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237 In: Bubík, M. & Kaminski, M.A. (eds), 2004. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 8, 237-255. The Year 2000 Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera MICHAEL A. KAMINSKI Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WCIE 6BT, U.K.; and KLFR, 3 Boyne Avenue, Hendon, London, NW4 2JL, U.K. [[email protected]] ABSTRACT A reclassification of the agglutinated foraminifera (subclass Textulariia) is presented, consisting of four orders, 17 suborders, 27 superfamilies, 107 families, 125 subfamilies, and containing a total of 747 valid genera. One order (the Loftusiida Kaminski & Mikhalevich), five suborders (the Verneuilinina Mikhalevich & Kaminski, Nezzazatina, Loftusiina Kaminski & Mikhalevich, Biokovinina, and Orbitolinina), two families (the Syrianidae and the Debarinidae) and five subfamilies (the Polychasmininae, Praesphaerammininae Kaminski & Mikhalevich, Flatschkofeliinae, Gerochellinae and the Scythiolininae Neagu) are new. The classification is modified from the suprageneric scheme used by Loeblich & Tappan (1992), and incorporates all the new genera described up to and including the year 2000. The major differences from the Loeblich & Tappan classification are (1) the use of suborders within the hierarchical classification scheme (2) use of a modified Mikhalevich (1995) suprageneric scheme for the Astrorhizida (3) transfer of the Ammodiscacea to the Astrorhizida (4) restriction of the Lituolida to forms with simple wall structure (5) supression of the order Trochamminida, and (6) inclusion of the Carterinida within the Trochamminacea (7) use of the new order Loftusiida for forms with complex inner structures (8) broadening the definition of the Textulariida to include perforate forms that are initially uniserial or planispiral. Numerous minor corrections have been made based on the recent literature. INTRODUCTION The agglutinated foraminifera constitute a diverse and geologically long-ranging group of organisms. Morpho- logically, they form a heterogeneous group that has its origins in the Vendian, latest Pre-Cambrian (Gaucher & Sprechmann, 1999). The group is here defined as a subclass consisting of four orders that are based upon gross morphology, wall structure, and cement composi- tion. The cement that binds the test together may be organic (as in the Astrorhizida), calcareous and canaliculate (as in the Textulariida), or of mixed nature (as in the Lituolida and Loftusiida, which contains both organically-cemented, calcareous, and microgranular types). Over the past two decades, a number of studies have emphasised the importance of wall structure and cement composition as an important criterion for suprageneric classification (Desai & Banner, 1987; Bender, 1989, 1995; Brönnimann et al. 1992; Loeblich & Tappan, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992). However, there does not appear to be any consensus regarding the taxonomic level at which wall structure and cement composition ought to be used (see discussions by Haynes, 1990; Mikhalevich & Debenay, 2001; Mikhalevich, this volume). The current classification scheme is based to a large extent on the last-published scheme used by Loeblich & Tappan (1992, 1994), which recognised four orders of agglutinated foraminifera subdivided into 19 superfamilies, 87 families, and 100 subfamilies. However, recent findings have rendered the Loeblich & Tappan classification inadequate to encompass the complete diversity of the group. The number of new genera and higher systematic groupings has been growing at a steady pace since the publication of Loeblich & Tappan’s (1987) monumental book (Figure 1). As new groups of foraminifera are described each year, the need for an updated classification scheme increases. Moreover, the outline classification published by Loeblich & Tappan in 1992 did not list the genera included within the families and subfamilies. The purpose of this paper is to compile a more complete classification that incorporates the 139 new genera, families, and subfamilies of agglutinated foraminifera published subsequent to Loeblich & Tappan’s book, thereby providing a firmer basis for taxonomical studies at the beginning of the 21 st century. RESULTS The Year 2000 Classification For the sake of consistency (if for no other reason), I have used the outline suprageneric framework of Loeblich & Tappan (1992) as a starting point for the updated classi- fication of the agglutinated foraminifera. This scheme is here modified and enlarged to incorporate the new genera and higher taxa described since 1987, and makes 0 5 10 15 20 25 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 1. Annual number of new taxa (genera and higher taxa) described since the publication of Loeblich & Tappan (1987).

The Year 2000 classification of the agglutinated · Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 239 The highest-order

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Page 1: The Year 2000 classification of the agglutinated · Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 239 The highest-order


In: Bubík, M. & Kaminski, M.A. (eds), 2004. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera.Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 8, 237-255.

The Year 2000 Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera


Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WCIE 6BT, U.K.;and KLFR, 3 Boyne Avenue, Hendon, London, NW4 2JL, U.K. [[email protected]]

ABSTRACTA reclassification of the agglutinated foraminifera (subclass Textulariia) is presented, consisting of fourorders, 17 suborders, 27 superfamilies, 107 families, 125 subfamilies, and containing a total of 747valid genera. One order (the Loftusiida Kaminski & Mikhalevich), five suborders (the VerneuilininaMikhalevich & Kaminski, Nezzazatina, Loftusiina Kaminski & Mikhalevich, Biokovinina, andOrbitolinina), two families (the Syrianidae and the Debarinidae) and five subfamilies (thePolychasmininae, Praesphaerammininae Kaminski & Mikhalevich, Flatschkofeliinae, Gerochellinaeand the Scythiolininae Neagu) are new. The classification is modified from the suprageneric schemeused by Loeblich & Tappan (1992), and incorporates all the new genera described up to and includingthe year 2000. The major differences from the Loeblich & Tappan classification are (1) the use ofsuborders within the hierarchical classification scheme (2) use of a modified Mikhalevich (1995)suprageneric scheme for the Astrorhizida (3) transfer of the Ammodiscacea to the Astrorhizida (4)restriction of the Lituolida to forms with simple wall structure (5) supression of the orderTrochamminida, and (6) inclusion of the Carterinida within the Trochamminacea (7) use of the neworder Loftusiida for forms with complex inner structures (8) broadening the definition of theTextulariida to include perforate forms that are initially uniserial or planispiral. Numerous minorcorrections have been made based on the recent literature.

INTRODUCTIONThe agglutinated foraminifera constitute a diverse andgeologically long-ranging group of organisms. Morpho-logically, they form a heterogeneous group that has itsorigins in the Vendian, latest Pre-Cambrian (Gaucher &Sprechmann, 1999). The group is here defined as asubclass consisting of four orders that are based upongross morphology, wall structure, and cement composi-tion. The cement that binds the test together may beorganic (as in the Astrorhizida), calcareous andcanaliculate (as in the Textulariida), or of mixed nature(as in the Lituolida and Loftusiida, which contains bothorganically-cemented, calcareous, and microgranulartypes). Over the past two decades, a number of studieshave emphasised the importance of wall structure andcement composition as an important criterion forsuprageneric classification (Desai & Banner, 1987;Bender, 1989, 1995; Brönnimann et al. 1992; Loeblich &Tappan, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992). However, there doesnot appear to be any consensus regarding the taxonomiclevel at which wall structure and cement compositionought to be used (see discussions by Haynes, 1990;Mikhalevich & Debenay, 2001; Mikhalevich, thisvolume).

The current classification scheme is based to a largeextent on the last-published scheme used by Loeblich &Tappan (1992, 1994), which recognised four orders ofagglutinated foraminifera subdivided into 19superfamilies, 87 families, and 100 subfamilies.However, recent findings have rendered the Loeblich &Tappan classification inadequate to encompass thecomplete diversity of the group. The number of newgenera and higher systematic groupings has beengrowing at a steady pace since the publication ofLoeblich & Tappan’s (1987) monumental book (Figure1). As new groups of foraminifera are described each

year, the need for an updated classification schemeincreases. Moreover, the outline classification publishedby Loeblich & Tappan in 1992 did not list the generaincluded within the families and subfamilies. Thepurpose of this paper is to compile a more completeclassification that incorporates the 139 new genera,families, and subfamilies of agglutinated foraminiferapublished subsequent to Loeblich & Tappan’s book,thereby providing a firmer basis for taxonomical studiesat the beginning of the 21st century.

RESULTSThe Year 2000 ClassificationFor the sake of consistency (if for no other reason), I haveused the outline suprageneric framework of Loeblich &Tappan (1992) as a starting point for the updated classi-fication of the agglutinated foraminifera. This scheme ishere modified and enlarged to incorporate the newgenera and higher taxa described since 1987, and makes





















Figure 1. Annual number of new taxa (genera and higher taxa)described since the publication of Loeblich & Tappan (1987).

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fuller use of higher taxonomic rankings (i.e., subclasses,orders, suborders) that result from elevation of theforaminifera from an order to a class. The newclassification scheme also takes into account several“partial” revisions of the group that have been publishedsince 1987. For example, the classification of theAstrorhizida used herein largely follows thereclassification of the group published by Mikhalevich(1995), and the classification of the Trochamminacea isbased on the work of Brönnimann & Whittaker (1988,1990). The taxonomy of the Jurassic lituolid families isbased on the work of Septfontaine (1988), but theirhigher-order classification mostly follows Loeblich &Tappan (1992). The new suprageneric framework of theagglutinated foraminifera presented herein now placesthe group into a single subclass (the Textulariia)consisting of four orders, 17 suborders, 27 superfamilies,107 families, 125 subfamilies, and contains a total of 747valid genera (see below). The complete descriptions andreferences for the new taxa can be found in Kaminski(2000, this volume) and in the “Agglut-2003” electronicdatabase distributed Grzybowski Foundation.

DISCUSSIONThe rank of the ForaminiferaThe discovery that the Foraminifera were Protozoa byDujardin (1835) lead d’Orbigny (1939) to raise thegroup to the status of a class with six orders based onchamber arrangement, with a seventh for the single-chambered forms. Subsequent to d’Orbigny’s originalclassification, later workers variously regarded thegroup to be of lower taxonomic rank. However, over thelast 25 years or so, Protozoologists in both Russia andNorth America have assigned the group to a much higherrank. Among western systematicists, Margulis (1974)first elevated the Foraminifera to the rank of a phylum, arank that is maintained in her popular textbook “FiveKingdoms” (Margulis & Schwartz, 1988). In hisexpanded classification of the Kingdom Protozoa,Cavalier-Smith (1993) first regarded the Foraminiferaas a subphylum of the phylum Reticulosa (=Granuloreticulosa of earlier authors), but in his latestrevision Cavalier-Smith (1998) quotes cytologicalevidence that removes the naked athalamids from thatphylum (also cited by Alimov, 2000). As a result,Cavalier-Smith removes the Granuloreticulosa/ Reticu-losa from his classification and elevates the foraminiferato the status of a phylum.

Meanwhile in Russia, foraminiferal workers werequick to embrace the idea of a higher rank for the Fora-minifera, with Mikhalevich (1980) and Saidova (1981)both regarding the group as a subphylum. Since 1992,Mikhalevich has assigned the group the status ofphylum. This rank has been adopted in the monumentalvolume “Protista: Handbook on Zoology” recentlypublished by the Russian Academy of Sciences (Alimov,2000), which adopts the foraminiferal classification ofMikhalevich (1998, 2000).

Clearly for the purpose of this paper, a decision mustbe made regarding the rank of the Foraminifera. Theclass ranking commonly accepted byMicropalaeontologists is now one level “out of step”with the ranking assigned by many Protozoologists. As

this classification is intended for use by themicropalaeontological community, I have retained theclass ranking used by most Micropalaeontologists,following the North American usage presented in thesecond edition of the “Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa”(Lee et al., 2000). Although only dealing with moderngenera, this classification was prepared by a workinggroup consisting of nine biologists and micropalaeon-tologists, and appears to represent the latest consensus,at least in the western hemisphere. The classification pre-sented herein differs fundamentally from the Lee et al.scheme, in that I have attempted to include all the fossiland living genera of the agglutinated foraminifera intothe classification. Interestingly, at least one of the authorsof this classification (J.-P. Debenay) already assigns theforaminifera to a higher rank (Mikhalevich & Debenay,2001).

