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Dr. AMY HELLER 阿米海勒 Nationality: Swiss citizen since 1980 Born: 11 th August 1951, New York, USA Civil status: married, parent of two children (1981, 1985) Address: 38, chemin du Lignolet, CH 1260 Nyon, Switzerland Contact: [email protected] Mobile phone: +41 79 296 7787 Tibetologist & Art Historian Current Positions until January 2018 2017 2018 Visiting Lecturer, Lectures on Tibetan Art and Architecture, Department of Religious Studies, University of Bern, Switzerland 2006 – 2018 Foreign Collaborator of Tibetan studies team (TBACT) within East Asian Civilisations Research Centre (CRCAO) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Paris, France 2014 – 2016 INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations) Paris. Department of Tibetan: lecturer on Tibetan archaeology Appointments 2011 2013 Nomination as Research Associate, Department of Art and Archaeology, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London (11 June 2011 31 December 2013) 2006 ongoing Nomination to the Editorial Board, Journal of the International Association for Tibetan Studies Previous Position

Tibetologist Art Historian

Nov 20, 2021



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 Na t i ona l i t y :  Sw i s s   c i t i z en   s i n c e  1 9 8 0                    

Bo rn :  1 1 t h  Augus t  1 9 5 1 ,  New  Yo rk ,  USA  

C iv i l   s t a tu s :  mar r i ed ,  pa r en t  o f   two   c h i l d r en   ( 1 9 8 1 ,  1 9 8 5 )  

Addr e s s :  3 8 ,   ch em in  du  L i gno l e t ,  CH ‐1 2 6 0  Nyon ,  Sw i t z e r l a nd        

Con t a c t :  amy .he l l e r@b lu ew in . c h  

Mob i l e  phone :  + 4 1  7 9  2 96  7 7 8 7              



Tibetologist  &  Art  Historian   


Current  Positions  until  January  2018  


2017 ‐2018            Visiting  Lecturer,  Lectures  on  Tibetan  Art  and      

                             Architecture,  Department  of  Religious  Studies,      

                             University  of  Bern,  Switzerland    

2006  –  2018   Fore ign   Col labora tor   of   Tibetan   s tudies   team   (TBACT)   within   East  

Asian   Civi l i sa t ions   Research   Centre   (CRCAO)   Centre   National   de   la  

Recherche  Sc ient i f ique   (CNRS)  Pari s ,  France    

http : / /www.crcao . f r /spip .php?ar t ic le1138  


2014  –  2016     INALCO   (Nat iona l   Ins t i tu te   of   Orienta l   Languages   and  

Civi l i sa t ions)   Pari s .   Department   of   Tibetan :   l ec turer   on   Tibetan  





2011 ‐2013            Nominat ion   as   Research   Associa te ,   Department   of   Art   and  

Archaeology ,   SOAS   (School   of  Orienta l   and  Afr ican   Studies ) ,  Univers i ty  

of  London     (11   June  2011 ‐  31  December  2013)

2006 ‐ongoing   Nominat ion   to   the   Edi tor ia l   Board ,   Journa l   of   the   In ternat iona l          

Associa t ion   for Tibetan  Studies  



Previous  Position  

Page 2: Tibetologist Art Historian



2000 ‐2010   Research   consul tant   to  Dolpo   conservat ion  pro jec t .  Research   on   a   l ibrary  

of   640  volumes  of   i l luminated  Tibetan  Buddhis t  manuscr ipts  and  his tor i c  

tex ts :   es tab l i sh   pre l iminary   inventory   in   s i tu ,   pursue   research   in   Europe  

to  determine  his tory  of   the   l ibrary ,   the   reg ion  of  Dolpo   in   re la t ion   to   the  

neighbour ing   regions   of  Western   Tibet   and  Nepal ,   and   the   ar t ‐his tor ica l  

context   of   the   anc ient   manuscr ipts   in   order   to   prepare   book,   Hidden  

Treasures   o f   th e  Himalayas ,   Tibe tan  manuscr ip t s ,   pa in t ings   and   s cu lp ture s   o f  

Dolpo ,  Ser india  Publ ica t ions ,  2009 .  

Previous  Affiliation  

1986 ‐2006   Par t i c ipat ion   in   ʺRi tuals ʺ   seminar   of   CNRS   Par is   as   Doctora l   s tudent  

member   of   URA   1299   Tibetan   Studies   uni t   (1986 ‐1992) ,   subsequent ly   as  

associa te  member  of  UMR  8047   /  UMR  8155   (1992 ‐2006) .  


Four   authored   books ,   two   edi ted   books ;   numerous   academic   ar t i c les ,   book   chapters ,  

and  museum  cata logues   (s e e   s epara t e   l i s t  o f  pub l i ca t i ons )  



Academic  Qualifications  


1992   Diplôme   de   l ʹÉcole   Pratique   des   Hautes   Études   (Thesis   in   Tibetan  

his tory   and   philology ) ,   Étude   sur   l e   déve loppement   de   l ’ i c onograph i e   e t   du  

cu l t e   de   Beg ‐ t s e ,   d iv in i t é   prot ec t r i c e   t i b é ta ine ,   pp.   305 ,   Director :   Prof .  

Ariane   Macdonald ‐Spanien ,   Readers :   Prof .   Fernand   Meyer   and   Dr.  

