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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-A. Physics and Chemistry Vol. 71A, No.3, M ay-June 1967 Third Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures * R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 (January 9, 1967) The third interaction virial coefficient Caww for air -water vapor mixtures is estimated in the tem- perature range 0 to 100 °C, by mea ns of an approximate me thod ba se d on molec ular assoc iation. The results are beli eve d accurate to within a fac tor of two. The value of CawlV ca n be combined with prev i- ous es timat es of th e other interaction coefficient C",m and the values of th e third virial coefficients of pure air and pure water vapor, to give a quantitative description of the equation of s tat e of air-water vapor mixtur es through th e complete third vi rial coefficient. It is shown that the maximum total con- tribution from both CawlV and Caaw to the compress ibilit y factor is o nly of the order of parts in 10' up to 100 °C and 100 atmospheres total press ure . At -50°C, it can be shown by e xtrapolation of Caww that the co ntribution of th e Caww term to the co mpr essi bility fac tor is only on the order of parts in 1011 . Key Words: Chem ical associat i on, Lennard-Jones potential parameters , virial coefficients, water vapor-air mixtur es. 1. Introduction The thermodynamic properties of air-water vapor mixtures near atmospher ic pressure have been deter- mined and tabulated by Goff and his co-workers [1-4].' Close correlation was found between the equation of state in the virial form and experimental observations; since the virial form has a sound theoretical basis, Goff was able to make accurate interpolation s and extrapolations. In this work, Goff neglected terms .7 involving the third interaction virial coefficients C aaw and Caww, which account respectively for interactions among two air molecules and one water molecule, and one air molecule and two water molecules. This neglect was dictated at least in part by necessity, since no information on C aaw and CalOW was available at that time, but the good agreement between theory and tions indicates that the results are reliable within a factor of two from 0 to 100°C ; even order of magnitude reliability would be valuable, howev er, no other information whatever is available on CalOW' Th e results can be extrapolated down to - 50°C with no loss in overall accuracy in the eq uation of sta t e, since the maximum water content of moist air is so small at low temperatures. Th e results can also be extrapo- lated above 100°C , but the upp er limit of usefulness is uncertain. At 100 °C and pressures up to 100 atm, how ever, the total contribution from both Caaw and CalOW to the compressibility factor is only of the order of parts in 10\ so considerab le ex trapolation is possible if only moderately accurate equation of state informa- tion is needed. The rigorous calculation of CalOW is difficult because one of the pair interactions, WW, is qualitatively dif- ferent from the other two, aw, inasmuch as a long- range dipole-dipole force is involved. However, if the dipole-dipole interaction is strong enough, a good approximation can be obtained by assuming that the two water molecules form a quasi-stable dim e r, W2, whose interaction with a single air mol ec ul e is rela- tively easy to calc ulate. Thi s is the physical basis for the present th eoretical es timat es. experiment indicated that the neglect was probably justified. However, the effects of C aaw and CalOW in- crease with increasing pressure, and it cannot be taken for granted that they can be neglected at high pres- sures, where interactions among three molecules become important. The situation was improved somewhat in 1963, when Mason and Monchick [5] II presented theoretical estimates of C aaw, believed accu- rate within a factor of two. Only Caww then remained unknown in the treatment of the equation of state of moist air through the third virial coefficient. The purpose of this paper is to present theoretical estimates of CalOW' Internal evidence in the calcula- *This work was s upported in part by the U.S. Army Resea rch Office -Durham. ** Institute for Molecular Ph ys ics. University of Maryland, Coll ege Park, Md. 20740. 1 Figures in bracke ts indi ca te the literature references al th e e nd of this paper. 2. The Virial Equation of State The virial equat ion of state through the third virial coefficient for a mixture is (1) 219

Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

Feb 24, 2020



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Page 1: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-A. Physics and Chemistry

Vol. 71A, No.3, M ay-June 1967

Third Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures*

R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason**

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(January 9, 1967)

The third interaction virial coefficient Caww for a ir-water vapor mixtures is estimated in the tem­perature range 0 to 100 °C, by means of an approximate method based on molec ular assoc iation . The res ult s are believed accurate to within a fac tor of two. The value of CawlV can be combined with prev i­ous es timates of the other interaction coefficient C",m and the values of the third virial coefficient s of pure air and pure water vapor, to give a quantitative description of the equation of s tate of air-water vapor mixtures through the complete third vi rial coefficient. It is shown that the maximum total con­tribution from both CawlV and Caaw to the compress ibilit y factor is only of the order of parts in 10' up to 100 °C and 100 atmospheres total pressure . At -50°C, it can be shown by extrapolation of Caww that the contribution of the Caww term to the compressibility fac tor is on ly on the order of parts in 1011 .

