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The Witches’ Wail September 2005 VOLUME 05, ISSUE 8 SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA - WICHITA REGION RE-REPEAT – Dave Geis Anyone that’s been around me for any amount of time knows that my standard answer for any question is, “Three.” Well, it was finally the right answer and he didn’t believe me! Last month at the “meeting after the Board meeting” (at Big’s, where more business maybe gets done over a beer than what happens at the real meeting), Scott Bettinger and I were talking about the last race at Hallett. I mentioned that the new replacement for the Mazda Protégé was quite a bit larger than the old one. So Scott asked me what it is called. “Three” “No, what’s it called?” “Three” “No, really, what the name of it?” “It’s a Three!” “C’mon, quit screwing around – what’s the real name?” “It’s a Mazda Three!!!” And speaking of races, a co- worker of Lu’s got a gift from her husband and it got me thinking of the differences between “race fans” and “racers.” Race fan (her actual gift) – “Honey, do you like this NASCAR cookie jar that I got you?” Racer – “Honey, I ordered another set of tires today.” Race fan – uses the “official oil” of NASCAR when he has his oil changed. Racer – cuts his oil filter apart to look for ferrous metal from bearings. Race fan – loudly complains about $2.59 for a gallon of gas. Racer – is glad that 110 octane is still only $6.00/gallon. Race fan – watch their drivers play poker on TV when it rains at the race. Racer – wonder if their two- year-old “rains” will still hold air. Race fan – follow their favorite drivers. Racer – follows a driver only Special Interest Articles Solo Mid Div Solo, Rally, Racing, Reports. Calendars and Schedules Individual Highlights RE – PEAT continued 2 BOD Minutes 3 Solo Report 4 Club Racing 5 Rally Report 6 Calendar / Schedules 7 Solo MidDiv Report 15

The Witches’ Wail September 2005

Apr 20, 2022



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Page 1: The Witches’ Wail September 2005

The Witches’ Wail September 2005



RE-REPEAT – Dave Geis

Anyone that’s been around me for any amount of time knows that my standard answer for any question is, “Three.” Well, it was finally the right answer and he didn’t believe me! Last month at the “meeting after the Board meeting” (at Big’s, where more business maybe gets done over a beer than what happens at the real meeting), Scott Bettinger and I were talking about the last race at Hallett. I mentioned that the new replacement for the Mazda Protégé was quite a bit larger than the old one. So Scott asked me what it is

called. “Three” “No, what’s it called?” “Three” “No, really, what the name of it?” “It’s a Three!” “C’mon, quit screwing around – what’s the real name?” “It’s a Mazda Three!!!” And speaking of races, a co-worker of Lu’s got a gift from her husband and it got me thinking of the differences between “race fans” and “racers.” Race fan (her actual gift) – “Honey, do you like this NASCAR cookie jar that I got you?” Racer – “Honey, I ordered

another set of tires today.” Race fan – uses the “official oil” of NASCAR when he has his oil changed. Racer – cuts his oil filter apart to look for ferrous metal from bearings. Race fan – loudly complains about $2.59 for a gallon of gas. Racer – is glad that 110 octane is still only $6.00/gallon. Race fan – watch their drivers play poker on TV when it rains at the race. Racer – wonder if their two-year-old “rains” will still hold air. Race fan – follow their favorite drivers. Racer – follows a driver only

Special Interest Articles

Solo Mid Div Solo, Rally, Racing, Reports. Calendars and Schedules

Individual Highlights

RE – PEAT continued 2 BOD Minutes 3 Solo Report 4 Club Racing 5 Rally Report 6 Calendar / Schedules 7 Solo MidDiv Report 15

Page 2: The Witches’ Wail September 2005

2 The Witches’ Wail


until they can pass them. On the Solo front, many, many thanks go out to Jason Whitted and Cody Zimmerman for making the O’Reilly Auto Parts sponsorship possible for our August 14th Solo event at the Wichita Greyhound Park. Although we had a lot of no-shows because of the rain (wimps – formula cars and karts ran, where were you?), the “giveaways” and especially the special trophies made for a class event. And not to mention Hal Larcher for getting it set up for us to run there. But since I did mention it, make sure you thank Hal profusely! On the Rally front, the Rallymaster’s Birthday Party Rally was exceptional. See elsewhere in the Wail for the results, but make sure you also make plans to attend the Witches’ Ryde coming up in October. The Rallies this year have been great, the after-parties at Bill’s house even greater, but the Ryde should be even better! Are we havin’ fun yet?

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BOD AUG-05 – not approved this rally. There are two Rallys scheduled in September. Old Business: Charlene Bettinger reported on the Mid-Div convention. There will be a Silent Auction with proceeds going to the Wichita Children’s Home. New Business: Discussion was held on requesting a date for a Solo Divisional in 2006. Scott Bettinger made a motion to ask for date for a Divisional for 2006. Second by Charlene Bettinger. Motion passed. Brian Meyer said he would check with the Coliseum about using a parking lot for the Divisional. Motion to adjourn by George Morrison second by Kellie Barker. Passed.

