('EltV AND MKbl' MAIIHKT. luMNU Yfliia tivda, goiid loratlaa. luria atora ; hiirva,

wagou, aie.; jirl e only |MS . a il«t''J.'il rnrtal-.t. k l lL lU lt i BT.tTli, tiM UmoiUt

flH lTlCRV MTtmH r ■« HALK AT OSCF. lYAdilrpiaSlS WA>inNin'1>N hT T7U

I HTLE A IDJYl,/ Huowtri to JO.I VH A cri.

HEALEmTa TK a n d HVHIN -HKXClU.Mir.1 ha bualuraa which haa bom auauoueHtolly oar-

rlad <>a bv u« tor lUa peat 7% year* aiMl KAMHk.KHwl.. NKW YO <K.

laaiiitraiv tiwiti? teear piuii, auaigy and atroltbir torward daaltnga wIDi all our painuM Itual i*n boa to Irirvoaba*! and ••atonda'I Air tb* aa1«. •* ohangaand iranalbruf butlna«s iMaiWi nrtv#rirda acfiptloh that wa luva base ornniwllad w naan a finutoh nitioaat auu iir i»au h i., iiihcliv oiinba Hulldlikgi. and wa ooilcit portiM dmlnno of aalllnt Of lHiyiagii.>»wa or bitoluas. of any kind fruni fvu to |8U.iEn. to call u|Mii SI*, all buaiDt>M irauaiiaJ InaaaUalhctory maaiiar

r.TTTI.F A HOYT,Sbk Claba Hullding, MO tinia 1 at

/WII* ROCTE GOOD OIL IfOUtf, WI HI\ f f * • . . . -hs>m and wounn, Tar aoJe ; gnod huilnaia tot rlgbtpariy. SISHl'HKf X Nf.t llartlboii. 4*v

IkARTNKH WANTKD -GK^TLKMaN WITH |&,0kl tn tie OOO lo antrra g‘Mhl payidg man d-

facturiag ImaluSm Addra«a Iv nAlii*,\IN. Hot A, Nawa offioa.

WAI/KIS FOR BALK NO ..... HulTar raltieail. 47 NOHNI 1‘AltK HI

UKAK A iHJ,H range lOu

roR i a l r *A *- HTHT LKIIliilt t HUT (JO*U • s .w tll «-rw<iwl, IJ.7I pu lu.: kU.dUaarkrap. .. M, i. It iT U n T S1-sI.f .lU rt IW^dun, tu

• A h k s l in k Wi)IU<II1«I . .i * uypeut^ia*!, p. nM „ tor I I I : Il b la

........... ' iiOTl«:- - . . . . . . . WI OM.. tor III

you r»u iw. 11 ooti.tuiUOTosn.ifa. (OTiioui 1. f.«iur - ' l i i till.wniBui *-,«uar madfl^hitnal.aul tliefitia (kr u»ore wturkstorr tboii arilh nmdy niBd* work: being un a *iila aifaaL Hlib' — **• T.wr» . v in f Ml • -»*OTOTOT raitei

■nu and a |iraci1'*al rI'r;*'''•*i***'*^i** ’*iib nae nf the loro^ rUiiJring hiiij 3* Ln Iha '*Latc, aiiablot main olra

ueat voJuu ln nusto - .naia etaibtog iathatraSSi Uiia ganOa la mode by tna c»4eK^^JM numon W'ulltii Mllla, eC iioth. Me,. onJ Ibav mm i-’ Mid to BoaS Ibr ounitorL

fail .-iilnr . tliaafOnat* araUetd througliUia badv H-ltb f.Mi'.'v alakd huultaa llnliii nr j|»'fa -■rmarw

i1‘ u.d brejMia'I.aiil moita Uf my lw«i werkmati. and whm dal,bed ara i-iuaHeanv *?»--viroalini ‘ mala tMoila the ell V. Collar arn i foa iwmriaau^( HA HLI-'* y. WKfCK'S tba Waablngtoa atrsaF Ullor. liM Woabtnttoa ai.uvit lo i-anal brtdaai Nawarh, N. J,: open from T A. M te • l». M.: nMg HatiiMAyain || .. ,U ; U||| ||na of Ibrairii ADd do-R>aati(i wool lent Al wav* aa haml fni juamlin«da iirSar at rvs ly nude prioes.

MNR HI • i»K TKU'KA ' Cull attorn*. M. 77 FalE VU W

tv1 i vunKn, ahmot to n is rovT iN U i bubt. I Ines*. will aaii f*ck cheep J. GUlHN* IS

] {dll

wim>',HWKffT. c i . 'v t * r v rm iG " i ’' « “F*'ind loM, • ooala ; basi l«H \ k Kit , 1.1 1,..^ ,W ,l_

/ mil'-; .N in i i i ^ I’ lloii'U lO *l> WILL N.iT a u m 'f i.xwiK'ii

I i ! " ' ri.yxi.T nniD m iia

I m

buainaM tor oaln er will laxa iriaar; ocruuniof healtli. Aildiwv*

|n« K<« 1 A ul l * H ED, IbiX D, Xtw* effiCA



Quarontaad kunlhai, to All AlaaeAnd la Ail Coloro, fiw Fabile Bulldlnga. Privata Hesldaursai blort*, Saluoua and Fac4orias


f a c t o r y a n dHAt.ElMDWMR,

IMand MS roLK«T, FEIlHYSr.

A LL K IN I^ o r WIUMIERR ^V oimI earpat aweap< a ranalrwl cbaao ; aolld wbUa runbrr rolls, ma onrl up : alao alovva, ranrat anil liaa*- ara tetrad , and paria pupplmd at ■hert noitea lerdtr* br mall nromplly atteifadadto. .vi w aHk 's HEFAll^NacO„4844M Hahn Bt.IdU

A I.I. K iN fH OF WUINIDH'<and rarpat awaapara rapoirad

rboaii; aD! Id while nihnar r lia. from 78 oenta up. cukllad tornnd datlvi rad free aim* eawfag n achlaaa amlclofai raaolrtd at raaaonaiila rala* ; quiek warfc. Hatiil p'kital or coll WltlMH EH KkPAlRt.'^U <D..U Naw ah Mu

At t e n t io n —GEonaR IL COLTilNA.

Cbrpst and Funillare. Hoklni aver abd raptlrlog 1 fpesiolty- Hboda bauglug sml drajilug.

Tt W^AllCufpets HUiatt Up aad e:aai^. *Sr

r i l lK A p f a m il y MDIK <niRE LAlHWf l . kW ladles’ dita kid tip buttoa, |1.1A; toataa' kid Up lK*iKi ^bluch'rants,;

w apf—laced. 1 1 ; men'a flja loe**d and c<iaxni«*. fl.l); lueti’ lvty< fin* Iwwd, Sto.) remibg luakooad, iOQ.:<Aildrra*' toittoiaV Hi U% tos.. at Wl L LI A M J. McKiNN EY’b. TS PlShS iL. near WHHam at. Wm

^yHHlRTMAlS IRM.Moss yoor •alaetkous now, wb<la atook la rorqpiats.

A B K.sHAKItT. nX and M4 Broad i t ,

thimllara, rpholstarjr. etc., ato.

T v O N ’ T b r e a t h eX J pfjiatjN.


v e n t il a t io n a n d




II. DfirnLAH, UAKRR of F athi- IVmgiM Itonln, Acme Gui­tar aiiij ft.I* niaadollRA Niuical to- atrumeeto uf oil klails; rwih ur Ib-

^ aULmaoU. UapstrinfaspwURy. 11 tprmarly uf&r Brua'i andBcedsriL 41a

Mari' iRMACK-S I’ UH EL*.pockatboijk*, maeiat' leol bsft

and tniDka orournira imaaufaitjra raaalrlqg promptly atiaiidaJ to. UI EHGAD sr., uppMli WauliifU* Park.


1710. E. aNCKT,


W ANTKlk-VOUKJKWKLRY F<lll RKIMIR. 1 h* beat work fur tha laaat mntav

A. ^ HkLoVEIt, Jnwallfraa.1 0|iilcUn,S4k 7 Fru(1*imkl lluiidlng.

K f i NKA7*f.Y KNOUAVKD CAUDN AND t/LFplalt. i4c-; raprlniiutr from nld pistca; aad- ding Invlietluni. BUHiugntins. addraai, dies, itanin- Ing. ORKATHKAD, SH2 HriiaJ aL 7p

CIOLLECnONH OF 0 >INH, HTAMrS, A4^1^,'i ‘ ---------- •... - - -gTMiliiL Old gold, lilvar and Jewelry ^ught at VEHIIIHR’S, w Rresd It., oiiir t ley.

'fk lA llO ND —PARTY WISlll>i 'fO BUY A .1 /dlometid. Flooaa adaraaB, atoflog walgut amiprloa 11 , Box F, Nena olllce.

1 ? IL R - A OABINKT FILE X? dfwa FiriK. Box Oi Nawa om<

w a n t e d . AlHI

n lOHK^Fi' PRHJKrAlDooBVolf cleihlug I ardaraby mall urumtitly at-

lisdvd IO. I. MADa NSXY. rs Oenilnarcti It. i|u

TkLD GOLD. HiLVKK AND JBWXI.RY ^./bougliL KARTIN» It? Morkat at; aDlraiii;# M Holroy aL lu


"Y^ANTEf*—TO JtUY TINNER*' TXHJLM. AD-dre«a t in n e r . Box T, Naan ofllou.

W JC BUY CAn-M3FF<’LtH IIING FojtCAH/l;ales ctoao toll luit* lor 78oaaia; draei auUs to

kiratorlt.ftu. JtJull. Mulberry at. &ih


LrSIT—LAROF. H«NDA01CK CfrLLIE D'HL with long hlaek tialr. tha tonr paw* white;

mlaatd onTuaiiiay iroia uiltlatou and ‘lijiriaauihi f f l i PiUdjllffJ'i racrat It by rbturnlog K^ioCTvlfiU ffNT.OfA^:kffirillR. 1

ORTot. a b l a c k hPAWUCL JKHl. WITH iwhils avot ubdar uack; boil .Vo, 2 iiotiiH Obaou oallor. Reward given by raiurnlng to


T 04jLiwi

MINER'S tight, psirufsoldikL fJST - AT ft!

t h e a t r e l a s tes; NwarJ glvaa. SOMKUtUN PL..olty.

LOPT-MONDdV, ON MULDERRY vr. OAR.aallvarckoiiinptiraa. Hawsrd If raturiied to



BATED OK HTOLKK. MASTIFF Doa Mrol reward will W givan if raturued-

fVM, U- U'DONNEJU., FT* Mhlbetryjt

VVE-']LAS*4KH ANDHPrO__ __ ______ taelM, xetgjln-ocalutnlulum

rramea, Me,; ayvaSiamitiad Trt.■1q HTKl N fr H I.A U, IW IM HpdegnHd bt*.


A I'NIO.N HTOKli, mUKiKI.YV ANDNHW i\ t¥ork WallFnpar Combination Pia««* Una

oalle*that] will paper falreirad rupm wltli guid Mpar and wide toinlar Air a roam,atiil aiw* do ilril-rlaaapaliillac an I kalsomhiing at IIj<j chMfMiL prteea In tna rity. unlGfa Druuiptly aitonrird to hy mail, Jacob LRVV, m Warr«n at., Newark, 26\i

ADAMH'R HKfKIKLVN WA (.LrAPER RIUKE -I Will paper any bslr-4l»aro>m wltbxo^d pa

per anil wide tKirdar, Imftodlng repairing, fir fl. A ;oUq wn du 11 rat-eloaa palntlag, graoiinf. kalau itin- log, ploateiing ontl tmilug, For tha nhaapvat orIrMIn lhaelsr naod poilal eardt tor aampta* ur call »sHrooklju Wallpauiar Hlurv aoil salbot y>»lr liapari, aa wa carry a ni” '___ _ lit Una of rholea t>%(>*rs, auoh asblahka, flola. gllto, amboaoad, lairalns aqi lllat ioraast osioilmaiit In Husia, and sail pi factory prloai WaJInopor botubt of ua trimmed by uiw chlaa fNe. l>iwn avanlng* till ■. Wa a*qi paiiar lrum0rwnia* roll up lufl.Sl HIX lit!*n iK in I lanimbira, Papa^hangare and Pointers ftrw-nlasi woric guoftMiiaed ;M HpriifMd ava, near lllgUIt.

13HA1ICH OF THE NFW VoRK Wtl.I, . /*• ITparaInra will paper any riatd trami wiih guin

paper and gold nurdara, f l a room ; pl*as>' wn>l wHiial card*; psltiilai, kaltotolnliic and dacnral- Ina. M. HATRUUHl.n sprtlffield ava., 0 rnutli ironxeava lauv

/ iLEAN YOUR W a LLPAI’KK w it h DnHKA- X tic Wall Cleontr and aava CMt o( r*pjpfri»f: a fiooem paokaga alaaav eaiUiit and walla nf nrdl- nary raom ; oaa dlainflaiKaat forakik ruunu has noaqtsol.Uk RiVERF.fl Farryat.

MISOUHCriARGR M PA>>. H l|^2 » iiP Affistr-aiaeg room, with rcnolriogoilpaper lo.

prloaa HTkl.N

>1. •fistr-aiaeg room, with rcnolrn I roll up: kolaomlnlDf and painihif, Si fr ULAL'.IIA-tMburlti^ahl arv.


i^EALED PR'jFUHAM WU.L UK RECKlVED Oby thaCommlttea Oh Mead* end Ao»M4ra.«nta of tba Board af (^oaae Kiaaholdari af kaaai I'uuaty, •uRslaiIngaf Wltlkam F. Hamilton, Diraclor ; OwenCslilll, Daarga wUhelm. ibomoa 11. Kipley and. . . ..------ -. .. ('rallFRobert It I'oaraan. at ihalr offiot lu ibn Bulldlog, oomarof Wanhlngsatland Narkat itra*l*i Naworic. tor grading aad toirorUlalng abarlalu por­tion of tha Mount IMeaaant lurntillta, luth«lowu- ahlpof r.IrfngaWio. l-oaii Ouoniy, aommanciag at tba Weal i.>rania Uae and aiteadiag waat*rtv adU- Unoaof II, El Met, at l:k> P. M. un Ifuuday. NV vambar at. ImL

Kvarybid mual be occorupanlwl with a bidder * bond In tha niiu ef ILbon, wuh B«curity aatiifM- lory to Iba Hoard or Choarn KrNhol>lnrs, ooifdl- tlnasd that If Iba coni reel aball ba awarriad to blinba will, wlian rwiulPMl by tha Board, esacut* agraviDent Irt wrftlag to ]Mrtorcn Ih* work obcard-liig to tba ipai’l Htwllona.

Plan* and Hpaolfloailurui may b* aaan at aaldoffirw.

Tha ('ommitUrs raoirv* tlia right to rajatt any or ■llhhla

WILUAM. r fUMiLTON,I0q Ulrocior.


OF ABHlGNMENT-NOTICK IS van that Eoaotan E. Gllvtraod Hanry

' awack. Na« Jaraay, port->nvi ICE

I harrbyhtoKii, (It ihecity of 'owack. Na« Jaraar, gar* In irfrM «a K, K, Ollvar fr Co., doing busliiat No, 121 Mulberry Hireai In aoM ciiy, «a deaiar*....................... ... - -k ‘ i f -• —Mmiloraanil maroboats In laaiber aiid darlltiir^aVir Ibta ilap madaanseilgQaient Iti tha «ob*eribar of thalrportnarahlpaetata 10( iba equal banafllof tbalr cradUan, and that iba Bold cradllon mmt feihlbU (hair raapecUva ciolms. ututor tuMh or afll/rnarlou, to tha lubacrtbar at bh uittcu, I ■ In tbo iTsdantlol Jiiauruncs Hul.dluii, at No. TU Brooil atraet, Newark, Now Joraey.

Detod Novombar M, lAHjuBETH it. Ba r lo w ,

Hv Aarigiioa

, . , HKKNAni>4. 4 KO.NTHb U Lapodlgrood. Major llroiuratiM'li.

klklM, 7 Coat «E, Ormags,

1,^ltw HUilB I'AHUIR FCHNITOHK ATDA.NbGN fr N lE'a. oTt UruodBL

fine IJM MinriT BHUiMEtA • and vatrai rsrtwls. 01 up i r*«a oiM oil*rhitho rerv rbaop: parlur arid vjuk atuvoAliaoitot champ fUruKura, » WILMAM MT. ^ Qg

nlfh I laiato ta full song. biM and caga, i|; olao t brav*'»ga. tkoon -M Fa ih m iI N i AVt. naar -uoig i rmoieaw


range ava |iiNt MKvpH ro M8.m:i:K o c k i.A iuiir

.* ltt«iCfe of ohaoiutoiy ftni-tioa* ■)u<aer groait* niBhiitiiauu WA will B ji jh.n balow oua ratnar

*" aaoaon FiW 'iRe fr Hi-G-m 1 .V, -^ I'i rirauvo avo., hear sntronoa In r orruiuunt t.ani*t*ry.

O Kk N(k , Mon-« uicru.xua kamui.01, 0. |H: on, N. I ...bonL.I, . a . . . . . . - . . - - ..lrajiMK.IWr; t .o .inKmoo,!.. IM. No. , r.ii«L ir

t il IK.WA...H Hioa; IX. m w.Si7VkI ) i I '-X ii'Mi) n,ii m i,*, p u k a kJ .tiv .or .traiiii 1 .1. .irAtr. Inquir* I I c c m t iiS XI Allh V.T, Of QIJ AV*. Ifi,

X »II, TAH I.H - (XiH KAt.*, »I.V * ro o t lOTI,.MmplM*. 1« u UI-BRIir V HT. Ua

^Pi,HV»KI£\ UI'PU.IT(J-NITYL -■ ra. i nl i MvA.i huniliiii«iHi..i.b>n|Uii: ana wlllni ( i . t,<ol«r itrio-Ji VHi,!. (

BurLoadM Mall

|i«r >*x Hum rnn. r u .w vlill' 'H liiKiUIBM,

•IUHToUKN'- - ill l-l.T Hfll-.*,

1 at 11 tg llial|lAI

II Janv .k, nMl Np^i,aud .ra

-IXIVK rrxi HAI.K, A HlI.r-HFICIUNtl BAIl. 'lurMOT,. Ml HHDA 1> NT. MB

' I ' o i faxiiiiKi no, a .<fi-T onArV..r . uOTiiiiir* *111, * .TU I miaia- tJU at |l,at par ton; a’ao bast lAhlga agf, atwva

and imt at K 'b par um; tirdara by m*ll uromDUranaiidad 14. K fr t'. H. -1 iiOLADaN, Na Hr rrllnghiinan ava Eln lly mantiaii oug n r^ of pool roiiuirad. 'gji^

^ 1 n U74: HKVT MAKE'<, I I ririal oHowad cprai kldiioy rompiolQiarhwauMtliiiQ. jiorolyala. waakni-«a sarrutiaitoS twitta ojid dlfrauM; lorgn bPkx , muM ha aoU' vhauoo«ntaa i<l*i*aculaLms: vrrilaaa

GHIO ELECrKlU lU , OaTolaiid.

I PAfNTE'ib' HANGING SCa FFi>LD (MM* pi*Ae hoDki, biocka, abi. and a lAtool eiltfr.

atom ladder; all lu guod order.tollatiU RRUAPST,

lllcvolaa.f l lC Y C L l* —flivsn, FllHT-CLASa WETOWn.Ilhor-*’**— *“ •— --- — . .manta.

hand bicycle*, from tu upL guofaukoad; _ _ NKWam E t.'VCLK CO.. « Castral gag Mm'


HnilNKS, CARRlAOKfl, RTt.7AKH|AI*K-»mA NUHBBKi 7--...... ....... ........ ...

VB/aaooud-kstad <wfrioisa H MANUi----- ULiVEFt MANUfAt/rUfUNa OO. KM*'

oictayvk I'ataphonarti

( ,H » NLIta OhVBX, UAHiriL-ruHKR.-11 MI.. I* .----- . ------ -------- i - - . . - 'all klujs of carrLsfvt, c-itundar depot wogsoa

Kbckawoya, ladle*- piiaoiort*, CMogtoa, eatosslei tooiiirrvri.Canopy ta^airrayiajn ap -wolaarroya troMaad bJoaaosri«,ipintla wagons, rood eani Old a!i*o<D»f I'oris, iruiuios* wnpmi fir buiohart and bakoraanKMrs aud oillktsan, plnmoara a'ld norpaotAra laundry mod elnsbiara, aapraaa oai IWnnany wayoo*, harofisasd autn:o*r ahaataabt TttaiikalaiiJjf and lu .dorkit at; toetorr, ttax way, N. J.

CurrEF.n w a n t e d , to b u y . i oh i large couara or fbtally alalgbi. addroasi wlUh

portlctilors. u,, Hex Ui .Vaw* ufflea. |

V K ill HALF Ka NDOGME ULACE PONYsX pound ood klud ; cart osil banMsohssiK ' > H. D. OUDEN. MDlvlstonst,

n GHSK »n OAKH huys n ic e , w rVL'SlLvouiig, AQUiid boroa ; ojot own«r nMis ttaoru

dnoMo loai aprlng ; aultobla far ooy bnrinaoa : inH* Rluaa tP I mlouUa : worrautal aUlctiy ocuod ang kind WMk'elrial. Apply 1 LIQUOR .-loNExtuoumflaldoad nnh

IfuH H '- -|48 CASH BUYS NICE VOUNCL I 1 Aound. wry chunky built tot f'anadlan poS ’ bonaa. to*i iravallvr; atrokd ef noiblng; aiiRaMs tor any bu*lii#<fi: WAtraiited auumd and kind knoll hariiOHA Ftl 1V ATE h la RLE. tf Rlaoniiald aval.

OKHK K« Ht aAI.K, flNK I-YEa R-olS -11 auind blockT biiiltja^bloek bona: good' Irnv «-llar; waigb* 1,180: niiiihlaror ffouaryman, milk­man, baltir or buicbar wag-in: price |M; tihlf to a, baigain. Apply at lb HIGH M?' 1

HORRKS - FGIt HALK. a v e r y HAKIe' ooma (aam af coal black oarrloga boraas, ILt;

MKihd nod hind ; vcryMylkah, and prtit wlnnafai; prlrw taa-nnnblt. R. D. ouliEN^Ig DIvlaAuk ig, Cara J. M. Uukaoy fr Co. i

HOFIbK (m >D HuIUG: for HALE( Bar - gmto. I t i ; nniiao touwber. liZfiKRKXS'k.stvi

MlU fii W. HANEY fruna.


Tho lanrori osionmrnt of bli'i rlMi drodihl, d riving aud aa«ldla hone* liv tbo StAtg

Matched palraaat*c-UKy. fevarai autoll pualaa ou bond now.

TalaDHoM *gi

( atlDKNfrlJCDD, DIVISION HT„ orPtHlTE"a . uud K H, R. L«p«(-Carrlogaa barnaoE

ra^t and^lankaia at greatly rMlucwl prloea

rp llK cii'Y I ava.cala •sia'jlo*

UNr^ C^FRISGFIKLD . . . a'llo* -A large atuok of

firai-clae hiiincsalwiy* on haul lor oraxnbauga al the liiw>>ii ia«rk#t i>rle**:

draugbi, dnrars ami gensmi !iiirp>>*e luriti; a fair trial gl van. and ah lUi^kaibl i > ija ms rapros 'ulsi ur roati ritoudcNj. call and <mmi tb* qo> li I7tu MtCHAkLbThA-HKit. Proprietor.

A uONR —HErONlvll A.NJ) BUTUU EH . . wagon, peddler wagon, biiainoos wogou; ols^

dump <‘arts. cb«a; L1 V. L.tHrllK. Mb Mt. PluaMolava.

W ANTKD - UKD I III IlflBK-MOUNTRD liarn«BB ; olao aouoil hor«a for ntllk wagao,

Addm IGrR 'E, Do* U. News cluce. tba

^ • > f r BUYS H'HUh, ]lAltNKH4, blbE^BAa •l)t> t>b-----Jbunry. AilJrem

lIuK'sF, Box J* Nawaaffioa.Os| ^ UUYw A OOi>K bS IllN'i m i' WAGUN. C jirttiaiepB oil th* sblo, at 164 HCLR4RRY HT.i

L> I t> ilUYH A HlllD.VG irm-«h;; UUoT SE O l artanld Gila wtHk ih IIuWAUGmt **•my


V «S») FI.EilAIfr IT'RiGlir FIa NOl •Ifgblly U4.1, fur «iAV MtANEl.IN PIa N'J•Ifgbily ufril, fur fiAV

WAKhli Kull'iu ai» iiaar Brood it, altdomabslow i'uiillACbuiiili. ITY.

1,'NHl hAL^- l AlDSKT GRA.VIi PFRIt»HT ' plaiu>: large ilta . rich Wue ; Oluioat new; ao

raoioiiablaDflar rrto*. . G ('Hk^'srNIJT«>j'. biu

1>IAN(>H 4KC iN iHUNPi tmickaring, ftSO, 4.I munti

b*«p; lsrf««storiiuant; auiosKirin*: naW

nilH WEEK- ftSO, 4.1 muntuly: Htaliiwii.y ap-midtarlng

right. . . . . ____ . .. ___orgaiM, |Ai, 41 moiltbly; *i;.>uJ-Uaal Moain fr Hamlin. 040; adian uUy b*w ‘ buy ofaraiiobla liouw>. cv A. WaKUuur. Itrooil and New. iMb

IyiANG*^ UE-sT MAKKRR; CAHH oh in -11 aiint-uba.

out DU.Nf KLKK A MON, SM Bnad PI.

Hi■in.TM vrnnrs

ipioiiO* ; rallobla Diak*fi: on i aty payuiania 111 I itUaN. tu Uomguuiory «k

^ !Y -A NEW (MniNin GRAND UF- $ tyright nlatio large grand nUg groal

ma; warraniod nvoftfAfs; vaaRi poaiuvaiy llano aver oTir »s -rt auau * tow priaathe beatjDl

alool 004 acarf: deklvara<l rme. > pntv Atri, A. WARDRcor. Broad and Now.


tPARl'IE-t llAVi.Sd HKi ;UND*11a ND boil arBondenctnaalbMala will find It to thalr IB«

larwit to vend daacriptloo aad priaa of aorna to HHWEBfr FJllLUFo'OIBUN WURKH, NowariL N. i. 4Tt



I>ATKNT a n d DriAUr.llTJNaUFFlCEit o r I'HEfhtriiiWfr L^.,3lClidtJa*u PqiposHo l* ,

Y. M.c; A,i Newark, N. J.i all kludaoFdrm ifitl.w oxaculek iHoUy, al iti a* maublna drowlati sol OBJ iclod ofdoaifalug tor»atalo{Ue«. aMi foUoRsriu y Iclod ofdoaifQluf tor»atalo{Ue«. * orAra«rloiaajaiiftir*lmuaM<|ta;oipartt lopaMi CfrMS: Frotiob, t arman aid Hcamllnavlaa lab*gnogo* apokon: up-*u Friday avealoga dstU ■ o'oiaeh; prompt auanilonolwaya




Page 4: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

NEW ARK EVENING OTWP, T lu m sD A Y . K O V EM B EB 22, 1894.

Knoark ifioening Neois.WIU9VB*

D A IL Y , tX O C P T ftU M D AYA ,»T VU

liMilt lets PibiisliliU CoMpaij,Slft-tl7 MABKXT BTESliT,

H aw artt, I lf Jf(MrMl OJb)« m MpJ

OtHvtrMl byc«rri«ft in »nyp4rt N*«r trti. Th« O t»n ,«, Huri»n. Kt^rny, SummiJ,

Montcitir BJoamfi«>d md u ••ifhbwinf town!

M il wbKfipl'oni. liv i dolliri i t * * '- * Wly c iM i I month, M l l i g i » " I l *coftioi, tvm einu Bolivirid by e i f f i in m Mowtilt. tin tin t* I w ill*

Ordiniry idvirtiMminti, tin cintl i llni,

***h<kirtliimintl undir h ild i of Winlld, T# L it For Sill, Pinonil, itc , oni cint ■ word, but no cturji t i l l thin tin cinti •ich iniirtlon.


pulilloi. From high Rnpublloin lu thorlty llm l U p u t wbin it will lie P ^ '* * '*In I 'h llid ilph li the D e liw irw m i m iy fool lutybody. I f l -t-hninr Inrn that “ to l l l c t A .idIckiK i the B an iti h i l tn lrll It w ill foro i lU e l f i ' I " ' '

^ d r ' " r r u m , \ u o f 8 t « n , . D . « i o p « « t o f

down I HiBHor o f Anthony ll ig g in i ’ i the ( r u t o f th i IriBOiim for ‘ h i o iw H o W e n W d Q raU W ,

i B K c u u m K r r i i m m i E f iA H V V U K K n .

ability, In o rd if to in ih i w »)- for a monny-hagi, would b i a d irgraci to th i Rejmbllcaii party ” In « cUrtlnrlly kin- drid Tilu the ehatiiplon In N iw York t.’lty o f Tammany Uimooraoy aom ri at Addlcki aa “ an abaurd p irtpatitic nabob,"

hiad w lr i and Irolloy ay»iain with ooi»- ditlona that It aliould laat -inly until a baU I t ir on# ibosld h a il proved ll» elllolenoy.

.......... ' •; It l i l id to think that In thla world

thing! abiold not alway* bo Just whatAQOICM " Jlimi>«u|ru p*ri|i«b«b*v i , . . i as., In a move-and g ty i. H iggtn. a d ra tc la -cortlfln .te o f ' Ih .y -mem, or o

• • * mant annaranllT au holtlll » » I " - P™"

T B * O O u rTK O LLB IlaM ir "W B A U " W U li It taaO riam ltbata " d i a l ” hia

b m ig n ld OQ by whioh It l i hopid to M B n tb i oonaont o f t b i Commoa Coun- oU to Mr. Uibfon'a appolutm int Ontnp* trollar, It la not contended that Mayor L a b k u cb ir la a party In tha traaaaoUon. la lo lim n good h llb tha N «W i aooapta tba Mayor, aaaa olBolal, at bla own aitlmata. Mr. Labknacbar la not a polltlolan. In d lr io t laagnagaand In Im plltd laagnaga ho hiB glraa tba public o f New ark to ondar- ataad Uiat oomblDatiaua, cam pacta, daala aadcdek in a ltharlor axpadiaaey or po­litical raawaa or party adyaataga would a t BC tima raealya h li oountanaoca.

political ehaiacler aa ” aa a man o f Ulant, “ hortllaaduoation and cbaraolar, a daop atudont o f public qnaatioiia, a dignlBed and ford* bio apaakar, and a thoroughly patriotic andcrad lu b laclliicn ," ttuoh abarp con-i traata o f tha quaUfloatioiu o f two Bena- , torial aa iranta, drawn by political Wand* and foot alika, ought to Impraaa tba Dala- w an laglslaiori w ith tha ImporUnoa o f tha cbolca whioh thay w ill aborily ba nallad upon to mako.

And yat it m ail alau ba admlllad that a bargain l i a bargain, and that pciaonal control in a Bute diffm i only In dagrea from tba power formerly akorolaed in Dalawara by tba Baulabury Junta, If, a» la charged, tha United Btatas Beaatorablp In th aH ia la o f the Blue Hen’a Chlckeni

p r^frrring o f ohargaa againat the UUtrlot- A tlornry o f Now York there may ba apurpoaa not at all unfrlaiidly 40 that olB-

alal. Tha ohargas appear to ba vague and general.* They are made to a Oov* I f nor who la likely to ba Inclined to bo a little more than Jnat to both the Dlatrlct- Altornay and Tammany lU ll. I f Fa llow i ba vliidicatad, tha effect o f the proceed­ing* w ill be to ihu l off, pnaaibly, more radical and onrafully prepared proaecu- tiun baforj ttoVamor Horton, and i f ha abould ba ramovad by the preaent Uov- arnor tba reantt would l»e the appoint­ment o f anuthar reprraentallvc o f Tam* many Hall in bli place. The moilvea o f the live gentlemen who inado Ibaaa ohargea on thalr own reaponalbllity may

haalwanimrchacad and P‘ “| b . at might forward, but ll.ln?- *-rU .n lyvancf, not even eloquenoe Ilka that o f i„ ioBenator Illgglna'a prolonged and Beryhigh tariff epeeohee In the Benate would ■vail to nullify the tranaaollon. The woret that could happen would be a tacit ooofaeeion that one o fth e original thirteen colonlae had beoomt a rotten borough, where high offlaa might be bad at the regular market prioe. Tbia la a auppoal- tlon too violent to ba readily admlHed, avan in view o f tha turbulent proteata- tloiia againat the Addluka candidacy. Thu

a aua-

look as i f they had played into Feliows'a hamla or the tigar’a Jaw<.

On tba contrary, in words which aaem to i Heii^trcana are fairly cnllUad to ba a i alncara m praolia. the Mayor | p,D,toD o f public Judgment until tha of-

tf- '

rsoordsd h li purpoaa to dlaoour aga I f not to fm ilra ie aueh pro- aaedlagi. For tbaaa raaeoni tha Nawa laqslla Mr. Labkuaohar o f altbar par- Uotpaacy la or fcnowladga o f tba arraaga- m aat antared Into between tba laadsri o f tha two pertlea regarding tbe Comp- traHeiahlp. T o taka any other poelllon faMobtag the Mayor's attitude on thla blatter wonld be to Imply that that a fla ia l’ i policy o f atrtet boslnaas prlncl- plea la e hollow ib im and hit promlies o f BBtiaiiiiiiallhd admlalatraUon to ba a CM d.

Tbara bae bean too touch delay In ac- legMag a ncccaaor to H r. Connelly aa ohleforU M dapartm ant r-f ComptroUar. IftbaD sm oora tlo m ajority in the Com- bMM Oounoll do not fa ror H r. Olbaon thay ahooU rajaet hia appolntmaot. I f | y°hng tbay hays no good raaaon for oppodng i him tkiff fboald haaten to oonflrm b it | bbaMaaUoa. Trifling in aneh a matter ai that which now engage! ao much o f Um public attenUon M tcrloce. b a t Mr. Olbaon abould not be given the 4 a e in eooaaquancc o f a ” d ia l " by which tba Darooorala hope to drive a goed bargain. The taint o f tha ■Beat offbaalva form o f boailem would ba npeb aoeb an arrangament.Tha BOBilaaa for this or any other public oSoaihon ld ba hoaorad with a oonflrma-

■ U oaepaab ia iB arlu . T o g ive any man a blgh,lmportaDtolBM in axebaaga for loma prtyllaga or ofliea for tua oppoaitlon La to delfrer a commiaaloa blurred w ith an ugly U aialih and defaced w ith aa onwrltMn taaplr ion.

I t looks aa i f Mayor Labkoeohar hai bean brongbt faea to faaa irith aoondttlnn act aaoommon to tha po lltle t o f Nawark.Tba gang o f Demoorita and Kapnblicans who hava baretofora w orked togattaar under eovsi and w ith to much harmony In tha accomplish mant o f partisan and I anneal snda are avldeatly at it again.It la Ukaly that few m imbere of tba Common fXmncll b a n any haewladga o f tha ” deal ” whioh la under way, and which the A lderm en may be o a tM upon to carry onL I f Mayor tiebkueaber bopea to asoapa from a pra- dipamenl which promIsBi only 111 for tha rapotatlon o f hie administration, ba w ill haatae to tighten the grip o f reform npon the neck o f thla baalard child o f oorm pt | pollUet.

fanoe charged upon tbaim

ihali hava been proved

T i l l R K L IO lO ra T IB T y o b W IT- N K a iia .

la iUnosaln which taw i prctcriblng a rcllglont laat for wllnaiaaa promote mii- carrlaga o f Jnatica are not nnoommon, Afew years ago In tbia ooonty a man pro- fetalng dlabalierln tba life after death waa reatraluad Irom lasUfylng in hia own bo- lla r in a civil cult. There waa no other reiaon why hia avldanca wiiold not have been antillad to recaption and weight, but aa loflg aa ha waa unwilling to profeia ba llif in Uod and a haraaftar ba could not

tcatliy.In a rasa now attracting attention In

Tennaaaee and throughout tba oounlry, a man attempted to take ad-

vaoliga o f a Ilka lU tu ts to aacape tha gtslng o f teetlmony, Ha la the only direct wllnacs aga lcit tbir-

LltUa Denmark proi»j*e* tu help Oor- many to keep out Aroerieau dretsed bee f andoattic by ordering their exclusion from bar piirla. Tbia tsamt Ilka an abortive outcums o f the commercial move* mant whioh culminated In mak­ing Copenhagen a free port. Very UUla American beef U consumed in Deomark, and the only result o f tba Dan­ish ediot ofexcluilou will ba to render the Uerinan embtrgo more effocllve. Tha dreiiad heat trust w ill hava to find an­other market for tbe alock which form­erly went to Uermeny, but tbe prioa will be luaintaiaed, no doubt, in tba uomaatio trade. W a navar hear o f falling price* In meat*, whataver tha flnaneial etreas and urganey,

In an eddreia at Fituburg yeiterday Andrew Carnagia announced his opinion that a mao wbn dial rich dlaa dlagracad. Ha added that he blmsalf akpeoted to dla- tribute hia own money and leave whan ba died nothing—except hia InCareat In tba Iron bualnaai. Tha daOnltlon o f riches variai aoeurding to tha point o f v iew and this la on f o f tba prooia o f that faoL

Tha Plaarura Bay bridge, which broke under tha weight o f four Preebotderi, Ilka the iroUay car fender which bolatad the buggy o f a Cunaolidated Traction Company olBolal out o f the way, showed

teen men under indictment for the lynch- there la humor and ■ansa o f eternal lug o f i lx nigrtiaa arreeted for barn burn- ; ^ oocaalonat depravity InIng near Karrvtlle laat AngusL He gave things,coneluiiva taallmony againat them bafora


A rlnwer Foer Fast la lllaanator aa«l trelgblng Thirty P «u iida-A F lao l that

Vl'a* eutipoa«l ts GIra Oot a llrsitly Odor, aai) Aaotbar that Arvlcaaa Kr-

rardrd aa Being Fart ■p lder-«nair

^ouderfut OrikM««*

(By Proftsaor Charles Frederick Holder.]The •UvelopnMUt of piaut Ufa U a page

from tbe woudariattd of natural biatory. At tba bagtnnmc of a line wa have mliTaacopic plants that It Is dllHvult todUtinguiah from anlmaia; at wa end wa might place tha giant radwooda or tha colossi o f tha fala- versa grove—treaa eantuiiea old .that tower high in air hundraiU of feet above tha pine* and otlien that look up to them aa tbe glauia of plant Ufa

Ulaiiia are found In tbe ranks of animal Ufa; but they do not attract ao much attaw- tiuti or aiipeal to ua aa abnoniiallr large planu. I shall never forget the feeling I eatwtieKWil wheu Iti too t'allforula coe*t raugs I enterwl an ancient grove of m l- wuodi. Tbe glanU that probably *aw thu abl)* of Drake, and powibly the carart-Is of l abullo in IHU, wars gone, cut down and bumtd; but from tha outer circle of the trunk* had grown a lirUle o f younger tree*. | IIIO feet high lu tome catea, that atoml ax- i trudiog Uielr llniba and hram-baa to the vast hollow space that onoa marked tbe Interior o f the parent tree, I did not measure the trunk spacea of tha old treat, nut each lii- cloeure would bare held a large houaa. or two or three buedred people ooulJ ham crowded Into I t i

One of toe meet reesarkabla dlacoverlea, tenaalional in every imrllcular, conm* front I Biiinelra. Home ycart ago aaTtral liulanitt* were travelling through Uif country to | starch of new things in plant Ufa, when the , natives told them of a gigantic iluwtr, <ls- tcnblng It in lueh weird terms that they at Ural did not bellava tha account; but one day Ur. Amuld, one of the party, came unon Uu> wuader. Ha waa not only amauil but ilumbiuunilviL the itraiiga otijart that mat hit view making a profound inipraaaioii u m u bun. Later ba mid: “ To tall tea truth, had 1 bean alone and than had bean no witneaaea,1 should, 1 think, have bean iaarful of men­tioning the dlaiSDaloB* o f tht| flower, so much does it axcaad every flower 1 hava aver seen or baard oL-

Fastlng from tba bush to »m a traaa, tha dlaouvarar was oeafruntad by a gigan­tic flower, apparently growing alone without laavas or vardul^ from the nound. The iwult, Ava In number, were thick and fleshy, over aa inch to Utl^naat, while tba centra preaaatad tha appaaraace of a bowl

^ o f C h a n c e ^^ w in money for " tlie Imuk ’’ bcoauai It does not toke

cUanoea. In every game of cbenoe or bualneiia, the — oue who looka out for the little details !■ the one who wlni. The one who most rigidly avoide the taking of (-hanoea the moat surely cornea out ahead.

^ llou’ t take ohancea in buylug a piano. Huy aocrtalnty. Buy a h T K IX W A Y , H A K O M A N , O A B L E R , V 0 8 E or .S T E K L IN O . Buy It of B. D. Lauter C o.

One of tha greatsat misloai aducaton of tha day la tha “ Bymphoay." Anyoaa

^ u n play It.

Always tha baai altraclktoa at popular prloaa.

Ona tAaaX, conuneuolng Monday. Nov. H, Matlnaea Wadaatdair and Batnrday.


! Fortj wU4t«a Evirvtbliti mw. Fraak I II. White In hl« butnumuA th»i Throe hlArvaliw In tU«lr woa4«rfnl jrrotrtqu*

DDveUlet: Hjrmor<di, Hnghpk and lUktiu la plckamiiny dMctoc} ih t Manhatuii guar*

. r*it», eic., «tCr Ana Lpw £>orkaiwlar'tlat««b i fteuMlioniila Ungbabln htt. ^I)r. Pkrkharib

knd til* Tiunnutif 1'iicer.''^ (Thwka-nt I* • *‘ giTlng) WMtks" Mr Aani Hrldfat.'


Mlt. K. C. Hlh'Ell .........Frop,aBd HantgarlatL. W. M. MOlU UN...... Kaaidsiit ManagerTAt On// Uta/rt ef /’/vminnncn in Knniark-

USUAL PUIt’EH. *ne„ 6 0 c , 16c, • ! . Week commencing Monday. Novtmher it. New York'* Ureataat Melodramatlo Uuooeaa,s * New York'* Greelsat Melodramatlo Huooeaa,

I S . D . L A U T E R C O . , 3 s h a f t h o . 2I Th« of iliA yr«r. A pUy voquAii-Acdly intarvatinir. (*oiupo«od of niefffttil aoin*

InlnoM iliUkUonk, Wonderful •Iftctiionl •ffflcta. AtUiQlthliuc cllRMtle dVDoutmauts

GKANU KATT iU^AY M ATIN B K .^ 6 5 U 5 9 Broad Street

: Kof. DU—Chnri** KmhfiMin'H Uump«Df in^ I “ T IIK llilH , i LU rr BEHINU .\1FJ’

: i u u i u i u u u u u i u i u i u u i u u f : WALEHAM'S OFEA H0IS&


A R O S E V A N H O R N( l a l M I T E D ) ,

73 Market Street, Near Plane Street. PRICES FOR FUMI HING ROOMS.


from w'hlcb prujectad cilrioua spikei. The waa aaerly tour feat acmat

Rannand Flitoni..Table....................... .Two rhairs......................................

. . . t is .o o ... l.uo ... .no . . . *.00

• I T ^

TWO NEW rLA O tH lF H .The raoently attared crltioUma o f Rear

Adm iral Head upon the oapsclty for tiaaful iervica o f eru lieri o f the Columhta type have alleltod various replies from tba ailvoostM o f easily construoted Dot- arnnant vvaaals ami liberal appruprla- liona, Bxperla hava care fully I'eooonted the paramodiit advautagea to be derived from tbe poaaaaaloo o f iuoh sw ill flgoUng thipt, and the argnmanl seommi ao eoncluilva In thalr favor that the only remaining open question Waa wbethar they could overhaul ataaa oaa o f tha crack transatlantic liners gplag at top speed. I t waa declared by Baar-Admlrai Mead that, I f alTurdad tha ikaMrafl opportanlty,ba w m ld put the roat- lar to a practical teat by atarti ng the Unlnm - Ida aoiaa flns day on a ebaae after the M ijia tin or the Faria down the Lower

tha Oraod Jury. Liter, daatrlog to aaalat them to eaoapa, ba found bimMir In a po­sition in whioh tba UiUng of a story dit- feraat IToia tha ona that ha bad told than wonld oonvtot htm nf perjury on one itatamantor tha other.

Whan this young mao waa nailed w a wltnoM on Monday tha oonnial for tba dafanca, apparently well posted on the plan adopted to enable him to aanape testifying, tasted bis oompalanoy by aek- log b ln qaatUons In regard to hie ra- ligioni oplntoni- He aatd that he did not believe in Ood and that ba bald that man died as hones or costs did, with no fulnra Ufa beyond tba gran. Tha attempt to dodge the giving o f evidanoa waa plain anongb and tba prosaouting couneal ex­amined the young mao at length. He had tn d half a rag* <*F • laolura by Ingartoll. Ha had navar Informed any­body o f bis loUdal views. Ha held to hisdeclaration o f diabellef In ftilnre being or rewards or punlsbroenL Without hia avldenca there was every raaaon to be­lieve that it would be impoaeibla to oon- vict tha lynchera. The law of Tanneaioe provides that no parson can ba a wUneaa wbo does not bellava In a future •tale of rewards and punlahmenta, hut re­quire! that evidence o f a lettlcd disbelief, not slight or casual say Ingi, shall ba pro­duced.

The Judge finally decided that con­vincing proof o f iiifldeUty had not beiia offered and that tha young man would have to testify. Thla be did, telllag a story of tha conspiracy among the lynchers, but seeking to autleo hia testi­mony given before tha Oraud Jury, I f theJudgy bml bcllevod that tbe young man told the truth In avowing hia dls- ballaf, ha would have been obliged lo reject bla testimony. Baoansa ha believed that the profession of infldellty was a lying ona the wllnass wai accepted, bla oreillblUty being loft to tbe Jury.

The theory upon which the rcllglnus teat la applied to witneaaea U probably that man who do not confeia belief In future reward and punlahment would feel uo raapuiialbllUy for tailing the truth on oath or afflrmatioo. Nobody at this day

It u reported that T. V. Powderly will be eapportad for hie old position of gen­eral muter workman o f the Knights of Labor by some of tba delegatee in attend- ancaattha convention In Naw Orleans. Mr, Hoverelgn bw oartaiaiy taught some people appraelaUao o f Fowderly,

Lika the man who establiebad the Hawaiian BapnbUo, tha Japanese Govern- ment feels that It hu got so far that it oan do withont the u rv lcu of Fresldant Cleveland u arbitrator,

Tha Woman’s Chrtatlan Temperance Union, Judging from tha raporta o f its Ust convention, la- acquiring mora thaorlas than the Problbltiuo parly.

President Clavalaod b u s apralned ankle and tha guutbealdaa, but could atUi run u wall u Benator HilL

T H E O T H E R SE X .

Bay and out toaea. This, nodnubt, would i thinks thsl profatsfon o f such a belief ai- b a vabaeu a dtolalve experiment. I f suo- cures varu lty . I f any oue does he abould oemfuJ none would have been found to epend a few days in court listening to the gradge the mlltiona paid In premiums fur contradictory stories that it la exceaa o f spaed over and above the cost o f the ships I to suppose mean anything elseo f the new navy. then that souie w itoeuc i are lying. Fer-

Buttba DfUclala o f the Navy Depart-' jy^y tc too ft-equeolly commuted by wit- menl evidently hava other views In re- nesses entirely w illing to avow orthodoxgird to tba use and dlapoul o f the crack crulwre. Thera ia to ba po racing at tea with tba ocatn grayliounda, no wa*ta of Qavernment money in picking oual and iralning a picked force o f stokera. On Uic contrary, tha funcllun of speed, which le the peculiar attribute of the big orulaera recently equipped for service, la to be kept carefully In abeyance, lu other words, orders have been issued that tbe HlnneapoUa and the Columbia thall bereflttad uflagehlpt, the fornier to be attached to the North Atlantic Btatlou and tbe latter to the Guropaan Hquadrun. There ia to be no lUrther uonsenae about racing with mcrobnnt steamers, ao far u these two costly and luxuriously ap­pointed veieele are concerned. Their aids propallera will be disconnected, and they will remain inglorloualy anchored, or sail alowly Irom port to port on the DBOuion of some high ceremonial in which naval dignitaries may be repre- seutsd, __________ __________ _

' TH E ABUICKS KOOM 151 U ELAW AR h Objection ia made in certain quartan

onlilde of the Btale of Delaware to Ihe bulging and protuberant appearance of Hie Addlcki boom for Unlled Hlatrs Bena­tor, vice Anthony Higgins, to be " turned down.” Mr. J. Edward Addicka is a miiiionaire dealer iti g u works sud gas

aentlinenta to lead anybody to oonctudo that the religious test prevents it, and ex­perience in courU and out o f them furbida any auuniptiuu that all men wbo fall to meet that test would fail lo tell the truth.

It la fair enough to interrogate awilnesa in regard to bis estimate ofthe guilt and the consequences o f lalse awcaring, and bis replies may or may not have weight and relevancy in formlag an opinion of the truth o f his teslluioiiy. Hut It is not right to exclude a willing witness because of his avowed dlsbeUef, or to permit an unwilling one locauapc if he chouses to declare himself an unbeliever.

A Philadelphia inventor Is said to bave perfected an eieotric rallroa-l system in wliloh the power can be aafelv conveyed along underground wires aud the trolleys and poles oan be done away with. The company which has taken hold o f his plans has.enuaghconndencs In It to spend a Kood many dullarb lu aBvertiiiug its al Icged merits. Tbs eqnlpmunt affucia only tha care and roadbed, no changea lieing naoeaeary for its adoption in placs of a Irolley syatem except the removal of the poles and overhead wires, tin bolting of a 100-pound electrical coutroiler under each car and the digging o f a apace eigh, teen Inches In width In the centre. thriiugh whieh the coiidult passes on top

■toeki, who got hli early training In tha I o f the sleepers, tho etraet being repaved business In Philadelphia during the I or cemented over ths conduit Nothing palmy days o f the famous gas trust of can be aoen but a tulid roadbed with a that city. Vatos in the close Bute o f flat and level strip an inch in width run- Delaware hava to ha bought and paid l ntng along the top of the conduit parullal for, and Mr., Addicks, with » keen , with the tracks, bnl flush with the atreot

MIm liuronntok,» fouDg CftUfornl» arilRtv who JjAR long felt th «i lu her owu daM s

lUert w u DMii for drote rtfortn, La«, bjfrwtugl ohiumeea MGoetomtKl th« iuL«blUkiiUof her viUnffB Lhum, I'aoIAo GroRre, to rhort ikirts without gltiag ft rlole&t ehock to their prejudiow. Front tbe OfUlnetf leuglh ehe rv- duo«d tbfttkirto hftir ftu LugU dftU)\ u-tiil (her liureif tftftohed th* kuee* Letrgingi of nu u t Icftliier or oordoroy oor«r the lower luirt of her iefs, gild her OMUmee, wblr-h are ullorai HLftUe, ftre beoomlnc ftud even gmoefui. Much ft reform thil la etpeoiftllr ooureuieot tn MIim McCurmlek whtD ftbe it eogiigrd In palutlnf cattle M fe /li]rp«r*i iUuar.

Lady Homer««t dftftla with tuore thftn one or two of tb i wroDgft of the day. ia ft late umu< her of her iHuMf the Mye t ^ la woiaau he«rt- Um T Tbe tuliUnert are ftgrted u to the antwtreftQdft glanoe at the h ead ier of tbe moment beare out Ibl* aewrifob. ^*e prefer t(j Uellave that It i« want uf thought ratbor thau want of heart which m%ke« wcimeu ood- Diveftt a faebioaooeUng the lifeeo f ihoueiiii(U of hlrda. And we appeal to readers ot the H'luAt. fin'e NtcpKd to proteet hy ezamplB and precept agiilutt tba wantoa deetrucilou of * Ood‘« tweeti panalonen* yeblrddee*'

Mrt*I*araa kUeveoa deolu her hande brill leotly upoo feitlvft oocuuloDa; more often ehe wean enly her wedding lings ft narrow band of tbe old-fftehioned type, and rather worn from lonf wearing* She poMwiwit a ring which onoe bftloiired to Ibe TurkMi Kmpire, which le oertftlaly wumlerfal. TLore l« an iu-trleafe baad woven of due edver* A t the m uting !• a hiarde made of diainoiide. In the Uil ii ft iprlng aad whea It It touched iht mouth of th«llMr<lt>P*neto divulge the Inlprlor of the throftif which ie medeot rubies and dia< niooda

The Womeu'e Uclvertlty Club U now open fortbeeeaRUQv oucupylng the same unariere ftd laetyear, la tlAe buUJIng of the Horkrley Lftiileft* Atoletlo' Olub, New Vork, U i Ural B.fteruoon tea WftH liuld on HaturUay, (K'toUer g;, when MIm Krolly Jnmei Hinllh, dean of tiernard College, waa the gueet of the day* Later ahe will bMoorne a jueiniMtr of the ulub.

MlaaTompkihe. a KeoLuoky glrU who wm care eeoretary nf the t$ootbern KxpotAliiou, held at LouiivlUe. and later purehiiilng clerk for the UoltR'd HiatM Supreme i'uurt, hike l>etD appoluted ueititant marelmlof the court.

entire flowar — — ....... -each petal weighed aUuoet throe pound*, aiHl the aatlra flower If It coaht hava bsen hvlil up would have suliraly oonoealsil the pvrsnn hukliug it. Tha flowar weighed in tome spn-imam tweaty-Bva or thirty imuads The nsetary alona ooohl catch and bold twsiva pints of water.

Tbs new dUcovary waa startllBg In maay ways. It waa a flowar without leaves or aiythtng but tba attacbmaot tothnsarth- a cumplala puiila— luul at first It luckvd llks a gi^nlic toaustool that hod taken the form of ■ flower. Tlppkig oaa of toe flowtrs over, tt was foond that it grew from a delacat* laafl*M slam not largar than twoBugsrs. r.nd wa- in short, a wonderful flowar paraalta | growing and deriving its aottaaaocefrom the body of a bnga Tina, that in turn wound about the treat of the foraaL <

Ths story o( this flowar waa received wlto j inortdulity, bat it has atnea baan arvn by I many and iwan uamad after Bir Htatuford ItalHta, HaBbwla.

No oat would havatboogfat of finding m Bumttra a giant ally ut the littlo “ wak* robia;" but such a discovery oame to Baccarl and atnaiai him equally M much aa did Ibo ItatUwia Dr. Arnold, bacoarl also had hoard ramonfrom the natlvsa of a flowgr higher than a maa and that at certain tlaiet gave cut an odor that woi tatiU to man or beast Tba Italian naluralui did not bvltava ths latter, aud datoriuiawl to make a vigorous so^'ch for tb* mao-kililng plant. Finally, deep In tba forsst, b» can,a upoo it. It raaauihlad a illy, but a giant; and from tba centra of tbs flower rota a snadlx that wai six fsrt in height—or oa tan aa a largw man. The aursaJ Iwivai wore ten fast long, the wboia pamiliar plant taking up an ana of forly-tlva . squar* laat. Tbe dutmetar of the sparbt was ' about thraa foot, tiall-ahapad, with -erratad ; edge* ul a datirale green lint, while U)nn tha oulaida It was a rioh purple hue. Theodor WM not iHAisonoUfty Lub waa wall cftU'ulab9il to keep Iwtb mao and beast at a disiamw.

A few Tears ago a triwnd of Uaccari, tba Marcheae OoratSalvUtl of Florence, proHoted a pottao tuber of this piaut weigh­ing fllty-aeven poumla to tha itoyalUarden* al Kew, England, nod one aighi it hlouutatl, to the aatonlibinaut nnd dellglit of lho*e wno »aw it The plant la cailad tha giant-arum I (ajriuaubo-phallua tiUnum),

Travellers wbo viillad or pMsad tba Capa Negro couBiry of Africa often beard from lbs nativH of a plant that was part tpidrr, Bcri that growing threw Ito about lu cou- tlnual slrugglta toaacapa. It »a* the goc-l fi.rtiine o f Dr. WalwHach todlacovar the origin of tbslegeud. BirolUng along through a wind-swept lahla-land oountry, he cams upcu a punt that rested tow upon tha ground, out bad two enormous leaves that blew aud twisted about in tba wlud like serpenti; tn f f t it looked, as tho ualiTss had said, ilka a gigantic spider, iu•tarn was four teat acroaa and but one foot high, it had hut two leave* la reality, that

d i n i n o - k o o m .Fitenslon Table.......... .................Hi* Dining Chaim..........................Twelve yard* Ingrala Oarpat..........Mirror........................................... -.................................. .(Sacker.......................................

•s.ooS.MA M•.00AOO1.16

P A B L O ft .Pluata Parlor Suit.................... flU AMTwanlr-llva yards Hnuaala Carpet,

made and lalA.......................... . . . . 1(.*SMirror................................................. J-MTable,,,............................................... *.ooParlor Btovt..................................... *-00


B E D R O O M No. 1.Antique Bedroom Bolt...................... fllO.SOStslesn yards Ingrain Carpet............ •■SOMattreaa, BprIng and Bedding, eom-


FKEI). VVALDMANN, Manager. WsekccmmenohigMnuday.Noveiuber 1ft Mat­

inee* Tuesilav. Tharvdav and haturday. T'alephon* Call * » .

M IG H T O W I A Ia i t - l ’n lly (Tioro* Ladles- ilO

Not. n -II. W, WHIIaroa'a Own Company, he^ail br tliw only J. W- Kally-

KrDsger's iudltorUni ( aafer Hall)Tliu rg iln .v, N o T o m b r r 21A, INVA,


"Verbotesfl Frncbte oder Lo«ken Zeisigt,"

A fraud comic prodoctloa with ■oBg« by Berg- Directora Haurca, I/Hama. Poll,

Parquet, GOe: gallary. Ma. HftMfTad m*U ebCeftod GUc. ixtra* Tlokatt may be procatftdM Uclfar't l>rui Btora. Waahinflou aod Mar> kci ita, _________________

THE ESSEX LYCEUMin to aagneemaat for bang qata-oea-la Bowo;

caru, fa! . eaptlone,ali

open to aagneemaat tor bang gate, com- lalri, iteturaa. maatlnga, mgiiealea, ra- iB.ttD.EltSEXLAND CO. JB h a n le r t

» 66.16

B E D R O O M No. S.

•M .a o

Badrootn Balt...........................Twalvt yarda IngralB Carpet.....Hattraaa, dprlng, Bedding. aM-,.,

..............S IA M

............... 4.10

.......... . T.M

____________________ ___________

Note tba name AMOS and No, T J bsf nra anlering tha atora. EatlMtaa ohaarfully flvau fnr furnlahing more or laai rooms or houaa* rtlh more or laia axpaurtvs jtMrta, for caab or credit!^ Tbltphuna BM. Ooodi dallvaiwd fret of charge to any part of tba Htala.

3 T O H IN Q FU»W /TUf»M~Tha new boildlaci Juat areelad at ••. M and * • Bank strwtmmTobeibaunlyphuwlBnaeftr iM waythe roonu are op, on acsount oloinanllnaas and low rates. Pumltura nwvad with vena in city or country.

AMOS H . VAN HORN (UniTED)7 3 Market Strttt, Hair Piui Stnit, levtrk, I- i.

Is snrvly right for tbn beat dinatr of tha year. Isn’t ba ready naucad in eeaaun fnr tba toblaf Our ttock, bv tha wny, la in saaaon with avarrthlng for Thankaglviiii par, and any other day, for that matltr. It nrlatlaa with tamputlona to tha nppa- t lu aa Irraalatlbla oa hanger. The verlatt epicure would vrhb to eat two dlnnan on tnr M b if tha mann were mad* up from our poaneailon of dalloaclaa from every oilma. Wa eUmb to tha top of tM Hat wilbafoodtipogUlon that canuot ha a*. atUed In this or any foreign country, ha- eauie It eomprtaea tba cbnioaat productions of farm, gardan, dairy, orchard, and with•m. gnn____ thing l _ _______ ____ ______dints, nuts, rnlilns, r«Dfacilons,'«haaa'ni>d ' era. It will brnoa np your nppatlla to


avarylhlhg In nnnnad nods, plum pudDiactlo

mm &7 3 8 B r o a d . S t r e e t .

DOUGLAS 13.00 SHOES, $ 2 .7 5mly bn

duned prices.


•4.00, ndaeed from IftOIXa l l k in d s of shoes for m a n , w o m a n


This is the best and neat­est Cork So.d Shoe made. The ork runs through the entire bottom from heel to toe and the cork does not show,having the appearance of an ordinary shoe.

M E N ’ H L A D IE S * (4 .

T R Y T H E M .

H O T Z S H 1I236 Market Street,


Full line of Alfred Doelgl'l Felt Shoe# and Sllppef* in Block, which we Bell below the factory pricefl.

G lo v e * , T le i i * S ih ir t* , U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y , C o lla r s , C u ^ t etc. This department is new y e t; that’s why we make it attractive with prices that must raise the spirits of our customers.

No old stock; everything of the latest style and pattern.

ay# to tha ebanoe* of the future, is alleg*^ ^ performediMa nacaamry duly for two yean pant with plsaaiug and cheerful alacrity.Now that the goode for which he bar- fnioM with iueb abrawduesi nudiound^Jadgmtnt are ready for delivoty, tha cry , car. The »oorat of tha ooutrollar bM it raised that Mr. UIggliaa has been a not yet beau revsalad beqaute of pending right good Benator from Dalawara, a I applioatlou for foreign patents. - Tha alout-bsartsd and unfaltering champion 1 company le said to stand ready to equip

and withont any alot or opening. Thla •trip la <mmposed o f a aerlea of flat iron rails, separated at intarvali by non^)on. conducting matorlal. The only aao- tlon of the rail charged with electricity ia that directly underneath tba

posittun never before baid by a wunmu. Mia*Tonipkiaa is noU oa yet, thlrii-Uva years old.

MUa Etbel llarradaa, the slater o f' the author of "Bhipa that Faaa In tlm Night,” bat recently coLiiuoatd aud praduutKl lu Lou­den a olovar opr ratio sketch.

I N W H I C H A R E N .M IL IC S .

One day the chllilreu u era having an iilijert lelaon oath , binr heron. Tha tencOrr cailot atteulUin to lit email tall, auylns; ’ ’ The bird ha* uo lall tu apeak o l." Tii, next (lay she aeked the aoliolara tn erritea draorlpth’uof lieblrd.and a little l.ennan girl wound up by eaylugi “The bln, heron ha* atoll, hut U iuu»l not ba talked about."— Udhpln**!.

(An Elderly Wonld-ha Whrelman'a Kxiierl. euca.l

DlvonaatUe (luo-tlua—" Why Uycla?" Vurohaau a roadster—Buy Oyclal Mount It and tumhla off -’ fry f ’yvlal lloina brulurd and ihivarlng—icicle!

I Head tlie iHinrrt, am hnrrlflM -Hhy t.'yoliil Hell off Ht a HuorlfliAr-Flf t.'yc)at Ami that was tbe end of my t-'yclal


FlntTtlephoneltlrl—'iBoroa or them men la lorrlble crauke."

Hvoor.d Teleplion* tllrl—” Y es ; what was ha khiklus about 2"

First Ttlaphone 01rl-“ The mug wamod No.‘ SI Harlem, but I couldn't gel 'am. eo 1 gave him TiU. aud 1 told him it was aa near aa I oonld com* tu 11. and he waa aa mail a* hcr- nela.”—Dnre u dfuiith.

IIcH tup ilate* at the primarlaa Aud winning, tet up a ch ta r;He sat up Ills sons lu buaineaa.And aometliue* act up tba bear;But he wiakenwl aud he aueakened,Aud far from hi* hums did rov*When the wife of hi* bnaum asked blm To Ml up the parlor etev*.

—JwJtannpolf* JomnnL

w«rH «lx or elffht fftet ]oair, au l ipHt yp by thM wind to liiftt ttaftj mMnblfd ribbon*. Thi« U proU b lj thft uiufti •ttraordluftry tr*e known. U growi to t Oftarly, If w>t

ft century, but Aftv«r npwftrd bftjond nboiit ft foot, ftlmply ftlowly •xuaniilng uutll it mftcUe* tbedlftiiietar looking In tU ftdul: etfttft Ukft a tint^U r itooJ on tbu plaiufroto Uu to •LsbiMftfMtluelreuTiirerflfloe.

Wlmiiba wiiidcftiQf rubbing lofroruttio Mfk. liftmK thi curlotu ribbon«|llcr lea v^ ftud tuAHlng them abou^ U alinont eefttued to Uh) dlHCOver#r that the ftirftngft plant baa ■uiliienly lierome linboftd with life ftud wta klruijirling to Mcapa When a U«ftcrl|>tlou ft&d (lit'turftof tbe plant wfti aeutto Loglaad, it wfti like uifttiy othftr diiscoferiM ili*- crwJjted; hut tooo the plant itaelf waa ra* t'ftiv^, tod to-day WeAwiteohia mlrabilia le well known lo botaoLiU, and etaudi flrut ftuioDg thu uniquft produoUooe of tb* vega- labie world.

Tbu glauie ol tbe g n u tribe are the bnm- Inkm, and they attam a height of over lOd feet. Tive rattan tbftt doe* oot grow Terr high Iiiftkei up lu length, atulDing, accord­ing to KuiHpbiUift Id toinft iDHtanoe* a tefigth of \,'iw feet. The ordinary cau« o f com­merce atuluii a length of 600 feet. The bana- buo unut have been the bean stalk of legenti, as it liftM bfttiii known to grow one foot In tweiily-four hours In n Glasgow bothoueft aud 111 L'hlueue jiioglhe it often growe from two ti two and H half feet io tbi* tima tba greatTHi iniTease l^elog ob««r?ed io tbe night.

borne of the palme are gitnU, eyen loaves being enormous. A leaf of the liephla. ftBr&iiHan paliD, is seventy feet long and urty in diaraeier, Another goniie M ixi-

Uilliiiuft rugla, hae leaves fifty feet long, wbilu a single leaf o f the Tali|iat pelm of Oyloii It utevl as a tent, sometiiiMe covering filtueii iifopie.

liut of all ibe laavw that rtrike tis as re- luarltftble that of the Victoria regia ti Um most phstiomeual, On New Year, I33fi Sir H'ltwrt Hl ht n burgh was ealliug up the iierbioe Uiver when be dieoovereii tkiw fftmous lily with leaves sli and a half feet

Fwry Miller ” lamp is pertWg wkflfier It coeto ILfltt orIIOI,

flN E “ MIllEn” UMPS V i Equiiiilii Shailis tor Gifts.M E BEMTIFIIL, USEFUL, APPIOPBIATE.

Tba "MUl*** ia*d* In all atylaa al Rangiul, Boudoir, Plaail,y __Itady, Braokit. Etol. Ltbraiy, Obaodotki, ao avarybadrC ■b4 dcalona ■« »1nM« la our aaonrtaual, wMeh la (ba beat la New Yarb. Our “ Mdlor" OU UHUrwlU warm a

Wsalo»ak»iiaiaTol»oa*IUiOn»xTopa,Th*"*«iboa.Uv” lamp. Mo. bttbUobodlMa. Wsmakeanlyckebaal.

Tha “ mUar” f fM • brl«b t, ttmcAr lllb t. Bunt doM not luwfco Mtlkwt liShtad wUbnut VeiuaTlBX ohiainoff |

aatoapla tnvu of a button (ohlch n ohltd eta do itf*l|), adinita ttHtook ao Um Itan la alwajanren (a,iwH«tiror«nootDVW ibn old w ay of pnlllo# np Ih* wIoUi la pnt In ttm nlok la an tronbls. Ao ladkaWr lolln nk*a lamp ia lull ol Ml i Um draft laaoeoatrolMlhMrbloiiHynnvenatbrokeabythaBinio. THE••MILLER” IE A WONDERFUL LAMPi ETERY. BODY BHODLD ECY IT . U jour doulw wUI ■ « luppil ooBotona. Caialoaaoo oont an npplloaitoB.

EDWARD MILLER & CO.,_ lOandttOOUWIFUtotPnrtrLaadBarclerli^HawYofk.

Moavoat Eiavated wad tUnUou i *Ui Ava, Pajk Maoa \ Ava., Bonlar it. YaU ana WmA

807 to 813 Broad 81P. & — Open evenings next

week. Thanksgiving till noon.

o f protsotlon, ia a native o f Rsd Lloa Hundred and to the manner born, and abould Umrefore be given another term, Addicka and bla check book to ths oon-

;;trary notwfthstandiOE.Thaaa otmsidsratlons have been tttffcd,

vt^m nnh apahaUcat vahamsnoa awl a 1 o f objurfatloo, bjf organs

t ot AIM diTtdisi Una in p iu^

any section of road under responilbla maiiagetneol at Its own axpoDis, to show what the ayatam will do. Ol course it It true that la ths preparation of proa- peolutsa and ndvertlaamanti, na wall aa in tba Held ormaobanloat Ingenuity, men hnva sought out many Invantlona, but In n bualnata aa praoUoal and aa wntl under- •tood M alactric raUioadluf In itoW| tM

JUST RECEIVED,A mce stock of •' Canada Seal Capes,” with sable edge and collar ; Electric Seal Capes, Velvet and Valour Capes, all in new .shapes aud good lengths* Also lotne handsome Jackets for Ladies, in the latest styles, and Children’s Long and Short Coats, Jackets, etc. Also Men’s and Boys* Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc.

A ll these goods we sell on time and terms to suit and at prices that will assuredly please you.

297 PLANE ST.£r«tu alHtve aadl criniMU bftOifttli. Ijarg#

irJiJ ar«i of(«q leen standing upon thafti, awl oils gruwA iu a hutbouso ieryw ai ft foif a JitUtt chiliL

i'ht teawaedi Ihcluda lotns ramarkAOltfnntra, ■ Ob ttw« itnith ihoiw of StitA CiUilUiInland tbs gna t bads o f kflp form in oartain plftvss ft prulaoUutt, and ft ■ciftil •rbii'h Ibft wrltftr ctiftda trips sofDStlnuan on* t'horsd by hauling aboard odu U U s tnormous lE>aTes. The macroojfttli pyrlfera grows iu Aiitftrclir waWtt to a IssgUi of !i00 faat, ftiwi fti K^pguslwii^n IaHuU it tiM been found grow­ing upward tu a lingto of 7UU bunarod fftat, Aiid strung enough to lioKl a goiKl*iltwi raw* ksl**-a vet iiabla giant o f tba ooaaiis

thablotKj. ri acUs* eVery pari of iha lysUmg and iQ Ibis wftjf iKksIllvaly oures oalarra*

Hood's &ftTSftparmftg ftOttni through * of ID8

Highejt o f a l l in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. Gov't Report

P o m u d M *f t B f t O W t E C V

t Bank and Market flte.


l A / i — f l E r ' / V I oo ffw to w a n d g e ij f Y I f C I V a ro tioA te one, either <n a

go ld , g o ld /died Of nUver oaee, a t a very reaeonadl*

p rioe , w ith a f u l l gu a ran tee .


From Florida; Oranges, Grape Fruit and Tangerines, selected and extra fine.

Fruit was the pure and primitive food o f man, and no dinner is complete without it :h some form.

Either preserved, dried, pickled, canned or fresh, we have almost every edible fruit that grows between the Arctic and the Antarctic circles.

A good modern dinner levies contributions on the whole world, and we are uni­versal purveyors.

Rave you tried thavLltUe Quaker SautagH f

mAlto GOLD AND STLVSB CHAINS in a Greai Varielt/ of Pattomn. Kl and MU BROAD BTREKT.


G O O D Y E A R ’ S R U B B E R S T O R E .Largest sjul moil oom-


HES,gn huOIvB*and BULB


A Lady Always In A l- tandansa.

Islaordar. THE MOREY INCANDl CENT QAH LIOHT BURNER has tu lUy. Bait and chaapaat la tba wor| No burnad-ont parts to replaea, No i rare ragutrad than wlthonUniry burn divas more Ughi than tour regular I with ona-tbird of the ooutunptloa gas, Qsll and invasUgata.

8 5 4I T » j


Page 5: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

>■ -i ■a a K. fG K E W S . T H t K B D A Y . .N ()\ M SM BKK 2 2 , 1 8 0 4 . 5

o f



NEWS DF TflE HflllM.:Th« W, (X T. 0. ConvintloB i t Clive- j

land, 0., CIm h lU


Tfc* Af«Ht ai MiikH *ia Wliicb m l>«plnrabL« fliata of

Aflkln U Hkown—Tba btarr of Canaihak Traipattitof In Aaarluta Walan i

Dm I*4 h j Tapuia r>aaik—An AtUupt | a Woniaa aad H «r Soa |« Kill T*wa


John H. Woodbury’s



Nouris^ies tiu?;' ' ^


F A L L IN (i OUT,




Tb* Annul W. C, T. U. cuofnnUoB *id*d •t l.'ltTtlABd. U.. Inii (vmlBg. At th« do*. log MHMu tlu BiliiutM or lb* G iKuUn L'on,.

wblch ba l out Alrtailj bean nportix) to the cuBTHbion w,r« n«d, Tba raport ioalBilwl Ui< approprlBtlaa oC HOUb for tb, NatloDBl iuparlnuadent, orgauUU and lao- turare of Uw UntoB, orgaalud Into a board, whtcb will raport at tuiurs coaTanlloot lha ranuniaandation of tba oreatiott of a fund for tba dlitribntloa of lltaratura, tha raoom. (■andatiim fbr lha adoptloa- of ibo Tanipla CotnoiKlaa raport. and bjlaari proriding that tba Utata uniona aball not ba botiud by tba poUoy of lawa of tba .National Unlot. ai> oapt la ragard tu total abatluamn and tha oouitUutloiutl ruilngi of tba NaUaiul baly. A baatad diaciwluu than aruaa ovar tba adoption of tba Taiupla raport, in wbich a naBbar of dalmtta iiarlloipatad. Aftar a vary aaeiting d w la tba c.juiniUtta'a rapurt wpi flaatly uoanliuoiuly ailoptaJ.

Tba raport flrat rtfarrad to tba flnanolal alnuganoy of tha paat yaar, wblub bad hurt tba Tamola. In aplta of tbia, buwafar, tba intwaat on tha Tempia trout booda waa paid. Tha balauoa oa band at tha ijaglnnlng of tba T*ar wai Mit. Tba rmipta of tba yaar wart 117, IMS. Tha axiMndltunt of tba yaar wara il4,UU. Tha path balanoa fa ISTt, and tba ootaa raoalrablo aiiiount to (S, 187, Tba Boating dabt of ittS,UU) will probably ba ra- duoad to (Ml by January 1, W V Aliout MU,000in laaaaa wara illtcunlliiuiKl during tba yaar, and tha rant roll now aiuouata bi I18«l,(nu. rinlgn In lha amouat of oaar WU.OOO bara baan racaivad.

Tha raport of tba Kiaolntiooa Comniittao waa alM takan up and aaw raaolutiona adoptad. AJoag itlicuHiDB wai ttartol by A raaotution proteatiug aKalnal putting anna In tba kaada of boya Othar raaululiuui adoptad wara ooa deploring tlia Annanl-tn horror and adaucalbig Intaroatlonal protao- Uoa, aid oua danoouciog tba Inoraaaa at mil ■ ■tary aducatlou bi publiu acbaula, oollagaa and unfTamllaa. Ura. Mnall, of Uuuohuaalla, Intruditcad two aoiaiidiuaotieonfarriiig mura power on dapartinanl luparintendanU, whfob wu-a loat. An aiuaudmaut waa alao adoptad priaidlBgtbalblaanialafaaiutu can ba bald wban daainad adrlHbla

Tba clotu of tba ronvenUon waa quita im- praiaita. Uiia Willard iiioka brlaBy, thank- tag tba dalagataa fur tbalr kiadnaaa to bar and tailing ttarm bow atrong and wall aba lilt. Than tba convanUon tdjournad and Will probably maet nail yaar to UalUmora.


Tha Agant at Haaaalaro, it. M„ Uaploraa tba Praaaat Blala of Affalia.

Captala Lari V. Burmt, btorantb Caralry, Aetlbg ladlan Agent at Maacabruv V. H., in a report to CcanmUaloBar Browning at Waabington aumi up an aril among tba lodiaaa of Uut agaacy wtaloh la found to praTBll to a gnater or laat axlent among all Waataro luduni, and luora eapaclaUT among thoaa atlU in a lavage atata. Ua aayi:

Aaotber cuiaa of much trouble on thia nwrallun la tha frequent marriagaa among tba ladlani. It oftao bapiMW that a man will gal tirad of bla wtfa after being married a few mootha and will then leave bar or land bw borne hi bar ralativaa. Tbi, may occur ■avaml tlmai with tba lama gienona ao that a man may have tbraa or four wivaa and tba woman ni many bnabandi, all yet Uviag. Homatimaa tba nuaband lU-lreata bli wUaand ■ba runa away to bar pnraata. Tbay often make np and live togolnar again,

" Havaral Caaaa have occurred during tha laat yaar where paraata have induced a man to marry tbalr rl, aged parhapa not over tUrtaaa or fourtoan yean, tor tba tola pur- piar of kaepinc bar out of achooL It uaually happana that tba partial toon laparata, tba girl ratamlag to Iw paronta, ottan igalnat tha wlahaa of bar buibaod. Tbh rauaea ■arloui quamla. I do all 1 oan to luduoo lhaia pamiiia to livo tegatkar wbau oaoa thor ■TO marriod, but tbara i i no way of oom- palling tbaoi to do to.

“ raygamy la practlaad to unna aitant Twalva Indlau bava aach two wivaa, and one baa three wivaa. 1 adviaa igalnit thii on all oooaaioiia, but tbay do not Ilka any paraou to interfere with inch thlnga, I do not lat bow it onu ba prevenlad, na it la an old cuitonn.”

Amarican, Hugo Hurchard, now In Baiiin, and wai ahown yaatarday tor tba Brit lima in Amarioa.

Uaorga Lugar, who baa a rifla bafora tha board, axhiUtad tba new prodnetioa, and tha OMUihwe of the board could not help ax- praaalng lUafnMdvaa aa liallavlug that it had a xraat futiira before It It la an arm ■daptol tu aarvlce for many branebat, and tha oulv imall weapon in which aiwokelita powder may 1w unci aucraaafully, tbia tori nf ■miimnltlun being quite uuaarvloaabta In revotvrri. It la aftar tha atyla of tiM Maxim mitral Uauaa, baliic autuinatln In action, raoaivlng Ita ability to loaii aad extract amply aballa fruui the raoolt rd the shot

In tha exhibition Ilk) ronnda wan Brad w itbout n hitch. Tba aialbitor Orad twauty- fmir aboli in fortv-tbiea and rtrea-auartar ■aroudi at a rauga of 11(1 fla t and all wara bita. lie waa not an axp-rl with tba place. Itweigbatwo puunda, twelve aud ona-halt uuncaa and la elavan Inchaa In laagtb.

Tba grip la place'1 at tba oantre of gravity, giving a ataaJiar Bra. Through it runa a inagaxina callable of holding eight eartrblgia wito nickel-jacketed bullata of 7.66 milli- matraa, about tha aame call bra aa luaoavy revolver of tba praatnt day. It hw great peuatratlon aad an affaqtiva raage o f alxiut fliki luntrca. A light aOjualabla itock luay be affliad, inaklog, for alt praciioable pnrpuMi, a carbine for levalry. Tba tartrldgea are of tbo L.ugrr rlmltea type.


■ a Aacldeat lo HaMaahaaalte Which Waa Hue to Bumabodr^a Caralaianaaa,

Two pafaMoger Iralna on tba 5 a « York and Maw Kugland Uallrotd collided uo the main track about a quarter of a nalla froui Oxfmd ftatinn, near Worcaalar, Maax, at 8166 yaatarday afternoon. '

Tbe tram going aoulh had ordare to paaa tha northbound tmln on tbo aiding at Llx- ford, but, throngba mlaunleratanding, waa on tin main track whan tba train from Nor- wicb came along at iwinty-flva mllai an hour.

liaggagatnau Charlta Wilcox r f tha wait­ing train triad to turn tlia ewftoh and throw tba oucoraing train on tba aiding, but failed, anil a bad wrack followad. Tba anginaa w«-a locked and badly amaahad, aad both mad care were talaacuped.

Tba Injured are: Tbomaa V, Cnmn, of Wmoaatar, flienian, 'ariu and ahoublar bruliad and ankle aprainad. Cbarlaa If. Darla, of W'lroeter, engluaar; eeraraacalp wouml. iSaiuual JonakowikL of I'bloupaa; raudarad uncouicloua and badly bruiaad. Ua waa caught on tbe back nt a aaak and a drummer a valUa fal Hog from tba rack on bla naok pionad biin down and Injum^blm teveraly. Atbart A. Walker, of Sor«cb, anglnaar; hip bruited and back wranchad.

Tbat tbara waa uagliganoe aoma where la certain, for iiaawingart on tba train trooi Norwich lay that that train oaraa naar atrlic­ing a freight train near W abater, running on tba mxio track laataad of a aiding, aa ordered, in exactly tba aama way aa wbau tba accident at Oxford occurrad.

Tba Tiger. Hava Hard M'orh■ aga—Manv llawllug flame*--Hl-

_ ryrllng—Olhrr 8p<>rta. ,■3|hf the gaau bakwaan the


OiatT ru i'CUEB ’X n k t i s e u e d .

Captain Dnaa, of tba Patiel, Denial la- tvadlng la Anaarlcan Watera,

Tba Uanadian cruiaar Petrel arrived at Wlndaor, Oni, yaatarday, having on board 108 Amarican Bahlng nata, claimal to have bean aelad in Canadian wnUra, near Mlddlt Itland, laat Baturdar, Captain Dann b ii not racaivad Uatruotloaa from Otinwa how to dlapoaa of tham. The flab tbat war* In tba Data wara fold.

Wban Captain Duns waa naked abont tha charge that ba had taken tha nata from Amarlcau watan ba rapliad; “ Tbat la a neat miataka. I had bean Informed by Canadian and Amaricau cUliana who bava axlanaiva flablng iutaraata along tba Cana­dian ibor* that AniBrloana war* flablng in our watan, and whan I twoopid dowu on tbam Mahirday 1 found It to bo a fact, Ona or two Aniorloaa toga ware angagad in lift­ing nata, and at atght of the Petrel tk n dropp^ everything and ataamad away. U nut guilty why ware tbay in auoh n burry to gat nway t

" I took ao Amarloan chart and fveot care­fully over tba ground. When I found nela wholly In Caundiao watera 1 lifted team wlthmit quaillaa, unleaa 1 waa fully con- vinoad tbat the owoar had put them tbara unlnteotloaally. I f tba oat waa on the Una and waa laid toward Canadian water, I rlppad It Bp right to thn Una and laft that poflion wuoh lay Ib tbo Anwrlcan water.

" Wbaa tba matter oomaa up forlnvaatlga- tloo by tha Amartoao antiioiitiaa 1 will In- troduoa aa avidanoa aocDe lattara from flibar- man Itvliig In Clavaland and Saaduaky that will bava an important banring on tba oait.”


A tfothav aad Kailet Am at After Tbalr Oaelaught.

Hyde Park, Ha h , waa thrown Into nn ax- ciMonat teat nSght by nn nttempi to kill lha Town Clark and Tax CoUaotor, and tba CUrf at Police ID tha town rooma. Jamae V, Kaafli who ii mneb worried on tha aubject of Icnaglnail arronga which ba and bla mothar auw anAaring, cnllad at tba Town Clark'a offioaaoen after 8 o’clock and damandada w a rm t for the arraat of a Mr. Malla, Kaafa'a mothar accompanlad bim, and tha two made repeated damanda for tba warrant

Whan ft WBi rafiuad Mrt. Ktefe pulled a nookay wraoeb from under bar ap»n and Btmck the Town Clark a vtolant blow ovar tbe left ear with i t Tba wounded man ruthad arroaa tba ball Into tha office of Tax Ooilactor Baaford, and attempted to eloea tha door. Kaaf* fuilowad and Brad two abota tbroogb tba crack of tba dcor witbaul hitting altbar of tba oaoupante of tba room.

Tbe Kaafaa teen made n flank movainaut aad cama vary near getting Into tba apart- um t by anotbar door. They were only pravaitad In tbalr attempt by tba auperiar •trengtb of tba twu man, but n fort tha door eloaad, Kaafa auooaadad in firing tw6 mom ■bate at oIxih range, one bullet paaelog through Mr. Kerry'a coat

Tkanobaottha firing attracted tha attan tloo of Chief of PoUoa Koonay, who ruibad ont of bla offlua to aaa wbat tba troubia waa. Mrt. Kaafa mat him halt way and dealt him a blow ovar tha hand with tba monkey tmneh, Which lild film motioiilaia 6t htr feat Young Kaafa again prov^ bia poor markimanatilp by firing two more abota, tbia tima at tba proatrate body of the polloa- man. without bitting bim.

_ Tba balllgarant mathar and MB than want ItolhairhUfuaBBc' barrleailud tha entrance, |■TlD*d tbamaalvaa with rtvolvara and pro ^artd for a aatga.' Otllaer Brown oaiiia to

b# door and waa groated by Mrt. Kwr*, vhoitld:

"Caib* right ta Mr. Drown, and wt will r aarvo yon tbt wav wo did Sorry.”> ’j^offloar took tbia at a Ibrvat to abool ■adratirad. Aterg* crowd gatbarwL and tba mothar and Mn took turu is reolUug tu tr grlavanoa from an upper window. Tha nlBcan daamad it unwita tu try to tomt m aoteniiaa in tbi face of two loaded mvolvara a ^ kept at a raapactfol dlatanoa. Purthar

'iwUlbemaaatcKteytodlalodga tham.

8(^|gKTBIIIO WKW tu XM Att, An iU ,

EjxUbltlon of at Flatol I* Whlah iaaoke- laaa Fawdar la Uaad.

f Tbt Kaval Hbull A m Board, at Rtw- , R. L, bad txUUMfl iiafon It ytektnUy

kliatal wbiob laJlMy 'jfiT rwplMlIiU tet Ikte

The New York "B ub" Takaa a Houonua Mby nt Ib* I'raaldebt.

[From tba Dally Cuckoo o f Day Altar To­morrow.]

It w ill ba ramembared tbat during tba unfortunate fouryaara* interval In Prael- dent Clavetend’t occupancy o f the White Hoote, he conaccrated talmaatrto tha prao- tioaoflba law, having olBcea in William ■treat, near Wall. To the adjuetmeut of caaaa In liUgatlon between bit I'ellow-olti- »n a he gave, from time tu tlma,at rel'araa, and for modaet feaa, tbat aama palient and oonfcleatlout attooUon, that eama maeterly undaritanding o f tbe great prln- otplaa o f Juriaprndenoa, that aama cour- ageoiu and unpurobaaable ethical par- prndlcntertty, it we may uae tha term, which make him ao great In bia every re­lation with pnblio or privata affaire. A raferenoa wae indeed with Qrover Clave- laod a pobltc trust. Public duty waa pro- fentnnal axpedlaocy. Salfleb fnteraittand tba lobBmea o f UMrupnloua greed were fdtfle aa agaloBt bla unbending rectitude of purpoia. Tbe Inaldioni nggoationa of couuael, inspired by tba nvarioa o f polf and daaignad, often from tba wont of moliVaa, to luia- lead bla Judgment and to blind bia inteUlgehoe and allure him by adroit Jugglery Aom tba plalu path of quaai- Judlolar duty, never deterred ClaveUnd from reaolate tnalilanoe upon the definite and clearly defined princTplaa o f funda­mental law. H'la awarda ihould have bean unqneationed. Ilia doOlalotia ahouid bava been aceaptad with humbla grati- tnde oven by tha lo if r. Nothing last than unbealtallng and unsomptnlning acqulaa- eenoc waa ana to tha deliberate manta o f auoh a raferea, rendered under inch hlatarla clroumstnnces. It waa uar- tainly not too mueh to expect that tha findinga g f Uafarea Cleveland ahouid be bald eaored aud final by every patriotic oil lien I

Wbat ihan wa tay, then, whan a bigh coort o f ‘ 'Joitioa," tachoicaUy tba high- eat court m tba State, gbea out o f ita way to dlacradlt Praaidant ClavelaDd as a law­yer, and to hnmlllate him peraoiully, by

reveraing aom* of bia moat Important de- I elaiona ■■ referaa. by MtUng aaide aome I o f bia moat oonaolantionaly and patiiutlc- I ally rendered awarda, and by offansIValy exhibiting him to tba country in nn napeot Intended to be rldlou- loda? I f tbe result o f an In ganloualy malignant oouapiracy to make tba facile Court o f Appanla a party to tha dalamatlon o f Oroveg Clavelaod, tbo euamlaa o f that unparalleled mau have orai^raaobtd thamMivei, Who are tbo men that are tnpudant anaugb to eat up tbalr JodgmanU agalnat tba legal knowl­edge o f Referee Cleveland T Here art the namei o f tha praeiooa gang t " (jh a r la y " Andrawi. •■Bob” Earl7 ” Rofe” Peck- bxm, "O lin t” Gray, “ E d " Bartlett, “ D enny" O’ Brien and “ Kleotiaa’ ' Finch, o f Ithaoitl

P E K N O N A L .Sa h c ii. Euiaon, of Port Uiatlot, Mtob., the

father of Tbomaa A. Bdtaon, though ninety ycara of age, la atlll^a aoUv« poasasalon of all bla faeultlea.

Henry S om u n , tha aeu of Lady Henry Somarast, wllldaveta his spare tima while wintering at Rostoo to cotnplating bla book, in which ha will deacribr bla raoant asplcra- tlonl In the lludscn Bay Urriturlaa.

Dia b UaoAimiaT, of Molbonroa, Analralla, who died Id his Dlnaly-siith year last weak, had bald tha dsanalilp fcrty-taro yaan, hav- la f gone to AuatmU with Blabvp Parry, tba flrii Blabop ef Melbourne.

OoviRHOB-iutcB Ourrin, of Connaotlcat, baa beau so pastared by olBoa-baatara tbat b* baa bad to ateal away from bia HIddlalowu boma and go Into a ratlramant ao dauao that tko poatraan can not fled him.

Uua. LotiuaS. Buopus, who baa jnat baan elacted praaidant of iba lUlnola Woman'* Christian Tamperauen Union tor lb* nintti tima, bat worked In forty-thraa counties, given 178address** In tba Stats, aud baa visit- ■d four other Ntata*.

pRONaaan)i Virouow waa aakad not tong ago by an loqul.ltiva Aoiarican at what hour ba wa* aooustomad tu go to ImiI, " Whan my day’s work is dona,” ha auswur«d, “ it tuay b* 1 o'clock or 8or S, bm It is my rule not to alaap until 1 bars nnislied wluU 1 Uovs to dg.” In spite of tbia Irregularity of lialilt, Prateaaor Virchow at *av*uty-two it a vary auargtUo aud autlva man.

eiaTtni 'St PrITioatiin University ami tba OrxBgu A. f . nt til* Orange Oval jaaterilay Was all niia-iid*<L i'rinceluu ruilial tba haU down into Uraiiga laiTitory tbraa tima* and mad* aa many luuobdowat, and kicked two goal*. Hilt, in the sanoiut half tbs story waa dilTsraai. Orange want to worn at tba plgakln with a rudi and, holpad by a Prlnuatoii liailplay, a touchdown was aacurad ia short order Thau Urn ball was in tha cantr* of tJia field again and altliuugb lha I'riuualuu lui'U apjiaraiitly triad all the tacHi'* they knew of tbay war* unable to uiakv any decent gains and never bad the ball any distanca Into Oraoga territory. Tha Hniioaton teamsaaniadto bavaexbauatol thamsalvai with tbalr elfnrt* In ita* first lialt, add tbit la accounted for by Uk m who claim tbat tba tea'll I* uvertralnul Tbs Orangt msn war* just bagiuiiiug tu play after tba first half.

I’ rlncatnn't graat wnkneaa was fumbling, and often tbe ball wa. |>lvao tu Orange for bolding. l'oiu|Mtent ju.lfes any that ITinco- Ion will hav* to improva 100 |ier osat in or­der to coma anywtwr* usar wlaulug from Yal* a weak from Saturday.

Tb* (iraiig* team played OB* foot ball. Iluall, the big right guard, gavo 'Itaaf* Wliatlar quite an nrgiitiiant, aud CollaiuoF* and t'oyua at tba einlt warn svarywhar*. Marshall w.s ai«> In evlilanc* at critical tiiiias, and Gordon's kicking was linnii'CM. Tbsra wiu a fair-sianl cruwa wuhin the Uval wbenUia gam* was called at SiSO o'oterk. Tba ground waa wet and soggy and tba ball vary elippery.

In tbe first bait tba ball was (oroad stead*' ily Into Drang* territory, and wa* savad fur Orsngn by punt uute by llorJun. Finally Barnslt broke through oanir* aud made a touchdown fur the Tiger.; Trruchard kickai) goal. Prinuaton thi'ii rushed tn* ball staad- lly from Urange's kict-olf until Harnett ran tblrtr flva yards through fiutplisu aad mail* anotbar touchdown, aud Trauebard again kicked goal. A bar.l fight, bullng autms ten uiinutas, etisuwl, Tranchanl making a Ona run of tweuty-Uva yards. Finally Bar­nett workcl over tba I lac aud imula a tusieh- dowD, Trenctaard mlulng goad.

In the aaetiud bait succaasive punta by Gi-rilon brought the ball tu I’rinoeton's fifty- yard llu*. wban, after n fumbla by Ward, keinbla, by a i lavar double pasa, got around the and and lou'-Ued down, Marshall miming goal. This practicnlly snoed tba game, ns no furtbar gains wara mail* by altbtr side. Tha double pass br winch Orang* iccrad waa a vary pretty piaoa of 'work uol luriirlaad tb* Tigers very much, Tba line-up wa* about twstva yard* from tba goal Una, aad tba Tigers align*.! tiianuolvn preparatory to itoiiplng a push play on tbalr atptra. 1 ha ball waa patted to (Jordon, and tli* wliolt I’rlB'.'elon taam dasbi'd right at bim, but be quickly |asssa-l tba leather to Kimball who scooted around I'rincatuu'a right ami and made a hiucbAlown fur Uringa before tb* Tigen knew wbat was going on. Ilaraball punted out to (loi dun, but the trbil for |p>al was a failure, the ecore baiag 18 to 8. Tbe line no was as follows.FHIsi'ato.s. rimiTiosx Johiuun (Bmltbi,,. lei t and.Church.............left laukleWheeler............ left guardHiggs (CruwdUl__ caulre..Jfnmm", \ ....rl«l>tguard..................UnaUTftyior............. right uckl*.......Trtuchtrd........ right e&d.............. .W*rd iPoel...... ijuiu'iar b«ck...... ...,KiaiiU»UHarfietl........... laft hiUf iMtok.........M «fnvtlK i c k f.'.rigbt half back.... { W , ”

} ...... ...................Attendance l.OlU Toaohdowne-UarnetUtl,

Cochran. Kimball. (Joale fi-iHO touebdewns" Trtncliard (2l. Injnred-.Johnson, Ithodaa, Ward, I'ochmn. Umpire—Mr. Alaiandtr. Haferae—Mr. Da Hart.

MorH and Lea are both practically out of foot bail this year. Tbo foriuar, greatlyngiinst hie wlshea, has baan coin[iei!»l by hi. physician to glvt up playing. 11a may return to the gnm* In a day or to, but tbara la graat doubt of bi* doing ao. Lm la at hti bum* in Ftailadelphia, racuiwratlng from tha injuriet of tbe 1'nnton game, Uis pbysloteu bn* alto adviaail bim that if he cai>tiiiue* to play foot ball ha will not b* mt|)unsibla for any aarloua Injurtea which are aiuioat csrteln to result.

Tbe following team will probably repr*- tent Yal* In It* gaiisa with Harvard: Left end. Captain H iuey; laft tackli', Baanl; left guard, MoCraa; oantra, Btlitman; right guard, Ulckok; right tackla Murphv; right and. L Hlnkay; quarter back, Atfea; half backA rhoriHiaad Jarrauu; full back, But- terworUi.

Than waa no hard practlc* for Ilarrard'a football alavan yaatarday. The luau want out lulu tba rain, went through all tha aig- nala and playa and then ran a littla. Chnrlia Brawtr, whlia unable to walk, la not larioua- ly injured. Tbe aukle ta neither broken nor •praluail, but cooeidernbly wraucbeil and while b* will take no mur* practlc* until ha ■ball run on tbe field at Rpritijlield, lie will certainly play in the gam* Ui. klctlug tuts very nuicb Imnruvad, ao that Yal* will nut gain tell or fiftaan yardi on axchaBge of punts, as was expected. Brawer will play full liMk, with Fairchild at half. Hallowull la prautloally teWlad upon as left tackle.

Amoag Us* Bowlars.Tb* Montclair A C. bowlars fiulshail the

frame in tbalr firat gamo with tha New York A. U. at New York laat night Ina finu man­ner, Ihty having coma vary near to wiuuiag tbe gam* aa a reault. Tbay loet by euven niaa. In tlia second game the New Vorka lad from tbe firit, bbiI won handily. Tbo game* wara in tha Athletic Howling League scriaa and tba scort* were as follows

I Ilk* to matt Abbott, but dun not fancy I fighting at such an early data A hbott is

sviib Qe- lifibiweiglit ebaniplon of Kiigiaii'l.Til* n<|iuteli"ii of lha " Kwilucky Ko*«-

bu'l" Ha- ilimme.1 Tna*'l«i uight In an eijjbPr.'iiij'l IhiuI with "Vouag Starlight"

I air the Kirtland A. .G.,-ln Tiynn, Hava. Wliila lha I'lmtest waa ileelai ..I a >lraw. It WHS a virtual victory for "Marbghl." Al- tboi^h till, latter ***10*1 u> Iw ab"ut 'luntln the fifth round, liauprnsit the'nest one with *mi# gisal Wort wllh tb ' left .ui fac* and bwiy, am I kept at It ao sici.llly that tbs “ Bud ' wav very grtwgy at tb* clnae. "Tha ■avanth mu amutaveu. The eighth ■ml last round waa Tory ninrh in favur of “ RlarllglK. He (siksd the " Hii'l ” it lha mouth a ilh li:, left, got in liiv right rt|>**t- adiy, anil kci.i Isith liaii'ls lamling ao fast that tb* " Uu'l” sEaggarad all over lha ring.

Th* nariBB at Wavtilaf tan.Tk* rices at Washlagtcn ys*ter<lay ra-

tulwd a* follows:Flrel Kac». Two-year-ol'is, six an<l a half

furlongs. Ilermenlta, 6 to I, w.iu, Umlerioc, 8 t* A sacon'l; liralbuud, W tu A third; time, 1.36H'.

Itacon'l Uai>*-All agaa, fiv* and a half furlongs. Will Elliott, I to 2, won pulleilup hy four Iruglhs; ranwav, U to I. laoiNlu; Longbisvik. t to 1. ihlnl: time. l.TJ\.

Third Race—Two-)8*r ol'Is, six furloBg*. NoKaa, 1 to A won. Hi'obux 8tol,sao- omli iteil Top. lUO lo 1, tbiril: liiuA LID.

Fourth Rai's—Thi'ea-ye.iri'Ms and up. ward, five and a half furluugs. Black Hawk, 7 tu A 'woii 111 a romp by f'lur lengths - I’oly- dora, llllu.d, vecond; Bo'iitbir Vaat. 3 to 1, third; tiiiiB, 1 I'Jif

FIftn Race-'.All agra ons mile. SunilowBa, 11 tu A Won by a hra.l, iierkac,-', 7 to

Saacou'l; Butr Actreas, .'Ai to 1, third; ma, Ltd.HiatU Itaca—.Ml ages, six farloqgs. Owlet,

1 to A won by tliris' leugihi; I'aiiway, 10 lo I. tecuud; FIdallo, 18 to 1, third; Uma, l.lldg.

.Sllscellansous N)iiirt«,Claaiaa in s)iniTliig and wrestling under a

firtt-claw Initrurior will twgin at tba i Irnoge A*.taletlc Club uii lirff:uli»'r 1.

Eugene VaiiTamlwclil, of rtonili Drang*, r*prfl*snt»l the Houth Uraiig>< Field Club, tb* I'acifii'Club *H'l tbo Urtr'ipolitaii Ath- latic AawH'latiuu at tlio annual rnsoling of ine Aniatoiir Atbletir I'liioji held in the After Roma. Sen Yi rk, ou .Mi nday.

Morris II. Ilsall, who wav ihlni l*seinan on tha Ornuge AUilstlc Club bevo InsII team tael ■aasoii, has bwu chuttn captain fur next yoar. Several g.ssl players have already beau *) eitl Ihc niaii.igcm.'ut Is cleter- riiiiiod that tha toani > f li.h.1 rhall li# vsiual, if not kUjieriur, tu Ibn |siH time.

Iveiaud rk Imaferwlll play another bilUanl match, this time in Chb-ego, laigiunUig on Dacaiiiliar A. As-‘i'liaoler lost In >'*w York, when ha waa laled.a lug favorite in the bat­ting. It ii rtuu'iiiable t. baliovu Ivuv a 111 ba a but first oboica lii Iba coining match, as- padally aa It will take pk i» in bis native city.

oUAMoa A. o..........CuiUniora............fiuiphaii............... ullvar............... Mobor

Two gainea were pUyad In the Huburbou Bowling Lauu* aerlaa on tba ftoeavllle A. A. allaya laat Dwht hatwaan tb* taanis rapra- leutlng tlie KgaavUI* aud Cdumbia olutaa Th* RoaaviUa* won by tba tppandeil ecorae ;


WoudmllKatcham.....Chad later.....Badger..,.,,, Baldwin......

Totats.... .

Sd..177 lUWimn...


1 » 188188 lUI

. Md 8U


(trana.....17P Erkenbaoh

F. frommal... HI Lie KtmbaB........ HI 188

TotaU....... T87 8f8Tb* Colmnbte Whaelmen, of Brooklyn,

did not know what to roaks of tb* way thu Atalanta Whaatman bowled laat night in the WIiMlmau’a Bowling Laague asriue. In oacb game lb* Atalantoa won oy nearly DUO pins, and in tb* last gam* Edward ^Isay nioilii wbat will probably batha nigh score of tb* touroaineat—206. Tas acoreai U.Oloiago......m no Boe.

Millar.... „ , , , 188Build............ IllHalasy.......... IWTMrbalt..........U8

COLL'MBia,1st. XL

............ UiH HOGadin...,,, ... H4 1(6Lltakus.........16? au

apprachl..... 118 1(81 « Hlerflng........ 166 168I7I)| —

Total!.........T » TM



Totela......... 810 886Two gatnaa were bowladln Orangt Inat

night In tbe Horrit and Estai League ba- twaau tba Urania A. U. an 1 tbe Norlhai n Hapnlilican Club, Tba olnbe broke avan by tha lollowlng •ooraa;

■ORTH RiruRLicaN.lit. fill,

Rotaarte......... 115Miner........... liki 1(8Laonaril....... 1(8 liS)Van fiuuberg. 138 1(89oan ............. i&S IIH

onaaan,.. *4-Herring.......... 188 168Tunoo............ IM HRAiiorn............. 167 U6Gray............. .MO Upc;Itvlug........... 163 163

Totela......... 786 7» Tolala........ 637 7«(Monteomary’* tournaraaut le prograeslng

favorably a t tb* Clinton stiaat allsyi, Du liondav night tb* Barkatays dtfsateil tba Ate- lantetby ifaa scoraa of DJO and IfJU against D20 and 821). Laat ulght’a icorai were:

F O R 2 0 Y E A R Sthe formula for making Scott's Em'uleien has been endorsed by physiciansofthewhoJeworld, No secret about R. This is one o f its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the mW itr en g /k it gives


nourishes. It does more fo r weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind o f nourish­ment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and restores health to ■11. sufiering from Emaciation ■ad G e ien il Debility.

fi, Oefdg, 8ors Throa t, Bron- l,4infs,C«Sumoder>Slood




, « i

Sd.161 (Telntsmaa..1(6 ooulh.lie.dlas..... .. .MauMre.....



