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MAY 2010 T HE V OICE of M essiah The Monthly Newsletter of MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH Cleaning Up Messiah We had about 38 people help clean up the church on clean up day. The big items were window washing and the spreading of over 130 cubic yards of mulch. Please let everyone know we really appreciate all the effort from these people. Thank you to all! Randy Johnson, 540-9704 Inside This Issue Adult Forum .............................. 4 Advertiser Featured ................ 14 Anniversary Choir ..................... 8 Anniversary Cookbook ............. 8 Birthdays ................................ 12 Boy Scout Troop 90 ................. 8 Christian Education .................. 6 Clean Up .................................. 1 Council Highlights..................... 3 Deborah Circle ....................... 13 Disaster Relief ........................ 11 Generosity Team ...................... 5 Good Samaritan ....................... 4 Help Wanted............................. 6 Kids Club .................................. 9 Manna Cards ............................ 8 Messiah Directory................... 14 Messiah Gear ......................... 13 Messiah’s Family .................... 14 Mother’s Day Prayer .............. 12 Pastor’s Letter .......................... 2 Preschool ................................. 9 Sam ........................................ 11 Spirituality Center ..................... 3 Stephen Ministry....................... 4 Summer Camps ..................... 10 Thank You .............................. 13 Thrivent’s New Grant ............... 5 VBS Registration ...................... 7 Youth Cafés............................ 11

THEVOICE - · life (Romans 6:3). The symbolism of baptism is that when we go under the

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: THEVOICE - · life (Romans 6:3). The symbolism of baptism is that when we go under the

MAY 2010

THEVOICE of Messiah The Monthly Newsletter of MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH

Cleaning Up Messiah

We had about 38 people help clean up the church on clean up day. The big items were window washing and the spreading of over 130 cubic yards of mulch. Please let everyone know we really appreciate all the effort from these people. Thank you to all!

Randy Johnson, 540-9704

Inside This Issue Adult Forum .............................. 4

Advertiser Featured ................ 14

Anniversary Choir ..................... 8

Anniversary Cookbook ............. 8

Birthdays ................................ 12

Boy Scout Troop 90 ................. 8

Christian Education .................. 6

Clean Up .................................. 1

Council Highlights..................... 3

Deborah Circle ....................... 13

Disaster Relief ........................ 11

Generosity Team ...................... 5

Good Samaritan ....................... 4

Help Wanted ............................. 6

Kids Club .................................. 9

Manna Cards ............................ 8

Messiah Directory................... 14

Messiah Gear ......................... 13

Messiah’s Family .................... 14

Mother’s Day Prayer .............. 12

Pastor’s Letter .......................... 2

Preschool ................................. 9

Sam ........................................ 11

Spirituality Center ..................... 3

Stephen Ministry....................... 4

Summer Camps ..................... 10

Thank You .............................. 13

Thrivent’s New Grant ............... 5

VBS Registration ...................... 7

Youth Cafés ............................ 11

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2 | Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Wauconda, IL

What do baptism and resurrection have to do with one another? More than you think. There are many differ-ent styles of baptism. I once went to a church where they rented the pool at the YMCA for the afternoon when they did baptisms. Needless to say, they were into full immer-sion. Most Lutheran churches end up more on the sprinkling side

of the spectrum—though when the new baptis-mal font at my seminary was installed a few years ago, the building inspector said a “No Life-guard On Duty” sign would have to be posted. It looks like a wading pool, falling somewhere in the middle between sprinkling and immersion. It is, however, deep enough that a number of shoes have been fully immersed when their owners failed to notice the step down. Reminders of our baptism surprise us sometimes.

Whether it’s in deep or shallow water, though, baptism works. It's one of the most tangible ways that God reaches out to us, promising to wash away our sins and claiming us forever in the process. Paul writes that we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3).

The symbolism of baptism is that when we go under the water, it’s just like being buried with Christ in the tomb, and when we come up from the water, we’re resurrected to new life along with Jesus. But that resurrection isn’t just for after we die; it’s new life right now. During this Easter season, we focus a lot on Jesus’ resurrec-tion, and it’s also a good time to focus on resur-rection that God brings into our individual lives—the ways that God brings back hopes and dreams that seem to have died, and how Jesus leads us along ways of living that bring life in-stead of death.