The classification adopted by Loeblich & Tappan(1987, 1992, 1994) separated the orders of foraminiferabased upon test composition and mineralogy. Supris-ingly, in their 1992 classification, these authors did notmake full use of the systematical hierarchy that theLinnean system allows, for example there were no sub-classes in their scheme. If the class rank for the fora-minifera is retained, and the foraminiferal wallstructure is used as the defining criterion at the highesttaxonomic level, the main systematic groupings withinthe Foraminiferea can now be defined at the rank of asubclass. The actual number of subclasses within theForaminiferea would then become eight (Allogromiia,Textulariia, Fusulinia, Milioliia, Silicoloculinia,Spirillinia, Rotaliia, and Robertinia). The discussion ofthe whole class Foraminiferea is beyond the scope of thispaper, and only the agglutinated subclass Textulariia isconsidered below:

Importance of wall structure in agglutinatedforaminiferaSince the mid 19th century, wall structure has beenregarded as a prime criterion for classification at ahigher level. Carpenter (1862) first subdivided theForaminifera into two suborders (Perforata andImperforata) based on the presence or absence ofperforations in the test wall. In his classification,Carpenter also took into account the composition of thewall and remarked “The imperforate sub-order may bedivided into three very natural groups, according as thenature of the envelope is membranous, porcellanous, orarenaceous; and thus we have the families Gromida,Miliolida, and Lituolida”. In 1876, T.R. Jones raised thestatus of the “arenaceous” forms to that of a third groupof equal rank with the perforate and porcellanous forms.Jones’ idea of grouping the agglutinated forms into asingle higher-order grouping was later used inclassifications published by Schwager (1877) and in partby Delage & Hérouard (1896). However, the popularly-used classifications of Brady (1884), and Cushman(1927, 1948) did not group the foraminiferal familiesinto higher categories. Glaessner (1945) was the firstmodern worker to reinstate the use of wall compositionto define higher categories of foraminiferal families, andplaced all the agglutinated forms into two superfamilies:the nonseptate Astrorhizidea and the chamberedLituolidea.

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Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 239

The highest-order taxonomic level adopted here forthe agglutinated foraminifera is based on the conceptsadopted by Loeblich & Tappan (1964, 1974, 1987), whoregarded wall composition and microstructure as thedefining character for the higher foraminiferal groups.Loeblich & Tappan (1964, 1974, 1987) placed all aggluti-nated families into the suborder Textulariina,irrespective of the composition of the cement used to bindthe agglutinated grains, or the presence of anyperforations. Similarly, Saidova (1981) placed all theagglutinated forms in a single class, the “Textulariicea”(with the notable exception of the rzehakinids, whichwere regarded as miliolids), and Lee (1990) recognisedthe order Textulariida with all the agglutinated groupslisted as suborders (including the aforementionedrzehakinids).

Other workers, however, have split out individualgroups of the agglutinated foraminifera, adopting classi-fications in which a number of groupings had been givenequal rank. For example, Brönnimann & Whittaker(1988) defined the order Trochamminida as a groupwith organically-cemented walls bound by inner andouter organic membranes. This group was adopted byLoeblich & Tappan in their 1989 subdivision of theagglutinated foraminifera and in their 1992 outline re-classification.

Research into the microstructure of the organiccement in agglutinated foraminifera by Heike Benderhas demonstrated at least four main cement types can bedetermined. In a preliminary study presented at theSecond International Workshop on AgglutinatedForaminifera (Vienna, 1986), Bender reported that theorganic cement occuping the intergranular space withinthe wall may be present in the form of strands,meshwork, or foam (Bender & Hemleben, 1988). In herthesis published in 1989, Bender defined a fourthcategory called “undifferentiated organic cement”, inwhich the intergranular space is empty and cement ispresent only at the grain contacts. Bender & Hemleben(1988) stated in their paper that “further experimentalwork should clarify the mode of test formation (…) andestablish their value in group systematics and phylogeny”.In a controversial paper published the following year,Loeblich & Tappan (1989) formally defined foursuborders of agglutinated foraminifera that were basedto a large extent on the preliminary work of Bender &Hemleben (1988). Loeblich & Tappan (1989) were of theopinion that “the basically distinct types of cement in theagglutinated foraminifers, demonstrated by controlledcultures as well as by mineralogical and ultrastructuralstudies, indicate that they should be recognised at thesubordinal level”. The suborder Astrorhizina Jírovic,1953 was understood to have organic cement in the formof strands, the Trochamminina Brönnimann &Whittaker, 1988 was redefined as possessing cement inthe form of an organic network or foamy mass, and thesuborder Textulariina Delage & Hérouard, 1896 wasredefined to include solid or canaliculate forms thathave foreign particles encased in an organic coating andheld together by biogenically deposited low-Mg calcitein the form of bundles of tiny rod-shaped crystals. Thesuborder Haplophragmiina was used as a catch-allcategory for organically-cemented forms not explicitlyplaced in the other three suborders. Criteria such as

mono- or polythalamous test, simple or alveolarstructure, flexible or firm test, were implicitly assignedlower-ranking status.

At the Fourth International Workshop on AgglutinatedForaminifera (Kraków, 1993), a consensus was reachedto ignore the suborders of Loeblich & Tappan (1989)until such time that more information on cement micro-structures becomes available. In the proceedings volumeof that conference, Bender (1995) published her SEMobservations on the cement microstructure of 140 speciesof modern agglutinated foraminifera. Bender pointedout that different species of the same genus often showdifferent cement morphotypes, and this fact wasdemonstrated in the case of the genera Bathysiphon,Rhabdammina, Thurammina, Miliammina, Ammodiscus,Reophax, Cribrostomoides, Ammoscalaria, Eggerelloides,Paratrochammina, and Tritaxis). Moreover, the cementmicrostructure is not preserved in fossil specimens(Hemleben & Kaminski, 1990), thereby rendering thisfeature useless for classifying the fossil forms. Bender(1995) was of the opinion that “if it is desirable to preventunneccessary proliferation of new generic names, then theorganic cement microstructures must be regarded as havingsystematic value only at the lower-ranking species level”.In the discussion section of her paper, Bender writes “thethree suborders recognised by Loeblich & Tappan (1989)must be rejected in favour of a single suborder to encompassall forms with organic cement.” Bender further states “inmy opinion the Textulariina should be split into only twosuper-groups, both having the status of a suborder”.Although Bender presented sufficient data to revise thesuborders recognised by Loeblich & Tappan (1989,1992), she did not go as far as to propose any formalrevision of the higher systematics of the agglutinatedforaminifera.

In the outline classification published by Loeblich &Tappan in 1992, the Foraminiferea were recognised as aclass, following the ranking of Lee (1990) published inthe “Handbook of Protoctista” (Margulis et al., 1990). Intheir newly revised scheme, the various foraminiferalsuborders were elevated to the rank of orders, and thethree orders of organically-cemented agglutinated fora-minifera (Astrorhizida, Lituolida, and Trochamminida)were simply described as having “a firmly cemented testconsisting of foreign particles cemented to an organicmatrix”. The order Lituolida was substituted for the sub-order Haplophragmiina published three years earlier.Curiously, in their discussion of the agglutinated groups,Loeblich & Tappan (1992) made no mention of organiccement microstructures. It is possible that Loeblich &Tappan themselves had at least partially abandonedtheir earlier subdivision of the agglutinatedforaminifera based on cement microstructure, as there isno mention of Bender’s work in this paper. Instead,Loeblich & Tappan listed “mode of wall formation fortest enlargement” alongside “the nature of cement inagglutinated tests” as an important feature forclassification. Their order Astrorhizida contained allthe unchambered or two-chambered tubular genera thatdisplay, at most, minor wall constrictions produced byintermittent growth of a basically tubular test. The orderLituolida contained mostly the chambered families, (butwithout further explanation also included thesuperfamily Ammodiscacea), the order Trochamminida

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contained all the low trochospirally-coiled genera, andthe Textulariida contained all the calcareouscanaliculate groups.

In the second edition of the “Illustrated Guide to theProtozoa” (Lee et al., 2000), the Foraminifera areregarded as a class that is subdivided into 16 orders.Lee et al. abandoned the use of cement type in theclassification of the agglutinated orders and insteadreverted to morphological criteria. These authorsrecognised only two orders: Astrorhizida for unilocularor two-chambered forms (including the Ammodiscacea),and the Textulariida for all multichambered forms,irrespective of cement type. Lee et al. regarded anyattempts to group the multilocular agglutinated familiesinto orders based on cement type as “premature”.

Suprageneric changes adopted hereinThe current classification recognises wall structure andcomposition to be the defining character for the fora-miniferal groups. Although a number of protozoologistsconsider the foraminifera to represent a separate phylum(e.g., Margulis & Schwartz, 1988; Cavalier-Smith, 1998),most western Micropalaeontologists still regard theForaminifera to constitute a class (although with theremoval of the athalamids from the Granuloreticulosaand loss of the latter group from the recentclassifications of the Protozoa, this opinion is likely tochange). Although there have been recent noteworthyattempts to de-emphasise the importance of wallstructure and to define the higher groups of foraminiferausing evolutionary relationships reflected by grossmorphology and apertural characteristics (e.g., Gu‰iç,1977, Haynes, 1981, Mikhalevich, 1992, 1998, 2000, thisvolume; Vdovenko, 1993; Mikhalevich & Debenay,2001), the criteria most widely accepted by westernMicropalaeontologists for highest level classification ofthe foraminifera still remain the structure, composition,and mineralogy of the test wall (e.g., Loeblich & Tappan,1987, 1988, 1992, 1994).

If test composition and wall structure is retained asdefining criteria at the highest taxonomic level withinthe Textulariia, four main groups emerge that are hereregarded at the level of an order. These groups are heredefined based a combination of test morphology andwall structure, and are equivalent in rank to the ordersdefined by Loeblich & Tappan (1992, 1994). Theclassification adopted herein, however, both modifiesthe definitions of the four orders, and institutes a varietyof changes within the orders themselves. The currentdefinition of each order is given within the body of thetext, changes to their definitions are discussed below.Minor changes to the classification scheme, (e.g.,regarding the suppression, reinstatement, orsuprageneric position of various genera), are explainedin footnotes in the body of the text.

1. The Order AstrorhizidaThis classification adopted here recognises four subor-ders of the Astrorhizida that are distinguished by mor-phological criteria (the tubular Astrorhizina, single-chambered or pseudocolonial Saccamminina, two-chambered Hippocrepinina, and the coiledAmmodiscina). The subdivision of the group drawsheavily upon the suprageneric revision by Mikhalevich

(1995), with some important differences mainlyinvolving the rank of categories above the level of thefamily. In the Mikhalevich scheme, the group wasassigned the rank of a class (the Astrorhizata Saidova,1981, emend. Mikhalevich, 1995), containing five orders(the Astrorhizida, Dendrophryida, Saccamminida,Parathurammida, and Hippocrepinida). Mikhalevichdescribed a total of 12 new families and subfamilies,and her scheme constitutes a major reclassification of thegroup. Mikhalevich regarded the Astrorhizata tocomprise all unilocular, pseudo-two-chambered,pseudo-multichambered, or pseudocolonial genera withagglutinated or microgranular walls. The current classi-fication differs from the Mikhalevich scheme in (1) theranking of certain groups above the level of family, and(2) the restriction of the Astrorhizida to forms withorganically-cemented tests only. The microgranularparathuramminids, paratikhinellids, Pilammina, Rec-topilammina, and the Paulbronnimanninae are here keptseparate from the Astrorhizida and are regarded asbelonging in the Fusulinida, in agreement with Loeblich& Tappan (1992).

