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Abstract Observations over extended times of a lipid mi- crotube (tether) formed from a lecithin vesicle have shown that under constant external loads the tether exhibits a con- tinuous slow growth. It is considered that this growth is a consequence of the net transbilayer movement of phospho- lipid molecules in a direction which relieves the membrane strain resulting from the elastic deformation of the vesicle. The elastic deformation mode responsible for this effect is identified as the relative expansion of the two membrane layers reflecting the non-local contribution to membrane bending. An equation for the consequent rate of transbi- layer movement of phospholipid molecules is derived. The dynamic behavior of the system is modeled by including frictional contributions due to interlayer slip and Stokes drag on the glass bead used to form the tether. The general numerical solution reveals a complex dependence of the tether growth rate on the system parameters and a contin- uous increase in the rate of tether growth at long times. Closed form expressions approximating the system behav- ior are derived and the conditions under which they can be applied are specified. Modeling the mechanically-driven lipid transport as a simple, stochastic, thermal process, al- lows the rate of lipid translocation to be related to the equi- librium transbilayer exchange rate of phospholipid mole- cules. Consideration of experimental results shows that the time constant for mechanically-driven translocation is shorter than the time for diffusion-driven translocation by approximately two orders of magnitude, indicating that lipid translocation is not a simple diffusive process. Key words Membrane microtubes · Membrane elasticity · Phospholipid translocation Introduction A number of cellular processes involve deformation of membrane bilayers and the formation of small vesicles or tubo-vesicular structures. Studies of the mechanical prop- erties of thin membrane tubes are invaluable for under- standing such processes in which membranes and mem- brane deformation play an active role. In addition, forma- tion of thin membrane microtubes (tethers) from bilayer membranes under well controlled conditions provides a powerful physical approach for investigating the funda- mental elastic and dynamic properties of lipid bilayers. In previous studies tether formation has been used to deter- mine the local and non-local bending constants of phos- pholipid bilayer membranes (Waugh et al. 1992), the co- efficient of interleaflet friction (Evans and Yeung 1994), the apparent rate of interleaflet lipid transport (Raphael and Waugh 1996), as well as the role of the red cell membrane skeleton in stabilizing the red cell bilayer (Waugh and Bau- serman 1995). In the interpretation of these experiments it is important to use a reliable theoretical approach. Inevi- tably, mechanical analyses of tether formation experiments involve some simplifying assumptions. As the experimen- tal methodology has developed, a number of these assump- tions have been challenged, and the models used to inter- pret the experimental outcome have continued to evolve. The particular approach to tether formation being ad- dressed in the present analysis was first introduced by Bo and Waugh (1989). A vesicle was aspirated into a pipette forming a spherical portion outside the pipette and a pro- jection within the pipette. A glass bead was attached to the spherical portion of the vesicle opposite the pipette, and a Eur Biophys J (1998) 27: 197– 209 © Springer-Verlag 1998 Received: 29 November 1996 / Revised version: 1 December 1997 / Accepted: 9 January 1998 S. Svetina · B. Z ˇ eks ˇ · R. E. Waugh · R. M. Raphael Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of phospholipid molecules on the dynamic behavior of a microtube pulled out of an aspirated vesicle ARTICLE S. Svetina () 1 · B. Z ˇ eksˇ Institute of Biophysics, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, and J. Stefan Institute, 1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia R. E. Waugh Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 14642, USA R. M. Raphael Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA Corresponding address: 1 Institute of Biophysics, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Lipic ˇeva 2, 1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia (e-mail: [email protected])

Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

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Page 1: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

Abstract Observations over extended times of a lipid mi-crotube (tether) formed from a lecithin vesicle have shownthat under constant external loads the tether exhibits a con-tinuous slow growth. It is considered that this growth is aconsequence of the net transbilayer movement of phospho-lipid molecules in a direction which relieves the membranestrain resulting from the elastic deformation of the vesicle.The elastic deformation mode responsible for this effect isidentified as the relative expansion of the two membranelayers reflecting the non-local contribution to membranebending. An equation for the consequent rate of transbi-layer movement of phospholipid molecules is derived. Thedynamic behavior of the system is modeled by includingfrictional contributions due to interlayer slip and Stokesdrag on the glass bead used to form the tether. The generalnumerical solution reveals a complex dependence of thetether growth rate on the system parameters and a contin-uous increase in the rate of tether growth at long times.Closed form expressions approximating the system behav-ior are derived and the conditions under which they can beapplied are specified. Modeling the mechanically-drivenlipid transport as a simple, stochastic, thermal process, al-lows the rate of lipid translocation to be related to the equi-librium transbilayer exchange rate of phospholipid mole-cules. Consideration of experimental results shows that thetime constant for mechanically-driven translocation is

shorter than the time for diffusion-driven translocation byapproximately two orders of magnitude, indicating thatlipid translocation is not a simple diffusive process.

Key words Membrane microtubes · Membrane elasticity · Phospholipid translocation


A number of cellular processes involve deformation ofmembrane bilayers and the formation of small vesicles ortubo-vesicular structures. Studies of the mechanical prop-erties of thin membrane tubes are invaluable for under-standing such processes in which membranes and mem-brane deformation play an active role. In addition, forma-tion of thin membrane microtubes (tethers) from bilayermembranes under well controlled conditions provides apowerful physical approach for investigating the funda-mental elastic and dynamic properties of lipid bilayers. Inprevious studies tether formation has been used to deter-mine the local and non-local bending constants of phos-pholipid bilayer membranes (Waugh et al. 1992), the co-efficient of interleaflet friction (Evans and Yeung 1994),the apparent rate of interleaflet lipid transport (Raphael andWaugh 1996), as well as the role of the red cell membraneskeleton in stabilizing the red cell bilayer (Waugh and Bau-serman 1995). In the interpretation of these experiments itis important to use a reliable theoretical approach. Inevi-tably, mechanical analyses of tether formation experimentsinvolve some simplifying assumptions. As the experimen-tal methodology has developed, a number of these assump-tions have been challenged, and the models used to inter-pret the experimental outcome have continued to evolve.

The particular approach to tether formation being ad-dressed in the present analysis was first introduced by Boand Waugh (1989). A vesicle was aspirated into a pipetteforming a spherical portion outside the pipette and a pro-jection within the pipette. A glass bead was attached to thespherical portion of the vesicle opposite the pipette, and a

Eur Biophys J (1998) 27: 197–209 © Springer-Verlag 1998

Received: 29 November 1996 / Revised version: 1 December 1997 / Accepted: 9 January 1998

S. Svetina · B. Zeks · R. E. Waugh · R. M. Raphael

Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of phospholipid molecules on the dynamic behavior of a microtube pulledout of an aspirated vesicle


S. Svetina (½) 1 · B. ZeksInstitute of Biophysics, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, and J. Stefan Institute, 1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia

R. E. WaughDepartment of Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY 14642, USA

R. M. RaphaelDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

Corresponding address:1 Institute of Biophysics, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana,Lipiceva 2, 1105 Ljubljana, Slovenia(e-mail: [email protected])

Page 2: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

tether was pulled out of the surface as a consequence ofthe gravitational force on the bead. An equilibrium config-uration of the tethered vesicle can be established at a par-ticular pipette aspiration pressure for a given weight of thebead. This equilibrium is characterized by a tether of a cer-tain radius and a certain length, and also depends on thevalues of the membrane local and non-local bending mod-uli (Bozic et al. 1992). Measurements of the tether lengthand the length of the vesicle projection within the pipetteas a function of the aspiration pressure can be used to de-termine these two bending moduli (Waugh et al. 1992).

