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The Wolf Among Us_ 10 Most Harrowing Decisions We Had to Make

Jun 02, 2018


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  • 8/11/2019 The Wolf Among Us_ 10 Most Harrowing Decisions We Had to Make


    The Wolf Among Us: 10 MostHarrowing Decisions We Had To Make

    When Telltale announced they were making a series of episodic games based off of DC Comics

    relatively unknown Fables series, you would have been forgiven for being slightly apprehensive. After all, the company had just reinvented the graphic adventure genre with the immensely

    popular The Walking Dead; following up with a game based on a lesser known license could have

    been risky. Thankfully, Telltale have some magic up their sleeves and The Wolf Among Us is just as

    good as (in fact it could be, whisper it, better than) The Walking Dead. The games titular hero

    might not be human but the problems and issues faced by Bigby Wolf make him as relatable as any

    character. Plus, hes a supernatural badass, which always helps. As with The Walking Dead, The

    Wolf Among Us allows the player to shape the story through their own choices and decisions.

    Nearly all of Bigbys dialogue can be picked from up to four choices, giving player control of nearly

    everything, from small snippets of chatter to huge, game changing decisions. While the game may still follow a fairly linear narrative, making these choices helps involve the player more and appeals

    to our imagination, even if were only deciding whether a character makes a silent appearance in

    a later episode or not. Some of the big choices are interestingly complex; they really make you

    question your morality; should Bigby Wolf be the monster everyone wants him to be or should he

    be trying to win people over with a friendlier outlook on things? These questions are posed to the

    player by the game and its why its so engrossing; several decisions in the game have harrowing

    consequences and its these choices which were going to be exploring in this article. Some of these

    seem relatively minor but in the heat of the moment, with time ticking away, its amazing what

    races through your mind as you attempt to work through the game in the manner you deem best.

    If you can think of any other choices which had you sweating in your seat, leave them in the comments below. Or, if you just want to declare your interest in a second season of this terrific

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    series, leave your pleas below too and hopefully Telltale will give us exactly what we want.

    10 Saving Prince Lawrence

    Sometimes the worst decisions are the ones you didnt even know you were making. In the first

    episode of The Wolf Among Us Faith Bigby and Snow have to choose whether to head to

    Prince Lawrences apartment (to tell him of the death of his wife Faith) or to Toads apartment (to

    catch someone rooting through The Woodmans apartment above) first. It seems quite a simple choice (you do visit both areas eventually anyway) but which one you visit first has huge

    repercussions. If you arrive at Lawrences apartment second (as in, after going to see Toad), youll

    find him on the brink of death, only able to utter a few words before passing. However, heading to

    Lawrences first gives you the opportunity to save his life; he will simply play dead whilst an intruder

    searches his home. Saving him in Episode One means hell appear throughout the remainder of

    the series, giving you a welcome ally in the games climax. Telltales choice based gameplay has

    been criticised by some for only offering the illusion of choice (particularly in The Walking Dead

    where the games narrative only changed slightly) but the consequences of this one seemingly

    innocent choice















    9 Sending Colin To The Farm

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    Derived from the story of the Three Little Pigs, Colin is a relatively minor character in The Wolf

    Among Us, especially in comparison to his more prominent role in the comic book series. Still, Colin

    acts as one of few friends to Bigby Wolf and he injects humour into the game with his constant

    chatter. Colins main storyarc revolves around his living status. While most Fables are free to live

    their lives in Fabletown, all non human Fables who cannot afford to glamour themselves up

    (basically, put on a permanent human costume) are shipped off to the Farm; while not a

    punishment, its referred to as a prison by most of the Fables living there. Colin has been sent to

    the Farm repeatedly (well, he is a giant, talking pig) but always manages to find his way back to

    Bigbys couch. In Episode Four In Sheeps Clothing Snow White, in her new role as Deputy

    Mayor, orders Bigby to ensure that all non human Fables are sent to the Farm. Of course, that

    includes Colin and Bigby has to decide whether to let him continue living in his room or ruthlessly

    send him away. This is a much smaller choice than others (it really only changes Colins appearance

    in the games ending) but disobeying Snows orders to keep Bigbys roommate around could lead

    to some interesting developments if the series continues.

    8 Helping Faith Out

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    The titular character of Episode One, Faith has a small but vital role in The Wolf Among Us narrative.

