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T HERMO _ PW Tutorial (v.1.5.0) Andrea Dal Corso (SISSA - Trieste) 1

THERMO PW Tutorial (v.1.5.0)

Oct 15, 2021



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Page 1: THERMO PW Tutorial (v.1.5.0)

THERMO_PW Tutorial(v.1.5.0)

Andrea Dal Corso (SISSA - Trieste)


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1 Introduction 4

2 People 5

3 Overview 6

4 How do I make a self-consistent calculation? 8

5 How do I plot the band structure? 9

6 How do I plot of the electronic density of states? 10

7 How can I see the crystal structure? 11

8 How can I see the Brillouin zone? 12

9 How can I plot the X-ray powder diffraction spectrum? 13

10 How can I find the space group of my crystal? 14

11 How do I plot the phonon dispersions? 15

12 How do I calculate the vibrational energy, free energy, entropy, andheat capacity? 16

13 How do I calculate the atomic B-factor of a solid? 17

14 How do I calculate the elastic constants? 18

15 How do I calculate the Debye temperature? 19

16 How do I calculate the equilibrium structure? 20

17 How do I calculate the equilibrium structure at a given pressure? 21

18 How do I specify the temperature range 22

19 How do I calculate the crystal parameters as a function of temper-ature? 23

20 How do I calculate the thermal expansion? 24

21 How do I calculate the Helmholtz (or Gibbs) free energy as a func-tion of temperature keeping into account the thermal expansion? 25

22 How do I calculate the bulk modulus as a function of temperature? 26

23 How do I calculate the constant pressure heat capacity? 27


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24 How do I calculate the elastic constants as a function of tempera-ture? 28

25 How do I calculate the electronic heat capacity of a metal? 29

26 How do I calculate the thermal expansion of a metal accounting forthe free energy due to the electronic excitations? 30

27 How do I calculate the elastic constants of a metal accounting forthe free energy due to the electronic excitations? 31

28 How do I calculate the frequency dependent dielectric constant ofa material? 32

29 How do I calculate the frequency dependent reflectivity of a mate-rial? 33

30 Which is the meaning of the colors in the electronic bands andphonon dispersions plots? 34


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1 Introduction

This guide gives a brief overview of the thermo_pw package. It gives you theminimal information needed to accomplish a given task. It assumes that youhave already downloaded and compiled QUANTUM ESPRESSO and thermo_pwand you want to calculate some material property but you do not known whereto start. The ultimate reference for the use of thermo_pw is its user’s guide,however the capabilities of the code are rapidly expanding and the user’s guideis becoming long, so if you do not want to read it entirely you can find herewhere the relevant information are. There might be some limitations on thetype of functionals that you can use or the electronic structure scheme avail-able to compute a given quantity. Please refer to the QUANTUM ESPRESSOdocumentation for this.


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2 People

This tutorial has been written by Andrea Dal Corso (SISSA - Trieste).


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3 Overview

In order to make a calculation with thermo_pw you need to be able to pro-duce an input file for the pw.x code of QUANTUM ESPRESSO. This input filerequires mainly five information:

• The Bravais lattice.

• The position of the atoms inside the unit cell.

• The type of atoms and the pseudopotentials files that you want to use.

• The cut-off energies.

• The k-point mesh used to make integration over the Brillouin zone. Thesmearing parameter for metals.

