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2 THE BATTALION The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEnEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, m published three times weekly from September to June, is- sued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is pub- Uhed weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates i pon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, nc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and -!an Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone -6441. 1941 Member 1942 Pbsocioted GoUe6icjte Press on Gabriel ________________________________ __________ Editor M. Rosenthal _________________________ ____Associate Editor <alph Criswell ....................................................Advertising Manager Sports Staff *like Haikin _________________________________ ___ Sports Editor ■V. F. Oxford ________________________ Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann ................................ ............. .........Senior Sports Assistant -rry Gleason, D. B. Gofer ____________ Junior Sports Editors Chick Hurst............................................... ......... Junior Sports Editor Circulation Staff -ene Wilmeth... ........ ........................... .............. ^....Circulation Manager Bill Hauger______________ ___ ______.Senior Circulation Assistant P. D. Asbury™.............................................................. Junior Assistant Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup................. -................ Circulation Assistants Photography Staff ack Jones ---------- -------------- --------------------- Staff Photographer tob Crane, Ralph Stenzel------- ---- --------- Assistant Photographers Thursdays Staff E. M. Rosenthal ...................................... . Acting Managing Editor lohn Sleeper........................................................Advertising Assistant Charles Babcock ................................ ....................... Junior Editor Clyde C. Franklin__________________________ ___ ...Junior Editor Mike Speer______________________________________ Junior Editor Reportoiial Staff Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Selig Frank, W. J. Hamilton, lr., N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Journeay, Douglass Lancaster, Tom Leland, Charles P. McKnight, W. B. Morehouse, Richard F. Quinn, Gordon Sullivan, C. G. Scruggs, Benton layler.________________________________________________ CorpsITrip Tim? A]iin ] Its on to Houston, Aggies—yes the Bayou city is in for an invasion this weekend as the cadet corps travels south for the second corps trip of the year. Starting Friday hundreds of Aggies will descend upon Hous- ton for the game with Rice. By Satur- day College Station will be deserted; the corps will have moved enmasse to Houston. Corps trip time always means much to the Aggies as they put the tradition of the twelfth man into action at a game away from the college. No other college can boast of such a following to follow a team into ac- tion. While a corps trip has its fun, it also has a few responsibilities to demand of the cadets. On a corps trip the corps appears in uniform and because of that fact any action by any member of the corps brings either credit or discredit upon the rest of the corps. Isolated incidents have occur- red at other corps trips which were not in- dicative of the true spirit of sportsmanship which the Aggies possess. Every Aggie should guard against such occurrences. Abstinence Arguments Teetotalers are happier and more optimistic than drinkers of alcoholic beverages, says Dr. Theodore F. Lentz, director of the char- acter research institute at Washington uni- versity, St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Lentz made his report after study- ing personality traits of 780 young persons, 95 per cent of whom were between ages of 17 and 30 and all of whom had at least a high school education. His investigation was based on responses to a youth expressionairewhich gave them opportunity to express themselves on about 3,000 statements and questions of opinion, attitude, interest, preference and practice. On the basis of their replies and his comparisons, Dr. Lentz concluded not only that the drinkers are less happy than the non-drinkers but that those who indulge in alcoholic drugs are: More inclined to smoke and to drink coffee; apparently more liberal, except with respect to the participation of women in af- fairs outside the home; more maladjusted socially and emotionally; more tolerant of breaches, of generally accepted moral con- duct ; more international, except with respect to race prejudice; more materialistic; more selfish; more impulsive and affectionate, ac- cording to their own admission; more inter- ested in the opposite sex; more interested in adventures and recreational activities than in prosaic pursuits; less favorably inclined toward churches.In making these comparisons, Dr. Lentz eliminated those who said they drink only rarely, comparing 200 teetotalers70 males and 130 females—with 100 drinkers, 50 males and 50 females who said they drink occa- sionally, moderately, or heavily. Only one in the drinker group, however, admitted heavy drinking.One indicated implication, Dr. Lentz said, is that those who did not go to col- lege took to drinking more than those who did go, contrary to a quite prevalent notion that collegiate life fosters elbow-bending.AGP. Something to Read Ry Dr. T. F. IWayn---- ---- Some New Books About Latin America (Acquired by the College Library since 1935) General Survey