Yoshiro   Imaeda ,  Par is ,  France   (Doctora l  Thes is :  Apri l  5  1992)  


1977 ‐1980   École  Prat ique  des  Hautes  Etudes ,  La  Sorbonne ,  Par is ,  France  

  Studies   in   Tibetan   his tory   and   phi lo logy   ( IVe   sec t ion   EPHE) ,   Professor  

Ariane  Macdonald ‐Spanien    

Studies   in   Tibetan   re l ig ions   (Ve   sec t ion   EPHE) ,   Professor   Anne ‐Marie  



1979    Diplôme   de   Tibétain ,   Ins t i tu t   Nat iona l   des   Langues   et   Civi l i sa t ions  

Orienta les ,   Pari s ,   France     (Diploma   of   Tibetan ,   National   Inst i tute   of  

Oriental  Languages  and  Civi l isa t ions ,  Paris )    


1974    B.A .   cum   laude   in  Art  History ,  Barnard  Col lege   of  Columbia  Univers i ty ,  

New  York ,  New  York,  USA  

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Professional  Experiences  


Teaching  &  Graduate  Supervision  


2017 ‐2018      Creation  and   teaching  course   ʺVisions  of   the  Potala:  Tibetan    

 art   and   architectureʺ   University   of   Bern   (Department   of   Religious  

Studies) ,  Switzerland    Course  ID:  436339-HS2017: Visions of the Potala 


2014 ‐2016          Creat ion  and   teaching  of  course  on  Tibetan  archaeology  and  ancient    

    his tory ,  Nationa l   Ins t i tute  of  Orienta l  Languages   ( INALCO) ,  Par i s .  


2011 ‐2014    Vis i t ing   Professor ,   Centre   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Sichuan   Univers i ty ,  

weekly   courses   in   Tibetan   archaeology ,   ar t   his tory   and   cul tura l   his tory  

of  Tibet  and   the  western  Himalayas   (  1   to  2  months  per  year )    

Graduate  Student  Supervison   :    

J ia   Yuping   PhD   thes i s   in   progress   on   Zhalu   monastery   ( tu tor ia l   to  

discuss  Buddhis t   i conography  at  Zhalu  monastery)  

Shawu   Khacham,   PhD   thes is   in   progress   on   Archaeology   of   Tibetan  

tombs   ( tu tor ia l  2011 ‐2013 ,  PhD  awarded   in  Dec .  2013)  

2011           Externa l   Reader   Mli t t   thes i s   in   Asian   Art ,   for   Chris t ies ʹ   Educat ion  

London,   in  con junct ion  with  Univers i ty  of  Glasgow   (Scot land) :    

Regula  Himmelberger :   ʺTibetan  book  covers . ʺ  

2009           Centre   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Sichuan   Univers i ty   ( superv is ion   as   external  

advisor ) :  

Zhang   Changhong,   PhD. ,   Inves t iga t ion   and   I conography   of   Buddhis t  

sanctuar ies   in  Thol ing   region    

Yang   Qingfan,   PhD. ,   A   Comprehens ive   Study   on   the   I conography   of  

Akshobhya   in  Tibetan  Buddhism  and  Rela ted   I ssues   (7 t h  –  15 t h  century)  

J ia   Yuping ,   MA.   Zhalu   monastery :   his tory   and   i conography   of   three  

chapels ,  11 t h ‐14 t h  century  

2008             SOAS,   External  Reader   for   PhD   thes i s   of  Mar jo  Alafouzo,  Department   of  

Art   and   Archaeology   ʺThe   Iconography   of   the   Drinking   scene   in   the  

Dukhang   at   Alchi ,   Ladakh. ʺ   Pr incipa l   advisor :   Dr.   Phi l ip   Denwood,  

SOAS  Reader  Dr.  Geof f rey  King  

Page 4: Tibetologist Art Historian



2008             Vis i t ing   Professor ,   Univers i ty   of   Roma   –   La   Sapienza ,   invi ta t ion   by  

Professor   Elena   De   Ross i   Fi l ibeck ,   courses   on   Tibetan   ar t   his tory   and  

cul tura l  his tory  

2007 ‐2008   Outs ide   advisor   for   PhD   disser ta t ion   at   reques t   of   Prof .   Jor inde   Eber t ,  

Univers i ty  of  Vienna :  

Thes is   of   El i sabeth   Haderer :   ʺDepic t ions   of   the   Karmapa   l ineage ʺ   (PhD  

awarded   in  Apri l  2008)  

2007   Vis i t ing   Professor ,   Centre   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Sichuan   Univers i ty ,  

Courses   on   Tibetan   ar t   and   archaeology ,   Tibetan   cul tura l   his tory ,  

supervis ion   of   graduate   s tudents ,   publ ic   l ec tures   at   Sichuan   Univers i ty  

Art  Museum   (September  1   ‐  Novembre  20)  

2006   Vis i t ing  Professor ,  Univers i ty  of  Roma   –  La   Sapienza ,   inv i ta t ion  by  Prof .  

Dr.   Elena   De   Ross i   Fi l ibeck ;   weekly   courses   for   under ‐graduates   on  

Tibetan  ar t  his tory  and  cul tura l  his tory ,  Rome   (November   ‐December)  

2004    ̋ Himalayan   Sculptures ʺ ,   Bri t i sh  Museum/   Univers i ty   of   London,   School  

of   Orienta l   and   Afr ican   Studies ,   Graduate   Course   in   Asian   Art  

(Novembre  5)  

2003     ʺHimalayan   Sculptures ʺ ,   Br i t i sh   Museum/Univers i ty   of   London,   School  

    of  Orienta l  and  Afr ican  Studies ,     (October  28 ‐29)  

1991 ‐1994   Creat ion   and   teaching   of   a   ser ies   of   20   weekly   conferences ,    

ʺ In t roduct ion   à   la   Civi l i sa t ion   Tibéta ine ʺ ,   Ins t i tu t   d ʹÉtudes   Orienta les ,  

Geneva   (   ʺ In t roduct ion   to   Tibetan   Civi l i sa t ion ,   Ins t i tute   of   Orienta l  

