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\ SAY Y0U READ j \ THESE PROGRESSIVE I | IT ON THE l I | BUSINESS & | S FIRMS S0LICIT | | INDUSTRY PAGE | | YOUR PATRONAGE | Prepare Now For Winter! Let us inspect Your Roof Your Heating Plant Free Estimates and Information Rendered HANOVER IRON WORKS ]11 So. Water Street DIAL 3257 I EAT HERE People like our fine foods, our large variety, our- efficient and courteous service, our modest prices. THE NEW BROOKLYN CAFE 723 N. 4th St. SEE OUR STOCK OF NEW FLORENCE AND DUO-THERM OIL HEATERS HONE FURNITURE CO. 23 Market Street For Auto Service That’s Complete ... See NcCONNELL & CAUSEY 12tli St. at Market DIAL 9668 TEACH CLEANLINESS by YOUR APPEARANCE Paironize modern CLEANEIS 111 s. 17tu St. Dial 7751 Cush and Carry ... 39c JWivery.50c CAROLINA MILLWORK COMPANY Manufacturers of SASH_ DOORS BLINDS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES STAIR AND PORCH WORK MOULDINGS AND INSIDE TRIM Odd Millwork of All Kinds Our Specialty We Solicit Your Patronage DIAL 9715 717 So. 17th Street GET YOUR CAR READY FOR i','ii,'iMii'j:n'jrn LET DS SERVE YOU SHELL SAFTI SERVICE “Haiti Service Means Guaranteed Service” ST. AX GRACE DIAL BSg5 ^^TSco^lankets™b"1^™ MAKE WARM FRIENDS Priced $3.95 up JONES FURNITURE CO. 18 S. FRONT STREET M*& J. L. FENNELL J- ARTHUR BROWN J4 Wrightsvillp Ave. 1505 Rankin St. LAKE VIEW POULTRY FARMS 112 dock street dial 5341 Producers of Quality, Milk-Fed, Brooder-Raised RROILERS and FRYERS Live and Dressed POULTRY and EGGS FREE DELIVERY Phone Orders Our Specialty Under New Management SUNSET GRILL (Car. Beach Rtl. at Sunset Park) CURR SERVICE Featuring— * Golden Fried Chicken * Real Pit Barbecue * Plate Lunches * Short Orders * Drinks Open 7 A. M. to 1 A. M. Archie Seigler, Owner A. W. Lockamy, Manager FREE1 Fresh Well WATER Everyone is welcome to visit our plant to ob- tain all the water for drinking they desire during Wilmington's salty city water situa- tion. INDEPENDENT ICE COMPANY 614 Brunswick Street - 'I SKIDS BLOWOUTS PUNCTURES Don’t be bothered with unsafe tires this Winter—Re-tire with GENERALS B. & N. TIRE CO. 520 N. 3rd St. Dial 7368 EASY CREDIT TERMS FUEL Yarborough Oil Co. Carolina Beach Road i Shell Safti Service Preparing Autos For Trouble-Free Driving During Winter Months You don’t wear thb same clothes in winter that you do in summer.! you heat your home to a high- er degree and condition it’s exter- ior. so you should r lember that your car needs winter condi- tioning too, to make it fit for safe, trouble-free driving. And that’s where the Shell Safti Service com- pany comes in. They want to be trouble-shooters for your winter- driving. They are stocked with win- ter auto accessories and supplies. They’re staffed with experts to make your car ready-set for more “go” the long, cold season ahead. Visit this station at 3rd and Grace streets now and let them ensure perfect motoring this win- ter. They have everything for cold weather—everything for safe driv- ing. more comfort, better protec- tion—at less cost. Their experts will check your car and guarantee you the finest “motor-in-wicter” pleasure you’ve ever had. Of course the most important thing is getting your car to oper- ate efficiently. The Shell Safti-Serv- ice company’s mechanics nave years of experience and factory training to back their promise of rendering satisfactory services. Let them check over your cotire car—tune-up the motor, check the brakes, lights and all moving out- side parts. Then, have the oil changed to a lighter grade and, through a Shellubrication job, Winter greases to replace summer weights. Be sure your car gets a Shellubrica- tion job because Shell’s own meth- ods of greasing are used all ac- cording to the manufacturer’s spe- cifications for your individual car, to assure you of a complete and thorough grease job. Insist on high quality Shell Penn or Golden Shell motor oil for your car’s crankcase. The battery is the life of your car, so be sure its in condition to carry you through the cold months ahead by letting this station test it now. Should you need a new one, they carry a line of reliable Globe batteries guaranteed up to 24 months, and are most reason- ably priced. With a new Globe you are sure of getting through the the worst winter with plenty of power to spare. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get the car washed and a protective coating of wax put on with genu- ine Simonize. It will help save the finish of your car’s body from winter’s rain, ice, slush and soot. “A chain is as strong as its weakest link”. and likewise, your car is as safe as \ts weakest tire. Guard against dangerous tire skids, punctures and blowouts this winter by having Shell Safti Serv- ice replace your old worn tires with those famous “Safety-Grip” Cooper tires. They have a size and price within reach of every- one’s budget. For motoring comfort this new and modern station has on sale the well-known Arvin line of auto heaters. They have a variety of sizes tailored to fit every kind of car. Complete parts are stocked and installations are made for a nominal fee. With cold weather here, why not call in at this Shell station and have them connect your present heater with new hose and other parts where necessary? They also stock a line of Philco radios for your car, your home or the Transitoneportable models for carrying about. Installations are made and maintenance handled by an expert radio technician. See the Shell Safti Service com- pany this week and let them pre- pare you for a winter of hapny, carefree driving. You are welcome to use their easy budget plan on the purchase of tires, heaters, bat- teries and radios. Satisfaction is guaranteed and economy assured. For service drive in at the station at 3rd and Grace streets or dial telephone 5935. This station and garage is own- ed and operated under the person- al management of Julius E. Wen- berg. 2 i This attractive shop, located at 15th and Market streets, is one of Wilmington’s oldest and most up-to-date flower and novelty establishments. In addition to the flowers, corsages and potted plants that may be purchased here, this shop carries a line of nationally advertised pottery and glassware in every desirable pattern ... for the bride, for odd gifts. They are members of the Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association. “Hope” As Expressed By Memorial Art Discussed By Local Cut Stone Co. Continuing the series of articles started many months ago on the meanings of various types of mon- uments, the Carolina Cut Stone company this week discusses Hope, as signified by mausoleums. —In sure and certain Hope of the resurrection. The Burial Service HOPE (Mausoleum) “In the dark hour of sorrow, there is only one hope which, like a solitary star fixed in the vast night around us, giver a gleam of comfort; a gleam that verily be- comes a glow as the darkness deep- ens—the hope to meet again. And if the poets are indeed gifted with a sight to see the unseen, we may well follow the light of that star, for we are told that hope springs eternal in the human breast and that there is a hope for every woe and a balm for every pain. A thou- sand cheerful omens, Bryant tells us, give hope of yet brighter days whose dawn is nigh. And even the agnostic Ingersoll sensed the truth of all this when he exclaimed at his brother’s grave: In the night of death, hope sees a star and, listening, Love can hear the rust- ling of a wing. Thus, as we stand gazing into that valley of shadojv through which some friend has passed, we can with Tennyson pray that the Father will tourh the East and light the light that shone when Hope was born. And when the pes- simists would teach that we are all but prisoners of hope, we can reply with Tupper’s famous lines: Wait, thou child of Hope, for Time shall teach thee all things. “The tomb or mausoleum has ever been associated with the re- surrection—the hope to meet again. Throughout the ages man has sensed a spiritual obligation and a measure of consolation in pro- viding a permanent place of se- pulture for his dead and ,the archi- tecture of all nations is rich in motives for the tomb both simple and ornate. Thus, the modern mau- soleum represents the experience of countless centuries in construc- tion and it embraces every period or style in design. Moreover, con- temporary progress in engineering skill and stone-working machinery have not only perfected the sani- tation of these structures and in- sured their permanence, but they have also made the private mau- soleum a possibility for families in /moderate circumstances. “Some designs have been in- spired by Goldsmith’s lines: Hope, like the gleaming taper’s light, adorns and cheers our way, and still, as darker grows the night, emits a brighter ray. Others, en- shrined in an idealized setting, sug- gest how far we have gone in America in departing from the sombre and funereal in structures of this kind.” Further information may be had by a call to the Carolina Cut Stone company plant and office at 715 MacRae street, or dial telephone 4171. They can furnish all details and offer suggestions to aid you in selecting a proper monument. Their prices for high quality work are most reasonable. 