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k 1 THE WOLF POINT HERALD Î He entered and emerged with hla Rôhbté,lltire' RdhEirf" , face cleared to a smile. **•*»»» ! Stl Ml yllT"'" , '"e •*» «W. * >"« rising «r . you? i Juices of life, Spartan emerges shame- ; Laying there laughin' In his sleep facedly from her long and sullen wln- , and his little yellow curls just like! ter. Roads with thf i : . l?. there on' >ne" I tten> soften «na smooth * ° JJ?* rlsbt drlln«- 1«™ - Ü he named. Asleep and ! J* .,...... .- ***^*^7SZ£Z I cool as a cucumber.He sank into a and wo . pring leaning learned on choo-choo. When big man [ chair, breathing rapidly and regarding burner in newspapers" Along [he raü- ""Tde'eT ß°bbie Sa>? Da-'vhat7' road tracks the milkweed takes heart. Yes, The glaziers wife, with her hair | Then i cropped short, puts out her famous crocus bed, a double IMMI j this. See ! love-pat.Hi' lay back in her up against her cheek, stroking it. Moni-mle !Now give mommy Frencn SERVICES 8 AT THE CHURCHES * mommy 1 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Church with a Program Robert H. Allen, Minister 10:00 A. M.Sunday school. 11:00 A. M.Morning worship. yes. darling, and then whatî tÎ:°° u' E,Vening worship-. ! what?This church invites you to worship Da-dee !with us at these services, row of them Yes, da-dee. Giddywhat?" I The eveninS service will be the the nfehln a e Walk ^ arOUnd t0 i Da-dee ! Giddy-app ! Da-dee giddy- bafCalaU,'eate exercises and will be Just call me or Beasley, they! ® kltchen door- app!held in the high school auditorium.! dont mean anything. You mustnt get ' °'le SUCh day' when the sun laY Around the side yard, his big tread The Bibie StudY Class will meet excited. Mr. Foddie, the way your a!!™!«. °the hackand the wini clUD1I'ing on the plank walk, came at the churcb following the bacca- beart can act up.j , s u/ I-ntau, newly fluug, sucked Steven Kineady, and she rose to his iaureateexercises. He was intent on watching her pin ! n8?am.tb ^atefu|Jy into their ; approach, moving toward the frame ol shut the slit in the teepee, the sleeves [T/T mtenors- Annie Kineady, with the door. LUTHERAN CHURCH fallen back from her arras, her head sidnT/TT nTT^f dfwn, rbe one At flrst Khinpse he paused on the Sunday morning services at eleven thrown up so that her throat swelled a blJJT J *h® sleepIng bundle of outside- blinking to verify the sight, oclock. and the print crepe flowing about her bv Lr fd d aroand the ankles and strode In, gathering her. Sunday school at ten oclock t-taïüÂ1sunl,y a,le"noon' Mayi From his window the telegrapher I Stevie.raised up and regarded her under his eyeshade. Hel-lo, Annie,he said, with great j rising inflection. Hello, Joe.BRUNT « g arras, small hand Professional Cards i fl i ■tf ( < « i Mr. Foddie, youre letting yourself j get all excited over nothing.IIm all right.You mustnt let H. A. SCHOENING Attorney-at-Law WOLF POINT, MONTANA I, yourself get worked up when lie gets these little spells. < : By MARRON & POOR i » FANNIE HURST si Attorneys at Law Practice in All Courts rwi Copyright, 1320, by The Wheeler Syndicate, Ina Within' her room, dark except where a slit of the weak light showed beneath the door, Annie Ki- neady lay on her cot, her feet to the King Kuality shoe factory and her head to the wall, one arm flung up across her eyes, courting sleep and counting sheep, whole slaughter houses of them, as they slanted bleat- ing down the chutes at Spartan Junc- WOLF POINT, MONTANA as a pocket “There, now !You bet it acts up when around, Miss Annie, crazy.Keep his head low now, Mr. Fod- 1 die, but not tooYon just bet It acts up. you great I big white-skinned, fire-headedNow Ive stood about as much of ; CHARLES GORDON Attorney at Law WOLF POINT, MONTANA youre j It acts up like ! Rev. O. A. Johnson. i, His face was so close to hers, read- ing down into it so clearly, so silently and so long, that at their feet j child fell to tugging and pulling. Da-dee, giddy-app ! dee !CATHOLIC CHURCH j Services will be held at the Catho- ; tlle , lie church every Sunday. Low mass j at 7:00 a. m., high mass at 10:00: Father Benedict, pastor. J. C. DeWANE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Full X-Ray Equipment Eye Glasses Fitted Office upstairs, old First State Bank building tloa Into miles of side-tracked box- cara. Giddy-app, Da- that line of talk from yon as Im go- I lug to. If this morning wasnt enough to learn you thatI _ _ Whats wrong about just tellinI ?? , e te,escope and lurching the child higher on her shoulder. 1 struck out up the railroad track, down (By an Unknown, with apopogies to I a footpath running parallel with the sheep chutes, past two blocks of the "Yes, and if you want to listen to j X'Shaped houses and diagonally Tell me not in mournful numbers ! TO RAISE $10,000 FOR POOL what I got to tell you about that great 1 C5?SS ® street of a third. j Advertising is a dream big, beautiful, red head of yours and . er gate creaked, but the garden i For the business man who slumber« them great big, flve-dollar-gold-piece j ^ °f Ha* chance W skim the " j smootn jet from the spade on edge and ; T j. . ready for seed. Within that kitchen I ^ 18 real.! Llfe is earnest!. I the table lay littered from a single j Competition something fierce; j breakfast, a cup and a saucer and eggy | ** d0r dividends thou yearnest, plate piled together and beside them a Cearn the parry, thrust and tierce. thesound ofcroup. I