Aikman, D.The All-American Front (Foreign relations). Anuario estadistico interamericano (In- ter-American statistical yearbook) Each year, from 1940. Beals, Carleton—America South (All sorts of information). Beals, CarletonThe Coming Struggle for Latin America Beals, CarletonPan America (a pro- gram for the western hemisphere). Bidwell, P. W.Economic Defense of Latin America. California, University of—The Civiliza- tion of the Americas (Authoritative lectures on Latin American culture, economics, pol- itics, and prospects.) Carr, R.South American Primer. Duggan, Stephen P. H.Little America. (Geography, history, society, politcis, eco- nomics, the future). Ford, Guy S. (ed.)Dictatorship in the Modern World (Contains “Dictatorship in Spanish America). Goetz. D.The Good Neighbors; the story of the Two Americas. Harvard UniversityThe Economic Lit- erature of Latin America (a tentative biblio- graphy) . Herring, H. C.Good Neighbors; Argen- tina, Brazil, Chile, and seventeen other coun- tries. Matschat, C.—Seven Grass Huts (an en- gineers wife in Central and South America). Pan American UnionAmerican City Series (19 volumes, each on a Latin-Amer- ican city.) Rauschenbush, J.Look at Latin America (Excellent maps and graphic charts). Roosevelt, Nicholas Wanted: good neighbors; the need for closer ties with Latin America. Survey GraphicThe Americas: South and North (A special number of Survey Graphic, articles on many aspects by many authorities). U. S. Tariff Commission Reference Manual of Latin American Commercial Treaties. Whitaker, J. T.Americas to the South. Whitbeck, R. H.Economic Geography of South America. Whos Who in Latin America; a biogra- phical dictionary of the outstanding living men and women of Spanish America and Bra- zil. Young, E.South American Excursion. The Caribbean Basin and Central America Beals, Carleton—The Crime of Cuba. Franck, H. A.The Pan-American High- way from the Rio Grande to the Canal Zone. Jones, C. L.—The Caribbean since 1900. Jones, C. L.—Guatemala, past and pres- ent. Kepner, C. D.The Banana Empire; a case study of economic imperialism. The World Turns On ... By A. F. Chalk - The people of this country should begin to think about some of the post-war economic problems with which we will very probably be confronted after military victory has been achieved. If our economic system does not function in a reasonably efficient manner, we will be inviting the appearance in the U. S. of some form of vicious collectivism like that which rose in Germany in 1933. We may well find ourselves in the position of having won a battle and lost a war. The economic dislocations which will in- evitably follow the present war will be a far more challenging problem than was the case in the early twenties. Some of the more im- portant reasons for this fact should be made clear to the people if we are to prepare adequately for the problem of post-war read- justment. One reason is that a larger por- tion of the nations productive capacity will likely have to be used for the production of armaments than was the case in the last war. We will spend about 16 per cent of the national income for armaments during the current year, and our defense program is just beginning to gain momentum. It is estimated that rearmament expenditures will take one-third of our national income next year, and in 1943 approximtaely one-half of our income will be devoted to armament pro- duction. It is also probable that our defense ef- fort will be extended over a much longer period of time than was the case in 1917-1918. Most students of military affairs believe this war will not be won for many years, and the cumulative effect on our economy will probably be much greater than is common- ly appreciated by the public. It now seems probable that many thousands of small busi- ness firms will disappear because of their inability to get certain materials on the priorities list. If these small firms cannot get defense contracts shortly, they will be forced to stop operations. This tendency of the small business firm to disappear is merely one illustration of how a protracted war may affect the character of our econ- omy. In addition to the problems mentioned above, we must also bear in mind that the economies of the European nations will be far more adversely affected by the war than will our own economy. Not only will ex- tensive bombing destroy a great amount of productive capacity, but the problem of con- verting plants from military to consumer goods production will be particularly acute on the European conitnent. With the Euro- pean countries sorely in need of both agri- cultural and industrial products, it is likely that .we will attempt to help them by in- creasing our own production. This immediate post-war aid we may give Europe will become less necessary as the European countries succeed in reorgan- izing their economices. As the European market for our unusually large volume of ex- ports begins to diminish, we may again find ourselves with a badly unbalanced economic system. What is certain is that we in the U. S. will have to do some careful planning if we are to prevent the recurrence of the many economic maladjustments which fol- lowed our participation in the first World War. __ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 Kollegiate Kaleidoscope COVERING Prof. Isaac M. cochpan OF CARLETON COLLEGE ENTERTAINS BY -SOLO- ACTING SCORES OF yUAKETPEAREAN AND MODERN PLAYS. HE HASMEMORIZED OVER 1,000,000 words/ ^\LE UNIVERSITY HAS THE ADDRESSES OF ALL BUT 80 OF ITS 31.003 GRADS/ campus distractiONs WITH [|i)T0MVANN0Y ||) Prof, oxhran uses no MAKEUP AND BY INTON- ATIONS AND ACTIONS LETS HIS AUDIENCE RECOGNIZE - THE CHARACTERS Capitalizing on the success oi Boys Town,MGM has produc- ed as a sequel “MEN OF BOYS TOWNwhich is to be shown at Guion Hall today and tomorrom. Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, and Bobs Watson are the outstanding actors in the show. This is the same team that made Boys Town.The chain of events that made the first picture so good is con- tinued in this one. Mickey, the mayor of Boys Town, is adopted by a family who has lost their son. He is not happy with them and wants to go back to Boys Town where he can be with Father Flan- agan and his friends. There is more to the story and to really enjoy it, you must see it. At OHIO STATE U. A TREE IS PLANTED ON THE CAMPUS IN HONOR OF EACH STUDENT NAMED ON AN ALL- AMERICAN FOOTBALL TEAM/ POKIER HOUSE TAVERN, A FAVORITE | WITH HARVARD STUDENTS' IN THE EARLY l&OO'S, WAS FAMOUS FOR ITT .DRINKS AND STEAKS- HENCE PORTER- HOUSE STEAKS/ WHATS SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Thursday—I WAS A PRISONER ON DEVIL IS- LAND,with Donald Wood and Sally Eilers. Friday, SaturdayBACH- ELOR DADDY,featuring Baby Sandy and Edward Everett Horton. AT GUION HALL Thursday, Friday—“MEN OF BOYS TOWN,starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney. Central college, Fayette, Mo., has a college chorus of 80 voices. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Bryan Motor Co. FORD PRODUCTS __ ry Giarlie Babcock Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.Webster Dear Editor .... We have a con- fession to make. During the past few days weve been slipping off over to the library and reading the Daily Texan. It all started Sunday when we gave up our favorite comic section for a 30-minute interlude with the Texas university paper. But if Sun- days edition pro- vided good read- ing material, then Tuesdays couy deserves a book full of suprela- Babcock tiveS. We have known for some time that the university lads and lass- ies were not a bit original. Proof along that line was furnished with their duplication of our twelfth man.But a survey of the aforemen- tioned Texans reveals that the tea- sippers cant take it. Thats right, they were worse in defeat than in victory, and brother, thats hitting the bottom. To be specific, Sundays Texan carried stories on the front page which blamed the team, the coach- es, the cheer leaders, the band, and the student body for the tie.Per- haps such unsportsmanlike atti- tudes could be over-looked, since the stories were written at the peak of frustration and despair of being knocked out of the leading role. But, after the period of reflection and recovery, the Tuesday issue came out with several open letters from the general student body that voiced the same attitude as ex- pressed by the Texan editors. After paragraphs of bleedsto everybody in Austin and placing the blame on each of them, Johnnie Monaghan, university student, sug- gested the following plan which would have been sage advice back in September. “We must get in there and make the entire sports world know that the students of the University of Texas are behind their team, that we will not be held down because of a tie with a school such as Baylor, that we are out for bloodthe blood PALACE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. YOUR ACADEMY-AWARD STAR in her firs! picture since "Kitty Foyle"! of T. C. U., A. & M., Oregon, and, I believe, some bowl vic- tim!Football Banner The Aggie football banner con- test entered its second week with the cash prize of $2.50 given by J. E. Loupot being handed over to the Band. Members of the winning organ- ization will be presented with their prize at noon meal formation today, with Senior Class President Dick Hervey, who is also one of the judges, doing the honors. Judges announced that the order of signs was improving. The Band sign was a colorful and clever affair, carrying the slogan: Make those foul Owls howl.PREVIEW 11 P. M. Saturday Night fiOSAUND DON RUSSELL-AMECHE kav FRANCIS ^FEMININE TOUCH' SHOWN SUN, & MON. GUION HALL 3:30 and After Yell Practice THURSDAY & FRIDAY Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney in MEN OF BOYS TOWN NEWS CARTOON COMEDY COMINGMANPOWERSATURDAY 6:45 & 8:30 Robertson Dietrich Crypt-0-Quiz Quiz Conscious? Then try your skill at solving this coded message. The solution will appear in the next issue of The Battalion. ZFFHDR QTRG HM VGDQD ENNKR EDZQ SN SQSZC. Solution to the Crypt-O-Quiz found in the last issue of The Bat- talion“Keep not ill men company lest you become one of them.FILTERED SMOKING [ 6S Baffle Filter whirl-cools smoke; traps juices, flakes and nicotine in pipes, cigarette and cigar holders. FINEST BRIAR MONEY CAN BUY m Rider college, Trenton, N. J., has added a medical secretarial course. AGGIES BEAT RICE! Lets all go on the Corps Trip to Houston . . . and back our grand team to the limitWERE BE- HIND YOU, TEAM! Youll want to look your best for the week-end in Houston. So Stop in today and select your needs. VARSITY-TOWN SUITS Varsity-Town Suits are smarter than ever—youll like the fine WorstedsCollege CordsCov- ert Cloths & New Tweeds. They are tailored in Single or Double Drape Modelsthat will please every college man. $29.50 to $40 OTHER FINE SUITS $25 to $45 VARSITY-TOWN TOP-COATS Here are the coats youve been looking for Townsterand Kerry both have the correct shorter length ... w set pockets . . . full draping top sleeve and fly-frontthey're styled for you in College Cords ... Covert Cloth ... Camels Hair and Rockora fabrics. $19.50 to $35 rpaldropfllS Two Convenient StoresCollege Station Bryan ri Q

