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Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of p53 Xin Lu Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Oxford Branch, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Old Road Campus Research Building, Off Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7DQ, United Kingdom Correspondence: [email protected] The tumor suppressor p53 is a master sensor of stress that controls many biological functions, including implantation, cell-fate decisions, metabolism, and aging. In response to a defined stress signal such as gamma radiation, the response of p53 is heterogeneous in vivo. Like a complex barcode, the ability of p53 to function as a central hub that integrates defined stress signals into decisive cellular responses, in a time- and cell-type dependent manner, is facilitated by the extraordinary complexity of its regulation. Key components of this barcode are the autoregulation loops, which positively or negatively regulate p53’s activities. Thus, this article focuses on reviewing our current understanding of how autoregulation loops formed between p53 and how its transcriptional targets regulate the activities of p53 at a variety of levels, through mdm2-dependent and -independent pathways. Knowing that a large number of autoregulation loops exist that influence p53’s activity, our future challenge is to elucidate which of these playa central role in regulating p53, under which conditions, in response to what stress, and at which particular stage of our lives. Such knowledge may ulti- mately lead to the development of more effective anticancer therapeutics. T hirty years after its discovery, we now know that the tumor suppressor p53 is a master sensor of stress. Emerging studies have shown that, in addition to its ability to function as one of the most important tumor suppressors, p53 also controls many other biological func- tions, including implantation, cell-fate decisions (Hong et al. 2009; Kawamura et al. 2009; Li et al. 2009; Marion et al. 2009; Utikal et al. 2009), metabolism, and aging. Because of its central role in dictating a large number of biological out- comes in response to a variety of stress signals, the activity of p53 is regulated with exquisite pre- cision. The activities of p53, both transcription- dependent and independent, are regulated via its mRNA and protein levels, cellular localization, and ability to bind over 100 cellular proteins and control the expression of thousands of potential target genes. To achieve the level of precision re- quired, p53 is posttranslationally modified by al- most all types of protein modification, including phosphorylation,acetylation,glycosylation,ubiq- uitination, sumoylation, neddylation, and meth- ylation. Importantly, p53’s response to a defined stress signal is heterogeneous in vivo (Fig. 1A). Tissues can be sorted into three groups ac- cording to the response of p53 and its downstream effectors to a defined signal: In group 1 tissues, Editors: Arnold J. Levine and David P. Lane Additional Perspectives on The p53 Familyavailable at Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000984 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a000984 1 on April 4, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of · autoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables

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Page 1: Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of · autoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables

Tied Up in Loops: Positive and NegativeAutoregulation of p53

Xin Lu

Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Oxford Branch, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University ofOxford, Old Road Campus Research Building, Off Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7DQ, United Kingdom

Correspondence: [email protected]

The tumor suppressor p53 is a master sensor of stress that controls many biological functions,including implantation, cell-fate decisions, metabolism, and aging. In response to a definedstress signal such as gamma radiation, the response of p53 is heterogeneous in vivo. Like acomplex barcode, the ability of p53 to function as a central hub that integrates definedstress signals into decisive cellular responses, in a time- and cell-type dependent manner,is facilitated by the extraordinary complexity of its regulation. Key components of thisbarcode are the autoregulation loops, which positively or negatively regulate p53’s activities.Thus, this article focuses on reviewing our current understanding of how autoregulationloops formed between p53 and how its transcriptional targets regulate the activities of p53at a variety of levels, through mdm2-dependent and -independent pathways. Knowing thata large number of autoregulation loops exist that influence p53’s activity, our future challengeis to elucidate which of these playa central role in regulating p53, under which conditions, inresponse to what stress, and at which particular stage of our lives. Such knowledge may ulti-mately lead to the development of more effective anticancer therapeutics.

Thirty years after its discovery, we now knowthat the tumor suppressor p53 is a master

sensor of stress. Emerging studies have shownthat, in addition to its ability to function asone of the most important tumor suppressors,p53 also controls many other biological func-tions, including implantation, cell-fate decisions(Hong et al. 2009; Kawamura et al. 2009; Li et al.2009; Marion et al. 2009; Utikal et al. 2009),metabolism, and aging. Because of its centralrole in dictating a large number of biological out-comes in response to a variety of stress signals,the activity of p53 is regulated with exquisite pre-cision. The activities of p53, both transcription-

dependent and independent, are regulated viaits mRNA and protein levels, cellular localization,and ability to bind over 100 cellular proteins andcontrol the expression of thousands of potentialtarget genes. To achieve the level of precision re-quired, p53 is posttranslationally modified by al-most all types of protein modification, includingphosphorylation,acetylation,glycosylation,ubiq-uitination, sumoylation, neddylation, and meth-ylation. Importantly, p53’s response to a definedstress signal is heterogeneous in vivo (Fig. 1A).Tissues can be sorted into three groups ac-cording to the response of p53 and its downstreameffectors to a defined signal: In group 1 tissues,

