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THEODORE TURLEY FAMILY NEWSLE'rrER Volume 17 June 2000 Contents 2 Editorial Page J Faith and Testimony, My [mpressions, Palmyra Temple, Wally Gray 5 Parable of the Wheat and the Rocks, Elders Stephen and Mike Gray 5 Temple Announced for Snowflake, Arizona, Jay Turley 6 Research and Temple Work, Genealogy Update 6 Report from the Field, Elder Richard E. Tur l ey, Sr. 7 Recollections o fTurie y Family Research, Gerald R. Fuller 9 The Missing Clifts Found, John R. Pyper 13 Obituaries. Frank C liff ord Tanner, Sr., Beulah Whiting Heward 14 Notes from Our Readers, Cyrus Daniels, Frances Amelia Turley 15 Descendant ofChar lolte Turley Bushman, Elden Stewart 17 Biography of Theodore Turle y, Richard E. Turley, Jr. 19 Keeping Track of E-Mail, Wally Gray Dear Reado:rJ. Who •• b' sing Ihi$ has been. pq:wing \be Tbc:odon: TlIr\cy Family Nc",'$lemr for pOOlIcatioa. How [ \a\ .. being able 10 COOIac:I oach Dill: penopalI} ", and gel bett ... acquairud ",ilb you. From beginning 10 end [ hIn .. felt a Spirit of Ioo.' c and <:OOpCJali<:In, and a .. ullb unscIfishness. dcdk:ation and prid¢ in ou.-l:IctiIagc amov.g family mclllll=. My fit<l -omcial" lei is 10 spc:aI: Tor aU of ... in Ihe deb! of gmlndc "" aU "" .. to loy and LcocuI Turlq for faithfully doing this servia: for tbc: past fh'e )QrS. What a tn:nrndoolSjob !boy ba\'e done in r;eardIing out !>tWS occurring "ith.iD tbc: famity and it with such inspir:Ition. And they are stiD m";o,.ioinB tbc: tis! aDd maili.Q&. I am sun: "'"\'t)"ODC "ill I am lr)iDg 10 fill SIImt pm!)" big slIoes and "ill raecd belp fnIm "'...,. pcno:a. in tbc: fami/y. ......uaIIy. jusllOday I ., . , ' d for tbc: firsllime in.lDOl<iflg tbesoo little boJoes around tbc: te>ct. !II) I am IearDiDa I For future issues., I itlVitc cadi DOC to submit ImlCrial for pub!icatioa. to make it truly OUR Ncwsletter. I also /xlpc thai each indhidwl "i/l w tbc: respoosibiIity lot k«pin g tbc:ir sub5criptioa cum:nt IUd helping to cnlarg< out readership. "",""ally " i!b tbc:)'OUfIget Our go:ocmions have muc:il10 otrcr """" OIlIer . (See page 2.) P1<:aw dN:d< 10 .... ify .... r label .. a mI .. arl<. .. ·Ilich "ill mt:8O that )OU =st )OUr 5IIb5cripiion bdon: tbc: 5q)Iernbtt issue. y.."bco)"IIII 1mCW. i1. will bclp if)w ,boa· YOIU Tdaionship to Thc:ocIore Turlcy. Now. rW aocI cmjoy. If you ha\'e additicns. 0)111"""," <>:>rrectioos or criticisms. oend tbc:m along. for they = only mak< our Ncv.*"cr bmer . Ella MacTwb- ludd.. EIIiIm. w. . GkndaIc. AZ 8S:104 Q m :ad. com


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NEWSLE'rrER Volume 17 June 2000


2 Editorial Page J Faith and Testimony, My [mpressions, Palmyra Temple, Wally Gray 5 Parable of the Wheat and the Rocks, Elders Stephen and Mike Gray

5 Temple Announced for Snowflake, Arizona, Jay Turley 6 Research and Temple Work, Genealogy Update

6 Report from the Fie ld, Elder Richard E. Turley, Sr. 7 Recollections ofTuriey Family Research, Gerald R. Fuller

9 The Missing Clifts Found, John R. Pyper 13 Obituaries. Frank Clifford Tanner, Sr., Beulah Whiting Heward

14 Notes from Our Readers, Cyrus Daniels, Frances Amelia Turley 15 Descendant ofCharlolte Turley Bushman, Elden Stewart

17 Biography of Theodore Turley, Richard E. Turley, Jr. 19 Keeping Track of E-Mail, Wally Gray

Dear Reado:rJ. Who • • b' sing Ihi$ has been. pq:wing \be Tbc:odon: TlIr\cy Family Nc",'$lemr for pOOlIcatioa. How [ \a\ .. being able 10 COOIac:I oach Dill: penopalI}", and gel bett ... acquairud ",ilb you. From beginning 10 end [ hIn .. felt a Spirit of Ioo.'c and <:OOpCJali<:In, and a .. ullb or\ah:"'~ unscIfishness. dcdk:ation and prid¢ in ou.-l:IctiIagc amov.g family mclllll=.

My fit<l -omcial" lei is 10 spc:aI: Tor aU of ... in ~ledgiIIg Ihe deb! of gmlndc "" aU "" .. to loy and LcocuI Turlq for faithfully doing this servia: for tbc: past fh'e )QrS. What a tn:nrndoolSjob !boy ba\'e done in r;eardIing out !>tWS occurring "ith.iD tbc: famity and ~ it with such inspir:Ition. And they are stiD m";o,.ioinB tbc: tis! aDd maili.Q&. I am sun: "'"\'t)"ODC "ill ~ I am lr)iDg 10 fill SIImt pm!)" big slIoes and "ill raecd belp fnIm "'...,. pcno:a. in tbc: fami/y. ...... uaIIy. jusllOday I .,. , ' d for tbc: firsllime in.lDOl<iflg tbesoo little boJoes around tbc: te>ct. !II) I am IearDiDaI

For future issues., I itlVitc cadi DOC to submit ImlCrial for pub!icatioa. to make it truly OUR Ncwsletter. I also /xlpc thai each indhidwl "i/l w tbc: respoosibiIity lot k«ping tbc:ir sub5criptioa cum:nt IUd helping to cnlarg< out readership. "",""ally " i!b tbc:)'OUfIget ~O<I. Our go:ocmions have muc:il10 otrcr """" OIlIer. (See page 2.)

P1<:aw dN:d< 10 .... ify .... r label ~ .. a mI .. arl<. .. ·Ilich "ill mt:8O that )OU =st ~ )OUr 5IIb5cripiion bdon: tbc: 5q)Iernbtt issue. y.."bco)"IIII 1mCW. i1. will bclp if)w ,boa· YOIU Tdaionship to Thc:ocIore Turlcy. Now. rW aocI cmjoy. If you ha\'e additicns. 0)111"""," <>:>rrectioos or criticisms. oend tbc:m along. for they = only mak< our Ncv.*"cr bmer .

Ella MacTwb- ludd.. EIIiIm. 661 ~ w. . GkndaIc. AZ 8S:104 Q m



Responsibility of All to IDcruse Turley Newsletter


About fOllt ""lIdM r .... il)' m_~ (chosen .. raadom froIn lbe las!: published maiLiDg lisla) m>eIlIl)' received I tiule DOticc about Ihc: dwiDdling number of subscribcn 10 the Tbcodore Turley Newsleucr ( .... hich indihnwlly hal htJd Q "'"'Y ,.,00 IYJpons~. tmd 17iANK you. lncmJi/t/y. #rts tIiJn rmlltd In qbq!I saoo b(fnUll!f Inf). (.-eo Ihough &.iling 10 mIC\\' is usually aD ovo:nigbt~ !Orgill 10 rcaew I ....

end ruul! Q: tile tlllle: after I short grac:c period., DO more Ne"'Jlc:tten will be JCIIlIO them, and tbcir name will sooa be ancient hislory 011 OUt master mailina tisI.

The questioa b= .... HOW CAN WE REMEDY nus SITUA1l0N?

We ha~c thougbl of a few WlI)'11O better infonn !hose WHO NOW SUBSCRIB E and ,,1>ose subscaiption> will run out bd~ ."",her edition is publishcd. Besides being infOimeci by this DOtic;e, IF YOl1ll ADDRESS LABEL HAS A RED MARK across it Ilw _ you oeed 10 m>C\O' yo.u subsu iptioo. im"""'ia'cly. Abo. if you should move, PLEASE JeDd in • Change of Address card A5AP1

ForiboleWHO AJlENOT PRESENTLY SUBSCRIBERS, lIE pn.>blem illllIn clifficulL first of all, .. 't; WOIIId bape that £amity mcmbcn lbemsclva ... wld remind each other. Next, it is hoped that fAMILY REPRESENTATIVES willtt)' 10 be 1\IotIe oftb<Jle who aced to rcaew their subscriptioN. and KDd '" eard or make a n:mindcr phone call-« eVeD IJ)' 10 lOIicit _

be distributed DO Q fin'

i __ di .. ...,., you ma)'

tbc:m, and "'~ ",in mail tbcm • ~Iimc:awy t.q))' of this odition wlv:p we rps;ejyc wit I!Jbgriprigg

n.., ... is OM eMber peo-b lpl better way to btlp distribute die SO copia. You mayca1l Jay Turley III 48(l..344..1 392 and make am' V'1LiIIS 10 pK:k up fn:m his borrIe N III&QY copies as you ....ed 10 distribotle


pc>..-JlylO )'OIII" loved oocs. Here .. .., ODIy request IbM )"OU DOl W ASn: aII)"~. Pbsc IkII> 'I lei. C\IaI ODe oftbesc SO c::lItn. copieI escape uon:ad.

11.abo been SllBSestcd IbM w~. fa mily ~uaion is beiDa held tlw a nyer bedistributcd, _raging tboIe in llla'!daoxx to SIIbtcribe 10 the Newslmer. U ynoo wiU lei. US Iuow .. .11 aIIud nr time, we wiU prrpare a flyer rnr YOIl, wlUcb ynu cu rqlrodna: and didriblJle aI your reunion.

One other tbcvghl- how aboul considering the Th:oocIon: Turley Family Newsletter when GIVING A GtFTTOA MEMBER OF THE fAMIlY7 One -,.


.MIM Jo5bua ~".. Roser lb}""II"IOI'e

.CbrilICarnI)"II Huff .GcriIRob I..arimer

.RboIKiaIM<mti Man:inc:aw<. St. JoImt, AZ J cnnylBriIn MaxwcU .~ 0iaM Mills, MS .LorinINancy Pdc:rJOll .Mrs. LaVerne Pinto .JI.obert PrestoD .ViJVnja T. Sdoick .GmeocJBca Su;idlin& .CaroI L)"IOI Snwt .CarI Turley. l'boecaiJE .Bcmicoe Turley .David/Alice Turley, WA..HdaI Turley .DavidlSbtri Turley .KeitWJanis Turley .JamcsICarric Turley .Mask E. Turley .Km Turley .RidwdfMan:yTuriey, AZ .Mel";" Turley .Rdoc:rt WaltcrTuricy .Raben Tarlcy .VirgiIUa TIIricy .Sha ..... Turley J aneafSruan WW

My .man,. ~ ~I)". prttty IIlUdI domin&cs !his -Edi&nriII" p&jII!. IllIbe IiIttIRo it is bopod Ibcn: will be EdiIOrials • ·1"brrcadln~IIoe~. The ..mal )~ ..... jasI-m 10 be TASTEFUL. 11MB. Y. IIId "TRUE! So ~ \cI; lOS .. " ) ...... bell .l!onp's EM!


..... "" ...



My Impress ions of the Dedication oftbe

Palmyra New York Temple

By Wallau F. Gniy

APRD.. 6, 2000 was • very special day for membets of The Cburch ofJeaus Christ ofLan«-day Saini' , NOI only was it the 170th anniver1M)' of the orpnjlltion oftbe ChuI"ch; IlOI only was it the day we haw set aside as the binb date of our Savior, but It WI.! also thelia)' eho5eu for the dedication of the Palmyra N_ Yon: Temple.

Futtbcrroore, 011 thI.t day it was the privilege of over I million memben oftbe Cbwcb 10 be able to tune in on the dedication from tbeir own Slake cmleB via • satellite broIdeast.

For me that day. the Cottonwood, Arizona, meeringboo!se, where the broadcllSl was beld forour stake. was (for. few hours) • temple.. As I entered. the buildin8 at 5:IS Lm.. and sat beside I family from our wafd,. sweet Spirilfilled my soul No one spoke or even whispered as people quietly filled the chapel. The $aa'edness oftbe occasion was appamn 10 all of us.