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 The Battalion Kollegiate, E.—South American Excursion. The Caribbean Basin

Sep 20, 2020



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Page 1: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 The Battalion Kollegiate, E.—South American Excursion. The Caribbean Basin



TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and

Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, m published three times weekly from September to June, is­sued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is pub- Uhed weekly from June through August.

Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.

Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates i pon request.

Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, nc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and

-!an Francisco.

Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone-6441.

1941 Member 1942

Pbsocioted GoUe6icjte Presson Gabriel ________________________________ __________ Editor

M. Rosenthal _________________________ ____Associate Editor<alph Criswell ....................................................Advertising Manager

Sports Staff*like Haikin _________________________________ ___ Sports Editor■V. F. Oxford ________________________ Assistant Sports EditorMike Mann ................................ ............. .........Senior Sports Assistant-rry Gleason, D. B. Gofer ____________Junior Sports Editors

Chick Hurst............................................... ......... Junior Sports EditorCirculation Staff

-ene Wilmeth... ................................... ..............^....Circulation ManagerBill Hauger_________________ ______.Senior Circulation AssistantP. D. Asbury™..............................................................Junior AssistantBill Huber, Joe Stalcup................. -................ Circulation Assistants

Photography Staffack Jones ---------- -------------- --------------------- Staff Photographer

tob Crane, Ralph Stenzel------- ---- ---------Assistant Photographers

Thursday’s StaffE. M. Rosenthal ...................................... . Acting Managing Editorlohn Sleeper........................................................Advertising AssistantCharles Babcock ................................—....................... Junior EditorClyde C. Franklin__________________________ ___ ...Junior EditorMike Speer______________________________________ Junior Editor