This classification also differs from the Mikhalevichscheme in some details. For example, the current classi-fication recognises the Komokiacea as a separate super-family within the Astrorhizina, rather than as familiesdispersed within the group of dendrophryids. The pres-ence of abundant stercomata within the test and itsloosely cemented wall is sufficient reason to regard thegroup as a separate superfamily. On the other hand,Kamenskaya (1992, 2000) is of the opinion that thekomoki are so different that they are not foraminifera atall, but constitute a separate incertae sedis order withinthe Rhizopoda. The superfamily Ammodiscacea is heretransferred back to the order Astrorhizida. Loeblich &Tappan (1964, 1974) had placed the group alongside thetubular and unilocular forms (in their superfamilyAmmodiscacea Reuss, 1862), but in later classificationshad included the group within the lituolids (Loeblich &Tappan, 1992, 1994). This superfamily possesses anundivided tubular second chamber similar in mode ofgrowth to the Hippocrepinacea, which were regarded byLoeblich & Tappan (1992) to belong in the Astrorhizida.Considering the identical mode of growth and the factthat the Ammodiscacea constitutes an ancient groupextending back to the early Cambrian (Culver, 1991), thisclassification accepts the original opinions of Glaessner(1945) and Pokorny (1958) in ranking theAmmodiscacea among the Astrorhizida.

2. The Order LituolidaThe Lituolida are here understood to comprise all thenoncanaliculate agglutinated groups that possess well-defined chambers, at least in the adult stage, and asimple imperforate wall. The Ammodiscacea aretherefore transferred back into the Astrorhizida. Thegroup also contains a few forms that arepseudochambered (e.g., Hormosinella), or areunchambered or have only rudimentary chambers in theearly growth stages (i.e., Paratrochamminoides andLituotuba), which are probably closely related to theAmmodiscacea. In the Lituolida, cement composition(organic vs. calcareous) is regarded to have less impor-tance than the presence of a bilamellar wall with alveo-

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lae, internal rafters and pillars, pseudopores or canalicu-lae, which is used to distinguish the Loftusiida and Tex-tulariida. There are several examples of lituolid generahaving organically-cemented and calcareous-cementedisomorphs which may be phylogenetically related (e.g.,Uvigerinammina & Falsogaudryinella, or Eomarssonella &Protomarssonella). The occurrence of calcitic cement isprobably a feature that evolved independently in variouslineages (Desai & Banner, 1987; Mikhalevich, 1992).Therefore, the importance of cement composition(organic, microgranular, or regular calcitic) is de-emphasised in this classification. Unfortunately, byexcluding the “larger foraminifera” with complex innerstructure and the calcitic canaliculate forms from thegroup means that the Lituolida is a grouping that isdefined by negative criteria. This is not the optimalsituation if we wish to achieve a coherent phylogeny-based or “natural” classification (see discussion byCavalier-Smith, 1993). For the purpose of this paper,however, this morphology-based subdivision is adoptedfor purely practical purposes. The Lituolida thuscomprises a large, heterogeneous, and most probablypolyphyletic grouping that encompasses families whichpossess a simple, compact, non-labyrinthic, andnonperforate agglutinated wall. The order is hereinsubdivided into seven suborders based on bothmorphology and wall structure.

The Rzehakinina are here listed among the Lituolida,even though members of the group may in fact be moreclosely related to the miliolids. The subfamilies ofSaidova (1981), who separated planispiral genera fromthose that are coiled like miliolids, are reinstated.Molecular work may eventually resolve the affinities offorms such as Miliammina.

The Hormosinina is here understood to consist offorms with pseudochambers (the Hormosinellacea) andforms with true chambers (the Hormosinacea). This clas-sification therefore differs from that of Mikhalevich(1995) who listed pseudochambered forms such asCaudammina within the Astrorhizida. Additionally, theThomasinellidae were removed to the Textulariina, asthese forms possess canaliculate walls. The group is nowmuch more homogeneous in terms of wall structure.

The Lituolina consist of the Lituotubacea, Lituolacea,Haplophragmiacea, Recurvoidacea, and Nezzazataceawhich include forms with both organic and microgranu-lar calcite cement. The new superfamily Lituotubacealikely represent an evolutionary transition from theAmmodiscacea. The Lituotubidae were originallyplaced among the Lituolacea by Loeblich & Tappan, inspite of the fact that the latter group was described asplanispiral and multilocular. The separation of theLituotubacea from the Lituolacea is then similar to theseparation between the Hormosinellacea and theHormosinacea. The streptospiral genera with simplewalls are here placed in the new superfamilyRecurvoidacea, whereas the genera with alveolar wallsare removed to the Loftusiida. Finally, the microgranu-lar forms are placed within the new superfamilyNezzazatacea, encompassing genera that displayplanispiral to low trochospiral coiling with simplewalls, which may contain plates or pillars within thechambers. This group currently includes theNautiloculinidae, Mayncinidae, Nezzazatidae, Barker-

inidae, and the new family Debarinidae. More workneeds to be done to resolve the affinities of these smallmicrogranular forms. The Spiroplectamminina aredifferentiated from the Lituolina based onmorphological criteria (the presence of an uncoiledbiserial to uniserial part).

The Trochamminina is here regarded as a suborderwithin the Lituolida that is defined on grossmorphology, rather than as a separate order defined onwall structure. As mentioned above, Brönnimann &Whittaker (1988) defined the order Trochamminida aspossessing organically-cemented walls bound by innerand outer organic membranes. However, a subsequentstudy of test ultrastructure by Brönnimann et al. (1992)revealed that diverse species from supposedly unrelatedgenera such as Ammodiscus, Glomospira, Ammobaculites,and Haplophragmoides also possess this type of wallstructure. Clearly, by adopting this wall-structure basedcriterion, the group of “trochamminids” would grow sofar beyond the boundaries of its traditional definition asto render the term meaningless. I therefore revert to theolder (morphological) definition of the group, followingsuggestions of Brönnimann et al. (1992), and regard thegroup to have the status of a suborder. TheTrochamminina therefore comprise the low-trochospirally coiled forms, while the Verneuilininaencompass the high trochospiral genera with simplewalls. Within this group, forms with a complexapertural tube are separated out into the new familyReophacellidae. The Nezzazatina are here raised to thestatus of a suborder, and encompass those mostlymicrogranular forms with a simple wall structure.

Finally, the “Carteriniida” which Loeblich & Tappan(1992) considered to be a separate order on account of itssupposedly secreted “spicules”, is here considered to bejust a minor subgroup within the Trochamminacea. Thisclassification follows the suggestions of Brönnimann &Whittaker (1988, 1990) who listed the carterinids as asubfamily of the Trochamminidae.

3. The Order Loftusiida ord.nov.This name is used for the Mesozoic to Recent forms thathave a complex agglutinated wall with either organic,microgranular, or calcitic cement, with advanced generapossessing a bilamellar wall differentiated into animperforate outer layer, and a thicker inner layer that iseither perforate, alveolar, or forms internal partitions.This group encompasses the so-called “larger aggluti-nated foraminifera” and their close relatives. In thisclassification, the group is understood to consist of fivesuborders, three of which are new: the Loftusiina,Biokovina, Cyclolinina, Ataxophragmiina, and theOrbitolinina. These suborders are differentiated bymorphology and on the type of inner structure. Theformer (Loftusiina) has an alveolar wall, and includesthe Haplophragmiacea, which is here restricted to formswith complex inner structure. The Biokovina haveperforations, and the Cyclolinina have internal parti-tions. The predominantly high trochospiral to conicalAtaxophragmiina and Orbitolinina possess internalpartitions and interseptal pillars.

4. The Order TextulariidaThe presence of calcitic cement with canaliculi or pseu-

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242 Michael A. Kaminski

dopores is an advanced feature in the evolution of theagglutinated foraminifera. Loeblich & Tappan (1987)regarded the superfamily Textulariacea to be canalicu-late, but in 1989 provided an emended definition of thegroup based on wall structure, and noted that the wallmay be solid or canaliculate. In their 1992 paper, how-ever, Loeblich & Tappan reverted back to their olderdefinition, and stated the Textulariida are characterisedby “canaliculate agglutinated walls in which both endsof the pores are closed by an organic sheet”. In fact,Loeblich & Tappan (1987) were not always always con-sistent in assigning genera to the Textulariacea, and even(mistakenly) included some forms with organic cementsuch as Eggerelloides and Glaucoammina. As alreadypointed out by Banner & Desai (1985), perforations in thetest wall of calcitic-cemented agglutinated foraminiferahave arisen independently in different lineages duringthe Mesozoic and Paleogene. Banner et al. (1991) were ofthe opinion that to separate such closely related pairs ofgenera such as Praedorothia-Dorothia, and Proto-marssonella - Marssonella into different orders "wouldproduce a suprageneric classification that would be mis-leading both phylogenetically and taxonomically". In spiteof the fact that canaliculi in the test wall havepolyphyletic origins, most workers list this feature as thebasis for defining the order Textulariida.

Detailed investigations by Neagu (1999) have shownthat (largely) biserial forms with perforate walls firstevolved during the earliest Cretaceous. The genus Kamin-skia, placed by Neagu (1999) in a new subfamily of theTextulariidae, differs from all other genera in the group(with the exception of Spirorutilus) in possessing aninitial planispirally coiled part. Neagu (1999), however,did not provide an emended diagnosis of the Textu-lariacea. In the scheme adopted here, the definition of theorder Textulariida is emended to include those perforategenera that possess a planispiral or uniserial initialstage. The order contains three main groups: the initiallytrochospiral or triserial Eggerellacea, the mostly biserialTextulariacea (including the Kaminskiidae); and thetrochospiral Chrysalinacea. The Thomasinellidae is heretentatively included within the Textulariacea, eventhough these uniserial attached forms are probablyunrelated. Because of the presence of canaliculate formsthat are initially planispiral, it is conceivable that somemodern representatives of the Textulariacea haveevolutionary links to the Spiroplectamminacea.

The Chrysalinacea (=Chrysalinidae as emended byBanner et al., 1991) consist of Mesozoic high trochospiral(triserial, quadriserial and quinqueserial) forms thathave solid, protocanaliculate or canaliculate micro-granular walls. In some genera, such as the Jurassicparavalvulinids, canaliculae only appear in lateontogenetic stages. This raises the question of whether ornot these forms ought to be included in the Textulariida.This classification follows Banner et al. (1991) andLoeblich & Tappan (1992) in including theChrysalinacea within the Textulariida, albeit onlytentatively.

The identification of biogenically deposited aragoni-tic cement in a species of Textularia may make it neces-sary to further subdivide the order Textulariida (or eventhe subclass Textulariia). In a study of the species Textu-laria crenata Cheng & Zheng using Raman spectoscopy,

Roberts & Murray (1995) documented the presence ofaragonitic cement. In the discussion section of their paperRoberts & Murray pointed out that the calcareous perfo-rate orders Robertinida and Involutinida of Loeblich &Tappan are distinguished based on their aragonitic tests.They concluded with a typical understatement that if themineralogy of the cement is genetically controlled, “thiswould have implications for foraminiferal classification”.Obviously, any internally coherent classification of theforaminifera that includes aragonitic perforate ordersshould also have a separate order for the agglutinatedaragonitic forms. Clearly, more research is needed onthis topic, as well as on the nature of canaliculae in theMesozoic genera.

Molecular SystematicsPreliminary studies of molecular systematics of fora-minifera based on analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences(reviewed in Lee et al., 2000) appear to substantiate aseparation between the astrorhizids and other groups ofagglutinated foraminifera. The phylogenetic tree of theforaminifera based on SSU rDNA published by Lee et al.demonstrates that astrorhizids form a coherent clustertogether with the allogromids, while multichamberedforms such as Haplophragmoides, Eggerelloides, andAmmobaculites display closer affinities to the calcareouslagenids and rotaliids. Interestingly, the two canalicu-late agglutinated genera studied (Bigenerina and Textu-laria) form a separate subcluster within the multicham-bered agglutinated-rotaliid cluster. Although thestudies of molecular phylogeny are based on no morethan 40 genera, at the moment they tend to uphold themorphology-based systematics, and especially thedistinction between the astrorhizids, lituolids, andtextulariids.