Editors: Arnold J. Levine and David P. Lane

Additional Perspectives on The p53 Family available at

Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000984

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a000984


on April 4, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press from

Page 2: Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of · autoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables

p53 responds and generates a defined cellularresponse; in group 2 tissues, p53 respondsbut does not generate a defined cellular re-sponse; and in group 3, there is no response byp53. The ability of p53 to function as a centralhub that integrates defined stress signals into

decisive cellular responses, in a time- and cell-type-dependent manner, is facilitated by theextraordinary complexity of p53’s regulation,like that of a complex barcode (Murray-Zmijew-ski et al. 2008). Key components of this barcodeare the autoregulation loops, which positively or

Stress signals A


dNTP Hypoxia Telomere erosion DNA damage

Glycosylation p53



Transcription dependent



p53, p63, p73

Metabolism Cell-cyclearrest

Aging Autophagy Implantation

Transcriptional targets of p53

PTEN,14-3-3s,Lats, Arf


PRL1,Cyc G1,Wip-1

Rb, L26, c-AblRASSF1, S3, L26,

L23, L11, L5



mdm2 mdm2 independent

COP1, Pirh2, Wig-1, etc.

Nontranscriptionaltargets of p53

Transcription independent





Figure 1. The variety of p53’s responses to differing stress signals is partly achieved through a series ofautoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables it to dictate a large number of biologicaloutcomes, in response to a variety of different stress signals (A). Key factors in facilitating this complexity ofregulation are the mdm2-dependent, mdm2-independent, and p53 family sibling autoregulation loops (B).

X. Lu

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Page 3: Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of · autoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables

negatively regulate p53’s activities. Thus, thisarticle focuses on reviewing our current under-standing of how these loops contribute to theregulation of p53.

The autoregulation loops described here arelimited to those that are formed between p53and its transcriptional targets. The biologicalimplications of each loop largely depend onthe function of the transcriptional target inquestion and, thus, three major types of auto-regulation loops are described: (1) mdm2 de-pendent; (2) mdm2 independent; and (3)extended autoregulation loops formed amongthe p53 family siblings (Fig. 1B). Of these,p53/mdm2 is the master autoregulation loop,and it dictates the fate of an organism by con-trolling the expression level and activity ofp53. It is therefore not surprising that this au-toregulation loop is itself subject to differenttypes of regulation, which can be divided intotwo subgroups. The first group uses transcrip-tional targets of p53 to positively or negativelyregulate either the stability of mdm2 and/orits E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, to form a secondlayer of autoregulation. This multi-layered auto-regulation ensures that p53’s activity is con-trolled with the utmost precision. The secondgroup contains proteins that are not transcrip-tional targets of p53, and the majority of theseact by affecting the stability or enzymatic activ-ity of mdm2. The list of regulators that belong tothis group is perhaps the longest, and only a fewexamples are shown here. Interestingly, someare themselves subject to direct regulation bymdm2 (Rb, L26, and TSG101); hence, theyalso form mdm2 autoregulation loops. It is im-portant to note that almost all of the regulatorsshown here are deregulated in human tumors.

Despite the fact that p53 stimulates the pro-duction of mdm2 to protect its own interests,the expression level and activity of p53 is alsoregulated by several mdm2-independent auto-regulation loops. These regulate the expressionof p53 at the transcriptional, mRNA stability,and protein stability levels. Furthermore, autor-egulation loops exist that control the transcrip-tional activity of p53 by affecting its ability tobind to its targets, and extended autoregulationloops exist among the p53 family siblings. The

message emerging from these autoregulationloops is, therefore, simple and clear: p53 is alooped master protein that is both positivelyand negatively regulated by a series of autoregu-lation loops, which are able to control its activ-ity with a fine level of precision.