Key Words: Chem ical association, Lennard-Jones potential parameters , virial coefficien ts, water vapor-air mixtures.

1. Introduction

The thermodynamic properties of air-water vapor mixtures near atmospheric pressure have been deter­mined and tabulated by Goff and his co-workers [1-4].' Close correlation was found between the equation of state in the virial form and experimental observations; since the virial form has a sound theoretical basis, Goff was able to make accurate interpolations and extrapolations. In this work, Goff neglected terms

.7 involving the third interaction virial coefficients C aaw

and Caww, which account respectively for interactions among two air molecules and one water molecule, and one air molecule and two water molecules. This neglect was dictated at least in part by necessity, since no information on C aaw and CalOW was available at that time, but the good agreement between theory and

:~ .

tions indicates that the results are reliable within a factor of two from 0 to 100°C; even order of magnitude reliability would be valuable, however, bl~cause no other information whatever is available on CalOW' The results can be extrapolated down to - 50°C with no loss in overall accuracy in the equation of state, since the maximum water content of moist air is so small at low temperatures. The results can also be extrapo­lated above 100°C, but the upper limit of usefulness is uncertain. At 100 °C and pressures up to 100 atm, however, the total co ntribution from both Caaw and CalOW to the compressibility factor is only of the order of parts in 10\ so considerable extrapolation is possible if only moderately accurate equation of state informa­tion is needed.

The rigorous calculation of CalOW is difficult because one of the pair interactions, WW, is qualitatively dif­ferent from the other two, aw, inasmuch as a long­range dipole-dipole force is involved. However, if the dipole-dipole interaction is strong enough, a good approximation can be obtained by assuming that the two water molecules form a quasi-stable dimer, W2,

whose interaction with a single air molecule is rela­tively easy to calculate. This is the physical basis for the present theoretical es timates.

experiment indicated that the neglect was probably justified. However, the effects of C aaw and CalOW in­crease with increasing pressure, and it cannot be taken for granted that they can be neglected at high pres­sures, where interactions among three molecules become important. The situation was improved somewhat in 1963, when Mason and Monc hick [5]

II presented theoretical estimates of C aaw , believed accu­rate within a factor of two. Only Caww then remained unknown in the treatment of the equation of state of moist air through the third virial coefficient.

The purpose of this paper is to present theoretical estimates of CalOW' Internal evidence in the calcula-

*This work was supported in part by the U.S. Army Research Office -Durham. ** Institute for Molecular Phys ics. University of Maryland , College Park, Md. 20740. 1 Figu res in bracke ts indi ca te the literature references al the end of thi s paper.

2. The Virial Equation of State

The virial equation of state through the third virial coefficient for a mixture is



Page 2: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

which can also be written as a series in the pressure, equation of s tate for one mole of a single-component gas:

PV _ ~ _ 2 (~) 2 RT -1 + B mix RT + (C mix BmiJ RT +-


P = absolute pressure, atm, V = molar volume of mixture, cm3/mol, T= absolute temperature, oK, R = gas constant, cm 3-atm/mol-oK,


B mix = second virial coefficient of the mixture, cm 3/mol, and

C mix = third virial coefficient of the mixture, (cm 3/ mol)2_

The virial coefficients of a mixture depend on both temperature and composition, but the composition dependence is simple_ For a binary- mixture of a and W, it is

B mix = x~Baa + 2xax wBaw + x'f)3ww (3)


xa, Xw = mole fractions of air and water vapor, res pectively,

Baa, Bww = second virial coefficients of pure air and pure water vapor, respectively,

B aw = second interaction virial coefficient for one air molecule and one water molecule,

Caaa , Cwww = Third virial coefficients of pure air and pure water vapor, respectively, and