Class FORAMINIFEREA d’Orbigny, 1826Subclass Textulariia Mikhalevich, 1980Test agglutinated, foreign particles held in organic ormineralised ground mass.

ASTRORHIZIDA Lankester, 1885Test free or attached, irregular, rounded, tubular,branching, or coiled; nonseptate or only irregularlyconstricted, with interior undivided or only partiallysubdivided into a proloculum and unchambered secondchamber. Wall agglutinated, nonperforate, simple orthickened on the inside, may have simple labyrinthicstructures or inner protrusions partially subdividing thechamber, cement organic.



ASTRORHIZA Sandahl, 1858ASTRORHIZOIDES Shchedrina, 1969CLADOS Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989CYSTINGARHIZA Bell, 1996CYLINDRAMMINA Bell, 1996GLOBODENDRINA Plewes, Palmer & Haynes, 1993

1 The genus Pelosina Brady, 1879 was removed to theXenophyophoria by Mikhalevich & Voronova (1999).

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Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 243

RADICULA Christiansen, 1958VANHOEFFENELLIDAE Saidova, 19812

INAURIS J.E. Conkin, B.M. Conkin & Thurman, 1979VANHOEFFENELLA Rhumbler, 1905


LINEA Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989MARSIPELLA Norman, 1878RHABDAMMINA M. Sars in Carpenter, 18693

BATHYSIPHONINAE Avnimelech, 1952BAHIANOTUBUS Brönnimann, Zaninetti, & Moura, 19794

BATHYSIPHON Sars, 1872BOGDANOWICZIA Pishvanova & Vyalov, 1967NOTHIA Pflaumann, 1964PSAMMOSIPHONELLA Avnimelich, 1952RHABDAMMINELLA de Folin, 1887

HIPPOCREPINELLIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984emend. Mikhalevich, 1995AMPHITREMOIDA Eisenack, 19385


CRESPINITELLA Rauser & Reitlinger, 19934


HIPPOCREPINELLA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1932DENDROPHRYIDAE Haeckel, 18947


SPICULIDENDRON Rützler & Richardson, 1996NOTODENDRODIDAE Delaca, Lipps & Hessler, 1980

NOTODENDRODES Delaca, Lipps & Hessler, 1980ARBORAMMINIDAE Shires, Gooday & Jones, 1994

ARBORAMMINA Shires, Gooday & Jones, 1994DRYORHIZOPSIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984

DRYORHIZOPSIS Henbest, 1963SAGENINA Chapman, 1900

SCHIZAMMINIDAE Nørvang, 1961JULLIENELLA Schlumberger, 1890SCHIZAMMINA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1929

HALYPHYSEMIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 19849

HALYPHYSEMA Bowerbank, 1862DENDRONINA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1922

DIFFUSILINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1961ATELIKAMARA McClellan, 197310

DIFFUSILINA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924KERIONAMMINA Moreman, 1933

KOMOKIACEA Tendal & Hessler, 197711

2 Raised to the status of a family by Mikhalevich (1995).3 Includes the genus Oculosiphon Avnimelech, 1952.4 Transferred from the Allogromiida by Brönnimann et al. 1992.5 Transferred from the Saccammininae by Mikhalevich (1995).6 Transferred from the Bathysiphonidae by Mikhalevich (1995)because of the constricted apertures7 Mikhalevich (1995) regarded the group to be of family rank.8 Transferred from the Astrorhizidae by Mikhalevich (1995) becauseof its long slender, branching arms.9 Mikhalevich (1995) regarded the group to be of family rank.10 Transferred from the Hemmisphaerammininae by Mikhalevich(1995).11 Retained here in the Foraminiferida despite Kamenskaya’s (1992,2000) views that they constitute a separate order within Rhizopoda,incertae sedis. Mikhalevich (1995) placed the komokiid familieswithin her order Dendrophryida, considered here to be within theAstrorhizacea.

KOMOKIIDAE Tendal & Hessler, 1977CEREBRUM Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989GLOBIPELORHIZA Cedhagen & Mattson, 1991IPOA Tendal & Hessler, 1977KOMOKIA Tendal & Hessler, 1977LANA Tendal & Hessler, 1977RETICULUM Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989

NORMANINIDAE Mikhalevich, 1995NORMANINA Cushman, 1928SEPTUMA Tendal & Hessler, 1977

RHIZAMMINIDAE Wieser, 1931RHIZAMMINA Brady, 187912

TESTULORHIZA Avnimelech, 195213

BACULELLIDAE Tendal & Hessler, 1977ARBOR Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989BACULELLA Tendal & Hessler, 1977CATENA Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989CHONDRODAPSIS Mullineaux, 1988EDGERTONIA Tendal & Hessler, 1977

SACCAMMININA Lankester, 1885SACCAMMINACEA Brady, 188414

STEGNAMMINIDAE Moreman, 193015


BLASTAMMINA Eisenack, 1932STEGNAMMININAE Moreman, 1930

ANICTOSPHAERA McClellan, 197317

BYKOVAEINA Suleymanov, 19691 7

CERATAMMINA Ireland, 1939GASTROAMMINA Dunn, 194218

LUEKATIELLA Zhigulina, 1999PSEUDASTRORHIZA Eisenack, 19321 7

RAIBOSAMMINA Moreman, 1930SPICULOSIPHON Christiansen, 19641 7

STEGNAMMINA Moreman, 1930STORTHOSPHAERA Schulze, 18751 7

THEKAMMINA Dunn, 1942THURAMMINOIDES Plummer, 19451 7

HEMISPHAERAMMININAE Loeblich & Tappan,1961, emend Mikhalevich, 199519

HEMISPHAERAMMINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1957FAIRLIELLA Summerson, 1958SOROSPHAERELLA Conkin, Conkin & Thurman, 1979

SACCAMMINIDAE Brady, 1884CAUSIINAE Mikhalevich, 1995

CAUSIA Rhumbler, 193820

12 Transferred to the Komokiacea in accordance with findings ofGooday & Cook (1984). The subfamily Rhizamminidae is thereforereinstated herein.13 Placed by Mikhalevich (1995) in the subfamily Rhizammininae, butits affiliation to the Komokiacea has not been verified.14 Regarded by Mikhalevich (1995) to comprise a suborder, thisgroup of single forms is here assigned superfamily rank.15 Elevated in rank from subfamily by Mikhalevich (1995). Includesall free-living forms without a distinct aperture.16 Transferred from the Vanhoefenellinae by Mikhalevich (1995)because of its circular (not tubular) test.17 Transferred from the Psammosphaerinae by Mikhalevich (1995).18 Transferred from the Thurammininae by Mikhalevich (1995)because it lacks apertures on its protuberances.19 Lowered in rank from a family by Mikhalevich (1995)20 Transferred from the Vanhoefenellinae by Mikhalevich (1995).

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244 Michael A. Kaminski

SACCAMMININAE Brady, 1884BRACHYSIPHON Chapman, 1906CRIBROTHALAMMINA Goldstein & Barker, 1988HYPERAMMINITA Crespin, 1958LAGENAMMINA Rhumbler, 1911MARSUPULINOIDES Brönnimann, 1988OVAMMINA Dahlgren, 1962PILULINELLA Saidova, 1975PLACENTAMMINA Thalmann, 1947PSAMMOPHAGA Arnold, 1982PSEUDOSACCULINELLA Yassini & Jones, 1995SACCAMMINA Carpenter, 1869SACCAMMINELLA Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 1992SACCULINELLA Crespin, 1958STOMASPHAERA Mound, 1961TECHNITELLA Norman, 1878TITANOTHEKA Gaucher & Sprechmann, 1999

PILULININAE Brady, 1884PILULINA Carpenter, 1870

THURAMMININAE Miklukho-Maklay, 1963ASTRAMMINA Rhumbler, 1931BAHIANOFUSUS Brönnimann, Zaninetti, & Moura, 197921

ORBULINELLOIDES Saidova, 1975ORDOVICINA Eisenack, 1938PSEUDOTHURAMMINA Scott, Medioli & Williamson, 1981THURAMMINA Brady, 1879

COLONAMMININAE Rauser-Chernousova &Reitlinger, 1993COLONAMMINA Moreman, 1930JASCOTTELLA Huddleston & Haman, 198222

NUBECULARIELLA Averintsev, 191123

THOLOSININAE Mikhalevich, 1995IRIDIA Heron-Allen & Earland, 19142 2

MESAMMINA Pichler, 19712 2

SCYPHOCODON Kristan-Tollmann, 19712 2

THOLOSINA Rhumbler, 18952 2


DAITRONINAE Mikhalevich, 1995DAITRONA Loeblich & Tappan, 1961NEPHROSPHAERA Kristan-Tollmann, 1971


ORYCTODERMINAE Saidova, 1981DISCOBOTELLINA Collins, 1958ORYCTODERMA Loeblich & Tappan, 1961MASONELLA Brady, 188925



21 Transferred from the Allogromiida by Brönnimann et al. 1992.22 Transferred from the Hemisphaeramminae by Mikhalevich(1995).23 Transferred from the Halyphyseminae by Mikhalevich (1995)because of its saccamminid aperture.24 Elevated in rank from a subfamily by Mikhalevich (1995), whoincorrectly cited the authorship as Goës (1894).25 Transferred from the Crithonininae by Mikhalevich (1995).26 Regarded by Mikhalevich (1995) to comprise a suborder, thisgroup of pseudocolonial forms is here assigned superfamily rank.

CELLONINA Kristan-Tollmann, 1971PSAMMOPHAX Rhumbler, 1931PSAMMOSPHAERA Schulze, 1875SOROSPHAERA Brady, 1879THURAMMINOPSIS Haeusler, 1883

TELAMMINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985 emend,Mikhalevich, 199527

METAMORPHINA Browne, 1963ROPOSTRUM Jonasson & Schröder-Adams, 1996TELAMMINA Gooday & Haynes, 1983TUMIDOTUBUS Gooday & Haynes, 1983

POLYSACCAMMINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 198428


SACCAMMINIDINAE Mikhalevich, 1995SACCAMMINIS Ireland, 1960


LACUSTRINELLIDAE Mikhalevich, 1995AGGEROSTRAMEN Loeblich & Tappan, 198530

AMMOPEMPHIX Loeblich, 19522 2

LACUSTRINELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1987PATELLAMMINA Bell, 1996SOROSTOMASPHAERA McClellan, 19661 7

WEBBINELLOIDEA G.A. Stewart & Lampe, 19471 6



GIRALIARELLA Crespin, 195831

HIPPOCREPINA Parker, 1870HYPERAMMINOIDES Cushman & Waters, 19283 1


JACULELLINAE Mikhalevich, 1995ACICULELLA Vyalov, 196832

ARENOSIPHON Grubbs, 19393 2

JACULELLA Brady, 18793 2

KECHENOTISKE Loeblich & Tappan, 19843 1

SANSABAINA Loeblich & Tappan, 19843 1

TASMANAMMINA Gutschick & Wuellner, 19833 1

HYPERAMMINIDAE Eimer & Fickert, 189933

HYPERAMMININAE Eimer & Fickert, 1899ARENICONULUS Eisenack, 1969HYPERAMMINA Brady, 1878PLATYSOLENITES Eichwald, 186034

SACCHARARENA Loeblich & Tappan, 198435

27 Transferred from the Hormosinacea by Mikhalevich (1995)because the group is colonial and lacks true chambers.28 Elevated in rank to a family and transferred from theSaccamminidae by Mikhalevich (1995).29 Here transferred from the Ammosphaeroidininae because of itspseudocolonial habitat.30 Transferred from the Telamminidae by Mikhalevich (1995).31 Transferred from the Hyperamminoididae by Mikhalevich (1995).32 Transferred from the Hippocrepininae by Mikhalevich (1995).33 Elevated in rank by Mikhalevich (1995).34 Transferred to the Hippocrepinacea by McIlroy et al. (2001), whofound specimens with globular proloculi.35 Transferred from the Hyperamminoididae by Mikhalevich (1995).