Subsequent to these initial studies on the elastic prop-erties of bilayer membranes, attention was focused on thedynamic aspects of tether formation. In one set of experi-ments the response of the system to a step decrease of theaspiration pressure was observed. The system was foundto relax to the new equilibrium state by a time delay whichcan be ascribed to the fluid drag on the moving bead andthe drag at the interface between the leaflets of the bilayer(Evans et al. 1992). The latter drag has also been shown tobe important in the determination of the dispersion rela-tion for a fluid bilayer membrane (Seifert and Langer1993). Evans and Yeung (1994) performed a detailed anal-ysis of the kinematics of the bilayer as it flows from thebody of the vesicle onto the tether. Their solution providesinformation about the time dependent distribution of areastrain in the two leaflets of the membrane as the tethergrows and formed the basis for obtaining the interleafletdrag coefficient from the experimental data. The analysispredicts that after a step reduction in the aspiration pres-sure, the system should approach a new equilibrium stateon an exponential time course, the time constant of whichcontains the interleaflet drag coefficient.

Further refinements in the experimental approach (Ra-phael and Waugh 1996) made it possible to study the be-havior of the system over extended times. Careful obser-vation of the length of the tether after a step reduction inaspiration pressure revealed the surprising result that thesystem does not reach a true equilibrium but that the tethercontinues to grow at a slow rate. The unrealized expecta-tion that a new equilibrium should be reached was basedon the knowledge that as the tether length increases, thedifference in areas between the leaflets of the bilayer in-creases proportionately. If the number of molecules in eachleaflet remains constant, this would result in an elastic de-formation of the two membrane leaflets and an increase inthe energy of the system due to the non-local bending elas-ticity of the membrane. That an equilibrium was notreached indicated that the non-local elasticity was relax-ing, possibly as a result of a net movement of moleculesfrom the compressed inner leaflet of the bilayer to the ex-panded outer leaflet. The original analysis of Yeung andEvans (1994) was extended to include a relaxation of thedifference in area strain between the leaflets by a transportof molecules between leaflets (lipid translocation) (Ra-phael and Waugh 1996). (This generalized model was orig-inally proposed by Evans (Evans et al. 1992) but the coef-ficient for interleaflet transport was taken to be zero in hissubsequent analyses.) To obtain the solution to this prob-

lem, a number of simplifying assumptions were made, not-ably, that the vesicle consisted simply of a sphere with con-stant radius and that the membrane tension (isotropic forceresultant) in the body of the vesicle was constant while thetether was being pulled out. The prediction of this extendedanalysis is that the tether length should increase in time asthe sum of an exponential plus a linear term. The three freeparameters of the fit were used to obtain the interleafletdrag coefficient, the non-local bending elastic modulus andthe coefficient characterizing the rate of lipid transloca-tion.

In the present work a different analytical approach isused to obtain a prediction of the time course of tether for-mation after a step reduction in aspiration pressure. It fol-lows the hypothesis that the long term growth of the tetheris a reflection of a net movement of lipid moleculesbetween the leaflets of the bilayer. This movement is as-cribed to be the consequence of a driving force which re-sults from differential changes in the area density of phos-pholipid molecules in the two membrane monolayers in-duced during tether formation (Bozic et al. 1992). The cor-responding theoretical analysis is based on a descriptionof the free energy of the vesicular phospholipid membranethat includes as a parameter the difference between theequilibrium areas of the two bilayer leaflets (Svetina et al.1985). Because this difference is proportional to the dif-ference between the number of molecules in these leaflets,the free energy of the system can decrease by the net trans-bilayer movement of phospholipid molecules. The modelis designed to be technically tractable but complete in thesense that it takes into consideration all the factors whichare known to affect the behavior of the system. In partic-ular, the model reproduces the system geometry quiteclosely and accounts for both elastic and dissipative con-tributions to the energy. One simplifying assumption is thatthe distribution of area strain is uniform over the vesiclesurface. This assumption is supported by the analysis ofRaphael and Waugh (1996) in which it is shown that spa-tial gradients in the area strain dissipate rapidly over thesurface of the vesicle, such that for most of the time dur-ing which the tether is formed, the distribution of strain isuniform except for a small region very near the tether. Aswill be shown, the prediction that the time course of tethergrowth should be the sum of an exponential plus a linearterm is recovered in certain limiting cases, and the condi-tions under which this approximation is valid are preciselydefined. In addition, a rational thermodynamic basis forcomparing the apparent rate of lipid translocation in tetherexperiments with half times of lipid exchange measuredby other methods is provided.

Elastic properties of phospholipid bilayers and vesicle shapes

Phospholipid bilayer membranes are composed of twolayers which can in many instances be considered as inde-pendent physical entities because the transbilayer move-


Page 3: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

ment of phospholipids is slow. This slowness is the reflec-tion of phospholipid exchange halftimes which are of theorder of hours and days (Wimley and Thompson 1991).The two layers are held in close contact by the hydropho-bic effect and therefore their areas are related by the ex-pression:

Aout = Ain + h ∫ (c1 + c2) dA , (1)

where Aout and Ain are the areas of the neutral surfaces ofthe outer and the inner layer, respectively, h is the distancebetween these surfaces, and c1 and c2 are the two princi-pal curvatures. Integration is over the membrane area(A ≅ Aout ≅ Ain) of the vesicle.

Although in contact, the two layers of a phospholipidbilayer can move laterally over each other and thereforeare able to relax their elastic strains independently. Con-sequently, the elastic energy of a bilayer is essentially thesum of the elastic energies of the two layers. By consider-ing that each layer behaves in the plane of the membraneas a two-dimensional liquid and that it has the propertiesof an elastic body if it is bent, the elastic energy of a bi-layer can, by also taking into consideration the relation-ship 1, be expressed as a sum of the membrane area expan-sivity term, the non-local bending term, and the bendingterm (Evans 1980; Svetina et al. 1985; Bozic et al. 1992;Miao et al. 1994; Svetina and Zeks 1996). This sum reads,with its individual terms written in the indicated order, as


Here A is the area of the bilayer neutral surface, A0 the cor-responding unstretched area and K the area expansivitymodulus. ∆A is the difference between the areas of the twomembrane monolayers (Aout – Ain), ∆A0 the correspondingequilibrium difference (A0

out – A0in), and kr the non-local

bending modulus. In the last term, kc is the local bendingmodulus, c0 the spontaneous curvature (Helfrich 1973),and integration extends over the whole membrane area.