Why,sweetness, Iwouldnt hurten?! breadt0rnnot cut I the business field of battle, Then the drag of soft shoesacross one ofthem hairs inyour head, girl, ,, utaerwise little change, except that ; Mollycoddles have no place; carpet and indications of an object or not for nothing in the world,j ,ler,10vv Gns over the indoor cistern i n°t like dumb driven cattle, two placed down. Finally quiet so ; You bet your life you wouldnt.i m tarnished and a wreath of red | Be a live one in the lasting that after a time she crept j Should say I wouldnt !j PeE bad r°lted from their string. ! Lives of great men all remind down to her pillow once more, but not She could see him advancing through .. k g back tears that would rise, We brin th b b retaea - w - - “•1 is,: I ä r j -»■'Ä '■ Lying there taut for sound, when it ! Why, I wouldnt hurt one of the j S '" corner beside a basket of S °n an° GI S. 1 °medid come, and In spite of herself, she hairs on your head girl, not for two 1 Vefetables( , en be Up an(T doinP. In the matter of the estate of Sam sprang trembling to her feet, drag- worlds.He paused, dangling the ^Lab ,WaSblng the s,na11 litter h& d°neuel A Hume deceased ging a swirl of sheet with her; and, waist cords. “Cant a fellow, just to dishf& and relaying the table, this st-i achieving, still pursuing, v .• . J , . when an abysmal gasp seemed to have ; prove to you how much he thinks of a .Whlte frin*ed c,t>tb 1- Advertise and get the mon.® no end, thrust her feet into knitted ' you. have one little-- ,neled frol)t rooiu atld ««e dishes j °f1Sal!,?f , ho slippers and, wrapped in a kimono of! You can nht »She .ried to nass lald out in form- The stove, too clogged ! TESTING FOR TUBERCULOSIS a;°'eQ co«rt made on the >th day large-figured cotton crepe, sloughed | him with a flashing movement but at draWsraoked out of eveiy flue, and, I The T. R. testing begins May 15 at *fay> 19- ln the matter of the shivering, through the gloom of the I the sight of her scuttling from him in °Vf the face of tbp ,chiid, j Wide Awake community at which tate f S.amuf1 ^ Hule- deceased, hall ; rapped in three staccatos at the ; low detour, he reached out grasping I Î , ' fSfle stafgertd out beneath the place the veterinary have been de- ^ undersigned administrator of the door adjoining, her whisper breaking the edge of her sleeve. I °5 *t';vo «sh-pans to a dump at the ! tailed to carry on the work. They es"atewl]l soli at Private sale, in out-into voice. I Anniei , ?f tbe yardthe "bite dust en- will advance from there to Pershin^ °ne Paree! to tbe highest bidder, upon 1 vel°PinS her. Piety Hill, Divide and on east thro-1 the f13 and conditions hereinafter ugh the county. Livestock project entloned- and subject to the con- leaders in each of the communities I rmadlon ®ald District Court, will have direction of the work and °n a^ter Die 5th day of June, 1922, will be responsible for all farmers in ! 1 the rlghttltle and interest and j i garden the community where testing is de-1 ®s1tate °f the said Samuel A- Hume, m*»-cockth. ä%tteÄft j various roofs^f the Wellînl-ton-llowiiey 1 :uch »» «» livestock man before ! nd, t0 «*• r' Property here- I Wire works, _ »jthe TS NOTICE FOR BIDS j «state, by operation of law or other- j Notice is hereby given that sealed acquired, other than or in ad- j Ii1(/ J bids will be received by the Clerk of | diti°n to that of the said' deceased, (/j)1/ ]/ I School District No. 45 for janitor in at tbe time bis Death, of, in and to that certain lots, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Roosevelt County, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit; The South 94 feet of Lots 18, 19 and 20 in Block 7 in North a. m. Back?1 es,she said, taking fresh grip Dozed finally, and awoke falling through space, the heart of her beat- ing up through the coverlet, rowed her arm beneath her pillow and snuggled down into it. an edge of sleep grew around her, and peratur this time she came out of it to au im- mediate upright position, trembling. Through the wall, deep wheezings of rusty springs and with a gasp between that lasted far too freckles andlong, like the uneasy period when a child holds Its breath in temper, came to Annie Kineady as she sat in the | dark, half emerged from the coverlets 1 here, and quiverin PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH j Morning service, 11:30 Sunday School, 10:00 Evening service, 7:45. A PSALM OF LIFE j a. m. a. m. Then she aBur- If you want to listen to what 1 got to tell you about watching his tem- After a while Longfellow) J. H. QUINN EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER ) Miles City, May 17.A three dayscampaign to raise $10,000 in cash, labor and material for the tion of a municipal swimming pool Î in Riverside park, began Wednesdaj. ; The decision was taken at a meeting held Tuesday evening in the I high school building. as the Will Cry Your Sale and Give Satisfaction A Trial Solicited Leave Dates at The Herald Office cream. construc- Notw !Aw, now, sweetness.You dare to take another step Just you dare to!over mass Dr. Thos. M. Morrow Physician and Surgeon Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted OFFICE Upstairs over the Fad Cloth- ing store Residence at Office WOLF POINT MONTANA NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE race. us In the District Court of the Twen- tieth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of ' Roosevelt. us dark. ss. «881Ä k 1 18188888 g J. R. BURGESS g « s Dentist g n Flynn Building, ovei; The Fad g Clothing Store Mr. Foddie open please Mr. Foddie.