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Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 245

SACCORHIZINAE Eimer & Fickert, 189936

SACCARENA Chernykh, 1969SACCORHIZA Eimer & Fickert, 1899

BOTELLINIDAE Chapman & Parr, 193637

BOTELLINA Carpenter, Jeffreys & Thomson, 187038

PROTOBOTELLINA Heron-Allen & Earland, 19293 2

AMMOVOLUMMIDAE Chernykh, 196739

AMMOVOLUMINA Chernykh, 1967HYPERBATHOIDES Ireland, 1966PSAMMONYX Döderlein, 1892SERPENULINA Chernykh, 1967

AMMODISCINA Mikhalevich, 1980AMMODISCACEA Reuss, 1862



TOLYPAMMININAE Cushman, 1928AMMODISCELLA Ireland, 1956AMMODISCELLITES Resig & Glenn, 1997AMMOLAGENA Eimer & Fickert, 1899AMMOVERTELLA Cushman, 1928HEMIDISCELLA Bock, 1968SATURNELLA Hedinger, 1993SERPULOPSIS Girty, 1911TOLYPAMMINA Rhumbler, 1895


AMMOVERTELLINA Suleymanov, 1959ANNECTINA Suleymanov, 1963ARENOMEANDROSPIRA Jones & Wonders, 2000GLOMOSPIRELLA Plummer, 1945PILAMMINELLA Salaj, 1978RECTOGLOMOSPIRA Trifonova, 1978VOSTOKOVELLA Pronina, 1972


REPMANINA Suleymanov, in Arapova & Suleymanov, 1966TURRITELLELLA Rhumbler, 1905USBEKISTANIA Suleymanov, 1960

36 Regarded by Loeblich & Tappan to be in the synonymy of theHippocrepinidae, reinstated by Mikhalevich (1995)37 Considered a synonym of the Hyperammininae by Loeblich &Tappan (1987), reinstated and raised in rank from a subfamily byMikhalevich (1995). This family includes the pseudo-labyrinthicforms with sponge spicules protruding into the chamber lumen.38 Transferred from the Hyperamininae by Mikhalevich (1995),39 These loosely coiled forms were transferred from theAmmodiscacea by Mikhalevich (1995), who regarded them to betransitional to the ammodiscids.40 The Triassic microgranular genera Gandinella, Pilammina, andRectopilammina are here removed to the Earlandiacea.41 Bender (1995) showed that the type species G. gordialis possessesan initial portion that coils as in Repmanina.

LITUOLIDA Lankester, 1885Test free or attached, multilocular or becoming so, uniserial,biserial, multiserial, or coiled in early stage, later mayuncoil; chamber interior simple, or may be partially dividedby septula in advanced forms; wall agglutinated withorganic, microgranular, or calcitic cement; simple andnonperforate.

RZEHAKININA Saidova, 198142

RZEHAKINACEA Cushman, 1933RZEHAKINIDAE Cushman, 1933

RZEHAKININAE Cushman, 193343


MILIAMMININAE Saidova, 198144

AMMOFLINTINA Earland, 1934BIRSTEINIOLLA Mayer, 1974MILIAMMINA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1930SILICOMASSILINA Serova, 1966SILICOSIGMOILINA Cushman & Church, 1929SPIROSIGMOILINELLA Matsunaga, 1955TRILOCULARENA Loeblich & Tappan, 1955

HORMOSININA Mikhalevich, 198045

HORMOSINELLACEA Rauser & Reitlinger, 1986OXINOXISIDAE Vyalov, 196846

OXINOXIS Gutschick, 19624 4

HORMOSINELLIDAE Rauser & Reitlinger, 198647

ARCHIMERISMUS Loeblich & Tappan, 1984CAUDAMMINA Montanaro-Gallitelli, 19554 3

HORMOSINELLA Shchedrina, 1969REOPHANUS Saidova, 1970ROCKFORDINA Rauser & Reitlinger, 1986SUBREOPHAX Saidova, 1975


ASCHEMOCELLA Vyalov, 1966CALOS Schröder, Medioli & Scott, 1989KALAMOPSIS de Folin, 188348

REOPHACIDAE Cushman, 1927ADELUNGIA Suleymanov, 1966HORMOSINOIDES Saidova, 1975LEPTOHALYSIS Loeblich & Tappan, 1984NODULINA Rhumbler, 1895REOPHAX de Montfort, 1808

HORMOSINIDAE Haeckel, 1894 42 Nom. transl. ex order Rzehakinida Saidova, 1981.43 Reinstated herein for planispiral genera. Includes theSpirolocammininae Saidova, 1981.44 Reinstated herein for genera that are initially coiled in variousplanes. The genus Rothina is a junior synonym of Caudammina(Bubík, 1997).45 Nom. transl. ex order Hormosinida Mikhalevich, 1980.46 Transferred from the Lituolacea, as its chamber arrangement isirregular, not coiled as reported by L&T’87. Gutschick (1962)originally regarded Oxinoxis as transitional between saccamminidsand reophacids.47 This family was placed in the Astrorhizida by Mikhalevich (1995)because of the absence of true septa between chambers. 48 Includes Silicotuba Vyalov, 1966, here considered to be a juniorsynonym. The family Silicotubidae is therefore removed from thisclassification.

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246 Michael A. Kaminski

CUNEATINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 198449

ACOSTATA Brönnimann, Whittaker & Valleri, 1992CUNEATA Fursenko, 1979SULCOPHAX Rhumbler, 1931WARRENITA Loeblich & Tappan, 1984

POLYCHASMININAE subfam.nov.Test free, initially uniserial with broad and low chambers,later branching dichotomously.BIREOPHAX Bolli, 1961POLYCHASMINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1946


NODOSININAE Saidova, 1981CRIBRATINOIDES Saidova, 1975NODOSINUM Hofker, 1930

KUNKLERINIDAE Rauser & Reitlinger, 1986KUNKLERINA Rauser & Reitlinger, 1986SCHEROCHORELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1984

DUSENBURYINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984DUSENBURYINA Bermúdez & Key, 1952


GLAUCOAMMINA Seiglie & Bermúdez, 1969PSAMMOLINGULINA A. Silvestri, 190451

LITUOLINA Lankester, 1885LITUOTUBACEA Loeblich & Tappan, 198452

LITUOTUBIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984LITUOTUBA Rhumbler, 1895PARATROCHAMMINOIDES Soliman, 1972PLAGIORAPHE Kristan-Tollmann, 1973CONGLOPHRAGMIUM Bermúdez & Rivero, 196353

TROCHAMMINOIDAE Haynes & Nwabufo-Ene, 19985 0

SOKOTINA Haynes & Nwabufo-Ene, 1998TROCHAMMINOIDES Cushman, 1910

LITUOLACEA de Blainville, 1827HAPLOPHRAGMOIDIDAE Maync, 1952

AMMOSIPHONIA He, 1977APOSTROPHOIDES McNeil, 1997ASANOSPIRA Takayanagi, 1960BUZASINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985EVOLUTINELLA Mjatliuk, 1971GOBBETTIA Dhillon, 1968HAPLOPHRAGMOIDES Cushman, 1910

49 Emended by Brönnimann et al. (1992) to include only thebilaterally symmetrical (i.e. non-branching) forms. However, theseauthors did not erect a subfamily for those genera that were excludedfrom the Cuneatininae.50 Transferred from the Textulariida because of its noncalcareouswall. Glaucoammina has a bilamellar wall with open intergranularspaces between the layers, not true canaliculae.51 Transferred from the Cuneatinae by Popescu (2000), who reportedthat the wall is thick and traversed by meandering pores.52 Here separated from the Lituolacea, since members of thissuperfamily display irregular coiling and/or rudimentary chambers,and may possess a nonseptate early portion.53 Placed in the synonymy of Paratrochamminoides by Loeblich &Tappan (1987), the genus is here reinstated for the fully chamberedforms with basal apertures.

LABROSPIRA Höglund, 1947TREMATOPHRAGMOIDES Brönnimann & Keij, 1986TROCHAMMINITA Cushman & Brönnimann, 1948UNITENDINA Alekseychik-Mitskevich, 1973VELERONINOIDES Saidova, 1981

DISCAMMINIDAE Mikhalevich, 1980AMMOSCALARIA Höglund, 1947DISCAMMINA Lacroix, 1932GLAPHYRAMMINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1984STAROBOGATOVELLA Mikhalevich, 1994


AMMOSPHAERULINA Cushman, 1912CANEPAIA Boltovskoy, 1961SPHAERAMMINA Cushman, 1910

PRAESPHAERAMMININAE Kaminski &Mikhalevich, subfam.nov.Test planispiral and involute, later chambers almost com-pletely enclosing earlier ones; aperture areal, rounded toslitlike, without a tooth.PRAESPHAERAMMINA Kaminski & Filipescu, 2000


LITUOLIDAE de Blainville, 1827AMMOMARGINULINAE Podobina, 1978

AGARDHELLA Nagy & Basov, 1998AMMOBACULARIA Kristan-Tollmann, 1964AMMOBACULITES Cushman, 1910AMMOMARGINULINA Wiesner, 1931AMMOTIUM Loeblich & Tappan, 1953ERATIDUS Saidova, 1975HAYMANELLA Sirel, 1999KUTSEVELLA Dain, 1978LAMINA Voloshina, 1972OSTIOBACULITES Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 1992SCULPTOBACULITES Loeblich & Tappan, 1984SIMOBACULITES Loeblich & Tappan, 1984

FLABELLAMMININAE Podobina, 1978AMMOPALMULA Lindenberg, 1966FLABELLAMMINA Cushman, 1928PTERAMMINA Hamaoui, 1965TRIPLASIA Reuss, 1854

LITUOLINAE de Blainville, 1827ATACTOLITUOLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1984BULBOBUCCICRENATA Kerdany & Eissa, 1973KOLCHIDINA Morozova, 1967LITUOLA Lamarck, 1804

AMMOASTUTINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984AMMOASTUTA Cushman & Brönnimann, 1948PRAEAMMOASTUTA Bursch, 1952


ACRULIAMMINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1946AMMOCIBICIDES Earland, 1934AMMOCIBICOIDES Saidova, 1975LAPILLINCOLA Wilson, 1986PLACOPSILINA d'Orbigny, 1850SUBBDELLOIDINA Frentzen, 1944


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Test attached, chambers of early stage irregularly coiled,later biserial then rectilinear; wall agglutinated, solid.FLATSCHKOFELIA Rettori, Senowbari-Daryan & Zühlke, 1996

ADHAERENTIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1986ADHAERENTIA Plummer, 1938

RECURVOIDACEA Alekseychik-Mitskevich, 197354


AMMOSPHAEROIDINA Cushman, 1910CYSTAMMINA Neumayr, 1889PRAECYSTAMMINA Krasheninnikov, 1973

RECURVOIDINAE Alekseychik-Mitskevich, 1973BUDASHEVAELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1964CRIBROSTOMELLUS Saidova, 197055



PLECTORECURVOIDIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 196457




TELATYNELLINAE Gawor-Biedowa, 1987TELATYNELLA Gawor-Biedowa, 1987

ACUPEINIDAE Brönnimann & Zaninetti, 1984ACUPEINA Brönnimann & Zaninetti, 1984

SPIROPLECTAMMININA Mikhalevich, 199258


SPIROPLECTAMMININAE Cushman, 1927AMMOBACULOIDES Plummer, 1932BOLIVINOPSIS Yakovlev, 1891HETERANTYX Loeblich & Tappan, 1982ORECTOSTOMINA Seiglie, 1965PALUSTRELLA Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 199259


VULVULININAE Saidova, 1981AMMOSPIRATA Cushman, 1933VULVULINA d'Orbigny, 1826


54 Nom. transl. ex family Recurvoidinae Alekseychik-Mitskevich,1973. This superfamily is here separated from the superfamilyHaplophragmiacea (sensu Loeblich & Tappan, 1987) on account ofits simple wall.55 Transferred from the Haplophragmoididae because of itsreportedly streptospiral coiling.56 As above. Jones et al. (1993) demonstrated that the types pecies isstreptospiral, especially in the early stage.57 Transferred from the Spiroplectamminacea, as the group isdisplays closer affinity to Recurvoides.58 Nom.transl. ex Spiroplectamminida Mikhalevich, 1992.59 The subfamily Palustrellinae Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti,1992 is not recognised here.


NOVALESIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984NOVALESIA Magniez, 1974


DUQUEPSAMMINIIDAE Sieglie & Baker, 1987DUQUEPSAMMINA Sieglie & Baker, 1987

TEXTULARIOPSIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 198260

AAPTOTOICHUS Loeblich & Tappan, 1982BICAZAMMINA Neagu & Neagu, 1995BIMONILINA Eicher, 1960HAGHIMASHELLA Neagu & Neagu, 1995HAIMASIELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1982MINYAICHME Loeblich & Tappan, 1982MONOTALEA Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 1992PLECTINELLA Marie, 1956PLEUROSTOMELLOIDES Majzon, 1943RASHNOVAMMINA Neagu & Neagu, 1995TEXTULARIOPSIS Banner & Pereira, 1981TRUNCULOCAVUS Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1993


NOURIIDAE Chapman & Parr, 1936ABDULLAEVIA Suleymanov, 1965NOURIA Heron-Allen & Earland, 1914

PAVONITINACEA Loeblich & Tappan, 1961MARIEITIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1986

HENSONIA Marie, 1954MARIEITA Loeblich & Tappan, 1964

PAVONITINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1961SPIROPSAMMIINAE Seiglie & Baker, 1984

SPIROPSAMMIA Seiglie & Baker, 1984PAVONITININAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1961

PAVONITINA Schubert, 1914PAVOPSAMMIA Seiglie & Baker, 1984PSEUDOTRIPLASIA Ma∏ecki, 1954ZOTHECULIFIDA Loeblich & Tappan, 1957



AMMOANITA Seiglie & Baker, 1987CALYPTAMMINA Nagy & Basov, 1998AMMOGLOBIGERINA Eimer & Fickert, 1899ASAROTAMMINA Brönnimann, 1986CAMURAMMINA Brönnimann & Keij, 1986GLOBOTROCHAMMINOPSIS Brönnimann & Zaninetti, 1984LEPIDOPARATROCHAMMINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1986LINGULOTROCHAMMINA Hercogová, 1987PARATROCHAMMINA Brönnimann, 1979PATELLOVALVULINA Neagu, 1975

60 Includes the subfamily Monotaleinae Brönnimann Whittaker &Zaninetti (1992), which is isomorphic but differs in its stratigraphicaloccurrence.

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248 Michael A. Kaminski

PORTATROCHAMMINA Echols, 1971PSEUDADERCOTRYMA Saidova, 1981TRITAXIS Schubert, 1921TROCHAMMINA Parker & Jones, 1859TROCHAMMINOPSIS Brönnimann, 1976


CARTERININAE Loeblich & Tappan, 195561

CARTERINA Brady, 1884JADAMMININAE Saidova, 1981

ENTZIA Daday, 1883JADAMMINA Bartenstein & Brand, 1938

POLYSTOMAMMININAE Brönnimann & Beurlen, 1977BALTICAMMINA Brönnimann, Lutze & Whittaker, 1989DEUTERAMMINA Brönnimann, 1976LEPIDODEUTERAMMINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1983POLYSTOMAMMINA Seiglie, 1965


TORETAMMININAE Brönnimann, 1986TORETAMMINA Brönnimann, 1986

TROCHAMMINELLINAE Brönnimann, Zaninetti &Whittaker, 1983ALTERAMMINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988ATLANTIELLA Saidova, 1981EARLANDAMMINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988PSEUDOTROCHAMMINA Frerichs, 1969RESUPINAMMINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988TROCHAMMINELLA Cushman, 1943

VIALOVIINAE Suleymanov, 1983ARENONIONELLA Marks, 1951VIALOVIA Suleymanov, 1966

ZAVODOVSKININAE Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988ZAVODOVSKINA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988

ADERCOTRYMIDAE Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1988emend. Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1990

ADERCOTRYMINAE Brönnimann & Whittaker,1987, emend. Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1990.ADERCOTRYMA Loeblich & Tappan, 1952INSCULPTARENULA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985

BYKOVIELLINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 198462

BYKOVIELLA V. I. Korchagin, 1964POLSKIAMMINA Brönnimann, Zaninetti & Whittaker, 1987SEPETIBAELLA Brönnimann & Dias-Brito, 1982

REMANEICIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1964, emend.Brönnimann & Whittaker, 199063

ASTEROTROCHAMMININAE Brönnimann,Zaninetti & Whittaker, 1983ASTEROPARATROCHAMMINA Brönnimann & Zaninetti, 1984ASTEROTROCHAMMINA Bermúdez & Seiglie, 1963

REMANEICINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1964

61 Brönnimann & Whittaker (1988, 1990) regarded it to be asubfamily within the Trochamminidae. Loeblich & Tappan (1992)regarded the Carterinina as a separate order. 62 Placed in the Adercotrymidae by Brönnimann & Whittaker (1990)63 Elevated to superfamily rank by Brönnimann & Whittaker (1990);it is here regarded as a family of the Trochamminacea.

BRUNEICA Brönnimann, Keij & Zaninetti, 1983REMANEICA Rhumbler, 1938REMANEICELLA Brönnimann, Zaninetti, & Whittaker, 198364

ZANINETTINAE Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1983ABYSSOTHERMA Brönnimann, Van Dover & Whittaker, 1989ZANINETTIA Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1983

VERNEUILININA Mikhalevich & Kaminski s ubo rd. no v .Test high trochospiral throughout or only in the initial part,later part may have an increased or decreased number ofchambers per whorl or may become uniserial or cyclical;wall simple; aperture basal at least initially, later maybecome terminal, single or multiple, some genera with innerapertural structures.


CONOTROCHAMMINA Finlay, 1940PROLIXOPLECTIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985

ARENOGAUDRYINA Podobina, 1975CONVALLINA McNeil, 1997DANUBINA Neagu, 1997EGGERELLOIDES Haynes, 197365

EOMARSSONELLA Levina, 1972GEROCHAMMINA Neagu, 1990KADRIAYINA Al-Najdi, 1975KARRERULINA Finlay, 1940MAGNESOINA Patterson, 1987NEAGUAMMINA Kaminski, Holbourn & Geroch, 1997ORIENTALIA N.K. Bykova, 1947PLECTINA Marsson, 1878PRAEDOROTHIA Desai & Banner, 1987PROTOMARSSONELLA Desai & Banner, 1987PROLIXOPLECTA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985RIYADHELLA Redmond, 1965VERNEUILINELLA Tairov, 1956

TRITAXIIDAE Plotnikova, 1979BITAXIA Plotnikova, 1978TRITAXIA Reuss, 1860


DUOTAXIS Kristan, 1957EGGERELLINA Marie, 1941FLOURENSINA Marie, 1938GAUDRYINOPSIS Podobina, 1975MOOREINELLA Cushman & Waters, 1928PALEOGAUDRYINA Said & Barakat, 1958PARAGAUDRYINA Suleymanov, 1958TALIMUELLA Zeng & Li, 1982VERNEUILINOIDES Loeblich & Tappan, 1949VIALOVELLA Voloshina, 1972

REOPHACELLIDAE Mikhalevich & Kaminski, (this volume)REOPHACELLIDAE Mikhalevich & Kaminski, (this

volume)REOPHACELLA Kaptarenko-Chernousova, 1956FALSOGAUDRYINELLA Bartenstein, 1977UVIGERINAMMINA Majzon, 1943 64 Septotrochammina Zheng, 1979 is here tentatively regarded as asynonym (see discussion by Brönnimann & Whittaker, 1990, p. 124).65 Here transferred from the Eggerellinae because of its compact,noncalcareous wall.

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PSEUDOREOPHAXINAE Mikhalevich & Kaminski,(this volume)PSEUDOREOPHAX Geroch, 1961

CARONIINAE Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 199266

CARONIA Brönnimann, Whittaker & Zaninetti, 1992SPIROPLECTINATINAE Cushman, 1928


VERNEUILININAE Cushman, 1911GAUDRYINA d'Orbigny, 1839GAUDRYINELLA Plummer, 1931LATENTOVERNEUILINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985PARAMIGROS Adb-Elsahfy & Ibrahim, 1990PSEUDOGAUDRYINELLA Cushman, 1936SIPHOGAUDRYINA Cushman, 1935VERNEUILINA d'Orbigny, 1839


PIALLINIDAE Rettori & Zaninetti, 1993PIALLINA Rettori & Zaninetti, 1993

NEZZAZATINA s ubo rd. no v . 67

Test free, low trochospiral to planispiral with a simple non-lamellar, microgranular wall. May possess internal plates orsimple partitions and/or multiple apertures.

NEZZAZATACEA Hamaoui & Saint-Marc, 197068

NAUTILOCULINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985MURGEINA Bilotte & Decrouez, 1979NAUTILOCULINA Mohler, 1930

MAYNCINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985BICONCAVA Hamaoui, 1965CARASUELLA Neagu, 2000COMALIAMMA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985DAXIA Cuvillier & Szakall, 1949DEUTEROSPIRA Hamaoui, 1965FLABELLOCYCLOLINA Gendrot, 1964FREIXIALINA Ramalho, 1969GENDROTELLA Maync, 1972HINOGAMMINA Neagu, 2000MAYNCINA Neumann, 1965NONIONAMMINA Neagu, 2000PHENACOPHRAGMA Applin, Loeblich & Tappan, 1950STOMATOSTOECHA Applin, Loeblich & Tappan, 1950

DEBARINIDAE fam.nov.Test free, planispiral, involute, chambers numerous; wallmicrogranular, probably agglutinated, structure simple;aperture a row of pores at the base of the apertural face.DEBARINA Fourcade, Raoult & Vila, 197269

NEZZAZATIDAE Hamaoui & Saint-Marc, 1970NEZZAZATINAE Hamaoui & Saint-Marc, 1970

BIPLANATA Hamaoui & Saint-Marc, 1970

66 Nom. transl. ex Caroniidae67 Nom. transl. ex Nezzazatidae.68 Nom. transl. ex Nezzazatidae.69 Transferred from the Haplophragmoididae because of itsmicrogranular wall.

LUPERTOSINNIA Farinacci, 1996MERLINGINA Hamaoui, 1965NEZZAZATA Omara, 1956NEZZAZATINELLA Darmoian, 1976PYRENINA Peybernes, 1984TEKKEINA Farinacci & Yeniay, 1994TROCHOSPIRA Hamaoui, 1965

COXITINAE Hamaoui & Saint-Marc, 1970ANTALYNA Farinacci & Koyluoglu, 1985COXITES Smout, 1956DEMIRINA Özcan, 1994RABANITINA Smout, 1956

BARKERINIDAE Smout, 1956BARKERINA Frizzell & Schwartz, 1950

LOFTUSIIDA Kaminski & Mikhalevich, ord.nov.Test free or attached, multilocular, coiled in early stage, latermay uncoil; wall agglutinated with organic, microgranular,or calcitic cement; with advanced forms possessing abilamellar wall differentiated into an imperforate outer layer,and a thicker inner layer that is perforate, alveolar, or formsinternal partitions.