Resurrection can take on a lot of different forms in our lives. Whenever I talk with someone who has found recovery from addiction, I can see res-urrection right here and now. It's a victory of life over death, happening on a daily basis. Whenever we heal physically, we can see signs of the life that God has put within us. Forgiveness and other forms of emotional healing can represent a resurrection from the tombs of anger or emo-tional pain. There are times when we learn les-sons in life or grow spiritually, where we feel God’s powerful life-giving presence in our lives. But there are also times when resurrection is more hidden. Sometimes our losses can be dev-astating, or we might find ourselves stuck in situations that seem impossible. We might have real difficulty seeing God’s promises being ful-filled in our lives. The road to Emmaus story in Luke 24 is a good parallel. Many times, we walk along the road with Jesus, but we don’t know it’s Him. And it’s in some really unexpected way that we encounter Him along the journey. Interest-ingly, it was by welcoming a stranger that the disciples were able to see the resurrected Jesus, and I think in much the same way, it’s when we’re open to holy surprises that we get glimpses of God’s resurrected presence—and find a bit of resurrection from our own pain.

Whether we’re seeking resurrection in big or in small ways, it helps give us strength to know that we’re claimed by God, and that God prom-ises to never let us go. Jesus is the good shep-herd who protects us, and no one can snatch us from Him (John 10:28). Our baptism is a concrete reminder of that promise—God’s promise that we are given new life here on earth and in the life be-yond. Keep looking for those signs of the resurrec-tion in your life, and know that you are a baptized, beloved, resurrected child of God!

Pastor Dirk

Baptized and Resurrected

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“Angel of Hope”

Messiah member Marcia Johnson is the creator of this beautiful “Angel of Hope.” An intricate, counted cross-stitched design, this art was featured on March 30 when our H.O.P.E. Grief Sup-port Group presented, In the Company of Angels, a film and dis-cussion on the topic of angels.

“I have always been drawn to angels,” says Marcia, who gener-ously donated both this art and another large and framed stitched angel to Messiah several years ago.

In addition to “Angel of Hope,” the evening featured over 30 other examples of “angel art” brought by others who have re-ceived or collected meaningful angelic items through the years. Thanks to everyone who participated!

From Children’s Ideas of Angels Did You Know?

God’s favorite angels are Hark and Harold.

Grandmothers who die become angels quickly—because the-got a big start helping us on Earth.

Angels don’t eat, but they drink milk from holy cows.

Gift of the Spirit for May

Show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have enter-tained angels. Hebrews 13:2

The May Messiah council meeting began with a Loving Community exercise. Pastor Dawn referred to Ephesians 5:1, where we are reminded that Jesus reaches out to us in love even from the cross. Pastor Dawn asked council members to share how they saw or experienced this love on Easter Sunday. Randy Johnson then continued the meeting with devotions and opening prayer.

The Stewardship Committee reported there is a special fundraiser planned for Messiah’s 50th anniversary. An anony-mous donor will be matching the funds with 50¢ for each $1 donated to this spe-cial fund up to a maximum of $25,000. The Stewardship Committee has also planned to donate 10% of the total funds collected to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois and PADS.

Tom Meyer, President, announced the res-ignation of Christian Education Directors, Bonnie Murphy and Susan Vrenios. Tom reported that Bonnie and Susan’s last day would be May 6. They have decided to pursue other areas on ministry. Notices to fill the positions will be placed in the bul-letin and The Voice.

Plans for a new organic gardening group were discussed. Sign up for those inter-ested in this new ministry will take place on April 11, 2010, with other special pro-jects at the Summer Fun Sunday.

Gues Jack Olson shared that Pastor Dawn’s office now has a new sound-resistant ceiling. There are also new lights in the Van Buskirk Conference Room. We also received a donation for the repairs to our sprinkler system.

There will be forums conducted by the Worship Task Force on April 25, 2010 to get additional feedback on the new Sun-day School times of 9 and 10:30am, which will begin the fall.

Note: The council highlights are a summary of the council meeting minutes. Complete transcripts of the minutes are available in the church office the first Tuesday of each month following the meeting.