4 Oyster Roast Season Open At The Atlantic View Pier Restaurant The “Oyster Roast” season is here again! For that one big rea- son we all look forward to those cold months spelled with the letter R. It is at this time of the year that the oyster is at its best. most savory. In keeping with its plans to re- main open ’year round, the Atlan- tic View Pier and Restaurant, lo- cated on the northern extension ox Wrightsville Beach, 15 Jnintxtes drive from town, announces they are now serving delicious oyster roasts daily. The oysters being served this month are some of the biggest and best obtainable during the month of October the Taf Landing oyster. This oyster has a delightful flavor and is receiving much praise from the patrons at the Atlantic View. To take care of parties of all sizes, the management of this pop- ular dining and recreational spot have a banquet hall capable of handling well over 150 people, a private dining room for somewhat smaller parties, and tables and booths in the main dining room to seat a number of small par- ties. Oyster roasts, or any of the other delicious dishes served at the Atlantic View, may be had at most any hour as this estab- lishment remains open from late morning to early morning. Their prices are most reasonable, in keeping with the high quality food served. In addition to oyster roasts served with hot Johnnie bread, oys- ters on the half shell, panned shrimp and seafoods of all kinds are listed on the Atlantic’s “score board.” Western steaks and Ar- chie’s Golden Fried Chicken are also finding much favor with dis- criminating epicures who visit this pier and restaurant at Wrightsville Beach. Make up a party this week and go down to Wrightsville for an oys- ter roast. Reservations may be made by dialing 8, Wrightsvile 9489. The Atlantic View Pier re- creational facilities are managed by Emil Sell, and the restaurant is run under the personal super- vision of Archie Seigler, former operator of the well-known Pine T— 4 Seigler Now Operating New And Modern Sunset Grill On Beach Highway Announcement was made last week of the change of manage- ment of the modern Sunset Grill, popular dining establishment locat- ed just outside the city limits on the Carolina Beach road. Owner- ship has been taken over by Ar- cher Seigler, wel-known operator of similar places throughout New Hanover county for the past sever- al years. This new and modern business place was built in June of this year and is one of the most up-to- date and complete roadside eating places in Southeastern North Car- olina, having facilities for every- one, whether they desire curb, or booth, table or bar service. The Sunset Grill will be open from 7 o’clock each morning until one o’clock each night, serving meals throughout- the day. As manager of his new place Mr. Seigler has selected a man with over 15 years of catering ex- perience, A. W. Lockamy. Mr. Lock- amy comes to Wilmington from Fayettevile where he was mana- ger of the famous Rainbow Res- taurant. His other connections in- clude such wel-known spots as the A. and W. Hot Shoppe, one of the world’s largest curb service places in the world, located in Washing- ton, D. C., where he acted as manager, and the Ambassador Ho- tel Restaurant, also in Washington, where he was steward. His record stands as a guaran- tee of high quality and satisfac- tory services at the Sunset Grill. This eating establishment will specialize in Archie’s Famous Golden Fried Chicken and real Pit-Cooked Barbecue. Short orde/s and numerous other prepared food may be had as well as breakfast, lunch and supper each day. Spe- cials will be available daily to as- sure everyone of a geod variety of high quality food well prepared. The Golden Fried Chicken will be cooked according to the high standards set by Mr. Seigler years ago. This particular dish has al- ready brought him fame and drawn people from practically ev- ery state to his establishments. In charge of the barbecue cook- ing is James Smith, a colored chef who has served Mr. Seigler in this capacity for several years. He is an expert in preparing really temptingly delicious barbecue. Visit the Sunset Grill soon, eat all you can, and then take home some fresh-cooked barbecue for all the family. It is conveniently pack- aged and economically priced so that you may take some home ev- ery day and feast on this savory dish. At the Sunset Grill to serve you are three experienced waitresses.