For about 20 minut= the televiaion IICree!I pictured the lime remaining before the brOfdcnt was to begin. accompanied by music from the Tabcmule Cboit. AI about S;J S or 10, the JCrem changed to view. of various temples, mostly exlerior views, but some intmor. AI S:5Oa.M. the seeM (qed to the Celestial Room oftbe Palmyr1l Temple where I woman was playing the organ and • eo~tioo of about SO was g.uhe>-ed.

Just before 6 LM. (9 La!. Palmyn time). President Gordon B. Hinckley and his wife as wdl as rre,ideol Boyd K. Packer and hi. wife and O(hcrs

entered the room. We stood reverently until the jliopha and those a«ompanyins him were!leated.


Throughout the entire wait;"' period ! had this wonderful feeling that I was in 1 very saaed place. At times the Spirit was $0 strong that lean came to my eyes. ! noticed that otllers were having tile urne Qpc:rience. I havc seldom hid such ILll experience.

Oh, I\·c fch the Spirit on many oecasions. ! havc fclt the pteseilce of the Holy Ghost u times when ordinances werc being performed 100 at OIher times. I have Ittended three OIlier temple dediClliOlls It Los Angeles, Sydney Australil and San Diego. AU of these were 5pCcial spiritual oocasions.. Presidem David O. McKay dedieated the Los Angeles Temple and we werc seated in the upper assembly room, which seemed as Largc as 1 football ficld. At Sydney, Presidcnt Hincldey dedicated the temple and we were in the Celestial Room where the ces-emony was pufOOned. At San Diego, lik.cwi,.., President Hincklcy dediUled the edifice and we were seated in the Celestial Room. All oflhese oceeions were spiritual milestones in our livcs.

But I must admit that this Palm)n temple dedi· cation was an especially g.Ioriou$ occasion. The feelings I had w ...... intense. It is difficuilio put into words my feelings. To me it was. eonfirmation that things were well with the Lord and with the Church, and, yes., with me. This placed Upoll me 1 great responsibility 10 keep them thai way. It was. confirmalion a' thi s particular time of my life thai I need 10 cominue 10 be wthful and pure.

Throughout the service, tears woukI come and the Spirit conlinued 10 be f .. h.

The .ctual dedicatory prayer was particularly ~al.

W .. an: all thankful that President HiIlCk.ley IllS remaiDed so strong spiritually and physically . Before the dedication he led 1 group outside to the eomc:r stOIlC Kaling. Our 89-year-old prophet (90 011 231ullC 20001 $IOOd tall and strong whenever he was speaking or participaling.

Perhaps it was the signifieaooc of the day thai brought Ihis marvelous overflowing of the Spirit. We had just the previous wec:keoo been part of the General ConfeuDCC held for the tim; time in the new Conference Center in Salt Lake City. ADd here we were just I few days later participating in the


temple dedication 1\ the very ~c:adle of the restontioo. ~ Perha~ it was because for the fil"ll time in the histOf)' of the Church 10 many on th;, side of the veil were. part ofthis greal momCTI!.

President Hinckley was iDdeed touched by the oceasioa as well In I voice filled with c:rnotioo, he told us that "there WIll never be another day quite like this in the histOf)' of this work where we will dediUle I sacred house in this historie and marvelous pllce. H

Then he added, ~We have scarcely seen the beginning of what shall come to pass. These are the day. of God's great work in the Etrth.H

Speaken at the dedication were EIda- emg Zwick of the Quorum ofthc Seventy (area president), Prcsidcm Pack .... and Prt:sidem Hinckley. None used prepared texts, having with them only the Scriptures. All spoke with exceptional power and

sn= It was President PICkci'. booor to eltplain the significance of the grc&t Hosanna Shout which we all uttered reverently following the dedicatinn. President Hinckley pointed out that the hymn HThe Spirit of God Like I Fire is BumingH which we sang was fil"1t $UIlg hy the $ainlS II the dedieatioo oflhe IGrtland Temple. He said the Hosanna hymn which the choir sang was fint IlIlt8 1\ the dedication of the SIlt Lake Temple. As we participated in the HO$IlllIII Shout and sang "The Spirit ofGodft while the e/Ioir sang the Hosanna hymn (matching hymns), it was l;outing of the dedicaIion of three temples: IGnIand, Salt Lake and Palmyr&, President Hinckley palmed out.

What I dayl ADd it forctdls many other marvelous events yet before us.

I had I finn testimony ofthis great work long hefore the day of this dedicalion. But the occasion was ccnainly I reaffinnation of Wt testimony and • day £or all ofus 10 dediclleOUt" lives _to our Savior.

Wally Gny bas repoMIi oac 0Ibet cxpcIience .. 1lio;II T •• cr .... fllllilyladbslChrisualDoy . .. bidI .. .,UIIO douIlt induck _ -rood r .. ~ baG) .....


011 CIIri!lmos Day, 1999, Wally' ...... Uwraa y..,..., any lIId .. ifc Marie Binpmo (lQy ..,.n.uI .....t IhM d>eit _ SIqIhca Wallace Gay. 1ICfI'1y ta\iq in \III: Sou-,iI COCh ........ Missioot, bad ....... 10 1Dkrp ........ S ) IjIIl" .... _ y, FormnaICIy, be:ns_ bc:aIcdaadb.ct:"' his 1IIissiooary .. -or!<.

DuriDt Stepbca" ro;overy III. brolbc:r, M.iU.. .... 1 him \III: followiDa "!'amble," "hK;b be: bad 110m Ii'''''' br hili 0 ... 0 Mission I'tesidf/I'II "hllc seMnJ in lhc: Chili Santiago WCSl MiMion. 199710 1m.

P.nbl ~ of Ib~ Wbe.l and lite Roc..b

A TDaslCI" Igd ","0 SCI'\'UIIS. He _Ihcm out in Ibo: field 1(1 p!bc:r"!be .. heat that ""as left over after !be 1Iam:s1. When they anivc:d at !be fkld !bey SOOII 1I\aliz.ed that the wbcat was IIImO"D about and mixed "itb

""'" The lim servaru.. handful by handful slowly beg;an to

plho:r up Ibo: ... beat, sonina il &om the rocks as be: .. -en!.

aIoo.a and Ibca PUttill8 il inlo bis Jade. n.: Iccond aervant, lIying to be: more cffi~ bcpa ptberin8 up aU !be rocks..

Bocb _ coraim ...... to Labor in their lespc:ui.-e rnaJlIIen umil!be second had filially ptbercd. up aU IlIe rodos, I-k fotcbcd a rake and ""as just abooJl to rUe up all the wbeat into his sad< ,,'bc:n the wind began 10 blow.

Wbm !be "ind stopped. the savants di5covc:rod that once tpln !be wbcal ..... millcQ in with !be rocks. Both _ IWUd apin. ift!he _ mmDC:J H tbe). did

be:fi:ft. !be .- slo .... ly plhcrina tbe ,,'bcal and !be Olbco" ptberin& only rocks. Ono;e q;ain. just before the sccoro;I IeO'at"4 was rt:ad). to rUe tbe wheal, !be "iIwI. blew.

AI \lie end ofT:be day !bey ren.rned 10 lhc:ir master to report !beir Iabon. The first servam prOUdl)" presented ~ laCks or,,·heat while !be second servant onIrllad a pocketful ofrocks.

MonI: 111 !be missioa field )'011 ba.'C t\Oo"O o;boiocs with ) '0lIl" o:ompanion. Yw can take !be pM! fn:m IWn aDd 1<:a.'C !be rocks, «you an try 10 "ptber'" and "'fut- aU !he bad tbings abouI him lJOI:il be: is jasI !be .. -ay you ,,-ant bim. The problem ill, ,,"bm )"OW" c:ompanion is finally ·fi.~cd" tbe wind bLo..'I and you lid a _fer.

We IhouldD't try lOcl>an&e OUt companiom until we baVCl reall)' hmestly lcamcd all the 800d "'C possibly can frocn Ihcm. Then instead of ren.miDa bomo ...;u, I

pocketful or rocb and negative upericnces. " .., .. ill mmn bomo ba~ina; harw:ItocIlRucb gcxxI.

MikcIlidIbis~"_"'1II)' .......... -ot fact "'1 IiIC. "





By Jay Turley

Aeeordiog to journals and Slories pasS«! from one gmention 10 another, in the 1880's Wilford Woodruffprophcsied a temple woukI5O/1Ieday be buill in Snowflake, Arizona.

I§IM; Turley Sr., lived with his flUJlily in Snowflake from 1881 until 1885 wilen he moved 10 Colonia Juarez. Mexieo. H~ had ftnt eorne 10 SI. Joseph (now Joseph City) between Holbrook and Winslow. ArizonL He came from Beaver, Utah, bet.use or. call from Brigham Young to L!.5iS! in the colonizalion of Northem Arixona. He left BelveI", Utah with ISsetS that woukI he termed in those days IS being "well off." He bad three large new wagons loaded with flour and other provisions, 200 head ofcattle and 100 horses. He also bad a light spring wagon for the family. Very little oflhi! was left when he moved to Snowflake.

It wu not easy providing a living in Northern Arizona in those early dlYs. It is reported that when Wilford Woodruffcame 10 I sake conference in Snowflake, a group met with him aDd requested penniuioo to move hick 10 Utah. Many of their relatives SliIllivcd in Ulah and the neareR

lemple was in St. George, Utah, .Ioog trip by horM: and buggy. The: Mesa Arizona Temple wasn 't completed unlill927. President Woodruff promised if the Sainl$ would my there the time woukI come when they could see General Conference in their own living rooms and 5Of/Itday

g It",plt: lAIOIIld bt: wi/t in SnowjIak. AI tht: April 2000 GenenI Conference, President

Hinckley I1lJIOUIlCCId there _to he B temple built in Snowflake. This IMOUncement warmed tht: beans ofmany who helieved that it fulfilled the prophecy made over 100 yeatS ago by President Wilford Woodruff.

••••• o " t: srrudl obsnwmo,,: "St:t:nu that the f(lllhfol Saints i" ~/he /I(lllt:y " (lrt: now going /0 have /() "SUp up"',,, onkr 10 tok the ~softhoSt: many

faithful Saints from NOI1ht:m Ari:ona woo have b«n spt:nding their winlt:rs WOf"king in the Mt:sa Ari:otlQ Tf!mpk !



Individual Reseanh Nteds to be Reported

1be (natcr 1998 .... dTbe T-'cy I'bosImtt CXIIUincd.1isI d 40 --.rdI aIi",_ P.'UlIO ......... fuIiI,., 4"l.wilhlbc:oII;ean-eof ....... b.eIlau.crc is ICftIpk .. 0111: ,,'bicII ........ 10'" doae for _ 01 our _ors. SiD<e tIw lime seo.-en.lp:noos U>'C rcponocI "" tbeir flndiDp, IIDd U "'C aR \Old ill MC II:IS ( ' ·IIIy). Ibc: I\..Ddina: 01 e>"Cf\ 000: oddlIionaI !WIle is a !irK ra. ,qoid.DJ.

II il plw .... WI !be 5cpI ........ issue nflbc: /IIcv!"SIet1e\" will IqIDft ",,!be lindirtgtofour>;uious tami.Jy ~ We all \IDdcrIwlcI lhallhis is ...... CU)' job. and ia 1IOIIIe_ !hale ";1lI"igm=ms may botrdI). hInw ..,.... or " 'hm 10 lqin!har rcscardo. ~ \OSI}'."" ollhc"Cd)"'" pa!. .... aItcIdy bcm doae. ~ islbc: ..... rut AImosi "'"Cf)"OIIe: li>a _ •

Family HisIor)' CcIucr, a1>o:n: IrIiDcd paJciliiiiJ _ niIiDa 10 ... 1p)"II'IIiII ) __ .....

We aiQ ... -....m,; adil do iDIiridIaUy u. die _ ..... _bo fa die __ irnc please ci\ba" bq:ia or ..... i .. W)'WIl il '" .... ~.IiItle~ [four ooIJcQi."C clfoou ..... ..,Iou dl!:mple wort. p.... ~ Ib= _ IIWIY ill Ibc: filmiIy ... 1IO .. 'OIlId like 10'" doiq m.. pan oIlbc:..-or\. [f"" ....... __ fOWId, ~ docu·l lmllCt.