Notes from the

Messiah Spirituality Center

Pastor Dawn Hass, (815) 404-3431

Council Highlights

Grace Jorgensen, 526-4306

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Good Samaritan Ministry

Lana Steinecker, 438-5257

Welcome to America Pack It’s that time of year again when we get the spring bug to start cleaning out closets and cabinets. Hang on to those items that are in good shape, and donate them to our welcome pack. The pack helps refugee family members when they first arrive in our country with eve-ryday items they can use in the kitchen, bed-room and bathroom. Look for the sign-up sheet on the Good Samaritan Kiosk. Items can be used but must be in excellent condition. New items are also accepted. For info, please call Debbie Takazawa 382-2302.

Hike for Life Tri-County Pregnancy and Parenting Services is a vital ministry in our communities. It has been serving women in Lake and McHenry Counties for over 21 years—helping them through un-planned pregnancies. The Hike for Life is a 3.5 mile walk to be held May 8 at the Lakewood Forest Preserve in Wauconda from 8 to 11:30am. Kids’ games, a moon walk and a mu-seum visit are all fun activities to do with your family, while all proceeds benefit Tri-County directly. Some of the services provided include: abstinence education, free pregnancy tests, medically accurate information, material sup-port, prenatal and parenting education, post- abortion restoration/support, and 24-hour hot-line. If you would like to hike or sponsor a hiker, please contact Lana for more info.

Adult Forum meets every Sunday morning at 9am in the Martin Luther Center. Our May forums will continue to ad-dress the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, with specific attention to its effect upon the Palestinian Christians. We will be fo-cusing upon the ELCA’s Peace Not Walls initiative and com-pare our church’s response to those who adhere to more militant approaches.

May 2: Speaker, Kholoud Khoury—Please join us for a dis-cussion with Kholoud Khoury, a Palestinian Christian, who will provide us with a personal perspective on Israel’s poli-cies and activities regarding the Arab population and, in particular, what is happening to our Arab Lutheran family.

May 9: Life in Occupied Palestine—We will view and discuss a DVD created by Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American Columbia graduate, Fulbright Scholar and granddaughter of Holocaust refugees. She is a frequent volunteer with the international Women’s Peace Service, where she documents human rights abuses of Palestinians in the West Bank. She supports the nonviolent movement against the Occupation. Her video “diary” of her many months living in the West Bank will pro-vide a perspective hidden from most Americans.

May 16: Gospel Text Study—John 17:20-26—Jesus prays that the life of his followers will be characterized by an intimate unity of identity with God. To be so identified with God means also to share God’s mission: to proclaim the word that will bring others into this same unity—a good follow up to our Middle East discussions.

May 23: The Celebration of Pentecost—Gospel Text Study—John 14:8-17—The power of the Holy Spirit is poured out. What does that mean for us? How does this affect the disci-ples’ struggle with Jesus’ nature and identity? What was God’s mission for them—and for us? How does that mission compare with what we have been learning in April and May?

May 30:—Gospel Text Study—John 16:12-15

Suzanne DeLaCruz, 487-4240

June 13 is our last Adult Forum prior to our summer break. We will begin the Adult Forums again in September. Keep an eye out for our fall topics; some good things are in the works that will provide us with opportunities to grow together as a Christian community in knowledge and understanding.

Stephen Ministry

Jane Reents, 526-6013

May 15: Flower and plant pick up between 9am and 1pm at the Rock Youth House.

May 16: Commissioning of our new Stephen Ministers at all services.

Thank you for your support of the Stephen Ministry!

Current Stephen Ministers: Bob Cloud, Naomi Haremza, Dave Isleb, Lynn Jones, Julie Ken-drick, Candy Leonard, and John Norys.

Stephen Ministers in Training: Kim Hahn, Ron Lazzarotto, and Cindy Scholl.

Stephen Leaders: Ruth Franz, Jane Reents, and Laura Ross.

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Generosity Team

As I am writing this month’s article the forecast calls for a sunny and 83 degree day in April. It is hard to focus when my thoughts are drifting toward summer-time—a time to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family, take vacations, and simply just relax. Unfortunately, the sum-mer is a financially challenging time for Messiah. Our expenses stay the same, while giving is lower due to attendance be-ing down. So I’m asking every member of Messiah to make a conscious effort to keep their giving up during the summer. If you know you are going to be out of town for two weeks, drop a check in the mail or simply give a little bit extra before you leave. Just add Messiah to your “to-do” list, along with hold the mail and water the plants. Everyone is doing a great job keeping up with their 2010 pledges; let’s keep it going through the summer!