The Bravais lattice is specified by an integer number ibrav and by the crys-tal parameters celldm (up to six numbers). You can find information on theibrav code and on the required crystal parameters in the file PW/Doc/INPUT_PWof the QUANTUM ESPRESSO distribution. In QUANTUM ESPRESSO you canuse ibrav=0 and give the primitive lattice vectors of the Bravais lattice. Presentlythermo_pw needs to know the Bravais lattice number so this form of inputis not recommended. If you use it, thermo_pw writes on output the ibrav,the celldm and the atomic coordinates needed to simulate the same celland stops. You can therefore just cut and paste ibrav, celldm and theatomic coordinates in the input of pw.x. Alternatively you can set the flagfind_ibrav=.TRUE. in the thermo_pw input and thermo_pw will make theconversion for you and run the job. After setting the correct ibrav andcelldm, thermo_pw might still tell you that the Bravais lattice is not com-patible with the point group. This can happen, for instance, if you have iso-lated molecules, amorphous solids, defects, or supercells. In these cases youcan still continue but symmetry will not be used to reduce the number ofcomponents of the physical quantities tensors. In order to use the residualsymmetry, you have to use one of the suggested ibrav, adjusting the celldmto the parameters of your cell. For instance if you have a cubic cell, but thesymmetry requires a tetragonal lattice, you have to use a tetragonal latticewith celldm(3)=1.0. In rare cases, with lattices such as the face-centeredorthorhombic some symmetry operations might be incompatible with the FFTgrid found by pw.x. The choice made in QUANTUM ESPRESSO is to discardthese symmetries making the lattice incompatible with the point group. Inthese cases the code needs nr1=nr2=nr3. Set these three parameters in thepw.x input equal to the largest one.

The positions of the atoms inside the unit cell are defined by an integernumber nat (the number of atoms) and by nat three-dimensional vectors asexplained in the file PW/Doc/INPUT_PW. You can use several units, give thecoordinates in the Cartesian or in the crystal basis or you can give the spacegroup number and the coordinates of the nonequivalent atoms. These options


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are supported by thermo_pw. See the pw.x manual for details.

The number of different types of atoms is given by an integer number ntypand for each atomic type you need to specify a pseudopotential file. Pseu-dopotential files depend on the exchange and correlation functional and canbe found in many different places. There is a pseudopotential page in theQUANTUM ESPRESSO website, or you can consider generating your pseu-dopotentials with the pslibrary inputs. You can consult the web page

for more information.

The kinetic energies cut-offs depend on the pseudopotentials and on theaccuracy of your calculation. You can find some hints about the required cut-offs inside the pseudopotentials files, but you need to check the convergence ofyour results with the cut-off energies. Many tests of the kinetic energy cut-offscan be found also at

The k-point mesh is given by three integer numbers and possible shifts (0or 1) in the three directions. The convergence of the results with this meshshould be tested. For metals you have also to specify a smearing method(for instance occupations=’smearing’, smearing=’mp’) and a value of thesmearing parameter (in Ry) (see the variable degauss in the file PW/Doc/INPUT_PW).Note that the convergence with respect to the k-points depends on the valueof degauss and must be tested for each degauss.

Once you have an input for pw.x, in order to run thermo_pw you have towrite a file called thermo_control that contains a namelist called INPUT_THERMO.This namelist contains a keyword what that controls the calculation performedby thermo_pw. Ideally you need to set only what and call thermo_pw.x insteadof pw.x, giving as input the input prepared for pw.x.


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4 How do I make a self-consistent calculation?

Use what=’scf’. See example01. The calculation is equivalent to a call topw.x and is controlled by its input. In particular in the input of pw.x youcan choose a single self-consistent calculation using calculation=’scf’,an atomic relaxation using calculation=’relax’, or a cell relaxation usingcalculation=’vc-relax’. The use of calculation=’nscf’ and calculation=’bands’ is not supported by thermo_pw and could give unpredictable re-sults. There is no advantage to use thermo_pw to do a molecular dynamiccalculation.


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5 How do I plot the band structure?

Use what=’scf_bands’. See example02. With this option thermo_pw callstwice pw.x making first a self-consistent calculation with the parameters givenin the pw.x input and then a band calculation along a path chosen by thermo_pw,or along a path given by the user after the INPUT_THERMO namelist. The pathcan be given as in the pw.x input, but see the user’s guide for additional de-tails. There are a few parameters that you can give in the INPUT_THERMOnamelist to control the band plot. The most useful are emin_input andemax_input that allow you to plot the bands in a given energy range. Atthe end of the run, the figure of the bands is in a file called,if you do not change the name of the postscript file in the thermo_pw input.Check also the option what=’scf_2d_bands’ if you need to plot the surfaceband structure.


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6 How do I plot of the electronic density of states?