Board Members Present: Dave Geis, Kellie Barker, George Morrison, Scott Bettinger, Charlene Bettinger, Tom Dupler, Bill Preheim, Robert Foster. Non-Voting Board Members Present: Lawrence Duty, Amy Timmons, Linda Timmons, Tom Urbanek, Keith Pfaust, John Houston, Lu Geis. Visitors: Bruce Bettinger. Meeting was called to order at 6:30. Secretary’s report: George Morrison made a correction to the minutes. Move to approve as corrected by Bill Preheim second by Charlene Bettinger. Passed. Treasurer’s report: Given by John Houston. George Morrison explained what he did not like about the form of the treasurers report and requested that it be corrected in the future. Move to approve report as given by Charlene Bettinger second by Robert Foster. Motion passed. Membership Report: Charlene reported that we have 243 members in July 2005 compared to 230 in July 2004. Wail report: Lawrence reported that the wail was to the post office on the 3rd but held up because of a mix-up on our permit. They applied our funds to

someone else’s account. Bill Preheim did say that he had received his that day. AVRG Report: George says he has retired from the AVRG board. Dave asked him if he make up a report to help whoever might take his place to get ready for a race. There was discussion held about groupings at the races. Activity report: Amy Timmons submitted a budget for the September Membership Meeting. Budget passed. Solo Report: Tom Urbanek reported on the July Solo at Raytheon. He said Hal Larcher had acquired permission for us to use Greyhound Park for the August event and that we had 2 full heats preregistered at that time. It was also noted that everyone needs to thank Jason Whitted for setting up the 1st Annual O’Reillys’ Day Event for us. Dave Geis reported on some issues with the 2005 Divisional. Discussion was also held on the Solo Steering Committee. Rally Report: Keith Pfaust reported on the July 31st event. There were 10 cars in


The Witches’ Wail is the official publication of the Wichita Region SCCA. Contributions are requested and welcome. All manuscripts, drawings, and photographs should be identified as to event, time and place, persons involved and the name of the submitter. Material will be returned only when requested. The editor reserves the right to decline or condense material. All material published may be reprinted provided it is clearly credited to the author, the Wichita Region SCCA and the Wail. Letters to the editor should be signed. Articles and/or advertisements published in the Wail do not necessarily express the viewpoint of the Wichita Region SCCA or the editor. All articles may be submitted electronically by e-mail, CD, or diskette - contact the editor for details. Deadline for submitting articles is the 23rd day of the preceding month.

2005 Wail Advertising Rates Per Month Per Year

Small (1/4 page) $15.00 $150.00 Medium (1/3 page) $20.00 $200.00 Large (1/2 page) $25.00 $250.00 Yearly rates are for one calendar year. We typically print 11 issues per year, but not less than 10. Free text-only ads will be printed for club members on a space available basis. Picture ads or guaranteed space will be billed at one half of the above rates for club members.

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4 The Witches’ Wail

Solo Report – Tom Urbanek

Well August found the Wichita Region out at most people’s favorite local site- the Wichita Greyhound Park. This was a rather special event since it was our first annual O’Reilly’s Days. Special thanks go out to O’Reilly’s for getting this set up for us. Perhaps if the weather was better then we would have had a better crowd. We had 66 entries spread across 29 classes. The rain wasn’t too bad- if you were sitting in your car or in the trailer like I was during the rain. The event ran very smooth and as chairman, it couldn’t have been possible without the help of several people. Many thanks go out to Brian Meyer and Jim Harrison for towing the trailer to and from the event. Dave Green and Brian Meyer laid out a great course for everyone to enjoy. Tom Zickuhr took care of assigning workers for me. Marcus Hidvegi, Lawrence Duty and Dave Green all helped to run T&S. Tom Dupler helped to get lots of things set up before the event. Dave Geis ran safety. Paul Sherman stood outside all day shagging cones and wasn’t even driving. A special thanks goes out to all those workers who helped to rebuild the course after I destroyed it a couple times. And a HUGE thanks goes out to all the workers who stood around in the rain. Without the help of these people, and others that I’m sure I’ve forgotten, the event wouldn’t have gone nearly as smoothly. I almost feel guilty taking credit as chairman for that event since it felt like I basically did nothing. Looking ahead, we have our Labor Day weekend event down at Strother Field in Winfield. Bill Preheim and Bruce Sargent will be chairing with Paul Sherman running safety. It should be a good event and with the holiday weekend it could be a very short event. Here’s to more runs! Class point battles are really starting to take shape. Check out the point summary in this month’s Wail and the detailed report on the web. Just remember, only Wichita Region members are eligible for year-end trophies.

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Club Racing – Scott Bettinger No Report this month

Speakers committed for seminars so far include Lee Grimes from Koni to conduct the Solo & Race shock seminars and to be at the solo for test & tune help. Robert Dole from Yokohama will present the tire seminars. Dave Whitworth of Solo Performance Specialities will handle the 2-hr, hands-on Solo Car Prep seminar. Bill Noble of Noble Racing will head up a top-name team to present an in-depth Race Car Prep seminar. Ralph Compton of BG Products will offer a seminar on Lubrication. Mike Dickerson and Tasha Goodale of SCCA National will speak on Solo II Risk Management and Solo Site Locations respectively. Watch for upcoming announcements of even more seminars with top-level speakers because there’s more to come! Finally, the Wichita Region is very pleased to announce that HOWARD DUNCAN — VP of Program Development at SCCA National — will be our keynote speaker at the Saturday night banquet.

hosted by the Wichita Region, SCCA. on November 11-12 at the Airport Hilton, Wichita. with a FREE Solo II on the 13th!

MiDiv Convention 2005 Focus on You!

