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Ticr Layout - Oct2009

May 30, 2018



Nelson Shen
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    Welcome back to the regularly scheduled ICr. As youmay have noticed, its Tursday, not the rst Monday othe month. Starting with this October issue, the ICr

    will be emailed out on the rst Tursdayo the month.

    We would also like to welcomebackAnne Nguyenwho returned inSeptember ater a year long maternity

    leave. Anne has been involved withEKIC since the beginning grantwriting stages and in more recentyears has also served as a EKICSteering Committee member. Tankyou to Elaine Chong who wasable to pick up right where Annehad let o. As Anne resumes herrole in EKIC, Elaine will bestaying on as a new member.Great to have you both on board!In this issue we will recapthe EKIC Workshopthat took place on Tursday,September 10th. Tank youto everyone who was able to

    join in on the conversation.Te morning was a success!

    We will highlight thepresentations and discussionsin this months project proleand use the tweets sent viawitter (see article EKICWEES) during theworkshop to pull out the keymessages rom each speakerand the morning overall.

    We are also debuting a new

    monthly article in this issue written by our own EKICStudent Aliate member Cisco Grajales III. In Te 2.0 F

    Musings of a Hyperconnected World- Cisco will explore varisocial media technologies and the role they can play withithe healthcare context. For those new to these 2.0 ideas, th

    2.0 Factorwill walk you through the uses and advantages achallenges these applications oer while also teaching youthey can be incorporated into your work and personal lie

    And nally, as we move into the nal six months oEKIC we will continue to showcase and share thework EKIC members have been able to do over thepast three and a hal years. I you have a project to share o

    want to write an article or the ICr, please let us know.

    TEKTIC Workshop Recap:Using Information and CommunicationTechnologies for Healthy Public Engagemeby Jennifer Cordeiro

    As a multi-disciplinary research unit in B.C. ocused oneHealth issues, EKIC researchers have undertaken a vao projects over the past three years. What quickly emerge

    rom this portolio o work is that public engagement inthe healthcare context is emerging as a key priority area ohealth administrators, proessionals and patients alike. Inan eort to get a dialogue about this started, the EKICteam decided to plan and host a workshop where individurom this eld could come together to learn more aboutthe current research landscape in this area and begin togenerate new ideas and plans or actualizing this vision.

    A discussion about using inormation and communicationtechnologies (IC) or public engagement is a timely one

    new eHealth applications and policies are being introducesolutions to many o the health systems ongoing challeng

    We know that to ensure uptake and adoption by intendedusers we need to really understand the possibilities andbarriers these technologies present. Many workshop registagreed and also had their own questions about using ICpublic engagement such as: What strategies can governm

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    se to overcome the barriers (privacyaws etc) and to manage the risksnherent in engaging the communityhrough technology, especially social

    media? and How can we eectivelyvaluate public engagement campaignsn a timely manner to shape uturengagement? and How can wese technology to engage vulnerableegments o the population?nd even the most basic,

    What will people use?Te EKIC Usingnformation and

    Communication echnologiesor Healthy Publicngagementworkshopn September was anpportunity to start ndingnswers to these questions.

    Te morning consisted owo panels o speakers andacilitated question andnswer discussion period. Dr.

    ntoine Geissbhler, liverom Geneva via WebEx,hared his experiences ashe President o Health on the NetHON Code), a website dedicated toeveloping standards to validate health

    normation online. Following thisresentation Dr. Cameron Normaniscussed his work on projects aimingo engage youths in healthy behaviours.

    Next Dr. Gerri Sinclair provided her

    erspective as the CEO and ExecutiveDirector o the Digital Media Programt the Centre or Digital Media. Shehared new applications and programseing introduced to patients tossist them in their sel-care. And, toonclude the rst panel o presentation,

    Ms. Corinne Campney, Director oHealth Strategy or ELUS HealthSolutions, highlighted ELUSsplan to develop and support varioushealth applications that will allow thepublic to access and manage their ownhealth inormation more eectivelyand eciently in the coming years.

    With a snapshot o national andinternational projects and programs, thesecond panel o speakers highlightedcurrent EKIC research investigatingthe use o ICs in public engagement.Dr. Michal Fedeles and Ms. Katherine

    Wisener shared the results rom theirproject Engaging Patients and the

    Community: (e)Literacy or BetterHealth which included the nding that87% o the those surveyed use Googleto search or health inormation online.Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger introducedthe concept o the community learningcentres developed in the Ktunaxa

    Nation as a way to provide reliableand accessible health inormation to

    Aboriginal communities. And, as thenal presentation, Drs. Kendall Hoand Helen Novak Lauscher, reviewedthe multi-channel and multi-mediaapproach their public engagementproject is using to reach out and providculturally relevant health inormation

    to dierent language groupin the lower mainland area.