    Her death sets all of the games events into motion and the reasons behind her murder were the

    central mystery which kept us playing. That being said, we actually spend little time with Faith in

    the game; she only makes one appearance and its quite a fleeting one at that. Still, theres plenty

    of time for Faith to put us through the emotional wringer. In the Homelands, Faith was a Princess,

    yet the tribulations of New York have left her and Prince Lawrence out of pocket, leading Faith to

    become a prostitute. Struggles to adapt to life in the mundane world are a recurring theme within

    the Fables universe and Faiths story is another tragic example of this. After Bigby saves Faith from

    the Woodsman in the series opening brawl, Bigby questions her and uncovers some of the many

    secrets of the game. For example, Faith is reluctant to discuss her employer, simply stating that her

    lips are sealed. Bigby deduces that shes a prostitute and offers her all of his remaining money to

    cover for the Woodsmans inability to pay. Her parting line to Bigby Youre not as bad as everyone

    says you are is reward enough for a character who is regularly villainised for the actions he must

    take to protect Fabletown.

    7 Lying To Beast

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    Weve already touched on the Farm and how certain Fables view it as a prison with Colins story

    but Toad and his son TJ show the plight of non human Fables far better. While Colin escapes from

    the Farm seemingly just to be rebellious, Toad desperately wants to earn the money so he and his

    son can continue to live as free men in New York. Toad has a pretty prominent role in The Wolf

    Among Us; hes actually the first character Bigby interacts with in the series. Hes also a pretty

    unfortunate character: he gets roughed up with Tweedledum, his son discovers someone disposing

    of a body whilst swimming in the river, his car gets destroyed its safe to say that the guy could

    use some luck. Unfortunately, he doesnt get any. Bigby can attempt to intervene in Toads forced

    removal by giving him money (taken from Crane) to buy a glamour. He can also promise to speak

    to Snow White about being more lenient with her new rules; either path still results in Toad and TJ

    being removed to the Farm at the end of the series though. Toad doesnt go quietly though; if Colin

    doesnt join him and his son, hell angrily confront the Sheriff about where he is, highlighting some

    of the more hypocritical decisions you can make as Bigby Wolf. As a final kick in the teeth you can

    refuse to give Snow White a gift from TJ (easily one of the sweetest characters in Telltales arsenal),

    though surely even the Big Bad Wolf is incapable of making such a monstrous decision.

    5 Killing Tweedledum

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    The climax of Episode Three A Crooked Mile is one of the most exciting moments in The Wolf

    Among Us. The character of Bloody Mary is introduced and Bigby is pushed to his limits by her and

    her two henchmen Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Bigby has to deal with the two Tweedles

    constantly throughout the series and it all comes to a head here. Having been roughed up by their

    guns, Bigby goes into full wolf mode, unleashing his primal fury on both Tweedles in retaliation.

    This is the first time that the player can choose to have Bigby kill someone; he grabs Tweedledum

    by the throat and the player has to choose whether he deserves to die, just like a Roman Emperor

    of old. Choosing to kill him sees Bigby brutally rip out Dums throat and leave him for dead, whereas

    if you spare him hell simply slump to the ground and presumably flee with his brother. The

    latter him means hell show up in the games final episode, though he has no speaking lines (he

    was a man of few words anyway). This is a key moment in Bigbys development; the Tweedles have

    been a thorn in his side throughout the game but if he kills Dum, hes murdering one of the Fables

    hes employed to protect. Its a decision that can only be decided by the players personal view on

    Bigbys role as Sheriff; is he a man wishing to seek revenge as well as justice or does he still abide

    by honor and duty? While we may not see all the consequences from these key moments in the

    games narrative, in our own minds this incident changes the way we view Bigby and his role in


    4 Roughing Up The Suspect

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    At the end of Episode One, Bigby takes either The Woodsman or Tweedledee into custody to

    interrogate them about Faiths murder. In Episode Two, you take control of Bigby as he handles this

    investigation and its up to you how rough you want to be with your captive. You can play good cop,

    bad cop with Bluebeard (who will eventually start beating on the suspect anyway, stating that

    youre being too nice) or you can unleash your inner beast and start raining down on him yourself.

    It has a lot in common with Grand Theft Auto Vs infamous torture scene, although it never quite

    goes to those extremes; the worst you can do to Tweedledee for example, is to burn him with his

    own cigar. Your actions during this scene have some pretty big repercussions. Crane, Mayor at the

    time, will react accordingly to how you treat the suspect and Bigby, in his fury, can even grab his

    superior and threaten him too. During the games final showdown, the Crooked Man can use your

    brutal questioning tactics as a weapon to undermine your authority, making you look foolish and

    undermining your case against him.