This exciting convention will feature attractions for all interests. There will be a hands-on seminar

about Solo II Car Preparation, technical seminars on Solo II Tires and Solo II Shocks, a Solo II Safety

Steward School, and an outstanding seminar on Solo II Course design. The Road Racers will find a

terrific Race Car Preparation seminar, a Race Car Crew School, and their own technical seminars on

Race Tires & Race Shocks. Grid, Registration, Timing & Scoring, and Rally will have seminars in their

specialties and there will be FREE entry for the Sunday Solo II for everyone! This will be a great week-end for couples because there will be special “non-SCCA” adventures offered for the “non-SCCA” la-

dies. You won’t want to miss this one!

Feature Presentation: We’ll have a SILENT AUCTION of all sorts of neat stuff with the net proceeds going to charity. The collector items will blow you away!

Event Chair: Charlene Bettinger 1519 Virginia St Derby, KS 67037-2028 Phone: 316-788-3942 Email: [email protected]

MiDiv Regions: Arkansas, Des Moines Valley, Kansas City, MidSouth, Kansas,Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Northeast Oklahoma, Salina, Ozark Mountain, Southern Illinois, St. Louis, and Wichita MiDiv Tracks: • Gateway International Raceway • Mid-American Motorplex • Hallett Motor Racing Circuit • Heartland Park Topeka • Memphis Motorsports Park MiDiv Solo II Divisionals 1. Oklahoma City 2. St Louis 3. Wichita/Salina @ Salina 4. Kansas City 5. Topeka Championship

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6 The Witches’ Wail

Rally Report – Keith Pfautz

Have You Lost Your Shirt

Because You Just Didn’t Know The

Rules? Not a problem. Just give Lu a

call and replace that shirt

with a brand new Wichita

Region T-Shirt. And while

you’re at it ask her about the

2005 Solo rule book so it

doesn’t happen to you again.

Assorted patches, decals and

stickers also available.

Call Lu at 266-8234 or 832-

0496, or e-mail at

[email protected].

Wichita Region held a rally on July 30. It had a rocky start in that the rallymaster didn’t realize that the Red Coach at 53rd and I-135 was no longer a Red Coach. And there was construction on the odometer run. Having gotten all of the snafus out early, the rally ran smoothly. It finished in Canton and participants proceeded to Bill Preheim’s place for the rallymaster’s birthday party. The only disappointment in the whole thing was that Kansas Region represented 3 ½ cars (which meant that Wichita Region was underrepresented). Top two finishers were from Kansas. The Rallymaster’s Birthday Party Rally Scores (After Scoring Corrections) Driver/Navigator Car Number Score 1 – Albert Weaver/Rich Bireta 4 92 2 – Devon Bireta/Anne Marie Bireta 3 213 3 – Paul Herder/Sandra Herder 10 220 4 – Randy Gregg/Bruce Bettinger 5 268 5 – Russell Royal/Susan Royal 8 287 6 – Warren Meyer/Stan Smith 2 424 7 – Bill Preheim/Carol Cranston 7 436 8 – Marise Smirl/Dennis Smirl 6 595 9 – Don McMillan/Lou Geis 9 596 10- George Morrison/Maxine Morrison 11 863 The next rally will be in Neokla Region (Tulsa) starting with registration at 8:00 am at the Quik Trip at Garnett and 41st in Tulsa. Bob Stratton is rallymaster. This is a part of the Midiv Rally Championship and I know that there will be at least two Wichita cars there. Bob does a great job, so show up if you can. The next Wichita Region rally is the annual poker rally to the membership meeting on September 28. Registration is at the north end of Sedgwick County Park (east of Ridge Road on 21st). Bruce Bettinger is rallymaster and barbeque picnic is planned for the meeting. This one is always fun. Finally, a word about this year’s Witches’ Ryde. It will be held on October 29 and is also part of the Midiv Rally Championship. Registration and starting point haven’t been determined yet, but will be in west Wichita. The region will have a party at Lake Afton at the end of the rally, so even if you can’t compete or work the event, come on out. Due to so much going on in so little a time frame, the September 24 rally has been cancelled.

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Wichita Region SCCA Events 2005 At A Glance

Here’s a listing of all Wichita Region SCCA events for the year. As always, dates and locations are subject to change so make sure to check the Wichita Region website at or the appropriate program chairperson for the latest information.

Mar 12 Rally School Mar 19 Road Dog Rally Mar 13 Solo II at Boeing Apr 3 Solo II at Raytheon Apr 9/10 Spring Fling Regional/National Races at Hallett Apr 24 Solo II at Strother Field May 21/22 Green Country Grand Prix School/Regional Races/ PDC at Hallett May 29 TSD Rally CANCELLED Jun 12 Solo II at Boeing Jun 25/26 Divisional Solo II at Salina Jul 2/3 Firecracker Grand Prix XVIII Regional/National Races at Hallett Jul 17 Solo II at Raytheon Jul 23 TSD Rally Aug 7 Solo II at Boeing Sep 4 Solo II at Strother Field Sep 24 TSD Rally Oct 2 Solo II at Wichita Greyhound Park Oct 23 Solo II at Strother Field Oct 29 Witches’ Ryde Rally Nov 13 Solo II at Raytheon All events held under SCCA rules Rally starting points will be advertised in the Wail, on the website, or contact the Rally co-chairs. Maps to Solo II event locations are available on the website under the “Solo II” heading. “Hallet” is Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, located west of Tulsa. See map under the “ClubRacing” heading on the website. Membership Meetings: are normally held on the fourth (not necessarily the last) Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Currently the meeting is held at Red Mesa Grill – 756 N Tyler – just north of Central and Tyler. Board of Directors Meetings: anyone interested can attend these meetings. They are held at 6:30 PM on the second Wednesday of each month at the Sedgwick County Zoo Education Center. Rally Co-Chairs: Keith and Judi Pfautz (620) 327-2327 [email protected] Solo Co-Chairs: Tom Urbanek (316) 734-0375 [email protected] Race Competition Chair: Scott Bettinger (316) 554-7461