We aiD 111>-= "","Cftd IiDIIIe areas that ...... , nrallO'" researdIecl ill Ibc: I'utIn. Every dron .,.. fonh and e>"Cr)' baur spenl .. ;llbe~1

Think d lllikc!his: Our .~ haYe CSIabIid>cd !be CIud! andlll>'e Lai4 a fOUlldatioll ... !CmpIcs em "'1oc:aIcd tbrooJbout Ibc: land. NQoo it is OlD" ~ 10 filllllc:!c lcmplt& ia order 10 ........, ra. our _1DCl ra. <M1CI\.a. For • reteardI -,,,,_t. plase DIICDCI,." Tur\q", 41!). 844-1J92 Of JrytyrIn@qrtb!iI*.DCI.

Report from tbe Field

Ekkt Richard E. Tom,., Sr., Salt Lake Ciry, ~ the followiq: ~KBYU aDd the Cbun::b' , Flmily H:iRofy Deputmer& ha~ produced aIIOO>ct scria caIIcd Aneeaon. . .

it is wonderful. For tho5e wbodo IlOl hI~ ~ IOtbe lm~ they Ibou.Id o;all !beir 10QIl PBS swioa for ProcrammiD& time, CIC. This..e..· sm~ is aIIOIbcf .. itness 0(00.-' Family HistoJy ... uk is aplodi!la aDd 'hIs become the third most popll" bobby ill the United S_ ." ..... ,' the second Il105l: popll1rlCpicon!be inlemd •• , I.' bilIiOD hiu ill 10 !DO. on FamilyScardI l

rru. Wdl ., II r"Cd)" RJeH oIacri ..... I ....... ""'" JPtIOI • _ d 'IpcfW"'r <11'1 llilit. AI _Ie. !!ill .betrillcnaiU ..... 10 ___ "'ais iIlspInI;ouJ ..... I"ft, ud .. _ it oritlo odoen. DU]



1l=b 10 JllIIitt Turit:y JOlli1lO1l (daughter ofFlo)"d aDd Oli.-e Turley), " '00 reponed !be followia& names 10 J.,- Tom,., Hem turD amased for iIDd bas o;:ompleted !be temple: work.

.bnicc.ddcd thm: childrc:D 10 the familyof JoM Bolton b 20 .IaD 1643. St. MMyI Stafford. Eaa; aDd his ... ifc, MI$. Francis Boltco> b abI 164$ of~, Mar)"I Stafford, Ensland They are:

Joseph Bolton Chr $ Feb 1669 SI, Mar)"I, Stafford, England 0: II Dee 1965 LA E: 3 Mat 1966 LA SP, 240cl1968 SL

Gccquis 8obOll Cbr.IaD 1613 St. Mal}"S, Sufford, Ensl_nd B: 4 Apr 2000 AZ. E: 14 Apr 2000 AZ SP: 9 May 2000 AZ

Jonadw! BoIIOn Chr I Jun 1672 St. MMyI, St&fford, Ens B: 4 Apr 2000 AI E: I' Apr 2000 AZ. SP: 9 May 2000 AZ.

Sbc added four chi ldrm 10 the fami lyofRl;Jser BobOll b S Mardi 1614. WoIverlwnplOa. Stafford. EngIaDd aDd his wire La: b 26 Doc 1620, S .. MaI}"I. Stafford, England:

~' 801!oo Cbr 6 Jim 1658 SI Mar)"S, 5Wfi:xd, fnal-"" B: 4 Apr 2000 AZ. E: 14 Apr 2000 AZ SP: 0,) Ma}' 2000 AZ

-"""'" Cbr](l Apr 1662 S .. Mar)"I, SIafford. fnal-nd B: 18 May 1920 Manti E: 8cfor<: 1910 SP: Before 1970

Thoo. """"" Cbr 6 Feb 1661 5 .. MaI}"S, SWfcnI.. Eng B: 4 Apr 2000 AZ. E: II Apr 2000 AZ. SP: 9 May 2000 AZ

Rebeca Boltco> au- 27 JUII 1669 S .. ~ SWfonI. Ens B: 4 Apr 2000 AZ. E: 21 Apr 2000 AZ. 5P: 9 May 2000 AZ.

Jay Turit:y rq><>ru: This""':11 ,iv< you all ofthc infomwiOD "'" hive CD Ihe$e flmili~. It is aice 10 be able 10 have some new leneaJoty 10 live 10 the flmily. We an: indcbud 10 J ... icc ror this infonn:atioa. To be able 10 b:o.-e the informatiOD aDd let all of!be ordiD21K"'$ ~ up 10 d32 is • bill belp 10 IboIc adding tbese names 10 the geaealosy

bpioft T .. n I ,..·, ... cWw .. _ T • ....,. picQlra: .ttp" Iwww..l!oolrwe.< I a _ .,.,..,d-d4,.&!rMo!'. _, Wally C. ' f ... dItiIt: bgp:llw\lryt' .. ! ilia mqiwap)'Jlll"2' .. ....,. Sard.: hgnJlwwMw'hytn'ft "1


Recollections of Research of the

Turley Family History By Gerald R. fo.illc:r

Ml" rsard> 0I1ho Tm1ey &PIiIy SWt<d ill ()aaI)cr 1927 .. "Ia IM.-.n- TCIIII* .... b'jo ..... My pwnd_bu. EstlaTwk)' ~'. bratIoon md IiAcn ,;,;a.d ... IbM lillie. n..,r U)"ed willi lIS. _1IDme. 6)6 EaIt Booed">'. Mesa O\u . pcriodcht>ua1 ~ Scmtol Ibcm..- Uilde Gecr&< ..... Ami NellieWaIIIcr, Uodo: Albcn MId AIIJIl "- V .. W"I}JIIa ..... Ibci:r Ibrcc prts. UDde IJ:NI;M>d ... _1dI Turley. Un:;\e Ed""'''''''' Ida Turley, IDd Unde Charles ..... AlIIII Roberta TIorky. lbe)' w=an impItatioo!lOmeul .. v only eli/II )UBofop:.

Around 1930 UJIde Ed and Ami Ida Tur\e)' PIO>'I:ICIIO MeA 10 ~ iIIlho temple. WherJ dIt) . .. 'eDt bac::k 10 Mc:>;iQo tbc)" Idl Tboodooe TurIey '. J"""",, wilh iIl)' ". h ...... I~ 19l11 a.\CCI my Bcot orR. ii' iii.aaoce. GnrocIItIa let me lad tile /cW'iIII MId iDPY tile F'QIoo£)' from iL ~ _1lIIII1oc IO)'Od """ DiJII:. Mn. T. KidlaIL, ·. I..- 1ft FDltanoI It .... ' , ... 1 9~1""0Ii>'CTurIey rCUftd IhM tile '"T.~ IIOOd 1Or"Tloam&l. ill. "iU -"'& TbaJdiAc Tar\ey .... his ___ .



TIIrIey boo/<. VoaII Turicy Ha .... 1IIOYCd bore ~ this rime IIId .. a..Ila'»_ and otber1 pbe:roII iItfcnIWioa. ...... tum£d it o\u 10 W-rnc aod N.-qTulky. ,,110 fWsbaIlho ~ .......m. priNcr, lad ru Oil! doe raI TwIcy book.

In AUCUR 1'-" I visiocd Bc.>u. U!IIt.. .. Iocre I uyed with • rcIaci>-e. omue HarrisToI-. He !old "". dllllimc~ .... Oft ' •• /OSM"*lOrllolduocTuricy. He Ibosbool'Cd "" doe &a\u StaU Hip Priat __ from 116010 19040_ He ... cvpodianollbol&ake Ioausc. He ....... ""ib<Hip Priat __ oITkoduc Turley II1IIil10 Edward Tot-. 0.. ....... ToItoa·. bdIo:t. n..:.c rca>nII Mre lIttr_1O ib< Owrdt Hislorim·. omce ill SaIl LIke City.

LIla I >'isited ill Fainiew, UIlIt, .. '11= a.nooe Turley Ib •• bm ... •• • ' .... v.ete ~>iq. I ion;,ed Ibcm 10 the Turley Reunion ill Woodruff. Arilom over Labar Day. 1949. They bowgbl a ca:rtoed 01 "cousins" _ tbc:y bzve been ..,u.,'C J l.ofIheTurlcy&milyroo-tlle_:IO)'CaIS.

How .... T""-o To.I~ Walla' uoI s.ruo u.... .. .." l"t'IaoI

In ~ 193~ I >isilal!be Ooutdo utnry ill SaIl 1.* CiI)'. I 1DiIda"t fiad tile Tmopk Iada aura. (fIB) CIId IiIr Johoo T ............ Ul dioe 0urdL So I I .... tbe FoaI.-, lO'Krc ll'owld Iioim. II 1M' his tadocr, JoIiD' . __ I ~ all tbe T~ IIId FaaltanI ill tbe TJB. \Jacle F!alk T.w.lood pIbomI tbete......,. .. ' .... he _ 011 bioi miuioo 10 Fft&I>nd ill 1155---1856. lbcn: __ 110m 1!! __ 001

tbellB. No<>' lbon: an: onon:lbIiI ~ _iooib< 1m IGI file. , .. .., flJUlld Ana Smilh· • ..,a.u' _ Mall .......... Mat}. Smi!h; Iiso a IisIcr. Ann Smith.

In 1949, LooJaToIliiiI T_. sec:ood wife orR. C. T ......... iDCJ\"tU 10 I'boc:d:il< &em aa,-u. She brooiIbt her fAtIx:r. Un:;\e FnmIo: ToIlOIl. wbo ... ioo IIis IIl'L He !Old "" he bad visiICd lIII "".I""her. EsIbcr W&U:cr Tomli ...... ill 1m 001 his Ny k) EllgIand 00 lois m ' . .... He Aid sloe Iiw:d ill , .... od. MiaooIri. md.sIoe dieclia 1191.

"' .......... 19491 >isUod UackW ..... ToItoailioPQ­.... Utab. He told "" his d. pM '. Ruby GriInsbow of BoaYor. bad billiIOIIoe>". May ..... T_I;"" ToIIaa·. Manti ......... I visUcd ..... She did Itoc -" fOr ..... P "'"' .... md p l · ..... MId ........ I d .. lid p'CM-j U:.,'betsT_I;....MldWaD:or. Sbolbodidtbe !a!ipIc ....... for p. ' I ........ acay R.cdcI:io«. .... ·prcrol l amos RtdcfioIJ. 1100= 1I'CICOft ft$ _ fOrtlleTomIiosna MId WI\ktt Ii!II!I. all bam in YOIbIIitc. tbo: IarJOA Ihin: in E..,bnd aod no dales " ,..., pracaL

I also visi!cd Claude Wbile In Salll.lkc Ciiy. _ d. Mary Adeline ToIlOIl. ,,'1>0 offemI me $100 if I COlIId fiad bis kost father. I lUll IliIIlookinB He 10IcI "" 10 look lip bis 1isI .... LcciDc While EricsooL. if IIQ)'IhiIo& 1 ' 1, 1 10 Iiim.

bo. 19S4 LooJa au ......... ""' ..... ICId "" .... fAtbor, FnooI; ToIlOIl. bad Idl .......... 1I1CiIICY 10 ..... the ToIlOIi boob. She bid • dealh o;ati6caIe 01 MapreI TomIi ....... RadcIitJe.. a sisler 10 MIlly A.-T_Ii ..... II aid .... dio:IiII ~ City, MiaooIri. p;q!be _ oIibo omeIay. Willi Ibis due l __ lOfiDdtbeWIDo-"'T=r ' .-.Is- Oa

20 J"I), 19S6 I iDCJ\'Cd 10 Uok Rack. At l "')'CIJ bier I ...- to KaDas Cify IIIOd 1oc::IiUI\I .......... -e frca! Ibo _ .-.Is- Ilsaidilalher8 · 1 .. F''',~­HUJlIIlln>s. bad buried loa; Oft odIcr iIIformaio& In Aut;os 19sa I " ... t.:k 10 "-City, Missouri. In tbe pbaDo: bco::t:


was Margaret Ben!on Humphreys. I called bor IIIId .... UlLd IIIC .... bad just <J>CNed bad< fro", New YorI< City ,,'1Im: be.­d.ugIY"' Iiva1 Sbo loki me lhau aJUSiD 1n"Cd in 8 .... !d.. .Dli!!!;M1IIId for IIIC UI .... bor.