A free phospholipid vesicle is expected to assume anequilibrium shape which corresponds to the minimum ofthe elastic energy, Eq. (2). The theoretical equilibriumshape can be obtained by variational methods where theequilibrium membrane area A0, equilibrium area differ-ence (∆A0), the spontaneous curvature (c0), and in manyapplications also vesicle volume (V) are given (Svetina andZeks 1989, Heinrich et al. 1993). In the case that forces areapplied to the vesicle, the functional to be minimized toobtain the equilibrium vesicle shape is the system free en-ergy, which also includes the potential energy due to thework done by the applied forces (Bozic et al. 1992).

The non-local bending term in Eq. (2) is the direct meas-ure of the energy contribution due to the difference in thearea density of molecules in the two membrane leaflets.The difference ∆A – ∆A0, and thus the non-local bendingcontribution to the elastic energy of the vesicle have a non-zero value in a phospholipid vesicle when the areas Aout


A Ak

A hA A

k c c c dA



= − + −

+ + −∫






02 0


1 2 02

( ) ( )

( ) .

∆ ∆

and Ain are not in the relaxed state, i. e. in the state in whicheach individual layer would have the minimum elastic en-ergy corresponding to the respective equilibrium areas A0


and A0in. The difference ∆A – ∆A0 can be particularly pro-

nounced under experimental conditions which cause adrastic change of the vesicle shape, such as during tetherformation experiments.

For a vesicle with a membrane composed of a singlecomponent the equilibrium area difference ∆A0 can be ex-pressed in terms of the numbers of molecules in the outer(Nout) and the inner (Nin) layer, and the corresponding areas per molecule in the relaxed monolayer state (A

–0out and



∆A0 = Nout A–

0out – Nin A

–0in (3)

It is clear that by the transbilayer transfer of moleculesthe equilibrium area difference ∆A0 is changed, and thatby this process the non-local bending contribution to theelastic energy can be decreased.

Relaxation of non-local bending elasticity during tether formation

The free energy in the tether pulling experiment is obtainedsufficiently accurately (Bozic et al. 1992, 1997) by simu-lating the shape of a vesicle as a geometrical body de-scribed in terms of a relatively small set of parameters, byascribing to this shape the membrane elastic energy, andby including the contributions due to the external forces.We consider a geometrical body (Fig. 1) where the part ofthe vesicle inside the pipette is described as a cylinder withthe radius of the internal surface of the pipette wall (Rp)ending with a hemispherical cap of the same radius. Thelength of the projection within the pipette is denoted by Lp.The vesicle outside the pipette is described by a spherewith radius Rv. The tether is assumed to be a cylinder withradius Rt and length Lt. For a given pipette there are, inthis model, four free geometrical parameters. They areinterrelated because the vesicle volume is constant, and (itis assumed) the membrane is laterally incompressible atthe bilayer neutral surface, such that the vesicle area is alsoconstant (A=A0). Because the tether radius is small, the


Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the vesicle which is aspirated ina pipette and pulled with constant force (f) in the opposite direction.The shape is described by one parameter (Rp) and four variables (teth-er length Lt, tether radius Rt, pipette projection length Lp, and ves-icle radius Rv). The pressure surrounding the vesicle is p0, and thepressure in the pipette is pp

Page 4: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

volume of the tether can be neglected, and the volume ofthe vesicle (V) is given nearly exactly by the volume of thepipette part plus the outside spherical part of the vesicle,


The vesicle area (A0) in the model is equal to


To predict quantitatively the tether behavior it is suffi-cient to include in the expression of the free energy (F) ofthe described model only the significant energy contribu-tions. This gives


where f is the tether pulling force, ∆p the aspiration pres-sure (pressure in the outside solution minus the pressure inthe pipette) and ∆σ the difference between the surface en-ergies of membrane/glass and membrane/outside solutioninterfaces. In the first term, which is the relative expansiv-ity term, the area difference ∆A is expressed in terms ofthe tether length Lt so that

Lt = (∆A – ∆Ai)/2πh (7)

where ∆Ai is the area difference of the aspirated and spher-ical part of the vesicle. Correspondingly, the equilibriumarea difference ∆A0 and the related contribution due to thespontaneous curvature c0 are replaced by the hypotheticaltether length Lt* defined as

Lt* = (∆A0 + kc A0 h2 c0/kr – ∆Ai) /2πh (8)

It was recognized (Bozic et al. 1992) that the changes ofthe area difference ∆Ai are negligible in comparison to thearea difference variation due to changes of tether lengthand therefore ∆Ai in Eq. (8) can be considered as a con-stant. In the local bending term (the second term on theright hand side of Eq. (6), it is also sufficient to includeonly the contribution from the tether. The third term inEq. (6) is the gravitational potential energy of the bead,and the fourth term represents the work done owing to thepressure difference between the pressure in the pipette andthe outside solution. The last term, which accounts for thealtered environment of the part of the membrane in con-tact with the pipette wall, does not appear in expressionsfor the free energy used in previous publications (Bozicet al. 1992), but has been added here for the sake of com-pleteness, even though, as will be shown, in the examplesto be treated its inclusion does not affect predictions ofthe tether dynamics.

To reveal the effects of different relaxation processesinvolved in the tether dynamics, we shall consider two sep-arate examples. As transbilayer movement is expected tobe a slow process in comparison with other processesthrough which the system approaches a new equilibriumafter alteration of the external forces, we shall first assumethat for a given value of ∆A0 (or Lt*) the system is always

F k L L A kLR

f L

p R L R L R

r t t ct


p p p p p

= − + −

− + −



2 20


π π

π σ π

( ) /

( ) ,


∆ ∆

A R L R R L Rp p p v t t02 22 4 2= − + + +π π π π .

V R L R Rp p p v= − + +π π π3


3 2 3 .

in its elastic equilibrium, i. e. the vesicle assumes the con-formation corresponding to the minimum of the free en-ergy, Eq. (6), at the unchanged ∆A0 value. In this way, theeffect of phospholipid transmembrane movement on thetether dynamics can be revealed independently of other re-laxation effects that may influence tether dynamics duringthe transition between equilibrium states. For instance, weneglect the interlayer drag. The latter will be included inthe second example in which it will not be assumed a pri-ori that the tether length is an equilibrated parameter.