Use what=’scf_dos’. See example18. With this option thermo_pw callstwice pw.x making first a self-consistent calculation followed by a non self-consistent calculation on a uniform k-point mesh. This mesh can be specifiedin the thermo_pw input (if none is given thermo_pw uses the default values).At the end of the run, the figure of the density of states is in a file if you do not specify the name of the postscript file in thethermo_pw input.


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7 How can I see the crystal structure?

thermo_pw is not a crystal structure viewer, but you can use the code XCrySDenthat reads the pw.x input to see the crystal structure. If you use what=’plot_bz’,thermo_pw produces a .xsf file that contains the structure given in input andcan be read directly by XCrySDen. This could be useful when you give thespace group number and the nonequivalents atomic positions since this inputis presently not readable by XCrySDen. The generated .xsf file contains allthe symmetry equivalent atomic positions. For the same purpose you couldalso use the output of pw.x.


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8 How can I see the Brillouin zone?

Use what=’plot_bz’. See example12. With this option thermo_pw does notcall pw.x, it just produces a script for the asymptote code with the instruc-tions to plot the Brillouin zone and the standard path (or the path that youhave given in the thermo_pw input).


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9 How can I plot the X-ray powder diffraction spec-trum?

Use what=’plot_bz’ to see the spectrum corresponding to the geometry givenin the pw.x input. You can also see the spectrum corresponding to a relaxedstructure using for instance what=’scf’, asking for an atomic (cell) relaxationin the pw.x input and using lxrdp=.TRUE. variable in the thermo_pw input.The X-ray powder diffraction spectrum is shown in a file called,if the name of the postscript file is not given in the thermo_pw input. The scat-tering angles and intensities are also written in a file called output_xrdp.dat,if the filename is not given in the thermo_pw input.


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10 How can I find the space group of my crystal?

Use what=’plot_bz’ and look at the output. The space group is identi-fied. In the case you have a structure with ibrav=0 and the primitive latticevectors use the option find_ibrav=.TRUE. in the thermo_pw input (see thethermo_pw user’s guide in the subsection Coordinates and structure). Thisoption has presently some limitations. It does not work for noncollinear mag-netic system, or for supercells, or when the Bravais lattice and the point groupare incompatible.


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11 How do I plot the phonon dispersions?

Use what=’scf_disp’. See example04. In this case you have to prepare aninput for the ph.x code that must be called ph_control. The required infor-mation in this input is the q-point mesh on which the dynamical matrices arecomputed and the name of the files where the dynamical matrices are written.See the ph.x guide if you need information on this point. At the end of therun, the phonon dispersions are found in a file called,if the name of the postscript file is not given in the thermo_pw input. Thevibrational density of states is found in a file called, if thename of the postscript file in not given in the thermo_pw input.


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12 How do I calculate the vibrational energy, freeenergy, entropy, and heat capacity?

Use what=’scf_disp’. See example04. These quantities are calculated afterthe phonon dispersion calculation for the default temperature range (1 K -800 K) or for the range given in the thermo_pw input. The figure of thesequantities is in the file Note that they are calculated atthe geometry given in the input of pw.x.


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13 How do I calculate the atomic B-factor of asolid?

Use what=’scf_disp’ as in example04 and add the flag with_eigen=.TRUE..These quantities are calculated after the phonon dispersion calculation for thedefault temperature range (1 K - 800 K) or for the range given in the thermo_pwinput. The figure of these quantities is in the file that they are calculated at the geometry given in the input of pw.x.


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14 How do I calculate the elastic constants?

Use what=’scf_elastic_constants’. See example13. The elastic constantsappear in the output of thermo_pw and also in a file called output_el_cons.dat,if the name of the file is not given in input. This file can be read by thermo_pwfor the options that require the knowledge of the elastic constants.


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15 How do I calculate the Debye temperature?

Use what=’scf_elastic_constants’. See example13. The Debye tempera-ture appears in the output of thermo_pw. A file called output_therm.ps_debyecontains plots of the vibrational energy, free energy, entropy, and heat capac-ity computed within the Debye model.


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16 How do I calculate the equilibrium structure?