Reportoiial StaffCalvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Selig Frank, W. J. Hamilton, lr., N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Journeay, Douglass Lancaster, Tom Leland, Charles P. McKnight, W. B. Morehouse, Richard F. Quinn, Gordon Sullivan, C. G. Scruggs, Benton layler.________________________________________________

CorpsITrip Tim? A]iin ]It’s on to Houston, Aggies—yes the Bayou city is in for an invasion this weekend as the cadet corps travels south for the second corps trip of the year. Starting Friday hundreds of Aggies will descend upon Hous­ton for the game with Rice. By Satur­day College Station will be deserted; the corps will have moved enmasse to Houston.

Corps trip time always means much to the Aggies as they put the tradition of the twelfth man into action at a game away from the college. No other college can boast of such a following to follow a team into ac­tion.

While a corps trip has its fun, it also has a few responsibilities to demand of the cadets. On a corps trip the corps appears in uniform and because of that fact any action by any member of the corps brings either credit or discredit upon the rest of the corps. Isolated incidents have occur­red at other corps trips which were not in­dicative of the true spirit of sportsmanship which the Aggies possess. Every Aggie should guard against such occurrences.

Abstinence ArgumentsTeetotalers are happier and more optimistic than drinkers of alcoholic beverages, says Dr. Theodore F. Lentz, director of the char­acter research institute at Washington uni­versity, St. Louis, Missouri.

Dr. Lentz made his report after study­ing personality traits of 780 young persons, 95 per cent of whom were between ages of 17 and 30 and all of whom had at least a high school education.

His investigation was based on responses to a “youth expressionaire” which gave them opportunity to express themselves on about 3,000 statements and questions of opinion, attitude, interest, preference and practice.

On the basis of their replies and his comparisons, Dr. Lentz concluded not only that the drinkers are less happy than the non-drinkers but that those who indulge in alcoholic drugs are:

“More inclined to smoke and to drink coffee; apparently more liberal, except with respect to the participation of women in af­fairs outside the home; more maladjusted socially and emotionally; more tolerant of breaches, of generally accepted moral con­duct ; more international, except with respect to race prejudice; more materialistic; more selfish; more impulsive and affectionate, ac­cording to their own admission; more inter­ested in the opposite sex; more interested in adventures and recreational activities than in prosaic pursuits; less favorably inclined toward churches.”

In making these comparisons, Dr. Lentz eliminated those who said they drink only rarely, comparing 200 teetotalers—70 males and 130 females—with 100 drinkers, 50 males and 50 females who said they drink occa­sionally, moderately, or heavily. Only one in the drinker group, however, admitted “heavy drinking.”

One indicated implication, Dr. Lentz said, is that “those who did not go to col­lege took to drinking more than those who did go, contrary to a quite prevalent notion that collegiate life fosters elbow-bending.”


Something to ReadRy Dr. T. F. IWayn---- ----

Some New Books About Latin America (Acquired by the College Library since 1935)

General SurveyAikman, D.—The All-American Front

(Foreign relations).Anuario estadistico interamericano (In­

ter-American statistical yearbook) Each year, from 1940.

Beals, Carleton—America South (All sorts of information).

Beals, Carleton—The Coming Struggle

for Latin AmericaBeals, Carleton—Pan America (a pro­

gram for the western hemisphere).Bidwell, P. W.—Economic Defense of

Latin America.California, University of—The Civiliza­

tion of the Americas (Authoritative lectures on Latin American culture, economics, pol­itics, and prospects.)

Carr, R.—South American Primer.Duggan, Stephen P. H.—Little America.

(Geography, history, society, politcis, eco­nomics, the future).

Ford, Guy S. (ed.)—Dictatorship in the Modern World (Contains “Dictatorship in Spanish America”).

Goetz. D.—The Good Neighbors; the story of the Two Americas.

Harvard University—The Economic Lit­erature of Latin America (a tentative biblio­graphy) .

Herring, H. C.—Good Neighbors; Argen­tina, Brazil, Chile, and seventeen other coun­tries.

Matschat, C.—Seven Grass Huts (an en­gineer’s wife in Central and South America).