    Discussions at the end o thevent ocused on answeringthe questions, Do weneed to engage the public?(which was answered witha resounding yes!), Doesthe public want to engage

    with us? What are thehurdles? Do we havethe data needed to moveorward? and Whatabout privacy concerns?

    We all recognize thatanswering these and otherquestions will take more

    than one morning. And, while some othese issues remain unsolved and while

    we still try to gure out what all o thepieces o the puzzle should be we hadhoped this initial discussion would atleast be the start o something. Tankyou to everyone who participated. Welook orward to working with you to

    start putting all othese pieces togetherOver the next ew months we will bestarting a working group to continueexploring and acting on these issues.I you would like to join in on theconversation, let us know! Contact

    Jennier Cordeiro at [email protected]

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    TEKTIC TWEETS: TekticWorkshop Play by Play

    #ticr09 getting ready or the workshop...-minus 15 mins AM Sep 10th rom witterric

    #ticr09 more preparatory action AM Sep 10th rom witterric

    Five more minutes... OuracilitAors and last minute prep.. AM Sep 10th rom witterric

    nerd area... I can say thatbecause Im sitting there too... AM Sep 10th rom witterric

    Live tweeting with CiscoGIII atthe same table.... Alison Buchan isgiving an opening statement8:21 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    lessons rom wii - technology can reallyengage people. how do we learn romthat in the are o health - Dr Kendall

    Ho #ticr098:26 AM Sep 10throm weetDeck



    publicengagementacilitates socialchange, andis valuable insetting prioritiesin reducingdetriments

    o health8:32 AM Sep 10throm weetDeck

    Webex inaction AM Sep 10th rom witterric

    SPeaker#1 antoine GeiSSbuhler

    Te HON code is a set o 8priniciples about health inormation #ticr098:49 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Te HON code certies websitesand validates the health inormationound on them based on a protocoland the 8 principles #ICr098:51 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    eam is based o 8 MD, 2 MDstudents, 1 Pharmacist, 2 Lawyers,and1 biologist #icr098:53 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    SPeaker#2 Dr. Cameron norman

    ocused on using the web toengage youth #ICr099:02 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    developed eHealth Literacy scale -assessment o skills and condencein using IC or health decisions

    JMIR (2006) #ICR099:13 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Food is a antastic tool or

    engagement ==> Food4Health/Stomach HIS! #ICR099:14 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Food 4Health - student lie engagemproject see AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    ollow ood4Health on twitter @ood4health #ICR099:17 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    SPeaker3: Dr. Gerri SinClair

    what can BC be in the best intechnology in the world? #ICR099:22 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    1. Digital media/digital entertainmenGreen tech and sustainability, 3. Medapplication enabled by internet #IC9:24 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    project ocused on sr. + socialenvironment - box w/ touch screenmobile-autodispensing o medication

    use o soc. net application #ICR099:34 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    point system and tracking systembased on med consumption or eachpatient w/rewards #ICR099:35 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    digital media rewards too (picso amily) #ICR099:36 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    SPeaker4: Corrine CamPney

    how do we overcome the gap withresources and demands - there isa tipping point right now withtech that may help #ICR099:39 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    elus Health Space is a collaboration
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    ith MS HealthVault (Personalealth Record System) #ICR096 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    e barriers that lie out there is theusinesses that have been oeringee services. How can we collaborateth avail groups? #ICR091 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Break ime followed by Panel #2 - Projets

    ProjeCt 1: (e) literaCy

    forbetterhealth -

    Dr. miChalfeDelS &

    katherine WiSener

    ow much do patients and the publicnow about ICs and the health servicesey are recieving? opportunities?

    ow to make a di! #ICR0948 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    tp:// - website #ICR0949 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    urvey showed that google = mostmmon resource or health ino - the

    public needs to be taught how tosearch or health ino #ICR0910:51 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    ProjeCt 2 - ClCS

    Dr. SanDrajarviS-SelinGer

    Ktunaxa Community LearningCentre - where youth, tech, health,culture collide #ICR0911:04 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    CLC = physical learning centre withreely accessible Internet linkedcomupters to put out webbased inorom a community context #ICR0911:05 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    ProjeCt 3: iConS