Use what=’mur_lc’. See example05. Refer to the user’s guide for anisotropicsolids. The crystal parameters are written in the thermo_pw output file. Notethat the structure is searched interpolating with a polynomial or with theMurnaghan equation the energy calculated for several geometries close to thegeometry given in the input of pw.x so the closer this structure is to the actualequilibrium structure the better the fit is and the closer the value found bythermo_pw to the real minimum. If the equilibrium structure is very differentfrom the one given in the pw.x input you might want to repeat the calcula-tion starting from the new equilibrium structure. You can also check withthe file (when lmur=.true.) or (whenlmur=.false.) if the minimum found is within the range of calculated struc-tures. If this is not the case the minimum has probably a non negligible error.Note also that almost all options can be specified using what=’mur_lc_...’instead of what=’scf_...’. In this case they are calculated at the equilib-rium geometry instead of the geometry given in the pw.x input. This holdsalso if a finite pressure is specified in the thermo_pw input and the equilib-rium structure corresponds to the given pressure (See below).


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17 How do I calculate the equilibrium structureat a given pressure?

Use what=’mur_lc’ and specify pressure=value in kbar in the thermo_pwinput. Note that in the input of pw.x you should give a geometry which isas close as possible to the equilibrium value found by the code at the givenpressure (see above).


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18 How do I specify the temperature range

See the thermo_pw user’s guide in the subsection Temperature and Pressure.


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19 How do I calculate the crystal parameters as afunction of temperature?

Use what=’mur_lc_t’. See example09. Note that for this option you need togive also the ph.x input. For anisotropic solids you need to specify lmurn=.FALSE.,otherwise you calculate only the volume as a function of temperature varyingcelldm(1) but keeping all the other crystal parameters constant. The crys-tal parameters are plotted as a function of temperature in the standard tem-perature range if not given in input, in the file for cubicsolids and output_anharm.ps_celldm for anisotropic solids if the name ofthe postscript file is not given in input.


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20 How do I calculate the thermal expansion?

Use what=’mur_lc_t’. See example09. The thermal expansions are shownas a function of temperature in the file


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21 How do I calculate the Helmholtz (or Gibbs)free energy as a function of temperature keep-ing into account the thermal expansion?

Use what=’mur_lc_t’. The Helmholtz (or Gibbs at finite pressure) free energyis shown as a function of temperature in the file Notethat the absolute value of this energy depends on the pseudopotentials as thetotal energy. You can however compare the free energies for different crystalstructures and predict if a phase transition occurs and at which temperature(also as a function of pressure).


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22 How do I calculate the bulk modulus as a func-tion of temperature?

Use what=’mur_lc_t’ and the option lmurn=.TRUE.. This approach is rigor-ously valid only for cubic solids, for anisotropic solid it is only an approxima-tion in which only celldm(1) is changed while the other crystal parametersare kept constant.


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23 How do I calculate the constant pressure heatcapacity?

Use what=’mur_lc_t’ and the option lmurn=.TRUE.. This approach is rigor-ously valid only for cubic solids, for anisotropic solid it is only an approxima-tion in which only celldm(1) is changed while the other crystal parametersare kept constant.


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24 How do I calculate the elastic constants as afunction of temperature?

There are two ways. Both of them are a two step calculation. The fastestmethod uses the “quasi-static” approximation but it is less accurate. First usewhat=’elastic_constants_t’. This option computes the elastic constantsat T = 0 for all the geometries used by what=’mur_lc_t’ and saves them inthe directory elastic_constants. In the second step use the same input forpw.x and run again thermo_pw with what=’mur_lc_t’ after copying in yourworking directory the directory elastic_constants obtained in the previousstep. Elastic constants are read only when lmurn=.FALSE.. The “quasi-static”approximation means that the code interpolates the elastic constants at T = 0K found in the first step at the geometry that minimizes the Helmholtz (orGibbs at finite pressure) free energy at temperature T .The second method uses the “quasi-harmonic” approximation and requiresmany phonon calculations at many geometries. First use what=’elastic_constants_t’ and set use_free_energy= .TRUE.. This option computes thetemperature dependent elastic constants taking as unperturbed geometriesthose used by what=’mur_lc_t’ and saves them in the directory anhar_files.In the second step use the same input for pw.x and run again thermo_pwwith what=’mur_lc_t’ after copying in your working directory the directoryanhar_files obtained in the previous step. Elastic constants are read onlywhen lmurn=.FALSE.. The “quasi-harmonic” approximation means that thecode interpolates the temperature dependent elastic constants found in thefirst step as second derivatives of the Helmholtz free energy (corrected togive the stress-strain elastic constants), at the geometry that minimizes theHelmholtz free energy.The plot of the elastic constants will be found in that these approaches used with the option lmurn=.FALSE. can calcu-late the thermodynamic properties of non-cubic solids, but the second methodis still experimental and should be limited to cubic solids.