LOFTUSIINA Kaminski & Mikhalevich, subord.nov.Test free or attached, multilocular, coiled or uncoiling, withan alveolar wall.

HAPLOPHRAGMIACEA Eimer & Fickert, 1899[emended]70

Test streptospirally enrolled, later uncoiling, or whollyuniserial. Wall alveolar or subdivided by radial exoskeletalpartitions. Aperture terminal, single or multiple.

CRIBRATINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 196471

CRIBRATINA Sample, 1932HAPLOPHRAGMIIDAE Eimer & Fickert, 1899


BULBOPHRAGMIUM Maync, 1952LABYRINTHIDOMA Adams, Knight & Hodgkinson, 1973




PLANISEPTINAE Septfontaine, 1988 nom. nudumPLANISEPTA Septfontaine in Kaminski, 2000PALEOMAYNCINA Septfontaine in Kaminski, 2000

ORBITOPSELLINAE Hottinger & Caus, 198273

CYCLORBITOPSELLA Cherchi, Schroeder & Zhang, 1984ORBITAMMINA Berthelin, 1893ORBITOPSELLA Munier-Chalmas, 1902

70 The superfamily is here restricted to Mesozoic families thatpossess complex inner structure (alveolae, septal plates, or traversepartitions, and includes wholly uniserial forms such as Cribratina. Thegenera with simple walls are here removed to the Recurvoidacea. 71 Here transferred from the Hormosinacea because of its alveolarwall.72 Reinstated by Septfontaine (1988), but the authorship is Banner,1966, not Voloshinova, 1958.73 Removed from the Cyclolinidae by Loeblich & Tappan (1992),who transferred the subfamilies Orbitopsellinae & Labyrinthininae tothe Mesoendothyridae.

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250 Michael A. Kaminski

LABYRINTHININAE Septfontaine, 1988LABYRINTHINA Weynschenk, 1951

LEVANTINELLINAE Fourcade, Mouty & Teherani, 1997LEVANTINELLA Fourcade, Mouty & Teherani, 1997

SYRIANIDAE fam.nov.Test compressed and fan-shaped, with an initial conicalstage that is probably trochospiral, followed by an uncoileduniserial part. Chambers subdivided by many vertical radialsubepidermal partitions. Median zone of the chambers is notsubdivided. Apertures multiple.SYRIANA Fourcade & Mouty, 1995

HOTTINGERITIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985HOTTINGERITA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985



BUCCICRENATINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985BUCCICRENATA Loeblich & Tappan, 1949

ALVEOLOPHRAGMIINAE Saidova, 1981ALVEOLOPHRAGMIUM Shchedrina, 1936POPOVIA Suleymanov, 1965QUASICYCLAMMINA Belford, 1977RETICULOPHRAGMOIDES Gradstein & Kaminski, 1989RETICULOPHRAGMIUM Maync, 1955SABELLOVOLUTA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985


CHOFFATELLINAE Maync, 1958ABUHAMMADINA Abd-Elsahfy & Ibrahim, 1990BRAMKAMPELLA Redmond, 1964CHOFFATELLA Schlumberger, 1905PARACYCLAMMINA Yabe, 1946TORINOSUELLA Maync, 1959

PSEUDOCHOFFATELLINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985BALKHANIA Mamontova, 1966BROECKINELLA Henson, 1948DHRUMELLA Redmond, 1965MONTSECHIANA Aubert, Coustau & Gendrot, 1963PSEUDOCHOFFATELLA Deloffre, 1961TORREMIROELLA Brun & Canerot, 1979


ECOUGELLIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985ECOUGELLA Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980

SPIROCYCLINIDAE Munier-Chalmas, 1887MARTIGUESIA Maync, 1959PSEUDOSPIROCYCLINA Hottinger, 1967QATARIA Henson, 1948REISSELLA Hamaoui, 1963SAUDIA Henson, 1948SORNAYINA Marie, 1960SPIROCYCLINA Munier-Chalmas, 1887STREPTOCYCLAMMINA Hottinger, 1967THOMASELLA Sirel, 1998

74 Includes Feurtillia Maync, 1958, considered a junior synonym ofEverticyclammina by Septfontaine (1988)

VANIA Sirel & Gunduz, 1985LOFTUSIIDAE Brady, 1884

LOFTUSIA Brady, 1870PRAERETICULINELLA Deloffre & Hamaoui, 1970RETICULINELLA Cuvillier, Bonnefous, Hamaoui & Tixier, 1970

BIOKOVININA subord.nov.Test free or attached, may be coiled in the early stage, lateruncoiled or branched. Wall finely agglutinated, traversed bypores, or with a coarsely perforate or canaliculate inner layerand an outer imperforate layer.


HADDONIA Chapman, 1898STYLOLINA Karrer, 187775

COSCINOPHRAGMATIDAE Thalmann, 1951ALPINOPHRAGMIUM Flugel, 1967AMMOTROCHOIDES Janin, 1984BDELLOIDINA Carter, 1877GOELLIPORA Senowbari-Daryan & Zankl, 2000COSCINOPHRAGMA Thalmann, 1951

BIOKOVINACEA Gu‰iç, 1977CHARENTIIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985

CHARENTIA Neumann, 1965ISMAILIA El-Dakkak, 1974KARAISELLA Kurbatov, 1971MELATHROKERION Brönnimann & Conrad, 1967MONCHARMONTIA De Castro, 1967PRAEKARAISELLA Kurbatov, 1972PRAEPENEROPLIS Hofker, 1952

LITUOLIPORIDAE Gu‰iç & Veliç, 1978LITUOLIPORA Gu‰iç & Veliç, 197076

BIOKOVINIDAE Gu‰iç, 1977BIOKOVINA Gu‰iç, 197777

BOSNIELLA Gu‰iç 1977TROCHAMIJIELLA Athersuch, Banner & Simmons, 199278

CYCLOLININA Mikhalevich, 199279

CYCLOLINACEA Loeblich & Tappan, 1964CYCLOLINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1964

CYCLOLININAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1964AMMOCYCLOLOCULINA Maync, 1958CYCLOLINA d'Orbigny, 1846

CYCLOPSINELLINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984CYCLOPSINELLA Galloway, 1933MANGASHTIA Henson, 1948

ILERDORBINAE Hottinger & Caus, 1982DOHAIA Henson, 1948ECLUSIA Septfontaine, 1971ILERDORBIS Hottinger & Caus, 1982 75 Originally regarded as a synonym of Lituola by Loeblich & Tappan(1987); reinstated by Cicha et al., (1998), and transferred to theHadoniidae by Popescu (2000).76 Regarded by Septfontaine (1988) to be closely related to, if notsynonymous with Paleomayncina and belonging in the Planiseptinae.77 Septfontaine (1988) regarded the wall of this form to bemechanically eroded, exposing the alveolae to the exterior.Therefore, Septfontaine regarded the genus to be imperforate, andreassigned it to the Mesoendothyrinae.78 Original suprageneric assignment by Athersuch et al. (1992).79 Nom.transl. ex order Cyclolinida Mikhalevich, 1992.

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ARENOBULIMINA Cushman, 1927ATAXOORBIGNYNA Voloshina, 1965ATAXOPHRAGMIUM Reuss, 1860HAGENOWELLA Cushman, 1933PITYUSINA Rangheard & Colom, 1967SABULINA Frieg & Price, 1982

GEROCHELLINAE subfam. nov.Test with a trochospiral early stage with 4 chambers perwhorl; an intermediate short irregularly uniserial stage with2-3 chambers, and a uniserial adult stage.GEROCHELLA Neagu, 1997

PERNERININAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984AGGLUTISOLENA Senowbari Daryan, 1984ANATOLIELLA Sirel, 1988COPROLITHINA Marie, 1941CRENAVERNEUILINA Barnard & Banner, 1980HAGENOWINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1961KAEVERIA Senowbari-Daryan, 1984OPERTUM Voloshina, 1972ORBIGNYNA von Hagenow, 1842PERNERINA Cushman, 1933VOLOSHINOIDES Barnard & Banner, 1980VOLOSHINOVELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1964


CRIBROTURRETOIDES D.J. Smith, 1949GLOBOTEXTULARIA Eimer & Fickert, 1899GRAVELLINA Brönnimann, 1953RHUMBLERELLA Brönnimann, 1981TETRATAXIELLA Seiglie, 1964VERNEUILINULLA Saidova, 1975

VARSOVIELLINAE Gawor-Biedova, 1987VARSOVIELLA Gawor-Biedova, 1987

LIEBUSELLINAE Saidova, 1981CUBANINA Palmer, 1936JARVISELLA Brönnimann, 1953LIEBUSELLA Cushman, 1933REMESELLA Vasicek, 1947RUAKITURIA Kennett, 1967

TEXTULARIELLIDAE Grönhagen & Luterbacher, 1966ALVEOVALVULINA Brönnimann, 1951ALVEOVALVULINELLA Brönnimann, 195380

CUNEOLINELLA Cushman & Bermúdez, 1941GUPPYELLA Brönnimann, 1951HAGENOWINOIDES Saidova, 1975TEXTULARIELLA Cushman, 1927

MONTSALEVIIDAE Zaninetti, Salvini-Bonnard,Charollais, & Decrouez, 1987MONTSALEVIA Zaninetti, Salvini-Bonnard, Charollais &

Decrouez, 1987CUNEOLINIDAE Saidova, 198181

80 Here removed from the synonymy of Guppyella.81 The description of the family is here emended to include generasuch as Histerolina and Scythiolina which have a planispirally coiledinitial stage.

CUNEOLININAE Saidova, 1981CUNEOLINA d'Orbigny, 1839PALAEOLITUONELLA Berczi-Makk, 1981PSEUDOTEXTULARIELLA Barnard, 1953VERCORSELLA Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980

SCYTHIOLININAE Neagu, subfam.nov.Test free, flattened, flabelliform to elongated. Initial stagecoiled in a very short planispire of 3-4 chambers. Interior ofchambers subdivided by vertical radial partitions. Aperturean interiomarginal slit, becoming crenulated.HISTEROLINA Neagu, 200082

SCYTHIOLINA Neagu, 2000SABAUDIINAE Brönnimann, Decrouez & Zaninetti, 1983

SABAUDIA Charollais & Brönnimann, 1965DICYCLINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1964

DICYCLINA Munier-Chalmas, 1887DICTYOPSELLIDAE Brönnimann, Zaninetti &

Whittaker, 198383

ANDAMOOKIA Ludbrook, 1966CONORBINELLA Poroshina, 1976DICTYOPSELLA Munier-Chalmas, 1900DICTYOPSELLOIDES Loeblich & Tappan, 1985

ORBITOLININA subord.nov.Test trochospiral or conical, later stage may have reducednumber of chambers per whorl, or may become uniserial andrectilinear; chamber interior of advanced taxa subdivided byvertical or horizontal exoskeletal partitions or both, byradial or transverse partitions, or with interseptal pillars.