Isl. Pd. . 163 238 . 268 inu

:i5? f??. 1(6 168

. nu b«6

flaw Ileaarita lor John H. Johneea, iuhu ft Johitfun addad tm n \ mare r#*-

ords to bit ill* at Loui»villa yeeUirday. With the aid of pacamaker* be rod* a util* with flyiug start in 1 minute (7 iPh saoimd*. a ■acond undtr th* noiord. Ha paeead lUa thraa-quartere to 1 miant* D3 aacouds flat, tbraa-nfttaa of a jeoond patter than tb* rec­ord. Ha alao broke tba two-lbirds inila. tbraa-quorters aad mile ataodlaf start rac- ord. U* raada tea mile lo 1 mluuta 62 1-5 seconds, two-tbird* in 1 minute 15 1-5 aao- opda, tbrsB-quarter* la 1 mlhut* 26 1-6 lao- ondx

Nawa o f th* Flflitera.John L. UulUvan la not dead, waa

ruinorgil,Dr. fobn A. Oougbtery, of Pblladatpbla,

ba* offarad to back Rorto* M. La *^ the Atiantio (,'ity B^ter^ht,- antinat Uwan Ztaglar, who In -lHi1lad*l|ilila ii oonaidarad tb* Mlnnar of th* MoAttUirt-Blaglar bout. Duugbtery )■ wlIHux to bsck Leadafor a bums of from IbOU) to ttU-UOUand tor a nuiab fl|bt or for n limited uunabar of ronuila.

A puateh b«MskDj|iBiny Haudiar and Btantou Abbott It^uked A Th* Bnraka A. (X,cf Waahllj(ljk^S.]J., ISauffarBd to d lv ld a t l ia g iS g S r fe i^ w ith tba wln- blficmUart to teh*

UOKTCLAfR A. O. N, V. A. 0.Ut. U. I’ll. 21.

ThorQROn.oa. . IM 168('■rter......... in mnudmuL. 0 0.0.. IW Cowp'ih...... 0 nil* lU8(iyii*r..... os ., 18E Ite Leglea......... m MIL)Ijnckwoodooe .. 17* US -lllAW.......... » 14H 'HUCrokbr.os.Ak*.. 171 lie Tooieifint,.,.. e 164 lUl

Tolbli...... .. 8177 846 Totals....... 0 m nsn

P i n K H A N ’SVegetable CompoundIt k positive curt (or all tboae pslnlul

Ailments of Women.I t will entirety cure the worst (ormt

o f Female Complaint*, all Ovarian tnrablaKlnfiamiiiailun nnd Ulcpratlun, Fulling and llieplacumeiita, of tbo Womb, and ouna^uent Rpiunl Weak- DHi, and if peculiarly ndapicd to tbo Changt qf Lift. Every time it wiU euro

Backache.I t haa imnh) mors cama of Lenenr^

rlima Iban aur remedy tbe woi ld hua ever known. I t isaliuoat infallibla la ■ucli caaaa. I t dloaolvea and expels Tiimora from the Uterus in an early ■toga Ilf davatnpiiiiint, and cliecka any tendeDcy to cancuroiu Imniore. That

Bearing-down FeelingCBoatnc pain, wsl'-ht, and hockaclie, ta luataully relieved ami |>e: luHiieuily curad by Ita uai>. ITmIcr all circum- atanoealticte in harmony wllb tue laws that Biivarn tha feinnlo ayetem, and is aa uarmlns aa water. I t reuovea

Irregularity,9nppr««ed tir I ’alnful Mcnstmatlniii, 'Wauneaa of Ihn-NUimacb, Indltfetlon, BiuatiniR FliKidliig, N'ervoua rroatra- tlon, Bendacbei, lieucml lieuililj. Also

D im n e ss. Faintness,Extreme LaaaltuJe, “ don't care" and “ want to bn left alone" feeling, exci­tability. irrlubillty, neriouanoao, alcap- loasiieoa Hal ulency, mctancliotr, or tbo “ bluea,'’ and backache. Tliaae are ture iiidicaliona of Female Wcaknant some dcraugauieut of the LI terux, ut

Womb Troubles.Tha whole utory, however, ta told In

titi illuftralod book cmlllcd “ Guide to leallh," by Ura I ’ inkliain. It con-

talna over W pngca of moat ImporUiit Information, wliicli every wonuui,mar­ried or alugle, tbuuld know about ber- ■elf. Scud! two-ceutstamp* for it. Fur

Kidney Gomplaints•nd ^ k s c h e of eflher * « tha Tegs-tsbla Oompound if unequalad.

All drsftlrts tall I ih* VfjretiibleCom- I pound, or Mrni hv jnHitl, M» oij pills Or l>TKffneei| [ on IVMifrt Ol $ I eOfteJ CortS*A/MMdFHMl/WcJ p WMOlOf >wcl.

Yok oan iddrew In ithctaet oonfldencp,U M A a. r iR U u a a u . co,. luraa, Mim

I K O N a v c : )r k :s .Emnumitii 18(6.

CoKrofOmpailOglsiiSMiMA/turACTUf(iftS OF

Improrpd PorllM Fturines, TohoUr Hnlien, Tnnk*ftiMl Hheet. Iron Work, &K) h«j«vy iron and llrnAk CjuLlutfe, 8TKAM Fl lTLVU A liPKrlAljTYa and onlfTR forKenerat macbluB »ua bolJer priuruilly eAtfCUira.

A ixARGK «TOf’K ni-^EW a k d sjcrojri).HAND KaVULNKH ASl) UOILKH8 oon- •untty on bnod. I’ATKNTUltATE-UAlLS.

Wharf to Ipt, with lieavy omne And storAca prlrilefpw, by day, week or inoDtU, at lowoit c tv rale*.



f fi. HARRISON,Y _ uircoEsaoH to


Too wilt And Rt my siom a full I In i THW

Best. Paper! « lomst prices.

20 CLINTON ST.. Newark, N. J.



T o buy our imjiortcd Melton and Kersey

'JPerfection o f the i.qilor's art, 43 and 46 inches loiii;, m.ide to sell for $31, now scllinj,; .it

$ 1 4 . 8 0 .

C I I A S . I I .



W. L. DouclasC U O F laTH iskST.O r l w l l i l NO*dU688INm


4 3 ,tfl> 0LtCE,3 3o u a .


• L A D I I I -


T«ie t « ii Money by weerlit thoW . Lt Ooticlai $1.00 Hliee,

BwraaRfi, w« «r« tbe UriHl mftOtifsctirfTt o4 thli tbfwi la tbo worlil, u J roiir*nt«« tbrlrvAiui by tb# nuno iQif pric# on th# b’lUoDig wblrb pmt#et you «KElHAt blgb piirMuci rbi mlddlrmaa‘i produ. Our ibuy* #qaal c^om vmrfc la etyl#, m m flthDf «nd WfsArtiif qatJltlM ’•r#b*v#tb#m •fkld tT«rywh»r« atlowfr prlCMfn -,e iriver thiin inr othrr Tak# no aub• -*F frif.v—.lA.t • ..i,

fUMbr WMa eprr^OltR,34r llr#Rd fti.i iO'^a .HAY 9c rOa, al7if Oninc# at., r#r, ll i l i ■t,| K. IIKYMAM, 4lNa(' *iJnHprI#aA#l«iav#.i W, A.dkTaV. AUItNi4,nD;i llroRdal.i U* H. ( laAHK, 14 r«trryai.| IL HOkM<4TKlll, 47 >l«r)i*1 stat Ka 14, -HAUSli, .TllUkura | D, ||. BlKU.HAN. Il•rrle•■.


0 »H C I il ls I ( V CLKIIK «>>' TIU niy uf .Sanark. Newark. N- J„ KuMiiibor

IiprtpMAli will b# raeeivad by Ills < oin'TtU

v OH 1‘gbD,' of |b« tVvmtuoii I puocHl ofibniitvitf cAarkai # «u»a'lai( to bab#M«tiba ( i1( lUli III Ui« clky of .^r»aru. on Fndey, lb#

vt«eQU4Mrd uay #t NoT«mi*#r u«a oesi-iiiiiievwtl i«ii| aaavi>>u lo anil bllar>uui Ic'ciock lo 1 >) ii'elook IK III* aftartwMMi. Tti# Wall H III i>t iinjiiipili- hi III# o’tUoCiL 'I b#lihUuw liif la litF Work to i*# Jon#:

Flr*i All iiiaaaiv work ' wtfk.Qii All *rnck-

'lltUU Al: cot slsiua tetwk.Fourib Adpiimtntf worK.Fl'tb All pMiruM'ii: wifk.HHU Atl bMlIliM 8torEM#M-eili tu « r i IA lo n e work. buUd-

Iniofihi propoiK t nvw inti kbiMian No. i.( N. J.. nt oe-Hirdaite* teftin (lr#winK( #biI . ttoKi tna.MtT Ifvnry Klaiam. AtvhliHiH.I Aiwi# bidi will ii« Mk«(t (Ur 111# RP#vi nimtj

work-Hddcr««minikta iiipir prIoM in wrliluc m w»ii

Mlafli'irae-jndtloM aiit«l aprciry ib ihwir proiwaaU ibal,

Rtaould ih# abov* work k# Ateerdod to Ita "n, lb*r WlllOlliiJ UttdHMWM tat AnUk A#'1 eoiitplvt# ill* motowuhlB (Ml# buiHlrwl #nd ibirty coutvciUln WDrfclne4*y«.

JbaplmiMieatl »|»eiirBMoo# or tn# work««nta# At ih* um## of H#nty i'. klaiiiM, M)

UatIvI In th# City of Fwerk “itlii pr.ipoaolaio b# ■«m(np#ii>#il by lb# oont#tai In writ,

llng-bliwu MtirMl## wliu ihaU, at tb* iIihf ofput- tinjf 111 Nwb prupoMla, m Iu Ui*lr roapntitl-MiKy In in# oujiMiiil nf a-rob prnpni«l. aoJ bl 4

t lb#m #lrM iHtt, If til# euturm-'l iN*w*rt#(l itetu*'■ porwn or ptraoBi niAkltag ih« pnijHml iii#y wlu,1 ujteKi It# bcin# *.) #w«r>l*tl. • wcftni* h'# nr thotr Mr*lt##for tb# filUifUl iiorn>rm»tif«* nraoU irork,«Hii iitAiii ib#u#m«mnriwr»ii i#umitHrr#n><wtn*i- #oul# *U4it conir#/n, Itiov will p#v iMUtactiy of '(fit- #rk iikr diffvrino# b#t«M<# I tk> »u ■ a lu ultlcta ha Of ih#y #0(ihl b#i« bo*n oallilfl ui'OiMMtuphMiqn of lb# ctNiimri, ond ibi#t wiikTD thadiyijl fxork muy b# otallcwl to p«y th# jifraMii ur pfrwlia by- wb<tfti #ui h oihtrioi ahoil ta##a#rit«l'

■ h*t’ommhtMt)B IM’tit# ■.ulHnaj"<»nhii<i'y of K#w#rll r*(i*rf# Vi lb#m«»lT## tU# rlibi lo *oc#pt (W #ny or rH pruitmaUfbr ifatAhjf# MiirK, *1 ib#y iiiAi'A#«>u ta#<t far ih* hil#r«#t of ib« >ily.

IVy dIrociMMt of Ih# i''»iiiiuiUM on Uiiildlac* 01 tkj*ciiy of N#w*rk

Wll.lJAU K-f/ptVNOlt,Hr 4'Hynrrk.

( sitUKT HlKKK)' PAVl.NU A-’ tbH'>MkNT lot b#MAta.

Nollo# I# hitrohy ftroo that b<i ##6#aain#ni iip#n bU lb# uwhaM ol Ail tb* IaikIa ALid paa) *ai#u p* oilltAriy b#Mflt#d by Ih# of

ffn UT '‘ llii Kf.from WMblneian tti##t hv air##t. Aff'erdlni t#rb# pruylii'jii* ol An (irdhianr* of tii#rriiyorN *Wtrk, AOlUltd ** A B • rtl IBAAO# to Pfftt tUA Isf IJl# OBfInf Df

rorn r H-niKicT.fniiu WaiiblncUiU ttr#**! to llteu «tr#bt," pA###d July in.

iiA# b#*B pr«p#ir«d by lb# uo>i*r te#*d < ommiA tioH*r#- •ppoliiitil hy tl:* MAyor at iho tHt,v ot SawArk, Aiid tbAt A n*i>ort hy A crntncAl* Is wri lay- wtTb #n A('roni|t*iU’tiiK mnp #mt a bctlii.# ahowinc III# Mi am) #«Ainii tb#u#iM*r* pMHjilAfly l)*n#ni«d A# Bforaaild. haa b# n d*|iOBliA'I In Ih# oflLcr Ff (Ii# ’ Ity dark of ih« rity of >*w«rk, fbr MAmiaiUuu by tbe pAnl«# Inlar him! ik*r#ln.

' Aid AMBMiHoni eoinprtM# ali loia, tracit A'ld pBpt#ll uf lAAd Aild tMl tlAhl# to b# A«*#ai#dA# AfbrtAA'd, lythf on both aid## of

o»uhTHTitKA:rfrom WiAliInfhm alrteat tn Mlfii «U#*t.

A **iot'‘ r*pr###iLi4 an #DUr# yloi of laad, wbatbAT lATf# or llUAil.

All iwrtnna lat#r«*u>itln ‘bid Aia*w#nvAfit tn*y b# litArd i#ior#lblil t ninmlMliinfra, oa 'n'KbPAY.TH K| Wt Ni Y-WKVK.’CTII UAY OFt r M-, Atih# tlommlMionarr riHM. taiilrdAnori. Uiy MaJL

tM*il Nor*aib#r 14, IIHY 1-. ritiNn,JO tN OWVKH,K. W.-in.I.lVlN.

■ i tionitulRakku**#.

RUPTURE CUREDThe Improved tCUiAUr rriPM la tk# <iQ[yiriiai

iDbxlitoiUM ItiAt is wora with abAoltiU oom- , furt night btid dwy, labit retfiio# thf rupture , uiuierthe hbrdMtbtertitM nr Mvorwbt ttrtdo, ‘iiid wlUbffwit » permubul nad ipoAdycar# wimtmtrwgbrd to tbe hm ut the uMleat*■ iiiftBAltrM frtb. L*dylu biUuaAMi tor u* 4iwk $Aod for imiiiublat.

IMPKDVfiu BUAJiTIO THU88 00..tSaf bud K£4 bruAilwnr, cur. S bU K-Y.

H, $0 AWXKTt (lrn«t*b VloUt $pl][Ai Wbt«r» l*«rfnnaM, $bbb»i Fairden, «Cov ggtd by


O! FI IK ulT TUK CITY t’ l.KKK UY IU F.IITY orNawark.

N«Wirk, N. J.. N#V. 12, l#H. hMl#) pru|.iOMlJ wilt tw rAo*lv#d by th# t'onioilt-

t*A 0(1 I ukllc JJiilidlMf# of til# t'liraKion I'num*]! of littriiy of >a>4Arl(. Al b mMliui lO Im bald At tii#riiy 11*11 In th# city of rwArk »it vSfundAy. ih# iwauly alxiti iIav of .WiVemhar, iKH. i h* oodiinll- t#« will b# In ArtAlou In racftlv* uku n|i#n bldi rr#*ii lo'vJuckiu lUtaMi'cicrk In III# Art'-rnDOA. 'Hui bl4a will b» OlMii# I prnmiiUy bt u'olock-

F h# ftdiuwlug Is ihH work tu hu aoujc yirnl-AH nibwin work.HMHifid—All n*rp#Mt*r work.Tbfnl AH trijii w >rk.Kourlh All riit itnn* work.> irib -All brttd’ i Work, hlaib All iiAhttIhK wuru,F-tvpoUi All phiinlfliiit WorkRlffbtta All BMEliiK work firr thohuUiUqf oftb#

Kropuawl MOW .'Afond rtilU# F'rrclnrt KtAtloo- OUA# In Ui# city ot -Viw-irk n J . lo lU'curflbiKto

with drbWlortbQl ■paniituithina mfcd* by llvurv Kl#nim, AfvHldicf, -«|Mraifl bldtwlll Im uk#d

for Ui - biBiT# iiAhHxt witrk lihlrion wUl Aula tbeir pricM Id wrUlo; H Will

btl# azurwi.i Biuai apwliy hi Ui#ir pr'patalt thAb

•b#u](l Id# AbivTA worti Im AWArdAl lo titty will bind ikoinH lr## tu iliilau aii<) «umpl#(« tb# BAiu# witlilA ont bnudrttl aud fifty i<oiia#ouUv# worxlqg dbyb

I'b* piann And iiMClilrttl mi uflli# work oab b# •lAinltiM bt tb# u'hra ul [|»nrT r Klamm, 240 Ubrk#t •tr##t tn thvriK -.l uwirk- hold pro- pOAbll to b# Accoinp.(n’*d by Hit I’on’Mol, la wrtlv Eiik, of two iur«It#N, who bhN't. At tb# Mitfb of putt'.AR in Riinh pfijioialb <iual|ly A# to tbAIr r##pun«lh|iiir in t'i» Amoant of ludi proptugil. And bind lli»mp*lv#i Ibbt. If tb# orviitrbfK. Im AWAnl#r1 lolh•|J*> umorp r■ Aowi tuAklof Ita# pmpuiAl ibpy wiu iipoTi lUhfiBE AObWArded b#ooiiiA tiH or ilirir tnlwilra for tM fAUhfbl {MrlpMUbiMMof wild work ; iiiAi If tb# panon or ptreoka otnU or rafiiw u> •itcuw Ausb 1‘ontrbot, ituy will pby to th# irliy nf .v*wsrk any dlllVrtno# betwAMB th>* rurm to wIiMt he or lb«y would bAV# bbon •nlltl^d uimn nimpitilon or itiA rojittMt And IhAl wFilrb Uw elty ur 'v*wArk ih«y b# nbUe#d to^y kr»# pvrvm or ptrauM# hy wbum ioch #emr#(Tt#bAll b** •uratiMi

Tbtlkt ((mltiottMi Pillilh! Ilulldtnfi of (hadty of NtWArk r##trva Vi i]i#nia#lv#4 t n rigUi (d keotni nr r#)«#l Any #f *|| phiuiMAia far thr nhor# wuili; A#th*y inbvdAAm b«4l rnr tha InlarMi n' 11-I'U/.

Hy illrrctibo of ibvComfum#* oil i'lhnUr Jluhd- itaya of th# cliy of NowArk.

WILLIAM R. O'CnNNOHr (Ityi’ltrk.

iirO A n . WBitiiiT a m » vaniikh !*ool J latratt# bpw«r- -'tww##m»nt ftit h«Q#nu

Notbof ta hemby Alv#D that Aii AAivMihtoi upon All tb#' OWBtn of All the IaikIr #r>d rrui '>alAl# }H IUirty b«n*(lt#il by Ui# cuiuimc iDii ot ih# aewAroii abeb aid# ivf

Jl M)tfjATftKKr.b#tw##n WmtnblilrBft bud Polalar #trr«i, to<rth*r wlih b brbocib lu

wniviHr drnicKT and vandki'I*«>lHTHKM',

iMtW'Afci Hro#i1 itrrtei And PriJOiylriBlM ammu -AcrardiM to U)« iimvHlritiior An nrtlhiAm# 'if tl)* city ol .N#WArk. *ntlilr<l'Mu ffrUih*in'# m i-rothl# for tL#oOMtrucilon;if H «MW'*r uti wti'b nUie »f

BlOADraiHKK'l',b#tw#«n Rmmal itr#«l And I’ololAr itrati, iDgMiuat with A bmiirU In


b«lw##n Hrobd itrtrl *ml I'tnniylVbolaraFcaiii,'*A|tpniv#d MMrch'a'ii. I IH.

'fib# b#«a ptmiibrAd Ut th#•iniMr#. ApiMlfUtHl by tu# .Vbyor of lU# my uf NewATk. biid that A laport, by a cAittfl>'Ai* in wrliiOK, with An Nr onopatiylaz uiAp aim ■r-iivl iIh. allowlDt tbs' Dbvrfnl ,(#•»•#« iiaobi iifAlii’>i lit* i* vniaC uwnrrepMcuIlKHy b«iiarlt«>l a« AiorrsAhl, hM »m#>i d#|iuAl(rd lit UiAorr.i’O ■•nud r Ity r'j*rk of hi,* t liy of '#Wifk forttEA'iiinAtioa by th* partiM ihitr Mt#d tb#r*tn-

'«h1 AN»r#(m#nl romiiHM# All lot\ trai-d RodpblbrlAPf Ibn I And rral oMAl# llabl# to b« asN*s«*ilAAAfbiabitlil. iylay uii txith «ld#4or

h»'0 ft 'TIIKPtT, fbont Kmmti #Ui#i (u J'iuni*r airoet.

Both RldoA IlfWhluriT KTRKJtT,

fWwn bbnut ifio Awt rMiof l eDDayltAoU Avrnu# to Hro«d Nlr»*L

Itotb aUle# oftANDf-npnOL HTHFKT,

fVoin A<Mut lOU Jb*t«A»t uf t’rnniylvbnl# bv#nua to aroAd*ir*H

A "lot*' r#nrn##ni# bii anlir#pJoto/ltnd, wh»th#rlAffwor Nmnlt

All iMmiiMN iniarrM# 1 in eald b#R*ti[\)«ni; may b# l)##nl hi f r« abjd (rniumlA'iDutrq on riirDAY, j'li riiLiu'nci'it day o r

NriVKfdlflca l«Hbt| .IM4., bt thn (‘uiUNi1wilbii«n' touin, N . 4(lU|rt] tluor), City JiAll.

lbt«d MorenilJfr I7. IRM.r. Ia rjCIND,JOHN

-- W. ktfl.f.UMN,^t l'omm!'4lon«rL

l^HKFriF.lal) HTIlttKT lUVIKU-A)kiFi.BH“ r^UMnt for baurAi#

NbltiwU hnrvh)'tivtn thbl nn A#wwmi*nt upon btl ih*own*r«ot am th* larxl* And nnl miaU paou- HAfty b#A#ii#d-tay Dm pbvfwirvfftom F^Airx iiVf>mi# m r mbir eir«#i. And ibim HorrUbod I nMf aUmmuI Avatiu# l# r#v«ntn av*< nn*, Arconlln; 10 th# rriib'iihun ni nd onUiiAuropf iJiacKyol fWHrk. Aiukltd ''An ordlnbuo# lo pro* vidb for (b# PdVluir

KII KKE lm NTHRlcr.(mm hum i av# hi# to OrtuR# air#M. And From Murritbnj Km#< • nllrnAd Arenu# lo r«v#tttb A#*- IKM.'' Apprnvrtt 'Opi# ub#r Z). HI'4,

Haa b4wn pr*'>urt(l bv tM undertIfntH Ooioin a- thmtfi- * pomiAd hy ih# .Nayof of Mi# eHy#r .\#w- Arh.nod that <1 rajAFfl uy b o#Mllleat# In wrllluTv wlih An aMTump inyliiK mAii and ActantuU, ahuwinr lb* iwVAmi A«A'<uin«nii Miulnat lhi> **T#rAl awn«r4piwull*Hy b*ti*iit#<l A* AfhrHAld, hMfMtn depjAv iMlIritbAiimn^nflhMIiy Clark of lb# city of

awark, Ib ‘ vi#inLoAii(Hi by ID# pAftia# fnl#rMl#otL#r*lii.

hbhi AMAAamtnt oonprliA# bit lot*. drAOU And pum#]i onwiia *Nd r#Ai auai# >IaM# to b# aai#«##ii Ab blu(«A#ld. lylnf nn iNiih «Ld#i of

Mlr.l-FlMLtl >lHl’;rr,fbom knuiMz t##nA* ■ rank# Mr*#U bnd from Morrl# And ( •##■ i(#lir<#wl bTroo# to i‘#v#o(b b##- nuK .

A "lot** r#pr#ii#«t4 bO »i>tlr# fi'ii ot Ibnd, wh#tb#r bmp' or iuubU.

AllptrAfiUAlAtorvatad Id wilil *iwi«AiiM«Dl m*y biiMAld b*roTi Abl'l CodimlwiloiMn. OUrt'gkH'AY, Tlllv l\1LK.N'|‘^.«KVItNril DAY

t.r H«»VKM}IKH,*ldM.I Pv Ml, AMbA roiniuitilOMn' rbftoi, No. 4 Ubird •oorjs City irnil.

fiteag/avemterteteH ,: , JOHh DWVFE,

f ->■' Bui,uv*.v.J CWSBlMteoate

____ __ llA ll.lU IAlte-L ir-hh-vi V (JDa liAll.irjaii-TfllarTAKIS

riVAXXa ur Uti1 (HBO# of fU#Ml#*r of Tbi«fc

Ituotn No 4. <1ty ||a)|,Ibl# u01c# will b# opeoAO from Alur Ur,'#nl# n-

b#r I. uiiUI r AlurdNir. JADUAry Lt, iwii, i-ar thtrw (Wptlon ot UiM' ut' 1AM.

HkillcuLbr AtlanUou U c*ll# 1 to tb# fbllow|#f r# 4Ulr«a>#taliof IbW t

“ >f pAld bn or iMibr# lb# ARAA*lk (Iaj of <(#p- lAtnlwr. two |Mf o»»t will ta# (I# turb*dD n«ldng ur tMfhnp itat iw*my-n!nth day of ^ptaaiMr, oat p#r o*nt. will h# d#Uuei#il 1 If pbhl oa or o#rur# th* lw*fiUtlb «lbr ot > HMttier, on# b*lf uf oiv [wr QtDiu will If# dfductwd

'Mf aot n#Ld no or tiMnrb tbi Iw#ni1«'ta day of Orlnw#f. bfiliArf#of OII1 par c#iii win br bdd«d i If nnl paid or Iwfor# iba twantialh day uf %ov#ni Iftr, b eharf* #r two p#r oan!. will h# adilrd. And If not paid OA or h#lLi# tb# Urantioio dor ol |>#o#tA- b#r, A ebAff# nf (bra* p#r rtni wtMb*Aid#di if UDUbU A4#lM BilBftmitb d*y (ifXAai)#ry, warrAniA will b# t#au#d. bnd in aridlU'i-i lo ihft* \t%r lwoI Iu- WPMI fyniD JAtiBAfy tl bt tan iwr o#al., JuiUbH' bndmllRciara' f»#« wtii h»addad."

iifflo# will b# np#n rrimI A. M lot 1'. K. Mbt* urdbP. froHi V A. IL lo U M-

Ms HHI-Kh,7iy R*fwir#r,

N f i l le r - in m rK It iiicnRnr ' iv n toAlt port|#i loiar##t#d ibAi th#r#rtltW'AL« ofbb-

f of th# wtaoi# AD4UIIUI #f lb* ixMU And *«- lttu##AorpAr1ni

HLU TlITrNTII KTIVKrr bai babn d#Uv#r#d tom# ACconHnf lo tbw "Aidb###a#m*BUienipriwi All Ih* h*t intcia AAdpATOalA of ibud bnd r*Al #«iAt*, lyliif o# bqlh ild«* of

rWjIMfl NTHH’rHrrr. from bpriBAi«]d arra'i# lo Houih iinijii# atado#.

lit# own*r<i of land arid r#bl #ilai* ■'■#» >* it lo aaM otrtiflcMi# of Aaa#’n<u*ni mn htr#by rvoulrwl In pay Hi# Amouni *r> *#«*wed npnn GtAm Ana *m 1i of lh#itt #Mp«o!|v#ly. tu m«,>At my ufflc*, .n#, ICliy HaI], on orWof* MOiwmbArM, IWM.

N#«brb, N. J„ KovrinlMr 11, IkM.r. i.HrsvnN,

M# * ___ Actliif <umpimil#r.


— h a v e

randy Id every vitrlety, Coanime motto## *od motto iHLpar- t'harloUe Huh#, 40c. « iloi. M#bpolHbta loeCrbiuuJu Jndlrldubl brlek#.

1S7 MurkPt Ht., 67U Uruiul 8t-T E L E P H O S i: H97.








Mibb Um-ti (UHbON, of Sbr»v bbc, sMIch., wrltoi! '* J b*v« W n Iroablod wUb b t#rrlble htbdbPh# for About twu yur* ami could nut

Et bnytblnk to halu nip, biii at rriend b(lvl#«il luetofak#

your Bi’hiiocit Hu>o» hmicjiB, wblrb I did, aud bft«r takhiir iwn botllea I Imve m i bed tbe bfibde bcu# ilnoe,*'

F O A M I N K Forkoepiok Atralkbi heir in

ourL Hrlei Iftaiid 41 oauu.8 U L t \ N A

For Untlr^ t b* Upi *n i obsek* 6** cariU.

P A R I A N la O r iO NFor wbllinuih'^aViti. Hrlc#5Do

F IC E O K L KRDd itfotb Cravri, wbrrAnir*d to rura freckled bbdbU dieoolorAtiouA of. the iklb cAU#e<J by theiwba Prloa SdueaKper J*r, Mbnijfaotured eoktyby

IMAIMIHR It. WKITKHTELT,W a H h i r i i / t o u H t ,


/ IB THE -Mutual AcoldPht

• A bbocIu Uuu— Aud Provides- ■

Minimum Maximum[ndeDiaitfea. ludeiiftiltfun,

j|5,U)0..|k*lU by &.iiH»..LoAiof Hduri and Kooi..... iif.iiiM?^aS f h*K)v-Ijoas Of Ifuin Hands ■f. Mibd. JgOMof Hoth Yaei...

fi.i4in.. Luau of Koth EvrSw.SvfiHL.I.iiriuiof ILIicfii nauii,..KiDiu, jx>NN of KlUier L#k.....J.lH>iL,IjUAAof Ob# Foot........l.'HIO. .UiBNOf lUod.....

of One Fye..... ..8,WKJ. .tVriMbnent Ujanblllfy..,.,

Weakly ImJomulrv (Wwk

tiVNijHi.imiYu]0.<iDi3 i

L IUI' 2

S.UJH Ifit-*?...... - 'k ly ImJomulrv (ri:,'wkN)i f INMl HRif IN AaNoTJtKK < oMI'a NY,

4li>«N yuur policy itoriait you tu iKierd alralu Jupl btbrtlng from atatlnit f

[>n#s It cover bcoident# frn.D Lifting. Frenr- Uig, Ora, Polbon, HoiuUAinbulhm *ud Oboklug in Mn«||owtng7

Kbiiipte tK>ilej*n furniahed on AnpUfSblloM.JUHa M, n V H V K & C A h,


8 T O N IN G T O N route tolioHlofi Atid the Eaai I *11 fari'# reduord. bteniiierH leavn New iler 30, North lUreCaAt 0 M. dblly, eicepl f}Uiiday.



f.2A 4, M, dally Ibr KbUofi i'hUJiK Abd fB(#rii# diAt# RlAlinmi I'uDiiAuGmi, riO‘pt talibilAy, for FetlAviit#AEiil lt#adli)(.

1.4; A. Ji. dally lor iierwr*. f(ocii#*t#r. JltHTakt Nhivikr* FaMl Mitiwnaian Uridir* and fti* and pruiotpai intbi politi#. ihiilbk car to '*u«p4n#Uj|i Urids*. ruiimbn v*.eiiBui*ftiwi>#riii(.'mo#kii.

II M Is tu. dbliy fi>r Naudi Chgiik aiid intAr* medial# point* C^aettlluai fur Kaidlnf aud llAr* rlMmrg.

i.H I*. JIf. dbfly, »ioopt iiunday, Itar >lmlrA biid All lul«rn#dli(t# Alathtab (.-MDnectloni fbr Pou# Till# ami Hrbdhif i chair oar t# u llkMberra

■kli P. M. dAllr, ejcapt -unday. fur !. an-l R JtiDL’ilOD aad pnodpal liiieriuadlNl* aukthnii i llili niAii hankiparforOAr tu Wlikiaturr# ;cuiiu*c:l#n« for Tttitavltl*.

4.4H*. M dally, azrwpt HuiiiUy, Rir ieavb Pibln* Said and i&iermtdlM# itatiuta*

*1 7 T. M . d a lly fb r j aaujd an d In te rm ad ib t# #ta tlon#.

fi-lfl r. H. dally (ruDdby# P. N.} lor liaflkic, NLAgarte Kali# *od all polui# VI’ml rniiman hJ#«|Mr. vAAiinul# tmln, N«w tnrir to ('hirbfn. il'#(Nir <c JUdtfkJu Rtid furoulOi Chair car '■•w Yoric io \Mlki#iiArr* (w#«k day*). Coun#fiiloi» fbr ittad- Int and Harrlfburc.

i.4> F. M- d«lly,Mc#plSttbdby,fbrKAUoU Chunk biht lni#rm*uliitP4tAtlon* F. M, dbhy for iilmc*, (ianavi. Nocbwiter, fpiffbld. MifarB Fall#kOd All peluUWrtK. I'ullbiAD •It^riu i liilaafuaiKl HulTlUOv

TviicaeiAiH HuUnMO borommodattoojibl PMie- •ylvbnU I Allraa i Jd#pot*ad 74« Heoad ntreak,

Th# (Naw \#rk Tibiwfer i^ompbiy WU nail fbr bad idivkbAAMefkealKtMer ieiiueaoei|irQil4h le iaatUbt:#*

I k r - h h * - V I V n A n . l l ‘.iAI Afd of ADwrklA rruswruia vaFewwout by 111* iiiirriteCiniic ^wiirh ami fliuok nyiiAUi. •■f'* Rh pa Duly f.n noilr# t*i ag#Ai (M RiMi Rit#r .Sm( i». inu, imhu will lAAva Harkit

>iallDti, -NtwarM. a# M.fArlljn#, (IrMi . wlLb PailBibU V#ft

ilh t'l# I'R r-ur a t»l ( ’rih, fbr F u u H u rf;toUimhu* laO'anRpoiia. t hlf*fibAnd at- fjwil*

r i^..a A .M . I #ftn*)tvAinA i.fBi'iad, dally,*##* pu*#d **.-|li#|y#lT of -an ViwUtauk*. L«f|W

hiain# HmoklBg aadM rv b th m I R#4, p r *H t tU a r flttbhAlwJ rApnrM. * * • • *o tra p iia r# am t ly p p w fiia p . hainroipUiS fb r bo ib # # i* ^ n-Ahi, iuirtaur *licp , llh ta ry , and aNIh # r<iQT«nl#i>cM u f # r (tftii# . t.L flil# d F»y■ta|loBar>‘ and im araM # flw^trl-- l l f h u . A rrlv # # ihtcAM oy.dn A. ^ ( ip \r lR i*i| ; . l i a . I f . , ( l a v i ^J M lJ v k l A. rndiRAapoU# :,45 a . i i ., lo L td O A d I

(143 F- M. ruicar> arsd Hk I WjI# I xprewt, dallK I'uiliiibU VvMiUilehiMpifiw Bud Hiatiui ('«r# lu a* toaj* t.'h>C(i«u ■I»4 JjDUhiiilir, >»ititml«.-suioklBkV * r # B d i'RiSPBctr loach#< kim , 1.oi|r Arrlvaa ( im-iBMii nibi A- Mv. M. jjAttii i.ue f. M. aaiUkP ragii L i4 F. H . IW# i u ^ .

n i j : I'. M. W « ii# rn K ip rw w . dally Fuiln iA a V m i IUu I# E a rp lu g 6 -a n to r lt la b u r i . C b liw «c ab4 U#Y#l«nd, IKtalus <l»n la FbllAdvlpliia, *ml f1itb» hur« L o i’n lrb fu . A r r lV M a i U w i t U a d l l . U A . i L .1 hkafpit-ttl I'. SI. B#n day.

lA U I * . M . ro u U iw e *i« rt i L ip r # # * iSblly, FqU-mab V a a ilb u i# MAApiiif rar# la i iiK?imiAti aad <1*

hiitlDf I. ar AlivNirM I# UlcljuKMuL Arrivae UBdanAil ft.UJ F. 4 f., JbdlAnA4h>ltt 1*14 F. It * , b b i M. J OUIaJ. a . 14. •W'lTtUl ilMMllIng.

f I', M lYwllIc K|ur#M. dalir l*ultnuiB huft*i ( Af N#w Vafk to J'liuourt. a*# Ubiiy rthayi., ;.*iA. M. («#et>n>l uurnlngj, lu iuub buR T 11 F. U . am i I'k v e lA u ir 4 . F, j | . . ra4 I #ivao a. u M. dally, #ioApt «uid*y.

I - tv F Mr . re«i l i l . f U tihWbV 6Pr*U l, d a ily ,IIP # * r # in ,iMiiii<4iA 1. A usual 1(1# R ml ia<n|Nv

r A U F. 11 , K ou ih arii H aU w ay K ip ia a * dally . k lf* i# P R i® AugiM lA, m Hj fltt-‘ # a n d ,\# w ' rlvabb.

F- M . iw u v i# r Ail uoim # om lw#A##bA# ABil«»ii|a A tlM #y }*A rlu ranil H ib h if ( *A f*

r u f Haaiuwre. W -iw m iisum and tli# 'to u lh . I14T.a - . " -JB . j lB . l r . ' ■ I IO M - , I 's iim e a V M U lw te

Ifrlortera \„iihii> I'm-vtiirier r'm-hsieed lUii, li.r i ar, 1U.1J*. n• “ '* • „ ( * . 'H B iiurt»v, U ( 7 . X P A te A. M .

‘ site *xip. g. lof Homuiir* SAIX,1., 'I'. I'lr 13.,;, T.te, Atvs.II.

• ; * , l . i i i i l t H K j u t v * . I ' r i l ln iM V s s U W I*I rM ’I 1 #r* \#nPbulr I'ApRPucfr i'>iA#ii«# R*d I'liiiM r.r), n.t, A, ji.a, ,.ji * h , m A , u"-* : s.X'I'. V, AeevmmoiUtioR, iLte

* r ' l ■ « l‘. M . r .B 'u H 't» 7 . i i e n i a .%'■ V.“' •■tefilllA. M. (H .(..te iKV i.'i r U * " ' " ' * ' ■ * ‘ ' ’ • " ' '" “ "1*“ '* '*-*1 e w

'*'■ ’ -W Al0.a«.ri8l rn'.p. r Iniiu-I i i | , n - v milnisii i wir.utef o r te * M 5 '..f l ' t e n l n * ' ' e r i ,MS' *1; ''' •■' *<• 's n ile jp , IX «T. a te#.#7 Rud A. M- IK ko0. bli.atr T itLnamiMSc X. WM. roA*

“ sUrt l'«r vnsX <lars XteA. |iiM »{ .u r ie p , j i o r . i . r I- H . oteok a * r i

tiiSSl . I " '! '"*•** '• "“ C fte*.flee*,■ if< iv * ,K tirtn , . , 1 0 , . 1,4 » (o iis » iii« n . lo g e lI lOAWnt S|,.| iN tlo itoQ m o■ r w iru » « 0 , ( . " x t e P1-14 H o rn . 1)0 - 0B.i0)r 11.11 4 K o lte I t e

t e . k o . ' - u e . u V ’^ "

a . 5 l . ' * . D f ” M . ^ l ' . 7 ' '.1 I '*■ (llihri'whiioloowaoooi

' . J ' * ' l v * ' » el "'IPiiolllrn A«*oi,‘ I i J ‘I'P*® Pen-'v* Id sol fro'n fdiMe vlr-oio v ^ i i , ( a iM ib l* lo r r l i f s *" '1 lournav o o it ja o u i

I.O .V . v . . . „ V lJ I lk ,1 . ^ u ISSr''-**.!” ' * ’* e io llo n . I . I X XP, x n x n X I X lo' o5 n i e I" X IX a X te. s ( I X ( / .riV..' u le I I.OX U . i t V.v s ite . 10 V ? l ' " I t i l ta iiVte'r fi.Lv, '*■ xn IXOl 11.14 p « .V IA I1IU Ste '" ‘ '"X XIX X4T.Xi*,B.nTM.' Tte A * 'W X M l X4S, X t l . T-Sa, XXk

« - 4M o iY .IS I *■ V.: l i l t XIL lo o k x « . x t e k t t 6 i a n P. I tT i i « ' ‘aUdo, X It, XIV XIX XII,

I I I" f * ^ a * ^ -*x x i r .X ia , t x i kI'U liim'li j!** t?*' .;™‘'eV' l"X xiXXH,f,(X

X-( J Sl 111 I te 0 A XIVxixf-Liii!!} x*. 7.ix7.titte.x uT i l l s ■‘ ‘ a ii 'w . l u a i i . x n 7,»rl i V h J . * - * ' « . i x w . n . w A . K , iI V V t e l i * io ■.‘ -.S'- .X**- X IX X « V(X XU7.IX ! ' £ ' o u " I6 X V ■ V u s d o i.x n H I1 2 ' X' ‘ X I * . i t ( u . n , u xJ iu l l . M P . V '" ' ’ ‘ ' " *'X XM. X>X XIV X ir

m V " ! . . ; i t ' ! ^ T F i i ■V !’ ' * T kx " x X«X X6? x f t

l i t e i r l i t e lT i ( ' • * ' * • * t fiaU JHieataHli umy, t.B # It dMir Air A M,

NBil I f : # NINI ' . ’i l F. M. Wwk d l a ^ *■te 2*1 New finniNWIrk. lltT .t ll 7,tA bIT, iLll,

il>d tl.44 A. M.: Ji-ie, },tL £.44. 44L 41k. bbi.

P e r >4wR(tarldi*.*4i, IS « A. U a I M I , ■ * * itFi4"(. ig ii, |i |2,]| tiuht waeXdBf*h U U d A y * lu n l l .J t A 4 4 -A M W.QU F I L (C MA . M d K l ly # i r r p t v e r jd a y ik t h »

For Farth Amooy.*JL * ij *(U ijLji a.i l . i i i **'?“;.*“*"’ *•’**• ** >*• ttl*n l |h i , I m p-undayk, LO. L4. l L .li * . m . a a # i> a tF . M. F}.l» d iii.v # 4 i ^ M uttday#/.

i*fa‘ M d l r t o M f o d A . l i . i 1 1 .4 .4 4 4 ,a a K 14 F. MroiUUy, #ioB|)( Hiind#/,F n r K io ib i i .B AiMl ito o k y I l i t i .M O A. IL a w l i . i i

r. M..diUly, •zwpt-Hiindar.tnr Fhifliripbarf KbAtoa #iii HMfi<Jire,:.uiLj|

A. M„ and Iw. v. M. AunUay- L « F ■ If"^ '** '*^ '^ “ **x ? .a s .n .M A , IL : A U i t i i u l

^ w d a y . * « F. M.Fur Upmlofioii To4q. i i .a j A* M-, a il IMP- 3L. dally. # ir« p L - unday.Far rtvwhuld KarmlBeOAl# an'1 Ulrt, vii

MuumcHiih JutMil#nrT.3Uanil tl.a A. Mo, Lipp M. wwk day* Fur Fr##huiil uufy, Lcu P. M. waaK day*

^ N K W V o l lK T O N B W A J IM .* « ^ >4k.Fi, L,.ge ftljijno.40, ii-uu, ii.w a . M.; i l l *

m l.hi. Ijn. tK. LiJh tad 14J. 4>? 4,iu, 4,#j. 4,4u, 4.U, likt Lfn. \40 4,11

T.WL rV». 4.ii, * 5 ILU * '*'*l*Ate;*-***'• ILU midnight Huurlby irali* MW. laW. 10,* H.QO, LL.SJ A. SLUidlaooii, fXIO, l.ud 1,», ilW, 143. t,IO, kul 111 Lif Ifl *jiJ Adn, lif, *41, 1.1»‘

-0 2' f»4iten ■#• limb laoi#* M b# ha I■h.'kfiifnr all poluu oathi

i*inMy|traaib ilallntwil and o#ftn#eHon*artd Mrt*4L ? "^>Wb«'d h*(f*i# eliii-k# sii ib# noittu#(^4 af.S Z i^ I dT * " “****H V.PUKVllBT, J.ILWOOD,

uanarol Mopoeor. noiwrol Pooooaeot AfOoX

p » »T ;r A L l l * I I , l « l A l M ) r S K W ' ‘ nlhrerlw cool luofi oiciuilvulr. IuhitVo* ^ jl 'esa * seU Doiuierv i liaouiilo lo lOkui Bov

^ rn iH t IsoTo BrooU j t e l F r r r r h p o o i oI o U 'ioj6 « r I'lo lD lJ tia , X l.V 7 .U . 7 .» , I IS, s .» , l “ u F l l . « ,

A. ll.,i.ix i,M ixaoT*iuriii]rtoalyr,’Xflo tixxM- X ( X 0(.a .»4 , X io . 0 . x r . i x 7 .IX X (0 , l i x i i S L , ; *ei»l»ys. 7.AI ».4X ».u1, II.IX A. 2 . ; , S2 l i , (. 0, xei, T . X la.'JD 1', la . v t e

lursniorrvlllo, olXli, : II, s.ot, 1X06 ILU A te 'A44I. lauX 11,(6 1'- II, MucmIosX 7,10 iOl A o ' LIU lU, VI6. X«. S.J4, |0, » 1- b7 ' '

lor lloulnilon. 7.1l.6,0( A , M.; I.IX(,«, tu pB . A U D d»>i. 4 10 P. 14. oo t r .

POT > U 4 lo i.. M H I * * l l r M d , 4!oAnorllDf 6 ,r ole-'• 01.*“ S "!!* U>»i>cli04«l leto IlM iM loDna,iS .i l O A n p t l oko lIo p o U 'iH ik '.tu o A . H : x S I ' £hoorlovo .o too]M lAiko l lo iM r o n * , 1,1* 1' M , 1?', -I** I’aolrolu 'l'.ll.o 'ili l l ' ? ' ? ' . " • ‘ f i * * * ' * - A l l t m o * i , oad ',)S I I . U A . x . l o o tlo e , u x

rr llh UsiV''i J o r lo r I or, ( a ; lU ilte l I 'o r lu r i « r i, X w I7.JM O A lio il lo e s . ' P. U . B O D 'lo n '7 .W A . i j te l OOloo). I . I X X K I I ' . Si. w

K or VUIkoohoiTo. I ’M itto n o jiil •s -nuiloo a n * a M , !.I6 , 4.0X I'. , HulVol I ’A flo r f o r

" ‘e "I'ilADupon VIA1-'

N K W A lx K A N D hli.I/ADKTJf H H -\o N n H .4.. ( »'** ii**''* inr : liiuUitiA

A J i M lfA b # ih |H )r i duJy 4 in Oi>i tar-j m avm is , II,.X II.,IS s. t , ' : I . | ,v I X ia ,Y i i I SI . U&, i n .I.W. \ , v*. rt i . 7 I.', 7 itt, N.-r), ju .b i I I 4, ^uiiiJayi. 7.m, h IS. |( It, «j ftif |„.i$ 11 J.* jy .

x.S®A ‘‘ D'.U A. II.. 1 *1A.*i:

'■UsV*A D k l i l a n d ' r l# lU a lR W R n .M ll, i i i i* | i H ‘ ** '’ '‘ h’U .T i k4j,( it^ Kur t iM h id i l . H-2-X IJ.-ti A . M ,; (..V. 4.4;^ b w

fur l:#d Hank, fsimg Hrsneh. > e«an (irura «n B' f. Jl.tli A 41.. I f y . i II ,1 fianklL

I'lD 1' ^ Aon i l i l . s l i k ^ V ’ hJi).

■frim# l« v # f , liRrangRi I 'a r l ia m l Harnacat s a A . M.; i ili.4 4*1 V. M. 4 *.

ri>T viiteiRiii] afvl Hridgsiiun. | I’. Mifjt ALlAmk'i'iiy I <r> F. M.

M - . l V ’l h k ^ N U -V K W V O H K , t rum Hruad Ril l J rrry .■'ir#, E* 'Ulhmi • At Aafl

b N l II ;H(. 7.18, 7 ||, ; I i.R.ftu 4 JJ, ,H l'» Kft. R j?u,4u. Ivi.iri. ID «u. it.U f, i i , i i A. M i • rij m -l i > ' . l UD. I..VI, Iijy, " !u .14RJ. K.MI, 4 m 4,*i i ftA i u *ILMi H.-Vl, il, U3, *1 'i h Nk 7 1’1’J. T 4 7, 'i I MS! H U iO 1!lii.-ifF. d.. i:.n, 1 4. b. dl h,II h.iiU,1i IK», jD.ibi. IJ. 1,6 A. M . U W Si . J.U.. I V rE ' H.IJII. 4lMi, bui, liGi, Muni, fll.rihl. OpU ||,iRi '|iuo M .M I 'l ’iI.I'fA. M. *C8>Jjr.MM«|dfi>% J

N #w Vorh iVuiu iD i.i 4i i.j^8eny t t r p » i—a t bU. Ai. #.S i, f14.-.. 7 i 4. r.Jd, l\H.Ai. H Bl Q I,*i". lu.u', lu.iR, run, II.vw. u.-wA M iiuu \i i?ii 1 UD, 1 4'1. iiw. 2,an, 4.UU. i, U) J o1,l ii. 4.61 6‘lft « -it

,i.,a.H.4,. l (nj -.3, *ju; Wig n S ir . iv , l i ik i F . M . -u iii j» > # i n , , 7.UI s n i i ' w lo in II.M' *. M.: ly.Kii M.; i.ou, aoHi.., 4.u(j. 6iiu euo *in, :.0i>, a.00, y.ffj hmh,, m.w. i- uy i* u. *MpK 1-HII..I -M Fin A, ItAl.nUoHK AVD

W A H i i f . N u i o . t . u n i ' l l . in . i 'K r . r \ i t D w I ' l i i l iU o iiii i io onil im u iD ii :.8X s.(w, la o x

ill A, oi,v,,ii'uM»ivipi,:oj A. U.:I(S,S.3S llu lo t L'Ajjt J r#B lo i(,, b W 6.4U, ■ W, I I . r t f . >1. ^Uusm bi

i ' , I ' ’ i*''* '*- VIC#,,I t r#flbinj f. n, tor liAlUiiiurAaDd HiAihlngli’iit ir.iA IJ 33 * H ■

uoDtiU Veliojr lAno. ot X'U 1'. S|. h-tioilo/#, xu*. I hroMgli tlc k s U to o il p n n i'iD t! im tnlo utIuBeol

ro ls to rO 'H l lo lo o t l .- lo tliir tJ. H.Vii.llAi:-' .V, M. P. lltVOlVIN.

cuporliiteniloiiL i on. I'oitoDrtr Akoai

ERIE K A IL W A Y .~ ^n r i ’OT n i l IU(| a i k . , i„ i i.iaAAuiB ll

luubwUug Lralai iMRrtt m icUigwi V-. ^ » -W A J tK AoNW F s lJ ItL W K X . f<#br# Nawbrk fur I'aiprtuu ada r ix jtii ii n

v i i ;J . «^ e A u i.i't/kV - * - AIjwto PourooD Ibr .'.'vvor'e—S.IV LU ill. 7.11

7-U XlW, 0.114 la IS, ILU A M.; LU. I l l VI7, (.SI. a.IX 7.SS, 1,61, 14.(1 P. U. nuoUSV, iU l i t olW i x s l A. M .l l.s a X X 7.SV 10.U P. * ^

.tr.WAnh AN’ Il ,NK)V V'lllit. iMvo Bteark te.os, n.(X 7-lX 7:»l 9.U V4X

XU, Ilia; A. M.: i iU v(i. xsx xu xU vix ; I . X S . u I I . IH P. U , .uniJar T .H 4 'lX lU O X ,

X0I.X6X XS4. tl.« r .w , ,lj*bv» .Hiuw York <('hbiiil»#r4 flr«ty-4.4k

I ii.uA. M.: i.i6. xtn xu v u x 'v v u' (AX t.u, 7 JOL Iivax ixm P. M. •dssunlev oalr

I 'o jro ia rs o s loovm 'a v A f k . X H A u . n a d * . 6 * r X 7 . U A . I I . VosUlHilo limited IS(VU B s4r*(%l A i p . M. Auulorx xte p> X. ume'l rroak ■A' ■>re40 leerts .p<fttorlc. XI* P. M. 'iBaArx x « P. IX (.'filo s fe K ip fo s i leevo i N s w o rk . XOF K tC Stie' asvMi.lU P,ChlOAM Kipnwi l#av«# Nawark. L4f■ M.MPoV.

Vor itek«t* NgkiMw cnaok* titapltif ImsHm iinivubJ#*^lMlb#(Ity riek#Lnme* litMarkel■tiMi. T«rtphoii# 4lo Of «l itbLLoa.

M E N — M E N I tiVir/vefi.Ju thta way we cnre slrlctur# nod bli brlaary

n o t^ o f Uat. Addreie forLaNfi-

Page 6: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . T I I D R S D A Y , N O V E .M H E R 2 3 . 1 89 4 .


Th*y U t« Umt «od Ar« V»rjr II»r<l to Kill.Mora* Fnnirllf***

From Hi* Brooklvn E.igle.W b »l a comfort aoni* poopl* ff«l oi*‘

Itaal Not of lallln* them—Ibouijh there are eom* o f that Burt, too—but lo bellor- Ids them. Modern lif* tend! toward •uob oouTontlonftltl^,Mch duinWf tbftt llw of po«trjr, which l i ooi

C LLH i.> milNKINC)I Thar Arm Eorpieit to Areld the PTohlbl- ; lion Ijiwa.I From Ibo Roelon Tranicrlpt

Until recently the reuderf of Intoil- calln* Ilquora concealed their hualnaw in back room*, which could only be reached

. through lonit and dark hallwaya, or cellara and baaemeiila, wUh openinjt Into


How M laon W ool tl|> and Ituwn (laafto oa Hodl aad flairurnia.

Prom Cawler’a Hafatlne.Th* man analne, familiar enough to on-

dergronbd roinrni o f a generation or two BgOpl* fact becvialng a ralic.aud many engl- nearetberaare to-day who bate never wen one, nor even as lllnalralioii of one. With

Oni of OllTor Veodolt Hippr Pbrises.


(Vilhln Ihapaat bnt faw oioepilont, in fact, at the faraoua■ I ................... — . . ... <<.-Uniud

uf the

ancu Biactuew, ----------------- ' .

law* h .ta bceonm more morbid and open, B U I^ for c iam pl. and have moved their former Joints down- | old European m nlng

----- , .h a t 11 ex. aUira into gronml-floorroome on the pnn- j engine hia long ilsco •’ « * "poetry it U ciag^ratlon, and w ^ i a «x holeUng plant, and “ >• «aggeratlon but Ohef Yet, bleeved ^ „,h«™ Ann liars have been flUed perlenoe o f aaoendlng or deucendlng *poalry, baoauM It doee not content iW f «.lurned with the moat mine ehaft. platform bv plalforni, or thewith what we know, for eometlniee m ,,| jj,, |uiraphernalla , Readily up and down going rods of theheightening an effect it ooniea nearer to a the condueling o f » B r*t'' old-laahtoned apparalua, la one for whichfact thau we wer* aware wben It WM sal.i.m, . . . all opporlunily w ill soon have gone.

In many o f the towna the elnb la yet a .p„ ^^e many who do not know the manEven aciedtiflo people will iomellmea very pnpuiw roiorU '* ' .........jsven acienuno pwiH „r May, or triin o f Topeka !i would make a metro-

■ay, along In " 'N h . or April, y. ,.|,ib man lUire P i « e the combi-Augsat, or Boplember, or iil i l 'in u a Z "a 'X lg o .a to make upNovember, "A h , here come* the line ,hpniubivx>uii of Topeka. Some o fth t^ etorm," There Uo't any Ime storm. ^ ,„b ,o„m *are locaUd uietalre with the There never wai any line etorm. Aa etairwaya leadlngunoaleiilalloiialyintolheli the cloodi knew the moment that rear of an olBiw, or store, or billiard-room-theenn was impended over the eiiuator Ot lien are recr-gnlarf ' “ h . ^

7 | . ^ . i r .|isj >*•> s ™ * . ............. .......................................o f the town. In the majority „n,eH plelforms are fastened to 1-h®/"“ i o f ciultV m Inckir lyi* whU* «mprMrwindiniF nlAtformt I f l uYMI

longiide o f the room

engine, even by name, It may b* iutereit- Ing U> be told that It conalslaot little more lli.iii a 1 , varU>-^ generally, though a,luctlmee Inclined depending upon me run Ilf the ihafl, extending from mo au^ fain to the bMtom ol the mine, aiio moved up and down like a pump rod by ineane of a etaam engine or a water wheel. The length of travel uf the rod

Tbs Great Poet Applied It to f llltam Collea ErjaDt

The Boston Herald Bayi I t P its the

Case o f a Great Many Peop la

In a recent tdltorlai the Iloflon Herald. In aiwaklnf o f our great poet. Oliver Wcnilill Holniea'e happy pliraae applied to Wtlliaui rullcn Uryant at the recent commamoratlim of the laltar'e birthday, laya “ ' Haagerouely giKMl healt h ' nu t he caae of a great many peo­ple, young and cld, who trust to their airnng conatUutlooa and wear themialvee out before they know it. This aoooniita for the fact that KO many t*eopls in ruburt health are out down.

As C O .



OFT h a n k s g i T i n g S a l e

: m . iC O N T IN U E S U N T IL


snd _momantl At if It roada any dlffcrenca whaUier the eun was at xoro o" aodlaoal ohart or was one ^ o n d or oaa minula or one degree north or »u lh of ttt Ae if the paaeage o f that luminary aaroa* au imaginary and Inflnlteelmal lino In the heat one could begot a gala or a

***Tat” l there la a rain at any time In February, Mareh. April, Mav, August. BenUmbar, October, or November eaveral thonaanda o f peopi* believe that the foct of the aun'e approach to tto line Iim aomathlng to do with it. O f TOoi^, it '.an’t onot In ten years that the atorin coiDM on wh«n il U ilutg itwi H »• ***** * fact that w f are bound to hav* more or lav rain at ail aataoni o f the year, tat If rain falla at any lime within a munlh of tha ih loiogof ibe eun vartloally on the

a Bator, that ia a llna atorm and no mla- la. May bo it was the obaarvatlon of

tate ha maa, rather than ollmallo, tendency that made Bydnay Smith apeak dura-

**TTian l^am Vthat waU fixed oldabout the Injorlooe property of night air. What a lot o f people are dying of con- ■umplloD bacauea they will not lot air into

*booM ftfUrdvk. Jl U niglit *lr, 70B know, w d

wa< a law —--p w»aw»’--—' , i-vr eMaaai# g-~-—.gaw— » — . - .tifmiinuolf nduuinel U tw o l« fool, and « whii® tUont who »r» lw*Tlr«roM JItoou bj inttirvjhlf, A'quaffco the length _'^*^**'^*^* recoiinWOB th«lPown we»kn«w.'“

tern obtnlsi. *ud -life rnnfwl iwuhfo enoh wUn nnuiahcr, end t>«longlng lo n theorettcnlly h{i f>er»oiiftl j>roj)#rly. The locker iin lw iy* wellilockfd with oboioa lluuonk When ho wnnlJ * *beer, bo Inkei nUt * boUlo train ni*locker, depo«iU It whh the bBrk«|>«r. i n d ^ c A r n In cxobAngo cold beer from the Uuceti tbH l*. he dow m Ifm itou the wltn#MW*Und I* Hurc thet ha did au. The fed li, he elmply eichengw n dime for the berereae, end I w w the •apply In hie locker to . grow

ibwclcoW eba with a rich old ag.. In tome ol Iheao clubs iwreonk do not get

nobeer. They call lor theytea, andgel a deeollon that amell Ilka baer.bul.av an

lOp IMkau.,..,.

old rounder put It, " It wont make drunk oome." Jnat what hop lea la no one has been able to tell. The averago drinker conleeaee that he can not doUcl any OIITcrence between It and beer, and inea when hi. comae to the wltnen aUnd he enn not swear ibat the liquor waa other than the mnet innocuous of beveragea. The diapenaer of thl* ituff ii thua pro­tected In the courts becauae hop tea la^nol oonelderad tnloxicatlog and for this

____ _ No wurtlie ere trutr,while currMponding pletforme TheetekeW e rule, leke cer* of ihemiclreeto the well* o f the ihafl o.i eiiticr ildo or kaowebpagh to um n^edlcln* wbiu oicoiethe rod, and at point* corr#*pODdlog to Ule the penoii in robatt health.who, by(tat Uml(4 o f tht ilroke, both up and g,vnrwnrk, HUntn npon the nerve*, or diwlpa® duwD. tloOe jatta UUlf oat of order, ha* bead-

A mioer 1a dtictndlng, u.y, itep* on a „hfw,b«coni«*T»err(m*andlniuble.iMaDftbl* plitformon Un- md Ju*t a* the duwn p, *]^«p well had wtkM tlrtd mornibK*. wUh itroke btglu*, and step* uffan to the plot- 4Q]i.fMaUmt head, oonatlpatlon, no appeiluform in tba ib a l i which b# feachaa at tha (qt> hreitkfaat aod a ganeral faalina of laa t- low «r end o f the atroka, repealing tba (qj , weakbaaaand lackof ambiilon to take operation anti I ha raaoba* fai* d ratiiiation. ^ work, who I* la a dangemu* wa)^ Much In a*oendibf» ilm llarly , a miner aiep* on ^ ha« prwucxMd upon a good ooovtUu- loa p la iron n on the rod aathe upward anderialbed tbe haalth, Tha rightatroke bo|rlt>* and leave* It at the end o f medicln* mo*l ba had and lakaa at once, thaitrokAi Aactnt and descent, a* wlU 1^0 MpparentlytrirUiarmptoowwillqulek*readily be m ideritood, may proceed aim- jy i^auH m utt*r hreaklni down. uiLanaouily w ithout mtarruplion, the ^ vr^iukDoeh lady, Mr*. F. E. Morgan, who h ied piailorme on one ilde 01 the Hball IT? Anatln *tr«4t. Woroeatar. Maaa.being reatrved fo r tbe man a»4;ending and a wonderful expertanoa and aom* moat thoea on tba other aide fur ibe men do* Y^im^tla advioa.•cendlng, oaob manaleppihgonhlapropof

our linen dapartmant iapeolal nrleeaduring tnla tale.

rea®UtolJto-"l2w*'ihilt ! Z bt»to£l m.“vtotfm7b going ind?lSi* mT Uto“£?*rthl7.‘’iny'h“ no2ff ^ ^ ^

fur“ ■ to K > h .rc 1. nou d atovea all night and get upb«*dMlia, but with oongratulatioi

o f furnuoea I with »

b«*dMlia, but with oongralulallons that none o f that dreadlhlalr from tb* hllla *ad tht wood* and tba field* hs* got Into

^ o f * T h e a how tb* eatti*, that are out all night breathing ojy keep iO healthv. Ask tuem what rnakea toldlen and TnoaoMtonaud huntan » big obeawa ■ad nanly, living, as they do, In tha air all alght, M well aa In tha daytime. But you can't break np an old Ue with » je g - Iinant of troope or a hard o f oaltle. Why, that* aud to b* a lie, and It waa even in the magaxloa*, to the effect that tbamoon m ^ e paople oraay, and that If you alant ont In the moonlight yon wouid wall* up In ih* morning a roaring Innallo. Th* man who call*d * craxy person a lanatle. borrowing th* Innooint moon to coin a wort (fom, was p*rhapa r*apoo_ albl* for that. H* n*ver thought to look at tha •ff*st ot moonlit ilumMr on an army, or a watohman. . , ,

Evary now *hd again w* r*ad report* of a ih ow ero ffrog io r toad* or wiahM o'' uBard* or young aUlgMora But th w ibow*ri n*ver occur near wherw anybody l|y*a Since tha recuacitatlon o f the Brooklyn IiwtUuie the*c anlmale appear to know that If they fell into th* alreel* oT tU irity they wli! beooma euhjccla o f aoiCDtlfla aurycillanoe, and lb «y havomre- fnUy refrained from lalllng •yen In Proa- pact Park.^ h e wheat grows from aoeda preaerred forkODOyeaiaaodmoraln mommy oiaM -coyer square mil** of—ImaglnaUon—and th* frog* that hay* been Imprisoned to granlM or ooal,rt**pdown Into the he»rt» o f monniain*, for billion* and bUlloM o f j t iT i A coQpla of blUtoD b#for® nroga wer«ereaud-woald n* manhallcd Into a iMpectable army. When be got Into the granite the grauita was prvntmably whltonot, tat the frog got hlmi*ifery*t*lll»ed

no’halloting, no formalUy. The camlidalo i i Introduced by the club manager to a eoarwi Wankbook, In which I* written the conalltntlon o f the club. Thlamcmly “ ta forth th* n*ine and apecltto* that VhB organixallon 1* lor mnlnal lmproy*meni. givta tb* object aa being to “ elevate the club raembcTC, and dedaree that none ■hall ta roiponalbl* for debts ot obllga-

^'"A^airly rcepeotabl* dub ha* no Ironbl* In getting aevaral hundred name, on It* roll, and as no one la bound to anything, nor can teatil> to having purohosed any­thing not th*orollc*lly hi* own, being ■ part o f th* olub belongings, there 1* * tomb-proof aUbllliy that satieflee the Kanau oonioieno*i and make* the hot w ind* and drought seem lea* **vere by (brnlablng *n ontldot* for dusty throatn.

Thu* tb* EaOM* thirst oonllnne* to b* quenched, and tha Kansan doe* aot have

a cm the redprooallng rod ai It 1* ov the moment o f rail between

plat:ormvacated, » .iii> — ■— ---------the itrukee, by th* man going in tb* oppo- eil* direction.

Thl* form o f single-rod men engine 1* eveu now In us* in Cornwall, in Scutlanil. In th* H *ri min**. In Uermany, the birth- pile* o f tb* man engine, the double-rod engine 1* In u m , th* two rode raovlng up and down oltemaUly In oppoeit* direc­tion*, and, accordingly, carrying tha men at twice to* epeed that can be attained with th* alDgle-rod kind. The apparatue correepond* practically to a ladder with movable etopa, tb* miner having nothing to do but to nioy* alightly aldewi** in order to place himself on the step about to go up of down, according ** he wliUc* to aaceud or dsaoeod.

to go tayond the Wat* line to do It, addition to club*, loinU and taotl the feitlye " pony' o f tb* " Eighth k«gIi eh lpp^ on by tbe carload, stor^ in loe- houiea and Upped with exceeding qu*DCy by th* tayi. I l l * , not vary dlffl- cuIttoM ourea p*rtj of eight or l* « to ofltciato on such oocislone—Indeed, no lallnr* be* ey«r been iwcordrf.

In addition to the elnb* and other pl*«“ where Uqnor* arc sold by the drink, the muUiplIdty o f drugitore* In Kaniae In- dloatev that ptohlbllloD doe* not prohibit, and that th* longer th* Uw reineini on the alatulc booki, th* more It li ^iol**;^ People hav* lo*t reipcet for the prohibi­tion oueetlon In thl* 8UU, and i « m to regard U a* * failure, and the aenOmentfor legal option and high lIceoM la grow­ing in *U the larger towni and olllea.


L ike H eld lag a Poeltloa In the F**e o f aNnpviiwr Knvwye

In dost the earn*, and when the chunk le Prom th* Chicago Tribona------------------ ------------.. . I Q j,, tbe well-known jonngbaohel

or* o f the north aid* plentod himMlf firmly in a llmiia cable car nt Washington

, he bops and atarU for tb* nearest ■lull aabrink aa I f h* bad only bacn

k*d op oy*r night.One* in a whil* h* g«U Into tbe i

atomBChofa oltlaen.thia f r e g d o ^ u d eomettme* hla place In that stronghold le token by a anaka, which, rceiating goctrlo Mid and keadlcci of tbe lack of Ar, around for moothi, now and then coming op Into the throat o f hla host to auggMt

it la dlnntr ilm*. Ordinarily a make eaU only Uva food, bnt perhaps ta ao- coitomi blnisolf to oyatera, i f bl* keeper will eoniideraUly eat Itam .. , , ^

The roetia ooewonally looks at a olondy iky pierotd by riya of the eun that a p r ^ Into a yiatble tan o f light and sms, " l l ’c wolii’ to rrin. The enn’* drawtn' water.” And he KsUy thlnke It la waUr going up, Instead o f light coming down. U It rain* it 1* taeaii— the otondi are there and it la i ^ c t time to rain, not tacauae tbe enn is working ae hard as uaual for tb* evapora­tion of waUf OB th* eurface o f the earth.

On* might fill lom* oolumni about th* dlylning rod that can find Mid and rilycr and hasn’t brought any o f the counties* mUllona ot the late unlamentcd Kidd to light, end ebout honor among Ihlevos, ■ad about tha evil* that befall poeeeiaori o f tbaopid, and ataot th* Mapleton and

JfmrfOiL paKl lUtrt HOiUd t» *oHUw «•** ■■ tJlu wurlii MU nMwqpwa A guuU aii. P4V* MM ta iSvMlIoaUO__________ _________


It la In Tbli CoDotry, Whan the Prullee la Hnst Prevaleut,

From tha Boston Tranaorlpt.The right o f a penxin to whlalle, toth*

parolyila of dther persona’ nerves, I* be­coming elmoet a* baming a question aa th* right o f penoni to smoke, to the men­tal end bodily detriment of others. We Amerlosos *r* probably—next to our own colored peopi* in tbe Southern tuwna, whom we hey* ednoated in tha art—tbe whlatllngeet people In the world. There are, apparently, two reasons for this 0-e 1* that w* are the moet nervous of people; w* hav* got to ta doing lomething; we can't go down stolidly at our work like Europeans, or lit silent and contempla- llve; so w* work off our flJgete with whI.lUng,

Tbe other reason U that we are really a cbeerlbl and expressive people. In *plt* o f ell that bea ever been siid to the con­trary. Th* National whUtUng habit has resulted in the prodnetion o f a great nuga- ber of really akilfol and mutcarwhlatlers. With one consideration and another, tb ire iea tremandoos amount ofwbiaU- Ing. It seems ebsertbl, and sometime*, to the whistler, It Is really cheerful. Now, undoubtedly this would be very nice If everyone’* wblutllng wa* heard only by hlinKif. tt would t a a blessed way of working off one’s nervou»nesa, too. What about that? An ordinary whistler’* per­formance give* absolutely no pleasure to any ona hot hi maelf._______________ _

Mae. r. i. iioitoa*.

soma otner gbetts, and about raising brallai os tb* stage, end about Ibirleen

whole lot o f

and t a Hall* itreete on* afternoon loat week during th* rush hour.

“ Charlie,” he eild to hi* compnnlon, ” I am going to ilt hire until I get to my etreet, no matter II a thousand women stand in front of me hinting for this place. I always have got up, but to-night I wont- I ’m dead lirod. 1 walked away over her*

m l a aeet, and must ride around the loop before I am well storied tor home,andhBrel’ lte lt,soh *lp in eC »i*r .”

•• I'll bet you * supper you don I ! 1* It a g o T ” said Charlie,

Yes. It’ * a go. And mind yon, old will pay for the supper."

The younn men cbatlod quiatlj u tnn esr aped on. At each oromlng people crowded In, end wben the train reached Monro* end Dearborn etiwoi* there was not a seat to be had. Tb* aislos were crowded, loo, A pretty girl squeexed Into the car and stood in front of Charlie and hie weary comrade. Hhe looked them over longuldly. Tuen ehe reochi-d for * strap and sighed as ahe rested port o f her weight upon it.

"B y Jove 1 That's to much for me, J a c k !" exclaimed Charlie, as he arose and offered his seal to the pretty girl. Hhe

m k c c b it ie r , in t e s t m e n t s . e tc .


BAKKKIW ABU BROEBM, MunbvrtofIX* !fv«v York' tooX Ixotunn.

41 SBOAl>WATx RBW TOBK.RtkDehOJSov-'TT mUJADBT., SC. i.<i«ld sad atonic aad win u

Ntw YvrJCs44t ALFHAB I*. DBRNIA. fia^aat Pafiair.

•* M y M rv «t ynn so ws*k , btmI I wss so v«ry DervooSs that I wM oot slosp, nlifbUs I woold t « t up in th# Tuornlnf feell&x so wssk and tirvd, m\ih loss o f appstlta aad c«ostlpaUoD o f lh « bciwflm.

"*1 fradoally jraw woras anttl Ufsalmott sosmsd a bnrdso. and at last 1 had narvon* prostraitoa. My nervss ware io a Urrtblv con- dlUoD. I fsU too bad for aayihlng, had ao atrongth and do ambition.

“ My*tnw»r Rd vised ms to tr f Dr. (Jfeoas’s Norvura blood and nervs rsmody* and I did so. A fl«r UklPc four bottlsis I am happr to lar that all rar trooblss diaappsareds and I oanuot u r enoufb of this vondarfa) medloiPS*

1 havs loU of frisodi who can also testify to iU great merlta U ihsrsfors bshootaa all who art not foellni well* or who an rnn down in haalth, In faot, all who ara oat of order Iq any way* to ais thia grand naedlelna, Dr* Grcene'i Nsmira blood and a sm nmady* at oDoe. It wlU maka yoa wqU aad stronf.^

It la not a patsnt msdictssy bnt tha dlacovsry and preaerlptlonof the well-known Dr.Greene. of afi W ilt Uth flt-s Nsw York City, the moat ■Qccesafal apoolallLsl In enrlnc nervona and chronic dteraaea. He can be oonanlted by all without charge, paraonallfs or by Utter.

Rvsrrtblagrearkva at apeolal prleti low we glrs a few leadiat tKma of lotarsat.

DOIUES AND NAPKINS.m dna. rUKAM rKHLIBS* with rad bor-

drrfk frlngeda aiae flue qualUyA regularprice |1 per doi.. at

89c. perdoz.adoL CREAM DOIUEH, red borders, sis*

milk, ngular price kk.. at6 tc . per doz.

Bdoa RCOTCH NAl’ KINH, alse llilX, aa- sorted patieriia, all lieian, ragnlar prioa fl* at

92c. pe r d o tWdoaM GERMAN DAMABK NAPKINS,

exlra baavy. bisachtd, aaeorted pattirna, regular gUB quamy, at


KlNd.extra lifltvy LlrachwiMn rarloas pat- itnus regular price $LAO. at


DA.MASK, heayy and soil flniabed, nioehet sride, f patterns, worth Uc. par yd,at

4 6 c p e r yd.1 CARS IRH.H CREAM DAMAfiK. tO

Inc hta wide, all tfnsQe acsorted dcilfna, very popular gooda, rvvular price tfo* at


Inobee widv,R|| Unem variety ofdselfMi risg* ular price Qftu.g at


fringe oiuiU and doUies to matub* itie IxlfH yds, worth at


CLOTHH. alas eJilU. flea quality, regular pries tl-ib, at

$1.49 each,TOWELLINGS AND TOWELSlOOI‘IECEaRlCHAlUlHON’8 TOWELLINGS, tpaUerna. blua and red ohseJu, worth par ydpat

9c. per ya,HEAVY BLEACHED CRASH, German

nuke, laundered, to loohM wide, for kltotanUM|

Special price, 11c. pe r yd,HEAVY BROWN BARNSLEY CRASH,

tha old standby, U tnebe* wide, blue or red

S pecia l, 11 /-2c. per yd.U DOE. OAT m e a l TOWELS, else toitO,

ell Unen, f r in ^ , red harden, a good hath towil.

Special, 14c. each.U DOE. HEMBTm'HED HAND TOW.

KlJt, eli* ItalL In plain white, red and bio* boidera, at

15c. each.

(I’M). A, ll&i,CJHJtfliyrBAIak; ?fKW jMirsBY RUPKKMKnsBurt-nimoD v^aller va tlsory* M. Hurt rt.

^ByTlrlueof *he aljovMUled wriir*rfl*rt to we directed 1 ahali br haJ* byvffndos, at the ( ‘ourihouir* la Newiwk, oe twed ij, lh« tw«4iiy*«svi*Diti day uf Nevtsaiwr ntiU a i l ^^urfc r. M-i all Ui« right, Hlle aud lub'iwit ‘'i ttiS dtleodaul-iMn aod to an Ui-iw iratw or I'erkvN of tun'l Mnd prkiiitMa iUuate, Jylog and bvlitir In th* lownaiilp of nvm Urasgay htaex t'ounly, a ew

' '^nSl Tirart-HetlniilM tha Mad laadlui from I aonili < raiig« t'l Nvwark and at tho uuriu euratr ' ol land of Mild Hurt ', tneoea along tha |Im ihamof aoulli hfvaalotji aii*l «iiie bait ilFireea w**t ten f*halu« ar»d Kixiy lliiki tu land o. Piv.U Mlainn ;

' ibviioff DurOi (brty-olght dafroM lUlriy nitoutMj wmi Dtw cliald m vm ibietH^uanar llnhn I Io ulber land of uaSd Burt; ibaiioa norm otvaiiMwO and nzwball riagrraa rail iwn rbaiai and a»vants*n lluki lo aald road; ibomw

I all K Uia aiuih Wdt tberaof ® uUi aavaniy'iwn and sac-half dmrvea rail oaa i-Jialo (o the plNCO of bS4lnnlne. ruiitalnliif iWMty-ST* oika-liuodrrdlha acraaot lend, umrH or i#*a, btsundod on tha DurUt- #a*t by the abraaAid rnaJ. louthaa i and a*»rilt- wait by lAiul ol aalJ Uuri, aouibwa*i by imvld

, Mluiop.I ]K0Osioii 1 riict- raffinhlOc on the a»uib aldenruiaI road laadfnt tbrnufh udlh urango to .Mwark at tho nonbwgtt L’orrwr of M ataoiher tWenty-two nf tbe IWach tract and owuFd by Amia Ki«amau . ibawes louih tsvinit^n dovraes iblriy ttlnutM we*l two Lhaioa aljWea asd ono* half Unka: ibeaea iouib luityaltbt !degrees ihiny nilsute* woei ono ebalu aaven UlMta along U9* Una of a lot loemerlr owoedl ny KDaa T. iMvenport to tba aailerly eomaruflaaa ' Ihrmarly swsed by Jaoe* W. ilughea ibaiiM alv ag Ida Hoe ikerroruonh aevaeuiea aod one-iiaif davraea aait oaa ebala aid aevonty Ihree itnkat i aaM r -ad : ibaiioa aJoDg iha line tkareoraoulb »ev- rnty-taeaiid ima-bairdesrsaa aaat ona ubaln to ibaElac* ol 'egliiuldf, conUijiliig twentyiiwo aoe- midre<itb a^rt or land.Third Iran -Haglantai oa tha aouih itde or

nouth raiige avenue at Ibe norineeaierly AJfMr of iha tract fIraUr above d#Mrli>rd. ibcnce ruBnlag acaiu aavanty-elfht degraea ea«( om huodreit and four feet; Ihenoe aouih fony oM de-, greM fnrtr-dTf QimiLae want two bOodred end mse anil rUbty *a ooa-buodradtbto fbet. them* north ftiriy aljbl diiieai lUm* aTouliW weat iwaoty- four (aei to tbe eaH*riy lia< of tba traet arHtly atxivedtarrltiad; ihenre north aavanteea aod oaa- half deervee aaat oiw hundred and Mvefitysooe and alxty one- liettdred lb* l>vt t" tbe aouih llna pf BuuUi Orauxe eveeite are! ihe idaoe of (taglaalug

hevarb. aN. Ja, twiober l; \m . ^HXHIdA.N LKLaBACHgBbSriF.

UbiLb* IsUM. AUoroera |/k.lO

i i i ic K ir in i BALKt.yjTKRMKr'HAf.g- l6r*hX rul'N l'^nTcU l? ™CeoH-l*avid hlpP'y AiMJEii'lumberCemiMay ra • lara Bluiaa Abraban Uanuark. attureer- n fa.

>iatx County <1mm Court-.Natiooal Wait I'apar Company v^ I Ufa Uluibe, K Aa A W, P. Pay. iiuorB*>yi H. fa.

l-heoi I'uUtity t'limoKiQ l*1eee Court—Oeorge B. htraul va Clara lUutua. Haiiry 2. UabSg aiUitesf-■H. r.u

lly elrtue o I ibe above alaied wriia oi fieri laciaa to uie iHrectal, I ■liall ajpuae for aale by publle rendiie. at tli»'i rHiilMriiNiiii Newark, on iueadar, the eiffbteenib nay uf l>arittlier aeit. Mln’rioi’tf I' U., ail lUoet* inri% or (attelB of UdiI aad I'reiw iMit iltuaio lylfuc and hei>if In Ihe city of Nswarki Mee Cauui), New Jersey:

Hrat Jrari -l'ie,luiilef at the anrthrMt onruer of Kluney and 1 Ivtugxloa itteeta ; ibrm'i tuualeg ■long Miiuey atra-t aailerly IKty f-ci; Ibeooe Duriiistly line buiul ud .«*>i iio a poiot (inyteei eatiiriy iruiu NvIofBioii airwli; lheiK."e waitdrly BflV fi*«i lo 1 lvia(;hii>n ilffwi; iheace aliiug th* •auiMouiherty one bumlred fact Ut ib* plaoi of bw giunlog, :o(a u7anil I't.o’i c. Hock titan

r*«cra<1 raol i .-ghiuliit no ilte ewn ■•d« ofl Iv- lNjr<>ton htri et ona Unmired feet nenberlv trora the corner of Kliiney airad. Lh«*m?i ruuning eanerly Miraiiei with 4\lua»yi>ir^enabuadre(lfhti theiic*

nnrlbariy iHiraUal with Mvtocaioe alreet tweaiy* lire fK't. iheiiCL- w.' certv, perallel witb !'•? lirK ilii* our hmi'lred f«*M lu ih* raal Uiie of UvlaaMes II re«t:tee(Ti.TM>uitieriy along the eetue twenty live feet tn the plete ol tiegliiulng, ''Ckbg iheaajuaiwe ira*'U or I'Srce-x of land hikI |irenii»e« oottveyail i#

, UiraalddAra i luiiieUy detfl re.'itnieil la U 1? of : Ueedi for • awp.i; i uUDly. oh page SA etc -UH Xo* IS , ou the lanM map.

ibtffd tract—Bidsniagfaitbe oeraermroiedby the inieraouUon uf ifie aorlherly line of Mveiiall itreei tvlib Ibr wvalrrlv line of Prinna alrvet Ibrnee wgniery aiung taidM*nba)latM«t oae bun- dnet (eel; thrnre ucirtherly iiaralel with Prtnoet airert fl(ty4>aa fai t. mure nr iwM. to a lut of laud iirrmerly ba!oialDjp ie Predertot tJlaowr; IbeaoS alooK hit iIq* fa-^eny une humlred tret to nald Pritkce rtreet; tlieuoa . o'ltiiorty alung laid PriitOS •irtwi fifiy-one frei, uinre or leu, te the plai- •. of beyIciBlni, halng thH AAtoi trai l Sr percet of tgad aud pmolwa oMiiveys l to the udJ Clara Hliiint by deed reeenied In liook T 16 ei I>sed« M ruai tMiBly. itagre IH,4iC

KiHirUi racH Unffmiilmr at a poini ia Ute wes rrly line uf Hnxiine rirMt, dletanl eitc hundred aal, fifty iWi auuttierly Ikom Ibe aouibwreierly eurmr ofUruorei' ami Uuuliomery itreete; Uitncekuufh- erly aiubc ibu WFaietlv Htw of Iiroome eirsei itny fbet ; tbnwe weclerty and peraiiel with klnobiout' rry itrertone buiuli^ fiiel; ibeooe oortberty aad parai «1 wiiu iJrnuuie «t e«l HRy (eel .ihenee aeets erly perallei with Moutgumery atreet oeehU’idml fMi to I bn weaiariy Uhti uf Breuaw itreel ind plaee of befinolBf.

ifhaDcetr A. S2S>

SirKRiyPH HALb-l.N UUisNClBT OF JTKMr Jenwy, Hetwaea tbe -MuloaJ Ufe tamiraiMW

CiHtupBiV ul N>‘W York, ooiopialoaov hSd kiaie V. l)ar wia.'et id, iiefaodaaUs 61 Sk, Ibr laie of luorv laguil nreiulw*.

Hy vituie ol ibn ebove«ta(e:l writ of fieri lbcia% k> me direoevd, i abali atpoee tor tale by puotio vendtiaaitba ctHirth'iuSiih .'Newark oa Tueaday, the iwiaiy-eevtatb day of Moyember next, at A 0‘cJock r. 61.»all that tract dr parotl of lami and pramtesa •itiiaie. Jylug and belof In the Tewuibip oriituoiuneJda fcjwen’ouniy, .NewJarteri

Heglanlne' lo the > outu*r|y line «i t aowdeo ttreet dtaloQt two humiretl fiwt oaeliKb IhawealAfN ly tUrectioo irom iM we*tcrl]i‘ IUmi of ttUleldo iv^ ■me: (beuct leaili forty-i'mir dMreee Qity-evvea lulnnlet wut iwe hundred fret all knebae bl a tjuroer: theaca north loriy-two degrost twealy- Uva oiiautat weit ooe buadred and fiflyeeveo leet five insore to a ceroer. theeoe uorP> niriy- aeveij degrret fifteea ml utea ew>l uoe hundred eod alnety ieet to tbv toutberiy line et bouwarn ■treat i Uieace along the auulUerly Hue of tMowden etreet eonUi lurty tiyo • egrete tweoty-d re oiuutvw eaatum hundred and furty-rlglt leei teu ittebaa to Uit plao* of baclBOlng. tonlbar wlui all the lead lu (rout uf eaM lui te tbr eMtre of Wi*o«den aireec

iwUig a petUou 01 Ibv j^mleea osaveyud to the ■alt smukoiii. Hannubii' the exeoutun of Joaepb h. (Hiiaaber hydead dated rehrviur M* IMS. and recurded lo Ibe oittueet the ett«terof the oouniy 01 bmei; Uarcli lA tSMy to Book A A !>•*• *k> ol Itaedi lor lalii oBuoty.

Uaied ueboberA.; IWh ^Ur KklAH LKIlLBACH,6berilT.

FSXtilAICB Q. Bi'mshaii, Solielti*. ftk-ts

Hfi li I ra^-itprlonipf at a polni in the wtii*r1y liflv r)i jtrovma »tre*t dUtani two huodrad feet ■uutberly from the aoulbvrtrittiortier of UoDtao»' ery and nrocme aircvle: iheeca ir»uiberl^ aloeg the wetiedy itnr> of Hroo.ut iirvet fifty reat. ibencw wektorly at right miciee to brooina auiwt aihl par­allel With Uohtgoinery atrecl oue bundled fret I tlieuoa aortbtriy aii't iiarallri wUb KrrMme itreei ir iy r«wt; tlvenee tn no eaxtarly dlrtctloo aad para allrl with the icooikd deeerlbed Iloe one buadfrd feetW Hroooie Mteet ami the p/ww Of brglbulbg. living the Nuna two trade or paroete of latjd and preniiwe mnvtyed iti the laki Clara Blome deed recordchI III book w M of Deed* Mr tMeex CuuDtY, OU pagea 44A cts.

riRib l ratt lirftnnlegon the sodlb ilde of Kin­ney alret i one biindml feet wealeriy frutu tht our oar of BeiiDunt av«uue: tbtnm rvesing eoutb twee ty-tbrse riefrveH five misuiee wcet eoe Uus-: drtd Ret i tbenee uortb Uxly a1i degreee A fty-five iitlnuke west fifty loot: Uieuiv uurtn twcuty-tbriW dftraee five mlbeieaieatooe buiKtred leei to lClrv> nay etreei ; and tbriiut aiung ibr Miite south alxty* ell degme lUiY-ovt miuutee aaat fifty reetieih* pUoei<fb«fflDnlag.

Helaf tbe iMtuw premlaea conveyed te tbe aald ilara Hluioe by deed recorded lu Hook T:? of lact de (or * eeai ( oonly, cm BM«n Mi. euk

lieted aNovensber 14 16M.I27.BI UJCUHAS tsRni.BACn. ^beriffl

ft'hantery A - l i i . )CHKRlPP.-tMALK-iN CHAN* RRY OF KKVf ^JenwT - Heiwaoo Uathl key, osmptalnaet. and Unvid M. iHmyoha ilefUmltuL^fel M.» fox lale of iDortratcd preiutiea

By Virtue of the atioveMakid writ sf fieri fbifika, til luedlrreied, I abali expeee fbr eala by psbilo vendue, at tbe CotirUipuM la Bewark.on •aevinj. Kheelfbienulb day of t ecember d#xw at teVlork i'. it . all tooeu urocta or iNiroeie ol land sad pram* hweeiiuate, lylot end brlog In the oUy of Kewark, A lwx Uiunty, K«w Jersey :

Tbe Hrat Tract-Beglimmg la the sottberly Hoii of Wrigbi elrrei et a poiot iherolii dlettnt twe baa* dredaiKl foriy-ulae foei aad eU locbee eaitery

r i tot i*l* by puoiii ipe lateroeoHoa of tbe northerly Hn«Newark, on i tieeday, l vi right itreei with the eaiieriy llaff o f Broad aireei

the iweuty-eavanth lUy ut November uett, at two - oeuira, al»o of a certain pxrty wall and ruuDlag o'clock y. M., all that tract or parotl u( land aal front. tbeune li^eaHeriy alouglbe eortbariy Hoe Diemluee aituait, lyiofAud being lu the lowaebip of Wright etreet fiftaeo fees aud alx tnebee i i a oT iiUoDmfleld, raeex County, New Jerety; coraer.oehUtaMo ufe oertain otber puny « a l i ;

iwglunlng at a point In the eeiabDsbed tMieiSy | ibFcwe aunberly parity tbroagta <beUna of Hilaiireet wiiere Mill khowlei'a noFtberly : joiifUie Hne o f eal l party wa;i utrailel Itiw mterveota eaid eircel: (I ) tbanoe along eakd wttb Broad etreet nioety Met ur Hue warn rivtjronedegreeeaad afiy-oioe mliiute* ^ eorner la the eeath»fiy Uue i*t a ten-Mat wide ea^tone buiidrvd and fiRy eeveo aod ulaaty-Huei alley; tbeiweri) wreieriy aiosg UeacHitueriy Una buadredtkuor leet; tbeiKW at ngbt aogtea with nf M'd UD-foot wide allry pATmltal wltn Wright tbeapoveooamlnaiivirtherly rtirecilon twenty feet: | ■ {» « ( fiueiit feet aix lechre loa cofuer.aodUieuoe (!) ibfDce perallel with tbe fir»i eoofae on« liun- (4 aoutherlj partly ihrougb Ihe mlctdle line of dred and fifty-eaven aoil tMBBty w rtu taubdreathe mid party wall ninety feet to mepiaeeof negUf—Sa* a ll- — .ass - .AV ---- 'lOgetbef Wllfa tb# fT«* Blld COIDIOB tm

(Chancery A m i

SHKBlFrfi NALr,- N'A - CHAWCKBY OP New Jeteey'-HetW'-ea ihooiai Mckate, oosu-

plalaaut, and JaiBsa Kauwlea. detenda&L—FL fL, reraaieot murigaged promtoea.

Uy virtue ot ine above euted writ of fieri feofeb tomadlrvAfed, 1 »hmd axpoee for nele by pubiLi

i He Upped nl* tat . ta lta iar movedThe only way to cure a man o l belief In tbeee He* I* to liexln at btm Just before he Mtani »ad educate bis parent*. A de­partment o f oainmon sense In ttie public •obcol* would be at least oa useful ■■ a de pwrtment o f muslo.^__________

ra.Mtu« of as ajun-nafraaia e.a.a ti upaa ts* ^mutorofptofii* uAo roni it li,sai oojtim qr iVi M S 'S or. kM ntrii *.y. SIw « wh Umu man) jrwfl' raaS tMpofMr tvoru Uay.


Ra Lev* bar tba Israalllaa Waa I'elt by th* Uaad Uuler.

The Isle Cxer w*a s firm believer In the Cbristlan Church, o f which be was th* supreme brad, in * sense In which re- lifioQS faith can not be predicated of Ills immediate predreesuir, sa>a ■ ttt. PetersburE correspondent nf the London reteproph. He was oon- Tinoed that trim Christianity lies in Ortbodoxf, and that it was an easentUl part of hi* mission to convert alt hissubjeois to the fold whose shepherd Is Christ. Hence be encouraged all other CbiTstiaua to Join tb* Orthodox Church, ■bkolulet; Irrespective of motives, on tbe gran lid that If the Brsl genera llou he luke­warm Id xeal, or utterly devoid o f It, the eeound or tb* third will proya devoted ■ous of the Church, which the law lor- bids thom to leave.

Wben complaint* reached him about tbe violent cunveniian of Buddhists by

■aid 1 “ Our own lorelathers were driven into tbe told in a still mers uiicoremo- nious way, and yet we, their children, have not hitherto found eiiy reoaou to re­gret It,"

He bad no belief In tbe conversiou o f the Jews. A Jew, he fancied, could no more be converted Ilian u ohameleuii could have bis akin changed. Wliat he ia and wae be remains. Therefcre the Ciar disliked to have Ctirlstlaiilxed Isruol- Ues apirointcU to any pouitidli uf IrueU The late Miuieter of Justice, Manaascin, who Judged Ufa man's tUiioss hyndiirar- ont standard, was in tiro than once taken

I I I 'M . LINN ALLEN A €«.,VV HTOCK BROKERS,nay snUssll -Hocaa Bast, aal Irals as

Vaik iLzehaatss a 1 1 uaisi;i d isfl ol ii aluiar lur oaae araa marda

.|B nil'lAPST.,N*ik»*l -uaM nsat Banditti

Talsabeet lo»l Nswark, Nufuk,Bianek Ohle.

unan HaUoaal Bank Bulidlat, Onan N. 1.Tatsetaana «U, unaea.

g e r m a n b le a c h e d d a m a s k t o w .EI..H, kiwtted trinxe, red, blue, baS and plain burners, larua tlie.

Special, 23c, each.

Remember that every Arti­cle of Merchandise in our Linen Department is reduced in price during this Sale.

Sale lasts till Thursday, Nov. 29. ________

!01, 703, 70B Broad St.

real tu Mil oMtarty litia of latfi Mia airwi; 4) Ibaooa alaag mU lioe of laM tii aaoaibariydtraeUou Manly Mat la iba ntaov of baglitatog, il bHog th« aurl’iorly patlor laioamtiar Uiiriyoa ruap of pruuariT i>f iVarran U, Kaytiar, at Waiwa- Biags laid Jama« Kuawlci tkavlng nravioualy ntrckaa«d JtA pBcnlHr twMiy-olnt aad ilva laai of oluDuiiwr tklfiy. 4iu black B„a« daalgnatafi iw •aid »au, It Ueiof iha Rama Ian i fijadad to ■aid BBii Kuuwiti ati'l H»ry. bU wife, hy UTarran 'i ayoarand tliUtariav. til« wife, oa ifiv fiftaaqib

day of July, K t, and taeomaJ InUi* Hagiaiar’t oflioa Lo 1 ^ 1 uMjQiy La htio k tfi of fiaailx, u« paga.:i).71aaU 7i

Navft^ N. J„ t iobar tk imiikHU iN LJ’.ilLQ xCHvBharift

C*HAJU.xa IL UALTi'KiraiT. BoUafteWs fU-M

: ‘ReiterateTired women got on in great numbers

at the next two crusalngt. Meu aroea here and there giving up llicir scats. A lter the train rounded th* curve at It tn- doiph straet a pale Utile woman came tu. ttho was carrying In her thlu arm* a lal, gota-natured baby. Bhe looked about hoiielcssly for a place to tit. Finally her eye caught Jack'A He wa* the only man Bittlug now. Bhe made her way to tbe ■trap over bis head. Sb* grasped this with one hand, holding her baby witb the unemployed arm. Her back hod been bowed carrying Ibat youngster. Hhe looked plUlully into Jack's eye*. Charlie puked iilrn with hla ciiiie and began to laugh. Of course be would gel up now, Tnat supper bet was as good aa won.

“ I ’ ll hold your pretty baby for you, madam," eald Jack suavely ae he reached out hut haiide for the child. "Y ou look loo tired to carry him."

" I think you might give me the seat,” she replied, wearily. “ You are a man, and---- "

“ i ’d be glad to, you see," the baobelor faltered, “ but f—I—have a sore leg, and can’ t stand on il lung at a time."

Then 1 will let you bold the baby,"


Nftvfrmhvr 3\ IMI,Tkii Board, ol tfanaftri at tfiair ii.Mi|aif, lirld

an Llia ivik dF-YQv«ml>*r1afft..<llraf-i«l iRiaMri to N uaM tuall dt|>ualbuni antIUefI ihvrtiu uiidvr ilia

at tharaU of ihrra yir oaol. u«r annMin i<a III dvputMi 01 otiF tbuoiAiiii iJoJiari »r uiid hi tha rate of twu p**r oeai. vwt amiuiii un t b* fiart ul aar fiepMii tu eic*^ >na ihuu iid dolUr«.

I’avible oa and aft r lifi^uiner IS |l•'lH dw oiaUa oo ur fiafure Dectinber } draw in-

lartki frooi that dai* :MAKACiffTtfi,

Aaiion JmHkkry Hayvk,ItOtlKMT V. liAl.UNTIHt,

KRKi-iN<mi'Vhicn, An’pukh' KiRKi'ATarriic,

AmtOirY a KBAftBXY, William CLANK,IUknt Pf. FANKfirarr, HkWNTC llowicLL. HaMCIBLB. niCKXI*. JahimH. HaIaky. BKKrAMtN V. iTtA/ra.jAttKB A- BaKIIYNNsJN '.KKlAil O'BfU’P.AK, CMkl

tbfi woman rejoUied^

KiiWAnuQ. Kica'«bmt. .WlLUAU T. [ aktkb, KtUliiNK VAN KKrUUt« :A. I*. WiKTkHKAD.

Q. Rockwothl Juhn a a. Titnct- i'lth.DKHlCK FHKLlNUil! N*

rreuldtDLKQAfCLT r. B-tlJ.ANTiNK-

PrAilderjt,IIOKACE T. nul'Ml.K,Y.

'I rtanur*r.


•fiOp >60, MfS par yaar* according to nam* b«r uf Mtu and character of servica.>'uU lost dlatanee equipment.

Sand poatal card to theTalapbonnt.mnpaTiy, inu Market aireaU ot oall TklepUutka Hlu, Nav&rk.

For the benefit o f parents, that we are selling Boys’ and Children’s Clothing of our own make at coat.

This means the best two- piece Suits and Reefers at prices far below all previous experience. Reefers at $2.cxj, 13.00 and $4.00.

We don’t ask you to come to us first. Come here last, after you are fully posted as to what you can do elsewhere, and then you can the better judge and appreciate the over­whelming advantages of buy­ing of us.


Amcmnit to very little a$ compared with every one’s duty logo io a re - liable home when contemplating thepunhasing of

DIAMONDS— a n d ----


Jl is well known that we carry a larger and finer etock of IHamonde tmd Walehet than any other ttpre.


B A O A O A N D O e O A R S T M K T S .

(CTiaMrj A, SI9,

mac. ___ ___rorefvr of •aid WP-fooi wMa aUvr niDDlnf •aatward riai^-lwu r«vt aod Mi lochiM aofi tbarj oooatoOnc with an ali4y lour feat wide, noora oe Irtii, rui'UlQf ■ooth*rl7 oaa huudrad MaiaptnlOff utoWilahiririai-

baoood irari-’ BctluBlDC lu iht aortbarij liaa of WHaht Atiaal at a pwlfii dfeiant two buo drad and aUty-fira feat eattacty feum Uta Iniamao tlofl of tba iiortharly lloa of WrWht airaai with Uia aaatarly iiM of Broad itr«vt, (w iin alio of acartaln tMiriy wall, aod runalDf from ihrtM* U) cMt>*ity alons (fi« norlbiiijr llni of Wriihtiiroai lllavn ftai aod tt* Incfiw lo a ooroar ol lb« waatariy xMa oi au Bliay finir fsal wldv, u>ofe or latv: Uiaoo* iti North* arl> aioui: ih« w«ataxijr iltla ol aaid alto/ aad paral- tol with iTroad’•tmt nloetf feattoacornar in tha ■ouUiorty llnvofatoo-feot wkM altoj : th«uo* |l>

- of wa-fiMtiiiH^Eurre •*Ai.fc->ia i. .n c iia n c k r t^ol Naw JaMar-Batwaao Thouua McKatie. ooo- >laiuaat,Niid Jaroa* Koawtoa, deiaoilaAk. - rk fia.

i waitarv ai<»f ih« nouthariy Una-----wldf illaj paniiai wiih Wright Mrari liftaeo feat and atx laoha« tu a aoroar. and ihaua (4) adiUMrif partly tbraagbUiA uMfito liaa ar aald pany wall

l>laiuaat,HI hr aaio M roorif AjpMl praalMM.

, want -a ly two fm M* luel.™ airf U«f*_«aDt(*-voMiua, at tba uoartboum im .Vawaffc. on ruatdar. tba iwouUf-atVMiiii day of ^ov»fntP•r tiaxl. at 1 D'cluak i’. si.t all that iraat or panwl of fend and prvmtooi Ailuativ IriBff and iMiiit In lha towa- alilpol Uloooiflold. kJiax ikiuaty, ,>«w Jrrwy:

iiaffittiiin; In ih« •aaurijr llna of rJU •ir»M, dinaiH fiortdany ftfioi Wataeating avauoe isaav ur«d Rlong iht aaiurly Uoa of aald i*.lla atraol lira huadredand feat aod ihrea-toathi nfafoot, thinea •outh auty-ona d#trtM aad fifiy- olaa mimiiMt aaat out taundrod and Arty- alfkt Mel ackd finy-fiva fiNiidradUu of a Mot; Lbanoa north Lwaniy-au dneraaf DDd twamy-fboj lolfioUM aaat thirty Mat: ihaaoa Bocth alxty-obo da roaa »ad fliiy-nliM nioutev waaiana hundrad and fifkj-vHvaQ trot and uioa- iaatha h'a Ibot to tba caMvrly llna o/iald iV'a Krvai: thauo* ntonf aald Klla atreet la aaoNtharty direciioo Uiriy feat lo liia plaoa ul easlw niDg, Il balOf lot ouiuhar twenty-wloa aod fira feiai on tba »oaiberly iloa of lat nuoitwr thtriy on Mock H O'H a map of pcyp# ny of Warra.! ii, ^yovr at WAtMvaiu. iiie idwTa datcrlhal pretulaaa belot tba aaroa iTcwlod to tba «d ’i Jama« liDOWiaa warren il. Kaynar and I'Nlhorina, bl-i w.ta, an (ha fitti diir ot a ufhM, i8Tk, and raoordad In tht Bifkatar'ii offlcoof lha eoaniy of Kuax Is hOiM IJ 7 of Daada, on pan* 43S, 4A and 424.

^awarK, If, J.. * xfieb-r A I8H.HJCKMAN LICIUsHACB, hhariff.

Cbaduh il HALrrKbuv, Hfileltor. fn.40

parallel wjlh uruad Atraat niotty feat to tba plaoa> ol Mnninfi Tofrihar with tba free and eamwM uao fuiwvarof a ' ' ward atily-two , — —liuf wItb an alley four feat wide, moro or laaa, ruw- Hla< MKiiborly un the amtortviyaoi thaahova- dta -nbed pr miaai frni hocHltad feat opai a i Intb 'A'riehtaUneot.

hffabove4e*ciftod proparty toboaoWlt parcaii In nutuaer feliowina: that la to tay, In tha fint placa tha flrtt truci, aud la tha aacood pUoa lha ■acood tract »

Dftiad oTBobar It. li»L _ ^H tlltl A .>f LKEUsBAOD, SlMrlff:

David Kav, Jn.» saHoltof. Iihlfi

Bishop B^njamlu In 1^1 he smiled and ! tZ 'ugh tta luime!, Our own lor.lather, wese dMr«n f uumlUguled misery for Him.

