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Most Rev. Bishop Peter Baldacchino 1240 S. Espina Most Rev. Ricardo Ramírez, C.S.B., D.D., Bishop Emeritus Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88001 Very Rev. Bill McCann, Rector Rev. Patrick Montgomery, Associate Pastor Phone: (575) 524-8563 Deacon Ruben GuƟerrez Fax: (575) 523-2252 Deacon Ed Fierro Web: Email: Parish staVirginia D. Contreras Oce Manager Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres RecepƟonist/Data Entry Eddie Padron Evening RecepƟonist Johnny Carrillo Custodian Jose Gonzalez Maintenance Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday 8:15 am Tuesday - 6:00 pm (Spanish) Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm (English Church) Sunday 8:00 am (Spanish Church) 10:00 am (English outdoors) 12:00 pm (English Church) Oce Hours Monday thru Friday: 8 am - 5 pm ReconciliaƟon Monday - Friday 8 am Saturday 4pm - 5pm Sacramental InformaƟon BapƟsms — Please call the oce for more InformaƟon. Marriage — Those planning on geƫng married please contact the front oce for informaƟon. Adult Sacraments — Classes run from September unƟl Easter. Please call the oce for more informaƟon. Interested in Becoming Catholic? — Please call the oce for more informaƟon about RCIA. We the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral are a mulƟcultural, Roman Catholic Community of believers on a faith journey. We answer the call of our BapƟsm to serve God as Disciples of Christ and seek to evangelize people of all walks of life. We serve God and each other by ministering in our parish, our community and our homes, through lives rooted in the Word, Worship and Service. The Cathedral depends on the nancial support of friends like you. Please consider the Cathedral when you give to charity. All donaƟons are tax deducƟble. Our Legal Ɵtle is: Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, Inc. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER, APRIL 18, 2021


Apr 19, 2022



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Most Rev. Bishop Peter Baldacchino 1240 S. Espina Most Rev. Ricardo Ramírez, C.S.B., D.D., Bishop Emeritus Las Cruces, New Mexico, 88001 Very Rev. Bill McCann, Rector Rev. Patrick Montgomery, Associate Pastor Phone: (575) 524-8563 Deacon Ruben Gu errez Fax: (575) 523-2252 Deacon Ed Fierro Web: Email: [email protected]

Parish staff Virginia D. Contreras Office Manager Martha Beasley Family Outreach Patricia Cereceres Recep onist/Data Entry Eddie Padron Evening Recep onist Johnny Carrillo Custodian Jose Gonzalez Maintenance

Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday 8:15 am Tuesday - 6:00 pm (Spanish) Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm (English Church) Sunday 8:00 am (Spanish Church) 10:00 am (English outdoors) 12:00 pm (English Church) Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 8 am - 5 pm

Reconcilia on Monday - Friday 8 am Saturday 4pm - 5pm

Sacramental Informa on Bap sms — Please call the office for more Informa on. Marriage — Those planning on ge ng married please contact the front office for informa on. Adult Sacraments — Classes run from September un l Easter. Please call the office for more informa on. Interested in Becoming Catholic? — Please call the office for more informa on about RCIA.

We the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral are a mul cultural, Roman Catholic Community of believers on a faith journey. We answer the call of our Bap sm to serve God as Disciples of Christ and seek to evangelize people of all walks of life. We serve God and each other by ministering in our parish, our community and our homes, through lives rooted in the Word, Worship and Service.

The Cathedral depends on the financial support of friends like you. Please consider the Cathedral when you give to charity. All dona ons are tax deduc ble. Our Legal tle is: Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, Inc.



MONDAY, April 19 8:15 AM + Tony and + Letha Trujillo By: Gloria Lithgow Neal Family (Living) By: Cavaliere Family TUESDAY, April 20 8:15 AM + Maria Luisa Rodriguez by: E. Rodriguez + Gloria Barrientos By: Medina Family 6:00 PM Voca ons to the Priesthood and Religious Life WEDNESDAY, April 21 8:15 AM Neal Family (Living) By: Cavaliere Family + Pedro Nunez, Jr. By: Nancy Co o THURSDAY, April 22 8:15 AM + Cole e Dolan By: Karen Caruso Neal Family (Living) By: Cavaliere Family FRIDAY, April 23 8:15 AM Neal Family (Living) By: Cavaliere Family + Pedro Nunez, Sr. By: Nancy Co o SATURDAY, April 24 8:15 AM + Letha Trujillo By: gloria Lithgow 5:30 PM + Cecilia Monje (Birthday) By: Family SUNDAY, April 25 8:00 AM + Maria de Jesus Loya 10:00 AM + Fortunato Gonzalez By: IHM Knights of Columbus 12:00 PM + Harry Thomas Lujan By: Harry and Alice Lujan + Jean and + Ralph Gu errez By: James Gu errez