Pan American Union—American City Series (19 volumes, each on a Latin-Amer­ican city.)Rauschenbush, J.—Look at Latin America (Excellent maps and graphic charts).

Roosevelt, Nicholas — Wanted: good neighbors; the need for closer ties with Latin America.

Survey Graphic—The Americas: South and North (A special number of Survey Graphic, articles on many aspects by many authorities).

U. S. Tariff Commission — Reference Manual of Latin American Commercial Treaties.

Whitaker, J. T.—Americas to the South.Whitbeck, R. H.—Economic Geography

of South America.Who’s Who in Latin America; a biogra­

phical dictionary of the outstanding living men and women of Spanish America and Bra­zil.

Young, E.—South American Excursion. The Caribbean Basin and Central America

Beals, Carleton—The Crime of Cuba.Franck, H. A.—The Pan-American High­

way from the Rio Grande to the Canal Zone.Jones, C. L.—The Caribbean since 1900.Jones, C. L.—Guatemala, past and pres­

ent.Kepner, C. D.—The Banana Empire; a

case study of economic imperialism.

The World Turns On... By A. F. Chalk -

The people of this country should begin to think about some of the post-war economic problems with which we will very probably be confronted after military victory has been achieved. If our economic system does not function in a reasonably efficient manner, we will be inviting the appearance in the U. S. of some form of vicious collectivism like that which rose in Germany in 1933. We may well find ourselves in the position of having won a battle and lost a war.

The economic dislocations which will in­evitably follow the present war will be a far more challenging problem than was the case in the early twenties. Some of the more im­portant reasons for this fact should be made clear to the people if we are to prepare adequately for the problem of post-war read­justment. One reason is that a larger por­tion of the nation’s productive capacity will likely have to be used for the production of armaments than was the case in the last war. We will spend about 16 per cent of the national income for armaments during the current year, and our defense program is just beginning to gain momentum. It is estimated that rearmament expenditures will take one-third of our national income next year, and in 1943 approximtaely one-half of our income will be devoted to armament pro­duction.

It is also probable that our defense ef­fort will be extended over a much longer period of time than was the case in 1917-1918. Most students of military affairs believe this war will not be won for many years, and the cumulative effect on our economy will probably be much greater than is common­ly appreciated by the public. It now seems probable that many thousands of small busi­ness firms will disappear because of their inability to get certain materials on the priorities list. If these small firms cannot get defense contracts shortly, they will be forced to stop operations. This tendency of the small business firm to disappear is merely one illustration of how a protracted war may affect the character of our econ­omy.

In addition to the problems mentioned above, we must also bear in mind that the economies of the European nations will be far more adversely affected by the war than will our own economy. Not only will ex­tensive bombing destroy a great amount of productive capacity, but the problem of con­verting plants from military to consumer goods production will be particularly acute on the European conitnent. With the Euro­pean countries sorely in need of both agri­cultural and industrial products, it is likely that .we will attempt to help them by in­creasing our own production.

This immediate post-war aid we may give Europe will become less necessary as the European countries succeed in reorgan­izing their economices. As the European market for our unusually large volume of ex­ports begins to diminish, we may again find ourselves with a badly unbalanced economic system. What is certain is that we in the U. S. will have to do some careful planning if we are to prevent the recurrence of the many economic maladjustments which fol­lowed our participation in the first World War.


Kollegiate Kaleidoscope COVERING

Prof. Isaac M.




campus distractiONsWITH

[|i)T0MVANN0Y ||)

Prof, oxhran uses noMAKEUP AND BY INTON­



Capitalizing on the success oi “Boys Town,” MGM has produc­ed as a sequel “MEN OF BOYS TOWN” which is to be shown at Guion Hall today and tomorrom. Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney, and Bobs Watson are the outstanding actors in the show. This is the same team that made “Boys Town.”

The chain of events that made

the first picture so good is con­tinued in this one. Mickey, the mayor of Boys Town, is adopted by a family who has lost their son. He is not happy with them and wants to go back to Boys Town where he can be with Father Flan­agan and his friends. There is more to the story and to really enjoy it, you must see it.