Also, by now you should have received your Messiah Birthday Challenge envelope. If not, there will be

extras in the Gathering Place and pews in the Sanctu-ary. I challenge each member to prayerfully consider making a special donation, over and above your regu-

lar giving, during this time of celebration. Remember, we’re trying to raise $50,000 in honor of our 50th anniversary. A total of 10% we collect will be donated to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) and PADS. The remaining amount collected will be used to jump start Messiah to serve our faith family and surrounding community for the next 50 years.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at 719-2865.

God Bless, Dave Jarcik, Generosity Ministry Director (on behalf of Messiah’s Generosity Team)

Thinking About Summer Yet?

Exciting New Grant Program from Thrivent Financial

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Christian Education

Bonnie Murphy, 550-1343—Susan Vrenios, 438-6280, Co-directors

The children all seemed to love the Taste of VBS which was held April 10 and resulted in a mass sign up for VBS. The children were all encouraged to invite a friend to VBS as we want to share Jesus’ love with eve-ryone. Be sure to get your registration form in so that we can include your child in the planning for VBS. This year’s Vacation Bible School will require us to become adventurers traveling upriver to discover the vivid rainforest environment. VBS runs June 14-18 from 9am to noon. On Monday, the kids will Get It! as they hear the par-able of the sower and learn the importance of living out their belief in God every day. On Tuesday, the kids will Get Found! as they hear Jesus tell the parable of the lost sheep. They will learn what it means to be lost and how we can become part of God’s family when Jesus finds us. On Wednesday, the kids will Get God’s Love! as they listen to the parable of the Good Samari-tan and be inspired to share God’s love with others. On Thursday, the kids will Get Praying! as they dis-cover the parable of the friend at midnight. They will understand the reassurance that comes from knowing that anytime is the right time to pray to Jesus. On Fri-day, the kids will Get Going! as they hear the parable of the talents, our adventurers will go into the world knowing that by doing their best, they honor God. VBS requires many helping hands! If you are entering the 7th grade or older, we would love to have your help! Those students who are entering 6th grade are welcome to team up with their mom or dad and help as a team. The teen spots do fill quickly, so don’t de-lay in getting in on the fun. If you would like to help, please fill out the registration form and turn it in to us so that we can begin planning for our valuable volun-teers. VBS is a fun and energetic program that you will be happy to be involved with! Upcoming Events: Celebration of Holy Communion is Saturday, May 1 at the 5:00 service. Please join our 5th graders as they celebrate this step in their faith jour-ney. Please take the summer months to continue to worship with your children and encourage them to get involved by following along in the bulletin. Take ad-vantage of the busy bags located near the doors when you first enter the Sanctuary. We are beginning our final rotation this month. It is titled: David. The children will learn how God knew David’s heart and how God sent Samuel out to find a king, and he chose David, because David had a kind and good heart. The children will be challenged to

think about what God sees in their hearts. Different activities each week will reinforce this lesson. As most of you now know, our last day as Christian Education Co-directors is May 6. We would like to thank everyone for all their support the past four years. We appreciate the trust of the parents who are committed to bringing their children to Sunday School and volunteering to teach the many Bible stories. We have been thankful for our pastors who have created a work environment that allowed us to feel supported and encouraged. We would also like to thank church council members for their prayers and affir-mation during these years. We feel so blessed to be part of a wonderful church and be able to share Jesus’ love with our youngest parishioners.

Help Wanted

Part-time Christian Education Director

We are looking for a highly qualified individual with experience in the Christian Education field to develop programs and curriculum, build teams of teachers and volunteers, and coordi-nate and communicate with other ministries. This is a salaried position that averages 30 hours a week—flexible schedule.

Qualifications include organization, communi-cation, coordination and conflict-resolution skills and the ability to recruit volunteers and manage proper child safety policies and proce-dures. Candidates should be able to work inde-pendently and to inspire a team spirit. The po-sition requires facility with Microsoft Of-fice and web applications.

The Christian Education Director reports to the pastor of music and education. A detailed job description is available for review. Please for-ward your résumé to Barry Polhemus at [email protected] or Tom Meyer at [email protected].