“No, you dont!And with a jerk ; and a tear was free of him, darling ! The door swung back to reveal him ! Die rooms width to the mirror and in tlie flannel dressing-gown, peering low toward the door, and quavering, and the hot medicinal : Taken so suddenly that his fingers g g At five oclock the sun got low and with her fire bellowing and the window curtains pinned back, the strong smells I of strong foods g Wolf Point Montana g iiimmsii g g g g un ________ =j m ^ ^ U.WUUUU __ -_____ K.V.V.V.CU.J lmi illo UI1 eia rose off the stove, smell of creosote pouring around him. relaxed like wax, Mr. Foddie stood for °U' 1,t0 ,he fiesldy turued si,le I was just coming for you, Miss a blinded instant, then cast the length ! of his body across the table top, j : for the flying hem of her ' , sleeve as it slipped him. j Annie-=-come backgirl.Reached | ! farther, dragging the table cover, and j with it the lamp until it tipped into j burst of flame. ! -A. geyser of fire shot up Immediate- i He dragged the door wide, j !y1,lacbening the white ceiling, its his face standing out whitely. : COL. E. S. SUMMY AUCTIONEER 4 Annie. Helittle fellows bad.Mr. Foddie, Mr. Foddie, he oughtnt ; reaching to cougli like that with the lamp burn- ing. Did you fix the tent to confine the fumes?I will cry your sale and get the monejout of your property. MY CHARGE IS 2% arrangement Come in, Miss Annie, sake, do something, poor little fellow so hard up for breath.a For Gods s j Leave dates at The Herald of- i fice. Address Wolf Point, Mont. I I never seen the / 11 i each school located in the City of Wolf Piont. The bids to be figured on a ten monthsbasis for the ensu- ing-year. State experience and type I of work if to include electrical and j plumbing repair work. I Bids to be filed not later than 5 oclock, May 26, 1922. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the School Board. ' I * 7 O w 'v TTllilV veiling^ I to ; reflection leaping at Annie Kineady j She was in and past him, and to I plough the tip-tilted mirror like a I the small crib, an open umbrella hung 1 °ngSw ft tongue. For â moment she 1 fantastically above it and a sheet de- I bi,U8edgn£*Ped in fear. then hurled pending, tent-fashion. Beside it a dull 1 back and at Ulamp ^burned into the gloom, its hot I antiseptic fumes rising. “The lamp, Mr. Fodder! It can be j held inside for a while.And I -sassasr:; t!\ ITS ECONOMY TO REPAIR Bring Your SHOE TROUBLES ! Stand hack off that crib! Standi ; back ! Standhack ! The crib !And ; with her bodj-s weight flung against j it, reached out, dragging it across the j _ grasping it like a torch, she1 the rent swinging and! _ Parted the tent curtains and plunged -1 thL ? "imnperlng- in to her waist. r V°w! Now- Jou, Mr. Foddie.: Outside in the gloom of one twitch- | ad n-bt. ing gas-jet Mr. Foddie paced a short j T.,SJ ' . stretch of floor, hands behind him and S list beating into palm. “Miss Annie, if you think its a doc- tor lie needs, the poor littleHand me a spoon there.He inserted it, trembling. Is lieHand me another blanket.Here;E * Wolf Point, an addition to the Townsite of Wolf Point, Roose- I velt County, State of Montana, i Terms and condition of sale : Cash V. A. Lovell, Clerk. ! g°M c0*n °f the United States ; __________ _ i ten per cent of the purchase price | The clever parody, To My Wash-1 be pa*d to the said administrator j board,used in the electrical adver-! at the time of the sale; balance upon | tisement of the Listerud Power Com- j confirmation of sale by said Court j ! pany, waswritten by Mrs. W. V. D. anci the delivery of a conveyance. __________________ I Chapmanwho has marked talent fot- Abstract of title, if required, to be iimimmmilnillimimilimimmnimill ^ I poetry. furnished at the expense of the bid- ; der. All bids or offers must be in i my 11 hZ To Us 12-2t % S3 (A Stitch in Time Saves Nine) Easy ! Quit waving. / For Gods sake quit waving ! i Eas.v.With lier hands and 9 fy/ Wentz Repair Shop 7%Tk an afghan j dragged off the couch she heat at him, TgfM dealing out a series of quick blows .'lL I across ids shoulders, and with the IS loose ends spanking out the last sparks on his singed collar and down the flannel front of his robe. Yaint touched, Mr. Foddie. Was Nothings See? Was up. Yaint I down. Dont - faint ! ; vwriting and may be left at the office Ell [\J ^ I I E of H. A. Schoening, attorney for E Ä Ä JL v k*rMÆ \JA. 5 said administrator, in the City of s Tends to Cleanliness and Comfort of j Wolf Point, Roosevelt County, Mon- s Animals and Saves Much of Fer- tilizing Elements. HEAVY BEDDING IS FAVORED J SmZ. just the flannel singed, burnt but tlie tablecloth, just the flannel flared touched. Sit All Kinds of Sheet Metal ^^ork. The hot water kettle.Here. Miss AnnieShh-h-h-h !I tana, or may be delivered to said ! administrator personally, in said City ! of Wolf Point, Montana, or may be I filed in the office of the clerk and j before the making of the sale. Dated this 13th day of May, 1922. G. P. LAMBERTON. The Small stranglings receded finally ceased, and her •through the sheet filtered and relaxed. Salright, Sle-ep. ba-bee. and REPAIR WORK Walt.There are several good reasons for I bedding .stock heavily in the winter, j I The comfort of the animals and the I over, that « stung, she knelt beside the low cleanl»ness ; the Mr. Foddie was sitting upright in his rocker, shaking the small figure there fprtiiizing element.