. .. Michigan street he arose baslily, hand­ed tue wotnuu her bah.v, and told her to

handing him the____ IT Utile leiiow. The baby at firstlooked searohliigly Into Jack's lace. Then it rroche l to his curled mustache. Oue yunk and the curl was out. 'i'hcu Jack’s noa* osnie In for a tweaking. After this the baby began to yell, it was evident from the first that the dapper young fellow never held a baby betore. The paoitngsr*

noticed this, and began to laugh, ^ourney through the tunnel wu*

fraught with uiunitlguted misery for nlm. A t

the wotnuu her ttuk* the seal and welcome---- " “ Oli.yea, indeed; she w«* very wiiieome to It." ills leg was "b e lle t” now. Then, with a painful attempt to appear good-natured, he aald to Charlie, who ww shaking Ironi bend lo heels with merrinienl;

“ Name date for two suppers, bq^ for the sske of those who are inioretled In pre­venting a murder, don't give me away. I think I ’ ll walk the rest o f th* way homo to-night,"

to imik by tbe inor«ed Ossr for nomt. iDating men to judgeahlps wU'oee a lo»g to’irar'i U»c church of the chipyes, features betrayed tuoir parents' na­tionality. He wsa an anthHemiie of the must UDcomprumiaing type, ,,nd the origin o f hla dislike for the modern Hebrews was to he nought for partly hi tbe pri judlcc Instilled hi to his mind hy bis earliest teachers, and partly by the celomnlea circulated about the Jews In oonnectlou with the vast frauds per-

Setrated In the commissariat department □ring the late war hy the very men who,

allbuugb at that time lu bis confiilcocc, ware afterward transported tofliherla lor appropriating ths immey that should have goDs to supply tlie uufurUinate Soldier* with boots *od blseulla.

Tbe latest nlleraDce o f Ihe Ciar ou ths Jewish question was delivered at the be­ginning of the presenlyear, when reading areport on th* retuhsol the famous ex­odus eobeme, which shonld have trans­ferred hi* Hebrew iubjeols to ttouthAiner- Ic*; “ It I* useleto to convert them to Obristiiulty; it Is dangerous to turn them loos* alDqng my subjects, and ft is hope- ]«•• to ship them beyond tbs seas. They ore evidently destined to remain the tasrieA eroM which Ui» Ruwian people taftfNkP ___ _____________

wlH■aNT. of T’hflatlNlpbliis , U. Ae Uallq TbnrailKy aTnolliK.

The CNtfioomlH or

T H E D IS C O V E R Y O F A M E R IC Ahy Columbus brought eidkhteumciit lo the world. New Held* of euliuhlcnment m this ntitury are in the lines o! wieiics. The triumph

1 o f CousorvatlTC Surg- Icry is well lllustrntw I hy tile fact that

fiUPTURE°,^„»triitltf cured without Ihe koltc and without pain. Clumsy, cUnllng trustee never cure but often In­

duce InltsminnUnn, strangulatlcD end death. TU M O RS Gvsi'hui, Fibroid (Ulrrlnei and lu in w iiv j, oOiert. are now removed without the |„rllt ol cutting operatloni.P IL E TUM O R^ however lance. FIstiito T IL L IUmunO,,n,iothcrdi«aecaof the InwiT bowel, aro permiuu-tuly cured without - iln or resuri to tho knife.

T O N E I” •’>'> lllaUder. no maUor how n u n s , 1, orushcil, pvilverlinl, washed

out end twrfcc^ ihmnvod without cutting.S TR IC TU R E Urinary Pistage Is UsoO l n il/ l UnC rrmnvstl wtthout mining io hundred!! of otse*. Fur psmphlet. rchrcocc* and iwrtleulsrs, tend U centi (In ntanipei to World's Dispensary Mrdfeo) AssoflstluB. M3 Main atiwoi, HuBilO, N. Y.


N E W A R K , N. J.ASIZl l>OI>H, . - . - PreildsntASSlCT/9( larket ValunFJanul,

IW ...,...................... .......... IW .W l i ’ !LlABILi'tlEii, hi. Y. aod ib a .

f t t t o d id . . . . ........................... . If

bURPLOHbvformsr N.T.taal-ardlAia Ex, tid ptr osuW its- __ssrrei.................................... fJWkOT R

1 t»ULA«B AU*uJiiit>l.v Niin-l^orlNUaiila Altar I’lpranil V«ar,

iNCANNOr T,\I*HP, lUt) ^llOf I1 rnTTIJflJlD11rufiCIlM lonv M lu VsiJilN will pay tor or.cZ pranrrad* a * i « t i ? for U4fiikifAlA4iiiaiiNNil la aKO^ tiia.Aft«r ibt ataoid r %T PfiUfifei an [ifOO'««

T|0rAfiLl,ai»i| 'Ul rf.Atri *lnfi$ m tu rfeU4tks«, /mpWor 'irA rfluvwlCa i i Loawi Ara lata tko at U it of s) ttf

cast rtf. Ltit, r t ilT ^ TAlBiLWkaffi 7*in **• tT» PdUoi^Bwtti nnAfiMJit*

Irixtan oaH ofioa ontnplatloianfia'jfip iTNl if

Marshall& B a l l y

807 to 813 BROAD ST.NO TE -O ur stores w ill be kspt open even­

ings next wsek.and till noon on Thanksgiving Day.

FACTS BRIERY TOLD.A praUr moQth makoa a prattjr fusa*A prattf aat of laath inaki-B a praftf moat.1i. Hafioa a prattj aat of taalli wlU Butka Wh

pnttrfNM.Wa moka an^k taath at

(ChaDCerr A 3 .)SHXBiJ'ra haL i - i .n uh ancbbt o r new

jfcaaj—'Batwaao Uatbara iiauinxafi <M>4)ptala- anLaiHl Ifeallaa Ifeckar ai ala, dafejuliUiU. |j1. fe.y fer laia of flaorfe«c«’fi pramlaat.

By vlriiM of i&a aM>ta a aiafi writ of fiari feclaa, ta inaiUrartafi, I aliail axpoaa tur aala br puUllo va^uvi at tba (.ourttiouM fii NawacK. on I aaatlay. tba (Maatraavantb day of Nnrvinbvr ooxt. ai 1 o'clock F. Mm aU that uact ar pjroal ofiaad aod prcmlaaa ritiiafe, l/lnfi aod b«inf lo tba olt/ uf NiMark. ►aarn 'auiiir. Nfw JaiaAf.

n««iDiilaf Al tba oonwr fbrmafi by iDtaraactlon of iba aouiuarir Uaa uf iflniMiy atra.'t an I tba waat-rlr Him of .\mUr uraat mow Jafferwn RtrrotK Ibaitoa rubuliifi aiobf tha aaM waaiArlr Una ut A n te airavi aouih i«*tair-aix aod a b^ir daffra^ weak »aavntr-*avta ftat, mora ot la « lo tl^. nurih- arir l ua af a lat balOftffia« to o«m ssbabaiky: Uianoa borlliwapiarlr a feif Raid fina of aald hcliAbatkr tbtriy-(*>ro fact ta land naw baio’iffint (i>N iferry ; Ibanoa oorib Lblrir-finir fivtraa* and fifty mfeulM aaat wriraotr-aafan iaat. mora or lo% to kaM •autbvnr fin* nf Klcnav « (m t ; ibbooa alou tha aald Roulbarir llna of Klnnay «nR l twentrfeat MO tba Una of Aialtr atraat aluraaaU and ifiaca of Mnnlnv- fiata* tha aatua pratnlaH conaarad to mmI Patittiia Backot br Harbor* Uat- ringar by daa4 (tiOod 'aiMacubar 11 ltf>.,IA„ T. E. Asa**, BoilchM. !»■*>

saoo A FULL BET.

Extracting...................... .................Xg centsWith Oh ........ ..................................hOoentsFillings.....................................decent* up


The eililhlllon of Hlgh-Olsse Novellls* 1* now rompleie In evsry detail, and wn ask jour liisjiectlou whll* It Is rsplsto with new Ides*.

Tbsv* are New D*l<artuiee In

I,O U Itt X IV . , D B E 8 D E NA N D O T H B B C H O IC B C H IN A S .

ItIcU D o co ra teA C u t O lM tw o r e .

ICarn nnd H au tU o in e C lo ck g ,

And New W esso t Exclnslv* Manufoolut* IK ihs TSifirai Arthilet of

W M, F. RA1LF.V, g 'JM M IT.

C. W . Al.LIN 'O NF.WAH It.


& T e a r y .■AinrrAOTinuuifi *

■~oi^S P E C IA L A N D

O F -N E B A L M A C H IN K R T ,

zim TO R SFoe s T o m m d rAcroRtEXfUeam Englnn, Gearing, tthalting,

Uangeni, talleys, Gte.

Ripeunng Pnmfttlf AtieeM To,

5 lid 7 filllmd Pilot, Htffirli, R. J.

(Ctaanoarr A. tti)OHFvRirrB SALIC-I.n CHAaVCKBY O f NfiW !?Jafaar<>-J'*4«Mu Mareik liarrMon M at.y oxj%, ate., oMiiplaluanM. and tiaorf* f . Klhf. dafead' anie-Fl fe.,feriaiaofnif)ncafBd praralm

Br vlruia uf th* tfbova alatad writ of llan mmaa, to mo filroctad, l abali axpota for aala D/ publlo vpiuluaial tba Courthoiiaa Ut vawarJCqOii Taaiday, Iba iwaniywciraDib day cf Noaanibar i>aat» ac two a'oloak P. M., aJi UiAt traot or paiMl offend andpreiniwi iltaat*. aod boloK loUia^roinh aoroMrlr towualilp) w Ualdwail, JMwttttualf,

H^nnltM al a point In tna oantra llntoftba nad leaZfi feoui HlM^fittaavantia. aaar ib* fraabllATobaooo feotOfT to weatrfila 1 whicta fedd pduiU iu K w rS f i f i feoofe W. kUllS a booaa lol I thrDoaroaalnc aloiif oaW Ullar'aUnaa^tb fcrv- flva rlaanNaauddirtr two mlaiittt aaat foiir hao- dradaM lao feat tn ihi llna of lands of kilia ( i Aubrrn ihaiioa a’uQf har ilua aoutb fbriy ^ ^

and tblrtr-alg^.wlnatai wtM bSijdrad and alxty-aji feat to a ai aka tor corntr: ibaaos norlk lortywlr dafraaaaiid tblnl niqa rolnulaiwfwtftwr hundred awl alavsn ini and two fecbiw Ul th* oanir* Irna oriba aloramcn- Uimrd road i tbanoa tka daiviro Itnr th^roof ttonlt lorir two d«ra** and ihlriy-alvbl mlnuiat fail ona bMadfed and HVaaty two faat ia Ua pUoa o/barinoltMT. . _

UeisS i.miLllACH, HiertIT.w*i,T*s P. Lixpsuev, isoHdWf. p ."

iCbutmrj A^B4b)

SHRRlFf*fl bALke-lN CHAKCfRY O f NCWJaroay-Batwtea Maiy Browo, aonplalaanw

and ife^kaaAua Hajoalii et aL, dafendanl*,—VI lb..foraai«oI luorifafiad praiafeta- * *

brrinufofibaAtxiraiiatad writ of fieri feriaa, to tae (ifeaoiart, 1 iihaU ripna* tar cafe by public vandoa. at tlia a auntmuae la Newark, on 'iNMaday, tba aljrhtMoiu day of iiaaambar oax ts ai 9 o'clock J*. N.y all iboa* Lratiuof p irorH uffefid and pram- 1M« lUiiate, lylD< aod Miaf LO tha olij of Newark, Kaati CounlJ. eMaw JaraiTr;

Baglnalug eiaptioteiM baadroo and fifly-tiiraa faat and aevao Ltu'Uwi aortharly from tba Bonbtrlr lloa of Ariictton araaiM ; tbanoa rttiinlof waatarly on* biitidrod and fen feat feur ona-bair laoboa to tb*line oflot .ta ; ititDoa oorlbarlr ali>n« tb* roar of .xoa 47 aod 44 LbiRy fear feat koraa lacb*t iu lot ; tii*ni?a aMiarly alo«« lot No. 10 oaa bua-dred aud t*n r«at lo^ulncB«raT•na•: tb*eo*aooth-krir a.oad^nnifear araau* auntbarly twtniy-ara featlotbadlauk of b*|1ai»liML Balnf lot aombtr iwroty-aifbt oq a map of proparty of tba lata Jaiaa ifeauaU, ilaoaaaad.

TU« TMCuPcl Lot— Boflunlng on Woodrida arcaua at a point on* huadrvd aod tbirtywavaa feat (wo<

: inciife diaUiit nortbarly from Arilnrtao avaaua : ilMbC* ronainf nuribariy aluaf Woadalda aviaua' ihlfiy-two (»*i fiiur Suebaa ta tba Uii aucutMt ferty-

I alx; itiaaoi eaNlorly aioor tha aame nlnaiy-nlDa,, loti alavan Inctaaa and rmaaalf an Utcli to tha roar of lot aunibar tw*aty>alffht i ibaaoa aoaUMirlyj alOEurtha eama tn«aty-ili leal aad ofealnobM;’ ibaooe waatarly olnkir-iiliM feat aad tbraa InChaa; to Woodiiia aranoa and plao* of Daftnalat.

Halfet lut nuoioar 47 on aald map of tbaaawtaaf , Iba lat* Jaaa* lia.JOtu.‘ ijatad i>ovambar IS, IIH

HMfMAN LfefllsBAOH, Ifearlf. Jonitm H. Wuoufetirr, ifefioUM.

------- ■■ ' — 1(finpraiiM

CiHCllIfrfifiALii: bUW JifUfiBY fiUPRfMfe ^*Duri-i!:dwa(il JL Bouiar ▼*. Joaapb BohrtUiar. —f I. la,

By viruiaof tha abova atafed writ of fieri fectaar to ni* dlractad, 1 ibalJ *A»oaa for aal# by pohllo vcodiM, at tha Courihoti** ui .\'awark, oa TuMctay,: tba algbicaotb day Ilf Jiaottabar nait, alSifolock p, M., all tba rldbtj tlua and liuaraatoi thadafeod' ant uf. In and u all Ibat tract or parotl of land aodl aramfeaa altuaia, lylnf aod hainx Jn Uw ckiy of ^awarn, iMMX Ooudly, Naw Jtraty:

BvfflaaTatf at a point on Ib* aontharif Una c4 TouuklM Point ruad m tba tama la looafed In lb* yaat tUofean hundrad and Oloaiy'four aod Iq iba,fineorlaadalataLyarJobo .dcurtfor; thane* ruii> Dliivialonff hltUnaaboutaoqih twan y-tbra*difiraia thmy-opi ujlnufeMVMl lavau buodrad a ^ twtmri fest, rooF* or l*aa,U) tba norihariy line of tbarfebt of] war ol lb* WaTarlyand Paaaaic < aliraad (-Tiinpaay;< ibaoca alnnr ibalr lln* amtli elcbiy dacma iwaoty] nfinntra wait nlas btimlrad and twaoty-ftaa and two-i antbt f*M to iba llna df land* fetaly of laaao 0,; WUaita: tb*no« alon bla fina abotil ncrlu tan mln- utM wmi lonr bobdr^ and two feat, oaura or laa; th*"0» wfMarly Hlonf Una of tiid Wlaanaaad 4'rUiy two haudrrdAnd Iwaaly-dfirtn Jhai, moraof laa*, lo land! now or lately oroopiad by '‘ cfaloat; theucoalDBi hl« ilnanortbarlr finr hundred aad Uiiny-onB ftat.rbora or iaaa, lo tba aonibarlr llna ol nald iompklbO Point toad I ibaoM alonn Ibaaaoit ■wniihtNstMly on* biT’drad and two feat, moroor 1W.IO an aoRl* 111 uid roid; U anca alooi laid road rasttrlyoiA wtodlnd count font himdrcKl aad nfeaty.uiiia frol. mar* or !*•*, to iha p t o of bafVa- oink. Baiof al Ul* land ot wblob Jobn B.' hcbra'tk«r, d*oaa*ad. Uiad aafead which llaa norlhaCt Ih*said Unaoflli*aald raUroadoompany. conuiQ“linfeuflaanacrat. tnurrioflaai.

Newark. N, J., .‘Horaiubsr tS. UW4.' ’ IlKHNAN LKtlLBAOUpfibarUr.Ja u b K. TatuntA. AUornay. fitflil





Bailey d Ailing,FOOT OF CUT STREET,

I MEM’ AU K . N. J.


683H K O A l ) ,

Between W- Park and Cedar Sis.

JAMES A. COE A CO.,lOS and lOS Mnltarry Sto

ntWABIl, N. J.

RGray, Jr.fou W ant Hardware, •

W rought Iron Pipe.Lead Pipe.

Iron or Bras$ F ittinga, Factory Supplies, E tc

; ; ; ; 190 MARKET STREET.

(fhaaoary A —S4<L)O H K R irrS CHANUBBY o r NEIV^Jsnsr-Belween ia* i lOvwn Botbliag sed L h d AiwocIsMon. oenielalosst. and Hsr/is hv,^ «ky of ‘■wenkr sod wife, el ala. MlSoasBle-H. IL, ler Hie of n ii)«* «s d rrotalsew

Hv vln ii, ol lb* stove Ktsird writ of Btrl tbefs*. loiiisdlncled, I sbsll e iroH OirHli by publlo VMdtM at the c'oorUsonaa in Nawnrk, nn maidsT. Iba alrhtavnib day of loacambar naxt, at S o’ciiNOk V M all Uu4 trort or paroal uf land an 1 pramlsaa idiuafei lyiug and balnv 1>i tb* city of Nawark, £•• tax County, tw J*iaay * , , „

Ifeclonlna la tb* wMfeilr Mn* of Brcmm* ■tra«| a la point an* bnndrrd amt nny-*l|kt feat i>feb( Incbai ITuu Ul* nortbwait oorntr o f .uarHtmli (nadr Morion 1 and Broom* a(t**ta; thane* ninitlov Rorib twfinty4wo ct*«r»fHi Ihirty mlnoia*. mai

foai: thane* aouita lw*niy-two dexr*«* Uilny

(CUanerry A—230}.iJHKRlPrk BALli-lA tJUA*\CeRT Of ^JaiatT'H«tw**n KHsibaUi 8. Umild, oamplain> anL and Jam** CaldwaJi, atal., dafepdauu. -^l, f*. lur n l* uf mottiatf* I pramlata.

lly rtrtu* of ih* oh it* siaiad writ of fiaria (bclti, to lua diraolrd 1 *tfeil axi'oai for aala by puhlb 'vaadu*, at Iba t>>nrihnna*in .saH-mri;, on 'in*aday« tbirightMutbilay ofIfe**feb*rQ*Kt, at So'riaak,

It., al) tbai tractor paruai ol feod and nranBiaaii •iMnta, lyini and b«tn* in lh*oliyO'f Nffwark.l kwMva County, haw Jersay:

Boclnnliif cm tha w«*i*riy itida of Marrta araaM, ata pulol olaiNDi fmir hundrwl and MYanty.flr*' feet •OAUberlyfiduithtuoMiar of tile taoieand Watt Baiik str**ti frcYm thanoa riinnlnit lUoua MorrliaT> •niiaaoutli twotitfiwvan ilrqrbw ami thirty mliiultl waal t««hty'fivr iMi i iharYoa aonb alxiy-twod^ arokT and ilririy muiulai wmi on* buudrod feat; ihauffl nnith turniy-*Rvrrjda<r*eitapd thirty mla '

itilnufea wiat twantrrii fart and ftwr 1ncha«,atid Ibenca south •lKty aaT«n dacrar* ihlriy mlnuiai M one hundrad lk « tlo lha plaoa of baflnbliu. Ik>ing lot .Na 4 on a luap of lha proparty of jobn Caidwelt, drroaMd.

Daiad e>iovaiub«r 11 firii,M Kll>i A N LBIILBACn; l&harlfT.

1*iiii.tP I/iwv, tWloHor. fe.™.

(CbancsiT --343.} *on riU FrS RAl.l- IN ClIA v6KfiY Of NFW {H Jtraay - Ifeiw*^! Ute fk-eunty BuUdtbk Mil Faonn


STEELB A R S , B E A U S , A N 'O L E tt ,

B H E B T B , R O O F IN G F L A T b


C illltn iiln iii Cllit Piubu,Eklrft flno frail, puked in puningAr ■y rap. per caa* 1 flow Per oant:, H cuti* fefi.Mie

Mhoimnita CallforaUi ^ nuaea, ft fiOce Itafeket (it.fl fe*., • »*< ».

KmiijJ Kbrlr Jfiua Pt)^ oho eaa* ur 14 oana» feteftO*

Choloa TeiuK Ifia. aod par V.

V .B .lIIf,J531M L8i,BffOsL

AaMoofeilDd of ill* euy of Npwafk,eomplBta*m, Mid V iDMutn Mtrola, at alA, djfeodanfe.—r*!. lb, farralaornmrikatfedpraDjfeat.

Ur virtua ipf lb* afeTrt itatad writ of fitri feda*. to uia dirtefed. I ahall rxpuaa fi»r laJa ^ piiblla vtqdue, al Iba Cnurlbouiia In Newark, on TuwhJay* Uia«ldbt«*nUi day uf ntferaiber next, aito'elouk 1*. M„ all Ihu trifet or par«*1 nt Iatm and pramfeaa aiuiafe, iyineaud uaiufi In tba city ol Newark, Ea- **Kcnuaiy.NawJarwyi s

Hfflnnlni In tb* wrwrly Unaof < <wk Mtra*t at a point illaunUwobundrad and aavanty fiat norib' any Irotn th* noriu«rly II tie of Innrai itran ; iroin thurioa rtmiilni norlheriy aloo# tua Unaof iiook riraettwaiay fivalatii ifianc* north alzty-iwo da- ■r*M furiy niinma* watt una hnadrad ai.d finy>

i thraa feat WT*-n luoha* to th* M** of pro|i*ny A)rm*i1yorN«itaaQBatir>n^ tiiancahralk twenty-

' unad*i;f*M mid rtltami m1iiuie« waii tWanty-’Ava feet; tfiraoM sODib alxtylwo fintiwfe and ferty minute;! auat oo* bu drtfi and fifiy om (**( aU Incbaa Id LoekatraMaod plao* nTbevlnulnyr

Baltu ibt» aam* arumlaaa aomrayad to v'Inoaruo Mvroi^dwtfe ^ fiM lIiifffiM lfeBiM ihHttof

! Ifekda. baafe4.A*fe’Laiadlfivianw

Dcn tauiraniwodaerm anfithlrtT TnlmitkM 10 tba place of bakinnlog.

Ifelni lot A * 11(1 on H map of Tboraaa V. Joha- •oa'N promfty tiAada 1 Hitnbrr. 14K2, and uip* pratfe iMM raiiTtyMl to said A nufe r'aldwelt by d'***! dacad rapirini>rr ISHI, lanirdad I* ifeok 1 Si of Daada fer Add osAuniy. on poira* ’i'Jl. alb. \

Dated UovrJibar I'). ]4J1.IllTiMAN LRIlLnACn, ftherifT.

s, V. IK-tan, ^oIMl0^ _ _ _ _ _

(L'likncvry A 2SS.)t'UPrntPF’ ’ BAfiA-lN OUA.NCKilT OP N’ kw “ Jari- ■ ■ - • ---- .»j*r**y—t.atwwm Ana* i*. Cook,

id iamra i<:. Junairi nx. ttni, dufefeiaata fer Nal* (it ni(Ht;a{*dprofnlH':>4

lly ylriuii uf ikr lihova iiufeil ____to lu* dlrtTtad. J ihall mpou fbr aala


lly ylriuiiufikoiihovaiiHfeii writ of fiarllkolni lu* dlrtTtad. J ihall mpou fbr aala by pmiua

yinilu*. at tbe raurihnutii'Lu .'iflWArk, on Tnaalay,Ul* iwamy-uvaniu ilay of Noaambor utxi, u tw ii'rior J‘. U..all iraot or parcel ol htudM premiaai al'uoto. ijrlnf and bahiy Ui LU* qiiy uramv*. ftuiY ('i>anty, ^ow Jeroay,

BakUinInaUilba amiiburly aldenf Sim iiraet aV a point ihre? ljundrej and thinv.ilv* feat waatarin flr.iu) 111* wniferlr rid* of itlilyar Mrant; Iumion caKrrlr alone wlA Kim at mat Any feat: thauo iritMb«rly and at litrht hucIm (a Shii atroi‘1 oil'' liUiidrod and forty [*ri: UiRhwMi«rly alone land now ur inrio*rty of 'ifi

Kimu'Ons filtr ia*t. and thane* tmriharlyat rlabqtlTMt g- - • ' — - ■'----- - - 'ankt*8Mo Klmi ttio |ilao«ion»x... i'onv*y*d 10 lliti aoM faouion panim.

Haled ocfetiR

ton* h(iiidn»d and furtr feaipilttio idaoa ofbarlnniaif. Ifeinif part of tb* pratplMal

''avert 10 Inu uld Jdamroi A. J rd«d III hirok BL Jl|Ofdiiaia for

Junca M i r W kC lU

i^ U » 4 ] « t i t a d

Page 7: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

H iB ir A B K lIV B K IJ f f G K E W B . T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 2 2 . 1 8 9 4 .

:Th«y Are Getting Ready for Third Annual FeatlvaL



B u »f W on iM Who jira l^ r*p «rla ( f^r Kv»nt thnl 1b Io OpaB lh« Km<ps I.T»«UDt Kvudm j Mifht N«tt^Th«r« Will n« rn|Htr, Hubb«r, Hftf, WMd*n, rkliiH., llronrtilr, Wblt^i Illii4'li| MontoUitn,

knd Baotali Hablaa, feod Uu Bjc- Kibit Will Ba VaacUbB* With UotidvU Booths ond the AltandoDta la Coa- tomaa lh « Lika o f 'Which May Ba kaaa 1q Van1oa*-Tha Yaaaf Wumaa'a Club AUo ta Ue lleaefltad.

LOOKING UP THOSE PRICES. t h e . a t h k d » a i . f * ik . w o >i i ;n a x .. « : h o o i. h o a b i.*, JJYES FO R COTTON-

t'aiMnm Caanelll CnlnuilttM ttM 1* !■-TMl.fBt.Bf rk incDta rorC.ljr

p llw IIH e<im« Fan-

For raor# ttaju two botirt oftor-Doriii lh» Conimno Council Iot»U(ntiBK C'(WimiUt«s WM fn mrfon In tbo Umnptml- l«Ft olBoa luokinK up tbo prlOM polit foe <-ltr lupplia In I'm. TIu luut motto* to dr.>p *11 Imt lut y«*rt WIU w»i put br Al.lcrm*D nnn»w, hut it *•» not nocondea.

For ■ tinw the n*iUnf of bill, foe oVoctrlo lltbu, ( » and lbin*» from market! grow mouotanoui aid Aldarman Ayr!* aakod tho obatruian if be coutd not produce amiiotbiBg “ IntareeUng," The lattar ropl.od that tbo prooeedmgi were of lbs atan'Wt talortrt to bin). Juat Ibeii tbe clerk iMd a bill fur lies for dlrfersnoe 10 troding homo, Tbo animal had Iwn uied by tb* Huporln-

Liconi*. Melt wa*

A * Knlertaioiaeat by Oehool Girl! tin* of the Featuroe e l Iba Laet NlgbC

Tha buer whicb baa boe* held for thiwa ■igbt! pa>t at In.titulo Ball for tb* Iwnaflt of rtl Patrick’! Cathadral w*a bronghttoa iuccwful cloM lait night. Tho ball proved lBad*i|uata lu accommudato the tbmng la •ttaodanu*.

An ontertalaniont made np of tableaux, dauoa* and toogi wae given ny the erbool girls in a uiauner that elli teJ well-Jewrvetl applanM. It opeusd with u bymu to Hi. Cocella, !ung in chorua. at the cowdoalon « f which we. a iabk«u with Hu* Ireoe Carroll­ton liupemouaGog the eainl. iJiUo Kegina Hlonott oapture.1 Uw heart! of tbe endieucs with her reritatlua, ' ‘ Hamuis't Help,” and tho " I'nlavlied OuMt" tableau, ebowmg tbre* bit* and a bte dog, was very pretty. Haater lla rry timithrecitad, Hiaa Nellie Ibjnnelly sang

J aat fur Ouo Hinglt Word " in a claar to- vitioeL, aud MIm Kliaabeib Hlaka re.

The (lull! are getting raady for their third annual festival, which la to ba bald in tbe luwei I.yooum next Hooday sight and Tuee- day and Wediiwday afteraouu and nighu nndar tb* auspicea of tbe Hewark Auxiliary Hoclety. The proceeds this year will bo fur the beneSt of tb* uneiuplojed aod to eatab- llsh SB improvamant fund for the Yuuog Wnman'a Club.

Alroady toms of the dblla, spick aod span anil fln* as allfc, astlo, lao* and valvat and ndllinery art cAu maki tbenn have token tnu|»rary quarter! at I'Jk llalienlle aveau*, where they will be Jnlueil by several bundreil more before they shall place themaslves on

. oxhibitlou and sale at Um Lyceum. There 1*, an aristocracy aod there li a democraoy ' among dolls. Tbar* are paper dolla, rubber doUe, rag doll*, wooden dolls, chlua dolla, Brownie dolla, white dolls, black doUa, Mon* gollan dolls, a dude doll and a bcutch boy

' doll. In fact dolla of all sorts and condltlotti, ranglDg in satlmated vain* from llvaoaot* to

The doll* bae* decided to be Venetiaa tbit yaar, and averythlng about their fair will b* In tome wa) rvmlnUoeat of tha City of the Sea. The booilu, for Inttanoa, will ba made In the form of gondolat, white busts with gay-colored canuplH, sail the girl* who wlU attaad them will ho dresaal In the pioinr- teqacaoetuinethstl* aUribnIedto the fur daugbtemof old Venloe—little ronnd jack­ets, over white walaW, with sklrta of brill­iant bua*. The decorationa alio wUI em­body the ItalUui colors.

IlMidee tha doll* then will ba toy* tor tb* boys, C'bristmat oardi, brloa-brac, fancy wares, fliw not* papar, partumary, cahmdara, booklet* and a variety of otbar attractive gouik to tempt tke pnras of thavlaltor. Csuidy wtll be turntsbed by a fsmoui dsalar In New York, aid eonfaoUoM that many Btwsrkart like evea bettar will be prepared by the UssA. of some of the mambera of tbe •ewiety. Un Tnatday night a Veaeiisa inp- per will be sarvsd from 4 ofolodt till 4. Ttw menu follows;


Baltni dl UalcgBa.Arroftn.Lingua.

Macaroni cot Fomugifo.Insalat*.Caffs’.To’.


Refnebrntnls wlU ba procnrabla at all times during tbs fair in tbo chocolate room, an elaburataly furnished apartmant nndar tbe balcony, wher* Mn. A. Uouglas Brown­lie will receive, also in tb* he cream ganlsn and at tb* lemonade bootb. The garden wlU be prettily arranged and bung with serargl hundred ChineseTanteria On tbe last night of the fair Mrs Brownlie will slag and the annual dance will oocur, with the following order of dancing:

Deux Temps, tValts. I’oika, Landers, Walts, Deux Tcuipe, Csprlie, I’utka, Walts, Deux Tamps, Walts, Landtrs, IVlka, C'sprlca, Walts, Dsux Tamp*.

Kacb doll*' fair is eipactei to be a Hid* finer than It* prwtevsaaors, and this one ^m ise* to fulfil that requiremeat admira-

(l.lkfi lor Iro* work alon*.Itwas remarked that an offer of ffiO had

recaiiUy been mad* for the slruotura, Bnr- prla* was noessluued by tb* lam* anm of money oipendad for No, 8 Engla* boutn rw built In Itm at an outlay of |!i,0sM.lit, which waa oouaidareil by tbe nwnbart of tbe oum- mlttea as a aufildmt sum to put up s naw bulldlag Large axpstidlluras. It ws* laul, were mad* since lodfi, *nd So. 8 bouse we* uoacadad to ba a vary costly bnildlag.

Tb* Bret bill read from tu Public Baild- tngs Committee of that year contained an item “ two Boor broom* at 11.88 eacb." Tlw^oams charge* of " npnlring fin chair*,

Iring nv*

Tb* Mlnm-t, l i l i i Connelly dani-ed » * n nlcelv, Tb* other ubieaux were lie*

Three Wanderer* ’ ’ and " Can’t ’00 Talk," Tb* feature of the enterUiuniaut was the flower dance, Ud by MlssMadlo Flarlty, MissUllWWt QBIJW| fi i UJ BWIIt'MIUM] ri»ltnjaJeonla Hetjaren aod Hist Angela Duffy, and participated lu by tweniyaevcn Utuemaldi.

In lb* contests ths first prise, tUIO In gold, waa won by John lUrrlugtuu, of lUBbenlaldstreat.

113.TIL” and "refia lrlu ItO. Tba*e were followed by a bill for “ (

one* cbalra.

tall cuspidor. 87.“ Wbat’s that r" aded Aklarnwn Uarrl-

gan.The Clark read it again. “ Un* tall cu »

pldor IT."” Must baon* cf the kind they put ooi-

brellss bij" dryly raniarkad tbe Alderman from the (Trsl Ward

" It most have bean hand-painted," put In Aldenoea Ayna

Alderman Brsgaw adjusted bit glaatm and toot a l «A at th* bill, but the Item w** there, llohlat* at td.M psr doean war* bought fur tbe l.'ouncil Ctaamb*r.

A lot uior* bills were pasiad over, among which was on* " upbolstarlng t «o cbalra, HO." Tb» ebstrs wer* for No. 8 Engtn*- bous*. Tbeltsm wa* fuHawad by anotbat for repairing obslrs ik lfi each and on* for ■aoovenig and repairing a tabt* ttO. Bpring lied* for No. T Bngtiie-bous* war* bonght for H 80 and IT, and three other bill* fog upboi- itering ebalrs, st 810 a chair, war* read. Charges of 83, |i aod Ifi for rtpidrlag obairs ware rather plantifnL Carpet* coat from alnaty o*nta to 81.80 ptr yard, with aitra rbarga* for making and mying. Llaoltum wa* charged op at 81,10 par yard and oenta a yard for laying.

An Intarwating feator* was brought oat In lb* axpantai of tbs Comrnittae on Bridges, which awouoM that year to ILMO. lilt aod which Alderman Hamgtn cUlnwd r*)ira- ••nted just what It ooit Uwelly for Uw

Employ** of tha Oiilral Greet Tbalr Frivnils *t the New Anitltertam.

Railroad men left th* oara* of •witobiag and braking cars and punching llckale Iw- blod fur several hour* Isat night to enjoy a staaoo of plntsur* at th* tonlb annual ball of the Binpluyes' Mutual Beorllt Awwciatlon of the N*w Jarwv Central Railroad. Tb* affair waa bald at the Krueger Auditor­ium and th* big hall was wtll flilud with the hardy railrcaderi, Uniir wlvas, swaetbesrts and friends. A pretty plctur* was prssuated from tha stage where th* orchwtra was stationed amid a bank of palms aud potted plant*, the beauty of which wasenhanonl by a rustic wooit ic*n*. The itaullng lights anil hamlsome oustuiiies adilcd to tbs spleudcr of the dance.

Hr. and Mrs. Isaao II. Hunn led about ■eveaty oouplM through a winding grand march, and tbs dancing which fnllowad was k»pt up until nmrly daylight. Tb* floor was unilsr th* dliectiou of h). U. Uopklns, aa- ilnt*>l by a oompatent committee. A Raoep- tlon Oomuilttae, boad«l by W. F. Lyan, waa aaaidauus In Its 111*111100 to tbs guaata, and th* whole affair waa arranged by J . U. Unnn, d. H. Uuffclt and A. UcKutfbt. A d*l«gatloii trum tha Delawara, Lnekawann* tod Western Uallroail, lud by U. li Boyle, B. E. LTkspm and A. 0. K*«a, was ma-U to f**l at bume. Ex-Uayor Uaynas wu one of the guest* of b o o o r . ______

privLlag* of plstclag C*utr* Hark*t ovar tb* cnnaL Thar* were bLbUU of 870 for a d*(k tbr the Tax Commfaaionar’i offlon 880 for on* In tb* Tax KtceivM'a department and 84U ter a top fur tbe City Clerk's d**k. All thMepaatad without oomuwnt, but not so with a blU in which 88.80 waa charged tor iwpalnng obairs and forty ceat* an hour for time along with it. Alderman Bragtw wanted to know who

' all th* “ Caahawre Bouquet * and‘ Klderbarry " soap furnisbtd la tboae days,

t that tbny wer* Imported ioodi,raniarkiigAn archltecl’a bUl for for prof**.

sional tryatmeat of otUar, Ne. 4 angina- bousa," oanaad th* “ Down Neck" Alderman to remark: " Ue could tiwal ms (or l*ia than that.'

Bllli ordered paid by the Board of Health cam* In with th* m l and tb* clerk wa* In- •tructad to read tom* of than). Notblag out of tbe ordinary oani* to light until a bill, which ramt ” To car far* and axpreesag* par cbaasiiig bottle*, 88.80," was reached.

‘ 'Ihm doU ari aud a half (or chatiog bottles," nmarlnd Cbtlrnisn TrabohC ” 18' bat wae that for T’ Th* bill waa passed ■ronod and finally Aldarman Brtgaw made “ per chaaelng" tomsaa purchasing, and all was clear.

^ e annual report of th* trvasurar of th* Newark Auxiliary Hocisty for tha year ended November 1, UM, tbowa what tb* dolls’ (air helps to ecoomphsb; Ilecelpta—i’roceed* of annnal doll fair, 84W.T8; annnal aubscrlp- tioni, 8141); donation ^l.SU; procetda of cake tala, 817.88; due* and ttaea, 81T.8O; totsd, 81ML84. Diabui-sanunta—Contributed to Clt- iicn*' Aid AaaocialiuB, 8800; coutrlbuted to Northi-ni Republican Club r«Us( ftora Vf); contributed to (amillat for rant*, ooaL gro- rerica, etc., 878.18: furnlsbing rooms ofY’ oung Woman's t.'lub, 8188.18; paid trens.

•er Ycvrer Young Woman's Club, m cash, 8188;printing, stationery, ate., 814.8fi;81 ■8144.31; total. I8U6.&1.

Every meniber of the aodaty and tome thirty or forty otbar wamsn will take part in the laatlval. 'Tbe oflloert are: Frceidant, Hr*. Iloliert A Osborne; vloe-preeldenta. Hiss Julia Blake aud lUta QraceBima; re- conllng sooralary, Uue Jennie Hharpe; cor. ratpondmg and financial sacretary, Htoi Abid* F. Ucilugb; treasurar. Him Ella Van Ntesnbarg. Tb* mambart are til* Uiaaaa Ellis Attoeraon, Josephine Beach, Nettie Baldwin, Eleanor Benjamin, Alice Boica, Elsaaor F. Edwards, Qrso* Davis, Bara llenny, Emery, CWlbel Cogl, Hay Belle Mawha, lire. Skinuel L. Looinia, Hli**i Eltiabetb Estelle Hawba, Addla Moors, Edith H, Usrrltt, Bertha HiUs, Nellie

' L. t^beme, Lulu HiuullDg, Habl* L. KlndtU, Ida H. Keynalds, Ellsalirth li. Bpring, An- tofnatte llunimilL Mkrgsret Bolter, Lulu Taylor, Emma Tuttls, Mabel Toblm U. Hadslelne Thomas, Lulu Van bteanWg, Bukie Van Btesoberg, Helen Woolsou, Louise R. Wills, Loda E. I.oche, Harriet Von Waganeu, Ida Harrison and Lulu Lnimmohd.

Tho** new members of ths auxiUary who ■re to assist in making th* fair a suoosas ara Hesdsuuas Orutoc* Woolsou, Robert Dray, Xorltz Urashof Fraak Cony, HnltA AuobUrlonie, Theodors Dunham, Allan Thorburn, William Cannon, Kraaet Lyon, A. Douglas BrownllA F. J. HcKana, Vf. H. Lrummond, L Henill Foote, MUses Baxter, Boughua, Hchaub, Nancy Foote, Flureooe Holden, Oeorgle Parker, Ethel DoolitUa Bertha Lyon, Rachel Faiish, Came Toby, Nalll* Thompaou, Ruth Van Duyn* Ague* KJtcbell, Alice HolmeA LUinn Osbornsi Edna Crana; Mary Etatou, Irene Qainer, Luoretia Hlllar, Irma Oaaper, Jennie Hobeiit, Evalvn Uatper, Mabel Fer­guson, Lnlu Ayerlll, Wood, Jeffiiss and Nuydsm. • __________

Morrlatown Happeelngs.Antoalo Roeainaro, tb* young Italian who

eloped from Hurrlatown last summer with the wit* of James Hoeso, and who was recent- Ijr convicted In the Horrl* Oonniy Oourt of ijuarterSeialonsouaobarf* of string 8388 and a quantity of jewelry from Koeto, was arraigned lu oourt yeateriav aod ssnlcooed

I by Jedge Cntler to a term of four moaths In tbe Morris County JalL

Frederick Allgrumm, a farmer Union Newi Comiiaiiy agent employed on ths Morris and ILuax Hallniad, and who lives wUh hla paranUal Dover, was arraigned before Judge Cutler yesterday for sentence- AUgrumm was raosntly convicted of being th* father of a ohlld horn out of wedlock to Annie Chris' tensen,* young woman Rsldlqi In Morris­town. When asked by the Oourt tf be was willing to ountrlbnte 8880 per weak toward the ehlld's msinlenance Allgrunun replied that he wa* not, and was thirtfure ordered remanded to the cuttody of Bheriff Hacker. Allgrumm will be oonfined In tlie .Uuirt* County Jail ontll the Court aaes fit to order hla discharge.

AppUcation wH made yesterday to Judge Cntlar by OouOHeUnr Mahlon H. Pitney, .tr., for tb* appointment of a guardian over Deorge Anderson, a son of ths late *i-Bh*rlff Andsleon, of Morris County. Audsrson bn* beta adjudged a Innatlo and Is an Inmate of the Htst* Insane Asylum at Harris I’latna. ConuMllor Forsyth*, repnaentlng Anderson's wife, also asked fob tha appointment of guardian and requested tbs Court to name Mr. Plenon. Counsellor Pitney, who repr* tenU Anderson’s slstsv, presented the name of Mr. PhiniX, of Hendliatn. As eounsel could not agree th* Conn appointed Oeorge W. Tut- btlL subject to that gtoUtmaa’s scceptanoe.

A decision waa rendsnd In ths Morris Oonnty CYmnat Appoali yeaterdsy by Judge Cutler In favor of John Raid, who brought anlt agalnat ConalabJe Cos to recover rent tor a store In Bonth firset, Murrlstawn, owu^ by Haiti. A former tenant at Bald’s failed In bnalnes* and wa* sold not at Doastable't sale, Coaatable Ooe, In defandtng the snit, claimed that ha settled with all creditors and waa nn- awar* that any rent waa due th* landlord, th* latter having failed to serve any aotin* upon him.

Fsarth Vf , 0. X, t). Hoslawl.A tnusieal for the benefit of the Fourth

Woman's Christian Temperance Union was given at the house of Mrs. John X. Rowi In pummer avenue, last ugbl, la reeponn to 8U) Invltotlona that bad been istiisd th* rootns wer* throngeiL Tha artlsta who tea- darad a programme of cholo* salactlan* ware Thomas Bott, basso; A. B. MoPhereon, tenor; Joaaph H. CBriaa, baritone; F. H. IlnntJ tenor; Mrs. Tbomss Bolt, soprano, and E. B. Cranraer-Knight, bianlst. Tbs .piuilcsH was varied by several reoitatlons and reading! by HIh Annie Brown Potter, Hiss Emma Harle l^ n sod Hla* Nellie Kln- oard.

A Wedding at Hlllburn.Id Bt. Roan’s Church at Hillbova at 8

o'oloek yaatardsy afternoon Hli* Mary Ull- Toy, of East Summit, and John Mulligan, of Hh(^ Hllla, war* marrlwl. The ceremony wa* performad by th* iiaslor, Kev. Denial F, l^'arthy, Hlaa i^ti* Kasdlan, of Short Hllla, wa* brldrsmald, and Plilltp O’Mara, of Hlllbr.ra, was bait man. Th* bride was at­tired In oream-cDlorid silk with tulle veil secured by a wreath of white roaos. She carrieil a bonquet of brld* rosaa At th* conclusion of to* osramony Mr. and Mrs. AluUlgan proosedad to tbelr new bom* on Mlllburn avenue, Bpringfleld, wher* they en­tertained their friends at a reoeptlon.

After tb* ItaU.There wne » ball at Mthbefilell'i Hall,

tS Nesbitt ftnet, last night, and after the tupper had been served a nember of taul* hnlvs* were missing

Wilbur F. Day, assistant foreman of Keao- Int* Hoolt-and-ladder Company No, 1, o f Mor-rwtown, was noltad In marriage hut night to Hla*E.Young*,eldeBtdaDght*ro( Mr.Younga, a member of the firm of bchenck A Youngs. Rev. Ur. Eckmau, paatur of the MorrMtown M. I. Church, offiolatsd. Upon tbair ratum from a wedding tour tb* newly wadded oonpla will occupy a residence In Amo svena*.

Conueeilor Cbrlen, of Morristown, yeeter- dsy withdraw his notio* of an applloatlon for a writ 01 error In ths Oat* of Mlohaal Bellly and a new trial will not be unghi as at first Intended,

Belleville Mews.Th* Bellevlll* Township Commlltee

purohased the private water main of the De WlU Wirecloth Conqiany for 8180. It eiteoda from the cornsr of Cortland and Bchuylar street* to th* tsclory, on Milt stmt, a dia tauo* of 480 feat. The condltians oIpuroluaM art that th* toweahlp oonnaet th* main with a aU'luah pipe "In plao* of the prasent fonr' Inch pipe. 'Th* wlraclolh oompauy laid th* main before tha township had oomnwnoad the laying of water pipes through th* oraaa straala, Dowd A Co., of Oraagt, hav* non traoted to lay AOto man fsat of watar pip* on Union and Wa^lngton avanno* and Cortland straot. Brldf* atraot la balng enrbed aod flagged on both side* of tb* thoroagh(an,from William to MUl street.

Ilanry Ruseoll, of WaahlQgloa avenno, Ballsvllls, is confined to hla homo with an In- lurtd lag. A few days ago ho waa alighting from hi* carrlag* end hi* log osaght on tbe •tep on the vablolt and was oevtraly cut.

Th* Epworth licsgae had an entertslnnant last night In ths Methodist Bpisoopnl ohuroh at Hellevllle.

Tb* proprlBlor acousad Tbonlai Faidior, of Loch and Wnireo___ ilreati, and Jainaa Rjsetter, IfiO Urange strMt, of stealing th* out-

ami caused their arrest No knlvst

T^e itren^ of CleveUnd’i baking powda comet froDi pure creaut of tartar and soda only I t effervesce* more ilowly than powder* contaming alum, ammoniA or tartaric acid.

Bread andcake raised with


This morulng Fasber tolwere found In tbe boyF uosasitlOD, though.

1u. Jndgn Mott that,bis arrant ass a caui* he " owed awer* dlaohatiad.

nlro* ofbloke**.”

spit* work bc- Thn prisoners

Talking About Balsa**, jfnwstgnnr Doau* presided at last night'sdng of the Weduseday Oinb whieh waa i at Acbtal HtetleFs rsetaurant Ullvar

dl nuliiisi was th* suldaot eff tbe dls- , and Rabbi JoMph Lenolenoba Rav,FWarlnh W,„ rn * , Dr. B. J.Howa . ----- ...

_^Fnincls W. Knowleg and William a rlnnell wer* th* spaakars.

Ki|rv*i Aanount* at HlaoBfi*;*, 'th 4*wkKF«alBtlhf8tlM BlPPiiiW J m .; of

keep their freshneanand flavor.

'Pure” aad "inra,"

T o hAve the best refolt*


^ould M t be too hot, I sot a t e v ^ t o ininy Uw

■ loygBh-

'%M vftrlj irivm. uid lltUetins iliKbUnd Itlpg


Til* of llrougUi I'p>nuth nraufO'eTrnittfrn.

Th« que»tltm •• tu tb« ortfkiiiMittoa of tht* Jioiini Ilf lviu«Btlnn wu hroii)(ht iip^t

o( UkAl body Id HouUi Oreuge Iwib uiKist by J4r. H&rt. Owing UithSfWv

ruUn< of th* Huprtaie Court, Mr. llikrt lUiLt-tl that ih* Hut* Bup*riDl«itl*ut b« Mlitd hU oplnioii. Mr Baltuoa, bnwh!T«ir, ibiHiglit Uuit il WtmU do DU foods u th»Bu|)*Hn- t«Dil*tiL wnui.i only rvfDr th* (luwUuu to tb* Attoravy-Citmt-ral, who inul alir«iij r»D> darvd a that wointn ' viftOs

A cominvmif’itiuu wu r*«>) from I'ountr 8uponath*nJvut tSh*riu«Ds aikiPtc that Mui aebuol* lu th • diHric't be r«*iiumCtred, com* DMMJi'lug wiiii No. ]. Art'ortiiDKiy i'uiumbi* HcldiMil wil) biA kmiwB m No. 1, Maulflwofikd *4 Xi>. 2 an<l Hslioik as Nii..:i Mr. Nbaniian abo Milk! hatl dat'ujpsl atit Irani' tvr any nn>r. n holarH from onxiuMKHd tn au- otbar with'iut Urn written iMusautuf both boardti and that tb< buartl la fu-tur* fiva nti I'nniwnT uni«*nhi it ihnnld Iw fouad to U* a for tb* pupttto att#nil thf> M'koiil m hii t r bor >)iatrlct. Mr. Hart Uv ,s i-xe*;it1oo p» this request, as be thought aiiMrdlng to the law this iiwltcr lahl entirsly with tb* buiiarlutendaat. Much dlsou.'! -n foitowcl aijo finally, uu uiotlon of Mr I'huri-h, the vlork was In- ftructwl tn notify the Huporliitsmlent that tb* boanl Im l no ubjai'Uon to the transfer of the pupils who bed applied. 8Ir. liart voted In tfaenagatlve

The erec'lal i-ommittc* apjiointcil to look Into the inetter nf ventllatlou fur Columbia Bcbnol regwUil that R could purcUae* a gai angle* for 8JI0, and It was pveu anthorlty to ■xpeud that amnant. Tu* cnairman. Dr. Uandcvlll*. ap;iutuU-d tbe following stand­ing coraiulttww for theyaar ; Finaace, Hurt, ttah'uon, Hacker, Habeou; Teachers, Iturg-

Cl ....................................


LOWEST PRICES IN THE WORLDFor Every Kind of Home and Personal Need.

ftcleallfl* Thnt TJgbtKaA W#*T*r»i KK|**rlpae« !■ Ily^itaa-t ar- p«U Wh*r* tb* Color Hiaya a« Itrigbt ai When N*Wv

bardtq Crowall, I Hiboru. Tburrh;Tell;"*

tlartvOfboriL Uurghartlt, rhuroki, ( ‘rowell; Text* boohi, MlmoD, Uab*Oh> lt*ck*r,

Wail*d frnm WMittrM ami Vlclnliy*Firrald* Couiudl of wtll intertalD

flurnaid* CnDbi il of llrooklyn tliia vveulng. Knyal Arcanum tnaii from all tnr lowoa along tb« mad will br prrM>Dt. Thr itHHulai featuri of tha mtilibg will b* tha wurkiu.; of a u«w ritual.

Tit* p*ttpl* i*f t arwtiod ar« coniolatnfnf about tIteanUt j| rm-diitfw. and want VVeilfleld and Cranford to furbUh tlitm with a ac hool* bouik* or imnipuriatlock for tli* cUlldroniai prtiTldiid for In tb« m « *ebiiol Jaw. Tha mat' i«r will be bniQ)2iit Wfnr* ibr aebuol buardi ai tholr DTii inKnviD«"

TU* Urn Howimg laacMgara* will b* roll*d on tb* all*) k (if th* Weal Held t'lub to night,

lUr. Mr. ttuih,of WsMflitlds will prtach at LfcyMiat Umv* Chape) this avaning.

Tb* WiniQald TuwnaiiiptVMUiuiUaa and lb* Advisory Hawrr Cnmmltla* will maat U>>tnor> rowaranSng. Tha mactiiig will uoi b*a pub­lic ooa. Evau tba placp of tu*ellDg Un* nut bean aonoutioed.

Amlr*w Carter, on* of lU* amployea ai Welngartan'a aDUfT fHctury and ualcar*a bread bakvr}'at HranuU MdlB* wan la Waat- Acld yaaiarOar Melting r«dr4<ai for a baatiug Ibal b* «laiiii*d iba furamaa gar* bUa*

Wllliln tb* Uat few yeata - d(*nra ha^ t>*an at wnrlt in th* maU«r of dyring. ami (ba ra- •uUa aiv iba faat dlainund d )« « tor cutUiD- turbay rad* pink* purplft orang*« oliv* cr**<a, brDWD,ato. TU*** dyftH in;tkr t olora *o faai that oven waablogta atrong winpxmla will not start lU*(n. I f a woman 1m -ara to got th* fact diamond dyM for oottou wUunab* wabU ludyauutton th* wlU ba aMa to dy* alwo* luteljr fu l, noD'fadlng rolum that will ntay antll tha good* are worn ont.

practical dy*r, writing lu iha irrnrmi' i/fniiifs tayii “ lUMd to dye with rtMdk and Iwrkty 1>ut after all tuy work i\mt It w«i a tedlout >obl, 1 waa not aatlHilad, fur tb* color* war* houaly and of tan fadad. At last I eoiu> inruMHi to na* dlaiuoiid and the prucaaa la IO aiiupls and *ajy (hli. tUa wnrk la a pleat* ura. I Uav* natd oarpeU made of Mga dy»d with dlainoD4 dyaa thr** yaar« and tba culura ar* atm m bright aa when ntw."

Many of tb* dlainnad dya f<M( t'oUon ooiora ara m aqpnrlor to otbar dyoatoffs that tUay ara um4 by dyara avarywbtra* evuu in tba big niilaand tli* lane* dy* taoua**. Imitators o( th*a* rallabla dyaa may claim that tbair cot­ton dy*a ar* ^ Just aa good/* but iiranical laata proTa tha diamood la tho only kind that makaa color* wblab aoap will not wash uni or lun- light fbd*.

The diamond dyaa coma In nearly fifty dif- farant onlorii, for allk. wtmI alid cotton, and will dy* anythltkg, from a VNdr of atookloga to a dreaa or cloak.



BlootnAaldi Hoatelakr aad Vlclalty*Mi** klay rlalT. daughter of Charlaa UaS« of

nioomflfld, and Henry U iwan* of Waabing* tooq D. C, w*r« tnarriad at * o'clock laat night at lb* bom* of lb* brlda'i fatli*r, W Park ar*- nna* Bloom ftald. Her. Ilavld 0. IfTiug« of Bathal l^abytetian Charch* {£aat Oraog*, performing tbe ceremoDy. TIi* bride wor* a gowx. of whit* o**hiDer*t ttimmed with wbUa natin rlbbo&a Tb* brtdNinald waa Mlia Cani* Haff, a lUler of tbe brld*, and William Haff, abrotli«rof tb* brid*, wa* beat man. A re- oenibm followed tb* e*r*(itODy. After *q ts- |*udcd wedding trip tb* ooupU will re*id« la Belleville.

t^inuel Uompars, pr**ld*nt of th* Amertoaa rederation of Ijabor, aiul Tbvodor* Voarh***i first vie*-president of tbe PbUadelphia and Heading Railroad, will dlecoM labor ertalr* at tbe m«€ttDg p( tb* Mbatcialr Outlook Club to­morrow ulgbU

The Lt*ciboT*a Orob**tra rendered delight* ful music at the fair of tb* Ladle*' Oulid of Christ Kpiscopal Charcb, Hlouinfield, laat night. Tbe building preaeoted a v*i y pretty appearaDo* with it* geigeotu decuratluna Tbe fair will clo*e to-nfght, wUea tbe Mando­lin Club of Hloumfield will render the moeioal piYHiratnme.

The ladles of the Park Methodist Cbnrah, Rloomfteld, gave a ohr}’M*tbeinum %•'* aad •cu li l* In the ebureb parlor* Im I night.

Court Montclair, A. O. F., of MuntolalrvgaT* a delightful ,*Dt«rtalnin*bt and dance la Ar­canum Hall last night.

sMii* Kenaedy, of Montclair, a*al»t*d by Miu Kiobol, of kforrUtown, gav* a tea at her hum*. 127 Etta *(re*t, yesterday from 4 until T oV'loek.

John A. Mvermor*, of Moatrlatr, sailed for Europe yMterday to b* abaeat eereral uionth*.

Til* Mobtflair Club Hall wa* the aoea* ye*' terday afternoon aad last night of a briliiapt gathering of tbe society leader* and chari­tably laoltD*d people of the town. It being tU* openlugof atwodaye'falrfor the benellt of the llbiidreu'* Home of IfontclAr. Tbe hall* wUb Us deouratlona of pink, pretented a very aUraolire appearance, while the coAUmes of the women ia charge of the various booth* added greatly to the general effect. Home of the children of thelnititQUoahadatable of artic-iae of their own make, which found ready purebaaen, Tbe first night wa* in every way aiucoeea, teth finaaolallyand otherwise.

Th* hom* of Mr. and Ifin. t*aac A. iKidd, B Walaut plae*, Montclair, wae tbe sesne last night of a very pretty ohryaanChemum wed­ding, the vunlractiug partUia being tbelr daughter, liiea Carrie, aod John fluksn, of AHtaay, N. Y. The oeremoay was performed by Hev. E* W, Burr of th* Methodist cimroh, in tb* preaeace of a large number of relative* and frieuda Tb* bride wore a gowa of white •Ilk, aud wa* atUaded by MIh EdlHan H*leaa. of Montclair, ae bridesmaid. Jo**pb Jackaou, Jr., waa beet man, aod Ueorge aod Jeiee Dodd, hrotbere.of tbe bride, wer* nahere. Aft^ra rrcftptlon th* newly married eoupl* itarfed on a wedding trip, and on tbelr rtuirn they will make Mootolalr their home.

Tb* Montclair branob of th* Neidlework Qoild of Amerloa will hold an' Important meeting In the Congregational eburub to­night.

Th* Wedneedey Afternoon Club of Mont- elalr met et the reeld*Doe of Mni. CUarlea Churchill, oa Elm street, yMterday, where the work of different poet* was discussed. There wm also a tta.

Tbe Mstbodlst Sobletr of Usldw*ll Is con- duotlnq * Mriss of revivsl Hrvlcss In thr Ur.od Armr HslL liervloH will be held •vary night tbls tonath, Tbe wirvlors were ■tsrted , llu l, over s wetk S(o, sod slready twantT-elgbt penons hsvs been ooiiverted. On 14nnds|r there wilt be three eervloet, oon- dneted by s pnylnt bead from Fslrrsoo,

A ten-year-old boy who (sve fabi iisme wi Filmer. and olsimed to lire st Upper Mont- elalr, was found wsodeiing sliout tbeetreete of Moulclslr last nl|bt. Uffloor FuEmell took tbe tod to the polio* etstlon. The boy rsid bis parent* rnntlnuslly abused him by beatlnx blm, and Hist he wosld not go home ssaln. The police srs endesvoiing to find the where­about* of ibe boy's psnnta.

Tbe Monlalslr Opera Uouet presented s very (sy appearance last niflit, th* occsslon beinc tb* snnnsl hall of the Montclair poUoe, Tb* bnlldlDg wm very hsndiumely decorated with flsge and stresmert. Tbe many pueete eejuyed tb* feetirltte* xstll a IsU hour. Will. Ism Fennell wse fiuur msuiaper, sod James McOsrry, Henry OsUsgber, John Perrin, John Usnson and Hugh Heery eomppeed the Reoep- tion Oommltte*. Tb* prooeedt of tbe ball will bs added to a benevolent fund.

Mlse Ijsnrs Orlmm. of Bloomfield, and JsiSM Oolllns, of Orangs, were married iMt nigbtal th* bom* of th* bride, on Almira sireei, Uloamfield, by Rev, JameeT. Dloklu- son. of Orange.

Tbe cngagenMSte are annoanpod at mooin- fleld of Charles J. Murray and Miss blury Flanigan and Ulsa Lain Hay** sod Henry A. Brydon.

While creasing the tracks of the Dcliware,. Iswkawanua and Western Railroad at Bloom­field this morning Charles Hstehelor bad a narrow escape from being killed. He was orosilng with s wheelbarrow when It became fastened la same way. and a* a train wo* ap- proneliing ta* stepped ont of tbe way Ju,t In time to etospe being strnok. Tbe wheelbarrow wa* demollsbed.

Mr. and Hre. C. M. ft'iy, of Montclair, will give a reception from 8 to lU o’clock to-mor­row nigbt at tbair Bsias on Fqllerton avenue.

Hr. and Mrs, Paul WMopx, of Montclair, will noli (or knrope on Deeemwr A They ex- ^ to go to H f ypt. They will alee go t o (Ireaoe, I ’aleaUoe.and Torkey. Tuey will be gone nearly a year.

Tb* MoqtiloJr Caihollo Club will have an athletic oontast on Thankiglvlng Day.

lageiiliMw Jeroerman.Fatenta luued tu Jeneymeu, repnrtad for

the Niws by Drake A Co., sullcilotx of patsnu, corner Broad and Market tin<,i*, were: Couibincd kt<}rlag and cigar-entcer, E. B. AlKUier, Newark; mstbod of grading ores or elmilar inuteriali, I), Breanan, Jr., Bayonne; eb.'lric awUcb or cnt-oul, J. C. Cassidy. East Urange; electric swltob sod cnt-oui, F. C., Orange; lock, W. W. Davis, East Orange- printlng-ma- ebina, J. Is Finn, Jsriey City;stove or range for bunuog bi-tuinlnous coal. W. .-k. Greene, Oceea Drove; sand box for cars, E. Helix, Fateruon; wooil- cutUag macblue, w. F. llutcblBson, Passaic; electrlo Can motor, F. X. Hoflmuer, Newark; shutur fastener, J. VT. Jobnsrai, Fulnt Plssiant: manufacture of shingle siding and machinery therefor, L. H. Uontross, L^m- deo; oar fender, 0. W. Oakley, Uanebeeter; cable ewitcb, U. < Oriuerod.' Astinry Park; dnmpiag wogns, H, L. BcoderUng, Jersey City; eloctrical ineatuiing iastrumoat (8 pat), E. Weston, Newark.

Oiir Store W ill Be Closed at NoonO N K O V . 2 9 . 1 8 9 4 ,


TMearegor A Oo. ar* the Maker*."

H E weather man cries to the clothing man : “ Cold wave— ready?” Thecloth- iug man echoes: ‘‘ Aye,

ready!" Tbe ueed-au-over- coat man cries : “ Bargains ?” The clothing man answers “ Aye, bargains 1" And so they come together, the man, the need, the opportunity. Unless all signs fail the meet­ing will produce business at McGregor’s.


W e never had so clean a stock, so large an as­sortment in Kerseys, Meltons, smooth and rough; Beavers, Chin­chillas, etc. Complete sizes in all grades, each more than full value. Eight to twenty-six dol­lars.


A r « the three etrong potote o f tbe Oreeteet Buslneeg done la K ew Jei- gey'e R etell Trade et ou r O reet EetAbliehment.

Corset Section.Th* o*l«br*lwl lnpnrt*«l Z Z Prtnok

long fioubl* ilct* *t**lt. w*l*lhuM iriaimtai vUh bM»jr oalF,

b*a>l. twoatneh boBq in MMk


la whit* Fninoh twill rioth«

$2.49.cb twill cloth.

$2.25.H. i W. Walet for Kls*ei,ooutU with lateea

trimming, boa* biUrms, with patent tap* faslsBlngi, lao* book, regular 4>c.,

39 GentsA lot of our oelsbrated ELYHAE CORSETS,

finest eonlU, sateen atrip*, waistband, loo*trimmed, slllt fineilDf, extra lung waist and big b bust, psifact ebape,

F tt ail M\ $E.l9. t , • • ■

Father Headl tioee to Imw.Rev. Patbar Heiull, of ths Ohurob of the

Itumuoulato Coaoeptlos, Mantalalr, believe* that church pronany is auiupt (Tom taia- tlou and ba* obtataed a writ of oertlorarl with a flaw of baviu set aside tbe tax levy Mfslaet tba parooUjalMbool (ot tbre* yoarg. 'Iha amount involved lx 8800.

A Oermaa Oamla Flay at tonger UalL At th* Krueiia- Aedltarlqm (tangar Hall)

tn-nlgbt (or tb*banafit of ^H ebrew Fre* BshooL th* eomady "Spgbqtaii* Fruobte odar Loakare Zalsig* f x ltt^ ilaa Fruit or Daaferoua Futliiwi"),Dollar th* dIrecUoa o t L'Usm* and Puls. ■*r-

WIU bt produced Meturt. Baurela,

Him Innes* U* WbiltpUylugi

lotto Club groQOf luaasg daiiilHir ui-ti% wgi sM M * In

lag (toll,I fhk HonUltslr Ath-

g fo . His*IK Jr., tba

t s a S i

Moutb Or*.*B* Notf^,Tb* Mlu*« ebneider, dauithtert of B. B*

Schuttfier, o t Mcdil&nd stnot, bouth Oraeige* h«v* r«luru*d fnim *q exteadod trip »broftda

A reoeptlon ill honor of th* *utr*ue* Into Buclvty of MU« M. f'oiitunce D*Fi wm given M the bum* of htr piu'iiDU, Mr. and Mn. ThotnM on KldgewixHl roecls Sontk Of' sage* F*il*ril*y efleruoou. Th* buu«*d*cor- •4b)De wer* cut fluwun. MIm wore whit* chiffon aud Mr*. Ley wm atilrtd lu e gown of |)«erl grej utin. TU* Inllowlng e**iHt*d Mrn. 1>*F ill receiving: Mr*. McCullough* Mr** Kneppa Mri. Tiionia* Q- Couwej. the Mlesee McCulluofli* LUII* end Feanie Campbell* Netelle Colquitt, Clere biewur ead Merlea Willerdv

Ad evaugeUitlo lemiieruos mietlng will be held taXeiapereoc* Hell, Uouih Oreag*. to* night.

The ttoutb Oreuga Townihtp Committee will oMftt io-ulglit lu Hmpir* ILell to ooaalder (rull*7 frejicblM:L

A Ceee of Terlulold U Ureuf**A flve'7«ai>iill daughter of Jbiim* Jack-

•OD) who occupies Uie bouhe on Hickory •treet, Orgage, which tiu been quArautInM eiuce Friday last bj tU« Buard of Health of OrMge wu ymterday found to be eufferlag from varioloid. IVhen the cau of lu*- [wtad emalJpox wm raix>rt«d to tbe Board of Health lut week It wu iliought that tbo patlaot Was JeiMtu McLkideld, who with four otbar colored men oocumai the upper part of the Hickory etreet doum. McDanaid !• luffeHog from aaotbef ailmenL

During the last four months of his sickness the principal food of my father,

Gen. G R A N T ,was Bovinine and milk, and it was the use of this incomparable food alone that enabled him to finish the second volume of his personal memoirs.

D r. T . H. D O U G LAS ,

General Grant’s physiciar and friend, cordially en dorses the above statement as an unrivalled food, suit­able for young and old.

Bovinina Is endorsed by more than 1( 6,000 physlolana,

Noid by a l l drtiMlstk,r i f j; jtovrNJivj? co „ .vicif v o m x .


4'lr*r CfFiMpIvilaai! Youthful Vw***) Fir«f> from Wrlitkl**, limpitt, hteokliMut*. Llvor poti, u* Fully obtftlittd hr tb* **• of Ihn I'Lim (JLTHa FACK HCAUTiriJCIl AND FLRmH- KiKlu. It I* n*ikh*r troublt" ■ora* nor cEpvruilv*. uid 1* h*rml*u yo * chl>i}'« 4hln, ho- ktiUN' H la mpwrtd i* dtAhraot 'ftirmflh* n >*U rii *g«« bitd

jUI cyimpt*tlom, And Ab*r»lii llu lla |l«v* allUtli MOOMh

«•*!«( c.rciilari will oa applinAtio*.HMK. UAaor.IMK. VROtt periMlat,

IIT ri*Ui BV*., N*w York,Andk'oM Axanl for tb* huootia HOYAlii WI1U>>

” "iHiNOH liAlH Hr.illt»KgR-rabd* t«


Great lots, and fine suits fresli and fashionably go from $ 12 , $15, $18, $20,

Tbie eorut 1* tb* iilentlcal corset toldatodsxclu'lvolj bv OD* of the blghlr »l*bral

Kew York houeesat SI pvrceut.ov.rour price.To oocur* the agencr w* were forced lo

plac* alarg* order fur them Inag la advoba*.

HandMlfef Specials.'fioMB fin* J*iMkn«*«, •tahroldery kb aU colon, taIu*

Special 8c. Each.n's* t Ineh Hemstltolied Borde I embroidered lorlpt lultlaL

Special 12a Gents.UBI bote* Ohlldiea's Fla* Colored Hen.

elltobed Border, with embroidered laltlali, funrlnabox.

Special 25 Gents.llH* AlMU)«ti tmUn>1d*r*d IbUUll B [i«4i, ib**r olutb,

Special 12^ GentaNote—Avk to le* thee* Dalaty Ibaer Uasa

lulllal llondkorebleh, with th* tinleet eov- broldered Initial and delloat* embnlderad ooruer*. lb* noweet thing In th* fisoel trade,

Special 25 Gent&hariarolM on ito ■ t o d p a L A O I »

JUST REt'ErVED—AnothariarolM on i miint of our Imtmrt oroem, H) doi. La OIL FINE aWISHEHBRUlDi^BED HULX; withfitwet ]*c* nr opeowsrh edge*, vain* loJtay at whoinale 8tTt to 8U0 per dns,, but w* shsU

......imtos^toll tliem at tbe price wa Inported them tee slMed 1at, withoni regard to agpreel

25 Gents.vain*, TlA.t

excellent for men.

t o . . $io, $12, $15, $17.


I^ess values make great­er bargains— less for us, the makers; more for you. The prices o f Boys' Suits of very superior stuffs, handsomely cut, finely finished, made in the very best maimer, were never so low as here to-day in our forty years o f clothing experience. Double - breasted J acket Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years, $3, $4, $5, S6, $7, $8 aud the half dollars in be­tween, Only the gar­ments can tell the values.

Nobody’s mistakes are to be put off here on the igno* rant or confiding. Newest of the new, freshest, most styl­ish. Even in the very lowest priced suits, overcoats aud trousers, for man, boy or child, you will get style, work­manship, finish— aud your money back if you want it.

IDO and 852 Bmd St., Hmri, N.J.

There’s not a fashionable style of Hat that we haven’t got— Men’s, Boys’ and Chil­dren’s. I f you don't find on examination that we can save you about one-third you needn’t buy. There’s no com­pulsion about it. Ask for our $3.00 Derbys for Men i f j ’ou want to see what really can be done in Hats.



A t 2 5 c . doZa,mo fioMb* WAHK RAQH. IHU, sold br tbe diMMQ obIF' lUguUr 6c« epleoe.

A t I2 lc .inn doMcie Kxtr* IUavv HUCK TOWELS,

I At Ife.ITitB, utlAlly w»ld I

A t y d * tluo cleees LADY MAY FAHOT FLAN- KEL8, never offerad bafore for leeethaa10c.

A t i6 c .,Afldnt«nt LINEN HOOK TOWELS, IH44, imviuuljr Bold «l 2Cc.



1 on the D o lla r !REOVLAH SPECIAL

I China Dinner Set, 102 piece*........... .............................. < ll» .4 tt1 Clilu* Ulimar Bat, 101 plfoaa................ ....... .......... 27.251 China Dinner Bet, 102 iilrow, »ll({htly dainmeed......... ia.4»I China Dinner Bet, 114 pieeee, ellshtly damaged......... 20,2.5 14.25I Chinn Dinner Hot, 114 jpleoea, allglitly daiunged......... 2fl.i5 14.251 Chinn Dinner Hot, 114 pieces................................. iiT.iW 18.051 China Dinner 8<it, 102 plei’m................................. 22.4!) 14.U8TaktiiB the quality and deooratlone of these eete Into cmisIdBrnllon, theec are


Do not miss that BIG SA LE OF CRO CKERY for your Thanksgiving fitting out.

Celery Olaaeee, oolorod ({liiea Thwm arc the Imported Mown ware....11) oenti

IN OUR OLD BA8EMENTIEverything tn the HmieefiinilHlilng lino lie« Mwii Hpreiid out on tha

coanteri, eo that ouetomer* can eee at a glaticu wlmtevor they are looking for.Our corpt of ealeepoople hae l«-«ii douhled, ao Ihat there can be no delay

In eervlng cuetomere. COUltTliOUB TKEAT.MhNT ASBUltlbU.

I Of Li

807 to 813 BROi'D SI.P. B.—Stores oian every eveolog aext week

and on Tbanksglvliif Uay till aooa.

NHvrWvtwtoiMMoceonmutMiomlook far susb 1-

Mat tel Feltoo eC, Bieeklyn; lif t kWAWit likHMMb Hf B W di I

Aurtori seawgusMIV A»4 las * eieMsH *!'meb jMavati

EDA. PAHLOU HTOVEH, No. 20...................................... - ...... $ I2..'JSCOMCT CVLINDEH KfOVEB, No. 8............................... - .......$11.00Four-lulie Oae ..................................................- .........$5.25niixell'i Gold Medal Bwee]ier».................................... .....- ........ $5.50ISlseell’e Carpet Hweepera, Magie..................................... ......... -....$t.OW"D " Handle Coal Hhovole, .................................................... *0 centa"D " Handle Funioco Hcoops, eloet........ .................................. centsLargest Hire Square llrend lloxea,................. .......................... •'40 cent#Extra Heavy XXX Tin Wash Holler#, copiwr iKittom#, 7-lnoli....... .....m .i;iExtra Heavy XXX Tin Waeh Holler#, copjier Hottom#, 8-lnoh............$1.20Heavy \Va»h Holler#, 7-lneli. cop|»«r hotlmii#............................-40 cent#Heavy Wn*h Hollers, 8-luch, copper bottom#.............................. 67 coiifaUulveraal Clothei Wrlngcre, No, 21........................................„..,....lgl.68Blx-fuot Hardwood Htep Ijidder*...-..........................................T2c. encliHiiiall Hlrii Willow Clothe# Ilaekete.................................... ..... ‘-i»C. oat’UMedium SUe Willow Clothe* HaekeU................................... !u.8» « , eneliLarge SiM Willow Clothe* Hft*ket«........................ ..................UTo. OrtcUNo. S Feather Dustere..... ................ ......... ............................ nuchWhisk Hroome..... ................................ .......... ......................S*)* e*cliCounter .......................................................... ............... ....IIH;* enohImproved KoaetlDg I'ani, «xl8 liiehe#..................... -................45c. eachimproved Roaetlng Pan*, 10x18 Inchee..................................... 53c. ewhImproved Roaetlng Pan*. 11x17 liiehee..................................... 00C,Improved Roeetlng Pane, 12x18 inohos........... .......................... 77c,

Theee are equal to the beet made.5-lb. Batl Iron#.....................................................................0-lb. Had Irone...d................................................................Children'# Tray a, patent epringi............. - .................... .......... *'**«• ••«**Flower Pot Braoketa, 1 pot.......................................................Flower Pot Braokeli, 2 pot*.............. ..... ........... ..... ..............«»cliWire Coat Hanger*.................................. .......... . —................ **

Braee Fire Horeene, foldings..... .................................................Bran Woven Fire Boreece............ ............................ ..........Btaee .............................................................. ...............Bnwe Fire Bete, three plecea and etand-r.....................................—’J **™ )Bauitt SoNen#, ngular 17.26, to oloae out ae**ees»*b***#*e*iee***ei*'eeeee*****fi*** **||l j ^ ' ^

each . each

Page 8: tietitng I - DigiFind-It


DVKK m m iAnn usrJHC W im a TO-MOHMOW WILL /•HOtULT I f « « .


CHENTLLB T A B L E COVERS, <.4 «l*e, tusal fringe, 39o. ra lae.for.

W e never permit a single day to paas without offering a list of bargains that are beyond compare. We never sell anything, no matter how low its price may be, that we can not guarantee. W e never have been, and will not allow ouraclves to be under­sold. W e refund the money for any unaatlsfactory purchase. Business can not be transacted upon a more straightforward basis than it is here. W e have gained, and mean to keep, the confidence of the public by these methods, and the result is



19 ctsHsnu&oturaiN* Sample Squares of FINE TAPE8TBIS8, 24 in.

square, worth 760. to VI.26, while they last, at....................

FROM 8 TO II O'CLOCK ONLY WE’LL SELLUdiei’ Ciinbrlc ind IdsHd Drners,

ris.. In boUi (trial, with rnka Irlmouid with (nthroMarrui^iocka, Bida o( moUla. rafUlai prtaa tSs., and aetou f t O j m c i Ajwir« ^

rail Ilaaa 1nliaairc.,1

ONLY WE’LL SELLFROM I TO 3 O’CLOCKbiitt’ Kaslln Slurts,

M.a^ of food caalltr muallD, with prlaaawi huh and dtap namhrtan if la , la n i f th had width, ranlar prioa Ite.. and aetul ra in tlo., 3 ^ M h U i

FROM 3 TO 5 O’CLOCK ONLY WE’LL SELLLadles’ Fine MdsUd Goids,

Fall Uh , HBa with tarndowa dollar, amhfoldai>T dowa front, roka ofelaatar innk^’ o(kar( with nima i^ a d i|«k. dawn front and on 3 a « A n | j|aloaraa, liftilar ptloa « ( . , and aotnal Tilaa sac., at................ ........... wwaaM t

The Busiest Part of the DayBhonld be In the iDoralng between 8 and 11 o’clock, w^en these

nUMStve values will be on sales \

39 ctsManuraoturors* Sample Squaros of HEAVY SILK TAFKSTRIRS

AXTI) DAMASK, 24 inches square, value 11,60 to $2.50.while they last, at................................... ....... ................. .......


--- OF-

CONTINUES ON SALE.T6o, to V2.0O value divided into 0 great lots and marked

DDblHBhsd Outoo Fkosel,hum haorr, IT Ipohaa wtda, with ioae nap, raenlu Sd„ tor tha momlns at....................

O n ta D o B s t FUnneLT a rrh a a rr and n o d q n a liir , ra |-nlar I I h daring tba awralua a L ...

T a r i-v ld s DDblstolud lu U n .y iM qnaUtr. rafW lar prlaa lo., dnrlnc tha n a m in e ........... ............

lilu n Okecfcid 61v m TowiUlng,I^m a iid mail, pink aad blaa ohanki. ragnlar Sn„ dar.ud tha •on la sa t-...............................

XiB'i W inter U ndervear,•olor, ftkfrti i i ^

4r»irmt bMrr TOfbts rwfvWF tilM 8I0., darlBf Rb« mortrliiff M*


UPHOLSTERT BIRGMIS.Thara'i bat t dam mora of tha mla,

Ckaeo Cretonnee,ntnobMwida. la hasdKma pattamiaBd aalori, rtfolar Ihho., aalc prioa,

O c e n ts .U e s striped Saim,

Ja MW {•ttana,Ragnlar So„ 8c., UMo,.

Salt Fiite 31c 5c 8cNottinghais Laee Curtains

AtthafollowtiWMla prim ;Rag. Plica IBe., 11.00,

Sale Fnce 59t 98Rat. prtoa eaoO, 14.00. SAOD.

m m $L98 $^98 83.48

Ladles’ Oomblnatton Underwear,Maoo eolor, haarr wolght. ragnlar Tlo., dnrlae tha nomlng at.........

Childnu's Oiabidere Gloves,WMraatad all wooL oolon ontr, ncniar Ski., dnruic tka marnlag..

Ladies’ Initial Handkenbtelb,FlnrioauHal, hand-drawn ban- itlich. rafular !0e_ darlag tba ■Bomliti...................................

Far Neck CoUan,Mftdwof KrimiDir far. With epwn #1 VAqwBtb h«ftdfa rtculftrll, w** '*




Taaboored Sash HniUii.Oood qnalltr. In now and UHt da- atgaa, regular Itc., daring tba Bomlsgat.............................. . He


MEN'S WEAR BARGAINS.Thar ara at tbaaa prtova to-monow oalr.

W h ite K eriao Underwear,Shirta and ncawaia, haarr waight, Bm gnoga aad wall flnlalMd, worth iSa., to­morrow onlr.

3 6 ce n ts .Men’s Canton Flannel D rawera

Eitra haarr, with donbla aaata, alna from to 41 toobaa, ragnlar 4Se. gooda, to-mor­

row onlr.

3 3 ce n tii.Camel’s Hair Underwear,

Wamoted Mil wooL MMtm flna iinMllt7s fignUtr I1.SI vMliiMa for to«moiTow oolr,

0 3 oen ts .

A GUT BABGAIH IN GGILDBIS H ,]4CbUdr«ii*ft Eiderdown Coe^ In grmjt end ieua, striped, for ecee 1 to« reeri, with abort }oke«a full tlMweft, ullor oolUm end trimmed with AFXbnidr ottr regulwr iirloei tor wbtob wen |1.49 n&d I1.9B, to cloee et * ^ C C I lU i

Y o u ’ll Find Each of TheseA BAUGAIX OUEAT AND GRAND t

Ohlldren’i Bengaline S ilk Gaps,with top bow, front adged with haarar. In tha naw eap. olTict, n luatrsi, a t.,....................... .

In&nta' Soft Sole Shoes,RaitODa flue ktd» bUck ooIt. *11 •iMNv rtf oler tto., mt...................

Ladies' Lined Sateen Skirts,Peel blecki fuU kiwth end width, deep rudlfg bound with lireid, Tegnlu Wcup to-morrow « t .........

Children’s Corded Corset Waists,Uada of flna osalilr of l »n , all aliaa, ragnlar Bo., to-morrow at..

Combination Pooket-books,Mada of Amarlnan llaard, fnll iMithar itWHl, ragnlar tito., to- ggomiw at................................. IBc

Full S ize Bed Camfortablea,Made of bendeoBte ehiniK ntlloo Jtnil filled with white weddloCi reguUr |1.49, to»morrow........ .

Fast Color Black Sateen,Kllghtk Imperfect, rerr flno nufklltjr, regaler Ul4«..itMnorruw.

104 Gray Fleeced BlanketAPine goodi, with hendeomc ber* drre, regulitp Wk'. while Iher Un(..

Teazledown Outing Flannels,Vpry beevy, light end ditrk color*, rfgulfcr Ik^lc.. U>-morrcjw............

La Parislenne Glycerine Soap,

Rfgolar 10c. raka, to-morrow at..

Pare M illed Toilet Soaps,UegplAr Be. ceke, to-morrow JTc. per do*, o r .,.............. *...............


lie ei


I d « ll ehude* end different deilgh*, former prioee tl^i^ to Mo.« et

5C. yard.Par Trimming,

l-ln-jh rur ( ’ooar, flna qnallty, ragnlar price at


- O P -

STEEL ENAMELLED W A R E !At Prices Oae-tliird to One-balf Less Tiian Agate Ware.

115010 $3.00 Leatlier Boots at 00 Ceals.A manufarrtufcr’d compirta gtewk o f High O nde Cord Coaan, Pocketbnnkg

and Combination Books, In Ana royal raU, m l neal, read alligator and real Itsord oklu, all porfeot goods and ati«otut«ly new. To dlrlda them equally to 01 large a oHeotoge os ponidble, we shall not eell more tlioit two to a customer, tl.60 to VS Leather Books,

ladlaa’ RtaTT Black Wool B<wa, ribbed or plain, ragnlar naad. fMt, valna Sic.,

MO oeuts pair.

rnUllna of Ladlaa’ Floaead Hoaa. In faal black, tan aad iloia ahadaa and nnbleaohad, Talu Ide. pair,

3ft eanUpstlr, 3 for *L

OkUdren'a Extra Haarp Black SMmlcM Oat- ton Hooo, ralno lAo.,

14 oenta pair.

Man'a Soamlooa Wool Soeki, h w ^ weight, la oaBwl'a hair and natnral, worth tSo. pair,

17 cent! pair, 3 for ftO oents.

Nottingham rnrtalna, donbla action woaTo. rogulnr width, valni ll.U, at

97 cento.

Nottingham Cnrtalna, noat pitlorna, fall width and length, rn lu |t, at

*1.99Fine Nottingham Cnrtalna, Iriah point and

Brnmoti offoota, naloe St.10, at•l.ftO

riM Nottingham Cnrtaini, boantlfol pat- tama Talua It, at

*1.05Extra FI00 Nottingham Cnrtalna, T.rr flna

oSoota, Talua H, at« 2 . e s

Ladlaa' Ribbad Balbrtggan VotUand Panto, tba latter with poke baoda, mlna OOr.,

23 cent* each.

I«dlea'Extra QnalUr nna Ribbad Balbrig- gan Vaata, aloalp trlmmad with allk ribbon, ralno eOc, at

42 oenU.

Ladlaa’ Natural Wool Ribbed Vaata or Fanta, alao Wbita Wuot Vaata aad Paata, rxtraqnal- lll', tunal trade prlM IL raaning bam at

7 S cen ts .

Special attention called to oar Han't White Marl DO Shirts and Drikwvrt,lblH qtuUtr told in nuuir plMD* in Ktwnrk for nc.g onr pric«

s o cen ts .

DavidStraos,035 and 637 Broad SI, Cor. Rei St

Great Bargains For To-morrow 1

LADieir WRAPPElUl-IS dot.n noting plaunrl Wmipert, full alrarua, rufllaatronnd viikr, bmld trimming, attra full tklrta, Talua ll.fS, Uhmorrow at HHi. mch.

LADIES' Ktl.K WAlbTH-Ohangaabto Rim WuUui. rruabed oallar>.,li plnlta lu back, (all •ItoTta. full from, Talua $8, to-morrow at ai.dPnach.

LADIES’ DRAWERS Mad. of h«Tp lilMTliad canton danu.1, ragnlar price {Ur., at (inir.

MEN'S SIIIKTK Mada of haaTf oatlng flnnuala, regular price uUc., at 3Pc, each.

T (hiL I'llEHTS Ml Bora' Tool Cboata, reg­ular p iiu 'dc.. at xnr. aacb.

I HILDltEN'H WIKIL RIBBED HOSE, regular price JTic , at iaHr- pair-

MEN'S MICKS, In natural wuot and camal'a bair, north Itb., at Itc. pair.

tILOVER-M.n'a Extra Uoarp Cloth Qloraa, wnilh 4#c„ at »Sc. p4lr.

El’H TKIMMINUS-Om.lnch Hatln-Unad Habit Eur, worth 11.0, at HVr. pard.

WUU, MlTTK-tdilldron’e Wool MItn. wnrili 1.1c., at Or, latlr.

( ‘UMIllNATIIIN HL'[TS-t«dlaa' All-wool Hlbli«l I'uniblnaUon Hulta, regular prloo $08, at SIflUoaelj.

W lUTlNl > I'A PER --500 boxoo Hatln- flnlahad Writing I’apar, 14 ahMU paper and S4 an- velupea, worth IVc., at 10c. box.

LADtRS- VKHTS AND PA N ta la natural wuot. worth T5o., at 40a, each,

LADIl'::H'UINUIiAM APRONA with tancr burilfirg. worth ISr., at Oa, each.

COltSBT Ba HHAIND-Oux ragnlar 00c. Cortala at SPa, pair.

DDLLHPEUIAL—Haa lha Big Doll run can bur (or dPr., worth *i8c.

JAPANESE TINSEI.LEDCBEPE.for Drap­ery, Muecuil at IP., yard. Fringe to match.

FlUUKED SILKALINE,tDr Dnpary.apwtel at Pth*- yard. Fringe to matoh.

FlmniKD SWIVEL flILKA for Drapery, aprclal at tdc, yard. Fringe lo nutch.

S-4 CHENILLE COVERA extra hraTy, rich floral doolgaa, hoaTy laaool fringe, apoolnl at VHe, aach.

4-4 Cll ENILLE COVERA extra hoary, rich floral dealgna, haary luael frlnga, a p a ^ at 4Sc, oacA

10-INCH SCRIM, lor Curtalna, extra apoolal at 3e, yard.

BLANKETS-All-wool Wblla 11-4 RlankaU, with tanoy burdaro, worth IS, at SX,4P pair.

BLANKETS-Eilia Haary TVhlU U-4 Blao- kata, worth ISM. at aS-dp pair.

BLAKKETS-Extra Hoary Whlla 11-4 riaocad BLankala, worth fS at a f pair,

FANCY c o lo r e d STRIPED BLSNABTA fall •1(0, worth tlJA at TPe. pair.

Ol’TlNO FLANNELA dark oolora, worth 10c„ at 4lio. yard.

WHITE D08IET FLANNELA extra haary, worth 8c., at >lta. yard.

FLEECED OUTINU FLANNELA oboloa euliirlBga, worth Uo., at lOo. yard.

WHITE QUILTA oboloa paltarna and good quality, raai valnt 8le.i at dPa, eacA

WHITE qtJlLTA MaratUlta patuma waU worth 81, at PPo, oacA

LADlErt. SKIHTS-Ladloo* Black HaarlaUa Satooii Skirta, with L 8or 8 rulllta, worth S1.4S at POo, each.

e id e r d o w n , fancy figured, for ohltdron'o cluaaa and bath robaa, worth gPc., at IPc- yd.

URa Y f l a n n e l s , axtm flna qaallty, worth Wc„ at iOo. yarn.

1<LK.ACHED SHEETING, axtra haary, Utica mllla, full 8-4, worth Mce at ISlfo. yard.

COTTON BIBD’S-ETE for dlaporing, 18 Ineboa wide, worth Wc., at 8To. tor foil plaoa of lu yarda.

BLEACHED BARNSLEY TOWELA alaaa 18x40 tnohia, worth UHc.. at Pa. aaoh.

UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, H lachi wide, clioloaFattcnu)3lc. qualltyutt *8o, yard.

UNBLEACHED CANTON FLANNKUmlU anda, extra hoary, Iftto. quality, 7)qe. yard.

BLEACHED PILLOW CASES. Tory boat quality, 45x80Inchea. worth tOc.. at Ha, each.

b l e a c h e d SHEETA Lnekwood mnalin, T*X«U Inoboa, worth «lc.. at SIo. oacA

BLACK AND WHITE STRIPED MOHAIR SUITIN UA 84 Inobaa wide, worth tSo., at SMo. yard.

The Popular Store.

mPHISESOf no m ean order w ill evidence our desire to sharpen the appetite of dose buyers—T O -f lO R R O W FR I­D AY—

And L O T S of other seasonable and useful merchan­dise S O L D A T O UR P R IC E S w il l be

A Surprise to Our Neighbors.FTna Unblaaehod Mnilln, yard wlda...................... ........ ......................... ,,,,,,,,.8140, yardMneh Flnar and llanriar Mhalln, yard wlda.......................................................... 4440. yardOray Ftaaea Blankota.......... ...................................................... .....................4Pe. porpalr|i Whlta Wool Blankela, full rita..................................................................OS.Pa per pairDonhlo-faoad Printad Canton Flannel Drapery................................................1P«. p«r yard80. Outing Flannola.......... ................ ................ ............................................4o. per yardBilk and Wool Drcaa OoodA dark mlxturoa....................................... ................lOo. per yard

39c. each garment

0«nU* All*liiNa H*tast1icbod tad Uud- •Bbroldarod laltl»lq tmIu SOc., at

laAi centBa

l*diM* 8w1m Emhifoldcnda SooUoptd, tmIu16caq at10 cenU*

SwIm Md H6tiA-«inbtt>lder9(l, 8pu. lab drawn work nod Uo» wlffw, alwaya SIjOm *l

10 ceDts*

MMQufMtvwrl* SmdpIm lAdi**' and GodU* HftroatHrbad AH-llaea llandkarcblaf*, alao embroldirad r io 6 mfvad lot i aome of thaiQ may bare plo holea from aampla tlokataq ralDo op to 9o.g obotoe at

14 centfta •

635-637 BROAD STREET,Cor. New Street.


L. S. PL»UT i CO. • • ■ ■ “ : ^ STREET.

Boston Store,729 BROAD STKBIST,



To make Friday boHor than tuual wo offer tha following wnndeiTnl bargalna. Equal qualitloa at thoaa prlcat can ba found la no other aU>ro:

500 plooea AU-allk Batin Edge Oroa Oraln Rlbbona, good Ant quality gooda and In all oolora,ji-ln, wide. 1 to 8 In. wide, IR4 to 8 In. wide,3 c . ) ' i l . ftc. jid. 80 . f t l

Flueot quality Buttermilk Soap, IBo, bokof Soakea.

aOO Tortolae Hhall Hair Omamanta, actually worth from at), to 35c. aach, orer 50 atyUa to ebuoao from, l»>*e. ench.

iSc. quality Hoyt' Waltta, IXiqo. aach.2Bc. quality .Man'a Wool A »k a lAe. p^r.8Bo. OH Opaque Window Sbadaa, poriact

gooda (do Ne. Mon'a Hoary Dark Outlug Shirta, dPa, 4>-lnch Curtain HoHm. rary beat qaallty,

IMo. gooda, for 4Uc. yard.To. qaallty Dark untlng Flannela, 4Me,T5o. Boat Uro Oeoia Fealbert, ‘ 'Omeant

Oanta' Natural Wool Hhirt* and Drawara, apoalal pumbaac, for Hurprlae Day, real ralne nOe. aaob.......................................

Ladlaa' HUalln Oowtw. aiqnUItaly trimmed with embroidtry, full balloon aloaraa.,.. epe, eachLadlaa' Canton Flannel Drawara, trimmed with embroidery, 8Pn grade...............PAo. por pairMltaoa’ and Boyt' Colored and Black All-wool HUtona, big ralna.......... .............. to, per pair

CLOAK AND SUIT ROOM.Ladlaa* Paddook Saila, with ooata «Q taabaa and fQll aVtn, mada pf good

maunalg our prioa for tfaam lun baau $IUi0 aaobq wUl oloaa tba baluot of g g 6ftCtl

Wa haaa au aaaoitnaatit of ChlMrta'a Draaaai, 4 to U ^ * Yarlaty ofaod aaobe but ap lota ar*

............ . . ........................ Drwaaaia 41coloraq our prlca* for them hart beau f t j brokau will oloaa ibam at.

Qua lot of Ladlaa* Wrappart, la a rarlayr of atyla* and oolonq maria wltb mflla orar ibouldar aad full akirL worth llBo.. fur Burprlaa Day.........................

OraatMi Talua in Ladlaa* Wrappara offarad thla eeaaon—All of our $1 Jl, |lJk and 91.48 Wrappara, for Horprtaa Day ouljratee.eo.ote.of.............. ...........

XO doian FlannaUaiU Walata, alaaa S to 44, moatly saYy bloa grouDda, polka dota and itrlpca, worth (Be., Surprlaa Day prioa......... ...........................

Qraat amortraatit of Cambiio Walata, blaok and ludlgo blaa frounda, Mtrlpaa and flgv**t X K3d ralna fiOc., Hiirprlaa Day piiea........ ...................... .

BOYS’ CLOTHING.400 Fnsli Salti Vtlt iDcreue Oor Bosisass To-morroi.

TWO SORTS, tnd Sonigthinf Yer; Snrprisiof Iboit Each.p i n C 'T inOflulta. Thay art of Eogllah Twiilad Woratod and -■ hlna Trkou and with iwat^b^^and S4.98

jBiZKfl a I’u la

$3.98. SL9B to B5.98 . 13.48 to I&98 . 11.95 to 15.98

braid of ilna qoalllyaatid tbotalloriogaplandlcl, Thaaa auUa would ba cheap at |K); biti tba prioa la for |o- tooiTow, 8uTpriaa Day...................... ........

C p ^ r i N I f b llOflaltaof All-wool CbrYiota, doabla-broutadq 4 to 15yearn. Thara la quit# a atyla lo thaaa auita

that would eMlly Uidieata a valua much bayond tba inica; a fair low ptioa woiUd ba 95. Oor prioa.........

Boys’ Reefers, 3 to 15 years, at ,

Boys’ Storm Ulsters, 4 to 14, at

Cape Overcoats, 3 to 14, a t , . .

W I L f S O N ^ & C O .ISe TO 108 KABKET STREET.



Read What We Are Selling

for Friday and Saturday,


U a

100 pair* of brokan ilsaa Ladlaa’ Cloth Top Common-aanae HoUoo, patant laatbar tip, fair>atUchadf ragplar prlM flJKX Oor prioa

BOO paira of Ladlaa* Yiol Kid BattoOq opara and comniobwMnaa toa, alao Waukanpbaat atylaa, regular prioa l&OQ. Our prioa Ml.IT.

Ladtai' Fiaa Viol Kid Batton and Laea Mla- eharatte*, opara and aqoara toe, patant laathar ayalat atay and tip, alM (o 8, only 61.4#.

I ^ Aik for our Ladln* Flat Dongola Bottoa 6Ud Laoa Blucbaraai 93ae, worth 9L50.

At 61.09 w« ara aalllnff tha aama fiboaa for aba wbar« othara ara catlluf 9L50, all stylai. " at tham.

Oar Own Make MloBOand 61.99 Oanta* Flo* Sboaa oan’t badapUcated any whara l& tha cdty*


Stggl Enaniglledrtf'OOo.qiparlal..

35 ctsiM qt., rag, no. xpaclol.

39 CtsI qt., rag. 18c, apoolal.

43 CU*Steal Enanttllgl Stoce Pus.

I Steel EDtmelleil Tea Kettles,

tquarL lU n lor 88o„ BPBClAlT

18 cts

No. I, Reg. ll.Bfl, •peolol................

81 c tslAUalaoa, pit Or flat.

Steel EDaielleflBerliiSance Pans

8 quart, rtg. m . i|wdal,. j


L. Bamberger & Co.y14.7 a n d 1 4 9 M A R K E T S T R E I C T .

Are usually good judges of Boys’ Clothing. They are heartily wel­come at Stoutenburgh & Co.’s, especially those who can appre­ciate fine quality, true style and perfect fit in a garment and who know a bargain when they see it Notice the $4 and $4.50 Suits re­duced to $2.75 ; the $5 Ulsters at $3.75, and the $3 and $4 Reefers, worth $5 and $6.

STOUTENB799, 801, 903, 806 Broad Street

The News ' •^ 3 2 . 0 0 0 C IH C U LA T IO S

Brnn iq** at«nin ourad aad odorlaat, STko. par psmnd.

Beat QaAlUr Table Ollolotb. 15e. yard. Twe>wp*rd-wlda Unbiaaohad Hhaating. 16a.

yard.Two-rorfl-wldo Blracbod ShMtlng, It . ,

yanl.ArgTlo Vard-wU. UnblMohwl Hnalln, ng-

ulor wo* In, at 0.,Vord-wid. BleaohM Mualln, f lu throod, no

atarcb,w«i7)*o,,al»Me.18o> quoUtp All-wool Rod Twilled Flonool,

yard.1 ooH Tory bmt Dork CMIroOa, 8440, yard.1 roao lOo. quality Dork Dma ulughama, At,

yard.I oow Hhih Color Driat Qiugharaa, 10c.

gooda at SMo. yard.DKE8M uOODB-

lOo. Wool Choriola, in ohockt and audad of- faoU, IT .- yard.

l$Hc. Rqoioh PloJda, natylae, 8., yard..5(k). quality AH-wmil Surah Sargy, 4(1 luchaa

wide, 81 ootora, at »S«. yard.ft.88 AH-wouL Plaid Sultluga, 54 Inoboa arldo,

at dOo. yardOhlna BUka,alt pure allk, all ihodea, 18«,

’ *^ard-wlda Fluat AU-wool Fait, IB ahadaa, •1 yard.

Satina, flu Bwua nude gooda, olwayt 48o„

cixl^ S epartment- Let thia oaa oliaring toll the tale of what wo

will do in thla lo-day-^?ary eoat rtduood. ,

L,rfloq' and IHaaot Jarkrta, made In tho mw atyllab langlb (87 luchaa long), extra big alooraq, MW coat bark, a good |8.U8 Jackal. "rB ID A Y COAT SALE” Prloo.-

$ 4 .3 9 .B O S T O ft S T O R E . 7 2 9 B R O A D S T .



clap-trap I No* windy worda of docaptlou! Wo don't try to "Jolly" our oaetomen. Into payluf doubte

prUw for their Tom and Cn(fo(iwl|h tha ox-

rill ” uoa Bunflor CldHt W Uio..SS par ooaoPhoto. Bleudod Trait.............par lbPholoo Enillah Bnokfut Tea...... xlle, par lbPbnira OolnngTu.. .............., ig ., p., lb

mine JopouToa. ...............M o. par lb

........holoa 1ChojoeBaikA Fired Tm ..,.,..... ,.lBo> parttaSonu Twa Mid In burk.t ahopa at flOo. par lbGood Moraeolbq Oolfr..................XSo.p.rtljGood HloGoltef.................... .,,,.*80, par lbHaat lAugCnt Bioaklng Tobuoo... .•80. « r lbl^ro Wlnaa.............................. yse. par gMFur. VluBgora...,.,..................tfle, p«r galitira Whiakoya...................... gl.40 nor galIhiro Ry.,8,yoor old.................M.ooporgalHut Choaoloto Cream Urope.... . ido. per lbFranch Mixed Candy.... .............. to. par lbAlao a large rarlaty of oth.r gooda and gmdu

which I am oblige to omit for wont of ipaoo.

William Tiernev,65IKRIET ST„ RBf ARK, 1 1

MEN— MEN Ilb (hU way w«oura fttriutur* uid All urUukry

dloiuMt o o ^ e ft lm o . Addiua for Infor- mntlomaoalod in plain onraiapa,AKA IdUHUAL iXL, F.aBoi lM.MawHktK-8^


rSttVTake a foot ride

ICVand thesesee just how big

measurements are.Thia Elegant Antique Bedroom Suit, three pieces, French Bevel M&ror, 38x34 in., Bureau 44 in. wide, Washstand 33 in. wide. Actual value $30. (sxgcar luc* rot.)


Cuk ir M l .u r n sNIC I


Need space for the holidays. Well, yes, and money, too. They rtll therefore sell LADIES’ , MISSES’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, broken sizes, for H A IJ ' PRICE. /

Mon'a city made worranlod oork * 4 ) f in j a h iwilaolo, oongreao,a llaixoo............ ftZ .U U 1 LaooCalf, oorh'(oto,eltymode ftA id ll

A handsome souvenir, consisting o f a caae o f the Gold-eyed Easy-threadlnl Needles given to each customer. j

BORNSTEIN BROS., 693 BROAD ST.]B e tw M ^ W est P a rk and Ceda r Streets.



Page 9: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

^ « i p i i P i 9 P « i i p i P P M

W e w i J r k

NUMHEU 3,402. NKWAltK, X. J„ THUK8DAY. XOVEMHEK 22.— T — ^

1894. PIUCE TWO CEXIUThird Edition s c h e f b a h e r g i v e s t e s t i m o n y a n e x p l o s io n i n a s c h o o l .

M ystery About tho W illiam s Girls,

W ith Whom He W as latlmatu.


Holmrt Fa r«d ta LaaTa Chlaaca Whan HI. Iw lndllaf Oparalloni llacniua Known — How Filia l W u Connaetail W llh H li Frnnilutaut Triuiinrtlaai~TI>a Twa Han loipaclad bT IVnoni Wha Know Tliatn af Fatttnc tha ivilllanii OIrla Oat of Iha Wnj for Iba Purpoia a f Oaltlnf Paaaaaalon of Their Monaj.

CmcAOO, Not. 23.—TUara li no loncer a Joulti Uiat a part at leait ut Uh ito rj toUl In Fhiladalpala b f U. B. Uulmta, tha inturaaca awLadkr, U true. It ii oartalo Anna Wit). ian.1 did ootna to Chlca{0 to join bar iHtar Minsla, and that aha wai aaan aaTaral Uinai In Hobnat’i oompany. But wbaifacr aba wan miirdtrad la a point that can only ba elaaiad whan tarr alttar Uinnie li brouybt to lltfht, Anaa WiUlauit'i traiib ta atili on. opanad In a local aiprew offloe. The way bill in thair poaaaailaB thuwa It wnaaant from HIdlutfaiaii, Taa.. July T, IKtl, ail- dramad to Uiat Nanais Wllllanu, ram ot H. OordOD, 1220 Wrlyblwood aYanua, Chlcaco, 111. W W tba atpram company tried to da- llTtr the trualc It wai rafuiad, aa nobmly named Williamt or Oordon ertr IItcJ ttaara. Nothine bat araF bean ditcoTemd ot tha wbaraabuut of Anna tVllllaint.