Flip-flop relaxation for an elastically equilibrated tether

For a given ∆p, the equilibrium tether configration for avesicle of a given membrane area, volume and the equilib-rium area difference ∆A0 (or Lt*), can be determined byequating to zero the derivatives of the free energy F(Eq. (6)) by the free variables of the system (Bozic et al.1992). These are conveniently chosen to be Lt and Rv. Thepipette projection length Lp can be eliminated using thevolume conservation equation: from Eq. (4) we obtain


with the index “0” denoting the parameter values of the in-itial state of the system when the tether is just formed andits length (Lt,0) is still negligible. Furthermore, the tetherradius Rt can be eliminated from the area conservationequation Eq. (5), which, by taking into considerationEq. (9) and when reexpressed, reads


Then the equilibrium equations which are obtained by set-ting to zero the partial derivatives of Eq. (6) by Lt and Rv,respectively, are




In the tether pulling experiment we are interested in thetether behavior of the system after the tether is alreadyformed. Therefore Eq. (12) can be replaced by the differ-ence between this equation and the same equation for theinitial tether with the practically zero tether length Lt,0 , theradius Rt,0, the vesicle radius Rv,0, and the projectionlength Lp,0. This replacement is also convenient becausethe parameter ∆σ which is not pertinent for the dynamicalbehavior of the tether does not enter the equations. Thenwe have instead of Eq. (12)


R Rk



tp v


tp v− − + − =2

02 01 1 1 1 0( / / ) ( / / ) ,,


∆ ∆p


R Rp


tp v− − − =2

1 1 02σ

( / / ) .

4 20



π πkA

L Lk


t tc

t( ) ,*− + − =

14 3 20 0 0

3 30

2 2RL

L R R R R R Rt


t t v v p v v=

− − + −, , , ,( )/ ( ).


R Rp pp

v v= + −, ,( ) ,0 2 03 34



Page 5: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

where ∆pr is the difference between a given aspiration pres-sure and the aspiration pressure at the initial state (∆p0).

Assuming that at a given ∆A0 (or Lt*) all system param-eters have already attained their equilibrium values, thetether dynamics can be described approximately by the fol-lowing relationship


where Γ is a phenomenological kinetic coefficient (Lan-dau and Khalatnikhov 1954). Using Eq. (6) for the free en-ery, one obtains


where the characteristic time τp is given by


The dynamic behavior of the system can be calculatedfrom Eq. (15) by substituting for the value of Lt the valueobtained by solving Eqs. (10), (11) and (13) for the instan-taneous value of the difference between the areas of thetwo membrane layers, represented by the parameter Lt*. Inintegral form, Eq. (15) can be written as


The direct result of integrating Eq. (17) is the value of Lt*at time t; however, the values of the vesicle parameters Lt,Rt and Rv at this time are also obtained. In addition, thevalue of the pipette projection length Lp can be calculatedby substituting the value of Rv into Eq. (9). It must be notedthat because Lt* appears only in Eq. (11) and not inEqs. (10) and (13), the values of the vesicle parameters Rt,Rv and Lp can be written as expressions which contain onlyLt; that is, the values of Rt, Rv and Lp can be known with-out knowing the value of Lt*. This means that the relation-ships among the four geometrical vesicle parameters arenot affected by the dynamic features of the system.

It is instructive to visualize the behavior of the systemas predicted by these model equations. The result of the in-tegral, Eq. (17), depends on the initial value of Lt*, i. e. onL*t,0 which depends on the vesicle history and is in princi-ple unknown. Therefore we make an assumption that thesystem is initially equilibrated in the sense that the hypo-thetical tether length (Eq. (8)) becomes equal to the actualtether length, meaning that L*t,0 =Lt,0. Such an equilibra-tion can be realized experimentally by observing the tetherlength Lt and keeping it fixed over a long time by contin-uously adjusting the aspiration pressure until it becomesconstant. In the case of constant tether length it followsfrom Eq. (15) that Lt* approaches the value Lt,0 (≅ 0) on anexponential time course with the characteristic time con-stant τp.



t t t pt

t dL




* *

* *( ).






= 024Γ




L L L Lt rt t

pt t

** *( ) ( ) ,= − = −Γ 4 12








,= − Γ ∂∂

This situation is realized experimentally whenever af-ter a tether grows for a long time it is returned to a veryshort length by simply increasing the suction pressure inthe pipette. At the time the tether reaches a short length itstill “wants” to be longer because of the relative increasein the number of molecules in the outer leaflet that occurredduring the preceding pull. Consequently, the pressure re-quired to maintain the tether at a short constant length isat first greater than the initial equilibrium pressure (∆pr ispositive), and then decreases over time in accordance withthe decrease in Lt*. The time dependence of the pressuredifference ∆pr during this period can be obtained from theequilibrium Eqs. (11) and (13) by setting Lt =0 and puttingRv =Rv,0 (The latter follows from the requirement of con-stant area, Eq. (10). By eliminating Rt, the expression for∆pr becomes


Thus, during the relaxation of non-local elasticity at con-stant, approximately zero tether length, and for smallenough values of Lt* when the Lt*

2 term in Eq. (18) can beneglected (Lt* g 100 µm), the pressure difference ∆pr alsoapproaches the value zero on an exponential time coursewith time constant τp (see Fig. 2 for an experimental ex-ample).

Next we give the theoretical prediction of the tethergrowth experiment in which initially the tether is very shortwith the length Lt,0 ≅ 0. It is assumed that the system isequilibrated in the sense described above, so that initially

∆pf k

A kL

kf A

L R Rrr


rt p v= +


21 1




* * ( / / ) .,π


Fig. 2 The relaxation of the holding pressure as a function of timeafter returning a tether to a short length. After forming a tether ap-proximately 600 µm in length, the aspiration pressure in the holdingpipette was increased to withdraw the tether back onto the body ofthe vesicle. As the tether reached a very short length, the pressurewas continuously adjusted to maintain a constant tether length. Pointsrepresent measured values of the pressure as a function of time. Asexpected (Eq. (18)), the pressure decreased on an exponential timecourse approaching the pressure difference ∆p0. The time constantfor the fitted relaxation curve (the inset) is τp = 57 s. Materials andmethods are as in Raphael and Waugh (1996)

Page 6: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

we have L*t,0 =Lt,0 ≅ 0. The initial radius of the tether de-pends according to Eq. (11) on the applied force and thebending modulus kc: Rt,0 =2πkc /f. Then, at time zero, theaspiration pressure is instantaneously lowered, i. e., thevalue ∆pr is made negative. In accordance with the assump-tion of an immediate establishment of the tether equilib-rium, after instantaneously lowering the aspiration pres-sure the system instantaneously increases its tether lengthand adjusts other geometrical parameters to values whichcorrespond to the value ∆pr. After that the tether length in-creases according to Eq. (17). In Fig. 3 we show, for twovesicles exhibiting different experimental behavior (cf.Figs. 7 and 8), the time dependence of Lt predicted bychoosing the values of the bending constants kc and kr, and

assuming different instantaneous step changes in the valuesof the aspiration pressure (∆pr). Initially, the tether lengthLt has an approximately linear time dependence, the slopeof which is larger for larger ∆pr values. At lower ∆pr valueswhere the tether growth rate is smaller and the tether behav-ior can be followed for longer times, it can be noted that thetether length depends on time more strongly than linearly.