As a transcription factor, p53 is able to trans-activate or transrepress genes that are involvedin a large number of biological processes,including cell-cycle arrest, senescence, apoptosis,and autophagy. One of the first and mostimportant transcriptional targets of p53 to beidentified, mdm2, binds to p53 and inhibitsits transcriptional activity, forming the firstidentified negative p53 autoregulation loop(Momand et al. 1992; Oliner et al. 1992; Baraket al. 1993). Subsequent studies have demon-strated that mdm2 is also the major E3 ubiqui-tin ligase of p53, binding and targeting it forproteosome-mediated degradation (Haupt etal. 1997; Honda et al. 1997; Kubbutat et al.1997). Thus, mdm2 is able to negatively regu-late p53 in two different ways. The biologicalsignificance of the p53/mdm2 autoregulationloop in determining life or death was revealedin an elegant study using mdm2 knockoutmice. Mdm2 deficiency is embryonic lethalbecause of excessive apoptosis, caused by an in-crease in both p53’s protein level and activity.Remarkably, this lethality can be completelyrescued by an absence of p53 (Jones et al.1995; Montes de Oca Luna et al. 1995). There-fore, p53 plays an essential role in controllingthe growth or death of a cell, ultimately decidingthe fate of an organism, and “produces” mdm2to control its own activity.

In addition to mdm2, mdmX (a close rela-tive) also plays a key role in controlling the activ-ity of p53. MdmX deficiency is similarlyembryonic lethal due to excessive apoptosisand cell-cycle arrest, and, as with mdm2, this le-thality is completely rescued by an absence ofp53 (Parant et al. 2001; Migliorini et al. 2002).However, despite its structural similarity tomdm2, the ring finger of mdmX does not

Autoregulation of p53

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possess E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. In addition,mdmX alone can not target p53 for degrada-tion, even though it can bind to p53 and inhibitits transcriptional activity. Thus, how mdmXcan play such an important role in regulatingp53 and why mdm2 fails to compensate formdmX deficiency to regulate the activity ofp53 are important questions. It is possible thatmdmX works for mdm2. Supporting evidencefor this idea comes from the fact that mdmXbinds to, stabilizes, and enhances mdm2’s abil-ity to ubiquitinate and target p53 for de-gradation. MdmX has not yet been identifiedto be a direct transcriptional target of p53 andconsequently does not form an autoregulationloop with it. It is therefore possible thatmdmX acts as a cofactor of mdm2, providinga further level of regulation of p53’s activity(Fig. 2A).

Regardless of the role of mdmX, the need toprecisely control p53’s activity was convincinglydemonstrated by the phenotypes of a hypo-morph mdm2 transgenic mouse, where slightlyreduced mdm2 expression (around 30%) re-sulted in a small increase in p53 protein leveland activity. This small change had a profoundimpact on the ability of p53 to control cellgrowth in normal development (Mendrysaet al. 2003) and confer tumor resistance at a laterage (Mendrysa et al. 2006). In addition, a three-to fourfold increase in mdm2 expression hasbeen shown to augment B-cell proliferation,and reduce their susceptibility to p53-depend-ent apoptosis, in transgenic mice. These effectswere caused by the inhibition of p53 and resul-tant suppression of p21 expression (Wang et al.2008). All of these studies argue that whereas thep53/mdm2 autoregulation loop is a lifeline thatmakes the decision between life and death, anumber of factors that affect the loop’s integrity,either by strengthening or weakening it, canhave a profound impact on an organism’s qual-ity of life. These factors are likely to be targetedin pathological conditions such as cancer.


As the p53/mdm2 autoregulation loop playssuch a pivotal role in controlling p53 activity,

it is not surprising that it is itself the center ofmany other positive and negative regulatoryloops. Stress signals, particularly ones thathave pathological consequences, result in a largenumber of break points in the p53/mdm2 cir-cuit. The ultimate consequence of these break-ages is a change in p53’s activities, which areeither enhanced or reduced. Molecules thatcause these breakpoints form additional layersof the p53/mdm2 regulation loop. Interestingly,the existing evidence seems to suggest that theprime target of these layers is mdm2. Manymdm2 regulators are themselves transcriptionaltargets of p53, or direct targets of mdm2, illus-trating once again the extent of the complexitybuilt into our genome to regulate the activityof p53. Mdm2 regulators identified to datecan be sorted into two major groups: thosethat are transcriptional targets of p53 (Fig. 2B)and those that are not (Fig. 2C).