Studies ,  Geneva   ‐   th i s   s e r i e s  was   r epeat ed   f iv e   t imes   f rom  1991 ‐1994 )  

1984 ‐1985   Ser ies   of   8   conferences   on   Tibetan  Civi l i sa t ion ;  weekly   Tibetan   l anguage  

courses ,   Ins t i tu t  d’Études  Orienta les ,  Geneva  

1982   Creat ion   and   teaching   of   a   co l lege   seminar   ʺ In t roduct ion   to   Tibetan  Art  

and  Culture ʺ ,  Branford  Col lege ,  Art  History  Department ,  Yale  Univers i ty  

(one  semester )  


Research  consultant  


2013 ‐ongoing  Consul tant   and   author  of   chapter  on   ʺManuscr ipt   i l luminat ions ʺ   for   the  

A  Manuel   on   Tibetan  Manuscr ipts   and   Ear ly   Pr inted   Books ,   direc ted   by  

Matthew  Kapste in .    

2015   Consul tant   for   exhib i t ion   ʺBuddha   108   Encounters ʺ ,  Museum   of  Appl ied  

Arts ,  Frankfor t .  

Page 5: Tibetologist Art Historian



2015   Ross i   and   Ross i   Gal lery ,   London:   Research   report   on   Kashmir i   s ta tue  

( research  publ i shed   in  Chinese   in  Hanhai  Cata logue  2015  Spring  Auct ion ,  

no.  2610) .    

2014   Abegg   Foundat ion ,   Riggisberg ,   Switzer land:   Research   repor t   on   Text i les  

with  Tibetan   inscr ipt ion .  

2010    Research  miss ion   at  Tabo  Monastery   (Spi t i ,   India ) .  Reques t  by   the  Abbot  

Geshe   Sonam  Wangdu,   document   and   s tudy   s ta te   of  mural   conservat ion  

at   Tabo,   with   Luigi   Fieni ,   conservator   of   mural   paint ings   for   American  

Himalayan  Foundat ion   (March ,  3  weeks ;  August  3  weeks)  

2009    Research   miss ion   to   Spi t i   (Tabo   Monastery) ,   s tudy   of   mural   paint ings  

and   documentat ion   of   consecra t ion   r i tua ls   of   the  Kalachakra  mchod   r ten  

( Ju ly ,  3  weeks)  

2009    Invi ta t ion   by   Los   Angeles   County   Museum   of   Art   (South   Asian   Art  

counc i l ) ,   Paper   conservat ion   s tudio ,   one   week   in   s i tu   s tudy   of   Tibetan  

manuscr ipts   (Tucci  Col lec t ion  11 t h  century  Thol ing  manuscr ipts )  

2008    Research   miss ion   to   Lo/Mustang   to   prepare   a   book   on   cul tura l   his tory  

with  Erberto  Lo  Bue   (One  month)  

2008    Research   consul tant   to   Ross i   and   Ross i ,   London,   for   exhib i t ion   on  

Himalayan  masks  

2006 ‐2008    Swiss   Government   Miss ion   to   Lhasa ,   Ramoche   conservat ion   pro jec t ,  

conc lus ion   ceremony,   guide   for   Swiss   Ambassador   to   China   H.E.   Dante  

Mart ine l l i ,   for   t ravel   in   Centra l   Tibet ,   Apri l .   Prepara t ion   of   Ramoche  

conservat ion   pro jec t   phase   2 ,   sculptures   and   mural   paint ing  

conservat ion ;   pro jec t   approved   February   2008   but   due   to   vio lence   in  

Tibet   in  March ,   pro jec t   indef ini te ly   postponed   for   diplomatic   reasons   as  

of  December  2008  

2006 ‐2008   I s t i tuto   I ta l iano   per   l ʹAfrica   e   l ʹOriente   ( I s IAO) ,   Roma:   consul tant   for  

s tudy   of   11 t h   century   i l luminated  manuscr ipts   of  Western   Tibet   in   Tucc i  

Col lec t ion   ( compari son   with   anc ient   i l luminated   manuscr ipts   of   l ibrary  

in  Dolpo,  Nepal )  

2005    Swiss   Government   Miss ion   to   Lhasa :   Ramoche   conservat ion   pro jec t ,  

supervis ion  of  archi tec tura l  conservat ion  pro jec t   (Apr i l  10 ‐20)  

2004    Swiss   Government   Miss ion   to   Lhasa :   Ramoche   conservat ion   Pro jec t  

technica l   exper t   for   t radi t ional   Tibetan   archi tec ture   with   Swiss   Federa l  

Counci l lor  Pasca l     Couchepin ,   to   in i t ia te   co l laborat ion   for   res tora t ion  

pro jec t  with  Lhasa  Off ice  of  Cultura l  Rel i cs     and   Lhasa   Munic ipal i ty  

Fore ign  Affa i rs  Off ice   (October  11 ‐18)  

Page 6: Tibetologist Art Historian



2003 ‐2010   Consul tant   to   conservat ion   pro jec t ,   one  month   in ‐s i tu   research   in  Dolpo,  

Nepal .   Research   on   a   l ibrary   of   640   volumes   of   i l luminated   Tibetan  

Buddhis t   manuscr ipts   and   his tor i c   tex ts ,   to   prepare   book:   Hidden  

Treasures   o f   th e  Himalayas ,   Tibe tan  manuscr ip t s ,   pa in t ings   and   s cu lp ture s   o f  

Dolpo ,  Ser india  Publ ica t ions ,  2009)  

2003 ‐2008        The  Ashmolean  Museum,  part ‐ t ime   research   to  wri te  Ear ly  Himalayan  Art ,  

descr ipt ive  cata logue  of   the i r  Tibetan  and  Himalayan  sculptures  

2003 ‐2005   Völkerkundemuseum   der   Univers i tä t   Zurich ,   part ‐ t ime   research   as   co ‐

curator  with  Mart in  Brauen   for  exhib i t ion   ʺThe  Dalai  Lamas ʺ  

2003    Consul tant   to  Museo  di  Arte  Orienta le ,  Tor ino ,   for   eva luat ion  of  Tibetan  

book  covers  and  painted  manuscr ipts  

2001 ‐2003     Art   Ins t i tu te   of   Chicago ,   par t ‐ t ime   pos i t ion   as   ass i s tant   to   Dr.  