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8 The Witches’ Wail

JAN 27-30 National Convention5/6 12/13 19/20 25/26

FE CFR/STL 100 Acre WoodB (Sat. 2/12/04) (Friday & Saturday)

(Non-SCCA Event)

5/6 12/13 19/20 26/27MA CFR/DMVR SSR/GIR/STL RNI/MMP/MSR Des Moines (Incl Friday)

(Sat. 3/5) (Easter)


30/1 7/8 14/15 21/22 28/29M RNI/MMP/MSA MIDIV Solo II Series RNI/GIR/STL SR/HMRC/AVRG Solotime(Sun/Mon)Y Okla City, OK St. Louis

Host: OK Region (Mother's Day) (Memorial Day)

4/5 11/12 18/19 25/26JU RNI/HPT/KVRG SolotimeN Salina, KS

(Father's Day) Host: Wichita Region

2/3 9/10 16/17 23/24 30/31JU RNI/HMRC/AVRG RNI/HPT/KVRG MIDIV Solo II SeriesL Kansas City

host: Kansas City Region

6/7 13/14 20/21 27/28AU RNI/GIR/STL MIDIV Solo II Series RNI/MAM/MVRGG Divisional Championship

Topeka, KS

3/4 10/11 17/18 24/25S Pro Solo 9/10&11E SRC/HPT/KVRG Solo II Nationals 9/13-16 Kohler RunoffsP Topeka, KS MidOhio

(Labor Day)

1/2 8/9 15/16 22/23 29/30OC SR*E/MAM/MVRG SRC/MMP/MS RRC/GIR/STLT Witches Ryde Rally

5/6 12/13 19/20 26/27NO MidDiv ConventionV Wichita, KS

(Thanksgiving Day)

S = Drivers School Solotime=Divisional Solo IIR = Regional (MidAm) r = Regional (non-points) ProV = ProVeeR* = Bonus Regional (MidAm) N = National I = IT Tour

C = Performance Driving Clinic (PDC) E = EnduroTracks:

MAM - MidAmerica Motorplex - Glenwood, IA

Total Club Racing Events: S - 6 R -19 N -10 I -10 C -4 r -0 = 17 Weekends

2005 Midwest Division Schedule

GIR - Gateway International Raceway - St. Louis, MOHPT - Heartland Park Topeka - Topeka, KS

HMRC - Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OKMMP - Memphis Motor Sports Park - Memphis, TN

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10 The Witches’ Wail

Solo Results – WGP 8.14.2005

# Driver Car Model Runs: 1-5 Total

'Super Stock' - Total Entries: 2 Trophies: 1

1T 85 Teeter, Darrin 2005 Lotus Elise 61.712+1 63.973+dnf

63.579 67.929+dnf 63.579 -

2 71 Green, Dale 2001 Corvette 76.538 85.414

82.691+dnf 72.371+dnf 76.538 12.959

'A Stock' - Total Entries: 5 Trophies: 2

1T 37 French, Jim 1989 Corvette 58.170 56.303

57.786 56.945 56.303 -

2T 27 Hill, Mark 2001 Honda S2000 59.202+dnf 73.803+dnf

58.634 58.172+1 58.634 2.331

3 86 Gird, Dave 1991 Corvette 63.650+1 76.765 65.650 -

4 29 Barry, Kevin 1986 Alfa Romeo Spider 68.909 67.421

67.430 67.246 67.246 8.612

5 72 Mavis, Tracy 1984 Corvette 79.569+dnf 78.743+dnf

74.647+dnf 73.594+dnf dnf 67.246

'B Stock' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 8 Strauhs, Phillip 1976 Corvette 74.437 68.612

71.622 68.062

70.917 68.062 -

'C Stock' - Total Entries: 4 Trophies: 2

1T 58 Green, David 1999 Mazda Miata 58.502 76.555

60.208 59.870 58.502 -

2T 40 Dupler, Tom 1999 Mazda Miata 60.914+dnf 58.720

59.354 58.543 58.543 0.041

3 9 Guilliams, David 1999 Mazda Miata 66.301 63.181

64.708 62.723+1

64.026 63.181 4.638

4 60 Dayton, Bill 1999 Mazda Miata 61.540+dnf 65.508

62.299+dnf 63.775 63.775 0.594

'D Stock' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 59 Boggess, Beau 2003 Subaru Impreza WRX 66.003+dnf 73.865

68.223+1 67.296 67.296 -

'E Stock' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 39 Zickuhr, Tom 1988 Porsche 924S 61.836 58.978

60.022 59.502 58.978 -

2 3 Brown, Matt 1977 Datsun 280Z 66.519 62.690

64.879 64.379

64.119 62.690 3.712

3 52 McNabb, Donnie 1979 Datsun 280ZX 67.162 73.935+1

69.851 71.259 67.162 4.472

'F Stock' - Total Entries: 5 Trophies: 2

1T 16 Pernice, Jim 1997 Chevy Z-28 69.075 65.773

67.674 64.211+2

66.350 65.773 -

2T 11 Cravens, Howard 1995 Ford Mustang GT 70.083 66.841

70.499 67.027

67.626+1 66.841 1.068

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4 63 McGehee, Greg 1986 Chevy Camaro 71.487 71.081