Regulation of the p53/mdm2 Loop byTranscriptional Targets of p53

Apart from being an E3 ubiquitin ligase of p53,mdm2 is itself autoubiquitinated. Mdm2 nor-mally has a protein half life of 20–30 minutes(Olson et al. 1993). Thus, its own expressionlevel is tightly regulated. One of the major regu-lators of the expression level and stability ofmdm2 is phosphorylation. Phosphorylation atSer166 and Ser186 by protein kinase B/Akt kin-ase results in the stabilization of mdm2, and isachieved through its increased nuclear localiza-tion and reduced autoubiquitination (Zhouet al. 2001; Ogawara et al. 2002; Feng et al.2004). Interestingly, this regulation of mdm2turns out to be a focal point of many furtherregulation loops, formed by a number of re-cently identified p53 transcriptional targetsthat positively or negatively regulate p53’s activ-ities. For example, tyrosine phosphatase of re-generating liver 1 and 3 (PRL-1 and PRL-3,respectively), negatively regulate p53 expressionby enhancing the ability of Akt to increasethe phosphorylation of mdm2 at Ser166 (Minet al. 2009). Two other p53 transcriptional tar-gets, 14-3-3s and PTEN, also use Akt kinaseas the basis for their p53 regulation loop.

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Page 5: Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of · autoregulation loops. The complexity of p53’s regulation enables




Gankyrin YY1 TSG101

= Activation= Transcriptional activation



PRL1 Cyc G1(PP2A) Wip 1



L26 RASSF1 C-Abl





mdm2 mdmX




PTENLats2 Arf



Cyc A/Cdk2


Thr218 Thr218

Ser392 Ser392P P



Figure 2. Control of the p53/mdm2 autoregulation loop. The p53/mdm2 autoregulation loop is central to thecontrol of p53’s varied functions. The loop itself can be regulated by both transcriptional (B) andnontranscriptional (C) targets of p53. MdmX may act as a cofactor of mdm2, providing a further level ofregulation (A).

Autoregulation of p53

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However, in this case, both 14-3-3s and PTENpositively regulate p53’s activities. 14-3-3s bindsto and inhibits Akt kinase activity directly,whereas PTEN inhibits Akt kinase activity byinhibiting PI3 kinase, an upstream kinase thatactivates Akt. Thus, by reducing the phosphor-ylation of mdm2 at Ser166 and Ser186, 14-3-3sand PTEN increase p53’s activity by prevent-ing mdm2 from targeting p53 for degradation(Hermeking et al. 1997; Stambolic et al. 2001;Freeman et al. 2003; Yang et al. 2003).

In addition to Akt, a number of other kin-ases regulate the stability and activity of mdm2.Among them, ATM and cyclin-dependentkinase cyclin A/cdk2 play an important role inregulating its activity. By phosphorylatingThr218 and Ser392, cyclin A/cdk2 and ATM, re-spectively, reduce the activity of mdm2 (Mayaet al. 2001; Zhang and Prives 2001). Like Aktphosphorylation, this regulation of mdm2 isalso at the center of a number of autoregulationloops formed by p53 targets, such as cyclin G1and Wip1. By binding to protein phosphatase2A, cyclin G1 enhances the ability of PP2A todephosphorylate mdm2 at T218, a site that isphosphorylated by cyclin A/cdk2 and nega-tively regulates mdm2’s activity (Okamotoet al. 2002). Similarly, Wip1, another serine/threonine protein phosphatase, dephosphory-lates mdm2 at Ser395, a site that is phosphory-lated by ATM kinase and inhibits mdm2’sability to degrade p53. Thus, in both situations,the dephosphorylation of mdm2 stabilizes itand enhances its ability to ubiquitinate anddegrade p53.

Apart from affecting mdm2 phosphoryla-tion, some p53 transcriptional targets regulatethe p53/mdm2 loop by directly influencingmdm2’s E3 ligase activity. One of the bestknown examples of this is the tumor suppressorprotein p19Arf, the expression of which is re-pressed by p53 (Bates et al. 1998). By bindingto mdm2, p19Arf inhibits the E3 ligase activityof mdm2 (Zhang et al. 1998). Recently, anotherp53 target Lats2 (large tumor suppressor 2) wasshown to similarly regulate p53. Lats2 stabi-lizes p53 by binding to mdm2 and inhibitingits E3 ligase activity (Aylon et al. 2006).Together, these examples support the notion

that mdm2 is a prime target for additional reg-ulatory activity.

