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Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June 16, 2011

Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

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Page 1: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell

Peter T. Ewell

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS)

WASC Assessment Institute

June 16, 2011

Page 2: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

What We Will Discuss Today

History of Assessment and Some of Its Major Philosophical Dilemmas

The Policy Environment for Assessment: Who Wants What and Why?

The Accreditation Connection and Implications for the WASC Region

Page 3: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Topic 1History of Assessment and Some

of Its Major Philosophical Dilemmas

Page 4: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Foundations and Forerunners of Assessment in the United States

Scholarly Research on College Student Development and Student Flow (Retention and Graduation)

Standardized Cognitive Testing: A Uniquely American Tradition

Evaluation and “Scientific” Management in Higher Education

Mastery Learning Approaches

Page 5: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Origins of the “Assessment Movement” in the 1980s

Undergraduate Reform Reports of 1985-86

Internal Stimulus: Call for More Coherent Teaching/Learning Approaches and Information to Improve Them

External Stimulus: Stakeholder Demands for Information on “Return on Investment”

Tensions in Motive and Message Ever Since

Page 6: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Episodes and Debates

What to Call It?

“Ineffability,” “Measurement,” and “Evidence”

The “Value-Added” Debate

The “TQM” Episode

Goals 2000 and an Attempt at National Assessment

FERPA and the Federal Student Unit Record System Proposal

Page 7: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Why Didn’t Assessment Go Away?

Pressure to Produce Evidence of Student Learning Outcomes Never Let Up

By Early 1990s, Accreditors Replace States as Primary External Stimulus to Get Started

Intermittent Federal Interest in Assessment as an Element of National Accountability

But Resulting Faculty Ambivalence About a Process Seen as “External” and “Administrative”

Page 8: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Looking Back: What’s Been Accomplished?

Assessment Is for the Most Part Perceived as Inevitable and Legitimate

Vast Majority of Institutions Have Statements of Learning Outcomes (General and Programmatic) and Most are “Doing Assessment”

A “Semi-Profession” of Folks Involved in Assessment, Conferences/Workshops, and an Implementation Literature

Steadily Growing Sophistication with Respect to Methods of Gathering Evidence

Page 9: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Looking Back: What Hasn’t Happened?

Authentic Integration of Assessment into Faculty Cultures and Behaviors

Assessment Activities Still Largely “Added On” to the Curriculum Instead of Being Embedded In It

Systematic and Widespread Use of Assessment Results for Institutional and Curricular Improvement

National Standards or Frameworks for Benchmarking Student Achievement and Assessment Practices Across Institutions

Page 10: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

A Basic Dichotomy of Approaches

Accountability-Based: Assessments Intended to “Check Up” on the System in the Aggregate

Scholarship and Continuous Improvement: Assessments Intended to Assure Standards and Provide Feedback on Collective Performance for Improvement

Page 11: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Continuous Continuous ImprovementImprovement


Strategic dimensions

Purpose Formative (improvement) Summative (judgment)

Orientation Internal External

Motivation Engagement Compliance


Instrumentation Multiple/triangulation Standardized

Nature of evidence Quantitative and qualitative Quantitative

Reference points Over time, comparative, established goal

Comparative or fixed standard

Communication of results

Multiple internal channels Public communication, media

Use of results Multiple feedback loops Reporting

Some Details of the Dichotomy

Ewell, Peter T. (2007). Assessment and Accountability in America Today: Background and Context. In Assessing and Accounting for Student Learning: Beyond the Spellings Commission. Victor M. H. Borden and Gary R. Pike, Eds. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

Page 12: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

A Basic Dichotomy of Approaches

Accountability-Based: Assessments Intended to “Check Up” on the System in the Aggregate

Scholarship and Continuous Improvement: Assessments Intended to Assure Standards and Provide Feedback on Collective Performance for Improvement

Can Be Applied at Any Level of Analysis

Page 13: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

A Taxonomy of Approaches to Assessment

Learning/Teaching (Formative)


Individual TestsPortfolios


Diagnostic TestsAdvanced Placement Tests

Vocational Tests

Accountability (Summative)


Rising Junior ExamsComprehensive Exams

Certification Exams Capstone Performances

Program Enhancement

Individual assessment results may be aggregated to serve program evaluation purposes

Campus and ProgramEvaluation

Productivity ReviewsPerformance








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elAssessment Focus or Purpose

Page 14: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

A Cross-Cutting Dichotomy

Exo-Skeletal: Assessments Added onto Instruction as a Distinct Set of Entities

Embedded: Assessments Built into Instruction through the Regular Process of Grading and Assignments

Page 15: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Looking at the Dichotomies and Your Own Assessment Program

Where Would You Place Your Own Program on the Continuum of Each of the Two Dichotomies?

• External vs. Internal Focus or Direction

• Exo-skeletal vs. Embedded Assessment Approaches

In an Ideal World, Where Would You Like It To Be?

List a Couple of Steps that You Might Take in the Next Three Months to Move Your Program in the Desired Direction

Page 16: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Topic 2The Policy Environment for

Assessment: Who Wants What and Why?

Page 17: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Assessment and Public Policy

The Current Policy Imperative for Higher Education

The Policy Players: Their Motives and Basic Approaches to Assessment

Enduring Policy Issues and How They Are Typically Addressed

Page 18: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Policy Imperative for Higher Education

Global Competitiveness in Collegiate Attainment

Page 19: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Differences in College Attainment (Associate & Higher) Between Younger & Older Adults—U.S. & OECD Countries, 2008

Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance 2010








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slide 19

Page 20: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Policy Imperative for Higher Education

Global Competitiveness in Collegiate Attainment

The “New Majority” and Demographic Achievement Gaps

Page 21: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau’s 2005 American Community Survey; OECD

U.S . E duc ational Attainm ent of Y oung Workforc e (Ag e 25-34) Indexed to the Mos t E duc ated C ountry, 2007



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B ac helor's Deg ree

As s oc iate's Deg ree

Page 22: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Policy Imperative for Higher Education

Global Competitiveness in Collegiate Attainment

The “New Majority” and Demographic Achievement Gaps

Questionable Levels of Graduate Achievement

Page 23: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Prose Literacy Levels for College Level Populations

























0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Associate Degree Holders 1992 (NALS)

Associate Degree Holders 2003 (NAAL)

Current 2-Year College Students (NSACS)

Bachelors Degree Holders 1992 (NALS)

Bachelors Degree Holders 2003 (NAAL)

Current 4-Year College Students (NSACS)

Below Basic Basic Intermediate Proficient

Page 24: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Policy Imperative for Higher Education

Global Competitiveness in Collegiate Attainment

The “New Majority” and Demographic Achievement Gaps

Questionable Levels of Graduate Achievement

In an Environment of Continuing Fiscal Strain

Page 25: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Long-term Federal DebtFederal Debt as percent of GDP








1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050The 2008 CBO projection is the average of its "high" and "low" alternative estimates. The OMB projection was completed before the Administration had fully formulated its health reform proposals, and assumes no relief from the historic "excess" growth in health care costs.

OMB projection of March 2010

Recession and Stimulus: 2008-12

CBO Projection of December 2008

Recent Budget actions and proposals, together with the lasting effects of the recession on the size of the federal debt, have suddenly pushed the onset of serious debt sustainability problems twenty years closer.

Page 26: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Policy Imperative for Higher Education

Global Competitiveness in Collegiate Attainment

The “New Majority” and Demographic Achievement Gaps

Questionable Levels of Graduate Achievement

In an Environment of Continuing Fiscal Strain

These are Now Urgent and It’s Not Just Our Conversation Any More

Page 27: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Assessment Policy: The Players


The Federal Government

Institutional Accrediting Organizations

“Third-Party” Actors

Page 28: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

State Policy Approaches to Assessment Regulating Student Flow (SD “Rising Junior”)

Assessing Institutional Performance (WV CLA)

Performance Funding (TN Schedule)

“Institution-Centered” Mandate (VA)

Aligning Standards (“Tuning USA”)

Technical Assistance (WV Accreditation Review)

Assessing “Educational Capital”

Page 29: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Federal Interest in Assessment

Centered on Institutional “Stewardship” of Financial Aid Funds

Action Mostly Indirect Through Accreditation

Focus on Institutional Reporting for Consumer Information and Protection

Occasional Interest in National Testing

• Goals 2000

• “NAEP for College”

Page 30: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

The Spellings Commission and Its Accountability Aftermath

Buildup: The Reports of 2005-2007

The Assault on Accreditation Around Learning Outcomes

• Spellings Testimony and Discussion

• “NegReg” and NACIQI

The Academy Responds

• The VSA and its Cousins

• The “New Leadership Alliance for Student Learning and Accountability”

Page 31: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Some “Third Party” Actors in the Quality Review Arena

U.S. News and World Report

Measuring Up and the Pew Forum on Undergraduate Learning

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)

National Student Clearinghouse

ETS Culture of Evidence Reviews

Page 32: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Enduring Issues of Assessment Policy

Balancing Accountability and Improvement

Standardized or Non-Comparable Measures

Absolute Achievement or “Value-Added”

Balancing Incentives and Consequences

Accounting for Differences in Context that May Affect Performance

Nature and Extent of Public Reporting

Page 33: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Looking at Your Own Approach in the Light of Two of These Issues…

Do You Look at “Value Added?”

• If You Do, Why Do You Do It?

• If You Don’t, Should You?

In Doing Program-Level Assessment, How Do You Handle Differing Circumstances Across Departments (e.g. Size, Student Preparation Levels, Demographics, etc.)?

Page 34: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Topic 3The Accreditation Connection and

Implications for the WASC Region

Page 35: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Accreditation and Assessment

The Evolution of Accreditation: Regional and Specialized

Taking Stock of Accreditation: Strengths and Challenges

Recent Changes in Accreditation

Potential Implications of these Changes for Assessment Practice and How to Address Them

Page 36: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Evolution of Regional Accreditation

Original Stimulus: “What Is a College?”

Original Focus on Resources and Processes Judged by Peer Evaluators

Mission-Centered Standards and Review (the “Golden Age”)

Second GI Bill and the Adoption of the Federal “Gatekeeper” Role

Mandatory Federal Focus on Student Learning Outcomes

Page 37: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Evolution of Specialized Accreditation

Original Stimulus: Flexner Report and the Rise of Professional Licensure and Identity

Steady Proliferation in Numbers to the Current Total of 61 Specialized Accreditors

Historically More Attention to Student Academic Performance than Regionals, Usually Through Performance on Licensure Examinations

Specific Attributes of a Graduate to be Assessed (e.g. ABET and AACSB International)

Page 38: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Taking Stock of Regional Accreditation


• Widely Accepted “Signal” of Quality

• Opportunity for Self-Improvement

• Sharing Practices Through Mutual Visitation


• Providing Information to the Public

• Consistency Across Reviews

• “All or Nothing” Outcomes

• Perceived Inefficiency and Institutional Burden

Page 39: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Accreditation and Assessment: The Current Situation with the Regionals

Steady Increase in Prominence of Assessment But Reluctance to Actually Sanction Institutions

Institutions Free to Choose Learning Goals and Ways to Gather Assessment Evidence

Focus on the Assessment Process, Not the Actual Results of Assessment

Focus on Institutional Transparency in Reporting the Results of Assessment

Trying Constantly to Increase Institutional Capacity

Page 40: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Recent Changes in Accreditation Practice (which WASC Pioneered)

Forces Driving Change in Accreditation

• Pressure from the DOE and Congress

• Demands from Institutions to “Add Value”

• Need to Respond to New Ways of Teaching

Resulting “New Looks” in Accreditation Practice

• Focus on Outcomes and Explicit Standards of Performance

• Presenting Evidence [e.g. “Institutional Portfolios”]

• Review Approaches [e.g. “Academic Audits”]

Page 41: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Potential New Developments for Assessment in Accreditation Context

Focus Review on Quality of Actual Learning Outcomes, Not Just the Adequacy of the Assessment Process

Look for External Benchmarks and Points of Comparison for Assessment Results: How Do You Know They Are Good Enough?

Focus More on the Use and Application of Assessment Results

Find Better Ways to Communicate Assessment Results (and Improvements) to Stakeholders

Page 42: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Focus on Assessment Results

What Are Particular Areas of Strength or Weakness

• Across Particular Student Populations?

• Across Particular Dimensions of Performance?

Connect Datasets to See What Experiences Drive Particular Outcomes (e.g. NSSE to CLA, Experience Inventory to Portfolio, etc.)

Be Prepared for a Widely-Participatory Conversation About These Things

Page 43: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Types of External Benchmarks

Nationally-Normed Assessments and Surveys (and Remember that Peer Comparisons are Best)

Industry Standards on Licensure Examinations

Consortia of Institutions with Similar Assessment Processes (e.g. Using Electronic Portfolios or the AACUI VALUE Rubrics)

External Reviews of Assessments and Assessment Results (e.g. External Examiners, Program Reviewers)

Page 44: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Using Assessment Results

Expectation Exercises

Package Results Around Real Problems

Link Assessment to Regularly-Occurring Processes and Decisions (e.g. Program Review, Budget Hearings)

Create Collective Opportunities to Review Assessment Results and Reflect on What They Mean

Avoid the “Perfect Data Fallacy”

Page 45: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Communicating Assessment Results

Websites and “Institutional Portfolios” [NILOA Website Review Tool]

Dashboards and Interactive Data Sites

Present Proposed Solutions and Improvements Together With Assessment Results

Create a Format that Shows Long-Term Trends and is Consistent Over Time

Keep It Simple

Page 46: Three Decades Later: A Day With Peter Ewell Peter T. Ewell National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) WASC Assessment Institute June.

Looking at Your Own Assessment Program in the Light of Accreditation

How Does What WASC Requires with Respect to Assessment Compare with What Other Regions Require? [Draw on Your Homework]

What are the Implications for Your Own Assessment Program?

How Far Should WASC Move Along these Possible Paths? How Far Can It?