« chair, quite as she had shoved him,; Robbie! Baby! Wake up, snooky- Vhe fGPt from f,ie troubles resulting A- Schoening, but with a pallor that caused her to urns! So long mommys darling been ft°m feitber "et manure under foot or j Wolf Point, Mont. j asleep! Wake up, Robbie darling.tbe ,1ard ««'icrete floors where this ! Attorney for Administrator. Ihe child came out of sleep, smiling and gouging his small fists into his ! eye-sockets. un- voice came When Annie Kineady returned with ; the pitcher, her own hands trembling so that the water lopped out and Wednesday and Saturday Special Days for Doing ' Repairing Wake Up, Snooky-Ums! are baby. Sal right now. Go to sle-e-p, my ba-beeGo to sleep, my ba-bee. Tra- Ja-la la la ! M-m-m-m-m.When she emerged from the slit in the teepee, lamp upheld, the face of I Cry out : her was in high luster, like Tiepolos Rea®,e>! Mr- Cleopatra. Light slid down over her Fodd»D Oh, my God ! Beasley!milky arms, with the sleeves falling . -ften Mrs- Beasley, her yellow mus- back from them, and upon her hair, a Î!n n'ghtgotw° clutched at her thin Robbie, darling, wake un so mom- plait of it flowing over each shoulder. ! throat rushed into tlie scorched air my can fix babys new lace collar nice Hes all right, Mr. Foddie. You 7 7* Z™8 dlm Iine of ta,lo^i <>" straight. Wake up. mommy" dar! just didnt have his little head low faf,Pd Jodger® calpeering after. ling.She lifted him to the bed of her Beasley, for Gods sake, Beasley ! | arms, burrowing a kiss down unoii The lamp! Nobody burnt, hut look at him. P°D My God. Miss Annie, I was afraid blmBeasley, howhow he sits there ; hed choke. Poor little fellow just j Clumpied ! Not burnt, Beasley, butja ! looked like hed never get his next I l,,Ut bow be sits there! Oh, my God, j breath. Poor little fellow!1 Beasley, look at him! Now, now, Mr. Foddie,-you sit right | bl tbe Sloom of the single jet, shud-! down there. Youre as white as a Jerlnglj, but as one who has learned ghost yourself. They dont amount to I that tbe lodgers first autopsy falls too nothing, Mr. Foddie, these spells of ( oflen to landladies, Mrs. Beasley croup with kids if you know how to ! ,eahed forward, her ear to the singed handle them. Honest, you men are dannel robe, the greatest ones for losing your heads . “God Almighty, right away and going ail to pieces. g*ve out Why—why, with my little boy his dad- doctor- dy just used to go ail to pieces if bls "ife before him. he only stubbed his toe. Honest, you | paid Jike clock-work, men !saving of valuable j 3 : and protection of I 13-3t i E. A. Sund material is used. Foddie ! Beasley ! ---------------------------- NOTICE FOR BIDS = CELERY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Notice is hereby given that sealed j ________ ; bids will be received by the clerk of E Satisfactory Way of Serving Tender ! Sehoo! District No. 45 up to 5 oclock E May 26th, 1922, for furnishing lig- îTimillllllllIlllimmillllfllilllllllllllllllîf i nite coal to the various rural schools ) ! in School District No. 45, on a ton Rear of Stennes-McConn Hardware Store on Parts Is in Form of Sand- wichesSalt Lightly. . enough and didnt know how to work the lamp.Underlaker j Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Young children may be given the basis. wake up! Whoop la v0unS :,ud tender parts of celery and The Board reserves the right to re- satisfactory way of serving ject any or all bids. And set him to laughing in the fah rlienl being in the form of sandwiches, setto. hiccoughy fashion of childhood, I or tllis purpose salt lightly and chop 12-2i his short, fair curls bobbing as she or cut tbe «elery into small pieces, tossed him. Snooky-ums Way-upsl< i lettuce, a Whoop !By order of the School Board. V. A. Lovell, Clerk. Then set him down, jerk- ing at the fresh wide collar Tell & j NOTICE OF AN ELECTION To Taxpaying Freeholders: i Notice is hereby given, that an election will be held on 'Wednesday, May 24, 1922, between the hours of 1 and 6 p. in., at the Southside school house for the purpose of de-1 ; terrain ing the following question: Shall the Board of Trustees of I School District No. 45 be authorized r to make a levy of 10 mills taxes in addition to the regular ten mill levy authorized by law for the purpose of maintenance and operation of our j schools?” I mommy now, darling, what mommy learned her baby to say all Die way on choo-choo.. What mv dar- (TMoPHa'ft it was hls heart ling say when big man Snuggs, you run for the puffy cheeks like Poor, poor man, and I knew 'vi Phone and night calls answered promptly Caskets and Supplies on hand A with big puffy- this comes?Choo-choo car'On Mondays he «n0, no, darling, j wbatp become of the chUd^nrt a'S'lck relea^scramWiU/111311^8^1^ f°î 1 or a stone of a relation? God Al- her Tap. S f °m the edge °f mighty, Annie, it was his heart, poor man, itwhat? 'Ai***\ . But poor littli Why, you ought to see him now. j Go take a peek at him for jourself, j sleeping there quiet as a top, with his , obGod,cried Annie Kineady, little wool bear hugged up to him. I- submerged by her rising hysteria Easy now. shh-h-h !I and sinking lier face to lier hands. L.M. Clayton - o, no ! Mommy's, darling stay nglit here till big man comes, and then play horse. Look, big man comes ; see biv man with cheeks puffed out like â rtv Wy Wolf Point. Mont. By Order of the Board, V. A. Lovell, Clerk. 12-2t