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25 How do I calculate the electronic heat capac-ity of a metal?

Use what=’scf_dos’. See example18. In the metallic case in addition toa plot of the density of states this option produces also a plot of the elec-tronic energy, free energy, entropy, heat capacity, and chemical potential inthe standard temperature range if this range is not given in the thermo_pw in-put. These quantities are found in the file if the name ofthe postscript file is not given in the thermo_pw input. Please keep the defaultvalue of deltae or the electronic thermodynamic properties could be wrong atlow temperatures.


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26 How do I calculate the thermal expansion ofa metal accounting for the free energy due tothe electronic excitations?

This is a two step calculations. First use what=’mur_lc’ and the flag lel_free_energy=.TRUE. to write on files the electronic thermodynamic proper-ties for each geometry used by what=’mur_lc’. Then copy the files with theelectronic thermodynamic properties in the therm_files directory and runthermo_pw with what=’mur_lc_t’ and the flag lel_free_energy=.TRUE..The electronic free energy is read from files and added to the vibrational freeenergy before computing the equilibrium crystal structure. See example24 forthis case.


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27 How do I calculate the elastic constants of ametal accounting for the free energy due tothe electronic excitations?

This is a four step procedure. First use what=’mur_lc’ and the flag lel_free_energy=.TRUE. as in the previous point in order to get the electronicthermodynamic properties for all the unperturbed geometries. Then use what=’elastic_constant_t’ with the flag lel_free_energy=.TRUE. and the flaguse_free_energy=.FALSE. to write on file the electronic thermodynamic prop-erties for all strained geometries. Then use what=’elastic_constant_t’with lel_free_energy=.TRUE. and use_free_energy=.TRUE. after copy-ing the electronic thermodynamic properties obtained at previous point inthe therm_files directory, so the free energy derived in this step to ob-tain the elastic constants has also the electronic contribution. Finally usewhat=’mur_lc_t’ with lel_free_energy=.TRUE. and use_free_energy=.TRUE. after copying the elastic constants obtained at previous step in theanhar_files directory and the electronic thermodynamic properties obtainedin the first step in the therm_files directory.


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28 How do I calculate the frequency dependentdielectric constant of a material?

Use what=’scf_ph’. See example16 and example20. Please note that thiscalculation is made by the extended version of the phonon code available inthermo_pw, so you have to provide specific flags to the phonon input. See theuser’s guide for details. The dielectric constant is in the file that for metals you need to specify a finite wave-vector q and you can-not plot the dielectric constant when q is the Γ point. See example17 andexample21 for this case.


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29 How do I calculate the frequency dependentreflectivity of a material?

The calculation of this quantity is implemented only for isotropic (cubic) solids.It is plotted together with the frequency dependent dielectric constant in in-sulating cubic solids when q is the Γ point. In this case the code plots alsothe absorption coefficient. Both quantities can be plotted as a function of thefrequency or of the wavelength.


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30 Which is the meaning of the colors in the elec-tronic bands and phonon dispersions plots?

Different colors correspond to different irreducible representations of the pointco-group of the k or q wavevector. To see the correspondence color-representationsee the point_groups.pdf manual. The point group used for each k orq point is written in the thermo_pw output and also in the plot if you setenhance_plot=.TRUE.. In the output you can also find, close to each bandenergy or phonon frequency value, the name of the irreducible representation.Relevant character tables are given in the point_groups.pdf manual, in thethermo_pw output, or by the crystal_point_group.x tool.