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June 14-18, 2010 from 9am to noon June 14-18, 2010 from 9am to noon

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50th Anniversary Commemorative

Country Cookbook VI

The 50th Anniversary Cookbook Committee has a table in the Gath-ering Place where you can obtain recipe forms, sample treats from recipes from our old Country Cookbooks I-V, and submit recipes

to be published in the new 50th Anniversary Com-memorative Country Cookbook VI. We encourage you to browse through your old books to find your fam-ily's favorites and to submit them by e-mail to [email protected] or phone 438-7410. Just supply the cookbook color, recipe name, and page number. We will do the rest. We also want new reci-pes. Use one of the forms and place them in the box provided at our table. Old recipes should be submit-ted as soon as possible, and new recipes by May 30. Thank you for your participation.

The 50th Anniversary Commemorative Country Cook-book VI will be available before Thanksgiving in time for your holiday gift giving. We will be accepting ad-vance orders starting in May.

Calling All Singers

To help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Messiah Lutheran Church, we will be assembling the Messiah Anniversary Choir. The choir will be singing at the 3pm service on May 23. All those who want to par-ticipate need to be at rehearsals, which will start on Thursday, April 29 in the Martin Luther Center. There will be four rehearsals on Thursdays. You do not need to be a member of a Messiah music organi-zation to participate. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship as we prepare to celebrate this big milestone in the life of our church. If you have any questions, please call Pam Dadian at 815-385-7217.

Boy Scout Troop 90

Troop 90 participated in CPR training at the fire department and had a fourth place finish at the Boy Scout First Aid Meet. We had the New Scout Campout at Lakewood in mid April. The new scouts learned troop pro-cedures, acquired new scouting skills, and most of all—had fun. Upcom-ing events for the troop are five and ten mile hikes, a whitewater raft-ing trip and a campout called Webelos Woods, where our scouts teach younger scouts new skills.

We meet at Messiah on Thursday nights at 7:30.

Vinnie Jordan, 526-3316

Manna Cards

Spring fever If you don’t have spring fever yet—watch it, you will soon. Be prepared. Get your Manna cards to get the supplies you need to get your lawn and garden in tip-top shape. You can use manna cards at Ace Hardware, Menards, Home Depot, and Lowe's.

Graduation Time Don't forget to pick up some fun manna cards for your favorite niece or nephew who might be graduat-ing. What a favorite aunt or uncle you will be.

Step out in Style Get your new spring shoes or summer sandals at Pay-less. Have your kids outgrown their soccer or baseball shoes? Get the new sizes at Payless. When you start training for this year’s 5-K walk or run, or maybe even the Chicago or Boston Marathon—be kind to your feet with a new pair of shoes. Coming events for which you or your family may need new footwear: First Communion, Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Graduation, and Prom. (The Payless Manna card re-turns 18% to Messiah for its ministries.)

Sally Lubeno, 526-9308

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Messiah Preschool News

Jesus is Alive! The preschool children loved to learn and tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection so that our sins are forgiven. Everyone loved celebrating this most important event.

Spring is finally around the corner. The children are dis-covering signs of spring all around. They are busy watch-ing plant and insect life cycles unfold in the classroom and outdoors. April included extra attention to recycling and taking good care of God’s precious Earth. The chil-dren’s creativity has no bounds when thinking of ways to reuse all kinds of products. The school celebrated the Week of the Young Child with special art creations and lots of guest readers sharing stories in the classrooms.

May brings the close of our school year. This is truly a time of tremendous joy and a bit of sadness as we say goodbye for the summer. The children spend time ex-ploring oceans and beaches and reviewing how much they have learned and grown throughout the school year. This growth is celebrated in many ways including the compilation of a memory book or portfolio of the time spent at Messiah preschool. The children going to kinder-garten in the fall participate in a special graduation cere-mony with their families. All preschool families are in-vited to join us in an all school picnic at the Lakewood Forest Preserve on May 27.

Registration for the 2010-2011 school year is well under-way—several classes are full; however there are still a few openings for all age groups, so tell your family and friends to join us soon for a tour and introduction to the wonderful learning experience at Messiah’s preschool! Contact us at [email protected] or 526-7479.

Blessings, Lynda Janezic

As one season transitions into another, I’m amazed that another school year will soon come to a close. We are grateful for the opportunity we’ve had to teach and encourage your children. For our last month of school programming, Miss Michele has many spring activities planned. We will celebrate Mother’s Day with homemade flowers, enjoy the sounds of nature as we create bird mobiles, marvel at God’s smallest creatures with the exploration of ladybugs and we will get our hands messy making homemade bubbles.