The number of p53 transcriptional targetsidentified to date that fulfil the criteria necessaryto be described as autoregulation loops is in-creasing, and many of them seem to predomi-nantly affect the phosphorylation status or E3ligase activity of mdm2. Significantly, many ofthese transcriptional targets are connected toother important signaling pathways such asPI3 kinase/Akt, ATM, and cyclin/cdk. The PI3kinase/Akt signaling pathway is essential in con-trolling cell growth and metabolism. ATM is thekey DNA damage response pathway, whereas cy-clin/cdk is essential in controlling cell prolifera-tion or cell-cycle arrest. Thus, these variousautoregulation loops connect cell signals in-volved in cell growth, metabolism, DNA damageand repair, as well as a variety of cell-cycle check-points, to the lifeline of p53’s regulation that isthe p53/mdm2 autoregulation loop.

Regulation of the p53/mdm2 Loop byNontranscriptional Targets of p53

A large number of proteins that are not tran-scriptional targets of p53 have been identifiedthat affect p53’s activity by interfering with thep53/mdm2 circuit (Fig. 2C). Of these, riboso-mal proteins including L11, L5, L23, and S7are among the best studied. By binding to a de-fined acidic, zinc finger domain of mdm2, theseproteins increase p53 stability by inhibiting theE3 ligase activity of mdm2 (Lohrum et al. 2003;Zhang et al. 2003; Dai and Lu 2004; Dai et al.2004; Zhu et al. 2009). Interestingly, a numberof human cancer-associated MDM2 alterationshave been reported, a number of which targetthis region and disrupt the interaction of L5and L11 with mdm2 (Lindstrom et al. 2007).Gankryin protein, on the other hand, canbind to mdm2 and promote its ability to de-grade p53. YY1, another transcription factor,also enhances p53 degradation by increasingmdm2/p53 binding. Interestingly, some ofthese regulators of mdm2 are themselves targetsof mdm2, and form a new type of autoregula-tion loop that affects the activity of p53. The firstknown example of such a loop is that formed by

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the retinoblastoma protein Rb. By binding to aregion of mdm2 that is similar to the one thatp19Arf recognizes, Rb prevents mdm2 fromdegrading p53 (Hsieh et al. 1999). Rb is also tar-geted by mdm2 through the proteasome path-way. Rb, mdm2, and the C8 subunit of the 20Sproteasome have been shown to interact bothin vivo and in vitro, and mdm2 promotes Rb’sinteraction with C8 (Sdek et al. 2005). Hence,by binding to Rb, mdm2 mediates its degrada-tion. C-Abl similarly protects p53 from inhibi-tion by mdm2. Phosphorylation of humanmdm2 (Hdm2) at Tyr394 by c-Abl impairs itsability to inhibit p53; thus, c-Abl contributesto the maximum accumulation of p53 in re-sponse to DNA damage (Goldberg et al. 2002).Recently, a Ubc-domain-containing proteincalled TSG101 was also reported to be regulatedby mdm2. By interfering with the E2 enzyme ac-tivity that ubiquitinates mdm2, TSG101 enhan-ces its stability, resulting in a decrease in p53expression (Li et al. 2001). In addition, it was re-cently demonstrated that the tumor suppressorRASSF1A promotes mdm2’s self-ubiquitinationand degradation, by disrupting the MDM2-DAXX-HAUSP complex. RASSF1 also partiallycontributes to p53-dependent checkpoint acti-vation in response to DNA damage, thereforeplaying an important role in regulating thep53-mdm2 pathway (Song et al. 2008).

Although a large number of autoregulationloops have been identified that regulate the ac-tivities of mdm2 to ensure its effective regula-tion of p53, it is puzzling to notice that themajority, if not all, of p53 regulators targetmdm2 but not mdmX, even though mdmX isas critical as mdm2 in controlling the life ordeath decision of p53. It is tempting to makethe conclusion in this case that p53 forms an au-toregulation loop with mdm2 but not withmdmX. Whether mdmX is a second-class citi-zen in the p53 regulatory hierarchy or willturn out to be the “X” factor may prove pivotalto our future understanding of p53’s function.


The expression level and activities of p53 areregulated by a large number of molecules that

are independent of mdm2. Many of them formautoregulation loops to either directly regulatethe transcriptional activity of p53 or regulateits activity by altering its expression level. Howa particular autoregulation loop affects p53’sactivity depends on the individual biologicalproperties of the p53 transcriptional targetsinvolved.