80.416 70.611 70.611 1.605

5 76 Taylor, Roger 1995 Pontiac TA 78.347 74.098

78.430 75.374 74.098 3.487

'G Stock' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 45 Schoonover, Jim 2002 Ford Focus SVT 64.740+dnf 66.353

65.324+dnf 66.695+dnf 66.353 -

2 36 Meyer, Warren 2003 MINI Cooper S 69.027 66.626

67.710 67.490 66.626 0.273

3 5 Herbers, Eric John 1987 Chrysler Conquest 77.301 69.578

71.088 68.644

70.080 68.644 2.018

'H Stock' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 44 Roberts, Guy 2002 Mazda Protege 5 65.605 68.440

65.630 67.260+1 65.605 -

2 17 Bryant, Gary 1988 Honda Prelude 71.876+1 67.029

68.045+dnf 65.906

68.361 65.906 0.301

3 89 Teter, Joe 1989 Honda CRX 81.502+dnf 79.374

77.896 87.024 77.896 11.990

'Street Open' - Total Entries: 2 Trophies: 1

1T 21 Morris, Terry 1999 Porsche Boxter 61.780+dnf 61.075

62.367+dnf 61.662 61.075 -

2 31 Jones, Bryan 1995 Corvette 66.025 63.677

64.198 64.127 63.677 2.602

'A Street Prepared' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 20 Prestage, Richard 1999 Corvette 60.140 57.843

58.646+1 57.701

57.890 57.701 -

'B Street Prepared' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 73 Harrison, Jim 1972 Corvette 61.599+dnf 62.507+1

61.424 62.524 61.424 -

'C Street Prepared' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 30 Herrick, Mike 1985 Honda Civic 57.920 59.745

59.287 58.716 57.920 -

2 48 Meyer, Brian 1990 Honda CRX 57.408+1 59.678

84.177+3 59.903+1 59.408 1.488

3 22 Stegman, John 1987 Honda CRX 66.475+1 63.721+1

65.873 65.504 65.504 6.096

'E Street Prepared' - Total Entries: 2 Trophies: 1

1T 26 Whitted, Jason 2000 Pontiac TA WS6 64.332+dnf 62.544

64.493 62.859 62.544 -

2 15 Madsen, Ned 1966 Chevy Corvair 68.618 66.554

67.348 64.979

65.562 64.979 2.435

'F Street Prepared' - Total Entries: 2 Trophies: 1

1T 1 Larcher, Hal 1987 VW Golf 61.937 61.356+3

59.100+dnf 63.326+dnf

61.056 61.056 -

2 14 Preheim, Bill 1969 Austin Healy Sprite MK IV 64.514 63.662

64.971 63.546

65.542+1 63.546 2.490

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12 The Witches’ Wail

1T 42 Estes, Dave 1987 Ford Mustang GT 68.204 73.260

71.102 82.921 68.204 -

'D Prepared' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 34 Entriken, Rocky 1964 Spitfire MK I 61.240 61.256+dnf

60.202 60.742+dnf 60.202 -

'E Prepared' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 69 Braun, Mark 1988 Honda Civic CRX 81.775 72.612

83.668+dnf 72.254 72.254 -

'C Modified' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 4 Vrana, Orval 03 Nisson 350Z 84.732+dnf 72.490

78.055 71.923

72.459 71.923 -

'E Modified' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 88 Shumate, Billy 1990 Chevrolet Pickup 75.240+1 86.237

70.901+1 71.017+1 72.901 -

'F Modified' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 25 Geis, Dave 1982 Morton FV 57.014+2 55.692+1

57.551 57.083+1 57.551 -

'Street Touring (Tire)' - Total Entries: 5 Trophies: 2

1T 23 Harmon, Tim 1999 Ford Contour SVT 69.210 60.779

61.079 61.535 60.779 -

2T 55 Urbanek, Tom 1992 Saturn SC 66.548+dnf 110.678+5

64.190 74.957+4 64.190 3.411

3 32 Garrelts, Jeff 1996 Acura Integra LS 67.246 65.072

68.780 66.456 65.072 0.882

4 54 Fernandez, Robert 1996 Acura Integra LS 68.066+1 68.636+1

66.588+1 71.134+1 68.588 3.516

5 53 Barr, Roger 1996 Ford Contour SE 81.389 69.028+dnf

70.270+dnf 70.535 70.535 1.947

'Street Touring 2 (Tire)' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 24 Rogers, Jason 1990 Mazda Miata 68.849 70.908

69.423 71.266 68.849 -

'Street Touring X' - Total Entries: 6 Trophies: 2

1T 12 Rogers, Steven 2003 Mitsu 68.446 66.302+2

66.235 64.188

64.968 64.188 -

2T 6 Gardner, Joseph 03 Mitsu Lancer 66.359+dnf 63.704+2

66.497+2 65.904+2

64.324 64.324 0.136

3 13 Duty, Lawrence 2002 Mazda Protege 5 68.549 65.978

67.778 65.436

66.836 65.436 1.112

4 51 George, Matthew 2002 Subaru WRX Wagon 70.360 69.387

71.232 71.535 69.387 -

5 65 Hidvegi, Marcus 2000 VW Beetle 71.806 71.942

72.778 70.305 70.305 0.918

6 91 Rogers, Steven Mitsubishi EVO dns 70.305

'Street Modified' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

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1T 33 McCutcheon, Jeff 1990 Honda Civic 73.040 67.492