Warm weather is here. Thinking about summer? We hope your family will make Messiah part of your summer plans. We will be offering a Little Ex-plorers Camp as well as the annual Messiah Explor-ers Camp. For more information on any of our up-coming camps, please refer to page 10, or call us at the office: 526-7112. Registration forms and camp descriptions are also available on our website:

Do you think we could count all those jelly beans? Pastor Dirk did.

It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. Psalms 74:17

Eileen Miller, Director

Silly dress up day.

Crafts require a lot of concentration, and sometimes a little help as well.

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Summer Camps

Messiah Explorers Summer Camp Children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade will enjoy activities such as swim-ming, field trips, art, bible lessons, music and games. We invite you to make new friends or renew friendships from last summer. Our 11-week camp starts June 1 through August 13 and runs from 9am to 4pm with before and after camp care available. Register for the week or a few days a week.

Little Explorers Camp 2010 Messiah Kids Club is excited to offer you three awesome summer camps for preschoolers. Each week we will focus on a different topic. With plenty of learning and lots of fun, we're sure that you will want to be part of the adventure this summer. Our camps are geared for children ages 3-5 years and run Monday-Friday from 9am to 1pm. (All campers must be completely potty-trained.) The fee is $125 per week. Pack a lunch and join others as we explore the majesty of God and our world together.

June 21-25—Hawaiian Cruise Week Pack your bags and get on board as we sail to the Hawaiian Islands. On our way, we'll encounter pirates, coral reefs and a beautiful array of fish and sea creatures. How are islands formed? Our tour guide will answer this question and many more while exploring volcanoes and Hawaii's state symbols. Our trip will conclude with a Luau where we will learn the hula and Macarena dances.

July 19-23—Foods & Fitness Week Get energized and fit while we cook up healthy treats. Are food pyramids in Egypt? Is yoga like yogurt? We will answer these questions and learn about which foods provide healthy fuel for our bodies. Children will enjoy preparing and sam-pling some yummy ethnic and American foods. We'll stay energized focusing on soccer and sports of all sorts.

August 9-13—Time Travel Week Step into the past with us as we go back in time. Just how big are dinosaur foot-prints? What did people do before cell phones and light bulbs? We will learn about past discoveries and inventions and how they impact our lives today. Meet artists and musicians from Picasso to Mozart and dance to disco music from the 70s. We’ll top it off with toys from the past from slingshots to the Wii.

For more information or to register for any of our camps, please call Eileen at 526-7112, or visit our website to download camp information and registration forms at (click on the pre-

school/kids club tab).

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Successful Cafés


Hi Folks,

It's Sam the churchmouse here with the news.

There was an article in the Daily Herald about the Wauconda Chamber of

Commerce Community Expo held at the Wauconda High School recently. The article included a picture of Sally Lubeno and Tommy Turtle promoting our children's ser-mons. Thanks Sally, Tommy and the others who participated.

Named to the fall dean's list at the Univer-sity of Iowa were Lake Zurich students Alli-son Holdden and Kelli Polk. Congratulations ladies!

That's all for now—keep those notes and e-mails coming.

Until next time … Sam

Disaster Relief

In a joint effort, Messiah and 4 Strings At-tached raised over $1300 for three different charities: ELCA Disaster Relief Fund, Doctors Without Borders and AmeriCares.

Lori Ciezak, 815-893-0644

Everyone had fun when the youth groups cooked and cleaned up after the Café on Sunday mornings. There were four so far to help them finance their trip to Colorado this summer. The food they served was great! We all look forward to the final one coming up May 16.