The DCXl ,,"tC:kC:nd (Labor Day) ... e dn7."e 10 Cbo:SlC:>, Illinois on tho:: ~ River. The 1>e><I mcming we drO\'e up II) Rcd:u1..-ben: tho:: cousUts HeinemIm> In"Cd. We called !bear. ami !hey ilMud \IS Ullbeir farm in tho:: CIIIdIy. They .... en< glad 10 see us. They gave us d>e Es\b<r Walker

T,...'j ....... Rook pbato album, ...nb bo:r picuaa; IIIId lho5e or bo:r brotbe:r."Ibamu Walker, Jr.,"iIo bad lived in Englaml

Mrs. Hti ............. ' $ 5"'oj •• 'be.- ",as FI:izabeIh Torn';""'" a siSII::r ofMar}' Ana TomliDooa. whom we knew IIOdIing about Her 1DDlhcr .. ,.. RillIi,i£I&. She IOIIIi: \IS Ultho:: gm-eyard. ,,"here EsIber WaIket .. as buried. I also go! their ga>eaIogr. They......, goiDg UlIhruw d>e pOOto aIbuJQ away !hal <by. They bad • pia= ofFdflvd ToI1on ami Mary An.o. TomliDsoo. UJIde Fmnk goI Rosebud. Mls$curi mixaI ~ .. iIb RcdbIId., Illinois. "l"beR ",as 110 Rosebud, MisscIuri.

I dRM 10 !be Sl. Louis Pmlic Lilnry aDd fuuad d>e TmnliDsons ill Sl. Louis ill tho:: 1&56's IIIId 186(1 ', Dirtc:!orics. Mary Ana's si5I .... Efu8betb.. bad married her tulSbitnd's 13rber. JobIIRook. ... bo was also fromE.nslami W. didn'l kDocnI' tba FsIhcr Walker bad boa! mmicd (2) I11III buried .. . ROO<

hl Augusl I978 I looked ill tho:: c ....... togy Wlnryfor Cloude While, DIreos for sisler l.aIot Fribnn Claude While bad diocL I ,,"3lI<ed 10 I..eooe's place an4!a>od:ed on be< door. SIw: wouJdllOl open \be door IIIltilI told bet my D:lfI>e. She Aid .... bad bimI 3D ~ I tber 10 traoe bet Toml;_ ami Walker !iDes, I11III tho:: rcscaJcloa" .... called ... • ml$sioD 10 go 10 Fng'""" So .... 1IJ'o'e me tho:: won:: .... bad ami .. be:re 10 call !be~.

[ ,isiud l<oDe tho:: 1>e><I morning mil .... gave me tho:: reSI.

of tho:: ~ and lOId me .. bat 10 do. ! sp:nI. tho:: DtXI .. "Cd< rWng microIilms.1IIId fiDisbed this won:: !hal bad been SUllIed. [1"ouDd!hat Fstber Walker'. fint blobere! .... laineo Tornliosoa. IlOl J_ ~ TondinsoA; rbaI. be ... . sJ>oemaltet IDd died JWy 1849 iro s!. Louis. Missouri; IbaI be WlIIIOII of lUI Em.", .. ! Toml;nvc> I cmried d>e Tomlinson &oil WaJmlioes fOur or five 11""""'"'- fanber ~ aDd tho:: coIlalI::mllino! also. I also locaud FdfI1IfIi ToItoa's brotbe:r. JohII TolIOll·.IamiIy. iro De SolO, IOUIh of St. Louis.

The Lord sellllIIC to Wille IUod:. Kmsu City, I11III St. I..oais, Missouri • d>e rit;bl time:s. This is also ..... for ToUoo T_ md tier btbo:r Frank aDd UIICIc Waiter ToIlon. The Spirit ol!be Gospel compelled .... do this......t ill Ill)" span: time .. ben 1 lMd. in tho:: Ade ....... Texas and Qk!.bonp __ for nearly SO yean..

1 also compiled John Toltoaaod AJm SmiIh·. five otbo:r childn::o.·s ' .blulhlil arc DOl in tho:: F<homtd ToIICO boo!<.


Possibly Gnald and GImdo F~Uer ~ ogt:d II bit by _; Inm agaf,. pnMps >Jt)1/ 1M 1m 1"= <lgO, -..M1I1My OIIld,aud ~ir JI!' ....,dding (JIIII/o.or.-y (_ ripl), "'­~ her anginal _ddt", dress. rItq 1IUlSt h~ COflMd Q

frw nan and J>ICOIrd gJancu Gerald is • v ..... iroatian br professico:i.lIaYUoe ~

degrees bum tho:: UIUvetsiIy of Arizoaa In 19.f1, MS in Dairy ~ from tbe Texas A olM ill Jaoua:y 1941 mol his


DVM degra: ill 1954. He bo::ame. t'" Lt. ill tho:: U.S. Army and ser-o,d ... Ktive duly 1943_1946. He ""lIS I Lt Cot in the US ArUl)" Resen'e for matt)' years, ntirUog iro 1979. He taugbl . 1 ASU for fOur yean. IIOd "as. fedcnl VetoeriDaN:o ill Texas, I\Ibosas IUId otlabomI. He bas boa! active in matt)' pn:o{cs$iooai orpri>zioM and.aMtics- Dr. G=Id bas _to" missed a day' , ,,"0<1< boI;ause of iIk>ess, and. be bas tr.n'elcd Ihrou&b .,,;er)" state ill d>e U.S., aod 10 Omac!a Muia> mol Somh America. In Ibo: (]melt Gcrald bas =-I

B,..;:h PraW:Ienl..



The Missing Clifts: Robert, Eliza and

Emma Found! Tbe Robert and £liZilbeth Clift


Jolla R. Pypn-

n _1<1 __ INt u.. f • .,.;~ .. of Ib* thrH Cifl ...... wh"", Thood" ... -mod In Na~ voo. "'""ld M •• ptod.1OCf<I tlot 1&lJ!" p<oportion 01 hi • .! .. 0:1 ....... 80'. ,,~it. 1M "PP'*" if; tho ..... TIli. io d." to two f~ Firlll, only on.' 01 ' M nino child ...... of th. oilloft .. ""hod In/ancy, w" , oltecl by Thood"". &!\d p""";dod "ondcl'lildl'ft>. Th.ot w .. F ....... l(imbO<loy Tudor M.rin' ..... 1M Y"""I"' dUld 01 Muy.' Secondly. oll thr ......... had di~ by 1150. So.ol\ Ell ... dMd in Wi"te ,, ~CIi" dMd in Soli !.£UGly in 1850 ..,.., £lOu. .ft ... tho ciullo 01 '- fino: child in 1_. -tr on Iloo hod ... lu il in 1&16. ... p.....ty ...... mod 10 No."oo and ..... E ....... on , .... 7Ih 01 Jatluary 1841. Tho w"" ... _to of a;...., uod Em ...... ....u .. Mt ""thor, Robtrt. ... t>ooq-ttr w .. opp.tNOllly ."known. 0... 01 S ... II Ell ... •• two buyo, frO<ll 0 p...,; ..... marTiqo "Of

,aiood ,. Thoodor. but h. kepi his oriJl,...J .... no ... o, Solwy".

Tho information .bout Ilot>trt ond hlt family io quit. limit'" in _ 1M lDS .-.-. 1 Fil, """ 1M TIMed ... Turl..,. f...wy BooI<. Hi. wile .... Eliubfth and 11M only child .... IisIod ... u.. w.. do .... h..... EIiu,. M.y ..... So.oh EU .. """' in Cittoo., (;1",,_. ~. n. dull> daot And ~ io .... , for Robm. his wiN


EI1.uMIh .. well .. f ... Ell ... and 1M< <I ... "" .. Em ..... Sine. Thood .... Tu.1ey ~.,. • ..-.I af Ilia fAmily ...... bfto,. thit Iod of ,ftf ........ ti"" '*IIordiIIs E1iz. -..d E,.un. DntolnIy .... _ IN .......... w .. _ with II ......

Findi","'1 who. hopPft'Od to X ...... DLubeth, EI<u ond E", ..... .. ",ell .. any ........ in' .... "'.liO<l . ..... " XoI>rort ' nd hi. family l:>eo4m. , ... j<>< P'OO«\Ip.tion /or III , ""inN", in th. ,!,rinS 01 19911. J "'~ .. wr thot thO'. -...od 10 be ..,... Son." inn ...... "" me to w .... k ..... oI&nUy 10 ~nd .hoM 1001 f..,Uy m .... ""'" Wh on 1 otulod 1 . .. Id .. od if il _Id be F " I. to lind 'h ..... I ...... oId al th. H .......... a--I..,. 1iIw..,. ttu.. looI.iIra lot • Wo",.n ill "'l' diffinoll,. .............. ud! is cwnlorod . ......... , ........... _ of"'- __ .... oId. Y .. omuin&ly -.y .i ..... il _ .. "'-t I hon ... ,ctMd lor in f ....... ';"" In ..... Mkfsi<:aI ~t.r_ .... on th. in' ... n ..... ";t.o J ' ... nd ..,... .. hi", of .01 • • • I w .. «IftOiot ... Uy moti.otod to iii"" to 1lIi. t.uI<. (And thi' ..... oJ ... Info ....... itII .. y <On_n lot C)'fWI O."iel ... 1 .. fi .... oon-in·"w 01 Th_ore.) "-'tins wi.h 1lwH ........... no p,obl ...... • 11. 11 ..... oJways uoiti rw. Thi, otUdo is 0 ... ",m.'l' of ._ .. prri-, . nd who. h .. _ lIi.o .. , .... •

Sinoo ............. aif! '"""" ...... into _ won. 01.1' of n "doN', Ii'" In ", ... , _ ...... t y--. thaI v-tlr d .. ....w..d .... 1 lilll. woooId , ..... " k-.. oloou. th ..... n..... Wft'e""CliIt .. ",II ... 10 t_!hoi. hen .... to tho anly doild ... !>o ........ od '" adulthood and hAd chl.Id ..... And IN' <hlId, fr_ Ki",.,.,.I.,. 1u. I.,. . ..... bono. "Slit d.,.-bofuH II« lIIotlo ... diad.

A _«:hoi t ho Inlol>o .. (D.1tQM hll • ..,. w at! Ib fi .... ...,. bear .... i ...... 0' hand. .t hom •• ""'_ (]1ft w .. ..... Ii .... od ....... oJ U"' .. in lOS <l>u,<I> ...."".,. of Ensland and N . ......... [0 th ....... ~ hold .t c..dfiold ElnI Cl\opeL in W_otoMt.. En&Iond. j"". 14th. IIWG. XobotIClift, Fnost...... " ""' 1110 ~ of .... drul'Ch at OJ""""'" 0.. j u .... 10!h, ISM X ...... "'''" ""~ of <ish' ..;. _ _ ofIirmina • d"";p~ .... ..,. '"--..... l..nor oIlh, "',,, ..... of tha ......... ttl"" <11 tho "'Iui,.....t 01 tho NOUN &,olitn. ' 0.. tlw 8Ih 01 0d0INrt ISM h. W,," Dldoinod a HiS~ !'riooI.'

In Ih. ECIJ (E.dy o.u,dr In[ounati<IR FiI.) it .... d!tcovftod Ur.1 Eli .. both tho "'OIb, diad in ISM.' So th;. w .. 'h. 6 ... mi ..... l ... potunt ,;- of i llfM llloli"" ..... 1Ki. R ...... El<u and E ... ",. _ •• <hod for in tho liMo of Mot"''''' piotr_.....,;", ............. in tho 1150 ....... of UIinoio. But !hoy obiI not ._. SU .... Eo""", 8l.od<'. __ ,~a~"" ot LD5 I<oIftnbonhip 01 111313-1841" ,......,.od ...... r dotailo but ....... fftllopondonl __ "'oro nol _ and INn ...... n_. YO" ...... (Cliff and Oifl).lho inIonftotiOll could ..... SO boyond "'ho' w .. In "" A",, __ I H • . n ... ... two yIN", "'en. X ....... Oiff/Qift IT • • nd Ja_ Oiff who ...... In tho Nauvoo Sotond won:! ... d .«011\ . .... "'bort of tho Mo ... "" Batt.lion, Could Robartj •. • nd ,.moP" Jo", .. be ch!ld,_ ot R ...... . nd Eliu1>otltl n ot . ..... <01 ... . nothOf laUly of Cllflo,. tho, of C-S. Wow",l"" Oift. born in lIlinai. in 1117 whld! __ ' " be Ind.pondont 01 Robort', f.mily I . ..... Eroslond.