    Dr. kenDallho &

    Dr. helen novaklauSCher

    i i got thier toes tapping then i knowive got them - dizzy Gillespie ==> howdo we get thier toes tapping? #ICR0911:18 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    the iCON project looks to provide

    community driven, multichannel, accessto culturally health inormation #ICR011:20 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    there is clearly a hunger and demand orculturally relevant health inormationdemonstrated by the 1000 +750attendees at orums #ICR0911:24 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    how many calories are in a Chinesebbq pork bun? that is what iCONis about... Culturally relevanthealth inormation #ICR0911:27 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Final Comments: Dr. Richard Scott

    quote Dr. Geissbuhler - privacyis just an illusion #ICR0911:38 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    Dr. Scott - eHealth is anythingwe want it to be #ICR0911:56 AM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    LUNCH IME! Tanks everyoneor a great workshop! #ICR0912:42 PM Sep 10th rom weetDeck

    R = Retweet - it means that a user really liked atweet and is orwarding it to his network

    @Reply = Reply - is automatically inserted when you reply and isused to track a conversation. make sure you change your settings toall @ replies so you dont miss out on any part o the conversation

    ime Stamp and Source - indicatesthe time, date, and method youused to tweet. You can use thewebsite, but third party clients (likewitteric) makes it easier to tweetrom your phone or computer.

    #Hashcodes - used to tag or categorizea set o tweets. Te workshop used#ICr09. Any tweet that contains thatcode will be added to that subject,conversation or event

    iny URL - is a shrunken weaddress and addresses the 140character limit. iny URLsallow weeters to add longerlinks into thier tweets. Picturand other les can be uploadeonto these sites. Click to seewhere it leads!
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    MSFHR recieves $15 Millio

    from the BC Government

    On September 29th, the Micheal Smith FoundatioHealth Research recieved a letter rom the BC governconrming that an additional $15 Million unding oMicheal Smith Foundation or Health Research (MSFIn the Presidents qarterly report, MSFHR PresidenCEO, Dr. John Challis addresses this matter.

    ... I am very pleased to announce that on Septemberwe received a letter rom the Honourable Kevin FMinister o Health Services, conrming an additionamillion unding or the Michael Smith FoundatioHealth Research.

    he allocation o this unding demonstrates a stcommitment on behal o government to BCs rescommunity - and sends a very positive message abouimportance o the Foundations role. We have been wo

    hard with government to secure urther unding, and wdeeply grateul to them or providing it. We recognizno small gesture, especially insuch dicult economic times.

    Te letter rom Minister Falcon says that the addit$15 million will be provided prior to April 15, 2010emphasizes that the Foundation should not anticreceiving additional unding rom the Province o Bthe next two scal years (2009/10 and 2010/11).

    With this conrmation o our current nancial situMSFHR has the inormation it needs to make key decabout its programs and initiatives. Over the next ew w

    we will be reviewing all our activities in light o our unsituation and in alignment with our Strategic Dire2009-2015 document. Next steps will be communi

    Jennier is the Research Coordinator or the echnology-EnabledKnowledge ranslation Investigative Centre (EKIC). Asthe Coordinator o EKIC, she over sees many o EKICsactivities such as the monthly Elluminate sessions and thenewsletter, and is also involved in planning the annual meetingand workshop. Jennier has also been a co-investigator on acouple o EKIC-unded projects over the past ew years.

    As a researcher within the eHealth Strategy Oce (ormerlythe Division o Continuing Proessional Development andKnowledge ranslation) at UBC since February 2006, she hasbeen involved in many o the technology-based projects, suchas CliniPEARLS and EKB (echnology-Enabled KnowledgeBrokering) Patient Saety, and is the Volunteer Coordinatoror the Intercultural Online Health Network (iCON) projectas well. She has also helped coordinate and write variousgrant applications. In September 2009 she also became theechnology Portolio Coordinator which has allowed her tobecome involved in more eHealth and technology-related


    Jennier earned a Bachelors o Applied Arts in PsychologyHonours degree rom Kwantlen University College in May o2005. Her academic research interests include social and culturalissues as they relate to learning, perception and interpersonalrelations.