Caaw , Caww = third interaction virial coefficients for two air molecules and one water molecule and for one air molecule 'and two water molecules, respec­tively_

All the Bij and CUI.' are functions of temperature only, and are independent of composition_

3. Association Treatment of Virial Coefficients

Our approximation is based on the treatment of the equation of state in terms of chemical association, as has been discussed, for example, by Woolley [6]_ In this treatment, a single-component gas is considered to be an ideal mixture of molecular clusters consisting of monomers, dimers, trimers, etc_ The actual non­ideal behavior of the gas is thus accounted for by the change in the total number of molecules due to the association - an ideal gas would consist only of monomers_ This treatment leads to the following


where K2 is the equilibrium constant for dimer forma­tion, K3 that for trimer formation , and so on_

At this point the results are completely rigorous, and in fact there is a one-to-one correspondence between the equilibrium constants and the Mayer cluster inte­grals of statistical-mechanical theory. Approximations enter only in the evaluation of the equilibrium con­stants, and the chemical association method is most useful in those cases where the interactions are strong enough that K 2 , for instance, can be obtained by considering only those pairs of molecules which are bound together in their lowest energy state. If all states of binding are considered, then the ordinary virial equation of state is recovered, but couched in somewhat different language than usuaL

For example, for pure water vapor, treated as a mixture of monomers, dimers, etc., comparison of eq (5) and the virial equation of state for water monomer shows that

According to the law of mass action,

K - xw,V 2- x 2 RT (7)


where xw,)s the mole fraction of dimers and Xw the mole fraction of monomers. Combination of eqs (6) and (7) leads to

Xw V Bww Xw B =---'- or --=--'

ww x;;' V x;;' (8)

and PV Xw -=1--'+. RT x;;'

. =l -xw +. , (9)

for x"" ~ x",. The treatment is easily extended to gas mixtures,

and a hybrid description is even possible, in which strongly interacting components of the mixture are handled by the chemical association method, and weakly interacting components by the ordinary virial coefficient method. Such a hybrid description is appropriate for mixtures of air and water vapor. We will not, however, calculate Bww from eq (6), but will take Bww as an experimental quantity and use eq (8) to calculate the mole fraction of dimers, which will be needed in the estimation of Caww.

Barua, et aL [7] have shown that for polar molecules a fairly good approximation to Band K2 can be ob­tained by considering only those pairs of molecules which interact strongly enough to be bound together



, 1/

Page 3: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

in the lowest energy state - that is , by considering only dimers whose component molecules have their dipoles alined head-to-tail. The contributions from other dimer configurations can be ignored if the tem­perature is not too high_ This study thus gives quan­titative evidence for the validity of the concept of dimers of water molecules.

For a description only through the third virial co­efficient, we can consider the three-molecule inter­actions either as trimer formation, or else as the nonideal interaction between a dimer and a monomer. Our model of a mixture of air and water vapor through the third virial coefficient will be that of a mixture of three species - air monomers , water monomers , and water dimers. All of these species interact with one another except for two water monomers , whose

> interaction is already taken into account by the ex­istence of the water dimers. The equation of state of this ternary mixture is

in which we have written Bww expli citly rather than use eq (8), since we will take Bww as an experimental quantity. Other interactions , such as those involving BW2W2 or Caaw" contribute to the fourth virial coefficient and are neglected. The mole fractions have been writte n with primes to indicate that they are not the same as those appearing in eqs (3) and (4).

The degree of dimerization is on the order of parts per thousand of the total number of water molecules . We therefore make the approximation that the < and x~ of eq (10) are equal to the Xa and Xw of eqs (3) and (4). By comparison of these equations, we see that

CmiX = (2XaXw2Baw2 + 2XwXW2BwW2) V

Solving eq (8) for Xw, and substituting into the first term on the right, we find

3Xax~Caww + xt,cwww = - 2XaX":J3aw2Bww - 2X::J3WW2Bww (12)

and therefore

2 Caww = - 3 BaW2 Bww (13)

Cwww=-2BwW2Bww. (14)

The quantity sought, Caww, has therefore bee n related to a product of second virial coefficients, one of which (Bww) is known experimentally, and the other of which (Baw.,) remains to be calculated. In addition, if CWlVW is known experimentally, we can use eq (14) as a check on the internal consistency of our above calculations or as a source of information on the dimer properties (through Bww).