THE WOLF POINT j IMMI BRUNT - Library of Congress

Dec 09, 2021



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Page 1: THE WOLF POINT j IMMI BRUNT - Library of Congress




He entered and emerged with hla “Rôhbté,lltire' RdhEirf", face cleared to a smile. **•*»»»! St‘l Ml yllT"'" , '"e •*» «W. * >"« rising

«r . you? i Juices of life, Spartan emerges shame-; Laying there laughin' In his sleep facedly from her long and sullen wln- , and his little yellow curls just like! ter. Roads with thf i : .

l“?. there on' ‘>ne" I tten> soften «na smooth * ” ° JJ?“’* rlsbt d“rlln«- 1«™ -

Ü he named. Asleep and ! J* .—,...... .- ***^*^7SZ£Z

I cool as a cucumber.” He sank into a and wo „ . pring leaning learned on choo-choo. When big man[ chair, breathing rapidly and regarding burner in newspapers" Along [he raü- ""“Tde'eT ß°bbie Sa>’? Da-'vhat7’'

road tracks the milkweed takes heart. “Yes,The glazier’s wife, with her hair | Then

i cropped short, puts out her famous crocus bed, a double

IMMIj this. See ! love-pat.”

Hi' lay back in her up against her cheek, stroking it.

“Moni-mle !”

Now give mommy Frencn


mommy 1 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Church with a Program

Robert H. Allen, Minister 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school.11:00 A. M.—Morning worship.

yes. darling, and then whatî tΑ:°° u' E,Vening worship-. !what?” This church invites you to worship

Da-dee !” with us at these services,row of them “Yes, da-dee. Giddy—what?" I The eveninS service will be the

the nfehln a e Walk ^ arOUnd t0 i “Da-dee ! Giddy-app ! Da-dee giddy- bafCalaU,'eate exercises and will be Just call me or Beasley, they! ® kltchen door- app!” held in the high school auditorium.!

don’t mean anything. You mustn’t get ' °'le SUCh day' when the sun laY Around the side yard, his big tread The Bibie StudY Class will meet excited. Mr. Foddie, the way your a!!™!“«. °“ the hack’ and the win‘i clUD1I'ing on the plank walk, came at the churcb following the bacca- beart can act up.” j , s u/ • I’-ntau, newly fluug, sucked Steven Kineady, and she rose to his iaureate exercises.

He was intent on watching her pin ! n8„ ?am.tb ^atefu|Jy into their ; approach, moving toward the frame olshut the slit in the teepee, the sleeves [T/T mtenors- Annie Kineady, with the door. LUTHERAN CHURCHfallen back from her arras, her head sid„ nT/TT nTT^f dfwn, rbe one At flrst Khinpse he paused on the Sunday morning services at eleventhrown up so that her throat swelled a blJJT “J *h® sleepIng bundle of outside- blinking to verify the sight, o’clock.and the print crepe flowing about her bv Lr fd d aroand the ankles and strode In, gathering her. Sunday school at ten o’clock

t-taïüÂ1s“unl,y a,le"noon'Mayi

From his window the telegrapher I Stevie.“ raised up and regarded her under his eyeshade.

“Hel-lo, Annie,” he said, with great j rising inflection.

“Hello, Joe.”

BRUNT « garras, small hand Professional



fl i■tf



«i“Mr. Foddie, you’re letting yourself

j get all excited over nothing.”“I—I’m all right.”“You mustn’t let

H. A. SCHOENINGAttorney-at-Law


yourself getworked up when lie gets these little spells.<


FANNIE HURSTsi Attorneys at LawPractice in All Courtsrwi

Copyright, 1320, by The Wheeler Syndicate, Ina

Within' her room, dark except where a slit of the weak light showed beneath the door, Annie Ki­neady lay on her cot, her feet to the King Kuality shoe factory and her head to the wall, one arm flung up across her eyes, courting sleep and counting sheep, whole slaughter houses of them, as they slanted bleat­ing down the chutes at Spartan Junc-


as a pocket

“There, now !”“You bet it acts up when

around, Miss Annie, crazy.”

“Keep his head low now, Mr. Fod- 1 die, but not too—”

“Yon just bet It acts up. you great I big white-skinned, fire-headed—”

“Now I’ve stood about as much of ;



you’re j It acts up like !

Rev. O. A. Johnson.i,

His face was so close to hers, read­ing down into it so clearly, so silently and so long, that at their feet

j child fell to tugging and pulling. “Da-dee, giddy-app !

dee !”

CATHOLIC CHURCHj Services will be held at the Catho- ;

tlle , lie church every Sunday. Low mass j at 7:00 a. m., high mass at 10:00:

Father Benedict, pastor.


Full X-Ray Equipment

Eye Glasses Fitted

Office upstairs, old First State Bank building

tloa Into miles of side-tracked box- cara.

Giddy-app, Da-that line of talk from yon as I’m go- Ilug to. If this morning wasn’t enoughto learn you that—” I _ _

“What’s wrong about just tellin’ I ?? , e te,escope and lurching the childhigher on her shoulder. 1 ‘struck out up the railroad track, down (By an Unknown, with apopogies to I a footpath running parallel with the sheep chutes, past two blocks of the

"Yes, and if you want to listen to j ^°X'Shaped houses and diagonally Tell me not in mournful numbers ! TO RAISE $10,000 FOR POOL what I got to tell you about that great 1 C5?SS ® street of a third. j Advertising is a dreambig, beautiful, red head of yours and . er gate creaked, but the garden i For the business man who slumber« them great big, flve-dollar-gold-piece j ^ °f Ha* chance W skim the "

j smootn jet from the spade on edge and ; T j. .ready for seed. Within that kitchen I ^ 18 real.! Llfe is earnest!.