- Miss Dorothy Wilford, Miss Mar- tha Hansley and Miss E'oise Park- er. 2 i 1 High Quality Millwork Manufactured Here By Carolina Millwork Co. Whatever your building plans, may be for this fall and winter; whether you’re going to remodel your home, build anew or just add a few conveniences here and there in preparation for the cold weather you’re no doubt going to be in need of some high quality mill- work. The Carolina Milwork company 717 South Seventeenth street, o^e of Wilmington’s oldest and most reliable millwork firms is ready to serve you. A visit to their plant or a call to dial telephone 9715 will get you free estimates on any- thing in the millwork line you want done. This modern plant during the past several years has undergone many changes in the way of en- larging and modernizing. Several new types of up-to-date millwork- ing machines have been installed and new designs added to the large variety of work they do. The personnel is one of the most highly trained of any like establishment in the city. Long known for the quality of the material they manufacture, the Carolina Millwork company, has gfiured in practically every construction job in Wilmington and New Hanover county for the past six years. In every case their pro- duct may be seen as some of the best in today’s modern homes. Their line of manufactured goods includes sash, doors, window and door frames, stair and porch work, mouldings and inside trim. How- ever plain or intricate, they are capable of giving you a first-class job done in a minimum of time to speed your building program. They have hundreds of different designs and patterns for your se- lection and approval patterns to fit your individual taste, designs to blend in with your particular architectural style. Odd millwork of all kinds is a specialty with this firm. On your next job be sure to con- tact the Carolina Millwork com- pany and let them figure with you on your millwork needs. Satisfac- tion is assured and most reason- able prices guaranteed. This firm is operated under the personal management and super- vision of H. A. DeCover and son. 2 Drive In Where You Can Get Complete Service! WHITES AMOCO SERVICE Cecil White, Mgr. 3rd at Walnut Dial 4685 DIAL 3386 FOR INFORMATION SUNSHINE LAUNDRY —DRY CLEANERS- 135 Hanover St. SMART FALL FASHIONS "We’ve a wide selection of stun- ning new dresses and coata In beautiful shades and flattering styles. USE YOUR CREDIT! SAM BEBGEH'S CREDIT CLOTHIERS No. Fourth St. USE TENACITY "40-40-20" The White Paint That Stay* White DIAL 4576 Atlantic Paint & Varnish Works, he. 417 Martin Street Wilmington, N. C. Use BIRD & SON Fireproof ASBESTOS CEMENT SIDING For Complete Details DIAL 6283 SOUTHERN ROOFING-SIDING CO. 122 N. Water St. Rubber Stamps Business and Personal Stationery Office Supplies DIAL 6793 CAROLINA PRINTING & STAMP CO. 8 Grace Street FLATTER HER WITH FLOWERS Don’t make her wait for those few and far between birthdays and anniversaries to make her feel loved send flowers oc- casionally! Corsages Bouquets Plants Novelties LUCY B. MOORE Flower And Gift Shop 15th Street at Market _DIAL 4038_ ARE YOU PLAYING WITH FIRE? Fire can turn your property into worthless ashes at any moment. It’* sound business to carry adequate in- surance. OYSTER ROASTS! With Johnnie Bread * OYSTERS ON HALF-SHELL Panned Shrimp, Seafoods of all kinds, Western Steaks, Golden Fried Chicken ATLANTIC VIEW PIER AND RESTAURANT Northern Ext. Wrightsviile Beach—15 Min. Ride from Wilmington DIAL 8-9489 USE— MILK-FLO DAIRY FEED THEN, WATCH THE MILK FLOW! LET US SERVE YOU W. M. EDWARDS & SON 116 DOCK STREET “YOUR STAF-O-LIFE DEALER” 39c Sim 50c Cash and nDPCCFC Deluxe Carry UXluiJalMa) Delivery O’CROWLEY’S 8th and Princesa t Dial 9681