Pratapadi tya   Pal ,   research   for   the   exhib i t ion   and   ca ta logue  Himalayas   an  

Aesthe t i c  adventure  

2001 ‐2002   Col labora t ion   with   Nathal ie   Bazin ,   curator   for   prepara t ion   of   Musée  

Guimet   exhib i t ion   and   ca ta logue   Ritue l s   t i b é ta ins   Vis ions   se c r è t e s   du  

Cinqui ème  Dala ï  Lama  

2000 ‐2003   Consul tant   to   conservat ion   pro jec t :   two  weeks   in ‐s i tu   research   in  Dolpo ,  

Nepal .   Estab l i sh   pre l iminary   inventory   of   a   monastery   l ibrary   (640  

volumes  of  Buddhis t  manuscr ipts  and  his tor i c   tex ts ) ;   research  pursued   in  

Europe   to   determine   his tory   of   the   l ibrary ,   the   reg ion   of   Dolpo   and   the  

ar t ‐his tor ica l  context  of   the  ancient  manuscr ipts  

2000    Shalu   Monastery   Restora t ion   Pro jec t ,   organized   in   co l labora t ion   with  

Prof .  Ulr ich  Pagel ,  SOAS,  Circ le  of  Tibetan  and  Himalayan  Studies  

2000    Research  miss ion   to   Tibet  with   paint ing   conservators   to   evaluate  mural  

paint ings   in  Lhasa ,  Grathang,  Sha lu ,  Sakya   (4  weeks)  

1997   Research  miss ion  CNRS   to  Qinghai   (Dulan   tomb  excavat ions)    

1996    Research  miss ion  CNRS   to  Centra l  Tibet   ( s tudy   of  paint ings   at  Grathang  

and   rdo   r ing  s te le )  

1995    Research   miss ion   CNRS   to   Centra l   Tibet   (evaluat ion   of   archi tec tura l  

conservat ion   at   Grathang,   Sha lu   and   Iwang;   s tudy   of   paint ings   at  


1990 ‐1991   Research   to   prepare   exhib i t ion   ʺ  Word   and   Image :   the   Sacred   Languages  

of  Tibet . ʺ  Beinecke  Rare     Book  and  Manuscr ipt  Library ,  Yale  Univers i ty  

Page 7: Tibetologist Art Historian



1982 ‐1986   Research   for   Newark   Museum   to   prepare   Cata logue   o f   th e   Tibe tan  

Col l e c t i on   o f   The   Newark   Museum,   vo l .   1 ,   In troduc t ion   (1983)   and   vo l .   3 ,  

Scu lp ture  and  Paint ing   (1986)    

1980 ‐1983   Research   ass i s tant   to   the   Tibetan   co l lec t ion ,   Beinecke   Rare   Book   and  

Manuscr ipt  Library ,  Yale  Univers i ty  


Invited  Talks    


2015     French  Socie ty   for   the  Study  of  Tibet  and  Mongol ia   (SFEMT) :   ʺTibetan    

    Manuscr ipt   I l luminat ions ʺ   (October  13) .  

2014     ʺRe ‐assessment  of   the  Chronology  of  Alchi ʺ ,  Northwestern  Univers i ty    

    (Apr i l  1)  and  French  Archaeology  Study  Seminar ,  CNRS  PARIS   (   June   ) .    

2013     Hermitage  Museum,  St .  Petersburg ,  Bori s  Marshak  Memoria l  seminar ,    

    ʺAncient  ar te fac ts   in  gold  and  s i lver   f rom   the  Tibetan  Empire ʺ .   (Oct .  23) .  

2012     ʺMater ia l  Culture  of  Tibet ʹs  Earl ies t  Rel ig ions ʺ ,   inv i ta t ion  by  Prof .    

    Andrew  Quintman,  Rel ig ious  Studies  Department ,  Yale  Univers i ty    

    (November  8) .  

2012     Sichuan  Provinc ia l  Museum   ʺTibetan  Art ʺ    

2011   ʺThe   Sculptures   of   Western   Tibet   in   the   11 t h ‐13 t h   centur ies   and   the i r  

ar t i s t i c     debt   to   Kashmir ʺ ,   Pi t t   Rivers   Museum   l ec ture   ser ies :   Tibetan  

Art :  Culture  at   the  Crossroads ,  Oxford  Univers i ty ,  Oxford   (May  9)    

2011   ʺPre l iminary   remarks   on   Painted   Coff in   Panels   f rom   Tibetan   Tombs ʺ ,  

Orienta l   Ins t i tu te ,  Oxford  Univers i ty ,  Oxford   (May  10)  

2011    ̋ Conservat ion   in   Tibet   2004   –   2008 :   The   Ramoche   Conservat ion   Pro jec t ,  

Lhasa ,   Tibet ʺ ,   Tai   Nan   Univers i ty   of   Technology ,   invi ta t ion   by   Dr.   Lin  

Chun ‐mei ,  Tainan   (Apr i l  28)  

2011    ̋ Further   Observat ions   on   Painted   Coff in   Panels   f rom   Tibetan   Tombs ʺ  