Regulating p53 Expression Independentlyof mdm2

A number of studies have shown that p53 ex-pression is regulated at a variety of levels, andthat autoregulation loops exist at all of these.p53 itself forms an autoregulation loop becauseit is able to induce its own transcription bybinding to its promoter (Wang and El-Deiry2006). The mRNA stability of p53 is also regu-lated by its own transcriptional target Wig1(Fig. 3A). By binding to the 30UTR via anAU-rich element, Wig-1 stabilizes p53 mRNAand forms a positive-feedback loop with p53(Vilborg 2009). Most autoregulation loops areinvolved in regulating the stability of p53, how-ever, reflecting the fact that this is how moststress signals exert their effects.

Apart from mdm2, other E3 ubiquitin li-gases have been identified, such as COP1,Pirh2, CARP, and Torpor. Interestingly, someof them also form autoregulation loops withp53. The best studied of these are the p53/COP1 and p53/Pirh2 loops (Fig. 3B). BothCOP1 and Pirh2 are transcriptional targets ofp53. By binding to p53, they mediate its ubi-quitination and degradation independently ofmdm2. It is interesting to note that p53/Pirh2autoregulation is also subject to a further regu-lation by a newly identified p53 target, PRL-1,which reduces p53’s stability by indirectlyenhancing the expression of Pirh2 mRNA.

Direct Regulation of p53’s Activity

As it is a transcriptional coactivator, PC4 plays acritical role in transcription, DNA replication,repair, and cellular transformation. PC4 wasalso recently identified as a p53 transcriptionaltarget. PC4 binds p53 and recruits it to its

Autoregulation of p53

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own promoter, enhancing its transcription (Fig.3C). Thus, PC4 forms a positive autoregulationloop to regulate its own expression. This modeof action does not apply to all other p53 coacti-vators, however. For Ankryin repeat domain 11(ANKD11), it is the acetylation of p53 thatANKD11 uses to control the activity of p53.ANKD11 binds to p53 acetyltransferases andcofactors P/CAF and hADA3, and stimulates

the transcriptional activity of p53 by enhancingits acetylation (Neilsen et al. 2008). As it is atranscriptional target of p53, ANKD11 conse-quently forms a positive p53 autoregulationloop (Fig. 3D).

Influencing the acetylation of p53 to controlits transcriptional activity is also used by theautoregulation loop formed by p53/miR-34a/SIRT1. The function of micro RNA (miRNA)












p533’ UTR












p53p53 miR–34a







= Transcriptional activation

= Activation




Figure 3. Mdm2-independent autoregulation of p53. A large number of molecules autoregulate p53independently of mdm2. These include Wig1 (A), PRL1 (B), PC4 (C), ANKD11 (D), miR-34a (E), and Slug (F).

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is to silence gene expression by binding and de-grading its target RNA, and miR-34a was thefirst miRNA to be identified as a p53 transcrip-tional target. Interestingly, p53 is not itself a tar-get of miR-34a. In fact, p53-induced miR-34aforms a positive autoregulation loop with p53by stimulating p53-induced apoptosis. This isachieved by altering the acetylation status ofp53, as miR-34a silences SIRT1 (silent informa-tion regulator 1) expression. SIRT1 is an NAD(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)-depend-ent deacetylase that deacetylates proteins in-cluding p53. Thus, like that of ANKD11, thepositive autoregulation loop formed by miR-34a functions by enhancing p53’s acetylation(Fig. 3E).

Another type of autoregulation loop that di-rectly affect the transcriptional activity of p53 isthat formed by p53/Slug/PUMA (Fig. 3F).Being a transcriptional target of p53 and a tran-scription factor itself, Slug binds directly to thepromoter of PUMA and prevents p53 from in-ducing PUMA’s expression. PUMA is one ofthe most important p53 targets in mediatingp53-induced apoptosis, and this negative auto-regulation loop plays an important role, partic-ularly in hematopoietic progenitors (Chipuket al. 2005; Wu et al. 2005).

In addition to the loops described previ-ously, it is worth noting that a common denom-inator of p53-inducing stresses is nucleolardisruption. Micropore irradiation has demon-strated that large amounts of nuclear DNAdamage fails to stabilize p53 unless the nucleo-lus is also disrupted. This suggests that that thenucleolus itself acts as a stress sensor that main-tains low levels of p53, that are automaticallyelevated when nucleolar function is impairedin response to stress. As ribosomal biosynthesispredominantly occurs in the nucleolus, thistheory also helps to explain cell-cycle-relatedvariations in p53 levels that correlate withphases of nucleolar assembly and disassemblyas the cycle progresses (Rubbi and Milner 2003).