The behavior of the model depends on the values of theparameters of the system appearing in Eq. (17) and inEqs. (9), (10), (11) and (13). To reveal the role of these dif-ferent material, vesicle and experimental parameters in thetether dynamics it is useful to treat the dynamics analyti-cally using different approximations. An appropriate ap-proximation is obtained if from Eqs. (10) and (13) oneeliminates the radius Rv and then expands the reciprocaltether radius (1/Rt) in terms of the change in tether lengthLt – Lt,0 around its value (1/Rt,r) at Lt,0g 0 which is


To first order, this expansion takes the form


where, by neglecting the terms involving Lt,0,


The radius of the vesicle is changing in this approximationas


and consequently the pipette projection length is


By inserting Eq. (20) into Eq. (11) the latter equationreads


where the constants α and β are




k A

kR R



rp v





0416 1 1


− − + + − =( ) ( ) ,*,L L L Lt t t tβ α 0 0



L Lp pt r

p vp

t t= −−



,( ) .0



1 1



L Lv vt r

p vv

t t= +−



,( ) ,0



4 1 1


8 1 10








p vv

= −




1 11

00R R


L Lt t r


tt t= + −

,,( ) ,

1 1

1 102


1 2

R Rp

kR R

t r t


cp v

, ,





Fig. 3 a, b The time dependence of the tether length after the aspi-ration pressure is changed by the indicated amount (∆pr) from thevalue at which the tether is equilibrated at nearly zero length (Lt,0g 0)as predicted by Eq. (17) for the values of the local bending moduluskc = 1×10–19 J and the ratio kr /kc = 3. It is assumed that at each valueof Lt* the tether parameters take their equilibrium values. Example(a) is a vesicle with A0 = 1123 µm2, V = 3014 µm3, aspirated into thepipette with the radius Rp = 4.01 µm and strained by the forcef = 3.35 µdyn, yielding at chosen values of material constants the parameter α = 0.1 (see Eq. (25)). Example (b) is a vesicle withA0 = 593 µm2, V = 1019 µm3, aspirated into the pipette with the ra-dius Rp = 3.37 µm and strained by the force f = 5.30 µdyn, yieldingat chosen values of material constants the parameter α = 0.62

Page 7: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...



where 1/Rt,0 =f/2πkc (Eq. (11)). The constant β at smallvalues of ∆pr reduces to


From Eq. (24) it is possible to obtain Lt and insert it intoEq. (17), which can then be integrated to yield






The time dependence of Lt obtained using Eq. (30) isshown in Fig. 4 as the dashed lines.

For small times it is possible to expand the exponentialfunction in Eq. (30) to give


This dependence is represented in Fig. 4 as the dotted lines.If the values of the parameter α , and consequently of λ2(see Eq. (29)), are sufficiently small the linear time courseof Lt (Eq. (31)) may be valid throughout the experimentalrange of Lt.

In Fig. 4 the approximate predicted time dependence ofthe tether length Lt is compared to the exactly calculateddependence for two vesicles for which the values of theconstant α (Eq. (25)) are significantly different. Forsmaller α the approximations introduced seem to be justi-fied whereas at higher α they fail drastically. At large α ,owing to the expansion of 1/Rt, the approximation alreadydeviates from the exact solution at t =0 (Fig. 4, case b). Forsmaller values of α for which the approximations work, itis possible to visualize the role of different system param-eters. The slope is essentially given by the ratio β/τp. It isthus under the validity of Eqs. (16) and (27) proportionalto kc and ∆pr, and inversely proportional to the force f. Itdoes not depend on kr. The initial increment of Lt on theother hand is proportional only to β (Eq. (26)) which meansthat it is also affected by the ratio kr/kc as was establishedpreviously in the corresponding equilibrium studies (Bozicet al. 1992).

L L tt t

p= +


−,( )

.0 21 1β

αβα τ

L L et tt= +


−−, ( )

( ) .0 1 112β


α αλ

λ ατ α2 1

=−p ( )


L L et tt*

, ( ) ,= + −02 1



β g −−

k p A

k fR R

c r

rp v

∆ 0

02 1 1




= − −

k Ak R R


r t r t


021 1

, ,,

An effect of a frictional force proportional to the velocityof tether growth

There are at least two frictional contributions to the tetherdynamics which are proportional to the velocity of thetether growth. These are the Stokes drag on the movingglass bead and the frictional dissipation within the mem-brane as it flows onto the tether. These contributions enterthe present formulation as adjustments to the bead forceon the tether. The contribution from the Stokes drag to theforce takes the standard form:

fst = 6π ηRb dLt /dt , (32)

where Rb is radius of the bead and η the viscosity coeffi-cient. The viscous dissipation within the membrane is dom-inated by the frictional dissipation between leaflets as theyflow at different rates from the cell body onto the tether.Because the area of the outer leaflet on the tether is greaterthan the area of the inner leaflet, the outer leaflet flowsfrom the vesicle body with a higher velocity, generating aslippage between the leaflets at the midplane of the mem-brane. Evans and Yeung (1994) (see also, Hochmuth et al.1996) presented the contribution to the tethering force fromthis mechanism in the form:

flf = 2πb h2 ln (Rv /Rt) dLt /dt , (33)

where b is the coefficient of the interlayer friction. Evansand Yeung (1994) define b simply as the constant of pro-portionality between the relative velocity between the twoleaflets of the bilayer and the shear traction exerted by onelayer on the other.

The force which drives the system towards equilibriumis, in this case, the derivative of the free energy by Lt, andit is opposed by the frictional force. The equation of mo-


Fig. 4 The time dependence of the tether length after the aspirationpressure is changed by ∆pr = –20 dyn/cm2 from the value at whichthe tether is equilibrated at nearly zero length (Lt,0g 0) as predictedby Eq. (17) (solid lines), Eq. (30) (dashed lines), and Eq. (31) (dot-ted lines) for the values of the local bending modulus kc = 1×10–19 Jand the ratio kr /kc = 3, for the two vesicles with essentially differentvalues of the parameter α (Eq. 25)). Vesicle a with α = 0.1 is the ex-ample a from Fig. 3 whereas vesicle b with α = 0.62 is the exampleb from Fig. 3

Page 8: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

tion for the bead is then:



In the simulations we shall consider the parameter cs to beconstant because the vesicle and tether radii Rv and Rt do notchange appreciably. Equation (34) can be re-expressed as


where the characteristic relaxation time τs is given by


Equations (36) and (15) form a set of differential equationswhich are to be integrated to obtain the time dependenceof the tether length Lt and the area difference Lt*. Here we neglect the effect of the lipid flip-flop on the equilib-rium membrane area A0 that directly affects Lt and makes the phenomenological frictional coefficient a non-diagonal matrix. Namely, for symmetric membranesA0 =2Nout Nin A

–0/(Nout + Nin) (Eq. (12) in Svetina et al.