69.447 67.890 67.492 -

'Street Modified II' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 87 Reed, Tom 1998 BMW M Roadster 69.415 68.279

67.532+dnf 67.929+1 68.279 -

'F125 Shifter Kart' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 78 Williams, Ron 2000 F125 Birel 55.710 53.931 54.497 53.931 -

2 80 Cummings, Bob GP GP-5 Honda 56.331 58.717

55.243 65.549 55.243 1.312

3 61 Robinson, David 2000 DAP 80cc Shifter 67.984 70.685

78.207+dnf 70.180 67.984 12.741

'Junior Kart 1' - Total Entries: 2 Trophies: 1

1T 303 Neely, Aric 2000 Wide Track 67.462 63.982 51.591 51.591 -

2 300 Robinson, Chris 2000 Emmick Invader 65.075 61.356

61.324 60.226 60.226 8.635

'Junior Kart 4' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 301 Teeter, Blake Tony Kart 53.859 69.813

51.950 62.183

52.628 51.950 -

'F125 Shifter Kart Ladies' - Total Entries: 1 Trophies: 1

1T 68 Williams, Tina 2000 F125 Birel 82.634+1 70.598

75.530+dnf 70.734 70.598 -

'Open Fun Run' - Total Entries: 3 Trophies: 1

1T 83 Hill, Mark 2001 Honda S2000 64.188+1 60.682

62.176 65.938 60.682 -

2 82 Whitted, Jason 2000 Pontiac TA WS6 65.019 104.549 65.269+1 65.019 4.337

3 84 Vrana, Othal 2003 Nissan 350Z dns 65.019

Top Times Of Day Raw time 51.591 fj1 303 Neely, Aric

Pax 40.292 fj1 303 Neely, Aric Stock 56.303 as 37 French, Jim

Street Open 61.075 so 21 Morris, Terry Street Prepared 57.701 asp 20 Prestage, Richard

Prepared 60.202 dp 34 Entriken, Rocky Modified 57.551 fm 25 Geis, Dave

Touring 60.779 sts 23 Harmon, Tim Street Modified 67.492 sm 33 McCutcheon, Jeff

Kart 53.931 f125 78 Williams, Ron Junior Kart 51.591 fj1 303 Neely, Aric

Kart Ladies 70.598 f125l 68 Williams, Tina Fun Run 60.682 fun 83 Hill, Mark

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Regional Executive Dave Geis [email protected] (316) 832-0496

Asst. Regional Executive Rob Foster [email protected] (316) 684-9351

Past Regional Executive Charlene Bettinger [email protected] (316) 788-3942

Secretary Lu Geis [email protected] (316) 832-0496 Board of Directors: Kellie Barker [email protected] (316) 207-4721 Scott Bettinger (316) 554-7461 Tom Dupler [email protected] (316) 788-6650 George Morrison [email protected] (316) 722-2872 Bill Preheim (620) 327-6266 (316) 772-3638 Tom Urbanek [email protected] (316) 734-0375

Activities Director

Amy Timmons [email protected] (316) 721-6374

Asst. Activities Director Linda Timmons [email protected] (316) 832-1369

Treasurer John Houston [email protected] (316) 634-2966

Membership Charlene Bettinger [email protected] (316) 788-3942

Merchandise Lu Geis [email protected] (316) 832-0496

Race Competition Chair Scott Bettinger (316) 554-7461

Rally Co-Chairs

Keith Pfautz Judi Pfautz [email protected] (620) 327-2327

Solo II Co-Chair Tom Urbanek [email protected] (316) 734-0375

Wail Editor Lawrence Duty [email protected] (316) 283-6289

Webmaster Rob Foster [email protected] (316) 684-9351

Junior Kart Steward Darrin Teeter [email protected] (316) 721-5867 Address Changes: National Office Charlene Bettinger [email protected] (316) 788-3942 Dave Geis [email protected] (316) 832-0496

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Forbes Field, Topeka KS, August 6th and 7th, Hosted by the Kansas Region. We had a record 189 attendees. That’s a great showing, as this is likely one of the final opportunities to get on this concrete, ever, definitely one of the last chances before Nationals. The only other opportunity will be the Nationals Warm-ups, also hosted by the Kansas Region. And if you haven’t signed up for it by now, it’s long too late, it fills quickly. Before I go much further, I’d like to point out the obvious. I think we’ve all seen at other divisionals, how much work is involved putting on one of these events. Now think about how much more difficult it is to put on an event of this caliber, on a deteriating site where concrete patching should be a work assignment of 4 people. Then add in, that this is an active Air Force base. One look around, taking in all the concrete barricades, barrels and flagging required to keep us numbskulls from getting shot when we wondered into restricted space and you’ll get a headache just thinking about it. Yet somehow, Jason and Summer Hull took on this task and aced it. They had to have a great team of chiefs to pull this off. Next time you see them make sure you tell them how much you appreciate them and their chiefs for taking off work days in advance, in order to pull off this masterpiece. Thanks guys! We again had another towing accident on the way to the event. This time it was Sam Platt from the St Louis region. He was towing his enclosed trailer with his new Durango, with his new Corvette inside. I don’t know all the details as I didn’t get a chance to talk to him so I just asked a couple questions of others after seeing his rig in the paddock. It looked like he just competed in a Mud-Run. The truck and trailer was completely plastered with mud. Someone told me he was trying to get unstuck from the median on I-70 as they went by. I asked why he was in the median, and someone else told me he was avoiding an inattentive motorcyclist. I was surprised, by looking at all the mud, that he was able to keep it upright. I’m sure his autocross expertise came into play. There was about $7500 in damage from the trailer jack knifing and the off road adventure. Thank god no one was hurt. But as I’ve said before…be careful on your long drive to these events. Friday’s welcome party was held at the SCCA office. This was a nice touch as many people haven’t been to see what their membership dollars are paying for. It really is a nice facility, and something to be proud of. It also was very convenient to the site, unlike the hotels of the past. Also the hotels never quite accommodated the huge truck and trailers like the SCCA lot did. I think it was a great idea. There also were several SCCA employees on hand making a presence. It was a great opportunity to talk to these people. The site is literally a ¼ mile east of the National office. It was good to see it again. I rushed out to walk the course after tech and registration, as did many people. A Nationals course like this requires many course walks. The designers have many key “gotchas” built right in. It’s our jobs as drivers to smooth those out. I think I walked the course about 7 times prior to Saturday’s runs. I never did feel like I got my mind completely around it. On Saturday we ran last years Nationals South course in reverse direction. On Sunday we ran it exactly in the same direction with zero changes to the course from what it was last year. As most of you know, the cone placements are color code painted on the concrete, so it was very simple to re-create. I couldn’t believe that all that black rubber from almost a year ago was still laid down on every corner. And not just a little either, I’m talking thick! It was really cool. The course, in my opinion flowed on Sunday. After all, that is the way it was intended to be run. Saturday evenings banquet was held in the newly renovated Ramada Inn. It was a nice place. I hadn’t been in there for a long time. They’d made some nice improvements. The banquet was held in an Italian theme. The room was decorated with Italian décor on the walls, and the buffet line was decorated in Italian fares. It was an upscale touch. But my favorite was the cars that decorated the hotel’s lobby. You no more got in the front door, and your eyes were immediately drawn to 3 red Italian beauties. The first one was an Alfa Romeo GTV2000, in amazing shape. The next was a DeTomaso Pantera. I’ve always been a fan of that sheet metal….just gorgeous! Then no Italian car show can be complete without a red Ferrari Testarosa. The banquet had tons of raffle prizes. More hats than you can dream of. I think just about everyone left with something. Jason Hull did a good job of keeping the number calling moving, otherwise we would have been there all night. I always

R&S Racing and Solo Performance Specialties Midwest Division Solo Series 2005

By – Greg Reno

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have to mention the Grand Prizes. They had two grand prizes that night. The first was a one-night stay at the Senate Suites in downtown Topeka. The Senate is a high end, historic hotel with all suite rooms. The winner was Ryan Barnard, fitting too, as he has a fiancé that would love it. The other grand prize was the entry to the SCCA Nationals; it was won by Hal McAbee. Also a good win, as Hal’s never been to Nationals. That’s all it took me to get hooked. I too won my first Nationals entry, and I’ve been back every year since. We hope Hal enjoys it. The weekends weather provided two very nice days, albeit warm, but nice all the same. Saturday’s high was around 91, and Sunday’s reached 93. Great weather! On to some autocross highlights. As I mentioned earlier, Sunday’s course was an exact re-creation of Nationals South course from 2004. So it is an easy reference to see how you compare to last years results whether you went or not. So I may make several comments relating to that. First was Frank Wietharn in SS, not only did he dominate the class but his Sunday run would have been a trophy position at Nationals last year. Moving on up. Mark Hill made a winning comeback from KC. I mentioned that he wanted it badly last time, well this time he got it, and against 3 really strong drivers. Good job. Andy Hohl in BS remembered to turn off the traction control, and had leading runs both days. That performance clinched the MidDiv B-Stock championship. Take a look at the BS results. See that Mike Vanamburgh only took 1 run. This guy had a weekend of bad luck. I’m going to try to describe this series of unfortunate events. First, on his way to the event, not far from home, he was stuck in traffic, when his 95 BMW M3 started overheating. He pulled over, and I guess it was a water pump or something (still unclear to me, even though he explained it a couple times). So he turned around and went back home and grabbed his wife’s 97 M3. This car made it to the event. Then on his first run on Saturday, right through the finish, his cooling fan disintegrated. Blades and parts of the fan went right through his radiator, disabling this car too. All this and he only got to make one run. So it sounds like he should get a 3rd M3 very soon, to have as the backup’s backup. (Or just one girlie Toyota). Sorry Mike, had to take a stab. Hope you get the fleet running soon. CS….the largest class of the event with 14 competitors. And a roster that reads like the who’s who of autocross. That fresh mountain air from Sean’s recent vacation must have done him some good. He lead both days. Dave Green and Tim Herron had a close battle for 2nd. Dave won out with a .026 advantage. Adam Ansorge from Minnesota and Randy Eickhoff rounded out 4th and 5th trophy spots. ES was full of action. Not only did the Ryan Buetzer grace us with his presence, but he graced ES with the win. Ryan visiting must be like when Brad Pit visits Columbia Mo. Girls go wild, doors open to the best clubs, corks pop, and good times flow. Well something like that. But in this case, Ron Williams and Joe Silva must bring their best game to hang with the soon to be repeat National Champion. Ron got really close on Sunday coming to within .28 of Ryan’s best time. But Ron had to leave with a respectable 2nd place trophy and good sport award for letting Joe take his last Saturday run in his car. Joe’s end link broke, so Joe took a drive in the Williams family MR2, and improved his last run, and held on to his 3rd place finish. Well, here I am saying it again. Craig Wilcox just spanked the GS field… again. He also nailed the top PAX spot for the weekend. He ran the Sunday course 1.2 seconds faster than last years multi-time national champion. Wow! In second place, yours truly, Greg Reno also beat last years champ by a narrow .060 of a second. GS is getting faster. Ryan landed in 3rd just .041 behind Greg, and Brook Ivers of Tulsa, picked up the final trophy out of a 10 driver class. DSP was fun to watch. Brian Matteucci’s 325is BMW is wickedly fast, as is he. His co-driver Chris Ramey did well too. This will be a car to watch at Nationals. Brian got 2nd in the PAX, and Chris got 4th out of 189 drivers. Kyle Walther and his IS300 has won 4 of the 5 Divisionals this year. Only knocked off by David Avard in the Oasis Tan Mini Rental Vehicle in Salina. So Kyle has had a really good year. I’m anxious to see how he does at Nationals. Chris Conant and his M3 got at second place trophy and his co-driver Steve Sulatycki wasn’t far behind in 3rd. STU’s Divisional Points champion bolted up a new suspension the day before the Topeka event, and had to learn how to drive all over again. Branden Burkhart was dirty on all 3 of his Saturday runs. So he had some ground to make up on Sunday, and a car to tune to do what he wanted. He made up some ground, but not enough. He moved up one spot to 2nd and still