    3 Killing Georgie

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    Theres not many nice things you can say about Georgie; hes a bit of a rotter. Owner of the seedy

    Pudding & Pie, he has several appearances throughout The Wolf Among Us as Bigby attempts to

    solve the murders of Faith and Lily. Hes reluctant to cooperate and clearly has no ill feelings about

    running a prostitution ring using enslaved women. It also turns out that he is the murderer in the

    games story, although he was acting on the Crooked Mans orders. Following the mass brawl that

    opens Episode Five, Bigby mortally wounds Georgie before chasing him back to the Pudding and

    Pie. Here, Georges crimes are laid out in detail (although he refuses to accept responsibility for

    them). He also tries to trick Bigby into killing Vivian (the original Girl with the Ribbon whos magic

    was used to enslave all the girls) before she commits suicide. Vivians death finally defeats Georgie

    and he collapses in a heap. Bigby attempts to take him in but George admits hes done for. He asks

    Bigby to give him a quick and merciful death; of course, this is left up to the player. It doesnt have

    any impact on the game but, again, its all about developing Bigbys character. Is he the sort of man

    to leave a Fable to suffer? Should he give Georgie an easy death despite his many crimes? All of

    these things have to be thought upon within a short space of time before making this choice; its

    pretty intense.

    2 Punishing The Crooked Man

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    The Crooked Man is first mentioned in Episode Two (and only through chatter with some characters)

    but hes somewhat of a master puppeteer in Fabletown. Originally thought of by Bigby and Snow

    as a loan shark, The Crooked Man has several illegal operations all over Fabletown and profits from

    slavery, violence and oppression. He finally appears during the climax of Episode Four but only

    briefly as part of the cliffhanger ending. Bigbys mission to bring him to justice is the sole focus of

    Episode Five though and theres several outcomes. Bigby can kill him without taking him in for a

    trial (this makes the gathered Fabletown community deem Bigby a monster) or he can arrest him

    and escort him to the Witching Well where a trial takes place. Here, your actions from across the

    game are laid out and used as weapons either in your favor or against you. Nearly every character

    in the game is present and they will speak out in favour of Bigby and Snow (if youve treated them

    fairly) or they will use your cruel actions to boost the Crooked Mans case. Either way, the Crooked

    Man wins the crowd over by suggesting that Fables wouldnt have to turn to him if the Fabletown

    government made life better. Thankfully, Narissa (The Little Mermaid), one of Georgies slaves now

    free from her spell, arrives to deliver the final evidence which condemns the Crooked Man; she

    heard him give the order to execute Faith and Lily. The Crooked Mans punishment then follows;

    you can permanently transform him into a crow and lock him away in the Business Office; Bigby

    can outright kill him by tearing his head off; or you can throw him down the Witching Well.

    Whichever way you choose to end the Crooked Mans crime spree, its a hugely satisfying

    conclusion to the series. Bringing back all your previous choices and using them as a way to criticise the story youve created is a neat touch and the Crooked Man is an engaging villain who perhaps

    could have had more screentime. At the very least, it makes you regret some of your earlier

    decisions and thats an interesting feeling to undergo in a choice driven game.

    1 Burning Greenleafs Tree

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    The Fables universe is hugely exciting (go and read the comics if you havent already); its take on

    well known characters provides some interesting scenarios and dilemmas. Weve already touched

    on the struggles that Fables went through to adapt to mundane life but theres one last scene in

    The Wolf Among Us which creates a truly harrowing picture of the hardships Fables are going

    through in New York. A rogue witch, Aunty Greenleaf creates illegal glamours for Fables who cant

    afford the official versions from the Fabletown government. She uses her tree to do this; a magical

    tree from the Homelands whose wood can be used to create such things. As seen in the Wolf

    Among Us, these glamours are used for nefarious purposes (like disguising a troll as Snow White)

    so it makes sense for the Fabletown government to try and limit their use. Still, as Greenleaf points

    out, its a form of income for the Witch and without it, she might not be able to survive. Plus, shes

    fulfilling a needed service within the community; the plight of Toad clearly shows that there are

    Fables out there who want glamours but cannot afford them. Still, Snow White recognises the

    danger of the tree and tells Bigby to burn it, showing the disconnect between the Deputy Mayor

    and her people. Its left up to the player whether to destroy the Witchs only means of income or

    not; essentially ruining her new life. Of course, we also want to keep Snow in our good books too,

    so its a tough decision to say the least. In hindsight, burning the tree grants the Crooked Man a

    powerful ally during his trial too; Greenleaf is quick to criticise our heroes and portray them as

    monsters in front of the community. Its these tough choices and life or death scenarios that

    allowed The Wolf Among Us to capture our imaginations and create an experience thats arguably even better than The Walking Dead. As most of historys greatest leaders have discovered; its near

    impossible to please all of the people all of the time, and Bigby Wolfs early tales are a clear

    example of this.

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  • 8/11/2019 The Wolf Among Us_ 10 Most Harrowing Decisions We Had to Make