Tfaa real raaaun whirb ilroae Holmaa from Chicago It balitTad to ba tha datactlon of bit icbaina to twIniUa a PUDibar ot Are Inaiiraoca oompaaict. Early In Norambar, ISSU, tba praujiaea at TOI Bixtytblrd ttreac wat Durnad. Tha placa waa intureil for tflS.OOO In ibe name of tba ilaim>MI-Yatat Uinn- CactuiinK Company. Tm onmpaniaa bad rsaaon to iiupact tho Sra waa ihe work ot lii- eandlarlaa. iDWtatlntioo ahowad that tbt Incorporatort ot tuo Caombdl-Tataa cnn- eam wart: A, B. Yitat, lliram H. Tlanip- faalE U. B. Holmaa, Haory Owant and U. R Wtlliami. Owaar wat the oolorad portar who worked tor ilolinea. U R. Willlanu wat tba ttaDO(raphar. MlDnle WlUiamt, Yataa and Catnpball oould not ba locatail.

la tha maanlltua Uolinaa, Uinnie Willltmi and PItaal bad muTad to a houta in Laurel aTaoua. Huddanly Uolmea blOMnmod out at It be had laid hit hanilt on eonalderabla mouar, and hi rail handtoma apartnienta at tba Plata Hotel, oppoaite the Uocolu Park. Tba party nwlitanid ir H. H. Holoita and wife and B. F. Pitael. Tha lait time Hoimai waa teen wat in Uw onua of a earlaio In- aurauoa company, whara ha had conn at Hiram fl. Campbell to rtoeiTe tbs amount ot bit Ininranoo monay. Afterward Ulanis WlUlamiiuadsaoaniplatt adniitaioo of tha fraudulent character ot tba Are and gave up tba Ititnranca papart.

Tbt iudden ilitappaaranoa at tbaWllUama

tirlt from Chlc^o It ttill uoatplalued.inula w u Uit aaan hare in neoamhar. ISUU

in Qompany with bar titter Anna. Tbs two ware aaan preTloot to tna dltappaaranceot Hulmat. Ina itory told by Uolmat to tha police In Phllailalphla, that be taw Uinnie kill Anna and that he helped ditpoae of tile body and aided Umnia to eacain to Europe, it generally doubted, BaTcral people who know Hulmaa well u t they balleTo ilolmaa, aided by Pltisal, lrill«l both tha W ilUami girlt to gat poaBenlun uf tba fortune balongiag to the girit and that Holmaa afterward ditpoaed of Pjtiel, ooP Jactad hit Ilfs liwnranoe and wat making plant to leuTe tbs country when arreelad.

KaNkaklE, IIL, Not. 23—John PltMl, brothar of B. V. Pitul, Utm four inllaa aonth ot tbli city on a farm. Two weak) ago he receWed a latter from bla slitar, in­forming him of the death of bla brother, B. F. PilaR but thla latter did not oontalnaHibar Uw mrtmdkrt of bis death or tfaa cauie of deaUL Be wti altiiplj giTen to undentand that hla brother wat da^.

BARanxia, N. Y., Nov. 22.—On FridBy, NoTambar 3, two man, who are uppoisd to ba H. H. Howard and B. F. Pilaat tbe aP legad Ufa ioanraoct coaapiraton. ware in thii city. Both men called at tha Doily Sara- topiiia office and bad ititarted in that paper the following obituary notice :

" Cbarlaa 0, Whitney, of CbioagOj^a well- known commercial traTellcr, died Tnetday at bla home on FrenIcUn atreet, in thia Tillage, laaTlng a widow and one child in Cblrni^. HU ramalua wen taken to New York for interment.’

Both men aubeaqttantly'appeared in the Saratogian couDling-room to fiurcbaee oapi*< uf tbe paper conteining the notice. Whan tha dmu wbo praaeoted the notice for pnbhcation wee allied the number of the atreet whore Whitney died, he replied: "N o matter."

luiulHea mede to-day of local phTilcinm and undertaken and reuidanta on Franklin atreet fail to darelop any knowledge of W bib nsy or hla death. Neither waa any ironafer permit laaued by tha Board of HeUth for the removal of his rtmaina eliewhere, nor bnriat hare, nor ware the remaine of Whit- neyMDt from Baratoga either by rail or ezOTeea.

PHlLaocLpBia, Not. 23—lawyer Jeptha D. Bswti of Bk lioula, wbo la Indicted for complicity In the ooaipiracy against the Fidelity Idutual Life Aaeociatii^ orrlTtd to­day and surrendered to tbe polica

HCHAN UODies l l f A CATK.

The Crimes nf a Hand of Healeaa BaadUa llrouglit ta Light.

CiTT OF Mgxico, Not. 23—A bldsoui dia. coTerj has jnat beau made near tba town of Cfanr inUlo, In the Btate of Nichoocan, by a freighter nimeil Paacoal Ooniei, Tho llnd conslste .if thirty human bodies In on ad­vanced state of dacouipoaition and paled one upon another In a cava, which was ahuoat Impeoatrabla on account of tbe itench ema­nating tbarefrom.

Antonio Jimlnen anatlTe of the town, a freighter by ocoupatlnn, bod hla bead maihed to n Jelly by a bandit rsoautly, and Clenfat (Jomei waa robbed and murdered for hla money at tbs place abortly afterward. FaeenaL a brother of tbe late Tictlni, while engaged in learching for him, mode the dia covery, which eiplalni many iny.terioua raurden which have occurred la Michcacen In the last few roontlia by a notorlDua gang of bMdim__________ ^ _________


Ela Stndenli and n Hedleal College PrafeiK for Amatod.

Ltacobv, Nab., Not. 22.—Bix itudentiand one professor of tbe medlcel olaae ot Cotner tJalTeralty ware arrested last night on the charge of grave robbery.

The body of Otto Albert, a laboring man, which wot huritd over a wnk ago, wai found in poamatun of tha atudenta. Cotner la a eoUtge of the OhrUtian Church.

•old He Didn’t Intend to Uerrand.A tall, oadarorone, poorly draisad man wu

plaoed mi hial In the Court of ijuarter beulOM thli afternoon on a charge of em- beuUing tlU from bis former employer, A. laeubarg. The prisoner wsi OionrBohwetke. Aocorolng to Mr. loanberg,the aconied and young Oscar ladbberg want to Centre Market on Bsptember IT Uwt. Oaear had tlO with wt^b he wu to buy regoUbleg and it w u statedthat the prtsonee took the moneyfrom tbe boy. When tbe aocuaeu w u put on the stead he swore that he hut tba tlO, He did not Intend to defraud Itenbtrg, he •aid, and h) fact ba had promlaad tie pay book tiia $10. He paid f I on aoooant, ha ■aid, and wu wllllag to pay tha r a t

g. K. Kmmet, the Actor, Married, DavagroBT, la., Nov. 23—Joseph K.

Emmet, tbe actor, and Mrs. May Haggliit KtoTeni, known to the drematlo profusion ■i Emily Lytlon, were married in Grace Cathedral here at II A. H. yntarday. Mrs. Bteren* ta tha leading indy of Mr. kmoMt’a company, The oounla bad intendad to be married for aove tlm& and waited until they teaobed here In tbs nallef that no licenw wu/Tequlnd here and they oould avoid poblMtT. Tba ring wu bought and the L d r waJUng befora^'Fiita " diecovarsd that

I w u neaaaaary.

do Beat Krleuun Breaks Down. ■AanniaTOM, Not. 33—Tbe Navy Dt-

~ ant B lofomad Uiat the torpedo bunt on broke down again this morning

I on a trial trip Her air pumps gave jknd the vueal ratnrned to her anoboragt

Ha Tilts tv by He IlMlreit Kearny Tawa-ship to I as tbe Wcatinihoiita Sye-

trm of Klaetrie Ligllte.Boaclaiio thr Evintso News.

JiiUET CITV, Not. 23—More tutlmony wu taken bars yntarday In the cwrtluruii priicawltngs which have been braught by Edward Kenny for Kupsrt Bchetlmuer against the Kearny Townehip (.'oiLinultar. Bebefhauer wu tbe only witoeaa of tbe after­noon, and bii tuttmony conalated of an »x- planation of tha rraaun why ho ilcureil Ihe towmliip to use Uic Weatlnghnuse ayatsm of electrio ligbta end a dwcrlption of ths •yatem wbk-h be recommaoJe.L He atatcl that the bids for the «urk bad been properly ndvartiped for and that tbe bonds bad bean Iliad with tbe Township Treuurer, u is re- Hulrad by taw.

" I racociitended tbe WsstlngbouM syi- taui," Hid Bbefbauer, "bacauu that cuiii- pany is pcrfrctly organised and is tbe only oompany which It able to furnltb every ratjuliite for the lighting ot a town from ths inscblnary In the iHWar-bonu to tbs wirrs sod lanip*. The Township CommlUu could hold such a company responsible for tbe work, where if diSeront oompenles fur­nished the macbiuer.v, wires, lamps, sto., sa some desired, and If there w u any trouble one comtMiiv would blame the othu and il would be dlAcull to tlx the blame on the right partr.

"The Wntlnghouss Company Isalsowlll- ing to furnish bunda In any amount for tha faithful performaiioa of the work. In con- aldering the qucstloa of Inrestraeat In tho Ilgbtlng busineH and deciding on the best apparatus to purctuua, two quntloiu will uraaent Ihanwelvci, They are: Wbluhlitba bast from on rln-trleal ttanilpolnt, and whloh from a mschanlcal atamlpolDt. In ulactlog tbs twst system for atreac lighting 1 would aetecl tbe aHarnatiug..currant system, 1 In- laudsd to bplld a niCUM atation with all of tba naweat and heat apparatus, cither alter­nating or direct current maebinee, tbe bert Improvrd arc lights, tbe bast improved and flre-pi-oof switchboard and tbe beet anginas built for durability and afftctlvenma. Tbe baet Tire aad InsuSatlun w u to be used on tbe liar."

The croas-axaminatlon was to a view to tasting Mr. Hobefbeuer's tet-hni'-al knowl­edge. Counsellor Kenny brought out the fact that Commlttunian Eogelsta>lter bad told Bebefbauer that be and Die oollaaguea propoied to support hla plan. Bchsfhauar, It wu atated, wu glvsn to nndervtand that tbs contract w u to be awarded to him until the nigbt preTious to the meeting at wbloh it w u Bwardod to Woolstou.


Meant Taaoma ipeute Hiuoka and Opens a Crater—Knrthiiunke Mhoeks.

Tacoma. Wuh., Nov. 22.—Heveralalight shocks of Hrtbquafce were felt here early last eTenlng. tVladows were rattlsd throughout ths city. Tbs first •bock w u moat aevera, being iccom- panisd by rumbling noisu, and simultaneuni- ly a sheet of fiame w u ohearved in tbe aut- era hraTena. SeTsra] parsons h w smokt la- suing from .Mk Tacoma yeatarday morqlng.

Pnrfsaaor F. C. Plummer, a looal ecientlat, wbo has made a tpeetal study of Mrth- qaaks phanomeoa in tha Northwaat, states that old Hiatoa, the oldest Indian la Puyallup RaaerTatioa, said, through an inlerprsbar, btfora tbe Taooma Acad­emy ot Bcienca, on February 6, IBIM, that he bed many tlmaa seen Bra and smoke Doming out ot Mount Teoonia. General John t'. Fremnnt taportsd on Norsmber 13, 1343, that Mount Tacoma w u In erupdon.

According * to Professor Holden, of tbe Link ObsAiratory, a vlolaab eruptioa of tbe mountetn Occurred Norember 12, 1H72. In May, lliiiil, Tolumrsot smoke were absorvnd issuieg from tbe orater. On June IT. 18144, jeti of ateau were observed shooting up­ward from tbe mountain.

“ It Is interesiJag," u id Professor Floss- mar, " that uveral of the plausta, indodlng tbe earth, on at preunl in Hue. a face which bears cut toe theory ot Protasaor Aleiit Perry and othera, that rach eoe- dlttuns ore favorable to earthquakes and valcaao pheBoateaa. Taera have btM so far tweaiy-tiro largt eorthqiukae through­out the world during OMober and Novamuer of tbe present year."


Tperhan enii 1-uplla llurni-d by Karaplaf Steam aad Ulhars Trampled Vpoa.

No tiaa Killed.UxnHin<iA Man, Nov. 22.—A boiler ex-

pludr<l ihli morning in the cellar of Crntre Brhml building uniier Hie tliur uf the primary itapartmrnt. The lli»r wu cotnplsnaly lorn up and detL and o ats were broken. Bricks sere thrown lhrau.:h tha iloor u high u tha calling, but no one is reported u fsidty hurt.

Thirty scholars were In the room at tbs tini* and nuiny uf them wan thruwo aliout. Mist Agiite Parker, tba trachar, hutanad to oi>eu tha door ami the ■cbolars rushad out In a mesa,uiony being hmt In lo doing. Mias Parker we.: Imrnetl a Utile onher taco by stetiu, Freaois ( ’euT had his tare slightly burntd. John Cbnve'a

neck aiiJ lags were buruad. Fred KeBev wu struck by a fiyiug bnek on tba fon^'ml.

Tbimiaa Hmith tell down stairs and wu trampled on. John Uopau wu badly bruir-wl and blirnsd. Napoleon Cruvu wu badly burni-d and hurl Thn tobolars in other jarta of tbe building wore not Injured, hut were badly frigktewad. No one la blameil for the accident, which was pruiiabla due to a dtfecUva boiler.


Aa Intereatlng Krpurt Iron Chief Haua on tho Work Done.

WASmnoToit, Nov,22,—WllllamP.luami. Chief of tbe II nltol Btates Hecrat Bervlce, bu submitted an Interaating report to Beers- tary i ’erlUle. It abows that BUT persona ware arrested by ogeula of tbs Hecrel Ber­vlce diviaion during tha flsrel year endwl June IHt im , prlDcIpoIly for caunurfeitliig and r*salng ninnterfolt coin. Oil tbou cutivtctot end sentencpl Ones amount­ing to Ek'i.hOO and untanoos aggregaV- ing S43 years were Impueed, Chief Haien ny> tha art of tihotngreph-lilhog- rapby, alUmugb seemlagty in ita Infancy,

. hat made II comparatively euy to Imitate tbe most sklirnUy engravait designs of onr notes lo that tne danger from this aourcs li not only very grave, hut lacraosing: aad to meet these condltinas tha daaigos aad execu­tion ot li.iTarnment notes should be such u would meks Ibeir reproduction moat difficnIt. One safeguard atlll renialnlug, bowavar, Is tbe lecnt prooeu of mating distinctive pnpar.

In the prosecution of some easM tbe Chief leai ne<l that there It ao law to punUb utter- lug or psatlng anch lightened or debased C0I113 knowing thsui to be such. Ha tbere- fere, rtrouimendr tbs ponags of an act making It a felony to mutilate UnltadStatea coins, or to utter, to pass or to altampt to pass aueb oolnA


To Fay EdOO Fine and Serra Flva Hontba la tbe Coaaty JalL

ABsrnY Fahk. Not. 22.—Alderman Charles Parka of the " Tenderloin " district, New York, wbo wu convicted lost Friday of keeping a gombliagdiouM at Aabury Pork, in tbe meet (ssnionaUe part of town, srm Matenoed by Judga Conover tbii tnornlng to pays fine of 2SU0 aad serTs a Hstanoaof five oioDths Id the county jail.

Tba lantence wu raevived with mneb aor-

Eriia. Thu Aldarman’s trlandi axpaetad that a nould uacapa with a light flM and rwmira

uuaentcaoaln jail.Ahhu'man Parks cams to Aabury Park last

June aad opanad a gambllitg-bousa la the must fushionable part of the town. With him ware William Myere and Loula G. Lyman, the letter one of the moat experi­enced gomblere in the country, who ran tba riiulette wheal at Parks'! den, Tba Aldermaa was arrested lu August and tmiloid by Lbs October Orsml JuiT- At tbe trial be tried to shift all tba blame on Myers, say­ing he wu the nominal proprlotur ot the place. Porks wu tha bonduuan of Lyman, who did not appear m court u a wltnaso, thin furfaiting his bail, which wu tKD. Parka will bora to pay this.


Japanese Troops KbeUed aod Then a Nn- Tnl Engngement Follows.

Lonuox, Not. 23—Tha Star publlsbas a dUpatobfrom Yobohama lUting that tbe Cbinme PM-Tang aquadrou of wanbipa at­tacked and ibelM the Japaneu troops who ware nurebing upon Port Arthur, tbe troope ^ r in g taken a nwl near ibe noastt Tha Japane» fleet oana to tbe esststaim ot the trnops and a daeperate fight took place between tbe Cblnue and Japooeae wnrsbipa, the result of which ta not known. Tbe Cblneu hattie. ship Chen-Yuan beenuw nselaos during the fight and ran ashore In trying to avoid tbe tornado at the enlranoe to the harbor of Wel- Hal-WaL

Tbe Diohe prints a dispatch from HIro- ■hima stating that advlaat bare been re oelved there from China in which It is inti­mated that it l i the Intootion of the Chmaaa GoTeruuiCQt to offer as indemnity of lOO.- 000,000 taels aod also bo defray the expensis of the war u one of the conditions of pence,

WAUBixOTOit, Nov. 32.—The pnnwrt of Minister Dnn’e reriy from TofclotoHecre- tory Gruham’s dTer of medlallon in ths Uriental war is that China shall sue for PHct to Japan. Bhould China do thik Mr. Dnn la to act u imtermsdlary between tbe warrlig powers.

I ■ . 1—


ICVnU FAgta*

I t S T i

Bamnel Clark, Aoeosad of TIolatlim the Law, Esrepes Fnaishaieht.

Special DisDatoh to the N lw a Ku » abktm, Not. 23-HamueI Clark, of

lUhway, who wu Indicted by ths Union County Grand Jury for TlolaUng a law passed by tbe lost Legislature by couducl- ing a baukrupt auation n ie of ololb- Ing in Rahway without depoeiUng IfiOO with the Becretary of Btate, and then getting a licenae from the CUt Clerk, w u placed on trial here to-day In the Union Countiy Court and eeoaped pimlah- mant fbr the offence. His lawyer, Mr. Nbeftr, asked that the case be dismissod, u tba Indictment w u detective Inumucb as it foiled to specify ths name of any per­son or persona to whom clothing bed bun sold. Judga MoCormlok decided the point wall taken and said that bulde this tot CoQrt tuid donbti u to coQ'atltnUonality o f the law in qne^oti. The Judge ordered the liuilctmant quashed, and Hr. Clark, with bis counsel, left the court­room smiling.

•TAHDABD o i l m e n INDICTED,

Aeotued e f Vlalatlng the Law by Forming I a Censplroey to Control Friers,

Nxw Yoluc, Nov. 23-8tandard OH Oom- pany offlelaJa did not seem to bo mneh dis­turbed lo-day at the news from T eiu that the Hql«iinan County Grand Jury bad returned an imilctmant agaiiut Presi­dent John D. Rookefetler, H. H. Flagler, William B. Itockofoller, Benjamin Brewslar and all the other oIBcers of tbe oouipaiiy for a Tlolatioo of the trust law by nuking acoosp^ytoeontrolprloes, TbaWntors- Pletue OU CoEipany, of H t LouR which dou buiinau Is T'exat, and is ooniteotod with the Btanderd Oil Company, Is aUsEad to he tbe direct T io l^ r ot tie law la haTing formed a trust, driven out competitors and oon- trolled tfaa price of oil In Texas.

According to tbe dispatch Governor Hogg has oonaentod to Isena exlntdittan papers tor tbe indicted partiu outside bis Bute. Among the ludlcted alao tbe p.-iuolpals andagente of the Waters-Pieros Companp

Monalgnor Satalll’a Frabable amicesMir.Roux, Nut. 33—In oiroka close to the

Vatican belief Isexpresaed that I f onslgnor Loreuslli, Papal Nuncio to the Netber- latidN will aveiitualty be atminled ApoaloUc IMogate to Che United Btatas to sneoeed Monalgnor HatolU. It la said, however, that the data of Honrignor Batdlii's recall baa not yet baeu fixed, and it is understood that hla return to Roma, If be doee ralu-n, will be contingeDt upon his elevation to tbe Car- dlnalala, ____

Drosmed In Raneoeae Creek.Bperrial DlaiJttoli to the N lwx

BuRUnOToiL Nov. 23—Tbomas Reillv, who murdered Pittman Bordan, of tus dty, aome years ago and served a term In tbe Btate Prison, was found drownwl la the Banoocas Creek near Centntoa veitsi'dav, itolUv bad bean working In the briok yarda'at Oantreton, and Iseup- POm J to have Milan In the creak whAa o ru K B e h ^ S b o tt ie of whiskey in bis

r r r — ----------- -

Tti« Manafcrt Im m a 8t«t*n«nt far Flv« Yimn^TfeMw C*r«d For#

Tha managars of the Uottfriad Krueger Homs for Aged Man and Women, on Clin­ton place, have booed their rqwrt for tbe five years that the Institation has been In siistenca. Tbe home bs* no UaliUlties, and lb asMta amount to 1036112.13 The receipta since the foundation have omonnted to20(1,401.23 and the dlsbursemanta to 230,402.79, leavingnensh babaceof 22.022,13

There are at present in tbe borne lixtean women and twanty-thrse men. During the pest year there wen sight man and Hvan woman admitted. Tbe ataregs coat for tha iDaintanuncQ of each iomata, Ulciuding sal- arias to ilioH in charge, has bean about forty-flva cenU a day. It cost •3.T73.42 to ojerata Uia institution last year.

Tba report contains an account of tha be­ginning of the home, which wu founded through the liberality of Judes Krueger, who sub«ribed 18(1,000 toward it In 1882, and defrayed tbs cost of the woman’s build- log, which ww eraotod bter.


Effiirts tor • Union of Taoehets' and gu- porlnUadaata' Aaaoelntlont.

The first quarterly mseting of tha ysar of the Essex County Bnnday-achaol Snpariiiten J- aab’ Association w u bstd last night in the perlon of tbe Bouth Park Presbyterian Church, RapreaentativH from Mimtclair, BIcomflald, llolbviJIe and this city to ths nninbcr ot HvantT-fivs wore present

Tha matter nuder oonaidaration was a re- IKirt submitted by the Executive Commlttes of the Bunday-eobool Teachers' Association looking toward a nnlon o f ' the lira so- cbtlas for, morn nggrsnlve work. A set of resolutions having this objset in visw werereferred to a committee of five to be ap­pointed by Cburman Runyon to­day or to-morrow, which committee will have full power to act

Dv. l i M. Luther, Btate Becretary Ferguson, E. O. McFarland and ottaere spoke in favor of thn proponed union.

The President’s Horses’ Tails Not Uoakad.W abuikotox, Nov. 23—"Thsrs b no

truth In the story that tha President has allowed the talb ot bb carriage huress to be docked,” nid a gentlo- man closelj rouiwotad With the Preridunl’s houHhold toJay. " Tha talb of tha honws have Iron ’ LMgad,’ tha Inns not beieg belied. Whlla the PraMdont was away lU i summer tba horses wore turned out in tbe pasture, and while running free got Ibair talk In bad shape by ooutoot with bum aod bremblet. The only way to ret.iore the brambles was to cut the hnlr ami this was done without' tlir knowl­edge of tba Pr«ld#nt Thla b the fabric on wkleb the story of tha docking was founded.

BHndlt Bill Cook Pmbably Caught.Nov, 22.-At tha

United Btatas Marshal’s office though the officials are very ratloeai U is rseorded os posltivn tlmt BQl Cook, uia daring yonitg Isadsr of the gam whiofa has been terroris­ing the Indian Territory for the past five muntlia. Is under artvnt. He is thought ta be one of tho five men captured by the Texas rangers at WlchiU Falk The deeoription I? . ft exactly oevnaponda with t^ t of Bill Cook. Thki is etraogtbeneil by tha fact t the man wbo answers to tha name of ^aetor Is an exact counterpart of ttia man Baldwin, alias Blweter, of the Cook gang.

ieven Oo«plratorS Fonnd Onllty. EnioxwAT. Pa , Nov. 23-Tha teven

miners charged with conspiracy to liurn ami burning the tipple at the Pains tulnss last June during the strike wars fonml guilty by the Jury this morning. Kd Fox and Leo Wuriii pleaded gnllty to the charge of plac- IlM eiplorivea under a building, wfaioli waa jjrihat was c h a ^ against them. Priinx

Ludwig Kosenbeo3 J-Jeaph Krmtla, William Geltnir and Waarel Bwintnor ware found gulltv of oil ohargea ot tbe Indictment wbloh aecnaad them of banting and ootssut- Ing to thacrtaiA '

Takea to tbe Htato Prison.Thro men, who ware reoontly aontenoed to

tta etato PriaoiA ware taken to tout Inatltu- tion to^Uy by ConataUe Uwia Hmllh. One of l ie urlaoasn w u Edward Cavanaugli, who got two yura for asHulUag PoUawnan Allltun, of Hm Fourth Praciii^ aad the other wu Frodoriok H. TAttw, who w u ■antenoad to thru ysarxaftar be had pleaded gnllty to fire ohargu of forgery.

lAek.XesamrOenMaw tha AdMale-

The L ittle Town Thresttned for a

Time With Entire Destmotion.


Xa Flr« Apfiar«tut Id tha t'laav, ami Kaan Chlhlran ('allp<l Into ftarvle# tn llalp BjHIofuIkh tha I'laibvB-'lloriaa aad Calila IliirDfd to Death llrforfi ttu* Mra Waa Cieettpa irndar Cautrul—LoMM* br Flra at <Mhar l*laea«a

A i tbe niatk

s s s a s s m ^

8pacial Dlipatrh to tba Xevaa.Nxw Bnr.tswicK, Nor. 2,’.—One of tha

fiereaat fires In tbe history of the village iif Bouth Ulver hroka out stio.ilr befors 1 o'clock this mnruing. The town has n popu­lation of abuul 2,<IM and Is six milu from here

At one time the entire town waa threat­ened ami a msaasge wu sent to thia city for aid.

Tbe fiamaa broke out In tba livery atable of George Ferine, in the ru r of Gabriel Teabroeck'i hutel. From hare they cem- muhicsteil with all tha outbuildings uf the hotel and to the hotel Itulf. Tba store ot Jacob levinios nut took fire. All these buildings sre In t’le centre of the bnslnau portion of tlie town, nhteh Is built entirely of wmai. The lios»e« ere clou to­gether and St one after suotber caught fire the wlldMtaicItemaiit an.l alaim pravallail.

Tbe town hu no flrs department and alt tbe InbutiUanta tururd out. A bucketbrigade was fornad extending to ibe river, ‘JOO yarla sway, and water was passed along thia line. Lveu little children were put into errvioe, ami roi riid water lu tin poili and dippers.

A tetaphnna mewage was scut to Chier Oraenewahl, of this city, begging blni to •end aasistanca. As aoon u man could bs rnoMid an engine anil boaa-onrriage, with a crewof eight m « ware wnt to Aonth River. Be­fore ttwy reached that plaro, however, tha wlml UM out, end the fire was gdtten undar control. A maMcngrr wu Hnt to inut the •nBlne. and after learning tha flainM w«w nn^r control It returned to this city.

Heveral horses and cows perlahed In tbs flamsf. bur. no human lives ware lost. Ths lou on buildlags and stork can not bs exact­ly estimated, but It will reach Mvaral thou- und dollars.

Just aftor this Are wu gotten under con­trol another farnke out at ths barns of a fanner named tVahers, Just ovsr the river In Haynvflle. This Are was evidently tbe work of tramps. All the barns ami ont- bnlhlings wars dnIroyeiL Tha luu wu 1330(1.

Jofai Headartoii's place, near Woodbrhlge, was set on Ore by tramps lost night, but u e flamee wen tiUnguiahed before any grw t damage wu done.


Tk* A U «o P»r|lT !$uDk to 8dto ffor—A Cm k * and m ChluDqiDa*4

CoriMio €rfm»t«dsNew T obe, Not. 3 .—The stetuniihlp

Akinoi of the MAllory Uiia, wbieb drrlTed from GaItmIod jeelertlayefteroggn wm dii- oororei to be od fir* m nhe U f PUr Noa 90 Eut lUver, at 1 o'clock tbii moroiuE. Skeoamtd ^ full ctr^o of fi,0Q0 bftUt of cortton And eotne tolieceo feoertl mer” chnadlM. It WM fouittl tittWHnrf to par-" Unllf «ioik the fiteftiuf r in order to mto ner, &nd two boWa were cut tn ber and the fat- tied down nntU her iDAtn deck wee lerel with the docks

At no time bed tliere beea eu/ fl&me to be Men Aud the hfavy «molderlH8: of tbe cot­ton Id the lower }uirt of the Tfaeel led tho fapUln end Are chlefe to b^eve ckuU the Are bed etarUd before the r e M 1 OelTtM- tou end ever ii»oe hed bfao eeting ifa wey tbroufh the eento, Jo tU omernu It t» probaiob that It cremetiKl the oead body of e Ibiiuunan whica wu itowed 'tween w ke. Tbe body wu ibet of George Tboro and wee oouiigned to New York, gn iU way to ChlEEs to be burled there- Tbe cauee of tho fire wee probably the tlroppmg of e epnrk from a pipe Into » bale of cotton while tbe cargo wae being ibippeil. to that caee It tnuet hare bMO burDiog for a wme, though it wie dlicoTered exectlj aino bouri after tbe Bteauer had reacb«l her destioatioa.

The police utimate tb<» <taiDege oaueed by tbe flro at |10;OUO, but it Is I'ertalD to eiofad that nim. The whoii of the couteati of tba after holdn, Jncliidlbg '4vU00 balei of outtoOf baa been Miiouely uaoiaged by the water, and to rale# ibu Mpwmer will alao be a ooatly proceei. The Alamo U a firat-da« Iron Rteamer of SylXK) tounage. Hhe waa built la 188H and baa beea ruaniog bo Galveetoa un­der oommand of CM>tain IjewU. Onre be­fore the Alamo sunergd frum atlignt fire but it did not arnuuDi to anythloig aeriotu.


A Xew llrnniwlek >teuuraelbrar*a THek EeroaiHl by a Dlirharged Employe.

Special Diapatoh to the Njc raN iw BhUN^WK-E, Not. 2-3, -On tbe teatl-

moDy of a discharged employe, Adam ^reene, one of the leadlog matm^turera of thla city, T«ai summ<»Dwl before tbe Board of Water Comniiuioren taat eveolng to ao- twer to a oharg«> uf tappiag the water

It waa proTS'l that Urc« D«, who owne tluf New Hruuavidi pottery, hw a pipe eon* nected with the main about two yean ago. Tba work wu done secretly at night by au roglOMr In his enipiuy. Home daya ago this mao wu dlachargod aod in rerengo expoaed the theft of water.

Oreeue hu iin defenm to offer aod he wae ordered to pay|ir>9 for tbe water illegally takrD. He wns gjyeu thirty days in which to pay thU. ami i f it iii not paid orimlpal prooe^iog* will im inttituti^ Greene ii eetiaiatvd to be worth I5U,000.

.■s - • ---- "— re ■ ■

A Eiiropenn hupper aad Fair.A European supper amt fair m s given lu t

night In the parlors of ihaBixtb Prssbytsriau' Church by ths woniun of tha oongrimtlon. The tablss were sat to rapresant dliisraot natlonalltias and the lalire who praaidad at the tallies wars diraseil in ths coe- tumes of the ustiatis rspresantad. There wars Brotch, Irish, Hwias, Bpaniah and Gre- cisn tablss. An Iniitation of « Fturida orangs grovt, undar ths cliargs of Mrs, William n. Preston, uucupieil ons of tbs parlors and In aiiuthar w u aDuoth of fancy ortldas vtitli au Imitation of the "Tamniany i'lgBr” xftor else-tion, whIoU atiractKl • g ru ldul of attention. That wot in cbxrgs of Miss B. E. Hum. A string band renilar«i musiu during ths availing. The fair will bs coutluuad to-nigbt.

Tbe Procesillngf Always Ltvsly.Tbars is Bothing psrticulartv dull in any

ot tho procssdiogs in ths cou in which memhart of ihs Prauon Kranken VareIn No. 1. Imleiit-n'lent Gorman Bebuats- an bund, ot New i/cnwy, ore Intoreatsd. Th* disseusiuDS lu this urgnnlnllon have boon told uf saTsrsI tliuas. This morning 'whlla Commlsslonsr Haliuoii w u taking tutimoxy, msmlwraot the rival footiou beoaiiM in- volvcd In a wonly wrangle, aad so h«tad did the .debate ueoouie that cuuusol fait collmi upon to quiet tho warllko iisopla. There w u such • pro­nounced dlsegraanient that It w u daemad wise to adjourn tbs taking of tostimony.

nrs. Ilaydan’a Fnnsral.Mrs. Charlotte H. W. Hnydoa’s funoral

w u held thli oftarnoon from the rasidaBoe of her fethsr, F. A. Wilkinson, Ifii Clinton evMua. Only rslallvaii were lursunt at tha sarvioss. Bsv. F, i.'. Baldwin, pastor of tit, Luke's M. E Church, offlolatsd. Tba re- inains ware taken to Hochastar for Intar- mant. _ _ _ _ _

No Hope for Mr. iM n oa t.Oaoigs H. Yeomans, who w u lujurad in a

ronaway accident on Tuesday night Is ttill Wing nncauiclaus at the Grange Mamorial Ooipltal. Tha brepllal outborillaa reported to-day that they antertalncsl no hop# of his recovery. Hla irifa and father are ooostaiiv ly at the side of bli bed.


Ceuelldalad Traatlon Conpeay—Spealot Notlos.

The electric sarvlen on (ba Sloomflald dlvi- slon will ba eitendad on Mt. Froapeet ava- nna lo Furaat Ulll, ooinmanolng Baturday, No- vember Ii. The can will run by war of Huiu mar avaiiuaand BallavllJaevanni,arieraately. KmoUsIriia srill hadlapjayad on reoatof SMh au.daaoiinf ihanuia.—Adv.

Yon would ba aplgramroatio it you h M El Aabw are Ua basl.-Adv.


Th* n*m r*nxMlmv With ihm uSeltia tbe Comptrallarslilp Mml-

dls Pretend Icnoraare,The very men wbo know all ahont tha

wioveniant looking townr-1 a ariUenieilt ot the Cnniptrollarsbip uiudilln are the vary men wbo pretsnd to kuow nothing whatavar of the plans to adjust the dilHruItv.

Thatcartola promiuot K>-]nitillcaiu fu l that John 8. Olbaon, tba Msvnr'a prfvala ie>:ratary aod nonilaaa for tba oflh.'a of Comptroller, will ba conflnnvl at tba next regular maating avana to be u leltli-d fnct.

It waa due In a great measure to this feel­ing of coufldaaoe that tba noinluatiim wu not called up at the lut meeting of tha Board of Aldennan.

It may ba juit poasibla tbat mine of tha Dain-icrallc AldMnntn an nut awsra ot what la going on or what bodat leut l>acu alirted. There are othara though who coubl toll a lot of ibingsif they ouly would, an,I some uf tlisu era far more InBuonlial In thrir way than tbe ordlsarr mutter-iir-fact Aldaniwii. But If anawera tii qiiaaU-ias go for anything tbasa men are in bllasful Inorance uf every- thing appartainlag to tba Cuiiiptrollrrihi|i.

Aldarniaa Ilarrlgan had beard iiuihing Daw abbut tba dul whan awn Ijv a Nxvi a raportar to-day. He ranuta,! .abet ha utd yaeterdav, u quoted In the Niwh. ami put conaidarabta amphuia Id his ilualalot the •upiuaad acbema in au far os ha wu oon- carDad, The Gsoioerata wouM gam noth­ing, Itosahl, by lurh aetions, as they now had euntrol of tfaa city's fluauisw ami ha could aea bo ravon why tho DauiLHT.stle Aldannan would want to put a Itapublicau Coniiilroller in office.

"I'm a Damocrat" ha mhlad, "and t would nut vote for such a tblag for tba whulaolty of Newark, aud I think the other Damocrati are just u faithful tu thair party u la m . At laaat tbOM are llw sentimaati aipraaaad. Tbt majority would ba foolish to n Into such a deal, u no matlar huw purs Ihslr inotivu might ba lhay wuuiil Iw acoused of having told out or Hiiiathlna like that. If tha Kapubllcana want tha office to liail let them go to tha Legialaturo, but now we are didug Uw voting and will bare to stand tha blonw.”

Ahlarmaa Ooffasy rsitaratol hla atate- manl of yeatarday aflain iun, that ha koaw nothing of any deal oo the part of Dainocratki Aloaruian lor tba coqflrinatlan of Hr, UibaoD, and oddait that be raunot ba counted upon to vota that wav.

"But tbara Is touiathlug hi the wind." addtd Mr. Gaffney with a shake of tha baml. “ Just what It is I naunut sran gueso, but tiwre Is sooiathlag just the sama’’

From another lourcs It wu Imroad that soma Damocrata are anxious t-i twva tha ('omptrollarsblp filled and are willing to urga Uw coDfirmatioB ot tha appuiiitmant of any prominent Kapublican other than Hr. Gib- ton.

" I can aaiRirs yon that tlia Demonatlc Aldtrman have stood ready for soma time put to oonfinu any cltlxaii whose inlsrasti are Idantiflad with the InUnaU of Newark, anil who wuukl prove sslisfactory tu ths ]>ubllo at targe." said a Dsinorratic city officlaL “ 1 do not bellave tha Dsmorratlc Abiermsn will vote to confirm Mr. (lilaion any mors than thav wouhl Mr. GwInnelL 1 could noma ijulta a number, any one of whom. If nominated by tbe Mayor, would ba promptly eonflrioed."

Tbt party leaden, Ktpublirana and I lama- crata, appear to know mure of Ihs plana on foot than da tha Aldarnnen. An altanlpt waa Diada toward hsvtug Mr. Gibson laid aside and soma ana taken uji in his placa, but thia prujaelatams tohavafallad.

Aldannan Bydaay f Igdau iinlled plsaaanV ly when aakad by a Nxws raportar oonotra- ing tha luaUar.

" You can say for matluit I know notb- iug of any daal, except what I read lo Uw Desrspapars," aald he. " Iq tha first placa 1 don't understand how there could baa "lari, or why. If ths Democrats want to let mattara itaud as they ire wa will he satlsflaiL Bhould Ibe matter of confirming a candidate for Comptroller goover for a few months It will give us oue year lungw in tha ofllca, 01 ws oon then apwinl i moo for a tana of fire yean freai JoiMiary uaxt, while If the matter la settled now tha new Coiof- trollar will sarva only a (onr ytore' larm. *

“ As to a dell, howevtr, I know nothing i t any anch thing, oml I think 1 wasild have re- cslveii a blot of aoins kind If there woi such a mova nmUr way. I do nut think that Hr. Ulbaon wuulil Uunl hliiiHlf to any such thing, 1 f » l certain thatthe Mayor wnuld not aanotion■ui'ta a move, and I know that I would not biva anything to do with It. Uf course, as I bavt aald on the floor of the Coundl, I would Ilka vary mneh to sea Mr. Gibson's nomlni- tiou confirmed. As for drsls: well, if ttaare is anythiir of that kind In prosp^ I kuow nothing of it,’'

City CouDsal Chaudler W, Kiker answered firmly in the negative when asked whether ba Iciuw of the plan to eouflrm Mr. Gibson’s nqmliation.

"N o, and I don’t baliava there Is any­thing of the kind going on," said Mr. Kiker amphatlcally.

Kayov Iwbkuacber stid that the talk of a deal was ’.‘ all nouteiise." He alsu would llku to aes Mr. Gibson conllruied, but he knew of no pL-iu being on foot to acaoinptlin that and. Mr. Gibson disdaiiunl all ur any knowladga of tbe matter, and when ramluded that the arraugements nilgbt bsve bean mada without oousulUiig him, ba said that aonw uf the Kepublic.vnt would surely biva mantloiwd the thing If then was any plan ut tbe kind afoot.

Tha position outlined by Alderman Ogdao, that if the luatlar is not speedily sHtlnl the now man will nave a five years' term to •arve, waa denied by Oaraocrata.

"Jamaa F. Connelly was appolnteil lost tlnia for a five years',term," is tha way thav sum tha ninltar up. "He miguel uftor serving re a taw munlhs. laar- Ing the office vacant. The new Ilian, whoever he may be, t-ao only 1» au- polnUd to fill the uneipiral term, uud ihel'i all. Bo theoe paupla wbo are building un a fiv»vear term from nett Jumiary aiiiiply don't know what they're talking abuul."

Home Damocrata argue that the confirma- tioo of Mr. Glbtuii would be a gru-t thing fur tlw Demooratio party and lhay un- urg­ing tha Aldermen uf thairfaith to vote fur him. Thare are iiianv liepublicaii-,, buw- avar, who don't want Ihlt thing to bap{>-n.

Xlinnr Folkc News.Jamas Corrigan, who rlaimi roildcncn on

Rose sinat, (Jmiiga was orresiad bcl-pre daytlibt this morning by Pullcemaii tvelch and Bpeclol Officer McCarthy os a suspIclouH rbaractir. Tbe special offlear saw the man tryiag a BUinber of doors on Me<'liaiiio streeC and lurnniouing Pnllt^min IVelch

filoced Corrigan under arrest ’ 'fhls ....ra­ng Judge Molt held the prisoner for further

examination.Carmine Walton, who taiil be lived on

River street, was hald for ths Grand Jury by Judge Molt tills morning, chirgi-d with ■taallRg a big lantern Ukiuglng to tbe i '<>n- solidatad Traction Cumpony, which whs taken from a point on i.'entre striH"t where it marked an obstruction in the roadway.

Alfred Smith, of 24b Bouth Klevaiitb streat, is charged with Iwatiog bis wife vee- tarday. Lost night Judga Eggtrs iiarolwl him for tha Grend Jury.

Joseph Morgan and William Clarke are lockad up at tbe Fourth Precinct Nta Hun, chargsd with staaling a gold watch. They triad to sell the watch to' ( ’haneaman Kuhn forlfi, and ha arrested the man.

The Jnrr YIewa tha ■aana.In order to have a better nndintanillng nf

tin case, thn jiuy In the 213(100 dainngn suit of Jamea H, Lxngstrotfa ^ In t t tbe Dela­ware, Itackawonoa and Weasarn Hsilroarl Company to-day visited Glad Ridge, where the iitaintlff claime he wns tnjurail. Tbe fntia In uii rue are suninwbat pnculier. The plaintiff claims that while doaoenillng the ataire in the Glen llldgeBtaticn he atruox bis beat tu auch a iiiannar la to renaa him gri-nt and lasting tatiu. The trip wm niodu by the Jury In charge of Bberlff Lehlbacb, J^mea K. unwell raprMonta the plalotiff and the dafaodaut compniiy's InWresu are looted after by J, Frank Fort

Bloekiide on Marital fitreel,A trolley car on thn Oraaga stnat Una

end another on the Danx street lina ran off the aostbound iridk in Market street, near Uulbarry, at about 2 ok-lcdk this morning and otnsed a blncluida which extendad near­ly to the Courthouse. Tha cars were put back Into place and traffic reanmad ofiar a delay of about half on hour. It la aald that the roils at tbe point whare tbe aceldaata oc­curred were wnkansd yesterday by a truck, on wbloh a heavy boiler wm loaded poaelng over tbam,- .... — ------------

Carr's Maltoa.Borli' In Ihesasaonwe hqsgMa lof of Cian'a

HaltaD. They were to bs oeiivared Otober 1. Just before that onr partner died. The Ait- mlnlstralov wanted lo cancel tbe order, but tbs mooufootarer Isslsisd that we had to take tbagooda Thar wen bought for |ai Ovar- reotai UM AhialDlatrator usa ntarkad tham ML They an tha but bargalss In tha cltr. K e i s r 6 ^ «|l Marhat afc-AlT.

H im IIKUM M .KH WAH Kll.t.UD.

Aa Iniiuirj Inlu It.a Fatal t'ullisloa Ite- twrcD a i'arriaga aud 'l'roll*v far.

Quite a bumla-r e itiieasre wore callad upon III the Krrcluilclei'i Biioiu at the Cum t- huuM thla Bllarnoon lo (ratify lu the lni|uctt Into tha daatb uf j , ung Joea).b lieruliiKar wbo dle<l In Bt. Michoal'i Iluapiul on No­vember 13 prcaumaldy from iujurlea sus- taluf-1 two tlaya bafere. ilia da- oeased, It aill be rcmemlwral, was driving il.iwn Hrta-l sti. it with a young woman whrii bia vehicle woe struck liy » BaUerPleavi-iiuecar. llewpis ttirowu out of the c.-irriaga and wa>. lanio'-'c.l to Ht. Michael's lluspiUtl in a scioi-,-.ii) -iuu« coiidltiou.

'fhe first witness cnilnl hv I’urimcr I'um- I mings woe Dr. Wlnllii-uji D. , HiP,'be]i, wbo altradal the dovaieil ! Ill tbs huapital. The it- l-ir | daacrllml the youug man's iiijuriee In <l» : tail, aud Hold ho ha-1 a frecliirii at ' tba base of tha skull. The dc--Maail. I arcurilmg to Ihe doctor, siiiwnml as though I he had IweD drinking. He talkel “ tliict,” I tha pbysiciai aaU and Inter Iwcauie ilrlln. { uus.

The young niia'a gooii character was sworn to by his luotlier, wlio uctl oallad. Ms wss sober. Iuilu«lrhidi an-l buoeat, she Said, aud was sbuuc iimslocu , Tears old. Iha uaxt witnou was i Frank Monaghan, with whom thadacaaaad was said to havt bwn racing at tha lime of tha accldaiL He lualUvaly dH-lai'ai tbat Im wm hot ' racing with tha daceosad. Ua hada woinau with him, ba said, and met Bcrningrr about 2 o'clock, j They ttoppail at sevrral places anil I bail drinks. On the ml lint triii tbay srere going at a ' ' IroLlliig gall" aiuf llarriugar's carriage "atnick the car aldtwaya.”

" Could the il(ss-ns*d with proper care have evoidod tha cullisluat"

" I don't know."" tv bat did you have to dnnk •"" A glass uf bear am' aoiiiagiagrr ale."The wllnase fiinbcr slated that he wee be­

hind Bernluger'e riy. all the time aud that he and the woman with him jumjied out when tho accident uccurn-il.

O-ounty ITtytician Klliott aald ha saw the deceased oftor tbe latter Im-I dlwl. I'be man. hanliL bad afraclure oi the skull. Tha fmotore might have bean ilua tba doc­tor thought, to a fall on tba pavemeul, hut It was ponslbla that <1 oauia frotn elrlking tha car ur a traa nasu-by. Tba doctor uid death was due to tba fracture uf tbe skull.

Uunagban'icouiiMSoloD during the drive wna Bell called. Bar name, aua sulil, v.-as Mra. Idinbrecht. 'Hha dhl n>A knowbow the oocldaot happened, Tba bell on tbs car did not ring, ^ aald. Her slstar, •ha said, waa riding with thedaoeaied and was thrown out. Tha witnaas aUtod that her aistar'a name was Jaaaphlne and that aba wu too 111 to ap- patr. It was taaiigcd that tbe latter waa badly bruisail atiout tha face and body.


iMPMtar VaadarrMst Maya (lia KMIlag Will lie I'entlnnad—A Complaint.

Dr. J. A. Eikm, tbs Hnlth Gillcer, rn- portsd to tba Kaaruy Board ofUaallh laat night that he bad vlaitad the hors* alaughtar-houss latha Gilbert Brewery building and found carcaaaoa there, as taM been described In the Ngwa The board adi>pte>l a raaolu- Uoo reqneatlug the Townslup (.'ouimltlae to proraad agaiiist Boaae A (Jo., owners of the plaur, umler the ordinance for­bidding the oiwratlon ot a alaughtar- bouae within 4(10 feat of a highway. Bsuilllal Worthington appavwl Iwrora Jna- tlce Turubull thia iiioruing and moda the nomptaint. and the aum- mona will be Issued to-day. Dr. Kxtoa sroa arapnwwrrd hr the hoard to am- pluv vatarinorlea to vialt Iha alaughtar-hoiiaa and aacartaln wbathar tbe auliuala klllnd thara are healthy or not

Toe clerk of the ixiard was directed to notify tbe Board ot Education to dia- tributa vaccioalion falaska in tha oebooia. It woe also decided that the ftoora ot tha achoolhousaa shnuld ba painted • « aoos aa poatibla and thaa acrubbad OBoa a aKWih. A ll tba niembars ot tba lioard except Andfew Bngla were praaant.

Dr. Elton Introduced an ordiaanoa pro­hibiting tbe Killing In tba towuahlp for rood -of horses oy cattle which have fever or dla- eaae. The ordinoncu paiaod Ita aacoad read­ing.

Health Officer loihlbacb, of this city, aaid thla morning that he would vialt the alau^- ter-hemaa thla aftarnoon in oompany with Dr, Eitou.

Dr. H, Vandarrocst, tba ipspactnr of the Mtabllibinaut, said to itay that the anlmida ware atili tialng killed at the ptaoo, and that the klliing wouhl continue. He deetarwl that a (ioTora"neut regulation al- lowad Boeae & Co. to do biislaaea tha ra- qulroment being that the meat be iwrtifleil M healthy fur the protactlon of coasumers in thla country and abroul.


TroctlBB Company Asked for ■S.OOO andthe Pannsylvanla Railroad tilA.IMHI.

Another damage lult luu been brought ogaiDit (he CoDiolidatwl Traction Gompany. It ia for 33,(XI0 and la tba outcome of an ac­cident which happened to Mrs. Charlotte Livliigaton on Novemlier 1 last. Tha lauor triad to board a Bruail atreet car n «r (.’wUr itreat, but liefore the could get on tha plat­form, ahe claimo, the comluchir give ibo sig­nal to start. Tbe car at once startol for­ward, and Hre Livlngstun was tbrown to tbe ground. Bhe sustained |«liiful Injiiriea about the kne« ami liody aud reiained Leonard Kollscb to briog lUil agalast the comiany.

Through tho oaine lawyer Frederick Wolf has brought a 213,dUU damaire suit against tbe I’ennsj'lvanla Katlri«<l (.'ouiiiaiiy. The plaintiff was drlvlrg acrusa thn Coni street vroesliig of the road some time ago ivhon his vehicle no* alruck liya train. The tdalnliff, It 1* said, waa thrown forty la<i ami lamleu uinin bla head. Htship wat dlslocauil nnd he sustaluoil InUrouI fnJiirU'S. It is claimed that no signal ot any klnil was glvan ut the approach uf the tralu,


He tt'ent to Lakewood for Ilia Haatth and Returned IVtIh Paeiltuoila.

Rev. Dr. Henry M. Btorrs, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Grange, le seri­ously 111 with paeiiinuola at his home, ou Centre street. Orange. I le had l>emi at iJite wood fur fall health and returnid yastvrday afternoon.

Tliu journey liuiue bail a bait effoct on the ailing clergyman im f Immwllatoly after hia return to his home Dr. J. VV. titb-kler, the family pbrsiciso, was called lo, mid he dlagnnoed ibeoase ns pnaniiioulo. Dr, Kiorn's condition did not lingirove much daring the (lay, but a cliange for the betur liecania apparent duriog Ihn night. His physician announced this morning that hlf patient was Improving and had a fair chance of recovery.

Dr. Btorrs was maila pHtor of the First Prasbyierlan Church of ilrange twelve yean ago and under bis maDateinent tha church has proapfred. Aaocmblyman Charlss Ii. Htorre li a oon of tbe poitor.

H lltoa WIekware'e Dlsappairanre.Nothing bH been heard of Milton Wlck-

ware of liosevllla, aince his djsappoarance from hla home aliout a week ago. The atury of his dlaap-pniraoca bni tmn told of in tbe Nkwh. His ann in nn intervlsw said that the family was satisfied that Wlckmcra bad alopod witb a womuu whose namo

j was known to certain prominentNewarkera. Wlckinors was book- Eiiepcr lu tha Knlckerborker Ice Cempaay

I and his amployar.'James P. Rots, oavl that I his anniunts ore all right. Although It Is I Slid thata uortoln woman has dlMpneared

Wickware't frlaiids declare that thojr don't believe he left town with ber....—__-*- I

Bridge itreet Bridge Open Again,The Bridgo street bridge la sf^n opan lo

travel. The horsaenra on the Rarrlaoii Hue now run over tlia bridge without change of cars and oonnacl sritii tbe eleetrio can that run to tbs west and of the bridge, Pasaangara ou the Arlington line are now oarrlad on the horiaiare over the Clay ili-eet bridge snil connect with tha trolley oars at Broad atreet, where tranofare arc given out,

la .,1- gill IIFrMty F »ir imhI rncioUr.

FalriiDdillgbtJjrooolerwBiktberwfth wfaU erJjMvlu<U U prwHotwl for ol«rMy tu> murrow by (ha W«a(hftr nurMn.

Tilt ritpgt of Iht tAOLptrttart tor tha put bonr«% tooQrdlDjf to tht rtoord k*pt by

(HiftTlw lUrultfoii A Co.F iSH OroAd Hrent. («i3Ae3lre Wilrjf.i 0 Aa M.S 9 A. Me, 43d«g.; II aP.M a,» cUf.

Tb« Admlnlttr*tor f t y i Th* CbUdren'i 8n1ti m 4 0**nomi» mati h* •okt. a fa * ih * t«* * fa falling for |l *a<t $8. X # h id w w ^ 1 1 1 Muh*t lU^Adr,

A Traction Employe, W ho Had IL548

to P f i j u Wagefi, la A ccu ie i


Tlinnioa Ith lte , a Hasler Mechanic Draws Iha Nowev lo Fay Ihc Men Under Him, and Aoeordlag to Ills klury He

Imses HU M.-inorr as W ell os the Dak- iars A lter Taking a D rlak -The llaU-. menu of Ihe Emplnye, W ho It Arresteg Charged IVIIh Knibrsslenienl, Not Re* llavrd by Ihe |■a1lDT, Who Are Hard a* n uvk on Ihe Uasr.

Detective Carroll and tba officItU of th, ConsuIiilAtwl Tractiou Conipauy areat work liivotlgaUiig the olri-uiaatanna that su tcivli-l ihc 1( .< of II,MO of the conipany'i Minor)-, w!;ii-h dlsa|i|a'arad yastarday aftar> no. Ill ill a rather inyatorloui way.

Fur .cvaral years tha ounstruction daparR MH'ut of the company's syitein uos bsM in charge of Thumsa White, uf Jersey Oty, who served as maslar niacbanlc. lu addition to his other duties Whlti" acted os poyntaltor for the lusn lu hit department and a«eh (Veiliiridav hr called at tbe roiujiany's ofllca and received tbs cosh n-cessary to pay tha men. Recrntly the officials of the company

‘ Iwi tn make a change in tbe method ot payiiieat alii Master Mechanic White wai' nutiflcil that After yeslerday ba eouhl b, rw UaTe.1 of that [Tsrt of bla work.

Vtal.-rday muaDlag WWtHsft Jersay Oily and (Wiirc to Newark •ndrei.wiTedUia waekly * sgre of his man. Hia story, aa told to D«- l»ctlve Carriill, is full at diacropanolta, and iBstaa-l of throwing any light on hla further luuvanienisoiilv serves to thicken the mya tery that surruuu'ls the loaa ot tho money.

W hits told the detecUve that after raasb- lug this city be met a vuung man who Intro- dU(”d himvslt aa "Jluiniy Hanley," and clalnialbi lure bean a motoriuan in tha riU)i|ov of tba oym{jauy. Tba two repsdred til a Market atreet sataou, where eaidi ilrank whlssev. White than want to tha ouinpany's ofibw, nhare lie rccaivnd a itackaga of money ia bills of small detnaninatluci, amountiag to’ IL343 Go loavlng the offida ba met Ia> ^jdetor Covna, also an Binploye of tho oom- pany. witn whom be had anothar drink. Kh told (bs Impsctor nf his raeartiag with tha ailegivl motoriuan, Ilaidey, and preasing bla' ban-1 tu hla hiad he said:

“ I had a oouple of drinks with that youag fellow and my haad hai felt kind of quaer aver linos"

Ua then directed Coyne tn go to tha On- aiigo alartrlc carbouae and gat ready the wagon which hs luad lu malung bis rouuds! as paymaster, nasiiring Coyne that ha woukli board an Uranga car prssantly and jotn him at the eorfauusn. Instead of doing lids b got on a uorthlioand HlDumflald avauue car,, whara, hs sayk ba again mat "Hanley." Tu the dataoUva's suggrstion that Hanley might have nen hiiu boarding the oar and followad him tVhita itaclaniliKoitlvtly that such oonld nolb, the case, as "Hiuilsy" was inside the oar when he m t on. The mastar niechauic next told bow ha a.-cenUd "Hanity’i ” Invitation tai ha vs another drink and how they want to Howell's aaloon. at Broad amrlJrnM strseta. - Right there. White aajA bis reeulleotlon of the day's bau|iaa|nga atopfied. Ha Inllsta tbat bn cannot racnll anylbingthathappanad from tbe tlma ha look tbat drink until 2213 o'clork. when bs found hlmsolt lack igaln lu tha Market atreet saloon where Im hod- stoppal ua bU arrival In Nswark. His flreti thought was of tba uionar that bean •ntrustsd to him lU ssarohed his incksts in vain, and then, concluding that lis had been rolilied, tslepn med to tlie office of tbe Traclloo C'.unpany Inforining them ot bis lost. John F. Courtusy, to wbum hs talked, Botifisd ths polloe at baadquarten, and than took Whita to tha offloa Uaceetiva. Carroll tad Gffioar Lawia ware aas to mirk on the CMe, and. with Hr. Cauri.i»y and tha raaatar meobaulA want ovar tha ground that bad baan travened by Whita, but failed to fln.1 any avlilanoa tbat would lenil to sup­port VVhlta't declaratbn tbat ht hud baeo dnigind, or even that bo bad ippotrud to be lutoxlcatcd.

Maanwbila complaint hsot been sHadl be- fora JustiiM of tha Peoca Rapp, who laaued al warrant cborging the msu with enibaxxlh. niunt of the money, Justiuu lUpji proceeded to tbe offioe nf the coiliiHSiir and |ilaoai' White under orrett and hold him In 23U20 Im IL Whita protaaied aaniaatiy agalosi be­ing sent to jail, and promlaad, If relsiied, to flu 1 tha money or maka go(>d the amount witiiintlx montha. Despite hla protail ba was lodged in jtll, where ha rnmaiua

At tbe oitlM ot tha campaoF this ninraing Hr. Courtney told a Nkwh reporter that the matter waa under Investigation, and that uutil tha iuquiry should Im audsd iha imm- |Hny wnuld uot bava any stateiiient to luaka, fta iiolloa (listwliave tfaa sbjrim told •>T 4Vhlt* of hii iQfatia^i witii IlnDley, ftuJ thiuk tb*t he kauwA itior* thif*Ik>uI* Of Mfa tiilMiDg Rioney tban h« n n * lo U‘IL

K*looti-kfaptr HoweK »tiit*4 thli rnorolnt tliAt White 611 tefoil bU falcjoii aluiie *u<l ttici bf dr«ak ■, fbuw of wbi^kt r tUat wu pour*i nut of * from wbh'b unrjthfr wit"totoer WAI driaklDg*t Ihetinir). [{ly muIiI Whit* \va< Pot In Ch* uloan more them thro* tninutfa etod th*t ho wont out {wrfw.'tlir uber oud III full coiimuAuU of Uu HUfas, l* all op ioAropceiv

Trial OTor « rr*fn1*«ory Not*.The tiikl of th* «ult of th I’llftar-Vnjfat

la th er CompRDjr U. (2. Halortioiwbi boj uii thii mt>rnlii|i; before Ju<ij(6 CLlIri *0 I R jury in tbe Circuit ( 'ourt. 11i» uctlun WRH brought on a |iroiuhHi>rr Tb*pl'ilntltT# are In butilnoMM in )4i)wRuk*ii. Wi#., ub<J liRil buHiufiwi lr*DH(Acti(iiiA with th* Hork" for-i hbrt* i.V'D»i>*uT, 4)f Horkfofd, lij, Th* l*u*r (.'u{ic*rn« It wja In*(lebtcd to the iii Urn*>l1t to the Aiijomit (if lilv.VKX Home thn* iRt<‘r Hie plnmlirfM U'cujiig iliNLatislU‘dl with U:* work tb;ii tne Itix'kfonl (.umpiiny WRji ilolHha ■*>><1 n<ri(1*a ih'tiinriil for rMiiiiotne L'urlly ou lhi« |>rY'mi«A<<rv uoCch Tho ilnfeiHl- atjTv U. lie Sifilof»r*Us wfiiHR hirgo fct(M;khi4iler in tbe Rookfrini c'liv'orrj. au<l it 1m m U\ lu- ilOTHtKi R iioi*'for Thf oompuriy fiiUf'ilon l ifcrinbcr 4, nu'l when Mr. SiIruTkon

to m**?t (b* not'‘ h* to doto. fleucB th* buit. Th* clrfpnu* cIaIioi r tTltKjft.

Tit* fteUrrjr HMttored,Worliuimi vr>*rn Uity i t tii* buktry of

A: hcbmlili umJrv removing th* wr#K‘kAK* that reMultvHj from th* oftwo lloon* yc"tt*'rJNr, ami tbi*y su'Vijwded ia cirarrie the ]4ai'* nut. Th* «*n'avarloii fnr iHb boiler wan *xpoito>l, bhnwing It to b*

aloD(»ld* of tho .iron roluiuu that gave w»y. ^

t l T V m\ I :W S aN O T E S ,

*'What lii/rhfofifiifUy ?” 1* the nubjort *f r Itr-lure to 1>* tlrllvrml HumJay ikftfrucwn al <J nVIooli In Llheral I R|fiir> HrII by It. Ts P*ci*r»mie of Tlr>H>kiyn.

The Voang (ihrlflliRn Teenpereno*Ciiioti win giv* R v.tmoeTl nl lli* \Y. t?, T. U. lUDs C4>rmT Market rdiJ MuJIierry !(treeU. to­morrow night. There will li* refrrfihttifmta.

SiiprrlrtvOilent KlfubRlK <»f Ih* f'hllUrwa'i Aid lbn lcnlulng-honfa,r*-qiiflHUolinrilRljljr dUpofl<*d p*'>pto not to for-

to scud In t-iis usual 't'uaiik.glvlDg of- feiings.

The Young Men's Democratic Club Was or­ganised loat nluht In Istier's Hall, 2i Market •trret. A temporary orgaulziulou wav alTsDt- udbytlie fiacilim of iliu fullowlng afllcerai j'rssldeaL J-L. Newman, svcrsiary, Joha J, (illroy.

Tu-nlght and to-morrow and Hsturday' nights a baaar and tapper will Im givsn by tha ladies uf Ibu Unilad Prrshyicrlaii Church In Msicus 1« Word Post ruuiiis, Kl Uellevtiie sve. nu«.

Mrs.Elisa Margaret, widow of David Cl M("Ulllan. dlvd at ber rtaldeiica, Id Nichols street, yosterdsy niorulng afiur a loug lllnesu Pbe was a wsll-knowu rssldeni of this city, having Itvsd In th4 Nichols street reuldaare ovar forty yaara.

Lost night the bonsa of W. V. Hgbert, at SI Gould avanne, was burgluriasd. A rsor door hod bean forced oiwO. apparently with a Raimy. Two block heaver ovsreoats and •Bvcral artlolaa ot sllver-ptatad wars war, ■Uilan. Tbothlevaaleft iioclua. '

The Y. P. A. S. of the Third German Urva- byterlau Church held lu monthly meeting lost night and appoloUd tho fnllawlog to Oct at commlttau for the onaulog yur i Decora­tion, Hobart Becker, HeorlelU Baaslog; Vla- lllug, August Hergbnll. Albert Hesaing, Mionta 'Yogi, Loulsu Ourbach: Entertalnmaiil, BaN thoHohredar. Fred Burkhardt, A. HchatAJ. Horiniig, Anna Kara, Louisa Banar. MaattngB' an bald the second Tuaaday of sooh moolb.

Hava n t triad tha Amtrloaa Opan OiglHv" Tnr a file. Mta—Afit. 1 '

Page 10: tietitng I - DigiFind-It


W a o t P u s e j ig e r s T ru D sfe rred to th e

N e w T o r k T r o l le y C a n



llp.nMl Triiil.r Au.plfiim . rirruiiut*>i«M In llie W. C. T. f . lluUiMnf, « r -

aiifn. Till* AItvriuHiii.

Til, annual fair for ih« nf ihs M»nKirlal Huaiiltal uf Urau^, ui» iiiik1 1m the VVnnian'a (.Iji-Wlau TaiuiKTanno Hulldma, lcn<fwu aa ruioti Hall, on Main .in'*'!. Or-

».‘A a illO V A H I,K ■rU»:NTON W KIH IISG .

(ian.ral U. I', ilo rk loa '. Daufhlar Mar- rlril (n ll.iirM M'< ltnrl<'l|1i.*, N..». W ,-ln Trinilj Eplacopal (.■hnri’li at 4::fl oVlmii jn^ti'nlaj aftaraooa Uiaa Ul« Yt^tUla 8t«.‘kUm, lUiinhtar of lialjttial ) i 1''. Htucklon, wai nia>-rl«J to lie.Wfta William Hurt«l|(li, of Naw York, bp Uia K*t, banrjr S*. Thabourwir, Uw ractor.

The brida, who waa nlvaa away by bar



'lleqttM l « f tb * ( ‘QnioIhlMt^d Tr»v**

t lo « ('nmpiiny tn A lln v RbleP* A ll I m k I HomIi to i onllm i* «fi Thraiigh

]J a « t iHkn th* I*^»jrnifnt ot Only Caata K i l r a - T h a Hallway fomiiany • t ill T lo ln llac tlin Tran.far Onllnanca, and tha Board o f Work. rr«l<lM>t Cltaa aa la.tanaa of Iba VIdIbIIob to I l l y

C0<uu«t Rlk*r.

Ilkjor Lebkn*ch#r abJ HArrlwro V*n Pttyna, prfalilant o( Ilia Hoard nf WgrkA ara trylag lo indiicr tha CouadidAteil Trao. tlon (.‘ompany to tranafor [iaaa«ii|ir, from tha looal alraat far linra to tlw Jaraay City lint upon tha payniint of only flva caobi a im , iDitaad of a dim A ai It rbargn at prMwiiL Tbo plan origluatad with Ur. Vuii IhiyoA

"Moina tlma agn," tald Mr. Van Duyna to a rtportw id tha N iu h yaatanlay attardoon, ‘■Ur. Young, tha gauarkl managtr fur tha Traction Oompany, oaiiu- to luc and aakad It

Itha Board of Workt wonM ba wllllag tn lat I tha company run auma of it, can north aivl I toutb from Uarkat atriwt on Broad rtrant ' and waat on Bpringfleld aramw. Tha nieni- i ban nf tha h o ^ dltcuatad tha mattar In an informal way and darldad that auoh parmlt-

< tloa ahould not ha graatad. |lthaD»vurra>) to ma that If tlw company could aif.ird to

! ran New York oar* to tha nntljing dIttrioU of tha dty It could alio afford to tranalar

! iiaaion|iii a fnini tha local lima to tha Now York dlaltion and oharga tbam only flva

' oaati axtra, and tha upabut of tba mattar I waa that a propoaltlmi to that affaot waa tnada to tlw oompany. Ho awwar baa aa

) Tit bean raoelrad.’ “ How, I am latikflad that nidar tha Htata law lha oompany hat no right to tat apart a

; jw ity City dlTlaloo, on which arary paaano- ; gar mmt pay tan conta (ara and I baUcra I Ibat whan a paaaangrr boardi one of tbcaa I nan aid domaoda tn be cmtTiod to a nolnl > wltkm (ha city llmtu for Bra canta ha la acUag antlnily within bit rhchtt. U la con- eatto^ howarar. that a Kaw York aipraaa It a raal accoimnodatioo to the panpla and ao wa hare laid to the Traction f'onipany that If It will agrai to gira a trastfer tuch aa I hath IndlcataA and to lira np to tha trani- far ot^aanca In other parta of tba city, tha

at tha municipal goraminaul will

auga thla aftormi'Mi. U will iDnUiiuo be . wniwa gown of white lalln, trlinii»?lnight and to-iiiorrow BfUTnoin awl craning. ' gnd tn traiua AroundTbt occailon It oiale iimro Intorcatlui to ■ ^ ,ud abora thaOrtiiKn'iiocMy ppopl*‘ l)yrf*%'m 'fUuif»ct ^ coronet “ f ortpg* blo^tlj*t the charlUbJo'UnUlution !■ il*o twoniy* ■ '|’ {jn gi-oom'i g ifu » dlatnon'loaa ytort oU l » day. j tlar and ring. Tlw i.iall of honor

win Htaa llalan Green, iMiiaiu of tba

; pmaWa to aid tba oumpaoy to tacun lagitla.I Mail which will hgallaa tha aatabllthniant of I a Una agdnilnly (or tb, trafOe batwaan I mr City and Hawark."I “ bfr. Van Doyna," aakad tba raportar,

tha tranifar ordlaanct that wai pawed [raataUy by tba Board of Work! llTadup to ■by tha Traction ('ompanyr'• “ No; It k Bot,’' waa lha raply. “ I taw 11 1 ‘mi'll— of that fact thli morning. 1 waa riding watt on tha Bpriugflald arttinaand t a t h Tanth airwt llae, whan a woman beartaA tha car at about Btiih itract. 8ba aUtod for a tranafar want from Scath Tanth nlrnnt «k tha Bouth Oranga road and tba coo-

idnolar lald ba cookl aoc girt bar oaa. Whaa I apaak to Ur, Yonng about thla mat- tor ha alwaya aaaana aa that tha aaw trana- tortMmto ara bafng prlatad and that they arlU ha imaad fa a faw uayi, hot that aicow

i haagrowa to barathar lama'’ , j Tfii tranafar ordiaaaa^ wblni waa ap- procad by tba Kayor Angaat L daoriaa that '■aay eoaipaBy cr oorporilm oparaling

. , aara far tha pnrpoaa of carrying paatangara I arftbia tha Utalta of tha d ty of Newark,; wbatiwr mefa can ba pTopallid by karma,I aiaotrldty or otharwlia. abail. upon raqueat,' ami TiltuQi farttwr charn g in to any par- ‘ aoB who baa paid hla tara of o n oioti ca any i tach car a tnaafar tukat, wbloh ahall aotlUa ; aoch paraun to a haaUaiiuaa ridik la aitfaer I dlTtaHoa, on any toraet raUwar non liter- I aaclint with o r . aoDnacUng with tha llna

I. [upaa which lald tranafar ww gtraa, wbaUiir r j controUad by tha aaid company or corpop.- I tloa or aay other aompaay or corparatlon.”

Two raaolatloDi, Inroanoad by Commli-

Tht antira hall it being utiliiwl tor the fair. Ice croani and refrathiiwntt are aoU In the parlora uptaliT, and tha two large rooim downitnlni are oontorl»“l Into illulng balla, where to-night Iba utual rlaltorala Uaiaoilal Hiwpital dinner will ba trrwl.

From tha cliandallera In lha centra of iliahall are hung tireamart <if allarnuto pink and whito, and any aunilwr-fd Jaiianete nuTiiltlaa are %lre*» about lha "I'lt wall* and lailidga. adding iiiufli to lha la tuty of lha daroratlont. Tlui.e hart ba a km-Uy loaiiail j h i the Gringa .Ublatlc fliili. '

duo of Iba fir.l objtflt toaltrat l nttanlian hi Ibo Fairy llooae labia/ which.da hi the * right of the main iltrftrwny. The niiecalla- ncuba table la In a nanii clrfular firm at tha left. In front of the aiititnco la the rake Ubleiotbatliaiiaofaliolliiw «iuara. Naar tha oaatre of lha hall it the Young Iw/llca Auiillary tinbroMery tahl" i amly la niaoulaoiureil by |iiatty young mlaaai at a Ubia lixwtad In Uw tar latl hand oornrr of ibii ball. Tha apron and huuaa-turolahlng tAbI# It to the light aeroa. tha hall, and near llitandttliaaiiiuriiidary liooth.

Tha tah'.a and lha fortune taller an lUtlonail ai tba right on tha aama tide oa tlw antranca, an<l the loft end of tha hall ia ecrupiad by tbo llnwar liontb, wham a num­ber of young inuwi, attired in quaint mw- lumta, act aa Bower girli.

Tlwre la every rouaon to baHava that lha prooaada of the fair will ba mheh larger than thoaa of breviaiu yaan. '

Tha talila tor aihbraldiiiaa U in charge of Mra. l liarlat Ualliaway, rfaalnnan; Ura. le H. lU|ulre, Jr., Uim Wiggln aai\ UIm F.lla < ouraan. Tlie fullowlug uwmban from tha Young Iwdlm' AuilUary hava an ambroid- ary table: Ulai Clara tVataon, M l* Kalh- aiina Uaylai, h Ih Clara Plllot, Ula> Hartlia (larhard, Mlai Agnm Uluiminnan, Uiw Uabel Franr, Him Anna Upancer, M l* Edith Frarman, Mim laiulfii Knilth, Mlu AUoa Van Waganan and Ulie Fhuibe itollla- aon.

Tha app/n and honiafiiralihlng table ia uwlar tha charge uf em. ElUa H Uaatci^ Him Alice U. I’laraon and Ura. George E. Ailaima. Tbateka table la prealdad over by Mre. Frail W. Kaliaj and Mre. H. O. Church. A t the coafactlunery table are Mra. Karri auo Whittiugbaniaud Ura. Joaeuli 1). Plclu- lay. The niucelUnaotta table la In idiarga of Mn. H. J. W. H. Cook and Ura. William H. Arnold.

The Fairy Oooaa, which la conildarad the moat novel faatara of tlw affair, la under tba oharga of Mra. Walter 1. McCoy. Thla faiDou* bird Ukm your nintwy, plaom Ita haad under tba table and brings op a urtM.

little Uiaa Dyer

bri'la, who waa In pink laliii, trimmed wIlU iluchaata larw. 1'ha brh tea maids ware Mim MargarvUa llanalay, ot New York l ily; Ulea Catheriua Hao*1av. " t Traiitou, sikI MIh riiuanna Grwn, of Trenton. Tbay Mora pmk gnwiw, white laca hate, pink to|. vi't iTuwua and piukoatrich fealhere. Tba I .ret man wae Hicbanl F. Winel, and tha uthare were Uaaara. Henry Green, of Tren­ton. ITiauneav G. I’nrker and iVIUlani F. JiM'kauD, of Newark Urieiklyn; Alfred K ign of .................. A, Mar rial

A .Maeked Man Kiilera garaiar Wlahwira’a llama anil I aaa a UavalTar

With ta la l KFaat. .llsTTijt CatkK, ilich., Nov, KH -A n un­

known masked man early laal arantag ahot and fatally wounded Wltllani WIckwIna a farmer living naar iTIniai. and alaotbot and alightly wonsdad Uiaa Wickwira, a iU U r of t4u« farmer.

At T o'clock laat nigbt a man knnckail at the floor of the farmhouae oocnplad by Wick- wire, threw nillaa aoulb of Climax. An adopted aim anawarwl the tnuck, and the man, wboaa oluthea were oaaoaaled by a long rubber coat and his fcaturaa by a lUllow- mae, i-olcred and aakad for the man of the houw. He iHSaad by the lad Into tba aittlng- I riHim, wheni Wlckwira'l alaler wiaalttiui: i Hba noUced that ha was masked and carriwi I a revolvar, and aha jumped up and grsbbeil j for the weapon. At thla be polled the trig­ger, tha ball atiiking her in tha fide of the , neck, making a flight flesh Wuund. He Brad ; again, Imt tbu time tha abut mlaiad Its mark. I

iluncsii Edwarda, of i Wu-kwlrw, who waa iP U»(iarlor adjoin- tlaltlmnre, an>l ' Ing. ruahed out and grabbed ^ man.

erriain, of New Ib^

Two Murdavwd hv Tracapa.nai.XHhl'Hu, Ulob., Nov. IB.—William

Wickwira and aiator, who lived flva mllsa aoutli uf h»re were murdered by trainpa laat night. Two man ware swan naar tbare about S c'ckick yreterday aftoruoon. A poaaa of men la aaarehlng tha oouatry for tbani. Mr. Wii-kwira waa an old naldtol and higblv re- spactaiL Kobbary waa probably Uw objaot.

TheWnslare Kvdoav \ Merriain, of New Ibe inurdanir turnwl on him and flrad one shot, Chatla. and Farcy It I'yna, of Haw York. A lb" 1*11 atrking bln. In the mouth anil ,*si-

^ eiia—e*i« thruujrh hit h«*d. A


ItrvAflii. IHmf. ID rooiM-----i ’ll'iloti «vr .rrftiB*. 10 riMiM .. ........... -hliiubviJi ftV*.. fk*tiMi, i fuouki.........- ..... aMO

ftV#., frmeu*, llftWEat.............ere-..- I,G00tiKr»14«hL. rrnuM, » raoiuM............. ...... iliAHiib i i . tirick. n roofui . .....-............ «,H0HUtiiKIt ftv*., IHmt, 10 reomt ............... I,llu0Unr:i!!i ftam*, lo roouAii.. 4.IQD>-rlb KnllfthiL. fTim*. Il rMTBi-I.aea...... .... VjUO

>lfUl li. frikiu». ilriMiTuM.....a,.... ...... 4;10D■ urtu -liUi ML. fTMOO, 10 r u o u u . 9-000

rN)ir»A/ivj«uiih on., rriktuo, LI tvwiM............. iuon^Mv«nlb aTM.. i oatvUlO, fram*. l4itKiMM.e.e ... 4eM0i-oiiili RL, IVaiaa, 11 rooau____ _ ^KiiiUh 'iaiitb «t.. mKB«, 10 roniua,.... . oloODKimiiior avo-, iVani*. lu rouoii....... ............. «.gu0Variina av . oonwr, flram ii rooasa........... . MW

ibr iJDor* prop«niM«ra all looaWd in dfNtmbla Mintotitaad cvniala all moOMn luAprov tMOU will MMlO upon varx Ubtfbl toroaa.

nnoWF « HCULKttNaKtt,Rr«l lnMii«J0rt. Lo«^

Ifrr T«lWHiT4tUro«4iL


HROAD OlA -FDBsThh I I ) FJwr*4ttA:«T1


Jffwnl rouicM *or Uilil bmuMlloaiiltc. ______

«T., m -A m c ‘ » lv f c h -m m ukh amiail ilor/ 0tir»i room ; lioav4- Otr

I 'l l . lS r f l 'i « t . . Jl -t.AlUlR FHOKT WOOII. \ flmwkMl ; llfhi fauutaktaoliif : walar on floor. I

|»a K1C h i,, II liMIhAHtaK klld- .rjulNbad rooiOi In prlvata fanillF 1 fuaad rvaiiliAt waur. 7tl\^AtH HT-. W PMCAHANT Ft'KNlBURn

room fbr hfooilaaiaii Id prlvato family. l l «

/ T T u 'ii 51-A NKAIIA* rrH »I'«H K [>M 1 r«>Mn. til improvamoutAi bom* oomfbrU nutcoDvtiiltat u> uravol a 4lir

I I |«i lor Ilf bl bouwkMplDf.9tu DUFLAVEY^

l lItTlI KTe, M A R e rS rU A h A V B -rW rtrooiut i bafb ; root tow to Adorow

KUUilA, huz H, ?lo«toAUw.

\N oniiJNAXCE lIcaxiHnc uf bill j|

B Ti> I^K'»VI|JK P .H TAB poatara, aud Uckori. Mil tio

trlbutfwi or aajr utter wia'lluiiior dlatribuUon ot dUplay uf prlnifd or vriitan a'lvortUtof iDkUar, aM to proviila rulai, r^olatlo«i aod taitiiolLuM wltb rafFrviiM ttefalo.

Bait tnl liiad, b.r ite CwmouMi OoatieU of Um oily of NawarZs aa piUn w i;

?<wcUoa 1. Ikatno iwraon atetl cwrf7 ow. In tba rity of Nawark. Uwi teMoMi uf bill pMUitf. cmrol ueklnc, bUi dlM liHiuu, or dtitilbuUtit or dl«> piaflud piiotad or wHilaa advaiilfinf aiatlar. wUdouiikliofiiMtbrikatpiirbnMAni obMnaJ a« teralaanat dlnottd wmI provUiad.


Humtht limp,

It lis £ T « l jn OlUiipld dod will tRfed tRfRi u WAtebful Odr* of ibl« tdmoQdfooid,

A t tbd Aowpr tdbid Mn. O to m Ia Mdd* niiJE, Mr*, WUlUm B vr, Ur». M*otoa B. MdteRlf dul Uim Jvkmm dr# in rbATSfl. led crdRm it d trrid uadtr tiki dlrecttoR o f Mrk. Jdoob Mdrwrddu.


rdifitUou Mlowdil Among ibodt uriwHit were; Uemtrdl dnd

Mn, licbdrt Hlocdtom, M r dt*l Mr». Kohert K. HhKiktoa, J r, Mr. and Mn. rortldmil I'arker, Mr Rtid Mr<i. IJlivef M. Cdrldi*. •*- (iovernor Rud Un. Iti-InTt H. Liradu, i bdn- cwllor diul Mn. Al^-idnder McLMU, tor dOil Mn, Hdydni Ht-fa'kton. i^iwrdl iqiI Mn. K. Hur.UimbK Miu Grubb, UeDirml and Mrd. WlUlani J. KeweU.

Hr. dn>l Mre. Burleljtta, on their return frf>m Lbd Houth, wLU rodide At the I'orld- uiouth, In New York.

fltVlKjllsteU IlY Art B!4CiLJNllMAX.

Fraiiilitlawt Rehemea by Which Flerdd lUdllEwd u rivaV edrtw

YARkTyi, a U , Nov. 33,-Tlid EiiEltoh rapitaliate who have been dtidling la tiouih iJdkutA paper during the peet few yeen bdve been invedtlgatlng tbt vitldity of ibelr bolilinge And find in uedrly every InitAsoe ttpiy hdVd beta ewlodlod tfarou^ J. Tja M. rierndj an BBKUekman, wbo bai been Uvlic during tb* paet three jeom in London.

Kroeh erldnno* ie daily dwinnuidtieffv but enough fau been Fathered to Inilicate th*t Herr* hee redUted fiitly In fiveyeen through fraudulent and forged i*aper«, echoed l>oDi£, tnz JeedA cortiflcdteA m;thb cal tiiwnahip bouilii, etc. The llrm etf l ien**, Wrtgbt & Co. had ofllree in Yankton. In I/mdoUv In Hdlyukty t ‘oL* and In Hp>kan% Wach. J*iarot gave the Impree lion that the New York oomwpoinlente of tti* firm were (lilman^ Non H Co., uf Cedar ktreet. The flrni*A Londuo bAiikere, beiald, were Haroley. lleven A On. It bM been known for three nr four yean that forged ichool dlitrlct honda to tb* amouat of about P*)0.0f>n had been floated, eom* of them having bee* mid la New York.

Ihwbofid for 110,000 wa* diecovered by the |rtirrhnaer to ba worthleee, and wei r** turned to tbe eeUer, who took It up. lotereet coupnoi on tb* aUeged fraudulent euUtand lag boade have been reoeived hen regularly through be banka, ami have U*en prmiplly paid by Herce, Wright A Co., but the coO' poRa which amved yeitarday will not tw imid, beoenaa Ptwee, who bat been mea- aglbg tb* IjODdoo cfllce, bM flecl, it ti lup- poaed lo Mextoc with perba{N 11,000,000.

log d ln rtiy through hi* head. A etiut glani'ol anmuJ bU i<yei a tbini itruek him in th<< eh^inach and a (^ r tb tnieml him. Mr*. Wlckwlr* ran ^nl of the parlor and endenvoresl to tear the maak off tbe mur- dMrer*H face. H « fought her deeperately and«U rt*d to beck out of the room, linit then Wlekwlre* who hinl partly recoverwl contclouiiMna, ralaod a chair and ftruck the feliow ov^r the heeul. lh « blow itimoed him And be half dropped to the flotjr. but rallieii and ran from tne pUoa. Wlckwlre i* feU lly ln)ured and the docton aay he ran lire but a Hbort time. lUi •iiwr’i wound le not fatal. It La alleged that a relative and auigbbor la ■□•pect«l of the crima aad that it wa* ooQimiUed for revenge.

MAHUAlaVe .UUHUta AVKrCI'X; 7 nCK>MH; 1 Tprii'*, ll.TQQ: eooUi ffUMlernUi el., Mar Title

iMiiiU ev»>.. It* etijry, * ruoniN, uew beu**kfitoieraH. booM. * ewm*. prtae.

NiulliuiD Cl.. iWAT Rlio, * ^H>'ue: prkw, |i,ooi>. ai«u kiiliwr 1>ereaLii» V. BKYKLl dt CU„ Knil AeUle, 130 eprliictieltl Av».: opun ei'cnlime.I rU.K NEW B.IKIK tf 'tUAR, 14I/zU luippivzmetiW: Looziloa eentrml; pHoe

tu.oui; b«lf<w»b. AUdreeaOWFktt, Bam H, FewtoBev.

HT.. w tvTOft Dinra i i afWE. lo kuomh, I F><r OM er iwu fkmuie*; wurUi lim i. Utoieue* mofitege. flv

Hnt'.>«kt«r01i.HALI OH TO LET. UOPal I ronmM, i*Tie bera, 4 eeree « f groqiMt tmlM;

kiwUby Leoeiloa. MfCHASL HjaHEY, M e k eve.. F.e*HBIdel«, F. J. Ml

l l .

tfloBer Ktthm dliwctioi the CHty Couneet to . proceed agalpefc tbe ConaoUdated Traction Company Tor violatiom of tblf ortiinenoA

ibav* been adopted by the Board ni Wo rk«.' bat aa yot Uisra haaa ban mo proaasattoos. i A N iw t ntiortar yirtaniay aftoraooii aakad Ohy Od im II Hiker wbi* had b«M don In

IUm mattov.“ U y OBdantiB ling," (aid Hr, Rlkar, “ li

^tkittia omupany U oonqilyUii with tliaOffdliaaoti^

; “ Oh, BO, It Isn’t F remarkad CoamlsaioaeT Van Duyoa, who waa sitting olan by nnd

, who than relatad ttw inoiileiit about tha .woman wbo oonld not gat a transfer Irosn : Hontb Tantb street to tt « ttouth Oranga avo- nna Una.

“ 1 will look Into that mat at OBOa,” (aid Ur. Hikar. “ Two or thrsa utbtr oora-

' filalnto havt batn pressaled to matnd I bars ' hpuksn to the olfloare of the eompuy about tbam. In every liutanoo tbt offleers liavn proinlaed to remedy the fault."

boon alter tbe pasHge of tbe transfer or­dinance the coninaay objactad to giving transfert In the following cases; To peaseo- n n on Mt, Fraeuect avenue ears, entlillng

, tnem to ride north on BeUrvilte arenue from Htooroflald avanne; to pasungtrs coming south OB HaHavUla avanne, antlulim them to rids WHt on Hloomlleld avenue aniTnorth on Mt. Froapeot avenue; to passengers from C'Unton Towiialilp. ruabllng thsm to rids

' west on the Hapid Tu ih II lUvlslon mid vlon mraa; to paesaugers going saet on RpringDrld

' nvnnoa allowing tbam to rids south on Wash­ington strast; to paaaangars going north on

, tbe Kapld Transit dialsToii, sTlowTng them to rids south on Broad atrset; to paswagare on tb* Courthouse line, trenslerrlng them to

W llUan Koha Wea lajnrad la the Col- llelon of Tnek and Car.

At hts home. AT Flane itraet, Wtlllain Kofan 1s suffering grast pals as the nsnit of injurtsa ba reoatvad indirectly terongfa tha ooUisiai of No. 1 Truck and the Uninge street trolley mr oa Tueeday morning. M r. Kohl's rsatdanoe Is close by tlie arane of tba aooldest and bs wae one of the flrst wbo rushed to the aid of tbe InJunJ Irtmea. Afta* toe men had been cared fur. Kubn was one of the many erho lent a baud to right the overturaed and wreoked vehlcla. At tba flrst try tbs slreugto of tbe wUllng bead wae not a u ff l^ t to the big wegon. liqt It Wae nardatly lifted from tbe ground, whsu it fell back again.

Kobe wae niular the kMil sud ba ranleed tha arelght of tbe rear end of tbe eehlclo on his body. Tbs mine tervicee that he was rendering othen a few mlnotee before had to M brought Into play In hti oma and was carried to hie borne. Dr. Harriet K. Burnett wae summoDol, u d an

: Bxainlaatloa Showed Ihet awaflftf MKtoShIa ribs wee fractured. Re e1g» aaMtomsle^is eitmnal brvlsse. Tbla merolNie* • ( • ’•a ll to ba In a bad way.

George V. Deimen, who of the other vlo- time wee probehly the worst injured, reeled, well last night and lu ounsnquence hla oonditiun was somewhat improved to-dav. Dr, Wani, his physleUn, mid U* man’s ribs aiMmied to be preiasd against his right lung, but tor a dav or two is will be tmjaoaalbl* to SsB Jinr hailly hs is Internally uaured. '-Hiy’ Wgbt arm, shvuUer and the right side uf hir bead are badly bruised, but it le believed he will recover. Driver Chenowurlb sod

ongIt It

nloely et Ht. Ulcbeel'e Hoaoibit will lie some time before either will Iw

able to resume duty. Tilterman F.dwenl Qllhoutv, it la aaidC will nut get around Ogata until many day* elapse and Alvin HeaneU le etlll tt home narsing hts iujurles. The luJilriM to Flreinen Gould end llcndtr ere elight, aod buth are doing light duty at the iruukhouww__________________


I the Mouth Orauge line; to in.'sengtra board- . Ing Huulh''TeBth atreat cars on MiiGiigSeld avenue or Market atreat and wbhtug to go

> aaet or wait ou Houlh Grange avenue, end to IMBSengeri going north on U ultierry alreot

I nod deelrlng to obaug* to weal on Bridge 'street

Ur, Young toll a Nxwe reimrtcr this morning llist conductoni bed tieeu Instructed

; to iMue ireiufen at aa many of Ihrtie polute . aa woe puwlble with the tjckeu Uuw lu uao.' A ll the polute, be said, would be cuTured by tbe uuw transfer cai d.


The Iiebul uf Silas .leenle Hweln niiil Mias Isnlivl Van JIuren.

Uiea Jeiiuh’ Swum and UU. lanlicl Van Ih rcn muile th«lr debut nt a rerrpUou gli.m lost iiigbi el the residence uf Stale TraaNUicr Grorge H. Knttin, (W Linculu i ’«rk, Abnnt tlvii liundml guvaiu ««iu priwul. Tlie

■ Aliawi Florriice .Idj'. Ili'li'n Jiawnni, U»-aie Atidrewa and Uims lumtiaiaisled iu recaiv- lug.

Aui.'iig tbe gUDsle wore Goveroor anil Urn. U'lTta, Slats Sccrelnry Knirey, Jllr. and Mis. A. y, .Vtartin, Judge and Mi-e. Dupiia

I Mr. ipid .Mr., IViIlium Kipplcy, Mr. hihI Mrs. JaiiK'S T. Hnll, .Mlva ilalL Mias Glou. Mr. aodMiu J. Kuevr, Judge llhir, Juilge Magic, Mr. ami Mrs. VVlIliam MarebnTl. Cidoorl and .Mrs. Isiulrclt, Alk-rt Glll..|'is, Ur. aii.l Mie. K. U Joy, Miss Kirk|«lnck, Ibii Misses Col.-, .lllsMi'S Uaborne, Sir. ami

.Mrs. l,i>uU Is'tung and Ur. and Ura. .Artbur I (Hlvi'inuu.

A I-ot o f Shues aad 'Draaa Oiwitla Found In a Prlooaer's Apartmsnla.

Patrolmen Christie and Bichler thla morn­ing niade what ere balleveil to be two Important aiTsats. They oame upnu Frauds Nolau aa be wea trying to dispose o( e uew pair uf shoes In a store on Canal atreet Nolan oottlil uol aetisfy ihe iiltlreri that hs oame In pnaaeulon of the ah.m huneet- Ip and ha was tokeu to polire huedipiartert. Whun eearelitd a uew tblrly-clght calibre revolver was found nisui him. lie gave Ida addroMat HKallruad pun's, and the .illicnrt were directed to search hla aiarlments.

I'n Isr a bed In hla room they foundllflcen l* ir *u f uSw ahuH like tbe ones hu me. I to sell, and a lot uf reniuaiii*o f callooea nnd gingham*. Tlie alutT le proboUv worth (rimi to ITS. A young wi.nian wbo waa found in tba ruoiua nil.I who to l » Mr*. Nolen, was takuii to pilii'e headquarters along with the artidee found, The police beiievi-that theartidr* rvcovered wore stolon frum a ouuiitry store.

fiolau I* one of tws moo who was arresU'l, uulvr suolhor name tbougli, by the Third Precinct pultrs .about a week ago uii nustuonin o f Imviug freight Cera nil tlie i'onuaylvania Uudruod. The uj.-u wore .ilsi'iuu'g.''l win aL-couiit lack ul ovidoiic.

H ID D E N T R E 4 S D R E U N E A R T H E D

Nearlv F ifty Thatuand Oollare In Oeld Takea fr a n aa Indlaa Mound

!■ Tnaneasee.

KKOXvn,La, Tenu., Nov. 33.—Great *x- dtemebt prevails Id Union Couatv, about twanty-Uve milsB from tbia city, over a dis­covery in an Indlaa mound of f4H,U00 worth uf gobt bare and nnggeta.

Abont a waek ago a Cherokee woman named McDonald, a grand-ilsngbter of Chief Mclntoeb, one of tbe famous chieftains of her tribe, appeared In the naighborbood wlUi a nuil> ettowing the purported location of a Urge amount u hidden treasure. Bhe otaimad that a half mUilon duller* had been burled then by her grandfather. People were dlsinted to treat her aa a crank at tint, but* ownar of tbe farm on which tha weaeura waa located agreed to tqten' the m onad'forhalfot tbetreaaura if aay wa* fuuud.

Three days ago workmen commenced ex- cavaUag, and early yestorday raorning tonnd tUtflOfliwortb o f gqld dust end auggeu la a > r . tAtor they uufarthwl en Irqn w X coO- {MUlngfWtnuo Wurth of thap.'wMit metal. Bbe elailut that there le * greet deal in.-ire to be unearthed. Over 8,000 people gathered In the neighbarhood of the mound, end R ftj armed men are guarding the treaauro ipoL


The Hady le Be Beinoveil To-day to Its riMlJBesGnX Place.

N iw Y vibk; N ov. IS.—Hembcra uf the iVeioclsted riotieer* of tb* Twripiriat Days of CalUurula, and other pluueers wbo ora not meuibsra, w ill go to Keoklaiid L'ametery, on tbe Northern Railroad of New Jersey, thh afternoon to wUntn the removal of the body of Geueral John C. Fremont from the ceiiiotery vanlt and its interment In tb* grave.

Among those wbo here announced their lutiiDtioB to bs preetut ere Kuer-.Admlrel Hlcherd W , Meaa U- H, N., prs*ld*Bl of the Aaeocuted Pioneers; Captain Samuel L Clepp. of Brooklyn; CapUln Williain F. lllanok, of Hancock; Juba D. Tuwoaea.l, of Sew York ; George 8 . Itoyse. of .Sew York; Charlee W . Bbermau, uf Now Ynrk; Jiaeph M. Pray, of New York; Georgs P. BemlJ^ of Mount Vernon; Richard J. Pauleon, of Brooklyn; Curneliiu Lydacker, o f Bngisiniod' Joaeuh Kvtua, of Newark; Majur Prancia D. Clark, etcrelary of tba Asaoclated Pioneer*; John Gault, of New York ; Colonel Cherlea J. Uurptay, of New York ; Coleuel A. C. Fcrrii, of fleckeu- KAok, N. J., and Lleuteoeui John C, Fi'e- monh eon of the dud Geueral. A reprwen- tettve of Bishop Patter wlU be Inetten.biui*. Tb* ceremony will be a brief eml e auupt* one.

F iled a Caveat and IMrd. HaCHtSHACg, Nov. 33,—John 11. Conklin,

who died etlddauly last WediiKuiuy, had censed e caveat to tw tiled in Siirrugiitu llar- iog's office against the will uf hi> mnilier, wbo died, leavlag an estate vnlued ul ubtmt |1300|(1W. The will hos not bevn Hied for nro- Istte, but It ia uuderatuod John 11. Cuiikliu wo* not aatlatled with bis ahnre uf tbu astate. lie spoke to Lawyer Johnson of conleating, but hit sodden illnaei cemn uanr iqiattling' the c^culetluiia. lie was only ablc'h. meks a orilkt n u r hit name the dty he meil, being too/weak to write, l ie w « ill nlsuit tw.-ritv- foor houroi Christina Ccnkliu i* auel u. have

' nine cfaildreo. three of whom are divut.


Batherfard’e M lttlog Clerk Writes In Ilia W ife—Mystery About tbe Cate.

R i'THXKPORD, Nov. 38—A leii* McNulty, the Clerk of thi* borough, who dlwp[ur*.l about two month* ago, and In whose tc- counte en apparent ebortage of tfldO bu since been ditcovered, baa been b «rd from. Hit wife baa reoalnU a letter from him. Bhe It very reticent about Ita content* and will not toll wbiire it w u writtan from. Thar* It reuou to belleva, bowevtr, that Huston it tb* pise* from which It w u dated.

McNulty M t the vllUg* In riW|joR** to a telegram daUil New Y’oVk and aignad “ White, Btewart Building." Who tbit W hit* w u b u always been euoaewhet of e Diyatarv.

Mra McNulty u y t thatln tbe letter the bu received from » r buabtud M tol.l her he wentto'Mew York and met " W bito '' in occordono* with the telegram. He mode au appobitment with Whit* (or tbe unie even- in t and u the time w u en abort, rsiuoiool tn New York through the day and iw t Whit* In tb* svanlof. I f McNulty *i-

Sleinri what kis butlnee* with While wee, ll*. McNulty will not admit IL Bbe u y i

her hueband wrote her that he remtiuberad ■tanding at tbe corner of Third avenue and Fourteenth atreet, talkiag with Whit*. It w u late tn the evu lng. When n u t be w u able to Uke cugnuonn of what w u gulng on about him be w u ia a city a (houaaiul milea from Now York. What city thi* waa, ft her husband named H, Mrs. HoNnliy will not telL Bbs u ys bar husband thinks he w u drugfsd and abdneted, but It (he knowa any reoeoB why be should M vs bsso subjsoled to such trutment shs kseps hsr own oounasl.

Mrs. McNulty u ys ber husband Is willing to return If be w given eaeuranou that crimi­nal praaecuUun for tbs shortage viU aot be iostiluled until a fter hs bu bad a cbonoe to explain bis books, Mra. MoNnlly hot seen Mveral CouncUmen, and they all agru to this course, u y in g that If UcNulty caa get rid of the abOTtag* and aiplain ths Inao- curacle* which appau-aoBy appear ia faia boukt, they w ill be better utlaflwl the* It they hsv* to reaon to fordiig hu bondsmen to pay and nroaeooling him.

Ml*. McNulty h u writtsu to bar husbaml, and expects a reply sbortly either by mall or In person. Sha u ye aha may prepare a itatomeut of the rose and Isaue It over bar tlgnawr*.

The ailegad m uting between McNulty and WbiU In New York li euppoeed to hats taken plaoe on tb* evening of Beptauber ltd.

HInH, NKAH OM TIIAL O t la a l* ft fa va , madam leootn hrlea hueaa With ul imuffovvitifenM. Afldnn Lit MOUBHF, Box AeKm oOM .

l l^ X L ' K S IA T B f u r iAJLR-O VT UFT o e ra .

A rU aftw *.SALE AT AHUFnTOI«w"«.R001l OOT;znd h v a ; all bzlf boar to ?<«w York,

, rmuod COw Moontli lo

wui izkk HKD; fi.m PMb, krmtaM bVRmki «t «r offkr*d i

s u lf l*iltiMii; eoit f l ’DQD .|*4t I.HI luiizlu^ouuitett tr vizUr Oh plM*

lUD BKLLKVtLLE AVE., iR fllor«.


rteflu; lot MxL7A 11- D. ovo, or t| M, A. I'L.y Itrw"ziiie W?

tU. lu PUUNTttKRl) HtX>lt ALL lort* and iiuzU. by tbt w«*k ur

miinUi: Md tuiMiy ; H up ; oxtlonyItw * uwf f iv iiiA r. lU J 1 htfUf»kMpl*Cur ivaUtiBzn.


I AWltKNOK hT., U. OFf >0iTE CUMTUK-^Famlibzd rooiAi; lUi ouirouloooM Ua

JJIIklU V «T ;RM H H E D MOJJU FOR 1L|ibliiuusHorplnf or gonUeCDUt. _____

n.HKRKY «T „ aUl-FUK?4lllHBD ___ Light lioawkMpI ng; hallfooniz ; goa>4m»R- lit

Mt’ l.nE RY ST.. t»-OOUMkCnikU FDR" zUbod trant roomt to Lot, Improrgmeolia for

Light teuMkMptPg’_________ tlYfro nt KOniC OK

•v*ry 00*"voulgui.* i rohi low, AddrtM I Dot>rFATI.Y FrRMr^HKt*

I llrofMl pit btr ons or two gouiUmMl ;


ftoal roost i UgbL but ud bub. ttu

f r t

hocUoal Any MtfOvOa o cUliro oT Ibt VoLlod' iitotoft, s iy bt Llsnifd by uit (loianoa I'ootKl] to •tigigoltt and oorid'Mi, wlibJaMiddly, Uiite*LnMM o/Qlh i>o«tliigi mrd UM-'klnr. idil illiirlbuuai. tlgo hdYirtUlni tod JutrlOMUnghaildliutikrljgprlulMond wmtiuid?tnlwngnuMi*r, turn ikonti tbtiltegrtDlid only uo wrItUn ippUcitiD* ut tli« t.kiD>" J1IOD ixmuMI ihvrtfor, wtaLcb ipplimUoD duwi bo fliodwlibUio uty 4'lorb oi L«*h tio diyi boloro ibo mtoiLuf of tbt <JomsvB UauiicL) ik wblo* H m«y te ociotl OB, t*d Mioll ouoUuuo la form 4>r oM y*M fntffi ita gmaUbg. 1 bo limotoa ttell romivo aoeb MnifimLo

■ In writing lo coitosartly fty»u lo poriotot Ucaiuod fur otoor p^riwaot by latd l v s - iboB LkiuiiGli ■ OQd trtall pay to tha ilarii of mA4 city tbt turn of out hitii<irod duilara aa m oo- Duol lioonao foa oa roo.dvtag auab oarlldrata; Oiid ibaJl alto ooior lolo bond i* ite Mayor oud t oiDsou Cuunon of lb# city N«w- *»l{ with good aod tuRLoLoal turtty, ta bo opprortd by tbt Flaaaim V'UaisHtte uf tte cos* tiHHi (Yiuodi, la ite ptaaL luiu of ttto tbouwad daliaraauuuiilODOd fir lha dua obaorwaom ol tba provlMoDK of all utob otUIuoiiom ofuiadtyof Naw- ork iw say ba lo lurua at aay Usa duriag ib«

I oobtlnaoam of aueb Hoods mpooUBg iba ooiMlaot , uf^ialnaat Miburlaad tbaraby. ^ublMifMM tbatl bo ooaduciad umtoroutborlty of laid ilcaoio datU auch oartlflmLa baa bOia actuall/ latuod ood da* llvtiad aud ilia llcoiiw foa Liali aod iho bond gitop M btroln aroTkl*l. _

i bootiubl. MldJI«?Mt«.blioamro,«Ftbtia*dia»*piorat,wbll« an gt^ lu iba aut of ouailug, palotlag ordlftirtbuttig tuiy i>uiloit,Mrdt. ilgai. pampblata, droulwra. advtriLaeuioott or aotlooo, or wbUo ouLug la publlo any act or ibiog autbonaod byUiapr^ flaliipNofiAU ordinanoi, iball wawra telnw itb tha lolUkwiiig vuratooutpituoutiy priaud u«n«u,

t.ioonaod xinAwt," followad by Ua UotuiaFtItaly 0,

tecitobl PTostedaflir tba paomn of ibtt dIaaooA uo ptroua wbo aball bot baro boao lioraood Ju brraiu prokldad. or Wbo tbail aui boon ufomr.« 'F rR F li lJ f l* RrHPjdW; M '‘I> S ,: ,T r0 l5 S o > 7 o r ic h

ImproTosaoU i prtvilo foaiUy ; rofojr ; uiwatA ildowaJliA olLoya or p J !^piaoof of iold dty for aoy purpooa ooaaratod wlia

N KW JIT..M nroit

FEIRA LATULK FURNIFIfFDlooJK for Ugbk bootokotplbg; \ both;


New bT.roforaoo


1>LA T4 K bT.. IT4 - F U R E lilt f E D ligbl hooMkaaplQg. HldL



OR flT., II NKWLY FURMWJIEP ml roos : aU Imprurtiaaoto t rory daatrol;

S u d a r a i o ___________________1YECn»R AT.Jlrbaattd)fomliy.

lA-TWO EinEI.T FlTHFiaKIIDrooint L Iniprovosoali { prlraio

1 ' avt.i Irriugtoni I VgUdLALiK, MyrtLo i


I" '.'neciti A NiTiMyVxuH AFUKii. ex1d h a k6w xwobaraa auanbar of proporun for azolkaogo;

a]na a mister of fro# anif oloar city lota to oa- rliaiigo for Inprovad proporty. F. u e V K H A t^ rtwl Mlate aao Laburaooak 19D*Fi4ogdlold aoA


I JUiniEifoLJET—

Nn. tt Rowland at.. Oroosa aad balk proraniaata iiwatltt.