I the table lay littered from a single j Competition something fierce;j breakfast, a cup and a saucer and eggy | ** d0r dividends thou yearnest, plate piled together and beside them a Cearn the parry, thrust and tierce.

the sound of croup. I “Why, sweetness, I wouldn’t hurten?! bread’ t0rn’ not cut I the business field of battle,Then the drag of soft shoes across one of them hairs in your head, girl, ,, utaerwise little change, except that ; Mollycoddles have no place;

carpet and indications of an object or ■ not for nothing in the world,” j ,ler,10vv Gns over the indoor cistern i n°t like dumb driven cattle,two placed down. Finally quiet so ; “You bet your life you wouldn’t.” i m tarnished and a wreath of red | Be a live one in thelasting that after a time she crept j “Should say I wouldn’t !” j PeE bad r°lted from their string. ! Lives of great men all reminddown to her pillow once more, but not She could see him advancing through .. k ‘ g back tears that would rise, We brin th b bretaea - “■ w - - “•1 is,: I ä r j -»■'Ä '■

Lying there taut for sound, when it ! “Why, I wouldn’t hurt one of the j S '" “ corner beside a basket of S °n an° GI S. 1 °me‘did come, and In spite of herself, she hairs on your head girl, not for two 1 Vefetables’ ( , en be Up an(T doinP. In the matter of the estate of Samsprang trembling to her feet, drag- worlds.” He paused, dangling the ’^Lab ,WaSblng the s,na11 litter h& d°ne’ uel A Hume deceasedging a swirl of sheet with her; and, waist cords. “Can’t a fellow, just to dishf& and relaying the table, this st-i achieving, still pursuing, v .• . J , ‘ ‘ .when an abysmal gasp seemed to have ; prove to you how much he thinks of a .Whlte frin*ed c,t>tb S«1’- Advertise and get the “mon.” ®no end, thrust her feet into knitted ' you. have one little-” - ,neled frol)t rooiu atld ««e dishes j °f1Sal!,?f , hoslippers and, wrapped in a kimono of! “You can nht »” She .ried to nass lald out in form- The stove, too clogged ! TESTING FOR TUBERCULOSIS a;°'eQ co«rt made on the >th day large-figured cotton crepe, sloughed | him with a flashing movement but at !° draW’ sraoked out of eveiy flue, and, I The T. R. testing begins May 15 at *fay> 19“- ln the matter of the

shivering, through the gloom of the I the sight of her scuttling from him in °Vf the face of tbp ,chiid, j Wide Awake community at which “tate f S.amuf1 ^ Hul”e- deceased,hall ; rapped in three staccatos at the ; low detour, he reached out grasping I Î , ' fSfle stafgert‘d out beneath the place the veterinary have been de- ^ undersigned administrator of the door adjoining, her whisper breaking the edge of her sleeve. ’ I °5 *t';vo «sh-pans to a dump at the ! tailed to carry on the work. They es"ate’ wl]l soli at Private sale, inout-into voice. I “Annie—” i , ?f tbe yard’ the "bite dust en- will advance from there to Pershin^ °ne Paree! to tbe highest bidder, upon

1 vel°PinS her. Piety Hill, Divide and on east thro-1 the ‘f1™3 and conditions hereinafterugh the county. Livestock project ™entloned- and subject to the con- leaders in each of the communities I ‘‘rmadlon ®ald District Court, will have direction of the work and °n a^ter Die 5th day of June, 1922, will be responsible for all farmers in ! 1 the rlght’ tltle and interest and j

i garden the community where testing is de-1 ®s1tate °f the said Samuel A- Hume’, m*»-cockth.ä%tteÄft

j various roofs^f the Wellînl-ton-llowiiey 1 ’:uch »» «» livestock man before ! “nd, t0 «*• r“' Property here-

I Wire works, _ »— jthe TS

NOTICE FOR BIDS j «state, by operation of law or other- jNotice is hereby given that sealed acquired, other than or in ad- j

Ii1(/ J bids will be received by the Clerk of | diti°n to that of the said' deceased, (/j)1/ ]/ I School District No. 45 for janitor in at tbe time bis Death, of, in and

to that certain lots, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Roosevelt County, State of Montana, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit;

The South 94 feet of Lots 18,19 and 20 in Block 7 in North

a. m.“Back?”1 es,” she said, taking fresh gripDozed finally, and awoke falling

through space, the heart of her beat­ing up through the coverlet, rowed her arm beneath her pillow and snuggled down into edge of sleep grew around her, and peratur this time she came out of it to au im­mediate upright position, trembling.

Through the wall, deep wheezings of rusty springs and with a gasp between that lasted far too freckles and— long, like the uneasy period when a child holds Its breath in temper, came to Annie Kineady as she sat in the | dark, half emerged from the coverlets 1 here, and quiverin

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHj Morning service, 11:30

Sunday School, 10:00Evening service, 7:45.


a. m.Then shea—”Bur-

If you want to listen to what 1 got to tell you about watching his tem-After a while Longfellow)



Miles City, May 17.—A three days’ campaign to raise $10,000 in cash, labor and material for the tion of a municipal swimming pool Î in Riverside park, began Wednesdaj’. ; The decision was taken at a meeting held Tuesday evening in the I high school building.

as theWill Cry Your Sale and Give


A Trial Solicited

Leave Dates at The Herald Office


“Notw !”“Aw, now, sweetness.”“You dare to take another step

Just you dare to!”over mass

Dr. Thos. M. Morrow Physician and

SurgeonEyes Tested and

Glasses Fitted

OFFICEUpstairs over the Fad Cloth­

ing store

Residence at Office



usIn the District Court of the Twen­

tieth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of ' Roosevelt.



«881Ä k 1 18188888 gJ. R. BURGESSg «

s Dentist gn Flynn Building, ovei; The Fad g

Clothing Store“Mr. Foddie — open — please — Mr. Foddie.”

“No, you don’t!” And with a jerk ; and a tear was free of him, darling !