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17 collected a trophy. Andrew Watts took home the big wood, and his co-driver, Jeff Vogel took 3rd place. Looks like you needed a Camaro to take home a trophy in CP, just like our 3 trophy winners. Ron VerMulm had a comfy lead both days. His co-driver Eric Cirks, drove his way to second, Tracy Sandberg got his car back together after breaking the hub out of the center of a wheel, the previous weekend in Denver and picked up 3rd place. Ann Vogel is ruling EML this year, winning every event she’s entered. She’s my Nationals pick. This concludes our 5 event Series. I’m sad to see it pass. We still have Nationals to look forward to, only 5 weeks away. Then comes the long cold winter, where all we’ll have is bench racing at the banquets…. talking about what could have been, and what everyone has planned for next spring. I want to thank everyone that made this year’s attendance the biggest it has ever been. I hope those of you that tried a Divisional for the first time, will only remember this as your first of many more to come. Thanks again. As seen thru the eyes, ears and keyboard of Greg Reno.

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Make reservations at the Airport Hilton , 2098 South Airport Road, Wichita. 1-800-247-4458, Monday-Friday: 8-5 only.

1-4 people per room for $72.00 plus tax. State that you are with the Midwest Division SCCA. Available thru Oct 31st only.

PRE-REGISTER NOW Name ( print ) (1) Second Name (2) Mailing Address City, State, Zip Phone Number E-mail Divisional or Regional office (1) (2)

Pre-registration begins immediately. Registration at the Airport Hilton will be 6:30 – 9:30 PM on Friday, November 11th and opens again at 7:00 AM on Saturday, November 12th. Seminars begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday, November 12th. Meet in the lobby for the off site hands on Solo II Car Prep at 7:30 AM Full Registration is $50.00 per person. Please indicate number attending: ______ @ $50/ea = $_________________ Seminars only is $30.00 per person: Please indicate number attending: ______ @ $30/ea = $_________________ Saturday banquet only is $25.00 per person: Please indicate number attending: ______ @ $25/ea = $_________________ Attention “Non-SCCA” Spouses: Are you going to attend the Midwest Division SCCA convention, but really don't want to attend all those seminars? Well...Wichita Region has the answer. For the small fee of $5.00 to cover expenses, Sherry Huxtable will provide everything you need to learn how to make (and take with you) 5 greeting cards. That's only $1.00 per handmade card! If you have questions about this event, contact Sherry at [email protected]. Together we can be creative! Stamping seminar for greeting cards $5.00 ea: Please indicate number attending: _______ @ $ 5/ea = $_________________

Make checks payable to the Wichita Region SCCA Total Entry Amount:$ __________________ Please Indicate if you will be attending the Solo on Sunday: (Free with full registration) YES: ____ Number of Drivers: ______ (We will run the out of town convention attendees in the first couple of heats so they can start for home earlier) Event Chair: Charlene Bettinger

Phone: 316-788-3942 [email protected]

Mail registration form Linda Timmons, Registrar with payment to: SCCA MiDiv Convention 2307 Hyacinth Lane Wichita, KS 67204-5328 316-832-1369 (only before 9:30 PM please

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1713 East First Street

Wichita, Kansas


Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-6:00 SCCA SUPPORT FOR OVER 30 YEARS

Dang! Greyhound Park may have been my last Solo for the rest of this year and next. There is a chance that I might move to New York City for a 12 month project for my company. I will more than likely help complete the rest of the year for the Wail, but not continue in 2006. If any of you aspiring editors would like to take the helm please let I or Dave Geis know soonest. All of you who have been thinking “Man, I could do a much better job that LD” , please step up. Very busy right now with my job search and other Real Life intteruptions so this is going to be short this month. Be Safe – Drive Fast Lawrence


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The Witches’ Wail Wichita SCCA 12 cedar Drive Newton, KS 67114


Paid Wichita, KS

Permit No. 337