1985, Eq. (A 18) in Miao et al. 1994)) from which it canbe estimated that the relative contribution to the tetherlength due to the flip-flop induced change of A0 is of theorder of (Nout – Nin)/(Nout + Nin), i. e. of the order of the ra-tio between the distance between the neutral surfaces ofmembrane monolayers (h) and the radius of the sphere withthe area A0. At each value of Lt and Lt* the other parame-ters of the system are set to equilibrium. This means that



c Ak

= 024




kk R ft

st t

rc t= − − − −


202τ π

π( ) ( / ) ,*

4 2 0

6 2



π π

π η π

k L L A k R f c dL dt

R b h R R

r t t c t s t

b v t

( )/ / / ,

ln ( / ) .

*− + − + =

= +with


Eq. (13) must be satisfied as well as the constraints(Eqs. (9) and (10)). The resulting time dependence of thetether length is shown in Fig. 5 for different values of theratio τs /τp. At small values of this ratio (0.01) the predictedcurve practically coincides with the corresponding onefrom the previous section, but at intermediate and highervalues (0.1–1.0) significant deviations in the behavior ofthe tether are predicted. Physically, these differences areattributable to a reduction in the effective force on the tetherdue to viscous drag.

It is expected that for some vesicles it is possible to ap-ply the analytical expressions for tether growth obtainedwhen approximating the tether radius Rt by Eq. (20). Equa-tion (36) can then be written as


Equations (38) and (15) describe the relaxational dynam-ical problem with a non-diagonal 2×2 dynamic matrix. Bydiagonalyzing it, the solution can be expressed as










For τsu0 Eq. (39) coincides with Eq. (30), and Eq. (42)coincides with Eq. (29). At times t O τp Eqs. (39) and (40)can be reduced to



L t

L t


ts p




βτ τ


* .2


ξ βα

α τ λτ λ λ

ξ βα

α τ λτ λ λ

η α τ λ ξ

η α τ λ ξ


1 2


1 2

1 1 1

2 2 2



= −− +

=− +

= − +

= − +








( )

( )

( )

( ) .

λ ατ τ

ατ τ

ατ τ

λ ατ τ

ατ τ

ατ τ


2 1 2




1 1 1 1 4


1 1 1 1 4

= − − +

− − +


= − − +

+ − +


s p s p s p

s p s p s p


1 2/

L e e

L e e

tt t

tt t

= − + +

= − + +


ξ ξ


η η

λ λ

λ λ

1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2


* ,


L L L Lt

st t t t= − − + + −[ ]1

0τβ α( ) ( ) .*



Fig. 5 The time dependence of the tether length after the aspirationpressure is changed for ∆pr = –20 dyn/cm2 from the value at whichthe tether is equilibrated at nearly zero length, as predicted for thevalues of the ratio between the two relaxation times τs /τp which aregiven adjacent to the corresponding set of curves. The curve forτs /τp = 0 is obtained by integrating Eq. (17) whereas the other curvesare obtained by integrating equations (15) and (36) by the Runge-Kutta method. It is assumed that at each set of values of Lt* and Ltthe remaining tether parameters assume their equilibrium values.Vesicle and system parameters are as in the example b in Fig. 3

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When the constant λs is sufficiently small the second ex-ponential can be expanded and Eq. (39) simplified to


The criterion for the applicability of this approximationcan be deduced from the requirement that the productλ2 texp (with texp the typical duration of the experiment) issmaller than a certain value ε such that the expansion ofthe exponential function can be terminated by the linearterm. Then the parameter α must satisfy the inequality


showing that the range of possible values of α for the ap-proximation to be valid is larger at larger values of τs . This

α ε ττ

< +




L e ttt= − + + +β

αξ ξ ξ λλ

1 2 2 21 .

is illustrated in Fig. 6, in which it is shown that, for thesame value of α , differences between the exact solution(integral of Eqs. (36) and (15)) and the approximate solu-tions (Eqs. (39) and (49)) are reduced for higher values ofthe ratio of τs /τp.

Analysis of experiments

The aim of this section is to illustrate the use of the derivedexpressions for tether dynamics to determine the mem-brane material constants. Two vesicles with qualitativelydifferent dynamic behavior are treated. The measured pa-rameters are the tether length Lt, the length of the vesicleprojection in the pipette Lp and the aspiration pressure. Thepressure is altered at the beginning of the experiment andis afterwards kept constant. The radius of the pipette, theradius of the bead and the bead density are measured sep-arately.

The experimental results are the dependence of Lp onLt and the time dependence of Lt. Over most of the tetherlength the relationship between Lt and Lp is linear. Fromthe slope of the dependence of Lp on Lt (see Eq. (23)) it ispossible to obtain kc. From the time course of Lt one canthen extract the values of kr, τs and τp. In the determina-tion of these parameters it is of advantage to employ theproperty of the system that the initial slope of the Lt timedependence which is (see Eq. (47))

L· t,0 = β /τs (51)

can be expressed only in terms of kr and τs as unknowns.The fitting procedure may thus proceed as follows. Bychoosing the initial value of kr in the expected range of val-ues, the relaxation time τs is found via Eq. (51) using themeasured value L· t,0 . The relaxation time τp is chosen insuch a way that the predicted Lt time dependence passes aselected point of the experimental Lt time dependence.Then the value of kr is varied until the predicted curvematches the experimental one over its whole measuredrange. An example of employing such a procedure is shownin Fig. 7.

When the system behaves according to Eq. (49) the pro-cedure can be simplified by fitting the characteristic inde-pendent features of the Lt(t) curve. For instance, thesecould be the initial slope of the Lt time dependence L· t,0(Eq. (51)), the slope of the asymptote which can be ex-pressed as

L· t,∞ = ξ2 λ2 (52)

and its extrapolated value at time t =0 which can be ex-pressed (see Eq. (49)) as


By introducing for the sake of a short notation γ =L· t,0/L· t,∞and δ =α ∆Lt,e /β (note that the ratio α /β only depends onthe material parameter kc), one can by some manipulations

∆Lt e, .= − +βα



Fig. 6 a, b The comparison of the time dependence of the tetherlength after the aspiration pressure is changed for ∆pr = –20 dyn/cm2

from the value at which the tether is equilibrated at nearly zero length,as predicted for the indicated values of the ratio between the two re-laxation times τs /τp by integrating Eqs. (15) and (36) (solid lines),from Eq. (39) (dashed lines), and from Eq. (49) (dotted lines). Ves-icle and system parameters in a and b are as in the examples a andb in Fig. 3

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τs /τp = γ (1–γ) / (1–γ+δ)2 (54)


α = δ (1+δ) / (1–γ+δ)2 (55)

After having the value of the parameter α it is then pos-sible by use of Eq. (25) to obtain the ratio kr/kc. As thebending modulus is obtained by the use of Eq. (23) and themeasured dLp/dLt slope, both bending moduli are nowknown. Then from the initial slope Eq. (51)) one obtainsτs and from Eq. (54) τp. An example is presented in Fig. 8.The exactly calculated time dependence of Lt obtained onthe basis of the fitting parameters slightly deviates fromthe measurements at higher values of Lt. This may indi-cate that even in the case of smaller values of the parame-ter α the approximations may lead to slight inaccuraciesin the predicted behavior (see also Fig. 4, case a). On theother hand, it is important to recognize that the experimen-tal measurements themselves may be subject to instabil-ities, for example, in the chamber pressure, which mightalso contribute to the differences between theory and ob-servation. In this regard it is relevant to note that the totalchange in aspiration pressure made to initiate tether for-mation was less than 1.0 mm H20 (100 dyn/cm2), and so itis quite possible that the deviation observed in Fig. 8 maybe due to a small fluctuation in the experimental condi-tions.