IitiUiro oroWafiK, 144 BallorlUo or* tlB

MDNMOI'TH RTo. HEAR CLIirrOE AVEa- fiouaa « f oLgbt ruoina; bath aod Imaadry.

r i limulraaf. H, EHAPEr, 4iUoartitKLEVEFTH tT** lOl-UOUHX, F IFE

i^roozna, oil Imsravamaoia, and paporod tbretigb- OUL IJtfiMira 40 HALSBY MTafaTafllngn TM

TWELFTH FT., 14-TO LFT* BRfOE t^hiHiaa;> rrMiwi;bate and laiadry; aU Lspror** aaons; flrat'Olaai ordar ; will rant Law. gfo MEFFCF'F DflTTOirrOIll, W Brood ll.

r iv i l b t - houae , is v i f e nr., o f b b lo c kJ froDi Elnitoy oad WMbtoftoD Ma.; good looa>

lion; 7 rootttand city waiof: n s l low to food taoanl.

Huiioo, fOTt>anl4iftaatt,TrooiiitaDdeitywotor,ItO month.

Hoiiao, *M %. Twoifib it,, now nprinAdotd arOre U) ruoma and cLiy walar; rant vary low,

10 Via* at, 4 rooma aad wator, f iw il l ia m a . WAKDe4AeadamyiL

CODTir TKFTR »T., HI iT largo forolibtd rooma


laid bualQMi, or lor ibi purvaoa of diatritet" log or droulaUiig tiuMrA clroujara, hand btik, ooiploi^ prlbiad ai angtorod oottcoaor otbtr advariUoutaaia of any kind tuoraiuoM tbi podatirtaai or trarolian oa Ukld ttraela, BldfwaUA ailait or pubibi piaOaA ar to anyofflate^raaeploootafbatlaoot or mtldaaoaa

Icuy. i

. . . . . . «1 - rUB»ilAilBl>'romn lo lota lit floor.HTlHLlNfJ HT-.I ■ ■ ■ ■ '


YirAbH lFOTOF RTh t4*-TWP4 LAKOX OOFf r itaeUiig w aapwnird foroltbod rooso forlitbt

hmitekaaplnc or fauUtraia; alao hoilrmgin.

all Iwpjorcinauta iTiv


_ . ............. _ . _ LAHUB.atcaly forelthid roosa for light hottaakoop**lM tiofla ruos ; rii taprurookotito. Hu



thopuipootofpoitLiigDr duirUHit* Lit puttort, clrcal*i\ band bUla, taspltt) prlnlad or aagrarad MUoaa or utAor odraruaotaoatt of aay kind, orolnFulata, paJutOf dlArlbaw m aald oily any s«H|in, drcvlAni, band bUU* jWDpblata, loniprM or ufcbar pnaiod or augravod advartU** mobwurilgaaof nay kind wbatooavar.

haotloi) i FMALug bofoin oboU bo oaoMructad to aaUiaclao aay parte* aeatter or throw, upon tbo iUM4a,*U''Vblca, aiLoyo of puhUa pLacaa In tnlA city, p ^ ra , hand bUlt, ndrorUaoQonia or papar* or to otterooi ib* Wttmm, oldawalkA aUayt iur umb- ILo pineoo of lald dty* or ,oro*u aay iinlanoeo Iboroin, or prtvoni tlto poaUpg of notloat roqulrad h| law to M jKNtoi b j ponotii duly nutbortood to poal Ibo noLA

Motion 1 Nothing boiwln oonuinod teoU bo to oooiuiiod aa to praronk amy poraon raaidlng or tranaactiocbuiinaat ta Iba oaLd oily of Fowofk, Inim dLotnbuUng oLroniaraor band btlia, adrartlo* Ing tte bualnato tn wklob aueb puroun ladiroouy

or (ram dlaplnylng itgM or pootara upon Ibo bukidlugo or pranitjiBa oona pTod by auy oueb jwiagn, oi ■Milto piaront uio pitiprialnr or any lloanzod ibaatr* In laid clly af -Nownrk Iroui dltplnying bill! or paaMiBa adraniatng any play or utter antar- tolnraoni in aikcta iboairo. on any blUb

A RLI FUTU.N d T ..« a F P 13 -TH AM E f UX>ii» wUbpowattotot: lateO atnarafoai aoob: totr

■idao iigitod nnd *lf oonvotoaoooa; auiiaala fur towallor. Apply on praal—A H> LErUAT, 4to

Dkmk rodm oh p a r t o f o f f ic e : cob . Markot and Brand ou.t root low.


T Aledg:ntKIAfolB C jHFBH eiTORF, s u it a b l e F R Torarnad batcbir; nlio fbgr raoma Int(Ulro LEVKFTH AVK AFD iiXTKBT. Un

PACinO NT.. 7»-JeAft«E 8T0ttE» room nnd bnaatoaot t root |1A

3AEARI rY4R>M.a LEf, WITH FOWEA: ALL IM* .VppivainaCito: wall Ugbiod. Fn 34 Eoadlnoi . iMUlro of Ba MOEL W* OBBEY. TM Brool jorobgtooof on tbo proadaon Tolopnano

HrOHB-OORFBIk WAVERLT PL a FDBOM- irnotot,} pood looottoD.forgrooocy stdrugoiyro.

tbroonlooflnHwAblmpraranMflW: 111 m E L MUTT. 437 Broad n.

STOItE-BPLFFIklD LAHQE STORE TO LET, wUB flv* dwallinf rooma: ail In goodropnlr:

rant rraaonnlHn Apply O BANK FT._______ ITt


rpiiLKT-wEMALL Mi>U«E4 IV103U, APART* 1 muli«fl*Dd 4 roow*. Jnauira 411 nCARALbruOnnlolBoa.

r p ii r b n t ^ t w ih it o k y p r b m e d eh ic e*I with oztonMon, Mg roQior. nil Inprjvtmaato,

noantljf dnouratod; near oleotrie onrt; naar Foao* ajirnnto AniLfond MnU’J « raaisILn.

---- r. DOCfob URiX I [lDD,0t« RrtedtL .


b u b o l a b b i f a FtMTOFFlCBeFnpovaTAo Sblo Crnalted nnd Vnltmbla

nnd Honoy Tnkoii.Bpoohd !)ftpnteh to kb# Ne w a

Be l t o e a E; Not, Ttao pootoffl» ntid fonerbl i3or« o f Tbotofoi Cmlg, t t UutUrllto, bflor ben, WM borglbrited knit night. The wfu wni cfBck*l BM oiYerni busdred dellnra and Yniunbl* p t ^ n tAkon nod n qunbtlty of good* enrriod off,

Tbe bight wntebmbB wn» lo bndly fright' •ntil thnt b* failed to give noy nlirm. There wore three burglAn in the Tbtt iton

ibbod A

TTnVBb WAKTRD,eT0 13 HOOMN; ALJslII- 1 1 provoBMDta; Mternlly toenlod. Addroia77a IfOCHEe Boz Q. Fowtoaoo.


HOOBE-TD l e t * 111M aDlATE POBHEBBtOKjrant Low, bouae. ilk ruomo i wntor. tui

FnSi^, Ota&gn

OAKBT., 4A EABTrjRAKDK-THREE LABOEUgfal roamA newly paparod, rant H


A'^ F A R T M lF t » " o r THREE AFD Ft>VRroomi; baUi and nUIti llgbtod, formibad


A f o h d if a f c r to p iu iv id k p o k t h e llcanalng ofbUl poHafA enrd taokoto, kdU dta- trlbniora or mir utbar medium efdlatrlboUoii or

dUplay of primed or wrlttin ad rarturing mabor, and to prnrldo ruloa, ragnlatlou and raatrtndOM with nfortao* tborato.

Bt Ik ordnlnad by tba CommOB OoBaoU of tlM Mty of Kawnm, ae (ollowi:

bactloa 1. TbM no ptraon abaU carry on la tbo elkr of Niwark tte btulnooi of bUt paatiitg* onrd l^ ln g . blitdinrltHJitag. or dlotrtbaUng or dlnlny- Ing pnntod or wrtuoo adrarUtlqf mauor wlkbodt afMaBaa for kbntpnrpoM dmoMnliiod aa birela- aAor ilrooted saw prwndodi

itKinrda ewbod I by luob praprtrtor, or apoi to provtnt nuy

imikR owagod ta tbo hoalaaai ufadrortto* from foiiovlai nil avaonUM aa_ --------- ------- __


pdaiar. aagrarar, oign palntor o. .i notblim boroin ibnU nMly lo or afloat tbo

_ uo of nay Mwiuopor, portodtotle t»ook or olbar pubUcnUon, nnd IM drooinklon or lato tbaroof by

nod notblim . liiuo of Any mwijpubHcnUon, nnd lL_ ________ . - __ .m*D or roguinr mrflor. or by Dowovoador. or In Qounooltradoeortbo pradnetton efprtntodor •!!>

toianiUbiirtiMTOMU by any Kn. _

irnofioo centpnoy in ibo onr of auck oompany.Kavad matinr by auy printing toinhiLabiaont, or

adloptny alndTirtiMuMOU by aigr Kroatnaror ■nofioo centpnoy in ibo onr of auck oompany. (toetton 7* Aky pifioa Ikeoete baiaundnf mny

oraat bill boarda and dEptoy otgoa In any af tha atrootn randi or blgbwnya or any otbar i ncoa Inlbli dty. fiovldrd, kowaTar. kboi au paraouw Ikwaaold iknitorootany wU boarder pewtanybiiiaordlopiny My algta an or In front of m t pramlaoa In mid olty wlUi ^ - -------- 'kouUte eooant uf tbo ownar or oooupnat of

— ~iy Aral bad and obininod, nod wUhuat cobaant of ibo euoot comnMonor or

bAi been robb i DUtobnr of Hm&t before.

Attnokod by n Vallnd Womnn*No blebtillb , Ind,, ffov. Saa—A myiteri-

oba veiled wemnAD made ab attack on IfiH Fairr UruU Jut night that may coit the latter bar iif*. M k iiig MUs CruB by tbo hair abe triwl to pour carbolic acid di>wa tba young tady'i throat. FaiUng fa tbia, tbo woman throw a quantity of tbo aeid in Miaf i:n iirt fao^ tttou W t her torribly over the liaad with A rovolvdf. Rivalry in a love affair it lupDooed to hbvt cauatd the trouble.

oUtarattGorbnTlng libopnwar, dnrlag^bLa nloai nro end anbJaet alio M raoKival at tte dinoUM of iki body or noard harlag oontrol of Ikaiiraainof aaid dty:hot ooMIlag boroinnbnll ba eouMruad toantbartMoiy oboiraeUoa of Ibo itrwMn. lULo- woUut nlloya or pabDd ptaoor wUktn tkta oity.

teqttte L Mo poneb nteU pool pntai or dto mbuto any pootot. oard. riga, paaiphttL dreotar, adTirUaeunmi or noilo iiouy publicpinco la ibli diy daocrtbingt rtcomimoDKaag or ndVarkUlag for lalo or tn any way raforring to any moAldoo or ramody for tba provon* Hon or 001* of any vanaroni diaaaaa, orany towd, vnlgar, lanniidoii. lanotm or Indo- aani teDitod. prtoloiL aBgnvod. wrltlan ut plotortal advoHlakQg ueatiar or any bind wbniauavar : and any Mraon m ddnf tbnU forfoU andjmy a ponalty of flfly doltori fur onoh aod ovary ofmoa; nod It akau. bo ibo dniy « f nay lioaniii, nodar Ibia ordlnanoo, bin agiBU u d ■orvania, upon botiea ftoa tbo Htreol utfDmtaaloQrr or Gflkwr biviaa liko powort, to romova nod do* otroy all odvontilng mattaz poikUd «»r dlaplayod by him and baraby yrobibliod, (ran kba Kroou aod puMli! plnoai of Ou city, wUbla lU b*un froia ite ilBU of atrvleo of MOb uottoa ‘ and

' upon fhllQi* 10 au raouva aad daoiroy •Huh ndvar ■ '

1 tbt poteoii m. ---- - ---------Aopravwoa. ^ , flAt duilnio and taa QomiBott CouiicU may aln rw

HaetianA a it ^mnoa, » FUnaa nr tte CjItM iko aaid iloaaaa ottter for p ^ n g a*eb pro- Uoanaed by toa L.'uiimuB c m iuU to - onkur or foUiura ta rottova tte laiito wkoa

- rltkln r 1 - .

ntalng* tofUing aball bo mtaHcl i* o Bm ol

rant low, boiuo. uk rumoo; wator. turaaco a u flna gruundii naar otaclric cam i to* HUOMli, »0Mi

Btotaa, n»ay bO---------- ------------ - - — -oiigagt ta and ouodnM wltkln oahl city tki bool" fttmof bUl pomlmr. card dlatrlMUof, alt* advorluiag and dlatrtbdktog and dMptaying_ ...— oa_.— —mtar; aaon

Uaq to tba 'cooTiiioa (3oun^ ttendGr, whteka^ pllteUoe wvA bn fliad with tbo t^ty Ctork ai laaat ton te r i boforo tbo Moottrif of Uu Ummmon l^n - cU ot vbicb R may bo nntad on and obaU coounM In Iteeo for ou year ftom tw gronl*

Tte Ueonau ibnli rooolva aueb oortib-

dterabl* to i b i U fotulllio; rontolow. prankaottCB HARK ur.

-. varyApply oa

Safa lb WfUiag u to emtomaniy glvon to fHfflt lirinMrt for otbar purpooio by aaid l moo Uvumll, and ikaU par to tka Clark ofoakl city

' .........‘ idoUara

1 par-Coot'

HALLa LUDLOW. M Utoyatto at tor

A 4-ROOM FLAT; (7(MX7 ROOSln A oa fp o tod; flA -----------

IJA.NK BT,. ut. FJCAE FEWTON RT.-FfYE lAtoOfMlhtrau.

roanl to lOL wUk iBpravoiuontoi nan74*


Animal E xtrac tsPrepared eoeotdliv Id lb* IbRaiilF. of

D r . W m . a . H a m m o n d ,I d bis Itbontorp at Woebtstton, D. C

The most w eldcrM :b*rap*:itP dlscsverp ehscs tbs dojre e l ,'. -law *

C E R E B R IN Z ,


i-uBiJ,. 'hod nine chilJrs« u f / —/ rea r sn.l X’x

Netlli'd Ou< olf'uurtvl*hf suit oi iScliillo l'jrolangaiu».l,tho Four*

tnautb U nr«J Uulidlug Atoj Lutut Aiaocialioii lini bran haUirni nut of AiKi tbo factWAX writteu up UM lha cnurt i»nuU34 yaator- flay aftoriKHm. I'lruUKue-l lltruuifli Jniiiei U. Triinlilc til rwNjver liamniciK iiuuu to biy

. bouhe by flri*. it apiU'Ari iluit Firoln tniughk a uumbir uf houaea lUr^m^b tbu buil'JDig ai' KHMattun. Ho had th>> proiierty Inuil’tHl, ho

'Clnitnifl, an t gnvdi tha indieua to (bu ni!N>i:in’ tifru. 'i'ho ufth om fai UJ to liavu tboui rouowoJ

' wbea ttey liad oxinrud, hut Pirult waa uot awnra of tbiz uutii bu irlwt rolloot the iit-

! Miranuo, after a (iru hml deotruyoil one of the buuaog, U wai claiiiioij by tho plaintiff that iho buihUng usiAMation luuulil uav« ted the fire iuiurance retiewad,

■H ri. Flutrhrr iie t i El.UOO.

Tho jury hi iho luib of Un. iMbellu Ffobibur ngaiurit tUo Iron htoauthnat (Join* pauy yestorday afi^rnrnm r<»l«niwt a ver* diet fur g],(KiO In favur of kl»o plnlmitr. Tliu

inuit woH brought ihrough Walter J. Knight ■ ioreectvci |in,0iX) daniagRo fur mjiirioi lUv ltainr<l on April 22, when »bu wai hurt ' cm oufl of tbo eumitouy’H boata. Hho fetartCNl ! to anreud a (light of ntc[to, when they au l- doiily ailppeU aud abb w u thrown to ihe

. idooks ________________Found Ilia FntUor'Ia-lnw I>oade

W ten (Jwirge Btucky, of U7 Komep- ;Bet i tm i i reiurntKi (o biz boiua Uni nlglii hn fuuud tlio dead iKxly uf Lia fa ll - .........................ilhurdb'law^

bom bo iia ‘ gofiil beaiib

Flunry Ludwig ’ Tj**uriciL whom ho iuul left alive aud apiutreotly in


aburt Uiiia bnfuro, fAtfrioh . I waa NVemy'three yeara of 04(0 aud bli dnabb

was diiu to a airoko uf apoplexy.■" I -------•— ..........J

A llearil t<4UBve Urabbvil a Watch. Kronlc Craig, uf 103 Ulver street who bos

boeo In tbe ciistufly of tbe police ob o lf down ,G m « on trivial cboreet 1*0* arrested ibis KurntDc oborged wiUi stealing a watch from

|Ji)|MphTrlttt ef4H M«I*tv etttx< w b l^ it C'ralg grabbtd o* tbe lirset ottwr

SDING ru n t '- i: o r I 'A T jm Te .

TtiO VuUm I Sli«l4'n rr("«tU Nyitrui f'ou»|mny Mnkrk M « IbImi (or 8U80I

A frUuiliy will Kah LK>**n iiuditutr Kooeiver^.Wrgv U. i?rn> Jiy (h*.* rnitwlHui<to Fj-«ditf4yaleiii t 'unipA ay agaliiHt t te ( 'ttuad ian and EuniHiRn F.xporl- an I i. ri*dil Hya- i«m ('om]'ADy, Tlw unit, iabruRgbl 1)1 liiD tSuprHMJu rum-i, j« to hsnrn wlti‘lh‘ ‘r tba Inttar convl»aiiy abnll jMiy for tint tha righu nud imtonU of tte former compnoy.

tSoDie time kgo tho Catimimn and Kuro[«an Kk|Mirt and Credit (iiyaiom ComtianyiiiA‘ lo a oontmcb * iih the I'ltltrKl Stntoi Cro JI't ByaUau Comijanymidtiir thft pnli^nta nnd, ropyrIj^uu uf tiwUnited JitateR Company, ngroaiug to pny a Uruuw fun of Ei on otary tl.fKY) of iwilloy. The Canad'mn romi>niiy, nctliig utnW thii agrtemuit, taan« l n minilior uf |>uUinu, LuUi la clahnwl V»T the plaiuUff* Hint tteCnnudlnn oonct^rn bte naver pnld the U(.*pum fee, nd- vandiig tho oUlm ibat Uie luiLouta were Itivaltd. The amount claimod liy tho United StatoaUre<ltt Byitotn C’om|tony aa liue it In nboul Il.tkM). Vlr. Uiay la repraiiuutod by Ilayea K lAmbttn . ' ^ ^ _______

AuottiBf KITurt fur T|i»lr HetoBHp, Another effort whi uiada lu tbe C.'ourt ut

(common r ieu to-llsv DV I’ lllllll I.UWV bj BD- riire toe ivleoss from jiill of M. I'irnl ami I.i.uis Ijiyerlwrm, The twcMnen were ar- reeteil s» flisorderly persons eml were seul tn jail for iiliuilj' dsys b j J U'lge Mott. The prisntieni tben retained Mr, I.tiwy til secure tliDir rslewie. The lawyer claluis Ibai the cnnvictum was Illegal eml he asknl Judge Kirkpatrick tu-d»y to order the rcieose o f the prlwnera, Trooicutor f.'raos <i|ip<>tud tbe

Sranting of the orders o f reluose end tho uugs decided to look into the niaUir fur­

ther before dscldlDg It,

Cheiicetler Alllsun'i AssesstB l>csil.N asiivujLH, Tceu,, Nov. 38—Gsurge K.

WhItwnrUi died this tooruiilg at fliHU o’ritK'k. bsTlog lived eight days after tho tregnly lu which be played to inipuruut a )iart. Ho •out two balls through hla bmly after uo bed BssassiBateil Olwucidror Allison.

Teat and X'xerln* Both iDdl.iinsril.BClti-ix. Nov. 81.— A dl*i>atcii Irnm Ht.

PetorStiurg says tbet Emperor .Niclwles 11. is •ufferijigJtreally from insoiilule ami is, cie-

very much det>rHsss.l tn epiriis, ^Ijsaidne bis hecomo very unidi muri-

tb er i* iilt of her vigil at tbs bs.|iide . . 'ber buxtiuud end the subsdpu'ut G i up.m ber phvslcttl strength imuoeed by the jniinioy totSt. ’i'etersburg end her nnrlicli.ntion m tbe various ceremoules over (be Usly ut tba lets Cxnr.

C A R D IN Z ,

T E S T I N E ,

O V A R IN E .

rn O H T N I H A IN .

V r q m T H C fln H A ie c f lo .

rilOM T H t HtART.

rnOH T K C T tS T t* .

rilO M ,TH I OVARItt.The phyilologicel (Sects prodsced by a sto­

gie dote of t^rebrlne Die acceleration o f the 'lt with iM Ilu o f fi 'ness SDd dlsteniloa (he bead, exhlUrstlcn of splrlll, locrsitedr j 'K

urinary azcratlOD, of tba ai-yutolvg force of tte kladfler and ] }riital(le artioQ of the loteatiiHB, lacraue ta muaeolat iirmglh and eaduraw. IntrpgRed pow*r of >l*ion la elderly pMfaa, aad Inawied apptiUa aud dlgeativa powtr.

Ooit) Fhto DropVv FrIcB ( t dncfoM). tt.BO. T H E C O LU M B IA C H E M IC A L CO*

W aaBlnBtOBi D* C.

Bend for Rook. W14:. it. liM tTH B CM>s, AjnENTR*

Bolate wHb wator; rw i fT.

ytv __________ Apply to 8T1RL1FQ IT.

Con. QUITMAN a e d m u n t o o Me r y bth.>- tkocMi to tot fran faw to tJ-aP.

/'lOrrAHE RT.e 40—FOU R PLE ABA F tg LAAUK V . room*; aJI moflarn iaipro*a«anto. tlv


Iba MTD of kwamjr-flva doUan aa m aauuzl noaaao fteon reu*lvLngte«iieornduto«: aad abaUaUaan- t«r Into bote to tba Mayor and Ooiamoa GnaacU of tha eliy ofFtwazlL wiik goud ate aatllatoai auroty. : 43r Mi teappnvte by lha Floatw* oommUtoa of ite > OdoinioiiCouactf, talhopOtelanfpofooathoaaaBd j dollarap oatelkiante for ikadM ohaarvaBoo of tba i pravlalona uf all aueb ordinaooM of tho oKy of >'owark a* may bo oofonad at aay Utao dnrlag tba I witJiiaafioaofauob ilcadw roapaottag tka eaadnek orbailiMM Aiit&orliad iterobr. No buttnaia akall ' btooteactad aadorauiborHy of aaid llMaatBOtll . •u^ corUfloata baa baaa aocoallr iNOOd aad dall*' i erte ate ibf llevoM Dw pako aad the bouB glvta aa tertia pravidad.

klNtad I- I aoiiflte ao I* do.! tectlooB Ji Iball bo Ite duty of tea Umiho ka>' apaoior and of polko oAoaft to aid to iko oaforo^ otolotikU afdinaiworate aay porooa. wteteao

: *oiaii|iaL agool or oorraaL gtoltr of *totadag aayor iko pravMluoa hMroof, ibaU forfrlt aad M/ a pabailj of dny duiUri foraaob and orory oflooea.

r itoeuoo ta 1 bo word 'poraoa,’* wbortvar It oa> oorain tbbiordliuteue. okall tooladopoftonA aad oorpocatlona .

, McUunU. AU ordltiaacao or parto of onUnanroa ooDfltetlof wlik teta ordlaaaoa ar« baraby ropaatode ■ ■*11 tela 0idlaab''R vbail lako eflbo4 btiutelauty.

Tte feroioiag urdioaaoa waa iBtrteoDOd in toonCNkuagU Friday-. Noraiatwra, ItoLraadoaoAaad WM duly oriarod lo a aacood ratelug.

W ILU A MBs (yuUNFORkCUy Clark.

DFKTOKtJF 1 HtC BOARD liF ff>TEBET AMD Wator uomtotoatoMia of tte city of Newark.

Nawark, N. J., Muv. IT. Utoi Roalol propoaaU wtii ba rootlvad at teW offlea al

4 a otockV. Ms of Friday, tbo tbirUatk day of ''A- vembar, llM, at tbo pobtlo moatlDg of Ika ilwrd ofNtraelaadWA

rocUua A Nald lletoooo. kla oBeore, affteto aadamployee. wklla oogogte to tte aoi uf poatiag, palntiagordtotribqiUng any pMlarA oardk ■iffDa, pempuratA dreularA adrorttoomoaio or boBom, ar wbltoduiaglapubltoaBy act or telag aoUorlaad

• ' ‘ ------1 ibaU ----- -

_______ ator v.'oBiDlMloaara to bateid at aateUna and plaoo. lor tte conatrucUoa of a aowaz Lu

LtriLKTON AVkFUH; from tbo praoant (ariBlntu, aaar Warraa otooM, fo RuketioeL

'1 bo fottowlfig h aboei iko amouat of tte work to bo dona ate tte raatorlaii to bo rdroMhad Lo tea coDairooitoft ate rcmptotloa of aaid work i

Four buodfod and HRy (MO) foal of teloefa. vIlrL


CrltaateoD ol* F iv * roonia, 31I par nttetfo Laraoe l i , l&—flva rooma, |14 par moaikw uraago iL, laa^foor roomi, |14 oor noock.

ia lJ«]UlrolM2 BBUADdt.

- > . ' w , , fled, tet'iiuod, itooowafa ao«o^ptpAhr lOe ptovuaoss of t o ortleeajs shoU wear a ..TubUBdredash flnvtTSejftslgfU-lsobtswtr badga wlib tee hdlowtof wurde ootutokneualy yg*pHutod teoroon, *‘ liooiieed nil poeur,' loAowed by , ,j|. jn jnsnkole (laetodtoiIteUroueee'aoanaa- Atelleh^l bo nnJawtet for bole)

oBoor. eg*oi or attoloye of oald Itooaaoa to ' -\r tea aoevo doKribod btege before flrol obtain- aoanifloata of aatkorlty from tee nty Clerk.

QpoB wriitoo applkatiltoa from tte eaUl llaei“ - " f ^ «

TX )Vn RDOIIR, tlto BROAD KT.; AIAO FOtTRMJ Toume 47 Jteei A loaoy iL laoulfc•Ou M K A '^ E lin f irB T .

Gr e e n b t .provetoebt iroai fll.


anyWM.IngABanifloataofaatterlty from tee nty apoBWriitoo appIkakUuQ from tte eaUl 11 ..For eaok oerithoau of autborlty ttero iteU paid to tte Clark oftheolty of Eawark tte luoi of two doiiari.

MooUea 4. From ate aHor tea paeeego of thla or* dloanoe no penoo who aball not have teau Itoonead ae korelo provided, or whoabali out bo aa uflleer, agoflior ompiufi of eoak ltoenMa,ahali go upon

/ I BURN RT„ l « - T O LET, Fl>UR N I0 « I .Y Niotna, third floor* to email fomlly; rent |10 par rouate. ______________________

Hld li bTs, NEAh CENTRAL AVC.-BBVBIT fouma aad balk ; ail UupruraiLoota i rout, IH.

to C J. BROWN. 7V7 Broad i i

H io n sT„ ses-t hooMb? b a t h i a l l improvcn4aU.

Ohuki.A.NUUENTCOMPANr.TtlBroadlL 1

Ja m e s bt.. ia-THHK>^. rooma ate attlo, wftk water

NlUR LtaHTRD 1 rent |a. I7u

I lBKitTY Ble, ai -A LARQJfi LIQIIT MUOMd, Jlel Boor, gae, waiar._____________________ t

V"INCULsN AVI., 114- f iv e LARHE* LIOHT J Jroomi, focate floor t bath* otc.; adalto pro*

Uuogpo*ton.or Mjgtavfd noUoaa or otear teTortlMUMale of any kind to ur among Uio podeetriam ur traveUen on auoh atroelR atoewalfek, allaya orpub* tio pMcoa. or lor any oAcoo, ttoro, plaoto of oiiti-

laa or rmldenobe In aaid city, for tte imijixmo of poattui or dtoMibuDitf poetera. Mraaiara, haad bllia mnipiaa primed or eagravod notluoa or otbor ■UrartlMmentoof any klod, or droelalo. paint or dieirlbutota «aldolty any poitan, alrcuiaia, kaad bilia pampkletA aamplN or otter pHntod or ea- grnved ■kiverUoaJxienli oratgai of any kind wbat- ■oovor.

s<«ilDn A Notblok herein aball be oooeirued to auteuriie any ponoa to loattoT ot throw upon the olraeta, aide^ke, aileyi or pnoilo plaoae lo Mid dty* pt^re. hand billi, edverttoemeula orpepera* ertoobetfuciihoauweto. aldewNlka. alley* or poiv


G lf« ns ih* ward end ise w ill iiuike gonr home lb* must altriullv* plaen en earth. Wt haveevervllilngloth; ulctun llae.sicIsestlB end linpcrted. Cerv Js ReuDv, ululun frame tntksn and art de^is, W OU au Brood SI.

New Cniniiii-velel Treaty W ith .Ini.en.tV’ snmXuTiiy. •Suv. 33.—It is iTubnlil*

that aintiug tbe carliMt couinuDli-aiiu;;. to tie sent to I'liiigr.** by the I'resTileiil, rrhen it asssnibles ill I'wTinbcr. will bo the csw eouimerdol tr«ttv with Jai«n. which Hrero- tarj Greehsin ujid Slinlsier Kuriiiu have buen ucgutiuting iu tbo |Huit low lauuiiis,

KIklus's Kltetlun Assured.WmiUJNii. W. V'*., Ngv. a t -A rsnvoss

to-ilav of tbo Ib'tnibiiesDS oloctod lu the logislature practically roinoves all doubt ol ibeelecllou ul Klklot to the Henati. It it nuw Is'liaviHl that the other candidates will wltbilraw, eiul that lUere will be no ooilost In lbs cauou-s. ______•

KOLKii YOU KNOW.—Mr. end Mrs. Tlioines Carter, of Chicagu,

who have hsen Ihc Kbests of .Mr. ami .Mrs. J.ihu A..NIchuls. of I'ulton stroet, lelt this week fur Ihe Kunlli, whsr* they will wiiiior.

—Henry I'. Ilowoil end family, wlm beve becaeummcrliig el Morrlstowu, seturusd lUle wetk lu Ibcir Itruoii si rest resldenc*.

—Mrs. Morlimur Hetuington, formerly Miss Mnlllken, bold hsr first rooeiitluu on Tursdty, and ebo Will bold one on Novemlwr 37 iu her old bumu, on CUulun sveDue.

—Miss Julie Steinsr wet nuirrieii to ^inuel liiHMor, buth of this oily, Tuesday. The cere­mony was soleinnlueil at Davls’e parlurs. Duly near relatives were present. The youn* cuuplo left imm*dl*v.iy afGr the weddini supper on a trip 10 WeehlDglon.

—IT. J. iCoetnor celebrated Id* eevonly-Olih Idrilidey siinlversMy Tueidey iilglit at hit home. KiK'IInton avenue. Among the guuete were Mayor and Mrs, Iwilikgiicfaor.__________

DEATHS.llAKKINh-OatM Inst, after e Ijngerlnglllaew

nl the home of her soicie-law. Z. T, Baker, No, et Wainuh street, Kiui ureugt, N. J., Kliimeiu tieakbw. wlduw uf WlUleiii H. llsalilai, ofI'SlledeliiltIa, Bsu In htf 7.'UI|ie*r.

BervIcseotStU A. M„ i-atuRU)( MUmeul la r jkllsHiljb li

Mlblnst Initn

V e s , a n d t r y i n g t o im p r o v e

a l l t l i e t im e . T h a t ’ s, w l i a t

m a k e s o u r S u i t s a u d O v e r ­

c o a t s f o r M e n f i t w i t h s o f i n e

a s t y l e a n d g i v e t h e w e a r e r

a l l t h e “ c l l l c ” o f a w e l l

d r e s s e d i i i a a .

T h a t ’ s w h a t p u t s g o o d l i n ­

i n g i n t o t h e m , c a r e f u l w o r k ­

m a n s h ip a n d w e a r i n g q u a l i ­

t i e s . $ i o , $ 1 2 , $ 1 5 ; y o u c a n ’ t

t e l l h o w m u c h s u c h s m a l l

s u m s w i l l b u y t i l l y o u s e e o u r

S u i t s a n d O v e r o o a t s f o r M e n .

[1 & Ball,807 to 813 B R O A D 8 1

N- IL-Onr »toT«a tell te opao ivery sight text wMk. Ok Thkkteglvikf till oooR otkly.

_____ ________ roxR >u:oVM UN-forulibte room ; f i l « tiAlghtef^ote» IMl l iir h r y ht.* 47ar

OllANUK HT.-FLAT tetb ; rant |ll


I ROuMa anj

t\ I. R BOW E, m B iW at.

OWLAM) Hie. a7-TO L y T A NILE .partiaant of a ruonii od U Boor. InqiiLra ot 3k I

«UUTU NINTH lir„ 3TI 5raeuu, with ttuproTamonl*.


Mi a t r wt., ai'-t Ri r»m. w i t h -vhb of boUi. ioIiAblt for Itgbl huufokooplsg. 4v

o’lURTRENTH AVts .M-SKVEH ROOMfl . m. ote p* oiry to loi I d mv* Louw 4 MooiHl floor t

all Impfovorafotk launir*171 ' JACOB JlOLLE. JR.* 4 tlhlpmoo Oi.


L K T -X FtoU wlUi Alt DAoJaro I iitpravAiMBK |IA Ills

IA, toaizwtlitbftffA

rr to LKTwVEHY o k b ir a b le mbcosd J. floor, Fourtotnlh WAnl.

UkU. LK VDRl, a*l Broad M.

UeptoaMafmldoliy.OferaatoaRy kutaano* tbara* la or pravaav the poaiiog ot noiloaa roquIroJ bylawtotepoatodkFpifao-*'*’------■ *--------------tteilaw to ba poa^ ttf paraon* dulF MikorUte to pkal

. aolioo A Nolklftf terain contalnad akall te ao •oBAiritod M to provaai aay paraoa raildiiig or lrau*ti«Uag bnalteM to tte Mid oUy of Ntwark from dlalrutauog ctrculartor teodhtliAAdvafUiing tbo bualiiOM In wbteh ■ach p«foo« ta dlrooUy an' gagtei or from d iaplaylng tigna or poataia npoo ika teildtog* ar pramlaoa occuplad te any McBPoraoo. ------------ - ------------

T i L i r - 7 r o o m h w i t h W a t e r . m * ...........m. r. Ck a NE, im araadat

W a l n u t b t .* aa- •toa UumaiRatily.Tau

FiitHT FLOOBl POHMEE-iaqalra91 WALNUT «r .

W a l n u t AT.. na -wTvi LKr.aLtitarRuDMs. Impfo'PamaoUi raai |ILUOULLi. 414 Broad M.g room A

DgUaHTY A 13m

•traato raada or hij tkla oiky, praviuat ikauara itetl art

W AJeEUTBT.. 1W-T‘) LET, I LIUHT RO lM-4. ImproTamaata; laat ^fii. ItOUtitlTT A

GOULD, >10 Broad K . room A Itm

W I'MltforflAVA, tOiv 7 rooma

OratD M.S »* uppar par^ 8 roomi. mw WM- T. FLUME, m Bnad at.

i i|TH ATEsgTi, KBLH m ffHXiJtiAvriUkOROkLANUUXNT o o m p a n y , TftSBroadat i

oraaiM'’ioptavBntite proprloiar af any )(oanaast thaatrt to laid otir of Nawark foooi dlaptoytng bill* or poitora. advartMiaa aay play or utoar •iRiort^iuaot In auck ttealra. or any bill l>oard owQad or Itaate by taok pfoprfr- ior, orioaatoFraraat any paiaoQ Mt angagaJ to tte bualB«*A of ad**rtlalBf from foUawiog hla avoeaOoa hi pftotor, angravar, atgn patntor or otharwUi. ate oQlblog taaralo ikalt apply to or affrot tha Hoot of any uawapapar, uarlodtaal, book oroihif paUioatlon, and ikf ^rculattok ahfl lala tharaof by MiaU or raguiar carriar or by Mwa> Tgtear, or tooaiirM of it ado. nr Hi tte produeiloo ryforintod or aagravad mattarby any printing « f tabUahmant* or ite dlapity of advarttaoaionM by aoytiraofcoar or braaitoa eompatiy lu Um aara of iuck ioiiiMny.

teaiooT. Aay pamn Ucattaad tertvadar may tract bUlboarteatKl fltiplay aigu to u r of ikt

roada nr highwayier kbv otktr plaoai la 1dad, boweror, that ao poiaon ao

____ __ aragt any biUboarda or putt anyhlUaor dUplay u r aigti oq orlnfrukl of any prooitaa* to aaid city wUbnit Ik* oonrant of tte ifwnar or oaotipant o fu li propariy fl rot ted and tibi^Mdi ADd wlihiHii Chi wntian eoaaaat of tte tistraat CominMloair tr ath*r offitwr ka*tnxtlkt puwai, duriag hla ptOBaura aad aoblaot alao 1# ra- muTAl Al the dlreoiloti of lha .bufly or board kavtog ooiiunl of Ite aufata of aaid oliy; but uotklng baralB Rtel t te ooMiniad to aathonaa aay obiirqo- Uiin of Ite atraata, aldvwAlJca, aflaya or pubito ptacaa wiUito tblaoHy.

hauOou A No paraoa akall goat, paint or dMrlt- uto any poatafi aard.iiik, pampklvtv drogtar* a^

-----------Ta in j public plMt to tola............... oMndlogor ad*«rUato| for

a*}* or to aay way raforrleg to any madloiiM or lanaady for tha piaraBtlom or oar* of any vanoraal dtwaaa. or u y lawd> vaigar, Immadatt, ImmofM or ladaotoi pAlawd* priktadg aagravafl, wriltaa ar Biciorlal advartlaliig aaaltor af aay klM wtiaiaO' avar: and u y paraoo to doing akall lo^ fo)i atad pay a ptaWiy t f ifry flottof* Ite n e t aad avary aifonoa) aod- It ahaH ba

JgMtloa BMfo

Twaffiraaalviiigbwina, wEE mid graolla baada and i^k

Biddaia will BlAta tteir petow In wrUlagaawalt aa to flguraa.

BUdtf* moat apadfF to tteir pnpoaala ikak . abould Ite abova work oa awaniad to toa«L tkay wlU Mad tbamMlvaa to flofu ate oomptaM ika aaoM wliblQ twauiy-fcor capaanouva «oralag*Iote-

Ika plAM aod apaoifloationa af tbt wotk tan te ' aiamUm al tka oittoa of tba Board of Htrati ate Wator CBnjmiialonari, No. IM Halaay wLtrnm. teto

• * ‘ .......... ' writ-

raapoiulr____________ , ___ ■ bind

ihaui^MUiaL If tbaonotracite awatead to iba paraoa or pafoona Boaklng (ba prop awl ttey will* upon Ita Iwing ao awacdad. baooruakia ot tkalf auiaUai for tba foitbfol ptrfonnancaof aaid work I ate Itet IfihapartOD or paraaa* oiuK or rafriaa la aaaoul* annb conlraoi. may will pay to tte eliy of Nawarir aoy dlflhrauca belwaao tae rama to wbleb ha or ttey wiKild teva b*«a aatltlad upon ooniptaUod of tha oootrad, ate that wtiioh Iba dty of Nawark mMy hanblltteM pay tba pviaon or paraoaa by whom auob oonuut BhiJi baaaocutod.

Tba Board of Htnat and Wator Commlailoura of tha dty of Nawark raaarva to thwmtevai tba rl|bt to acB*pt or raitel any or all propo«U for tte aOura work,aa ihay may daam haoi for ite totoraai af (be dty.

Bidder* and euretlea ara baraby noilfled ntearthaprorlelDnaoMba aavemn aoMlanof Iba law rrtaUng lUa Haate of Hiroel aad Wator Coiit- Bilaeloiiar*, apprtrrd March 28, U91, tteC lha biMid or banda to be given for Iba folthfol •la 'uUoa ate |M>rformaneaor lald pnblla work, ahall Aral be apv proved aa toaufoclaDcy by tha buard, and aa lo rorm, by tbai'uunael or iba hoard, and uo oauiraet aball ba ■ blodJog on Iba c(ly. or baoom* *A lertiT* or operaUva until Mrb boud K ao appravod; and lb* FraiJdaiit of the Board BfaHllh'VapuwarwexAialn* iba propoaad bonda-

under oath, If ba iball to deMra. or aball ba aolaitractad by tbaboarosbet tbe board will no|

' ind byanyatotomaot that mr~ ‘ --^s a^Mii'b prnt>nafd botetman, but ahall and Bheoluta diacraUoB ll

br bound by any atotomaot that may ba ua<la by" — --------- n, butahailhA ‘ "

La Uia wliola iforrte lo la any adv«rtlao

n ic e b u o m a t o L}>rr. iNgUlRE164 FLAItl ETe

UOONR. FLATHe BTC*. W A N T B P .-'— - -W-. -V-- iOsrft.-.-.. ^ jsFl a t w a e t e i>. w it h 4 r w m a a n r

balb, lb raapeciabla neighborhood, by I idviito- Addreai, aiaUngprice, a ., iioz o, Nawgolflca. 1

Ofurtflahed parlor, bteroonQ ate private bath, aa •alto. In mteera bouta. witrt fliet-olam toblR la ra- flnad private family : locallon In nortkara part of oliyi old Vigbib Ward i boanUag’lioiiaM plaaae da nnlmtawaf; baat Af refbiNKM azpaotod and fl| ntahad; will pay wdll for ihe abova Addreai •41t F. (L H,. Boa ff, Naw-ilBae.


AMERICAKnOUiK. . ..........................fhrnlahad for Jtobi boueakiopliif anh gantlAB a il; ImpruveaianU. MT

ACAUEMV at .. R-rUBNtAlfElk HOOME light buuMkatpiagi laaUamebi waiar. I

WaANE HT.e 1t-wLABOS FRONT ANUllACB I >room, iiloeiy frirolabed \ ona mlauifa vtek to Drate ate Market ato: rafmaoa. x

Ba n k at., N-rUANlBHBU MOplU light boteHueplBg u d fgtek U m f :

....... lAra foil p jwar_ _ _________ Uia wliola maUar, and

ibie provtilOD eball ba raforrte lo to any adv« maot iarltlng wda for any auab publle work.

Rydlraottnaoflba Board of mraet ahd Wator CoQuuteiODei* of tte dty af Kawark.

J.ftHnWELL VUKDT,8!> qraeml Wupariptaodtet of Watte

CAVDIN HTRKrr SBWEB-AfolBteMMTfor banoflta.

Notloa la hereby flveb (baa aa aMMamaat gpok all tbe uwnto* of all (he UaA* and raal eelata pmitariy baMfltod by tka ookatruotloa of tha

C*MH»N ■TBBPtT,from Warren atraat to Baakatraale aeoordlrw totba proviaiona of ao ordlbatioa of tha ally of Nawarie, •aUUed "An ordlnanaa to provide for Uia 0 jOitniO'

i i W i * «T R *rr ,flroo Warrw atraat to Buk otreot,'* approvte

! March M, tiH Uaibeat){i

' Monera, apiark. and in------- — -------wiu an aoeompanylDg map mil aelieilula fbowing the aovtfaf awairoaola agaliial Uia raveral ownefu

' pacullar benefltad aa afomatd, bae bean dapoeUte ’ In tha «nro of the (.Ity Llerk of ike Ely of Newark I forekatnliuiUon by iba partiM IniafNUad thevalti, j laM awaaemanl oompneea all folk traoto aad por- oalaoftoudaod raal eauie liable to m aamaad Ml afbitiold. lying oa both aldaa or *CAMhEN NrHBBt, froni Warren atoeat to Bank atioai.

eat) prapored by tb* andaralrtwd Uotamto appoloM by iht Mayor of (be oity of Nona Itttata ropnri, by 0 cerUAoato tfl wruiog.

A**lot"r*preeentaaiieaUr»plol ofbiod, wbotk* trlacgaa----- "

thedtiiy of any itoatiaea, undaar thla enlloaciOAnpoB I “

____ . ................... . ’logilkaito removA and dMAmy all advaecWiif

_____ a or email.All panone Intoreatad tn lald agaa

teaid before aaid CommioMooeii w F llU A Y ----- ---------------

LBgnt ia*r b*


any iK ,__ageuu ote AarvanlA opon noUoa from tter traei i^mmtoitoaar or ofltoar havlokia

• t lF

r liba power!,: mattor ,oblbttte '

, -F M ........ .toor) OtW Hall.

lM*d E<


at ih* CommlaaleoAiF fifotoi Vo. 4 lUilrd

poa(td or dlaplayed by blto and htroby problbttod rreru (teatreataand fmblMplaaeBofthakaiy.iriUilB all houra from tka U«a of aanrlea o f ■uos potloa,^ upou fallpre to ae ramovAaad dditroy mwB t e vatiMte UAttar wtibio aaid tlite tte »m 9»« lo foiUng wiali ba aotflact to a flna oTflfty doUan ate lha (JoBBao Courwli may alee revoke tka aaid Ueanaaellbar for poaUog aneb prohlbliad raaitar(I# ttolera to ftaoTa tte a»na wten ootUlAdao > ' ASfi.

»*T* bsso^sVivtrtd to me iM ^ ^ iJ la w .spHtor sud of piDtot offlotre to *U In ID* sn lim utesssunu nmuulst all to* lota ivoou aiul os^Mla DrtRior Ibis ontlUDoe, osd aavgersBO. aDstoet

foTtaljer IT, issi. r. u m w D ,JOnS DVVYlClt,w. w, nDLUVaiv,

(M tiomiulstloaare■ ^ o H p g -ifu T lt i: otV ».M-' TO1 * ou porllM IsttnttoS tboi to* osrilltoast oles- ststtnsDt of to* eiioi* smonai ofikeootitaad *a- gtosts ol ooDtinieilu.tswtn in

8 o tn u j t t a v i .v T U s t b b b t

snnt or ssnani, (*n>r of vloUllai aor artos'prvvMansbenoleSall lorMsatejwv a pen- oliv of^ftv dollars nir swti and even siniHa

tecilbDlo. 'Ih, wold "Btsepo*' ♦Sowvss ll**- Obit in Ibis ordmanoe tkou iMludt goteona flrins and corporsUooa .

rsotloD 11-All ordlnobcet obd pens of ordl- BOiiStoWBlIliiHBg'riiatttU sre iw os Ol* lepsaled, aod ilitt ordtoosM sholt tog* elhot la- nsdloulv. .

i*SHd Jgovrinber la ISSil o m t a B L v ,FiHIdsbi *r Oeninou Ooeeell.

WM. a CglXGlllDB,Qty eSHk.AOBrovad KovuUhv ft. 1>U> ____nvrw— J 4 G u u i»c * a a ^ .


Sr*B ^

____ msnts robitulet all to* lota troeli and wssis Iirf loud oad teal MtouIvliifenTlw west lid* or 1 aODl'K KLSVlCSTIIaTHKrr, 1 i fVoni aprlngfleld aveiu* to s goint Mi I m i T laoMeJ •onto oftbs toaiti

00 tot sett side olSOUTH BIMVBHTH BTIlBBT, front agtlitgflfld avosu to t goint m hot IS I •oblli ul ths Santa

On Uw wsst sUs *rSOUTH TW*I,rrK STBBBT,(lein Birloiisld atmet to i ootni 110 ftel I l i •ObUi ofUin taaa '

uk 111* etsi stde bl __SOVTIf TWKI.rTH KTRICBT, froiB kpriiseasM atekes to k polkt M tiet * ii tkntliorihs tkma

ikkewMos tr IkMi oni ■eeltMnw i•slUesvWMMof MkstoSMktsto I ■■ ----


Page 11: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

NCWABK EVENING NEWS, TRURSDAT. NOVEMBER 22. 1894^■ ihw lM 4A«*B i> ( I f •A n tlW i.a u t M t

n iw . N n ta i Ihaa* iH » * * * '*

H IW Y O E K -E r.a lR , n ,w ( S ru eh O E M . tS WarM BHlIdtai, ■■ E. E. U u lH w a . M w la l n p r.w iiw tl'a '

«K E N «lB ^K . t a la , K#WR Pi'aaaE KEw>

Eapasar. I«lll4a l*r t4 * lla la B L . M f lw r , IE 0 » n


K .t '.llR ,a a % m «U a ,A A n . Hu* ttaa.

■ K « ABB~F. N, A aa n ir , TEI B m A M. Il•l■ll■■pr'• l ira , IMarai aanaa a iB n a A

aaA .Harlial «ta.Oh Am '.I BralAara, « 'iT a r a a « AA E .ftlaaAlar« U a » i aaE EA f.B .O aaaaa. HE K m *4.W alu r :4. T a a rk n a . I EE KaaaTlUa A n W .H . BiAu , aaa W aaK laana •!M n a a W.Maiaa. IW Th IrE A *a H a m n a , BawaAaalaa, BaaaalUa A m

Eiatlaa.F A E T O B lilU B -

W . B . Ellaa, E4E Bala EA. a a i Brialir^irnll PI(mll«Ba

Wa a . r\mmi9ft Emt O r u »l a m

■ • W r l •rm m w ikw,V A R R U a W -

r .J . R M A u m , f im m r f im m 4t » a ia * «»fr tK< -

MIcttBAi AFFeiV l I R lV -

B^wmr€ R. K«Ur>■ •n T C L A IR ’^

H «H . r iM * C«E» H «w tda*Un. *R Z < | ]| «T «a -

« a Ra R Ia u .WAmtlWIFIO-E

0Y«4l«rE fl*w«4n1«vk

Aa h tw « OMtl«r, DW| 1*R. R . fItaitMt

N O R R IhTOWIV^W. la^li, Revr^^Ml^r.

F R O M O V E R T H E O R A N G E S ,

B *w IRa Ffmit I « U»th«ra<l by Improvad Artiflo lal Mflaiub

:F ro m AB BxcfaAnsE.Many oontriTansn luTa bmn dETlMd

for fBojllUtlDE End ohM pscln i tba work Erp l«k in j( EppiE*. but BODE biE oom« into onlveraol i»a> A n ItnprovEd nppln eatoher l i n o v the (u b jio t o f an applica­tion for a patent T b o apparatus l i made ia tw o part* ~ef eanvaa e r m m j o th er atronv, durable fabrio. luioh aa aajlolotb. T h e lower, or main oanraa, la fo rtr feet aoroaa, In the form o fa n Itumenae aaooer, the centre about th e tree coming down to the gronod.

A b o ve thin la tha hpod, abont tsta lvo fee t louare, and h leheat to th e cen tre. W b e n tb u t i adjaated about th e tree , th e hrancbet are ahaken, and the applaa find th e ir w ay down to the ground in a p ile a t the b m o f the tree. It la e la lm e d th a t fm it » n tbu i be go lh cred fn on e-h a if tbe tim e atid at on e-b a lf th e expeoee o f hand p lck iiB , and w ith a m arked Im proTem en t In o o ld itlon . T b e “ app le c a tc h e r” i i t p e c d ly len deeab lo w hen gathering fru it A o m ^ i l y treea, I t m ay be uaed fo r a iaok E oveang when n ot requ ired fo r fyn ltga th -

I t la a lio made In im a lla r riaea fo r dng paEtt, p luna, auta, a lo.

What the la e to n r Ball.[ tha LaaierlU* Courier feurnat. h - “ What did tbe ieetu n r la y when you

Iw tiwaa oabbageeat h lm f”' ••< »> , KEbatt be b id hoped the ead-

' ,he ]d M «U .h E f h eroa liy b s d a t Ltlre^/ ^ t b Ihetr


B B A L B T A T B T B A im m A .

Tbe real eaUte traaifen recoidad la tbe Raclilar'i offloe Wtdneeday and leporUd br tbe rtdalUy Till* aad Depoall teaipauy were:

aawaaa.Ebearaer Wood and at to Samsel ] ,

K o ta ,a i I’ ton a arU n fr Wright a h ., ^aaeo ...................................... .......... ll.BO

Metlblee M. Uudd and al to Joaeph lleanaway, ondlr H ol tract oonlg2^1 ........ .......... ........................... R

H«rmftn L«ihlb«cb (8b«rtff> lo th« K. Y.L ift Itu, C\i.,ii0r4Ug«tt R w fr SU «fw___ _rteifistefaxitn............................... v-*

Wtn. U bd AHen el u& Lu Kruk R AlUb «Ar. w I m b »t bbd ■ • MtfftlbiidTStiHO..................................................

Ubr¥ Held lb John Rob«rt»oo. • • Mb- Wbbrter »t 0D b # fr £lm Bt, 3U A ..... *

Jobbl). UueriD »Bd bl b in Ut Kbrir C'ompion.ef CbftptlttdM • fr L4iUirftV, ....................................................... ^

Ellibbeih M. UoloMt lo JbOob J. RolBitJi. w • Holwbt Bt IR b fr Spring*OBJdbr.niKU...................... .............

TOWVBHinbBbnh U. t>»TU tb Edw. C. iKidd bad «!,

•xrt., Klooitifleld. & b B RloomAbld ft? w cor Glen HfdgeQR M Ou, R x lR .. .. KD

WnlMiu V. JoneB nud » l lo Jeiinlb UHMUom.CilbioD. j ib i LbU pi AUU frItbwihorbABv, ^U t> ............... vv ’ *”

BuUurbub Rone Auocutlob of Bioni* btnlr to ClinrleB 8. Aleoit, M^tcLnlrg lielleeuBBT 4Rfr Ptrlt bI. B9xSA....y

Cb*rlM R AlcuU « t ux tb HJchtrn J. ilutfbbB, MontblBir. BBUftTOiB «T iR frPbtK It. HixflSi................ .............

Rirhaurd J. liuicbeBto CbBrlee 8. Ulbott,Jdo icl&ir, LorriRnoftr tfBe frR v k Bt,laajtou.,.,.,.......................................*

NlcholM Weber et n i to Ad»m Hnglb •t bx, CJioiou. n B Hlcb Bt 496 n w frOfAbfe AT, S i 131.......... ....... .4#44

The Weet Eod Jaud Improrement Co. to blnbliUDB Sierieye. VidUburgb, n t MomiMHiili pi KO fr fr ArllbgUiit ot,m iiiB ............................................ . wo

K llu lw lh M. Price e i l to Barah W ,

The OMeit Fclleemea'a AnelTenaiT—A Tb laf a Ehow Wladow—A

Bateb o f iM la l N ava

“ Pata " Dach, tbe oM nt polloetiiae both la point of tarrioa and yn ra of tha Orange

I poliee foroa, oeUbraled bii lixty-aecond 'birthday yeaterday, and In honor o f tha event gave a roaat pig dinner to twenty of hla trienda. OlHcrr Dech w u the fln t police

I ofBcer in Orange, liavlng bun appointed in 18RU. lie la over aii fact ta il

Early tbii moramg a thief brokt a large pane of giaae in Jacob ateln’s ahow window, on Centre itreet, Orange, and atole alx pain o f thou and four palraof panta, all vdued at t i l . Hteiu repiirte.l ble loaa U) the police.

Hiltalds Council No, tSTO, R o jJ Ar- eanum, o f Orange, w i l l^ v e a muaicel aid racoptljon In Maeoatc leojpla, Oranga, to- BifhA

Tbe fln t l«:Uira iu the alar eouna under the auapicea of tbo Y . M. C. A . of Onnga will be given by Robert Colyer in Aaaocia- tlou HaU, O nnga to-nlghL Tbe aubject will lie •• C lu r iir tA ”

Uround waa broken yeaterday afteraoon tor tbe propceed new addition to the Church o f Our fjidy of tbo Valley at ( Irango Valley.

I No plana or apeclRcaUima' have yet tieen pre- ' pared for tha new building. Iter, la ther Callao, m pdftor, bad nut couteniplated tha beginning M the cellar until early in the spring, tut owing to the bard tfmea and with a view to aaving a ronatilenble sum on tbe excavation, it w u decided to have Pis cellar dug now, to be reaily for tbe founda' tion to be built in tbe apiiug.

Jin. L. Maoaback, of ITH Willlani stnrt, Oraugi!, nturned Tueedav from Pine Bluff, Ark., When she had been vlaltiag her brother.

A vtry delightful euchro party w u given yeaterday afternoon by H n . (lantnar C^lby, o f Harrison street, East Orange, iu honor of Mias Oenrgin Hurt Tba first prlae, a hand­some cnt glaaa powder box, w u won by H n. jdantou B. kUtcaif, and the aecond prist, a ■liver packet dudloaery, w u won by Hrs. Richard H.' Coigate,

Tbe Royal Banquet Club of Oranga bald its drat annual recepUou u the Armory on William atr at, Orange, lu t u M t. Tba otnb la compoied of a number of colored men of the Urangea. About mu hundred cuupla were prewet and dancing w u enjoyed.

The clerks in the hardware store ^ Joseph E. Booth, Eut OrangA beard a strange noiw In the hallway laadmg to the rooou over the ■tore last nighA An Laveatlgatioa w u made auo Fklltp aicCOBty, a Newark latbar, w u fobnd lying in tbe stairway. When tba rterka b ’iea to eject him be drew a lath hatobat and thr»taasd to carve bn way through tliMU. Ofllotr McCabe w u called and alTected HeConty. On the way to tha police station tba prlaonar made an t fo r t to atcape, but he w u w M y landed In a cell and will have a Iwaring this afternoon.

Rev. Dr. Henry Baker, putor of B t Faul'a Church, Newuk, will preach In the Park Avtnue Uetbodlst Chapel, East Orange, Bunday aflemcon.

There will be a Thankagirliw tervioe o f song in tbe Hnun Avenue rreabyterlan Church, E u t OrengA Bunday next.

Hiss Nellie Rowa youniieat daughter of Alfred Howe, of H8 Main iln eA u a t Ofv ange, WH married lu t night at the rendance of Ttav. Cbarlas HaU Evereit, pastor of tha Grove Btreet Congragatlonal Church, East Orenge, to Frank A . Fox. A fter the oere- mouy Mr. and Hra. Fox left on a wadding trto to Philadelphia.

The ladiaa’ Aid Bodety of Hie Park Ave- BOe Methodiit Chapel, E u t OrangA wUl hold s sociable to-night at tbe reeUenoe of Hra. (jeorca.R. Row a coruer o f Arliagton End Park avenusA E u t Onuage-

UrA Ftonnoe Howa Hall will give a par­lor talk on lbs “ Advantages and Diaad- vantagaa of Woman B u ltru e" to-morrow BXirBing at the realdenca o f firs. Charles B. Tandtsy, Walnut and William atreetA E u t Oranga Hn. Yardley la a prominent uwm- ber of BoroalA New York, and of the Womaa'a Club o f Orange.

Dr. Talbot R. CbamberA for ulna yaara Township Pfaytielan and Mealth Officer o f .B u t OrangA Is about Lo ramove to Jerwy City.. Dr. Cbambara was for nlaevoartA 'Bohool Trnatee of E u t Oraagt, first from tba lEutern School District and afterward from iDiatrlct No. 4A and In addition to bis pro- fatalonal duties be b u bad charge o f tbe tnatoMnt at eye and ear diaeaaea at the Memorial Hospital diipenaary.

Eugene V, llageA ol Orangs atretl, Beat OraugA has goha to Cabs for E abort visit.. Mr. and Uru Hsnry Bmith have removed from Morrislowii to I&at Orange.

W. H. BallantiaA of Main strett, East OraugA b u baen visiting hia sister, H i*. Anna Wright, o f Bsroardavllla.

Hiss Bbotweil will entertain the Cfalt-Obat Znehra Club at bar hociA Park avenue and Grave street, East OraugA to.ojght,

Tba Rapttbllcan Club o f East Orange b u lanad Invitations tor a raesmtion to Con- 'grawmaa-alsct Parker to be held at tba olub- rooms to-ulght

The Park Avenue Chautauqua Cirale w u entertalnad laat night by Gaorga R, H owa o f Arlington avenue and Park avenuA B u t OraagA

The snbjiots o t Rev. Dr. George 8. Blihop In the F ln t Reformed Churoh, East Or- an iA next Buaday, will bA in tbe morainK -‘ Businsm PrluciptM and tbe Atouemeutr in the eveiUBg, “ John FolnUng to tbs Lamb o f God." wrvioa tonight nt 8 o'elook;

Ntbemiah's Honnllght Junraey.’’I Tba young peopluot tlie First Reformed Cbnpch ot Eatt Orange will inne a souvenir full of Interustlng items on Tbanluglving. It w ill ooutaia an article from Uw pen ot Rev. Dr. G io ^ J l Biahnp, end quotations by the : Rev, J, K Ulller, Rev. J. m rg Eeenwisn, ibe Ufa t^llhn Brooks and otbere will ndorn IlIsjMim. Henry Bacon Allen will vrrlte on (“ Eifuberant L lrsA"nad tben will be npoem by Jnmea K . Martin entitlsd “ Experienne."

A FF LE -P IC K IN U M A C aiN K B T .

_______ H E LP W A im cn ~M A i.K a .

WOTICE—Trautens advnrilslBg in tbe WKWfl sau t Invnrtnbly be petd lev In nd- vanen.

Fn aeennnsa w ill be epened Esr anelh.Na advartlsamaBt w ill be vcMlved over

Ibe talaphona aaeapt thee* teal by nnlluw- liad aganta.


k fwelfl-KllVA.Vr BUPFI.IRn xT ellORT .V x asoues, Wsaianrs wort arlUissi obsrss t*


-a .-A .-A .~A .-A ..-

Auoon «i-i>i'BruNiTY I* uxlsuFacifii.Ins bailnsss Ah a you as aun, M vtait. bavins

sm&e esyansoiw as SMaoerupber ajid lypswrii*! ; M i.liiy nui SII much iwiulrsU ss wimnaass' •» d* Jbc*kl f wtirk Bbuot iilMcv tad wftrrtnuiB. Ad*drN«, «IUi rvlWraoiTB «nd war«t«ip»clBd,

MGYa LUAK, Buz P, NfWi a O m .

AH M m m wuKKtsV, pi.av YJtA«i-y •BpBrlriu^ iknnToMMrr : boninMi mi

#arth : OTtrwiulmkac : our tuouwild; now voodw, MW iiiM; |1 mmplofort OBAIB poouMfo; ibu(ok fortuiM fur wArkTra.

__Fls.\Tr P*wx rtiiiX>.. A. U.4 uomdtn, N. J*

A tiUSm WASTKD Tn JUNlir.Kbuimirt: eolr moo* whu ou • imnood mum

eopliol oad wbo or* bullion itood tpplr.'■'T____________KV it. DAY a i M o fto lil

.nKMUt-KAKK (’ lrA^OK FOR QOOI> k i««B ti; unill ckpooU lotiolrod._______ arLtN IOJl RT., rooant

A t O K fK -t.W jL W a HKH r *7 f Rtc M A D ! by rotiTOMon : auiii b« obio to t{Mk Oornana ;

riotblnf OD crodltSr I*. nlKItMBKAu A (» . , sto UorkotM.

A K inry inmc'OMiNy. s k c c k kdb^torrttaij ooU 40 iwr coni, tiruflt br oddfOMlng l>Hi«|>K-irY. a -NowtoiTko. «0v

----------- irliUioai obinciTM oav ■■Mr*l!v boTo fbrplWTt.LITK k.ypLOYUR!4TOFFU)K„ 740 hroo<1 H.44*

Vnu.N'tl M b Y ijKilHin roplog of inlllnf ; rofbrrnroo.

E W («r»y lAs Si«ork.fMWtK KMt» WIU.K Uk-URAK iilHL V withri khuolutikMi i-uok or ot ■m 'rol booM work. lk lU tr '> tv jlX A X U xr.,Oroogo llT

T>iHiir.K*cKj'Ktt 1 rpoillloa ot bouk-iiropli

|17M6» TO l o a n OK AKD UORTQAOI.IN ttU U lTO fll’ rT; NO ROKOx

PHILIP Lowy,Cbitod Hiotot UNd!l djritoni BoUdlof,

7lb WooblAfWxi Md M o ^ i itA

A:^ flroUiOM oDok oad louodrvt*. IT* P1.ANV8T. l

nRWMIlfAKk'H, iX a l l I.4TFHT OTVl.W, dotlroi rbcacemiiiii; moklibf ond rotnodoHInf ;

I I por d«>'. AdiliOMl Jf’ANitlOTt, J&UI O, NlwtnfPi'O,

F’ XT'KRtKVrKh a KKH WuULDAik* oofAivanont* bf tko dor.


T fk )r»FwunK tx>u>R» r» u ih i . w to iiM A 1 tltuotlgn rvurrol hntuwwofk ; cihmI ptolo cook. WMbor u d lrua«r. lo ll R»r twu tloy*

« WOnJHiTs

n orflJtwiii'K vu rx ii u im . w a k t a bit*

^dof•□rml liuuHoortt^ li^ tu N X H r,

LuoUua todobitUMWurk. Addnloj PKBUV RT.

IlkiiPOKRJ B L « PA RTTIB IK KlRTl Or HOKRT('AO QbuUo th* AtUio olVroor tH« KoworkMortfAto fiOM Oz' WonJlIoAdroaAorMi^^'tk- poo wtik ot Ibo lo««rt puiUMo W oa in ih* qulok- r«t poaoiM# UoM M l Ibr our loofth of U>io* to 1 1 you. Y'oocMpApli book ik «uco luitAiuttoti *t yoowtib, w iM yoo viMi oot otty t%f t-tt o> lonf M poa koop Ik Yo« coo borrow on bottlv* boM fUrnltorOb plMo% bofiot, wofuoi, ■■orrlzfOi i ' otktr poriMAl proptn/ withoiit romTjj fr>o fM row i pMMMloo. Utttt irlrtiT roti u*t *'bulk Uood iko Btooo/e Uor ottcM or* ii’OitMoiM'- ylorot«d,Mt<li pontM oM b* oroitol oo coonooMlf o»d cooldofltUllr. Homombor tkot yoti r*o pAf oU ot 0A7 port of ibo loo* Ht o*jr uruA ind tkAi OTorr doUor poll looitai u*« OiMt m o*rrr log Iko ioAO. NRWARK UORTOa UB LOAX LtJs, ItUUorkatK,. oteoAi :l)tr

HnrbitwiiHK WANTun. A Al ri AnoK TO do f •orntl liiMkOBO oro, 14 • tt KN s H r. llo

A YitUXd MAN WANTEO A l CLOTIUKO-a\kOllOBtAILMb L, bTJCBKIllRa a NOs MO llorkOl It■ ** A

uava. -iV-

BI ’Arkor, (.llotons uadit iroctooittd 0 0 • fe Moz ood M tpk rd; 11Iroc tcu D tgM iA ....* .................. I '

H subiM J. V rtco«tQ i toXIlsAbotb H,Pric*. uudlT W port MU)*............. . ^

EliiAiMth M, It Ioci oils, io SmdiwI FaFowler Atid lie aodiT)4 port M nw ivve ^

Kliubotb M. Fr)oo,ezz.s lo MaUIi Im J,PrtOO, UDtUV po^t M itt*..............* .*4 I

Ellon I/ougbirty to Hopbl* Book, £ * it Orocige, n w oor l^ork i t Aad Uougbort/Bt, OhiUii..... ........... .........................

P*ter Hook * i « i to JUki) DoMb*rtr.Ka i i Orooin, • • Uikwood pi 2S • tPHprlngdol** 4 ftUlTO...........a

, VAX AR r*KPUl4, (!AbK UF HOttfllR LonddrlT«b ecK U A K lT . 1

a r b ir WA?rrrt>, a qcx>d b a r k k r i Younrtooo. IMPKKRYHr. Hr

OY w a n t b e Ta t U.NCIC._t________________Applp 44>(XtFTOW AVP.

HRAM f in is h KK W4XTtIV-OKB WUO UBdoreUkoda iurrtini knd eiBI work. AddroM

1 KKAI4N PfKjKJt- IloK b, NowtofllM

N TfU-k Vnl'.Nii h ih L WmU U i MKFfilT* UACton Al iturM Itrlor upoutir* work. OaHof

AddrMtM) PK iitV DL 1

1 > RHl^XrTA lUsk w o m a n WANIX ANY AkklDdordAy'i witrk.

i: lIliKRrKKR BT ibird ftfior.

IIO AltlU NO .

>-A.—It r n n n HT.-HirRLY fU R - oBlibMl roomfl, with faoord : b«o(, gm, bAtt). 77T

-I.AHlJK W a RH rttUHT HOOHe WITH LoboArd, 414 H ltm BT 7«t

ANK AT., «) t.XCKLLRNT HOARD AND 'pltoNUt Fooioi; (itrioAi eooktiii. MrB

Moplowood OloAPlov*-A inrprl** pArtjr w u Ubdorod to Un>

ClATADce liopklbA nt hor r^dM to*, 1ft Tokaq rood. Toeedoy d1«UL The AttAlr w u orruged h j MIm Etum* Hopkloe oQd Mlw AtklnMa. ftiul About fort; ooQple* wore preBefit. The ereolng w u ploMAbU; poA*e<t with rocol Abd ioetruQieutA] mu»le And dAndog.

The Epworth Lugue of tU* Sdftplewood M«thodtil KplMy>pAl Churobheldo bulo meeting lut Dlght. A rot* of ituukk* wu teadered the choir of the Flnt CbriiUftft C'buroh of Irrlogtoo for the pleulng eDi«r> LAiament glveo bjr It uodor the Auplooe of the loAgue A few weeka Agu. After rouilbt bu*i- aewi b*d been trahoAOted th* member* were *otertAlB*d b; * pienu loto Aod rweiUktloo b; Ml** Etbel Hopkins.

Mrts Thompeob. of Beker etroets bu* returned from a t UiH to New H *r«o, Oobd., AcouiiipADlcd bf her tliters tClu CbArlotte H ^d e r.

The delAf lo the bofldlng of the n*w eburoh of Hi . Oeorgui * EpboupAl tbe tallur* of th* tnutee* to borrow moft*;* owing to proyiiloDi of the deed* bu been remedird u far u mone; metter* are eon* ceraeds but u the btilldlnu It to be of itone It k thoftght AdrlMlilfl to alaconttiin* fortber coutriictJoft QQtU iprlof,

J E R S E Y J O T T I N G S .

John O. Wooley, of Ohio, spek* to an Im- meoM audience last night at Hoara*! Optra House. Bridgeton, on “ Good Citlxaiishlp.“ There were at Isut LWC'hriatlan Eadeaveten prsaent.

Tha trial ot Jsssa C. Hansae, tbe Hoboken peosloB agent, eccnaed of acoaptlng Illegal lees, bu been poetpousd until Jannary, sad It is likely he nlll have to spend the Interral In jail. He is over esventy ysars of age.

It wu auDonneed la PrlacatoD yesterday by a joint ciuamitisa nf tba Ciloaopblo and Amsr- loen Whig Literary socletlea. that a dsbatl^ oontesl had bun arraaged between Prlamon and Harvud oollegu, to take place liuoh 1 In Princeton.

Alfred Timken, ton ot the late Herman L. Timken, one of Hoboken'a reform Uayori, tried to kill blmsedf al bln home In Hndaon atrest, on Tuesday night by euttlag hla tbroat. Tbe wonnd la not fauL Yonag Tim­ken la believed to bs tanporarUy Idsum from cigaretl* sDoklng.

John P, Uollaid aod Cbvlatlan Sohwarta pleadad guilty in th* Federal Ooovt at Tnn- tou yesterday ot operating aa UUolt dliGUery near Patenon. HoUard was lined fllin and MDtenud to six months’ Impneonment aad Bobwarts wu flnad WD and eentenued to on* month's Imprisonnuini.

Bamabody sblppvd to Waablhgton Wsatbsr- by, of VinelaDd, a bottia of liquid labelM “ Hair OU," and oOersd him th* agency for th* preparation. Th* label oontalnad dlrso- tloDs lo ponr tb* Uqoid upoa tbe bead and ** note tba effect.” WeaCtairby foUowsd dlrso- tlons, and now he U doctoring a b^ty borned scalp. Ha hu laaroad that tbe bottle contained muriatic aold.

Mre. Cherlee C. WetberUI, of Riverton, shot bsrselt through tbs bsut in her room just after dinner tut night Hr. Weibsrill wu In the library with a book when ha hurd th* pistol, followed by a huvy falL H* ran up­stair* and found Hr*. W*th*rill lying on th* floor dvud. Tb* op«n drew of a desk seemed to indicate that eh* had taken th* weapon out Btaa had bten anfferiog from eoma aerv- oua trouble All her friends drolan tbe oonld not bay* eontsmplatad sale Ids a ^ that the ahootlng most hay* bun aocldental.

Henry H. Palmer, of New Brunawlok, who two yean igo wu declared insane after a un- aatlonal trial and plaood under tha can of a guardian, wu yesterday Ukeo to th* insane uylnm al Trenton. Hie guardian, J. Bayard Klrkpatrlok, wu foreed to this eiep by hie in­ability to kup Palmar In restraint, desplu th* most watchful oare. After many attempt* Palmer wu yestetday induced to enUr a ctceed carriage, and at once Dateotlru Gllyer and Reed sprang In attar him and tb* coachman drove olT for Trenton, Palmer I* over seventy yurs old and Is worth IliAUHL

Bu t o h r k — wa^sTM i, * riB H re-Leaah*nsh hclehar; one ibat undsmtuda hla hesl-

nsn; umaigivs bntclasi rvfrnaos or noaailc* laSso, * ddiwmBv FU Tu rriCIC BMX 741, Plalndsld, W. J.

BDTCltKR Wa-STSD WITH AB VT Sy» TO surt In bn.lnam; I bars dsiorsa and bona

and wagou. AOtlrasa1 UUTCHKn, Itox B, basis offlea

b :Al*.


OAKDTNH-NO, 130 Uki'llAIlD IIT.:TAIIL« Mlghboriiool kniHclAi*, l*rmi DU>d«>r*


OiRDf.KU - 14 OOLL'SdHIA rtf.itAk*kOA^1.


IJOARDIK eWASTFD. A QXaNTLRMAN TilUtHMnl: aU o*ov*Qt*Dc**.1 Cg.sTUAJa, Rom Os Ntwiottc*.

Bo ir o k k * n ic e l y KI KNIk h h ) (to miCwUb *T wtlbuul bn*rd r*fkrsnr*« *icbAhC*dl i

privu* iiftill;. AdHirfm a ., ( Arri«rrt. i

/ 'Ia HPRNTEH IVa M E I) UH OTOOftSKRAL V. work About IkrL ry. AdtlrwA •tAiliif wigM MCMsCAHTENI EH, r * l W, N*w* c * . I

J PWEl.t.ER-FIHKT-riAR-t 1.APPRH AND pollibtr wABlMl on tuioi' told! Hrtg*: M*Ail7

worn ai(4 food puj. li. FINK A OO.. 41Makrol***. N«w Ynrk.

l ! 81NOLB1

r BOAROKliB WAaNTKt). MRS FINO.ltl H*o*it. Hlooma*ld

imcAH nnr.t»Y M i

HHOAC 8T..Hi FfKVm iiKU Rr«)MB,WlTI|hOAfd : klAI, ft*. bAtll, lAbl* bikATil : tMiOl

' a*4*nK*. itr

HOAD NT.slOTil it >A KI) A N D T 1 nicR ROA RI>: tibl* Md AppuUiiiuocii* *irlcUr ArzUslAu. Mp

MONKY TU LOAN ON MOHTdAOIl,IBq ft. V. UriB£.mHrr«d«ts


R r07» L ly r o R B C *lN iAuui pitf*rr*d- ZK'r.OARWT. CAUP »T., 4rt PLKAHANT HIH'M**. W|1 U

MaihI; Impnjftniwnlfl . l*rai* tunriKkt*. llv

2 "i a * B l F !u i r N jK i p' CgdAr its. n«ArBm*d.

-MO.YKV TOr.OAN IN A.NvMlli A— «re%cs> rv ■ a . r I .s ,u | ,v n, .E 1 ret, I3 Mr **Ai. ptr anitk: pthmI ihr od* mat.LfiK. la---- - jttiAbiiMikJ lio, ig


OALBsUI-M-Ha LAHV OK (Y)KMIMION TO r^UtrodiMNi our ircHxIitQ Dll trad*; p*rniAB*At pA hlOoa; tiAttU Uo* : lk*t *rnm ; big pTttflU : pk*** Anlwgrk. AddfMi AUh •tamp,Mil_______ K J -NO M FU I’O., D 41. ChlflAIiV

IN FVRRV 0 lUItTY l r.* AL^moAtb : *xr>*A***, blQc*. ^rMItur*. AdTrrtlitAg fuml*ti*d : Roud motmpgly; *ip*rl#A0* nnnAc** ■Ary- A-J. VAN BkU.nT. D«tawftmiA. N. I. Bla

Sa LFHM AN-W AXTEO, a t o n c e . K A N FOB two oagoiftA baldoor tAl*ACiAn Addiww

U t___________BALffttMAW. Box n, N*W**fll*A

U AtsERlg AN W'ANTEDs AK OUTBlikK rKAltiaiAii. Apply to 7U BROAD BT. *lv

OKlCTON-WANrEU A WAK FOR 4IEZT >.K C^of * eburrb on LHtUloa *rA Writ*, firing ■gf. 4ip*rl*D0*, *ifl, to J. U s Doi \ K*w« olBo*, f ir

42TARI-XMAK Foil BUdlNKHif MAN; SIX niiora**. XSCEDAKdT- 1

CT(>KJteElTilH W4KTBD TO DO PEARL t^irtlitit.I IkaSKINHS lt'F ‘0 CO.. U UfokAAle *L

AITXH, AT ONCE, FOR HRHTAUBAKT ; ' * t ^ y potlUoa, U uBDa R hT, 1

W^TANT^ 1* -rOH AHEY. ABLK-B'tDlBD UK* T? nAiTtad man. bMw fA tb* *g*i of tJ AAd 10

y«Af*; good i>A.v. r*UoA*s cioUilnf *od modlCAl *t> i*iid*ac«: *ppllc*nu uuit b* pr*p*r*d lo furnlaUlAlizfkctory t^lijfiKA I* At*, okurAOtar *AdUAUa Apply m MAliKkT ftf.. .Npwzrkg N.J.74d

W ANTED-A FEW PERBONH IK EACH p]*or to do wrlUt^; aan.! ttataa f<irn0>p*r»

Book or {lArUcjiArt. j. w o o d bury , i ll w. I'urty^Mcoad *l , N*w York Ctly. Ml

W 4X7X11-M A N TO ftAW AN D APIdlT f t wood Aod d*ltv*roo*l and wood : mu«t k*ow

bow lo ran *A^fn*. Addr***. ttAllAf wign,I_____________1(. G kcMAl.NHy AVuoAAt*, K. J-

W a n t e d - A aiLnAUD x a n . cook. a n dwtfr. fl*r lb* oouotry. ('All 3 WUliAm *l« con

BroAdL Amploymaat AfMey- JaltABnUN. I

■¥17 ANTED-A YOD.NQ MAN Tf> MAKE HIM- fV *aUti**ftaL In OAf* And nBlAorAnt.

1 31 CLINTON nr*

flkN rK K HT„ M--KHONT HOUEb L kMwrd; ilio taht* bo*rd*r*.


t lHXHT.Nri* KTs, u L A » iE F»UNT HOU-N : runalag WM«r; boiar ramrurta, rpMuiikbl*. ttr

( milMT.NirT HT„ i : -LAKUR A I.C 'VK KikOM.rrttnl. iullibi* lor m*n *nt1 wilk *r iHot*nll*-

ir»«fi; *tb«r plrmaAot rojiuA wlib b Anl ; lmprvv*< nionta : tAbl* bo*M. mv

(NliAV f<T„ 4! n K>1> BOARD. COMFoKT. >Ably flirntebad room* ; wriu* modorAU. 49v

CiM bTO N iS f . , N w a B K nooM s W ITH KX- .’ORiltQt tabl* board *i iow imtaA k t

('II.iNTON HT-e 40 I.XCR.LLKNT HOARD 'wlik lATt* Md unzJi r*onui; takiie board: mod'

*mt«. UT

BM-LIOT KT.. I, w ooD tID E -PR IV A TE F a Mcan accom niodata two g*ntl*m«D tMHtrdari.L

l>RONT M h 70-FIRlT-t‘LA'M BJAkU, DH- ligktfiil ctMODA all ltnpri>r*(Q*ttta. iBr

GIUBKN HTs, NICRLY PrRKl^HKDYrooiD%fttii^la** hoArti; labi* board: t min*

■taiP walk Z**Da»ylra*fattep*l. ImprorataantatlT

GHOVK 8T-e » . KRAR C 'CATUOUBR- Board totgoallemtn; |i per WMk. tfr

HALARY hT„ 44 Fl'KNlSUED ROOM WU H bcMu4 s iwRlTWcn. AM

HL a r u e FKnNT Ha l l a m m it h e r roomh.

wlib tKiard; tawK, gaz, Ciatb : i*rai* meddrai*. Addraw MUUEKATA. HvR J, N«w* ..fflo*. *St

L INDE.N (rr..A-DKtrKABLK HOOMd WITH or wllkOBl board ; ItnpnrraoMRta. I7u

RCHARD «T „ 11. I’LKAPANT ROOM;'board : boat: eoarrai: tarwi rtaaonabia «3tuO

PARK P B . W - k H U N T W I T H BOARD, aIm) tafil* boanl. bir

PLKASANTrURNI^'KED ROOM TO LET, wttb «r Witbuul tH«rd ; hMtt, jta* Md bath,

k R* u. HuX 10. ^outk orantOa

WAKTKD-MEK to REl.L NOVELTY.1 Addr— fUBEhOBR, Moi W, N*w»(Boa.


P LANE ST., MS h o a r d FOB A L A D Y ;bttt r«Cir»Bc* rwiuiiAd* 1

ECTo R 8T.a la-PLEABAKT BOOKS, 0(X>DlAkIt, CtDiTAl l*«Ail0ils 4vl i

A F T .A ri FREE OF CHARGE FOB OlHJL't witk r*(kn*o*: wagai: b*it ftmllUi.



T lw V AOANCT. Box A* Newt offloa,

d^LER K-O EBL WANTED Aft CLERK IN } OwrMan piwflimd. <3ai1

1 679 BROAD BT.

RELTOH Sr.. 47-ftCH>Mft, WITH OH WITH »ot board; tabi* board. 61*

~nOOM AND b o a r d FOR TWO UENTLE- AUn*o. or narrkd OiMipta. In prlrat* kmUy. al

Utt 37 UitA.NT »T-, (bird floor.

^OUTH 8T.S W-rWO ORNTLEXEN CAN B l r^aecoBiiftodatad wttb board, oonmitQl totlMtti AodikotnaMri. iik

DRBftSUAKEA '• WANTED, FlBET^iLAW diMemaker A*d «rTAAd rl at


S S ’UXUBR AVE- lOS -FR'iRT ROOM, WITH ~ wHboni bMfd ; prtrai* Ika^ly. Mr

GKNKRAL s e r v a n t , Mt BEROEK BT-* ■war Cliatoa av*. mv

fpW D PLKAiANT 0(JNNE(TING FUR- X Dtzb*d front rootna ; btsi, gaa, om of balk,

wUh ur without board- Adilr***HuMk tXiXFORT-'i, Rox N, NtwioOoi.

Gik l r w a k t b d - f o r t h e m a c h in e iroslM dipartEDont and IroMi* oa ladl«g wakt*. PARm a IU bTBAX LAUNDRY CO-.

H*U«vUtA N. J. 61

TWO YOUNG HP-N Ca n ODTAl.N BOARD, |4 w**kly; oonreakAi lo car* Addr***

47a Houp:, Hox u, n *w* oiBoi.


Cl IRLH WINHINQ GOOD RELIABLE PLACES Tapply At osc* : hkb*«t wag** In ba«t> famUlr* at


T )0 A K D - T W 0 y o u n g l a diem d b r ir i Jjboard I prlrat* tareily; tarmi noi to *To**d |3.&a adwi*** PR lV ATK , Box J1, NAWtoOM. 1

rilR ly FOR OFFlCBt Br^T 8PEAK OEB-f mao and EagBsh * waga* to *tart fa par wp«k.

I OlHL, Box D, N«w* ofBo*.INHTHUCTlONe


GUUA w a n t e d . EDlbON LAMP WORKt, RarTtaotu S, Ja__________________________m

('iGDIl FINIRFIERH WANTED ON LADIIU^ Tnloaiki; •(■ady work and ton) wag**,

fit Itiqnini 111 MORRIB AVE


Be n f t t m a n r h o r t u a n d s c h o o lTM BRjAD 8T., Room* lA O d i



n OCAEKEBPEK - W ASTin , IN ftMALL fktoHyy OD* wb* CM tak* full eftarg* and capa*

bt* of dotof bomi-BiAd* oouking and baking i wngta •mail, but a good bom* ; w*ld*rly p*r*uufr«Mtr«d L rrfirtQowitxchangKi.

Add IP*** HUM ItTBOx M, N*w* nffle*-

GBRMAK GUAHANTSED IN 60 LEjIROKH;r >td ooBvaraatlotMl mrtbod ; pupil oaly

apeak* (irrman ; *t*nlng laaMinit la th*i^rangtit mod*r*M tafifta, N«ml for cHrular by addr**i,44v UEINKIUL Box N, N*w*otto*.


[>£ArHS.RELRY-On tb4 Z!d ln*t.,at fat* int* mldmo*.

No- M iiariiioi) artou*, HarrliOB,uwMB*lby.Noik* of lantrai ban after.

BLA7alKb~-oaU)Ii(rbariday) momlag, Nortta* b*r3£, 1964, Mlnnl* Blaxl4r,daugbr*rof Alfrod D. Md NfUlt Uiaitar, ag*d 4 yaan 6 montbi.

Funaral brlrata, at tk* partota' imld*t>c% 14 UuUniaa itrMt, on Friday, NOT«mb«r XL

CAIII LL-cia N*r*ittbir 20y BrtdfaL b*lor*d wllb of Philip Oaklll.

Raiailv** aad frlandg an klsdly inrl(*d toat* Mnd th* itiiMral iraoihir lai* midoact, Kc, 34 JarVinotiAimf, on Friday, tb* M A. M., toRt. Jaian'tChnnlL Fh«n a Manor Rtqdletn w 11 b* oflbrtd for tbo npOM orhur •oul. IntaniMatlQUt* Caorttary of th* Holy Hrpulcbr*.

CARBON-At Hontolalr, N. F.e an Kor*Db«r 10, U64, Annta K-. wlib of Bamafl J, Canon, ag*d Myaar*.

RolatUrtand ft'l«fida ar* iDriUd to iCtoad bar tuiwral on Friday aSortcubar 31* at X P. M-, ftoin bar lata caaldanoa. It MontagM piano. Montolair, N. j. intaruiaat at Batadaio iMnio- t*rj.

DKCKKR On Ttwaday, NovAmbtr 36, t86< /tcdS l)*ck*r, In lb* 77tb yoar of hU ag*.

RataUftia Md frlondi ara laWtad to atUnd tbo Riiwral aorflOiA to bo bald oo Friday tnonilag at 16 o'elook firoiu. hit lata toaidano*. n*. 4i Roetoratrart, Intarmoot at Falrcoottot OoDto- lary at tbo caarrnlaMa « f tbo faisUy. Plaaio oaUt Sowtni

JOTUE-On TuMday, Novoabor Ig, Thomaa F. Joyop,

Rolatlrra tod rrtands of tbo d*otoa*d, and boriof Rraneh No IS. K P. A. of A., tbo Folloo Xuloal Aid AaooeititoB, aad Polio* DoparV mrni, tro rttnocifuily hirltad to attaud ibo foiitral Doitt hla UUa rotMooeOv Na t il Ogdon itroai, on Friday. Norainbor My al 646 A. K., lo oV liMtati** Church. wb*ra a If Ign Maa* ot Itaqalan «U1 bo eaJobntod for th* ropoao of kla 100). Intarmani la tbo Oomotary of Uto Holy Popalebr*.

XURRE.sHkRflRR^Al hor Biotkopa roaldoodo, 411 ilt«h otroM, oa WodaoodAy, .\o**i)ib*r tl, Eltrabaib, bclorod daughtar of Fradorldkaaad IbelataChftulxn XuDtftborffOC, a ^ lOyoar o • DuiDtka 1 day.

Notloa of/ttMtiU karoaftor.LURRiGllire^ia Wadnaaday oriDlar. Norombot

II, at bli lata roildaDea. Mo. l « ftomorMi air**t, Ludwig Loariihs agtd 73 yoar* U moat^ and TI dayx

Notlea offuboral karoaltor.

DHENNAN-^Montk'a Mlnd.>re||*latiroiaadfrioada o f Ih* lati Margaroi Bionnaa, o f 16 Cmi* •traol, Orau^s N. J.,aroraquaoi6tt to altaoda Mntanwt JOnulOPi MwW O* wA d«Aat flkeieti, Orauga, on Friday inomlgg, NnraabhrSL at TiSOtfclook*

l>«atb Clalma Fata Ift NowayR aad Y le la ilr To-day by HotiwpolltAo LIfft too. Co*

ITotb, Amt0*orgoGrltnlb«, S Aiblandit .......... . .16 tito OQBonjamln IClvtlii. t'DioaagA, Ir^otioo .36 I6i ouG«ofg* Mynrtt, 111 \s aliiat at............. .. i6 a* 66CbrliUaa MadAMu, lU Mala *1.... . .to H

C. F. WJLLlAMH. hum.,■ iC r***-

HODFI.WORK-WANTRn, (URL FOR ObJT •ral boaa«wayk t niutt ho nrot and nluok.

I________OOM>U »'a TWEliFl M or.. ftoaarUl*.

TYTOUSE WORE—WANTED, OIRL FORX AkOttaowork ( oiriotoi) or whUr; alNp ftbm*: nforticM 341 SIXTH a VEh Ho*irtli«. i•--------------------------------------------------------- k f IKB TOW-NSKNITH B »ARIH.N<* aND DAYT T OUSE WORK WANTED. OIRL FOR GFN- iVliebaolterglfia M PAKiCpi*., MawarE N./.

........... - ............... Frtniary, Aoodamia and ooHag* Propmiory D*-paRnMQU. Koop*ii W*dii*aday,Sapt*niMt JL

CTreulanonappllnAtl’in. 140

ferflairlyatfn Broad at., will raopao THUKBDAY. hEFTXMHEHSf.

AT M w a l n u t sr.Primary, acadaaic and otllaf* prapoT tory da>

partotanta. Full infurmacloti from rtfculari. *r

X laral bcuaeWDfk : relkreuas nquind. Call (ram I to 4 e ia u u n i rw tti- i'rB u T . i

U O D H R w o n K s ir r iiD , s o in i, t o no gtMral hoiiievoife: »lkr***a* vnilrwl.

1 IM NiiHTaOttOVBUT., kastorani*.

HouaKwaAK W a n t e d , KKST u iU Lvon g tn n l housework In smell (kmllr.

ttv n 'I lUUn A V lt, near Bsllivltle ava

HOL'bKWOBK-atRJ, W ANTED TO IX) UES- tral bowswert In htmllv of (bur.

I Cell S3 aaVUItK » r „ firanga.

Ho o s e w o iiK — w a n t s d , b a t u k d a v a ,girl tsr Ugh, hotuawork a*4 mn4 bebr,

1__________________ IllMT, t-HOaPkCT AVE.

Horm EW 'iM —aERMAN atbi- r a n t e d m, gsBoral haaaawon In hanrdtng-EoUM.

I______________________Cnll IW AOAUBMT BT.

H OUaiWOKK-OlEL WANTED EOH <IE!T- «n l hou**w*rk g nnst h* geed, ouin eook.

I____________________________ IS KKLaoN fr „

Ho u s e w o r k — c o m f e t e n t o b h h a nltri wnuted lt» gnsmi baoMwork.

I ___________ UHUBOADST,

OUSBWonE-WAHTKD,A ItMPEOl ABLR rtlnrtsuralhoosswork. It ltF T H A V E t


e. A. FARRAND, Bsel Usibr,VllKDN FARR AMD, AssoCltS* Knrtt:

Rsopsua asFH jnhsr IT, lUt

Thorough gnvpuattsn (hr nuf ojUsjs otsol is lllt wUiool or lUr buUn*ss: i (k.

Catalogu* 0* ap'>!io lko \OHOHTHANli AND TYPEW RITING ftOROOL t ^ t Ik* Womaa'a rbriailjin AakM04 Court at.: tarm* atadarala Apply at aobfiol. f to U A M.. or afirt tolaachtr, L C . K itN.NEUY.U Wrtgkt aiailc

tiKO H TlIAN U AND TYPKW ftrriNO TAD O H T t^«r«n1n44: anaad clamaa: tarmt on applieatloa. WM. K. DKOKEK, JB.. No. 44U whIarUMi at* 4l«


■TTOI-T tg li

HOUHEW’ R K - 'W a NTRD. GERMAN G IRL taaaaiat in hottakwork, gW fl DKTKRPO-N hT-I

Ho c m k w o k k—YOUNG GIRL Wa n t e d to___aaalatin bouanwork. MKAyi'FAM K BT, 1


n r 63 m>RlNGFlELD AVE.


MIRH WHITMQKE, PRINC IPAL OMiag* Pitpaxalotr, Banlor, Inalaraa'l Prlni^rr

Dfpartia**ta Alimftad numO*rorb«nlaPriM ify Dapartmwis Oart)ilMt« admit* to WallMtayOvl' lagt. circulafaoQ appiioaUnaL


Ra n JO, MANDHUN, OriTARi^BTTHER AND rtolln 1*1*00^600. A. J. WsiDT.76(tontbai.Ma

SALKNWOMEN^W ANTED,f ............... '

______, SXFERIRNOKDtaaiwom** at ib*

lUHTON STORE, 711 Bf06d 11.

rp YPE W R ITB R -Y O O N G WOMAN WANTED X wKk . ■otM fcaowMg* of ataonttaphy ; ma-

*blu*tun»lah«t: to work artalagt, T to 1U: atata lowaat pfloo p*r w«*k.1 AddraM p, W., B*x Q* K*wa offlo*.

T l r A it r e k k - w A n tS d, a n FXPEIlIENCBn TT girt to wall on tablaa. call at

t ____ ORYftl'AL PARLOR. MTBraadat,

W AITRFiW B4.-TW 0 OOOD YOUNG G IR L Mlfra«aa« vaaiad. BBiTAUHANT ROYAL, H Hank at, a P. M. i

W a n t k d - l a d ie m , i r y o u w in iT i m - p1oyrn*oi al yoar owo bomaa. aandaairad' draanwl *nya1op* Jkr our daaertpUr* drcular aad------------ ------ - « s ------ . - .a ..


I XPEBUnfCB fleemji to ihow that the obeflpeat price At which a good, generel newt- paper can be wld la twoo e n ta .

mmmsae* work at uoos g gowl ungm nUU.A U X m-u K .v r r im u u u . Vm uiH r, h * h ,

\ ir s '«T R i> -T W O Yount) g-soiEN to TV isum 1*1**risrhF. dejr or svralng, Ibr position.

<•' Farglculai*, IMBHuXo sT.

W AST SERVART aiR l. a t 'WT a HARBlhON AVE.,Hur1som

TnirK HA VBON HAMH l-AHOE HUHBEH OP VV ssrerlioosd and InsxpsrHnsad narma* girls

vrIUi nhnaoss: also ah niuonamiai UKUKCr RUPISITMICMT AO SCY. IIS Harks. H. SIV

IIS-lCw Hsrtst It,, Hilsap. igS trLO T tlK K ir W A S tT tD -H A LK .

V»UEHTAK.KBfl, Ah o r u a n ix t o f ,daalraaa poaltloa Iq a aaian ahoreti. Add;


riH AE . W. OOHPTOH -f u k e k a l rifiBHiginifa


Th*sMsslbo*ssluUishaStoss.| •urOhsrgssan unllbrmli and InvulaSlv isedarau; pvampl nt- Uotlon al nil houn. OSes galaphoiA tlL BnSl- dnuretslsphooa, HL

G W. M O N K Y W K L b **, FAINTEB,. (radartakan and l- nHHlmtrt, Ml Rnad ft

a * a , w . Hsuepwrll, bis whu K. B. Woodruff

In OHOAN, Bos IM. Uhsdwm, N. J.

llARKRKFBA-POStriGN WAMrED BYJsgfst-olasi mao, sSkst and tsUabIs, «Uh r*f-s»B<m AddnsB1 Ba HKESPEH, Box B, Homs MBoi.

OaeOHHAM-WeHTItO, BY BMUUUIIHAM, msivlid, aaltuaUvn u mahmaug brst-claH

Nlknuct. AddrasaMu O 'AOUH a n , H o n oBeo. ovengs.

T h e n t l l i iK p r lo e s A t w b io h Enoh

p A p e r fl e r e s o ld t i r e t w o |u id t b r s e

o e n t i .

I n th is o la e e t h e N E W A B K

B V E W I N O N E W S B tandB p r e ­

e m in e n t .

I t e x o f le d d in o i r o u lA t lo n t n y a f t e r ­

n o o n d A i ly p u b l i i b e d A t t h e w p n o M

i n t h e B to te a o f N e w Y o r k , P a h n -

■ Iv y A n lA o r N e w J e r s e y .

TnNciiN EKR w r e i ie * u t o a t i o HJ j telktss re g loos vxusrlsncA egdi

K N O lttl'.l..........

Tewm ABAUtBIiKy, r u.s.v- ia i- u iBM fOU j l ABU KkRALHBlt.


J , N tw aoB tA

Y DUNO MAMa SI YKAR.^ W ^ a Ii f . lilDUtoirlow aad magailo. wlafptfi 4 bttttott «b «r *

Mck g^miltkavtu ba ftM upaft)

•nnav vrv \pr« \ - J«e g IkMa*ry Mpara carafftlly prapara FEtCKT (loQiailbr^Mtawr^ I

. s i r o o . o o o i : ^ ' ' ' * "

, laaortg*f* at 4 pwf lxMmi and Ebr Mrtofta i* ttill tb* bnrruw«r NO^mUHO^t^JlIMmiON EEAUI KD: ailnwoM

araO. ('llARLIEd A iltriadi, ui

its Ktiran a n dtoongaga *( 8 o f«t IX

axciaxM tor partoda to a<ilt tb* b*rrnir*ra nobrtpna «r cMomlaal** charf*<l. 6i*oor> i* toxxox r altol moTtattga In tnm* itfaxlL RIiWa HUR, HLA('K, dtuoMlIor^atAw, room 914 PMd*xtlAl Biilldiog I iftaphoM Nol t i l

t'pA AKD LOANKDON FUHMTURKi aT'MOn* nmoaxl: pmapt. prlrat*.rvilabi*.low r*ta*. aitay ronxymankA opa<» araxinr^ until 6 n'olook. lCKHli.4M Hro^ at



f l M flsttll, HOOP. |3.MUt |3,m H7T» extt b* ptaoad OX flfWvlaaa b*Kt and m ortga ftv curlty ox piwpanr wurtli doaoia Utaamuuai xxl i&ora by o ^ a g *4


titt TtaliNXdrt.


ALREY XT.f IIX PLEA6ANI' FRONT Iropma, wRk nr wliknut boaM. Ua |


A Acoxiplailoa ; do fracklan, wrlnklax tan. btaok- hvAla xiul JIvtr agata: lav lUioiiy l-oLtau cuati only ft parbottla; call and g«l fr** ir»aiia*at- alaowane ipfl mola* rtouorad. MADAM CAROLIKic. 667 Uru*d its < 'pa* *r«alafia lift

\ LLDIftKAHKM TRkATED W irtlO U T FA YtUteurad, F. 0 . RuE 146, N*wafk 611

J7RMALE COMPLAIETH AND IRRRflU.tarUlgi <3ur*d ; bxata dar*lop*4 by *i«eti1alW I

raat irlBlxf. Ad4r«toI CONFlDl.NTIAL, Box 0, N«wa offlo*.

Cm TO Ma DAMK B. B4TRRVRLT*n, tit YWazbingtan ak, tba oldaat and moac raliahl*

hairdrrailaf 0*tttbllahinaat Iti tb* city; aliaa)p*o- log and bang cxiUng a i*duo*d piicaa; half work la aU Hi braoebM, liq

L ADIFAMIUPRRFLUOUS H a ir PERM4- aaaUy Miuo?«d1>p atoc'trtolty. to iwiar* ;

molaa,waria aod iu flil blvmlabra. MAttGARKT E Ki>HiN«(i.v.mclaiut,l6 Cllxiaft at. N m rk . Oflkoaftouni (himftoC m

I ADiEfl. v a k f a m d u i c r y 4Ta l d e w f o rJthacuin^xloo : daar *6 cryatal: liarmtaa* aa

d*w i for aai* by xgaat* *v*ry wbai*. »taai «* any jMldraaaby maL from44a ftBANCH OFFJCBg 6) DlakaEMh at

T AD tKA-A FRIRND IN NEED Ift A FRIEND JuioAaei. I f you waataracalatoribAtaaraf.'ttU. agdnaarHE WOMAN'* MEO.KOMB, EMi&io, N.T.

LADlEft WtRHlNG PRTVATF NURRING. *1 HOWARD.upp. Hilrltog»t.: oonAdaBtlal lraai>

0)001; tblkataadoptaft : dwAor In aUfadanc*. 761

MHN. MUKKCH. laiRAnOEK A V E ; LAD IfH wlahftig ortvata n'inlng; twaely y«ar4'*Kp**

Tla'-ea; coofloitnUai iraaimant. dirtor In airaod* aoo*: taka dlaion ava.. or Hapld l ranati oari. 67q

MiD W lFE -O E U M A N MIDWIFE m dlplnnia; 18yaan'oxpartanr*; womta miraad

aibarkotxia :*r*rytblag4UlaL S IM n iA V E 740

PA LM IH TK T-^ IIAV I YUUR HAND RE.\T> byPROFEMOh W a L I'E m, tb* palnilat. at 47

Cl lx ton i t ; ladlaall e*ata, gauta i o oanta: taourii, lOA. M. to lP . M- 4u

W ANTED - PEOPLE TO KNOW TH AT Chart** G. w**kA tha Wai*hitigt*a u. launr,

1ft maklngdotblDg to ordar *t law thau r**fly rrtaat prlea* t a xaanlb* WornuiNi (ur tM*v*r ovamial, wool liiMd, fiA M WAbUI.xuio.N XT., o t it lo oaxai bHdga. 46u

jm E S S H A K IV G .