The Wilmington morning star (Wilmington, N.C.). 1940-10-14 ......They also stock a line of Philco radios for your car, your home or the Transitoneportable models for carrying about.

Mar 21, 2021



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Page 1: The Wilmington morning star (Wilmington, N.C.). 1940-10-14 ......They also stock a line of Philco radios for your car, your home or the Transitoneportable models for carrying about.



Prepare Now For Winter!

Let us inspect Your Roof

Your Heating Plant

Free Estimates and Information Rendered


]11 So. Water Street DIAL 3257


People like our fine foods, our

large variety, our- efficient and

courteous service, our modest prices.


BROOKLYN CAFE 723 N. 4th St.





23 Market Street

For Auto Service That’s

Complete ... See


12tli St. at Market

DIAL 9668




111 s. 17tu St. Dial 7751

Cush and Carry ... 39c JWivery.50c


Manufacturers of







INSIDE TRIM Odd Millwork of All Kinds

Our Specialty We Solicit Your Patronage

DIAL 9715 717 So. 17th Street


i','ii,'iMii'j:n'jrn LET DS SERVE YOU

SHELL SAFTI SERVICE “Haiti Service Means Guaranteed Service”


^^TSco^lankets™b"1^™ MAKE WARM FRIENDS

Priced $3.95 up


M*& J. L. FENNELL J- ARTHUR BROWN J4 Wrightsvillp Ave. 1505 Rankin St.

LAKE VIEW POULTRY FARMS 112 dock street dial 5341

Producers of Quality, Milk-Fed, Brooder-Raised


FREE DELIVERY — Phone Orders Our Specialty

Under New Management


(Car. Beach Rtl. at Sunset Park)

CURR SERVICE Featuring— * Golden Fried Chicken * Real Pit Barbecue * Plate Lunches * Short Orders * Drinks

Open 7 A. M. to 1 A. M.

Archie Seigler, Owner

A. W. Lockamy, Manager

FREE1 Fresh Well

WATER Everyone is welcome to visit our plant to ob- tain all the water for drinking they desire during Wilmington's salty city water situa- tion.


614 Brunswick Street - 'I


Don’t be bothered with unsafe tires this Winter—Re-tire with


B. & N. TIRE CO. 520 N. 3rd St. Dial 7368



Yarborough Oil Co. Carolina Beach Road


Shell Safti Service Preparing Autos For

Trouble-Free Driving During Winter Months

You don’t wear thb same clothes in winter that you do in summer.!

you heat your home to a high- er degree and condition it’s exter-

ior. so you should r lember that your car needs winter condi- tioning too, to make it fit for safe, trouble-free driving. And that’s where the Shell Safti Service com-

pany comes in. They want to be trouble-shooters for your winter- driving. They are stocked with win- ter auto accessories and supplies. They’re staffed with experts to make your car ready-set for more

“go” the long, cold season ahead. Visit this station at 3rd and

Grace streets now and let them ensure perfect motoring this win- ter. They have everything for cold weather—everything for safe driv- ing. more comfort, better protec- tion—at less cost. Their experts will check your car and guarantee you the finest “motor-in-wicter” pleasure you’ve ever had.

Of course the most important thing is getting your car to oper- ate efficiently. The Shell Safti-Serv- ice company’s mechanics nave

years of experience and factory training to back their promise of rendering satisfactory services. Let them check over your cotire car—tune-up the motor, check the brakes, lights and all moving out- side parts.

Then, have the oil changed to

a lighter grade and, through a

Shellubrication job, Winter greases to replace summer weights. Be sure your car gets a Shellubrica- tion job because Shell’s own meth- ods of greasing are used all ac-

cording to the manufacturer’s spe- cifications for your individual car, to assure you of a complete and thorough grease job. Insist on high quality Shell Penn or Golden Shell motor oil for your car’s crankcase.

The battery is the life of your car, so be sure its in condition to carry you through the cold months ahead by letting this station test it now. Should you need a new

one, they carry a line of reliable Globe batteries guaranteed up to 24 months, and are most reason-

ably priced. With a new Globe you are sure of getting through the the worst winter with plenty of power to spare.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to get the car washed and a protective

coating of wax put on with genu- ine Simonize. It will help save the

finish of your car’s body from

winter’s rain, ice, slush and soot. “A chain is as strong as its

weakest link”. and likewise, your car is as safe as \ts weakest tire. Guard against dangerous tire

skids, punctures and blowouts this

winter by having Shell Safti Serv- ice replace your old worn tires

with those famous “Safety-Grip” Cooper tires. They have a size and price within reach of every- one’s budget.

For motoring comfort this new

and modern station has on sale the well-known Arvin line of auto heaters. They have a variety of sizes tailored to fit every kind of car. Complete parts are stocked and installations are made for a

nominal fee. With cold weather here, why not call in at this Shell station and have them connect your present heater with new hose and other parts where necessary?

They also stock a line of Philco radios for your car, your home or

the Transitoneportable models for carrying about. Installations are

made and maintenance handled by an expert radio technician.

See the Shell Safti Service com-

pany this week and let them pre- pare you for a winter of hapny, carefree driving. You are welcome to use their easy budget plan on the purchase of tires, heaters, bat- teries and radios. Satisfaction is guaranteed and economy assured. For service drive in at the station at 3rd and Grace streets or dial telephone 5935.