Autoregulation loops are not only restricted top53. The activities of the other p53 family mem-

bers, p63 and p73, are also regulated by a num-ber of autoregulation loops. Most interesting ofall is the cross regulation achieved among thep53 siblings by the various loops that theyform. In vertebrates, there are three familymembers: p53, p63, and p73. The most homol-ogous regions among these three are their DNAbinding domains. Therefore, they are all able tobind to p53-responsive sites and transactivate ortransrepress genes. Interestingly, there is a p53binding site in intron 3 of the p63 and p73(Yang et al. 1998; Yang et al. 2000) genes and in-tron 4 of the p53 gene (Bourdon et al. 2005). Asa result, p53 and its siblings use these p53 bind-ing sites to transactivate the expression of theiramino-terminal truncated and transcriptionallyinactivated splice variants: DNp53, DNp63,and DNp73. Because DNp53, DNp63, andDNp73 have the same DNA binding domainsas p53, p63, and p73, they can all competewith transcriptionally active p53, p63, and p73to bind their DNA targets. Therefore, DNp53,DNp63, and DNp73 act as dominant–negativeinhibitors of p53, p63, and p73, and form neg-ative autoregulation loops (Fig. 4A). Impor-tantly, these autoregulation loops are highlyconserved, and the autoregulation of p53 andDNp53 has been reported in zebrafish (Chenet al. 2009).

Because of the similarity in their DNA bind-ing domains, p53 and its siblings often share thesame transcriptional targets and are subject tothe same autoregulation. Thus, in theory, theroles of inducer and inhibitor within theseloops are interchangeable. This unique featureforms the basis of their cross-regulation. Onesuch example is the ability of p73 to bind tothe promoter of p53 via a p53 binding site,and induce the expression of p53 mRNA in re-sponse to DNA damage caused by therapeuticagents such as etoposide or adriamycin. Thus,the expression of p53 is positively regulated byboth p63 and p73 (Wang and El-Deiry 2006).Similarly, p53 and p73 form a positive auto-regulation loop with PML (Fig. 4B). PML is thepromyelocytic leukemia (PML) tumor suppres-sor and its expression is induced by both p53and p73 because of the presence of a p53 bindingsite in its promoter. Interestingly, PML uses two

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different routes to activate its inducers. For p53,PML binds the DNA binding domain of p53and specifically enhances its transcriptional activ-ity on proapoptotic promoters. This is perhapspartly achieved through an increase in the sumo-modification of p53 (Gostissa et al. 1999; Fogalet al. 2000; de Stanchina et al. 2004). For p73,PML uses an intermediate to activate p73. PMLbinds to and stabilizes YAP (transcriptional coac-tivator Yes-associated protein), by mediating itssumo-modification. YAP then binds p73 and en-hances its transcriptional activity, thus inducingapoptosis in response to DNA damaging signals(Lapi et al. 2008).

Finally, p53 and its siblings can work togetherto form extended and intertwined autoregulationloops that control specific cellular responses.P73/E2F1/ASPP1,2/p53 is one such example.

The transcription factor E2F1 induces the expres-sion of p73, ASPP1, and ASPP2 (Irwin et al. 2000;Lissy et al. 2000; Fogal et al. 2005b). In turn, in-duced ASPP1 and ASPP2 bind to and stimulatethe transcriptional activities of both p53 andp73 (Samuels-Lev et al. 2001; Bergamaschi et al.2004). E2F1 also binds to and enhances the tran-scriptional activity of p53 (Fogal et al. 2005a).Thus, in this autoregulation loop, E2F1 activatesboth p53 and p73 (Fig. 4C). This type of regula-tion undoubtedly achieves additive or synergisticeffects in controlling cellular responses to stresssignals.