Between   Empire   and   Phyi ‐dar :   the   Fragmenta t ion   and   reconstruct ion   of  

soc ie ty  and   re l ig ion   in  post ‐ imper ia l     Tibet   (LIRI ) ,   Lumbini  

In ternat ional  Research   Ins t i tu te   (March  4)  

2011    ̋ Conservat ion   in   Tibet   2004   –   2008 :   The   Ramoche   Conservat ion   Pro jec t ,  

Lhasa ,   Tibet ʺ ,   Courtauld   Ins t i tu te   of   Art ,   inv i ta t ion   by   Sharon   Cather  

and  Dr.  David  Parks ,  London   ( January  13)    

2011   ʺThe   Tibetan   Empire   in   Centra l   Asia ,   Art   and   Archeology   7 t h ‐9 t h  

centur ies ʺ ,  East  Asian  Art  and     Archaeology   Research   Seminars ,   SOAS,  

London   ( January  14)  

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2010    ̋ The   Sculptures   of   Western   Tibet   in   the   11 t h ‐13 t h   centur ies   and   the i r  

ar t i s t i c   debt   to   Kashmir ʺ ,   New   Research   on   Buddhis t   sculpture   in   Asia ,  

Vic tor ia  and  Alber t  Museum,  London   (Novembre  8)    

2010    ̋ The  Art i s t i c  Legacy   of   the  Khaśa  Malla  Kingdom   of  Western  Nepal ,   13 t h  

to   15 t h   centur ies ʺ ,   Buddhis t   Bel ie f s   and   Sculpture ,   Vic tor ia   and   Albert  

Museum,  London   (Novembre  6)  

2010    ̋ Pre l iminary   remarks   on   Painted   Coff in   Panels   f rom   Tibetan   Tombs ʺ ,  

Circ le  of  Tibetan  and  Himalayan  Studies ,  SOAS,  London   (Novembre  5)  

2009    ̋ Hidden  Treasures  of   the  Himalayas ,  Tibetan  Manuscr ipts ,  Paint ings  and  

Sculptures   of   Dolpo ʺ ,   South   Asian   Art   Counci l   l ec tures ,   Los   Angeles  

County  Museum  of  Art ,  Los  Angeles   (March  23)  

2009    ̋ Hidden  Treasures  of   the  Himalayas ,  Tibetan  Manuscr ipts ,  Paint ings  and  

Sculptures   of  Dolpo ʺ ,  Arts   of   the   Indian   Subcont inent   l ec ture   ser ies ,   San  

Diego  Museum  of  Art ,  San  Diego   (March  21)  


2009    ̋ Hidden  Treasures  of   the  Himalayas ,  Tibetan  Manuscr ipts ,  Paint ings  and  

Sculptures   of   Dolpo ʺ ,   Tibetan   Studies   Centre ,   Univers i ty   of   Virgin ia ,  

Char lo t tesv i l le   (March  25)  


2008    ̋ Hidden   Treasures   f rom   Dolpo ,   recent   discover ies   of   Tibetan  

Manuscr ipts ,  Paint ings  and  Sculptures ʺ ,  Circ le  of  Tibetan  and  Himalayan  

Studies ,  SOAS,  London   (May  9)  


2008    ̋ Schools  and  Styles  of  Tibetan  Paint ing  and  Sculpture ,  11 t h ‐20 t h   century ʺ ,  

Study   day   on   Tibetan   Art .   Univers i tà   di   Roma   –   La   Sapienza ,   Rome  

(Apr i l  16)  


2007    ̋ Mural   conservat ion   in   Tibet ,   past   and   present :   Grathang,   Shalu   and  

Lukhang   conservat ion   pro jec ts ʺ ,   Seminar :   Mural   Paint ing   Conservat ion .  

I s t i tuto  Centra le  per   i l  Restauro  di  Roma/  ASIA  Onlus ,  Rome   ( June  22)  

2007    ̋ Archi tec tura l   conservat ion   and   Preservat ion   of   cul tura l   ident i ty   in  

Tibet ʺ ,   Seminar :   Theoret i ca l   Aspects   on   Tibetan   Art   and   Archi tec ture  

Univers i tà   degl i   Studi   di   Napol i ,   ʺL ʹOrienta le ʺ ,   ASIA   Onlus ,   Naples  

( June  18)  

2007    ̋ Preservat ion   of   cul tura l   ident i ty   in   Tibet ,   Swiss   Federa l   Government ʹ s  

Ramoche   Conservat ion   Pro ject ʺ ,   Department   of   Rel ig ious   Studies ,  

Univers i ty  of  Bern ,  Bern   (May  14)  

2007    Routes  of   t ransmiss ion :  How   ar t i s t i c   s ty les   and   techniques   came   to  Tibet  

f rom   India ,  Kashmir ,  Nepal   and   China ʺ ,   l ec ture   dur ing   exhibi t ion   Tibet :  

Page 9: Tibetologist Art Historian



Klöster   Offnen   Ihre   Schatzkammer ,   Museum   für   Ostas ia t i che   Kunst ,  

Ber l in   (May  9)  

2006    ̋ The   Ramoche   conservat ion   Pro ject ʺ ,   Völkerkundemuseum   der  

Univers i tä t  Zürich ,  Zürich   (February  5)  

2005    ̋ Les   en jeux  de   la   conservat ion  du   patr imoine   cul ture l   au  Tibet ʺ ,   Ins t i tut  

d ʹanthropologie   et   soc io logie ,   Univers i té   de   Lausanne ,   Lausanne   (May  

31) .  

2005    ̋ Préservat ion   des  monuments   cul ture ls   et   de   l ʹ ident i té   au   Tibet   et   dans  

l ʹHimalaya ʺ ,   Ins t i tu t  Nat ional  Genevois ,  Geneva   (May  24) .  