The door swung back to reveal him ! Die room’s width to the mirror and in tlie flannel dressing-gown, peering low toward the door, and quavering, and the hot medicinal : Taken so suddenly that his fingers

g gAt five o’clock the sun got low and with her fire bellowing and the window curtains pinned back, the strong smells

I of strong foods

g Wolf Point Montana giiimmsii g g g gun

________ =j m ^ ^ U.WUUUU __-_____ K.V.V.V.CU.J lmi illo UI1 eia rose off the stove,smell of creosote pouring around him. relaxed like wax, Mr. Foddie stood for °U' ’1,t0 ,he fiesldy turued si,le

“I was just coming for you, Miss a blinded instant, then cast the length! of his body across the table top, j

: for the flying hem of her ', sleeve as it slipped him. j “Annie-=-come back—girl.” Reached |! farther, dragging the table cover, and j with it the lamp until it tipped into

j burst of flame.! -A. geyser of fire shot up Immediate- i

He dragged the door wide, j !y’„ 1,lacbening the white ceiling, its his face standing out whitely. :

COL. E. S. SUMMYAUCTIONEER4 Annie. He—little fellow’s bad.”

‘Mr. Foddie, Mr. Foddie, he oughtn’t ; reaching to cougli like that with the lamp burn­ing. Did you fix the tent to confine the fumes?”

I will cry your sale and get the monej’ out of your property.

MY CHARGE IS 2%arrangement

“Come in, Miss Annie, sake, do something, poor little fellow so hard up for breath.”

aFor God’s s j Leave dates at The Herald of- i fice. Address Wolf Point, Mont.

II never seen the / 11

i each school located in the City of Wolf Piont. The bids to be figured on a ten months’ basis for the ensu­

ing-year. State experience and type I of work if to include electrical and j plumbing repair work.I Bids to be filed not later than 5 o’clock, May 26, 1922.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

By Order of the School Board.

'I* 7 O w 'v TTllilV veiling^ I to ;

reflection leaping at Annie Kineady j She was in and past him, and to I plough the tip-tilted mirror like a I

the small crib, an open umbrella hung 1 °ng’ Sw ft tongue. For â moment she 1 fantastically above it and a sheet de- I bi,U8ed’ gn£*Ped in fear. then hurled pending, tent-fashion. Beside it a dull 1 back and at U’

lamp ^burned into the gloom, its hot I antiseptic fumes rising.

“The lamp, Mr. Fodder! It can be j held inside for a while.”






! “Stand hack off that crib! Standi ; back ! Stand—hack ! The crib !” And ; with her bodj-’s weight flung against j

it, reached out, dragging it across the j _ grasping it like a torch, she1 the rent swinging and! _

Parted the tent curtains and plunged -1 thL ? "imnperlng- in to her waist. r V°w! Now- J’ou, Mr. Foddie.:

Outside in the gloom of one twitch- | ad gas-jet Mr. Foddie paced a short j T.,SJ ' . stretch of floor, hands behind him and S list beating into palm.

“Miss Annie, if you think it’s a doc­tor lie needs, the poor little—”

“Hand me a spoon there.”He inserted it, trembling.“Is lie—”“Hand me another blanket.”“Here;”

E * Wolf Point, an addition to the Townsite of Wolf Point, Roose-

I velt County, State of Montana, i Terms and condition of sale : Cash

V. A. Lovell, Clerk. ! g°M c0*n °f the United States ;__________ _ i ten per cent of the purchase price |

The clever parody, “To My Wash-1 be pa*d to the said administrator j board,” used in the electrical adver-! at the time of the sale; balance upon | tisement of the Listerud Power Com- j confirmation of sale by said Court j

! pany, was written by Mrs. W. V. D. anci the delivery of a conveyance. __________________I Chapman who has marked talent fot- ■ Abstract of title, if required, to be iimimmmilnillimimilimimmnimill

^ I poetry. furnished at the expense of the bid-; der. All bids or offers must be in i


hZ To Us12-2t%S3 (A Stitch in Time Saves Nine)Easy ! Quit waving. /

For God’s sake quit waving ! i Eas.v.”

With lier hands and9fy/

Wentz Repair Shop7%Tkan afghan

j dragged off the couch she heat at him, TgfMdealing out a series of quick blows .'lL

I across ids shoulders, and with the IS loose ends spanking out the last sparks on his singed collar and down the flannel front of his robe.

“Y’ ain’t touched, Mr. Foddie. Was Nothing’s

See? Was up. Y’ ain’t I

down. Don’t - faint !

; v”

writing and may be left at the office Ell [\J ^ I I Eof H. A. Schoening, attorney for E Ä Ä JL v k*rMÆ \JA. 5said administrator, in the City of s

Tends to Cleanliness and Comfort of j Wolf Point, Roosevelt County, Mon- sAnimals and Saves Much of Fer­

tilizing Elements.


SmZ.just the flannel singed, burnt but tlie tablecloth, just the flannel flared touched. Sit

All Kinds of Sheet Metal ^^ork.“The hot water kettle.’ “Here. Miss Annie—” “Shh-h-h-h !”

I tana, or may be delivered to said ! administrator personally, in said City ! of Wolf Point, Montana, or may be I filed in the office of the clerk and j before the making of the sale.

Dated this 13th day of May, 1922.G. P. LAMBERTON.

The Small stranglings receded finally ceased, and her •through the sheet filtered and relaxed.

“ ’Salright,Sle-ep. ba-bee.

and REPAIR WORKWalt.’ There are several good reasons for I bedding .stock heavily in the winter, j I The comfort of the animals and the I

over, that « stung, she knelt beside the low cleanl»ness ; the Mr. Foddie was sitting upright in his rocker, shaking the small figure there fprtiiizing element.«chair, quite as she had shoved him,; “Robbie! Baby! Wake up, snooky- Vhe fGPt from f,ie troubles resulting A- Schoening, but with a pallor that caused her to urns! So long mommy’s darling been ft°m feitber "et manure under foot or j Wolf Point, Mont.

j asleep! Wake up, Robbie darling.” tbe ,1ard ««'icrete floors where this ! Attorney for Administrator.Ihe child came out of sleep, smiling

and gouging his small fists into his ! eye-sockets.

un­voice came

When Annie Kineady returned with ; the pitcher, her own hands trembling

so that the water lopped out and

Wednesday and Saturday Special Days for Doing

' Repairing

“Wake Up, Snooky-Ums! arebaby. ’Sal right now.