A "";0. __ "" ... ", «<".,..J It ..... an ooci ........ .., ,.,) I .. tho s-"'IY libt..,. of tho How ...... Publi< UbntJ 0)' ...... 01 • Utoh puWralion IN, <OfI,toi_ on


April JO.lOOO

11o"" OIII./L w.~nOl Jon 1126 (birtJ. inl"" .... li"" 'l~.n on lite NuyooTompL. E .... owm ... 1 nsWft)_" H • • ..,.Jyed hi • ...,dow", ... 1 In 1M N."yoo T .... ple on 11 J ... llM6. H. w ... 3rd U In Comp.ny C ol Ih. M .... "'o .. 8on"lion." Who .. 1M l>aualion w. ordorod 10 Lao AnS.!" ' 0 t.oddchatsod in My 1&17. 1M c:i1iaN of San Di.o . ,_ • !*ilion ..... u_ .. thol ....... \>on .--Ii .. f", .odd,liOftA! duty. A ...... ' lIOot 1M", did .......... ist. Ho boo-........ . I.old. 0_ of lho "-- ... "","', 01. lho ...... 11 10_ /00. brio( Ii ... ... f.-- e>.o_ d ... he P Go.. RKhatd a M_·, ,...... ....... to b..JId • _ bIoiklms 10 _YO .. ~ .. on<! oc_n ...........

J-- (]lft w ••• pri~.I. I n C-pOfty C of ,h. Mo. mon Boltl.lion. H. "'od in 1193 in Com"",i • . "

_ Oil!. 1M ,.th .. , ;,. Liotod .. "'""YinI • PriKillo ((Jilt) on 05 ,on 15t6 ... 5.0..... Block', __ pil ....... which 10 ....... Oft tho N.UYDO Tompl. EndOWtlO ... , 11.-. n.. infooao.lion..........- ... 1M I .... pl. __ .. orcIiroi PriociU, _ ..... , i , .,.i .. .... lctI}' . Str_oI,. hor .. ai_ ....... ;o not Iiotod "'" h .. birlhplon .- ,he cloy of ""' birth. oOIIy 1M ""o .. ,h """ 1M>. Thu, , ... , " 0 oddi ........ 1 i .. I"",,.li .... has """ d .o<o" , od .

I w .. "

;. .... " .. ~., 1177. p_ M

Microfil .. of Ih. s.bol,' Ht .old w ••• aih,ble ., tho 'YU 1 .... ..,., ... 1 ;m_i.ololr ...,..... hi, oI>Ituaty:

I hod 10 wail .... til I roturflod 10 H",,_ ...... ....u ... 1M _____ lot On_part in th. Koooolon PIobbo: S......a"" ~,Oty. _ Oi l! w .. in 'ho ind .. /00 11150, 1860 and IS7O, in Oo"'p<><I. 1_... Wh.,. doHpt/ul ... .,.ri_ woo .... iIi", foo- m. on ..... 1'8 of lho 1!tSO C..-.. hmily 116'11iYl ... in d wolli", ' 154 --..001 01:

Rollolt CIfI, 51 (571). M. Gardfto .. , MOO to/ , .. I ..... , 1H>m in Enslend Ell%.o C. c-p..l'1. F. 1H>m In !rtslOfld E ... c. , • , 5. f , 1H>m In IIlinoi.

Tloi. nrtoinly ", ... 1 t.o .... , ... ; ..... _ """ [l;z."

..... E ....... i .. opite of nn- ...... F ... TMi' '''

... _ qui" with 'he bio1h d_pnn on lOS

.-.. Eliza 10' ywn , ........ lIt.n 1M 1113 birth d.1o '1 ..... 1 .. N . .. voo, Em .... ;,. ""' , __ 100 old. and R~ ""Y bo _ .. oJ yaBy"" ..... Ihan ~. _Id bo per t~. LOS ,,,,,,,,cis." Diu'. lui n''''' of Cocws* i • • ""."riM. Th. odj ... ""onl of Ihei, "_ and oho monse of h .. I .. , ... "'. cou.ld .. oil bo • -' of .... 1tIOrfU&e. s'" porloopo ... did "'""1. Mo-.c--a .. 1 .. 1M 181iO con.. (p. 655) I~ Oift now h.u .... w ..... IyOfldEliaoandE"''''.Iu .. d. IF rod:

.. _ Clift. 6'1 ..... SoJ.-. kHpot, i6OQ, 1H>m &e1ond 1oI00JUd Clift. 40, t 1H>m I .. low. Hol ... 7, t born in 1 __ WIUI . .... m, 1H>min 1_.

In Ih. IIIl'O (p. OM) Con .... only h .... d hi. wife ... lioled:

a._Clift. 79, ... , 50100n Uopoo-, MOQ.1H>m in EnaJ.ond 101......-... Clift. 55. 1 1H>m ;n £n&I""" ~ ....... Ilt' 11160 and 1.,., ___ he .. _ •

............ with hi. binh doloo an LOS NOI ......



( (

FUWil!,. sj;~tll&.!~ ~ ~ ~' f.~~ ~~rJ

!Jfifi ! i~~ ~i I ;·l·'·!"':·i~

Hti'lH;f~~j~ "I. ~'1 {! ~n 'J i. !=. .. ;0. I{ .... :!. 10 -,..-2. ;-,ji",,' r-~";l'

.., _c Ir- -I". "Of""' ,<.- • " " -22. (!tcil ~i ..!,'"'l1.lf ;i~!: ':1-' ~~:~l~t1I f I. ,.' ""1:'1' '.~;;. 0;

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Apnl )(l.2IXIO

,n GoleN. lIl'n"''' How""or Siy..., th ... thor .vidor>« of p~bl. ""bterfuS' of E~ .. in th. ""'''11" of . urn.",., hlrth y ...... JOd hirth plooo it _m. "thor more likoly lhot tho Cal .... !oeo~on ill ~ctitiOll5.

Thor. wOS only on. lilliS household in low. on tho 1860 ~u .. . M. ry C. in Clint"" County. 0.. th. UUtl Cft\tu. ,hor . ...... Jan. U~ in Oin'"" County. Al""",ndor U.1ig in Dubuqu. Country and t/'I, .. UttiS f.mili .. in 5co<t C"""1y. low .. They w .... Pc .... 76 ...... ~,od bf ....... INm Franc. .nd wife Mary. 63. from Sco<l.ond: john. 49 • • f. rm ... wo<,h mOOJ. f,om Franc.. Hi. wi/o l.oo.oiM. Z'I w" from Pru"';a. Eigh' <hild,..., .ro li. t..d. Th. ,rutd I""'ily i. Pol ... 2-l. fot"''' w<»1h WXt with. wife E",,,, • . n UYinS with ' hom ore Ella ail~ 1" • d""'001;< ..... nt(1/ and Ook OI. • .bon,. 22.. • I .. m lobono-. All ore from 10 .... ""'"Pt OI..f_ ... h .. I. 1,_ 5 ... od ....

Th •• Id .. Pot .. LilliS could woll boo tM I. u... of John • nd Pol«, 24. Hi. prol_"", h, . ....... h ... d ... <Oft1I~ 'i"" with Rober' Clift'. prof ... "" of ooloon keeper. Ell. Clift "",oIy must boo Hoi ... aift th. d-.ghtor 0/ R_ and Motp'ol aill.nd .n .un, to E",m"

On ",.1880 < ....... John li~ ond Pol ... Littig an liv· ing juot 'h, ... form. I""" ... "" otto .... John', two oldest boy ..... lone. bu'''' .... or. otill ""hi ""ild,fn, P<Ier.nd Emm. fev, <hild, ... : Low-a. 9. f; l ohl\lo. 8. M; Loui .. 3. M;ond EuS""iolsp?L 3,. F. U.S .... .. tho "". butiod .... .,do h .. POI""!> in ,h. Pinehill cemoifty. So ... h ... R_ ailt diod in D«embo< of 1m, h. hod four sr-t1!'on.d. chHd.on f""" Em",a. Th ... io no doub, ""'t the _"" fot 'ho nWoi", ailbl: Robe<~ Elizo and E ... ",. h ... bnn imm","'y 0IKC000Iu1.

Th ..... ro yon"" . 1.- ottd. "'0' con boo P'IImJod. C ... .;nly 0 "' .... ' '''porlont ...... is dOl_ini", 011 0/ Ih. pootmty 01 Em", •. M",. detail. m.y be d ....... lnod ...... s",di", 110. Robert J,. and J.", .. in Colif""n;" Th ... &r~ .. ~ .... I onlfi .. of Robert ond Jo_ aill 0f0 Ike Colifemi. .......... 011850. 18600nd UI'l1l Th. "--'danto of R_ aitt ond Mars"ol top ... can be id .... tifiod.

II would HOm \lo.t wh.n Robo<t. Eliu ond E"""o WOft' notth to D.vOftp<><~ I_ •• nd R_lt. ond Jo", .. w.,,\ west 10 Colif.,....;o tho, «mtact botw_ ,h.m .. os I .... . How could it have bnn moinl.inod .. th ... w ... noth,ns .pproochi"l! .'Sul .. ",0;1 """';00 wilh aith .. lh. pi",,_ ump .,.. tho Mor mon Battalion. And Ih .... in I.t .. y ...... wi,hou' "'~'ual I<now~ of ,hai. neW I_ij""" ho .. <OUtd "",,'"<1 .... ve been ... .de? P"''''f'' conlOd botwoen 110"", .. ao Int.nli""oUy ...... od whon they oep .... ted .1 NouYOO. The ... ,nome 01 Ceorr lor Eliza and E"\ln . on'he 18:50 am .... ,.nd EIiza',I.t ... uN of c-gi.nn. <OUtd boo .~ effort to bwy 'M pHI. Su~h q~""""" would not HOm '0 boo ........... bl. in W . M. howe>'ff.


". • t«: """ I 'Mf' 7. ' HC ... ,U<hop. ll • Hi$I>"'" -,.;w; pi ,iod 01"lP''''FHl.;'' St.C .. _ ~ _ NR! fttloilod .. __ I

• .... _ad lto ..... 1< •• _1<rirW- br_ ..... :MJ ... I&t.I.Sho clIod .... 10»0 01/ .... -.1_ 511,.... 01 ... f ......... EooIjo a...m ~ 1'010 01 ..... L.D51'HC. • _ IIod. (1l1li8) ..... IM.., of'" e""lt~ of I .... em" " W S IIlJO."U FHl. 6doo6mt.l'l6, "0. PIon, Lr- !l9QNoo ..... """" M ...... __ V ... , . n.. mbA ,. , . ndw.1Unitod. -...oIlooo """_Ioot--. "'-_ .... ,..,.,. .. ""-P'C' .................. _-,._..,. ...._ 4~",~_ n.o-.-oI_-ur._ ..... _. __ ""..-.""" __ tho chilo!roa.

~_01""'_S ' 'oI ...... ' .... "tIy.-c ...... n.o .".......-..ay .................. _I;0\. .......... . Iu>ow Iod.$"""" __ .... _ """""'" «-...... ."......Ioaily" --, ~ .. IhtIQ 1lIo. 0.-br ._0iII. ""--InM 11IiM;" o,-..t.o.- ... ~ .. ___ ...... __

t'it':''iI!!l81. il*l. ·0"",,, """"'" DN. lIl11Jt!l. _0"","_ ON. 2/8/",. .. s..-.llork (I" iIoOi. • t'"" ___ .. ..-.. _...,.~ _pIot,_ ""..., .. _ tho -......01 .... su: FHL ... CD­aOlo! ..,. .. _oIp..........u, . • ",. ""'M,i ... "" tI...- • .......-_ .... _. 51 ",. SI _w_ .. __ .... _1ik<IJ' w_ hri4;" ill""" .. ;., tho D 'f'"' __ ....... o-mNowoo-.t>N .... -.Ior __ ns Ort2 199\1 •• _.......,. _ .... C<>o/I>ri<h. • pooo.< 0( tho Cotilomio 5;en-o_. __ .poota......0(~wllo_ bam,,*,_ DonnoSeoilh "'_ DL in IM~. oIoop<"o"" (:..Ioo .... "-Ccdbn"'_~ ...... ~ .. , .ido ~ t,: 1 .....mkIr ... IDs.. t-....,.,. .... """' .. e·p , .... "-"'I ~"""_ .... _""""""_ .. .......t ....... id<»tiI)'.

lD. lMiilg'-d; IlMJtat , palJivr:/y N~~u will k a bjg rusd jll .«pill, lli3gta1. 1':rr1q!ail? ttpUr.