2004   ʺTibetan   Bookcovers ʺ ,  Circ le   of   Tibetan   and  Himalayan   Studies ,   SOAS, in  

con junct ion  with  Asianar t   in  London   (November  6) .  

2004    ̋ Shalu   Monastery   Conservat ion   Pro jec t ʺ ,   The   In ternat iona l   Conference  

on  Tradi t iona l  Archi tec ture     and   Mural   Conservat ion .   Organized   by  

Tibet   Univers i ty   and  Norwegian   Technica l   Univers i ty ,   Trondheim ‐Lhasa  

(September  19 ‐23) .  

2004    ̋ Tibetan   Inf luences   on   the   Cultura l   History   of   Dolpo ʺ ,   Seminar :   Tibet  

and   Her   Neighbours ,   Department   of   Sanskr i t   and   Indian   Studies ,  

Harvard  Univers i ty ,  Cambridge   (Apri l  24 ‐25)   (CNRS   t rave l  grant )  

2003    ̋ The  Tibetan   Inscr ipt ions :  Histor ica l  Data  as  Sources  of  New  Discover ies  

and   Enigmas ʺ ,   sympos ium   of   the   exhib i t ion   ʺHimalayas   An   Aesthet i c  

Adventure ʺ  Art   Ins t i tu te  of  Chicago ,  Chicago   (Apr i l  4 ‐6) .  

2003    ̋ Tombs   and   Temples   in   Tibet :  Archi tec ture   and   Preservat ion   ‐   8 t h   to   11 t h  

Centur ies ʺ ,   l ec ture   for   the   Histor ic   Preservat ion   Program   and   the   Eas t  

Asian   Ins t i tute ,  Columbia  Univers i ty ,  New  York   (March  31)  

1999    ̋ Recent   f indings   on   Text i les   f rom   the   Tibetan   Empire ʺ ,   Sympos ium:  

Centra l   Asian   Text i les   and   Thei r   Contexts   in   the   Early   Middle   Ages .  

Abegg ‐St i f tung ,  Riggisberg   (August  30 ‐31)  

1999    ̋ The   paint ings   of  Grathang,   his tory   and   I conography   of   an   11 t h  Century  

Tibetan   Temple ʺ ,   l ec ture   dur ing   exhib i t ion   ʺSacred   Vis ions :   Early  

Paint ings   f rom  Centra l  Tibet ʺ  Museum  Rietberg ,  Zürich   (May  9)  

1998   ʺText i les   and   Artefac ts   f rom   Tibetan   tombs   at   Dulan ʺ   AEDTA  

(Assoc ia t ion  pour   l ʹétude  des   tex t i l es  as ia t iques) ,  Par is   ( Ju ly  12 ‐14)  

1998   ʺ In ternat ional  Trade  Routes  of  Tibet ʺ  and   ʺPre l iminary   remarks  on  Dulan  

rdzong:   Eighth   century   Tibetan   tombs   at   Dulan ʺ ,   Circ le   of   Inner   Asian  

Art  Lectures ,  SOAS,  London   (Apr i l  21   ‐Apri l  23)  

Page 10: Tibetologist Art Historian



1997   ʺThe   his tory   of   the   cul t   of   Beg ‐ t se :  On   the   pol i t i ca l   re levance   of   Tibetan  

protec t ive   dei t ies ʺ ,   American   Academy   of   Rel ig ions ,   Tibet   Panel  

convened  by  Professor   Janet  Gyatso ,  San  Franci sco   (November  26)  

1997   ʺThe   Cul t   of   Vairocana   in   Tibet   (750 ‐1200   A.D. )   according   to   Tibetan  

r i tua ls   f rom   Dunhuang   manuscr ipts   and   ar t i s t i c   representa t ions .  

Univers i ty   of   Chicago ,   inv i ta t ion   by   Professor   Matthew   Kapste in .  

(November  21)  

1997   ʺTibetan   Buddhis t   Protec t ive   Dei t ies ʺ ,   Amhers t   Col lege ,   invi ta t ion   by  

Professor   Janet  Gyatso .  Amhers t   (November  19)  

1992   ʺArt ,   for   God ʹs   Sake ʺ ,   l ec ture   during   exhibi t ion   ʺWisdom   and  

Compass ion :   The   Sacred   Art   of   Tibet ʺ ,   Royal   Academy,   London  

(Novembre  30)  

1990   ʺLégendes   et   i conographies   autour   de   Mahākā la ʺ ,   s tudy   day   during  

exhib i t ion ʺ ,   Arts   ésotér iques   de   l ʹHimalaya ʺ ,   Musée   Guimet ,   Par is  

(Novembre  17)  

Conference  Papers    


2016     ʺTibetan   art is ts   and   Tibetan   ident i ty :  who ʹs  who   and   s ince  when?ʺ  

    Internat ional  Associat ion   for  Tibetan   Studies ,   14th   seminar ,  Bergen  

    June  19 ‐25.  


2016               ʺ    Chronology  and   Iconography  of  The  Mandala  Temple  dkyi l   ʹkhor    

    lha  khang  at  Taboʺ   Internat ional  Conference  on  Spit i ,  Wolfson    

    College,  Oxford  May  5 ‐8.  


2014   ʺ         ʺ  The  Great  Fif th  as  Patron  of   the  Visual  Arts  and  Architecture ʺ ,    

    Conference ,   ʺ   The   Great   Fif th   Dalai   Lama   and   his   Circle ʺ  Wolfson  

    College,  Oxford,  May  2 ‐3.    