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Birthdays in May

Adams, John 1 Frazier, Emily 1 Gilbert, Shannon 1 Lundstedt, Troy 1 Miller, Harold 1 Minard, Kathryn 1 Tinkoff, Bruce 1 Duym, John 2 Golding, Kristin 2 Kalinoski, Frank 2 Rinard, Jerry 2 Scott, Kip 2 Winkler, Wendy 2 Kleiner, Jacob 3 LaJoy, Diane 3 Simchak, Nicholas 3 Buchert, Nicole 4 Hansen, Annette 4 Harren, Jessica 4 Isleb, David 4 McCann, Patrick 4 Boyko, Melanie 5 Dynek, Matthew 5 Hall, Kris 5 Hoffman, Trevor 5 Rector, James 5 Vezensky, Marie 5 Wortmann, Tommy 5 Blomberg, Carrie 6 Cazares, Christian 6 Clark, Jim 6 Schnack, Amanda 6 Schuhknecht, Janis 6 Sippel,Jay 6 Citro, Neil 7 Jackson Jr., Akil 7 Kleiner, Madeline 7 Brown, Mitchell 8 Citro, Craig 8 Kersten, Cara 8 Kirchwehm, Haley 8 Snedecor, Kara 8

Steinecker, Lana 8 Swanson, Sue 8 Brandt, JoAnne 9 Brownson, Dianne 9 Maki, Karin 9 Pennino, Justin 9 Rinard, Michelle 9 Kootstra, Haley 10 Blomberg, Courtney 11 DuBois, Barbara 11 Jordan, Julie 11 Myers, Rachel 11 Vrenios, Sarah 11 Petralia, Catie 12 Vanacora, Tyler 12 Benz, Julie 13 Berg, Cody 13 Citro, Louis 13 Falconer, Sean 13 Givens, Megan 13 Grissom, Frank 13 Marsek, Victoria 13 Neville, London 13 Polk, Gary 13 Rudden, Michelle 13 Seidel, Elias 13 Ahlgren, Ashley 14 Huedepohl, Kendra 14 Scott, Jessica 14 Sorlie, Sue 14 Bergstrom, Sharon 15 Dopke, Ed 15 Louis, Jonathan 15 Peake, Tyler 15 Turnbull, Chris 15 Francke, Kim 16 Rusin, Maddie 16 Coslet, Dakota 17 Criscione, Chris 17 Markko, David 17 Sandquist, Molly 17 Uhl, Jeff 17

Bobowski, Linda 18 Boncosky, Brooke 18 Burns, Suzanne 18 Grissom, Beth 18 Sheedy,Sydney 18 Staples, Nicole 18 Way, Ramona 18 Zaccone, Jason 18 Fewkes, Zachary 19 Gomez, Sophia 19 Koch, Laura 19 Rohlwing, Kurt 19 Stark, Sheree 19 Wheaton, Eric 19 Coughlin, Carol 20 Dettmann, Hannah 20 Goronson, Lesley 20 Isaacson, Ashley 20 Peldiak, Jennifer 20 Rohlwing, Vicki 20 Botzenhart, Cindy 21 LaJoy, Alyssa 21 McCarte, Christina 21 Postl, Cara 21 Schorr, Alexandra 21 Schuhknecht, Dawn 21 Blasius, Julie 22 Mau, Ruth 22 Moser, Karl 22 Pressney, Gary 22 Redmann, Terri 22 Burkley, Amber 23 Foster, Alex 23 Goossens, Patricia 23 Jorgensen, Grace 23 Milosch, Barb 23 Pahlow, Debbie 23 Boncosky, Jeff 24 Hunt, Emily 24 Kimes, Mary 24 Meese, Haley 24 Stark, Madisen 24

Felderman, Kimberly 24 Glass, Shirley 25 Gralinski, Nathan 25 Petralia, Elise 25 Becker, Jules 26 Hernandez, Lexi 26 Hill, Laura 26 Holden, Allison 26 Lomas, Mary 26 Mau, Nathan 26 Miller, Amanda K. 26 Painter, Lisa 26 Radez, Lara 26 Collier, Claire 27 Meyer, Max 27 Pate, Mike 27 Rossetti, Robert 27 Swanson, Dana 27 Witt, Brynn 27 Klesch, Brayden 28 Lubeno, C. J. 28 Lundgren, J. D. 28 Lundgren, Kathy 28 Brauer, Greta 29 Cooper, Grace 29 Francke, Michelle 29 Johnson, Sue 29 Milosch, Jennifer 29 Murphy, Brendan 29 Prate, Anthony 29 Curry, Eric 30 Frazier, Kaleb 30 Hampel, Lee 30 LaJoy, Matt 30 Takazawa, Jason 30 Takazawa, Marissa 30 Wersyn, Stephanie 30 Markko, Bob 31 Meyer, Emma 31 Schillaci, Vince 31

Loving God, You wrap your arms around your people and show your everlasting love in the same way a mother loves her children. We are grateful for the love you have taught us through the mothers in our lives: our own mother who brought us into this world, the mothers of friends who have welcomed us into their homes and families, our grandmothers who took time for us, and the mothers who have helped us even though we were not their children. Bless all the mothers of this world today. May they know the fullness of love they have shared and be blessed every day of their lives. Amen

Mother’s Day Prayer

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The Voice May 2010 | 13

Thank You to the following for your Special Gifts!