Observation of the mechanical behavior of thin membranetubes (tethers) formed from giant phospholipid vesiclesprovides an effective means for determining the mechan-ical properties of the vesicle membrane. In the present re-port we have focused on the interpretation of tether forma-tion experiments of long duration and the sensitivity of theprocess to the intrinsic membrane material properties aswell as to the extrinsic geometry of the tethered vesicle.The present results establish guidelines for the applicabil-ity of certain algebraic approximations to the full numeri-cal solution to the problem. We note in particular the im-portance of the parameter α (Eq. (25)), which must besmall for simplifying limits to be taken. This parameter be-comes large when the vesicle radius begins to approach thepipette radius. Previous analyses of long-term tether be-havior were made under the assumption that the membranetension (force resultant) was constant during the tether for-mation process and led to the prediction that the tetherlength should increase in time as the sum of an exponen-tial plus a linear term (Raphael and Waugh 1996). For atether formed at constant aspiration pressure, the mem-brane tension cannot remain absolutely constant becausethe tether radius increases very gradually as the tethergrows. The dependence of the tension on vesicle radius isstrongest when Rv approaches Rp. (In fact, the tension be-comes infinite as Rv approaches Rp.) Thus, the conditions


Fig. 7 An example of an analysis of the tether pulling experimentbased on an integration of Eqs. (15) and (36). The predicted time de-pendences of the tether length (Lt) are compared to the data on a ves-icle with a high value of the parameter α (vesicle b from Fig. 3). The dots are experimental values. The change of the aspiration pres-sure is ∆pr = –21.4 dyn/cm2. The measured slope dLp/dLt (notshown) is –0.0143 which gives by employing Eq. (23) the local bend-ing modulus kc = 1.1×10–12 erg. The full lines represent the predict-ed Lt time dependence. The two parameters (τs and τp) are chosenso that the initial slope is equal to the experimental one and that thecurve passes the experimental Lt value at t = 80 s. The three curvesrepresent the predicted behavior of the system at three different val-ues of the ratio kr /kc. The closest fit is obtained with kr /kc = 2.4,τs = 17 s and τp = 190 s. Materials and methods are as in Raphael andWaugh (1996)

Fig. 8 An example of an analysis of the tether pulling experimentfor the case of a vesicle for which the time dependence of the tetherlength (Lt) can be approximated by Eq. (49) (vesicle a from Fig. 3).The dots are experimental values. The change of the aspiration pres-sure is ∆pr =– 27 dyn/cm2. The measured slope dLp/dLt (not shown)is –0.01326 which gives by employing Eq. (23) the local bendingmodulus kc = 1.41×10–12 erg. The three indicated characteristic fea-tures of the experimental curve are Lt,0 = 5.92 µm/s, Lt,∞ = 1.58 µm/sand ∆Lt,e = 100 µm. From Eqs. (54) and (55) one obtains τs /τp =0.3004 and α = 0.122, respectively, which gives kr = 3.11×10–12

erg, τs = 28 s and τp = 93 s. The solid line is the predicted curve obtained when the obtained material parameters are used in the in-tegration of Eqs. (15) and (36) or by employing Eq. (39) (the twocurves overlap). Materials and methods are as in Raphael and Waugh(1996)

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under which the tension is approximately constant corre-spond to the situation where α is small. For typical valuesof the experimental parameters, the value of α should beless than 0.1 to ensure accuracy of the approximationwithin 5% for an experiment 200 s in duration. Althoughthe value of α depends on several experimental parameters(Eq. (25)), this condition generally corresponds to a ratioof the vesicle radius to the pipette radius greater than 2.0.A surprising outcome of the present simulations was thefact that the range over which simplifying assumptions canbe applied is increased when dissipative terms due to inter-leaflet friction and Stokes drag on the falling bead are in-cluded in the calculations.

A particular focus of the present analysis is the translo-cation of molecules between the leaflets of the bilayer thatis thought to occur during tether formation. This translo-cation is the result of differences in leaflet stress associatedwith the deformation generated by alteration of the exter-nal forces. These stress differences are the consequence ofthe relative area expansivity deformation term of the elas-tic energy of the phospholipid vesicle (Evans 1974, 1980;Svetina et al. 1985). The increase of this relative area ex-pansivity energy is particularly significant in tether pull-ing experiments because the difference between the areasof the layers increases proportionally to the tether length(Eq. (7)). For example, in a typical tethered vesicle (Waughet al. 1992), a tether 500 µm in length corresponds to a dif-ference in the area of each leaflet of approximately 0.5%,about 15% of the maximum area dilation which the mem-brane can support without rupture (Needham and Nunn1990). These strains correspond to monolayer force resul-tants of g0.5 mN/m, roughly five times larger than themean tension in the membrane induced by the aspirationpressure in the pipette.

The relationship between the vesicle elasticity andtransbilayer movement of phospholipid molecules is de-scribed here at the phenomenological level. It is assertedthat the rate of the transbilayer movement is proportionalto the derivative of the elastic energy of the vesicle (or freeenergy in the case of the externally stressed vesicle) withrespect to the equilibrium area difference ∆A0. The corre-sponding proportionality constant is introduced as a phen-omenological parameter measuring the effectiveness of the relaxation process. It can be related to the equilibriumexchange time if it is assumed that the net transbilayer flow of phospholipids is based on the same stochasticevents occurring in the membrane (Appendix I). Equilib-rium exchange times corresponding to measured values of τp can be calculated via Eq. (I.10). Taking h =2.5 nm,A–

0 =0.6 nm, kT =0.04 ×10–19 J and kr =4 ×10–19 J, we findfor a typical phospholipid membrane that the characteris-tic times τp for the equilibration of area differences areabout an order of magnitude smaller than the correspond-ing equilibrium exchange times. Experimental results in-dicate that τp is of the order of minutes, meaning that thecorresponding exchange times are of the order of 10 min-utes. Measurements of the equilibrium exchange of mole-cules between the two membrane monolayers using mo-lecular probes indicate that transmembrane lipid move-

ment is a much slower process. Typical exchange half timesin large vesicles like the ones used in tether formation ex-periments are approximately nine hours (Wimley andThompson 1991). Such a large difference in time scalessuggests that a membrane under stress may relax via path-ways other than the process which is responsible for equi-librium molecular exchange, or by mechanisms other thansimple diffusive transport. We note in particular that if lipidtranslocation occurs via localized “defects” in the mem-brane surface, that differences in lateral transport rate alongthe surface of the membrane to and from the defect maydiffer substantially when the transport is driven by differ-ences in mechanical stress as opposed to gradients in con-centration (Raphael and Waugh 1996).