-L&wrsce 1. T'vle:J'


Mud. Wved HIUbaod and Fa1hcI­

F ... ank Cliffo ... d Tanne ... , S .... Eulogized by Family Members and Friends

'-- C. Tanner. Sr., ~ aw:ay 28 NOYmlber

1999 at Bclbany 011 Pacific:. Evo:rcn. WashiDgton, at !be ageof78, ofParkinsons Disea5e.

F"""'- is survived by his wife of 55 )"Ci1'S, Shirley. SOIl -.l daugbtcr';n-!aw James -.l Mary. -.l brodlefl;-.l Y,;VCll Ace and Eva of S1. George, Alfred and Norma of Las Vegas. -.l Bert -.l8cuy ofMes;o; alsosisl= and husbands Erma Holyoak and CIa-e of Heber. Emmal ine Fouts and Lee of Cody, Wyomiog, Georgia Pike of Ontario. Oregon. and Leah Stephens of Modesto; as well as many grandchild=I and grcaI-grando;hiIdrm.

Frank was born 20 October 1921 in Josepb City, ArizIlII.t to Clifford and Leila Turley Tanner. I-k attaIdcd schools in Josepb City and Holbrook., gr.vbwing in 1939. He served in !be U.S. Nary during World Wu II as an Aviation MetaIsmitb aboatd!be USS M ... nibu and ~ved an honorable d.isclwge in Deocmber 1945. He worked for many)"Can in air aaft WOfk, and retired from CU5lodial work in 1986.

Following !be services, a reccpliou was beld at !be family bomo.


Bdow:dWue and Mother

Beulah Whiting Heward Mourned by Family and Many Friends

Scniocs for devoIcd wife, matbc:r DIII".h'.A""'. Beulah Whiling Heoo-ard. "'en! bdd Saturday, April n at the HoIbIOoI< Stake Ccnta-.

BcuIah ..... born 23 July 191 4 in SI. JoIm$, Arimm. """ "11$ alifdon& rcsidcBt of the: StJtc. During Ilcr Ijfi:.Jj ......

besides perfO<1Jtia8 gMllICMce for bor family, sbc spall mum l ... taus seMng in many dif]">maI dnadI posiliam. Even ill bor advmc:cd ycaJ$, sbc _ fIlUIintIy uI<td 10 t:.: • Primary Ieacla rI boys. • ~ ofbers. W<\h bcr b" .... "" Jolul. sbe ~ ill m:ury lempIcI, <botiDS 20 yean DfIili1bful ser.ia: ill the Mesa Ari»;Im temple, They al90 ........." IOgelbcr in the <:OUIItf)' ofEquador '" missioII ~ ... -Bcnlah")'UWIgcr)'C3!l wen: oped in the While Mooomains ala sawmill camp, .. bore sbc <;:OCikcd for !he mem working. the: mill SIll.' was famous for Ilcr ddicious lm:ad, <i" ""'", rolls, pies 3:IId _-en. alwaJ5 a Slaple OIIlu1!iai 1ripL

John _ BculalJ noel. a cbun:I> daocc, and since be had 10

""""' UI:IiI mi<hDJ!h! !!a>Ch of1beir IXIIII1iIIg """ dooo walking bome from 'MIrl<. OD OlIO of the waIb,. a<;IUalty rigbt a1Icr JohfI had Ploposocl. the sbI:riff s.hiJ>ed his ligbl 011 !bcm mel asked, ~Wbat"'" you "'" doi.agT wt.:.. be sa .. wbn it ........ be aid be !mew !bey ,,·oWdD·t t:.: seaing ita<> any tnU:>Ic. S~ illd.UiX bcr In,stqnd mel five drildrcrI. Mariool cl

I'bor:Ili>; Boil Fisbcr clHoIlmlok; I..oraiDC Vred<ea of SaIl Lake City. Richanl. of Gilbert _ Ernest ofSalI uu City; ODe bmtbcr. E. l IlY Wbitios IIIId ODe sisacr. Edwina 035Uup of Mesa. She is also SUI"VM:d by 18 grmdc:hiIdma, 31 pm­gtandcbiIdrm aDd "'" gra-pat~


, ,


" 1\11 '

., IsS50 10


CYRUS DANIELS TI>eodort: Turley's rom SorH.n-Law

By John R. Pyper

dilJu ....... -e.,;1/II say . .... oaJdIc:d. Cpu na.idI .... <Iiscuoo-....l He iI n • • o. d SI:>"CQl tiIDt:s in tile Hi$IQry of tile Cbun::II a.I in ~ puSiCWI jounIaIs.. M w. " of llill> bqjJII ill _firsI year oftlleRcslcnd CludL He ... 'Prim .. ailhlllc PmpIIoc.losoph SaDIh. in putiaaIIr. Ub:ny Jail.. He ... dosdy """";otrd ailh TIw:o:idute Thnq' ill Nauvoo .. i tll poIia .. or!< an:I dd"m!oe ICOooIIo ~ NaNoo. IIIIkoccI lie is maIIioood in Judd 'IQacil1 orTlw:o:idutcTuriq'. TIw:o:idute ~firsI aid to him in 1144 " 'bea bilrigII atm was ohancmI by . buI.I4 '

The Temple =ords in Na","OO and Iho BIJriaI pourod ru:ords in WUWa" ~ ckarIy roconllhlt iI. ..... C,.. DDleb. frieQd ofTbtodooc T'urky and 111'0 )'earl !iii juaior. wbobccame bisfintsoo-iJt.b1o. Ins.- BlD'. 1.DS M~""-"hJp 18J(J..I84$ it is Cyn. DaaIdo .. IIo ... endo1I'fd on hmI2ry 8, 1&46 and ..akd to FnmtiI A. TlIr\e)I on J-..y 14, 1&46. 0.. tile W_QuoIRcn a..iIfroconl A. Dl1Ilic:I!I bo::r spooIe was ,_dot liS "Cyns n ..... (dt. The"(dtvaylildy i"rfi "ulbltlle_ ",,., r .'

C)Tus Dmds .... bon ioo Net... ~ NY Oil

S • ""'" 12. 1303 10 Aaroaor Adaaoaood Pbocbc Ooaid. Hmo IIid ...tIm lie died liS JiC'I ... DOl beao IUor:ad OUI. IU tile ioob-x.. m. iI...;Jabk .... CynI pDa' p;c.u:.c of. _ of JIQl ......... ...t do:ep jI' TIe IIrR

,io., ofCynos DIaids iii IDS dlurdllIiacry ..... tor Mary I ;pan,.- • l ofdlecIud:L

Ia ... 1ioII or 1131 , ia ; , ..;a, Bi*p ..... " fallia" Morley, W. W. 1'IIdpo. c,... __ .-I ... r_ ....... 1IDII.1I).t( .,._.-,._ ... c...Iiao:, ........ ,. I ', or '" • s.. oatocn.ldI ~ b· • I ' , __ c..y, !oiioooon •

Nc:>cl is brid r ' io" ~ Thomas B. MInh IhIt c,... - ." HIoimbd:IOKinlIadiatlletqDooob" or lIJ1.' Cyrus is .ioo." fOr --a )'QI1" ioo tile IDfcoBaIo: 1Jbary, UiiIil 1139 .. 'beD lie .... iIn-oMooI ailh Eloosb.It Solow, DaW1 Hokmoa William D. Humi ........ AIImoa Ripley and W ... Barioov in III ICtctrtpw braIo:ouI oflht PnIpIItt .ko5cpII &lid ....... niam frooo Libel!)' jail Oil tile 1*' or Fdmwy 1839. 'lbinp _.....,. moIall but Cynos ~

( Oil pose 16)


DeM:eodaol ofCbarione Turley Bushman Ddigbts AcquaintancC$ ,.,ilb Talents

Seldom docs ~ )"QJ F 11)' thai £1 .. Slcwan ofTooole. Utah ;.,", rcceMog ... award for hi, <lory ,..riting,. paeUy. pOSItr making Of jUSl plain scnicc \G his ("eIJoy,men. He does eao:II of\ll<:m cquaIly well. " ith gn:a\ .... ent and lo\"<:. See pi<:wm aIxM. beIo ....

Readers of Elden ', book. Cob/II W,,>, Up Wgh. "ill nat _ forgel their most =:ili..Dg trip '0 ~ ofhis old haun1s (II> !be "",,,",.j .. nonb of Faif\.-icw. Utah. La1er in !tis life. !tis ""Tnmato Girt. W lonely aDd in . rest borne. looked f ..... anilO bis " eekly visilS and lbit ~ tomato K ol",~"S pi "M to ba. WbiJc ~ K 1\3''' blessingsandcbcc:rto lbc otber n:s;dm1S lIS "dt

Near !be 0IId of Kr life. be also ma<Io a special dfon to """c one last visit " ith his beloved ........ Ida (B>o<bm.p Andmun). ,,~ be sbnd a glass of mill< and JoInC: trabaJn C2acl<as. oaninis=I of alden days ,..ben they enjoyed her newly baked bn:ad and Jwnem ...... .Pm. or a"1wldful" of apples from ..... "old"' oeIIar.

ID I _ Ieucr. Elden saio1 "lei flit \ell )"'" about a special CXjIt,iaocc I hod a,!be Dairy (be donal .. 110<> da)-s a wed< to lbitCburtb·, cIoccse/ilctory). Thebretbrctl ..­visiting!be _ dairy for insp:ai0fl. Wberllbey left Elder L. Tom Peny and Elder Mztiooa Hanks obooI< baPds aad I3lt.:cd with me. AU !be otber bretInri Wll\"al1II me .• . At the Senior CitiuDs I ,,,),' fitsI pri;<e ofS2<l for my an p<I5ltf (II> Sl Pauict·. Day. For two y ..... I have m;ei-.-ed seoood p!ag< on my poslCf at the UI3h SWe lii<loricaJ Socitt)' ..• I hIM a special frimd thai. b3s done my F"'"'1ogy oflhn:e '"01"""," about lhtcc: Io.;:Iw::s tItido: ocb 0Jt the ~ Bolsbm.n Bills and Turley Wnilies. }k ooly ctwpd mc: SilO .... I just 8O'l released from the High Priest ~ lIS 1 am in a ...".. ward .. • l br. .. a lovely pn:Io:n.lhoI l enjoy SO much. I ha\ .. several mes "';!b differtrJlli"uits 00 cadl tn:<: and nany other c:<otic plams ... I "'" "1IIIin& you a S 10 ctw:d< rOf a 5lIbscripiion 10 !be TIrl:y Neo>"IIcttcr.


..... p.l<o _ ... bciot __ T ............... __ ...........

"8<. " I,;............ I 1,.-ULc .... -. __ .... 11 I I .......... _"" hcl~ . ......,.'_ "0.. "Iy.n ' " .. .. .... """'" ...... - _ ... ... w_ .... boddioa.""" r .. "'-1-"" "'-' .... _* ,' do ... f.,._ ............ ,.....".. ... -__ ... n ... ......

loot. Loo<. _ .... _~_;';:;: No __ .!IObocIy, bt. : ~ .