PFENDERINACAE Smout & Sugden, 1962PFENDERINIDAE Smout & Sugden, 1962


PALEOPFENDERININAE Septfontaine, 1988CONICOPFENDERINA Septfontaine in Kaminski, 2000CHABLAISIA Septfontaine, 1978PALEOPFENDERINA Septfontaine in Kaminski, 2000PSEUDOEGGERELLA Septfontaine, 1988SATORINA Fourcade & Chorowicz, 1980SANDERELLA Redmond, 1964STEINEKELLA Redmond, 1964

PFENDERININAE Smout & Sugden, 1962DOBROGELINA Neagu, 1979DREVENNIA Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980PFENDERELLA Redmond, 1964PFENDERINA Henson, 1948

KURNUBIINAE Redmond, 1964CONICOKURNUBIA Septfontaine, 1988GYROCONULINA Schroeder & Darmoian, 197784

KURNUBIA Henson, 1948PRAEKURNUBIA Redmond, 1964

HAURANIIDAE Septfontaine, 1988HAURANIINAE Septfontaine, 1988

CYMBRIAELLA Fugagnoli, 1999

82 Originally placed by Neagu (2000) in the Cuneolinidae.83 Elevated to superfamily rank by Brönnimann & Whittaker (1988),regarded as a subfamily and removed from the Trochamminacea byBrönnimann & Whittaker (1990).84 Not included in the Pfenderinidae by Septfontaine (1988)

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252 Michael A. Kaminski

GUTNICELLA Moullade, Haman & Huddleston, 1981HAURANIA Henson, 1948MEYENDORFFINA Aurouze & Bizon, 1958PLATYHAURANIA Bassoullet & Boutakiout, 1996SOCOTRAINA Banner, Whittaker, Boudagher-Fadel &Samuel, 1997TIMIDONELLA Bassoullet, Chabrier & Fourcade, 1974

AMIJELLINAE Septfontaine, 1988ALVEOSEPTA Hottinger, 1967ALZONELLA Bernier & Neumann, 1970AMIJIELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985ANCHISPIROCYCLINA Jordan & Applin, 1952BOSTIA Bassoullet, 1998IJDRANELLA Bassoullet, Boutakiout & Echarfaoui, 1999KASTAMONINA Sirel, 1993PALAEOCYCLAMMINA Bassoullet, Boutakiout &Echarfaoui, 1999PSEUDOCYCLAMMINA Yabe & Hanzawa, 1926REDMONDELLINA Banner & Whittaker, 1991SPIRALOCONULUS Allemann & Schroeder, 1980

PARURGONINIDAE Septfontaine, 1988PARURGONINA Cuvillier, Foury & Pignatti Morano, 1968


COLEICONUS Hottinger & Drobne, 1980COSKINOLINA Stache, 1875COSKINON Hottinger & Drobne, 1980LITUONELLOIDES Henson, 1948PSEUDOLITUONELLA Marie, 1955


DICTYOCONINAE Moullade, 1965ABRARDIA Neumann & Damotte, 1960CALVEZICONUS Caus & Cornella, 1982CAMPANELLULA De Castro, 1964CARINOCONUS Cherchi & Schroeder, 1982COSKINOLINOIDES Keijzer, 1942CRIBELLOPSIS Arnaud-Vanneau, 1980CUSHMANIA Silvestri, 1925DAVIESICONUS Hottinger & Drobne, 1980DICTYOCONELLA Henson, 1948DICTYOCONUS Blanckenhorn, 1900FALLOTELLA Mangin, 1954FALSURGONINA Arnaud-Vanneau & Argot, 1973HETEROCOSKINOLINA Saint-Marc, 1978IRAQIA Henson, 1948KARSELLA Sirel, 1997ORBITOLINELLA Henson, 1948ORBITOLINOPSIS Henson, 1948PALEODICTYOCONUS Moullade, 1965PSEUDORBITOLINA H. Douville, 1910SIMPLORBITOLINA Ciry & Rat, 1953URGONINA Foury & Moullade, 1966VALDANCHELLA Canerot & Moullade, 1971VERSEYELLA Robinson, 1977



ORBITOLININAE Martin, 1890ALPILLINA Foury, 1968CONICORBITOLINA Schroeder, 1973EOPALORBITOLINA Schroeder, 1968EYGALIERINA Foury, 1968MESORBITOLINA Schroeder, 1962NAUPLIELLA Decrouez & Moullade, 1974NEOIRAQIA Danilova, 1963NEORBITOLINOPSIS Schroeder, 1964ORBITOLINA d'Orbigny, 1850PALORBITOLINA Schroeder, 1963PALORBITOLINOIDES Cherchi & Schroeder, 1980PRAEORBITOLINA Schroeder, 1965RECTODICTYOCONUS Schroeder, 1964VALSERINA Schroeder & Conrad, 1968

TEXTULARIIDA Delage & Herouard, 1896[emended]85

Test trochospiral, planispiral, triserial, biserial, or uniserialin early stages; later may be biserial, uniserial, or bifurcate;wall agglutinated, with low-Mg calcite cement, canaliculate.Mesozoic forms may be protocanaliculate, or developcanaliculae late in ontogeny.

TEXTULARIINA Delage & Herouard, 1896EGGERELLACEA Cushman, 1937

EGGERELLIDAE Cushman, 1937DOROTHIINAE Balakhmatova, 1972

ARENODOSARIA Finlay, 1939BANNERELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985DOROTHIA Plummer, 1931MATANZIA Palmer, 193686


MINOUXIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1986ANDERSENIA Neagu, 1968MINOUXIA Marie, 1954TETRAMINOUXIA Gendrot, 1963

EGGERELLINAE Cushman, 1937EGGERELLA Cushman, 1935EGGERINA Toulmin, 1941KARRERIELLA Cushman, 1933MARTINOTTIELLA Cushman, 1933MEIDAMONELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1986MULTIFIDELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1961RUDIGAUDRYINA Cushman & McCulloch, 1939

COLOMINELLINAE Popescu, 1998COLOMINELLA Popescu, 1998COLOMITA Gonzalez-Donoso, 196887

TRITAXILININAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1986TRITAXILINA Cushman, 1911

PSEUDOGAUDRYINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985

85 Includes perforate uniserial genera such as Thomasinella andforms that have a small initial spiral portion such as Kaminskia andSpirorutilus.86 Transferred to the Textulariacea by Cicha et al., (1998) becausethe type species is canaliculate.87 Transferred from the Septotextulariinae by Popescu (2000).

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Revised Classification of the Agglutinated Foraminifera 253

PSEUDOGAUDRYINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985CLAVULINOIDES Cushman, 1936CLAVULINOPSIS Banner & Desai, 1985CONNEMARELLA Loeblich & Tappan, 1989HEMLEBENIA Loeblich & Tappan, 1989MIGROS Finlay, 1939PARAGAUDRYINELLA Popescu, 1998PSEUDOCLAVULINA Cushman, 1936PSEUDOGAUDRYINA Cushman, 1936VALVOREUSSELLA Hofker, 1957

SIPHONIFEROIDINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985PLOTNIKOVINA Mikhalevich, 1981SIPHONIFEROIDES Saidova, 1981

VALVULAMMINIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1986ARENAGULA Bourdon & Lys, 1955DISCORINOPSIS Cole, 1941VALVULAMMINA Cushman, 1933

VALVULINIDAE Berthelin, 188088

VALVULININAE Berthelin, 1880CLAVULINA d'Orbigny, 1826CRIBROBULIMINA Cushman, 1927CRIBROGOESELLA Cushman, 1935CYLINDROCLAVULINA Bermúdez & Key, 1952GOESELLA Cushman, 1933GYROVALVULINA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985MAKARSKIANA van Soest, 1942NEOCLAVULINA Puri, 1957VALVULINA d'Orbigny, 1826


TEXTULARIACEA Ehrenberg, 183889

THOMASINELLIDAE Loeblich & Tappan, 198490

AXICOLUMELLA Hercogová, 1988PROTOSCHISTA Eimer & Fickert, 1899THOMASINELLA Schlumberger, 1893

KAMINSKIIDAE Neagu, 199991

KAMINSKIA Neagu, 1999SPIRORUTILUS Hottinger, Halicz & Reiss, 199092

TEXTULARIIDAE Ehrenberg, 1838TEXTULARIINAE Ehrenberg, 1838

BIGENERINA d'Orbigny, 1826HAEUSLERELLA Parr, 1935PARAVULVULINA Cicha & Zapletalová, 1965SAHULIA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985SEMIVULVULINA Finlay, 1939TETRAGONOSTOMINA Mikhalevich, 1975TEXTULARIA Defrance, 1824

88 Septfontaine & De Matos (1998) proposed emending theValvulinidae to include Pseudodictyopsella, a Middle Jurassic genusthat has an imperforate wall with hypodermic radial partitions. Thisview is not followed herein, and only Cenozoic taxa are included inthe group.89 Here understood as containing predominantly biserial forms thatmay have either a small initial planispiral whorl or an adventitiouschamber.90 Transferred from the Hormosinacea because of its perforate wall,a fact that was already noted by Loeblich & Tappan (1987).91 Originally regarded as a subfamily by Neagu (1999), the presenceof a planispiral part is sufficiently different to justify elevation tofamily status.92 Authorship is credited to Hottinger et al. (1990), as the originalname of Hofker (1976) is here regarded as nomen nudum.

SIPHOTEXTULARIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985KARREROTEXTULARIA Le Calvez, de Klasz & Brun, 1974PLECANIUM Reuss, 1862SIPHOSCUTULA Loeblich & Tappan, 1985SIPHOTEXTULARIA Finlay, 1939TEXTULINA Saidova, 1975

PLANCTOSTOMATINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984CRIBROBIGENERINA Andersen, 1961OLSSONINA Bermúdez, 1949PLANCTOSTOMA Loeblich & Tappan, 1955PORITEXTULARIA Loeblich & Tappan, 1952

TAWITAWIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1961TAWITAWIA Loeblich, 1952

TEXTULARIOIDINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1984TEXTULARIOIDES Cushman, 1911

SEPTOTEXTULARIINAE Loeblich & Tappan, 1985SEPTOTEXTULARIA Cheng & Zheng, 1978



ACCORDIELLA Farinacci, 1962CHRYSALIDINA d'Orbigny, 1839DUKHANIA Henson, 1948PFENDERICONUS Hottinger & Drobne, 1980PRAECHRYSALIDINA Luperto Sinni, 1979PSEUDOCHRYSALIDINA Cole, 1941VACUOVALVULINA Hofker, 1966

PARAVALVULINIDAE Banner, Simmons & Whittaker, 199195

PARAVALVULININAE Banner, Simmons &Whittaker, 1991INDOMARSSONELLA Mandwal & Singh, 1993KILIANINA Pfender, 193396

PARAVALVULINA Septfontaine, 1988PSEUDOMARSSONELLA Redmond, 1965REDMONDOIDES Banner, Simmons & Whittaker, 1991RIYADHOIDES Banner, Simmons & Whittaker, 1991

PSEUDODICTYOPSELLINAE Septfontaine & DeMatos, 1998PSEUDODICTYOPSELLA Septfontaine & De Matos, 1998

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI wish to thank my wife Danuta for convincing me totake a summer beach holiday in France, during whichthe initial version of this manuscript was compiled. Ialso thank Marialsira González (PDVSA) for giving meher MS WORD file with the original Loeblich & Tappan(1987) classification. The new classification adoptedherein benefitted greatly from discussions with ValeriaMikhalevich, John Whittaker, and other colleagues who

93 Nom.transl. ex Chrysalidinae Neagu, 1968.94 Loeblich & Tappan (1992) did not subdivide the Chrysalidinidae.The families Chrysalidinidae and Paravalvulinidae are based on thereclassification of the chrysalidinids by Banner et al. (1991), whoemended the family and established two subfamilies (here elevated tofamily status). The chrysalidinids include Jurassic protocanaliculateforms (Paravalvulininae) that have very little in common with theTextulariacea, and is here only tentatively retained in theTextulariina.95 Nom.transl ex Paravalvulininae. Includes low trochospiral formswith subepidermal vertical partitions (Pseudodictyopsellinae).96 Placed in the Valvulininae by Septfontaine (1988). Loeblich &Tappan (1992) excluded the Jurassic noncanuliculate forms from thisgroup.

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254 Michael A. Kaminski

attended the IWAF-6 in Prague, and from an ad-hocworkshop with Valeria Mikhalevich and TheodorNeagu held in Bucharest in May, 2002. Theodor Neagukindly provided the description of Scythiolininae.Funding for this project is provided by the KLFR. I amgrateful to Theodor Neagu, Valeria Mikhalevich,Roberto Rettori, and John Whittaker for reviewing themanuscript. This is contribution nr. 68 of the Deep-WaterAgglutinated Foraminiferal Project.

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