Although a number of the autoregulationloops listed here are formed between p53 andp73, in theory there is no reason to suggestthat p53 and p63, or p63 and p73, cannotform similar autoregulation loops to achievecross-regulation. However, spatial and tempo-ral regulation of the expression and biologicalfunctions of p53 and its siblings dictates whichcombination is used to form a particularautoregulation loop, in response to a definedstress signal in a cell- and time-dependentmanner. The countless possible combinationsthat result form the basis of the complexityof p53’s regulation and facilitate the exquisiteprecision of its execution. The possibility ofcross-regulation between the p53 family sib-lings similarly makes it impossible to discountthe possibility that any effect on mdm2’s activ-ity, and subsequent effect on p53, would notalso affect the autoregulation of p63 and p73.


Autoregulation is perhaps one of the most com-mon, yet fundamental, types of regulation thatexists in biology, and there is no doubt that au-toregulation loops are at the center of p53’s reg-ulation. In this article, a number of autoregulationloops have been identified that are known toregulate the activities of p53 at a variety oflevels, through mdm2-dependent and -indepen-dent pathways. After 30 years of extensivestudy, it is clear that p53 is a master sensor ofstress. It is also clear that it acts as a centralhub that can integrate different defined stress

= Transcriptional activation= Activation


ΔNp53 ΔNp53




p53, p63, p73





p53 Apoptosisp73 E2F1

Figure 4. Autoregulation loops formed among the p53family siblings. The three members of the p53 familyform highly conserved negative autoregulation loops(A). In addition, p53 and p73 form a positiveautoregulation loop with PML (B), and another withE2F1/ASPP1,2 (C).

X. Lu

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signals into precise and diverse cellular re-sponses. These responses influence a wide vari-ety of important biological processes, includingimplantation, the determination of cell fate,metabolism, tumor suppression, and aging. Inresponse to a defined stress signal such as g ra-diation, the response of p53 is heterogenous invivo. The complexity of p53’s regulation under-lies this heterogeneity. Understanding how,when, and where p53 integrates a particularstress signal into a precise cellular response isthe ultimate goal of p53 biology. Knowing thatp53’s activity is heavily regulated by a largenumber of autoregulation loops, our futurechallenge is to elucidate which of these play acentral role in regulating p53’s activities, underwhich conditions, in response to what stress sig-nal, and at which particular stage of our lives.Such knowledge may ultimately lead to more ef-fective anticancer therapeutics. Several drugsthat disrupt the p53/mdm2 autoregulationloop, such as nutlin and RITA, are already underdevelopment. Nutlin, in particular, is currentlyundergoing clinical trials and may prove to bean important development in cancer treatmentin the future.


This work is supported by Ludwig Institute forCancer Research, AICR, and EU active p53 con-sortium. I would like to give my special thanksto Dr. Claire Beveridge for her critical readingof the manuscript.


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December 9, 20092010; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000984 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 

 Xin Lu Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative Autoregulation of p53

Subject Collection The p53 Family

GenesThe Origins and Evolution of the p53 Family of

Vladimir A. Belyi, Prashanth Ak, Elke Markert, et al.Drug DiscoveryThe Tumor Suppressor p53: From Structures to

Andreas C. Joerger and Alan R. FershtMouse Models of p53 Functions

Guillermina Lozanop53 Regulation of Metabolic Pathways

Eyal Gottlieb and Karen H. Vousden

Consequences, and Clinical UseTP53 Mutations in Human Cancers: Origins,

Magali Olivier, Monica Hollstein and Pierre HainautResponse by MDM2 and MDM4The Regulation of the p53-mediated Stress

Mary Ellen Perry

Thirty Yearsp53 Research: The Past Thirty Years and the Next

David Lane and Arnold Levine

Zebrafish Models of p53 FunctionsNarie Y. Storer and Leonard I. Zon

Transcriptional Regulation by P53Rachel Beckerman and Carol Prives

p63 and p73, the Ancestors of p53V. Dötsch, F. Bernassola, D. Coutandin, et al.

p53-based Cancer TherapyDavid P. Lane, Chit Fang Cheok and Sonia Lain

Pathologies Associated with the p53 ResponseAndrei V. Gudkov and Elena A. Komarova

SuperfamilyPhylogeny and Function of the Invertebrate p53

GartnerRachael Rutkowski, Kay Hofmann and Anton

Signaling PathwaySingle-nucleotide Polymorphisms in the p53

Mériaux, et al.Lukasz F. Grochola, Jorge Zeron-Medina, Sophie

Autoregulation of p53Tied Up in Loops: Positive and Negative

Xin LuMutations and CancerClinical Outcomes and Correlates of TP53

Ana I. Robles and Curtis C. Harris For additional articles in this collection, see

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