Sbo ............... -S ........ . .., u.. ... n.-n.. .. .....,. .... _ s;,.p!o .. ".."....--,--_ .... c....v.....i .. io ... _ ... ........ "" ...... _ r ... .,_ . ... " -So _ you T.... ,I oI._<Ioo-'_Ibl ... y..I _ .............. -_ .. _-.. _ .... """"'. _ ...... *.1 ..... . -.......... iot ..... oo4_r..._·._ "''''' pU ..... _..,.-.--­.......... _you_-,. ..... _r .... · • ..,. .............. _,....., • ...u-.y 1 ........ oolIl...,. .. ;t __ y

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/4. ___ <l __ : ~s.._ T __ ... _

In-'" Uo./o Om_ .,S-H;_""M." lp"'/9',l8 u""" ~.,.jH __ C_..s..-....,..p /, _, .. T_ .... _ ... _..,..",.., T_ ....... n.,... H .... """'_ __ .. ,''' ____ --... ~-,..".-.,w-cn..W.,.UpH..,.· _.,C _____ s.._u ~"""'Jl ..... -...,."' ....... E"IluIo .. ... _ ~ .. s..J<;,y . .-,..., 10/ H. S" SI.. T_ U1" 1-101<-1119) _ ""'_ .• _.~ ..... -r"<_ .... __ '/y. _VO'<P __ oM. s.r. "' .. _.....-1


(coati:nu<d I'nxn P"F 14) 1odI:G1 inDte !be jaiI. .'110 ... 1IbIed .....,. WtiII& IWO ponIs willlilim ~vds dcrw1Ilbe IUirl. OIIC oa cadi ... He mnnbWJ 1ft tile elm: .. bid! II>IY .... .., _'eel hi< life: m... ,,-"or. lMcr. oa!be S- ofMl/dlI1J9, be_OIICofsix wi_ of. peUtioII of ~ Smilb 10 tho ~ -""". Ito febr\llry of II« he iI_ioocd io """IiWKtioa witb the ctrons of the o.m 10 obIaia timber from !be Indians in !be Wi........, Tarilory. In Ibe dailyotHolea SIout from OaobcJ 4, 18-14 10 May 11, I"" in NlU\oo, be is montioood • number oftiltla as be "'U a polioc:maIlIIIdet!be super. Y\Jioa of 8n>, SIouC..' On Scplli . 1&44 C)'rus ..,,;:eMd approoo'll of. pba .. hictI he bad cIeriJe4 to .. ::udr..., ,.,.'0· _ _ maumillOllhof_lO aplbemG". BIa 1be_<Dr

.. ' ... ___ ""'_ . faot'....., find _ 0.<1 Cyna o.oidJ _ .. *""'" III< ,.. -.jooo._lbedt-'. Wlia_ooyodC ... __ ["-!>II_I __ willi him II>

_!dm _ . W ........... , did .... Iiad bim till bo!lood nvekd II> C,*-, ('IbooIII;r<) TlIoIey' t. WborI .... tpt """" .., bondloilOlioro.' • OIL CCOIditioOl. his .... _ ill""'" Iloo boll ~jusI_""'clbcow ___ _ brd<m .... 1ois _ ......... w • .." ..... lid ... .. pioca ...... all'ofloim.,oftor .. Ioiclollnldocr £T1-I<I-1 T.-Icr " lilt "'- .. _ .. loe~ ~_D". J. f,I_lM. Boo • • 'fBaBWotlI". _1« . ... 100_ ... _ ................. ........ !iDcb limebo ..n<ncL too _ £Jo::O ........ ....

Hosaa _iorooc! in ~ jounoal ~ times !be ~ LhaI. Cyrus suffacd. He finally rqKWlS 011 Jamwy I) OW Cyrus' arm .... 'as such "'lbat be «OUId walk 001"'''

On Saturday March I, I S4S tbc Ct,ouox:il of Fifty din l ~10IlCPh', _ fIri&iaIlIY Ido!*" ioIlIoi:I C ... oocil toy JII'IlnI West 10 lid: COIiI • h M;..' ...... IIoIaoo ... 1ooft Ibe SaioIIS "*" ctwdI ioI pc:aee _1ocaIdI.'" • ..., Ibcy CUI ...a Iloo: ...sip aod " d of ~ for. ; .. ;. ... nItioftl. and ~ hoy tile !.wi of JOd .mhauI toaDa opjA

and aoubbcxl1lllCb . TJ'.mwitaI .............. wi\boIOI. proIeC1ioa from !be 1Iws," Sataoel BellI ..... ' 'olIO lead. p""p of 'e""" mea tIw included Cynu: Daniels. The ocIom "'Cf"C Jm.han Dunbam. Daaial Speow;er. JoIuI S, FuRmer. CbI:rIcI Sbunn>~. Ah'J1 ~ &IId.lolm W. FonoIIaPI. These breIbruI "'Cf"C C I "I to un immct!i*1y after Cc nr _ prOQI!Cd &oao nibe to tribe:, 1O.a.e!be Lamoaill:l and find a bomt: ror Ibe ...... They oro.Id _POii)' LeW Dana ........... ,oflbecouoocil_ .1 .. ...; .. oflbeOl!eido ..... 0."..,.",. Mm:b II . 1~' !be Ccaoocil of fift)· mellil dIy and C)TUl DIfDtIs __ adIOIitlcd as. ,uaubti."

This is Lbo: laA IDC<ItiooI ofCyNI b>nd .. far, CynIi DaIUd.I pi ,rs . pictut"C ell 0C!\ftFCIVS ........ dcpeDdabIe """" IIIId ODe tIw »35 calIcd 10 be ill 1M vanguard of aaivitie&. nIIIIY o(;bem dangerous.

Frances A.mclia Turley Danids By John R. P)1Icr

WhM linIc .. ..., kDowaboul f.- Amelia Tooric:y Daniels dearly sullielllS OW IIoe and eyn., .. uc a

nwd>ed pair in !be COI1I'aIIe~. III !beJIIdd biQsnpby. in Lbo: Turk)' Book (p . SO) tbcr'c ill one pancraph abouI1bcodor"C'. wife, franocs. But ill .... '0

oftbe four episodes., "IIcr f.aIher" is!der=! W,

aglpi"g dW ibese """0 episodes swdy must be about flllDOtS, !be da>.>&Jacr, raIber u- FraDCeS, !be motbcr. wbole &thcrnevcr left England and .. -as long dead l'" The two episodes IU"C ;u folIQ'.!o'1:

So Fraroces."1Ic:D oaly 14)'CIn of ..... -aIl u:p Ipins! !be mobbcn and IP bet ClI)\O'1 and buD bid< and .. t.'I'PCd oned!be mabbcn .. itb!be blackwhipl III die $IICIOIICI incjdcd • • few )'COIn, ill NIWYOO. sloe .... perbaplll..,.20 yean old. Sloe must IY.~ been quite a formidable "'Oi'tIIft all .1IoDuand dQllan .. -as a b.nd$ome sum!

Prior Ie> lmviDg Nauvoo. F....".. noom'OCi be>' adJ"u"",1 willi her paretIS (Illd sisler MaIy Auu) on !be 2r!' of


O Ar IJ.4~. Sbe and CyNI 0I'tfC married J....,. 24. -' 11016. TlJgic:aIly. f.....,.diedoaly 10 __ lacr, " o • I . 1~1 iii Wiacr Qu.tta1:_fIile sivi"I bittlllO I!!ef IIrII doild IIOd Ibe firs! "awIct1Ild of11a:altct: aDd fJaa<:cI. ,,110 abc> d!icd. f.-.. lI ~ IIIId IlIlOCJilll5 of., .... ., di<d. MaIlocr'" child _ t-ri<d .... b .. , ill pave IiLe 120. Nme 1D<llllblIoIa, DOl Aapst lO. IJ.47, Iocr dear mocbcr died ~of ~ &lid ". joiuod 1ritb diem ia dcI!.I!.lft tile ..... Km'C Pie,"


IW~ _ aI~ pwtdul CO Riclw'd Turley for _dUlC __ • 1 ... 08_1 <II Ills I"ttt.aI'Ued ~ <II ~"' Ttl ... ,. lli. HI)" .:loeIIuk laid, W Iaoc:klokd trnd for a COlI"" <II .. cduo UI ~ Orio.t, , ... di .. QIu, aad bOIlldldC ....... ~, phu 1Id_. di_r oIbotb 1_ Qarn Hltforinl &lid tile , .. lIy HUIol')'lHpartmuLl

T heodore T urley: A Biograpby By Richard E. Turlq,Jr.

!This is.-her in a CIICIit'IWIa: .:riel; of_*tIcr IrIida tba .......... . ill make up die lint roup chft ofa biopapllj ofT1leodolt To>rIc:y. The chft .iO \IIIdcfJO CCI ,"h 'abIe m'isioa bd"0ft! beina pIIblisbaI;" boot form. I imm all £iuniIy D?abu. '? Tad iI <:riti<:aIIy. ~"U . -II a.:I o&..adclilicaoll ~ fotpowpble jnclgMo Pbse serod __ .aod inI __ 1O meat 74H SGuIb 2405 Well. We-. JonIaD, lIT 1401-4.]

Il SI ... tia/l: for Eaglaad. 21 Sepl~l1Iber 10 II October 1119

MAn accounl of my Journey from Commerce Haneock Co III (IOJ England Sep -21 1839 Took leave of my f&mely This Day under Pecuhu Sircum$WlCe$ Coo$idering The bit Troubl~ wile Ilave had in The State ofMissuria it only being 3[4J <Thirty four> months Sence 1 with my farn~ly lell. Toronto U.C !Upper Canada] for Colw~n County Far West." Thus Theodore Turley began the accoum of the miniorwy journey that began in earnest for him on 21 September Ig39. recounting his movements from Toronto to the day he bcsln his journey to England, Theodore prot.eeded 10 give I day-bY...:!IY aecoont of hi s mission.

Although his journal does 1101 men. ion the incident, an accident thai oceuned as be and his eompanions left Commerce (later called Nauvoo) would bcrome legendary in Lattet"...:Iay Saint Crun:h hi$lory. On 21 September 1839 when he and his l"ellow lravelers lell. Commeree. Theodore _ $!ill to weak from disease that he had 10 be carried from his sick bed.nd laid in a wagon.. His two companions, Elder George A. Smith of lhe Quorum of the Twelve and Reuben Hedlock, were also seriously ill .

The missionaries lIl&r1ed on lheir journey despile their poor healtb. and headina IOwaI1I the Mississipp~ soon lell. Conunerce. As they dro~ south along the river within sight of the town, the men failed to noIice a tree $IWTIp along the roadside and. driving over the 1t\IllIp, upset:lheir wagon. ElOer1 Tu.rIey and Smith lay heJple55 on the ground until Elder Hodlock could lill. them back into the wagon. As the three eominuod their journey, -some gentlemen met Ihem and wed who had been robbinglhe burying ground-so mi~erable wu their appearance through sicimess.- l

Tbeodore's jwmal focused on what hlppencd the rest of the day: "Traviled The ftnt lby [1]4 miles Mi& <S1OpI> the nigil: u The Shantce on .he raileroad with OUI any B«I or beding [v]cry cold being on.he opal p~ I froste nigh! having no ~ for the Ixmoe had 10 tum him upon The Pnire fonhe nigh! . ..J

'"'The next mor{ nin]g. - Theodore wrote. they MSwted for Lime (Lim .. Illinois) arived u Br F~ Distance of about 16 miles being not able to Travel any funher SlOped here.ill nen day." Winslow FlIT and his family, with whom the minionarics $Ilyed on this Sunday, had lived in FIT West and passed through the Missouri perstanions like Theodore and his family. Fleeing 10 Quincy. Illinois, Ihey moved nonh 10 Lima. which vas about thirty miles south of Commerce, and the following spring moved funher nonh 10 Nauvoo.'

On Monday morning. 23 September, Theodore and his eompanions started for Quincy. Aa:ording 10 Theodore'sjouma1. '"when whe had Traviled a few miles was taken with the Chi ll feever Shook and Bum. with fevour Yi.ll we &rive:! in QuiDce)' on the 24 Day of September 1&39 where we found Dr Young k Kimble Boath Sick SlOped one day.-j The missionaries persemed I SOIT}' sight as they rough! the intermittent fe,,-ers of malaria that hid stric:ke-n them as they sough' to WTest civilization from lhe $WIIIIPS along the Miuissippi earlier in the)'QT.

Elders Brigham Young IDd Heber C. Kimball had left the Commerce area three lbys ahead of Theodore and his companions IDd headed fOl" Quincy. - When we arrived. in Quincy,- Elder Kimball wrote. - in eonscquence of the fatigues ofthejoumey I was taken with the chill fever again .... [M]y pain and Iffl ictions w~ very severe •... Elder Young' s health was very pDOI" in dc:c:d; he was not able 10 sil up bul • linle while u I time."

-While we were in Quincy,- Elder KimJH.1l eoru:inued, ·'Brothers George A. Smith, Theodore

1:' Turley, and Reuben Hedlock OVCt1ook us., they being


also considerably sick and very feeble. The saims at Quincy were kind and administered to our wants and 8.!.Sisted us on our journey. My sorrow was great on leaving Quincy as well as on leaving Commerce. to sec so many of OUT brethren sick and dying in consequence of being driven and being t;(posed to hunger and cold.H The consequences of the Missouri ptBeCIJtions were still very apparent to the elders bound for England, some of whom played an imponarn role in evacuating the saints earlier. ~

On Wednesday, 2S September, the missionaries had survived their malarial tremors and were ready to pursue their journey. Elden Young and Kimball rode nine miles fuinher to Charles Ricl:J's place with Lyman Wight, and Elders Turley, Smith, and Hedlock started from Quincy with their own horse and wagon.' Since Elders Young and Kimball depended on others to transpon them from Oot destination to the next, Theodore and his companions soon outdistanced them. The ne:<t day, 26 September, Charles Rieh took Elden Young and Kimball to a Brother Wilber' s house. On the road to Brother Wilber' s, Elder Kimball wn>Ie, "the chills came upon me again, and I suffered mueb pain and fatigue. When we got there we found Brother TurI~ sick in bed, and the other brethren not much better.