A —A.-NCnOOL DF % T TAT- •toPi i.itataiB of (Jr*a« cultlai :

to* oaly ayatam at>i h i?uan ; aur lo laarn and artUUu lu um ; ]irautioal 1tiinrtj< <i'jni gltan: ai-h->ura iu*Ra dza«*4»d whUyTrarnIng ; iMeoni daily: ap*c]t-' ratal lor nlgbi Ar hMnn. t> noe 'e.'i. T»y(«rl’o. from Hr'j UroaiL

*ray* Naw York. Draacb, ail-OJI ilrual «t. too U. K CilHlsTJK.

A -A .-ATTE N flG N - GHANiili: DKESi--elk.ccaUlagftohooin'ariar'a Bynta-Tij; toyrovato yoa tkat wiahav* tka ba<tit>«t*ni ur*rt-«iittitif, tha lxrx*M ami boat eoadnciol a<'lu>oi in tha '*iat4. walurltayftn tooali and*** for r>>ir^if^ indivld* nal UMtrm tiutit: ito 4's.t<»sr. i: j*;. LV.'^oif. 3230*4 324 Maloai., I ooAdc Duudi”*. tak

A LL ARE IN VITED TU CALL AT OUll -/Ajobool, whar* lb* nxly gaxulaa*. T, rayior ayaiatn la laugatln Oranci; aan i M.nlar ta’i lit •apanitdy *i^«ryililnc partalrtloi to flrat^oim dmaioaklu?, L M DUNN. H, F*. CUKruliD. Wllllao)* BulUlloc, no Mala «L. Urang*. TU

'I'VRBftBIIAKTNQ-ATMTfl. f7 TO (]g; U'HJD J -Flit, boat work; opan avauluga.17U 466 HROAD Hr.

Ji^XPEHlEWbED DHKItoMAKRH -jDiw onatonun; work gMiraataod Mil fartu/y.


rpH R TAYLOR SYHTlMa BRANCH UK IfH -t. Wait Fattnatnib, N*w York—W*only (akadt-a roaaium and taacb to ruL flt. drap* ax'i mak«.*ll tb* Iwullag ftylit of xralftfk. Iki»ey il«*y*t, ouiaiii*JaokBla, capoa, akirt*, ihorudchl.r taught: *H old puplla cordially inTUwt lo call and aa* th* Utaii atyi* tkirtYaiUraa cut. M o*nu.6M U XiLLKH, Uanagor. 471 a*d f76 Bioad 4t


CIOLl S oS o NiT 0 P C > IN H rB TA M l5 !rA l^^ 'gn^bf, old gold, allv«r aod Jawalry bought at

6UX VEKhl toH'H, m Broad *L. naar Clay.

n lAMOND-PARTY WJ9HKM TO BUY A diamond. Plaaa* adaraaa, atallag walglit and

prk*, Bl, Box F. ^*wi odlra. Mu

1I7II.E.reA CABINET PILE WANTKD. AU- . draai VILE. Box u, eNawa offloa. 1

H laAEXT PHICKPAID FUHOKHTLKMKN'S eaat'Off uletbing i *rd«ra by mall proEopiiy at*

t*a4a4u>. 1. MADa NKKY,64Catam*ro*it. 4lu

OLD GOLD, HILVER AND JEW KLKY boogblv Ma r t i n , u T Markat i t : anlrisiica

ox llahay at lu


WANTEf'-TO HUY TINNERS* TI>U1* AH* 4rx*a TT.SaNERs Box T, Nawa ofllod. Mu

W EBUV cA4i-Gpr r:f/irMiN<i Fuitt^AHii^ ^•oataax full•ulialor Tteaai*: dc*a« *ullato

hlraM ll.M . HIcii. lit Mulbarry at 4&h

________ IA )«T AND FOUND.

LD6IT-LAUU«*rir*ND40M B OOLLTE D'KL nrlU) long blagk balr. tho flixr paw* w b ll*:

luHfrtl IU) Tuiaday rram > Httatan and ‘tb)rt**uih kvaa. Pladarwlil aoi ragrac It by raturnliig tba aaitw ta C. VINUEN 1’. IB4 >ou;b kMxih at. 1

T -O ftT -A BLACK HPAKlKt. DOG, Wl I'll JLdirtllCgiEot Uider naek: bad No. 1 llcooa* chMK on oollar. Mawarrl glran by raturnlng to 1 IWI BKGAOBT.

LOHT - AT MTNKH’ft THBATKfC LAftT olgbU pair of gold glafeMi : rtwatM glvat.

t » XfcJjHUaV PL.sdty.

L OflT-MONlUYs fiH MULBERRY 'T .O A R . aallTirobaai* puraa. Maward If r*t*rncii to

1 9*7 UULBi--iU{Y nt.


OTRAYED oh HIOLKN, MARTI FF WXI- OLUMral raward wm b* xtrata If nliroad.I WU. FL o ’uUv>ia>RLi-, IM tlxlbofjy Me


A' * X r i u l w t s M ^ R * A T s i ) B Y ikpK n 'r- *B«nd gkreManatUrurae^i I* H S R K a T . i ,

IA *(S « A r nsJlslDs u a t r . _______________ f»v

DH. tl-ig-Hlill’S RPHilFlO A fU B * SHU nasRItseurstoalJ AnialalrTtfsr.rlllm AS

dm i les owmls.i si,i Uogi'a a »v s insn oa U j

I M l a n ; C. B.H«.igh, in Breail it.; OalntuU.. nwraenpi RifS ana ntuau av*., anl all driigflui p rlsnV ^ _________■ ______________ « s


nrN INRK R O F P D R T t IN iT iK it

Am e r ic a n h u r l t y t u m im n yUP NKW TORE.

I’AXII CAPITAL a n d ftURFLUH Anth.inawl b> ih* liwt o l t h p N i w J*r>

aay tu fliratah boad« k.r Adial*tiUaiori, iliMtdtaitA, ‘iruMiaa. Kaxaiaari, Jtu,.ga*«t, Ar.alto In caa* ol rrpitTin. ar.taia appaxt, Aa tiuanalwa. Bkla and Contract!.

FRANK C .W IU ' '3C, liooa! Attoraiy. :>ro iiruhel *l,

4M N*w*rk. N. J.

VUkVUINF. W oi-rM H i KUH HKAVKR nwroai mad* to t.rilaf. wo*1 lln*d 4IA

CHA' L ‘'I* WKKK^Lh* WNAftlXft'ta at. tbUur. I l l Ua<h)tifiou«t., uatt t>k maai triiga. f*o (of yiu

Vl.ADY WITH KMAT.' I'A p n 'A l.T cU N V tS T imn And rtHetiT |r itimata hnwiu*: paying

lap<* prudia i •xm r.r:..;. ..miraettaryLU ri.f-A mJVI.'HD HhiadiL

HI A4-K‘^M iril •hnui*: N <«»OD lU Y IN Gloealbm . long »«iabi]iibal hqruMh; wlU nail al

i hargali). go.iet r*H%on lor vl lug Huukl. A NL’Uh,>T UuMPA M V, : i » itniAj tI v

FpOH HXLK -A WKI.LK TIII.D*I1 •■:p r.AMP ebUunoy rant*, uun.barlai 14*1 u .r** Addra^i

1 Ha Ku/* I N. lUix R, N*Mri tisUtE

FDR HALF.L ‘ r.i■rr**n«f. ■ H iil l NO. 1

par ln«: kludilxg 1‘ i.. X J. IL H.*t

NO. f N u r m t uWbid




If yon waxi monay lx *XMdl or tar |« a*no trui. a 1 •bnrt ar l*ag Uma on bouMbnll funltira a i l lilaona, htMoaa wagoa* flarnaa**. warakojii ra ortplaoff ganoaal p«wp*rty *7 any klaJ, witboit ramarai *r praparty from f*ur own paaiairtoR wo naaaarayou aMnay by otir tar iiflot loam iWbir amaoM tram fSI t* fLOdO at aoryabart a.jtioar witft- out pubitrtiy. Tax oaa pay tba moooy book la aap ■mounia rou wtab aad ataxy tlnw, aad «ach pay- tn«nt manaoa tba orliidpaJ irtll raduuxib* oott

. lha Inaa 1* proportion,Rclbr*t*Ulng manay *iaawh*ra a n m t\

and yon wUl da>l UgfoaUy m yoxr adraitt* raNEW JEBMEY DJAN

_____ ______________Money t »> ia>an on iinu» fu^

oiuira, plaaoa, orgaM and portonal propartf wUhoiit rauoyal partJaa honomair i*a ’ t with laa mak* r*p*raa**ia bg )naiai'B*nta. b* tttm alrtcUyoOnflilaalUL IL M ARTINA ro*a % 7J6 Broad Ms

'LVIKJIALK:r eaxM xnill Jniy 1Uu

AUniN \ D 1*0 I, o >,M hftrgxin prlraft^ii

Adilraavv Dr Hut C. N«wt

\ '- a . * . ; _____ _ _cknp. i-iil".!,:!? ,t r I afayMtt l . "H,

** k -I. M t%K WuRr.iHii" grUM UKAV gi . V,.r.ii-i»t ,nvl uioeirrMr II, |?h i*»maa

u r osgre.l,.,. rre,lV „L ";Th S H 2 v.iitasa. ars. Uiii, g. a-,... lovls, Ssuw

,DI ili,, f.r i„»r- w l . r J S V S S wlih n ,-i.-msi|i w.rk . iM ii. sn aftil-^gre-i wlih anwU ssirfii—a s„: . i.r-.-iu-al muri nfS.w«.

iiii.hin,* l,-io. . In Ihn -isii- .itsitlv- q . .g . . ,s .Isr “ r " '^ ' ‘ “ aJr. vloUi a . lalhatraii.: lh‘ I imiu) la snadr by i»li>farmtMiNteiiunibo Wollan Hllla of itib , aSlh*y ar* h*»i iind lo cona fbr c'T.fofi.v ' * ai.,1 W.

res.'#'"* H‘****'''*i* arallatHi Ibrtriigh lb* bal* wlib r iM'r plaid wuulian litiliig u rbta ' r arxtar# toiM..*xrrah«byvAt;L iia,«r* lloia, t ; „• iji*. T*Jvrt r;,i]*r. alrgla * ,il. 'ibl brfa«to1, and ruat* my w*rhmM AOi Wbrn nm ba.1 ara wjoal 10 a^y WtorartSS

Call or •»xil fhraamtdto t* C D A 1. . H'Ef'K'*, t** ^Vaahlngton etraaitailor. ]pt Wiihifigcsn a it to c X i blwSI

‘ loa fhitu T A. M to a l’. mT owI at.i.. .. i.j It _ ltn*ur fltroUm *nd d^

RMwik.’ woolUoa alwava on hirad to aaiMtt from, aod It Id* lo urder al raaity-Dtadf prtapA

\ . INK* \ a VE

': i' O f TRIt'KA Call aftar I V. M. n f a I k v ie w


( I FKM'KHY ANTt W fO HlHlNK"i Fnagon, •itiek. fl*txr«*A g-K>l (laTiiif

priaa |W: a barKAUi : will «*ii pn D*aa If wlabad , ibi^ l« a rar* rbau< >.I4f G lH alU Itit iU l. 76Mlr.tailiC

jjn|te>h- tliifWi

'^rlv whu buM

I >ahiifk, A Rorr ru niHtvjNTiNUt iimi.

( iK CRIiY AND Mr Al' Ma ' i KKT. ffloa tmd*. goiM tocailoas t*rr* itoe'C

wagou, #4a: prb •

li«n NubOTM,

KET, CL’ W K C U m v tt

HAks:KV.fcr.v.;",ii:r'' ‘

It • only latu : a dacl4<Ml h*rtiglit. HLBaHl lli iiJlt, ftol.ruwlaL

( 4 ROCRRY HTOllE YAddraaaMi Wa

L 'W li a a l r

Itl-NUIU.N nr.OaHVK.


l> l : AD W HIH

{ 4'II’ »D*R LG*D WILLa I'?1m L -V ’ LKWTiPn

6-TA I

M o n e t i/ia n e d dn pERnoNAL p k g f e H‘ty, plaxn% ottM * aad Birxltara lx ua* wUXpxi

W P va f; eU bertaaix eirtaily eoaiiaBtital dxUk • M t m F. a lE W ARDft, rawnai 161 MarUI ik * ) IfCadaraL. darxe ayaalJigs

i*NJlY in lo a n OeN BOND AND MORT fxg* lx auma 10 lults (ram fiQO ta M.m

WCUUYLEH& JACKbO.V,?:6 Broad fl.

ITT L IA IIU V I,Hurra taupi to JONAH A OV,

HEALEKTAT ANL Ul>I.N HXXl.'lt ASDIC.1 ba burtnraa which tuA o**n ** auouaairuiiy *-ar

i4ad ua by ua bif tbk paat 34 v*ar< atMCHxMahitoHr. NhW VD'iK.

tawilliatf owtagwaMr puAlk. asKiwy andatraltht- Airwanl daalingi with all our patraua. Hnal wta baa ao Inrraaiil and Mtandwl fltr lh«4al*.•< ehanMaad irana^roflMidtiait iHsuraA efavarrd* iorlpilon toat wa bar* ba*n cnniiwllad wi <«p*'t * flraiicnofflraai iou b r o a d Mt.,ihHbnr«Giob* mUMIngi-and w*tos1oll parttai dtalnuii of aolilog •rbuylAtator*aorbu«JM«> or any kinO, from tolAb.miA, to rail upon ua a ll bmlnaoa iraoiaoiai Inoaatlaftctory maamr.

T-ITTI.F A ttOYT.•6k___________ Ulabv MuUdluf. 160 Hrrad at

OIL R O U T E -n o i'U tm . Mour^, w i t h bttraaaud wagon, tftr aala : gesrt bui|n**a fbr

right parly. 331 xl'rath;X ML, Darrlaon. 48¥

Kim, rgNKr.Y ntgUD taxgiCTSUlll. ,1 I.kel,

‘ r H i h, IIS gia,ii..i, ig ,o in a g

oU k

IhaigT-NKR wsjgri'cgi hk . 'T L r m a m w it js to |I6 A tar a goutl payiug m I I h i

fhrturlog bualnaaa. Addrpw 6V RAUUAlsN, j'-ox A, Nawa OfflOA

t:Als*K)X FDR nuUbr loniiad. IT >

HALF NU HKAHtN^BLE NfliU It I'AHE HI',. •trasga-HHi

l i / k A - DG<vi>-fAYtNG, DLD-RwTAH- ^ 1 *" f\ rs f|tib«il boaluoat aai* or will lag* nanxar: acoouniuf iMtalin. Addrrat IM * U-M KD. H ixD, Nowaftfllra.



Gu*nat**d Hnnlbrt, In All Maraand In All Colura, ibr Poblln Bnlldlng*, Prlrata HMldamwa, fttoraiv bakiOTia and Factortaa

NkW HTYLEHa n d nkw odlorh .


J64a*d 101 POLKftT, o*xr FEItRYftf.

A l l xiNiwi uF wniNur.Kfiami virp*! awrapiMa rtpalrcd

ebaap : a^ld whU* nii>hnr mils. Tika and op: alno itovaa, ranc«* and haal*

' an r*palr*<1. and paita supplied at ihtrt uotM*: •rdam by nail pmiaplly

tm(t*Ml*dU>, NKA'a HK u lii.Nsii-II UEF* LIUNO CU„ 3344M llaor lU6x

'2Ln HKMNa h Ih . 4 MUaSThhP*'ligia*d. Maitw llratorautck.

H*^l^'*.7l'ox*a4..0r*tifa.BUM t PAHtsDR FChNITU 'tK AT

II A.N:-:{»N d N rtt'n, •;g Brtiid al.

L'DM'lALR rtNR |,j)i MiHFir HHU.'a.hIcIA,3.iib.'»r"r-alj'''''’ ' ’■.‘ '•‘♦'•g * ' "O ; rt-s snU rtf ululha vrrv rbrap, iiart tr ami e»uk atoraasnua- to. snvagi hiriillurs 3) Wll.l.gAM ur.

hf. * i ;m v u i, jAre.vmsea la ruu «i,i. hirii u * ^g allot ■'•Uaal aliisg*, c-tiari., ,Jlh hraM lam. okra*

, N, *V k ..,»a r J u .k S i,S lY r e I

M'lNi'HR.vr- ID uitiiufit DttK g.siuie ■i'*S ot absnlsgrtr ai.t<-g.s. quihv .raalu


? ‘N>ui;» iranga aTae, aaar antcatm*lu 1‘ fnhKint «'a«ii'i*ry. m

MS 1 Hs wg ^ Hb warhilag *\*d. I i&: ou* k a i x ibnM sMnitoilsr, i.uiu*BiBi*i.;on» No,* raufui?,; ; ;__ ' « > " -eu > h mun. m IDS ita rS H VI t i l l - V iifm i riD « vogg asi.r, uitKiH"1 allvrorOl*NB«l, to iinlsr. (niiolr. gSCKNinB M*l<KkT,iirSirol*lU.M,FIKI.,. *V lt tf*

p i lo t , TSBI.K -grim, rth iTpoim lahlr, IrtHUl.nKKnYUT. flu

olam Tn«K N DI‘gN)i:Ti:viTY T.) 8 ( i fi^kiiniit>gfliHkU*i abkrgxla: *>wr rallint at li i* P:n,sutarpri»|i W f,tt. lualsd abaili a. ,1 i)livr icu. 11 uo. fpjoi ft u|ii, ar.l.

ni' 8 1111111 itEgu,■roNTnUKN"- Ng'i g’ l.Y itnusr.

n ji.iisa sk. m o o t Kpn*ttsM are

O TO V K - FOH a * L i , * ’D U -V YB K U IM oTafcC*lor««r, StlHHOafilVT.riM iK KsMiigra L rig ii.ii no. i IVUT OOSL I ..ill St ,tui girr Uia; rtso bsi. i shi.a sat, ssovs

I 1 *’ •’ * ' I>«!VT M S K r*ir* I4firlal alloavd cara kMn*y romplalata J rb*uiXMtUu. iwraiiyvla. WMakaraa, aarvouin*«A j jwiai and dliaM'i} larg* atiick, taxM h* aol^ ebaooa tor drai*n. aganU a id apaoulatori r writ* xa

_________^ l u HLkCrHlc (tXeCtaraiaai.

A l l k i n I'M OK WHIMIFIIH aiPt carp*! •wa*p*ri rapairwl

I cheap: aolld wbita ruhbrr rritui from lT4r*al|up. callwt fl»r nnd dalirciwd f frea alaorawingiiraobiMB aodelock*

rapairtd at raa^naul* nl«a ; itiuex awork. Hand p utal or call W]tiNi4>

ER HCFAIRi MI (X)..UN*irMs 4ltt

I PAfNTE ‘W MANUrNlI BCa FF^LD OiM. '’'r*:,. ‘"K'k*-hltKiks, w .. and a ei-lb*« siUs-

■ iina laddM: all In g^jd vrd*r- ; (.'all at « i BBOst) err.

\ tte b tio n—j \ (imiHOK 11. COT,I,tvs,Cbirpat and FurnLtnrp, Making orar and rapalrtag a apaclalty. bind* hanging and draplug.

76 W Alt KS 6U'rCxrpaia tak*D upaxd olaxiiwl. Mr

CtHKAF FA M ILY MHDC HTOKE LADIKW kid U* batton, i l . ladlaa' fln* ktd up button,

fll.ll; lAdlaa' kid Up laced blucharatiM. |U4: mtaaak'^rtngkavl Up butt’>a, a » ; ntoii'a aiieat. laofd, f l i iM b 'a f lo * laofd ami OuftfreiA |J.16: ruan'MxUxnalflrkoad. iiAO boyY flq* iM*d,yottlba’ Sailaoad, 660s:cklldranYbiUtoQ,ti to Ua, |fie.,itWtLLIAMJs MuKlNNEVX,971 PUtia*4. naar WUllam Ms Mfti


Maka ypxr 66i*cUuBa aow, wbita itook la oompiat*.A A ItNllAHDT. 693a<i«tMHroada(,

ftarnltaro. UpbuDrary, ato., •«&


b k e a t h b1)BAD AlAIShDlBOM.


f lA E L T A B Y n H A T IN a



*17 H. DOUOLAft, UAiCKR OF -I? •tibi* tMuglaa bauto, Acma Out- tar and due niaadaUu. Muvloallti- MntmaaD of alt klxda: rato nr lu*

___ aUlmvnW. Hapalrtrifaeperlahy. 18NEW or., lurmariy of 837 Hroad andlLadvrat. 416

M*rr.)D M AU K -H A TO U K LH. pockatnotvba, inaaoxY t*nl baga

I truBki afourown (uaittactort. liMalrlng pruiopUyauaadad to. U4 IBKQAU aTrt uppnUia Wai'Uactou 'P a r t



U FAin ST.

TTrANTE lr-TO rit JEWELRY FOB REPAID tV 'I lia ban work flir |1it liiuit monoy.

A. D. BELOVEK, Jvwatl-r and uptldan,14k ______ 7 FrmtaUUal Buiuling.t ? n n e a t l y k n o r a v k d cardh a n d 4ll./pta(a, ale.: raprtnilag from old plataa: wed­ding IxfllationA mouugraniN, adrlriaa, dtoa, alauip- lag. OHEATHKa D, OMiiruadat. ?p

l'YKrr<LAHAKHANl)RPKC>^sbF \ 2 7 ^ ^ (a o l«N golduln'oralxmlnliiiafraaaa, Mn-i ayraoxaiuLnwl r**.•Iq HTAlN A BLAUrlWriwRpringflMilara.


A -PNION KIOBK- EIH JitKLVN A^D NkW • York Walipaitar CombUiatlon ■ J'laa** tak*

noUot ibat 1 will pap«r frlrairad room with xulJKaperand wld* bordtr fur yi-' ia rouiii, aiid *11*1 Ou m-olaia palntlxg ami kaliumlalng at lha rlieaiwit

pno*a lit th* city, ordera orunipUy aitan<Dd to by tuaU. JACOB LEVY, 166 warrau ac, Naivark. 36u

l l lrrc l** *|>JCYrtEW»r»oD. firht-olanb ieoond. lybabdbU'rrla«,froM|3tup: guarontMd. iMiai- manUs WhWAUh CVcLK Cu., f CoatfU arAlOiR

HORHICH. CAHUIAGKIL ETC.g lAHI(lAUlp4--A .VCMBKR Oe‘ .NI.V AV1> ^anaaait-haart rarrtaia* and «woaa (ar tala caaap. UUVKH MANU/AOTUtUNa UOl (*m oD'iarM. mi*plMo«rti.

I'IH A M LE m GHUBK. Ma NUPACTURER O f' V. all kind* of carrtagoA, euwaJar d«po4 wagona. Kaekawayi, ladlai' paaatana, butgira, axtraaton top aitarara, naaopy top m rray* j u xp « * t axrraya trapaaiiJ njckbuirdcaplmii* wagooA road oaru aad iptodinioartA iMiUn«w wavuru tor tmtobort and tMkara, xroswrt and mtlknoiv iHuabafa and rarpaofara, laundry aad ntuthtara, oipraa* and hnnorY waxoiUi harnaai and aammar atraata aad blaukota ntLr and 4U dark*! ac; tootar/. Haa- way. N- J.

TUTTtRH-WAKTftD, TO BUY, 1 ORly I WAR ,, b u t . I OK |JKV ‘“ ►••'Vtomliy Bkteba. addniA with^ '.reiA* ur l«Dlliy ■IW1*A*I

partksilara i.„ Boi u, N.wt aBa.i

1|V)K H A LE -H a NDMDIIB BLaOE POET.•oxnd aad kfud ; eartaxd harcMaatbaap, *

I_______ IL D, <XI HEN. l i tUrtBloa ■!.

T T D M l- f ia caSFI b u y s n ic e . BTVLlHflr llT(mni,a*u«(d bom ; ofmt *ara*r m*n tbaol

double tail apriiig ; auitablo tor any biiilnato : Irutat eioaa ui t miButaa ; warrantol uHuijy loand axA klfld iweak't trial. Apply i LigUDK ^Tt)Ai;Tfl«>aflaldai)d m b am.

HnK«'-|46 r4HH EUVH RICK TOCVUL •ouhd, vary Chunky built, tot Canadiao coa.

Iioraa; fMMravallvr; afrail of xotblxg: aullabto tor any buniucMa: warraatad aoua 1 an(Tkt*d Ixa ll' fta rtw PK]VATExTAUi.K,67 Bloomflaida*a.t|

n OHME-Fim HAl.F, FINE ATEAB-OLO' tound blacky turllt >*)-blaek kora*: good trav

ell«r: wtlfbi I.I.W: Mitabl* hr fraotrytnan, milk­man. bakar ot buicbar wag<>n: prlo* f 10: thla ta a kiargaln. Apply at 10 lUDH HT. |

n uRMKH » FOJt SALK, A VEHT KAKlV Mmn m a « f ooal black oarHag* bora** is i;

wuiid and kind ; very MylUb. and pria* winnara 1 prloa l•a'0xahi•. II, D. uuDER^ii DlvlaJoa at,, Cara J, M- Qiiloby A Co, ||

H ORMB H(K>D HflHAK FOR BALE} BAR gain, |2.MQou*ato€wu*r. lUGREKRlT. ~


ADAMS’S BK'^HtKIiY'V WAl.Ll'APKR rtfURK - I will papa r any tolr lA* roum wLtii gaid pa

par aod wld* bontar. Iiuduilinf nwalrijif, tor fl.:8; aJio wedn Hrat-claan paltulr.if. graining, kaltoinlii- iDg. plaataring and titi> ing For tb* otuMprat prli^ In tbaoUr nand pofiial oarJi tor namplac orciailat Rraoklyii Wallpaper HPjre and a*l*nt yuitr oapan, aa wa carry a fuJlJtii* of rbuloa |tap*rA luob *« hiaoka, flata. gUU, anit>o«**<l. In^ralui and 111*4, larxait aaeortmetit In HiaM, and tail at fwnory piiiiefl, Wallpaper hoxebt uf u* trlmmad by nia- cklaa firaa. O^o tvamnga till 6. Wa aell paper fracuiranua Till up lofl.ftii SIX BIPM'HKaH. I**oiir*tor4. Papar-hautan and Palntar* flr«i*(da%i work gnaraxiaacl; to Hpn»Cil6l<l ava, nrar Hlgbik

hRANUK OP THE NKW YniiK WALL PA- par Atuf* will n*p«r any iliad riMitn with gulo

puper aad gold hordara, I3 n mom ; pirtUta w>iid mMtal rardi. nalxilxg, kalaomlnlng and dacorat ing. M. HATIIOL'xA, n bpHagflald av*., 8 > outlttifanit A*a, juv

( i LRaN YOUR WALLPAFRHWITTl DDMKH- tlo Wall l'l«Ao*r and aava (mu or rtpaparln* ;

a V)«eiit packag* ol«aoa raUltix aud walla of ordi­nary raom : aa a dlaiulbotant tor alok ronnia kai no riiuiU,»k BIVERP. SAr«rry«t.

l £ l HfHGUUCIlAllGK 'r<> PAFhR ilP-i-etolr-ilxMl room, with rapairing

wallpapar le, roll up; kaleumlnlngaDil painting, Inw pdrais XTbsIN A ULAU,1l6-inrtDringil«ld avr. Hk


U E a I.KD TH iPOSALb WILL BE KbK^KiVKD '^by tha OotQinltlooon 'toad* and. AitatMiieiili uf lb* iloarJ of ( ’boaaa Fraaboldara of itAaax Cjiutity, aonaUUni of vt Ultain F, llatolltoi, DlrtLtor ; >>woa (sabllt, Daoft* MUhtlm, lUumai II. hlpl>*r and Hobart IL L^nau. at Ibalr nfltra In ik* Cr^lb

onrb«*r of Waeklnxton aud Market airaarfi,nulldlofs INewark, fiOwark. fur grading and taltonliziagaoarlain |Kir- llon oflhe Motint Dlmaant lurnplk*. In tlia tnwn* ■blp DfLlvingiton, ) *•■« 'Ooiioiy. eummaiiclng al ibtt Weat''rang* Una AndatiaiiHlxg wanerly a dU* tanca uf IV, ft* toat, at !:•> V. M^on Moiiday. .Nu- vltubar 3i, Itat

(•varybld uniat baaoroixpanfad with tibhldar'a bond to Ibo turn of |t.D00 with aw-urlly awtlitou- tury lo tb* Board of Cho«en FrMholitorfl, ■.vikIL Uuitail tbit Iftha oofttrart thall ba awardad Ur bliu ba Wilis whan raoulrad by th* Huard. «4vcuta an acraaim nt lu writing to partoroh th* wurx aocord* Itig lu the apachicAtloDa.

liana aud apacllluailusia may ba laan at raid

ThaCioiiiDiitua rxaarv* tb* right u> ralaoi any or all bidA

WTLUAM. i\ Ha m il t o n .M* Dllwlor,


N ftTICK OF ASSIGN KRsNT-NOTlCn IS hvrehyglfan that Eaaman E. utmrand Henry

T1*rtjch. of inortty of *WArk. New Jereey, rart- nertilo trad*hi e, > . Dllver Jt Co dolitg burduiM at No. Ill Mulbarry Ara*t in uldcliv, aa dralms tradartanJ inarohaau In leatltataiid DXdlnfA havu ihlN rtar niftde an ■aaignnuaHt to Ujh »uu^iner of thair partnitoblp *M*t* lor Th* e<iual bauelllof th*lr vraJitdto, and Ihat tba raid rredllora inu-it aihlbli ib*lr recpactig* claiinft, unctar oath or afflriuaUon. to tbe raiwnrlbar at hHoPlco, rcMitu s 6 In tbo Hrad*nUal loauranc* liuildlqg, at No. 701 Broad itreet. Nawitrk. Now Jomy.

Datad Kovanber 3p, 16*4.JuBKTll B. BARLOW,

Mr A«*lgu*a


Tba targatt aivirtraant of high olaa« draught drtvlfigaadaaiidla boraaa |u ItMtHal*

MaUfaad pair* a aparlalty. bararal atnad puataa ou baad now.


OGUKNAnUDD, DIVIMION HT., OPF()H lTl hi. and h. H. R. Hepot-iArrlxgaa, barnraa

rai'e* and blanket* at g raati^ radthwd priora a a

■THR CITY l in k (MpRINuFlELfr 1 ava)Hal* *«tahlart -a Jarg* i(oekuf

flrtt-olA'ta hnrat‘1'always op bandloMale . or«ich*ng« *t th* luw>wt market prloat:

dratighi, driven and <an*r'*l pufpuw unr »ti, a fair utal iiean.arid ail apick aild a fw an rapraamirti ur caaU nfuitaed. CaU and *•• Ik* ** i la )7m MICHARLXTACHBlt, Hrapriator

Y V ADONH — Htf'ONDll AND nUTCH B R vr UMUQ, peddler wagou, bukiaaia wagon i ata

dump carta, ebaan,1 r. LAECIIS, 39U VI. ru>aaantava.

\ l»^A N TF .l> - U D H f Ht nilBK'MOUNTim TV hariien: alau nound Unrw for wUk wagon.

Addraa l^UttSL', Hox D, New* prtliTe. TOT

RUYh IIGR'AK. HAltNii..HV, HIDJC-BAU V*Jt/buggy, AdilraetI i|i iRiK, Box J, N*wa nflloa.

d iO a DIKik S-M'HI.N** 'ImI>R(A(JUN,i^^O ita lilu n ih nrtila , at l»| MUl-HICHUY XT.i

^ I 4> IlUYH A SI miNG Jl Mt iT Jtn^ 1 «sflHli ihiaweek. iG ll<*WAJlDnT> t4y

I'tANOH .i.ND D ltU iNN p(Ht HALK,

V ri»D KI.RiJANI' U P K im iT I'lAsNO*altitMly utad, for f'kV KltANK^.rN PURu

■■ .15dourabeluw iNdilla Cbuivli.

|;vm rtAlsK -rAHiNI T uRANfJ UPRIGHT 1 plann ; larga alna ' ticb tuu* ; al moat naw; no raaiHMiahl* oiler rafiivnl. 4v UltEeiNL/ToJi'. 6T11

11IASOI4 -AM'^SD-KAND, TillH WEEK: <?hk'Verlng. 4I.V>. ft mutiihly; ntalaWny up-

rlghl. cbe'tp ; IxrgB Aivjrt-ueni. axaleit taruia; new urgauA, gbi, |l iiicHithly ; 4<*'* >Dil>bau 1 MaamJk Hamlin, ot liar • vt ially low bay ofaratiabi* liouae, e. A. W ahd, onr. llroaJ aud .Naw. Wh

IllANDH.. HKVr MAKKJU4; CASH OR IK« •lalriirtji*. *

out DUNCULEK A HfJN, 0 » IIroad at.

SKC’ i.VDifAND ’■QUAHK a NI> UPRIGHT [iiaun ; rellabla riiaknni; ox eatr payiitauLis

74J Uh HMAsN.oo Muotgomarytt.

g ^ v r ^ f r - A NEW CAIUNKT g r a n d u ^ V I 4 41 right pIxJiA larg* irxjjd *l»a graxLrirJt tune: warraiitad tlva veara : na* It : poaitlraiy Ibf nealplaiu avar oY*r4a al w *i a inwprlM stoola*aecarf, dalleerad fraa '*nlvat IJ H. A, W AUD'ri, cor. RmjmI and New.

ih a c i i im f h y f o r h a l f .

IpAnTIKs Ua VLVG heoond-h a n d BjIL ■raaml eiiglnw tor tala wdlflndUto tbilr

tanwe 10 larid •leacrlptlmi aad prioa of ram* I* Hli:WI:JjATllILUFo'>3lKt>N Vt UHlL^ NawaTk, N. J, ^ 471

Tl w .noRMK pottjtii. uph I(7u -t b o ilk r for*>t,lule; ilBwea J. TbllHpa'a Inake. iDqnlrenf

I'URLl-(Hklt, Kveolsig Nlwan'tloe.



r e a l RETATI^ flu MHUAD liT,


n KM OVAL^UHN iX GRAf'r, tx a Xu DEirrA^aURGRON, 6WMFr PARK BT.,



FAT6;NTn.■uVS-re-’ .-. ' . V-, .

PATK.NT a n d D RAW m riNG O FFICB I DF riG£i.7D(ijW A CO., ZSCIkntoaiiL luppodia t>

Y. M. C- A.) Nawark, N, J.: all kladaorilratgatiai aifciltal iiMtlystitt a a i (uaoUlna drawinta aai aoy kind uf ilvilgnlug forraial*g(ie<, etu.: tilloltori ofAraartenn atuilhrxl] a patents; xiperu inpataal e*wa Franob, Garman and Hoanllnavlao la^ guog** xpt)kan upnn m ia y traulttga uattl 3 o'Mogk. prompt aiCHQtlon alwaya

>AYiisM '»«

rRRDEIUOKO FRAKNTZBTi.Huooatsor to Oampball AOa

GLOBE BlTUjDINa ^ 604BROADAT, RooraailaXlH

IJATBNTS, U. H. AND PHlKtGN,X nktalxad toraU odaaiiionxraxEOA

HCiNItr J, M ILLS ^ftfUcitorofPatatwaad Maohanlaxl 4ailaatF

(LaiaM OrauaA JiUlan,MO Rroadik,

Room* 160 and ni. Newark, N. J.

1 IATI'MTh^HAKK ACKhA HoHcUoranl Aniartoah n i l Itoralgn PatanlaARorMyalapataal uaUd batorl thi U. A OouNi.MaokauMKlaod ciaetdOAl dxglatafi an I Eap*ria carasliaftoafr** Trt MR mao s r . i'bwol-4*u » - tahttikaituiiie 1* tb* dtara T««aliN lf6 i—

Page 12: tietitng I - DigiFind-It


Keioark «£oemug Netos.


iTtiiU Km PiMlshlil CiipuT,aiA-317 M A R K E T STBSBT,

NawaiA, A>

D«lhr*r*d bycwri.r* in my part ^ N » » •fk, Tht Oiang.i, Hirnioft, K«.rny, Summit

Montclur Bloomfitid md kV iiaiffhboHn( town.

Imi' iub«ripliont. f i « doillrt t ytir. o r •ifty cint. « m*nlh, • • « » ( » t'»* & "('•copttt. two conti doliorod by ctrrior* m Nomrk, ton eont. • wook

Otdin»ry »dy*rti«monl., ton tonU l lino, •goto.

Ad*Ortiiomont» undor tioidi ol Wonloo, To Lot Fof Soil. Porwnil, otc„ ono cont t word, birt no eh*n# lot* thoft ton conU oich iniortioft.

politic. From bl(b lUpoblloan oalhorlty i timo lo poit wbon It will bo po«lblo tu in Fbllodolphlo the Doloworeono rooy fool otiybody. I fo ichomo of thio klbd iMfn lb »t " t o oloot Addlokoto tbo Bnnoto h u morit tl will forco luolf open the oon- would bo to moki Ibo Hlole rldlouloM i •KorfUon o f Iho mUrowl nini, ond o ftho ond coiitomptlblo," ond Ihot " l o turn i olUoo, too, wbloh like NoWork foordod down n SoMlor o f Anthony II((tlno ’o | thofrant o f tbo (tonoUiio for tho uTcr- nbillty, In order lo mnko w*y for • hood wlro «nd trolley .yotem with oon- moiiey-bngo, would bo ■ dligrMO to tho dltiono thod It obould Im I only until • hot- Hepublloon parly." In a diillnolly kin- tar on# ihoald hat* pro.ed Iti ofllolonoy.


THE tlUMPtHULLEKAHir "D B A l." Wbllo It loafllriiiod that a “ deal" hao

boon ifread on by which It lo hopod to aooure the eonaenl of tho Common Uouo- oil to Mr. Ulboon'* appointment a* Oomp- trailer, it le not eonlended that Mayor Lebknecher la a party to tfaa traniacUoa. In oolamn good fki tb t ho N EWa aonopla the Uay>>r, to an oIBclal, at hi. own ao lmato. Hr. Lebknaehar lo not a pnllUelan. In dirort Itnguaga and In Im pllad laognaga ba haa gltan tba public of Newark to under- otand that com bloattono, com paotf, deala and dickara oltber lor oipodiopey or i>o- lltlaal roaoont or party adtantaga would at no Uma rocaloa bU countenaiica On tba oontrary, In word* which •aam to ba M tlnaora aa praolaa. tht Mayor baa raoordtd bla purpoaa to dieoour- aga If not to fruoirata ouob pro- coodlnga. For thaao reaaoni tba NkWt aoqnilo Hr. Lobkuaoher of altbor ptr- tlolpancy in or knowledge of the arrange- moot enlared Into between the leaden of the two partieo regarding tba Comp- trollonhlp. To taka any other poaitlon tonobing the Mayor'i attitude on tbia matter would ba to Imply that that ofllolal** poUey of otrlct bualneia prinoi plea la a hollow ohtm and hta prumloa. of untrammoUad admUtlatraUon to ba a firand.

Tbara baa baas too mneh delay In ao- laoting a aaooaaaor to Mr. OoonoUy ao ehlafof tba dapartmant cf OomplroUar. irthaDamoeratla majority In tht Com­mas Connotl do not faror Mr. Olbtan tbay •hoold rajaot hit appolntmanl. If thayhara no good raaaoo for oppotltig him they akonld hoaton to ooaflrm bla nominaUoa. TrUUng In inch a matter aa that wbtnh now angagaa ao moob of tha pubUo attantloa la aarloua. Bnt Mr. Qlbaon abould not ba glvaa tha cAoa in oontaqaanoa of a " dial" by whioh tba Damoorata bopa to drlaa a good borgals, Tbo taint of tha most oSbaMaa form of bomtam would bo upon tuab an arvangamant. Tha Bominoo for thla or any otbar publlo oBoa fhOuld ba bonorad with a eonllrma- Uos upoB hit merita. To giaa any man a Ugh^mportantoffloa in axobanga for lomt p r lT ll^ or olSoa for too apportion la to daliaar a oommlatiaD blnrrad with an ugly ^lamtih and dalheod with an nswrlttan■OCpIdOlla

It looks m U H s jm hiiboon brought (kba to Iboa with aoODdtUoD not unoomraos to tha poUtioi of Rawark. Tha gang of bunworaU and BapubUean. who bay# heratofora worktd togatbar nndar eorar and with to muah harmony in tha aocompUahmont of parttian and paraonal anda an aeldenlly at it again. It la likely that ikw membdra of tha Cornnum Cuuufl bare aay knowladga of tba " daal" which la nndar way, aad which tba Aldermen may ba ealled upon to carry ouL If Mayor Labkaeohar bopa* to aacap* from a pra- dioamant which promlaaa only 111 for tba rapntatlou of bla admlnlatration, b* will haaUn to tigblan tha grip of reform upon tha neck of thle hsatard ebild of pamrtad poUUoi.___________ ____________


TWO NEW rr.aetiH m .Tba raoantly nttaradoritlclamiofRear

Admiral Mead upon tho capacity for naafnl aarrlo* o f ornitcra o f tbo Columbia typo baac ellcitad vorluoi rapliaa from tba adTooatoa o f caaily oonatruoted Qoa- anment TcnaU and liberal appropria- ttono. Experta bsT* carefully raoountad the paramount adaantagea to ba dcriacd from tha poriat iloB o f tnob *wift flgnUng afalpt, and the argument atemtd no oonclualve In tbtir faror that tha only remaining open quiaUan rraa whifttaer they could orerbaul at aea one o f tha crack tranaatlantle liuart going at top tpaad. It waa decUrad by Bear-Admiral Mead that, I f afforded tho datired oppartanlty,ba would pnt the mat- tor to a praoUeal teat by etortlng thaColnm • Me aome dot day on a ahaM after the Ugjantlc or the Farit down tba Lower Bay and out to aaa. Thii, no doubt, would bare been u dMlilve cniiertment. Ifiuo- oaatful none would nave been found to grudge tbo mlllioni paid In premium* for tpced over and above the ooal of tbe ehlpt o f tbe new navy.

But tbe ofliclali o f tbe Nary lie j>Arl- maiit evidently bar* other view* lo re­gard to tbe nue and dlapoaal of tbecnuik crufien. There la to be no racing a( *ea with tba ocean graybounda, no waite o f Oovernmenl money In picking ooal and training a picked force o f atuker*. ibi the Gunlrnry. the function o f apoed, which la tba peculiar attribute of the big cruiecra recently equipped for acrvlcs, I. to be kept cerefbtly In abeyance. In other worda, ordera have been lamed that tbe Minneapolla and the Columbia tball b* reflUed aa flngahlpa, tbe former to be attached to the North Allantio Station and the latter to the European H<|uadrun. There ie to be nu further noiiaeoie about racing with merchant ateamera, 10 far aa thuae two outtly and luxurioualy ap­pointed veaaela m* conceruoiL Tbeir aid* prupellera will be diaconnoctod, and they will remain inglurloutly auohorcd, or aail alowly from port lo port on tba occaalon o f aoma high ceremonial In which naval dignltariea may be repre- aented.

THE A lrm iK S lUiliH IN UKI.AIVAHfcObjection la made lo certain quartera

outalde of the Slate o f Delaware to the bnli^ng and protuberant appearance o f tbe Addicka boom for UiiUed Hlatei Sena­tor, vice Aotbony Higgina, tu ha " turned down.” Mr. J. Edward Addloke la a mllllunalrv dealer in ga* work, and gaa ■tocka, wbo got hi* early training In the bualnem in Philadelphia during the .palmy daya o f ihe lamou* gaa trUat ol that oily. Votea In tbe ciote State of Delaware have to be bought and paid for, and Mr. Addicka, with a keen aye to the chancoa o f tbe future, la illegad to have performed thla neoeatary duty for two yeart pact with ptaaaing nod cheerful alacrity. Row Ih .t the goodJ for which be bar- galntd*with eueh ebrewdnea* aodaound Judgment are reedy for delivery, tba cry la ralaad that Mr. Ulgglnt baa been a right good Senator from Dejifrrara, a atout-bearlad and unfaltering cbanipion o f protection, ia a native of Red Lion Hundred and to the manner born, and ibuntd tbarefore be given anoUier term, Addicka and hi* cbock book to Ibo con­trary notwitbatandiug.

Thai* cunalderation* havabeen urgad, wM> mneb aplthaUoal rabtmance and a

its Bxogt* o f ^JtJiugttlun, ,by organa i i t lAa diridliif Use la party

drad vain lb* champion In New York City of Tammany Demewracy anaeri at Addicka aa “ an abaurd pcii patetic nabob,' ’ and giraa Higgina a Brat clai«oartlfloat*or pollUoal charaolcr on " aa a man of talant, education and oharaetar, a daep tlndent of public quoallona, a dlgnlflcd and fnrci- bin apeaker, and a thoroughly patriotic acdorodltablecltlica." Such (harp con- mala of the qualtflcatloni of two Scua- torlal as; Iranta,drawn by political fHtndi and tbca allka, ought to impraaa the Dela­ware lagitlalora with tha importance of the eholoa which they will ihortly be called upon to make.

And yat it mutt alao ba admitted that a bargain i* a bargain, and that ptraunal oostrcl In a Stele differ* only In degree from tha powar formerly exarolaed In Ueiaarara by lbs Saulebury Junta. If, at liohargod, the United Stele* Sanalonblp In the State of lb* Blua lieu’* Chicken* hat boan pure baaed and paid for In ad- vanoa, not even eloquence like that of Senator Higgina’* prolonged and flary high tariff epaechet In tbe Senate would avail lo nulillY lb* tednaacllon. Tha wor«t that could happen would b* a lacit oonfeatlon that one of Ih* original Ihirtaan colonleahad baoom* a rotten borough, wbare high ofito* might b* had at lb# ragular market price. Tblaia a auppoal- tloo too vlolant to b* raadlty admitted, evan In viaw of lb* torbulant prolMta- tlon* againct tha Addicka candidacy. Tha Dclawaraan* are fairly antlUad to a aua- peualon of pubUc Judgmant cutll tbe of- feno* charged otaall bav* been proved upoD them. ___________ _


Inateuoae in which law* preuriblog a rallglau teal for wttnaioe* promote lul*- eirriag* of Juitlo* art not unoommun. A ftw yaar* #fu In thl* county a man pro- feaaiog dbballef In tha Ufa aRerdeatb wot leatralnad from teitliying In hi* owu ba- llaf Id a civil cult. Tbara waa no other

i reiaoa why bU aridance would not have been entitled to reception and weight, but M long at he waa unwIUlnf tc profeia ballaf In Qod and a haraafter bo could not leetliy.

In a eat* now attnotlng attention In Tannaaeo* and throughout the country, a young man attempted to • take ad- vanlag* of a ilk* etatute to eooap* the giving of twtlmoDy. lie la tba only direct wUnaoa agalnit thir­teen men under Indictment for tbe lyncb- Ing of alx negro** arreoted for barn burn­ing near Keirrlll* teat AnguiL He gave coDolualr* toatlmony agalnit them btfore tba Oraod Jnry. litter, deilring lo Mtbt them to oaeapt, h* found blmaalf Inapo- aiaan In which Ui* telling o f* atory dit ferant from the on* that he had told then would oonvtot him of perjury on ou* ■tetement or tbo other.

When thla young man waa otllad at a wltnatt on Monday tha connaat for the defenee, apparently well potted on lb* plan adapM to anablt him to aioap* teaUiyiDg, Vetted bb oompetency by uk- lag him qaeationa In regard to hb re- Ufieaa opinions R t laid that be did not baTiara U Qod and that he bald that mm died aa koraaa or oow* did, with no future life beyond the grur*. The attempt to dodge the giving of eridence wia plain enough and the proeeontlug counael ex­amined the young man at bngtb. He bad read half a page of a lactnr* bf Ingaraolb He bad sartr Infouiad any­body of hi* lofldal rlewa H* held to hb declaration of dlibellaf In fbtura being or reworda or 'punbhmant- Without bb avldeac* tbara wa< trory raaiou to ba- liere that U would be Impoailble to oon- rlot tbe lynebera. The law of Teoneaeee provides (bat no peraon ban bo a wltneM wbo doc* not bellavc In a ftiturc ■tut* of reward* and pasbbmaob, but ra- qatra* that avidenoc of a tattled diabclief, not illght or carnal lay ingi,ahall be pro­duced.

The Judge finally decided that con­vincing proof of Inlldetity bad not been offered and that the yonng min would have to taatlly. Tbb b* did, telliug a ■tory of tba ooatpiracy among tbe lyncberi, but teekiag to aoRed bb teitl- mouy given befon tbe Orand Jkry. If tbe Judge had ballaved that tha youug man told (he truth in avowing bb dla balUf, h* would have been obliged to reject bb teiUmony. Beoau** he beltbved that the profaiilon of InSdelity wai a lying on* the wilneli waa locepted, bb cradiblUty being lafl to the Jury.

The theory upon which the rellgtoui teat b applied to witneaica b probably that men who do not oonfeu belief in liilure reward au4 pnniihiueiit would feel no reipoualblUty for telling the truth ou oatb or affirmation. Nobody at thl* day tbtuki that profeialoD of each a belief ai- ture* veracity. I f any one doe* he ebould •pend a few diyi In court llateniiig to tbe oootradlotory itoriea that It is excess of charity to suppose mean anything else than that lome witnesses are lying. Pei Jury 1s too freituently oommittsd by wlt- netse* entirely witling to avow orthodox sentlmcnteto lead anybody to conclude that Ibo religUiu* test prevent* It, and ex- perleOR* in oourt* and out of them forbids any oaaumpUon that all man who fall lo meet that test would fall to tell the truth.

It Is fair enmigh tn Interrogate a wltneas in regard to his eetiniate of the guilt and tbe cuneeqqencrs of lalse swearing, and hlireplies msy or may not have weight and relevancy In forming an opinion of tb* truth of 111* tesUinuuy. But it b not right to exclude a willing witness because of hb avowed disbelief, or tu permit an unwilling one to .scare If be chouses to declare himself an unbeliever.

mVElS OF PLANT LIFE,EzamplM of StTings DgYslopmtnt of

Tnei, Flower* gnd O ru m


It I* tad to think that In tbb world thlofs ahould not always be Just what they teem, or to Imagine that In a move­ment anparantly so hostile a* tha pre- forrlng of charges agalust the Dbtriel- Attorney of New York there may be a purpote not at all unfriendly to that ofB. cial. Tha oharges appear to b* vague and general. They arc made to a Oov- arnor wbo b likely to be Inclined to be a little mote lUaiiJustt.1 both lb* DUtriol- AUomey and Tammanv Hall. I f Fallows be vindicated, tha e f f « t of lb* proceed- Inga will b* to abut off, poaslbly. more radical and cartfully prepared pro*ccu- tlon btfon Governor Morton, and If he ibould be removed by thu present Gov­ernor the result would be the sppoint' □lent of another rspresentellv* o f Tam­many Hall In bb place. Tha motive* of the flv# gentlemen who mad* the*# obtrge* on their own ro*pon»ihllity may b* atralghlforward, but Ihinc- certainly look at If thsy bad playsd Into Fellows's band* or tba Dgsr’t Jtwa

Littb Danmark proposes to help Ger­many to kelp out Amertcaii drtsted beef and catli* by ordering their excluilon from her port*. Tbb ieeine like an abortive outoom* of the commercial move­ment wblob oulmiuated In mak­ing Copeubagen a free port. Very little Amtrloan beef b coniumed in Deumark, and tba only m u ll o f tba Dan­ish edlot o f exclusion will be to render tbe UeritiaB embargo more effcollve. Tbe dresaed beef trust will have to And an- olber market for the itook which form­erly went to Germany, but tbe price will be inalDtelned, no doubt. In tbe donieatic trad*. W * never hear of falling price* in metb, whatever the financial ilreti and urgency. ______

In an addreti at Plttaburg yeiterday Andrew Carnegl* announced hb opinion that a man wbo diet rlcb dies disgraced, l i t added that be blmaalf expected to die- tribuM hb own money and latve when be died nothing—ixoapt hb interest In the Iron bualnait. Tbe definition o f rlcbe* varies toootdint to the point of view and thb b on* o f tbe proon o f that fact.

■ ■ ' ' ■ ' ■ • - -----------—Tba Plearare Bay bridge, which broke

under lb* weight of lour Freeholders, like the trolley cor fender w biota hoisted tbe buggy of a Consolidated Traction Oompany oIBclal out o f lb* way, ahowed that tbara b humor and Sana* o f eternal fltoesa aa wall u ooeatlonal depravily In Inanimate thioga,_____________

Like the man wbo eateblithad tba Hawaiian BapubUo, the Japanese Govern meot fsebthatlt has gotan far that it can do vrlthont the services of President Cleveland as arbitrator.

A newer Feur Fret la Dlaneter aed Wslfhing Tlilrly I'enndi—A Float that Wa* Huppoeed ta Ot*a Out a l)*adly IMIiir, aad Aaeiher that African* B«- garded as Helng Far* apldsr—-Hows Woudarfal flrassrs.

The Womao’a Christian Temperance Colon, Judging from the reports of Iti last convention, i* aoquiring more thiorle* than tba Prohibition parly.

Prerident Cbvoland bat a ipralned ankle and tbe gontfaeiid**. bnt oould allll mn a* w^atOeanUir BUL

Her CtetMag Caogkl la ItacblaaTy. Special ObpaM lo Ibe Nbwe

BnmanTug, Rev. Sk.—Whib working at k*roNeklB*lB the Oloh* shirt factory on HouthLauteletrselyeetarday aftemoou Uat- tb Lambsrt, aged tighlseii yeora, waa caught m the thanlag aad bad bar cbtblug torn froaa bar. Mb* wcuU have baa* kiUad but tor tba timaly asabtaao* of tba aagluear. She waa laanad soma clotbUg by tba young woman in the factory aad waa takau ta bar hc*u* in a hack.________________

T U B O T H E R N E X .

[Uy rrofamor Cbarlss Frederick Holder] Tb* ibvelcfiaMnt of plant Ufa b a page

from tb* woDibrbwl of natural bbtory. At tbs baglomag of a lint wt have mlcroacoplo pbnb th*r It b dilBoull to dlsti nguUb from aalmab at tea eud wt might place lb* giant radwuudi or tb* ooloasl of tke Cals- varta grova—treat canturiaa old that tower high la air hundraib of flat above tbe piam, tad uUmti that look up to tbam as tbe gbut* of plsot Ufa

Glaub art found In the ranks of aalmal bfsi but tbay do not attract to much atten­tion or appaal to us as abnoruiallv Urge pbnU. I sfatll Hver forgat tbs fsaling 1 ti|vrisiio*d wban In tbs California eoast rang* 1 auUred an tnclant grova of rsd- 'iiods. Tbs gbuts th*l probably saw the

ships of Draka and piasibly tb* caravels of abulto In IBdg, war* goni, cut down and

Imriisd: but from tba outer rircb of the trunks bad grow* a glrdb of yonngsr trsei, luO fret high In icnia naaiw, teat ilood ex­tending Ibuir Umfaa aad branch** to tb* vast bollow ipac* teat oat* marked tbe interior ig tbe paraut Ira*. 1 did not nHosure tb* trunk spaots of tea old trait, but iti'h in- rliaur* wunkl have bald a large house, or two or tere* hundred paopl* eouJd have crowded into it.

Una of tee most remarkable ditoovrrles, ■enmtlooal la avory particular, comm from Humalra Horn* yaar* ago itvtral Iwtanlsu were travelling through tea ceuatry in search of new tbinp In plant life, when the natlvai told tbem uf a glgaiUc flonrr, ds- lonbluf it in such wsird terms that thsy at first did tot baltev* tb* aocmiDt; but one lUv Ur. Arnold, on* of the party, came no on th* wuadsr. Ha was not only amtiel but dunibluunded, tbs strange objact tliat met ! hit view uiakiaga profeued iMpnieioii uiion him. Later be said: " To tell tee truth, nod 1 lieen aloua and tbara had baan no wltnmsas,1 should, i teiak, hav* batu fearful of nian- lioolng lb* dlmensioBi of teU flower, so mni'ta dom It ixosid every flower I bar* ever seen or heard of.”

Pawing from tea buib lo tom* tram, the diiouvtrar wt* confroutod by a gigao- tlu flowar, appartuUy jpv>wing alone, without litvea or varduri, frotn the ground. The petals, five In Dumber, wer* thick an I fleeby, over an Inch iu thkknms, whit* th* neutrt prmcatad th* appaartace of a bowl from which projeelad ourkmi ipikta. Tbe sntirs flower wii nearly foar foot aeram- eacb p*Wl wsigiiad almoat tera* pound*, and th* eatir* flowar if it oould bav* b*au bald up would taava taUrtly eoncaatel tee pennn hubllag It- Tb* flowar weighed In tome •peciman* twenty, flv* or thirty ^uad*. The Dtctery aloua could catch a u bold twelve pint* of water.

Tb* aaw dtsoovan was startling In maav waya it waa a fluwtr without teavn ur aBything but tea attaokmaat to the earth— a oompleM pumla— aad at first it looksil Uk* a gigautic toaditool teat bad lalitu tec form of a flowrr. Tipping oa* of tea flower* ovsr. It waa found teat It grew from a dalacat* Uaflaot item not larger thaa two Huger*, r nd wan. In abort, a woodartul flower parasite gruwiaf aad deriviag litsuslaaanrufrom tha body of a bug* vla* teat 1a turu wound about th* trass of th* foraat.

Tbe story of thla Sowar era* ncaiTsd with tneredubty, but It boa riao* bean *cen by many aad baaa aamad after Bu Htaiuferd Hatnaa, Rafflwla.

No oM would have thought of fladiog in Huinatra a giaat ally of th* little “ wake robiobotiuoh a diaocviry came to Beoeari

y i i m m m m i r n i f f l f f l f f l i m y

^ o f C l x w i x o e 3Win money for *' the l«n k ’’ beoauan It doM not take oLaneea. In every game of cliaiice or tiuslnece, the one who Tooke out for the little details la the one who wlna The one who most riffldly avoldi tbe taklug of I'hanoea the most an rely oomee out ahead. —^ 9

^ —' Don’t take ohanrua In huylUR a plana Buy a —^ 9wrtainty. Buy a S T E IN W A Y , H A R D M A M .

g - " O A U L E R , V O S E or S T E R L IN G . Buy it of2 B. D. Laiiter C a > -^ 9

Oa* of the greetHt autaleel edontonof theday It lb* ”Hympboar." Anjou* ^ [^ 2Oau pltl It.

A M iia B n n m .

E E JACOBS'S THEATlAlwaj* tka boat autacUoaa at papular prloaa.

On* Wan, commaaolng Moaday, No*. IS, Matin*** Wadoeoday and Saturday.


rony artlata. EvarTtblng aaw. Ba* Freak H. Wblta In bla humarcu ipa^lUati tb* Three Marvsllea la thair woadsrful groutaat novaltlae; Hymends, Hugh** aad Haatn* la plohaanlnj daoelog; th* Haahaltan Onar- letts, etc., tie. And Lew Dceksteusr's Istsst ssnialliwai, laugbabl* bit, “ Dr. IVIhBrsi and tb* Tammaay TIgsr.'' Ktil (Thaaka- glalng) wnk," My Anat Brtdgst.”

i B f i f i r .aaarBrotdJ

HR K.C. MINER.......... Promaed MaiagerCOL- W. M. MORTON.....T h t O nly T h ta ir t t f P ro m n tm t m H ttm rh .

u s u a l p r ic k s , aac., eo*.. T i*„ b i .Hcoday, Novaabar 11 t MalcdiamaU* ganinsi.

Wtrk eomnMBaIng Ntw Ycrk'i Oraateat

S H A F T H O . 2I S . b. LAUTER CO., |^ 65T-659 Broad Street. ^

( Not’, W—OhAfiM FrobrbAo'a Oonipur In


VAN HOIf l ^ I M I T E D ) ,

73 Market Street, Near P lane Street. PRICES FOR FURtllSHING ROOMS.

lUnxe ITable..... .I'wo Chair* UUclatb....

K IT C H E N , and Fliturt*.............. ....«l*.oo

.... 1.00.......... *0.... *.00


I> IN IK O -U O O M oExieoNiADTeble,..'........... A5.no8tx Dlnlof Cbalri................... *......... 1.00Twelve yard* lorrAlti w p e t ............ . e.ftoM i r r o r . .................................................. .....................] > > u a g e . . . . . f * . . r * . t s . .................a............a ............^Cocker.......................................... LT5


F A ttU >K a JMufib Parlor Moire*.Ttrroty-flr* rarde BroN^i Carpet,

m«d« u d Uid.... ........... *...........Mirror................. ............ .......... .'A'abir.....................................Piu'lor Biot* .................... .............



W A LD liR fS OFIBA H &FRKD. WALDMa NN. Kaaagar.

Wstk commenclagManday.NoTsmbtr 11, Mal- lotas'raeadar.^hnrsday and Satirday.

Tslephou* Gall W.

N IG H T O W U I Iag -P n tiy Chorus Ladl**-20

•. l^ t l . • W.'1 OwiOocBpABy,Not.b»*<Ud by tbe oaly J. W, KoUy*

Efiiiir'i iidltorlim (SiDjii Hill)Tburgday, Noyeinb«r 32, 1B34,


"Verbotene Fruohte oder LoektiaZflifige,”

A fraad ooeaie prodoettoii with eenf, br Bent* DlrectorK B«urM, L'Huu* Pnli.

F*rqu»i,Mte; giilery. tto. RMtrTed tMU ftc. Md lOe. Ditfu. Ttokoii mty be procv«d%t Ualinr't Drug Store. Waiblngtoa ud Mai kDieti,

THE ESSEX LYCEOMw open to eoff

cent* fftJFt, IretarU now open to eDBAfemeDt for b u q d *^ oen-

fM, inMttnn* mniilejuMa re- copUonn.etr.ESWEX liA ND iX t.M M teh ^e it.

BEDROOM No. I.Antique Hedroatn Knit.....................BIO-BO8lito»n yard* Ingrain Carpet........... O.ioMsttrae*. bpring and Bedding, com­

plete............................................ S.SO


B E D R O O M N o . 3 .lUdroora Fait.,..........................Twsivs yards Ingrain Carpet.........Hallre**, Spring, B^dlug,*io«....


. . . . 4 .b O . . . . 7 .0 0


Note th* name AMOS and Na TS beturs entering the store. Rallmates cheerfully given for fiirnlsltlng Buire or tsM rucmi or bou.e. with more or Icse eiprnsivs goods, for caih or credll. Telaphon* 5R0. Doodt dallvrnd frw> of charge to any part cf tbs 9UU.

STOfTINa FURNITURm~n» asw bnlldlag* just erected at «*, SO and S* Bank straet seem to be tbs uuy place la tbe city, lb* way th* rociai art filling np, on aeooaal of cleanlfnet* and lop rale*. Furnltur* muvad with vaua in oUy or country.

Ml** McCormick, a young Oatlforoia artlat, who ba* lung fall that In her own oaie, at l*aat, then waa need for dm * nform, ha*, by gradual obaagaa, toouatomad lb* lababitenta of h«r vlllagt boai*, Paelflo Grove, to abort aklrti witlHint giving a vlalaat chock to lh*lr pnjndls**. From the ordinary Itagth the n tinced the oklrta half au Inoh dally, ur.iU they Lwrtly raaohtd th* ko*o. Leggings ul rius*t leather or corduroy cover the lower port uf litr leg*, and her ooetume*, which are lailor- uude, are beoomiag aad even graceful, buch a reform cult 1* eepaoially convealrnt to Mlu McCormiok when *h* 1* engeg.d in palnllog cattle, lay* Barper'i Ihuur.

Lady Sominet dttle with more thaa one or two of the wrong* of the day. lo a late num­ber of h*r fNtfnol *h* aayi: ” It woman haart- l*u t The mUllaer* are agraed a* to the anawsr, and a glance at the headgear of tbe moment bean out thl* loiartlon. We prefer lo believe that It t* wont uf ihougli I rather than want of heart which makes women con- nlv* at a faehion coaling the Uvea of thousand i of bird*, and we appeal to rcoclen uf the irum- on'i .Vlpnof to protest by sxsmple and precept against tbe wautoa daslrucilou of * God'* eweste psuslonert. yeblrddee.' '*

Mri. Parah Steven* deck* her hande brill iantly upon ttetiv* oocoeUiu*; mure often *he woanonly her wsddlug ling, a narrow oand of th* old-foehtoned type, and rather worn from lung wearing, She poieeeMi a ring which once belonged to the Tutkleh Cmpir*. which 1* oartalnly wonderful. Tiii-re le an In- iricate bond woven of fine ellver. At the set- tiDglitlliard, madentdiamoiid*. In the tell I* a apring and when it i* Umohed tho mouth of tb* Hoard OMO* to divulge the iiuerlor of the throat, which U madeoi rubles and die- uionds.

Tb* Women'* Unlveralty Club [e now open for th*aeoeun. wcupying the > quartera oe leal year, Id the hulldlng of iheHerkeley I.adl«t’ Athletic Club, New York, it. fliat aflirnooii tea wo* hold on Saturday, l.hduber XT, wb*u Ml** Kmlly Jam** Smltb. dean of Heraard Collega. waa the guest of theday. later the will Mooiut a member of the club.

Ml**Tcmpklne, a Kentucky girl, who wu onoaaecnUry of the Sonthern Kiposltlon, held at Luularill*, *n<l later parcljailug clerk fur the Vnlird ntatee Supreme Court, has bsen apuointFd oasUtsut rasrsliitlof the cuiirl, a poriliuii naver befon h*ld by a unman. Mlae Tompktiu Is nut, at yat, thirty five years old.

UIm Kthrl llarraden, tbe sitter of the aiuhor of “ Hhlps that I’osi In the Night,' heer««solly cuiuiaoeed and pruiluced lu ' don a cbver oieratlc akateb.

A Philadelphia Inventor Isaaldto hav* perfected an eleotrio rallroal system In which the power can be safely conveyed along underground wires and the irolleye and poles can be dona away with. The company which baa taken hold of hit plan* baa enoughconfldenc* In It to spend a good many dollar* in advertlaing It* al­leged merit*. Th* equipment nffccbi only the cara and roadbed, no chungea being neccissry for it* adoption In place o f a trolley system except tbe removal of the pole* and overhead wires, the bolting o f a 100 pound electrloal controller under each car and the digging of a spice elgb, teen Inoboa In width in tbo centre- through whlob tbe conduit paates on lop o f the sleeper*, the atreet being repaved nr cemented over the conduit. Nothing can Inr jmcit but a solid roadbed with a flat and level strip an Inch In width run­ning along the top of tbe conduit parallel with tbe tracks, but flush with the street and without any slot or opening. Thbi atrip la compoaed o f a series of flat Iron ralla, aeparated at interValsby uon-con- conductlng matarUL The only see- lion o f the rail charged withelectricity la that directly uDdorneath the oar. The teoret of th* controller hot not yat been revealed because o f pending applioaliuii for foreign patenta. Tbeoompany Is said to stand ready to eqnip any aectiou of road under responsible management at Its own •xpense, to show what tb* system will do. 01 courie It I* trae that In the preparation o f pro* paotuie* and advertiaemante, as well os Id lb* field o f laeobanloal ingtnuity, men hav* Hooght out many InTentioDS, but In a bualDMi oa praottoat dad aa wall under­stood as elMtrla raUrokdlog 1* now, (b*

and aowiel Urn equally at muah as did tbe RafilMla Dr. Araold. Beeoari also had heard rumor* from te« native* of a flower higher than a maa and that at eirtaia tim** gar*(Alt an odor teat waa fttel to man or bttat Tbe Italian aaturalnt did not belie** the latter, and determiaad to make a rigorous seareh for tht man-kiitlng plant, Finally, dtap ia tb* foraat, he can.* upoa It. It riaamblad a lily, but a giant; and from th* oeatre of th* flower roe* a spadix that wu six faet in baifbt—or at tall at a large man. The ataikad laava* wer* ten fast loeg, the whole peoulltr pleat taking np an area of turty-flv* square feet Tb* dumeter of tli« spatbe waa about tene' fret, beltebaped, with urrated trtgea of a dalloate grata tint, while upon tbe uuttide It wu a rich purple hue. Tb* odor wu not poitoaoua, but wu well calciiUted to keep both man aad beut at a distaeoe.

A few year* ago a frlaod of Deccari, the Marcbat* Cci^BalTlati of Flurenco, preHDted a pottaa inb*r of this pbint weigh- lag Sfty-t*T*n pound* to the Royal Gardens at Ken, Kagland, aad on* algbt it bloomed, to the utonlitenieBt and doUght of Ibote wuo saw it. Tbe phmt u callad tbe guabaruiu lamcapbo-pbidlut Utonum).

Travellers wbo ritlted or pAued tb* Cape Negro country of Africa ofteu beard from tb* oativti of a phut teat wai part spider, tail that growing teraw It* Im about iu con­tinual itruggle* to Mcap*. it wu th* good furuuie of Dr. WtlwHtch todlsoovtr te* orlglu of thetegud. Utroltlog tloog through a wiad-twtpt tabit-land country, he cam* upon a p M t teat ratted low upon th* ground, but bad two anormoue ■W blew and twitted atiput in th* wind like eerpaati; in fact it luukud, u tbe native* had said, like a gigantic tpidsr. It* Item Wu four faet tcrou and but out foot high. It had but two Itavte In reality, tliat were eix or eight fett long, and split up by lbs wind so teat they rscambl.ii ribbou*. i This U probaUy th* most extraoriliuary ' tree known. It grow* fur nearly. If uot quite, a century, put navtr upward tieyond about a toot-limply slowly expanding u mil it retebe* teedlaiiwter givtu, luukiiig iu ite adult Itate Uk* a tlogultr itool on the plain from ten to eighlatu feet In dlrcumfenmc*,

tV'h'n the windcani* rushing in from the sea, lifting tbe coriout ribfaon-ltkr leave*, tud Uiuiag tbem about, it almost eeemud tu the diicoTorer teat tee etrang* plant had iuddeoly baooiue iiubutil with life and wu struggling to stoap*. When a descrIpUou nod picture of tbe plant w u sent to Kogiauil, it «M tike many oteer duceverm dis­credited; but soon tea plant ilsalf wu re­ceived, and to-day Welwlttcela mirmbilia le well koowD to botaniau, and ttanda firit Hmnng tee unique producUont of lb* vege­table world.

Tbe glaula of the grate tribe are tbe bam- liooe, aad tbay attola a btight ul over UXi fett. Tht rattan tliat doe* ool grow very high make* up in lingtb, attaining, accord-

AMOS H. VAN HORN (LiniTED)7 3 larkRt StrsBt. I(U Plua Stmt, liiul;, I. J. .

For Lies or H tThis is the best and neat­

est Cork Sole Shoe made. The cork runs through the entire bottom from heel to toe and the cork does not show,having theappearance of an ordinary shoe^

M E N ’ S $a. L A D IE S ’ $4.

T R Y T H E M .

!• r if bt for ttM b«»i dlnMr of ttwI«kr. lin't b* r«*d7 uiiKMd Id Hiiop for thl ubU f Our fttoekq bj tht wpr, ii hi Mpaohwlth •r«r)rthtnii r&r Thpnk^Tiiif Xk«F. »od mat othtr dPi* for tbM nMtUr* It DiitON with temputlons t« ib» *ppb- iht u liTMittlbl* M b«Bg«r Th« vertMt •pietirc iTotiid with to Mbt two dloMn oo w Ittb If ihft m«Dti wtr« QUhda mp fitm Diir poewesslon of d«UpiictM from tTpri ollioiL. We eUmb to the top of tb« IM with ft food •xpodtlon tb»t oftonot bt ox- crllftd ill ibift or afiT fm\$a ootU)trr« W* CHUM It oomprtftift th« oholoiftt prodiiet1oa« of farm, fardan, dfttrr. Dirhard* ft&d with rT«f7thlttf iQ cftbbad looda, plam pad* dint*, nati, rikliliHsroaf^Uoiit* wlftMaad

It will brftoft ftp font Ippitttft todw T . coll DU

A M E R & CARTER,7 2 8 B r o a d S t r e e t .

DOUGHS $3.00 SHOES, $ 2 .7 5hoQM telllog DougUft Shoes at ro-1/ hOQM

d prloei.Onl



•4*00* rodnoad from tAOOsALL KINDS OF SHOES FOR MAN, WOMAN


HOTZ SHOcI236 Market Street,


Pull line o f Alfred Doelgi's Felt Shoes and Slippers in stock, which we sell below the factory pricea.

JN inHIUIl ARE SMILICS.One day thr chlldroa waro haring an uliject

loMoii on tha lilu« heron. Tha teaeJirr calM attantlon ta Uh amaU tall luiyinc: *' Tho bird haa no ull to apaah of.” 'iiig uaxt day nh< a-skud the acholart to write a datorlpOuQ uf iha bird, and a lltlli- ilurmaii girl wound U)i by aayloK: 'Tha blue heron haa a tall, but i\ juuat not b« talk«d uUiut."—

<Aa EMerly Would‘ba Whaalroan'a Ezpurt- ritca.)

DIkbm the Why dole?*'Huruhaw* a ToHilstrr HuyCycUlMount ItAbd lurnbla off—T ry f’ydc!Hodi« bruiwl Jiud ihiveiinf—IcU'leiUrad tba LiImU. am burrifled—8hy t^yclelSail off at a wwnfleo— Fla CyoialAnd that wu the end of my CyoJel

FlntTalepbooR (Hrl—‘'Soma of tham mru la terriUlo crauka."

Second Tatapljoria Oirl*"“ Yfth * what wna ha kickiug about?"

FlrtV Tllajihoiia Ulrl—“ The mug wa’iitM No. TUI Knrietu, uut liiauldu't gut 'em, wj i gara hint 7iif, and ! lold him It waa aa iiaar aa 1 could cuiiie lo It, and ha wm *■ matl im Lur- aula."“ <Jue« n NtJufA

U« i« i up alatca at tha prlmitrlfta*And wluuing, *ai up aohaar (Ho lat up hiannuata builuatm And aomatliuaa up iba baer;Hut ha weakrnrd and ha iQaakeuad.And far from htn horua dtd rove When tho wife of hia Uxvum Mkod him To lat up (he pftrior etnrft.

— Joupnot.

leOD* iug tu Kuipphtua, Iftftomo luttmisa a Uagth cif 1.2U0 fait. The ordlbarT caua of ooui* jiian'i ftttftias ft luft|;tb of NO feet. Tbe Imdi- tNJo uKHt bar# bean tbe beftA lUlk ol le^ud, aalthu baon knowa %o grow oae foot ia twauiy four lioun in t Qlaagow hothouie, and la UbiuoN Atoftan growa fromtwo to twoftod a' half feat In tbi* time, tbe griutnt lucreete being ahterveil lu the algbt.

Himia uf tb* palm* are glautt, even their tea vat btiug enormou*. A leaf cf the Kaphln, u Hrailltan ijalm. It ttventy fwt long ami forty ia dituieter. Another genut, Mtxi- lullUnt reglt, lit* Utvtl iHtv ftet long, while a tingle Ital o( thi Ttlipal twin) of CtyluQ It u t ^ i i a tent, tonietiuiex covaring firtetn people

Hut uf all tee leavta that tlrik* ui aa re- markahl* that of th* Victoria regia I* tea molt phenouienaL On Hew Year, IhST, riir Kuhert Hchuinburgb wot laUlng up tbe lierbioo River when he diicovoreil tb* fainoui Illy with Itavet tlx and a half feat aoroti, wrlth a rim flv* Inch#* high, bright

Erteu above and crimton beneatb. Large I I'd. are often aeen ttandlng upou them, and

out grown In a butbeuie lervad at a raft (ur a littfe child.

Tlie leawaadt includ* torn* ramarkablt foriut. Oa the Huth ttwn at Haat* Oatallua Itlaud th* gratt bad* of kelp forio in uertain placet n protectlun, and a itnall iteawer In which lb* writer made trip* tomatlnita ao- ebured by hauling aboanloneofthatnormou* IcBvei. Tht Diocrocyitlt pyrlfera growl In Aniorctlc wtten to* langth of SOO faet, and at Krrguilen’e Laud It hat tieeii.fouud grow­ing upward to t Itngtb of 7U0 hundred (tet, and >irung ennnfh te hold a good-iiiad vaa- h I—a vtritabit giant of tea ocaao.

Iluod'i Htrtetiarllla- acting throngh th* bbiuil, reacbeaeverv part of ibi •yitem.aud tu till, way putlilvaiy curat catarrh. **•

Envy '■ HlUer " lamp I* parfeet, wheteevltootttllOCof IlM,


B TIm "Mdltf'* U nuda la all atjtoi of Baaqwpl, Boodofr, Flano,* k 8(ody, Bnckot. Htll, !Uh^, Ch«nd»liir, •» eVftrykftdjr

« «a flad dcflina (o In rar uontaioaK wfcirh l« tiiftkMt Ift Kew Yorlia Oar OU nootorwll! wnrm aroom* 'Vital o mAh* Brow Tobin* with OhjriTota, Tbo tof^ianr. 0(0. EotabUibod IW. \V« luakoftal/tbo Leal*

Tha tlYflo a brighla tioady liabt, flam* do** aoh**oltnb"to iok4>- Millof: ligliUd wIthoBt rcnovlaa oblmBoy i admpto tara uf a battoa (whioh a «hlld eoa do larfrlyh *djwl* Ibtwiek M tha fiaiaa la alwaytaraa (aiYaatfappraroBwat ot*r tho •Id w a j aC palHai mp tba wlek>t ta pai la saw with la a* troaWoe An lodlaalof IoIIb wbaa laiap U fail al ad; tba dmft !• aooMiiffoiiadthatcbluiMyaaraaolbrokanbythadiMaa, THB •^iniLLICR^ IM A WONDBRFUld LAMPt BTBRT* PODV IfHOVltD B tY IT* H r « » will aat Mppiy domotatta. CJilatorwea aaat «a applleatlan*

EDWARD MILLER & CO.,10 tea It COLLiai PL, M . Pvt PL ud Btrcit, H , Nn York.

NemttUtTttedmadbtaUoati (tb Are,Park rlaea, MbAv*., BaMtey lit. raMmUeek

G lo T e a « T i e a , S h lr ta , U n d e r w e a r , H o a le r y , C o l la r a , CuflOi, etc. This department is new y e t; that's why we make it attractive with prices that must raise the spirits o f our customers., No old stock ; everything of

the latest style and pattern.

807 to 813 RfOid StP. S)— Open evenings next

week. Thanksgiving till noon.

JUST RECEIVED,A nice stock of “ Canada Seal Capes,” with sable edge and collar ; Electric Seal Capes, Velvet and Valour Capes, all in new shapes and good lengths. Also some handsome Jackets for Ladies, in the latest styles, and Children's Long and Short Coats, Jackets, etc. Also Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc.

A ll these goods we sell on time and terms to suit and at prices that will assuredly please you.

297 PLANE ST.,BaL Bftnk 4Bd Mftrkdt 8td*


WHEN l/ou (Vin come to u« aiu i ff»t a nHabto one) oUher fra a

(/old, gold Jtlled or tllver cate, at a very reaeonable jn-t'oe, irifA a full guarantee.

I WM H A V E A iA R Q M S T O C K TO S M iM O r FRO M .

From Florida; Oranges, Grape Fruit and Tangerines, selected and extra fine.

Fruit was the pure and primitive food o f man, and no dinner is complete without it in some form.

Either preserved, dried, pickled, canned or fresh, we have almost every edible fruit that grows between the Arctic and the Antarctic circles.

A good modern dinner levies contributions on the whole world, and we are uni­versal purveyors.

Bar* yea triad tb* UtU* Ovafcar Saxatgatt

Higheit of all in Leavening Power,— Latest U. S. Gov’t Rq[iort

BakingB s m l e r

A B a O U I Y S W . S W I I B

rilio 0 0 -tD r i.V i) S/LVJSIt C JIA jy S in a U rea t Variety o f fa fterm .


G O O D Y E A R ’S R U B B E R S T O R E .

D . F . S E O E U


Largaat and mutt cou- pltti taaoriivtnt In th* city. MACKINTOSHEH- COATB, HOOTS. SHOK8, I'OUNfAlN and BUCu SYKINOKH,

A l ^ r Almyn !• At.teudaae*.


Page 13: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

g - f , ■ V ji

' ^ A K K

J$ '2

W m s , T f e U K S D A T , N O ' ^ M B E R 22, 1894.

I F S OF THE i l lThe W. G T. U. OonTention i t CliTe-

land, ft, Cloiet Its Work.


Tk « Ag«B ( M«»oal*»D, N. N., KakM BB4R*rt !■ Wblvh m I>«flfirabl« Ata1« uf AttUra t i Bhown—Til* it*ry of Canadtaii

TroopuBlng In Am«rl«nn Wat«ri Doihlnel by Cnplatn DnaP'—An A|t«ntpl by n ^ o m M nnd llnr Bon io ItUl Tnwp OBiolAl*.

«iit> IBITT

J o b a H . W o o d b u r y ’ s

H A I R a n d S C A L P


N o u r i s h e s t h e r o o t s ,


F A L L I N G O U T ,

P R E V E N T S B A L D N E S a

P E T T Y S E L L S I T .

Tb* u iiaa l W . C. T. U. conTutlaa wxltd St CI*t,Us(L 0., Im ( •TMitug. A t tb* clos­ing M tloa Um mtaDlM o f tbs E lKUtlv, Com. ■ulttH wUoh bsil not slrssdr b**o npnrhid to Uw cosTssUon w en nistl. Tht rqwrt InclnJad tb* spproprlsttan n( H,OOU fur tlia Nuioosl (U|isriiitsBd*at, orgsouU soil Iso- t s n n o f tb# Unlus, urguitssl into i bosnl, wblob will n port s i {utura oonTwttloiu lbs nooauutndsUoa o ( tbs cnstlos of s fuml for tbs dlitribBtlos ol lltsraturs tbs noora- niciiiUUob for lbs sdojiUos of ihs Tsmpls ComnilUss rspurt, sn4 b jisw i proTlJiag tb u tbs Htsle unioni sbsU not bs bound b j tbs poUoT uf Isws o f tbs fIsUoDsJ Cnlos. sx* oept tu rn sril to totsi stnllumios sad tbs sousUtttUoDsl rulings of tbs fislional bodjr. X bsstsd discussiuu thsu sross ovsr tbs sdeptlon o f tbs Tsinpls report, la wbleb s Bombsr of d.lantss psrticipsted. A fisr s v t t f sicitlng d ^ c s tbs oummlltss'i nport

flnsily unsolmouily adopts I,Tbs report lin t n fsrrsd to the flnsnclsl

s tn n n iK j of tbs post jssr, wbicb bsd hurt tbs Tempts, In spits of tbls, bowsror, tbs Intsrssl on tbs Tsmpls trust Hoods wss paid. Tbs bslsnos on hand at tbs baginning of tbs Tssr was KS l. Tbs rsnipts of the year wsn|IT,laB. Tbs oipsndtlurM of tbs jss r w on Tbs cash balsnes is IbTi, andtha BUlsi moalTabls aanount to I>,lbT. Tbs floating debt o f (flfl,OUU will probably bs rs- duosd to I2&,0U0 by January 1, IRM, About 4411,000 In leases w en discontiiiusd ilunug tbe roar, and tbs n n t roll now amousls to 4IU,0UU. 1‘ledgst to tbs amount of orsr tdU,U)U havs bssa rscsivsd.

Tbs report ot tiw Bwoiutlons Committea was also taken up and new rsaulutions adoptsd, A long dlKusatun was startsd by a nsolution protssling against putting arms la tbs bauds uf boya Utbsr resolntlous adopisd wan one deploring the Arinsnisn horror sml adeocating iutsrnatluoal protsc- tioD, anil ODS dsnouncing tha incrosss of mil ■ llary sdamUou In publw sobools, colhgss end uulTsrsillsa U n . linsib of Mss-achuestta lutruducad two aiDsndmautscunfsrriag mon power OB d sw tn isu l tuperlntsndsnli, which w en lost. An aniesdunut wss also adopted prielding that bisnulal Mssloni cou bs bold vhsn dosinsd odelsabla

American, M ofo Bun-hard, now in Berlin, and was ihowa yssvsrday for tbs lin t time In Aramdca. . .

(Isttrgs Lugsr, who has a rifls bafon tbs board, axbibitsd tbs new produotloa, and the ntsniban of tha board oould not bsip sx- pr.iaing tbsoisstvsa oa bsUsrlog that It bed a graat fu lun be/on It. I t Is an arm adapted to terries tor many braacbM, aad tbs only small weapon m which sniokslsas pourder may bd uaed tueoaasfully, this tort sf ammunition being quite unsrrricsable In nTolTen. It is alter the style ol tbs Uaxim mltraUleuas, being automatic In action, rsoetvlng Its ability to load aad extraot tmpty sbells from tha noo ll o f tbe shot.

In Ihs sxhlbltloti 106 rounds w en And without a hitch. Tbs sxbibltor And twsaty- fonr shots in forty-thne and tbrsaKiuartm ssooiuls at a ranga of 110 fast, and all w en hits. Hs was Bot an axpert with the piscs. I t wstgbi two pouails, twalra and ons-half ouBoas and is stsTsn laohss in length.

Tbs grip It pUosil at the esntrs of grarity, g ir log a tteaulsr Brs. Through It runs a nisgaitiis raijabis of holding aigbt oartridgss with nickel-Jacksted bnllste of T.U nilTII- nistrea, about tbs tarns osllbrs ss tbs nary reTolTsr uf tbs present day. It his greet psnotrstlon end an sffsotles range of about

metre*. A light adjustable ttook may bs sfflioJ, making, for all p^racUoabls purpoesa a carbine for raratry. Tha oartridgse art of the Luger rlmlees typa.

rA iB K N a K B T B A IN I CObUUB.


An Aeeldeat In Massaebatstta Whtsb Was -Dus to ioBssbo4x*B Carsitssssta

Two psmtngsr trains on tbs New York end New Englsod Railroad ooUldsd on the main track about a quarter ot a mils' from Oxford itetlno, osar Woroaatsr, Mats., at flJW yesterday afUimoon.

Tbs train ^ n g south had orders to pus tbs uurthbuund train on tha siding st Ox­ford, bat, through a mlinudaritaiidlDg, w u OD the nutia trai^ when tbs train from fior- wlcb cams sloog at iwsnly-flTa uiim aa hour,

baggageman Cbarlu Wilcox of tbs wait­ing train tried to turn the twitch aad throw the enramiag train on the tiding, bat failed, end a bad wrack toltowid. Tbs anglass were kirksd end badly tmuhsd, and both mail oart were telescoped.

Tbs InJuTsd a n : Tbom u f . Cnrran, of Worcester, Rrsmant arm and tboulder bniiisd and ankle tpralDSd. Cbtrlu 0.

Tbs class o f tbs oonrention w u qnite im- U **''**' pnuiTB M iuW lU srdspok.bru lly, thank- * ‘>uad, Hamusl Jonakowik^ of tn lM pu; ing tbs dslagatufor their kludneu to herand telling them bow tlroug and wall ibe flit. T h u the couvsntlou siljournsd and wUl probably niset next year In ttaltluora


Tba Agent at H cKalera, ti. M.. Ilep lsna the Prsssat Stal* o f AQalrs.

Captain Ls t I F. Barnet, btreuth Ca.alry, A o t i^ Indian Agent st Utsuleru, X. M., In a report to OunnUsaioner Browumg at Washington lams up an stU among tbs Indians of that agency which it foond to prasolt to a gna ter or law extent cmonif all Wettarn Indians, and m on espnHally among thou still in a UTage state. Ht uys;

“ Aaother rasss-of much trouble on this nssTTatioa Is tbs (reqnsut marriages among tba Indians. I t often happens that a man will gst Urod o f bis wife alter being mairied a few ntontbs and will then leave b ir or m id her betns to bar relatlTm. Thli may ooour nrsra l Umss with tbe lanie persona, to that

, b man may hece tfaras or four w ins and tbe woman u many husbands, all yst Ilriug. Bometiaws tbs hnsband lll-trwts bb wife and lbs m n away to her parents. They often moke np and lira together agais.

“ a en rn loa iu have occurrsd during tbe last year where parents bara Induced a nun to marry their ^ r l, aged ptrham ant ovsr thirteen or fourteen yean, for t u sola pur- pou of keaplng her out ol school.' I t asnally happens that the parties toon tsporuay tbs

(g ir l raturnlug to bar psreaia ottm against tbe wiibea o f her nnsboud. This cauttt seriovs squawnla Id o n fl fgiystodnduas tbsse iiv ton t to lira together when ones they are marrisa, butthsrs is no way of com- palling them to do so.

“ Folygamy is practisod to lonM aiteat, Tw a in Indians hare each two wivaa, and CDS boa thrsa srirea. I advise against tbls on sU ODcasions, but they do not ilk* auy paraoa to interfere with such things. 1 do not see bow Itoan bs prevented, u It is an old enstom."

rendered unconscious and badly bruised. Ha w w caught OB the book nf a seat, end a drummsri vaJlia falling from tbe rack on hit neck pinntd bim down and injurad him tevtrtly. Albart A . Walkar, of Norwich, tujrinatr: hip hrnissd a id back wraaebsd

That ttaars ww oaghgeoM aomewbera is oartafn. for paiteogan on tbs train from Norwich say that that train came naor strik­ing a freight t r i l l near Webstar, mnning on the - main traok lu tead o f a tidlsg, w ordered. In exactly tba sanu way as wbsn the aomdent at Oxford oooumd.



Captola Dnaa, o f the Fstnt, Dentes la - trsd lag la Amerloao Waters,

The Canadian cruiser Petrel arrived at Windsor, Onh, yesterday, having on board ICS -American fljhing nats, clalmsi to have besn saiasd in Canadian waters, near Middle Island, lost Satnrdav. Captein Dunn hw ■ot raoslrad Instractions from OUawa bow to diaposs o f thun. Tbs flih that w tn In the nets were sold.

When Captain Dnnn ww asksd about tha charge that he had taken the nets from American w itc r i be replied: “ That It a gn a t mlsteks. I bad been Informed by Canadian and American-cltiim i who have extensive flshlag Interesti along the Cana­dian shore that Amerioans were lishiog in oar waters, and whan I swooped down on them S a tn i^ y I found It to be a fact. 0ns or two Amertoan tug* trars engwed In lift­ing nett, and at sight of the rstrel they i roppsi e w y th ln g and tteanwil away. I f nut gulftfW hy were thsj in sach a hurry to g tt away f

“ 1 took an Amsrloan chart and went oara- fo lly over the ground. When I found new wholly In Canadian waters 1 lifted them wilbont qdestiaD, unleu I w w fully con- -rinced that tbe owner had put them then unlBtentioaallv, I f the net ww on tbe line, and w w laid toward Canadian water, 1 ripped It up right to the Una and left that portion wuoh lay Is Uie Aiosrlcan water.

“ When tbe matter comes up forInvetllga- tlcn h j tbs AUMTican autfloritlss 1 wlU Tn- troduca w evidence some letters from fltber- num living in Cleveland and Sandusky that w ill hast aa important bearing on tbs cow.”

TS IB D TO lU L l . TOWN o m O lA L S .

A toother aad flea Rsslil Arrest AAsv Thstr Osslanght,

Bydt Fsrh, Mast, was thrown Into an tx- cltettsnt last night by an attsoipt to kill tbs Town Clerk and Tax Collector, and tbs Chli( of Polios In tbe town rooms, James F. Kstfa, who is much worried on ths subject of Imagined wrongs which hs end hti muthar ars suffering, called at tha Town Clerk's olfloasooa after S o’clock and demanded a wamuit for tbe arrest ot a Mr. MsUa. Kstfs 'i motbfr acconipsalsd him, and tbs two made repeated dsmamls for tin warrant.

Wbsn It w w refused Mrs. Kesispullsd a mooksy wrench from under her apron and ■track the Town Clark a.violsbt lucw ovsr tha li ft ear with i t Ths wounded man rutoied across tits hall Into ths ufllcs ot Tax Coltsctor Banford, and attempted to close ths door. Keefe followed and Arad two shots throngb tbs crack of ths door without UUiagsithsr of ths occupa'uisof the room,

Tbs I t e fw then made a flank moveiueal and ewne very near getting Into tbe apart­ment by aaothsr door. They were only prsvsntM la their sUcnipt by tbu superior strsagtb o f tbs two meu, hat before the d(»>r closed, Kssfs lucooeded in Bring two inure ehtts at okas ranga, oua bullst paselng throngb Mr. K erry ’s ooat

Tbs nolss o f tbs flrlag attracted ths attsn tics of Chief of Police Rooney, who rutiisd out of bis offles to sea wbst the trouble was. Mrs. Kssfs met him half way and dealt bim a tdow ovsr tbs head with the monkey wranch, whloh laid him motkmiaii at hsr feet. Young JCsefs again proved hit poor Borkemajisbiu by Bring two inure eheu, this time at the prostrate body o f ths police­man, without hitting him.

TbsbaUlgaraatmotkirBBdsou thsa went to their home and barricaded the sutrauce, am ed thennslraa wlto rsvclvsrs sud prs- pMsd for a seigs, Omoer Brown cams to the door aad w w grssted by Mrs. Kaefa, who w ldi

“ Coibs right la Mr, Brown, and we wlU terra you the way ws did Kerry,’’

Tbs offlosr took this at a Ihrrat io shoot aad rallrsd. A large orowd gathered, and

, the motbar aud aon took turns In raoitiog i their grlsvaaos from an nppsr window- Tbs

oflloirs deemed it unwiw to try to toros aa satrsnot In ths faos o f two loadsd rtvolrsn, and kspt at a rwnscttul distenos, Ftitthsr sflorte will bs mads to-day to dislodge them.

•O toETH INO MEW O f Ito A U , ARMfl.

I* Sxhthlllsa o f a Pistol la Wbleh flmoke- law Powder Is need.

n » Naval Ibnall A n u Board, at Nssa- poit> a l „ bad axWbi)|wi btfora It ysitet ilM' ■

................ iMMkfltjr to r r w h f i t o ig t ig jr ;

Tbs Mew Ysrh " llaa " Takas a H uuorast ■ by at tha Pratldsat.

[Prom tbs Dally Cnokoo o f Ds? A fter To-• m orrow .}

I t w ill be remembered that daring ths anfortotuts four years* interval in Presi­dent C leveland’a ooonpaoey o f the W hite Holme, he conaebratsd himself to the prao- tioa o f the law, haring oOoea In WlUlam •trost, noar W all. To ths adjnatment o f osass In Ullgatlon bstwssn hit fellow-oiU- xans he gavA Aosn tlins to time, w referse, and fo r modoet (sss, that latas patisnl and oonaolsntioas attention, that seme m ieterly andentanding o f tha great prln- d lp lsso f juritprudenee, that w m a oour- egeoo i knd unpnrohieabls ethical par- pendlenlarity. I f w s may nss ths term, w bicb make him to b***^ 1a every re­lation w ith pabllo o r privale affalrt. A reterenoa was Indeed w ith Qrover Cleve­land a pnbUo trust. Fubllo doty w w pro- ieaaienal txpadlenep. SelAab lotereSUfbnd the lohem w o f unaernpulona greed were fbtlle at sgslnst hit unbending rcotituds o f purpost. Tbs Inaidloni suggestions o f oontusl, In irirsd by the avarioa o f p e lf ana derigned, often from the worst o f moUvse, to mis­lead his judgment and to blind bis InteUlgsnoe and allure him by adroit Jngglery from tbe plain path o f quoal- judloiar duty, nsver deterred CieveUnd Trom reeolote inaitteiioa upon tha defloite and olesrly dsAned prlncTplw o f funda­mental law. Hla awardi ahonld have been anqueationed. Hla daclsiona thonld have been accepted w ith bumble grati­tude even by tbe loesr. Nothing leas than unhesitating and nnoomplalning aoqulot- oenoe was due to the deliberate Judg- meute o f loob a refsree, rendered under each historic olroanutenoea It w w oer- talnly not too much to tx p ic l that the Bndlnge o f Heferee Cleveland shonid be held wared and Anal by every patrioUo cilixeni

W hat sball we lay , then, when a high ooart o f “ jnsUcA" teefanleally the high- e it oonrt in tbe State, goes out o f Its way to dlioredlt President Cleveland w a law­yer, and to hamlliate him pertonally, by n v e n in g eome o f hie m olt important do- claloDs H referee, by lettlng aeide some o f hla m olt oom oleottouily end patriotic­a lly randerad awarda. And by offensively exhibiting him to the oonntry In an aipsct Intended to be ndlou- lonsT I f tb ii be the result o f an In gsniDusIy malignant oonaplney to make the faeits Conn o f Appeals a party to tb* dslamaUoD o f Qrovsr Cleveland, tbs snamlsa o f that unparalleled man bavs over-reaobed themselvea W ho are the m in that ars Im pndint inongh to w t np their judgmente agalnat tb i legal knowl­edge o f Referee Olsvslaod T Here ars tbs natneso fthe n rse lon igan g : ‘ ‘ Charley’* Andrews, ’’ B o b " Garl, “ Rn fa” Peek.- bam, “ C lin t” Qray. “ E d " Bartlett, “ D enny” O’ Brien ta d “ N lootlna’ ' Finch, o f Ithaca I

P E R N O N A L .

Th* Tlxtri llavs lU n i tVorh With Or- Bnge»llaar ilswllng ■■am**--III-

cyclloi—Dlhsr Rporl*.The Ant half of ths gems bstwssn tb*

elvvrot of Princeton University sml the Orange A. C. at lb* Orangs Oval ystterday wat all uns-sKiM). Prloceiua rnalial tb* ball down Into ( 'rang* territory three timw and miult w mauy toucbOowui, aud kicked two fvala But lu ths asooud half Iba story ww digerent. Urangs want to work at ths pigfkin with a rush and, helped by a Pnutvtou bad play, a I'juc hilown ww securad lash'Vt urdrr Ttian the liall was lu th* otutr* of th* AshI again and although the Prinuston meu sp|Kir*nlly tried all tbs tactics they knew ot they wsr* unable to make any dsrenl gains aad never bed tb* bell any diiiance into Orange territory. Th* Princeton loam tsemedto haveexbauatod tbemeelve* wlUi their efforts In the Ant half, and till* is accounted for by thaw who claim that tbs tsam it ovortralneiL rh* Orange nisn were Just beginning to play after th* Aral hell.

Pnneston’s xrsat weakness ww fumbling, and often the ball wu given to Orange for balding, ( onqvlent Judge* wythat Irinoe- ton will have t.j luiprov* 100 per oeat. In or- dar to cotu* anywhere utar wlnntug from Yal* a week tram Naiurday.

Th* Ortugt tetm played flu* fool bell. Buell, th* big right guard, gan “ Usef’’ Wbeeltr quite an argunisnt, and Collainor* aad Coyne si Ui" ends wen every whan. Mtrtbsll Wkii shn lu svldsuce at oritlcat timet, and Uurdnn'4 kicking wta Inuneni*. 'Ilisre ww a ialr-ilsed crowd within ths Oval when the eauit was called at 4:36 o’clock. 1 'h* ground ww wet aud soggy and the bull Vary slippery.

In tb* flnt half lb* ball ww furosd stead­ily Into Orangs territory, end ww saval for Orange by post util* by tlorJon. Finally Barovtt bruae through esntra and mad* a touchdown for the Tigers; Trsuebard klcksil goal. Priuiwtun then rutbed tiis ball SMod- Uy from Orange's kick-off until Barnett ran thirlr-flv* yards tii rough Butpbau ssil iua>1* snotusr touchdown, asd Trenchord agala kkkeil goal. A bard flghL lasting about tan minutes, ensusd, Trsnehard tnakiim a Ann run of twi-uly-flv* yarda Finally Bar­nett worked over lb* Use and mads a touch- dewiip.‘|lrei(riiard niisslng goal.

In tbs we.’i-nl half sbceeMive punts by Oonlon brought lbs Mil tu Princstoa'i Btty- ysrd lias, when, after a fumbla by Ward, keinbla by a clevtr double usts, gut around th* end end biucUud down, .Vsrtosll missing gial. This practically ended ths gtuns, as no further gsliis were intdt l>y eitiier siJa Th* duubl* puis hr which Orangs scored ww a vary pretty pisca of work and surprltad tb* Tigtrs very much. The Uue-up ww about twilv* yards from tb* gual Una snd tbs Tigers slignsil theinwlves preparatory to stopping a puata play on their centra 1 he ball ww paswd to Uerdon, and tb* whole PrlncetcB teniu daahed right at him, but be quickly paeted the leather to KliubolL wbo ecooted sniund Prini-etun'i right end ani itnd* a tuuch-dewn fur Orange before th* Tigers knew wbst was gning on. Maraball puuted out to Oordoo, but tiw trial for goal wwa ftllure, tbe ecora being IS to 4. 'fbe linsup was w folitmri:FKiiic.'STon. roerrioNa okaxobAO.Jcuueuu |.'iuiilU)...leit end............Uillamor*fliuruh.............left tackle............. ButpUentVlieeter.,...... - -.Left guard..... ..........tJuverBLgga lUfowdle).__oeuirc...............Mohor

f ..... right guard..................BurilT«jrlor.............llffhlT nac bard........ aoile.. **..**...*.. U07MWard ...... guifler t»*ok............KlmbiiU|{ftni«U...........left b*U buk..........MAfriArdM e k }...ri.btb..fback.,..|

STnMrf t ....................................Attendance UOni' Touebdowne-BarnettlE.

Cochran, KltnbalL Ooale from tunobdawne— Trenclurd ri). Injured—JohnMU, Khodea Want. Uoohran. Uraplre-Mr. Alaiaudar. Reteree—Mr. De Hart

More* and ]-<* are botb practically oat of foot bad this year. Tbe furmar, jpeatly against his wlehea bw been cempellM by bis physician to givs up playing. U* may rstnrn to ths game In a day or to, bnt Uwra is gnat doubt of bis doing to. Ijsa ti at bla boms io PhUadelpbta, recuparatlAg from the Injuriw of the Trenton gams. Hit phytletea bw alto advised him that it h* contiauw to play foot ball be will not b* reeponalbl* for any wrlous Injurlts which sun aluiost certain to neult

Tbe fcUowlnf tsam will ^ b a b ly rspra- lent Yal* In Its ganu with Harvard: Left end. Captein Hmkay; laft taokla Beard; left guard, MoCrea; oantra Uttllmaa; right gnsriL Hfekok; right taokla Morphy; right end, L Hinkeyi quarter back, Adee; half backs, Thorne sad Jsrremi; full bock, But- terwortk.

Thera ww no bard practice for Harvnrd'a fnotbaU tisvsu yesterday. The rnsn wsut out Into the rain, went through all the slg- nali and plays, and then ran a little. Cbarila Brewer, wbU* untble to walk, is not tenous- ly injurtd. Tb* sakle u ueltbtr broken nor Ipralnsd, but eoMldertbly wrsnobsd, snd while he will take no mors practloe until hs ■ball ran on the StIl at Hpringttald, be will certaiuly play In tha lame. His kicking bos very much improvsd, so that Tale will not gain ten or flrteeu yards on exchssgs uf uunU, as ww txpseted. Brewer will play tuU back, with FalrohUd at halt. KnllowcU is practioally wtUsd upon w left tackle.

-Asnoug tiw Bewitre.Tba Moutclair X. C. bowlers Anlehed ths

frame In their first gatne with the New Vorg A. C-at New York last night in a flue man­ner, they having coma very usur to winning the gam* as a rauult ’They lost by soveo piaa. In the ssoond game the New Yorke Istl from the first, sad won handily. Tbe games war* in Uw Athletic Bowling Leagu* ■eriee and tbe scarea war* w follows;

lib* to mast Ahlsjkk but doss not fancy fighting nt vni u an early date .-tldurtl Is t the liglii weight cbainpiua of Kngland. I

I V repuun-m of tin* •■Ki-ntiicky Koae- | bud" was (llfnmed Inesdny night in an ■ eight found lent with " Vouag Btorligbt" at Ills Klrllaml A. In [.run. Mawk tV'bile Ihs enniaat wat 'ii'riarcl a draw, It ww a vtrfual victory f.w " riurlight."' .-\l- ttioiigh the laltsr assuisl to lie about done In the filth rouiiil, u* np«ie.| th* nsit one with aoiu* good work wltu tii, left on face and body, and kept at it *o steadily that tb*’ ’ Bud " was very groegy at the rh^c, Th* atvsnth round w w so<iutsven. Tb* eighth end lest round w w very nturh lu favor o f “ titarllghi.' H* pok*<l tb* ' Bull’’ la tb* mouth with hii left, gut In hi* rigiit repsal- sdl), snd kept both bail'Is landing eu feet that Ilia " Bud" ,tagg*r«d all ovsr the ring.