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    Have you ever wondered what attracts peopleto witter? Or perhaps you think its a wasteo time yet you still signed up in case someoneasked or your handle (AKA your twitter

    username). I you have signed up and dont use it weekly, chancesare that you barely remember your login credentials or perhaps you

    tweet while bored in a meeting. Dont worry; you are not alone!My name is Cisco, a EKIC student aliate and or those o youthat know me, I live online and breathe social media. Yes, I also havean unconnected lie but I use 2.0 technologies because as an earlyadopter, I believe we can learn about society and even improve it, bystrategically deploying inormation and communication technologiesin health. For example, witter took me about a year to understandin a glocal context. Ipso acto, this monthly column will eaturethe 2.0 actor - how to use social media to improve your eciency,communicate more eectively, briefy keep up-to-date with yourEKIC-related research, among other hyperconnected issues. Mymission is to save you the time I invested in learning these tools andmake you a contextual expert in approximately three hundred words.

    witter, why should you care? Well, in utilitarian terms, witters valueis not derived rom knowing what your ollowers (thats the people

    whose updates you choose to see in your eed/stream by clickingollow) say about their daily lives. Well, perhaps, i you can get ariend or amily member to update their eed on a regular basis (thusknowing about the people you care about in an un-intrusive, timely

    manner). Rather, its value is derived by: 1) using other peoples eedas an inormation lter or the newest led developments; or 2)knowing what people rom around the world in your discipline areup to. Stay tuned, next month I will teach you the basic One, wo,Tree, Cha Cha Cha! o inormation lters. In the meantime, iyou wish to ollow me online, Google ciscogiii and youll nd me.

    THE 2.0 FACTOR:Musings of a

    HyperconnectedWorldby Francisco J Grajales IIITopic: Introducing CISCO!

    the community as decisions are made.





    Here is a little glimspe o what the Microsot R&Ds trying to concocting in thier laboratories. A littlemix o Electronic Health Records, Personal HealthRecords, and some crazy new technologies.




    or a higher resolution version o this clip,please visit (requires Microsoft Silverlight):ttp://
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    Young Freud in GazaSweden, 2008. Directors: Pe Holmquist and Suzanne KhardalianWednesday, October 21, 2009 - 7:30pmPacic Cinematheque Teatre1131 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC

    VANCOUVER PREMIERE! "Young Freud in Gaza proles Ayed, a young psychotherapist working in the Palestinian AuthoritysClinic or Mental Health. He provides therapy to a variety o patients male and emale, adults and children or depressionstress, anxiety attacks and suicidal tendencies. Filmed rom 2006 to 2008, against a backdrop o armed clashes between Hamas and

    Fatah actions, Israeli missile attacks, and the constant overhead presence o a surveillance dirigible, the documentary shows Ayedtraining young wives and mothers in deep-breathing exercises to calm anxiety, counselling maimed Hamas and Fatah militants inmeditation techniques, and leading children in group therapy sessions in which they discuss their reaction to the death o siblingand draw pictures to cope with their emotions. Te lm also captures Ayed at home, relating to his parents and other amilymembers and riends, in the process revealing that this young mental-health doctor is struggling with personal issues o his ownincluding serious doubts about his ability to help his patients. As Ayed acknowledges, 'Gaza needs a million psychologists'" (adaptedrom Icarus Films). "Arresting...a air-minded, intimately probing documentary...Teres no question that the very denition opsychotherapy means something dierent under occupation" (Ella aylor, Village Voice). Colour, Digibeta video, 58 mins.

    Post-screening discussion with Dr. Rene Weideman. Dr. Weideman is a registered psychologist withinterests in psychotherapy training and individual and group psychotherapy. He is the Director o theClinical Psychology Centre in the Department o Psychology at Simon Fraser University and the Associate

    Director (Faculty Aairs) o the Psychotherapy raining Program in the Department o Psychiatry atthe University o British Columbia. He also has a part-time private practice.

    For more information, tickets, full reviews, and trailers,

    Frames o Mind is a monthly lm event oundedby Dr. Harry Karlinsky, EKIC memberutilizing lm and video to promote proessionaand community education on issues pertainingto mental health and illness.

    Speaker: TBA*Date: Thursday, November 19th, 2009

    Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm PST*please check the TEKTIC website for more information on this months session

    Would youlike to haveyour projectprofiled inthe T ICr,present yourproject at anupcoming

    Elluminate session, or have anannouncement to make? Please email

    Jennifer Cordeiro [email protected] more details.

    he TICr is Made Possible Through the Partnership of the Following Insitutions:

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