This station and garage is own- ed and operated under the person- al management of Julius E. Wen- berg. 2

■ i

This attractive shop, located at 15th and Market streets, is one of Wilmington’s oldest and most up-to-date flower and novelty establishments. In addition to the flowers, corsages and potted plants that may be purchased here, this shop carries a line of nationally advertised pottery and glassware in every desirable pattern ... for the bride, for odd gifts. They are members of the Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association.

“Hope” As Expressed By Memorial Art Discussed

By Local Cut Stone Co. Continuing the series of articles

started many months ago on the meanings of various types of mon-

uments, the Carolina Cut Stone company this week discusses Hope, as signified by mausoleums.

—In sure and certain Hope of the resurrection.

The Burial Service

HOPE (Mausoleum)

“In the dark hour of sorrow, there is only one hope which, like a solitary star fixed in the vast night around us, giver a gleam of comfort; a gleam that verily be- comes a glow as the darkness deep- ens—the hope to meet again. And if the poets are indeed gifted with a sight to see the unseen, we may well follow the light of that star, for we are told that hope springs eternal in the human breast and that there is a hope for every woe and a balm for every pain. A thou- sand cheerful omens, Bryant tells us, give hope of yet brighter days whose dawn is nigh. And even the agnostic Ingersoll sensed the truth of all this when he exclaimed at his brother’s grave: In the night of death, hope sees a star and, listening, Love can hear the rust-

ling of a wing. Thus, as we stand gazing into that valley of shadojv through which some friend has passed, we can with Tennyson pray that the Father will tourh the East and light the light that shone when Hope was born. And when the pes- simists would teach that we are

all but prisoners of hope, we can

reply with Tupper’s famous lines: Wait, thou child of Hope, for Time shall teach thee all things.

“The tomb or mausoleum has ever been associated with the re-

surrection—the hope to meet again. Throughout the ages man has sensed a spiritual obligation and a measure of consolation in pro- viding a permanent place of se-

pulture for his dead and ,the archi- tecture of all nations is rich in motives for the tomb both simple and ornate. Thus, the modern mau-

soleum represents the experience

of countless centuries in construc- tion and it embraces every period or style in design. Moreover, con-

temporary progress in engineering skill and stone-working machinery have not only perfected the sani- tation of these structures and in- sured their permanence, but they have also made the private mau- soleum a possibility for families in /moderate circumstances.

“Some designs have been in- spired by Goldsmith’s lines: Hope, like the gleaming taper’s light, adorns and cheers our way, and still, as darker grows the night, emits a brighter ray. Others, en-

shrined in an idealized setting, sug- gest how far we have gone in America in departing from the sombre and funereal in structures of this kind.”

Further information may be had by a call to the Carolina Cut Stone company plant and office at 715 MacRae street, or dial telephone 4171. They can furnish all details and offer suggestions to aid you in selecting a proper monument. Their prices for high quality work are most reasonable. 4

Oyster Roast Season Open At The Atlantic

View Pier Restaurant

The “Oyster Roast” season is here again! For that one big rea-

son we all look forward to those

cold months spelled with the letter

R. It is at this time of the year that the oyster is at its best. most savory.

In keeping with its plans to re-

main open ’year round, the Atlan- tic View Pier and Restaurant, lo- cated on the northern extension ox

Wrightsville Beach, 15 Jnintxtes drive from town, announces they are now serving delicious oyster roasts daily.

The oysters being served this month are some of the biggest and best obtainable during the month of October the Taf Landing oyster. This oyster has a

delightful flavor and is receiving much praise from the patrons at the Atlantic View.

To take care of parties of all sizes, the management of this pop- ular dining and recreational spot have a banquet hall capable of

handling well over 150 people, a

private dining room for somewhat smaller parties, and tables and booths in the main dining room

to seat a number of small par- ties.

Oyster roasts, or any of the other delicious dishes served at the Atlantic View, may be had at most any hour as this estab- lishment remains open from late morning to early morning. Their prices are most reasonable, in keeping with the high quality food served.

In addition to oyster roasts served with hot Johnnie bread, oys- ters on the half shell, panned shrimp and seafoods of all kinds are listed on the Atlantic’s “score board.” Western steaks and Ar- chie’s Golden Fried Chicken are

also finding much favor with dis- criminating epicures who visit this pier and restaurant at Wrightsville Beach.