Thursday—“I WAS A PRISONER ON DEVIL IS­LAND,” with Donald Wood and Sally Eilers.

Friday, Saturday—“BACH­ELOR DADDY,” featuring Baby Sandy and Edward Everett Horton.

AT GUION HALLThursday, Friday—“MEN

OF BOYS TOWN,” starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney.

Central college, Fayette, Mo., has a college chorus of 80 voices.





ryGiarlie Babcock

“Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster

Dear Editor .... We have a con­fession to make. During the past few days we’ve been slipping off over to the library and reading the Daily Texan.

It all started Sunday when we gave up our favorite comic section

for a 30-minute interlude with the Texas university paper. But if Sun­day’s edition pro­vided good read­ing material, then Tuesday’s couy deserves a book full of suprela-

Babcock tiveS.We have known for some time

that the university lads and lass­ies were not a bit original. Proof along that line was furnished with their duplication of our “twelfth man.”

But a survey of the aforemen­tioned Texans reveals that the tea- sippers can’t take it. That’s right, they were worse in defeat than in victory, and brother, that’s hitting the bottom.

To be specific, Sunday’s Texan carried stories on the front page which blamed the team, the coach­es, the cheer leaders, the band, and the student body for the “tie.” Per­haps such unsportsmanlike atti­tudes could be over-looked, since the stories were written at the peak of frustration and despair of being knocked out of the leading role.

But, after the period of reflection and recovery, the Tuesday issue came out with several open letters from the general student body that voiced the same attitude as ex­pressed by the Texan editors.

After paragraphs of “bleeds” to everybody in Austin and placing the blame on each of them, Johnnie Monaghan, university student, sug­gested the following plan which would have been sage advice back in September.

“We must get in there and make the entire sports world know that the students of the University of Texas are behind their team, that we will not be held down because of a tie with a school such as Baylor, that we are out for blood—the blood

PALACEThurs. - Fri. - Sat.

YOUR ACADEMY-AWARD STARin her firs! picture since

"Kitty Foyle"!

of T. C. U., A. & M., Oregon, and, I believe, some bowl vic­tim!”

• • •Football Banner

The Aggie football banner con­test entered its second week with the cash prize of $2.50 given by J. E. Loupot being handed over to the Band.

Members of the winning organ­ization will be presented with their prize at noon meal formation today, with Senior Class President Dick Hervey, who is also one of the judges, doing the honors.

Judges announced that the order of signs was improving. The Band sign was a colorful and clever affair, carrying the slogan: “Make those foul Owls howl.”

PREVIEW 11 P. M.Saturday Night





GUION HALL3:30 and After Yell Practice


Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney in




Robertson — Dietrich

Crypt-0-QuizQuiz Conscious? Then try your skill at solving this coded message. The solution will appear in the next issue of The Battalion.


Solution to the Crypt-O-Quiz found in the last issue of The Bat­talion—“Keep not ill men company lest you become one of them.”

FILTERED SMOKING [6S Baffle Filter whirl-cools smoke; traps juices, flakes and nicotine in pipes, cigarette and cigar holders.



Rider college, Trenton, N. J., has added a medical secretarial course.


Let’s all go on the Corps Trip to Houston . . . and back our grand team to the limit—WE’RE BE­HIND YOU, TEAM!

You’ll want to look your best for the week-end in Houston.So Stop in today and select your needs.

VARSITY-TOWN SUITSVarsity-Town Suits are smarter than ever—you’ll like the fine Worsteds—College Cords—Cov­ert Cloths & New Tweeds. They are tailored in Single or Double Drape Models—that will please every college man.

$29.50 to $40OTHER FINE SUITS $25 to $45

VARSITY-TOWN TOP-COATSHere are the coats you’ve been looking for “Townster” and Kerry both have the correct shorter length ... k° l°w set pockets . . . full draping top sleeveand fly-front—they're styled for you in College Cords ... Covert Cloth ... Camels Hair and Rockora fabrics.

$19.50 to $35

rpaldropfllS“Two Convenient Stores”

College Station Bryan

ri Q