2014     ʺWhy   re ‐assess   the   chronology   of   the  Alchi   Sumstek:   histor ical ,   art  

    histor ical ,  and  Tibetological  considerat ionsʺ   Journée  d ʹétude    

    «  Archéologie ,  arts  et  culture  matérie l le  du  monde   t ibétain  »,    

    Collège  de  France ,  3   June  2014  

 2013     ʺ  Ancient artefacts in gold and silver from the Tibetan Empireʺ,   “Pre‐Islamic past of  

    Middle Asia and Eastern Iran” dedicated to the memory of Boris Il’ich Marshak (1933 –  

    2006) and Valentin Germanovich Shkoda (1951 – 2012), The Hermitage Museum ( October 

    23‐25 ) 

Page 11: Tibetologist Art Historian



2013   ʺThe   Ramoche   Conservat ion   Pro jec t :   a   long   term   assessment ʺ ,   13th  

Seminar   of   the   In ternat iona l   Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Ulanbator  

( Ju ly  21 ‐27)   (Memoria l  sess ion   for  Andre  Alexander)  


2013   ʺThree   Ear ly   Thangka   of   the   Guge   kingdom ʺ   Third   In ternat iona l  

Conference  of   the  Harvard  Yenching   Ins t i tute  and  The  Center   for  Tibetan  

Studies ,  Chengdu   ( Ju ly  12 ‐16)  


2012     ʺ  Reflections on Media in writing Old Tibetan: case studiesʺ conference organized by  

    Brandon Dotson, ʺMerkmals and Mirages: a Conference and Workshop on Dating (Old)  

    Tibetan Writingʺ,   Ludwig‐Maximillians‐Universität ( June 25‐27) 

2011    ̋ On   Si lver   and  Gold  Vesse ls   and   the i r   Tibetan   inscr ipt ions ʺ ,  Conference  

organized   by   Nathan   Hil l , ʺ   Shangshung:   Bon   and   Early   Tibet ʺ ,   SOAS            

(Sept  9 ‐10)  


2010    ̋ Pre l iminary   remarks  on  Painted  Coff in  Panels   f rom  Tibetan  Tombs ʺ ,  12 t h  

Seminar   of   the   In ternat iona l  Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,  Univers i ty  

of  Bri t i sh  Columbia ,  Vancouver   (August  15 ‐21)  

2009   ʺThe   I l luminated  Manuscr ipts   of  Nesar  Gompa   (gNas .gsar :   l a te  

11 t h   to  16 t h   century  Tibetan  books  made   for  a  monastery   l ibrary   in  Dolpo ,  

Nepal ʺ ,   Fourth   In ternat iona l   Conference   on   Tibetan   Archaeology   and  

Art ,  Capi ta l  Normal  Univers i ty ,  Bei j ing   (October  17 ‐20)  

2006    ̋ The   Embroidery   gos   sku   of  Heva j ra :   hommage   to   the  Yung   lo   Emperor ʺ ,  

Third   In ternat iona l  Conference   on   Tibetan  Archaeology   and  Art .  Capi ta l  

Normal  Univers i ty ,  Bei j ing   (October  14 ‐21)  

2006    ̋ The  Donor   inscr ipt ions  and   I conography  of  Two  mchod   r t en  at  Tho. l ing ʺ ,  

11 t h   Seminar   of   the   In ternat ional   Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,  

Univers i ty   of   Bonn,   Königswinter   (August   27   ‐   September   2)   (CNRS  

Travel  Grant )  

2004    ̋ Tibetan   book   covers ,   observat ions   on   chronology   and   i conography ʺ ,  

Symposium   Text   and   Image ,   Tibetan   Books   and   the i r   I l luminat ions ,  

organized   by   the   Circ le   of   Tibetan   and   Himalayan   Studies   as   part   of  

Asian  Art   in  London,  London   (Novembre  6)  

2004    ̋ Shalu   Monastery   Conservat ion   Pro jec t ʺ ,   The   In ternat iona l   Conference  

on   Tradi t iona l   Archi tec ture   and   Mural   Conservat ion ,   Tibet   Univers i ty  

and  Norway  Technica l  Univers i ty ,  Trondheim   ‐  Lhasa   (September)  

2004    ̋ The   Rin   chen   bZang   po   mchod   r ten   at   Tho. l ing ʺ ,   Second   In ternat iona l  

Conference   on   Tibetan   Archaeology   and   Art ,   China   Tibeto logy   Research  

Centre ,  Bei j ing   (September  3 ‐7)  

Page 12: Tibetologist Art Historian



2003    ̋ Pre l iminary   Remarks   on   the  Manuscr ipts   of  Gnas   gsar   dgon   pa ,  Dolpo,  

Nepal ʺ ,  10 t h  Seminar  of   the   In ternat iona l  Associa t ion   for  Tibetan  Studies ,  

Oxford  Univers i ty ,  Oxford   (September)   (CNRS  Travel  Grant)  

2002    ̋ The   I l luminated   Manuscr ipts   of   Nesar   Gompa:   14th   and   15th   century  

Tibetan   books ʺ ,   Firs t   In ternat ional   Conference   on   Tibetan   Archaeology  

and   Art ,   organized   by   Centre   for   Tibetan   Studies   of   Sichuan   Univers i ty  

and  China  Tibeto logy  Research  Centre ,  Bei j ing   (August  9 ‐14)  

2000    ̋ Did   Atiśa   Vis i t   Shalu  Monastery?   Tracing   Atiśa ʹs   in f luence   on   Tibetan  

I conography ʺ ,   9 t h   Seminar   of   the   In ternat ional   Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan  

Studies ,  Leiden  Univers i ty ,  Leiden   ( June  24 ‐30)   (CNRS  Travel  Grant )  

1999    ̋ Tibetan   Tomb   archi tec ture   and   spat ia l   conf igurat ion :   a   compar ison   of  

excavat ions   and   Tibetan   l i t e rary   sources ʺ ,   CNRS ‐Austr ian   Academy   of  