In Memory of Bill Shepherd

William and Sue Awkes Marcia McWilliams

Sally Lubeno Rich and Jane Reents

In Memory of Astrid Dadian

Rich and Jane Reents

In Honor of Naomi Haremza’s 80th Birthday Dennis and Judith Kennedy

Rietta Kasch

Show Your Pride (Humbly, Of Course)

Pentecost Sunday is May 23—the same day as Mes-siah’s 50th anniversary. If you can, please wear something red for both. Don’t have something red? Order a red polo shirt with Messiah’s logo, and let-tering in white, red, or black.

Each time you buy a Messiah logo shirt—or any item with or without the Messiah logo—from our approved supplier, Messiah gets a check for 10 per-cent of your order! The merchandise is delivered directly to your home.

Here’s how to do it:

Go to Messiah’s website,

Click on the Resources tab at the top

Click on the link in the second paragraph. You are now at the GMI site.

Pull down “Find Your Group” and select Mes-siah-Wauconda.

Shop as you would any online store. Remember you are not limited only to the sample Messiah items shown on the page. Explore the site!

Julie Kendrick, 526-8467

Messiah Gear!

The Hoskins family would like to thank our sponsor Heather Graber for making us dinner. We greatly appreci-ate the the meals, emtional support and display of God’s Love from the staff and teachers of Messiah's preschool. These woman have surrounded us with blessings that lifted us up in our time of need. Rob spent time in the hospital and was out of work for a month recuperating from cellulitis. His calf had swelled to the size of a foot-ball and he was unable to walk without severe pain.

Sincerely The Hoskins Family

Deborah Circle

Deborah Circle will meet Wednesday, May 12 at 9:30am at Marion Denny's, 1195 E. Oakwood Drive, Fox Lake. Marilyn Adams will be the co-hostess. We will be discussing week 6, pages 88 - 103 in our book Fingerprints of God.

Jo Ann Isleb, 540-0835.

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14 | Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Wauconda, IL

The Voice of Messiah is a monthly newsletter of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church

Phone: 526-7161 • fax: 526-7184 • e-mail: [email protected] Phone numbers:

Pastor Dawn Mass, (773) 306-8133 Pastor Dirk van der Duim, (773) 497-3630

Pastor Dawn Hass, (815) 404-3431 Pastor Chuck Merkner, 526-1075

VOICE Administrator: Peg Whitman, 526-1053 Editor: Barb Henkel (phone & fax), 438-3655, e-mail: [email protected]

Editing by Joan Grygel, 438-7630 Messiah’s website can be found at

(All phone numbers used in THE VOICE are area code 847 unless listed otherwise.)

Worship Services SATURDAY, 5pm

SUNDAY, 7:30, 9 and 10:30am Messiah’s 50th Anniversary Service at 3pm on May 23

Join in the fellowship between services!

Our Featured Advertiser:


In Our Prayers ...

Todd Anderson Jules Becker Zach Carlson and family Penny Claiborne Jim Clark Ester Dennis Ron Goossens Sue Kasula Linda Leonard

Through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism We Welcome …

Thomas Donald Hansen on March 20 Alexandra Danielle Olson on April 10 Hunter Sean Erickson on April 11 Sophia Rosemary Gomez on April 28

We Extend Our Condolences to … Cindy and Jim Mazzetti and family at the death of Cindy’s mother, Amy Schafer

Norm, Pam and Rachel Dadian at the death of Norm’s mother, Astrid

Messiah’s Family

Birth Announcements …

To Don and Joanne Miller, a grandson, Oliver Edwin Stack

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Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 25225 W. Ivanhoe Road Wauconda, IL 60084-2405 (847) 526-7161

MAY2010 N E W S L E T T E R

“Sharing Jesus’ Love”

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