Sunday Collec on 4.11.2021 $11,755.00 Building Maintenance $1,421.05

Addi onal deposits for this week: Stewardship: $2,577.00 St. Mother Teresa: $955.00 Building Maintenance: $145.00 Catholic Relief Services: $20.00 Good Friday (Holy Land): $45.00

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119 (118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Martes: Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Jueves: Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Viernes: Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Sábado: Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116 (115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Domingo: Hch 4:8-12; Sal 118 (117):1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18


Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter

Wednesday: St. Anselm;

Administra ve Professionals Day

Thursday: Earth Day

Friday: St. George; St. Adalbert

Saturday: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen


Domingo: Tercer Domingo de Pascua

Miércoles: San Anselmo;

Día de los Administradores Profesionales

Jueves: Día de la Tierra

Viernes: San Jorge; San Adalberto

Sábado: San Fidel de Sigmaringa



It is interes ng that during the Easter season, when we do not hear a reading from the Old Testament, it be-comes so important. This is par cularly true today. Peter’s speech begins with a prayer formula familiar to Jews: “The God of Abraham . . .” (Acts 3:13). It likewise contains the potent phrases “Holy and Righteous One” and “mouth of all the prophets” (3:14, 18). Peter was sta ng in no un-certain terms that the law, psalms, and prophets had been fulfilled in Christ. This is reinforced by Jesus himself in the Gospel passage, when he states that everything in the scriptures (to the early Chris ans “the scriptures” were what we call the Old Testament) had to be fulfilled. Above all, Jesus and Peter both emphasize that we are witnesses to all of this, and are sent forth to bear witness to it in the world. The La n Missa, from which our word “Mass” comes, means “sent” (as in “mission”). As we leave Mass today, let us remember to be witnesses to all that has been fulfilled in the risen Christ.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Es interesante que durante el empo de Pascua, cuando no escuchamos la lectura del An guo Testamen-to, se vuelve tan importante. Esto es par cularmente cierto hoy. El discurso de Pedro comienza con una fórmu-la de oración familiar a los judíos: “El Dios de Abraham...” (Hechos 3:13). Asimismo con ene las pode-rosas frases “Santo y Justo” y “boca de todos los profe-tas” (3:14, 18). Pedro estaba declarando sin lugar a dudas que la ley, los salmos y los profetas se habían cumplido en Cristo. Esto se ve reforzado por el mismo Jesús en el pasaje del Evangelio, cuando dice que todo en la Escritu-ra (para los primeros cris anos “la Escritura” era lo que hoy llamamos el An guo Testamento) tenía que cumplir-se. Por encima de todo, Jesús y Pedro hacen hincapié en que somos tes gos de todo esto, y somos enviados a dar tes monio en el mundo. La palabra missa en la n, signifi-ca “enviado” (como “misión”). Al salir de la misa de hoy, recordemos ser tes gos de todo lo que se ha cumplido en Cristo resucitado.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WHY IS BAPTIZING OUR CHILDREN SO IMPORTANT? Baptism is the gateway to the Christian life, and the door which gives us access to the other Sacraments (CCC 1213). It is necessary for our salvation. In Baptism our sins are forgiven, we are reborn in Christ and made sons and daughters of God, made members of the Church, and receive an indelible (permanent) mark on our souls. Baptism is so important, that at the end of His earthly dwelling, Jesus commanded the Apostles “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19). In addition to providing our children with the basic needs of food and shelter, parents also provide comfort, discipline, and love for their children. Children are a gift from the Lord and they teach us what it means to love and be loved. It is because of this love that we should strive to provide the best possible life for them. What is this best possible life? To teach them to have a relationship with God and the first step in doing that is getting your baby baptized. If you are a Parent of a child not yet baptized, please call the Parish Office for more information on how to bring your child into the family of God through the Sacrament of Baptism.



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Ques ons:

Call 524-8563


Relevant Radio: -America’s Talk Radio Network for Catholics -Grow in your Faith -Church Teaching Explained in clear and concise ways -Easily Accessed through the Mobile Relevant Radio App -Listen on your computer at

Sta ons of the Cross will be held on Fridays during Lent in the Cathedral at 5:30 pm in

Spanish and 7 pm in English.


El Vía Crucis se llevará a cabo los viernes durante la Cuaresma aquí en la Catedral a las

5:30 pm en español y a las 7 pm en inglés.

Immaculate Heart of Mary has a subscrip on to It’s a great online resource with inspiring movies, bible studies, audio talks and e-books. With Formed you will find video programs that explain the Catholic Faith, explore the deepest meaning of marriage, Bible studies on a variety of topics and inspiring audio talks. You’ll find presenters like Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Mary Healey, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Sco Hahn, Bishop Robert Barron and more.

Tip: To watch on your TV use an HDMI cord from your laptop to the TV, a “Chromecast” device from your Android phone to the TV, or an “Apple TV” device from your iPhone to the TV Formed is now available on your ROKU device! Already have a FORMED Account? 1. Visit 2. Click Sign In 3. Enter your email 4. Click the link in your email 5. You’re in! No more passwords! Want to create a new FORMED account with your parish or group? 1. Visit 2. Click Sign In 3. Select “I belong to a Parish or Organiza on” 4. Find your parish by name, zip, or parish code

MEMORIAL MASS All are invited to a special Memorial Mass on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 8:15 am in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This Mass will be offered in remembrance of our loved ones who have died, especially those who have died in the past year. We will have a table set up where you may place a photo of your loved one. Please extend an invitation to family and friends in our parish community to attend this Mass. For questions, call Roberta Stathis at (575) 571-7366 or email her at [email protected].

FEAST OF FAITH The Second Reading The Liturgy of the Word generally follows a consistent pattern of three readings and a psalm. The second reading is always taken from one of the New Testament epistles or the book of Revelation, and generally is not intentionally aligned with either the Gospel or the first reading. Where would we be without these letters in which great saints and apostles like Paul, Peter, James, and John share their wisdom and pastoral good sense with the early Christian communities? It is in these letters, even more than in the Gospel narratives, that we learn what it means to be church: to live with each other, in the world yet not of the world, in these days after the Lord’s resurrection. Each New Testament letter was written by a particular leader for a particular community at a particular time. We are reminded of this at the beginning of the proclamation—“A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians,” or the Corinthians, or the Thessalonians. These texts were shaped by their particular historical and cultural context, but at the same time, through the liturgy, these letters are written to us, here, today. They speak to the realities of Christian living no matter where—or when—we live. They are truly “the word of the Lord” for us. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



Toni Frietze Mary Fragoso Raymond Marquez Stephanie Marquez Liz V. Mannie Ramirez Raymond Maynes, Jr. Raquel Chubb Cynthia Rivera Jaydin Maynes Michelle Thomas Nancy Chavez Catrina Chavez Vanessa Maynes Bryan Galaz Lucy Telles Debra Telles Mark Balizan Mario Luna, Jr. Anna Maria Vestal Johnny Fierro Carole Scheer Daryn Duran Merlinda Moreno Guzman Family Daniel N. Telles Jaydin Maynes Juanita Ortega Gary Bau sta Cecil Or z Lovato Dolores Dorse Hortencia Butler If you would like to add a name to the list please call the

parish office at 524-8563.


Bishop and Doctor of the Church Feast Day - April 21

At 15, Anselm wanted to enter a monastery, but was refused acceptance because of his father’s opposi on. Twelve years later he finally fulfilled his desire to be a monk. He entered the monastery of Bec in Normandy, three years later was elected prior and 15 years later was unanimously chosen abbot. Considered an original and independent thinker, Anselm was admired for his pa ence, gentleness, and teaching skill. Under his leadership, the abbey of Bec became a monas c school, influen al in philosophical and theological studies. During these years, at the community’s request, Anselm began publishing his theological works, comparable to those of Saint Augus ne. His best-known work is the book Cur Deus Homo (“Why God Became Man”). At 60, against his will, Anselm was appointed archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. His appointment was opposed at first by England’s King William Rufus and later accepted. Rufus persistently refused to cooperate with efforts to reform the Church. Anselm finally went into voluntary exile un l Rufus died in 1100. He was then recalled to England by Rufus’s brother and successor, Henry I. Disagreeing fearlessly with Henry over the king’s insistence on inves ng England’s bishops, Anselm spent another three years in exile in Rome. His care and concern extended to the very poorest people; he opposed the slave trade. Anselm obtained from the na onal council at Westminster the passage of a resolu on prohibi ng the sale of human beings.

Living God’s Word As many have said, life is a journey. Faith, too. And journeys take us to all sorts of unexpected places, or else they’re not really journeys. Faith can be one of those unexpected turns in the road that make the journey new.

Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Como muchos ya han dicho, la vida es un peregrinar. También lo es la fe. Y nuestro peregrinar nos lleva a toda clase de lugares inesperados; de lo contrario no sería un peregrinar. La fe puede ser una de esas viradas en el camino, que nos abre otros caminos.

Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados.


Camerata Del Sol Chamber Players Presents Music for Lent and Easter with Heather Dials Daniel

Vega-Albela and Amalia Zeitlin, violins Julio Campos, viola Alina Vázquez, violoncello

This musical presentation will be offered in our Cathedral, Saturday, April 24th at 2:00 pm.

Admission is free.

Tercer Domingo de Pascua 18 de abril de 2021 Sólo tú, Señor, eres mi tranquilidad. — Salmo 4:9


Believe one who has tried, you shall find a fuller sa s-fac on in the woods than in books. The trees and the rocks will teach you that which you cannot hear from the masters. —St. Bernard of Clairvaux


Créeme porque lo he probado, encontrarás mucho más en los bosques que en los libros. Los árboles y las rocas te enseñarán lo que no pueden decirte los maestros. —San Bernardo de Claraval

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021 You alone, O L , bring security to my dwelling. — Psalm 4:9