Sc iences   Seminar :   Myth,   Terr i tor ia l i ty   and   Ri tua l   in   Tibetan   Areas ,  

Vienna   (December  1 ‐6)  

1999    ̋ The   Cul t   of   Vairocana   in   Tibet   (750 ‐1200   A.D.)   according   to   Tibetan  

Ri tua ls   f rom   Dunhuang   Manuscr ipts   and   Art is t i c   Representa t ions ʺ ,  

Twel f th   Congress   of   the   In ternat iona l   Assoc ia t ion   of   Buddhis t   Studies ,  

Univers i ty  of  Lausanne ,  Lausanne   (August  23 ‐28)  

1998    ̋ Pre l iminary   inves t iga t ion   of   the   Tibetan   tombs   at   Dulan :   his tory ,  

spat ia l   conf igurat ion ,   ar tefacts ʺ ,   8 t h   Seminar   of   the   In ternat iona l  

Associa t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Indiana   Univers i ty ,   Bloomington   ( Ju ly  

25 ‐31)  

1997   ʺThe   Cul t   of   Vairocana   in   Tibet   (750 ‐1200   A.D. )   according   to   Tibetan  

r i tua ls   f rom   Dunhuang   manuscr ipts   and   ar t i s t i c   representa t ions ʺ ,   2cd  

Bei j ing  Tibeto logy  Seminar ,Center   for  Tibeto logy ,  Bei j ing   (August  19 ‐  24)  

1997    ̋ The   I conography   of   the   sculpted   l in te ls   of   the   Lhasa   gtsug   lag   khang ʺ ,  

La   Val lée   de   Lhasa :   Histoire ,   conservat ion   et   modernisa t ion   de  

l ʹarchi tec ture   t ibé ta ine ,  CNRS  –   INALCO,  Meudon   (Novembre  27 ‐29)  

1995    ̋ Buddhis t   Images   and  Rock   inscr ipt ions   f rom   Eastern   Tibet ,  VII I t h   to  Xt h  

Century ʺ ,   7 t h   Seminar   of   the   In ternat ional   Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan  

Studies ,  Schloss  Seggau,  Graz   ( June  18 ‐24)  

1992    ̋ Ninth   Century   Buddhis t   images   carved   at   lDan   ma   brag   to  

commemorate   Tibeto ‐Chinese   negot ia t ions ʺ ,   6 t h   Seminar   of   the  

In ternat ional   Assoc ia t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Fagernes   (August   21 ‐28)  

(CNRS  Travel  Grant)  

1989    ̋ The   Protec t ive   Dei t ies   s rung   ma   dmar   nag ʺ ,   5 t h   Seminar   of   the  

In ternat ional   Associa t ion   for   Tibetan   Studies ,   Nari ta   (August   27 ‐  

Page 13: Tibetologist Art Historian



September  2)  

1984    ̋ Mi   dbang ʹs   1740   Decree   to   Batang ʺ ,   Bicentenary   Csoma   de   Ko ̋ rös  

Symposium,  Visegrád   (September  13 ‐19)  

1982    ̋ An   ear ly   Tibetan   r i tua l :   rKyal   ʹbud ʺ ,   3 r d   Seminar   of   the   Internat ional  

Associa t ion   for  Tibetan   Studies ,  Columbia  Univers i ty ,  New  York   ( Ju ly   2 ‐  

August  1)  


Cultural  Travels   to  Buddhist  Sanctuaries  &  Archaeological  Sites  


India   Western   Ghats   and   Deccan   Plateau   (Ajanta ,   El lora ,   Aurangabad) ,  

Upper  Kinnaur   (Nako) ,  Spi t i   (Tabo) ,  and  Ladakh   (Alch i )  

Centra l    

Asia  &  China   Guide   for  Newark  Museum  Tour   (3  weeks ,  1997)  Urumqi ,  Bezekl ik ,  

Turfan ,  Dunhuang,  Yul in ,  Gaochang,  Xian ‐Famensi .    

  Research   in  Dunhuang ‐Yul in   (  3  weeks ,  1998)  

China  &  Tibet      

(TAR)   Guide   f rom   Bei j ing   to   Kathmandu,   6   weeks   in   1986   (Xian ,  

Mai j i shan ,   Lanzhou,   Xining ,   Golmud,   Nagchu,   Lhasa ,   Shigatse ,  

Sakya ,  Kathmandu) ;  Subsequent   t rave l   and   15   research  miss ions   in  

Western   Tibet   (Thol ing   and   Tsaparang) ,   Centra l   Tibet ,   Qinghai  

(Dulan  necropol i s )   (1995 ‐2007)  

Nepal   Western   Nepal   (Dolpo   and   Lo   Mustang) ,   Kathmandu   Val ley ,  


Japan   Kyoto  and  Nara  



Language  Skills  

Fluent :  Engl i sh  &  French    

Reading ,  wri t ing  and  speaking  knowledge :  Tibetan    

Good   reading  knowledge :   I ta l ian  &  Spanish  

Limited  reading :  German  

Other   l anguages  s tudied :  Sanskr i t ,  Chinese ,  and  Lat in  


Professional Memberships  

Member of the International Association for Tibetan Studies since 1982. 

Editorial board member of the Journal of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. 

Page 14: Tibetologist Art Historian



Member of the International Association for Buddhist Studies 

Member of the Société Suisse‐Asie (Asiatische Studien, University of Zürich) 

Member of the SEECHAC (Paris), Société Européenne pour lʹEtude des Civilisations de lʹHimalaya et de 

lʹAsie Centrale.  

Member of the SFEMT (Paris), Société française dʹEtudes du Monde Tibétain 

Member of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies