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The Hero’s Journey Because You are unlimited, neither the lords of heaven nor even You Yourself can ever reach the end of Your glories. The countless universes , each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to wander within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The śrutis, following their method of eliminating everything separate from the Supreme, become successful by revealing You as their final conclusion (Bhagavata Purana 10.87.41) May we fulfill our sole purpose on earth - which is to discover our divinity and live it! - Lao and Walter Russell
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Page 1: Thoughts on Education

The Hero’s Journey

Because You are unlimited, neither the

lords of heaven nor even You Yourself

can ever reach the end of Your glories.

The count less universes , each

enveloped in its shell, are compelled

by the wheel of time to wander within

You, like particles of dust blowing

about in the sky. The śrutis, following

their method of eliminating everything

separate from the Supreme, become

successful by revealing You as their

final conclusion (Bhagavata Purana


May we fulfill our sole purpose on

earth - which is to discover our

divinity and live it! - Lao and Walter


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...starts from the inside and

births to the outside.

Our individual journey is one of co-creation with the Force of all existence. This

re-source is within and surrounds us all. This mastery goes from the physical to

the mystical. A hero’s journey is to discover the magnificence of who he/she is

and to realize their divinity within. Conquer your fears and your ego mind by

taking responsibility for your actions from negative to positive, from

destructive to creative and from separation to communion.

The EGO is the egg that exists alone, with no connection to its Source. It is said

that the bigger the ego, the bigger the pain of abandonment.

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Root IssuesDuring the first 7 years of life we are in a theta brain state, also

known as a hypnotic trance. This frequency allows for the

patterns of past generations to be downloaded.

I think it is a way to insure that we start where we left off, with

the experiences in our last life — since we are life without end.

Healing issues of abuse, abandonment, addiction and scarcity,

should be high on our priority list of must do’s.

We are all divine, LOVE is the key and it begins when we start

loving ourselves.

To begin the journey in the Way...first, set yourself straight.

You are your only master - The Dhammapada

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The new understanding is that our DNA is only the blueprint

and that the data coming from the outside also stimulates the

form-u-la of the inside.

As espoused by Joseph Chiton Pearce and Bruce Lipton, this

process begins within the womb. If a mother is stressed, the

developing fetus will go into a stress response, influencing the

‘fight and flight’ part of the brain. In contrast a relaxed mother

allows the blood to nourish the frontal lobe of the brain and

stimulate the development of reason and intelligence. The

‘fight/flight response constricts this blood flow. Science has

proven that we don’t learn while under stress – no flow, no go!

As a society of living cells, we often restrict each other’s natural

flow – allow for differences.T

Outside Informs,the Insides

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Parents are the orbs of Source for the child. Children

seek to keep a connection with parents and react broken

heartily when there can be no trust or security. They

remember disappointments and broken promises.

To a child, a parent can be their mirror to a higher source

and the seed of trust. We either stand guided, and

nurtured, or we stand alone.

Integrity I remember when I started my business at 22, and I’m no spring chicken

now, I cherished that I could do a business transaction with a

handshake. Your word and your world were good. There is an ease and

comfort in this level of exchange. Where have these days done?

I love the words of don Miguel Ruiz as stated in his book “The Four

Agreements, Be impeccable with your words. Do what you say and say

what you mean. Be a person of integrity which means to be honest and

of strong moral character.

This is the act of being whole and undivided. This is being coherent in

heart and mind. Solid building blocks have solid structural integrity and

this is the framework of any home, friendship and business.

Life is about responsibility and the ability to

respond to what we have created.

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Fractured EducationSchool curriculum is too often designed

like the Tower of Babel.

When we start our education from a fractured curriculum it makes it difficult to

see how disciplines interconnect or even how it relates to you. Perhaps

upgrading to a renaissance approach would make a world of difference.

A curriculum that is integrated and theme-based, with a few added caveats

like relevancy and creativity, keeps learners engaged. A balanced approach

ignites both hemispheres of the brain—imagination and intuition as well as

logical and analytical.

Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it

accumulates in the form of inert facts.- Henry Brooks Adams (American Historian)

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To know you are DIVINE by birth;

You are the master of your own universe;

This is a university for our soul’s advancement;

To know the intelligence of our universe;

To know it is not random, yet all is relevant;

To think creatively and divergently;

To know the power of imagination;

To know the power of your word;

To know the power of integrity;

To know the power in the question;

To know and feel the power of the Force;

To know the wisdom of genius;

To feel the power of purpose and passion; and

To see the interconnectedness in all of creation.

A New Curriculum

for Living

The inspired genius of great imagination has

great intelligence. He is able to use his

intelligence creatively. - Walter Russell

Every culture is remembered by

its cultural creatives and its

geniuses. They have changed

our lives and our world. This

potential is innate in every one of

us. We are the future thinkers

and cultural creatives. We are

the ticket to a new reality.

If not YOU, then who?

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You Are a Creator!Creativity has been marginalized within the standard structure of education. Why? For the industrial age, we needed factory workers to do rote and repetition, no

questions asked.

As a result, we are all too willing to sit in front of computer games and TV, not

engaging in a life of our own making. We are all too willing to abdicate our power into a trance of another’s design. We need to wake up to this trap. Too many children are ‘marked’ by this beast.

If we are made in the image and likeness of God, then he/she is a prolific creator, fully engaged, self-expressed, alive and abundant. He/she cannot be evaluated and

judged by standards and norms. For in the ‘standard’ model, there is only one right answer and no variations on a theme—this is not a God design.

We often speak of children at risk, but what is it they are at risk from? Is it a system that makes an individual’s gifts irrelevant?

Have our institutions designed

the creator out of you?

Being able to express a creative idea is one

of the key indicators for success. Why?

Because it takes courage and confidence to

share your inspiration.

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Schools and teachers do not always

have all the answers, nor is every

school a perfect fit for every child.

There is no one way to swim in the ocean, be it a dolphin, jelly fish or

a human. There is no one way to navigate in this world.


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HemispheresOur brain is composed of two linked spheres, left and right. Each

has different tasks. The left is wired to be your filing cabinet. It is

where you categorize and sort information. It also keeps you in

PAST memories and retrieving old information. The right is your

imaginative and creative side. It also focuses on the NOW.

We all have preferences in how we store and retrieve

information. Children who are very left brain savvy, generally do

well in the standard educational model.

Those who are right brain dominant have considerably more

difficulty learning within this frame work. Rote does not work well

for a creatively dominant brain, nor does sequential and linear

processing, when you think in pictures. This does not mean they

don’t do well in life. Many of these creative children i.e: “imaginal

cells” thrive after they are on their own in the world. Many have

become our world leaders, engineers, game designers, film

makers and entrepreneurs.

Mind is ever the ruler of the Universe. - Plato

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Opposing ForcesThere are two opposing forces in the classroom. Boys tend to be more

high voltage and charged, girls are the more receptive channels. There

has always been conversation about gender bias and did we create it? I

think the big guy in the sky designed it as it is: a balancing force in


So when we look at structuring a classroom, each quality of nature has a

gift. Each sex has its inherent constitution and each is equipped for a

qualitatively different experiences.

As we arrive at each milestone along the way, we have the opportunity to

explore different aspects be it self in relationship to self, others and the

whole. In the early years when children don’t meet the ‘norms’ we are too

quick to drug our children into ATTENTION. This often doesn’t allow for

the fundamental nature of the male/female essence to develop naturally.

We need to seriously re-examine the wisdom of our current notions and

honor the differences of the sexes in the classroom. In the early years,

boys in particular, really need to move and all children need hands-on,

relevant, and simulating experiences.

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Shame and BlameWe come into this life with different parts of our body systems in more or less working order. We can

talk about different intelligences, yet what are the determining factors that create these distinctions?

Before we blame and shame children for being lazy, we should make sure ALL systems are running

optimally. Within a ‘systems thinking’ approach this would be the kind and common sense mandate.

Vision, auditory and sensory issues are huge! Too many children are being mislabeled and drugged

to conform when all they need is a ‘system upgrade.’

The brain is like a maestro conducting an orchestra with many instruments. When a system is out of

sync, it can create havoc for the individual, be it in a classroom or in life. These challenges are often

a life sentence for low self-esteem resulting in despair, drug addiction, depression and, in some cases, suicide.

So many of these out of sync issues can be corrected or enhanced. We are not all created equal. The ‘one size fits all’ approach to

education makes little sense. We have young individuals who have gifts of being innovators, creators, intellectuals or mechanics. We should

question why do we feel it is so important to be judged by a ‘norm’? As parents, why do we feel so compelled to make sure our children are

educated by a ‘standardized’ system if it doesn’t fit their child's disposition and passions?

By ignoring our child's innate gifts we are defeating the very core of our society and our individual life purpose. Too many of our children are

mislabeled and their talents wasted. How often are you seen for who YOU are? It is no wonder so many individuals, of all ages, are in crisis!

We are not

created equal.

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How can you tell when a child struggles with some aspect of learning? They avoid whatever is causing them stress or anxiety. Avoidance behaviors take on certain traits, be it anger, disruptiveness, being the class clown

or withdrawing. The level of frustration equals the intensity of the behavior. The inability to process information in certain ways has to do with your body’s system - visual, auditory or sensory. One example of this is the vestibular system, which when out of sync, can affect spatial, sensory, motor, visual and auditory functions.

Vision is a common glitch for learners. There are 19 different dysfunctions that give children trouble, from

reading, doing math and/or sports, etc. Developmental optometrists know the difference, as vision is far more than just 20/20. Eye strain causes headaches and rubbing of eyes, which can be caused by poor eye

tracking or convergence. Wide set eyes can cause double vision at arms length. All of these issues can cause reading, headaches and handwriting problems.

Auditory discrimination is the ability to discern certain sounds and hear phonetically. In a child's past, they may have had the need to tune

out someone or a circumstance. Anyone who mirrors this sensation or vibration in the body may be shut out. That event may be triggered by the voice of a teacher, a parent, a peer or a spouse.

Processing Speed of the brain is another issue. Imagine that your computer is slow and it does the job, but it can only take in so much

information at one time. When it is in overload, it literally goes off-line, just as the brain does—creating the daydreamer. In a classroom

situation, a learner can miss a lot of instruction while ‘daydreaming’. This is not intentional, yet the issue is considered attention deficit. The current solution is drugs, yet drugs do not resolve the core issue. Some of these learners are late bloomers, gifted or more visually oriented and

will respond appropriately when using alternative auditory mediation.

Sensory seeking or tactically sensitive are two extremes that also need attention. Lights, sounds, another’s energy and even labels in

clothes, for the ‘sensitive’ can be just too much and it sends their system into overdrive. Some of these more active children require exposure to nature as a way to express and feel grounded. Could you go to work and expect yourself to perform optimally if 30 workmates were

constantly distracting you? What if you had NO control over your environment?

Checking All Systems

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Your true nature, like your fingerprint, is as individual as you are. Having a

life's direction is designed into your very fabric. Early in your life, there are

clues to your heart’s desire and your gifts. What were your aspirations and


What is your destiny? The biggest to the smallest of jobs have a purpose. Each day you are in

union with one another. So remember, we are ALL the emanations of

creation and oh so divine. When you engage, remember...

Namaste. I salute the God within.

You are Charged

with a Purpose!

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Become the Explorers

This world is but a canvas to

our imagination.

Henry David Thoreau

Everything that I have ever done has turned out to be an adventure of self-discovery, mastery or

self-unfoldment. It either taught me about my fascinations, my talents, my loves, my weakness and

my wounds. Life is a self-reflecting opportunity to discover who we are and unfold to our greatest


The idea of going to school to pass a test, to make the grade, seems a little defeating if the system

in place does not ask one fundamental question; Who am I? Again, to be compared on a narrow

spectrum, without self-reference, is meaningless. The answers for life are not always in a text book

we so diligently memorize. The life tests we take along the journey are the ones we remember.

In the playground of life, we must play many roles and explore many stories. This is the great hall of

mirrors. The sooner we understand this universal principle the better we are equipped to negotiate

and navigate our own epic story. Just like from Peter Pan to Wendy, the Lost Boys to Captain

Hook, we need a full cast of characters to play out our roles and see ourselves in relationship.

This does not mean to diminish education, just ask that it be relevant and personal.

How we engage and explore life is the real test!

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