Make up a party this week and go down to Wrightsville for an oys- ter roast. Reservations may be made by dialing 8, Wrightsvile 9489. The Atlantic View Pier re-

creational facilities are managed by Emil Sell, and the restaurant is run under the personal super- vision of Archie Seigler, former operator of the well-known Pine T— 4

Seigler Now Operating New And Modern Sunset

Grill On Beach Highway Announcement was made last

week of the change of manage- ment of the modern Sunset Grill, popular dining establishment locat- ed just outside the city limits on

the Carolina Beach road. Owner- ship has been taken over by Ar- cher Seigler, wel-known operator of similar places throughout New Hanover county for the past sever-

al years. This new and modern business

place was built in June of this

year and is one of the most up-to- date and complete roadside eating places in Southeastern North Car- olina, having facilities for every- one, whether they desire curb, or

booth, table or bar service. The Sunset Grill will be open from 7 o’clock each morning until one

o’clock each night, serving meals throughout- the day.

As manager of his new place Mr. Seigler has selected a man

with over 15 years of catering ex-

perience, A. W. Lockamy. Mr. Lock- amy comes to Wilmington from Fayettevile where he was mana-

ger of the famous Rainbow Res- taurant. His other connections in- clude such wel-known spots as the A. and W. Hot Shoppe, one of the world’s largest curb service places in the world, located in Washing- ton, D. C., where he acted as

manager, and the Ambassador Ho- tel Restaurant, also in Washington, where he was steward.

His record stands as a guaran- tee of high quality and satisfac- tory services at the Sunset Grill.

This eating establishment will specialize in Archie’s Famous Golden Fried Chicken and real Pit-Cooked Barbecue. Short orde/s and numerous other prepared food may be had as well as breakfast, lunch and supper each day. Spe- cials will be available daily to as-

sure everyone of a geod variety of high quality food well prepared.

The Golden Fried Chicken will be cooked according to the high standards set by Mr. Seigler years ago. This particular dish has al- ready brought him fame and drawn people from practically ev-

ery state to his establishments. In charge of the barbecue cook-

ing is James Smith, a colored chef who has served Mr. Seigler in this capacity for several years. He is an expert in preparing really temptingly delicious barbecue.

Visit the Sunset Grill soon, eat all you can, and then take home some fresh-cooked barbecue for all the family. It is conveniently pack- aged and economically priced so

that you may take some home ev-

ery day and feast on this savory dish. ■

At the Sunset Grill to serve you are three experienced waitresses.- Miss Dorothy Wilford, Miss Mar- tha Hansley and Miss E'oise Park- er. 2

i 1

High Quality Millwork Manufactured Here By

Carolina Millwork Co. Whatever your building plans,

may be for this fall and winter; whether you’re going to remodel

your home, build anew or just add a few conveniences here and there in preparation for the cold weather

you’re no doubt going to be in

need of some high quality mill- work.

The Carolina Milwork company 717 South Seventeenth street, o^e of Wilmington’s oldest and most reliable millwork firms is ready to serve you. A visit to their plant or a call to dial telephone 9715 will get you free estimates on any- thing in the millwork line you want done.

This modern plant during the

past several years has undergone many changes in the way of en-

larging and modernizing. Several new types of up-to-date millwork- ing machines have been installed and new designs added to the

large variety of work they do. The personnel is one of the most highly trained of any like establishment in the city.

Long known for the quality of the material they manufacture, the Carolina Millwork company, has gfiured in practically every construction job in Wilmington and New Hanover county for the past six years. In every case their pro- duct may be seen as some of the best in today’s modern homes.

Their line of manufactured goods includes sash, doors, window and door frames, stair and porch work, mouldings and inside trim. How- ever plain or intricate, they are

capable of giving you a first-class job done in a minimum of time to speed your building program. They have hundreds of different designs and patterns for your se-

lection and approval patterns to fit your individual taste, designs to blend in with your particular architectural style.

Odd millwork of all kinds is a

specialty with this firm. On your next job be sure to con-

tact the Carolina Millwork com-

pany and let them figure with you on your millwork needs. Satisfac- tion is assured and most reason- able prices guaranteed.

This firm is operated under the personal management and super- vision of H. A. DeCover and son. 2

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8 Grace Street


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_DIAL 4038_


Fire can turn your property into worthless ashes at any moment. It’* sound business to carry adequate in- surance.

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