An interesting consequence of allowing molecules toexhibit transmembrane movements is that the tether con-figuration becomes intrinsically unstable. Formerly it wasestablished (Bozic et al. 1992) that under the conditionsof the tether experiment treated here, a stable vesicle con-figuration exists only if the ratio between the non-localand local bending constants exceeds a certain criticalvalue which is approximately kr /kc ≅ 1. When moleculescan freely traverse the bilayer, the non-local elasticity isdissipated. This corresponds formally to the conditionthat the value of kr is zero, which is below the criticalvalue for stability. Therefore, during tether growth, thesystem naturally tends to move away from equilibrium.This inherent instability of the process is manifested in afaster increase of the tether length Lt relative to the in-crease of the area difference (i. e. Lt*) and thus in an in-crease of the difference Lt – Lt*. Formally, this behavioris apparent in that the rate constant λ2 (Eq. (42)) is posi-tive. To maintain an equilibrium prior to forming a tether,the aspiration pressure was adjusted to keep the tetherlength constant (Eq. (18)), and so the system is made toappear stable because of adjustments made by the opera-tor.

Prior to our understanding of the long-term dynamicsof the tether formation process, estimates of the non-localbending modulus were obtained by attempting to establishequilibria at different tether lengths. In retrospect, it seemsclear that some of the variability in the estimated values ofkr reported in those studies may be attributable to the re-laxation of non-local area elasticity during the course ofthose measurements. More recent analyses (this report; Ra-phael and Waugh 1996) which account for the membranedynamics provide a more reliable measure of the non-lo-cal modulus. Using the simple exponential plus linear ap-proximation to the time course, Raphael and Waugh (1996)report a value for kr of approximately 3.6 ×10–19 J and aratio of kr/kc of approximately 3.0. This value is consis-tent with models relating the curvature elastic moduli tothe area expansion modulus of the membrane in which itis assumed that the elastic resistance of the membrane todilation and compression is distributed uniformly over themembrane cross-section (Waugh and Hochmuth 1987;Svetina and Zeks 1996). Within the uncertainty of the cal-culated parameters, the examples shown in the present re-port are consistent with this view.


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This analysis establishes a rigorous framework for theinterpretation of tether formation experiments of long du-ration. The present approach is general in nature and canbe used with appropriate modifications to assess othermechanisms by which the area difference between the twomembrane layers might change, such as the formation ofnon-bilayer structures, or an asymmetric transfer of phos-pholipid molecules to external compartments. In addition,we have explored the relationship between the apparentrate of mechanically-driven lipid translocation and the cor-responding half times for lipid exchange. An importantconclusion of the work is that the apparent half times formechanically-driven lipid translocation are nearly two or-ders of magnitude smaller than half times for lipid ex-change measured using chemical probes. This conclusionhas important implications for fundamental mechanismsunderlying the generation and maintenance of lipid asym-metry in living cells.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by The Ministry ofScience and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia under Grant J3-7033-381, under the US-Slovene Grant DHHS 95 – 150, and inpart by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY94-07194 (participation of S. S. in the Research Program in Biomem-branes). Additional support was obtained from the US Public HealthService under NIH grant No. HL31524.

Appendix I

Relationships corresponding to a simple diffusive mechanism for lipid translocation

In general the exchange of phospholipid molecules be-tween the two membrane layers can occur as a consequenceof a stochastic process induced by the thermal energy.Through such a process the mechanical energy stored inthe system can also be dissipated. Here we present somebasic relationships.

We consider a vesicle with a given shape which meansthat the areas of the external layer (Aout) and of the inter-nal layer (Ain) are constant. The mean number of mole-cules which per unit time “flip” from the outer to the in-ner layer can be assumed to be proportional to the numberof molecules in this layer, Nout, and to the proportionalityconstant woi which is the probability for a flip to occur ina unit of time. The number of molecules which per unittime “flop” from the inner layer to the outer layer is cor-respondingly proportional to the number of molecules inthe inner layer, Nin, and the probability per unit time wio.Then the numbers of molecules in the outer and the innerlayer change in time as




w N w N


w N w N







= − +

= − .

At equilibrium, i. e. when both layers are unstretched,the numbers Nout and Nin do not vary in time. Their ratiois given by the ratio of the probability constants at equi-librium, which are in turn proportional to the ratio of theequilibrium areas of the two layers. This last condition en-sures that the phospholipid area densities in the equilib-rium are equal:


In nonequilibrium, i. e. when the two layers are differentlystretched, the ration between the rate constants is equal to


where ∆µ is the difference between the chemical poten-tials (per molecule) of the outer and the inner layer, k isBoltzmann constant and T temperature.

The chemical potential difference ∆µ in Eq. (I.4) canbe obtained as the derivative of the vesicle elastic energy(Eq. (2)) (or of the free energy in the case of the externallystressed vesicle) by Nout – Nin:

∆µ = dWel /d (Nout – Nin) , (I.5)

which gives by taking into account Eq. (3)


By subtracting Eq. (I.2) from Eq. (I.1) we get


The probability constant wio can be expressed in terms ofwoi (Eq. (I.4)) and inserted into Eq. (I.7). Then, assuming∆µ O kT, and keeping only linear terms in ∆A and ∆A0(which is a linear function of Nout – Nin (Eq. (3)), we ob-tain



τ = 1/2woi (I.9)

is the equilibrium exchange time. We have also takenNout ≅ Nin ≅ N, i. e. the average number of molecules in aleaflet, and A0

out ≅ A0in in all cases where these quantities do

not appear as differences between themselves.Equation (I.8) describes the relaxation of the distribu-

tion of the phospholipid molecules between the two mem-brane layers due to the flip-flop mechanism. The relaxa-tion time τp for this process is given by

(I.10)1 1 102τ τp

rA kkT h

= +


d Adt

A kkT h

A Ar∆ ∆ ∆0 02 0

1 1= +


( ) .

d N Ndt

w N w Nout in


ioin( )

.− = − +2 2

∆ ∆ ∆µ = − −kA h

A A Ar

02 0 0( ) .






inkT= – / ,∆µ





inio eq

oi eq


in= =,



Page 13: Theoretical analysis of the effect of the transbilayer movement of ...

Thus, using experimentally determined values for τp, thecorresponding exchange time τ can be obtained for the case that the mechanical relaxation occurs by a simple dif-fusive mechanism.


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