Go to sle-e-p, my ba-bee—Go to sleep, my ba-bee. Tra-

Ja-la la la ! M-m-m-m-m.”When she emerged from the slit in

the teepee, lamp upheld, the face of I Cry out : her was in high luster, like Tiepolo’s Rea®,e>’! Mr- Cleopatra. Light slid down over her Fodd»D Oh, my God ! Beasley!” milky arms, with the sleeves falling . -ften Mrs- Beasley, her yellow mus-back from them, and upon her hair, a Î!n n'ghtgotw° clutched at her thin “Robbie, darling, wake un so mom- plait of it flowing over each shoulder. ! throat rushed into tlie scorched air my can fix baby’s new lace collar nice

“He’s all right, Mr. Foddie. You 7 7* Z™’ 8 dlm Iine of ta,lo^i <>" straight. Wake up. mommy" dar! just didn’t have his little head low faf,Pd Jodger® cal^° peering after. ling.” She lifted him to the bed of her

Beasley, for God’s sake, Beasley ! | arms, burrowing a kiss down unoii The lamp! Nobody burnt, hut look at him. P°D

“My God. Miss Annie, I was afraid blm’ Beasley, how—how he sits there ; he’d choke. Poor little fellow just j Clumpied ! Not burnt, Beasley, but— ja ! looked like he’d never get his next I l,,Ut bow be sits there! Oh, my God, j breath. Poor little fellow!” 1 Beasley, look at him!

“Now, now, Mr. Foddie,-you sit right | bl tbe Sloom of the single jet, shud-! down there. You’re as white as a Jerlnglj’, but as one who has learned ghost yourself. They don’t amount to I that tbe lodger’s first autopsy falls too nothing, Mr. Foddie, these spells of ( oflen to landladies, Mrs. Beasley croup with kids if you know how to ! ,eahed forward, her ear to the singed handle them. Honest, you men are dannel robe, the greatest ones for losing your heads . “God Almighty, right away and going ail to pieces. g*ve out •Why—why, with my little boy his dad- doctor- dy just used to go ail to pieces if bls "ife before him. he only stubbed his toe. Honest, you | paid Jike clock-work, men !”

saving of valuable j 3 : and protection of I

13-3t i

E. A. Sundmaterial is used.Foddie ! Beasley !---------------------------- NOTICE FOR BIDS =

CELERY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Notice is hereby given that sealed j________ ; bids will be received by the clerk of E

Satisfactory Way of Serving Tender ! Sehoo! District No. 45 up to 5 o’clock EMay 26th, 1922, for furnishing lig- îTimillllllllIlllimmillllfllilllllllllllllllîf

i nite coal to the various rural schools )

! in School District No. 45, on a ton

Rear of Stennes-McConn Hardware Store


Parts Is in Form of Sand­wiches—Salt Lightly. .enough and didn’t know how to work

the lamp.” Underlaker jLicensed Embalmer and Funeral Director

Young children may be given the basis.wake up! Whoop la v0unS :,ud tender parts of celery and The Board reserves the right to re-

satisfactory way of serving ject any or all bids.And set him to laughing in the fah rlienl being in the form of sandwiches,

setto. hiccoughy fashion of childhood, I or tllis purpose salt lightly and chop 12-2i his short, fair curls bobbing as she or cut tbe «elery into small pieces, tossed him.

“Snooky-umsWay-upsl< i lettuce, aWhoop !”

By order of the School Board.V. A. Lovell, Clerk.

Then set him down, jerk­ing at the fresh wide collar


& j NOTICE OF AN ELECTIONTo Taxpaying Freeholders:

i Notice is hereby given, that an election will be held on 'Wednesday, May 24, 1922, between the hours of 1 and 6 p. in., at the Southside school house for the purpose of de-1

; terrain ing the following question:“Shall the Board of Trustees of

I School District No. 45 be authorized r to make a levy of 10 mills taxes in

addition to the regular ten mill levy authorized by law for the purpose of maintenance and operation of our

j schools?” I

mommy now, darling, what mommy learned her baby to say all Die way on choo-choo.. What mv dar- (TMoPHa'ft

it was hls heart ling say when big man Snuggs, you run for the puffy cheeks like

Poor, poor man, and I knew


Phone and night calls answered promptly

Caskets and Supplies on hand

A ■with big puffy- this comes?”

“Choo-choo car'”On Mondays he ‘«n0, no, darling,

j wbat’p become of the chUd^nrt a'S'lck relea^scramWiU“/111311^8^1^ f°î

1 or a stone of a relation? God Al- her Tap. S f °m the edge °f

mighty, Annie, it was his heart, poor man, it—”

what? 'Ai***\.

“But poor littli“Why, you ought to see him now. j

Go take a peek at him for j’ourself, j sleeping there quiet as a top, with his , ob’ God,” cried Annie Kineady,little wool bear hugged up to him. I- submerged by her rising hysteria Easy now. shh-h-h !” I and sinking lier face to lier hands.

L.M. Clayton- o, no ! Mommy's, darling stay nglit here till big man comes, and then play horse. Look, big man comes ; see biv man with cheeks puffed out like

â rtvWyWolf Point. Mont.By Order of the Board,

V. A. Lovell, Clerk.12-2t