On Friday, 27 September, Brother Wilbet- took Elders Young and Kimball roughly twenty.five miles further 10 lhe town ofPitslield. Elder Kimball wrole, "The other brethren (including Theodore T~llefl us at Brother Wilber's and look another road." kArived in Grey VilJ on the 27"'," wrote Theodore. "Held meeting. The next morning Staned for Jack$onvill. On the 30 Sloped at Br Neilson!. Held meeting instructing the Saints in The Things of God. Siopel. one Day and [H}alfe. Arrived in Springfield IIIlht 3 Day of October. SlOped with Sister Snider. Received much Kindness from The Brethren. Met with Them each nighl Exorting them & instructing them in the Things of God until the Eleventh Day, Depaned Leaving the Blessings of God upon Them."IO

[Next issue: "The Journey 10 KirtJand"]

I. Theodore Turley Mission Journal, 21 Sept. 1839, Special Collections, Brigham Yoong University, Provo, Utah. I edited thisjoumalas a BYU Honors Program University Scholar project in


1982 under the title "Theodore Turley Mission Journal, 1839·1840.H

Theodore's reference 10 "34 months" in this passage is unclear. Iftbe word il in the senlence refers to 21 Stplembet- 1839, Theodore CITed in his calculations, for only about a year and a half- notthirty.four months-had elapsed from the time he and his family left Toronto. If, howcver, the if refers 10 the date 11Ieodore wrote this section of the journal, IIIen the writing must have OCCUlTed in the early part of I&4J after his return from England. The notebook in which he wrote hisjoumal bears a label on whicb is printed in red ink the fonowing:


Stationery, Book and Prim Siore 424 late 418 Grand,

Between Ridge and Pin sts.~N. Y If Theodore bought the notebook in New Ycd 00

bis ""Y 10 Engbnd, then pcrltaps be left Ibe fim few pages blanlc in wb.ich to copy notaU(nS on bis trip 10 !bat poin!:. Ifbe bought it 00 the n:turD trip from Eagland, Iben possibly be copied into it !ICJICI he had kepi 00 his missioo. The practice of recopying ~ into bcuer ~ or 0IlI0 bcW:r paper was a fairly ccmmon 001: for Lsttcr-cb.y Saints ofbis gcoetaDon.

Evidence exists tbat !be joumaJ, or at least !be fim pan of it, may ha\'e bec:r:t copied or writtell after. or 00 his way bome from, his """,ion. For example, in !be fim pan of the notebook itsclf, before giving his acax.nI of travel on 21 Septcmbc:r 1839, ~ wrote, "6000 miles Tra,;]ed in GOmpaDy witb Sr George A Smith one of the T"",I, .... ADd Br Hadlock oftbe Corum ofHy prcat;s.M He would DOl, of COUfSC, have known the total distance traveled WlIil after bis mission.

2 HlJlory ofrhc Church, 4: 10, Mille",",,1 SlIn, 2, 110 2 (JUIII: ]&41): 14.

3. Theodore Turley Missioa Journal, 2] September 1839.

4. Edward W. Tullidge, Tullldp's HlJlorlu, vol. 2 ($ah Lake City: Juvenile ]nsauctor, 1189), 117.

S. Tbcodorc Turley Mis$ion Journal, 23·25 Septcmbcr 1839.

6. Heber C. K.itnba11 to loscpb Smith, Jr., 91ul)" 1840, in Ttmn ondSwsons 6 (1&45): UU3.

7. ~ltoSmith,9Jul)" I &40, 859. 8. Kimball 10 Smith, 9 July 1&40, 860. 9. KimbaJllO Smith, 91u]y 1&40, 860. 10. Thoodort Twicy Mission Journal, 27 Scptcmbtr



fWlerI .... ""lI1thecco ..... n oIyocreleaooOc MaIiboJI, do .)'OCI SOloe/i,,.. ffIfII • C)ItNr~ cotI16V on? ~ )'OU donf want to Ifn1w away 8M 01)'011" pnc;o.n dDcc.omellts. Or! the othet"h8nd, YOUCllrlY 8Iow thtIm /0 keep ~ e$ll«lkJ6y wtJe1I.)'OCI1V8 ....:ni1g on penu.\:lgy. ~ .sIIed Willy Gny wIlIII to do 8bo<A Ihi$.wwtion Htn 1$" - .1


KtepiDg Track of E-Mail

By Wally Gray

Those of l1li OII-l~ ~ daily illvolved ill e-maiI$; tmdill8

01 rt:ecivins !hem. One of the quc:stions "'"C aI" 'a} .. have is 1ocM' do we keep tJad: of the Icucn ,,"C ,,"J.DI. 10 keep? Hac is . plan ","hidI1 empIoy ... ilido ,,'Orb lOr me.

VIM' tJo.e IlorIek 8uttoo Wbttotver you rcoci\IC a letter you dcoo ', w,lIII 10 I<otp (and then: arc IlWi)'I ) delete it at CIIIOe. OIhernise ju.nk Ieaen ICCUIriUIalc 00 )'our bald drive.

KeEp Two F""dn lbc 6m file !O kprn is yoyr "Mile ~ (Eleah"" jc file.) This is =alod by setting up (OII)"OUr e-mail program) lib b cacb catcgoIy you select. This could be _ of fricads, Of];Inizarims subjocu. dc~ iDc/udilla :"g",.u·nmll ~ Cenainly you woulel iadud. IUnwntS

if you ~ invoI\'CId iII ...... ki&Y. (Sec altematM:s for anod!c:r way !O pn::servc your c-filcJ.

Jbc:......m file is YOW '»-6" ~ (Paper fik.) 0rgaNzc ill your file ~ (<< in. box) tabs from A!O Z. Bohiod cacb tab ... up. foIder ... iIh!be name ~ _ first) of po:nons you ~ m;;eiv-c Ieuas from. Abo. make /"olden for caIcgorics lOCh as IWnCI and subjo;:u (G:ox:aJogy Club, etc.) Be sure 10 have a MiJcclI,'lOOOS folder. Wbf:nco,"Cf)"OII receiw a Imcr you "ish to I<otp. prinl it out and fiIc it in !be p-liIc. If )"011 ,c:sp<)bd to tile Imcr, )'OU mly pm out your " .... "I" and fi~ iI &1$0. When you ItDd or ~ _Icacn al ....... > .. pJ.;:c them ill the from of the file 10 keep them ill ~ order ",ith the mo5l m:aot ones fuso:. (~6k Ibcm as well.)

You. doD·I" topm out alIleacn. But you CM keep ncIr. of1bcm 11)' pIac:q them iD your Oofile. II is up 10 you 10 decido "toio;h ones )"011 .. -ant paper copies or. Ideally, alIlctten )"011 .. -ant arc ill the Oofile. at least.

RaolmCNIIlo M. • Wbm )"011 flICCive Icnc:n, rry 10 p ............ them at ODCC.

This -. dcIek dx:m, lespond 10 tbem, file them.


PrIzi4at Hi"tl.,... recipe b !mig to uiplOid tgt; on. ida tlaU try to fnlJIIw iI to go to boI. mory 1ipt aU be are to get up iI. Ue ID.cnlIgf'

• K<q> ) ...... IN box ( ... ~the listina of tile Io:ttcn arc automatically Ii$ted) CLEARED. This is doni: by filin8 or dderiro&

• Kocp your OUT box CLEARED. This is doni: by filiag or deIerina

• AAsIott Ittten as *'" as possib~. Irttq' caa' i be aaswcmI aI. onr:e, keep tbeir Iistins in doc IN box until you CIli _Ibcm.

Some Suuario .. • If iD doubt about .. "bar. 10 do .. iIb • Icucr. file it (at

least ia the Oofile.) • Ir ) ...... IN and OUT bous an: radocr Ica&th>., dean

1bcm out. You cia dIis by filing ordelelim&. (When you get behind, scwlie an bcur 10 clc:w up doc _ .J

• Usc ) ...... p-files as pan of~ ...... joomW for each )"CJ.r.

Th:aa meaDS.. aI. the end of the )Ur you Qcar ) ...... p­files and eitha fiIc them ill one folder or a ~ .... loose Icaf DOCetoook for the year .(How you. O<pnizt !his is up to you .)

I Abo usc your 0061c1 as pan of your joomW. Transfer !bern all 10 • disk <_dcariag«clcanina; beIo.. .. )

Otarial .... CIuaiac F .... the clccuonic files, transfer )"OIIr OUT and IN files 10 a disk and delcu: doc Iistinp 011 yourcomputer. MCIhocb 011 how to do this \'J.r)' by mail J>fVIII'IIRI. I have Eudora Pro. I find !hat fiIc on lIlY compuu:r (by usiro& fINO) and I transkr the mtin: files 10 a disk. ~.,. N\"c 10 USC • Zip disk '-""se ir. may I:Ike too mucb 'J*'C.)

Once doc information is fJanSfemd to • disk, I !hero del«c the listings 011 doc~. Marl< the disk 11)' the )Ur or daI.:. Now you N\"c a ooIJocrim of your Imo:rs 011 a disk (ordisb)and your bald dm"C ha31ess files 010 iI.

AttKhmnlts On lIlY pn:ogram, all attICbmcnts arc ~y fi.Ied under AlTACHMENTS 011 myooonpulCf. 1 fiad that folder ..... aandcr iII··MI . S 10. disk as well. Tha I caa dc:Iue all attacho_listiags 011 the computer. ThQo can be doni: ooo:::c. )'IIIU« _ frtqucmJy.

Subscriptioo MIiliDI Lisu There may be inform:atioo 011 mailiI:oos Iisu that )"011 ,,"lID!

10 keep. yOlt ..... file ir. OR if the lis!. bas ARCHIVES ,


no..e. fo. .ad ~I add..-Family r~bllooulljp: (llTboodoft Thtky (2)

'" (COI'tUlued from pl'ftedio& pa&c) (sucb as Roots, some Surname li5tt, Eastman Weeki)' Qmeology Newsktlcr, etc.) you can safely deIc\c it Wa"se you can a1 .... -ays go to Ihc: archives that Ihc: list provides. Jf~ is some poftioo ofsuch a lis! or DeY. .. lcncr you .... ish 10 keep, CIlpY and paste that portion on your ,,"Old JlfOOCSSing program. If you 00 Iolger want the mailing list. UN-SUBSCRIBE. Instaat Messages If 1"'-' """".pond by 1..,1;lnl Me_II". boer.,,,,, d """" 0tI1 the """,,,,,,,,,lion, you t:<m prinI it out and 6Ie it orith )'>lIT

otbtr "tlCrs. Oryou canjun SAVE-AS and place it oon"'Khe,., in your <:OmpuIl:r. Sn.o.iI Man

You could USC the same p-fiJing system 10 keep !Jack of such lette .... BKkiDl Up It i$ a1w.o~'S wife 10 bad< up. Ideally, you make. full­system back up at IeasI once a ...... Or. at least, you

Turley Family Organj7;Jtion 235 South Pioneer Mesa, AZ 85204





back up .. ueIlUalIi .... &ding up !he full m:oiI prop=n oriU also "n" .tlI the ~ and :o.ddressc:. On yow- ,,·mail :oddn:" book. and -..ill, of <:ourU, save the Ica.: ..... T~h

~)W dektc lUI)thing, it IIXS into a special TRASH sec:6on (DO( the =)'de bin-al: least 011 mine.) I ba,,,, di=tcd !be program 10 cmpi)" trash em)' time I exit !be mail program. Be sure nsh is c:mptic:d! Ahem.rives S<lm: omcTltod .. b of p-files: just usc om folder and file by date. For c-filcs, ),OU may "'3IlI1O save tho: Icucrs in MyDocuTMN' (or Otbersuch foklcr) instead.. This is important if)w have AOL or some ot/x:r provider .... iIi<;h

lUItom·ria)ty S ..... ceps out ~wr e-mail fiIcs periodicaJJy. JIUl use SAVE-AS and save it in My DocumellfJ. You C&JI have various folden within thai. program. Onac SOlved, )"" ddc:t<: the originallcaer which Ihc:u SotS into the n:<:)de bin wlticb )"ou IICICd 10 keep clcaocd out.