4. Calculation of BWW2

We can now calculate values of Bww.) from eq (14), and compare with values obtained by methods de­scribed in this sec tion . This affords a check on our procedures to thi s point.

It must be emphasized that we are not trying to derive values for B WW2 as an e nd in itself-rather, we wi sh to determin e the ranges within whi c h th e mol ecu­lar potential parameters for the dimer-monomer inter­action lie. Thi s is important, for these parame ters will be used to obtain, in order, the molecular potential parameters associated with the air-dimer interaction, Baw2 itself, and finally Caww from eq (13).

Th e values of Bww and Cwww are listed in table 1, as taken from the correlations of Goff [4] and Keyes [8]. The respective valu es of Bww warrant using the average value in all calculations. The respective Cwww values , howe ver , should be considered individually. Goff [4] assigns a tole ran ce of ± 120 pe rce nt at 60 °C and of ± 30 percent at 90°C to hi s values of Cwww , with the tolerances take n as twi ce the probable error. This points out the large uncertainty in thi s quantity, par­ticularly wh en we have used Goff's relation s to extrapo­late his values below 60 °C.

TABLE 1. ExperimentaL values of th e second and third viriaL coefficients of water vapor; extrapoLated vaLues in parentheses

- 8".". - C"." ." c m:l/m ol lil ert/mol :.!

Te mp.

Golf [4J Keyes [8[ Ave. Golf [41 Keyes [81

°c 0 (\832) 1854 1843 (64.3) 93.8

10 15 10 1520 15 15 (34.7) 49.3 20 1260 1266 1263 (\9.7) 27.6 30 1074 1070 1072 (11.7) 16.2 40 924 917 920 (7. 18) 9.87 50 803 794 798 (4.5 1) 6.26 60 705 695 700 3.01 4.06 70 625 613 619 2.03 2.76 80 558 546 552 1.39 1.92 90 501 489 495 0.98 1.37

100 (453) 441 447 (.70) 0.99

Two sets of Bww.) values are ca lc ulated from eq (14), one set from Goff's Cwww, the other from Keyes' Cwww.

The results are given in table 2. Other es timates may be obtained from assumptions

about the intermolecular forces. We represent the interaction between two molecules as the sum of a spherically symmetric Lennard-Jones (12--6) interac­tion and the interaction between point dipoles em­bedded in the center of each molecule. The potential


Page 4: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

energy cpij(r) between molecules and j a distance r apart is thus

[(O" .. )lt (0" .. )6] CPij{r) = 4Eij -;- --;

J.LiJ.Lj (2 () () . () . () ) -7 cos i cos j - sm i sm j cos cP (15)

where J.Li and J.Lj are the dipole moments, ()i and ()j are the angles between the dipole axes and the line of centers of the molecules, cp is the azimuth angle of the axes, and Eij and O"ij are adjustable constants. If either dipole moment is zero, eq (15) reduces to the Lennard­Jones (12-6) potential, for which Eij is the depth of the potential well and cp(O"ij) = O. Equation (15) is usually called the Stockmayer potential [9].

TABLE 2. Experimental and calculated values oj the water monomer­dimer second virial coefficient

- B" . .,.,:!" liter/mol

Temp. Expl l. . eq (4) Calc. Calc. Cale. Calc.

(Keyes' C U"II"II') (Goff's CI(""''') "(108) eq 119) eq 121a) e q 121b)

·C 0 25.4 17.4 21.53 11.91 3.39 5.08

10 16.3 11.5 17.52 9.84 2.66 3.99 20 11.0 7.80 12.96 8.20 2.25 3.15 30 7.56 5.46 10.44 6.72 1.89 2.56 40 5.36 3.90 8.21 6.13 1.62 2.20 50 3.92 2.8' 6.61 4.84 1.37 1.82 60 2.90 2.1c 5.58 4.22 1.21 1.55 70 2.23 1.64 4.27 3.67 1.09 1.36 80 1.74 1.26 3.65 3.16 0.96 1.18 90 1.38 0.99 3.10 2.73 .86 1.06

100 1.11 .79 2.63 2.46 .79 0.95

The values of Eij and O"ij must be determined from some experimentally measured property. For pure air, which has no dipole moment, the values used by Mason and Monchick [5] and by Chaddock [10] are O"aa=3.522 A and Eaa/k=99.2 OK, where k is Boltz­mann's constant. For pure water vapor, Rowlinson [11] gives O"ww=2.65 A and Eww/k=380 OK from analysis of Bww, and Monchick and Mason [12] give O"ww=2.71 A and Eww/k=506 OK from analysis of viscosity data. Tabulations of virial coefficients for the Stockmayer potential are given in terms of a reduced dipole parameter, defined as

tt VsEijO"t


The value of t~w is 1.2 according to Rowlinson and 0.85 according to Monchick and Mason, with the dipole moment of water taken as J.L w= 1.83 X 10- 18 esu.

Stogryn and Hirschfelder [13] have shown how to estimate Eij and O"ij for dimer-monomer interactions from those for monomer-monomer interactions, accord­ing to simple geometrical arguments. The results have been elaborated by Barua and Das Gupta [l3] on the basis of the pressure dependence of the viscosity of superheated steam. They recommend the values

Eww.= 1.32Eww, O"ww.= 1.160"ww. (17)

Since we assume that the dimer consists of two

monomers with their dipoles in a head-to-tail configura­tion, the dipole moment of the dimer is twice that of the monomer, J.L w = 3.66 X 10- 18 esu. •

Once E, 0", and t* are known, it is straightforward to calculate Bww. from published numerical tables [9, 11] for the Stockmayer potential.

The Rowlinson [11] parameters for water vapor, based on virial coefficient data, are considered first, since so far only virial coefficient data have been used in this presentation.

Equations (16) and (17) lead to

t;l',w;= 1.2, O"ww. =3.07 A, Eww./k=501 OK. (18)

The values of B ww. obtained from these parameters are found in table 2. The agreement between the values of -Baw. calculated frpm eqs (14) and (18) is generally good, although the latter are somewhat higher except at 0 0c. The implication is that the assumptions made to derive our model are at least as reasonable an approximation of the true physical situation as those used in the derivation of the Stogryn and Hirschfelder [13] model.

If the viscosity-derived parameters of Mason and Monchick [5] for water vapor are used with eqs (16) and (17), we find

t;l',w =0.83, O"ww =3.14 A, Eww./k =668 OK. (19) • •

The values of Bww. derived from these parameters are also given in table 2. The curve of this set of Bww. values versus T is flatter at the low temperature end than the three curves obtained above from virial coeffi­cient data, but the agreement still is not unreasonable.

Since the values of B ww. derived from eq (14) do agree fairly well with those derived from other sources, we now seek, by curve fitting, improved Stockmayer potential par.ameters which will describe the values from eq (14). These will be needed in the calcula­tion of Caww.

The curve-fitting should be done so as to produce preferentially better agreement at high temperatures than at low temperatures for two reasons. First, the experimental values of Cwww are less uncertain at high temperatures. Second, and more important, is the fact that the low-temperature values of Bww are dom-. d * • mate more by tww. than are the high-temperature values, but the parameter t;tw. is of no interest for the present purposes, since it does not contribute at all to the determination of Caww. In other words, we want the derived values of Eww. and O"ww. to represent the spherical (12-6) part of the potential, not the dipole part, as there is no dipole contribution to Baw •.

Therefore, we require that the Bww. values obtained by fitting should lie between - 0.79 liter/mol and -1.11 liter/mole at 100°C, that is, between the values predicted respectively by using Goff's and Keyes' Cwww in eq (14). At the same time the slopes of the curves in the 100°C region must be almost the same to prevent any gross divergences at higher temperatures.


Page 5: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

The limiting ranges of (Tww, and Eww, are set arbi­trarily , but not unreasonably, in the following manneL The lower limits are taken to be the corresponding values for pure water vapor given by Rowlinson [In This is equivalent to setting the coefficients of (Tww and Ewv in eq (17) equal to 1, a change of 13.8 percent in the former and 24.2 percent in the latter. The upper limits are set by raising the coefficients by the same percentages, and using the (Tww and Eww parameters of Mason and Monchick [5] in eq (17). The limits on t~w are found by using the limiting values of Ew w and , , (Tww, in eq (16).

This procedure leads to

(Tww, ;3 «(Tww)Rowlinson = 2.65 A,

Eww,/k;3 (Eww/k ) Rowlinson = 380 OK, (20a)

t~w :s;; 2.4 ,

(Tww,:S;; 1.32 «(TwW)M. and M. =3.58 A,

Eww,/k :s;; 1.64 (Eww/k) M. and M. = 830 OK,

ancy is open to some speculation, but we remind the reader again that first, we demanded a fit at the high temperatures to have the (T and E values be more repre­sentative of the spherical part of the potential, and second, we are seeking various estimates of (Tww, and Eww, rather than attempting to derive B ww,.

Summarizing this section, we have obtained four sets of (Tww, and Eww, parameters (t* is of no further interest). Two were obtained through the method of Stogryn and Hirschfelder [13], using first experimental virial coefficient data and then experimental viscosity data, and two from curve-fitting, subject to several restraints, to tHe Bww , values derived with the methods of this papeL We also obtained what are thought to be reasonable outside limits on the values of (Tww and , Eww,·

5. Calculation of C aWIJ'

The various values of (Tww, and Eww, derived in the previous section may now be used to obtain the param­eters (Taw, and Eaw, for the air-dimer interaction, from which Baw, and finally CalOw may be obtained_ The procedure is based on semi-empirical combining rules

t~w ;3 0.45. (20b) [9] for E and (T, ,

Within these ranges, the predicted curves are slightly flatter in the 100°C region than those predicted by eq (14). This means that a curve which predicts -1.11 liter/mole at 100°C will diverge immediately from higher temperature Bww values derived from Keyes'· , .

C www. In order to prevent this immediate divergence, we changed the lower permissible Bww _ limit at 100°C Irom -1.11 liter/n.v! to -O.IJ!J liter/mol, that is, miawav between the limits set by eq (14).

Empirical curve fitting with Bww matChing at both _ .-~,~-~==~~-.~-

-0.79 liter/mol and -0.95 liter/mol at 100°C led re-spectively to these choices of parameters:

t~w =1.14, (Tww =3.41 A, Eww,/k=380 OK , , (21a)

t~w =1.25, (Tww =3.30 A, Eww,/k=380 OK. , , (21b)

The (Tv'w, values are not unreasonable. The fact that Eww,/k is the same as the value for pure water vapor (lower limit) in both cases is perhaps annoying, but can be accepted in the present context without undue alarm.

The values of B* versus T* for the parameters were interpolated graphically between tahulat~d values oT t* [9], and these in turn were extrapolated graph­ically to the lowest temperatures. Therefore the derived parameters may not be the "best" ones in a least squares sense, but they are certainly close enough for our purposes.

The values of Bww, corresponding to eqs (21a) and (21b) are given in table 2, and clearly the agreement with the curves derived from eq (14) is poor except at the highest temperatures. The reason for the discrep-

Eij = (EiiEjj)1 /2, (Tij = (1/2)«(T;; + (Tjj)_ (22)

These rules work fairly well for both polar and non­polar molecules [15]. Applying these rules twice, we obtain expressions for the desired parameters Eaw,

and (Taw"

(Ta w, = (Tww, + (1/2)((Taa - (Tww). (23)

The values of (Taw and Eaw, lire derived from the four , sets of WW2 parameters obtained in the previous sec­tion. For the three associated with virial coefficient data [eqs (18), (21a), (21b)] we use in eq (23) Rowlinson's [11] values forEww and (Tww, while for the set associated with viscosity data [eq (19)] we use in eq (23) the Mason and Monchick [5] values. We find

Eaw,/ k = 256 OK

Eaw,/k= 194 OK

Eaw,/k= 194 OK

Eaw,/ k = 296 OK

(T aw, = 3.51 A [from eq (18)] (24a)

(Taw, = 3.85 A [from eq (21a)] (24b)

(TClW, = 3.74 A [from eq (21b)] (24c)

(T aw, = 3.55 A [from eq (19)] (24d)

The last set is of particular interest, since it is derived entirely from viscosity data. The viscosity is relatively insensitive to the dipole interaction [12], so the 'values of Eww, and (Tww from which eq (24d) is , derived should be good representations of the spherical part of the potential.