Th* ttsrlug at Wsehlaglan,Th* ram at Washiugtou yseUrJay rs-

■ullsd *> follow*;Flnt Bars-Tw.>year "1-la, us tad a halt

furluugv. llermanlta, rt to 1, wou. Usilerloa, b te A ssriiml; Ureibund. 6 to third: time, L ’JBt,.

rk- ia-1 Ibu-e—.ail ages, five and a half furh'iigs. M HI E lllcll, 1 to ‘X wou pulled up by four leugtba; I’ anway. U to I, eaoond; Umglircuik, 4 to 1. third; inua'*.

Third lltoa—Two-year ■ le. six Cgrloagx. McKee. 1 to 8, wou; I'hii Ima b to l. aso- ond: llnl Tu|i, lUbto 1, third; time, 1.16.

Fourth Kiwnt—Three year-idiU and np- xnl. Ut* sud a half fuiioiige. Black

7 to A wou In a romp by four Umgthe; Poly- dora. lBlo.’i, escoud; bsuaPir Vest, 4 to 1, third: lima I.Wlt-

Flftn Itai'S—All ngsa one mil*. Handowaa I I to A won by a head; Uarkaseo, 7 to A WMiud; Hter Actreaa M to 1, third; tuna l.4tl.

Hixlb Kaos- AU agea six furlonga OwlsA I to 6, won by three Isaglbx; i'anwey, 10 to I, serond; Fidello, 16 to 1, third:Uiua 1.16'v

MIseetlanseus Hpnrts.Ctsiase In sparring and wrestling under a

first claw lutrucEor will begin aitbe Urang* Athletic Club on December 1.

Eugene VaiiTainbacht, of Bnntli Orangs, rspreesnis.l th* Hnulh Urniige Field Club, lbs Pacific t'lub and lbs Melrnpolilan Ath- Isiio Asax-iation at ths auaual masting ot tbe Amsieiir Athletic rnioii, held In tha Aator Houm. Nsw Y ' rk, ou Houdty,

Morris II. Besli, who wai third lisieman on tlis Unuig* Athletic Club base lisll team last asaaon. Iiw been chuwii captain for sa lt year. Meveral good playar* have already bsen iecure<l snd the lusnagement l i dsPv- raliiud tiiat th* train ut Ih'.U -IwU b* s|ual. I f not inperhir. to the IhM nrua

tvs* and Bclisi-fer will play another billiard match, tfau time in Chicago, lieglMiiiiig on Deceiutier S. Aa Hi hscfar lost In Now York, when he waa lated a big favorite lu tb* bat­ting, It it reaiouable toIwheve Ivea will be a hot flrat chuloe lu tb* coiniag match, st - psdally w It will lak* place m hla native city.

MOXTCLatB A 0.1st.

Thomson....... lUCadmus......... twBayder..... . IdtLockwood,,.,, 178 broker........... 171



H6 846 ToU Ii......... UU IB7

Sahdui, BniaoM, of Fort tii atiot, Mioh., th* fa lh sra f Thomaa A. Edison, though ninety ysar* ot ag*. I* it lll In active poswsslun o f his fscnltls*.

Hxxbv SoMnusflV, th* son ot U d y Henry Sonasniet, will devote hi* spar* time while Wintering st Bcslos to complstlng hit book. In whloh b* will describe hits rsoent etplorA ttnna in tbe Hudson Bey wrritcrle*.

Dbam U aoartnxt, ot Melbourne, Anatralbi, who died jn bla ntnsty-aixth'year Iw t weak, had held tbs dsanshlp forty-two yssre, her- leg gone to Anxtralla with Bishop Perry, ths first Bishop of Malboarie. -

OuvkUHoa-xiiSn Ootvim, of Ocnnsotlckt, baa bseu no peatersd by offloe-huiitera tliat he ba* had te ateal away Irom bla Middlstown taoiua and go Into a ntlrement ao denw that Ibe pMtman can not And him.

M bh. Lk>c im B. ftotmua, who hw jnat bsen sleeted president ut tha Illlnoli Wonun's Cbrlstlsn Teuiperauoe Union for th* nlnlh tbns, has worked In fony-thrse oouutles, given 171 oddrestw In ths Btate, std kw visit- ad four vthsr Htslss.

PHunatoB ViROHOw w w saksd not long ago by an Inqslattlve Amerlosn at what hour he w w aconeloiiMd to go to tod. “ When my day's work la dona," h* unswarad. " It luay be 1 o’clock or 8 or A but It la mr rnla uot to altep until I tian flniihad what I hart to do.” In spit* ot this Irregularity o f habit, Profdasor Virchow at saveuiy-two la a vary euerfatis and BOtlve man.

f o r 2 0 Y E A R Sth e f o m u la f o r m a k in g S c o tt 'a- E m u ls ion has b een en d o rsed hw

physicianflofthewholeworld, Nose c re t a b o u t it . T h is is o n e o f its

s tron ges t e n d o rs e n ie n ti. B u t the

s tro n g e s t en d o rse m en t p o ss ib le is in th e i M sirtftg/A i t g iv e s .

n ou rishes. I t d o e s m o r e f o r w eak B a b ie s a n d G r s w in g C h ild re n th a n a n y o th e r k in d o f n ou rish ­m en t. I t s t r e a g th a n s -W e a k M o th e rs a n d re s to re s h s i l t h t o a l l s u ffe r in g fr o m E m a c ia tio n a n d O e n e r a T D e b i l i t y .

‘ ' I S a r tt illM k ■Mu-

Two gumw war* played tu the Huburbon Bowling Lsogn* series on tb* Roseville A. A. tllsy i last n%bt between th* tsaoie rsprs- eenllsg th* HossvUI* and Columbia oliibs. Th* Bcssrillss wou by th* appende<I scorst :

IIOSXVlU,E1st. H .

W oodruff...... 177 1 «KotcUam.......lAI iMt'hedliter.......IM 17VBadger..........IM IMlisidwlo........ IH ue

Total*.. 884 8M

OOLUMDU.1st. I I .

Wlllin............t’rsne.............Erkenboch___F, rroniiusl... K lm U ll.........

Tota l*........ 787 IBtTb* Colombia Wbssiman, o f Brooklyn,

did nut know what to make o f tbe war the Atelente Wheelman bowled lest night In tbe Wbeelmen’s Bowling League serira. In each gems th* AUlsutas woo by nearly 360 pioo, snd In Uw Iw t gems Kdward Halsey msile whet will prolgiuly bathe bifh score of th* touraaDi*Bt~6II6. Tba scorn;



,Bo*,, 1||S Uutiadsn


COLUHBIA*lit. St. l.W 140 m 14A1&7 aa

ua i&A m


a recht— ug.......

TotaU..........»8 788Tota l*..... »WTwo gtm w wore bowlsd in Orange last

night la tbs Harris and Eawx Leagu* be­tween the Orangs A. U. and the Northern Rspiililicaii niuA The dube broke even by ths loUowluf soors*!

oaojioElet. U

Herriag........ m IKTureen....... 148 13Aborn........ lilt Ifld ray ......... ..ion fliIrvlug


■ORTH niPDBi.nrAM.1>1. IM.

Hebert*........Miner............Ijeouard.......Van dtsuberg Bonn............

118 188 14V 113

. IM

tM TH Totals.. 887 784Hontgomsry's tonrnsmsnt le progressing

favorably xt tk* CUntou SU set allsys. On Monday night tb* Bsrkeleys defssteil tb* Aia- I s n t e s b j^ soors*ut US6 and 686 sgalssl lUV and NO..' L on algfaVs soorw were:

ALPHA, AMBHU'A.isS. td. Ini. fti.

Msrbutt......... tw Idl gelntaiu&ii,* Eooib..........

1!19fayra ............. tlSI 1«A . M lAU^ B D ll.......Hsylsr...........Frank*..........

m im 8lea............. .. m IMii « SlaODartsas.i . 187 111

ilsIM .IgUkr,........ . J4S 118

Hull................ DM-— To tola...... V. imi 8U5

Totals, .H I h ;Nsw Wessnls tsr John g. Johnson.

J«hn H. Jo4ui*on addeil ssvsral mute reo- ordt to h Is lift at Lnulxvill* yesterday. W 1th the aid o f panmahtrs be rod* a mil* with flying start to 1 minute 47 8-9 esooudx, a' second undsr th* rsoord. 11* passed the tbrse-qaartsrs lu 1 minute 38 seocmle Hut, tbrss-flfthx of a sscond batter than th* rec­ord. U * also brok* tb* two-thlrdi mils, tbrss-qnartsn and mile standing start rec­ord. H s mads ths mils in 1 minute 93 1-9 Btccudx, two-thirds lu I minute Id 1-9 sso- onds, Ums-quortan In 1 minute 39 1-9 wo- onda

WsWS o f th* r igh tsrA John Ij. dilUvasi 1* ant dead, as ww

rumorsd.Dr. John A. Dos^hterr, of PUIadsIpbla,

hw offsrsd to back Horsw* H. Leeds, tb* Atlantia City Uflbtwslghh against owan Ziegtsr, who In FblladsIphI* u eosuldsrsd tiw wtnMr ot tiw Uo-AullffAZisglsr bouk Dcnghtery te wllHng bo Iwck Lwds for a nteia M from SLOW to 410,000 and for • Buteh fight or tor • limited noflibarof rouute.

A mateh b a tw ^ Jimmy Bsmalsr and Btanton AbboM |g lalkisl of. T iw Enrsfca A, U., ol' TTgEnintsfl; f i T hiu offarad JQ " " t t f l g W i l t M rnlijraTvttb tba wls-

OM’dE to tahs

- - - ."W W M ii■I v-gfiiyt'SdA

P i N k H A M ’SVegetable CompoundI s fl podtlvfl onrfl tor alt tboia pfllnful

Ailments of Women.I t will sntlrelr ours the wortt fortng

flt Female ('omplaintt, flll Ovarian tronbleo, InnaraKiiUon nnd Dlotratlon, FMiing and Dl^laosment*, of th* Womb, and Mns^ueut Spinal Weok- DssB, and M peculiarly adapted to tho Vhm giqfLj/ i, Every tim« ft wlU out*

Backache.I t bM eared more caste of Lenooiw

ifama tliOD any remedy the world liu ever konwa. I t te almost Infellible la Inch osisv. I t sliatulyee u d expel* Tumor* from the Uterus In an early gtage of development, ^ eheoki any taudeuoy to oauosroua Aumom. That

Bearing-down Feelingeeuilng pain, w eM t, and backache. Is Hutantly relieved and perouuienlly cured by Ita use. Uuder all droum- itaDaesllactaiii hartnony wlUi the laws that govern the female .system, and i i a* Eaimlew as water. I t reniovte

IrregularltyiSapprened nr TTInful MonstruatSenut Weaknesgof the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Pruetra- tion. Headache (ieueral Debility, A lw

D inlnesa, Faintneas,Kitrema LaasitaJa, And

to be left alune'' feelingy « io i- tabiiitT, IrritabilltjyiiervouftDaaay atee[h ieaanesiL ilatulency. melanc^Iy* or tho ^bluess ' lud baokoebe- Theie aro Oure imJlcatfoDi of Fetiialt WL-aknea •otuB Ucraugfiuant of the Uterus or

Womb Troubles.^ e whole gtorw however, Is told In

n lltastratcd Imik enlitled “ Guide to Health,” by Mrs. Plukham, It eon. tiilni over 90 pages of moat Important Inlormition, which every woman, mar­ried or sliiglo, ahould knowaljout hec- teli. bend 3 two-cent stampa for It. fo r

Kidney Com plaintsntd Backaobe o f eftAer te t tho YflSA- table Compound te uuuqualed. , i

All dnifglft* sell thepound, 0T ftfftt bp tt>«ily m form Mpilj« or I.riwnm^oaroM’ip to t ll^ s C«rrt>Mp*ind*n00

Yewou] addrata in atricUit coaAdeneo, t l f t U I . f IHIAAJI W . C4)*. I f ha* Mam

I K O N W O R K S .

En-aui.isBiD itwa.

t a r s f O i i i iE S i i i i lO i t a U iMAt/mCTt/fi£HS u f

Impnivi-fl OnrlleH Eiurltm, TubnUr bfnlFrN, Tnnkft And AbMt Iron T 'urk* alro h«Avy IroD aud HfnjM Outlnn. 8TKAM # 'irn N (i A PFK(!IAt/J% and onion for tfeoerat laacliiae Aod boiler retain prooiptly executed.

A liARGFs KTOi ’K (^F NEW AKD 8m )KDw ^ A iS l ) KNUlNfiSAND UOILKftH oona

fUnMx otj hand. TUFPEii PATENT GHATK-UAHfcl.

Wharf to Icf, with heavy crikiie and atcrac* priYilerMh by dar* w4uk or moAth* loweai tllyrnU!^.

. c r q w hPFASE REMfiV

F O ii 'C L E A M lK C ;

SINISYFIFE!^Ilitit CCoiiiJ®fcttRl(ET 5T..C0ii’

Y O U N Gr i E N

To buy our iniixirtcd Melton and Ketsey

'JPerfection o f the Uiilor’ s art, 43 and 46 inches lom[, made to sell for $33, now scllin},' at

,8 0 .

c r i A s . I I .




H A B K lS O n & H O A a

You will find at Biy stsr* a full tins

W. L. Douclas^ 9 C U f t P laTHkasaT.

45. C O R D O V A N ,rfiiNCHattiWEiLEOeALrV S .i’ FlWCAlf&IOUiUKIII *5 .U P 0 U C E ,3 S a u s .

*2.h^iBirrjScHDoiSHiiEE •L A D IE S -

3CM>rMCATALMUi W -L -D O M U A t f

BltOCKTONj MAlSs T «a «u i AAira weaeX br w a «r li f tha

Wa Ls Oo m Ia i 93.00 Bh«a.Bwewwef. wt are Uii larrat mumrAclam* ol

ttdi cradoOT fhoeE la the world, ud cuarRntM tAoit vaIm br atueplJii ihe itm* laa prico oa Uit boUom, which protect you Heioit high prkwi Afid tha proflia. iHar chnaa equal enttomwuffc In itylie ww flitlax and wnarlnv fuaJiiMA Wa bate ibem aola crarywhara at lowar prtcaa fo tha TahiaftFar than ariTottaifr mak«. Takaaoiab

If WW1F djE' ■’‘-h «t--si •• wii>v>l w *ra*] vqrw(M J b r WM. IPF IM nR R , 44T Bread *■.,

JUM, M a y 4k 487., 97:1 Onms* si., esv, l l ib atq B. HBT.VIAIS,'4la--4‘3a H sris^slds**.; lV .A .4 fcT .V . aU K 8e,«03 Rrsadst.) U. B. t 'l .A K K , Id rsrrv tt.| P. nO K ll*TaIM , 4t N arkst s i j K . O. WABMli, .tilUbarai D. U. BIEEM AM . ItarrUsa.

RUPTURE CUREDTha ImproTod EUatlo Irtuia la tha otily tnui

ln«Al«|eaoa th*t la worn with abaolot# oom- foii nifht Mid dAygMilb ratiUfta the ntptura under tu bftrdeat aiarcLM or •arAraat atraJUi, \ud wm affMt - - -withoaingud ainlnatiMi free.

I. b u d for DAmDitiaki5 pk o v e i> EiAAsjTio Tayss oo*

in wHi S4 broAdwATs oor. at* N*Y

leiv acaroiM or MTAriat atrAUig A MTiBAuat Aad ipwdr oura

1 to the AM of tu Mtiaal. Kx* a. Lmdyla AUaboAMa tor ia-


Or F ir s OF TH I U T Y CLKtlK OF Tlf BUT Y of Mawark.

Kawark, S.. Kay. it, im . PiAlad pTDpoaali will ba raealYid W the < lamnit-

laa Oft FuWlr bulldtiiti ef tliai'omtneQ ('onocUsof Ilka city ul Jtairara, ai a mvttiae to ba lieHl at tha Lily Hall In ilia «Uy of i-a Arh uq kloudAy. Ika twauty-aixth dav of Novembor, inH t hi oomoiJi- lao will bt In aamion to raotlv* and 4ip«n bid* Pra'u ta*«lock to lituo'dL'ck In Uio aO r't'wn- Tha CidY will ba opaiiril promjtlly at t;)D o'otiK'k.

I ba ibriowipt a Ibe work to ba dwiei Ttini—All maffun work Hmud-All carpantor work.Tblrd All Iron work.Fourth-Ail CUV alnn* wtirJL Flflb—Ail aiUdt'Ud work, ifliib All italiLlinf work.MTaoth-An plumblrjf W4>rk.Bifbth—All OMtlnff Tor tha hiiliillBf oflbo

propoaad iiaw jwmiid 1 vMco PrceliM't Hlatlon- nonaa In Ifaccityol N>wirk. %. J.. la aroordanca wlUidrawlofM an I tpcoidi-aitona madM tiy lionry 0. Klamni. archKcci t■paral• bldt wilt iia aakod for tb» Abuva nammi wtirc

fitdilara will itattviiolr pr>cM In wrlllny aawall aa Ik fleuroi.

Mddrr mini «pa(1fy b thal propeHAta tbav abould ibo alfftyo work bo awordo<i to thioin. ttioy will bUid lheni««lvu tn niiliin nii'l oornplott tba ■ama wiihla < 0 bandrod and ftfty cuuiacNiUfa worhlnf dayi-

'1 bo piau-Y and iiwr flf’ailonN ortho work iWAho •tAuilMd nt Ui« oinco iirilonryu. KiomRast4Q Markot ■troot, m litc etir or Now rk. 4alil pro- Baaaii to bo aecoinpAultd by tht ro>i wnt. In writ- iiiX. of I wo ■ur«UH. wliu khalt. at tht UniA of puttlak lu mucU pripoMtlt, ttuallly

to Uitir rmpunUbllitr lu trio autouni of Mdb i^pwal. and tiiiid UinuimiWoi ibaty if tba ooalra»i. ba awordad in tho partonnr per ■otu mahlkk tba pmpo«al tbt-v wiil, upou Uabolnrao awarded, bocuiiia lita or their »ureilm for tha Mtbfbt porfbrmaufWOf aatil wuru ; aud that If Uj« ponun or poraoai omit or r#fo«e tf> etacute auch oontTAoi. Gtay wilt pay U) the rliy ttf Kiwarkaoy dlithnikoa betwiwLi ih-i lutua to wlii<*h lie or (hey wottlif bavo boon enUtl^ u)voa I'l.mptotlou of tho ratUraet and ibav whloh Ui<> city trf twark may ba oblLgwd In nay in« iierwu ot ptrauna by whom ■och ooniract abkll b« rxecutffd

TbaCoiiimUfoi'nn FiiMi' HiibldinyN irf (ha city of fitwaric raaam k» ihim«elYwN tu-right to aooant or rajaot kny or all. pruiioMii for (hr abort work, aatbdr may deem boot rur tbe iniorMi of thodtr.

By dirorilon of (ho OomntULoa on Public Bollil- ten of fcho city ol Kowark

M JLI.IAM X.42r niyciork.


OF K lrt tiV IH B VI f risBlIK OF T H i city uf NowMlL ^owtfk, H. J., HoTODboi 11 l«K

Seated urafwaUe will ho raaalTad by Iba t’tMnmlt- h-A oil ihiitiM liiilitiiitgt of lha roumoB raiioollof ih* < lir of vownrk ai a aafoMu (o ba hold at th*ntv llftiitn Uw diy of K»*ai«, oa FridVi tka twooiy iLilctl oay ol borainiwr, lioi ibt cauae ktiit’Hi wtilhain aoMkiu lo reoalra and open Mila f ’Orii t o eiacA Ui I tviti*elooh la tbaaltaraoaai lha bkht win booaeaetl nrutupUy at o*oiooke 'Jka

la Ibe wurk to bo donoi blrat AU mkton ivorlt'.Ntevsttd • ah naritouiet work, ihirtl Ah ‘-‘jt '«t-)he work.Taunh' - All M«1miaa work.MiUi All plumbing work. i-l«lb All beatliur wnrkMritath-AII strtlflsHal aiont work, far tk# ballA-

■for of Ibo pruptHw-d (Rpw truckhotiae No, t, -Vewark, N. J.. la aooordRtiae witB drawiaga aad iiwclbna lloai Biatliby lUniy-U. KI«iucil arcliitea'L arato blJa will ba a«ko4 for tba aboeo nanud wttrk.

Miidwra wUl aiaia thott prloaa In wrlUufM wtii aa la ilgurH.

huiderE ttuat itwclfY la thdr bropaaalA ihak ebould tha aliovM wurk heiwardffd iBtham. lhay will hind ihoiBMfleea bt flnUh aB<l coaipMe lha aaiuovlthia out hundrod aud Vsirty ooaeocaUwo Wurklua daym,

I be tilana and ^pedtlrailoaa of the work oan ba •laailnotl mt lha uinoo uf Hearr i’. Klemm, Ml Market airaot, in vue city of F’Ncark. I'ald pro- powfela'o bo aoivmiMkniot] hy the t niBoai, in wii:- uic. keftwo AtuiMlen wb i ahali, at Ibe tlmo af poi- llbk In miob propowUt, quellfy aa Iv Ibelr loepoaot- biilty In tho auDouiii of aitch pivpiaal, aad UiKl tboma«LvH Lbat, If ih« nontrart be awarded lo tho perean or peiiooa making tba proiKMai ihoy will, lipoitlie hrin< wt Rwanleti. keconie bla or ibolr OdraUo* for lha foltbful iMirforniaareufeald work; aud I hel It the |Wia«m or (s«retma u loU nr lefooe lo oi - efiiie ench aoutrart, they wlllpey lutberliy of New­ark. aay dHfonmoa UHw«on th- «ti:n« ui wbloh ha Or Uiey wuidd bora beau onlliM upuitoouplailan Of Ih# ooalract* and that whkil) ihadiyuf Newark reay ba ebUgast to pay the perem or poieaua by wbutn eiirih enniract ahalt hoeioritad.

1 ho t'ommltMo oa IHinUo iiuildiAfAof ihadty of Kawark rwwrve to thomtaelvaa iho rig hi la a r^ t Of any or all propotda for the abrea work, ao (bey may daern bait for tba inierew of thi diy.

Ry tlliwi uu of Iho UoiniBiiiaa Ob Vubilo Bmld- (aya of ib« diy of Nowerit

WILLIAX tvVtXiVKnit,Ur City ClfflL



w li barahy alveo that an ataaeanuni apaa uwnorwef ait Ihe laada aad rad aaiau pa-

CiilUHT hTItCrr FAVIKG l»r beoaflia

KaUoa li all lha . _DQlUrly banafiiad by the patiuiof

C'firitTfroia Waehliivton etraat to Hl|li HroH. acoaelliitlathe uhteldujiB qf an ordlnenoa of Ibarliym ^twerlf, outiUod ** Aa ordinaaea to prarfoe tor lha paetod of

fX>CHT HTKKrr.fimai WaAblngtob etrati id Hlja ■tmt," paawd Jttiv lb, lan,

Han haen praparod by Iho uadofiCMd I'ammla ahittora aj>tHduied hy Uie Mayor of iho etiy M Nawark. AIM tUaia ropon by a cartlBoalo la wni- lAf. wlih an atM'omiiaitying map and ahedule •bowlag Uko ae«*eral a»»aae3Mate egalMl tba aaeinel ownete poeuHarly baiNoiitad aa aforoeoU. haa bo« dtpoeiud 111 Iho riflitw uf Ibo t1 iy (iork of lha of .Nawarh, for oaamlaatkM by lAo parUat latar- nlad Ihoniln.

fold aooMOirkaat oomprlooi all Iota traota and parwfo of laaAeaod raal oaiaco iiahio lo ho aioaiwd ao aforotalds lytof Bkloa uf

^ iO h T bTHICAr.foom WaahlBgtoa oiriet to High atrooi.

A ropraatiiu aa ouUn plol af taad*wbaihar luv* or emali.

All |)«rao(»e iDtarwiiodln -aid awaoamool Diay bo heard baforaeaid v nnimlootuiwi. oa TtttaUAY.TlJKI WkNrY-HRVkKTU t>AY OF

NuVRMBkIl.llH,tP . M.tAtUM 1'otnitiiuiunerr rutiio, xa 4 (third flDar\ <1ir Halt

Uaiad noTainbof )A iM iF- i,. FKiKn,JOHN ilWYKIL K W.‘ I’ U sIVa X,

Uo CoRiniladanara.rrAXJCH UF tali

Offlotaf keeeiTOf ofTaaea. Hooai Xa i city Halt

Thloonine will bo i>peoe4 froTU''elurday, •aale*' bar I, Ubtu aalardav. Jaadary lAlHAur thatw copiliMiol taioa i>r IH4.

rartWtalaraiMntlaaUeallAi lu lha foUawlof ra- qulratoeuta of law i

paldoii vrbaforoitio ariOfuih day of nap- Uniiitr, two par eoni, will bo deducUKi i If paid n i or bofora tha twonlr-ulmb day of HepiocuMr, <>ao

Kr oftil* will bo deduawtl 1 1f paid oa or ooforo lUo entleUidayotiictabor, ouobaifofuao par erat

will bo dadueted." I f aal paid on ar bafma tbt iwoaLlaib ley of

fWoaor, a aliargo of one par ootil wUl bo added ; If cuH paid aa or bafora tbo twoollolb day af Narotu bar, a aharga of iwn por ctni. olii id added, aod If aa< paid tid tw befopo Iho twoailoih dayot liaaoaa* hot. a chaiw of Ibrao por oonk- wUi bo aided: If uaiiald oa caa alaateonib day of JettQery. warraalo wUi ha taoatdi and In addlUnn le ihroe per noai. to- •eraat ftom Jaaoary I* ai wu ptroooi, JooUiaF and MllerfafF fooo will be added.''

uA do will ha ooan from 9 a . M. ta 1 F. H. Bal- ardar, fooiu I A. iL lo is M.

Mv IfotleKR,m lltoalTar.

NCmcF -XDTIOK It IlIKKRY <4lVkH TU all paTJea Inierooiod ihai tbi oertSIleata af aa-

oaaiAiiaat of Iho w halo aaieum of iba aoovi aod ai- poaoMorpavlac

WUl TKTKMTH flB k lT haa baan dallvorod to mo aaBordlng It law haH aMooamouicoiBiprleoi all tha low, iUMwaadparoelo af laad aad teal oiiata, lying oa both aldoo of

ROVTH TiiSTHaTKffKT. frotM dprlagfUid atemo lo Sputb cviaago aroaae.

1 bo ownofM of laad aod real aetata aaaooood lo oaldotrtidoalaor iMOawimtot are hereby roqalrad to pay tna amaaoi m aoeaiood upon than and oeAh of UamiaobomlToiy. to aio, at « y Ha, ICtiyHail, on oroeforo I weem bor 31, IW.

Kawark, N. Novoaibor If, lifo,K V. HC fTOW,

Me_____________ Acting UuaptroHeff.


---------------H A V ECoiwly In every variety. Oostiiine matte** and

null lu P*i»r. L'borioUa Kuh*. 40e. a itnx. NeojHilitau IraUraamlii luUivIduai bricks.

107 A l a r k f t 8L , 0711 U ro a d MLT E L E PH O N E H »7.


Best Paper5 S '“ t W ' * ‘^ l i t l « * M t P f ic t t .

20 CUHTOM Sfv Hawaii A J.

Kr iO iWVKTIT * il«b Watdc* rn r iiu ii

IYROAD. WHr»HT ANI» VAWDdRPOOL Jjairoelaiew-ar - Boeaoaieiit ftir lloa«ru ^

Koltoa tk bareby rivoD thet an aw<*uiuonl upna all tha owfMM nr all the Uii<l« end real ffAialg ptoullaHy btUHnial by Uio couatmciiun ul Uta newer oa each aide of

li OADftTkKFT,batweaii Fmnwtalrael autl l\ilalar alreoi, UNtotbor with a braoch In


baAwaen Rfued atraat and piifiBayteenia aremio, aororfUoc la the (irovlatoM of an iirflliierioa of the cityol Nawark, outUlrd “ /th uflUien- o iu proTida lor lha eonouuethti uf a oewar nn oa 'h Mde of

tmoAHKi'KKrf.batweaa Kunmot itroet aod Ifol&lor nireoi. tiigolhor wifh a hraeicb In


batwaan Broad airaoi and Ferineyivaiilo avoaiio.'* appruved kiereli to, iPM,

Haa been iir«i«rod by iho viiidenirno'l I'otumla olnnen, apppieied by Iba Marur >if ihe cMy nt Newark, aNul ihot a report, by a rerildraLo In writing, wuh an niyotdpaoylitf DnapoiiiJ K-haduJe, ■howlog the ttiVrirBlaawginieuUagMinn thB «v«ral nwoera poOUllarly Itoi roll Uhl a« aforr«a1-l. Lea l«an dopuattM In iho nniiw rtf tho 1 Ity t’lyrK: uf Uie (1ty of vawwfk for oxamlnatKia by M>n PeriJoe iu10 •otad therein

^aM aakkoiniont ponaprlhoa all lott, irai-t« and pattwleoflah-i noil real wUale liable Ui bo anoeaaed aaafoieoald. lying un nuth ildn of

HKUU> pTHKAT, firam Kmmot otroai lo Floaier Mrati

Both ildee ofWkluiIT hTRBFTy

fFom abniit 100 fo«t eaei of Fonuiydvtenta arenno to Broad otroeL

Moth eldoo ofy VANt)KRI*)Ofj RfRFKT,

fknm aitoiit 10(1 fooiaaat vf Pobnoylvanla ■’remio to Broad itreaL

A "lot" renroooiiUan entire plot or]Bnd,whoiUvr large nr amell

All perN-iiui iQtareNtenn eald affaefainoni may be haard biif<ro aald I'oumleiionOM on FKXUAYs TJIK lUtHTIMm DAY OF

NOVAMflKfL IIM.a* f P. M.,ai the rntniulaeiooora' rooto, N'). 4 (third Boon, ctiy Hall

1 aied Koy«mbar 11, iiN-F-f. FKINI>,JOHN liWVRR, .F. W. 8UI.UVAN,

lit ComotlMluaem

BRBfFlRLO nratMT Pa VINO-AHHKW- tnent for IwneflU,

Nollret* herrhyglvta that on aa«aMtnent upon aU Ibe ow(itn of aH i i » lamli ABil rfhi eitAtg pasa llarly benffniw l hy the paving of

. BiiKPMiaD'-iiiieKT, flWA BaooFg iTmue to >>niDC« ttveet. and from UOrrliaml j aaov t ellfoad avomie loeeveoth ava mie, aeoorftlai vo the preeioloAe of an ordlaaotw of khetity of '‘ ■work, ontiiled Aa ordlnanet to pfo- yUe lor ib* pacluiof

rtHkVriKLn ATAKkr.from KUBoaa aronue to pratigA rtroet, and fratu MoriUi and Tomoi Kellrcad arenue lonevonih aea aiM," approved F-opitnaber S0,'il4,

Haa been propared by tbo ODdortif ned Cemmia •leoara wpolnied by tha Mayor of lha elty of New­ark, aad iLaC a ropnil hy o oorllAouto In wrltlogs with aa accompanying map ami ichiuJtiio, ahowirig the eararal a^anaflieate acolnoi the koreral ownaro panJlarir heriented a% aforeoald, haebaaodapoe- lled in tbo oRtoi* ol the City OSorfc of tho rity of ffawark, fortiamlBaltoiior tooparlMo lelerooiod

held OMiMmiat ooiapriMe aH kui, tmeto aad parooli of lami Md real e«ioU Hate 1# ba aowaaed aa aforeoaid, lyliif on bath of

nrtalFPlBLp aTRIcrr.Haaaoi to ormngo etML aad foom

Hanrla aad > oaox ItaUmad avahve to Meaath afa*

" lo t" ropceeiou %p euiMe pkA of land, wMbthar krgaorkraafc' ‘

Allpor|(rtii)iitfr«biadto eaki awUBant may be foaart basin gal>i uenmlaklohara, ms T iffiS to? ; Tint 'J WKNTY’.IBV RUTH DAY

4 UF BOVftMBRm IIHlF-lC.,a(theOeinmBileMn’ toani, Bad (thtnl i i i f l i OHy Halls

Bated ifovembee IMiToiiM’ 'SWv%a.F, W.BVbI.IVA(T,







Mims l.<imi Cahhu.m of fiaro- noc, Midi,, writes: " I liav* been IruublMl wilii a terrible lieadocli* fur shoot two Tears snd ruabl nutfirl any tiling to blip mr, tint at ost a Trlend odvlnej me to tak,

your HI'hdui'k Dlooo tinrxHa, which 1 did, and after takluy two botilee 1 have nut had ths Lesd- och, etnes,”

lykMtoYLVaHIS UAII.II'jaD-TRKttrA 1 ssd Rsllnsd of Amertes. l-csisDiaS tkl sul bv Ui, leirrtorkieg Mwlitii osS Mock I STetem -i- , « » , ,1,1, „ „ sssssA'ulk,and eRH Ni.v. i r lois. mlna wUUrav* i & M j *iirai-t*ilen .Ii,ww , osSiltows:

A M., run ij , , . Colly, hltli rsilmoa Vss Oita ter witoiiisfc

toluo^li, laJlOMlinii,, (klcogoasd IL UaM f 10.2? A. H. I oaetylTinla lUiiUod, dalljr, oegfo

porad tioluUnir i j hiiliuaii TrUltslr, CteS, yaroaoni, teolat. Houttra 0,4 u » .HTva^ii ften. pnwfiura Sssnslu noorla M s ' ssrstihara ud trnwRun. Maiiiiwisii Ibi tes* n ira MWW mild, t e iw te**, iiSisry, 0,4*11 iX, ccgvsiiiMiiu of Sinn. S'smra ligkM Sy •utlenirT aud niovstil* fisrtrlu lUtiSa Anlvsi

; ‘•■‘•1 , 1,* * OSSO-V.. Ctass Isdiusssuii, ) . « a . il , i s ^ s j i

t XSS F. K. CSlce^ amt ISL Lstlls XxorSOt dlAjt Felliu.. ^ b u i , » t e . iu „ , ,ne lOitiraQlISiJiiC Um U, Ckiratu led LliVlitdii,. VMt<b«), MtecHnw (O ru d ross^M ttewbse 10m, loui, am *3 a iM s ^ lu t r a . is„ es, Lsiiti TSSF. ICaMual.con S.ISF. M. M il day.T x t i f. *1 . Wmisra kipivm, dally. PMInsa

VvallSul, lUMplas ton tu riiusarg. CSSsm asd ('itviloud. IHnliif Uir, te l-bUaili'jL.nia, u d FXte liiitg HCillciiri. A l ltw st U w U ld Ih U oX . I'lilosautjs K H. Htidoy.

IMIIF. tf routeWMtrrn 'xuram. dally. Fad- VMlltetl, slsralng tan h- i tee.i.aMiaadsa LonU. UtnlaKUr AJlMoa lu lUrbiOuiiO. Antra, ttiHSuoatl S.iC F. K„ Iudlaeayui:, idlS F. M., ud SL I sul, t A. H. ramnd muraiog.

f S.XI F. M. FHinc Ttearam dolly Falimu Baltki -iMpiDg uof Maw Ysrkt* loiiMaix a s ttvM dmir tteicaga TJSA. M. im u d mettiHl, (DluiubuiiT.ltF, IT, and tlivslud * te F. H .u d IMmlu II.SSF >1. dally, sscsyi'-oturdoy.

I e <t f. SI.. on.,ib«rd . eluray .-iMMO, tetly, j? Aesueia. M. AUgU'UuaSlid lomso.

t OSS F. SI, aoutOHU Itall-Vay f laiM . dally. bli-ati.n u) Auguaio, 1 si Uiiiiiias *s4 .'#w uriMii*.

I ASS r. II. Ilolly ter sfl peteu * i iM u eso u d ui4ki i .ell wey. Fsrisr sml I daliit I'sis . /.*’! MiiiuonL M'ublicuii and lU Uuita. list, 4;k'. 047- MS 11 Jmtiwi I verno. Fsitiess Vssflboi* ■terter isn, VraUkste FuMsgesr CmcSss sod Mm^ C a j. IMI * , M.t ILSS A. te-.tlA -II. AS* AteK - y-f® ‘ -47- kSJ A l la .K ,M '.V :.* '® “ ** M- “ d BslUtesr* ssly, w d.TA

FkUadaiLitt*, Aip., it.n. ASAM* Ate. AST, ?;7 kSS\1A1T l-ltulteis Kaiinaa Fultmu V I'arlul t orn VteUbul, hIdnljrtlsfvll.B A, „ .AM, Alt, aB sml ASS F. SI.

’iwmtear ______ ___ItIA hSA ISA ASA ASA ~ AssuniMdAlIu, ILte

M. wssk

Asd rJi p. M. iiiinuetlay, kissmai V ' . V ' “ *■ '■*•> * v T a h u Cx W.»!m 'p h " ^ All F. SL aixmwnudsuss. Ala iMIll's.' ASA 7SA f.sA Ateosf.a*00- 17 l.liulted rximra. FsJImu VsKlSolshiSst ran, \ Mtibul, t'MtaafSf (WiSrs ssd Uolite itett l i f » i i te.l i a ISAl ^ aB,Art

‘ “ i*teM d assf. m. s s i i^ , i i f f , s s i S-SS Ate u d IMI a. SA: AK A te ^ A AR IM At: Hut All F M. ^ ^ .. ditenllo lily, 1.IT F. M , -rim thnuk PteA u ^ HuB,i Fiilur Uw week dsn AteOjiASM

Mat, p M. wwk dsya n™.. WMno, AtSery nriLOlM

•»« M fl K.MagtisiLnM bSTTi?*,,*.;'•*lf*‘**'“ A* Toft sod last

iS'” “ -**** ' K-.11«.«LAMF.1A*J| nis, ()• Koodoy lAU a. SS. ud AMrarJisrasdS.""' * ' •*■ it,« til. Iltethti sod

Per naalaa. wlionut atiaaoa ll4 l F. M. i m l M P M.ilaiJy.

t^r Hwxvkiyri. N. Y.-Allthroath ifalaoeeanaat *y™ rtily w lih SOOM sf ■Hraoklys Aiibsa’ ■midtiia dirert uaewar te Asd train rulsos MnsA sniidlnc dcubis tirriw* aM fosnsy ssnssik* •*v.

I,.... m .-.*1** TOR*-SM^T! AtA AIT. ASA AM

h-Mi ti-w A.ll,ASS'i I.HtOA A lA in ASA M

T O*' T l iV A*A AIA Ate, ASA ASA

i n IS . ’Si*ii'^4A n on it.u A. I f- itSA t in{ '£ 5 ^ 4.IA. Ate. Ate. Alt. I.te ».%aJmA’* ' '■*4- *■» lAOA 10.10 F. IL. IlM

AteOte, 7-St, All A ^ 's t l f.V-.K'F * Id -ritli LIA At A wslk J « a ” ‘ *■**' '■**■ -4h Ate I.IS ssd lAte P. IL

AW. ASA A11. All l.sriOJA lAlf

loiA iai:?n.i* ia m ii,? l i . i sa’ sia1- te. 1,46, 4lt,4.A4. ^.toikia 'i le r'lo'te^ o il ASAlAMsndaaSF. n ' 8teI.iA7.teAte.AUV ^ " i s d l a n . A lA ASA AI A T.lf li^. J** '■**■ '••*’ 1 il-ll 4. M.IiraSw .I’ ioW*-,?’ *■'* L4A7.IAI'S- iU "w ,**■’ *’'■''1 "'ri*'' •'undsy. ASA AMi I J asi “ -I '*••• ‘ ‘ ‘ a a ia a iaJ^,^^P*^A*AAH ASLAU. AU r.lA AJA All

“ “ P 8TRkrr*T*T(oi». Ksasrsy. a il ria 7-ri

M ‘ - V’fi 'bJA II-.M a, SL: il ia i_xh Lfli !te Ate

IA4AI f-teiJA Ate lArtssd IXSfstftiA (UJO.ILdsllroaeopt HoniByaj^

For H iiaabolh oaUy, g,M A. V. kaliv i AJT A. M, Ud lAteood Ate F, si. w r a k W J ^ '* * '* ■ * *

r s A t e U t Ate A*kVte t 1 >3 Im V f S? . * * H ■USdWjUhato, Ktf, aM,hl4aa4te.ll A, Msi illfc, L lL iU Ua,lLUaadaliF. M. »-«aaia

Fer Wuudbrldiroaaii, 10 44 A. IL. U li, Lflli4ib ^bl. 7.117 ills i.a F, M.. l i t ! a ^ t we^Baj^ Buiihva U.U, A. ki. aaa toto F. Ms tU# A. M.doJiyeJtceptliobAayoi- ^^ Ftoli Am»y,Ui,ai4ah<ll4rt A .M ,aM

•ii- aad hkl F M a j itu

P - T S S y ^ s i ' ^ ? . " ^ SL; l£ A A S A U U ., Pm Klngius . ‘Id Hssky HIU, 7.* O. IL sot All

F. IS., dilly esonrl Ousdsy.rsf l■klltrJp^I|, jtiHtw ssd fl*lvtd*ra,7. » U.H

a. M..sod ISA ABF. II. oiiHdor, Ate P. 1(7• J r t I ^ * ” riUA TJoaiS A .SL|tteAM ttl Ate F. 14- euBdsr, A » f . K.

SorSI*alsfloa.Vje, iiJrO. K-sod AMP. SI, 4idly.tx»pt''8iad*y.„F »r Ffsvliold, I'ortnlstdiils sod Ss. tHit vis SSsumcuUi dunrtlsn. snd II.M a. lA. Llo P. IL week days Psr Freslwld only. US F. U. sssls dsya

JfKW TORS TO RKWaaiL . Ate Ato. Ate LU LSI. L4A AtA.W . !-!2' ‘AH lote n.te. *, n,i ii ia

l-te A10, XIH_Atel.te A li i»AdOO Ate Ate Ate ASXAW, Art L40, AOS

LIU Lio Ali, i.ii; UU, tLSXItstol. H. ani (LUotliJnifhL nuedaFiftiaatLk Art Art I.4A lote niR *. ll^ llii

Art l U ASO, Art Art i l l L f 1W ' J ‘3 ’ AO A Ail, M l 1.11lAIA lUte F. M. and t i l l sildalgkA {USdollpelMpI M«nday,i.

KarfliMsr bftinuatlMiassUiuaiaSlaAlshsksI b^tbr Uokot oA’wa. I lukoti for al4 potoie oa kti f^noiyl vaalA RoIJriMut aa*1 noaaeollMii, amJ barMa a^hwai aqU batgareelieehe at ihe nrimpav^i at* hoae, TU Bread aL. or at Uticei «km,ite ^ntarkel htreet Hiatiaa,

j . k. iroDft<tor>#fa1 Uanagtr. rtenaral FaiMager A fM i

F O A M tN KrprkMpiug eiralght h\ir la

0(trl. IMoe iAand Woeuta. H U LT A N A

Por tlbliftir the lljii aud cheaka iToe S(i iwnto.

P A K I A N I jO T IO V For

and Moth Craairt, wayraubad to aura f rackled and aU dJehuluratioiia of tUe akla cauaed by thfliUs Prlh# 5(1 ceiita par Jar. Uaiiataolured ■otoiy by



M u t u u l A r c i t l e i i tA fls u c lis t lo is

----And Provlily*- ..Mlafpiam Jdaxlmuiii

tedsmultlso, ladruiuttlss.|&,*D0.. Heath by, Accldsnl...... ... tiO.lfll)AIXU.. LteiMe uf Htend joTsit Pshii ‘

*iu;uuiS;">id.usi* 5


9,080.. Lues uf Hand and Fun. ri,0tn..Lasaot Hutu ilondt..

oanSs *

t t w i ' I

•r fl,OUU,,jj»toe of liolh Poet.5 i,<K)U.-Ixma uf Hotli Kyee...........^ 2,CUQ..lNj»ior Htolit Hand.........>s 2,AUU.,Loea of Either Ceg...........9 U<no,.Lioeaof Ona root.............^ Istnu.iljoeeuf Isift Hand...........§ hUoLoaeuf OoeKya.............^ 2,500,. I’armatiftit Diaabiiltv.......

2A,.Weekly liideiunliv (5Awmi 6il' ^ I f iNrtUKBll IN ANOtllKH < ()MP.\NX du«a jroar policy [xirmlt you to board a train Juat atartlng front eUtlonf

Doae it cover arhlEieiiUfrosn Liftihg. Frees- |ng. One, i^dsoh, lOiDiiaibiiSleui aud Obokiag In Hwaliowlngf

Uampla pollclea fureinhed on applloatloosJ O « s M fl B Y K V K A Vih,


/1KNTK,4L HAlLHOADOr NkW /BMBT- k,yiknthradle euat uaeU eialuatraiy, Uieortow

told comfort i lotelahle la affwtrnMna Laave Bruad aad Perry Miaei Htattow

IV V. r-undaye, T.lft 1.44. i i t , iLig a . M i U i 5tto.4,.e,,W.lO V. k. ‘

For utDerriile, at au. s,ll.».fll. J4.0MUII A .M r Lfo. i 4sV . fiO. t U,4.06. ito. khin.14, I.SOlAMI.M 4.40- laol. ll.M V. M. towlayr7.IO.VftlA AU. UII, S.4Q. a.s , fo'tf I*, ii,

For Fh'mlngwn,, i.o» A. Mr; l-iA4.0l.M4 P. U. fitodaye. 4,to F. M. •.

Koratolleneto High flrldge, oeanecUat for Ma> ikina oil High Hrtitn Hrancti and j,aJce [{opataoac, (4. Iteacegi l.aka Hopatroniy, f in A. U,; im i*. mT huaJaya laaoepi (jike Meiiatcong) i.ia

For *-(0110110 011 Ualu |,im New J«re»y uaaLni IHvleloii, Kaaion. Hfiblebcto. AUfatown and UaiH-h (AUbk, 7.lAk.u» n.u a . B. to 1‘aatoB. LI&. with liaifot Firlor Oar, 4 u4 ( itiiffot I'arlor IxW li.Wlo AtieiKowui P. u. itouilayiil.ltf A. N.. ha Faataiu, A.4U F. B. v-w w

For lallketbarra, PIttRton and soranioo. aoe A. M., Ml. 4.QI P. n. (lUiiTel l‘arlorrar>.

I’lilMelgfaka.t'i 4. yt r.u (except randeri) F. M. aoodayB.ier W. sxuamrv

NKWAIlU A-MI kU/AllKTH liHAftOR, TrtonH ]*aT« Hrtsul KUe«tNui>i>n f^r KliiabeUi

? Lk * H«*''elUport only, T I*,7-4.V m HI1*ai»#ih|Nirt only- B !IB. e.oa, l. i . Iftlial iu.ll, il.UK, 11.rU A ,M , IJ.IK l.l.'i, |,|k ti aj 3M 11 1 , Ida, 440, »;04, A344.VI, AJ-. 7.i4, 7 IS. 10.08,'li.ih F. M. Muoftxyi. 7 to I.iff,e,u6. k.w, |n,84 1| n A Us

loSeFor Forth Ambuy, 416. X.21, t 3». M.M 4 I f . i lK '

« J.WI* M. Muii-laya, 9.0S A. M,(

Borulon tifv% A », iLSt a . lik t.H, i »

For AtlaiiUi' Mlfblaruia via Nalawari, li M ItJt^ A. e.-w, iM t ’Sj p M. -sunuaya '* (?A B ; 410 P. k. ^^For FxeehulA 8-a. ll-3j A. M.; |.» g.|g

For Had Bank. Lone llrancb, f eeau Urove rut. II.» A M.: i.M. 40'. lihj lu Uwf HaulH!

e.a> P- B- buudaya ciiwiit 10 Uriaxi Urava kOA A. 4L , 11 0 P-M- aw A.f'«»K LAKlWIKfU

Toma lilver, Iteraagal Hark and HarnaiaL AUa . II.; 1.14 4 to P M,

Por VlDtJaad ani Hriilffinn, 1.86 p, gf.For A flaol lo t'l ly. I.U P. M-

.SKWAhK xVKW VUUK.From fi road! ami F'erry hlrevd '*ulfoai'-At &10Li

4.50, Ato. 4 to, 7,« i 7..0, aao.440. #R!, 10.U0. iftw, leto. u.iw. iu * a. » . tim u i 1X80. I 91. 2 00. l.W, 840,4(10, 48<1 460. Aoi &.U, 6.55, fl.U6, ah', n.4u. j W, 7.4fl, 7.SJ, kU, v U 10 Uj il.auP. U.: 12.04. I4to aigUL »irin<1ay«-4.u0. 7'SuIkOW.aoe. m.on, ii.yuA, M.iiioou.: 1.0x 180 iSuT’ 8.00, ion 5Aig, 6 Oil, :.oo i.uQ, u.og. lo.uo, tj an l in V

.q...»pi.\tuiidsya; ra r.

S T O N IN G T O N LINC-lwld* route tc Hostuu aud til* Fait: oil fires rsduusd. Kieanertt leave ^aw ElerSA North Ulver, a4 6IV M. ilaliYs except Hucidajr.

LEHIGH VALLEY fiAlLROAD*Harhel Mtnret Itatlaa.

7,18 A, M. dally for Uaooh Chunk aad Intar-ii*' dUie autiona Vuniieeitoa, rioapl humlay, for PiMtov'llltand Itoadlag.

8,4; A. dally lor nearra, liPobMtar, Baflhio, NUxara Fatla, Huapenaleri iiridge and the Waai, and pilttctpal Incal peinca dinlgr cat to ‘'itaiwbilua itridiri:, Pulicnan vaetlome alnvner i.i Clileajrv,

II,» A. U. dally fur ULawsn Chunk »ad Jelars roHlate pointa CoaiMcltuud for Aeediag and Hai rUbarw.

utolvM.daliTsexiwpt vuiiday. for Hmlra aod allfntoriaediaif itatirvaa ruanectlooa for-Fotta- vfiie and Itrwdiue ;ebalrcerto Wllkeabarre.

4 1 « I*. M. dally, fxrepi nuiiday, for 1* and B. Jnnctloaand prierlpel foietmedlaie itaiUnii { lulF bi»a bunhi parlor ear le WliktAbarre ; vonaaciloaa for PftUfvliitt.

444 P. a: u ily. except Sunday, for Sotita plain. n»M and lutorrnedlate aUiloba

447 F. M- dally for raatotkand tuternaedlate na* ilonB.

4.11 r, U. daUy (dunda^ 0.11 P. tor BuflUOy Btania FaJla aiid all potoU Weak, rvllmau aleepez veailhule train. New ropk to (lilraio, alceper to BuffhJu and Torontos Chair oar .saw Y«fk ee Wllkaahure jWMk dayaf, Onaaeatlcae for Head- fog aoxt flam«bunr-

4M P. Me dally,ceoefitfouaaystMMaiohCharik and laiernedlate aiallona

•.M P. U. dally for Mhaoa, (fooeva, Hoobataor, BofBila, NiaftfaraUaaod MipeliiUiweek Pelliutoa MaMare 10 ilhlaago Bunala.

tvEetoani PuiUau •eecvinodallaHM Feow*eylvaola IfoUreitJ iMpotahdni Broad atrael

The Saw Yerk T i i ^ r dkmpaay wiu oaU foem nafifoMiUMNlb-

l^veMew Tara front font ■ifi.lberly itreet-raAl 5-10. A to. 0.45. 7 Ift. 7.3017.U, kl|, klO. *.0u fl U], lato. 11.91, ii.w a . k .:ia m )1 (10. I to, 400, ilio, g.Qii, 3.80, 8.64, l.3n, 454, Aid l U i 4% 480. 4f«4. la , 0 44, 7.00. 7.S0, 7-45. 8.30, Ifo.' laW 11.15, l&UO P. M. ^umlaya -400,7.^ 41X1,1,00 lOOo! lI.Osi A. M.. IX,04 M.; l.OO, lOO. 4.9J|, tOV, 4UII4W' 410. 7.00, 8 1)0. f-00, lOtlft II.9J. li.M iT m

i*Ai riii(rR|C ANi> WAHiUNiiJ(j,\. uoVa L JJMJK UNIL

Fur FblUdfJphla and Irantof), 7.54 a.ot |aql (J 1-43. except Ptjlladelphla) A. U.; I.ft, AuTloae? uept rraalon L 6.04, 46U. 7.3,1, U-i6!» kf.

k’ t{5.08. eriwul rfeoton) P. lor PaUltuofiaad SVaatilngtoa, kOliiSOA 31 ■\404.4M,li.M i\ ii A. k.i 1.J4 6.04 408 K Ms »-Wi

Fur i'faaUaaom s*4«w Orlaani aod all polotg Fuuth with through veaUiiuled aJetpere m obeiF-

Valle/ blue, at 4o4 Iv M, buada/A 4fli

t Ji rough tiokeu to ait pnacljudpofoU atloweel ralM are on iaie at xiruad: aitoet aiatfou,J. il-ULilAUnftN, II. a U^LOWIN,

Ufo. auperfoleiideols Uiii. tW nger Agaak


AvuatuUiix train In s, u rclliiw,N iiw a a x AUB I'A lunaoif.

loa n i-wsnu, inr .Nrrais—a il tU * <h i< '6 TAs ail. «.te UI.I, a i l A. M.J At). Art hir, Ate, S.IIL i.%\ All, ilus 1-. .q. nunasy, a-S kii ud I- ^ - J . i ..I-i l.—— 1. nuiiau, u..

-te an- i-s). tu-ot y. lA. MKW.SlIK ASD .VKW rilHK.

ffswark-lte, ate I.te, 7,Ml lt\ Vlf, *te MMi A. *A: l£te 1^. tte aA Ate tIV Ate ate. II.M K U. -Ulndoy I.te art IL IS 0. M.1 Art AM, »H II.M F. St

Lsav* Sew V «x <L1iaiiib»n.>l',«)-tete (.1, Lw, ste, 11 jg A. If,: 4 i». art lia ail ate >• U US, IJX Tte Ifcte > «» f. H, •aolardu ooly.

iMyaxems m vn. .v,»»rk. MS A te usus- days, IMA. IS. Vm USuI, limtlrt Isavss Sswoste u lr . IL MUiHlaya OSS P. SL Unad traakr^msa Isavs, Sswuk, AM P. SL Msodaya Art P i V k lu o ^ ^ ^ rw Isavi, Sswork. agr p i

'¥er HskMA bomd, esaUA Mh M *^11UB»iablH,rall ol ih* Uty ITsSsi Offles U18 MrstA Tsisphea* te *I st sIsIIm .

M E N -^ M C N 1 ?w<*Ih ihia way wa oura auiotura aiul all tirlB

li upipMo< |kaa. jiitlllfii r—

Page 14: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

N E W A l l K E V E N I N G N E W 8 , T H G I ^ D A Y , N O V E M H E l i 2 2 , 1 ^ 4 .

laFE <*r i.iH*.

Lm « ■■<! A n v » r r Hard to K ill.KuDin !'«Torllo,.

tba Ufiioklyo'IflM t a ooinfnri lumi people (M uQl of

i I tH i )(oA *1 UlUotf Ibain—LhoDgb tliere 'iM lM M orth etiia rt, too—but In beUev- U v Utev- Uodern life Uiult toward M tll coOTentiouelltf, web « (a o ta ««, ■ eh dnloMe, that Uet offer a little Mvor o f poetry, whleh If not imwaloonie to


A m or end lU tUrinoa the Indlua. Mae- MMliuMlU »fkcl 4lre|0»«

From CaMier', Mvculna When the Roflleti Governnient, a few

jreari 0 0. bejan the oonetruetlon of eight enonnout battle-thlp, o f It ,000 tone dle- plaoement, the United Htatoe, followinf ■ult, authorlied the aonetraation o f three baltle-ehlp* which were to oarry the bMiri-

__ _ eit armor and moet powerful ordnance.m a n V i^ e w ld “ ot wllUugly eneour- • Theea veeeala, the Indiana and Mataa-a n ftdalty. Of com no, If you analyw chueelta, now belw built by ^ e MfWar. S L ^ 4aeM *era tlw .a n d w b ath ei- Cramp -nd the Oregon, by the Onion *’* * " ' . . T L r a k . , hJaued be Ir ° '' Work,, are nearlni; rompli-llon.aneratton bnt fitaT Yet, b l e ^ M jb e y are o f 10,800 ton-dlanlaconieut, a.. Jpoatry, baoauie lldeeanot oontant 1ta «« aieiletlgned lohuctc-.irully meet in batrwith what we know, for ^nnetlmee In -


Mow H larri Weal Tp and llowo ehalta oa Uik<U ■ml l'l*lfofia*o

From Caaeler’ i Macaalne.Tbe man endne, familiar enon|b to an-

darground miner, o f a ganeration or two ago, la laat iMJCumlnF; a rellc,eiid many engi­neer, there are to-day who have never wen one, nor even an llluftratlon of one, With bnt few Ficeptlonvlh fact, et the famone Calumet aod Hi'Ola ininoa In the United Btjti-,, for example, and In »m o of the

j old European mining dlitrlct*, Ihe roan ; engine hu long elnoe been abend med for tho inoderu hulatlng plant, and the ex- periunoe o f aioendlng or dciccudiiig a

I inlnoahuft. platform by plalfurnt, or the• " I lie the be.t •bipe of other naU.m',. ! mu r™U of the

halahtenlng aa aflbot It cornea nearer to a Tue bull la proteoloo by a bell o f heavy “ P “ f** , . ih i „ *“ — - narveylieil alckeleteel armor, eeven and ....................................... “ “lhat teyn we were aware when U waa

writtan.Eran eelentlllo people will eometlmee

■ y , aloBg la Hircb, or April, or May, or Aigiwt. or Bepteniber, or Oolober, or November, "A h . here cornea the line morm." Thera ho t auy line itorm. T h «e never wia any line atonn, Ae If the cloude knew tbe moment that

• the MB wta euapenried over the eqoetor 'and held in their waUn until that moment I Ae If It made any dlfferanee whctlm the ram waa at eero on tbe

chart or waa one eecond or .owo minute or one degree north or iKmlh o f i t l Aa i f the pauage of that luminary

M imaginary and InBnlteiimal Una in the beaveDi could beget a gala or a abowarl u., Yet If there l i a rain at any time hi February, Maroh, April, Mev. Augnil, Itutcniber, Ootober, or November aeveral thou iiH * of pMipIlO iUftt Iht lu t

'o f the euo’i approaeb to the line bae ' fcrnfChti.g to do with It. O f oouree, it (■10000 In ten yean that tbe atorro

'eBm M oawhanitifdoa,and It la alao a I (hot ttaat we ere boond to bava more or 1am rain at all teaaooa of tba y aar, bnt If rain fhl‘* at any time within a monlb of the ehlning o f the n n vertleelly on the •Qttslofi IhaIi itortn tnd no nlA'

’ ClM. Mm be It wae the obaervatlon of . tUe bamea, rather than eiloMtlo, tendency that made Bydney Bmith (peak diaro-

I ■aaUtally o f tba eouator.Thm Inera la t W wall Bxad old legend

, a b ^ tta iDjnriou property of night air., [ What a lot o f people m dying of non-

' annptioo beceuw they will not let air Into : the botwe after b r iL It te night air,' yoa know, aod that la—well. It li night 1 Mr, aod Hmabody told their grandfatfaer'e* 1 oonin 'i wlfe’i ilater-iD-lew that

air w u unwhulaaome. So they all the wlndowe and breathe the lo feaeattre rainllj and the exha- I o f eloaate and lha g u of fiimaoM

*ahd itovea all night and get np with n ie ;, ' but with oongratnlatlou that^ b o m o f that dreadthlair from tba bllU ™ . ipd the wood! aod the italda hMgcA Into

' Aak them how tbe oattle, that a n oat aU night breathing night

iair, kMp ■ bealthv. Aek them | W ^ m u N loldlan and eallon and BHBpanton and hontari lo big cheated

I M d ^lardy, living, u they do. In tbe rir i nil night, aa wall ■ In the daytlma, But wM amc t break np an old lie with ^ e f f -

' I MMOt o f troope or a herd of oattla w hr, thera laed to Im a Ua, and It w u even In

' Um vus>slnBi* to th9 tbAt too, and that If yea

yon would •fog Innatlo,

lYhe roan who called a oraay pereon a loaalie, borrowing tbe Innooaol moon to

[■ in a wort from,wee perhapa reano^ { llhie Ibr ee.,. He never thought to look in ttb e eA c t ol moonUt a lom W oa an ■arroy, <w * watchman.

B v ^ DOW aod again we road reporta o f , a abowar o f frog* or toad* or *o*ku or 'liMBdi or yoong alllgatoim. But th*M ' ihowan never ooev near whtre anybody iBva*. Bltroa the reducltatloe of the

onr hnlf feet deep, turued In lorward and ail aiuund tbe bneoe of tho armored re- double. The belt la three feet above and four aod our half fci-t below tbe water llba. Forward and abaft Ihli belt are three-lnoh nh^kel•etael deck,, *lDpltiE at tbe etdu to four and oite-ualf fu t.- below the wtler. There I* a w an armored deck over tbe hciL Coat bonkere are worked over the belt deck, and belt* o f cel I mow nix feet thick are worked on tho ilope, o f tho armor deck forward and eft. Above the

old-laeliK'Ued appatelu<, li one for which all uppurlunlly will noon Intve gnue.

To the many who do not know tba man engine, even by name, it imy be inleroat- Ing to be told that It coosGUiof little more tliuii a rod, vortical gtuifraily, though aoDiuttmee Inclined depending upon (ha run of the ehafl, extending from the »ui^ face lo the bottom ui tbe iniiie, and moved uji and down like* pump rod by Minaii* o f u aleaiii viigino or a water wheel Tbe length of travel of tho rod uoramouly adnoied 1* twelve feet, and at Interval*, equal to the length of ntrok^

O si ot O llf ir l a i d i l l E o l i t s ' i

B ippy Flirises.

Tbe fire it Poet ipp lled It to f i l l l t m

Calleo E rpu t.

The Boston E‘in ld S^ys It Fits the Case of a Great Many Peoptei

Iq Ik rM-»nl •dItorlAl th« Bo*toa Kiriid, in •p«ftkiaK uf our frvab ()Uv«r Wood«U tIolmM'i bnppjr pbriM appUtd Ui WlllUcn Ctillob Hryant ftt Iho repent oomrumorAtloa uf tilt birthdejr, M Ti***DeagerotHlTgiXHl beeltb * flu tbe oene of e greet meni’ peo­ple, yuuag ftiMl old. who tnufc lo their ■troDf «ru«illatl»M end weer tbeTDAeUei out befnr* Uiry know U. Thie eocounu fur tlie feet tLet ■0 meity people In robtut heelih ere out down, while ihoee who ere leee viv(»roai Uveoo by


TbanksgifiDg SaleO F



armor oron ivrwaru auo a,i» rtwv.w -------------# " " " ' j , recefolalag thetr oWB weakni™*belt armor, and extending from redoubt «mall platforni* are faeleuod lo toe roa. wurd* are truer.lo redoubt, tha elde le nroUcted by five while enrmponding plaUornit are nxoa Ttieflok. ae a rule, uke caroof tbemwlve,

to the walla uf tbe ehaft on eilberNde oi 1 ^Inchee o f armor. The veoHl I* cut up for Ward to add to the niaoreuvrlng power and enable her to readily iHaengage her- (e lf from an enemy after ramming.

Rlalng from the armored citadel, made by the alghlMn lnoh bell, are armored rrtonbta aaventeen Inehe* thick, extend­ing through tba main deck three and une-batf laet, giving an armored free­board o f Bitean feet two Inonaa Them radonbta protect tba tnrolng and loading gear o f the heavy Blleen-lnob turrela. The armament oonaleta of four tblrteen-lneh guna, eight elght-lnob guna, lour tli-lnoh guns, elx one-pounder guna, two Gatling* and elx torpedo tube*. Thla repreaenU a weight armament eu parlor to that of any o f the lateat baUlaeblpa laid down by oibar powar*.______ ________

the rod, and at polnU oorroapondlug to | u la the iwraonlurobuat health,who, hythe limit* o f lb * elruke, both up and | ih*nerv*a,or dliaipa-down. I iiiiB, gala Ju la llitl* oat of order, bat head

A miner In deaoendlng, lay, *1 ep* on a i beoome* nervoua and Irrltabl^ la noabl* platform on the rod Ju»t a* the down , immtnit. withalroke begin*, and itep. off on to the plat- bead, couatlpatloD. mo appeHiaform In tba abalt which he reeohe* et the braakfaal and a general (eellng of laaal- lowpr PbQ o f the stroke* rpppbUofl id# i *nAro wMAknMi mmI l#ok of smbllloo to t#ko operation Obtlt be reacbea lili dealinatlon. i jjoldof work,who I* la a dangerooi way. daeh In aacending, almllroly, a miner »le|W « ! » p,r*on baa preanmed upon a goad a platlurm on lha rod a* lb* upward atroka beglne and leave* It at the end o f tbe atroka. Aeeant end deeoent, a* will readily be noderatood, may proceed aim- uitaoeouaiv without interruollon, the fixed plallorme on one aid* or the abaft being reeerved for the men aacending and tboa* on the other aide for the men de- •ceuding, each man etepplng on hi* proper

tbe reclprnoatmg rod a* It I*Morrlatewa Happanlnga.Antonio Koaciniro, the renng Italinn who

•loped trom Uuirlatawn laat aummar with the wtf* of June* Itcaao, and who waa r*»m - ly oonricted In tba Mania Couatr Oonri of tjoartar Hetelon* on n eharg* of alaallng |Bin and a qaanilly of iawelry from Hooao, waa arraigned la court yatteroav and aantencad by Judg*Outlir tea term of four muetbain the Hurrla Cunnly Jail.

rrederick Allgrumm, a formar Union Newa Coropany agent ampluyad on the Morri* ami Raaex Hallrcad, and who Uvea with hla pannta at Dovar, waa arraigned before Jadga Catlor yeaterday for aanteere. AlUrutnin wea Tooently convicted of being tbe fathar ot a child born out ot wadlock lo Anula l.hri*. | ^ ™ n ‘d“or“d « n 'd unaan.* youBg woman r«ldla* lu Morrla- to aaoend or drooendtown. Wban aakad by the Court If he waa Wllitntio eoatribnu fi.W per «t*k tnwanl the tblld’t malntananee Allgmmm tepUed that he waa not, and waa tbirvfnr* ordertd remanded to iha cnilody of Nberlff Backer.Allgrumm will be eenfinad In U* Marria Oonuty Jail nitil the Court eeea fit to order bla dlacharg*.

plat.^orro on ,vacated, at the moment of ro t between the afrokee, by the man going In tbe oppo- aite direction,

TbI* form o f glngle rod man engine I* even now in uae la Cornwall, In Seotlend. I d tbe Kars mtna*. In Germany, Uia blrth- plao* o f tha man engine, tbe duuble-rud engine la in nae, the two rede Diuving up and down altornelely In oppoilta direc- tiona, and, aoeordlngly, carrying the men at twioa tiia BDMd that can be attained with tbe alngle-Tod kind. Tha apparatiu oorreapund* practically to a ladder with

tlun and nudermlaed tbe haaltn. The right medicine mnit be had ■nd taken nt onee, or tbe npparently trivlnl armptoma will quick. ly teeull lu ntter breaking dowa.

A well.known Indy, Mra. F. £, Uorgnn, who retidei at ITT Anitln etreet, Woroneter, Ideee., givee a wonderfal experlenM and nome moet valuable adrtne.

movabla ntepa, the miner having nothing to do bnt to move aUgblly aioewU* in order to placa blnuelf on the atep about to go np or down, ecoordlng at he wlahe*

1UM magaBinea, lo uie wuna ■ i aaeoB roada pao|dt eraxy, and tb alapt out In the moonlight yo

’ «mka up In the morning a roarfni

/FnMryndL |NMd lAere woutfl to noMtofi !■ totBuriaftosf MTWomMTA dt ffawi ad.jMir«toi<

(Ae Ltiipqptr.


’ Bronklyii Inatttul* thaH animal* appear ito n o w that If tb*T tall Into tbe itreeU oftbM elty tbey wQl beeoma nbjeet* of aolMtlfle eurveUlanoa, and they have oare-

jfrllily refrained bnn tailing even in F i m - pact Park.

The wbaat grown from aaad* preaerved :tbrl,OIIO year* and mpe* In mummy m*ea ,«over *qaara mllal g^kiauMiiaUpiMtand lOro frog* ttaat kavd k r tq ib M o fB d la I granlta eg coal, drop down Into the hoarta ' 5 f mountalna, Ibr dIIIIodi and billion* o f jrog* * e o a ^ o f bllUon b tfon frog* ware oreatod—would bu uarihallrt Into a rwpeotabla army. When he got Into tba

' granlta the granlta wan preaonabty wbtto hot, but lha frog got hlmeelf oryitolllaed

' in, luet tha aami, and when the chunk It blailed, be hop* and gtart* tbr th f neawag ■and, ■ brMt ** Rf k « k*4 o W bMA iMkad up o w night.

Od m u a 1 1* h# gat* Into tha laU iauchofa oltlian, thb frog d o « , and I Bomettme* hi* place In that itronghold 1* takan by a ■ake, whleh, redating gastrlo acid and heMflaro o f tbe lack o f ur, play*

' around for moatha, now and then oorolng I up Into the throat o f hli hoet to euggeet I that It la dinner tiro*. Ordinarily a maka I aati only live food, but perbapa be aa- , eggtom* blnualftooyetoif, If hie kMpar will oooMdaratoly eat them.

The ruatlo ooeaMonally look* at a eloudy alro placed by ray* o f the loa that apread Into a vlalbl* Ian o f light bod roye, “ U 'l goln’ to rain. Tba ■nn’i drawln’ water." And he raally Iblnke it la water going np, Inataad oflRght oomliu'down. I f i t r a ln i

. It I* baeanec thu oloud* are there aod it 1* ‘ about tlia* to rain, not beoauM) tbe ann i* ' worUng a* M id a* naual for tbe evapora­tion o f watorwia the anrfltoe o f the earth,

One might BU tonn column* aboul the

' light, ,and abont honor amoiq; tfatevea, and about tbe avUi that befell poieewori

' o f the opid, and about the Mapietoa and aoma other gboata, and about railing nm- b ^ lM on tba atage, and abont thirteen people at the table, and a whole lot o f other thing*; bat It wouldn't do any good. The on^ way to cure a roan of belief in theee Ilea ie to begin at him Juit before be la boni and educate hla parenla. A de-

[ parUuentof eommon eenaa In the pablio . whool* would be at least ■ uaeful m a do- paitroent o f mnalc.

flWHliu ef ee eCwreawei ii wtM IW■melar i yarola wAa not II. lt,M «i|M« er AO jrBWherv hM ww* <luy. Mw K>w uef n «VgeMefxeil lAwecer aawv * »


aupporting Ual inovea u


The Harhet Beveriah aed Raalted al the MpealBg-.A Break la Bagar—Qufr.

tatleaa fer the Day.New T omc, Nov. B).—The openlag at t b i '

Btoek Bichanga tOMlay waa tevarlth and excited. Natotally after tba event* of yet- tertay BnrUngton waa tbe pivotal point Tba firvt lal* of the ttoek waa at after which nearly ASOO abarea changed hand* al 10)4 and 71. Ill* bnlla more than beM their own al tha outeet Bona after the upeolng

ordara name la and tha generw up (raetmnally.

IMween 11 o’clock ant noon the market Wat quiat and aa e rule prtoaa wen higher all around. BnrUngton told up to Tl.l . Bay Htate Um ralUed to M l,'. There wa* a break la angar during tba list Mur, due to the re- daeion te 1-lT vd M In W c e of rellnsd. At nocakpeoiaatldBWu quiet find firm In

American Sugar, Chicago Oai and Man­hattan were aetiT* and wmk tola afteraocn BUd the groaral Hit quiet and fairly iteady. Amerkau Sugar broke to on wUlug fur both noeonnta Chicago Gu bad a ayrapathctlo break and fell to 7St{. llas^tton dropped lo Theother cLunma ww* unlmportanl, Tkprf Ie a diipedlM te eemr ehert acalractt in S t Paul and Burlington and Rock Uland, but the feellag on Ncrthwait la quit* btar- Ith. Pnlhnaa waa preaaed for tale and d*. alined 4 per u n t to lh3'| on nunon of ad­vert* legblatton by aum* ot the IVeiterB Btatee tala wlntar.

A t 3ilS K H. the market waa quiet. The lala* to 8 F. M. were 188,401 Uated and Ihl,- 1100 nnllaud.

Tbe rent* ot 10417*1 rrl'S* for the more active atoeke of tba 'Naw York markela la riven below. The quotatloM ahow the ocen- Fag and cloaieg and the hlgboet and luwnit pneea reachad by tba accuritla* Hated. The qUbteUoni are from the New York Ex- rbenge, and are reported to tba Nkivh through WlUlau Inau Allan A Co., atock brokara, filO Broad itreat, State Bank Build­ing, thla city, and Orange NaUonal Bank, Uranga:

High- U w -ao*. aaL alt. till. UBU VI* a gltt

m lihi', Idl IhTU IW I UTt, n ti i f i 1T1

I t I* In Thla Cenatry, Where the Ptaellea U Moet Preva in t.

From tbe Boaton Traoaciipt.Tba right ot a pereon lo whittle, to the

peralyaia of other paraoni’ nervea, 1* be­coming almoat aa bnmlng a qceatlon a* tha right o f paieont to emoke, to tbe men­tal and bodily detriment of othera W* Americana are probably—next to onr own colored people in tbe Boulhern towni, whom wa have edoroted in the art—the whiatliDgeat people In the world. There are, apparently, two leaicni for thla. 0 - * Ie tbat we are the moat nervoua of people; we have got to be doing tomalbing; we can’t go down atolidly at onr work like European^ or til illeot and contempla­tive; ao we work off our fiJgeli with wblvtllng.

The other reamn it that we ere really a chaerfril and expreaeive people, In tplto o f all that haa ever been told to tbe con­trary. The National wblitUog habit tau reanlted In tbe prodootlon of a great num­ber o f really tkilful and mnalearwtaiaUera. With on* oonalderatlon end another, there I* a tramendoua amount of wblaU- Ing, It Beemi cheerful, and eometlmte, to the whlatler, It ie raally obeerftil. Now, undonbtedly tbti would be very nloe If •veryone'e wblatllng waa heard only by hlmaalf. It would oe a blancd of working off ont’a uarvonanttH. too. What about that 7 An ordinary whiatlar’a par- farmano* glvw abaolutaly so pltaroreto any one but blmnlf.


j j o s T A yxA oa ,

BANKEim ANP nitdKSnAKtiDlMil 9t ID« flttfhftiift,

44 AXm HKW YORK.Dunch nfloB BfWlAD T.» Ncwmi, 5. S. Gold and ttt'Xlk loiiOMir M'll pfifiki wLr* LO

Now York.«ft Alat'llsniA n«M«at t ftaor.I

vfti. r. R. hoboab.

** Hy Domi wtv# to w##k, Atkd 1WM 00 rery ZLorrouA iiiot 1 eoiUd #ot «lMp '#lfhu. 1 woatd gol ap Iq tht moraiBg fooling to wook oad tirod, with Loom of oppotK# eoutlpotioQ of tbi bowtli.

**l graduliy grow wort# uoUl Ufialmott ■oiittid a liurdiBe mod at laat I had oinroQB proKtrfttioD. Mr DirYti«r«r9 Itk oUrrlbli con­dition. 1 filt too bad for amrthfng, had no ■trangth and no ambilto#.

** My eUlor adrUvd dm to try Dr. OraeDi'i Norrara blood and Mrra ivisidri add 1 did ao. After taklnc four botUate I tkin hnppy to uy that all my tronblaa dteapp#ar#de and I cannot ■ay itwogh of ihii wdtkda^al igodloliie.

** I luLTi loti of f rliodi who ean aUo tistlf y to ito great rotrlu. It thartfori baboorit aU who are not failing w»ll, or who art ran down in bwUtb, In fact, all who an o i l cf ordar In aor way* Ui n«i thU grand modlelasq Dr* Greinf'• Nirrnra blood and narro remody, al onoo. It will maki yoq will and atrong.**

It to not a p«t«Dt iBidicln«,bD(ih#dlaoQrarr and priHcriptlDD of ib# woU-kflowQ Pr.Urttnoe of 86 W iit Uth 9ti Niw York OUy, th« mott ancGoatfnl ipaclaJtot !u ovrtng nirroai and chronlo dtoeaaoi. Ba can ba oonaidtad by ail withont chary#, partonaUr, or by latter.

Eraryttilny Iq uur llntn donartmrnt to nuirkpit at ipedal ptiora Uarlug thto aaii. b«- Jow we gira n ftw LeaJlng iuuvi ot iatartaL

D o tu is m M m mK duf. CHEAU UOILIBM, with red bar.

ilvrv. frinaed, ala* 18x11, Da* quality, regalar price |l per dua., el

89c, p e rd o i.a d 0LCREAMT)O[UES,rwl bonlen, atoe

18x18, raguler price Mo., al61c. per (foL

ndoa. SCOTCH NAFK1NH. ate* ISiU, **. aunad paitvrna, all llneu, regular prio* t l at

92c. per dot.80dca. 8-8 OEltUAN UAH ASK NAPKINS,

■Mira hiary, blMObad* aawrtod patUrna, regular II.SS tiaalUy, at

$1,19 per dot.llfl t)OZ, H SCOTCH HAMABK NAP-

KlNH.iUra beary blaaobadMn varioo# p#i- i«rna, rogEilar price |1.80, at


d a m a s k , heavy ami ioft flalahid, IflliichM wide, f paUtroa. worth 66c. par ydt#i

46c. per1 CASE IRIbll CREAM DAMASK, «

iDchii wldi. all liQ«n. acionad df^Ba* rary popular gooda, rtgular priee 46c, at


Inchee wldr,aU linibq Tarleiy of uiar prliM Ofoe, at


friutfoaiotb and doillii to i&atob, •!## lx2H ydi, worib $100, at


nx)THA ttiHA Qm qualliy, ragular price Il.Toa at

$1.49 each.TOWELUNBS AND T0W PIECES RICHARDSON'S TOWELLINOS. 4 paUirni, blue aad r«d ebooke, worth U^o par yd,at

9c. per jftf,HEAVY BLEACHED CRASH. Oennan

make, iaandor«d, tHnohee wid«, for klichtD nao*

specia l price, 11c. p e r yd,HEAVY BROWN BARNSLEY CRASH,

tbi old itandby, M Uiobeewid#, bln# or r#dborderiq

Special, 111~2c, p e r yd.18D0Z. OAT MEAL TOWELS, all* »i4lk

all lluan, (rlngtd, rad border*, • good bttb tcwil,

Special, 14c. each.80 DOE. HEMSTITCHED HAND TOW.

ELS. ill# 18i30q In plain whitOq red and bln# bordin, at


ELitf, kootiod friofe, red« binii bnif and plain borderii lam «toe.

Special, 23c, each.

R e m e m b e r th a t e v e r y A r t i ­

c le o f M e r c h a n d is e i n o n r

L in e n D e p a r tm e n t i s r e d u c e d

in p r ic e d u r in g th is S a le .

S a le la s ts t i l l T h u r s d a y ,

N o v . 2 9 .

TOI, 703, 70fi Broad SI.

(#B. iX A, IMkoiifcn iFr aA!.M> Nkw jKHakY atTitCMw

naJtrr «i- G#Qn# M. flurt >L fa

By rirttwof ta# ■borratatad wrU^fAtri lactotUi aii dtrwwl I Bkih bejiom fur *#i« by pubito ▼wii4tw. hL lha ( oarthuuaM t# NVnark. cm > undAy, Ui* kWwiir wvFQiti (lay uf N#K>iobrr at-c'«t9rk I*. M , ail tha rtvoi. lUW #ml 11 Unit of th# dali'idaiii Gf, Irt and UI #li Uhim iracla or jMfi-aUi uf 1*11' aal p iDibw# aU'MMff, iy1»f and Miiji la

towfiabipif uuitn*ra#fa, i M*a CvUM(y,.''twAwtrmf

yiivtlrart—l>ir1 >nlne !■ th* ru#d liwIUuc f!mn houili iiraitf*t’» Nfwaik aad »( tha uurm oeracr fiMuJtdtfMirl Holt: Lbaoi* altHig ibi Uim ibarvof aiHiLti MVe-itMii atH #Mo Orarara wwu Iwa rhaiuc aiid «itiv iiaka to lant o< UlatmilUftiCT north kiriy-#l|bL dtiraw iliJrty wloiiUi ■•ul uiw chain Miir»# thre»-i|oart#r ilnkt •o olhW land of aaM pun. Ihaui'O tii>rih aav»ii(o*P and unfBwir d#pr*«a rwit tw<* fhalrai tad Mrauiitnttieki to «d<J road, ibouc# aJ OK uwatiuih Bide UiiMMi -48U11I aavraif -lwu aod ■■tt-hair ilrffFw fffiai o»e cJuilik to the |ilar« of la.inYi’Hf (etoLatiilng twamy-dr* oiM-haodmUha o«r«i illaod, tooia or *Ms huuniUJ ott Um norih- wiut hr tbi aforiiaLlil road, aunlhoatl aad b<*Kh- Will by Und of Ball Burt, auuLbw«M by iMVld luliiion.

Ntound 'iracl- Bawlnalu# #■ ihaauoih tldi oftb# roaal IffadliK Ibtnufh cMiih ifrauc# to Newark at tha anrthwwat corner of M uumbtr targniy-two uf the iWaCh Ireoi and by ,Ani» i-rotiu##.Ittffuci MOiiUi aivamwffu d*<ra#i thirty wkiiuiac wtftt two raihlttE UiUau aad uu"> half Unka: ihtitcn anuili luiv-ifkPiLd«irr««i thirty odtiMtiA w««l one ebatn •r\«n liDE« kioiig tue iltin or ■ Lot luntMfly owaad hy Mlaa T, LttVanpurt k> Iht wublkrly ooniocofUuia fnnuirijr owued by Join#* W. f|#fh«a Utaiko# al'ina Ibt Hot tfetraorDOrUi iFWftairM kinl ODO-haLf <li#r«8 « atMioaa ubal# m 4 airai»i}->tlirio llniti ku■^ r ad : tnettotaloug Lba Jlu **r-•aty-two au4 ou«-halL Uaertia aaat uu# obal n to tha Alai** id ‘ rglmilaa. •tHUalnlug twtDiy-iwo #aa- buudra-lUi aurac or lainl.

Thlid IraM -iivtlijaLaf #a tho aooUi aWo of roulii raaga areuiiff el iba north#aaiarly our>iar 0* lha tncL flriLly abovo daRCHhad, Uiaot'a ruhulaf fluqtb nriatr-alfbk degrraa omi om hondrfd end toijr toil i ihoitro apath fbrty-oiM do- f r*M Ajny-A*a miimua waal two haadrtd aod tilaa and Fifbly alv iiiM-bundrad(b4 toat. Utanc# north furtyalcUL dfjtvwa lliirtv a tliuiHa wait laaoiy- foar fl44 to iba eaatariy llna of ibo iraoi dr«tiy abnradaecrItMMl. Lhcnt# )m rtb aevaataiaa and oqo- half Oacrati aaal oaahuadiwJ and B raiity^ua aad ality ilia liuiid rad ILm bwt lu liiawwlb LIrm ef aoukh iimrwa aTcoua and tha placa of bafiaalag,

.Nawarky .N. J.4 ixtutiar 2k 3iML.HkR.'dAN LBLUBaCH, I4h#rlff.

Guild A Luu« AUoraara flhB

f lf iK K irM BAI.KB.H KHI rr.N walb- kST.x ttiG iiTrrr i eort

L LAMirt iWTid iiiptoy A haae' I UDibtr Labii»By n Clara Blvua, Abraham Jiaaiiare, aUor#ty- rk la. ro

Laaoa County tlroiU ( Wai l iwpar CoDjpaity T*. Uara UlQiM, Ir. A. A W. f.1 ay. Aiiurarya -kl. fa.

I r .iiuty Ccirunoa Plr«a Cuurt-<laot#a k. NLtaui ra ilara bltuna. Iltury J. Jj^o, attorae/

By rlrtoo of ibt abiViUalid wrJuai flarl thetoa to aii difwetad, i tbali OBnav for paJt by ifoblto Twrtdu*. at tb*« t oofbiitH# III .\awarli, ua luoaday, Itavaifbiaamb (iiy i.f IMcemhrr atiCait I'oIncB • I', li., afl tbuac Ira4‘l4 ur paroai .»r Itnid aad t>niu* l*a4elttL4to lylavatid iwtueiulhi dly ur.Niwarh, Laait tWuofcy. \a« Jaiway;

luat iract I c'luiiloa at ih« aorthaaai onraer •r Kianoy and UviogBLou airaru; ihanot vtnialtia a!<in( ’.ihMy Bin L MBiarty fifty UiaaoiaurtUariy on« hutid «d itvi no a [t04u\ flfly foat aaaiarly ftutu livlagaiun atra«>ti; thaura aimarly llftv AM LO Lvtaa»i0«i Mfeviithantw along tbe aania MMthtriy ma h u iidrrd feat to ibt plaoa of ha ginalat. JOta 47 an.l » . ati t'. . Huck map

; «H.<>ad tract tk»«liinlnton Iba t-wl ■ da of I Iv* tfigRtiMi alrr t om Luiitinul lhal oortharlv rrmc tba Doroarof hlntirv iiraal. thruca manioc iaaiarly parallal wlih :-1iiQryairv«ion«biiadradlhat Ihaic# Dtirtberiy pafa>i«4 alth I lriair*<LuD uriwt twaatyv

; ihauia wiftorlv, panUlal with t. a Aral Jin* oa* b> D )r«d iVai in ike raat Una uf Urln^atan hirvL ; LbtooaMHilhffri'y ainngULr lazn# iwaoijr iv « iVat 10 tba |>lara tji brloi ihai#m*iw#ira<ii ur iwrcatii of U*m1 aiKl'irtifinaa ooovrra} i 1U*aat(l rura luiuaoydaail nhx>nliad li f-«wlafor I mamoauty. DQ(MMtank,ito 1 «a III* Mima tuap.

■hitd 1 rau -bacionlai at (ba ooraer formed hr tha Lntaraatrtion uf tha noriharly liiM #r MwhaU atmti aUb (b* llua of Prior# um t:theno# waauriy alone Mid Manballatraat ##• bud drill faat . ibahca ttorlhirly ikara-M wltb i*rlho# ftraai flriy-oiit firv mon nr laia. to a lot of land h<rmarly baiooglnf m YradarloM uliMar; ibaac# aLobu hla dn« ea^ariy one buolrad I*#t to aald Pnnraftkpaai; ibauoa w itNoriy along aald PrltK# Hr*|*t Afiy^an fiM.raut# or law. i# ibo plam of rwilaamg. bafug tba Mcaa lra*l#r Mrcal ot i##d Mid praralma no>ivarw! to tba mid cUra Blumo by dofd noortiad In fiook T u ot laada toe k «a i foumy. pMi# 171. etc.

' al a point 1# the waabi*ny l]na of ftmum* wraac, dutani one huodrad #n \

ponfaraj wIn n r ^

\ Lot No. M

U'baucarjr A, tnjlixnjvrH mala- ls* ujanckhy op xkw^iaiaay.—baiwaaa J ha .'Imuaj Uto Inahmac# C'ziMpaay nf N*n> Yom.oomplafuaait, aid Kata V. Darwlu, HakuttoiHtout# 11. to,, tor aeJa of cion-l#nd nremiina

ny virtu# urt3Mibcv#4taw*l writ wf Aert tool*i, to to* directed, i abaU axpoae for aaie by >uwie raudUf aitb# LUt'ribouia IB >a«ark M 'iiiaiUay, tba twaaly-WTraiU day uf Novaigibar »#ik at I ifcloek V. M . all that ira< or paroai uf laid aid

any frai aueiaerly ftmn ike aeclke.eMrtyaiiruM Ol Uroatni ’ and hdntfuiuary tutau ; Lbaaca aoutb* ^ly aioQC ttM wmiarlr tioo of Hro>>qM atraat fifty toal itbfdoa Wi iarlr and pamilrl with Mntttmtoa aryt^tuuahuodrwlAiM; thtooe honbarly aod parallal w|ib Hrootitiil iat fifty toa( ;thanoa#aet- arl/parjJlai with HanUruiaaiy atmal auaba idr«4 toai to tb* waatarly llonof Broom# atreat aiul ptoM of laolBf

Flnb I rnct-ftrftneiTic at a polai In tba waatortyi Un'* of Hrounii atratt dto #iu two buadrod to#| KHilharly rhmiUiaaoulhariaatiomar uf .MoatfQci4< ary and ilrouBva ttrwHa ; thaaea aoulbaiiy unag tUa wtotaiiy II nn of lirooma iirtti fifty loat; lh#iioa waatarly at rtfibi auflM to HrtMMito umt #bd par* allai With Uoalgotnerr atfiat #aa buodradtoat;ilitnea aoribffrly aad iiaraJLal with Brooiua atr«n Ifty fm : ibrnoa In ao aaaiarly dtrrcUon and par*

aili’l wftb iba ■oaund Caeirlbed Lina o#a buad^ toai to ItroouM airaai and ib# place of bJ>|{tnointf, KMioc the aama ivo trncia or parotia of Land iTi(|

pNitiLMi Miuato. lyiug and I Laic In ihf Tewnahlp ! w»araytd Clard BianwoyurWiwuifiMld, i-M»x«ouDiy, >»# Jareay: died rrtordadip jt#ok w m pf iMpgp fp,_> V_ .. ___ .___,e. 4'niin*if **•• SUL mJIaa

Canlrkl..,,X "'

J. A Itudion,



1 Ha Ewve fer tbe IinMlItee Wea H it by tbe Deed Rnler,

The l*te Onr w** * flfm believer in the Cbrlttlnn Cbarob, o f which bo w m the

' Mpreme bead, in • aente in which re- Ugion faith oen not be predicated o f hi*

I ImmedUte predeeetMr, **yt a BL Patanburg oorreapondent o f the I,ondon TaiegrapA, He wn* con* vinced that true OhrUtltnlty Uei in Orthodoxy, and that it waa an eroentlkl p'art o f hi* miaalon to convert *11 bla cubject* to tbe fold who** ihcpherd ii Cbrlet. Hence he enoouniged *11 other Cbrlitinn* to Join the Orthodox Church, nbeolutely irreapaettve of motlvee, on the ground that I f the fint generation be luke­warm In leel, or utterly devoid of It, the ■eoondorth* think will prove devoted •on* of the Cbureb, which the law foi^ bid* them to leave.

WluHi complaint* retobed him about tbe violent cunvenloli o f Buddhlit* by Blabop Beiijamlil In 1881, h* amlled and •old: “ Our own forefather* were driven Into the fold in * idill mere noooremo- nioni wey, nnd yet we, their obtldren, have not hitherto found any rewon lo re­gret IL"

He bad no belief in the oonvenion o f tbe Jew* & Jew, he fannied, ooutd no more be convertaid than a ohameleon oouldhav* hi* aUlo qlienged. What he 1* and WH* ha remaina. Tbortfore tb* Oxnr dtallked to have Chrlatlonlied larael- llen appointed to any poaitlon of treat. The Into MJolaler of Jiutloe, Haaaaaein, Wbo Jndged of a man’a mneaa by a differ­ent etandard, waa more tbeu once taken to teak by the Inoenied Cxar for noml- pallllg men lo ludgeahipa whM* feotnre* betrayed tliuir parent*’ na­tionality. He wna an antl-BeniHe o f the moat nncomprumialng type, aod tlie

hli diallk* tuT tilo f the modern

___ - . I » !l)tl„ Lock. A Weal.-ir.T I'hll. AHeeiUDg....,., ITH Canada Soutlitra.....0.. C„ C. dl St. L ......Lake Shura........... .Hlcblgan Central.....N. V.ceulrel...........8 lob.. To. A S. Te.....t.'„ n. * U................0 „ M. A St. Paul......cut. AN . W ..„.......G,,H. I. A I'eelne,,..,Itlluola Central........Ml*«>url Ferine........Loulavlllc A Neab....L dIud I'eriBc...........FeeWc Mall.............Waaicrn llnlo*........Maobaltaa........... .N. V. A N.Ed i........Mo., Ken. A Tut*.N. y..L .E ,A W......Unlarlu A Wo»t*ra.„ Wab**b- St. L. lie ..,W „ S l.LA F»e.p r.,Teia* I’aoine.......... .Itlcb. A Wr*t Fotci,. Nurtlicra I’aclfle,.,,,. Nurtbara I’aclAo pr„,AiBcv. Cot. Oil........ .Amor.Cot, Oil pr.....Nurtli Anurloan,..,.,CblcagoUa*...........C. D. 0 ....................Amtr. Sng. Kat.Co...National l« *d .........Fu*q. A Wmerc......Hutq. A W«*tcro pr...Cheaap. A Ohio........,'Vlurrli A Eiaex.,,..,,,I). C.T.....................T. A. N....................(lenaral Klaclric......

chleogo Orale ea« PrevKIee Narkat.Tb* (ellewtit labl* glvat tha ranx* o( price*

•■tbaCblaegePrcrtalaiend Orelo Exabeaxti to-day, u reported by C. W. Uclleiid'A Co., broken, roena IM-W ProdaiiLel Building:

Cara- Ht|b- Low- CTo*. far.


Iiuy andaeu-luwxt Beall »vl irala oi Nav ark Ivxcluuixat an I OXlexe Sned el Trala

aUbatfurceto jrue niaialu.tiD II It: tap ST.

fNeHaual rileu Beak Balldlert Talaokoee lUSa .Vnwark, Ntvark, N. r.

BreecfciilbeaUraaae Hailceel Heck Biiikllet. Oreif* N. J.

Teiapbcna Ota Oreaya




0......... .S :; .........Omk........Dio............

i dea...........

1 Jl^aa.«....a






mft.%2iss'it!13 67

t'wI a



1Z0713 87

f) W7 13


7«IBKOAt> ^TRRKT,NotFinbffr t!, INM.

The Bobrfi ot XiSigei# lU Ibilr iu««!lny. brtfi OIL ibi Ltobof ft#raab*rloBi.,(1lrectM Inlerwet to be liBid tolill dwokUonieiiUtlefi ihBTBto ua J r (be byaiBwi Bt ihijMe uf (hrr# firovDl iHtrennuin (IQ nil de OBlI# (tfOA# IhoUIBDil fiallBPB ur BlltljkL Lb» fBtB of two pfr c»Bt per Jinnbm i»B lUff p«rt ufioy fiejifieil ta oK-ttwrif i>n« ibouBuiU dolLiiit.

iVokkie 0# mad eftFr JJmmber tl.m#de #n or bifure Dfoeoiber 1 firtw Lo<

lerfBi m>B Umt fi#to:VAlVAOCRy.

AJtTKOWV Qa KBbbWVY, 'AaIOM pABnCB, ifia,Vt'iLUBii Clabw, UKvariUviw,JicBbT R. PASRgriieT. ItoKKHT K. ItAU.AKrrwiL iitsu rC , IIiiwklia i>*- NahuklEI DKBiri# AvilkKW KteiPATHiciLJahmbHa HeiiiBy, KitwiBna Kbarbkt,n#MJjblilir F. |W|L14aM T. I'aBTRB,Janbb <lk. ItAKier##, iKrcm# \'ANni-:Hmit« J# KUTAWfl'IlorBIC#. A- r. WlIRTICMBAIk Cm inLiii O. ftoCkWWB. JdKira H. Hitbkt,



llOHACkT. BIlUMteKY, yiT ______ TrMWurer.


N E W AR K , N. J.AMZI DODD. - - n - PrailAanta s s e t s (Market Value*) Jan. [.


ord (Am. Ex. 4)4 par oaut. lit-aorver....,............................. CAW-fOni

I'uuiueaAbaalutFly Non-Furfaltabl* Afltr Hreond Year,

Ik OAiilor T.ATai VUa miicy i* covTINuan 11 rononaa long aa lU viia* will pay tor or.iJ

)))£ prefarren, e P,dJ-up L'oUer far lu toll velua 111 lined In tiob w i*.

After tb* iMoiul rear PelMta tie ntoov. TtM An^ood od rrWrlctloH da la raMdaq'ii,

F o r t l i e b e n e f i t o f p a re n ts ,

th a t w e a r e s e l l i n g B o y s ’ a n d

C h i ld r e n ’ s C l o t h i n g o f o u r

o w n m a k e a t c o s t .

T h i s m e a n s t h e b e s t tw o -

p ie c e S f l i t s a n d R e e f e r s a t

p r ic e s f a r b e lo w a l l p r e v io u s

e x p e r ie n c e . R e e f e r s a t j 2.oo ,

*(13.00 a n d $4 .0 0 .

W e d o n ’ t a s k y o u t o c o m e

t o u s f ir s t . C o m e h e r e la s t ,

a f t e r y o u a r e f u l l y p o s te d as

to w h a t y o u c a n d o e ls e w h e r e ,

a n d th e n y o u c a n t h e b e t t e r

j u d g e a n d a p p r e c ia t e t h e o v e r ­

w h e lm in g a d v a n t a g e s o f b u y ­

in g o f us.

• -a-—vaaf.iwave, a - viaaa, , *uwv- aiwx w/BiflBBluf In Ihf vooUierLy itoe o( .-nuwdtn

ilireri diatom iwauumireU ton Dieincli I BWB*to 1/(iLffiitof rrjoi Lbe wna‘fly Itue of itmwilfBf» hue tbfort eeuih furty-fiiur OffrecB finyewrii Dtlnui i went Iwe hoiu)r#d fwl lnohe« 11 ft oorBffr: UjfWi #onU i<my-lwo dryr#it twrmy- fifi nlottlwi freBi o#e husdriJ Bikl tUiy-e«vea reel Bve ■■>#•'11# to ■ cufaei. tueocn norlh fs>rty- ■eTffi 6ifr»^ lHUra mi atea e#*| on# buodriNl ftjtd Qlorly iftl to lue auutUfiiy lUttof bauwfiwn ftlreei: ihenev ftluag ibi ionibiny Uni e( buowfipq nrett pomb lony-iAu • i4r#«e iWfmy>iiv# ibIb ji# MBi otw bundred «od f«wLy- IgLt (Ret tea luoliei to the ptoee of baclftulof- Vigetbor wlih all tb* !bb<i Iq (rvDi of BaJil Uii lo (hi* ermre of b. owfieu atreei.

Itolxic ft punloB ef lie (V4iil*ftA me ireyiMt (u ibf •ail iiBr««iii 1 ftrwLu fay itar rxKUlon of J uvepb K. Gallubtr by deed d*l#l 4efarttor/ #1, JUB, imd ittiurdtd In iheodltjftit tbe . fBUkir of ibe o-jauly ot Kmmk Marvfi (A. IMi, la d##k A HCb *i, «Vc, #1 lBi#r1i Iff aald QOJttty.

Detfd < Atober iA 1991.tli’ KJ4AM LBilLBAClI.gbiftK

Pftbobftit.’K a. BuiutHAifaflolMlor. 4U.16


A m ounti to vtry HUlt a t compared Kith everji one'i dufy to go to o re­liable home when contemplating thepitrckamng of



I t U weU knoum that we carry rt la rger and finer stock o f DiamondN and Watches than anj/ other Mortm

^ {CikMAmr A m>riRtUFr# NaL i - .Ml J -i N CHAXeCRY OP >ew leraey- ilflwfffQ tbomaa AloKmoe, oorU'

plftleftat,ADU JAtute Kauwiee, tletoadBaL—Ft Ol, tor nlf uf ouirlgacad premtoea,

By Tinoftui Hi# ftboT* etoied wrll of llarl tootaa. toiaedireciod, 1 tbiLj eapuie tor a#ii fay pufaito raodBf. u ib f Courliaeuie'1# :CfWBriL, oa juaLtay, ibf twaoty-eeraoUi (lay ot iurainijM ji#ii, at two D'dock F. Jl„ aji that truet orpaMuim bubdoal pr#miMa rIiuau, lym< aed belog to tb* toB aebip cfflleamOfld, Kfeaf CouoLy, .NewJinBi/:

itoflualugMa poUil In (be letobHabwf fteaterly uBiofKUaMrtrt wbM* tabid Kbootoihi BotUifrly liH l#tin«cif tald eirret: li) tbecioe #4001 aatd lUeeiMlb riatyoaiilBgMeeaud fifiy-Binemlnutot •BMona huodrHd abd Ilfty-etTeo end lalneiy-uu* huBJredUu #r huii; {t) tbeooe at rtgtu aeviea witli toeaoofftrwuffelnftiMnfaerJy dlreoimJitweDty toai;Uj Ibtftde bamilBl wlib (he im eoum oeo hun­dred and dftrwfT«Q aad twealy-Mvea bundrediha tofti to lato easterly Urt# of told JUtoiu ot ; <4,i tben«» Btoug aald ilee of mid eu#f( to aaoMtharfy mreetloo i«#uty toei lo ibt ptaqt of faegtaulBft, u baliif (ke QQrwieriy part of l#i number (bin/oa luip of propenr of Warcon u. riBrntr, ai WbUm- itnt, 4Bld JftiiMK Kooiv|#ft lUfLn prirtoualyKrcbftftid loi Dfinbtr IwMty-alas and five l#e( uf

Daiubir (blriy,OB btocb ILei Awkeaied on Ufto, U fatlflf the toaift 1*b I daftJea to ifttd eaKnowMa Mary, fall wito, lij Wamn '1.

rtyMrand tlaiMH#*. bl« wlto, on lb? llfteftBlh du of Jily, ifri, ft'jil recordoi to the Reglai«f'« ifiiai Id mmrz (.:«iuiy to tko#ic K to (»f iewU. ou page 174 71 AodTZa

Newark. .N. J., cctafaer n, 18HHLUllAN LKm.RlCR«ihfrlfl:

CwAmLiiH. UaLpyjcaibY. boltoUer. 111.40

(C1k«Be»ry A, 29)-CHKBJPrfl JvAleW-Mk. 1. iN CHAKCERT rv » 5fw Jfrwy-Betwfl#o Tkomae lioKaar. oooi-^ii*bt,ftad Jamee Katwlei. datoodmiL-sraaleifaior

, ________________________ ? l i f aongafod prialwii.

By Tirtae of tfai eberaatoiad wrU of Ilirl Ibctoi- to uaaduricted. t iball eapoet foe « to by pubUa raMDi, it (be ODtinbDuae 1# Newarif, oa I uawUur, tbi iw«uiy>eeveii(b day of Novaixiber dm i, al 1 o’Qiidk P. AL, (b»i tbm tract or p#ntl of laod mod pcembit iJUiate* lying aad beloglu U t lowo- ■blp or uioomitld. Lwwi UOUity, >ew JfffBiy:

BeiUtoUit to ika anitoriy ilua of KlU alrMk dialatA aonbifty fkom WaIhmiq? aramto tD«M- titTd along (hi iaeteriy Uae of aald KUa eir#H Bva kuadredaad flfty-alfbt fral and (brcwiahlUi of « foot: ibtiuw loaib ality-OQa dvgiwai b#d flfty nlM atittubaa, aaat uno faaodmJ and ifty- rlffat foot btid flfty-flra k#a4r#dtha of a IbiA; ibiijoe fiortb iwetity-au dagraai aod iwMij-'bar tnlnotae aato thirty fMt ] ibeaee Donh tix(y-0M4 dagraea Mtftd Utty-QlBi ralbotM wiftLoaa haodrid and ifty-eeran foot aad mo#- leftUu ifa toot to ibi rattrrty Hoe ofeaid aim ■irm; Lbaao* aloog aald Lila etreet to aeuutbaiiy (ilrecttoo tblrty foil lo tbe ptooa ot faiMtn- Diag, 1| betof wt ionber tweaiy^toe and five fN i OQ (lie eoutbefty itoe of Jot namber ibiru ou block Rod a map of preprriy of Warrau ti, nayotc al WatMWlig. Tbe afaova deaciifaej

EramUwitMiBg the ram# Beaded to iba aald fatnii bowlii by WarrvD (l. Rayd#f and Catberina, hli

Wire, «D Ike fintdi^ of Auemt, 1171. aod lauordivi to Ibt Biiglitor'i uclloi of (#• ooooiy of baaeii la book D T of tlaedft, on pagaa m , 4M and 42L

N mrk, If* J.. nctober iB, imlUcHtAJtLlCKLBAOH, Bberlff.