Page 6: Third virial coefficient for air-water vapor mixturesThird Virial Coefficient for Air-Water Vapor Mixtures* R. W. Hyland and E. A. Mason** Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau

Two more sets of aW2 parameters should be derived­namely, those associated with the limiting cases of the WW2 parameters [eqs (20a) and (20b)]. From these we obtain respectively = 194 oK

Eaw2/k = 423 OK

aaw2 = 3.09 A

aaw2=4.02 A.



From each of these six sets of parameters, we cal­culate first B aW2 and then, using eq (13), C aww. The results of the latter are given in table 3.

TABLE 3. - CaLcuLated vaLue of th.e third interaction viriaL coefficient C aww based on th.e parameters of eqs (24) and (25)

- Cnu'!/;' lit er2/mol2

T emp Vir ia l Viscosity* Limit s

Eq (24a) Eq (24b) Eq (24c) Eq (24d) Eq (25a) Eq (25b)

°C 0 0.152 0.121 0.111 0.203 0.062 0.549

10 .117 .090 .083 .156 .047 .424 20 .092 .072 .066 .123 .037 .332 30 .073 .057 .052 .098 .029 .266 40 .058 .046 .042 .080 .024 .216 50 .048 .037 .034 .065 .019 .178 60 .040 .030 .028 .054 .016 .148 70 .034 .025 .023 .046 .013 .123 80 .028 .021 .019 .039 .011 .105 90 .024 .018 .016 .033 .009 .090

100 .021 .015 .014 .028 .008 .077

*Best estimat es .

Those derived from experimental viscosity values [i.e., from eq (24)] are felt to be the most reliable. This is based on the relative independence of viscosity on the dipole interaction, and on the success of the dimer­monomer model in predicting the pressure dependence of the viscosity of steam [13, 14].

The viscosity-based values differ from the limiting values derived for eq (25a, b) by at most a factor of three, and from all other values by no more than a factor of two.

We are confident that the values are accurate to within a factor of four, and probably to within a factor of two.

6. Discussion

Weare now in a position to estimate the contribu­tions of ClaW and Caww to the compressibility factor of moist air; that is, to estimate the magnitudes of the terms (3X~XwCaaw/V2) and (3x"x~Caww/V2), as compared to unity. Since the maximum water vapor content of air increases rapidly with increasing temperature, the largest contribution of these terms comes at high tem­peratures, even though Caaw and Caww decrease in magnitude with increasing temperature. At 100 °C the partial pressure of water vapor can be taken as 1 atm, and the mole fractions as

Xa=Pa/(P,, + 1), Xw= l / (Pa + 1) (26)

where Pa is the partial pressure of the air. These relations are only approximate for nonideal gases, but adequate here because in Cmix we are seeking only the highest-order deviation terms. Similarly, the molar volume of the mixture is

V=RT/ (Pa+ 1) . (27)

Taking C"aw=+696 (cm3/mol)2 [5] and Caww =-2.8 X 104 (cm3/mol)2 (table 3), we find from eqs (26) and (27) that

3x~xwCaaw/ VZ = 2.23 X 1O-6PM(Pa + 1) (28a)

3Xax~Caww/VZ = 0.90 X 1O-4P,,/(Pa + 1). (28b)

Thus even for Pa = 100 atm the contribution of these two terms is only of the order of parts in 104 •

The present results are readily extendable to higher or lower temperatures by means of the aW2 parameters of eq (24d) in conjunction with tabulated virial coef­ficients for the (12- 6) potential [9]. There is no loss in overall accuracy in PV/RT by extrapolation to low temperatures. For example, a calculation similar to that performed above , based on a temperature of -50°C (Pw=3.9XlO-5 atm) with Pu=lOO atm and Caww=-l X 106 (cm3/mol)2, indicates that the contri­bution of the Caww term to the compressibility factor is on the order of parts in 1011. There is loss in ac­curacy by extrapolation to high temperatures because of the increasing water vapor content; how much ex­trapolation is permissible depends on how much un­certainty in PV/RT is acceptable. It must also be remembered that the physical model of dimer forma­tion becomes less accurate as the temperatur e Increases.

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(Paper 7lA3-454)