CbAbLi# tfr HALrmirr, f'Oikltar. iu.fO

C’outuv, on pagre 444, eto*<mb 1ra<*t Rrguinlegob ibieoatb aldeof Klbv

bay Mrant um huudred lial Ktetefty from (ba our< ni*r of Htinioul avrmioj (b«tic# iwaaLnf aouib iwv# iy-ibr#i dtgrrft iv i DtoaiM watt eae ba#* drtd fon: theuat borth aft ty tU diarari fi fty-llTi tnlMUM wtifi fifty t(4tt; tbraor nanb twtniy-ibrr# dratoie Ovi mlautoi «Mt oaa bui»<2rid feel te Kla- oi*y aire#i; ami (bvaoi aJuag ibr »«oba aoutb Maty- rli degrees fi(ii -uTe Dtoutoa eaM fifty toet to ibi piaci of faegJonlaf.

Roioff ibtMnii grrmliea coovifid to tfaa Mid Clara iLlutua fay deed reuvrdad la Iteok 1 Q olLeida ft*r r n«x CuitiUy. ou aagaa at. at#

Jilted November It, IMMLftTkJ I(KH¥AN J.KHLBAC’M.Hbarlfl'.

(Cfaanotrv A -144.1i 'f lE R ir r • th.\L\L -Ue tiu.\- KRY OP HEW j^Jenwy -Beiwran Itovid bay, rampialiuat, aod David M. Uunyom defvLMlaal.- 1 to. tor lala ofmurigaieJ pra-mltea

By virtue of tbe afauviitaied wrR afMrtforlto to juedirrototi, I abali expaae for bale by publto veodur, al ifaa C'uuriboaae In Newark- oa i umj#/, (h« etgfiie#uib day of uacembar doK. atSo'ctock 1'. M.* ail laoei iracuor paTQiia of labd and pretx hMM Biluatp, lying aa J b lag la ibe efty of Newark* I tsfX itKiDiy. NawrJerwyi

iliu Flcai rrart -K^tomncto the nenkerly Itoa bf Wiifiu atrotl ai a oolal ihvtein dlaurit two hon- drid aod Locty-olsa ibeL and ato lochaa eaaceiiy from (be (nterioctlon bf (he Mrtfaerly UiUi of Wnciiieireai ivttb itieiaitoriy I1n.> of Broad aLraol wntr#. alsoofsoafiato pirty wall aod ruuntog irom: ibeoa tlj easterly aluag toe northerly uae of Wrlglit alreel fineaa Aw4 aud ilx toofaaa t > # coraer, c#utraalaoura oariilo oibei party wall i tbenca 111 ooriberly partly ihrou«b tba middle line of aald party waU paraUel wlib iiroad atnel olmw foil tu # corner i# tbe aouibefly Hue uf aUo-tootwlde allay : (bonce dj wmariy akiox tbe eootiMrlf iisa of M>d ua-foot wide alley paiallei wiib Wrigbt aireet DMooa tort all laebr# to a Durnir. and tbeoM (4j eoDibeily partly torouib (be mkfaUa ftna ul mM party wall ninety foei to the place of begin* mng- I'ugetber with tbe rrea sad oftfauio# m foruv'tr of Mid leo-lbot wlda alley rdeatoi eastward ality-iwo foal aad aU ItKfaHi and tbar# coDDoeU&g wltb an aJ!ey four fret wtde, maraoc leaa, nmiiing aoutberly (we butidreu toet ipetiln# lato Wrtobletran.

MovA rraot-BcglnbLai to Ibe aorlbany llna #f Wriffu airaet at a point tbirela dleiant two boa- dr«l aod alxly-five (bet eaetorly ftuio Uto totoreau- tMui of Uii aDrUirriy lloa of Wright airaie #ltb Uto aaatorly lUto «f Bread atreei, araire aleeaf aoa^n psny wall, aod rvoniog from hbeoM raateily •Ion r tho nfartberly llae of Wright etf#et flftea# to«| aod all incfaee to a wruer «| the weeleriy side oi au •Iley fiNir foal wUr, niora or laas; tbaaoe (t> n or»b> any siong tbe westerly aide of laU alley i«d paral-

Broad idreet ninety foet to a corner to tba1*1 with ]•oulbarlyUoaofateD'tool wtd# aHay : ilia#oa

w of •«raat i

cRWDife aod tbeaoa (4> loaUierlj

weaury aloog ibe aouibeny line a •1■aid tea-foot

ley parailal with Wright atraet fiftoen feel■^nfaMioao ------- -— ---- ----- - •

wUaalfe aad Ilx ibdpartly tbroarb tbe middle liaa of said p ^ y paraUrl wok Bivad atreei tilaky foet M the piaoa #4 faegliialiig. TwKttiar wlib tha free aad o(H#r#o# uae l^ r a r of eaJa uo-foot wMa allay nualag •mX* ward Msir-two feri elx Inobee aad tbera oeaneot- iDf wbb M alley fear foet wid# otoia er toee, mar alag aeatfietly aa toe eaetarty eWa or tba ab#v#-i dfAcribed prrmlan one baadtou leet opeaiag toioj Wright ntiweL I

I be Kr«»4iaaeTlbed peoparty to b#eoU I# ranaia In manoftf fotlowiog; that fat to aay, to taa llMk! plao# tbe flm iraoC aad to lha eeooed pibee tba; aeeond traert

Datod KoTaml»r 13. IN tHRRMaS LEBLBACB, AtotlS

Davio Kay* Jb** baUellor. |liN

(Ctiaooiry a >44I-}C31ANCRRT OP HB3P

ftotwtefl Mary Brown, oomptatoaob andiiaargiaana Heynolii et #L. datoni^tA—fVj lb., fbreaJ#ol noflmwl pramteea.

ByririueortbeabofvettoLad wrtiaf fleritoclafo to mudireclad, 1 aboil rxpoM lor aal# by pafailoj vevdue. at tba lourtbfa jec to Hewark, oa TttaaJay, ibaelgbleeatbdayorGeoeaheraext, ai I o'rioek K N.,atltootatr#ii](florpiruelaoriai)d aodpratn- laei iltuau, lyint ami haTikg to the oity of H#«»rk,> Kevex Ouunty, .'(•w Jtrery i

Beklutng atapoIntoM buodrod and Afty4fare# font aad aevea tovlie* noruMwly from tfa# ttotiotriy lla# of ArilBftuB avaaue; ifaeuoi raDSlag waaceriyi

CiHKRlPrS fi)C iertey

(dtonony A W.)

00# buudrtd aid tab feet four aad oaa-baUiBtfMa Ui tbellcM uf lot bo. 47* theoew aurtberly along the* rear o$ boa 47 aod 44 thirty lour feot toree lacho#

Wm. T. Rae S Co.jtw euees m d o p m im .

m n O A O A N D O M D A R S T R K B T a ,

FACTS BRIEFLY TOLD.A pretty mcutli nuke* e pnuy (eor.A pretty *et c( teelb maku e pretty montb. Hence a pretty **t oC teeth will make a

pretty f » « .W* meke >uch teeth el

Irrtixl *V nMHpnttnji or. ramcewtCa m U>A*Vm nule te the ex ln t» ( 11

cent, or the rttervi ralui, where velltit!4 p t v u in fn M e m * ------ ------2hu latoraUeoUfltr,

1? ^ 18 .17 jsii; uwi ■ It « w

m e o i a o o v e a v o f a a e e i o aby Celumbu* brouxhl ehllgbteuiacnt to ilm world. New flrld* of enllf(btcmncnt In thl* oeulnry oro in (he lint* oltdenoe. Ibe triumph ol tlouwrvnlivr EUrf- ery I* well Hluatratu to the fnt'l tbntRUPTU RE otn u r I u n t ie now m l.(ciiUk cured without the knife eud wlUiuut pain. Clunuy, chafing truieel never oure but often In-

_____ __ duo* Inflnminatloo. *tnin«til*tloD *nd death.itraledixi tli*conimleuirfat department ‘ TUM ORS. Hvarlon, Fibroid (Uterine) ood

■V men who ' ' ■' ' ' ' “ '' 'O uiany other*, are now removed

origin ____Hebrew* wa* to be eougbl for partly In tbe prejudice Inatilled Into hi* mind Ly bi* earlleet leacliure, and partly by the oalumnie* clrciilaiod about tho down In uumieoticm witli the viet fraud* |ier- mtrated to Uie commiibarfat departmont daring the late war by tbo very men who, ultbough at that time in hie cunddence, were eflerward tranifportcd to Siberia for approprlatlDg tbe money that etaould have goue to nipply tbe uuftartunate Ruldter* with boot* and blwmlta

Tb* loioft oUeraoce of tbe Cxnr on the JewUb queeUon waa delivered at tbe bc- gimiinf of tho preaent year, when reading a report uu the reauUi'oi the famone ex- odiu eotaeme, wbiota thouid have trana- ferred bi* Hebrew aubjeot* toSoutb Amer- l « ! “ It U uvtleei to uoDvert ihem to Ghrlitianlly; tPU dongerou* to turn them ItKxe amuMg mj eubjectH, and It 1* bopu- 1*** tothlptbem beyond tbeaeoa They are evidently dwtlned to remain tba beevlett cron Which the Kueriau people bate to bear."______

ylor Huieuy, of I’ blladolpUla, will , A.UaU,Tbut«d*v eveuliig, ' The Ceiaooiiib* of lloiw.'' *

PoUi lat au b#iMmaiV«wwrir,r.FjOigw tHtil apon oomplittig

btidADuedriklof pro'irx.


*SA0, iiflft, ftTS iwr yexr, Atreordlbf to fatim* lj«r of mffi-^gfe »tnl and charaoter of afarvice* Pull long dtotbuoieiiuifamuiu.

Scad obrd lo tlie Telephone Company, Ifin Market Aimt, or call Tilephoau Muwbfk.

Marshall& Bally

807 to 818 BROAD ST.NOTE-Our elore* will be kept open • « » -

leg* next we*k,aud till noon on Thaakegnlng I>ay..


without tbo (Kirlla of cutting operattonaPILE TUMORS,


[6X18 CYPRESS’ ’' I luid other dlaiiufiur the ; C y f lA rV D D IT C C

lower bowel, are pmuaiiratlr cured without DA 4 # ( i I r i lL O u pain or reeurt to tbe knlle.STO N E 1" fbo Bladder, no .matter howw iu i lb large,lecruehed.puiverixKl,waabed out nriit p*rf-fUr removed without cutting,STR ICTU RE <7 .Urinary Peatage I* alio O I m w 1 unc, , ( ,00Te<l without cutting In hundred* of ie*t. For pamphlat, roforeooe* and particuinn, tend U cent* (In atampa) to 5 “fldJ Diapenmry Medical iMOOlaUoo, ta Main Btrofit, Buffalo, K. Y.





CiiATriEi. M'lH'rtiadKHri.Br''' " “ *■. n*Niwt, 4. iiVNtm,

Aitnretr lorCariilliie WMiilwit ami Maiig. Klein murig*c«*i, will wll the enilr* aiork of -

tVUNHKIt'l 1IHOH-* - ooueWuigor view, llqiioTi, tto„ .

txiu. MAiiKirr afiti uitlrHB#ut urt,,UH yiuuAY, Huv.a, AT 1* vcux iu . *

Bailey & AHing,FOOT (|F CLIT STREET, .


The uthibitinn of Hlgb-Clai* Novtill** 1* tiuw cumplein In every detail, end we esk your liMwctlon while It 1* replete with new Ideaa

T here are New Deporturea In

L O U IS X IV . , D B B e D B N

A N I ) O T H K R C H O IC E C H IN A S .

U lc li D re o ra te d G u t G la s sw a re .

R a re nnd I f andsDtne C lo ck s ,

And New Idea* ef Exclnelve Uanafeetnr* ^ the Vartooi Artloietof


683B R O A D ,

Between W. Berk and CMar Sla.

JAMES A. COE I CO.,KM and IDS Hnlberry Ito


IRON—A y D ' ^

B A R S , B B A H B . A N G L E S ,

B U R E T S , R O O F n r O P L A T S .

Eitiaotlng... witho**.... ruilafa.......

$8.00 A FULL BET.

................ F " ..SBeenta ..SOnenta

..... ...BO oant* up


C K I N N E R& T e a r y .

MAjmvAPnmxM * - 3 '—o r -

R P E C IA L A B D ^ G R X E B A L U A C H IN K R T ,

i i m r o R s m t r o m akd n e w u nSteaib Engine*. Gearing, Hheftln^

Hanger*, PuUeyi, Ete.Kipainng Aremptlf t t t e o M Tib

6 ud 7 Railroid Pliti, itt irk , L 1.

Call“C RGray, Jr.

foil W ant Hardware,H W rought Iron Pipe,

Lead Pipe,Iron or Brase F ittinge ,

fa c to ry Supplies, Etc,

; : ; 190 MARKET STREET.

CjnkRTPTft gALkl^l^ CHifae CKTCY OP !fPW k Jereey—BetfTMB Barbara Netdoier, Dooiplain- eak end PauUua Jtecker a( als., (lefou4AiiU. il. ta., ftu eait of raortgagsd preoiliM.

by Tlriue of ifaa afagre • aieJ wril of fleii fketaa. fa> DieiUreclad, 1 ebail ixaoaa for lale fay public veoduit at tbe ('nifttboui# lu >'#aark, oq Tueaday. Uii laeaty-wrauik da/ of rtaramlMr opxkai l O’clock P. H-, all ibat tract •rptrcal ofUMict ao4 orvarieiA elniaia, 1yhi« eitd being la (bi dty ol Vewark, eaMx (,«uaiy, Kew Jei»4/.

baglanliig Ritha ooraer foern^ fay latareectlou of tbe ■outoarty iloe of Kijuipy etraei aod (ba vraaterly iloe of Amity rireei (now JefforeoAi »ire#i>: tfaei’oe runutox aiong the said woeieriy iloi uf AiQiir iireei luaih iweuiy-aii aoda hair fiegraw J we*( *ev«aty-MV<*B fm. more or )ara lo (he, Dtirtb- f erly liof of a fel faiioiiflfi< iu oa* bchafaatkyi thence uorthwMrteriir nlu*ir laid llae of iMd Mfiifaatky (hiitv-t«D foel u laid naar bifunfiag to N. Pifry ; Ihaaoi aortli ttalrly-four d«gr#M aaa BRy Dilii lte eaM MTinly-eevan feiX. more or ism, lo laid eootbrrly Une of Klfaoer Ktiart l ibaoM afoug Ihe laid aouUiariy Wan nf Ktouey eireel iw«tA(/foei to Uu Him of AoiUy elreel aforeaaM Bjpd place of beginulnx. iMogtae eame premlaee, oonvefid Ifa rafal Peulliia iiacker by ttariMtf# Hit- ttoger by deed slated eptt'lI)l>er 14, Ittk

Halid Oifobe? XI, 18HHKHKAN 1*£HLBA0H. Bktria

F. Xe UAMn, 6olbHWr. fgft

(Cbedctry A. SH)SngRirrn RAL8 i.'t c iian c r r t o pm kw

Jerery.—PMwMQ Mirtme Uarrienaet ai., exra. etc., Dom luantv aod ueorie P. Ktng,difoii4- ank-bT fa., ffariUi iriooitgifed pramliM

By vlrrtii uf iba afaor# etatM writ «r fieri fbeLai, to me dliacttd, I thill expow for tale pufallo vindufatat (he (^rthoiiea (a .'’•ewark on Twfrdaj.tha (w<•'doak

ly'-eenaifa day of Nonmhtr next al twoM., ail (fail tract or panel of land and ‘— lyifax aod belar in Uie borouvk

lip) of Caidwiii, kraax eatAitf,preiuliif iltpaaMii l/lfax aod belar in Uie borouvk iforidcrly Wwaa2it~' ' - Wiw Jeriey.

Beglnfilfaff fat fa vaai In tai otQlri Uiw of lha road leadiDf iroai Btoocnfleid ir<»o(l atar the PnaklUi I'obaoOofectOfT.t# Weelvllli i which Mid polniu itlhtporDrr af francla W, Mmira bouae tot; (beaoi raoalng efong aald 111 lerie Mm eooih ffarty* (lrad4fraiifafadllftr(woratQU(ii aatt four hun­dred and i#n foMW Ihe Iloe of lande of kUaa C Aukriy; tfieoea along her line aualk fbriy-ooe deiiaea aod tblrty eltht mlaiit« writ one hundred aod riiiy-elx foot to a Maka for • corner I ilHmfaioonh forty-efx degreteand llilrly- nlM mlhutoi week four bnndred and ettven (e#( and (wo lacfaeetn iheaenire llae of tha arorinitri- tlonod road; tbaaoe along tba eefUra JUr (kerauf north forky-lwe degf#ii and (hlrly-il«ht mlnatae wit one hundred aod aertoty two fiiM to tfit plada offafglinalag.

Lr ed uovuber li. IIH.RICKM A!ff LBfHiBACB, BkiflA

WaLm P. Xeuni#Lgr, riclldior. fv.flO

(('haooiry A-^S4L)OHAUCIRT OP IfKW

r^Jertay-’-BetWifO tba Uplowa BoUdtng aod Loan Aamolatloa. oomiilalBafti. ant Harrie fiTar> tky (VNwareky god wifo, ai ala, dafondaD|e~kt, Ik, for lale « f mongegad proraleea.

By Tlrtna oi ma above eiaMI writ of fieri fhetae, lo me directed. 1 ehall expoae foreate by pnblla yefaduai (be CMirihnoae la riewark, on lumay, Ihe alghfoeolh dfay pf ftacamber Mxt. ai 1 ufclutk p. If., utl that iraut or parael of land aa l premlm elioaie, lylag and betitg la tke alty of hewark, JKk •ex County, Mw Jeraey j

Beglaiilag la Iba wMk#tly Him of BroaoM «tr#*t at a point oaa huadred and ifty-elghi foat eight iDchae nhmi the north weat ooraer af a4 anbali (now


tolOiitf; Uictfotiaalerlyaiuai lot rio.d'eaafaaa- drmiaDdtaafoeitoMiaiBfatraraaue; iheoaeaoutb* any aiMg ounAmar avtaoe eoaihurly twenty.flv# foetifa ibe ulac3 of iMglaDiag. Delag lot nunber tw«nt>-elf bt on a map uf property of tbe late J M f Beaaett, dvceaipd. |

TaexMCuQd Lfai—Beginfaing on Woudaldeavtfina al a point one hundred aod tbiriy eeTifi foei two lopkH dlitxiiL uortfaerly from Arilagton araaoe v ihenoe ruunlng nuiiberly Bluug SVoodHlde avenue' iblrty twu leet four lochei i# tfaji lot aoniber forty*, fox I ibeDoe eaavrriy along the eain* alnety-nliMi foal eleven Inchai and one half aa In rille iha rear] of IM number twnoty-alflu: ifaeiwe eoaihariyi aJPOgthf wnie t«eat/ elx foel and ala« Itictiia; > ibenoe weMeriy ntonir-nioe foet aad ihreelaohee ku \Yoodride aveaue and place of oeginatag-

Deliif lot number 47 oa aald map of the eatafo aC tka lau JeoM Barim-Ui

Datad NfaTtmfaer IX IM.IIKMUAN lePirr.BACH, fUtiW.

JoakPH H, WuufaikUirp, aoiidfor.

to madlrai^li 1 abalt eiaoae veadne, a( iheCuaribuueelu .Sewarkj

thenaa raonlng thirty miiiniM vau

Vortoo) and Rruaaie norih twenfo-kwp dear tweuty-elt Ibet and feor lacbeet tbtuaa north rix -eevah degfew thirty mtoutea weit ooehtia* qiaSkei.; Uwaw logto iw w -lw e qiefro* ihltir inltiDtee weak twanty-Ox feci and four iMbm, auo (henoaeonth itxiywven dagrvea thirty mlnntei eaM one buttdrad foa ttu kUe place nr baglnnlpg. Hefng lift jVo. 4 oa a map of lha property af Joho Caifiaall, deaafofod.

Balad Novernfavr 11, IMUkHMAN LlHLBACIT,Cfh«rlir.

paiLtfi LawTg BallMtor. " tgm

(fioprenw A-lia.)CinK1llPF*ftRAl.a: AXW J.KAUlgTBUPRlMft CXkHin-kdwerd K. fauutar ta, Joaaph faokratbar. ~n . la.

By vlrioeoftba ^veatafod writ of fieri(or eala by puMl#

___________ _ — ^ark. 00 Tueecuy,:theeigbfoantbday uf Becember oaxl-VI 10*010 r. M.) all the right* titia and iqierwk of (ha dafood- •ntotla aii4to fol ihakiraol er paroM of laad and premiaai Mtuaia, lying and hMeg In Iba eUy ofi a\ewark, Keuei County, New Jeri^:

Ueginoltic at a point on tba iMulh riy Una d Tmnpkliia raiat ruad ae lha aame la looated In tba yaaralgiiteea huDdtad and olaety-fourand lu tha fineorianda teuly of John .VeUregcr, ihenc# run-, Ding oloikt blallMahouteouAh twany-tbreedegreea thirby-oae talnutai eaat eevro baadred aad twenty foet, more or leee,u>lha aortharly line of the right of way ot the waverIv and 1'wmuuc nidi road i\»40pany:i ifaeuiw along Ihelr lloeaMith clghiy degrees tweatn inlDutra weet nln* huQ'lrvd and twaoty-flTe ana two-ienihe left fo iba llae eriaodklalalyof Iraao (.V Wlr»ana: thence fooQf bla Hoe about aoTiJb tan min- uM wait tear hnoared aad two Met, mora ar iaei;{ ^tnoe weftterly eiODi llaaaf aald Wlaarua«« (vllly two bandrefi and tweoly-eeven foot, tnoraari )eiH,tolaodi DOW or lately oooupled by ^olilaai:i Ihenoe aloai hit (lie norlbtrlr four hundred aa.i Ihltly.oae foil,mure er Ina, ta tbeteothariy UDter a^d 1'nm.pklni Point >a4 : ihenoe a lw tba etmW aouilMMtarly aoe hanfirad aad two foet* moreo leae.10 an angle Id eald rood; thance aloqg ealfi 1••iterlyoaa winding eoarea four hundred __hlDety-nlDa foak mora or leri, «o (be piaoa p( haglw, ■ing. Halng a I (ba land ar which John jU Hcbreibar. dacaaaad, diad raliad whtoh ifoi nonk of Ibe eald llna ef lha wU railroad eompanyi cjoakaliik tog fiKirlMO acrae. more #r iMt,

hewarki ri. d., .Novtsther I I IM‘ ilEHMAN likRLBaOH^flkerifC

lavra V* Tmuiii.a. Attoraay. tiioo ,

(tPanoiry A -m ),t3lIKBIFF*» «ALIfr-I.4 OBhriCKRY OF N«W loJfoafy- ilatwean BUfibeth ft (Jould, ratapiala- ant. ae-J Jamee laldwell, el al.. deJeodauta—y l j#,'rDrrateormortfiiggdprfiaUef.

By vlrtoe oMba afaoveekaled writ ef fieri# lhcla% InmtMiraDied I ebhfl SMm tor lala by pqbUo vendue* at the Onarihom In Newark, ou Tueedaj,. iraH^teenUiday ofBaQaitiber neiv at lu’oloaki V. M.rail that motor parea< ol land rad pFeaM MtuaMs lylfal fifad being 10 the oUy #r Mewariuaraes fofanty* f*#w JerM/:

Beglanlng OQ ma weeurly alda of iforria arefid# ataooloi dleiaal fouxhuatlre’1 and eavemy-flTg iMleouibariyfTumiheooriierofkhe raiueand Weag riauk itreet; Rein tbeno# nmalng along Uavke av-t enueeo'Jtbtweuij-eaTeiidegrNaandtbArty t^aiaa week twahiy-ftra laat l thaooe DorUt ilxty-two dfo, me* and thirty mlQuiea wiwt uae hundred teat 1 ihaiHaiforthtweaiy’MVcndeireMaad thlitri#ia.( uieaifaM twraly-flve foet, and Uianoa eeutb rixty iwodagreue audiblrtr miauleeaaat out handrefi' f^ i to (be place offaef inslng.

Betaglei ha lit niaped ikamaa Vi goh#- ■oa'apraoerty luadeootnhcr, lUX aod laifle pgera jiiu oooveyeu to laid A nnie (kid wMI fay deed 4Uted peptfBhf* tt* IM, raoorded lu B#ok I St of LMedg for paid cvoniy, nn paget foi, eto

Ijaked MfoMber It IMHkhUaN LEIILBAOH, fiberift

& Vi npraXt aolbitor. fa,fo

(thanoeiT A—M lQHkTlIPPfl B A tk^m CHANCBRT OP NEW OJeraey—BetwMniheBraurity noHdingaad fraia

folly of iNawark, uuraplatoaat, i|a* »t dcfoadaD(a.->-kl Ik*

fvjeraey—Betwran Aeeodailoti of tbe, and V IbeeoM Utpol


CilltoiDla Ltinon Clint Ptieliu,Kitrn flee fretl, packed to pure *q (*r tynip, per ceu, ISe, cite, t t cue,•S.VS.

Mkinmeth Callfwnia t>rniM*, I fl)*.,SOe. Heikel uf tl b*.. «S.OO.

Nmal) ChivlyJan*I^iiw,<»n IBe. Her cuieuf M cen*. •1.80.

Cbolo* Te**, ISe. *ad SSe. per E.

V . B . T n . l S JOli*CHUTB<X)S

ft), I*)* *r oioruiired piemlaM. . .1))) virtue uf te. *l)uv* ai*L*4 writ uf Her) 8*el*a

<c lat directed. 1 eheU eiiiuee fttr eete p:ibllo VHtdur, al Uu GuarttaeuM In .Viwttk, oe Tueei)i)f. Uu .l^te-Bib day uf Deoeiuhei ■»*>. *l > u'uioc* I'. H.. alt UiM inel ur pare*, ol lend end prvialaie aliuelr, trie* eud hela* Ie ihe idir ol Newark, ne- MI UeuiHr. New Jet**, I . . ,

■MUiiiIui In Die wMl.rt7 lint of I ock *(t*el at e point dlalaouwo bundrad luul *tv*oir (im nonb- eriT iToiu Lb* nonberlr 1 In* of feii<w* etreeL; froui tbruoi ranolae notUieriT eloeff tnadlneof Ibo*tltMlLw*eiy-Bvele*ti ih«ocenaelh *liUr4wod*- erM* Ibrtr nlnuie* weet eu* heiidt.<d eud Hfty- Ibnt frei Keren Inehe* » 10- Un* of proft-fir hrm*r1]rurK»lb»eNenfird; Uwueaeiith twaqtr- uMleftiM kwl (IlUvn mlqeit* wertjweowdlv* Met) ttarooe wrert rtity-vwe Se|wiw nun ftiny

elnulH •■*( nee tau-deed and Rfirom lael kIs eiiMwij*kttrot«»ejieroe>teii>nBrot..

(iliancary A M )KHKHirP’ faSALA-i.N OllAelOBlT OF NEW

Jeiwey -Ifotwren AoDt Cfat<. oouuMaloaiL, ■od iTfa >ira I • Juiteiei ni. etal, defoadaula r'l (k.- tor «aie ur morbia^ed

Uy vlrine oMhe afanvafoatftl writ of flefllkdai., to me diri'dtitdr I ehftl.t expuee for aale by pabiia Teadna. at tue CPurthoDeeln Sewerk, na ru ^ iy . (be (wanl/'rave.iiii day of Navember u»g|, at t« n'riock P. U.. all tha( (raet er pareeiof latde

Greroiaee aliUHto lylag and being Ui lha auy ranta, Ksaas ('uunty, . aw Jemay,

■Ttn ' ‘,^3

Jla^nnlnx In lha ■auLheriy Mile of Kim MraM polut tbrae imaarwJ and (hr G(u (Ua wwA^lT rida af I

along laid Kim .lire KKUheriy and . at Mgtu angm fo IQm atrvat oni hundred atKi forty foet; iheaoe'i weeleriy aloag land mw or Mrmerly ofi Tej( a H|t«n;ohiiJl&leel,aa(ttbeaoanonbarlrfttidch|

Im tifeei one boii(ir#d and tort/r “aiigliMo Klmtifeeiue bondiwl and ................ifae place of begtaolog llelftf part ot tha DranlHi CAmveyed to therald Alargarek a * Joaaa oy daM reourdfdiu book JC Sit faf deed* r EfoaitUgPB^Yr

’ foaikal

KA pagiR '/71, et# iJatfi----

Page 15: tietitng I - DigiFind-It

2T E W A E K E V E N IN G N E W B , T H U E S O A Y , N O V E M D E R 22. 1894.

iSTIBAIORGTHEDOmT h e j A re Getting; Ready for the

Tb lrd Annual Fa itivaL


Ba.y W«in*B Who A n Praparlng for tha thal 1. to OpoB at iKa Hhcx LjrHBBi Maadajr K l(bt Naxl-Th tn Will Ba Fapar, Ruhbor, Ra«, Waodaa, t'hlaa, Browala, Whlta, lllack, MaafoUaa, Ilada aad Maelck Bablaa, and tha Ca- hlblt Will Ba Vtaallaa. With Ooadala Bootbi, aad tha Attaadaola la Oai> taaaa tha Llha at 'Whiah Map Ba I oob la Vaaloa»Tha Taaac Wamaa’i Clab Alto to Bo Boaaetad.

The dolli an tatUac n ad j (or their third aBBual featlral, which It tu be bald In tha F ^ x Lpoauni oaxt Hoadaj night and Tnat- clap and W tdnetdaj aftaraoou and nlghtt under the anapieaa of tha Newark AuxlUarf BorUtp, Tha procaadt tbit T*ar wilt ba fur tha baneflt of the unamployad ami to eatab- llih aa liDimraniant fund for Uie Young Woman't Club.

Already aonia of tha ilolla tpiek and ipan and flna at illh, tatln, laea and Ttlvat and inUlbierr art can inaha tMio, hara taken taiuiiorary (juartan at IS3 Betlaville tTtnua, where they will ba joined by tavaral buodrad more bafora they thall |daM thamaalrat on aihiblUon and t^e at tba Lyoaum. Thera It an arittocraoy and ttaera la a democracy

; ainong dotla. There are paper dolli, rubber I dolli, ragdulla wooden dolli, china dolli,I Brownla dallt, white dolla blaok doUi, Mon* I n llao doUa, a dude doll and a tkntrh buy ' doU, In fact dolU of alt torti.aad comtItlaBa,

ranging In atUmatad ralua from flraoentt to •2S.

Tba dallt hava decided to ba Venetian tbit, year, and tTurything about tbeir fair will be i in lotnt wa] nuninlioant of tha City of theI Hta. The booth!, for Initanae, will ba made [ In tbe form of gondolia, whlta boata with I gay«olorad oanupiat, ami tha glrlt who will ' attend them will ba dnaeaftl in tbe pkdnr* aHjua ontturae that li attn bated to the fair daughter! of old Venioe—Utile round jack- •ti, ortr white waltle, with eklrti of brill- lAnt huaa Tha daooratloni aliu will em­body tba Italian colon.

Bealdaa the duUt there wiU ba toye for tha bojn Chrlatmae carda, brlo«-braa, fancy warae, Ana note paper, patdumary, calanuani, booklata and a rariaty of other attracUea gooda to tempt tha puna of tba Tfaltor, Candy will ba furn Itbad by a famoui dealer la New York, and ouufactloni that many

' Nawarkan Uka awat batter wlU ba prepared by tha haadi of toon of tba niemban of tbe ioctaty. On Tueiday atghi a Vaaatlaa enp- par wUI be aarTad iTom 0 (folook till A. The Mann follow!; *

Ot trie be.Uriilnl.Olira,

Raimi dl Bologna.Arroato.Ungua.

UacaronI col Fornuggin, inialata.Caffe'.To'. •


KefraahiiMnti wlU ba proonrabla at all timia durlag the fair In the chocolate room, an elabontuy fumlibad apartmaat under tba balcony, where t in . A. Douglae Brown­lie wlU recMva Al*o the loa cnaiu garden and at tha latnonada booth. The garden will ba prettily arranged and bung arltb MTaral hundred ChlaaaaTaatenu. On tha last night of tha fair Mn. Brownlie wiU ilog and the annual dance will ooonr, with tha tuUowmg order of danolag:

Deni Tempa, Walla, Polka, Lanclen, Walta, Ilrui Tampe, Caprice, Folka, Walt!, baux Trmlw, Waltx, lAiictorn, Polka, Ciprke, Walts, Denx Tampa.

liAch dolli' fair 1> axpaetad to ba a Uttla finer than ita predacaeaura and tbit one ^romiaca to tulOI that nqulraniaiit adulrir

^ e annual report of tba treaaonr ot tbe Itawark Auxiliary Hudety for tba year enlad Noniaber 1, Itflt, ahowt what the dolli’ fair helps to aocouiplub: itaoeipta—Frocaerie of annual doll fair, iUlS.TS; annual auhacrip- tioua, tHU; doeati-ma, gUll.SO; proceeds of cake aala, IIT.UII; dnea and Anna, lu.UU; totaLIIIUII.M. LMibureamanta-riJontributadtoCll- Ixrui’ Aid AjKoclatiui, |KU0; rontribuM to Nurtli.rn Kepablluan Club nllef itora, AW; oontrlbuied to famlUea for niiia, ooaL gru- carlM, ate., |TS.lil; furnlafamg rimma ofY'ouug Woman'a Club, gUW.lR; paid tr.«a

r Yiurar Youag Wonuui’i Club, m caih, IliS; printing, atatlonery, ate., II CRH; hnUnru, 1144.31; totaL |V00.5i

Btary mambar of the anciaty and an me thirty or forty other woman wiu taka part in the faatlraL Tba oflloan aie: FTaaldtnr, lira Hobart A. Oaborna; alca-pTMldanti, IdaaJuha Blake and Hlu UrtKaHiini; re-hording aaoretary, Hiea Jennie Hbarpe; cor- reiiionding end flnaoclal eecrelary, Uta Abiiie P. UcUugh; treaanrer, Miaa Ella VauKteaabtrg. Tha mamban ara tbe Mietee KlBa Anderaon, Joaephinn Beach, Nettle Baldwin, Eleanor Banjamin, Alloa Boioa,Eleanor P. Edwards, Oimoa Darla Idara Danny, Emery, cWibal UogL Uay Belle Mawbi, tin . Bamuai I , IxKiinIaMlMai EUaabath Batalle Uawba, Addle Moon, Edith B. Uarrltt. Bartha Hill^ Netlia L. Otliorna, Lulu Huiullag, Itabla L. RlndtU,

MadtMne Tbomaa, Luln Van Bteanbarg, Huaia Van Hteantiarg, Halan WootauQ, Loulia H. Willa, Lieda E. Lncba, Harriet Van Wagenen, Ida Uatrieun and Lulu Drum mood.

Thoea new mambara ot the auxlUary who an n> aaaiat In making lha fair a auDcaai an Ueidamai Orcaooa Wuotsaa, Kuban (Fray, Morilx Urashof, Prank Cony, Uolu, Auabtarloole, Tbaodon Dunbara, AllanThorhurn, WllliAm Caanon, Ernut Lyoi, A. Dooglaa Brownlie, R. J. MoKaiie, W. H.Drumuiund, 1. Iferrlll Roota Mlam Baxter, Doofflaai, Bobaub, Nancy Ruota Rloranoa Holden, Uaorgla Parker, Ethel DooUtUa, Bariba Lyon, Hatbal Pariah

>y, N........ ........Carrie Toby, Nailla Tham(Ron, Huth VanDuyna Agtwi KitchelL AUoa Hniniei, Lilian Oaborna Edna C’raoa Mary Elatoa, Inna Qaapar, Lnorella Miller, Irma Oaiper, Jenida Hobirta, Ereiya Uaapsr, Mabel Far- gueon. Lulu Arerill, Woa<L Jaffriaa aad



Taartb W. C. T, V, Nnileal. Amutioat tor tbe benefit of the Fourth

Woman’i Chrlitlan Tenipennca Union wai

Rlren at tba bouae ot Un. John B. Huw< in uuunar arauua, laat night. In naponia to

SOO Inrllatkioa that h ^ beau Iwuad the rcotna ware tbrongaii Tba artlati who nn- da i^ a progranunc of otaoioa HltcUoai were

' Tbomaa Bote baaao' A. fi. HePnaraon, tenor; Joaepfa M. U’Brlen, baritone; F. S.ilunV tenor; Mre. Tliuuiai F^tL wipraao, And E, R. Cronmefi-Knight, ^n let. Tto mualoal waa raried br MTaral raoltaUoaa and nadlnga by M ill Annie Brown Potter,mualoal waa raried by Mreral reoltaUoaa

Mica Emma MArlu Bonn and htlai NalUa Kln- nard.

A Wnldlng at Mlllbiirn.In 6A, Rhaaft Churoh at Mlllburn at ■

(folook ytrtaavlay afurnoon Miat Mary (FU- roy, ot b a t anminlt, and John J lu lli;^ ot Bhorl HlUa, ware marrlad. The cenoiony waaparformad by tba paator. Her. Daoiei R. McCarthy. Mia KaUt Kaadian, of Bbort llllli, waa brldaimald, and Philip Ci'Mara, of JilllbcTB, wta beat man. Tha bride waa at- Und In onaio-calorad itik wilti tuUa rail leoured by a wraatb ot whlta roeee. She carried a bonquad oi brlda rotet. A t tba coodufion ot tba emRumy Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan prooeedad to tbalr new home on Mlllburn arenua, Sprlagfiald, where thay an- tartained tbalr fiianda at a rtoaptiou.

A Her tba Hal),Thera waa a ball at Flabbmtalri UalL

W Naabltt atraah Uat night, andafter tba aupiiar had beau twrad a number of ubla knlaM ware mUtIng.Tba propiiator aoouaad Thomas Father, of Look anil Warren atreati, and Jamie Iluatt-tar, jfiO Orange atreaL of ataallu tha cut lery and ra iM tbalr amat. Ho knlrtawareThia fall amat

found In tha boyaf nneaaloiL ttaough. morning Kaabar told Judge Mott that m at was a niraa nt tplta work ba-Jd'

oanaa ha " owed a bloke H.” Tha prtaooart ware disoh^ad.

Talktiw Abant BalaMonMgnor Donna prialdad atloat nlgbt'i

maktliig at tba Wadntaday Otub wbiob wtabald at Aohtel Stettac'i lastauranL Oltrar WAndatl Holniot waa tha lubjeot ot tba dii- ouAalon, and RabU Josapb Ltoebt, lUr. L. iJOsbornt, Dr. K. J. Hown Fradiriok W. Wbnl, ifrancli W. Moowlti and William B. CUsinnaU ware the apinkart.


Caaaiaa Caaneir. Coiuiulttaa that la la-rM lIgBlIng FarnaaU far City nu i»

pIlM IIm ftini*For mora than two hotin yesterday after­

noon tba C'ummoD CuuodI Inraatigating CummJttaa wai In saasion In tbs Coiuptrul- larit offlos. louklng up tha prlctt paid tor city suppllea In IMA Tha uaual motion to drop d l but last year’s bills was put by Aldaruan Brtgaw, but It was not sacondsd.

fa t a time tba reading ot bills for alaotrle lifhta, g it and thluga from marketa gratr moaotanons and Aldtrman Ayrat asked tha ohainuan if be could not preduca aomethlng

IhlaTHting." The latter replisd that adlngthe proooedTngi were nl tbe otmuet lataieat

to him. Just Uteii the clerk lenl a bill (ortlfillfor " dliTaranoe IQ trading horea" Tbe animal had been used by the Huptrin- tendenl of Public Idoense. Next was brought to light tha eonlraot price tor the old lUrmarkat tower, wbiob oust tba city Al.Iha lor irua work alout.

It was remarked thal an olfer of ISO had rti'enlly beim uia‘le for the et^rtura. Bur- prlM was oooaaloned by tbe large lum ofmoney expandtd for No. # Engine hnuie, ra- built in KtW at an outlay of gd ,m M . whichwae eonaidareil by tbe memhera of tba oom- mittee aa a sulHdent aum to put up a newbuilding. Large axpendUnrts, It waa laid, wart made alaca I W snd No. S hoUM waaconoodad to ba a rerr o «tly building.

Tbe Brat biU raad from toe Public Bnlld-Committee of that year imnulanl an

two floor broomi at IhW each.” Than came otaarget o f '' repairing fire chain, HATS/'and "repairing Ora offlna rbain, 110. ThMo were followed by a bill for " one tall casptdiw. IT.

" Wbat’a that f aakad Alderman Harrl- gao.

Tba clerk read It again. “ One tall oi»> (ddorlr.”

" Must bsoaa of tba kind thay pul um-brallaa In^ ramorkad tha Atdarmaufrom tha Flrrt Ward.

" It must hers baeo hand-paintsd." pnt In Aldannao Arrea

Aldtriuan Bragaw adJniM bis glisiaa aad tool a look St tba bllL but tha Item wes tbera Uoblels at I4.S0 par dusan ware bought fur the Counoll Ctaainbar.

A lot mora bills ware passed orer, amongpassedwhich rras one " uphulstarlng two cbalra, •3b.” Tbs chairs wart for No. • Eagina-bnusa. Tbeltsta^waa foUswtd b^ a a o t^for repairing ebain at IS tacb and one forrscoranag aad repairing a table til). Bpring twds for No, T Englna-huuea ware bought for•4.S0 and IT, and ttarae otbar btUs for upbol- tiering cbalra at tid e chair, were road. Chargaa of 13, t i and tS for rapialrlag obairt ware ralhar plentiful. CarpM coal fromninety rents to tl.SO per yard, with extra chargai for making and laying. Linoleumwas charged up at fl.lU par yard and tan oaata a yard for laying.

An Intaraitlng feature waa brougfat out In tba aapansas of tba 1 'ommillee on Bridges, which anumutad that year to tL<M0.IIL and which Aldarman llarrlgan claimed raiira- lantail juit what It cost tba city for thaprirliaca of plaoing Canlra Marksit orar tba

lal. Thera ware bills of gio for a dsak for thaoaaal.Tax CommlsaiouePa olBct, tSO for (»a in tha Tax Recalrar’a department and tiO tor a top for the City Clcrra daak. AU thraapaaaail wltbout oommant, but not ao with a bill In which tLSO wns etaiugad for repairing cbalra and forty cauU an bnur for time along with IL Alderman Bragaw wanted to know who uiad ail tba “ Caebmert Bouquet “" Eldsrbarry ” aoap fumfsbad la Iboas days, ramarkiBg that tbay ware Imported goods.

An arebitact's bill for |JS “ for profta- slonal traatmaet of oaUar, Ho. 4 angina- bouse,” oaoaad tba '* Down Neck” Alderman to mnark: " He couhl traat me (or lav than that"

Bills ordarad paid by tba Board ot Health ennia In with the raat aad tha olark waa In- stmetad to read loma of thsou. Nothing outof the ordlnaty came to light until a bllL which raad ” To car fare aad axpresi chaaaing boltlea, tS.S0,” was reariwd.

presiaga par

"Th m ddllan and a half for chaiing■ ........... ■■ ■ liltbottlca,'L remarktd Chairman Traboli

“ What waa that for f Tha bill was posaad around and fluatty Alderman Bragaw made “ per chaaaing ” to mean purchaaing, and all was ctaar.


Praaant Attractlaaa at tha Thaairoa aad ths (*aod Ones Cuming.

A t Uioar’a Tbantra Frank Loiaa and tba company supporting bUu oontlnna to praeant “ Hli^l No. t ” with Ita abctrinal tiiKmliuis tcano, Ita realistic itorm affect,’ Ha display of luachlnery, and Ita rapraaantation of the depths of a mine ami of a dynamite explo- aioa. Tbe acting in the drama Is oftea forceful and tha aeuaalional scenes ara re- oalvid with (aTor.

Nan week will bring to Hlner'i Thaatra an attraction of signal marlL in tbs preaaut- ation there by Cbarbii Rrohtnau'i company of “ TtanOlrl 1 Left Bahlid Ha" Tha play talla a atory of lore and adrealura and peril, Ufa on tba frontier, ot an Indian attack upon a fort and of daring reKOs Tba preaant prodnetioa wUl ba gtrao with details which marked the alx montha' run at tba Academy of Uuelo ba Naw York City.- To-night tba great Taramanr tiger will make his first appsaranca on the stage at H. lU Jacobt'a Tluaire, In the early stage of hla performance the bsut wlU bare tome fun with Dr. Parktaurat Dockitadter, but the latter will finally turn the tables and thenthe hauleaa beoil *”111 hare a sad exparlence.

'TammTblf ’Tammany tiger la a fearful and won­derful anlmaL bnt tbe bars of the cage arestroiq^and the audience will be In nodan-

nma of DTbe rampant baa hew glrlag a good show

p e ^ In addition other ebaagea wUl bemadsI programme of Dockstodler’i Mlutrela.

aud doiag a fine buiii Naztweak Qaarge W. Monroe will be teen

at Jaoobs’e ’I ’haatre as Aunt Sridgtt In tbe pular play of that oama. at Waldraann’a Opera House Ths Night

Owls oontlBus to glre amuamg programmsa uf burlesque and yaudarlllr. Next week H. W. Willlami'B Company will apmr. Promi­nent in that organliailon la J. W. Kelly, the “ Rolling k ill Man." MeUy'a maadlogot parrorRiance, with Ita longa anifitoriss, ti a wholt ibow la itself and hu made him one of the' moat popular Tariaty pirtormeri in tiwoonotry.

Waned from WMlfield and Vlelallj.Flreildt CounuU of Westfield will entertain

Bnrualde Council of Brooklrn tlile ereiilng. Rural Areauum men from all tne towm along the mad will be prtaant. Tbs special fiatnra ot tbe meeting will he tbe working of a new ritual.

The people of Oarwood are oomnlalning about the aohool faoUltlea, and want Wntfiald and Cranford to furnish them witb a lohoul- hon» or I ransportatlon for the chtldren, aa prorlded for In tha naw echool law. Tbe mau ter will be brongbt before the echool boanle at their next meeting.

The first Bowling Lugnsgame will be rollad on the oilers of ths Weeiflsid Olnb m-ntght.

Her. Mr. Ruth, of Wntflsld, wlU preach at Locnat flrore Chapel tbie erining.

The Weetfield Townablp Committee and the Adrlaorr Hewer CommltiN will meal to-mor­row erenlng. Tbe maetliig will not be a pub­lic one. Eren tha placeof meeting baa not been aunonnoed.

Andrew Carier. one of tha amployea at Welngarten'e enutt (aotdrr and unlaarea bread liakorr at Branch Mills, waa In Watt-field yesterday iMklng rrdraia fur a beating

‘ b e t.................that he claimed tbs (orsman gars him.A born belonging to Robert Woodruff, Jr.,

of Weatllald, was burned at 10 o'clock this mornlsg. Tbe lois le aatlnwted at about •SAOIIO.'

A Oermaa Canale Flay at Iseuger Ball,At tbe Mrueger Audilcrlnm (Ncnger Hall)

to-alghh for Um benefit of tbe Hebrew FreeBohooL tbe comedy “ Verlntcns Fnishta Oder Lockers Zelalgc " (Forbidden FYult or Dangsrons P t a t im e s w i l l be producad nwler tb l dinctloa of Haairm, Banraia,L’Hama aad Pals.

T h « itreniEth o f CleyfliADd'ibik ing powder comes from pure

}ftM]cream of UrtATind soda only. It effervesces more slowly than powders containing alum, ammooia or tartaric add


It Waa a lUtI of Fare, aad Many Oeed Thlnft l nn

An upenM-icii was beU hr tbe members of tbe UrtniJ I'lirr In Krueger’s Auditorium lart nlgbl. snd I'l.i.slilentblji businses was traoMcteil. It was net tha kind of biisinrsa that the U rand Ini|utallnrs uiualty hays bi (ora them, but was the diuner with which eaebUrand Jury has miuls a practice of i tinting ICi work. Tbe tweuiy-tbree members of Um Jury were notAlune in the (sstlTliiea. IT Oil up tor Crane, siulUng aud bappy, was them Bo were a lumber of uthtn. A lery was made ua soms of ibe good thluge by BberiS Iwhllarii, who waa alto prssaat as s guaiL and the ipcachae wsra carefully dti- acetsd by County Pbyalmn ElUoit Tben Detectiya William Volk got on tbe track of

briUiaut Mas that wort carefully cua- aidarid by Judges Ladwlth and Bclialk.Tba only bill that was paasisl upon by County Andltur Hugo J. Oelitrle was tbsbill of fan, while County Cnllootor Kagan modeetly refralue I from preaenting aoy <>i hla dacuniente.

It waa about fi:M0 u'clonk when tbe Mlebra- tlun was euiuinanced wlib a dinner auota oa cpIcarMai could enjoy. Before tbe table bad haeu claaicd twaiity-ssven yolumet ofIrring'i wurki were piwulod to Wilber-

• Fr . . .force rresman, foreman of the jury. On each volume was a lithographic facsimile uf

eantugra.iry. Tbe preaenhatiod ipoecb waa maile by Ilea Beria, one of tlie Jurors, The dignity ilonring to earb ot ths jurori had sever len forgotten during tbe rariuui iseelmga, !r. Beria laid, aud be thought that tbey

nil|bt well lay dignity ami bualnsaa oaidtto enjoy the pleatiirea of tbe iswaabin. Mr, Beria ' ..tben iiuule tome roniplliiieotary remarks runeera’.ug Mr. Fraemaii, to whom tbe books were tlieu pretenteil After Mr.

I Uraml Jury's Busl-Preeman had gracefully reepoaded Joba J.

n uf the.................OoniiiiiitM k In which ; clerk o f t

IT very pleaaa locking and gu*H|.aature.l clerk and Ihen

Uomlry, chairman

in which ba pralJury.

inaiT very pleaaam. thlngi about tha good-

'oniiiiiitM aruaa and made a neat speech, in which ncalM, clerk of theUrand Jui

ta praised 'Timothy E ■ - He latd

irteented him with a handsome armchair. It waa not because M r. Hoalea was laay or oarslaaa that the chair was praaente L be de* dared, but becauM the clerk worked to bard that an easy chair yg^ld ao doubt be igree- able tartale few hoursuf rest

Hr. Hcalei Is au orator and he showed It Inthe Iwpiiy speech w blub humada In nix-ept- lug the gift. Other ipeoabes were made, jukta were let luoee and before tbe galberlngdispersed, about tuldnlgbt, every one present waa nrfsmied with a hi ' tbe snape uf a silver matchbox.

hnndsome souvenir in


The iuburban TracUon Oempsoy Fressed b j 1 Credltur Ibal Ferulshed the

Frife tVarld's Fair Engine.Tbe Ruburban Traction Company of Or-

anga will In a few daya bn plooad in tbs hands of a recvlTer. This morning notliwa of a BhenlTi salt o f the company's property next Tuesday for tbe bentfii ot tba creditors were posted In Orange. ,

Tba sale baa basn brought about by tbe attoraayt (or the Hull VVooil Company of New York, which preiei il ita claim. Thla company turnlabad the engine, which took a pnie at ibe Worhl’i Fair aud la now usedfor running tha Huburban’i dynamo.

1 WhWatanu Whlttlaaey, one n( the atookbold- era, laid ibis morning that tbe foracloeuraproreailiBn wonld take precedence oyer

Ifstbe Bbsiiff's aala, and that a recelvar would be appointad In a faw daya.

Abw ta month ago the Ruburban Com­pany ImuwI nn appeal to Ha cradficn to aoespt fifty cants on the dollar In sattlcment of tbalr elalma Tbe brariest credllnre nearly all agraad to thispropoal- tlon when the true atata ot affairs was pro- sented to tham, and It was than hnpe>l that Insolvency procsedtoga would lie avoulsd.

tins cauM of the company's trouldas was the accident that occorreil on the Eagla Rfsck Incline In Auguet last. Many of the people who were in the wrecked car have beentlad with by ths ootn^ny, but suits to tbeamount of 1173,000 haye boon iustituted III coneequence of Uie accident. tV'ben tbe accident occerr«.j Ibe company sras nagotlatlng with capitabsta for maaey to tlquldata Its imlebtadDew und equip tbe F'uat UroDgs and Bloomfieli) Haas with aloo trlclty, but whsn the capltaliata taw many tulte staring the company la the face they ceasid all negotiatlont and rnfused toadyanoe anv (unda.

’The floatiag debt of the company Is t1t9,- 800, about lohi.000 of which li unsecurni The American Loan and Trust Comiiauv uf Boston boida a murtgage giyen by the Bub- nrhao Company to eecurc the payment of the boada oatatandiag to the amount of •5S(L00a


CoUactor Coanelly HecummendB a Num­ber o f Men far Appointment.

If tbe recommeadationa Biaile by Collector Jamti F. Connelly are aiipruved—aud it is thought tbay will be-—there will soon be a number of chaugee made in tbe Fifth In­ternal RsTenn* District. Tbe Collector to­day forwarded to the Treasury Departineut at Washington the names of man whom heeontidera worthy of appointment as itore- keeiieni and gaugers nnder bis supervision.

Ula aetecllona art (Fcorga H. llirhardt andHlctaasl O'ConnalL Of Homeiyet County, and Bishop Edmunda of Middlesex to be itoro- keepers at tbs East MIHitone dluillerlos. For gangan be boa named C. J. Dali, for Warren County; Joaephna Hhann, (or Union; John UataJIs, In Hossex; HebaldJa- coba fur this county, and John Parkur in HuBtardon, As tbs reeommsndallon !• almost e(|ulTalant to appointment, It is ex­pected these man will be twom iu In a few dAjTie

Tha Collector oallad attention to the fact that there to a slaluth of tbe Unitwl Utntus lovarniug appolbtmanta which to la eeruin reepecti timllor to the charter of the city of Newark. It provldet thal so man bolding a municipal pcsHloa, whether he receivee salary or not for tbe sama sou be appoiutwl to a berth In the Internal Revenue lW,art- ment. This law ^ l l s tba cbaiioaa of any

Jepar' m ils tbs cbaiioea of ar.

city employe or (dniar gsttlug a ptoiw, and Itto said that tbara are at least one or two of the Aldarrasn who would like to receive an appolsttueux


Its Aim to Freveal Leglslatleh Hstrl- nienlal ta the Rasluna,

An organisation of the liquor dtaliri of this city was effected yeeterday aftarmsm at the rooms of tbe Newark ChM Club under the name of tka Uquor-ilealery Protective Lwagiia of Newark, Tbe organlsaliou will send one repreeantoilva and pofillily two, toths HtataAsaodaUoQ. About thirty-five laloon-keepers ware preaant at tbs meeting ystlirday, wkleh was preeidsd over by Jubu Cavangb. of tha Paloot Hotel. .

Tb« aim of tbe league. It was itatod, la to invent leglslatioa delrtmental tu ths busl- nesv. An effort will be made to win puldio sentiment to Um -liquor traile which the members cu u s^ psrfeolly legttiinste by t proper supervision of tbadeallnga aud oou- dnet of tbe Itagna membera. Them offloers were tleotod: President, .lohtiCavanigh; vtca-presldsnt, .Ferdinand C. fiokmhlt: rvoordlsg esoretory, (Jus-

. i . voiksf: financial vsbretary,F ^ k X. Kalltag; troaaurer, A. B. Coelln. Already tbsrs are IMU appileauts for aduils- ■don to tbe loagte and ah atUnipt will ba made to make tbs msinbersblp NiO. Tbe toagus, It to clalmad, wUl make no attemptto u^old any number who violatei the Ex

laws, nor "elm laws, nor wall any saloon-keener be ad­mitted unless his utaon of buainim Is oon- ducted In a thoroogaly rspptable manner.

Ingenlns geraavinefi.P a^ ts toaoed to Jnrssymen, reported for

the News by Drake ds Oo,, soUciUiri of patsots, oonwr Brood and Market strsete, weMi Combiutd keyring and olgar-ontuir, E. B. AlguW, Newark; method ot grading orea or Bbnilar materials, D.'Brennan, Jr, Bayonne; aleotrlo iwitnhor ont-out, J. C. Un^hlV' East Urangs; otoctric twitch and

N, 0. Caaaloy, Fuat Orange; lock,W. W, Davis, Bast Orange; prlnU^-ma' ehlu J, L. Firm, Jiney City;..... , ___ ly .stove or ratige for burning bl- taimlnous coaL W. A, Orasne, Uuaaii Orove;

lud box fur Ctrl, M. Haiti, Patsriou: wood- ouniiu msohlne, w . F, Hntohtnsnn, Pissale, slsctHo tea motor, F. X. Hofbauer, Newark ishntlar fiatooar, J. W. Johnaou, Point Ptoaiwt; manufaotura of ihlngls tiding aad machlnerv thsnfor, L, B. Muntroia, Cam­den; oar feudw, (F. W. Oakley, Maocheateri oible swltoh, O. C. Ornwrod, Aabury Park; ^raping w u o^ M. L. BrnderUng, J irtsy Cilj; ilwtnMJ mtuorinff liutruDuuib & pak), B. Wilton, Nawart

Faihar Menill Oeaa la Law.Rev. Falhsr MendL o ft te Cburch of tha

IminiouliteUowwiloe. ilmtolnir, haUerea that oburoh pronny !■ gnu fit from toxa- Uon and boa obWnad a wirlf of osrliorarlwith Imvtof nsldto tba lax tovyjis la it tbe paroebiartohool for three years. Tbe amount lavolvid to WKL

_j lor Mp«fwtvw. tn4 Ifk«M«t It kt MtpAMd !■-iiTMiiithi ftir ~. . . .... .. 11*. M

______ n«T«rtRllui|iUMl u rcuUM Milt un nnpttuuioa. ^iMIu rsHOUiklCrmurvmAMm,

The c>ut«iian of l««|iilltv Hr«iU|1tt l > In hiFulh O r«n f«—Trnn»rt”n.

Tht i^U'' I is.n Ks to tbtt k.e'al ofthe A Kfiui'stJou wu brou^bt opiiilth« of thtt boiiy tu Houib Ortufiiu t ninhi by Ur. lIurL Owlitg totbar*” cant ruling of the Huprtnia Ur, Hnrtukefit tb«l tlM Hcattt tiuparmtastk'ut be iuk*ii bU opinloit. Ur. tiftlmoo, bowerer, tbimgbC tb«t Uw'iuH do DOfoodrU IlittHuparln- tABileut wihuM only rnfar tbff ijuMitioD li> tba AtlorD#y4i**ni‘m l who bail •lre*tl,r ri*u- <WrtHl a ■ ^ oil tbnt womtu iv»uU rote.

.'•‘i.u.un. utioii WM read (rooi County 8u «riiH4*h U 't ibarniAn, a«kiD< Ibit lha arhiKiU - ihi be rruuinber'*!, «um-tuf'm ii; ilh N . 1, AcconltD^lv Colnmbu JifhiKjl Will Iw known a* No. 1. Kaplewocii •A No. Milii'n m No. Mr. mjtrmjio ilfo hi badl ilerlilia! pot tk> ttuil*ler any uu.<r<> -h- -Imn frooi ou* acbool aa* otJier wii.t ui lb*' wHltco ruoreniof t»olb bdharU*: ui.l r- <|ii *fled that ibu bodfil la fu­ture gtva n - nFuaapt uairm It Mboidd tw friuaii to a bArdAlifji for tba ptipUlo alteo't m nr ht»r diatrli;*l,Mr. Uftrt t. ••xr«ptioB :•> ihla ra4iuaat, aa be ihouKhl Acc. r Hns tc tb<» Uw thk matter lal'l entiraly wub ibe ^uiwnuU'iuleai. Murb iJim ir : I) MlcweJ aikI floally, on niotinn of Mr rhtirrb, the rlerk waa In- itrurT^I til itnii/y iho Hu[MrluUFn.leat that tbe U^inl had no ohjectiuu t<i iran«fer of the puplU wiiij li.\ 1 appIiMe Mr. Hart vuted IB thu bc^atfT*

T:i«*ai 4-umniltlee appointed to look Into iliF luaiirr TeutUatiuu for Coiuuibla


Hchi ' rc)«irto.l that itenvild purobaei a gai engine f,.i ; ,’ia and it was given authorityWeal, -i.l that aiiiuant. The cDolrman, Dr.

iitevil'Hiiiilevilla a|i)Kjliiicd the following stanl- ing romiuitU; 1 (or tbe year: Fiuasoa, Hurt, Boimuo, Becker, Habaou: Teachers, Burg- bacdL Crowell, i toborti. Church; Buddings,(librim, Burghsrdt, Church, Cruwell; TeiC

K'ksr, Hart.booka Kalniiin, llabton. Beck

CLo«E f i r T iip c a t h e h h a l f a ir .

An KntartalnmeiU bv KoheuI lllrlt Ona of the Fsaturci t,f iba Last MlgliX

Tbe bazar which bei tievn hold for three nights post at Inatituta Hall fur the benefit of Bl. Patrh'lt's Catbeilral was brongbt to a tucceaiful close last night. 'I he ball proved laadequato to accummodats tbs throng la attondam-e.

An antertalament made iqi of tableaux, diucee and songs was given hy the sohuol gtrto in a manner tint elloteJ well-dewryml applause. It opened with a hymn to St. Cecelia, simg In chiwus, « t the comduilon ot which was a tabluau with Hiss IreneCarruU- ton Impenouatliig tjie aatet. l.itlto Regtaa Binnott oaptiire 1 thetavartsof Uieaudiance with bar recltatlun, “ llamiiu's Help,’’ and tbe ''Uuinvitel Uuest" lahleaii, aauwliig three tote and a big .log, was very pretty. Msiter Ilsrry Binltbrecited, .Miss Nellie Ihmueliy tang“ Just fur Olio Single Word" In a Hear so­prano Tides, and Hist Elirabeth Blake re­cited "Urandiiia's Hung," wlih tableau flliia- tratkiBa Mlu It. M. HerteVa recitation,

The Minuet," waa cleverly given, and little ■ftos 1,'oBiielly danced the Highland fling v ^ nlcidv. The other tableaux were the “ Tnree A'audorerv'■ and ’ ’ I 'aa’l'ou Talk,The featura of tha entortaiunieat was the flowor daacc. let by H im Sadie Flarlty, MiasJeunie McLaren anii Min Angela Lulfy,............ ...and participatot iu by iwenty-ieveu lliil maida.

In the oontaets the first prlia 1100 In gold, ■ ■ ■ ■■ .........wills"w » won by John Harrmgtuh, of 134BiwnlaU



Emplayaa of the t'eniral Greet Their Kriends at the Row Andlterlnm.

RoUroad men toft the cares of switcifaing and braking cars aud punching tickets be­hind fur levernl buun laat night to enjoy a ■eaaoii of pleature at the tenth annual ball of the Employee' Mutual Benefit Aatociatinu of the New Jtrsvv Central Railroad. The affair wns bold at ths Krueger Auditor- lum and the big hall was well filled with the hardy raliri adun, tbalr wives, iweetbnru aad (rlemto. A pretty picture was ireeented from the stago where the arohntra wax itationed amid a liaDk uf palms aud potted planta tba beauty of which waa enhanotd by a rustic wood scene. The uoiallng lifhta and bandsome ooatumae added to tbe aptoo^r of tbe damoe.

Mr. and Fits. Isaac H. Muon led aboutlevaoty couples through a winding grand

.................. ......................... 'sd 1marefa, and the ilancing which tolluwed woakept up until nearly dayllghL The floor woa under the dtreeiion of E. H. Hopkiai, aa-tiatod by a competent oommittor. A U ^p- tlon Couiiiilttoe, boailed by \V. F. Lynn, waa aisiduuua la Its sttention to tba guestii, andtbe whole alTadr was arrthgeil by J. U.

M ■'Muun, J. B. Moffett and A. kcKaight. A delisgatlon from thu DeUwara Laokawauna and VVaetiern lUilroad, led by M. H. Boyle, H. £. Chapia and A. IF. Reed, waa mads to feel at borne. Kx-Mayor Uaynee waa uae of the guotta of honor.

A Case of Varloleld la tl range, -A flve-year-uld daughter of James Jack-

ion, who occupies tbe house on HickoryitreoLUrange. which usa btou quarauUoM

I Friday to .............................since Friday by the Board u< Health ofUraugv, woa yeatarduy fuiiud to be autterlng from varioloid. Wueu tbe case of aus-pseted amallpux was ra|iurte<l to the Buard of lisaltb lost weeli It waa thought that tbs patient woe Jeseo McDunald. who with fouruther colored tuen uccuplal tha upper part of tbe Hickory street huuse. McDouald issuffering (roiu another ailoisiit.

During the last four months of his sickness the principal food of my father,

G e n . G R A N T ,was Bovininc and milk, and it was the use of this incomparable food alone that enabled him to finish the second volume of his personal memoirs.

Dr. T. H. DOUGLAS,General Grant’s physiciar and friend, cordially en dorses the above statement as an unrivalled food, suit­able for young and old.

Bovlnlns In wndortpd by mora thgn lIS.OOO physicians,

Bold by alt ittu ttlM *.T H S SOYM fllKS r r i„ JV«tF FO R K

tlleer Ceuplealnse I TanthlMI Fsanal


Frw iroei VVTinklw, PtinplM, IU.ckh.vJi, l.lT.r rp^, aie nslir ohietoed by iCe see of Ih. .v'V. Hl.l'e UbTHa RAOK

uauUTiyign avn flenh-griuii. It is Mlllitr truBhlr

lieA l'T lFD I. AM> B lilLM AM Tl Ol.UIlH THAT DO NOT FAUF..

LOW EST PRICES IN THE WORLDFor Evary Kind of Home and Peraonal Need.

ScleallAf* UlM>ataHa« That l.lshtf'n Tvaliur, A W«avar*a ICspfvlaiM'# in l>yolaK*-<'ar- paU ^Vliav* tha tu tor htay» as lirtfUt

M WAvii Kaws

Within tha laat f t » trie aea hai baan at work lu lha natlar of dfeiutf. and tUa ra« tulU an* lha faal dlanioutl iljvi for < ■■turkey rad, pink, porpla, orangv, itlira fraan. brown, atfl. Tbaaa dyea qiaIky ooti>r« ta fMt that aVfD iraablnf In etrong m«ap»iitU will .not •lATt tham. It A wonan > • tutn to get tha faat dlABWttd dyaa f(>r ootiuu w|u*n tUa wadU (odlra^HtuQ aha will ba able In dyo alkiH>- lutaly ooD-fadUig colnre that will euy QLtil (ha foodi mr« worn out.

A pmclk'Al dyer, writing in iha UViiiYri* aaye: *‘ (n«ad to UyewUh r«Nit. and

bark*! hat afl«r all my ao'-k nu\ It wai a UiUutu jubh 1 waa nut eadetlrkl. for tha culora wart liOuHly aad of Ian fatled. At la*t I ernn- menoad tn uaa dlamoitdl dye*, aixl the proraM la tuaimplaaiid Aaay that the Wui k (*aplraii« ura. Ihara uaad oar|>eta made of rng* U>ad wlih diamond dyaa ihraa yean and the eolura araetlil aa Utight aa whan new.*'

Maay uf thadiamoDd dya fa*i rouon coInn ara an attparior to other dyaetulTe that thay ara need Uy dyan ararywbara, e^eu lo the big milla and tba larga dya buuiaa. Iiuttatora nf (haaervUabie dyaa tuay claim that (heir cut* ton dyaa ara ** Jdit aagOiHl,’' bjjt prai'tlral tn u pruva tha dlanmnd lathe only kind that makaa ouluri which aoap will doi waah out or aua-tight fada.

Tl'be UlaiuonA dyaa coma Iu ooerly Ofiy cMf> fareiil colotWi for allk. wool and eutton, and will dya adythlmis from a pair of atockluga to a drreaflf cloak.

*MfiGtagnr AOOvarathe Makan."

Th e weather mau cries te the clothing man':''** CtilH wav«— ready?” Tlie cloth­ing man eclioc.s ; Aye,

ready I” The iieed-aii-over-coat man cries ; “ H.irg.'iins ?”The clothing man answers " Aye, bargains I” And so they come logether, the man, the need, the opportunity. Unles.s all signs fail the meet­ing will produce business at McGregor’s.


W e never had so clean a stock, so large au as­sortment in Kerseys, MeIton.s, smooth and rough; Beavers, Chin­chillas, etc. Complete sizes iu all grades, each more than full value. Eight to twenty-six dol­lars.


Great lots, excellent and fine suits for men, fresh and fashionable, go from $13, $15, $18, $20, to . . $10, $13, $15, $17.


Less vahiesmake great­er bargains— less for us, tbe makers; more for you. The prices of Boys' Suits of very superior stuffs, handsomely cut, finely finished, made in the very best manner, were never so low as liere to-day in our forty years of clothing experience. Double - bre as ted Jac ket Suits, sizes 4 to 15 years,#3) J*4i $St ?7i “ “ ti the half dollars iu be­tween. Only the gar­ments can tell the values.

Nobody’s mistakes arc to be put off here 011 the igno­rant or confiding. Newest of the new, freshest, most styl­ish. Even in the very lowest priced suits, overcoats and trousers, for man, Imy or child, you will get .style, work­manship, finish— aud your money back if you want it.

190indSBIBmdSt.,Imrl, N.J.

There’s nqt a fashionable style of Hat that we luaven’t got— Men’s, Boys’ and Chil- dren'.s. I f you don’t find on examination that we can save you about one-third you needn’t buy, There*s no com­pulsion about it. Ask for our $3.cx3 Derbys for Men i f you want to see what really can be done in Hats.

807 to 813 BROAD ST.P. S,—StorM opan svarr av.ulni »a it wook

and oa Thaakiglvlnx Day till soob.



Our Store W ill Be Gloseil at Noouo x K O Y . 2 9 . 1 8 9 4 ,


"D P TO M T E : e v e r i n T i LE iD i l8TEIGTLY FAIR IN A U 'O D R DEAUND8

Ard tba three etronf polnt^of the Qreatest Buiinen done in Tfev Js aey’i Bettil TredNAt our Ordist XstsbUthinent.

Corset Section,Th« ImiwrtMl Z Z Canti. Ftwush

■ ' * ................ M il,»A(Miu, long walil, dimtil* ildw ita«U, waUt baud, iwo-fbch likoe trimmloi wUh baby rib- bolls 1b blaok obI fa

$2.49.Id whlta FrvDob twill rlotb,

$2.25.TI. * W. Walit for mlaaH.«outll wlih solaaa

tnioiiiluc, buns butlono, wllb paUnt taps fiauBlaia, laoi back, rvuulav 4Uo.,

39 Cents.A lot of oar Ml»braUd ChVHiCR CORHRTSt■ * tilflpMt ouulll. ftaUaa fttripi. w*titbabL. ___

trimmeidl. rilk fluMlbg. «tlra long waUt aodhigh b u ll ptriaul «hapv.

WiB ml Drab, M.Thii Mra*t !■ th« Mantlral ooraet void

•wbrBUarcpotorer_ _ aginpy wt wpr*pLac* a larfi ordtr for luiin loag lo adraaots

egolu ilfa lf by ona nf tha hicbly cal-----" ‘ ‘ ' ----- nt onNaw York boua«i at ‘A per erol. over our price.

To Mcura tha agenry wt wrra foroM to

Handkerclilef Speciiils.100 doaw ftofl JapAMMs ♦abtoidary aoa^

lop«i all OQiort, valui Ibo

Special 8c. Each.i-lBob ntmaUlolMd Bordara

t u f t atnbtolaarad lonpt IbUIiI,

Special 122 Cents.kOM) boasa Chlldran't Rlaa Onlorsd Hvai>

stllobod Burdar, with smbniUarad tolUolii (our la a box,

Special 25 Gents.fsadlat' All'ltMO Etabroidtrtd tiltlal U » *

‘ ‘ .ahtcr•IHchtd, ahtcr oluthv

Special 12» GentaNola-””A«h to laa tboM D alttf Shatr 14iM

I n l ^ Haadfcarob,Atft, wltb U t IIdUaI broldtred Initial and dalloau arabroldfradt coraera. tba Mwaal iblag In tha flnait trada,broldared InlttU and dalloau ambroid

Special 25 GentaJTV8T RKGEnntD—Anotbar IqvwIm oa

eonnt of onr ioip FINE 8W1M8 I

inntD—Anotbor lovolee oa mk

flBsat law orjipvsTOk adfst, volus loriUr at vrbolMolt l i n to ||,ie par i n . , b«t wa .*.11aall tb«m at tbv prloa wa Inwriod ibaB to loU at. withonl rsiard to appvaolatait valaa,Tiu

25 Cents.



At 2 5 Ca doz.,un dofant WASH RAOfi, ISili, sold by tb« duzau only. Ksgular to. aplcoa.

At 12[C .,iWdoran. Kxtra lleavy RUCK TOWELS,

■ life.UaW, usually told at J

At sic. yd„lin Dtocot LADY MAY FANCY FLAN- NEui, uavarollarad bofora (or laoalualUll.

At i6c.,to douua LINEN IIUOK TOWELS, t M iIttoviuualy auld at Mo.

TO CLOSE OUT, SEVE8 DIH8ER SETSA t a Redaction of -

1 en tbe D e lla r !SJSaV LA R s p e c i a l

1 Clitna Dlnnar Hat, 102 jilacea............................................... '101 CJiliia Dliiuar Hot, lUl ......................................... 27,25 18.111 China Dinner Set, 102 ptocea, allghtly Uama;{od.......... 2a76 l f l .4 01 Chlim Dinner Set, 114 plociM, all|{UUy‘ rtAma(!Bil.......... ai.26 14.251 China Dinner Hot, 114 plepe*, ullifhtly dftmaifed.......... 20.26 14.251 China Dinner Het, 114. pleoea........... .....................*........ 27.08 18.4W1 China Dinner Het, 402 pleoea......................................... 22,49 14.98Taklnfr the quail ly and decoration* of theee eelA Into oonalderatton, theoe are

tlio B IO G R S T B A U O A IN 8 E V K U O P F E K E IF M Y US.

D o n o t m i s s t h a t B I G S A L E O F C R O C K E R Y f o r y o u r

T h a n k s g i v i n g f i t t i n g o u t .

Celery Olawee, colored glaea. Theee are the Imported lilowti ware....19 oanti

IN OUR OLD BASEMENTIEverything In the Houaefurnlohlng Hue lnw been eproad out on the

counters, so that ouitomeni can sue at a glance whatever they are looking ftw.' Our corps of satetpooplo has t«*n doubled, so that there can lie no delay w in g customers C O U K T E O U S T R E A T M E N I A 8 8 U U E U .In

A Of Ij-

p:d a p a r l o r s t o v e s , n o . ao......................................................... « i a . a «COMET C Y L IN D E R STOVES, No. 8...................................................$5 .0 0Four-tube Oaa Radiators...........................................................................85 .25Riidell'i Gold Medal Sweepers.................................................................. * 3 .5 0Rlssell's Carpet Sweiqiunt, Magic............................... .............................. $1 .09“ D ” Handle Coal Shovols, ................................................................3 6 oeDtS" D " Handle Furnace Hcooiie, steel.,.................. ............... ............... 4 0 centsLargest Hlxe Square Hrcad Boxes........................................... ........... A il cen t*Extra Heavy X XX Tin Waub Rollers, copper bottoma, 7-Inch.............. $1.13PTxtra Heavy X X X Tin Wash Boilers, copper Rottoms, 8-lnoh...............$1.20Heavy Wash Boilers, T-Inch, copper bottoms..... .............. ................ 40 eonteHeavy Wash Boilers, 8-lnch, copper bottoms.....................................67 centaUniversal Clothes Wringers, No. 2i..........................................................$1.58Six-foot Hardwood Slop Ladders........................................................T2c. eachSmall Hlw Willow Olothsi Baskets....^.............................................20c. eachMedium Site WlUow Clothes Baskets.............................................. 33c. eachLarge HIxe Willow Clothes Basketa.............. ............ .................„....3Tc. eachNo. 8 Feather Dusters....... - ................. ..............................................1*®'Whisk Brooma. ,.8c. eachCounter Duelers....................................................- ..........................i.lOo. eachImproved Boaetlng Pans, 8x18 tnohee.........................................................45o. eachImproved Roasting Pans, 18x16 Inches................ ffSo. eachImproved Boasting Pans, 11x17 Inches.......................................................0 «c . eachImproved Boasting Pans, Wxl8 inohea................. TTe. each

These a n equal to the beet made6-lb. Bad Irons.............. ................... - ................................................. I *® ’#-lb. Sad Irene................................ ........................... - .....................d*®®Chltdren’i TTayo, patent'eprlngai..................................................... . eaehFlower Pot Brackets, 1 p o t ............................ ................. ................... 0®. eaeh^Flower Pot Brackets, 2 pots.......................... .......... ......................... 26o. eaeh;Wire Coat Hangers..................................... ...........................................*Best Wood Coat Hangars..................... ................................— .......Brass Fire Screans, folding..................................... ................................Brass Woven Fire Bflreens................... ..................................... .....,......^2 .40

B n ie Fire Hets, three pleoai m A j BMtMT $aMii% n lfld t flT iik t A


Page 16: tietitng I - DigiFind-It


t u r n m n M m t irs/jK t t iu T H in n-M ORM Ow inu pROBAHr I I r i l l .


a i

W k t t h e R e s u l t I s !

We never permit a single day to pass without ofTering a list of bargains that are beyond compare. We never sell anything, no matter how low its price may be, that we can not guarantee. We never have be^n, and will not allow ourselves to be under* sold. We refund the money for any unsatisfactory purchase. Business can not be transacted upon a more straightforward basis than it is here. We have gamed, and mean to keep, the confidence of the public by these methods, and the result is

AN NNFAmNO DAIIY INCBE&8E 'nr THE N u u m of one patsons.


CHSKILLX TABUS COVERS, 4-4 siM, Utial fhnBe, r t lX L %

fo r ................................................ ‘............ ................................. .19 ctsUanufscturers* Sample Squares o f F I I iB TAPB 8TE IB S , 24 In.

square, worth 7fio. to 11.26, w h ile they last, at.........................

S39 anil 637 troad St, Cor. l e f S t

Great Bargains For To-morrow I

39 ctsHanufsoturers* Sample Squsrss o f H K A V T 8H>K TA F E S T B IS S

A N D D AM ASK , 24lnohes square, value t l-6 0 to |2.60, wbUe they last, a t............................................................... ......................75 ctsBALANCE OF THAT GREAT PURCHASE

---- O F -

FROM 8 TO It O’CLOCK ONLY WE’LL SELL Ladles' Cambric and Mnslln Drawers,

nut aa*,lB 1x>(h •trIwvtUi rok* budt,lrlBun*d«1tb«mbn)li!*rT^ made oI piod miuUn, ncBlw prlo* Wo., ood uUiia C e n t h

FROM i TO 3 O’CLOCK ONLY WE'LL SELL U lla ’ lisllD Skirts,

Had* at sood qnBlltr mullt, witli pritHMH bsek u d doop cumkitio roao,tsin«nm .i«iid wUtb.ninUr prto* Wc.,oiul utiu l toJoo tto., g Q C 6 1 l t s

FROM 3 TO 5 O’CLOCK ONLY WE’LL SELL Lidia’ Fine NnsHn Gowns,

VlUsiio, with tarndown mlUr, ombraldorr down front, foko ofslHtir inoko, othon vHh romt uoiutd nook, down tnnt u d on OSS M u n taifloofoo, loeelBr polo* Wo., ud nctonl »olno Ski., nt......................... S»SF csrinen

The Busiest Part of the Daykhoald be ta the morning between S aad 11 o’clock, when these

massive values will be on sales


CONTINTIES ON BALE.T jo . to 12.00 value div ided into 6 great lots and marked

DsblsaelMd Quitoa FIammIiztfB burr, f f lo o w wid*. witk loss BSP, ncnlnr Ic.. tor th* ■ on licB k — ................... ...........

(hMU Domt Flaoiel,Torp huTT Bud fooil soalllT. rof- nlnr So,. dsiiBt tu moralniU...,

Ttrd-wld« nnbleuhed Hnalio,VIm qonlltr, roKolnr pfloo ht,dnrtnsthoinanklne....................

Liofli Obedced OUn Towdllng,I«nraBBd ioulL ptatk ud Maoo k o ^ rosalBi dnrint thoa o n la s B U .................................

H n ’i Winter Undarwiar,Cuul'o hBlf oolot, okirti ud drpworo. hwoT wolfht, ncolu onlnoW dune th* mainlnf Bt.


VPH0LSTER1 MRGtlNS.TkolB'o hort t dapi WHO o( Ibo MlB.

Qa m o OntOunes,■ tBotuo wtdo. In lusdnaiao pattofn* snd at&n, nsitlu UHn o*lo prioo,

9 eento*Uei striped Serin,

la DOW pattern,BojTilnr So., So., USfo.,

Sale M e 31c 5c 8cNottiiigbAiii Laoe Cortalni

Atth^ollowts^l^oprlin:Bof. prioo tWn.. $t.SL BMO,

Sale Mae S9a i c $L25Hoc. prioB earn. MLon,

Sale Price, $198 $8.98 $3.18

Ladlee’ OomblNatlon Underwear,Mftflo oolor, hMTT ht* nfular TIol, dtirii$c the DMW&lat ftW.,.....

Clilldm ’i Cubmere Gloyee,W«rr*Btad d l woolo colon oclf, recQUrfOx, donag th« nboralag.,

Ladlee' Initial Handkerchlefk,nnoBioUrtnl, bud.dntwB hom- otlicL, rofnlu Bio,, darlof tho Btornlns....................................

P ir Neck GoUara,H*doof KrlmotorfBr.jrlth npon nooth PBIdi, neater It, bI .......

Tanbonred Sub MnaUn,flood otutlUr, la MW u d nut do* tlgao, npobr Ito. durlat tho noninc a t ...............................

t ie





MEN'S WEAR BARGAINS.They *rc &t then prlCM to-toorrow oalr*

White Merino Underwear,Shlrto ud IlntwofO, bMTjr wolfht, flM lanoo ud woU Aatlbod, worth Wo., to- morrow ontr,

80 eenU .Men's Ganton Flannel Drawers,

Exti* honor, with donblo outo, cl»ii from BtoWloohoi,rt|al»rao. food*, to-mor- raw onir,

85 eenta.Cameri Hair Underwear,

Wftmntcd aU wocU w tr* Rm qtulUrt regular I1.WS fur to-foorroir oDlfi

98 oentii.

A nutnufacturer's complete nbock of High Otads Card Canes, PoeketbcKika and ComblnsUoD Bookn, In Ads royal calf, real seal, real alligator and real Unard nklti, all perfect goods and absolutely new. To divide them equally to H large a olteutage an ponnible, we shall not sell more than two to a customer, tl.&O to 13 Leather Books,

ladloo' Hoaof Blsck Wool Htao, ribbed or plain, rofular made foot, oalno Wc,,

2 fi cents pair.

rati 11» bf Lrfln ' fTooeod Hou, In f*il taluk, tan and uate ihadM and nnblaubsd, oalM Wa. pair,

30 cents pair, 3 for 9L

OhlldroB*s Katr* Hoarr Bluk Soamloio Cot*ioB Hum, tkIim 19c.,

14 cents palp.

Mm'S S—mlMii Wool btMTT wolf ht.Id b«lr u d notontl, worth Im . pur,

17 cents pair, 3 for OO cents.

Ladloo' RIbM Balbrlgsu Vaatt and Futi, tba lattor with poko budo. raloo Uo.,

S0 cents each.

Udtoo’ KitraQnnmrnao Rtbbod Bolbrlf-gDik V*pU, hloeif trimmed with eiik ribbou,rxlm ttc, it

A GiAT BARGAIN IN GilVS GOATS,14 Ohlldroa'a Ktdordnwn Coato, In frari and tana, rtrltied, for urn I to 4 rcart. with abort TokH, foil •iMTOf, nlluroollaro and ftrionmtd orlth IWrc bnld, oar teenUt prlooi for wbloh wore |1.W u d ll.W, to oUmo at..... ■ v 0 6 I 1 M

Y o u ’ll Find Each of TheseA BABOAIV GREAT AND GRAND i

NoiUDfluua OdrtainR, doable eetioD weoTo. r*giU*r width, riUM iLfiO, et

97 cents.

Nottlsfhasi Cartaliu, nut patterns, fntl width u d lonfth. ralno ft, at

• 1.20

n » Nottlneham Cnrtalu, Irish point and Bruwls offoots, raids at

• 1.00Fins Mettluham Cnrtalns, buntlfnl pat-

torno, ra in So, at• 1 .0 0

Kstra rtne Noltlifhaa Onrtslas, vorr II no eSooU, ralH H at


42 cents.

tad loo' Nstorkl Wool Rlbbod Ysats or Psnta also White Wool Vasts and Pants, rnrsqaal. Itr. usual trads prloe tt, rannlof hare at

70 cents.

Spoetal altsntion callsd to oar Mon's White Hsiioo Bbirto and Urawoia tbii qoalllT sold In uunr plaon in Nowuk for Tk., oar prioo

00 cents.

LAWEie WHAPPERS-TS doson Onlln* PlannrI Wniipers, foil olroroo, ruOloa aranud jriiks, braid Irliomlmi, oilro full skirts, rolM |1.% to-morfow at SSo. rub.

I.ADIKH' Hli-K WAlST»-Chan«ublo Bilk Waltia. L-riMhad onllsr>,ali plaits In buk, foil ■lanv.rt, lull front, volna I&, to-morrow at SO-SO MOll.

I.ADIKB' DRAWERS-Made of hasTT blaaobed rantun danul, rofUlar prioo 50o„ at SBc. |>atr.

MKN'H BHIRTS-Uado of h u rr osllBf Banuela rofiilsr prirc Sic., at SSo. auh.

Torn, ftlKH l-B wg Boro’ Tool Chtits, rof- nlar p r l« .iuc., at iSc, ouk.

(IIILDUEN'B WOOL RIBBED U08E, ref olar prioo Ha, at tS|4a. pair.

MEN'S HOCKS, ia natural wool and oamal't hair, worth Ilk'., at ISo. pair.

ULUVES- Mtn'a Eitra ilaary Cloth OLoroa, Wurth 4Pc., at SSo. pair. '

n 'H TKIMMIN8ti-Ono-lMh Batia-Ilnad Hablo Pur, worth |Li9k at SSc. yard.

w o o l , ' MITTS-Cblldrott'a Wool Mltta, worili lie., at Sc. pair.

COMHINATION NUITB-Ladiaa' All-wool Rlhliad ( ’omblnatlon Bulla, rasnlar price Il.Ti, atSl.lScarh.

WKlTItiU I’APER-JOObosasBatin-Sntahad a'rlliiui Papar, ft ■ha«ta paper u d ft an- valupea, worth lOo,, at IDs. u s.

LADIES' VE.STS AND PANTA 1* nalnral w »l, worth 74r., at U r. aaeb.

LADIES'OINUKAM APBONA ortlh fuoy bordaro. worth Ik., at So. sub,

CDIISRT BAIUIAIKS-Onr rofnlar aOe. Coraau at SSe. pair.

ISiLLSPECIAL—Saatho B lf Doll yon ean buy for tPr., worth Ibo.

JAPANfbtE TINSELLED CREPK-for Drop, cry, iporlal at IPo. yard, rrlofis to match.

PKll'UED SILKALIXE-forDrapory, apodal at utfe. yard. Prinfo to match.

FIUL'UED SWIVEL aiLKA for Ilrapory, •pedal at O-tc, yard. Prlnfo to Duteb.

MClIENILLECOVERAoilra hrary.rloh floral dselfua, hoary taotol triofn, spoclal at Pitr. each.

4-4ClIKNn.LEOOVERH.*jtra hury.rlch floral dtslfos.hHty taml fringe, special at 43e. each.

th-INL'II BCRIM, forCurtaloa, extra apodal at 3c. yard.

HLAN'KETB-All-wool WhlU 11-4 BlukoU, with faocy borders, worth 16, at §1-4* pair.

b l a n k ETS-Kitra Hoary Whilo 11-4 Blaa- kets, worth |a.6Q, at BS-SS pair.

BLANKETS-Kstra H ury 'White U-4 Flecood Ulanketa, worth lA a t Bl.ltpalr.

FANCY COLORED STRIPED ULANKETA full else, worth fL A at TBe. pair.

Ut’TINt) FLANNELA dark oolen. worth 10c„ at 41ii. yard.

WHITE DOMET FLANNELA oitra bury, worth k., at Hlfai. yard.

FLEECED OUTINU FLANNELA oholoo oolurlhfa, worth Uo., at lOo. yard.

WHITE qUILTBjiholoapattaru and food qualjty, ru l ralua Ho., at SSe. r*cA

WHITE gUILTA HanaUlu pattorns, woU worth tl, at S*r. aacb.

LADIEA SKIRTB- Ladlu' Blaok HonriotU Ratacn BklrtA with l,torSrnflles. worthI1.4S, at wte. eaeb.

EIDERDOWN, fanoy IlforoA for obiMron't cloaai and taalh robos, worth Me., at tWt. yd.

(IRAY FLANNELA u tn i flno gBallty, worth He., at X6o, yard.

BLEACHED BIIEETINO. axtra hury, Utira mlUa, full M, worth Ho., at ISlko, yard.

cotton BIRD'S-EYE tor diaperinf, U iochoo wide, worth 50c., at STe. tor full piooo of 10 yard*

BLEACHED BARNSLEY TOWELA dMs lOstO Inchaa, worth UHc., at Sc, eaon.

UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 64 Inohoi wide, choice pattarna-SDo. quallty-at SSe. yard.

u n b le a c h e d c a n to n f l a n n e l ,mlUsoda, oxtra hury, IDsc. quality. TlfC. yard.

b le a c h e d p il l o w CASEA Tory boot quality, 46x36 Inobn, worth Slo., at ISa. oaob.

BLEACHED BHEETA Lockwood moalln, UiOU Isehfs, worth 50o„ at STa. eacA

BLACK AND WHITE STRIPED MOHAIR BU t'TlNUA 34 Inchea wlda, worth He., at S>6o. yard.

QeBti’ AlMloeft Henwtitched u d Hiuid* embroidered loltUl» veloe Sic., dr

42f cents.

Ladloa' Swiss Enhraldorod, Booilopod, TilnoUc., St

10 cents.

lAdiM' Swiss and Hud-embnldarod, Bpu- Isb drawn work aad laoe cdfeo, always Ho., at

10 centA

Munfaotnnri' Bamptes Ladles' and Oonti' Hemstitebsd ^-llnan Hudkorohlsfa also •mbrolderad; In fact, a rnlxad* lot i somo of them may bars pin holes from oomplo tiokoto, Talus up to He., choloa at

14 cents.


(M&ren'B Bang^lne Silk CapAWith top bow, front odfod with

•r. In tha u w cape oflaoL duo ILB, a t...........................

Inlknti' Soft Sole SboeAButton, Bno kid, blaok only, all ■lioa, rofulsr Mk)„ s t..... ............

Ladlee' Lined Sateen SklrtAFeet bluka fall length u d vldth, deep rbfflef boo ad wUh brDld, regnlu to-m om v Dt.........

Ohlldren'e Corded Gomt WaistAMade of flna qsalUy of ]eu, all iliti. rofulsr ISO., to-morrow at.,

Oonblnatlon Pooket-bookAMade of Aneriow Hurd, Nil luthor llnsd, xofolsr 460., to. morrow at.,,........... ... ............. 20e

Fall Size Bed ComfortableAMade nf hudsoma ehlntx eallco u d (Iliad with whito waddlnf, ragnlar |I.4H, to-morrow.............

Fast Color Black SateeAKUghilf Imperfect, TDry Addqaalttfa regalDr Uj Ors towiuorruw.

104 Gray Reseed Blankets,Fti0 fooda, with haudaoma bor- dan, rofolar He. whila ttioy laat.,

Tsazledown Gating FlannelAVerr burr, light Dnd dmrk ootore, 01 >rrgulDT tG-momiw............ OsQ

La ParUleime Glycerine Soap,Rafniar lOc. cska, to-morrow at., 6t

Pore Milled Toilet SoapAlie la


6 c



Id dU ebedee ena d\ different dHlgDi, former pirtoee l»bD. Ut Ke., n(

I Far Triinmfli(f.! Fur Conay, lino qnallty, rofolar' iwlca 19c., at

5C. yard. | 15 cents.SPECIAL SALE

-O F -

STEEL ENAMELLED W A R E !JU Prices Oae-tbird to One-Iialf Less Tlian Agate Ware,

SUtI EnaindledIq t . rts. **o„a|w3lal..

86 CtS

IHqE, TOf. tSo. apaeUl.

89 etilq t„ i«t- llo . apoolal.

43 cts’ steel Eaim eliel Sance Fine,

Steal Snamelled Ten Kettles,


18 c ts

No, f, Raf. |i.M,•peoiDl.................

81 c tsf AU iliea, pit or flat.

Steel EiaineM BerliaSaice Pam

SqDDTt, wg, WOo IPm IdI.

iSS Cts

L . B ( ? m b e r g e r 8 *x ^ C o147 and 149 M A B K E T S T R E E T ,


LS .PUUT&CO.- - _____ STREET.

Are usually good judges of Boys’ Clothing. They are heartily wel­come at Stoutenburgh & Cq.’s, especially those who can appre­ciate fine quality, true style and ■perfect fit in a garment and who know a bargain when they see it Notice the $4 and $4.50 Suits re­duced to $2.75; the $5 Ulsters at^3 -7 5 ' S4 Reefers,worth $5 and $6.

I l l799, 801, 803, 805 Broad Street

T he New s - '•32.000 CIRCUIATIOH

The Popular Store.

smmESOf no mean order will evidence our desire to sharpen the appetite of close buyers—TO-HORROW FRI- D A Y-

And LOTS of other seasonable and useful merchan­dise SOLD AT OUR PRICES will be

A Surprise to Our Neighbors.flna Usbiosohod Mnalln,yard wide,......................................................... Tht4Huoh Finer sod Hurior Hulls, yard wldo,,,,................................ ....................6H*, yardOny Flooe* BUnkota....... ............................................................................qg., porpsif|6 Whlta Wool Blukoli, fuUtlia............... ..................... ............................M .M par [sirDouhla-faood Prlntad CSoton Flasnal Drapery..................................... ..........10*, par yardIc. OollOf Flasnoli..........................................................................................6*. par ji^t^Silk u d ^oo l DrtM Goode, dark mlilnroa............................................. ..........lOa. parysid

Oonti'Nalnral Wool Bhiria and Drawara, apoolal pnrrhaaa, for 0(1/,Borvrio.I3*y,rsatTatao6(te.t«)h....................................... 0J|C, filCQ §(111116111

I,odlra' Mnolln flowno, oiqulaltaly trimmed with embroldrry, (all ballooB ■IosToo,.,.(Wa. auhLadlsa' Cutos Flaonal Drawan, trimmad with ambrotdery. Me. frado...............tia. par pairMlaata' asd Hoyi' Oolorsd ud BUok All-wool Hittaua, U f Tslno........ ................. Sa. par pair

CLOAK AND SUIT ROOM.LDdl«i' PDddork SqAu , with boDi, 40 iochM long u d foil ikirt, mndt of good

RiDtorinl, our prioo for them hot b*on $8.50 oaob. will clooo tbo balaoeo of(Lom Dt.a.................. .................... ..................... L . ........... 16.98 each

tto U Toiuro, In * Tortotr of ]$ DDd 9tBQoDCb, bat u loti oro


Cor. Mew S treet.

Boston Store,720 BKOAD STKEET,


A BAEilN IIFO SHTo moki Frldtf busier tbkD ueanl wo offer

tho following wonderful bargAltm. Bqaat quolftloa Dt thMM prlcM c u bt found la no otbor ttoro:

500 pl*cM All-iUk RoIIq Edgo Grot Grata Rlbbont. good flnil quality goodo and la w colorti^loa wide, 1 to fin. wldo. to 8 In. wldo.3c. ytl. 0c. yd. 8c. yd.Flnnt quality BnUrrtnllk Soap, 16c. box o(

loakoa.ttlU Tortolia Shall Hair Orsamanta, aeinally

worth from 3k. to Ulo. each, over 90 atyloi to olioooe from, neb.

SSo. quality Boyt’ Walata, l.ldc, cash.SSc. quality Han't Wool Hockii. I6c. p*lr.She. Dll Upaque Window Shades, parfoot

goDda, 16c,HOC. Mtu'a IlaiTy Dark Outing Shlrto, S9«. 43-Inch Curtain Scrim, rary bnt quality,

1 3 ^ (oodt, (or 4Hc. yard.7c. qoallly Dark OuUuiiFlaantla, 4|.e.Tie. Boat Lire Oaern rrith m , " ( ’ rotoant

Bran ataam onrad and odorlata. 3THo. par pound.

Beat qnallty Table nllclotb. lie . yard. Twu-yard-wldo Unblaacbad Sbaatlni, lOe.

yard.Two-yard-wld* BIracbed Shaatlnu, I la.

yard.Aivyla Yard-wtda Unblaacbad Huilli, rtq-

nlar waa Tc., at 6c.Yard-wide RIaaebad Mualln, flna thraad, no

atarob, wai 716c., at like,18c. quality All-wool Bod Twilled FlaunaL

13)40. yard.1 oaaa Ttry bnl Dark Callcoai, SUe. yard.1 oaaa 10c. quality Dark Dreia Ulsubaina, 6o-

yard.1 oaaa High Ciiior Droii Glnihaai, lOu.

goodi, at 3^0. yard.DRESS OOUIIS--

aic. Wool Obaviota, In obMka and acadad of. facta, l7o. yard.

IFtc. Sootuh I'lalda, 10 atylaa, Ba. yard. kUc. quality Ail-wniil Burab Sargo, 40 iuchtt

yrida. Si oolort, at -IBo, yard.11.36 All-woul Plaid Suitings, M Inehat wida,

St «Ko. yard.China Sllka.all pun tiik, all absda*. 18a.

yard.i-yard-wido Finest All-wool Fait, 16 ahadta,

■ I yard.Satins, flna Balst made goods, always 43c„

at 3do. jard.CLOAK UEI’ARTMF,NT-

lait inla uua ulforlng tell the tale of what wa will do In this department to-day—#Tary ooat redoood.

Ladles' u d Mines’ JaekoU. made In the

Wo bara u aawrtioant of Cblldrsn's Prasaoi colon, oor priooa for them hara boonbroken wllloJoae tbam at..................................... ...............................

One lot of 1/idlaa' Wrapboto, In a yaria^of stylcaand oolora, asdi with ruflla orar sbonldor u d foil skirt, worth 8oe„ for Burprlsa Day«......................

Onitaot Tsiua In Ladtaa’ Wrappan oSsrad tfala aasaon—All of our |1 JK tLM and IL46 Wrappan, for Surpriso Day only at..................... ...................

30 doaan FlusaUatta Walsu, sisas 33 to 44, nwatly caTT bint gnusda, polks dots asd atripoa, worth Bk:., Burprlsa Day pries......... ............. ..............

Oraat aaaortment of Oambrio Waists, bluk and Indigo bine gnunda, ttripaa and flgnroa, good yaluo fiOc,, Burprias Day prios...............................

BOYS’ CLOTHING.400 Pnsli Soils lilt licreist Oir BuioBSs To-iorroi.

T W O S O R T S , u<t SomBUlaf Tiff SoforiBlnf iboit Eutp i n C ’l ’ 150Salts. They are of English TwHlad Worstsdsad - ■ Ikke-c s Tricot, mtde and Irlmmad with aoutuha u d

braid of flea quaill y,and the tailoring iplssdld. Those O L f vtails would bo chrep at tIOL but tna prloa la for to- Swluorrow, Surprlie Day ................................ SIZES 1 TO 10,

3ED8U1Uof All-wool*aotad, 4 _4 7 P W 1 V L F tolflycart. Tbare la quite a ttyla to these tnlu

tbat would eselly Indicate a relue i.iooh beyond the wm^ J prloe; a fair low prise would be Id Ourprlcs..... .

Boys’ Reefers, 3 to 15 years, a t .......................|198 to $5.98

Boys’ Storm Ulsters, 4 to 14, a t ...................... $3-48 tO $6.98

Cape Overcoats, 3 to 14, a t .............................. $195 tO $5.98

W ^ I L y S O I V & C O .100 TO 105 HARKET STREET.



Read What We Are Selling for Friday and Saturday

JOO pohv of btok«a i Im i Ladltt' Clotb Tdv OnmnioQ-wDfa Kuttoa, potoDt lootber tlp> folr-ttltohodi nguUr prtoo |i,n O v pric*99«a

500 pain of Lodtot* Tloi Kid ButtoD, operg DDd wmmmiwiwzuM ton, alto Waukfupoaet •tflet, tegular prlot f&OOt Oar piiot Mis97«

Lodlet Floe Ylel Kid ButtoD and Laoe Bla- cherflUe«4opera end equoro io«, paUDt iealhai tyt l5t tuy ODd tlpi ilH zii to 5s oDly

I * Aak fer our Lodloi* Flna Dongola Buttoa 1^ and Loot Biueben at 88ce« worUi fLSO.

At MlsM w« ere etUlng tbe tame Bhoee forMeoe where othare ore gatUeg ll.BOy all atylea. Look at them.

Otir Own Moke S1.4&0 and Slatd G«dU F1d« 8hoeecan’t bedupUoaUd aojrwhtre In the eity


new styltah length (37 Inc bet long), eitra big slrrTe*. now cant btu'k.a good M W Jackat. “ FKIDAY COAT SALE ” Prloe,



FRIEND.W ORDS o r TRUTH I Not palltioal

clap-trap 1 Not windy words of dacsptlonl Woden't try to"Jolly” onr enstonun Into paring double

& a V a Y ^ 1 S 7 f n " » n T mYEAR.S IN THE BUSINESS."mb C.nseo Superior Olaret Witiis.... M per oaasCholoo Blended Teas...................lAeioarlbebuloe EuglUb OreaUaat T M ...... fde. par lbCboloe O ^ n ^ a a , ................ .B6e. par lbChoice Japu Tea......................... tSe, per jbOboloe Young Hyson Toa......... ....iSo, peribOholoo Baaket fired Tea...,....... .ise. per jbSeme Teaa aotd In buokat anopa st 641*. per lbGood Msrseaibo (iofle*.......... „...3Se. par lbGood RioOoffae.............. ............ flse. par lbHmt l^nt Oat Smoking Tobaoeo.... tio . par lbPura WInaa................................ T8e.pergslPur* VhMart............................tSe.porgalPnra Whbikaya.......................•l.AOpergalPure Kys,6-year old...,............64.00 per g»JBaa4 Cbooolala Oraam Dropa, ,.14e. per lbFronoh Mlxsd Oamly».... 6e, per lbAlio a Ia r « yarloiy of nthar gweU and gradoa

which I am obliged to omit tor wutofapse*.

Wllliani Tierney,6 6 IIBEBT ST., lEf IRE, IM

M E N - - - M E N IIn Ihli iisTui iKiik lli l i im i sgil itl u LmutlU lM O t* — wv. tt:—WT_-fro-

M kfirT a k e a fo o t ru le

lEEIS:! and thesesee just how big Ineasurements are.

This Elegant Antique Bedroom Suit, three pieces, French Bevel M irror,38x34 III** Bureau 44 in. wide, Washstand 33 in. wide. Actual value I30. (ixsour iiks cut.)


Cad or Cnulil

BORNSTEIN BROS.Need iHce for theholidiys. Well, yet, tnd money, too, They Mil therefore tell LADIES', MISSES’ and CHILDREN'S SHOES, broken Airtt, for HALF PRICE,

M u'* city mado wsrrutad eork a O f|ll •ole, eongraas, all alaae............ • « . U I I Laot Cair, eork aola, etty m a d t . . .$2.(0

A handfloroe MuveSir, contiiting o f a caie o f the Gold-eyed Eaiy-threadi^g . . Needles given to each ciutomer.

1 .Vf'vj